Re: Xerrada sobre Sobirania Tecnològica (Difusió a guifi)

2013-04-10 Thread Adrià
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 03:26:14AM +0200, Mònica Ramírez Arceda wrote:
 On Tue, 2013-04-09 at 23:30 +0200, Blackhold wrote:
  El bloc 3 serà una mica extens (per al munt de temàtiques
  introduïdes), totes les persones que parlarem al bloc 3 farem un
  treball de síntesi bastant important, però els 20 minuts disponibles
  els gastarem en explicar els diferents temes. Si intentem explicar un
  tema, i després preguntes, no acabarem mai.
 Potser no cal tocar tots els temes de la llista. I només parlar
 d'aquells que la gent tingui interès.
 D'altra banda, hem de tenir present que cada punt exposat en cada bloc
 dóna per una xerrada d'una hora sencera (o més!). Potser m'equivoco,
 però la idea seria fer cinc cèntims de cada cosa i fer que el públic
 pregunti i en sigui protagonista. Almenys és el que vaig entendre jo...

Precisament vaig ser jo qui va aixecar la llebre amb OpenData, però
penso que tampoc hem de pretendre donar tanta informació com sigui 
possible en 60-90' sinó donar la que puguin assimilar, per no

  Crec que seria interessant redactar un document amb referències i que
  així les tinguin i les puguin consultar un cop hagi acabat la xerrada.
 Jo havia pensat d'imprimir alguna cosa de la filosofia de Debian (ja que
 tot plegat ha sortit d'aquesta llista), però dubto que tingui temps de
 fer un recopilatori de tot. Si algú té temps/ganes, endavant! 
 Fins divendres! 

Jo portaré impreses les 4 llibertats i el Contracte Social de Debian.

Fins divendres.

Adrià García-Alzórriz
GPG Key: 09494C14

A perro que no conozcas, nunca le espantes las moscas. 

Description: Digital signature

Re: impossible to bring up eth0 without link up at boot time

2013-04-10 Thread stephane . gargoly
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Dans son message du 09/04/13 à 21:33, Sylvain Sauvage a écrit :
 […] Petite correction : […]
 Donc allons-y ;o)
  De plus, quelque soit au tout début de ma conversion à
  Linux ou aujourd'hui (voire demain), quelque soit avant ou
  après l'installation d'un système GNU/Linux, je consulte
  toujours la documentation (qu'elle soit spécifique à la
  distribution ou non).
 D’abord, c’est toujours « quel(le)(s) que soi(en)t » et jamais 
 « quelque ».
 Ensuite, je pense qu’ici, c’est plutôt « que ce soit » que tu 
 voulais dire.

D'accord. Donc le fautif se mettra dans un coin avec un bonnet d'âne sur la 

De plus, il copiera cent fois la phrase suivante : De plus, quels que soient 
au tout début de ma conversion à Linux ou aujourd'hui (voire demain), que ce 
soit avant ou après l'installation d'un système GNU/Linux, je consulte toujours 
la documentation (qu'elle soit spécifique à la distribution ou non). :-D

Cordialement et à bientôt,


Une messagerie gratuite, garantie à vie et des services en plus, ça vous tente ?
Je crée ma boîte mail

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Re: impossible to bring up eth0 without link up at boot time

2013-04-10 Thread stephane . gargoly
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Dans son message du 09/04/13 à 23:57, Bzzz a écrit :
 J'ai tjrs considéré que Débian était une distro orientée admin;
 pour le pousse-bouton, il existe trudububu avec les risques
 inhérents à des packages dont la sécurité reste à tester.
 Vouloir tout et tout de suite est à la mode actuellement… jusqu'à
 ce qu'on gros crash vienne remette les pendules à l'heure (et pas
 que pour l'informatique); alors, avoir une politique inflexible sur
 la sécurité, même au prix d'une certaine obsolescence, ne me paraît
 pas si déplacé que cela, d'autant qu'un tas de solutions qui 
 gravitent autour de Debian existent pour palier à ces problèmes.
 Et pour ce qui est de l'installation, le fait que certains packages
 viennent sans configuration de base me semble particulièrement
 Encore une fois, celui qui cherche une distro user friendly devrait
 plus se reporter vers trudububu ou d'autres.
 Parce qu'il y a quand même un point à ne pas perdre de vue: Debian
 est LA distro plébiscité par les admins…

Je suis assez d'accord avec les avis des intervenants qui ont répondu à mon 
message du 09/04/13 à 21:12.

Néanmoins et pour ajouter à ce j'ai dit dans mon précédent message, tous 
ceux-ci ne doivent pas nous décourager ou nous interdire de faciliter le 
travail des administrateurs et des utilisateurs (et pas seulement pendant le 
processus d'installation d'un système Debian) qu'ils soient des simples 
débutants (mais plein de bonne volonté) ou déjà très expérimentés.

Surtout si nous voulons répondre l'ambition de notre distribution préférée 
d'être le système d'exploitation universel.

En fait, il n'y a qu'au moment où on veut un système quelque peu personnalisé 
qu'il faudra se résoudre de mettre la main à la pâte comme on dit. :-)

tu veux bien sortir avec moi ?
je sortirais avec toi le jour où tous les linuxiens
 seront d'accord sur la meilleure distribution

Euh là, ce n'est pas gagné (et pour longtemps encore) ! :-D

Cordialement et à bientôt,


Une messagerie gratuite, garantie à vie et des services en plus, ça vous tente ?
Je crée ma boîte mail

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Re: impossible to bring up eth0 without link up at boot time

2013-04-10 Thread admini

Le 09/04/2013 23:36, Manu Baylac a écrit :

Le 09/04/2013 22:46, Bzzz a écrit :

Je plussois, plusieurs de mes connaissances sont sous Debian
et je me connecte rélugièrement pour faire les MàJ par SSH
(quoique pour le prochain ça deviendra chiant, étant donné que
dyndns n'est plus gratuit et que mes 5 possibilités sont épuisées).
j'ai fait ça pour mes 4 amis et proches parents, avec openvpn. les 
postes se connectent au serveur vpn automatiquement bien entendu. et un 
x11vnc au cas où le grand-père ne sait plus commenter aller sur yahoo. 
tous les postes sont derrière un FW bien entendu.

Jusqu'ici, à part l'installation de pgms correspondant à leurs
attentes, je n'ai eu aucune récrimination (ni PB:). Tous sont
sous XFCE et personne n'a moufté par rapport à w$.

\o/ On est tous d'accord. Donc si l'on revient au mail source de ce 
thread, je cite :

cela signifie qu'une install de debian requière (encore) un vrai 
admin linux debian (car sous ubuntu ou même bsd, j'ai pas ce genre de 
soucis). là vraiment, c'est honteux quoi. je suis fâché.

Y'a de quoi remettre les points sur les i non ?
en effet, le ton peut être dur, suite à mon immense déception. j'aurais 
peut-être du mettre un xubuntu ... voire, un pcBSD.

Et même si je ne mets pas de smiley ni de phrase de politesse à la 
fin, tout ceci reste sur un ton très cordial :-)


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Re: impossible to bring up eth0 without link up at boot time

2013-04-10 Thread honeyshell
Bonjour /All,

Dès la fin de l’installation de Debian, tu te retrouves dans ton
sources.list pour le modifier! Donc oui, Debian n'est pas user-friendly,
il est advanced-user. Il est fait pour l'utilisateur qui souhaite
paramétrer lui-même son environnement. Et c'est là la force de Debian, de
préparer des deb stables tout en laissant l'aspect modulaire. Tout en étant
plus simple qu'une Arch.
Et c'est la raison pour laquelle il existe des distributions comme Ubuntu
LinuxMint et autres, qui se basent sur cette stabilité/modularité en
pré-configurant l'ensemble de la distribution.

Pour résumer l'écosystème GNU/Linux
super geek, super advanced-user = gentoo, Archlinux
advanced-user administrators  = Debian RedHat
newby-user on desktop/laptop = Ubuntu,  LinuxMint, Maegia, Fedora ... pour
ne citer que les plus connus

La déception provient souvent d'une manque d'information sur le produit.
Moi aussi, je suis chaque jour déçu par M$ lorsque je sais ce que je peux
faire sous GNU/Linux!

2013/4/10 admini

 Le 09/04/2013 23:36, Manu Baylac a écrit :

  Le 09/04/2013 22:46, Bzzz a écrit :

  Je plussois, plusieurs de mes connaissances sont sous Debian
 et je me connecte rélugièrement pour faire les MàJ par SSH
 (quoique pour le prochain ça deviendra chiant, étant donné que
 dyndns n'est plus gratuit et que mes 5 possibilités sont épuisées).

 j'ai fait ça pour mes 4 amis et proches parents, avec openvpn. les postes
 se connectent au serveur vpn automatiquement bien entendu. et un x11vnc au
 cas où le grand-père ne sait plus commenter aller sur yahoo. tous les
 postes sont derrière un FW bien entendu.

 Jusqu'ici, à part l'installation de pgms correspondant à leurs
 attentes, je n'ai eu aucune récrimination (ni PB:). Tous sont
 sous XFCE et personne n'a moufté par rapport à w$.

 \o/ On est tous d'accord. Donc si l'on revient au mail source de ce
 thread, je cite :

 cela signifie qu'une install de debian requière (encore) un vrai admin
 linux debian (car sous ubuntu ou même bsd, j'ai pas ce genre de soucis). là
 vraiment, c'est honteux quoi. je suis fâché.

 Y'a de quoi remettre les points sur les i non ?

 en effet, le ton peut être dur, suite à mon immense déception. j'aurais
 peut-être du mettre un xubuntu ... voire, un pcBSD.

 Et même si je ne mets pas de smiley ni de phrase de politesse à la fin,
 tout ceci reste sur un ton très cordial :-)


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[HS] Connexion distante sans DynDNS

2013-04-10 Thread Sébastien NOBILI

Le mardi 09 avril 2013 à 22:46, Bzzz a écrit :
 (quoique pour le prochain ça deviendra chiant, étant donné que
 dyndns n'est plus gratuit et que mes 5 possibilités sont épuisées).

J'ai été confronté récemment au même problème, j'ai passé tout mon petit monde
chez, la mise-à-jour de l'IP se fait via inadyn sous Debian.


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Re: impossible to bring up eth0 without link up at boot time

2013-04-10 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 10:42:58AM +0200, honeyshell a écrit :
 Dès la fin de l’installation de Debian, tu te retrouves dans ton
 sources.list pour le modifier! Donc oui, Debian n'est pas user-friendly,
 il est advanced-user. Il est fait pour l'utilisateur qui souhaite
 paramétrer lui-même son environnement.


Debian fonctionne très bien avec un installation par défaut, comme rappelé plus
haut dans ce fil de discussion.

On peut configurer et modifier le système, mais ce n'est pas une nécessité.
Avoir un système qui fonctionne bien avec les choix par défauts est un des buts
de Debian.


Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: impossible to bring up eth0 without link up at boot time

2013-04-10 Thread Erwan David
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 02:24:58PM CEST, Charles Plessy 
 Le Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 10:42:58AM +0200, honeyshell a écrit :
  Dès la fin de l’installation de Debian, tu te retrouves dans ton
  sources.list pour le modifier! Donc oui, Debian n'est pas user-friendly,
  il est advanced-user. Il est fait pour l'utilisateur qui souhaite
  paramétrer lui-même son environnement.
 Debian fonctionne très bien avec un installation par défaut, comme rappelé 
 haut dans ce fil de discussion.
 On peut configurer et modifier le système, mais ce n'est pas une nécessité.
 Avoir un système qui fonctionne bien avec les choix par défauts est un des 
 de Debian.

Une installation par défaut ne peux pas répondre à tous les besoins. C'est 
juste un défaut.

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Re: impossible to bring up eth0 without link up at boot time

2013-04-10 Thread admini

Le 10/04/2013 14:24, Charles Plessy a écrit :

Le Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 10:42:58AM +0200, honeyshell a écrit :

Dès la fin de l’installation de Debian, tu te retrouves dans ton
sources.list pour le modifier! Donc oui, Debian n'est pas user-friendly,
il est advanced-user. Il est fait pour l'utilisateur qui souhaite
paramétrer lui-même son environnement.


Debian fonctionne très bien avec un installation par défaut, comme rappelé plus
haut dans ce fil de discussion.
ben comme je l'ai décrit dans le poste initial. une installation par 
défaut de wheezy, avec environnement graphique coché lors de l'install, 
ne retrouve pas le réseau filaire si le câble n'est pas branché au boot.
il y a mile et une façon de remédier à ça, bien entendu. et la solution 
a été trouvée peu après. ça serait dû à une mise à jour de testing à un 
moment donné qui bugait??? le laptop est parti à l'étranger, impossible 
et pas envie de refaire l'install pour retester.

On peut configurer et modifier le système, mais ce n'est pas une nécessité.
Avoir un système qui fonctionne bien avec les choix par défauts est un des buts
de Debian.


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Re: impossible to bring up eth0 without link up at boot time

2013-04-10 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 02:54:28PM +0200, admini a écrit :
 ben comme je l'ai décrit dans le poste initial. une installation par
 défaut de wheezy, avec environnement graphique coché lors de
 l'install, ne retrouve pas le réseau filaire si le câble n'est pas
 branché au boot.
 il y a mile et une façon de remédier à ça, bien entendu. et la
 solution a été trouvée peu après. ça serait dû à une mise à jour de
 testing à un moment donné qui bugait??? le laptop est parti à
 l'étranger, impossible et pas envie de refaire l'install pour

Si le comportement persiste sur une installation fraîche, c'est un bug qu'il
faut rapporter.  Par défaut, Wheezy doit installer GNOME et NetworkManager, qui
détecte à chaud quand un cable réseau est branché ou débranché.  Le CD 1
d'installation sera produit en s'assurant qu'il contiendra le paquet
network-manager, afin que Debian par défaut prenne en charge le réseau sans
configuration au préalable dans les mêmes conditions que ses concurrents.

Bonne journée,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: impossible to bring up eth0 without link up at boot time

2013-04-10 Thread Manu Baylac


Le 10/04/2013 14:24, Charles Plessy a écrit :

Debian fonctionne très bien avec un installation par défaut, comme rappelé plus
haut dans ce fil de discussion.

Dans beaucoup de cas, mais c'est loin d'être une réalité (cf. mes autres 
mails). Et une fois de plus, je rappelle le mail source du thread, un 
autre passage :

 je suis en train de m'amuser avec un wheezy sur un laptop toshiba, 
dont le chip eth n'est pas supporté par la squeeze.

