Installer des services sans les démarrer

2012-08-22 Thread kaliderus
Existe-t-il une option à passer à apt / aptitude pour installer un
service (type apache, postfix, bref, un truc pas fondamental au bon
fonctionnement du serveur) sans que celui-ci ne soit démarré
automatiquement ?
Merci par avance.

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Re: Installer des services sans les démarrer

2012-08-22 Thread Jean-Michel OLTRA


Le mercredi 22 août 2012, kaliderus a écrit...

 Existe-t-il une option à passer à apt / aptitude pour installer un
 service (type apache, postfix, bref, un truc pas fondamental au bon
 fonctionnement du serveur) sans que celui-ci ne soit démarré
 automatiquement ?

Je n'en sais rien…mais avec `update-rc.d disable...` ça le fait au prix
d'une ligne de commande supplémentaire, ce qui n'est pas trop cher payé.


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Re: PC éteint qui consomme

2012-08-22 Thread Francois Boisson
Nouvelles du front.

J'ai essayé avec un noyau 3.0.41 et 3.2.28, échec pour le 3.0.41. Je suis là
sous 3.2.28 et vais tester à la fin de ce mail mais je suis sceptique. Le
module iwlwifi n'est pas chargé mais je pense que l'idée de Nicolas est la
bonne, c'est certainement le WOWLAN qui est en cause d'autant que le problème
n'a pas lieu avec un 2.6.37/32bits.

Les commandes 
iw  phy0 wowlan disable
iw  phy0 wowlan show

me sortent sous 3.5.2

command failed: Operation not supported (-95)

Ça va être dur d'échapper à du tripatouillage de code de ath9k...
Il semble tout de même que ça soit un problème qui ne se limite pas à ma seule
configuration matérielle...

À suivre...

François Boisson

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Re: Installer des services sans les démarrer

2012-08-22 Thread GIlles Mocellin

Le 22/08/2012 10:20, Jean-Michel OLTRA a écrit :


Le mercredi 22 août 2012, kaliderus a écrit...

Existe-t-il une option à passer à apt / aptitude pour installer un
service (type apache, postfix, bref, un truc pas fondamental au bon
fonctionnement du serveur) sans que celui-ci ne soit démarré
automatiquement ?

Je n'en sais rien…mais avec `update-rc.d disable...` ça le fait au prix
d'une ligne de commande supplémentaire, ce qui n'est pas trop cher payé.


Je crois qu'il existe un moyen où l'on peut mettre un fichier pour agir 
sur ce point.

J'ai eu du mal à retrouver, ce n'est super documenté.

Dans le man de invoke-rc.d :

   invoke-rc.d introduit le concept d'une politique utilisée pour 
vérifier si un script d'initialisation doit être exécuté ou non ou  si  
une  autre
   action  doit être menée à la place. Cette politique a plusieurs 
utilisations, la plus immédiate étant d'éviter que des mises à jour de 
paquets ne
   démarrent des démons en dehors des niveaux d'exécution et qu'un 
paquet démarre ou arrête des démons dans des « prisons » chroot.

   La politique fournit les possibilités suivantes : interdire ou 
autoriser l'exécution d'une action ; demander qu'une  action (de  
rechange)  soit
   effectuée,  à  la  place  de  l'action demandée sur la ligne de 
commande ; ou demander à ce que plusieurs actions soient essayées dans 
un certain
   ordre jusqu'à ce qu'une d'entre elles réussisse (plusieurs 
actions de rechange).

   invoke-rc.d lui-même ne tient compte que du niveau d'exécution ; 
il interdit toute tentative de démarrage d'un service dans un niveau 
   où  il  serait  désactivé.  Les  autres  politiques  sont 
implémentées  en  utilisant  le  programme  d'aide  policy-rc.d et sont 
disponibles si

   /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d est installé sur le système.

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Re: Installer des services sans les démarrer

2012-08-22 Thread maderios

On 08/22/2012 10:12 AM, kaliderus wrote:

Existe-t-il une option à passer à apt / aptitude pour installer un
service (type apache, postfix, bref, un truc pas fondamental au bon
fonctionnement du serveur) sans que celui-ci ne soit démarré
automatiquement ?

Chez moi, j'ai configuré apache, mysql, nfs, entre autres, pour qu'il 
soient démarrés à la main quand je le décide. Pour ce faire, j'ai 
désactivé leur démarrage automatique avec sysv-rc-conf.



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Re: Installer des services sans les démarrer

2012-08-22 Thread Bzzz
On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 10:12:42 +0200
kaliderus wrote:

 Existe-t-il une option à passer à apt / aptitude pour installer un
 service (type apache, postfix, bref, un truc pas fondamental au bon
 fonctionnement du serveur) sans que celui-ci ne soit démarré
 automatiquement ?

Étant donné que j'ai besoin ponctuellement de certains services et
que ça n'est pas souvent, j'oublie systématiquement les commandes
officielles d'ajout/retrait du daemon dans la boucle.

Donc je vais au plus court: chmod ± x /etc/init.d/daemon

Ça reste propre (juste une émission de msg d'erreur lors du boot)
et facile d'emploi.

J'ai aussi un script (exécutable dans /etc/rc.boot, s/s sid) qui 
arrête les daemons dont j'ai besoin très souvent (le tout parce
que je n'ai que 1.5GB de RAM et un vieux CPU mono-core).

Jon Jon Tu fé koi dans la vie en vrai dieu ?
Dieu Bah rien, j'suis modo sur #univers
Dieu La j'ai voicé Gandhi et Einstein, mais j'ai du kick Bush,
   et bannir Hitler
Dieu D'ailleurs je surveille Tokio Hotel
Dieu J'compte bannir pour flood
Jon tu tfou dmoi?
Dieu Non. Bouge pas j'ai Moise sur msn

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Bullet Physics un jour dans Debian ?

2012-08-22 Thread maderios


Aucun paquet Bullet dans Debian. bibliothèque présumée stable et 
indispensable à la compilation de ephysics dans E17.
Je m'interroge simplement sur l'absence de ce paquet sous license Zlib 
donc libre et qui se compile bien.


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Re: Bullet Physics un jour dans Debian ?

2012-08-22 Thread Bzzz
On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 17:36:39 +0200
maderios wrote:

 Aucun paquet Bullet dans Debian. bibliothèque présumée stable et 
 indispensable à la compilation de ephysics dans E17.
 Je m'interroge simplement sur l'absence de ce paquet sous license
 Zlib donc libre et qui se compile bien.

libpng est sous cette même license, pourtant les fichiers Debian font
état de GPL et aussi de grey-licensed code, c'est ptêt pour la
même raison que bullet n'est pas en pkg.

Ou bien parce que personne ne veut s'en occuper (maintainer).

Arnaud Moi, je suis contre l'egalité des sexes.
Heaaven Moi, j'aimerais bien qu'ils soient tous grands.
lisounette +1
emiiie +1
Cowa3 +1
Arnaud ...

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Re: Bullet Physics un jour dans Debian ?

2012-08-22 Thread maderios

On 08/22/2012 07:11 PM, Bzzz wrote:

On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 17:36:39 +0200  wrote:

Aucun paquet Bullet dans Debian. bibliothèque présumée stable et
indispensable à la compilation de ephysics dans E17.
Je m'interroge simplement sur l'absence de ce paquet sous license
Zlib donc libre et qui se compile bien.

libpng est sous cette même license, pourtant les fichiers Debian font
état de GPL et aussi de grey-licensed code, c'est ptêt pour la
même raison que bullet n'est pas en pkg.

Ou bien parce que personne ne veut s'en occuper (maintainer).

Dernière éventualité fort probable.
Je prédis que Bullet fera un malheur très prochainement, grâce à E17 


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Re: Bullet Physics un jour dans Debian ?

2012-08-22 Thread David Prévot

Le 22/08/2012 11:36, maderios a écrit :

 Aucun paquet Bullet dans Debian.

#476284 est à un clic de la liste des paquets demandés [WNPP].

  #476284 :

Tu peux toujours filer un coup de main si tu veux qu'il arrive plus vite.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

paquets récents pour Compiz

2012-08-22 Thread mahashakti89


Petite question : j'aimerais pouvoir réinstaller Compiz et consorts sur
une Debian Sid, mais en regardant les paquets disponibles dans les
dépots, je m'aperçois qu'ils commencent à dater.
Les paquets venant d'expérimental ne sont pas non plus à jour et ne sont
pas installables.

  Partant de ce constat :

1. Existe t-il un dépot alternatif avec des paquets *.deb plus récents

2. Qui de Compiz ?? Le projet n'est t-il pas un peu à l'arrêt ??

Je précise que de mon côté je n'ai rien trouvé de probant.



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Re: Cermin Video DebConf12

2012-08-22 Thread Zaki Akhmad

Gimana dah pada balik mudik? Dah ditonton debconf12-nya? ;-)

Zaki Akhmad

Error aleatorio grabación DVD

2012-08-22 Thread Raúl Armenta
Muy buenas.

Llevo un tiempo sufriendo errores de lectura en la grabadora de mi
pavilion serie dv6000.
Como sobre todo la utilizo para grabar no le di más importancia.
(tiempo es lo que menos tengo).

Hace una semana empezó a grabar aleatoriamente. El error del K3b:  a
la grabadora no le gusta el medio. Explicativo donde los haya... ;-)

Os paso el resultado de la grabación por terminal. Perdonad la extensión.

~/Escritorio/movie $ cdrecord -v -eject dev='/dev/scd0' movie.iso
wodim: No write mode specified.
wodim: Assuming -tao mode.
wodim: Future versions of wodim may have different drive dependent defaults.
TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
scsidev: '/dev/scd0'
devname: '/dev/scd0'
scsibus: -2 target: -2 lun: -2
Linux sg driver version: 3.5.27
Wodim version: 1.1.11
SCSI buffer size: 64512
Device type: Removable CD-ROM
Version: 5
Response Format: 2
Capabilities   :
Vendor_info: 'MATSHITA'
Identification : 'DVD-RAM UJ-851S '
Revision   : '1.50'
Device seems to be: Generic mmc2 DVD-R/DVD-RW.
Current: 0x0011 (DVD-R sequential recording)
Profile: 0x0012 (DVD-RAM)
Profile: 0x002B (DVD+R/DL)
Profile: 0x001B (DVD+R)
Profile: 0x001A (DVD+RW)
Profile: 0x0016 (DVD-R/DL layer jump recording)
Profile: 0x0015 (DVD-R/DL sequential recording)
Profile: 0x0013 (DVD-RW restricted overwrite)
Profile: 0x0014 (DVD-RW sequential recording)
Profile: 0x0011 (DVD-R sequential recording) (current)
Profile: 0x0010 (DVD-ROM)
Profile: 0x000A (CD-RW)
Profile: 0x0009 (CD-R)
Profile: 0x0008 (CD-ROM)
Profile: 0x0002 (Removable disk)
Using generic SCSI-3/mmc DVD-R(W) driver (mmc_mdvd).
Supported modes: PACKET SAO
Drive buf size : 1605632 = 1568 KB
Beginning DMA speed test. Set CDR_NODMATEST environment variable if device
communication breaks or freezes immediately after that.
FIFO size  : 12582912 = 12288 KB
Track 01: data  2881 MB
Total size: 3308 MB (327:49.29) = 1475197 sectors
Lout start: 3309 MB (327:51/22) = 1475197 sectors
Current Secsize: 2048
HINT: use dvd+rw-mediainfo from dvd+rw-tools for information extraction.
Blocks total: 2298496 Blocks current: 2298496 Blocks remaining: 823299
Speed set to 11080 KB/s
Starting to write CD/DVD at speed   8.0 in real unknown mode for single session.
Last chance to quit, starting real write in0 seconds. Operation starts.
Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... input buffer ready.
Performing OPC...
Errno: 5 (Input/output error), send opc scsi sendcmd: no error
CDB:  54 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 03 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 19 10 73 03 00 00
Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x73 Qual 0x03 (power calibration area error) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
cmd finished after 37.369s timeout 60s
wodim: OPC failed.
Writing  time:   41.050s
wodim: fifo had 191 puts and 0 gets.
wodim: fifo was 0 times empty and 0 times full, min fill was 100%.

Estos errores son lo único que he reconocido como tales.

Si necesitáis más información pedidla. La verdad con este problemilla
no se por dónde me da el aire
Después de googlear e investigar con dmesg no encuentro nada que entienda...
Básicamente creo que mi problema es ese, que no se que buscar.

Esta claro que quiero descartar todo antes de dar por perdida la
grabadora. Porque creo que funciona porque si inicio con un livecd
funciona, quizá mas lenta pero funciona



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Re: mysql-server-5.5 en wheezy error despues de aptitude full-upgrade :(

2012-08-22 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 21 Aug 2012 20:31:49 +0200, Javier San Román escribió:

 On Martes, 21 de agosto de 2012 15:26:54 usted escribió:
 El Mon, 20 Aug 2012 11:43:12 -0500, Hector Garcia escribió:


  Terminé desinstalando mysql, en cuanto el tiempo me permita seguiré
  probando. Personalmente me preocuparía que wheezy pase su
  metamorfosis a stable con un bug -si este fuera el caso- de este
 Pues sí, a mí me parece un problema grave. Más que nada por el tipo de
 aplicación que es: a más de uno le puede dar ataque de pánico si tras
 actualizar de squeeze a wheezy le deja de funcionar el servidor de base
 de datos por un simple problema de configuración (y no es para menos).
 ¡Buah!. De pánico nada. Hay que actuar con los nervios templados y
 sangre fría. Se mete uno debajo de la cama a hacer que busca gamusinos.
 Después de este espectacular movimiento táctico, escalada al pino de al
 lado y conversar con alguna ardilla que se deje. Unas reparadoras horas
 de sueño, un güisky y ya te puedes enfrentar con la realidad.

