Re: Installing open-vm-tools in Debian Wheezy

2015-04-22 Thread Eric Gamess

 If you install this for a VM running on ESX then you can ignore this
 error, since HGFS (Host-Guest-Filsystem) does not work with ESX and
 vmsync is for the experimental VSS-like snapshot feature for Linux which
 I never saw used in any production environment.


I am using VMware Workstation. Even with the problem mentioned, the
compilation finishes. However, Edit Copy and Edit Paste does not
work. And dragging files between the host OS (Windows 7) to the guest
OS(Debian) does not work.

Thank you.


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Re: Installing open-vm-tools in Debian Wheezy

2015-04-22 Thread Sven Hartge
Eric Gamess wrote:

 If you install this for a VM running on ESX then you can ignore this
 error, since HGFS (Host-Guest-Filsystem) does not work with ESX and
 vmsync is for the experimental VSS-like snapshot feature for Linux which
 I never saw used in any production environment.

 I am using VMware Workstation. Even with the problem mentioned, the
 compilation finishes. However, Edit Copy and Edit Paste does not
 work. And dragging files between the host OS (Windows 7) to the guest
 OS(Debian) does not work.

I am not sure if the first one even works with the native VMware Tools.
The last one uses the HGFS, so if the module is not available it will of
course not work.


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Re: can't automatically launch lxde

2015-04-22 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Tue, 21 Apr 2015, James wrote:

 I installed lxde as a gui desktop but I can't get it to run
 automatically. I need to login as me and then do sudo kdm (sudo lxdm
 doesn't work).

Exactly how did you install LXDE?  What other desktop environments do
you have installed?  Does that desktop run instead of LXDE?  I'm
assuming so.  Try this:

At login, at the bottom of the screen -- maybe at the top (I haven't
run a desktop in years, just a WM), there should be a gadget to select
which desktop, window manager, etc. to run.  Pick one of the LXDE


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Re: Installing open-vm-tools in Debian Wheezy

2015-04-22 Thread Eric Gamess
Dear Darac,

 Sounds like Bug #779081, which suggests an upgrade to version

Yes, you are right!!! This is the bug. I found information
on it in the Internet. So now, can someone point me to how
to move to version 2:8.8.0+2012.05.21-724730-1+nmu2+deb7u1 ???

Thank you.


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Re: iptables SNAT,DNAT y caso extraño que no funciona

2015-04-22 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 21 Apr 2015 18:31:30 +0200, José Miguel (sio2) escribió:

 Un saludo a la lista:
 He estado jugueteando con iptables y me he encontrado con un caso en el
 que no funciona como yo me esperaba. De hecho, me parece que no debería
 funcionar así, pero me gustaría que alguien opinara al respecto.


Es un poco lioso, pero me da la nariz que el problema está con alguna 
regla de iptables que además (y para el ejemplo que pones) me parece que 
no serían necesarias ya que si todas las máquinas están en la misma red 
física, para asegurarte la salida por el cortafuegos con un esquema de 
enrutado sería suficiente (route/ip).


 Pues bien si en M1 hago:
 $ ping -c1

Es decir, ejecutas un ping desde la máquina 1 al cortafuegos.

 Se obtiene respuesta perfectamente en el caso A) y B), pero no en el C).

En el caso C) tenemos dos interfaces de red (eth0 + eth1) configuradas 
como br0 ¿no? ¿Tienes activado en el cortafuegos el reenvío de IP?

 Pero lo más curioso del asunto, es que si en el caso C), me pongo a
 escuchar con tcpdump la interfaz br0 del cortafuegos a ver si saco algo
 en claro, śí funciona. :/


Hum... que el ping al cortafuegos no obtenga respuesta en la máquina 1 
pero que éste (cortafuegos) sí escuche el tráfico parece indicar que los 
paquetes llegan pero se rechazan, quizá por alguna regla de iptables.

 Caso C)
 # tcpdump -ni eth1 icmp 18:27:36.902663 IP ICMP echo request, etc.
 #tcpdump -ni br0 icmp 18:28:23.735113 IP
 ICMP echo request, etc. 18:28:23.735171 IP ICMP echo request, etc. 18:28:23.735536 IP ICMP echo reply, etc. 18:28:23.735547 IP ICMP echo reply, etc.
 Esta última monitorizacióm no sé cómo interpretarla. La lógica sería la
 del caso A.

Puedes añadir más verbosidad a tcpdump (-vvv) a ver si te da alguna pista.