Exemple concret. A la base, on se fiche même du niveau de l'utilisateur. 
Mais le même cd installé par la même personne qui installe une squeeze, 
je dirais que le par défaut tout marche est proche du 100% avec un 
Dell, un hp, asus (je ne fais pas de pub) et à moins de 50% avec un acer 
(beurk), fujitsu-siemens etc...


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Re: impossible to bring up eth0 without link up at boot time

2013-04-10 Thread Manu Baylac


Le 10/04/2013 15:48, Manu Baylac a écrit :

Dans beaucoup de cas, mais c'est loin d'être une réalité



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Re: samba 4 gpo

2013-04-10 Thread isador

J'ai mis en place un domaine Samba4 depuis quelques mois, j'ai un Windows
2008 avec RSAT pour gérer facilement quelques GPO.Cela fonctionne bien,
cependant j'ai un petit soucis, si par hasard quelqu'un a une idée : 

-  Si je crée de nouvelles GPO   (et donc que je ne touche pas à la Default
Domain Policy),  un message d'erreur est renvoyé, et les paramètres ne sont
pas appliqués lorsque je clique sur 'Appliquer'.

L'erreur n'est pas très explicite, mis à part un commentaire
J'aurais aimé ne pas modifier trop la stratégie par défaut du domaine.

View this message in context:
Sent from the debian-user-french mailing list archive at

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Lodzkie Dni IT-wiosna-2013.

2013-04-10 Thread Krzysztof Zubik

Za nieco ponad tydzien bedzie kolejne spotkanie.
Lodzkie dni IT.

Witryna pod  i wydarzenie na Facebooku pod

Czas i miejsce.
I dzień - 24 kwietnia 2013.
Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki UŁ - ul. Banacha 22.
II dzień - 25 kwietnia 2013.
Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej UŁ - ul. Pomorska 149/153.

Oto wstepna agenda.

I dzień - 24 kwietnia 2013 - Open Source w zastosowaniach komercyjnych
Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki UŁ - ul. Banacha 22

Poniżej przedstawiamy jedynie część tematów, które zostaną zaprezentowane:

09:00 - 09:30 Rejestracja uczestników

09:30 - 10:30 TypeScript – poznaj JavaScript na sterydach - Comarch

10:45 - 11:45 Temat w przygotowaniu - Accenture

12:00 - 13:00 Jeden login do wszystkiego - uwierzytelnianie i 
autoryzacja pomiędzy aplikacjami internetowymi -

13:15 - 14:15 Projekty Open Source bez których nie istniałby Internet w 
takiej jak dziś formie - Ericpol

14:30 - 15:30 SONAR - platforma do zarządzania jakością kodu - Izabela 
Superson - Transition Technologies

15:45 - 16:30 GENIVI - otwarty samochód nowej generacji - Konrad 
Zapałowicz, Senior Software Consultant - Cybercom

II dzień - 25 kwietnia 2013 - Technologie i urządzenia mobilne
Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej UŁ - ul. Pomorska 149/153

10:00 - 10:30 Rejestracja uczestników

10:30 - 11:30 Stary, gdzie moja pamięć? - Mobica

11:45 - 12:45 Sencha Touch! Szybki sposób na wieloplatformowe aplikacje 
mobilne - Transition Technologies

13:00 - 13:45 Zielony robot i mapy. Nowe znaczy lepsze? - Maciej Górski, 
Software Consultant - Cybercom

Przyjezdnym proponuje tani nocleg w Szkolnym Schronisku Mlodziezowym
blizszy budynek ul. Legionow 27 , lub dalszy ul. ul. Zamenhofa 13.
Witryna pod Rezerwacja pod tel. (42) 630-66-80.
Pokoj 1-osobowy bez lazienki 45 zl./doba.

Uczestnikom z Trojmiasta i okolic proponuje nastepujaca podorz
Ja jade dzien wczesniej.

Wyjazd. 23 kwietnia. Wtorek.

Gdansk-Glowny godz. 7 : 10 -- Lodz-Kaliska godz. 14 : 18.
TLK. 53102. Stoczniowiec.  Bilet normalny w jedna strone 66 zl.
(rel. Gdynia -- Krakow.) Ja pojade w wagonie 7 miejsce 66 okno.

Powrot. 25 kwietnia. Czwartek.

Lodz-Kaliska godz. 23 : 45 -- Gdansk-Glowny godz. 6 : 04.
TLK. 45200. Pogoria. (rel. Bielsko-Biala -- Gdynia.)

Obok siebie jak zwykle postawie Pingwinka TUX-a. Czy i kto
mialby ochote mnie towarzyszyc w kolejnej podrozy i szerzeniu linuxowej idei
Open Source?

Open Source jest dziś największym i najważniejszym nurtem w sektorze IT 
- albo dasz się ponieść na fali, albo utoniesz próbując płynąć pod prąd...

Konczac Pozdrawiam. Krzysztof.

Registered Linux User: 253243
Powered by Aurox 11.0, Ubuntu Studio 8.04 i Fedora 9.0
Krzysztof Zubik. ||

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Statistik Penerjemahan Debian Handbook

2013-04-10 Thread Zaki Akhmad

Saya baru tahu ada fitur untuk mengetahui statistik penerjemahan di publican.

Saya baru menyelesaikan bab 00a, 00b, dan 01. Bab 15 sedang proses.
Ada yang tertarik untuk kontribusi?

Berikut statistik penerjemahan debian handbook:

$ publican lang_stats --lang=id-ID

File Name   Untranslated  Fuzzy Translated
id-ID/00a_preface.po   0  0337
id-ID/00b_foreword.po  0  0   3365
id-ID/01_the-debian-project.po 0  0  11127
id-ID/02_case-study.po  1778  0  1
id-ID/03_existing-setup.po  1737  0  1
id-ID/04_installation.po7417  0  1
id-ID/05_packaging-system.po8775  0  1
id-ID/06_apt.po11728  0  1
id-ID/07_solving-problems.po3612  0  1
id-ID/08_basic-configuration.po15507  0  1
id-ID/09_unix-services.po  14399  0  1
id-ID/10_network-infrastructure.po  8937  0  1
id-ID/11_network-services.po   13814  0  1
id-ID/12_advanced-administration.po19798  0  1
id-ID/13_workstation.po 5820  0  1
id-ID/14_security.po   13049  0  1
id-ID/15_debian-packaging.po  62  0   6299
id-ID/70_conclusion.po   626  0  1
id-ID/90_derivative-distributions.po1205  0  1
id-ID/92_short-remedial-course.po   5517  0  1
id-ID/Author_Group.po  4  0  1
id-ID/Book_Info.po   254  0  1
id-ID/Revision_History.po  4  0  1
id-ID/debian-handbook.po   0  0  1
Total for id-ID   134043  0  21148
Remaining hours for id-ID 536.17   0.00

Zaki Akhmad

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Re: Monitorizar y cargar una determinada página web con nagios

2013-04-10 Thread maykel

El 2013-04-09 19:46, Maykel Franco Hernandez escribió:

El abr 9, 2013 6:42 p.m., Camaleón escribió:
  El Tue, 09 Apr 2013 18:21:27 +0200, maykel escribió:
   Hola muy buenas, he instalado nagios sobre debian y tengo una 
   duda en el binario de plugin check_http. Me funciona bien y 
demás, el
   tema es que me gustaría que no sólo comprobará si está abierto 
   puerto, ni que existe una determinada página, sino que la 

  ¿Que la cargue dónde, en el navegador? :-?
   check_http -H [1] -u
[2]  -- esto no
   me valdría, puesto que śolo comprueba si existe ésa página web.
   No sé si será posible, porque viendo las opciones de nagios no 
lo he

   encontrado. [3]
  Hum... sin tener muy claro qué es lo que quieres hacer 
  Google recomienda el plugin check_selenium o 
check_website_speed para
  simular lo que sería la carga de una página web (tiempo de 

  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

  Archive:$e9b$ [4]

Gracias camaleon es justo lo que necesitaba. Que me compruebe el
tiempo en cargar la pagina y que si no pueda cargarla o supere um
tiempo maximo me envie un correo nagios.

Voy a probar a ver si lo consigo.

Gracias Camaleon.



Para quien le interese, voy a poner aqui como lo he realizado al final, 
a más de uno le será muy útil.

He usado al final el script check_website_response --,-Forms-and-Transactions/Check-website-response/details

Lo primero que he probado, ha sido ejecutar el script con sus 
parámetros de testing:

./ -w 1000 -c 3000 -u
RESPONSE: OK - 50 ms|Response=50ms;1000;3000;0

Pasos que he realizado:

1- Me descargo el script y lo dejo donde están los plugins de check en 
2- Hay que definir el script como un comando para que lo pueda usar 
nagios, abrimos /etc/nagios3/commands.cfg y añadimos:

# ‘check_website_responce’ command definition
define command{
command_name check_website_response
$USER1$/ -u $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ $ARG4$


Reiniciamos nagios3 para comprobar que no hay error de sintaxis, a mí 
me los ha dado porque estas lineas las he copiado de

3. Usamos el comando para monitorizar una página de un servicio web, 
abrimos (en mi caso) el fichero cfg donde he definido los hosts y los 
servicios a monitorizar y añado:

define service{
use generic-service
host_name   prueba
service_description HTTP-Load-Page


Espero les sirva.

Saludos y gracias por todo Camaleón.

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Re: [OT] Impresora multifunción WI-FI

2013-04-10 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 09 Apr 2013 20:58:37 -0300, Ariel Martín Bellio escribió:

 El 09/04/2013 10:25 a.m., Camaleón escribió:


 De todas formas, considera pagar 300$ por una láser a color, te aseguro
 que la amortizas en un año y tu corazón (tu salud en general) te lo
 agradecerá. Las impresoras de inyección de tinta son un auténtico saca-
 cuartos :-/

 Lo que busco es carísimo

No sé cómo está la divisa argentina pero sí, los equipos láser/led (y 
encima a color) son más caros, eso ya te lo dije, pero realmente 
merecen la pena. Obviamente siempre dependerá del uso que le des y de
la suerte que tengas con el dispositivo pero en el 95% de los casos te 
diría que el láser es la mejor opción.

Por otra parte, considera si necesitas un equipo multifunción en lugar de 
una impresora ya que las impresoras láser/led son mucho más baratas que 
los MFD y son realmente compactas (en comparación con los equipos de hace 
unos años). 

También podrías pensar en adquirir un equipo de segunda mano donde los 
precios te bajan hasta casi más 50% del PVP, es cuestión de buscar.

En cuanto a marcas majas (buena relación calidad-precio) para impresoras 
láser/led son: HP, OKI, Brother o Samsung (huye de fabricantes como Canon 
o Lexmark). Es importante que tengan soporte para emulación del lenguaje 

Pero si realmente no tienes más posibilidad que una impresora 
multifunción a chorro de tinta, no lo dudes: HP.



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Re: Monitorizar y cargar una determinada página web con nagios

2013-04-10 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 10 Apr 2013 13:02:17 +0200, maykel escribió:

 Para quien le interese, voy a poner aqui como lo he realizado al final,
 a más de uno le será muy útil.
 He usado al final el script check_website_response --,-Forms-and-Transactions/Check-website-response/details

(no carga la página...)

Hala, ya te has cargado el sitio ;-P,-Forms-and-Transactions/Check-website-response/

 Lo primero que he probado, ha sido ejecutar el script con sus parámetros
 de testing:
 ./ -w 1000 -c 3000 -u
 RESPONSE: OK - 50 ms|Response=50ms;1000;3000;0


O sea, defines unos parámetros de tiempo límite en el plugin que entiendo 
son los que harán saltar una alerta administrativa en Nagios en el caso de 
sobrepasarse cuando esté en modo de monitorización. 

Mola, es como lo que tienen los de Pingdom ¿no?

Prueba con una página lentorra (p. ej.,;) a 
ver cómo te pone Nagios en Defcon 2.



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Re: Monitorizar y cargar una determinada página web con nagios

2013-04-10 Thread maykel

El 2013-04-10 13:02, escribió:

El 2013-04-09 19:46, Maykel Franco Hernandez escribió:

El abr 9, 2013 6:42 p.m., Camaleón escribió:
  El Tue, 09 Apr 2013 18:21:27 +0200, maykel escribió:
   Hola muy buenas, he instalado nagios sobre debian y tengo una 
   duda en el binario de plugin check_http. Me funciona bien y 
demás, el
   tema es que me gustaría que no sólo comprobará si está abierto 
   puerto, ni que existe una determinada página, sino que la 

  ¿Que la cargue dónde, en el navegador? :-?
   check_http -H [1] -u
[2]  -- esto no
   me valdría, puesto que śolo comprueba si existe ésa página web.
   No sé si será posible, porque viendo las opciones de nagios no 
lo he

   encontrado. [3]
  Hum... sin tener muy claro qué es lo que quieres hacer 
  Google recomienda el plugin check_selenium o 
check_website_speed para
  simular lo que sería la carga de una página web (tiempo de 

  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
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  Archive:$e9b$ [4]

Gracias camaleon es justo lo que necesitaba. Que me compruebe el
tiempo en cargar la pagina y que si no pueda cargarla o supere um
tiempo maximo me envie un correo nagios.

Voy a probar a ver si lo consigo.

Gracias Camaleon.



Para quien le interese, voy a poner aqui como lo he realizado al
final, a más de uno le será muy útil.

He usado al final el script check_website_response --,-Forms-and-Transactions/Check-website-response/details

Lo primero que he probado, ha sido ejecutar el script con sus
parámetros de testing:

./ -w 1000 -c 3000 -u

RESPONSE: OK - 50 ms|Response=50ms;1000;3000;0

Pasos que he realizado:

1- Me descargo el script y lo dejo donde están los plugins de check
en /usr/lib/nagios/plugins
2- Hay que definir el script como un comando para que lo pueda usar
nagios, abrimos /etc/nagios3/commands.cfg y añadimos:

# ‘check_website_responce’ command definition
define command{

$USER1$/ -u $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ 


Reiniciamos nagios3 para comprobar que no hay error de sintaxis, a mí
me los ha dado porque estas lineas las he copiado de

3. Usamos el comando para monitorizar una página de un servicio web,
abrimos (en mi caso) el fichero cfg donde he definido los hosts y los
servicios a monitorizar y añado:

define service{
use generic-service
host_name   prueba
service_description HTTP-Load-Page



Espero les sirva.

Saludos y gracias por todo Camaleón.

Una ultima cosilla, podría monitorizar nagios a los respectivos host 
usando snmp? es decir, como hace cacti que defines los hosts 
configurando snmp para obtener los datos de los servidores a 

Actualmente, uso el plugin nrpe de nagios que utiliza el puerto 5666 


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Re: Monitorizar y cargar una determinada página web con nagios

2013-04-10 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 10 Apr 2013 17:40:14 +0200, maykel escribió:

(hay que ir borrando texto...)