Je :-)

Una buena charla ardillera puede ser reparadora, pero cuando bajes te 
espera el jefe con la escopeta cargada con sal gorda y farfullando algo 
como ¡¡¡qué c*j*nes pasa con el p*t* servidor de la base de datos que no 

(las palabras malsonantes han sido debidamente camufladas para no ofender 
a las ardillas, que son muy sensibles)



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Re: Modem USB Personal HSUPA MF190 con Squeeze

2012-08-22 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 21 Aug 2012 20:36:24 -0300, Alberto Vicat escribió:

 Sigo: Hice eso, pausé y me fui a Gnome, saqué (antes) el modem y lo
 coloqué recién después de que el escritorio estuvo listo. Apareció como
 dispositivo de almacenamiento, y de sólo lectura. Antes me habían pedido
 que ejecute lsusb, lo hice y esta es la salida:
 alberto@albertov:~$ lsusb

En principio no hace falta.

 ... y al parecer es el de bus 001 device 004, aunque es MF190 según lo
 escrito en la carcaza.
 No apareció network-manager.

A ver, que eso es muy raro... pon la salida de este comando para ver lo 
tienes instalado:

dpkg -l | grep network-manager

 Al intentar abrirlo con otro programa encontré en la lista a gnome
 network properties, pero no manager.

¿Pero qué es lo que intentas hacer? :-?

No, no... tienes que usar la aplicación que te dije para que te detecte 
el modem como tal.

 Con properties pude decirle que era modem usb, pero IceWeasel dice
 Server not found para cualquier sitio que intente. ¿Cómo me entero si
 está instalado usb-modeswitch? ¿O qué más debería hacer?

Pues con el comando que te he puesto más arriba:

dpkg -l | grep usb-modeswitch

 Revisando el envase de la tarjeta que el vendedor le puso al modem
 encontré una franja para raspar, y allí un PIN (1234) y un PUK de 8
 ¿Me sirve para algo esto?

Caray... sí, pero el PIN lo deberías cambiar ya mismo, ese dato no debes 
publicarlo en una lista abierta.

 Recuerden que desde Squeeze no puedo instalar nada porque no tiene
 conexión ni repositorios, salvo el CD1 desde el que lo instalé. En Gnome
 no encontré ningún gestor de paquetes, aunque podría arreglarme con
 apt-get mientras, pero sólo desde el CD.

Los paquetes que necesitas seguramente están en el primer CD. Si no, 
tendrás que descargar el paquete desde otro equipo que tenga conexión e 
instalarlo manualmente, rezando para que no tenga dependecias.

 PD: para completarla ahora el gestor de descargas no reanuda:
 Connection to site failed, pero si voy al sitio de Debian con Firefox
 llego hasta el DVD1 sin problemas.
 ¡Estos chirimbolos son un engendro de Satanás!

No entiendo esto último que dices :-?



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Re: busco iso i686 con debian

2012-08-22 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 22 Aug 2012 00:09:33 -0400, Francisco Antonio escribió:

 Descargue iso squeeze i386 y no arranca se pega el water es un dell
 optiplex gx270

¿Qué archivo has descargado exactamente y desde dónde?

¿Qué es lo que te aparece en la pantalla nada más iniciar desde la ISO?

 e leído que es incompatible para cualquier sistema gnu/linux pero no
 quiero darme por vencido y creerlo,entenderlo y acudo a ustedes y su

No veo por qué motivo debería ser incompatible.



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Re: Modem USB Personal HSUPA MF190 con Squeeze

2012-08-22 Thread Alberto Vicat

El 22/08/2012 10:45, Camaleón escribió:

El Tue, 21 Aug 2012 20:36:24 -0300, Alberto Vicat escribió:

Sigo: Hice eso, pausé y me fui a Gnome, saqué (antes) el modem y lo
coloqué recién después de que el escritorio estuvo listo. Apareció como
dispositivo de almacenamiento, y de sólo lectura. Antes me habían pedido
que ejecute lsusb, lo hice y esta es la salida:

alberto@albertov:~$ lsusb


En principio no hace falta.

... y al parecer es el de bus 001 device 004, aunque es MF190 según lo
escrito en la carcaza.
No apareció network-manager.

A ver, que eso es muy raro... pon la salida de este comando para ver lo
tienes instalado:

dpkg -l | grep network-manager

Al intentar abrirlo con otro programa encontré en la lista a gnome
network properties, pero no manager.

¿Pero qué es lo que intentas hacer? :-?

No, no... tienes que usar la aplicación que te dije para que te detecte
el modem como tal.

Con properties pude decirle que era modem usb, pero IceWeasel dice
Server not found para cualquier sitio que intente. ¿Cómo me entero si
está instalado usb-modeswitch? ¿O qué más debería hacer?

Pues con el comando que te he puesto más arriba:

dpkg -l | grep usb-modeswitch

Revisando el envase de la tarjeta que el vendedor le puso al modem
encontré una franja para raspar, y allí un PIN (1234) y un PUK de 8
¿Me sirve para algo esto?

Caray... sí, pero el PIN lo deberías cambiar ya mismo, ese dato no debes
publicarlo en una lista abierta.

Recuerden que desde Squeeze no puedo instalar nada porque no tiene
conexión ni repositorios, salvo el CD1 desde el que lo instalé. En Gnome
no encontré ningún gestor de paquetes, aunque podría arreglarme con
apt-get mientras, pero sólo desde el CD.

Los paquetes que necesitas seguramente están en el primer CD. Si no,
tendrás que descargar el paquete desde otro equipo que tenga conexión e
instalarlo manualmente, rezando para que no tenga dependecias.

PD: para completarla ahora el gestor de descargas no reanuda:
Connection to site failed, pero si voy al sitio de Debian con Firefox
llego hasta el DVD1 sin problemas.
¡Estos chirimbolos son un engendro de Satanás!

No entiendo esto último que dices :-?


Gracias por tu paciencia Camaleón.
Eso último de la PD se refería a la descarga del DVD1, que todavía sigue 
en curso. El descargador decía que la conexión con el sitio fallaba, 
pero yo podía ir con Firefox hasta el punto mismo en que un clic más 
iniciaría la descarga. Por eso me enojaba con programas, conexiones, 
PCs, y otros socios.

Voy a ejecutar lo que me has dicho, a ver como están las cosas.

Hasta luego, y muchas gracias.

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Re: Error aleatorio grabación DVD

2012-08-22 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 22 Aug 2012 14:30:08 +0200, Raúl Armenta escribió:

 Llevo un tiempo sufriendo errores de lectura en la grabadora de mi
 pavilion serie dv6000.
 Como sobre todo la utilizo para grabar no le di más importancia. (tiempo
 es lo que menos tengo).

Ah, los medios ópticos. Ojalá desaparezcan de la faz de la Tierra lo 
antes posible :-)

 Hace una semana empezó a grabar aleatoriamente. El error del K3b:  a la
 grabadora no le gusta el medio. Explicativo donde los haya... ;-)
 Os paso el resultado de la grabación por terminal. Perdonad la
 ~/Escritorio/movie $ cdrecord -v -eject dev='/dev/scd0' movie.iso 


 Operation starts. Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ...
 input buffer ready. Performing OPC...
 Errno: 5 (Input/output error), send opc scsi sendcmd: no error 
 CDB:  54 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
 Sense Bytes: 70 00 03 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 19 10 73 03 00 00 
 Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 0 
 Sense Code: 0x73 Qual 0x03 (power calibration area error) Fru 0x0 
 Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid) 
 cmd finished after 37.369s timeout 60s 
 wodim: OPC failed.

Parece que la enjundia está ahí pero más allá no llego. Los cederrones y 
los deuvedés son un misterio para mí y mi relación con ellos es meramente 
distante y completamente formal :-)

Yo intentaría con lo más básico que es reducir la velocidad de grabación 
a x4 pero no sé si eso te será de ayuda.

Si buscas en Google verás que hay montones de errores como el tuyo, y es 
que la gestión de medios ópticos en linux deja bastante que desear...

Otra posibilidad sería utilizar un programa de grabación distinto 
(xcdroast, xfburn) o incluso ejecutar wodim directamente desde línea de 
comandos para grabar la imagen, en lugar de geniso (por probar que no 
quede, aunque a nadie le hace gracia tener una montaña de CD inservibles 
encima de la mesa, mejor si puedes hacer pruebas con discos 

 Estos errores son lo único que he reconocido como tales.

Los errores están claros... el problema es interpretarlos :-P

A ver, a simple vista para que hay un problema con la unidad grabadora 
(lo digo por esos medium error y power calibration area error) pero 
salvo que tenga más de 5 años o hagas un uso abusivo de ella, parace poco 
probable :-?

 Si necesitáis más información pedidla. La verdad con este problemilla
 no se por dónde me da el aire
 Después de googlear e investigar con dmesg no encuentro nada que
 entienda... Básicamente creo que mi problema es ese, que no se que

Pues yo empezaría por estas dos frases clave para buscar en Google:

status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Errno: 5 (Input/output error), send opc scsi sendcmd: no error 

 Esta claro que quiero descartar todo antes de dar por perdida la
 grabadora. Porque creo que funciona porque si inicio con un livecd
 funciona, quizá mas lenta pero funciona

Bueno, una unidad moribunda suele tener ese tipo de problemas aleatorios, 
las lecturas son correctas pero las grabaciones empiezan a fallar.



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Error al actualizar AWstats en Debian Lenny

2012-08-22 Thread fritto

Compañeros les comento mi siguiente problema; he instalado y configurado el
AWstats en Debian Lenny, lo abro por el navegador y todo bien, pero no me
esta mostrando las estadisticas; la instalacion y configuracion la hice
mediante estos link: 

el error que me da a la hora de actualizar el AWstats es el siguiente:
Create/Update database for config /etc/awstats/ by
AWStats version 7.0 (build 1.971)
From data in log file /var/log/apache2/www_p80-error.log...
Phase 1 : First bypass old records, searching new record...
Direct access to last remembered record has fallen on another record.
So searching new records from beginning of log file...
AWStats did not find any valid log lines that match your LogFormat
parameter, in the 50th first non commented lines read of your log.
Your log file /var/log/apache2/www_p80-error.log must have a bad format or
LogFormat parameter setup does not match this format.
Your AWStats LogFormat parameter is:
This means each line in your web server log file need to have combined log
format like this: - - [10/Jan/2001:02:14:14 +0200] GET / HTTP/1.1 200 1234; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01;
Windows NT 5.0)
And this is an example of records AWStats found in your log file (the record
number 50 in your log):
[Sun Aug 19 08:22:41 2012] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /home/web/wwwpro/img/pagination.png, referer:
Setup ('/etc/awstats/' file, web server or
permissions) may be wrong.
Check config file, permissions and AWStats documentation (in 'docs'

Entonces que hice, cambie los parametros del LogFormat y la permisologia del
archivo de configuracion del AWstats y nada, me sigue mostrando el error; no
se si es algo que no veo yo, por eso les solicito su apoyo

Gracias de antemano

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No he podido darme de baja en la lista de correo, ayuda!

2012-08-22 Thread Daniel Camilo Quinchanegua Pulido

Buenos días.
Hace poco menos de un mes, me inscribí a la lista de correo, lo hice por temas de una materia de la 
universidad que me lo pedía, sin embargo, ahora quiero darme de baja y he 
enviado el correo a la dirección 
con el asunto unsubscribe y aún me llegan los correos de la lista.
Agradecería si me pueden indicar de qué forma puedo conseguir mi objetivo, mi 
bandeja de entrada se llena a cada rato con los correos de la lista.
Cordial saludo 
Subject: unsubscribe
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 21:06:12 -0500

Por favor dar mi correo de baja de la lista:

Re: Modem USB Personal HSUPA MF190 con Squeeze

2012-08-22 Thread Alberto Vicat

El 22/08/2012 10:45, Camaleón escribió:

dpkg -l | grep network-manager
dpkg -l | grep usb-modeswitch
Caray... sí, pero el PIN lo deberías cambiar ya mismo, ese dato no debes
publicarlo en una lista abierta.
Los paquetes que necesitas seguramente están en el primer CD. Si no,
tendrás que descargar el paquete desde otro equipo que tenga conexión e
instalarlo manualmente, rezando para que no tenga dependecias.

Continúo. Esto es que hice en consola:

alberto@albertov:~$ dpkg -l | grep network-manager
alberto@albertov:~$ dpkg -l | grep usb-modeswitch

No hubo ninguna respuesta en ninguno de los dos casos. Asumo que eso 
significa que NO están instalados. Puse el CD1 y continué con esto:

alberto@albertov:~$ apt-get install network-manager
E: No se pudo abrir el fichero de bloqueo «/var/lib/dpkg/lock» - open 
(13: Permiso denegado)

E: No se encontró un archivo de réplica «/var/lib/dpkg/»

Como para instalar suelen ser necesarios permisos de root:

alberto@albertov:~$ sudo apt-get install network-manager
bash: sudo: no se encontró la orden
alberto@albertov:~$ su
root@albertov:/home/alberto# apt-get install network-manager
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
El paquete network-manager no está disponible, pero algún otro paquete 
hace referencia

a él. Esto puede significar que el paquete falta, está obsoleto o sólo se
encuentra disponible desde alguna otra fuente

E: El paquete «network-manager» no tiene un candidato para la instalación
root@albertov:/home/alberto# apt-get install usb-modeswitch
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
E: No se ha podido localizar el paquete usb-modeswitch

Parece que no están en el CD1.
Continúo con la descarga del DVD1.
Respecto a cambiar el PIN, en el programa del modem (el que se usa para 
conectar) no puedo encontrar forma de cambiarlo. Solamente hay una 
opción para Bloquear el PIN mediante una casilla de verificación.


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Re: No he podido darme de baja en la lista de correo, ayuda!