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Re: Installing open-vm-tools in Debian Wheezy

2015-04-22 Thread David Wright
Quoting Liam O'Toole (
 The open-vm-tools package recomends open-vm-dkms. The package
 description for the latter is 'Source for VMware guest systems driver
 (DKMS)'. It seems that that will give you the source, packaged to work
 with DKMS.  Therefore the module(s) will automaticaly be recompiled on
 kernel upgrade.

Alternatively, purge and reinstall open-vm-dkms which should trigger
a recompilation. (That's a complete guess, based on the behaviour of
ndiswrapper under similar conditions.)


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Re: Need help fixing an unhandled irq

2015-04-22 Thread Kynn Jones
On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 9:49 PM, Kynn Jones wrote:

 OK, I found a way to turn off one of the two snd_hda_intel,
 but it turned out to be the one on IRQ 45.  (In any case,
 doing this did not solve the problem.)  The method I used was

 1. find the prefix of the audio device(s) in the output of lspci
 2. search for a path under /sys/devices with this prefix in the basename
 3. add a line of the form

 echo 1  /path/found/in/previous/step/remove

 When did step (1) I found two candidate prefixes 00:03.0 and 00.1b.0,
from the lines

 00:03.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Haswell HD Audio Controller
(rev 06)
 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Lynx Point High Definition
Audio Controller (rev 04)

 but in step (2) I was able to find only one matching path, namely


Correction: when I looked again I did find a file for 00.03.0:


I'm not sure why I missed it the first time.

 I went ahead and added the line

 echo 1  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:1b.0/remove

 to /etc/rc.local, and rebooted.

I repeated the same thing once more with this line instead:

echo 1  /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:03.0/remove

...and now after rebooting the IRQ 16 line of /proc/interrupts
shows only one driver:

# grep '^ 16:' /proc/interrupts
 16:   1211  0  0  0  IR-IO-APIC-fasteoi

But, unfortunately, this turned out to be a red herring: the
unhandled IRQ 16 error continues to happen, and along with it the
mouse that, as it were, wakes drunk from sleep.  (At least the
system's sound continues to work fine, AFAICT.)

Now it looks like the problem is with the ehci_hcd driver.

In this case, I don't think that disabling the driver is an
option, so I decided to send a full bug report to the
debian-kernel list, here:

Putting aside the main issue (the problem with the mouse) I now
have the additional (but far less pressing) question of which of
the two instances of snd_hda_intel I should keep around?


Re: /etc/network/interfaces in jessie and systemd?

2015-04-22 Thread Michael Biebl
Am 22.04.2015 um 10:21 schrieb Vincent Lefevre:
 On 2015-04-21 17:27:46 +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
 The ifup@.service is triggered by a udev rule and responsible to handle
 allow-hotplug interfaces.
 I hope that this will remain always optional. For a laptop at least,
 that's not the correct way to do.

Are you advocating the use of auto over allow-hotplug or the use of
something enirely else, more dynamic, like network-manager?

I'm not quite sure what you mean with remain always optional though.

Care to elaborate?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Debian 8 release

2015-04-22 Thread Rolf Edlund
Hej alla Debianare!

Tyvärr var jag tvungen att åka in akut till sjukhuset i förra veckan.
Har precis kommit hem därifrån, och är nu ganska trött efter sviterna.
Så tyvärr är jag tvungen att hoppa av mötet i Gbg på Lördag. Men det
kanske blir fler tillfällen.

Hoppas att ni får det riktigt trevligt, och att alla som har satt upp
sig kan komma.


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Re: RAID para datos importantes

2015-04-22 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 22 Apr 2015 14:14:58 +0200, Josu Lazkano escribió:

Corrijo el top-posting.
 El día 20 de abril de 2015, 15:34, Camaleón


 1. ¿Los discos los tengo que formatear con algun sistema de ficheros
 en cocncreto? ¿O simplemente creo el raid con los discos sin

 El software raid de linux es muy flexible, te permite crear los
 volúmenes raid en el momento que quieras, bien sobre particiones
 existentes o bien partiendo de cero. El RAID de linux tiene su propio
 formato (por así decirlo) por lo que en el caso de partir desde
 particiones ya creadas eliminará los datos y usará los recursos que
 hayas seleccionado (particiones/discos) para generar el dispositivo de
 bloques que conforma la matriz.

 Recuerda que puedes usar particiones o discos duros completos, cada
 esquema tiene sus ventajas e inconvenientes por lo que te recomendaría
 que revisaras la documentación oficial¹ del kernel.