 Una ultima cosilla, podría monitorizar nagios a los respectivos host
 usando snmp? es decir, como hace cacti que defines los hosts
 configurando snmp para obtener los datos de los servidores a
 Actualmente, uso el plugin nrpe de nagios que utiliza el puerto 5666

Pues supongo que sí, vamos, debe de ser una configuración muy común :-?

Tienes esto por aquí:
Check status of remote machines and obtain system information via SNMP

Y mira... en español:

Habilitar SNMP en Servidores Linux con CentOS  Red Hat



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Re: Monitorizar y cargar una determinada página web con nagios

2013-04-10 Thread Maykel Franco Hernandez
El abr 10, 2013 5:59 p.m., Camaleón escribió:

 El Wed, 10 Apr 2013 17:40:14 +0200, maykel escribió:

 (hay que ir borrando texto...)

  Una ultima cosilla, podría monitorizar nagios a los respectivos host
  usando snmp? es decir, como hace cacti que defines los hosts
  configurando snmp para obtener los datos de los servidores a
  Actualmente, uso el plugin nrpe de nagios que utiliza el puerto 5666

 Pues supongo que sí, vamos, debe de ser una configuración muy común :-?

 Tienes esto por aquí:
 Check status of remote machines and obtain system information via SNMP

 Y mira... en español:

 Habilitar SNMP en Servidores Linux con CentOS  Red Hat



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Muchas gracias. Pensaba que el check_snmp era para monitorizar servicio


OT: Mucho de cierto y un poco de humor

2013-04-10 Thread Javier Sánchez González
Esto circula por acá por nuestra lista de usuarios de las tecnologías libre. 
Saludos y que lo disfruten. El humor también es vida.
 ¿Cuantos usuarios de linux son necesarios para cambiar una

   - 1 para postear en el hilo que la bombilla se quemó.
   - 1 para sugerir que intente encender la lámpara mediante linea de
   - 1 a quejarse de que el usuario rompió el hilo.
   - 1 para preguntar que nueva bombilla va a instalar.
   - 1 para advertir de que no debemos utilizar la palabra fuego para 
referirse  a que la bombilla no funciona, porque no hay combustión y que sería
   correcto decir que la bombilla se rompió debido a un exceso de corriente
   - 25 para sugerir la instalación de todos los tipos de bombillas
   existentes e imaginables.
   - 5 usuarios para decir que el problema de la bombilla quemada, es del
   upstream y no de la distro. Que hay un bug abierto en la lista de
   desarrolladores de la bombilla.
   - 1 “noob” para sugerir la instalación de una bombilla de microsoft.
   - 250 para inundar la casilla de correo electrónico del “noob“.
   - 300 para decir que una bombilla de Microsoft, se quedaría azul y
   tendrías que apagar y volver a encender continuamente para volver a la
   - 1 ex-usuario de linux que aún frecuenta la lista, para sugerir la
   instalación de una iBombilla de Apple, que tiene un diseño fresco e
   innovador y cuesta 250 $.
   - 20 para decir que las iBombillas no son libres, y tiene menos
   funciones que una bombilla estándar que es 20 veces más barata.
   - 15 para sugerir la instalación de una bombilla nacional.
   - 30 para decir que las bombillas nacionales, son remasters mal hechos
   de las extranjeras y que no aportan nada nuevo.
   - 23 para discutir si debe ser blanca o transparente.
   - 1 para recordar que el nombre correcto es GNU/Bombilla.
   - 1 para decir que las bombillas son cosa de Winusers y que los usuarios
   de Linux no tienen miedo a la oscuridad.
   - 1 para anunciar finalmente cual será el modelo de bombilla instalada.
   - 217 para descartar la elegida y sugerir otra.
   - Media docena para reclamar que la bombilla elegida tiene elementos
   propietarios, y que debería ser elegida otra.
   - 20 para decir que una bombilla totalmente libre, no es compatible con
   el interruptor de la lampara.
   - La media docena de antes, para sugerir que el interruptor sea
   cambiado por otro compatible.
   DE DIOS!”
   - 350 para preguntar al usuario anterior de que Dios está hablando, y si
   tiene pruebas científicas de su existencia.
   - 1 para decir que no podemos confiar en las bombillas hechas por las
   corporaciones y que debemos confiar en las bombillas hechas por la
   - 1 para postear un link de un archivo ODF que explica como construir
   una bombilla desde cero (from scratch).
   - 14 para quejarse del formato de archivo anterior y pedir que se lo
   envíe en txt o Latex.
   - 5 para decir que no les gustó la decisión tomada y van a crear un
   fork de la instalación eléctrica de casa e instalar una lampara mejor.
   - 1 para postear una serie de comandos que se deben introducir para
   cambiar la bombilla.
   - 1 para comentar que ejecutó las ordenes y recibió un mensaje de error.
   - 1 para advertir que los comandos se deben ejecutar como root y
   - El padre del usuario inicial, que mientras todos discutían, fue al
   almacén de la esquina y compró la bombilla más barata.


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: [OT] Impresora multifunción WI-FI

2013-04-10 Thread Ariel Martín Bellio

El 10/04/2013 10:28 a.m., Camaleón escribió:

El Tue, 09 Apr 2013 20:58:37 -0300, Ariel Martín Bellio escribió:

El 09/04/2013 10:25 a.m., Camaleón escribió:


De todas formas, considera pagar 300$ por una láser a color, te aseguro
que la amortizas en un año y tu corazón (tu salud en general) te lo
agradecerá. Las impresoras de inyección de tinta son un auténtico saca-
cuartos :-/

Lo que busco es carísimo

No sé cómo está la divisa argentina pero sí, los equipos láser/led (y
encima a color) son más caros, eso ya te lo dije, pero realmente
merecen la pena. Obviamente siempre dependerá del uso que le des y de
la suerte que tengas con el dispositivo pero en el 95% de los casos te
diría que el láser es la mejor opción.

Por otra parte, considera si necesitas un equipo multifunción en lugar de
una impresora ya que las impresoras láser/led son mucho más baratas que
los MFD y son realmente compactas (en comparación con los equipos de hace
unos años).

También podrías pensar en adquirir un equipo de segunda mano donde los
precios te bajan hasta casi más 50% del PVP, es cuestión de buscar.

En cuanto a marcas majas (buena relación calidad-precio) para impresoras
láser/led son: HP, OKI, Brother o Samsung (huye de fabricantes como Canon
o Lexmark). Es importante que tengan soporte para emulación del lenguaje

Pero si realmente no tienes más posibilidad que una impresora
multifunción a chorro de tinta, no lo dudes: HP.



Me recomendaron esta

¿Que opinan?

attachment: sisisisol.vcf

Re: OT: Mucho de cierto y un poco de humor

2013-04-10 Thread Jorge A. Secreto
El 10 de abril de 2013 15:56, Javier Sánchez González escribió:

 Esto circula por acá por nuestra lista de usuarios de las tecnologías
 Saludos y que lo disfruten. El humor también es vida.
  ¿Cuantos usuarios de linux son necesarios para cambiar una

Gracias Javier, hacía mucho que no lloraba de la risa

Re: [OT] Impresora multifunción WI-FI

2013-04-10 Thread Sergio Sanchez

On 10/04/13 16:49, Ariel Martín Bellio wrote:

El 10/04/2013 10:28 a.m., Camaleón escribió:

El Tue, 09 Apr 2013 20:58:37 -0300, Ariel Martín Bellio escribió:

El 09/04/2013 10:25 a.m., Camaleón escribió:


De todas formas, considera pagar 300$ por una láser a color, te 

que la amortizas en un año y tu corazón (tu salud en general) te lo
agradecerá. Las impresoras de inyección de tinta son un auténtico 

cuartos :-/

Lo que busco es carísimo 


No sé cómo está la divisa argentina pero sí, los equipos láser/led (y
encima a color) son más caros, eso ya te lo dije, pero realmente
merecen la pena. Obviamente siempre dependerá del uso que le des y de
la suerte que tengas con el dispositivo pero en el 95% de los casos te
diría que el láser es la mejor opción.

Por otra parte, considera si necesitas un equipo multifunción en 
lugar de

una impresora ya que las impresoras láser/led son mucho más baratas que
los MFD y son realmente compactas (en comparación con los equipos de 

unos años).

También podrías pensar en adquirir un equipo de segunda mano donde los
precios te bajan hasta casi más 50% del PVP, es cuestión de buscar.

En cuanto a marcas majas (buena relación calidad-precio) para impresoras
láser/led son: HP, OKI, Brother o Samsung (huye de fabricantes como 

o Lexmark). Es importante que tengan soporte para emulación del lenguaje

Pero si realmente no tienes más posibilidad que una impresora
multifunción a chorro de tinta, no lo dudes: HP.



Me recomendaron esta

¿Que opinan?


Antes de comprar algo, asegurate que despues consigas cartuchos de 

me pasó de comprar una impresora y que despues el mismo vendedor me
diga esos cartuchos no estan entrando

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Re: OT: Mucho de cierto y un poco de humor

2013-04-10 Thread Alberto Vicat

El 10/04/13 15:56, Javier Sánchez González escribió:

Esto circula por acá por nuestra lista de usuarios de las tecnologías libre.
Saludos y que lo disfruten. El humor también es vida.
  ¿Cuantos usuarios de linux son necesarios para cambiar una

- 1 para postear en el hilo que la bombilla se quemó.
- 1 para sugerir que intente encender la lámpara mediante linea de
- 1 a quejarse de que el usuario rompió el hilo.
- 1 para preguntar que nueva bombilla va a instalar.
- 1 para advertir de que no debemos utilizar la palabra fuego para
referirse  a que la bombilla no funciona, porque no hay combustión y que sería
correcto decir que la bombilla se rompió debido a un exceso de corriente
- 25 para sugerir la instalación de todos los tipos de bombillas
existentes e imaginables.
- 5 usuarios para decir que el problema de la bombilla quemada, es del
upstream y no de la distro. Que hay un bug abierto en la lista de
desarrolladores de la bombilla.
- 1 “noob” para sugerir la instalación de una bombilla de microsoft.
- 250 para inundar la casilla de correo electrónico del “noob“.
- 300 para decir que una bombilla de Microsoft, se quedaría azul y
tendrías que apagar y volver a encender continuamente para volver a la
- 1 ex-usuario de linux que aún frecuenta la lista, para sugerir la
instalación de una iBombilla de Apple, que tiene un diseño fresco e
innovador y cuesta 250 $.
- 20 para decir que las iBombillas no son libres, y tiene menos
funciones que una bombilla estándar que es 20 veces más barata.
- 15 para sugerir la instalación de una bombilla nacional.
- 30 para decir que las bombillas nacionales, son remasters mal hechos
de las extranjeras y que no aportan nada nuevo.
- 23 para discutir si debe ser blanca o transparente.
- 1 para recordar que el nombre correcto es GNU/Bombilla.
- 1 para decir que las bombillas son cosa de Winusers y que los usuarios
de Linux no tienen miedo a la oscuridad.
- 1 para anunciar finalmente cual será el modelo de bombilla instalada.
- 217 para descartar la elegida y sugerir otra.
- Media docena para reclamar que la bombilla elegida tiene elementos
propietarios, y que debería ser elegida otra.
- 20 para decir que una bombilla totalmente libre, no es compatible con
el interruptor de la lampara.
- La media docena de antes, para sugerir que el interruptor sea
cambiado por otro compatible.
- 350 para preguntar al usuario anterior de que Dios está hablando, y si
tiene pruebas científicas de su existencia.
- 1 para decir que no podemos confiar en las bombillas hechas por las
corporaciones y que debemos confiar en las bombillas hechas por la
- 1 para postear un link de un archivo ODF que explica como construir
una bombilla desde cero (from scratch).
- 14 para quejarse del formato de archivo anterior y pedir que se lo
envíe en txt o Latex.
- 5 para decir que no les gustó la decisión tomada y van a crear un
fork de la instalación eléctrica de casa e instalar una lampara mejor.
- 1 para postear una serie de comandos que se deben introducir para
cambiar la bombilla.
- 1 para comentar que ejecutó las ordenes y recibió un mensaje de error.
- 1 para advertir que los comandos se deben ejecutar como root y
- El padre del usuario inicial, que mientras todos discutían, fue al
almacén de la esquina y compró la bombilla más barata.

Muy bueno. Acabo de enlazarlo en el grupo de Debian en facebook.


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câmeras + ip dinâmico + NOip

2013-04-10 Thread Rodrigo Silva
Olá a todos,
Preciso acessar de fora da rede duas câmeras que estão na empresa.Aqui a 
internet o IP é dinâmico então fiz um cadastro no site do NOip criei um domínio 
lá mas não consigoacessar as câmeras pelo navegador.O que preciso verificar ? 
Porta 80 esta liberada mas como direciono  para que quando digite o endereço 
caia no IP da câmera ?Alguém ja passou por algo semelhante ?

Fwd: câmeras + ip dinâmico + NOip

2013-04-10 Thread Rodolfo
-- Mensagem encaminhada --
De: Rodolfo
Data: 10 de abril de 2013 17:04
Assunto: Re: câmeras + ip dinâmico + NOip
Para: Rodrigo Silva


Em 10 de abril de 2013 16:53, Rodrigo Silva escreveu:

 Olá a todos,

 Preciso acessar de fora da rede duas câmeras que estão na empresa.
 Aqui a internet o IP é dinâmico então fiz um cadastro no site do NOip
 criei um domínio lá mas não consigo
 acessar as câmeras pelo navegador.O que preciso verificar ? Porta 80 esta
 liberada mas como direciono  para que quando digite o endereço caia no IP
 da câmera ?
 Alguém ja passou por algo semelhante ?

Re: Fwd: câmeras + ip dinâmico + NOip

2013-04-10 Thread Mauro Collin
Esplique melhor sua estrutura de rede.
Em 10/04/2013 18:05, Rodolfo escreveu:

 -- Mensagem encaminhada --
 De: Rodolfo
 Data: 10 de abril de 2013 17:04
 Assunto: Re: câmeras + ip dinâmico + NOip
 Para: Rodrigo Silva


 Em 10 de abril de 2013 16:53, Rodrigo Silva rodrigo...@live.comescreveu:

  Olá a todos,

 Preciso acessar de fora da rede duas câmeras que estão na empresa.
 Aqui a internet o IP é dinâmico então fiz um cadastro no site do NOip
 criei um domínio lá mas não consigo
 acessar as câmeras pelo navegador.O que preciso verificar ? Porta 80 esta
 liberada mas como direciono  para que quando digite o endereço caia no IP
 da câmera ?
 Alguém ja passou por algo semelhante ?