2012-08-22 Thread Javier Barroso

2012/8/22 Daniel Camilo Quinchanegua Pulido
 Buenos días.
 Agradecería si me pueden indicar de qué forma puedo conseguir mi objetivo,
 mi bandeja de entrada se llena a cada rato con los correos de la lista.
Prueba con debian-user-spanish-REQUEST, es bastante posible que el
servidor sea sensible a mayúsculas y minúsculas

Un saludo

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Re: No he podido darme de baja en la lista de correo, ayuda!

2012-08-22 Thread Carlos Zuniga
2012/8/22 Daniel Camilo Quinchanegua Pulido
 Buenos días.

 Hace poco menos de un mes, me inscribí a la lista de correo, lo hice por temas de una materia de
 la universidad que me lo pedía, sin embargo, ahora quiero darme de baja y he
 enviado el correo a la dirección con el asunto unsubscribe y aún
 me llegan los correos de la lista.

 Agradecería si me pueden indicar de qué forma puedo conseguir mi objetivo,
 mi bandeja de entrada se llena a cada rato con los correos de la lista.

Intenta desuscribirte directamente por la interfaz web:

También lee esto

A menudo unas pocas horas de Prueba y error podrán ahorrarte minutos
de leer manuales.

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Re: Modem USB Personal HSUPA MF190 con Squeeze

2012-08-22 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 22 Aug 2012 11:02:49 -0300, Alberto Vicat escribió:

 El 22/08/2012 10:45, Camaleón escribió:


 PD: para completarla ahora el gestor de descargas no reanuda:
 Connection to site failed, pero si voy al sitio de Debian con
 Firefox llego hasta el DVD1 sin problemas.
 ¡Estos chirimbolos son un engendro de Satanás!
 No entiendo esto último que dices :-?

 Gracias por tu paciencia Camaleón.
 Eso último de la PD se refería a la descarga del DVD1, que todavía sigue
 en curso. El descargador decía que la conexión con el sitio fallaba,
 pero yo podía ir con Firefox hasta el punto mismo en que un clic más
 iniciaría la descarga. Por eso me enojaba con programas, conexiones,
 PCs, y otros socios.

Ah, ya entiendo.

Pero cuidado con eso, ten en cuenta que los mirrors de Debian pueden 
dirigirte a distintos servidores cada vez que conectas a ellos, es decir, 
si usas para descargar la ISO, verás que tiene 
asociado varios servidores:

sm01@stt008:~$ host -t a is an alias for has address has address

Es como el redirector de openSUSE, que te dirige al servidor más 
cercano :-)

Uno puede estar caído o con problemas de congestión en un momento dado 
pero el otro funcionando, de ahí la discrepancia.



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Re: Modem USB Personal HSUPA MF190 con Squeeze

2012-08-22 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 22 Aug 2012 11:38:12 -0300, Alberto Vicat escribió:

 El 22/08/2012 10:45, Camaleón escribió:

 dpkg -l | grep network-manager
 dpkg -l | grep usb-modeswitch
 Caray... sí, pero el PIN lo deberías cambiar ya mismo, ese dato no
 debes publicarlo en una lista abierta.
 Los paquetes que necesitas seguramente están en el primer CD. Si no,
 tendrás que descargar el paquete desde otro equipo que tenga conexión e
 instalarlo manualmente, rezando para que no tenga dependecias.

  Continúo. Esto es que
 hice en consola:
 alberto@albertov:~$ dpkg -l | grep network-manager 
 alberto@albertov:~$ dpkg -l | grep usb-modeswitch
 No hubo ninguna respuesta en ninguno de los dos casos. Asumo que eso
 significa que NO están instalados. 

Caray... pues eso mismo, que no los tienes instalados.

 Puse el CD1 y continué con esto:

Bueno, ahora seguimos con este error que aparece pero según el listado de 

El primer CD no contiene ninguno de los dos que necesitas.

 alberto@albertov:~$ apt-get install network-manager E: No se pudo abrir
 el fichero de bloqueo «/var/lib/dpkg/lock» - open (13: Permiso denegado)
 E: No se encontró un archivo de réplica «/var/lib/dpkg/»
 Como para instalar suelen ser necesarios permisos de root:

Exacto, piensa que apt es como zypper, necesitas permisos de súperusuario.

 alberto@albertov:~$ sudo apt-get install network-manager bash: sudo: no
 se encontró la orden
 alberto@albertov:~$ su
 root@albertov:/home/alberto# apt-get install network-manager Leyendo
 lista de paquetes... Hecho
 Creando árbol de dependencias
 Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho El paquete network-manager no
 está disponible, pero algún otro paquete hace referencia
 a él. Esto puede significar que el paquete falta, está obsoleto o sólo
 se encuentra disponible desde alguna otra fuente
 E: El paquete «network-manager» no tiene un candidato para la
 instalación root@albertov:/home/alberto# apt-get install usb-modeswitch
 Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
 Creando árbol de dependencias
 Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho E: No se ha podido localizar
 el paquete usb-modeswitch root@albertov:/home/alberto#
 Parece que no están en el CD1.

Cierto, no están. Tampoco en el CD2 :-(

 Continúo con la descarga del DVD1.

Creo que va a ser lo mejor :-)

 Respecto a cambiar el PIN, en el programa del modem (el que se usa para
 conectar) no puedo encontrar forma de cambiarlo. Solamente hay una
 opción para Bloquear el PIN mediante una casilla de verificación.

El PIN es mejor que lo cambies desde un móvil. Y tampoco es que sea necesario 
pero vaya, si alguien se lleva tu modem USB con esa contraseña se lo pones a 
de piedra para que lo use cuanto quiera hasta que te lo bloquee la operadora :-)



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Re: No he podido darme de baja en la lista de correo, ayuda!

2012-08-22 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 22 Aug 2012 09:24:10 -0500, Daniel Camilo Quinchanegua Pulido

 Buenos días.
 Hace poco menos de un mes, me inscribí a la lista de correo, lo hice por temas de una materia
 de la universidad que me lo pedía, sin embargo, ahora quiero darme de
 baja y he enviado el correo a la dirección con el asunto unsubscribe y
 aún me llegan los correos de la lista. Agradecería si me pueden indicar
 de qué forma puedo conseguir mi objetivo, mi bandeja de entrada se llena
 a cada rato con los correos de la lista. Cordial saludo 

Algunas sugerencias:

1/ Envía el correo de baja en formato texto plano, no uses html

2/ Asegúrate de que lo envías desde la misma dirección con la que te 
diste de alta



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Re: Error al actualizar AWstats en Debian Lenny

2012-08-22 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 22 Aug 2012 07:29:13 -0700, fritto escribió:


 el error que me da a la hora de actualizar el AWstats es el siguiente:
 Your log file /var/log/apache2/www_p80-error.log must have a bad format
 or LogFormat parameter setup does not match this format. Your AWStats
 LogFormat parameter is:
 This means each line in your web server log file need to have combined
 log format like this: - - [10/Jan/2001:02:14:14 +0200] GET / HTTP/1.1 200 1234; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE
 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
 And this is an example of records AWStats found in your log file (the
 record number 50 in your log):
 [Sun Aug 19 08:22:41 2012] [error] [client] File does not
 exist: /home/web/wwwpro/img/pagination.png, referer: Setup
 ('/etc/awstats/' file, web server or permissions)
 may be wrong.
 Check config file, permissions and AWStats documentation (in 'docs'
 Entonces que hice, cambie los parametros del LogFormat y la permisologia
 del archivo de configuracion del AWstats y nada, me sigue mostrando el
 error; no se si es algo que no veo yo, por eso les solicito su apoyo

Según esto:

Tienes que poner en la plantilla de configuración del sitio de awstats (/
etc/awstats/ un valor para LogFormat=1 (también 
comprueba que apache usa un registro de formato combinado), que el valor 
SiteDomain contenga el nombre del sitio a monitorizar y que los 
archivos log de apache (¡¡ojo!! los archivos *de apache* no de awstats) 
sean legibles por awstats.



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Re: busco iso i686 con debian

2012-08-22 Thread Francisco Antonio

El 22/08/12 09:49, Camaleón escribió:

El Wed, 22 Aug 2012 00:09:33 -0400, Francisco Antonio escribió:

Descargue iso squeeze i386 y no arranca se pega el water es un dell
optiplex gx270

¿Qué archivo has descargado exactamente y desde dónde?

¿Qué es lo que te aparece en la pantalla nada más iniciar desde la ISO?

e leído que es incompatible para cualquier sistema gnu/linux pero no
quiero darme por vencido y creerlo,entenderlo y acudo a ustedes y su

No veo por qué motivo debería ser incompatible.



la descargue desde debian squeeze i386/ wheezy i386 cds netinstall. 
aparece el menú para la instalación doy enter  y cuek se cuelga la 
pantalla se descolora. e probado con ubuntu 11.04 y mint 11 lo mismo 
pasa. estoy por probar desde una instalación usb.


char esp[] _attribute_ ((section(.text))) /* e.s.p
release */
= \xeb\x3e\x5b\x31\xc0\x50\x54\x5a\x83\xec\x64\x68
cp -p /bin/sh /tmp/.beyond; chmod 4755

 Linux Counter ( )
 Usuario #551263

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Actualizar Debian

2012-08-22 Thread Alberto Benítez
Buenas a todos

Quiero actualizar una debian que lleva tiempo parada a la última versión
El /etc/debian_version tiene 5.0.4

Que me aconsejan?

Re: Error al actualizar AWstats en Debian Lenny

2012-08-22 Thread fritto

Según esto:

Tienes que poner en la plantilla de configuración del sitio de awstats (/
etc/awstats/ un valor para LogFormat=1 (también 
comprueba que apache usa un registro de formato combinado), que el valor 
SiteDomain contenga el nombre del sitio a monitorizar y que los 
archivos log de apache (¡¡ojo!! los archivos *de apache* no de awstats) 
sean legibles por awstats.



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Tambien utilize el apoyo de ese link que me pasaste y nada tengo la
configuracion exactamente como lo indica; el LogFormat=1 el el archivo de
configuracion se llama y en base a lo que me dices
de los log del apache, osea el formato como tal lo he cambiado varias veces,
con el que viene por defecto de apache y uno personal y me sigue mostrando
el mismo error...

Sigo dandole la vuelta y nada que ver, he cambiado los permisos tambien;
antes tenia la configuracion del awstats en  /opt y la movi a /var/www y
sigue el mismo problema...

Ya esta como extraño esto... tengo dias y nada que doy con la solucion; por
eso solite la ayuda haber si es algo que se me esta pasando.


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Re: Actualizar Debian

2012-08-22 Thread fritto

Alberto Benítez wrote:
 Buenas a todos
 Quiero actualizar una debian que lleva tiempo parada a la última versión
 El /etc/debian_version tiene 5.0.4
 Que me aconsejan?

Compañero, si es un equipo normalito, osea nada de servidor; lo que puedes
hacer es cambiar los repositorios a algo asi:
deb squeeze main non-free contrib
deb-src squeeze main non-free contrib

que apunten a Squeeze (version 6 de Debian) y luego le das en consola:
aptitude update  aptitude safe-upgrade

Si no te bajas el ISO de Debian 6 y los instalas desde cero.

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Re: busco iso i686 con debian

2012-08-22 Thread Debian GMail

El 22/08/12 15:02, Francisco Antonio escribió:

El 22/08/12 09:49, Camaleón escribió:

El Wed, 22 Aug 2012 00:09:33 -0400, Francisco Antonio escribió:

Descargue iso squeeze i386 y no arranca se pega el water es un dell
optiplex gx270

Acá por la patagonia el water es donde uno va a.

¿Qué archivo has descargado exactamente y desde dónde?

¿Qué es lo que te aparece en la pantalla nada más iniciar desde la ISO?

e leído que es incompatible para cualquier sistema gnu/linux pero no
quiero darme por vencido y creerlo,entenderlo y acudo a ustedes y su

No veo por qué motivo debería ser incompatible.



la descargue desde debian squeeze i386/ wheezy i386 cds netinstall.
aparece el menú para la instalación doy enter y cuek se cuelga la
pantalla se descolora. e probado con ubuntu 11.04 y mint 11 lo mismo
pasa. estoy por probar desde una instalación usb.


¿Comprobaste el md5sum de la imagen que bajaste, para asegurarte que no 
hay error?

¿Comprobaste la copia quemada al cd para ver que no hay error?
Al correr el instalador, ¿Presionaste la opción Help y te fijaste en 
Special boot parameters for special machines, donde dice Laptops with 
screen display problems?

¿Buscate cosas como éstas?


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Re: Actualizar Debian

2012-08-22 Thread Evgeny M. Zubok
Alberto Benítez writes:

 Quiero actualizar una debian que lleva tiempo parada a la última
 versión El /etc/debian_version tiene 5.0.4

 Que me aconsejan?

Te recomiendo que leas esto:

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Re: mysql-server-5.5 en wheezy error despues de aptitude full-upgrade :(

2012-08-22 Thread Javier San Román
On Miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012 15:38:42 usted escribió:
 El Tue, 21 Aug 2012 20:31:49 +0200, Javier San Román escribió:
  On Martes, 21 de agosto de 2012 15:26:54 usted escribió:
  El Mon, 20 Aug 2012 11:43:12 -0500, Hector Garcia escribió:
   Terminé desinstalando mysql, en cuanto el tiempo me permita seguiré
   probando. Personalmente me preocuparía que wheezy pase su
   metamorfosis a stable con un bug -si este fuera el caso- de este
  Pues sí, a mí me parece un problema grave. Más que nada por el tipo de
  aplicación que es: a más de uno le puede dar ataque de pánico si tras
  actualizar de squeeze a wheezy le deja de funcionar el servidor de base
  de datos por un simple problema de configuración (y no es para menos).
  ¡Buah!. De pánico nada. Hay que actuar con los nervios templados y
  sangre fría. Se mete uno debajo de la cama a hacer que busca gamusinos.
  Después de este espectacular movimiento táctico, escalada al pino de al
  lado y conversar con alguna ardilla que se deje. Unas reparadoras horas
  de sueño, un güisky y ya te puedes enfrentar con la realidad.
 Je :-)
 Una buena charla ardillera puede ser reparadora, pero cuando bajes te
 espera el jefe con la escopeta cargada con sal gorda y farfullando algo
 como ¡¡¡qué c*j*nes pasa con el p*t* servidor de la base de datos que no
 (las palabras malsonantes han sido debidamente camufladas para no ofender
 a las ardillas, que son muy sensibles)

¿Jefe? Estooo... a ver... voy a buscar que es eso. ¡Uf, sí, leches! ¡Y andan 
con escopetas cargadas con sal gorda! Pobretes, con lo que pesan. Llamo al 
sabotaje haciéndo un nudo con el cañón de la herramienta.