 Gracias a los dos por las respuestas.
 He estado haciendo algunas pruebas. La gran duda que tengo es si tengo
 que crear el RAID sobre el disco tal cual (/dev/sdb) o sobre una
 particion (/dev/sdb1), y si es sobre una particion, si tiene que ser

No es que tengas que crear una u otra, tienes que decidir qué esquema 
quieres. Como indica el artículo que te mencioné más arriba, las dos son 
opciones posibles y cada una tiene pros y contras. Yo prefiero usar 
discos completos al igual que sucede en un RAID por hardware.

En cuanto al tipo de partición, como dice el artículo, sólo tienes que 
preocuparte si usas un sistema de RAID por particiones. En cualquier 
caso, y si no especificas nada, mdadm decidirá por ti.

 He probado con estos comandos:
 mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc

Ahí estás creando un volumen con dos discos duros.

 He leido que es interesante crear una particion del tipo Linux raid
 fdisk -l /dev/sdc
 Device Boot Start End  Blocks   Id  System /dev/sdc1
2048  1953525167   976761560   fd  Linux raid autodetect

Bueno, el artículo que te pasé dice exactamente lo contrario.

 ¿Que me recomendais sobre lo de crear la particion antes de crear el

Creo que no has leído el enlace que te pasé y que está realmente bien 
además de ser fácil de seguir ;-)



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squid and apt

2015-04-22 Thread Pol Hallen

Hi all

I've squid with transparent proxy, why linux clients has problems with 
apt? (apt-get update)

Err wheezy/non-free armhf Packages
  400  Bad Request

on every clients I've:

iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination ip:port

Do I need set to /etc/apt/... the proxy to solve the issue?



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Re: Proxy authentication on gnome

2015-04-22 Thread Liam O'Toole
On 2015-04-22, Iuri Guilherme wrote:
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

 I couldn't search the list archives for this, but I am having trouble
 trying to authenticate on proxies servers.

 In the system network configuration on Wheezy, there are the fields to
 configure a proxy. However, it just allow one to put the server and
 port, and there is no place in the GUI to configure user and password.

 Upon trying to force Iceweasel to use specific configuration, or even
 WPAD, the same problem occurs because the popup window that shows up
 on most systems asking for a moz-proxy:// password never shows up.
 Also there seems to be no other (easy) way to put the user and
 password on Iceweasel because the sqlite file on the mozilla folder
 seems to have some source of protection.

 So this Debian machine is sitting here because authentication is
 needed on a corporate proxy.

Do you know what authentication protocol is used by the proxy? If it is
NTLM, then the ntlmaps package might help you.



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Re: Installing open-vm-tools in Debian Wheezy

2015-04-22 Thread Darac Marjal
On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 08:04:14AM -0700, Eric Gamess wrote:
 Thank you Liam,
  The open-vm-tools package recomends open-vm-dkms. The package
  description for the latter is 'Source for VMware guest systems driver
  (DKMS)'. It seems that that will give you the source, packaged to work
  with DKMS.  Therefore the module(s) will automaticaly be recompiled on
  kernel upgrade.
 Yes, by the way, when you install open-vm-tools, it will
 also install open-vm-dkms, since it is a dependency. It seems
 that the source code is now in this new package, and not in
 open-vm-source anymore.
 Yes, open-vm-tools starts to compile, and will stop compiling
 because there is a syntax error in file:

Sounds like Bug #779081, which suggests an upgrade to version

 Compilation will also show this message:
  FATAL: Module vmhgfs not found.
  FATAL: Module vmsync not found. 
 Any other idea
 Thank you.
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Re: Installing open-vm-tools in Debian Wheezy

2015-04-22 Thread Eric Gamess
Thank you Liam,

 The open-vm-tools package recomends open-vm-dkms. The package
 description for the latter is 'Source for VMware guest systems driver
 (DKMS)'. It seems that that will give you the source, packaged to work
 with DKMS.  Therefore the module(s) will automaticaly be recompiled on
 kernel upgrade.

Yes, by the way, when you install open-vm-tools, it will
also install open-vm-dkms, since it is a dependency. It seems
that the source code is now in this new package, and not in
open-vm-source anymore.

Yes, open-vm-tools starts to compile, and will stop compiling
because there is a syntax error in file:

Compilation will also show this message:
 FATAL: Module vmhgfs not found.
 FATAL: Module vmsync not found. 

Any other idea
Thank you.


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Re: Installing open-vm-tools in Debian Wheezy

2015-04-22 Thread Sven Hartge
Eric Gamess wrote:

 And I got an error message:
 Error!  Build of vmhgfs.ko failed for: 3.2.0-4-686-pae (i686)
 Consult the make.log in the build directory
 /var/lib/dkms/open-vm-tools/2012.05.21/build/ for more information.
 Setting up open-vm-tools (2:8.8.0+2012.05.21-724730-1+nmu2) ...
 FATAL: Module vmhgfs not found.
 FATAL: Module vmsync not found.