[OFF]Emulador de Swicth SAN

2013-04-10 Thread Leandro Moreira
Caros, boa noite!

Alguem na lista ja ouvi falar de algum emulador de switch SAN.


Leandro Moreira
Network Administrator
LPIC1 - Linux Professional Institute Certified
Tel.: + 55(32) 9906-5713

Re: Tiling window manager based desktop environment (was: Re: MICROSOFT HIRED THESE PEOPLE TO SABOTAGE OPEN SOURCE)

2013-04-10 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 09 Apr 2013, wrote:
 To be honest, I must admit I found them absolutely useless too in
 tiling layout. But in stacked or tabbed ones, how could I see on
 what kind of window I'll go if I can not see their titles? (I guess
 this is why they are preserved by i3 in those layouts?)
 If I understand, what you want is a fullscreen mode where you can
 still switch windows?

Spectrwm doesn't have stacked windows in the way that i3 does. It has
much the same layouts as dwm, xmonad etc., i.e. with a master window
plus others beside it or beneath it, or fullscreen. 

Amyway, I'd say that both these are very good tiling WMs, and it's a
matter of personal taste which you prefer. Of course, tiling WMs in
general are an acquired taste and they are not for everyone.

Anthony Campbell -

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Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?

2013-04-10 Thread Morel Bérenger
Le Mar 9 avril 2013 18:59, David Christensen a écrit :
 I have used the proprietary NVIDIA driver in the past, but would like to
 use the free Debian drivers instead.

Free NVidia drivers by Debian does *not* exists. There is only a package
which installs NVidia's drivers.

The easier and simpler, if you do not need good 3D acceleration is to
install nouveau instead of NVidia, which is a driver made from reverse
In last kernels (around 3.8), it seems that there is also support for
better 3D acceleration, however I did not tried it since Debian at the
moment only have that kernel in experimental (and when I tried it, few
things broke. Did not investigate though).

Nouveau have the very good feature of not needing any Xorg.conf file: you
install it, you boot with it, it detects everything alone.

In short:
_ nouveau: free software, perfect integration in the system, average and
unfinished support (in linux 3.2 kernel) of 3D harware acceleration,
support all cards: both new and old(nouveau-vieu is what you would want).
_ NVidia: proprietary software, bad integration in the system, support for
advanced 3D features, no support for old cards.

 2.  How do I determine the current color depth (e.g. 8/16/24 bits per

xrandr --output port you used: VGA, HMDI, etc --list

 3.  How do I change the display settings -- resolution, refresh, color

xrandr --output port you used --mode your parameters

Play with xrandr in a terminal emulator, and when you have what you want,
add the command to your DE's startup list (depends on your DEs)

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Re: Pioneer BDR-*206* Internal Blu-Ray Disc DVD/CD writer and Debian

2013-04-10 Thread Darac Marjal
On Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 01:54:37PM -0700, David Christensen wrote:
 On 04/03/13 22:05, David Christensen wrote:
 I looks like it's time for a backup/ wipe/ reinstall cycle.
 9.  Another pop-up appears Error while burning.  Merging of data is
 impossible with this disc.  I click Save log (see below).
 Any suggestions?
 $ cat brasero-session.log
 Checking session consistency (brasero_burn_check_session_consistency
 Session error : Merging data is impossible with this disc
 (brasero_burn_record brasero-burn.c:2839)

According to this[1] bug (found by searching the internet for Merging data
is impossible with this disc), brasero doesn't support BluRay discs.


Description: Digital signature

Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?

2013-04-10 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2013-04-10 at 10:51 +0200, Morel Bérenger wrote:
 In last kernels (around 3.8), it seems that there is also support for
 better 3D acceleration

Nouveau was a PITA for a long time, but nowadays it usually works like a
charm, 3D acceleration is very good.


As mentioned by me in a previous post. You might need a modeline  and
you can get the needed values by

The command cvt resolution v-frequency, e.g.:

cvt 1152 864 90


Political correctness

I'm working for human rights and childcare, one of my latest jobs was
working 1 year with children from more than 40 nations. Many of them
ask for political asylum, because they will be killed in their

Everybody who calls me a racist, please send me a list with Islamic
nations that care for human rights.

Another issue is sexism. In Germany we've got locations where it's
forbidden for male musicians to doff a t-shirt on stage. Everybody who
advocate this, please send me recommendations how to avoid a heat

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Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?

2013-04-10 Thread Morel Bérenger
Le Mer 10 avril 2013 11:28, Ralf Mardorf a écrit :
 On Wed, 2013-04-10 at 10:51 +0200, Morel Bérenger wrote:

 In last kernels (around 3.8), it seems that there is also support for
 better 3D acceleration

 Nouveau was a PITA for a long time, but nowadays it usually works like a
 charm, 3D acceleration is very good.

It is not still not working like a charm, since I tried kernel 3.8 to try
a game (regnum online, bugged as hell, but at least it have a linux client
which is playable) which perfectly works with official NVidia. The result
with nouveau of 3.8 was only a black screen (for 3.2 the game simply said
that some features were lacking and closed).

Another problem I know by following linuxfr, is that automatic adjustment
of fan speed according to temperature is not functional. At least,
according to a guy who claimed to be a contributor of nouveau :) (I did
not checked his assertions, I have other things to do than mistrust people
which give fairly good technical explanations and are recognized by more
ancient people of the community than me)

There is still a lack of support for dual card configuration (I have such
configuration, but I do not use it anyway: my two cards are just cheap
ones and the second were bought after an error of mine about which
component of my computer was out of order...) and IIRC card switching that
we can find in some portable computers.

Of course, those features which are lacking are only for special cases,
and for all other stuff, nouveau is really good, my intent is not to deny
that fact, and I am waiting impatiently to see the 3.8 kernel in debian
testing, to get rid of that piece of crap named nvidia drivers, which only
give me problems and the ability to play one or two games I could not
otherwise play (nexuiz is still unplayable with nouveau 3.2 too, but it's
engine really became a PITA in performance point of view).

Wesnoth, unvanquished, openmw and so many other which have a free engine
works like a charm (on the graphic point of view, since I have real
problems with unvanquished, which I should try to solve, one day, because
this game is a really good -and different than average FPS- one).

Anyway, nouveau have always (since I know it, so, not so many time, maybe
2 years :D) be the best when you have no need for 3D features.
And now, 3D features are coming, so, I will profit from that message to
say Good job, guys, and thanks you a lot! to it's developers.

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Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?

2013-04-10 Thread Ralf Mardorf
Yes, AFAIK all your claims a correct! I needed the nv driver for a long
time, because nouveau completely didn't work, today it can be possible
(but it also still can be impossible) to use 3D and even to use the
driver for real-time applications, even for cards that completely didn't
work in the past. It's much better than it was a long time ago.

At the moment I use my ATI, it seems to be less good supported than my
NVIDIA. I switch the cards from time to time, regarding to unusual
needs, in my case it's audio real-time.

I still use xorg.conf, but it could be that xrandr does work as good as
the xorg.conf does work.

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wheezy still missing php5-suhosin

2013-04-10 Thread Andrew McGlashan

I'm working on a server replacement, the old (current) server is running
latest stable release and the new server is running from this downloaded
installer ISO:


Now, php5-suhosin provides some real protection against programming
problems that could very easily exist and it is not uncommon to see
messages from Debian stable installs reporting bugs / vulnerabilities
detected by suhosin

It seems to me that this is an essential package for most servers
running PHP5 and it's non-availability is a very serious concern.

I've found the following:

Will php5-suhosin be re-instated any time soon?  And if not, what
measures can we take to protect Wheezy servers now?


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Re: text from serial port + IP camera + Debian for loss prevention?

2013-04-10 Thread Richard Owlett

Nick Lidakis wrote:

Forgive me if I'm not using the proper terminology or not explaining
this properly. This aspect of running a small business is foreign to me.

My wife and I run a small independent coffee shop and I'm the geek in
charge. I've got m0n0wall running great with the customer wifi on DMZ and
all our machines on a private LAN. We've got a recycled Pentium 4 running
Debian stable for our Music Player Daemon server. Motherboard is a Tyan
with real serial ports.

We have a mid-line Casio cash register setup that has 2 serial ports. 1
is dedicated to the credit card machine. The other can be connected to a
serial pole display. I understand that this second serial port outputs
formatted text of all buttons pressed and transactions processed.

This is also useful for overlaying this text with a CCTV camera connected
to a DVR. Though, this setup limits how you can search for mistakes or theft,
having to sift through hours of video.

I'd like to do the following with Debian: Use the text from the serial
port in conjunction with an IP network camera connected to our server. I'd
like to be able to search the text for particular triggers, e.g., look at
video whenever someone hits the NS (no sale) key to open the drawer.

I think I can connect the Casio to one of the serial ports on the server and
capture data through tty(?).

The text would not necessarily need to be overlayed but must sync with the 
The Casio has a pretty accurate clock, running on 60Hz; the IP camera can
sync via NTP on our m0n0wall router.

I've Googled a few commercial solutions but they are very expensive and
are proprietary. One is this:

I'm thinking something like this must have been done with Linux for other
fields, e.g., scientific sensors outputting text on a live stream.

Any ideas or suggestions?

A keyword is framegrabber or frame grabber {note 
alternative spellings}.  and

give a different mix of results. Browsing the links may 
provide ideas. HTH

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Re: text from serial port + IP camera + Debian for loss prevention?

2013-04-10 Thread Nick Lidakis
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 06:28:44AM +0200, sp113438 wrote:
  I know there is a program that records audio. It records several
  seconds/minutes to memory and writes the interval to disk when a
  button is hit.
  I forgot it's name :-(
  You need something similar, but for video.
 Timemachine is the program:
 Timemachine writes the last 10 seconds of audio _before_ the button
 press and everything from now on up to the next button press into a
 The idea is that you doodle away with whatever is kicking around in your
 studio and when you heard an interesting noise, you'd press record and
 capture it, without having to try and recreate it.

But I don't want to record just triggered events. The IP camera will be 
recording from
open to close. I'd like to archive the whole day's cash registers journal as

Integrating the two and searching based on triggers or text would be the key.
If I wanted to search latte the DVR would show me all the video footage of
lattes being rung up; same for when the No Sale key was hit.

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Re: wheezy still missing php5-suhosin

2013-04-10 Thread Morel Bérenger
Le Mer 10 avril 2013 12:36, Andrew McGlashan a écrit :
 Will php5-suhosin be re-instated any time soon?

I have no clue about what instated means :)

 And if not, what
 measures can we take to protect Wheezy servers now?

Maybe you can reuse the old package.
Check the dependencies, it is possible that there has been no changes in
If there has been, take a look to applications' changelogs, to see if the
new versions are compatible with the existing dependencies.

As you might know, there is a more or less standard versioning scheme
named semantic versioning (it is quite easy to understand even for a
non-native english user like me. You can find it's description here: If dependencies uses it, you will be able to check
compatibility quite quickly: if major number did not changed, then you are
Of course, since you are willing to use this tool on a production server,
I strongly encourage you to take a look into changelogs and/or ask to
their developers to ensure nothing should be broken.

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Re: wheezy still missing php5-suhosin

2013-04-10 Thread Darac Marjal
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 01:54:43PM +0200, Morel Bérenger wrote:
 Le Mer 10 avril 2013 12:36, Andrew McGlashan a écrit :
  Will php5-suhosin be re-instated any time soon?
 I have no clue about what instated means :)

Description: Digital signature

Re: sync apt/dpkg state between systems?

2013-04-10 Thread Thilo Six
Hello Bob,

Excerpt from Bob Proulx:

-- snip --
 Let me tell you why i suggested etckeeper.
 Here i use it to commit /etc into $VCS on a regularly basis. This helps me to
 keep track of what is going on in /etc.
 Being able to compare my modifications with the original is a feature you 
 will not miss anymore, after you get used to it.
 This is where our strategy of attack on the problem is different.  I
 started from the idea that there are a lot of files in /etc but only a
 few of them need to be excluded from the restoration.  Therefore
 identify the files that should be excluded.  Then restore everything
 *except* for the files that should be excluded.  Whereas I think you
 were started from the idea that there a lot of files in /etc and only
 the known okay files to restore should be restored.  Identify the
 files that should be restored and only restore those files.
 Basically one strategy is include all but those excluded and the other
 strategy is exclude all but those included.
 I think we are in agreement that some files must be restored and some
 files must be excluded.  We differ on the technique to get there.

Excellent summary!
It is like positiv vs. negativ logic in bollean algebra. If you know the rules
with both you can reach your goal, just the way in between is different.

-- snip --
 Dpkg::Options {
 credits for this go to:
 That controls the behavior of dpkg when it would normally stop and
 interact with the user admin who is installing or upgrading a package
 about the handling of a conffile.  Should you install the new package
 file, keep the existing file, or merge them?  Or see the differences
 between them?  The above answers those questions globally so that it
 never stops to ask a question.
 I fully agree with confmiss.  I routinely set that too.  But I have
 seen heated arguments from people who have argued (apparently
 successfully because the change went in) that removing a required /etc
 file is a desired configuration and that it must be preserved.
 (Regarding the /etc/network/interfaces file.)  This adds yet another
 logical state to be considered.
 I use a system configuration management system similar to cfengine,
 puppet, chef that I have programmed to configure the system.  I have
 directed it to read-modify-write various configuration files to set
 them as desired.  In that type of environment it is advantageous to me
 to use confnew.  With confnew I will always get the package version of
 the file with the package default configuration.  Which will then
 immediately be reconfigured into my desired configuration by the
 system management tool.

I understand we do have a common understanding of handling such things.
As i do not have to administer a bulk of systems i differ in that i do not have
the need for an advanced configuration system as cfengine.
But apart from that my workflow to handle /etc is similar to yours.
With 'confold' dpkg by default keeps the configuration that is already in place
in production and installs new configurations from DMs as foo.dpkg-dist.
My VCS then notifies me about new or changed files and the i go through them and
merge them as i see fit.

-- snip --
   * Exclude /etc/fstab
   * Exclude /etc/lvm
   * Exclude /etc/mdadm

 + /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume
 Ha!  I always use lvm and so for me the names in the
 /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume file are always logical names and
 would be the same across systems.  But point taken.  If that is a UUID
 then it should be excluded from the restore.

here on my system it does:

$ grep -o 'RESUME=UUID=..' /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume

 Plus there is your note about ethernet addresses.  In addition to the
 70-persistent-net.rules file that may also affect people using
 guessnet or other such networking packages.
 ..and maybe some more. This is why i would look into the difference prior to
 rsyncing. After i had become confident i would use rsync, too.
 At the center between the strategies of include and exclude is the
 need to identify which files must be included in the restoration and
 which files must be excluded.  Having that list then we would restore
 what should be included and avoid those that should be excluded.
 I think you and I would both identify these files on-the-fly by seeing
 the files, by looking at the file contents, by other dynamic decision
 making.  But I fear that for many people that would be beyond their
 level of skill.  Our discussion shows that it isn't trivial.  It takes
 some experience.
 Can we document what we have learned from this discussion?  Would
 someone be able to follow that documentation and successfully peform a
 restoration as described?  Is it possible to create a script that
 would analyze the backup and the new system and would then identify
 the files that should be included and 

Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?