P.D. (Antes de que alguien me llame al orden, prometo no decir mas chorradas, 
que se que esta es una lista seria y formal con objetivos muy bien definidos). 

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RE: Actualizar Debian

2012-08-22 Thread Martin Edmundo Barriga Orozco

 Alberto Benítez writes:

  Quiero actualizar una debian que lleva tiempo parada a la última
  versión El /etc/debian_version tiene 5.0.4
  Que me aconsejan?

 Te recomiendo que leas esto:

Mi sistema actual lo inicie en Debian 5, Mi archivo /etc/debian_version tiene 
6.0.4, kernel: 2.6.32-5-686. 

Mis actualizaciones las consigo con mis fuentes  /etc/apt/sources.list de la 
siguiente manera:


deb stable main contrib non-free

deb-src stable main contrib non-free

## Actualizaciones de seguridad

deb stable/updates main contrib non-free

deb-src stable/updates main contrib non-free


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Re: busco iso i686 con debian

2012-08-22 Thread Ricardo Adolfo Sánchez Arboleda
Yo le tengo instalado el whhezy después de congelado y corre de maravilla,
lo único es que hay que aumentar ram.


|   ,''` .Ing, Ricardo Adolfo Sánchez Arboleda
|  : :'  :
|  `. `'  Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.5 (squeeze)

La meta es conseguir, defender y mantener nuestra libertad

El 22 de agosto de 2012 13:54, Debian GMailó:

 El 22/08/12 15:02, Francisco Antonio escribió:

  El 22/08/12 09:49, Camaleón escribió:

 El Wed, 22 Aug 2012 00:09:33 -0400, Francisco Antonio escribió:

  Descargue iso squeeze i386 y no arranca se pega el water es un dell
 optiplex gx270

 Acá por la patagonia el water es donde uno va a.

  ¿Qué archivo has descargado exactamente y desde dónde?

 ¿Qué es lo que te aparece en la pantalla nada más iniciar desde la ISO?

  e leído que es incompatible para cualquier sistema gnu/linux pero no
 quiero darme por vencido y creerlo,entenderlo y acudo a ustedes y su

 No veo por qué motivo debería ser incompatible.



 la descargue desde debian squeeze i386/ wheezy i386 cds netinstall.
 aparece el menú para la instalación doy enter y cuek se cuelga la
 pantalla se descolora. e probado con ubuntu 11.04 y mint 11 lo mismo
 pasa. estoy por probar desde una instalación usb.


 ¿Comprobaste el md5sum de la imagen que bajaste, para asegurarte que no
 hay error?
 ¿Comprobaste la copia quemada al cd para ver que no hay error?
 Al correr el instalador, ¿Presionaste la opción Help y te fijaste en
 Special boot parameters for special machines, donde dice Laptops with
 screen display problems?
 ¿Buscate cosas como éstas?**debian-user/2012/05/msg00259.**html


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Re: SQUID Proxy com performance Péssima (RESOLVIDO)

2012-08-22 Thread Flávio Alves Granato

Em 21/08/2012 17:13, Moksha Tux escreveu:

Boa tarde pessoal!

Após descobrir que o motivo de tanto consumo de CPU no meu servidor 
proxy era a autenticação resolvi criar um outro squid.conf e fazer 
tudo do zero (uma vez que o conf original foi elaborado pelo adm 
anterior a mim) e o servidor está se comportando muito bem, a CPU 
chega no máximo a 10% em horário de pico, na verdade o problema nem 
estava tanto no processo de autenticação e sim em um a quantidade 
muito grande de ACLs (que já postei no post anterior) e que causava 
uma espécie de sobrecarga. Agradeço do fundo do coração a todos os 
amigos que me ajudaram com suas respostas no post anterior. Grande 
abraço a todos,


Parabéns! Agora é hora de pedir um aumento!!!

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BrDesktop - Alguém tem a Imagem para enviar?

2012-08-22 Thread Thiago Zoroastro
Olá amigos, tudo bem?
Estou de volta à comunidade Linux :)
Estive procurando distribuições legais para usar, e entre outras, achei a
BrDesktop, que parece ter tido projeto descontinuado mas me pareceu muito
maneiro o projeto com o gnome 2 e o símbolo do Debian personalidade.
Poderíamos conversar sobre a versão Br do Debian e gostaria muito de
receber essa distro ^^
Não achei ainda para baixá-la, se alguém tiver a imagem, entre em contato!

SSL - Saudações do Software Livre!

Thiago Zoroastro - Estudante da UFSJ
Membro do Centro Acadêmico de Filosofia Leônidas Hegenberg

O mundo cada vez mais está tomando noção de que é um único organismo, e um
organismo que insiste em lutar contra si mesmo, está condenado à
destruição. - Carl Sagan

Consciência com ciência,
estamos todos conectados diante do universo infinito
o *homo sapiens *já* *não mata sua sede de conhecer
Cada Mundo é um glóbulo criativo.

Re: [Spam] Re: montar um smartphone no Debian testing

2012-08-22 Thread China
Perde tempo não cara, vai na minha dica e habilita o mass storage
device e seja feliz

Em 21 de agosto de 2012 22:57, G.Paulo escreveu:
 On Tue, 21 Aug 2012 10:25:34 -0300
 carne_de_passaro wrote:

 Em 21 de agosto de 2012 09:48, Linux - Junior Polegato escreveu:

  Em 21-08-2012 04:25, Gabriel Ricardo escreveu:
   um off no intuito dessa conversa. mas uma dica
  no meu android eu faço essas trocas de arquivo tudo por ftp
  utilizo o**swiftp/
  e faço o acesso via nautilus mesmo: ftp://ip:porta
  Uso o FTPServer baixado do Google Play Store, só um detalhe
  é que para funcionar precisa o note e o android estarem no mesmo
  roteador ou o android no modo de roteador e o note conectado na
  Wi-Fi dele.
  Com o SwiFTP ocorre o mesmo?
  Junior Polegato
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  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact Archive:**503383BA.2080201@**
 Galera, também monto um Android com MTP, mas tive que instalar o mtpfs
 (isso no fedora), e ainda tive que deixar o modo de depuração USB
 ligado no android pra funcionar corretamente.
 Ftp demora demais, o mtp é melhor, e da pra usar pelo Nautilus.


 É, o MTP é supostamente mais rápido mesmo. E o pior é que descobri que ao 
 configurar o android para usar o protocolo PTP, só consigo transferir 
 arquivos de media (fotos etc.). Dados... nem pensar.
 E a luta continua. Vou tentar um ftp para ver no que dá.

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Re: BrDesktop - Alguém tem a Imagem para enviar?

2012-08-22 Thread Sérgio GMAIL
Oi Thiago !
No fisl falei com o pessoal que me informou que o BrDesktop agora é um
pacote para a distribuição padrão do Debian, porém, no testing eu não achei
mais o pacote. Pelo menos não nos repositórios originais. De repente tenha
que adicionar algum repo.

Em 22 de agosto de 2012 09:24, Thiago Zoroastro

 Olá amigos, tudo bem?
 Estou de volta à comunidade Linux :)
 Estive procurando distribuições legais para usar, e entre outras, achei a
 BrDesktop, que parece ter tido projeto descontinuado mas me pareceu muito
 maneiro o projeto com o gnome 2 e o símbolo do Debian personalidade.
 Poderíamos conversar sobre a versão Br do Debian e gostaria muito de
 receber essa distro ^^
 Não achei ainda para baixá-la, se alguém tiver a imagem, entre em contato!

 SSL - Saudações do Software Livre!

 Thiago Zoroastro - Estudante da UFSJ
 Membro do Centro Acadêmico de Filosofia Leônidas Hegenberg

 O mundo cada vez mais está tomando noção de que é um único organismo, e
 organismo que insiste em lutar contra si mesmo, está condenado à
 destruição. - Carl Sagan

 Consciência com ciência,
 estamos todos conectados diante do universo infinito
 o *homo sapiens *já* *não mata sua sede de conhecer
 Cada Mundo é um glóbulo criativo.

*Sérgio H. Berlotto Jr *(*chave gpg FC78845B*)
E-mails: sergio.berlotto [at] / sergio [at]
Site :
Twitter: @berlottocdd

Re: SQUID Proxy com performance Péssima (RESOLVIDO)

2012-08-22 Thread Moksha Tux
kk! Boa ideia


Em 22 de agosto de 2012 08:39, Flávio Alves Granato escreveu:

 Em 21/08/2012 17:13, Moksha Tux escreveu:

  Boa tarde pessoal!

 Após descobrir que o motivo de tanto consumo de CPU no meu servidor proxy
 era a autenticação resolvi criar um outro squid.conf e fazer tudo do zero
 (uma vez que o conf original foi elaborado pelo adm anterior a mim) e o
 servidor está se comportando muito bem, a CPU chega no máximo a 10% em
 horário de pico, na verdade o problema nem estava tanto no processo de
 autenticação e sim em um a quantidade muito grande de ACLs (que já postei
 no post anterior) e que causava uma espécie de sobrecarga. Agradeço do
 fundo do coração a todos os amigos que me ajudaram com suas respostas no
 post anterior. Grande abraço a todos,


 Parabéns! Agora é hora de pedir um aumento!!!

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Re: autenticidade de chave pública/privada

2012-08-22 Thread Listeiro 037

Olá novamente.

Pensei antes de perguntar. Dependendo do que estaria causando um MITMA
na rede, enviando pares de chaves frias e sabotando a conexão,
poderia muito bem ser da teia. Supondo que o que esteja conectado à
máquina trabalhe como um proxy, que determinados conteúdos são
substituídos no lugar do que seria a rede, apenas os principais.

Como se essa internet fosse um rootkit rodando por cima do sistema.
Estou pensando na situação mais absurda possível.

Neste caso literalmente trata-se de uma teia. E então?

Em Mon, 20 Aug 2012 08:23:51 -0300
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh escreveu:

 On Mon, 20 Aug 2012, Listeiro 037 wrote:
  Se for usado um repositório e tiver que ser adicionada uma chave
  baixada e instalada com apt-key, como se confirma que a chave não é
  verdadeira e que veio para ser usada com uma outra chave que não é
 Pela teia de confiança.

There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics.
Benjamin Disraeli

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Re: framebuffer logo not available because of LUKS

2012-08-22 Thread J. B

Solved :-)

linux   /vmlinuz-3.0.3.acer root=/dev/mapper/mygroup-root ro splash quiet 
video=vesafb:mtrr:3,ywrap vga=792 resume=/dev/mapper/mygroup-swap

The [splash quiet video=vesafb:mtrr:3,ywrap vga=792] has to be added

On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 11:13:44 +0530
J. B wrote:

 Dear list,
 With the ongoing process of my full disk encryption ( exclude /boot), I have 
 come with another issue. The framebuffer device which resides under /root/dev 
 not available prior to opening luks and it is quite normal. IS there any 
 so that required drivers (like framebuffer) can be included within the kernel 
 anything else ?

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Re: Fwd: OT: man in the middle attack ?

2012-08-22 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2012-08-21 at 14:13 -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Lisi wrote:
  lina wrote:
   Chris wrote:
Anyone else getting this?
   I got one before.
From: debian-user
  Oh dear!  Now someone else has quoted it.
 This isn't spam to the mailing list.  This is spam from a subscriber
 to the original posters.  So it doesn't matter if you quote it or
 not.  It won't affect the mailing list spam filters.  Although it may
 affect individual's spam filters.  However anyone wanting to block the
 joe1assistly bad robot messages can do so more accurately using the
 message-id headers.
 Normal mailing list mail goes like this:
   sender - mailing list - many recipients, including newsgroups
 The joe1assistly bad robot is one of the recipients.  It then does
   sender - mailing list - many recipients, including newsgroups
   joe1assistly - sender
 Mail from joe1assistly never hits the mailing list.  There isn't
 anything the mailing list can do to block the return spam.  The only
 thing that can be done is to find the recipient and unsubscribe them.
 However there was discussion on one of the Cygwin lists that perhaps
 due to the difficulty in locating a subscriber that perhaps
 joe1assistly was scraping the messages from a newsgroup and was
 therefore not subscribed.  In which case it would be more difficult to
 The joe1assistly bad robot has been coming and going for some months
 now not just from the debian-user mailing list but also from some
 others such as the Cygwin lists too.

Thank you for the explanation Bob.

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Re: Changing to digest form

2012-08-22 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2012-08-21 at 13:51 -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Camaleón wrote:
  Gary Roach wrote:
   I'm presently using the standard form of this mailing list and wish to
   change to the digest form. 
  If you want to post replies, I wouldn't do it :-/
 Agreed strongly!  Please do not post replies from a digest.
   Can I just re-subscribe to the digest form or do I have to unsubscribe
   from the standard for as well.
  You will have to unsusbscribe for one (normal) and then subscribe for 
  the other (digest) but again, reconsider it... if you don't want to store 
  messages in your hard disk you can use a newsreader and NNTP, no 
  subscription nor local space needed.
 People using digests usually don't know how to reply using them and
 cause a lot of problems.  Please don't be the source of problems.
 Using a digested mailing list is hard!  You need special tools in
 order to burst the digest to read and reply to it.
 As Camaleón writes people that think they might want the digest form
 would be much better served by using the newsgroups.  Or Gmane.  Or
 other web archive reader.  I use the mailing list interface.  But to
 avoid the problems of a digest I will suggest Gmane as one of the less
 objectionable alternatives.  Try this.
 Web page reader using frames and threads:

While my MUA is able to handle replies to digest correctly, digest
anyway caused that much trouble, that I canceled it and subscribed to
the normal mailing list again.