If you install this for a VM running on ESX then you can ignore this
error, since HGFS (Host-Guest-Filsystem) does not work with ESX and
vmsync is for the experimental VSS-like snapshot feature for Linux which
I never saw used in any production environment.

All other modules, for example vmxnet3 or vmware-balloon are already
inside the default Debian kernel.

And if you can live without the Shared Folder feauture of VMware
Workstation you don't need to bother fixing vmhgfs either.


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Spesial untuk Penggemar HYDE!

2015-04-22 Thread MATOME.ID
Hallo Minasan! Ada hadiah berupa tanda-tangan HYDE buat Minasan yang beruntung!
Apakah Minasan tahu kalau ternyata HYDE L'Arc~en~Ciel tampil di Japan Night di 
Jakarta Bulan ini?

Temukan artikel hasil wawancara dengan HYDE saat itu di!
Buat yang mau tanda tangan asli HYDE, Like FB di link berikut ini!!
Kalau Minasan penggemar HYDE, jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini!!

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Re: iptables SNAT,DNAT y caso extraño que no funciona

2015-04-22 Thread sio2
El Wed, 22 de Apr de 2015, a las 04:44:32PM +, Camaleón dijo:

 El Tue, 21 Apr 2015 18:31:30 +0200, José Miguel (sio2) escribió:
  Un saludo a la lista:
  He estado jugueteando con iptables y me he encontrado con un caso en el
  que no funciona como yo me esperaba. De hecho, me parece que no debería
  funcionar así, pero me gustaría que alguien opinara al respecto.
 Es un poco lioso, pero me da la nariz que el problema está con alguna 
 regla de iptables que además (y para el ejemplo que pones) me parece que 
 no serían necesarias ya que si todas las máquinas están en la misma red 

Las tres máquinas están en la misma red. Ahora bien, la máquina M2 sólo
admite comunicaciones con el cortafuegos. Cualquier tráfico procedente
de otra máquina, lo veta. De ahí que necesite las reglas de iptables, ya
que la única forma que tiene M1 de acceder a los servicios de M2 es a
través del cortafuegos.

He usado el ping como podría haber usado cualquier servicio en M2
(incluso uno improvicado con netcat).

, para asegurarte la salida por el cortafuegos con un esquema de 
 enrutado sería suficiente (route/ip).

No hay enrutamiento en este supuesto: las tres máquinas están en la
misma red.
  Pues bien si en M1 hago:
  $ ping -c1
 Es decir, ejecutas un ping desde la máquina 1 al cortafuegos.

Sí, ya he dicho que M1 no puede acceder a M2 directamente (incluso
aunque estén en el mismo segmento de red), porque M2 sólo se habla con
el cortafuegos:

# iptables -A INPUT -p icmp ! -s -j DROP
# iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp ! -d -j DROP

 Se obtiene respuesta perfectamente en el caso A) y B), pero no en el C).
 En el caso C) tenemos dos interfaces de red (eth0 + eth1) configuradas 
 como br0 ¿no?

Sí... y no. 

En el caso A) el cortafuegos sólo tiene una interfaz de red (en la red
que tratamos). Pongamos que es eth1. Funciona.

En el caso B) hay interfaces de red (eth1 y eth2) en la red que son
puertos de un bridge br0. La máquina M1 cae en el segmento de red con el
que conecta físicamente eth1 y la máquina M2, en el segmento con el que
conecta eth2. Funciona.

El caso C) se configura exactamente igual que el caso B), pero en este
caso, ambas máquinas (M1 y M2) caen en el mismo segmento de red: al que
conecta el cortafuegos con eth1. No funciona.

Dicho de otro modo B) y C) son exactamente la misma configuración en
cortafuegos y máquinas, lo único que se hace es cambiar de segmento de
red una de las máquinas. Como trabajo con qemu, esto consiste en apagar
la máquina M2 y arrancarla con su eth0 en la misma vlan que la interfaz
eth1 del cortafuegos y la interfaz eth0 de M1. De esta forma, ambas
máquinas acaban cayendo en el mismo segmento de red y ambas máquinas se
comunican con el cortafuegos a través del mismo puerto (eth1).


Caso B:  br0(eth1,eth2)

-+   M1
 | eth1  |
 | eth2
 |   |
-+   M2

Caso C: br0(eth1,eth2)

-+   M1 M2
 | eth1  |  |
 | eth2
 +-- A edste segmento no hay ninguna máquina conectada.