2013-04-10 Thread Morel Bérenger
Le Mer 10 avril 2013 12:02, Ralf Mardorf a écrit :
 Yes, AFAIK all your claims a correct! I needed the nv driver for a long
 time, because nouveau completely didn't work, today it can be possible (but
 it also still can be impossible) to use 3D and even to use the driver for
 real-time applications, even for cards that completely didn't work in the
 past. It's much better than it was a long time ago.

 At the moment I use my ATI, it seems to be less good supported than my
 NVIDIA. I switch the cards from time to time, regarding to unusual
 needs, in my case it's audio real-time.

 I still use xorg.conf, but it could be that xrandr does work as good as
 the xorg.conf does work.

The main interest of xrandr in my opinion is, that it is far easier to
play with than what I can easily name the ugly Xorg.conf.
Here are some examples:
_ user can configure his screen himself, no need to sudo or su
_ no need to restart anything, it's dynamic. You can
add/move/remove/resize screens without any problem at your will.
_ far easier to learn for a beginner: it took less than 10 minutes, while
Xorg.conf will require hours of web browsing. And web browsing without a
good resolution is a pain in...
_ if your multiple screens have different resolutions, there is no ghost
space, so you can not loose your mouse cursor.
_ it have nice GUI interfaces (I do not use them, but I think it is a
power to have some) like lxrandr. So if you want a normal user to use it,
he will not need to learn anything :)

Considering that my 2 computers are some of the cheapest I know about (an
eeepc laptop and a desktop repaired multiple times with 2 different
screens, and one which will blow it's 10th candle this year, with its
1024x768 max resolution :D) this power of the randr extension is really

And nouveau supports all of this out of the box since at least 2 years,
unlike NVidia.

I think you should take a look at this if you want to have a
good viewing of were it is for your GPU.

Just one question: what is the link between audio stuff and graphic card?

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Re: Pioneer BDR-*206* Internal Blu-Ray Disc DVD/CD writer and Debian

2013-04-10 Thread Thomas Schmitt

 According to this[1] bug (found by searching the internet for Merging data
 is impossible with this disc), brasero doesn't support BluRay discs.

Well, that bug seems somewhat outdated.
But of course, Debian packages are outdated too.
Maybe this bug is even too young for Brasero 2.30 as is
packaged in Debian 6.

Current Brasero source from git seems to have clue of BD media.

Other than xfburn, where BD media might work nevertheless,
because i cannot spot code for their rejection and because
libburn supports them in version 0.8.0 of Debian 6.

So there remains xorriso command line. Like

  xorriso -outdev /dev/sr0 -map ./my_disk_file /my_iso_file

which puts the file ./my_disk_file as /my_iso_file into a
ISO 9660 + Rock Ridge filesystem on the blank medium in /dev/sr0.
The BD-R medium will stay appendable, i.e. more files can be
added in further sessions until the medium is full.
For adding another session:

  xorriso -dev /dev/sr0 -map ./some_disk_directory /some_iso_directory

Good for about 300 sessions on the same BD-R. More than
one -map command can be used in one run to add multiple files
or directories. (Actually there are lots of commands available.)

This should work even with the frightening old xorriso-0.5.6 as
packaged for Debian 6.

After unfreezing of Debian, i hope for xorriso-tcltk to appear in
testing. It is half way between GUI and command line :))

Have a nice day :)


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Re: Fixing a half-configured package

2013-04-10 Thread Thilo Six
Hello Bob,

Excerpt from Bob Proulx:
-- snip --
 I will pull back to the safer higher level tool dpkg-reconfigure
 which runs the postinst scripts.
   root@junk:~# dpkg-reconfigure nfs-kernel-server
   insserv: Service nfs-common has to be enabled to start service 
   insserv: exiting now!
   update-rc.d: error: insserv rejected the script header
 To fix it means enabling nfs-common to start.  This can be done with
 update-rc.d but the safe answer is to use dpkg-reconfigure and let it
 run the postinst script.  Here is the fix.
   root@junk:~# dpkg-reconfigure nfs-common
   Stopping NFS common utilities: idmapd statd.
   Starting NFS common utilities: statd idmapd.
   root@junk:~# dpkg-reconfigure nfs-kernel-server
   Stopping NFS kernel daemon: mountd nfsd.
   Unexporting directories for NFS kernel daemon
   Exporting directories for NFS kernel daemon
   Starting NFS kernel daemon: nfsd mountd.

Thank you for your analysis of the problem. I did learn new things from that!


721B 1BA0 095C 1ABA 3FC6  7C18 89A4 A2A0 C70B 1A8F

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?

2013-04-10 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 10 Apr 2013 14:25:59 +0200, Morel Bérenger wrote:

Just one question: what is the link between audio stuff and graphic card?

One claim is, that shared memory could cause issues. I own a card with  
it's own memory and currently I use an onboard device, that does share RAM  
for frame buffer. I can't confirm this claim. Shared memory seemingly  
never caused issues for me.

Sometimes when getting xruns (audio glitches), they can go away when using  
another graphics or graphics driver.

Using proprietary drivers sometimes doesn't work with real-time patched  
kernels, regarding to licensing issues. There are workarounds to ignore  
the license, that often do not work. Instead of using a real-time kernl,  
it's possible to use a full preempted kernel and as boot option using  
threadirqs, however, a real-time patched kernel still could be a little  
bit better than a full preempted and since the hardware registers aren't  
accessible directly by PCs, as it is possible for the C64, Atari ST, PC  
anyway don't have that good real-time abilities, so IMO it's better to use  
a rt-patched kernel.

Last but not least, as for all hardware, the graphics could share the IRQ  
with the sound device, fortunately modern kernels seem to ensure that the  
graphics get it's own IRQ.

On my machine 2 USB ports, the graphics and my sound card share IRQ 18.  
With modern kernels, the graphics gets another IRQ and I wrote a script to  
unbind the USB ports.


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RAID 6 mdadm

2013-04-10 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
i was watch a person's video regarding RAID 6 with mdadm
his configuration was very low, some old system probably
2GB RAM, 3x8TB Hard Drives, 4port Ethernet card for channeling.
and the guy was giving review of his home server. he says he will channel
the 4 port Ethernet to achive 4Gbps network throughput. and 2 drive
redundancy with RAID6.

my question is
since i can not invest that huge money for testing so just asking from
experience users. isn't it going to be a problem because of bottleneck and
limited throughput of SATA 7200 rpm 3TB drives?

actually what i need is 4GB LAN throughput with teaming (802.3ad) for data
storage to backup VMs and same huge data manipulations will be done. so
just confused if it going to work or not.


Re: RAID 6 mdadm

2013-04-10 Thread Gary Dale

On 10/04/13 10:15 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

i was watch a person's video regarding RAID 6 with mdadm
his configuration was very low, some old system probably
2GB RAM, 3x8TB Hard Drives, 4port Ethernet card for channeling.
and the guy was giving review of his home server. he says he will 
channel the 4 port Ethernet to achive 4Gbps network throughput. and 2 
drive redundancy with RAID6.

my question is
since i can not invest that huge money for testing so just asking from 
experience users. isn't it going to be a problem because of bottleneck 
and limited throughput of SATA 7200 rpm 3TB drives?

actually what i need is 4GB LAN throughput with teaming (802.3ad) for 
data storage to backup VMs and same huge data manipulations will be 
done. so just confused if it going to work or not.


That's an odd setup. Why use RAID6 with only 3 drives? He'd get better 
performance with RAID1 with only 3 drives.

However, your question is about performance. My RAID5 array with SATA 2 
drives gets about 200MBps. SATA 3 performance should be double that.

Caching is critical. Disk access is dramatically slower than memory 
access so that your real throughput will depend on how much disk access 
can be avoided or optimized.

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Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?

2013-04-10 Thread Jonathan Dowland
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 11:49:14AM +0200, Morel Bérenger wrote:
 [Nouveau]'s not still not working like a charm, since I tried kernel 3.8 to
 try a game (regnum online, bugged as hell, but at least it have a linux
 client which is playable) which perfectly works with official NVidia. The
 result with nouveau of 3.8 was only a black screen (for 3.2 the game simply
 said that some features were lacking and closed).

For *you*, which does not mean that this is the experience for *everyone*.
Therefore there's no reason to try and discourage *anyone else* from using
Nouveau, unless you know categorically what in particular about your setup
is to blame for your troubles (e.g. a specific video card), and the person
you are discouraging has the same setup.

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Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?

2013-04-10 Thread Jonathan Dowland

Since you are willing and able to reinstall from scratch, it may be worth
trying the next release of Debian, currently considered 'testing', known
as 'wheezy'. You can get wheezy Release Candidate 1 release installation
media from here:

Wheezy is to be released imminently, so it should not be significantly more
unstable to use than you would expect from a stable release. However it is
much newer than squeeze, and the open source nouveau driver has been under
rapid development, so the version in wheezy is likely to have a much larger
set of supported cards, and many bugs squashed compared to squeeze.

Once you've done that, if you could try attaching a Xorg.0.log that results
in running X *without an xorg.conf*, that may be useful too.


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Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?

2013-04-10 Thread Jonathan Dowland
On Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 07:21:22PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 I recommend to use a more or less classical xorg.conf. I'm still using
 CRTs myself.
 From my current Ubuntu:

OP beware, please do not try something like Ralf's xorg.conf yourself.
For a start, it specifies the radeon driver; but it also declares modelines
that may not be appropriate to your monitor, which in extreme cases could
result in hardware damage, apparently.

Modern X should not require any xorg.conf at all, with all relevant information
automatically detected, and the goal here should be to get you to a desired
resolution without introducing one.

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Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?

2013-04-10 Thread Jonathan Dowland
On Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 11:43:44PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 When opening your links they were not good formatted,

they are being sent (incorrectly) as content-type: text/html, so web browsers
will try to render them as HTML - but a simple tool like 'GET' is OK:

 $ GET

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RE: RAID 6 mdadm

2013-04-10 Thread shmick

 -Original Message-
 From: Gary Dale []
 Sent: Thursday, 11 April 2013 12:39 AM
 To: debian
 Subject: Re: RAID 6 mdadm
 On 10/04/13 10:15 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
  i was watch a person's video regarding RAID 6 with mdadm
  his configuration was very low, some old system probably
  2GB RAM, 3x8TB Hard Drives, 4port Ethernet card for channeling.
  and the guy was giving review of his home server. he says he will
  channel the 4 port Ethernet to achive 4Gbps network throughput. and 2
  drive redundancy with RAID6.
  my question is
  since i can not invest that huge money for testing so just asking from
  experience users. isn't it going to be a problem because of bottleneck
  and limited throughput of SATA 7200 rpm 3TB drives?
  actually what i need is 4GB LAN throughput with teaming (802.3ad) for
  data storage to backup VMs and same huge data manipulations will be
  done. so just confused if it going to work or not.
 That's an odd setup. Why use RAID6 with only 3 drives? He'd get better
 performance with RAID1 with only 3 drives.
 However, your question is about performance. My RAID5 array with SATA 2
 drives gets about 200MBps. SATA 3 performance should be double that.
 Caching is critical. Disk access is dramatically slower than memory
 access so that your real throughput will depend on how much disk access
 can be avoided or optimized.

This is really not debian related at all

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Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?

2013-04-10 Thread Morel Bérenger
Le Mer 10 avril 2013 16:43, Jonathan Dowland a écrit :
 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 11:49:14AM +0200, Morel Bérenger wrote:

 [Nouveau]'s not still not working like a charm, since I tried kernel
 3.8 to
 try a game (regnum online, bugged as hell, but at least it have a linux
 client which is playable) which perfectly works with official NVidia.
 result with nouveau of 3.8 was only a black screen (for 3.2 the game
 simply said that some features were lacking and closed).

 For *you*, which does not mean that this is the experience for
 Therefore there's no reason to try and discourage *anyone else* from using
  Nouveau, unless you know categorically what in particular about your
 setup is to blame for your troubles (e.g. a specific video card), and the
 person you are discouraging has the same setup.

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 11:49:14AM +0200, Morel Bérenger wrote:
 Of course, those features which are lacking are only for special cases,
 and for all other stuff, nouveau is really good, my intent is not to deny
 that fact, and I am waiting impatiently to see the 3.8 kernel in debian
 testing, to get rid of that piece of crap named nvidia drivers, which only
 give me problems and the ability to play one or two games I could not
 otherwise play

This other part of my message was also explaining that it depends on the
needs of the person which want to try it.
The cases were it currently does not fit the needs of people is when heavy
3D acceleration, optimius support, or dynamic fan speed depending on
temperature is needed.
In other situations, I have not said it was not a good idea, did I?
I also said that the kernel 3.8 seems to have a fairly bettre version of
nouveau driver, which I was not able to test efficiently due to problems I
did not even tried to diagnose and fix.

I thought it was clear, but is sounds it was not, so I present my
apologies, and thanks you to have fixed my unclear words.

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Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?

2013-04-10 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2013-04-10 16:46 +0200, Jonathan Dowland wrote:

 Since you are willing and able to reinstall from scratch, it may be worth
 trying the next release of Debian, currently considered 'testing', known
 as 'wheezy'. You can get wheezy Release Candidate 1 release installation
 media from here:

 Wheezy is to be released imminently, so it should not be significantly more
 unstable to use than you would expect from a stable release. However it is
 much newer than squeeze, and the open source nouveau driver has been under
 rapid development, so the version in wheezy is likely to have a much larger
 set of supported cards, and many bugs squashed compared to squeeze.

While this is true in general, there are many known issues with David's
card (GeForce 6150), and I would not recommend to use it with Nouveau.


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Re: RAID 6 mdadm

2013-04-10 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
exactly, i am using RAID 1 with mdadm and not more then 230 or 300MB
throughput.  and the people are harnessing 4GB so this is the point where i
am confused

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 7:38 PM, Gary Dale wrote:

 On 10/04/13 10:15 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 i was watch a person's video regarding RAID 6 with mdadm
 his configuration was very low, some old system probably
 2GB RAM, 3x8TB Hard Drives, 4port Ethernet card for channeling.
 and the guy was giving review of his home server. he says he will channel
 the 4 port Ethernet to achive 4Gbps network throughput. and 2 drive
 redundancy with RAID6.

 my question is
 since i can not invest that huge money for testing so just asking from
 experience users. isn't it going to be a problem because of bottleneck and
 limited throughput of SATA 7200 rpm 3TB drives?

 actually what i need is 4GB LAN throughput with teaming (802.3ad) for
 data storage to backup VMs and same huge data manipulations will be done.
 so just confused if it going to work or not.