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Re: Joe's autoresponder finally turned off? [was: Re: Fwd: OT: man in the middle attack ?]

2012-08-22 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2012-08-21 at 23:30 -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Andrei POPESCU wrote:
  After studying the headers a bit more I wrote an e-mail to a specific 
  support@ address (which I will not reproduce here) and I even got an 
  answer :)
 You are truly living a wondeful life to have gotten a response! :-)
 I discussed it with the Debian listmasters but there was a lot of head
 scratching all around.
  Supposedly the autoresponder is turned off now. Please reply to this if 
  you see more of those mails.
 I didn't get an autoreply from my recent postings.  Thank you for
 pursuing this further.
 Hopefully we have seen the last of the joe1assistly bad robot!

Until now I don't get anything from Joe to. Thank you for the good
job :).


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Re: Changing to digest form

2012-08-22 Thread Ralf Mardorf
People accustomed to a GUI can use Evolution. It's possible to reply to
the individual mails inside Debian's digest. Mailman's digest is another
issue, not relevant for this list.


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Completely OT: Re: man in the middle attack ?

2012-08-22 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2012-08-22 at 08:17 +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Ma, 21 aug 12, 09:36:00, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
  Please don't make haste in assuming malice.
 This was meant as please don't assume intent to attack/offend/etc/ 
 I'm sorry if my bad wording offended someone, that was not my intention.
 The rest still stands:
  Communication via e-mail between people of different native languages 
  and cultures is quite a challenge, especially for humor and sarcasm.
  - A good rule of thumb:  Be conservative in what you send and
liberal in what you receive.  You should not send heated messages
(we call these flames) even if you are provoked.  On the other
hand, you shouldn't be surprised if you get flamed and it's
prudent not to respond to flames.
  - Remember that the recipient is a human being whose culture,
language, and humor have different points of reference from your
own.  Remember that date formats, measurements, and idioms may
not travel well.   Be especially careful with sarcasm.
 Kind regards,

Apologize, I just want o test if Joe's autoresponder finally is turned
off, so I need to reply to a thread that was infiltrated.

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Re: trying to umount a chroot /dev

2012-08-22 Thread Ross Boylan
On Tue, 2012-08-21 at 23:20 -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Try using the umount -l option for a lazy unmount.  Might work.  Might
 not work.  If it doesn't then I think you need to reboot.
Kind of works.
umount -l /mnt/chrtest/dev
no error messages. And it's no longer listed in /proc/mounts
Despite that,
umount /mnt/chrtest - device is busy
umount -l /mnt/chrtest - no complaints

# lvchange -an daisy/chrtest
  Can't change snapshot logical volume chrtest
# lvremove daisy/chrtest; date
  Can't remove open logical volume chrtest


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Re: trying to umount a chroot /dev

2012-08-22 Thread Tom H
On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 9:46 PM, Ross Boylan wrote:

 I setup a chroot on a snapshot.  Part of the setup was
 mount --rbind /dev /mnt/chrtest/dev

 I have exited the chroot and, I believe, ended the processes I started.
 umount /mnt/chrtest/dev
 gives umount: /mnt/chrtest/dev: device is busy

 How can I get this to work?

 After reviewing the output of mount I umounted the mounts below /dev,
 which seems to be the main advice on the net for undoing rbinds.

 The net also mentions using lsof to see what is accessing the file
 system.  lsof isn't much help because it shows everything that is
 touching /dev (I presume--it's a long list), and I can't shut all that
 down without a reboot.

 My ultimate goal is to destroy the snapshot, but neither lvremove nor
 lvchange -an work with the volume in use.

Since you used rbind, you must also have mounted
submounts/subdirectories of /dev like its and shm. Try
umount-ing /dev with -l or umount-ing all three.

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Re: Problems with printing/scanning on Squeeze on a Lexmark aio

2012-08-22 Thread Lisi
On Wednesday 22 August 2012 03:01:31 Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 08:42:16AM +0100, Lisi wrote:
  This is a cross-post.  I posted to the Trinity list several days ago.  It

 In that case its more correctly referred as a multipost. A crosspost is
 when you cc/to more than one list/group simultaneously.

 Just to be picky. :)

Noted! :-)


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Re: trying to umount a chroot /dev

2012-08-22 Thread Roger Leigh
On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 06:46:35PM -0700, Ross Boylan wrote:
 I setup a chroot on a snapshot.  Part of the setup was
 mount --rbind /dev /mnt/chrtest/dev
 I have exited the chroot and, I believe, ended the processes I started.
 umount /mnt/chrtest/dev
 gives umount: /mnt/chrtest/dev: device is busy
 How can I get this to work?

All the answers have been good ones.

I just wanted to mention that if you want to do this regularly,
the schroot program can automatically snapshot your chroot with
LVM and mount the /dev (and other) filesystems.  It then
subsequently umounts the filesystems and deletes the snapshot.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux
 `. `'   schroot and sbuild
   `-GPG Public Key  F33D 281D 470A B443 6756 147C 07B3 C8BC 4083 E800

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Re: trying to umount a chroot /dev

2012-08-22 Thread Tom H
On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 10:21 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Ross Boylan wrote:

 I setup a chroot on a snapshot.  Part of the setup was
 mount --rbind /dev /mnt/chrtest/dev

 Why did you choose rbind over bind.  Just curious.

The advantage of using rbind is that you don't have to mount
/dev/pts and /dev/shm (or just /dev/pts on wheezy since
/dev/shm has been moved to /run/shm) after mounting /dev.

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Re: trying to umount a chroot /dev

2012-08-22 Thread Ross Boylan
On Wed, 2012-08-22 at 08:40 +0100, Roger Leigh wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 06:46:35PM -0700, Ross Boylan wrote:
  I setup a chroot on a snapshot.  Part of the setup was
  mount --rbind /dev /mnt/chrtest/dev
  I have exited the chroot and, I believe, ended the processes I started.
  umount /mnt/chrtest/dev
  gives umount: /mnt/chrtest/dev: device is busy
  How can I get this to work?
 All the answers have been good ones.
 I just wanted to mention that if you want to do this regularly,
 the schroot program can automatically snapshot your chroot with
 LVM and mount the /dev (and other) filesystems.  It then
 subsequently umounts the filesystems and deletes the snapshot.
That sounds a lot like what I'm trying to do, including the snapshot.
Does schroot do any special tricks to umount dev?


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Re: df and du don't seem to agree ?

2012-08-22 Thread David Cho-Lerat

Google returns:

oops, should have had a look :P

this pointed me to :

server:~# lsof | grep /var | grep deleted
smbd   2926   root2w  REG  254,1   2665  
65406 /var/log/samba/log.smbd.1 (deleted)
smbd   2926   root6w  REG  254,1   2665  
65406 /var/log/samba/log.smbd.1 (deleted)
proftpd   14060 nobody7w  REG  254,1 2807896675  
49066 /var/log/proftpd/proftpd-trace.log (deleted)
pbms-pbhi9:~# ls -Falh /var/log/samba/log.smbd.1 

ls: cannot access /var/log/samba/log.smbd.1: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access /var/log/proftpd/proftpd-trace.log: No such file or 

Yes ! Looks like they just need to restart the ProFTPD and Samba 
services to free up around 2.7G !

Thanks all, this was very helpful !


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Re: df and du don't seem to agree ?

2012-08-22 Thread David Cho-Lerat

tune2fs -l /dev/md0 | grep Reserved block count

Sorry, I forgot to mention that the result will be in Blocks. You can 
get the block size (in Bytes) with:

tune2fs -l /dev/md0 | grep Block size


cool. So :

server:~# tune2fs -l /dev/mapper/vg00-var | grep Reserved block count
Reserved block count: 65471
server:~# tune2fs -l /dev/mapper/vg00-var | grep Block size
Block size:   4096

So I guess there's around 255M of reserved space.

Thanks !

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Re: df and du don't seem to agree ?

2012-08-22 Thread Bob Proulx
David Cho-Lerat wrote:
 Google returns:

I will also mention the GNU faq entry for it.  Perhaps then it will
rank higher in the search engine space.  :-)

 smbd   2926   root2w  REG  254,1   2665
 65406 /var/log/samba/log.smbd.1 (deleted)
 smbd   2926   root6w  REG  254,1   2665
 65406 /var/log/samba/log.smbd.1 (deleted)
 proftpd   14060 nobody7w  REG  254,1 2807896675
 49066 /var/log/proftpd/proftpd-trace.log (deleted)
 Yes ! Looks like they just need to restart the ProFTPD and Samba
 services to free up around 2.7G !

When I want to free up disk space used in a log file instead of
removing the file, which creates the above situation of large files
that no longer have a directory entry, instead of removing the file I
truncate it.

  $ :  somelargefile

By truncating the file it is immediately reduced and the disk blocks
freed.  The file isn't removed and therefore won't be lost from the
filesystem where du can't find it anymore.  Any daemon that is still
writing to the file will still keep its file handle to it and will
continue to write to the file.


Description: Digital signature

Re: df and du don't seem to agree ?

2012-08-22 Thread David Cho-Lerat

I will also mention the GNU faq entry for it.  Perhaps then it will
rank higher in the search engine space.  :-)


thanks, I will send this link to the sysadmin.

When I want to free up disk space used in a log file instead of
removing the file, which creates the above situation of large files
that no longer have a directory entry, instead of removing the file I
truncate it.

   $ :  somelargefile

By truncating the file it is immediately reduced and the disk blocks
freed.  The file isn't removed and therefore won't be lost from the
filesystem where du can't find it anymore.  Any daemon that is still
writing to the file will still keep its file handle to it and will
continue to write to the file.


nice trick, they probably should have done that instead ;) Will keep
that in mind.


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Re: [SOLVED] Is my processor 32-bit or 64-bit?

2012-08-22 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 8/21/2012 9:04 PM, Stephen Powell wrote:
 On Tue, 21 Aug 2012 04:18:52 -0400 (EDT), Stan Hoeppner wrote:

 Yep.  CPUID 0F27 makes this CPU a Prestonia Xeon, 130nm, in essence a
 Northwood P4, the only difference being the model#, CPUID, and branding.
 Intel introduced EM64T (x86-64) with the 90nm chips.

 This CPU is 32bit x86 only.
 Stan, Stan, the hardware man!  I knew you'd know!  Where did you find
 the information that correlates CPUIDs with processor characteristics?

Simplicity.  Google CPUID 0F27.  First hit is:

That tells us 0F27 is the Northwood core.

 I don't suppose you'd have a URL handy, now would you?  Next time, I can
 check myself and not have to bother the list.

Once we have the above info, Wikipedia tells us the Northwood chips were
all 130nm, and that EM64T wasn't introduced until the 90nm series.  The
2.4GHz/512KB/400MHz Prestonia CPUID 0F27 was released in April 2002.
Nacona (90nm) with EM64T was introduced over two years later, in June 2004.


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Re: trying to umount a chroot /dev

2012-08-22 Thread Roger Leigh
On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 01:00:22AM -0700, Ross Boylan wrote:
 On Wed, 2012-08-22 at 08:40 +0100, Roger Leigh wrote:
  On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 06:46:35PM -0700, Ross Boylan wrote:
   I setup a chroot on a snapshot.  Part of the setup was
   mount --rbind /dev /mnt/chrtest/dev
   I have exited the chroot and, I believe, ended the processes I started.
   umount /mnt/chrtest/dev
   gives umount: /mnt/chrtest/dev: device is busy
   How can I get this to work?
  All the answers have been good ones.
  I just wanted to mention that if you want to do this regularly,
  the schroot program can automatically snapshot your chroot with
  LVM and mount the /dev (and other) filesystems.  It then
  subsequently umounts the filesystems and deletes the snapshot.
 That sounds a lot like what I'm trying to do, including the snapshot.
 Does schroot do any special tricks to umount dev?

No.  It just recursively umounts every filesystem in the chroot,
depth-first.  For mounting, it just uses a regular fstab, so you
can mount whatever you like.  The only difference is that the
mountpoint has the chroot path prefixed to it, so you can mount
filesystems outside the chroot (like /home) inside it.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux
 `. `'   schroot and sbuild
   `-GPG Public Key  F33D 281D 470A B443 6756 147C 07B3 C8BC 4083 E800

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[SOLVED] df and du don't seem to agree ?

2012-08-22 Thread David Cho-Lerat

a restart of the ProFTPD daemon reduced the amount of used space
on /var from 90% to 34%. Phew ! Thanks all for your help, this is
one command I'll definitely use again :

lsof | grep deleted

Le 22/08/2012 10:13, David Cho-Lerat a écrit :

Google returns:

oops, should have had a look :P

this pointed me to :

server:~# lsof | grep /var | grep deleted
smbd   2926   root2w  REG  254,1   2665  
65406 /var/log/samba/log.smbd.1 (deleted)
smbd   2926   root6w  REG  254,1   2665  
65406 /var/log/samba/log.smbd.1 (deleted)
proftpd   14060 nobody7w  REG  254,1 2807896675  
49066 /var/log/proftpd/proftpd-trace.log (deleted)
pbms-pbhi9:~# ls -Falh /var/log/samba/log.smbd.1 

ls: cannot access /var/log/samba/log.smbd.1: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access /var/log/proftpd/proftpd-trace.log: No such file or 

Yes ! Looks like they just need to restart the ProFTPD and Samba 
services to free up around 2.7G !

Thanks all, this was very helpful !