 ¿Tienes activado en el cortafuegos el reenvío de IP?

Eso da igual: estoy conmutando, no encaminando paquetes. De todos modos,
está habilitado.

 Hum... que el ping al cortafuegos no obtenga respuesta en la máquina 1 
 pero que éste (cortafuegos) sí escuche el tráfico parece indicar que los 
 paquetes llegan pero se rechazan, quizá por alguna regla de iptables.

No hay más reglas que las dos que indiqué en el anterior mensaje:

# iptables -nL -t nat
target prot opt source   destination 
DNAT   icmp -- to:

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination 

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination 

target prot opt source   destination 
SNAT   icmp -- DNAT 

Más las dos que hay en M2 para asegurarme que sólo habla con el
cortafuegos. He dejado más arriba escritas cuáles son.

Por supuesto, las reglas del caso B) y las del C) son exactamente las
mismas. Pero, lo que más me escama, es que cuando pongo a escuchar
tcpdump en la interfaz br0, el caso C), sí funciona. ¿Y eso por qué?
¿Qué más da que esté monitorizando tráfico que no lo esté haciendo?

No puedo estar haciendo nada mal. De hecho, si estuviera haciendo algo
mal no deberían funcionar ni B) ni C). Ni mucho menos funcionar C)
cuando tcpdump minitoriza br0, pero no cuando no lo hace.

 Puedes añadir más verbosidad a tcpdump (-vvv) a ver si te da alguna pista.

La única información que añade es el ToS de paquete y algún dato más sobre el
único paquete que detecta. No parece útil en absoluto.


Re: [OT] Tomcat + 2 app

2015-04-22 Thread Lacho

Lo que hice ahora fue crear los virtualhost en apache y en server.xml
definir las apps y como seria el dominio adonde debería apuntarpero
sigo con el mismo problema!!!


VirtualHost *:80

   ProxyRequests Off
   ProxyPreserveHost On

   ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/tomcat.error.log
   CustomLog /var/log/httpd/tomcat.log combined

   Proxy *
   Order deny,allow
   Allow from all

   ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/
   ProxyPassReverse / ajp://localhost:8009/

VirtualHost *:80

   ProxyRequests Off
   ProxyPreserveHost On

   ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/tomcat.error.log
   CustomLog /var/log/httpd/tomcat.log combined

   Proxy *
   Order deny,allow
   Allow from all

   ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/
   ProxyPassReverse / ajp://localhost:8009/


Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container
  description=User database that can be updated and saved
  pathname=conf/tomcat-users.xml /

  Service name=Catalina

Connector port=8080 protocol=HTTP/1.1
   redirectPort=8443 /
Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=8443 /

Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost

  Host name=localhost  appBase=webapps
unpackWARs=false autoDeploy=false
xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

Host  appBase=historial
unpackWARs=false autoDeploy=false
xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false


Host  appBase=conectaviz
unpackWARs=false autoDeploy=false
xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false


Las carpetas donde estan definidas las app estan a la misma altura que

tomcat  -- webapps
-- conectaviz
-- historial

varios de los ejemplos que vi están definidos de esa manera y funcionan.


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Re: can't automatically launch lxde

2015-04-22 Thread James

On 04/21/2015 11:46 PM, Gary Dale wrote:

On 21/04/15 08:21 PM, James wrote:
I installed lxde as a gui desktop but I can't get it to run 

I need to login as me and then do sudo kdm (sudo lxdm doesn't work).

It sounds like kdm isn't starting automatically, so you probably don't 
have any gui starting (is this correct?).


You probably have kdm or lxdm installed but not both, which is why 
only one starts. Lxdm is not a Debian package so if you are running 
Debian, that would explain it.

I am running Debian Jessie and I have lxde 8.
I think I just installed the lxde package.

The easiest way to fix the problem may be to:

sudo apt-get purge kdm
sudo apt-get install kdm

This should fix any corruption that may have occurred and should set 
up kdm to run on startup. If you prefer lxdm, simply change the 
install line to lxdm (assuming that you are running Ubuntu).

sudo apt-get install lxde
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
lxde is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

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Re: bash, dash and sh

2015-04-22 Thread Bob Proulx
jeremy bentham wrote:
 I am finally abandonning my fifteen-year-old computer and Lenny
 for a six (?) year old used Gateway 2802 (as a Bad Consumer
 (tm) I never buy anything new if I can avoid it) and, right now,
 it has a start at Wheezy on it.

Congratulations on your recent upgrade.  I am sure you will enjoy it.