 That's an odd setup. Why use RAID6 with only 3 drives? He'd get better
 performance with RAID1 with only 3 drives.

 However, your question is about performance. My RAID5 array with SATA 2
 drives gets about 200MBps. SATA 3 performance should be double that.

 Caching is critical. Disk access is dramatically slower than memory access
 so that your real throughput will depend on how much disk access can be
 avoided or optimized.

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A home directory on removeable storage ...

2013-04-10 Thread peasthope
... is possible.  I understand the concept of mounting 
the filesystem.  

Additionally there can be a backup home directory which 
stays with the machine, on a hdd for example.  I imagine 
that when the machine powers up without the removeable 
storage, the backup home directory is instated.  When 
the removeable storage is connected, the backup is 
remounted as another directory in /home and the removeable 
is mounted as the home.  

So for example, without the removeable present /home/peter 
is on the hdd.  With the removeable present, /home/peter 
is on that and the hdd is /home/peter.bak with the same 
ownership and privilages as /home/peter.  With udev, it 
might be accomplished with one or two scripts.

This can't be an original idea.  Is it available?

Thanks,... Peter E.

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Tel +13606390202  Bcc: peasthope at 

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Re: A home directory on removeable storage ...

2013-04-10 Thread Darac Marjal
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 08:23:03AM -0800, wrote:
 ... is possible.  I understand the concept of mounting 
 the filesystem.  
 Additionally there can be a backup home directory which 
 stays with the machine, on a hdd for example.  I imagine 
 that when the machine powers up without the removeable 
 storage, the backup home directory is instated.  When 
 the removeable storage is connected, the backup is 
 remounted as another directory in /home and the removeable 
 is mounted as the home.  
 So for example, without the removeable present /home/peter 
 is on the hdd.  With the removeable present, /home/peter 
 is on that and the hdd is /home/peter.bak with the same 
 ownership and privilages as /home/peter.  With udev, it 
 might be accomplished with one or two scripts.
 This can't be an original idea.  Is it available?

Is pam_mount of any use to you? It's intended for mounting home
directories on login.

I'm not sure how you'd access the original /home/peter once you'd
mounted the removable home on top of it, though. Someone will know how,

Description: Digital signature

Re: RAID 6 mdadm

2013-04-10 Thread Dexter Filmore
Am Wednesday 10 April 2013 17:21:35 schrieb Muhammad Yousuf Khan:
 exactly, i am using RAID 1 with mdadm and not more then 230 or 300MB
 throughput.  and the people are harnessing 4GB so this is the point where i
 am confused

You cannot get more than about 200MB/s out of a RAID1 setup, not even with 
15krpm SAS drives. the RAID1 will never be faster than a single disk. How 
would it.

If you want to saturate 4G*bit* ethernet (gigaBIT! not byte!) which comes down 
to 500MB/s raw across all interfaces, so 125MB/s on one nic you definetly do 
*not* want linux softraid 6. either patch up the kernel with ZFS or if you 
wanna cross the t's and dot the i's: get a HP Proliant N40L, put a 
KVR1333D3E9SK2/16G 2x8GB ECC mem kit in it, install FreeNAS, add 4 7k2 rpm 
drives of your choice and create a z-raid over it, you should see 400MB/s.
Has 2 slots, on pcie16x, one 1x so should take a 4xGBE card and there you go.
Due to the massive caching and whatnot zraid uses and hence the amount of data 
in the 16GB make sure it's UPS backed. So far we're looking at roundabout 450 
USD without disks and UPS, but you'll have one heck of a NAS.

Now, *this* totally is not debian anymore, so back on topic:

I have a 5x1500GB raid5 from 72krpm sata drives and without optimizations, 
LVM2 and xfs on top of it get about 80MB/s write speed. raid6 probably would 
slow to a crawl (platform is a core i5 quad @2.3GHz)

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 7:38 PM, Gary Dale wrote:
  On 10/04/13 10:15 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
  i was watch a person's video regarding RAID 6 with mdadm
  his configuration was very low, some old system probably
  2GB RAM, 3x8TB Hard Drives, 4port Ethernet card for channeling.

There is no such thing as a 8TB hard drive in the year 2013

  and the guy was giving review of his home server. he says he will
  channel the 4 port Ethernet to achive 4Gbps network throughput. and 2
  drive redundancy with RAID6.

...maybe 8x3TB rahter with 2 spares?

  my question is
  since i can not invest that huge money for testing so just asking from
  experience users. isn't it going to be a problem because of bottleneck
  and limited throughput of SATA 7200 rpm 3TB drives?
  actually what i need is 4GB LAN throughput with teaming (802.3ad) for
  data storage to backup VMs and same huge data manipulations will be
  done. so just confused if it going to work or not.

VM storage: make that N40L FreeNAS a N54L and use block dedup. Cost more, but 
worth it.

Version: 3.12
GCS d--(+)@ s-:+ a C UL++ P+++ L+++ E-- W++ N o? K-
w--(---) !O M+ V- PS+ PE Y++ PGP t++(---)@ 5 X+(++) R+(++) tv--(+)@ 
b++(+++) DI+++ D- G++ e* h++ r* y?

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

which operation leads to the close all opening terminals

2013-04-10 Thread lina

Right now, I have three or four terminals open, with 1 to 5 tabs in each
terminal, most are ssh out.

In one terminal, I typed more 

just one blink, all those terminal-emulators gone.

It's my first time meet this issue.

So I wonder which may lead to this episode?


Best regards,

$ dpkg --get-selections | grep termin
gnome-terminal  install
gnome-terminal-data install

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Re: RAID 6 mdadm

2013-04-10 Thread Ross Boylan
On Wed, 2013-04-10 at 17:57 +0200, Dexter Filmore wrote:
 Am Wednesday 10 April 2013 17:21:35 schrieb Muhammad Yousuf Khan:
  exactly, i am using RAID 1 with mdadm and not more then 230 or 300MB
  throughput.  and the people are harnessing 4GB so this is the point
 where i
  am confused
 You cannot get more than about 200MB/s out of a RAID1 setup, not even
 15krpm SAS drives. the RAID1 will never be faster than a single disk.
 would it.
It can read faster than a single disk by combining reads from different
sectors on different disks.  I think your assertion is incorrect for
reading, though  not for writing.

Ross Boylan

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Re: which operation leads to the close all opening terminals

2013-04-10 Thread Benjamin Egner

On 04/10/2013 06:01 PM, lina wrote:


Right now, I have three or four terminals open, with 1 to 5 tabs in each
terminal, most are ssh out.

In one terminal, I typed more 

just one blink, all those terminal-emulators gone.

It's my first time meet this issue.

So I wonder which may lead to this episode?


Best regards,

$ dpkg --get-selections | grep termin
gnome-terminal  install
gnome-terminal-data install

Imho, the geeks are interested in the output of `dmesg' and the contents 
of `/var/log/syslog'.

The closer in time to the incident, the better.

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Re: A home directory on removeable storage ...

2013-04-10 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Mittwoch, 10. April 2013 schrieb
 ... is possible.  I understand the concept of mounting
 the filesystem.
 Additionally there can be a backup home directory which
 stays with the machine, on a hdd for example.  I imagine
 that when the machine powers up without the removeable
 storage, the backup home directory is instated.  When
 the removeable storage is connected, the backup is
 remounted as another directory in /home and the removeable
 is mounted as the home.
 So for example, without the removeable present /home/peter
 is on the hdd.  With the removeable present, /home/peter
 is on that and the hdd is /home/peter.bak with the same
 ownership and privilages as /home/peter.  With udev, it
 might be accomplished with one or two scripts.
 This can't be an original idea.  Is it available?

If you mount a new filesystem onto an mount point of an already mounted 
filesystem, processes which have their current working directory within the 
mount point will not recognize the change. The Linux kernel doesn´t take the 
original filesystem away from these processes unless the change their 
directory to outside of the mount point and then inside of it again.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

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Re: which operation leads to the close all opening terminals

2013-04-10 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Mittwoch, 10. April 2013 schrieb Benjamin Egner:
 On 04/10/2013 06:01 PM, lina wrote:
  Right now, I have three or four terminals open, with 1 to 5 tabs in
  each terminal, most are ssh out.
  In one terminal, I typed more 
  just one blink, all those terminal-emulators gone.
  It's my first time meet this issue.
  So I wonder which may lead to this episode?
  Best regards,
  $ dpkg --get-selections | grep termin
  gnome-terminal  install
  gnome-terminal-data install
 Imho, the geeks are interested in the output of `dmesg' and the contents
 of `/var/log/syslog'.
 The closer in time to the incident, the better.

I´d also be interested in ~/.xsession-errors by the time of the incident.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

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Re: wheezy still missing php5-suhosin

2013-04-10 Thread Bob Proulx
Andrew McGlashan wrote:
 Now, php5-suhosin provides some real protection against programming
 problems that could very easily exist and it is not uncommon to see
 messages from Debian stable installs reporting bugs / vulnerabilities
 detected by suhosin

The question isn't whether the suhosin patch did good with older PHP
versions.  The question is whether newer PHP versions benefit as much
from it.  Because in recent years AIUI many of the features of suhosin
were merged into the mainline PHP.  And supporting suhosin isn't easy.
At least some other distros have also stopped supporting it too.

 Will php5-suhosin be re-instated any time soon?  And if not, what
 measures can we take to protect Wheezy servers now?

Here is a good place to read up on the current state of PHP plus
suhosin in Debian.

It is a long thread with a lot of references to research.  Grab a
comfortable chair and a stimulating beverage.


Description: Digital signature

Re: RAID 6 mdadm

2013-04-10 Thread Dexter Filmore
Am Wednesday 10 April 2013 18:05:08 schrieb Ross Boylan:
  You cannot get more than about 200MB/s out of a RAID1 setup, not even
  15krpm SAS drives. the RAID1 will never be faster than a single disk.
  would it.

 It can read faster than a single disk by combining reads from different
 sectors on different disks.  I think your assertion is incorrect for
 reading, though  not for writing.

 Ross Boylan

Then dm would have to manage/combine the reads from the involved disks.
I do not know better, but I doubt this is done. 
I'll ask the raid list for curiousity's sake.

Version: 3.12
GCS d--(+)@ s-:+ a C UL++ P+++ L+++ E-- W++ N o? K-
w--(---) !O M+ V- PS+ PE Y++ PGP t++(---)@ 5 X+(++) R+(++) tv--(+)@ 
b++(+++) DI+++ D- G++ e* h++ r* y?

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: which operation leads to the close all opening terminals

2013-04-10 Thread Dan Ritter
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 12:01:33AM +0800, lina wrote:
 Right now, I have three or four terminals open, with 1 to 5 tabs in each
 terminal, most are ssh out.
 In one terminal, I typed more 
 just one blink, all those terminal-emulators gone.
 It's my first time meet this issue.
 So I wonder which may lead to this episode?

Without data, we can only speculate. Here's my wild speculation:

You thought you had multiple terminals open, but what you had
was a single master process with multiple sub-processes. A
failure of some kind happened in the master process and when it
died, it took all the children with it.


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Re (2): A home directory on removeable storage ...

2013-04-10 Thread peasthope
From:   Darac Marjal
Date:   Wed, 10 Apr 2013 16:32:18 +0100
 I'm not sure how you'd access the original /home/peter once you'd
 mounted the removable home on top of it, ...

The removeable shouldn't be mounted over the non-removeable. 
First unmount the non-removeable and mount it on /home/peter1, 
for example.  Then mount the removeable on /home/peter.

 Is pam_mount of any use to you? It's intended for mounting home
 directories on login.

The remount-followed-by-mount should be independent of login.  
Similarly, if the removeable storage is removed, then the 
non-removeable filesystem should be moved back to /home/peter, 
for example.  Anything for mounting specifically at login does not 
appear to be appropriate.  I imagine a script invoked by udev where 
insertion of storage triggers remount-followed-by-mount and 
removal triggers the remount.  

Thanks,  ... Peter E.

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Re (2): A home directory on removeable storage ...

2013-04-10 Thread peasthope
From:   Martin Steigerwald
Date:   Wed, 10 Apr 2013 19:23:01 +0200
 If you mount a new filesystem onto an mount point of an already mounted 
 filesystem, ...

Please review my original posting.

Thanks,  ... Peter E.

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Re: wheezy still missing php5-suhosin

2013-04-10 Thread Andrew McGlashan
Hi Bob,

On 11/04/2013 3:26 AM, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Andrew McGlashan wrote:
 Now, php5-suhosin provides some real protection against programming
 problems that could very easily exist and it is not uncommon to see
 messages from Debian stable installs reporting bugs / vulnerabilities
 detected by suhosin
 The question isn't whether the suhosin patch did good with older PHP
 versions.  The question is whether newer PHP versions benefit as much
 from it.  Because in recent years AIUI many of the features of suhosin
 were merged into the mainline PHP.  And supporting suhosin isn't easy.
 At least some other distros have also stopped supporting it too.

I understand that Ubuntu have 12.10 locked in on 5.3.9 because of lack
of Suhosin patch / support.  Don't know what later Ubuntu will be doing.

 Will php5-suhosin be re-instated any time soon?  And if not, what
 measures can we take to protect Wheezy servers now?
 Here is a good place to read up on the current state of PHP plus
 suhosin in Debian.
 It is a long thread with a lot of references to research.  Grab a
 comfortable chair and a stimulating beverage.

Great, thank you very much for your post and the reference.

To cut a long story short, if PHP upstream has incorporated the features
of Suhosin, then we should be fine; is it the final conclusion from that
long thread and all the references from it, that we are in good shape
with 5.4.4 -- better than pre 5.4 with Suhosin?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?