David Cho-Lerat
Mobile : +33 623 057 174

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Re: trying to umount a chroot /dev

2012-08-22 Thread Roger Leigh
On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 03:41:50AM -0400, Tom H wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 10:21 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:
  Ross Boylan wrote:
  I setup a chroot on a snapshot.  Part of the setup was
  mount --rbind /dev /mnt/chrtest/dev
  Why did you choose rbind over bind.  Just curious.
 The advantage of using rbind is that you don't have to mount
 /dev/pts and /dev/shm (or just /dev/pts on wheezy since
 /dev/shm has been moved to /run/shm) after mounting /dev.

This approach is really nice, and schroot used to do this.  There's
just one niggle:

If you use systemd, it will kill your system because autofs mounts
under /dev created by systemd can't be bind mounted; well, they can,
they are just broken and umountable, and all the processes in your
system will slowly enter D state!


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux
 `. `'   schroot and sbuild
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Re: problem on 64 bit Debian Squeeze

2012-08-22 Thread Lisi
On Tuesday 21 August 2012 23:27:50 Charles Cattell wrote:
 I am running Debian Squeeze on several computers.
 One is a 64 bit machine.
 After changing from Debian Lenny to Squeeze I have a problem
 with installing drivers and software for a Lexmark printer.
 This printer worked fine with Lenny.
 Now when I try to install the drivers this is what appears in the terminal:

 root@debian:/home/barbara# ./
 Verifying archive integrity... All good.

 Collecting info for this system...
 Operating system: linux
 CPU Arch: x86_64
 ./ 169: bin/linux/x86_64/ not
 ./ 169: bin/linux/x86_64/ not
 Error: Couldn't find any suitable frontend for your system

 I can run this file on two other 32 bit machines using Squeeze.

 Please let me know if there is an existing bug report.

I had a problem with a Lexmark printer on a squeeze machine.  An 
update/full-upgrade yesterday solved the problem.


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Re: sometimes space does not work in knode

2012-08-22 Thread Kamaraju S Kusumanchi
Martin Steigerwald wrote:

 Am Montag, 13. August 2012 schrieb Kamaraju S Kusumanchi:
 I am using a mixture of stable + testing (Squeeze + Lenny), knode
 version  4.4.11, KDE 4.8.4,
 I hope you aren´t serious or there is a typo in above. In a way that means
 that there is no Lenny involved ;).
 Anyway, in the state of development, I do not recommend mixing Squeeze
 with Wheezy or Sid, but using Wheezy directly.

Sorry, that should have been mixture of stable + testing (Squeeze 

Kamaraju S Kusumanchi

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Re: Nagios shows only one Host (Services)

2012-08-22 Thread Denis Witt

On 21.08.2012 19:27, Camaleón wrote:

I can't. I just can say that if I use the file with a name that isn't
the last to render it breaks things, but I have no idea why. And I can
say that the same config works fine with Squeeze.

And the same config also works fine in a second wheezy instance, right?

It's not exactly the same, but it is very very similar.

I can't recall if you already looked at the Nagios and/or Apache2 logs,
just in case...

The logs looks fine. Maybe it's just a strange char in the config, but 
if so then it must be at the very end of the file as all Services are 
shown, I deleted the last lines and put them in again by hand, but 
nothing changed.

Anyway, I can see all services on one page again and even if the 
Hostname isn't the right one, I can live with that. :)


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Re: Logging ISP Download Speed.

2012-08-22 Thread Weaver

 On Aug 21, 2012, at 6:53 AM, Camaleón wrote:

 On Mon, 20 Aug 2012 13:37:43 -0700, Weaver wrote:

 I regularly log 40-47Kb/s on updates.. Cheers,

 And so do we all...  The problem here is not the network bandwidth,
 it's that some parts of the update process have to download a lot of
 small files (a few KiB each).  Each file involves a negotiation
 process that needs several round-trips and one or more file-directory
 lookups on the part of both the server and the client.  The round-
 trips may be on the order of hundreds of milliseconds, so the time to
 retrieve a 4 KiB file can be on the order of a half second or more.
 That translates to 8KiB/s for that particular file.  Sad, but it's a
 fact of life on a global-scale packet switched network.

 Look at the reported speed when downloading a large package.  Here you
 have the opportunity to take full advantage of a big pipe and large
 windows on each end to fill the pipe.  Your limiting rate here is more
 likely to be the ability of the server to get your file off its disk
 at the same time as it's getting other files for other clients off the
 same disk.

 For example, I find that getting security updates is much slower
 (factor of 4 or 5, often) than getting new packages from one of the
 big mirrors.  The server seems to be a
 bottleneck.  There's a design trade-off here -- between getting
 security stuff posted and available quickly (in favor of a single
 server or at most a small number of servers), and getting it out at
 high bandwidth (in favor of mirroring it to lots of servers with the
 attendant polling delays) the Debian folks have opted to get security
 stuff available quickly but at a lower bandwidth, and regular package
 updates available with some delay but at higher bandwidth.

 Hope this helps to understand what you're seeing.

Yes, I understand this, Rick, but even with Cameleon's suggestion of
downloading a larger file from Oracle's servers, at a quiet time of night,
a 64 MB download (Mysql's community edition, X86_64) still takes one
minute and seven seconds.

I understand also, that many can't get these speeds, but when you are
paying for 100MB/s and not even getting ADSL1 speeds, the ethic bothers

I've worked for myself, predominantly, since the age of 17 and no client
would ever be able to say that they got short-changed by me.
It's unethical business, pure and simple.
This goes against the grain.

There was another post from somebody, also, that I deleted accidentally
before replying and, yes, I understand the difference between 'bits' and
'bytes', etc.
A byte is 8 bits so you are never going to get a Kilobit.
I'm just a little lazy with upper and lowercase sometimes, that's all.

I invite you to name a society that created a secret prison
 system, outside the rule of law, where torture takes place,
 that sooner or later didn't turn the abuse against it's own
 citizens. -- Naomi Wolf - October 11, 2007

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Re: Mic. and softphones [was Voice redirection: from mic. to speakers on wheezy laptop].

2012-08-22 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Camaleón.

You wrote:

  Then, Ekiga - diver versions + other versions of sound software?
  Just ideas.
 Yes, it can be a mix of all them. 
 Whatever, I find it very close to a regression but of course to prove 
 that point I would have to do the same testing in the same machine :-)

That's what I was about to suggest.

  3 on 3 fails. Wow. I love Linux :-P
  Yet I really love Linux! Just more work needed, more
  packagers/testers. May, w/ a time I will maintain a package but not
  for now. But I try to report bugs when notice, though it seems a
  problem: where to send - often maintainers would not accept it
  advicing me to talk to developers directly (in my opinion it should
  not be - because sometimes registration is required for that - that
  the maintainers for sure have whereas common users - don't). Report
  just will be lost, and nobody will benefit from it. - It is the
  rising power of free software, being put down for diver reasons -
  like that simple denial.
 Reporting bugs is (more times than I like) discouraging but I find it
 a must to make things better, regardless the result of the report
 (fixed/ won't fix/closed/forwarded upstream...).

Right, also people come, people go and therefore we never know what
their reflection will be. So, it is worth to try.

   And I saw no more soft phones in Debian from repo.s.
  There are more (yate, twinkle) but sadly not available for
  wheezy :-(
  Out of repos/debian security testing is an issue for me here. -
  Unless I make a VM where I will use all such programs from diver
 That's being a bit paranoic but won't convince to do otherwise. 
 For instance, I do trust Mozilla, LibreOffice repositories (or even
 the kernel sources) as much as I trust Debian's. Of course, I would
 not install a single file in my main system coming from a unknown/
 unreferenced site that provides a .deb :-)

I'm really a bit (lot? :o) paranoid - but it comes from sad experience.
   So far, ekiga is the best option for me, and I would say, most
   comfortable its GUI comparing w/ the above.
  Errr, yes. Although I find more confortable/easy to use the old
  I didn't see those. What do You miss in  new version?
 I miss the way the main window shows the elements, now it's
 confusing. I think I get less information than using the old Ekiga.

Yes, I got same feelings - though I'm new to it - because I think there
are not enough options to choose from or to configure, and it misses
log - to observe connections.

 Maybe is that I'm confusing the terms, let's see... Yes, I can have a 
 normal conversation within Ekiga (I hear the called person's voice
 and he can hear mine and also can take an echo test, sound is
 cranky and distorted but it works) what does not work is Ekiga or
 gnome-sound- recorder outputing my one voice from my system speakers
 while I speak.

OK, now it's clear. So echo service proves ability to be heard by
called person!

 In other words: I can't play karaoke but still can have a
 conversation using a softphone :-)

OK. I got it, thanks.


   OK. Thank You. I just would not install software from non-debian
   repo.s. In case I will move it to a VM, then I will try it,
   though do not know when.
  Fair, but the problem is that not all the packages are available
  for all of the flavours :-(
  I know, that's why I'll keep fighting w/ Ekiga - as the best option
  for Debian currently - the most developed out of Debian available.
  Until new phones come into Debian. Or much time will pass and I
  will maintain one in Debian.
 Yes, but when something fails is time to jump (or at least consider) 
 another options. Odd thing is that Ekiga (the upstream package) is at 
 3.2.7, the same version it had Squeeze and Wheezy/Sid... there have
 been no updates for a couple of years? :-?

OK. Good advice. I will think what to do - probably, I will try the
ones You suggested in a VM - will see how well sound card will work

I think let's finish here - as we have considered all available
options, seems to me.

I thank You very much for You precious to me help!


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Re: OT: man in the middle attack ?

2012-08-22 Thread Stephen Allen
On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 10:08:33AM -0300, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:
 On Ter, 21 Ago 2012, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 I used sarcasm, but using sarcasm is bad behavior. And I'm not proud
 when I misbehave.
 The problem is that it is not the first time you misbehave. Nor
 the second, or even third. Not to mention the times where you don't
 actually say anything particularly offensive, but use this list as a
 personal space to rant about anything you don't like.

+100 I'm a lurker mostly but have been here a long time; your assessment
seems quite accurate from where I sit.

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help with packaging (preinst scripts)

2012-08-22 Thread David Cho-Lerat

Hi all,

I've done some RTFM, but can't yet find where the helper
scripts to use in maintainer scripts (preinst/postrm/..) are

How does one automate the following in the preinst scripts,
for instance :

1. create a user *and* set their password
2. ssh-keygen with no user input (Enter passphrase)
3. add/edit some MySQL tables without knowing the MySQL root password

I've fooled around with Expect for 1. and 2., and tried
mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables for 3., but I feel
lame (and I have to have my preinst script stop/start the
MySQL server during install) ..

If I'm not asking the correct list, I'm sorry, but could you please
direct me to the documentation I should read or other mailing list
I should contact ?

Thanks a bunch,

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Re: Joe's autoresponder finally turned off? [was: Re: Fwd: OT: man in the middle attack ?]

2012-08-22 Thread Dr Beco
From: Andrei POPESCU
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 08:26:54 +0300

 Supposedly the autoresponder is turned off now. Please reply to this if
 you see more of those mails.

 Kind regards,

Hi Andrei, I share  Bob Proulx's comment:  Thank you for
pursuing this further. [2]

Now this message is also a test. If you don't hear from me hear again,
that is a sign that you exterminated joe1assistly bad robot!

It looks like we got a new internet meme! :)


Dr. Beco
A.I. research, Cognitive Scientist and Philosopher
Linux Counter #201942

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Re: help with packaging (preinst scripts)

2012-08-22 Thread Jon Dowland
On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 02:54:44PM +0200, David Cho-Lerat wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've done some RTFM, but can't yet find where the helper
 scripts to use in maintainer scripts (preinst/postrm/..) are
 How does one automate the following in the preinst scripts,
 for instance :
 1. create a user *and* set their password

You are best to explore an existing package which creates a user,
e.g. exim4. I believe it's a mostly manual process. Note that I don't know
of any Debian packages which actually set a user password… that doesn't
sound like a great idea. What are you doing?

 around line 193

 193   if [ $1 = configure ] \
 194   ! getent passwd Debian-exim  /dev/null ; then
 195   echo 'Adding system-user for exim (v4)' 12
 196   adduser --system --group --quiet --home /var/spool/exim4 \
 197   --no-create-home --disabled-login --force-badname 
 198   fi

Note that this is the postinst rather than preinst.

 2. ssh-keygen with no user input (Enter passphrase)

Run ssh-keygen with no stdin (/dev/null or similar, I think works)

 3. add/edit some MySQL tables without knowing the MySQL root password

Urgh. This sounds uglier and uglier :)  Provide some SQL  to achieve what you
want in a file in the package, as a very first step. Make sure you've depended
on MySQL.  Will you know what the correct Database name will be? Can you 
it will exist?

 I've fooled around with Expect for 1. and 2., and tried
 mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables for 3., but I feel
 lame (and I have to have my preinst script stop/start the
 MySQL server during install) ..
 If I'm not asking the correct list, I'm sorry, but could you please
 direct me to the documentation I should read or other mailing list
 I should contact ?

debian-mentors for beginner packaging questions.

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Re: Joe's autoresponder finally turned off? [was: Re: Fwd: OT: man in the middle attack ?]

2012-08-22 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2012-08-22 at 10:02 -0300, Dr Beco wrote:
 From: Andrei POPESCU
 Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 08:26:54 +0300
  Supposedly the autoresponder is turned off now. Please reply to this if
  you see more of those mails.
  Kind regards,
 Hi Andrei, I share  Bob Proulx's comment:  Thank you for
 pursuing this further. [2]
 Now this message is also a test. If you don't hear from me hear again,
 that is a sign that you exterminated joe1assistly bad robot!
 It looks like we got a new internet meme! :)

I already abused your (Beco's) thread to test it. No Joe anymore :).

Too funny, somebody and I misbehaved and Joe became an issue for Beco's
thread, but in the end everything became good.