 I happened to read on another list, and then verified for myself,
 that /bin/sh is now a link to dash, instead of bash.


 If I
 cd /bin
 sudo rm sh; ln -s bash sh
 will I break a bunch of stuff?

You have an error in the above.  You have sudo for the first command,
the rm, but not for the second command, the ln.

Do it in one command instead.

  sudo ln -sfn bash /bin/sh

Note that I didn't test the above but I believe it will work.

 I have a bunch of scripts 
 (ls -1 ~/bin | wc
138   139   1302)
 with the first line #!/bin/sh that use bashisms, and the above
 would be a lot easier than editing each one (of course, maybe
 just editing each one would be easier than doing this ;-) ).

I suggest editing each one of those.  Changing /bin/sh just treats a
symptom.  Changing the #! line is the Right Thing to do.

Do every single one of those contain bashisms?  That seems unlikely.


Description: Digital signature

bash, dash and sh

2015-04-22 Thread jeremy bentham
I am finally abandonning my fifteen-year-old computer and Lenny
for a six (?) year old used Gateway 2802 (as a Bad Consumer
(tm) I never buy anything new if I can avoid it) and, right now,
it has a start at Wheezy on it.

I happened to read on another list, and then verified for myself,
that /bin/sh is now a link to dash, instead of bash.

If I

cd /bin
sudo rm sh; ln -s bash sh

will I break a bunch of stuff?

I have a bunch of scripts 

(ls -1 ~/bin | wc
   138   139   1302)

with the first line #!/bin/sh that use bashisms, and the above
would be a lot easier than editing each one (of course, maybe
just editing each one would be easier than doing this ;-) ).

Dave WilliamsIn order to save you from the terrorists, we   need to find out about your sex life.  And we've
 got the technology to do it!

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Re: LibreOffice 64 bit suddenly wont save.

2015-04-22 Thread Marc Shapiro
Changes made to a spreadsheet and saved were reloaded correctly after 
exiting and restarting LibreOffice. A new text document saved from 
Writer also loaded just fine.  No problems here.


On 04/20/2015 12:54 AM, lina wrote:

I do not have problem with LibreOffice Impress in Save File.
However, once I closed the LibreOffice Impress,
restart and re-open the former saved file, it loses 100% fidelity.
Some Connector have gone; Some lines changed its place or orientation.


On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 8:34 AM, Gary Roach wrote:

Has anyone else had the problem that LibreOffice 64 suddenly refuses to save
files. If I pull up an old file and change it and save everything seems to
be OK. But when I try to open the file again the restore corrupted file
screen  pops up. When I go through that routine the file opens with none of
the new changes show. If I create a new file and use save as, LibreOffice
closes and the file is not saved. I reinstalled the office suit, the base
and the core programs. This didn't help. I think this is more a Debian
problem than an LO problem so am posting here.
 Debian wheezy amd64 up to date.

Gary R.

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Re: reading an empty directory after reboot is very slow

2015-04-22 Thread David Wright
Quoting Vincent Lefevre (
 On 2015-04-21 11:05:58 -0500, David Wright wrote:
  Quoting Vincent Lefevre (
   On 2015-04-20 13:04:41 -0500, David Wright wrote:
Quoting Vincent Lefevre (
 But with the current solution (no automatic moving of an entry), you
 can't miss an entry that hasn't been removed.
  [...] if you happen to be reading the entry for file5 at the
time I typed mv, you'll get the entry for file4 twice, under
two different names. (Or the opposite.)
   OK, so, if the rename(2) system call can reorder the entries (this is
   not quite clear because one doesn't see the empty entries here),
  No, and you wouldn't *normally* see them with readdir, I'd suppose.
 But this matters for the implementation in the kernel.

What's this. And what does it matter? You make some system calls,
and you get replies. They come out of a black box.

   there is already a problem with the file system. Getting an entry
   twice under different names is not much a problem, IMHO, because one
   can look at the inode number; there's a race condition, but at worst,
   one can just miss a *new* inode (whose number has been reassigned).
   Missing an existing entry is a problem.
  ...easily demonstrated with

[old demonstration snipped]
  where file3 goes AWOL.
 You haven't demonstrated anything. If you have before the mv:
 0: file1
 1: file4
 2: file5
 3: file6
 4: file2
 5: file3
 and after the mv:
 0: file1
 1: file4
 2: file5
 3: [empty]
 4: [empty]
 5: file3file3file3file3file3file3file3file3file3file3file3file3file3
 6: file6
 7: file2
 there's no problem.

So you don't believe the problem when it's demonstrated, but you do
believe some hypotheticals you just made up. Ask yourself why an
efficient filesystem would move a load of directory entries just
because someone renamed a file.