2013-04-10 Thread David Christensen

On 04/10/13 01:51, Morel Bérenger wrote:

2.  How do I determine the current color depth

xrandr --outputport you used: VGA, HMDI, etc  --list

xrandr works:

dpchrist@a64x23800p:~$ xrandr
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 4096 x 4096
VGA-1 connected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 
0mm x 0mm

   1024x768   60.0*
   800x60060.3 56.2
DVI-D-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
TV-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)

My xrandr apparently has no --output X --list option:

dpchrist@a64x23800p:~$ xrandr --output VGA-1 --list
usage: xrandr [options]
  where options are:
  -display display or -d display
  -o normal,inverted,left,right,0,1,2,3
or --orientation normal,inverted,left,right,0,1,2,3
  -qor --query
  -s size/widthxheight or --size size/widthxheight
  -r rate or --rate rate or --refresh rate
  -vor --version
  -x(reflect in x)
  -y(reflect in y)
  --screen screen
  --prop or --properties
  --fb widthxheight
  --fbmm widthxheight
  --dpi dpi/output
  --output output
  --mode mode
  --pos xxy
  --rate rate or --refresh rate
  --reflect normal,x,y,xy
  --rotate normal,inverted,left,right
  --left-of output
  --right-of output
  --above output
  --below output
  --same-as output
  --set property value
  --scale xxy
  --transform a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i
  --crtc crtc

  --gamma r:g:b
  --newmode name clock MHz
hdisp hsync-start hsync-end htotal
vdisp vsync-start vsync-end vtotal
[+HSync] [-HSync] [+VSync] [-VSync]
  --rmmode name
  --addmode output name
  --delmode output name

xrandr --output X --refresh produces similar output.


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Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?

2013-04-10 Thread David Christensen

On 04/10/13 07:46, Jonathan Dowland wrote:

... it may be worth trying the next release of Debian, currently considered 
'testing', known as 'wheezy'.

I'll keep it in mind; certainly when Wheezy becomes the new stable.


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Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?

2013-04-10 Thread David Christensen

On 04/10/13 07:53, Jonathan Dowland wrote:

On Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 11:43:44PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

When opening your links they were not good formatted,

Agreed.  Iceweasle seems to be dropping the newlines and folding the 
lines together.  View - Page Source looks much better.


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Re: Information not on relavant man page - where to find on WEB?

2013-04-10 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Wed, 10 Apr 2013 13:48:26 -0500
Richard Owlett wrote:

 Man pages generally do not include information some users 
 would find vital.
 In fact
 explicitly states in part:
 ... Man pages are terse, and allow  you to find quickly 
 some forgotten detail.  For newcomers an  introductory text 
 with more examples and explanations is useful.
 and later states:
 A  lot  of  GNU/FSF  software  is provided with info files.
 I often do not have available a functioning Linux system, 
 thus my need for web based source of information.
 My current problem is proper use of dpkg-scanpackages. I 
 need examples of its typical and atypical use. I need those 
 to give me the background for a sensible question.
 Pointers please.

Try the info package -- it should be installed on your system. Enter
info info at a terminal. Then enter info dpkg. After that, you're
on your own.

-- cmg

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Re: Information not on relavant man page - where to find on WEB?

2013-04-10 Thread Richard Owlett

Carroll Grigsby wrote:

On Wed, 10 Apr 2013 13:48:26 -0500
Richard Owlett wrote:

Man pages generally do not include information some users
would find vital.

In fact

explicitly states in part:
... Man pages are terse, and allow  you to find quickly
some forgotten detail.  For newcomers an  introductory text
with more examples and explanations is useful.
and later states:
A  lot  of  GNU/FSF  software  is provided with info files.

I often do not have available a functioning Linux system,
thus my need for web based source of information.

My current problem is proper use of dpkg-scanpackages. I
need examples of its typical and atypical use. I need those
to give me the background for a sensible question.

Pointers please.

Try the info package -- it should be installed on your system. Enter
info info at a terminal. Then enter info dpkg. After that, you're
on your own.

-- cmg

I often do not have available a functioning Linux system,
thus my need for web based source of information.

That is my current situation, hence my explicit request for 
we based information ;/

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Re: Partitioning problem

2013-04-10 Thread Chris Bannister
On Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 01:52:57PM +0200, Alexandre De Muer wrote:
 Hi, When installing from  Debian GNU/kFreeBSD 6.0.7 Squeeze -
 Official kfreebsd-i386 DVD Binary-1 20130223-17:32the following
 problem issued from guided partition layout:unable to set mount
 from file-system type swap on ** to none. The hardware I'm using: AMD
 Athlon XP 2200+, MSI 6511 ver1 motherboard, 386 Mb RAM, 250 Gb Maxtor
 drive.I'm a regular user and wanted to hear what fix exists for this
 Alexandre De Muer

Since there doesn't seem to be any users of Debian GNU/kFreeBSD on this
list who can help you, you may have better luck on the debian-bsd list:

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: wheezy still missing php5-suhosin

2013-04-10 Thread Bob Proulx
Andrew McGlashan wrote:
 To cut a long story short, if PHP upstream has incorporated the features
 of Suhosin, then we should be fine; is it the final conclusion from that
 long thread and all the references from it, that we are in good shape
 with 5.4.4 -- better than pre 5.4 with Suhosin?

To be honest I have not read through all of that information myself
yet in enough detail to know one way or the other.  It really needs
the skills of an upstream interpreter developer to know.  I would love
to hear from someone who is familiar with the code well enough to make
an intelligent summary.

What I have read (caution unverified) is that the PHP interpreter
isn't intrinsically insecure.  It only becomes that way when used with
insecure php code.  Which makes sense.  Any upstream interpreter
vulnerability would have a CVE number associated with it that would be
tracked.  I see people calling for those reports but none are being
provided for any current vulnerabilities.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Information not on relavant man page - where to find on WEB?

2013-04-10 Thread Linux-Fan
On 04/10/2013 09:19 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:
 Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Wed, 10 Apr 2013 13:48:26 -0500
 Richard Owlett wrote:

 Man pages generally do not include information some users
 would find vital.

 In fact

 explicitly states in part:
 ... Man pages are terse, and allow  you to find quickly
 some forgotten detail.  For newcomers an  introductory text
 with more examples and explanations is useful.
 and later states:
 A  lot  of  GNU/FSF  software  is provided with info files.

 I often do not have available a functioning Linux system,
 thus my need for web based source of information.

 My current problem is proper use of dpkg-scanpackages. I
 need examples of its typical and atypical use. I need those
 to give me the background for a sensible question.

Often the info-pages do not give any additional details (I have just
verified this for dpkg-scanpackages where both info and manpage seemed
equal after a quick glance).

However, I can not help you with dpkg-scanpackages-usage.

 Pointers please.

 Try the info package -- it should be installed on your system. Enter
 info info at a terminal. Then enter info dpkg. After that, you're
 on your own.

 -- cmg

 I often do not have available a functioning Linux system,
 thus my need for web based source of information.
 That is my current situation, hence my explicit request for we based
 information ;/


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Re: RAID 6 mdadm

2013-04-10 Thread Gary Dale

On 10/04/13 12:05 PM, Ross Boylan wrote:

On Wed, 2013-04-10 at 17:57 +0200, Dexter Filmore wrote:

Am Wednesday 10 April 2013 17:21:35 schrieb Muhammad Yousuf Khan:

exactly, i am using RAID 1 with mdadm and not more then 230 or 300MB
throughput.  and the people are harnessing 4GB so this is the point

where i

am confused

You cannot get more than about 200MB/s out of a RAID1 setup, not even
15krpm SAS drives. the RAID1 will never be faster than a single disk.
would it.

It can read faster than a single disk by combining reads from different
sectors on different disks.  I think your assertion is incorrect for
reading, though  not for writing.

Ross Boylan
Exactly. Most data is read more often than it is written so that read 
performance is critical.

In the particular setup of RAID6 with only 3 drives, each drive gets the 
same amount of information as they would in RAID1 so that write 
performance also does not change. However RAID1 requires less CPU time 
and is arguably more reliable (please let's not start a debate on this - 
it's not a big issue).

The advantage of RAID6 comes when you have 4 or more disks. Because each 
disk then gets only part of the data, write performance can improve.

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Re: Information not on relavant man page - where to find on WEB?

2013-04-10 Thread Bob Proulx
Richard Owlett wrote:
 I often do not have available a functioning Linux system, thus my
 need for web based source of information.

The FreeBSD man page site is an excellent source for online web access
to various system man pages.  More than just FreeBSD.  They are
hosting the service but include access to many other systems man
pages.  Unfortunately Debian is not among them.  But I mention it for
you in your quest for online man pages.

Debian man pages are provided here at this site:

 My current problem is proper use of dpkg-scanpackages. I need
 examples of its typical and atypical use. I need those to give me
 the background for a sensible question.

The online debian man page for dpkg-scanpackages is available here:

The Debian wiki is also a good source of information.  Follow the
links through from it and you will find a HOWTO document on it.

As an alternative many people use other package pool management
systems.  Such as reprepro.  I have converted over to using it and am
happy with it.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Information not on relavant man page - where to find on WEB?

2013-04-10 Thread Bob Proulx
Linux-Fan wrote:
 Often the info-pages do not give any additional details (I have just
 verified this for dpkg-scanpackages where both info and manpage seemed
 equal after a quick glance).

Uhm...  Are you sure you were looking at info pages?  AFAIK the
dpkg-dev package which includes dpkg-scanpackages does not provide any
info pages.  It only provides man pages.  I think you must have been
looking at the man page in the info viewer which falls back to man
pages if no info pages are present.

I think this entire subthread talking about info pages is a red
herring and off the scent of looking for dpkg-scanpackages


Description: Digital signature

Re: Data Archiving

2013-04-10 Thread MRH

On 08/04/13 20:59, Rob Owens wrote:

On Mon, Apr 08, 2013 at 09:30:52AM -0700, Gary Roach wrote:

As for as OCR vs retyping vs scan and preses - still up in the air
at this point. I suspect that all three methods might be used.

There are commercial companies that will do bulk scanning and OCR.  I
used one in the past and I found the price to be pretty reasonable.  I'm
not sure if anybody has OCR software that works on hand-written
documents, though...


If the database / digital storage space is not a problem I'd rather 
suggest storing scanned documents as they are (in graphical format) - 
you never know when this may come handy. Sometimes you want to see how 
the document looked like, not just to read its content only. And OCRed 
version for searching purposes, linked with the images.

I remember there was a (commercial, MS Windows) Russian OCR software 
some years ago, really good working then; probably it could handle 
handwriting to some extent:
I never used it for handwritten text though.
Another option is to hire some teenagers or students who'd like to earn 
some additional money if you have funds for that - both ways need 
proof-reading afterwards.

Not sure which database would be good for storing images; is MySQL 
capable of managing it in an efficient way; perhaps Postgress SQL or 
another solution is better. You could also store the images on the drive 
and keep links (paths) to the images in the database.

Did you try contacting other institutions which might have similar needs 
- what do they use?

Kind regards,
Michal R. Hoffmann

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Re: Information not on relavant man page - where to find on WEB?

2013-04-10 Thread Richard Owlett

Bob Proulx wrote:

Richard Owlett wrote:

I often do not have available a functioning Linux system, thus my
need for web based source of information.

The FreeBSD man page site is an excellent source for online web access
to various system man pages.  More than just FreeBSD.  They are
hosting the service but include access to many other systems man
pages.  Unfortunately Debian is not among them.  But I mention it for
you in your quest for online man pages.

Debian man pages are provided here at this site:

My current problem is proper use of dpkg-scanpackages. I need
examples of its typical and atypical use. I need those to give me
the background for a sensible question.

The online debian man page for dpkg-scanpackages is available here:

Where I started ;)

The Debian wiki is also a good source of information.  Follow the
links through from it and you will find a HOWTO document on it.

It had given me just enough to tantalize.

As an alternative many people use other package pool management
systems.  Such as reprepro.  I have converted over to using it and am
happy with it.

I saw that mentioned in passing once. This time I browsed 
its man page. By the breadth of options it may be overkill 
but it appears capable. I am impressed with the additional 
documentation available. So far I've had a quick look at;a=blob_plain;f=docs/manual.html;hb=HEAD;a=blob_plain;f=docs/FAQ;hb=HEAD

A detailed read and link following should keep me occupied 
for a while.

There are advantages to retirement ;)


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Re: RAID 6 mdadm

2013-04-10 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 4/10/2013 9:15 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 actually what i need is 4GB LAN throughput with teaming (802.3ad) for data
 storage to backup VMs and same huge data manipulations will be done. so
 just confused if it going to work or not.

Addressing the bonded ethernet issue:

802.3ad LACP configured at the switch and within the Linux bonding
driver will facilitate TRANSMIT TCP stream load balancing.  However, it
does nothing to address RECEIVE load balancing.  Your application is a
~100% receive workload.  So LACP is out.  Linux balance-alb is required
to achieve any level of receive load balancing.  It does not require
bonding support in the switch.  And it only works with IPv4.


Addressing the storage issue:

RAID6 only has good write performance in a single scenario: large single
streaming writes, such as video recording, large file backup, etc.  If
your writes are smaller than stripe width you incur read-modify-write
cycles.  These can triple (or more) the number of heads seeks per drive
required to complete the write, and you suffer the extra rotational
latency in between the seeks.  Thus if you're performing multiple
partial stripe width writes in parallel, then your performance, even
with expensive hardware, will drop into the teens of MB/s.  And if
you're doing multiple streams RAID6 isn't suitable simply due to the
extra head seek and rotational latency of double rotating parity writes.

So if you're serious about achieving an aggregate 400MB/s of write
throughput to the array, with this workload, you're very likely not
going to get there with 8x 7.2K SATA drives in RAID6.  Depending on how
many concurrent backup streams you're running, and what filesystem
you're using, you might get close to 400MB/s using 10 drives in RAID10.
 The more concurrent jobs, the more spindles you need to mitigate the
extra seeks.  This will also greatly depend on your backup job write
pattern, and thus the chunk/stripe width you select for the array.  The
RAID parameters must match the application write pattern or performance
may be horrible.

And lastly, select the right filesystem for the job.  EXT3/4 are not
suitable for large parallel streaming writes.  You will likely need XFS
for this workload for optimal performance, and you'll need to align the
filesystem to the md/RAID stripe parameters during mkfs.  If you're
directly formatting the md/RAID device, mkfs.xfs will query the kernel
and configure proper alignment automatically.  If you use LVM between
md/RAID and XFS then you'll need to do manual alignment during mkfs.xfs.

Parting thought:  It's very easy to get 400MB/s write throughput from an
8 SATA drive md/RAID6 array when doing single streaming writes from 'dd'
or other simple one dimensional tests.  However, achieving 400MB/s with
real workloads is a completely different matter and much more demanding.
 Most of the md/RAID throughput data you'll find via Google comes from
these one dimensional simplistic tests.  Don't trust this information.
Look for specific workload tests or synthetic benchmark data from
bonnie, iozone, etc.  While these won't precisely mimic your workload,
they give a much better picture of potential real world performance.
And the numbers will always be much, much smaller than 'dd' numbers.