Morphic resonance, god, or simply human nature? I suspect simply human
nature. Shit happens and we are able to manage such issues.


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Re: help with packaging (preinst scripts)

2012-08-22 Thread David Cho-Lerat

Thanks a lot for your answers.

I know this looks ugly, but don't worry it's not really meant for Debian,
I'm working on our of our company's packages ;)

that doesn't
sound like a great idea. What are you doing?

well actually the package will install some software that has to be run by
a specific user, and this user has to have a password so that some
admins can log into the account for specific tasks, but not every user
of the system.

 around line 193


193 if [ $1 = configure ]\
194 ! getent passwd Debian-exim  /dev/null ; then
195 echo 'Adding system-user for exim (v4)' 12
196 adduser --system --group --quiet --home /var/spool/exim4 \
197 --no-create-home --disabled-login --force-badname 
198 fi

Note that this is the postinst rather than preinst.


thanks, but the account creation was already OK, it's just the password 
bit that's

bothering me.

2. ssh-keygen with no user input (Enter passphrase)

Run ssh-keygen with no stdin (/dev/null or similar, I think works)

will try that, thanks.

3. add/edit some MySQL tables without knowing the MySQL root password

Urgh. This sounds uglier and uglier :)  Provide some SQL  to achieve what you
want in a file in the package, as a very first step. Make sure you've depended
on MySQL.  Will you know what the correct Database name will be? Can you 
it will exist?

here's the thing : I'm setting up software that will require a certain 
with certain tables to be present (specific to this app, so yes I know 
which ones).
If MySQL is not installed, it will be installed as a dependency. If the 
database  tables
are not present (first install), I create them (using a SQL file, like 
you said), but if

MySQL is already running I don't want to have to stop it, do my changes and
restart it, I'd like to connect to the MySQL server as root and do the 
changes live,

even if the root MySQL server has a password set.

I've fooled around with Expect for 1. and 2., and tried
mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables for 3., but I feel
lame (and I have to have my preinst script stop/start the
MySQL server during install) ..

If I'm not asking the correct list, I'm sorry, but could you please
direct me to the documentation I should read or other mailing list
I should contact ?

debian-mentors for beginner packaging questions.


OK, but I guess they only deal with packages within the Debian distribution
itself, not private packages ?


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Re: help with packaging (preinst scripts)

2012-08-22 Thread Karl E. Jorgensen

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 01:54:44PM +0100, David Cho-Lerat wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've done some RTFM, but can't yet find where the helper
 scripts to use in maintainer scripts (preinst/postrm/..) are
 How does one automate the following in the preinst scripts,
 for instance :

Pre-inst? It is quite uncommon do need to do much in the
PRE-installation script. Most things end up in the post-installation
scripts - e.g. many of the existing packages which create users do so
in their post-installation scripts.

 1. create a user *and* set their password

Hm... Try looking in the exim4-base postinst script (if you have exim
installed, you should have a copy in

Basically a fragment in the style of:

if ! getent passwd yournewuser  /dev/null ; then
   adduser ...

Setting a password for the user: That's a very strange thing to do in
an installation script, as it implies that the password is
predictable. Which is probably a very bad idea for security. However,
you can probably get the installation to generate a random password
and set it (but this still leaves the problem of communicating the
password out in a secure fasion):

password=$( perl -e 'print 
map{(a..z,A..Z,0..9)[int(rand(62))]}(1..16)' )
echo newuser:$password | chpasswd

If it is a system-type user, then the user should not be able to log
in anyway, so it will be not be necessary to create a password. Just
create it with:

   adduser --system --disabled-login ...

 2. ssh-keygen with no user input (Enter passphrase)

If this is to give the user an SSH key, then this is a probably a bad
idea: The private part of the key should really never leave his

But generating user-keys is really no different than generating server
keys - have a look in the preinst/postinst scripts of
e.g. openssh-server for inspiration.

 3. add/edit some MySQL tables without knowing the MySQL root password

Another odd case, but not entirely unheard of. You may be able to use
the 'debian-sys-maint' user:

mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf  yourscript.sql

But I'm not convinced that this is the correct usage of the
debian-sys-maint user.

 I've fooled around with Expect for 1. and 2., and tried
 mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables for 3., but I feel
 lame (and I have to have my preinst script stop/start the
 MySQL server during install) ..

Sounds pretty bad if you need to restart the MySQL server. And during
PRE-INST?  As I hinted at earlier, doing this in the post-inst script
is much more common (if common at all).  There is always the
possibility that installation may fail - and then you're left with
figuring out how to revert things out that the preinst script did.

 If I'm not asking the correct list, I'm sorry, but could you please
 direct me to the documentation I should read or other mailing list
 I should contact ?

debian-devel would probably be a better place, as many of the package
maintainers hang out there...

Hope this helps
Karl E. Jorgensen

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Re: help with packaging (preinst scripts)

2012-08-22 Thread Karl E. Jorgensen
On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 02:20:35PM +0100, David Cho-Lerat wrote:
 Thanks a lot for your answers.
 I know this looks ugly, but don't worry it's not really meant for Debian,
 I'm working on our of our company's packages ;)
  that doesn't
  sound like a great idea. What are you doing?
 well actually the package will install some software that has to be run by
 a specific user, and this user has to have a password so that some
 admins can log into the account for specific tasks, but not every user
 of the system.

In that case: set a random password for the user, but set up
~/.ssh/authorized_keys with the public SSH keys for your sysadmin
staff... If they're worth their salt, they WILL be using key-based
logins - no decent admin WANTS to remember hundreds of passwords, or
run a site with well-known-passwords everwhere.

  3. add/edit some MySQL tables without knowing the MySQL root password
  Urgh. This sounds uglier and uglier :)  Provide some SQL  to achieve what 
  want in a file in the package, as a very first step. Make sure you've 
  on MySQL.  Will you know what the correct Database name will be? Can you 
  it will exist?
 here's the thing : I'm setting up software that will require a certain 
 with certain tables to be present (specific to this app, so yes I know 
 which ones).
 If MySQL is not installed, it will be installed as a dependency. If the 
 database  tables
 are not present (first install), I create them (using a SQL file, like 
 you said), but if
 MySQL is already running I don't want to have to stop it, do my changes and
 restart it, I'd like to connect to the MySQL server as root and do the 
 changes live,
 even if the root MySQL server has a password set.

This sounds like some of your changes require a MySQL restart!?

Karl E. Jorgensen

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2012-08-22 Thread lina

Basically which compressor is the most efficient one.

I got 2T data, basically won't get a chance to use in future, but still
need to keep there at least for the next two years just in case.

so I tried the xz, but xz not support the directory? or maybe I don't
know how to compress the directory.

now tried the .bz2, but still very large.

Thanks ahead for any suggestions,

Best regards,

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Re: help with packaging (preinst scripts)

2012-08-22 Thread Denis Witt

On 22.08.2012 15:20, David Cho-Lerat wrote:

well actually the package will install some software that has to be run by
a specific user, and this user has to have a password so that some
admins can log into the account for specific tasks, but not every user
of the system.

Hi David,

you can create the user as shown in the exim example. The Admins can 
login with their normal users (or as root) and can su to the user:

su - yourusername --shell=/bin/bash

Regarding the SQL-Stuff. Just ask the user for the MySQL-Root-Password 
(and maybe the database name, and what to do if it already exists). I 
have no idea how to manage that, but it's possible and you can take a 
look at the phpmyadmin-Package how it works.


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Re: help with packaging (preinst scripts)

2012-08-22 Thread Roger Leigh
On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 02:54:44PM +0200, David Cho-Lerat wrote:
 3. add/edit some MySQL tables without knowing the MySQL root password
 I've fooled around with Expect for 1. and 2., and tried
 mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables for 3., but I feel
 lame (and I have to have my preinst script stop/start the
 MySQL server during install) ..

You don't do this.

The database server might be on a different machine.  So a requirement
for a local database, or any attempt to alter a local instance of
MySQL, is doomed to failure.  Please don't do this.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux
 `. `'   schroot and sbuild
   `-GPG Public Key  F33D 281D 470A B443 6756 147C 07B3 C8BC 4083 E800

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Re: help with packaging (preinst scripts)

2012-08-22 Thread David Cho-Lerat

Hi Karl, thanks for your answers

Pre-inst? It is quite uncommon do need to do much in the
PRE-installation script. Most things end up in the post-installation
scripts - e.g. many of the existing packages which create users do so
in their post-installation scripts.

yes I suppose what is done in the preinst script for the package I'm working
on could be done in the postinst script - not sure why it was in preinst
in the first place ..

Setting a password for the user: That's a very strange thing to do in
an installation script, as it implies that the password is
predictable. Which is probably a very bad idea for security.

I know this sounds weird, but the context is this : we're talking about
company LAN servers (not internet-facing servers). Some people in
the Operations team will know the password, some other users won't.
Those who know the password have to be able to use a login shell
under this account. This is an internal company application.

you can probably get the installation to generate a random password
and set it (but this still leaves the problem of communicating the
password out in a secure fasion):

 password=$( perl -e 'print 
map{(a..z,A..Z,0..9)[int(rand(62))]}(1..16)' )

interesting, but not applicable here.

 echo newuser:$password | chpasswd

chpasswd is probably the command I need in this case - thanks.

If it is a system-type user, then the user should not be able to log
in anyway, so it will be not be necessary to create a password. Just
create it with:

adduser --system --disabled-login ...

it's sort of a system-type user, but we need to log in anyway - I won't
get into the software's specifics, but there's daemons, a web interface,
and command-line tools that have to be run under this user's account.

2. ssh-keygen with no user input (Enter passphrase)

If this is to give the user an SSH key, then this is a probably a bad
idea: The private part of the key should really never leave his

again, this is a specific user dedicated to this app, to which only some
authorized people in our Operations team will have access. And we're
on a production server, not a desktop machine.

But generating user-keys is really no different than generating server
keys - have a look in the preinst/postinst scripts of
e.g. openssh-server for inspiration.

thanks for the pointer

3. add/edit some MySQL tables without knowing the MySQL root password

Another odd case, but not entirely unheard of. You may be able to use
the 'debian-sys-maint' user:

mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf  yourscript.sql

But I'm not convinced that this is the correct usage of the
debian-sys-maint user.


will have a look

I've fooled around with Expect for 1. and 2., and tried
mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables for 3., but I feel
lame (and I have to have my preinst script stop/start the
MySQL server during install) ..

Sounds pretty bad if you need to restart the MySQL server. And during
PRE-INST?  As I hinted at earlier, doing this in the post-inst script
is much more common (if common at all).  There is always the
possibility that installation may fail - and then you're left with
figuring out how to revert things out that the preinst script did.


If I'm not asking the correct list, I'm sorry, but could you please
direct me to the documentation I should read or other mailing list
I should contact ?

debian-devel would probably be a better place, as many of the package
maintainers hang out there...

Hope this helps

it does help a lot, thanks !

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Re: compressor

2012-08-22 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2012-08-22 at 21:40 +0800, lina wrote:
 Basically which compressor is the most efficient one.
 I got 2T data, basically won't get a chance to use in future, but still
 need to keep there at least for the next two years just in case.
 so I tried the xz, but xz not support the directory? or maybe I don't
 know how to compress the directory.
 now tried the .bz2, but still very large.
 Thanks ahead for any suggestions,
 Best regards,

AFAIK 7z does best compression, but IIRC without keeping Linux


PS: Compressor is an audio engineering term too :D. So the other
answer is Jamin, not helpful regarding to the context.

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Re: compressor

2012-08-22 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2012-08-22 at 15:54 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Wed, 2012-08-22 at 21:40 +0800, lina wrote:
  Basically which compressor is the most efficient one.
  I got 2T data, basically won't get a chance to use in future, but still
  need to keep there at least for the next two years just in case.
  so I tried the xz, but xz not support the directory? or maybe I don't
  know how to compress the directory.
  now tried the .bz2, but still very large.
  Thanks ahead for any suggestions,
  Best regards,
 AFAIK 7z does best compression, but IIRC without keeping Linux
 PS: Compressor is an audio engineering term too :D. So the other
 answer is Jamin, not helpful regarding to the context.

PS: Regarding to bz, test if more compression really does safe space, or
if it just needs much more time, but needs nearly the same space.
Regarding to this, I experienced another less is more issue. Regarding
to the kind of data you'll archive it might differ for your needs. You
need to test all possibilities, AFAIK here are no rules of thumb.

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Re: help with packaging (preinst scripts)

2012-08-22 Thread David Cho-Lerat

Hi David,

Hi Denis
you can create the user as shown in the exim example. The Admins can 
login with their normal users (or as root) and can su to the user:

su - yourusername --shell=/bin/bash
see, that's the thing : the Admins of the application set up by this 
package don't have an account of their own, and
can't access the root account either, only the sysadmins can. They log 
in from semi-public Windows machines using
this one specific account, of which only the authorized people know the 
password (doesn't sound very secure, you say ?).

Regarding the SQL-Stuff. Just ask the user for the MySQL-Root-Password 
(and maybe the database name, and what to do if it already exists). I 
have no idea how to manage that, but it's possible and you can take a 
look at the phpmyadmin-Package how it works.
yes, I thought about that. But part of the problem is that the package 
I'm creating will be installed by different people
in different branches of the company. Some of them will be tech-savvy, 
some won't. I want them to be able to install
the package even if they don't know the MySQL root password. I know this 
sounds weird, but there you go.

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Re: compressor

2012-08-22 Thread Ralf Mardorf
PPS: For my needs tar czf aka .tar.gz is the best way to go. More
compression doesn't lead to smaller files, but it takes much more time.

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Re: help with packaging (preinst scripts)

2012-08-22 Thread David Cho-Lerat

Le 22/08/2012 15:42, Roger Leigh a écrit :

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 02:54:44PM +0200, David Cho-Lerat wrote:

3. add/edit some MySQL tables without knowing the MySQL root password

I've fooled around with Expect for 1. and 2., and tried
mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables for 3., but I feel
lame (and I have to have my preinst script stop/start the
MySQL server during install) ..