 What actually needs to be done is a real test
 using readdir.

OK. Here's a demonstration of a file going AWOL by moving *up* the
directory listing. Because of read-ahead, readdir still sees the old
name and the stat() fails. Again, because of read-ahead, I can't
demonstrate the opposite effect in the same program because
you'd have to have a directory bigger than the read-ahead buffer
in order to see any effect. But, as was said already, it's occurrence
can be discovered by checking the inode numbers for duplicate returns.

I scan the directory with readdir, then stat the file to obtain its
inode number. E is stat's return code, I is inode number.
When the latter matches 497051, I sleep for 5 seconds so that
another process can rename a file.

~ $ for j in 1 2 3 4 5 6 ; do mkdir /tmp/testdir/file$j ; done

~ $ /tmp/a.out /tmp/testdir/ ← before doing anything
1 E: 0 I: 496992 file1
2 E: 0 I: 497007 file4
3 E: 0 I: 497039 file5
4 E: 0 I: 488682 .
5 E: 0 I: 497051 file6
sleeping ← I give myself 5 seconds to do something
6 E: 0 I: 488641 ..
7 E: 0 I: 497003 file2
8 E: 0 I: 497006 file3

~ $ /tmp/a.out /tmp/testdir/ ← during the alteration
1 E: 0 I: 496992 file1
2 E: 0 I: 497007 file4
3 E: 0 I: 497039 file5
4 E: 0 I: 488682 .
5 E: 0 I: 497051 file6
sleeping← here I renamed file2 (in another xterm)
6 E: 0 I: 488641 ..
7 E: -1 I: 488641 file2 ← oops, file2 stat() fails (so the inode number is 
untouched from the previous call)
8 E: 0 I: 497006 file3

~ $ /tmp/a.out /tmp/testdir/ ← after the alteration
1 E: 0 I: 496992 file1
2 E: 0 I: 497007 file4
3 E: 0 I: 497039 file5
4 E: 0 I: 488682 .
5 E: 0 I: 497003 
file2file2file2file2file2file2file2file2file2file2file2file2file2file2 ← here 
it is
6 E: 0 I: 497051 file6
7 E: 0 I: 488641 ..
8 E: 0 I: 497006 file3
~ $ 

 Any idea of the algorithm to choose the directory entries? The fact
 that the files are not ordered initially is unintuitive.

A hashing function, so I guess one reads that as random.
Oh, oh, I better be careful what I say. Pseudorandom, as it's
deterministic. I get the same sequence every time I make those

   What do the backup systems do?
  I don't know. Lock the directory and slurp it (if it's not too big),
  otherwise check the modification time before and after reading it,
  and reread it if necessary, maybe...
 The modification time mustn't be used since it can be changed by some
 tools, e.g. during unarchiving or decompressing. The ctime could be
 OK, but re-reads can introduce endless loops for directories that are
 constantly modified.

What's going on here? Is What do the backup systems do? an Aunt Sally,
so you can take pot shots at any suggestion? If you want to know what
backup systems do, how filesystems choose the directory entries,
then you've got the same access to the source as I have. Take a look.
But don't expect me to come up with a bullet-proof scheme.

This subthread started at
with your statement But with the current solution (no automatic

Re: empty directories need disk space

2015-04-22 Thread Bob Proulx
basti wrote:
 on different servers I have cache folders with a lot of small files. Now
 all the files are delete but the folder need 151 MB.
 Whats gonig on here? What is the problem? How can I fix? Delete and
 create would be impracticable.

With ext2, ext3 and ext4 directories can only grow.  They never
shrink.  If you take the file system offline and run 'e2fsck -D -f' on
them then the fsck will shrink them.  But it is an offline operation.

 --- /home/somedir/cache/baseall/basecache
   151.0MiB [##]

In this day and age 151M of data seems too small to try to recover.


Description: Digital signature

Re: bash, dash and sh

2015-04-22 Thread David Christensen

On 04/22/2015 08:02 PM, jeremy bentham wrote:

I have a bunch of scripts ...
with the first line #!/bin/sh that use bashisms, ...

How about changing the shebang line of the scripts with Perl?

Note that you can leave off the -i switch to Perl while developing your 
code snippet and/or regular expression, and Perl will print the munged 
results to STDOUT rather than clobbering your file(s):

2015-04-22 20:30:58 dpchrist@t2250 ~/sandbox/sh
$ ll
-rwxr-xr-x 1 dpchrist dpchrist 31 2015/04/22 20:30:51*

2015-04-22 20:31:02 dpchrist@t2250 ~/sandbox/sh
$ cat
echo hello, world!