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Re: RAID 6 mdadm

2013-04-10 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 4/10/2013 12:32 PM, Dexter Filmore wrote:
 Am Wednesday 10 April 2013 18:05:08 schrieb Ross Boylan:

 You cannot get more than about 200MB/s out of a RAID1 setup, not even
 15krpm SAS drives. the RAID1 will never be faster than a single disk.
 would it.

 It can read faster than a single disk by combining reads from different
 sectors on different disks.  I think your assertion is incorrect for
 reading, though  not for writing.

 Ross Boylan
 Then dm would have to manage/combine the reads from the involved disks.
 I do not know better, but I doubt this is done. 
 I'll ask the raid list for curiousity's sake.

It's not necessary to ask on linux-raid, and as you have not yet done
so, I'll clarify this now:

Both the md RAID1 and RAID10 personalities will read sectors in parallel
from both disks in a mirror pair in most circumstances.  This has been
the case for many years.  This is a read optimization only.  Writes
occur in parallel as well, obviously, but as it's the same data the net
data throughput isn't doubled, only the raw device throughput.  This
should be obvious to anyone.  I'm merely being complete in my description.


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Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?

2013-04-10 Thread Brian
On Wed 10 Apr 2013 at 11:37:26 -0700, David Christensen wrote:

 xrandr works:
 dpchrist@a64x23800p:~$ xrandr
 Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 4096 x 4096
 VGA-1 connected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y
 axis) 0mm x 0mm
1024x768   60.0*
800x60060.3 56.2
 DVI-D-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
 TV-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)

You have a monitor which can do 1600x1200 but xorg can only see fit
to give you 1024x768. This may be because the monitor is not
providing suitable information to xorg, so it serves up 1024x768 so
as not to disappoint you. Look at the Xorg log in /var/log and search
in particular for 'EDID'. Is there anything like that or references
to monitor resolution there?

 My xrandr apparently has no --output X --list option:

Neither has anyone elses.

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Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?

2013-04-10 Thread Benjamin Egner

I deleted the earlier messages. Hopefully, this is appropriate:
I wrote a startup script to fix my resolution aka `add new modes' to the 
ones xrandr is showing you.


# Purpose: Setting the monitor parameters for Samsung 943nw
# Date:   2013-03-19
# Author:  BE
# Source:  For the startup-script idea:

# modeline obtained manually via `gtf' call.

xrandr --newmode 1440x900_70.00  126.98  1440 1536 1688 1936  900 901 
904 937  -HSync +Vsync

xrandr --addmode VBOX0 1440x900_70.00
xrandr --output VBOX0 --mode 1440x900_70.00


1. You have to create _your_ modelines
2. Replace VBOX0 with what you see when you run xrandr alone.
3. Hopefully shed tears of joy

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Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?

2013-04-10 Thread David Christensen

On 04/10/13 16:28, Brian wrote:

dpchrist@a64x23800p:~$ xrandr
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 4096 x 4096
VGA-1 connected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y
axis) 0mm x 0mm
1024x768   60.0*
800x60060.3 56.2
DVI-D-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
TV-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)

You have a monitor which can do 1600x1200 but xorg can only see fit
to give you 1024x768. This may be because the monitor is not
providing suitable information to xorg, so it serves up 1024x768 so
as not to disappoint you.

I have a KVM (IOGEAR GCS78)that doesn't seem to pass through monitor 
information.  :-(

Normally, I provide monitor information to the X server via xorg.conf, 
using the generated by Xorg -configure as a starting 
point.  But, as I stated before, the generated is broken.

 Look at the Xorg log in /var/log and search
 in particular for 'EDID'. Is there anything like that or references
 to monitor resolution there?

Looking at:

I see:

(II) NOUVEAU(0): EDID for output VGA-1
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Not using default mode 640x350 (vrefresh out of range)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Not using default mode 320x175 (vrefresh out of range)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Not using default mode 640x400 (vrefresh out of range)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Not using default mode 1024x768 (vrefresh out of range)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Not using default mode 2048x1536 (vrefresh out of range)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Not using default mode 1024x768 (vrefresh out of range)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Printing probed modes for output VGA-1
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline 1024x768x60.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344 
768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline 800x600x60.3   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 
601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline 800x600x56.2   36.00  800 824 896 1024  600 
601 603 625 +hsync +vsync (35.2 kHz)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline 848x480x60.0   33.75  848 864 976 1088  480 
486 494 517 +hsync +vsync (31.0 kHz)
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline 640x480x59.9   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 
489 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz)

(II) NOUVEAU(0): EDID for output DVI-D-1
(II) NOUVEAU(0): EDID for output TV-1
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Output VGA-1 connected
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Output DVI-D-1 disconnected
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Output TV-1 disconnected
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Using fuzzy aspect match for initial modes
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Output VGA-1 using initial mode 1024x768


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Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?

2013-04-10 Thread Brian
On Wed 10 Apr 2013 at 16:50:54 -0700, David Christensen wrote:

 I have a KVM (IOGEAR GCS78)that doesn't seem to pass through monitor
 information.  :-(
 Normally, I provide monitor information to the X server via
 xorg.conf, using the generated by Xorg -configure as
 a starting point.  But, as I stated before, the generated is broken.

First test the display resolution you want to have as described by
Benjamin. If it works you can use my xorg.conf as a basis to write

  Section Device
  Identifier   FX5200
  Driver   nouveau

  Section Monitor
  Identifier   1905FP
  Modeline 1280x1024  115.00  1280 1368 1496 1712  1024 1027 1034 
1063 -hsync +vsync
  HorizSync 30-81
  VertRefresh   56-76

  Section Screen
  IdentifierDefault Screen
  Monitor   1905FP
  DefaultDepth   16
  SubSection Display
  Depth  16
  Modes 1280x1024

I used 'cvt 1280 1024' to get the Modeline.

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Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?

2013-04-10 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2013-04-10 at 15:53 +0100, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 11:43:44PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  When opening your links they were not good formatted,
 they are being sent (incorrectly) as content-type: text/html, so web browsers
 will try to render them as HTML - but a simple tool like 'GET' is OK:
  $ GET

What's the package name for Debian that does include GET?

I only found this:


On Arch I found perl-libwww ...

[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ pacman -Ql perl-libwww | grep perl/lwp
perl-libwww /usr/bin/vendor_perl/lwp-download
perl-libwww /usr/bin/vendor_perl/lwp-dump
perl-libwww /usr/bin/vendor_perl/lwp-mirror
perl-libwww /usr/bin/vendor_perl/lwp-request
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ lwp-download
Saving to ''...
2.63 KB received
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ cat

... cat does show it correctly formatted, but this already does work
using wget.

[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ rm
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ wget
--2013-04-11 04:34:09--
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ cat


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Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?

2013-04-10 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2013-04-10 at 11:44 -0700, David Christensen wrote:
 On 04/10/13 07:53, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
  On Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 11:43:44PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  When opening your links they were not good formatted,
 Agreed.  Iceweasle seems to be dropping the newlines and folding the 
 lines together.  View - Page Source looks much better.

For Firefox 20.0 it does work with
Right click  View Page Source
I didn't know that. It's not provided by the View-menu.

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Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?

2013-04-10 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Thu, 2013-04-11 at 01:52 +0200, Benjamin Egner wrote:
 I deleted the earlier messages. Hopefully, this is appropriate:
 I wrote a startup script to fix my resolution aka `add new modes' to the 
 ones xrandr is showing you.
 # Purpose: Setting the monitor parameters for Samsung 943nw
 # Date:   2013-03-19
 # Author:  BE
 # Source:  For the startup-script idea:
 # modeline obtained manually via `gtf' call.
 xrandr --newmode 1440x900_70.00  126.98  1440 1536 1688 1936  900 901 
 904 937  -HSync +Vsync
 xrandr --addmode VBOX0 1440x900_70.00
 xrandr --output VBOX0 --mode 1440x900_70.00
 1. You have to create _your_ modelines
 2. Replace VBOX0 with what you see when you run xrandr alone.
 3. Hopefully shed tears of joy

As mentioned by me in two previous posts. You might need a modeline and
you can get the needed values by the command cvt resolution
v-frequency, e.g.:

[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ cvt 1152 864 90
# 1152x864 89.80 Hz (CVT) hsync: 81.99 kHz; pclk: 127.25 MHz
Modeline 1152x864_90.00  127.25  1152 1232 1352 1552  864 867 871 913
-hsync +vsync


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Indonesia Corporate Financial Reporting

2013-04-10 Thread Fortress Intelligence
* A must-attend programme for companies with operations in Indonesia *
** We are HRDF-approved training provider **

An Overview of the Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (IFAS) Framework
Tuesday, 14th May 2013, 9am – 5pm, Kuala Lumpur

Since the issuance of the Accounting and Auditing Report on the Observance of 
Standards and Codes in 2005, Indonesia has made significant efforts to improve 
the quality of corporate financial reporting. Considerable progress has been 
made to strengthen the institutional framework of accounting and auditing and 
to move toward convergence with International Financial Reporting Standards 
(IFRS) and adoption of International Standards of Auditing (ISA). Investors and 
companies with operations in Indonesia need to be aware of these standards as 
they may have major effects on their financial statements and structures.

This one-day seminar led by Saptoto Agustomo, Partner from RSM AAJ Associates 
Indonesia will provide participants with essential knowledge about the 
IFRS-based Indonesian Financial Reporting Standards and its implications on 
their businesses.
- Learn about the recent developments in the Indonesian Financial Accounting 
Standards framework
- Understand the key differences between IFAS and IFRS
- Discover the tax implications and other issues that may arise from the IFAS
- Pose questions to the expert from Indonesia and network with other 

Registration Fees: 
Regular fee - RM1,200.00 
Early bird fee - RM1,100.00 (for registrations received by 12 April 2013)
All fees include lunch, documentation and refreshments

For more information or to receive a brochure, please contact Ms Kuan at (603) 
7803 2514 or

We look forward to your participation at this seminar.

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Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?

2013-04-10 Thread Bob Proulx
Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 What's the package name for Debian that does include GET?

  $ apt-file search /usr/bin/GET
  libwww-perl: /usr/bin/GET

 ... cat does show it correctly formatted, but this already does work
 using wget.

Huh?  Works fine for me.

 [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ wget
 --2013-04-11 04:34:09--
 [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ cat

Yep.  Works fine here.


Description: Digital signature

Re: wheezy still missing php5-suhosin

2013-04-10 Thread Andrew McGlashan
On 11/04/2013 5:40 AM, Bob Proulx wrote:
 What I have read (caution unverified) is that the PHP interpreter
 isn't intrinsically insecure.  It only becomes that way when used with
 insecure php code.  Which makes sense.  Any upstream interpreter
 vulnerability would have a CVE number associated with it that would be
 tracked.  I see people calling for those reports but none are being
 provided for any current vulnerabilities.

Yes, but insecure code is so easy to make and even the so called experts
are making them.  There is even an O'Reilly book that has wrong
information that is leading programmers astray.  The protections
provided by Suhosin in the past may _always_ be required and necessary.

It's not as bad as 95% of people running Java are using older versions
that are known to be exploitable, but there is plenty of exploitable PHP
code -- some may remain for years on non-patched servers, but new and
properly patched servers shouldn't be part of the problem.  PHP needs
to, upstream, make sure that programming flaws cannot be exploited and
that is what Suhosin aims to achieve.  Bad code will be there, we need
to be protected from it one way or another.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: which operation leads to the close all opening terminals

2013-04-10 Thread lina
 Imho, the geeks are interested in the output of `dmesg' and the contents
 of `/var/log/syslog'.

Apr 10 23:57:01 dove kernel: [130001.429581] gnome-terminal[6910]:
segfault at
1 ip 7fbbadb22816 sp 7e7fc7c0 error 4 in

Is it related?

 The closer in time to the incident, the better.

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Re: which operation leads to the close all opening terminals

2013-04-10 Thread lina
  I´d also be interested in ~/.xsession-errors by the time of the incident.

** (xfce4-session:4890): WARNING **: ICE connection 0x7f00400422b0 rejected

** (gnome-terminal:22938): WARNING **: Failed to connect to the session
: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols
specified are supported and host-based authentication failed

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Starting Iceweasel

2013-04-10 Thread Ethan Rosenberg, PhD

Dear list -

Thanks for all your help.

Finally, I can start Iceweasel from the command line [sort of]: 
iceweasel -no-remote localhost/choice.php width $1280 height $800

The above works.

But ... in a store.desktop multiple windows are opened.

#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Store Program
Exec=iceweasel -no-remote localhost/choice.php width $1280 height $800

FYI Iceweasel is NOT running when I issue the command or click on the icon.



The suggestions on migrating icedove to Thunderbird look excellent.

I'm reasonably good at three things at one time, but six is a little 
much.  As soon as I can climb out of the hole I am in, I'll do the 
migration and give a detailed answer.

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Re: which operation leads to the close all opening terminals

2013-04-10 Thread lina
  Without data, we can only speculate. Here's my wild speculation:
 You thought you had multiple terminals open, but what you had
 was a single master process with multiple sub-processes. A

I did have multiple terminals open.

It only happened once, at least in what I can recall.

 failure of some kind happened in the master process and when it
 died, it took all the children with it.

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Mac Mini EFI issues

2013-04-10 Thread Aaron Dewell

Hello all,

I've been installing wheezy on a Mini for most of the afternoon/evening, and 
I'm nearly there.  The first issue with the install was that grub-pc is 
installed by default, so I had to manually purge it and install grub-efi before 
reboot.  grub-efi installation was also highly manual and still not complete.

Second problem was that that partman set the partition type to EF00 on the root 
filesystem…  So nothing could see it.  I manually changed it to 8300 (using 
gdisk), not sure if that was correct or not, but it has at least let the Mac 
side see it as something other than Free Space.  However, Fuse-ext2 still 
doesn't see it, so perhaps the partition tag is still wrong.

I'm at the point now that grub-efi gives me a command prompt (when EFI loaded 
from holding down the option key, aka Apple Boot Selector or something), with 
zero configuration.  Got that covered, except the kernel won't load due to not 
finding the root filesystem (root=/dev/sdb3 not working).  I'm about to try 
UUID next.  Course, I had to boot off CD again to find the UUID...

rEFInd still doesn't see the bootable Linux partition.  But that's out of scope 
of this mailing list.

So my question is: should setting this up have been so difficult?  Or is it 
just not optimized for an Intel Mac and they are inherently problematic?  Or 
did I do things wrong?

I am trying to avoid a hybrid partition table, as there will be no Windows on 
this (well, not directly).  My actual goal is to run this Debian install as Xen 
dom0 and migrate the existing MacOS X into a domU plus add windows as well.  
But that's a later step.

Any suggestions appreciated!  Thanks,


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