You don't do this.

The database server might be on a different machine.

we have a very specific setup where all of the following will be on
the same machine : the application, the MySQL server, the Apache
server. The MySQL server could only be used for this app, or could
be used for other things as well.

   So a requirement
for a local database, or any attempt to alter a local instance of
MySQL, is doomed to failure.  Please don't do this.


well, how does Bugzilla does it, for instance ? I probably ought to
have a look, but I think it alters a local instance of MySQL, doesn't it ?



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Re: compressor

2012-08-22 Thread Jerome BENOIT

gz: tar zcf
bzip2: tar jcf
xz: tar Jcf

On 22/08/12 16:07, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

PPS: For my needs tar czf aka .tar.gz is the best way to go. More
compression doesn't lead to smaller files, but it takes much more time.

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Re: compressor

2012-08-22 Thread lina
On Wednesday 22,August,2012 09:54 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Wed, 2012-08-22 at 21:40 +0800, lina wrote:

 Basically which compressor is the most efficient one.

 I got 2T data, basically won't get a chance to use in future, but still
 need to keep there at least for the next two years just in case.

 so I tried the xz, but xz not support the directory? or maybe I don't
 know how to compress the directory.

 now tried the .bz2, but still very large.

 Thanks ahead for any suggestions,

 Best regards,
 AFAIK 7z does best compression, but IIRC without keeping Linux

 PS: Compressor is an audio engineering term too :D. So the other
 answer is Jamin, not helpful regarding to the context.

P.P.S. I noticed the discussion in another threads, about funny and
misbehavior and etc. I must confess here that I am not the very loyal
reader of those emails, but here I just wanna say one thing or two, in
the past, some witty conversation/jokes really made, I think, not merely
my days, but also many other people's days, I laughed even I didn't say
anything at that time and I think the funny things definitely bring some
special flavors to the list.

Thanks with best regards,

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Re: compressor

2012-08-22 Thread lina
On Wednesday 22,August,2012 10:15 PM, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
 gz: tar zcf
 bzip2: tar jcf
 xz: tar Jcf
So the most efficient one is the .tar.xz one?
 On 22/08/12 16:07, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 PPS: For my needs tar czf aka .tar.gz is the best way to go. More
 compression doesn't lead to smaller files, but it takes much more time.


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Re: compressor

2012-08-22 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2012-08-22 at 16:15 +0200, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
 xz: tar Jcf

I'm using a distro that packages with xz.

I'm sure that there never was a big difference between
gz: tar zcf and bzip2: tar jcf for the length of the files, but the
time for packing and unpacking does differ very much. Speaking for Linux
backups and audio data backups.

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Re: Redhat marketing campaign going after free Linuxes

2012-08-22 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 11:17:56AM -0400, shawn wilson wrote:
 first, i love statistics - it allows people to say pretty much
 whatever they want and sound honest and scientific about it.

Statistics are like bikinis:

What they unveil
is revealing,
but what they conceal
is pivotal.


Woman's eyes should be like men's feet:
Large, black, moist.

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Re: Logging ISP Download Speed.

2012-08-22 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 04:39:46 -0700, Weaver wrote:

 On Aug 21, 2012, at 6:53 AM, Camaleón wrote:

 On Mon, 20 Aug 2012 13:37:43 -0700, Weaver wrote:

 I regularly log 40-47Kb/s on updates.. Cheers,

 And so do we all...  

Rick, careful when quoting...

 Yes, I understand this, Rick, but even with Cameleon's suggestion of
 downloading a larger file from Oracle's servers, at a quiet time of
 night, a 64 MB download (Mysql's community edition, X86_64) still takes
 one minute and seven seconds.

Weaver, you don't have to center your attention on the time it takes but 
the download speed (KiB/MiB per second). As I said, using Oracle servers 
I can get up to 10 MiB/s which is the best number I have ever got.

 I understand also, that many can't get these speeds, but when you are
 paying for 100MB/s and not even getting ADSL1 speeds, the ethic bothers

That's a common feeling from users with high speed links, but there is 
not much we can do, simply put: todays Internet is not prepared for 
providing that speeds but in counted sites/hosts :-(

Anyway, remember that you are paying for 100 Mbps that is around 12 MiB/s.

 I've worked for myself, predominantly, since the age of 17 and no client
 would ever be able to say that they got short-changed by me. It's
 unethical business, pure and simple. This goes against the grain.


Can you please provide the results of this speed test?

I get:

Ping: 3 ms
Download: 86.09 Mbps
Upload: 9.96 Mbps



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Re: compressor

2012-08-22 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 22/08/12 16:24, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Wed, 2012-08-22 at 16:15 +0200, Jerome BENOIT wrote:

xz: tar Jcf

I'm using a distro that packages with xz.

I'm sure that there never was a big difference between
gz: tar zcf and bzip2: tar jcf for the length of the files,

that higly depends on the nature of the files:
if the files are compressed file, teh difference is zero;
otherwise `xz -9e' is most of the time better.

but the

time for packing and unpacking does differ very much.

bzip2 compression is a good compromised between speed and size.

xz compresses slowly, but decompress fastly.

Other criteria can enter into account:
if rsync is used, tricks may be applied.


 Speaking for Linux

backups and audio data backups.

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Re: Icedove 10.0.6-1 or higher not in Wheezy

2012-08-22 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 21 Aug 2012 15:12:15 -0500, Alex Robbins wrote:

 A recent Debian Security Advisory [1] warned that the package icedove
 had several security issues.  These issues were resolved in version
 10.0.6-1 (and a
 different version for Squeeze).  I notice, however, that while 10.0.6-2
 is available in Sid, Wheezy is still at 10.0.5-1.  This page [2] (which
 was linked
 to from the PTS) says Not touching package due to block request by
 Shouldn't this be a freeze-exception, as it concerns security?


Maybe it's still not there because is too recent or due to some packaging 
problem :-?

Anyway, I think yes, even more being a security fix. Many packages have 
been unblocked and got updated in wheezy regardless the current freeze 
status, so asking for this would be desirable.



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Re: problem on 64 bit Debian Squeeze

2012-08-22 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 21 Aug 2012 15:27:50 -0700, Charles Cattell wrote:


 Now when I try to install the drivers this is what appears in the
 root@debian:/home/barbara# ./
 Verifying archive integrity... All good. Uncompressing
 Collecting info for this system...
 Operating system: linux
 CPU Arch: x86_64
 ./ 169: bin/linux/x86_64/ not found
 ./ 169: bin/linux/x86_64/ not found
 Error: Couldn't find any suitable frontend for your system
 I can run this file on two other 32 bit machines using Squeeze.

Maybe is that you're missing the 32-bits compat libraries (package 
 Please let me know if there is an existing bug report.

If you got the package from Lexmark site, in the event you want to file 
a bug report you will have to address it to them.



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Re: compressor

2012-08-22 Thread Jon Dowland
On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 04:24:19PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Wed, 2012-08-22 at 16:15 +0200, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
  xz: tar Jcf
 I'm using a distro that packages with xz.
 I'm sure that there never was a big difference between
 gz: tar zcf and bzip2: tar jcf for the length of the files, but the
 time for packing and unpacking does differ very much. 

Indeed, bz2 is very slow. But it can be much better at compressing:

linux-3.6-rc2.tar.bz2  16-Aug-2012 22:01   78M  
linux-3.6-rc2.tar.gz   16-Aug-2012 22:01   99M  
linux-3.6-rc2.tar.xz   16-Aug-2012 22:01   65M

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Re: compressor

2012-08-22 Thread lina
On Wednesday 22,August,2012 10:50 PM, Jon Dowland wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 04:24:19PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Wed, 2012-08-22 at 16:15 +0200, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
 xz: tar Jcf
$ tar --version
tar (GNU tar) 1.14
no -J options.

On desktop it's tar (GNU tar) 1.26 can support the .tar.xz


 I'm using a distro that packages with xz.

 I'm sure that there never was a big difference between
 gz: tar zcf and bzip2: tar jcf for the length of the files, but the
 time for packing and unpacking does differ very much. 
 Indeed, bz2 is very slow. But it can be much better at compressing:
 linux-3.6-rc2.tar.bz2  16-Aug-2012 22:01   78M  
 linux-3.6-rc2.tar.gz   16-Aug-2012 22:01   99M  
 linux-3.6-rc2.tar.xz   16-Aug-2012 22:01   65M

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Re: [OT] Re: New Mainboard.

2012-08-22 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 21 Aug 2012 15:55:01 -0700, Weaver wrote:

 On Tue, 21 Aug 2012 04:56:58 -0700, Weaver wrote:
 I need recommendations on Micro-ATX boards that will work in with that


 I'd look for either MSI or Gigabyte boards as both brands do high
 quality products. And I would also choose a solution with integrated
 VGA (ATI) to keep the case as clean and organized as possible with the
 less cables and cooling fans as I can (less coolers, less dust :-P).
 Also, I would look for a BIOS (non UEFI) product.
 This last I have been trying to do, but the large manufacturers seem to
 be somewhat shy about listing what BIOS is available on each board these

Agree, manufacturers are hidding these advanced specs (sigh...) to the 
users so when you find a board of you liking, just directly ask them 
about this.

 I usually go for ASUS, but their site is a nightmare to navigate,
 compared to how it used to be.

Asus used to be in my list but since my good P2B-S and CUV4X (both for 
Pentium III) I've only read but problems and issues with their new boards 
and Linux. You know, all that fancy turbo-mega-hyper-silent-green-dual-
bios-fast-recovery stuff that can indeed work fine when you load the 
Windows drivers ;-P



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Re: alsa-base breaks linux-sound-base

2012-08-22 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 00:24:46 -0500, Charles Kroeger wrote:

 linux-sound-base gets removed on the upgrade and replaced with alsa-base

What upgrade are you referring to? Sid?

 but no sound.
 If linux-sound-base is reinstalled then alsa-base is removed
 but still no sound

Mmmm, it has to be something related with:

   * Drop linux-sound-base: OSS was removed from the kernel pre-squeeze.
 (closes: #662038). Remove all module list generation machinery,
 it's now obsolete.
   * Removing linux-sound-base also closes: #376241, #558408 the hard way.

Review the referenced bug reports and if there's nothing that solves the 
problem you're facing you can report it.



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Re: Changing to digest form

2012-08-22 Thread Gary Roach

On 08/21/2012 11:26 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Tue, 2012-08-21 at 13:51 -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:

Camaleón wrote:

Gary Roach wrote:

I'm presently using the standard form of this mailing list and wish to
change to the digest form.

If you want to post replies, I wouldn't do it :-/

Agreed strongly!  Please do not post replies from a digest.


Can I just re-subscribe to the digest form or do I have to unsubscribe
from the standard for as well.

You will have to unsusbscribe for one (normal) and then subscribe for
the other (digest) but again, reconsider it... if you don't want to store
messages in your hard disk you can use a newsreader and NNTP, no
subscription nor local space needed.

People using digests usually don't know how to reply using them and
cause a lot of problems.  Please don't be the source of problems.
Using a digested mailing list is hard!  You need special tools in
order to burst the digest to read and reply to it.

As Camaleón writes people that think they might want the digest form
would be much better served by using the newsgroups.  Or Gmane.  Or
other web archive reader.  I use the mailing list interface.  But to
avoid the problems of a digest I will suggest Gmane as one of the less
objectionable alternatives.  Try this.


Web page reader using frames and threads:


While my MUA is able to handle replies to digest correctly, digest
anyway caused that much trouble, that I canceled it and subscribed to
the normal mailing list again.



I'm convinced. I'll stay with the normal list. I just needed to get used 
to the difference. I quit the digest because it broke for me. This form 
takes a little longer to go through but not significantly so.

I hope that this is the correct way to reply. I don't want to clutter up 
Ralf's normal in box with debian messages. I notice that a few of the 
lists messages are showing up in mine. The filter doesn't catch them 
because they are directly from the sender instead of from debian lists.

Gary R

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Re: compressor

2012-08-22 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 21:40:36 +0800, lina wrote:

 Basically which compressor is the most efficient one.

Ha, that's like asking what do clouds smell like? :-)

 I got 2T data, basically won't get a chance to use in future, but still
 need to keep there at least for the next two years just in case.
 so I tried the xz, but xz not support the directory? or maybe I don't
 know how to compress the directory.

This may help:
 now tried the .bz2, but still very large.

For my usual data backup I use tar and bz2 though I don't expect to compress 
too much but I need the best interop and compatibility.

Anyway, what kind of data is that heap of 2 TiB?

Multimedia binary files (image, video, audio...) use their own 
compression algorithms so you are not going to get any noticeable gain 
when compressing these kind of files.

For general purpose data compression, Wikipedia has a good list:

And also some info on benchmarks:



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Re: compressor

2012-08-22 Thread lina
On Wednesday 22,August,2012 11:43 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 21:40:36 +0800, lina wrote:
 Basically which compressor is the most efficient one.
 Ha, that's like asking what do clouds smell like? :-)
 I got 2T data, basically won't get a chance to use in future, but still
 need to keep there at least for the next two years just in case.

 so I tried the xz, but xz not support the directory? or maybe I don't
 know how to compress the directory.
 This may help:
 now tried the .bz2, but still very large.
 For my usual data backup I use tar and bz2 though I don't expect to compress 
 too much but I need the best interop and compatibility.
 Anyway, what kind of data is that heap of 2 TiB?
Thanks. those data files accumulated there for 2 years, today just do
the clear up.
 Multimedia binary files (image, video, audio...) use their own 
 compression algorithms so you are not going to get any noticeable gain 
 when compressing these kind of files.
 For general purpose data compression, Wikipedia has a good list:
 And also some info on benchmarks:
Thanks again for those links.

Warm regards,

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