2015-04-22 20:31:04 dpchrist@t2250 ~/sandbox/sh
$ ./
hello, world!

2015-04-22 20:31:08 dpchrist@t2250 ~/sandbox/sh
$ perl -p -e 's(#!/bin/sh)(#!/bin/bash)'
echo hello, world!

2015-04-22 20:31:14 dpchrist@t2250 ~/sandbox/sh
$ cat
echo hello, world!

2015-04-22 20:31:19 dpchrist@t2250 ~/sandbox/sh
$ perl -pi -e 's(#!/bin/sh)(#!/bin/bash)'

2015-04-22 20:31:26 dpchrist@t2250 ~/sandbox/sh
$ cat
echo hello, world!

2015-04-22 20:31:29 dpchrist@t2250 ~/sandbox/sh
$ ./
hello, world!


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Re: RAID para datos importantes

2015-04-22 Thread Walter O. Dari

Hola gente:

El 22/04/15 a las 17:09, Josu Lazkano escribió:

Gracias de nuevo,

Me quedo con esta frase: Neil, the md/mdadm author, uses whole disks.

Asi que creo que lo dejare sin particionar, jejeje.

Yo uso dos particiones en cada disco del raid1 de todos mis servidores 
(míos y de clientes). Por un lado un disco chico con el sistema y por 
otro uno de buena capacidad con dos particiones, una para /home y otra 
para /var. Para el uso que le damos va bien.

wodari@svrsw:~$ mount
/dev/md0 on /home type ext3 
/dev/md1 on /var type ext3 

wodari@svrsw:~$ cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid1]
md0 : active raid1 sdb1[0] sdc1[1]
  585938624 blocks [2/2] [UU]

md1 : active raid1 sdb2[0] sdc2[1]
  39190464 blocks [2/2] [UU]

unused devices: none


El día 22 de abril de 2015, 15:19, Camaleón escribió:

El Wed, 22 Apr 2015 14:14:58 +0200, Josu Lazkano escribió:

Corrijo el top-posting.

El día 20 de abril de 2015, 15:34, Camaleón


1. ¿Los discos los tengo que formatear con algun sistema de ficheros
en cocncreto? ¿O simplemente creo el raid con los discos sin

El software raid de linux es muy flexible, te permite crear los
volúmenes raid en el momento que quieras, bien sobre particiones
existentes o bien partiendo de cero. El RAID de linux tiene su propio
formato (por así decirlo) por lo que en el caso de partir desde
particiones ya creadas eliminará los datos y usará los recursos que
hayas seleccionado (particiones/discos) para generar el dispositivo de
bloques que conforma la matriz.

Recuerda que puedes usar particiones o discos duros completos, cada
esquema tiene sus ventajas e inconvenientes por lo que te recomendaría
que revisaras la documentación oficial¹ del kernel.


Gracias a los dos por las respuestas.

He estado haciendo algunas pruebas. La gran duda que tengo es si tengo
que crear el RAID sobre el disco tal cual (/dev/sdb) o sobre una
particion (/dev/sdb1), y si es sobre una particion, si tiene que ser

No es que tengas que crear una u otra, tienes que decidir qué esquema
quieres. Como indica el artículo que te mencioné más arriba, las dos son
opciones posibles y cada una tiene pros y contras. Yo prefiero usar
discos completos al igual que sucede en un RAID por hardware.

En cuanto al tipo de partición, como dice el artículo, sólo tienes que
preocuparte si usas un sistema de RAID por particiones. En cualquier
caso, y si no especificas nada, mdadm decidirá por ti.

He probado con estos comandos:

mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc

Ahí estás creando un volumen con dos discos duros.

He leido que es interesante crear una particion del tipo Linux raid

fdisk -l /dev/sdc

Device Boot Start End  Blocks   Id  System /dev/sdc1
2048  1953525167   976761560   fd  Linux raid autodetect

Bueno, el artículo que te pasé dice exactamente lo contrario.

¿Que me recomendais sobre lo de crear la particion antes de crear el

Creo que no has leído el enlace que te pasé y que está realmente bien
además de ser fácil de seguir ;-)



Saludos !


Walter O. Dari
skype: waomda

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Error en script bash

2015-04-22 Thread Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez


Quiero ejecutar este comando desde un script bash y me da error

Si ejecuto desde la linea de comandos funciona bien

echo ${MI_UUID}  /sys/block/bcache0/bcache/attach

Ahora cuando esto mismo lo hago desde un script me sale el siguiente error
/bin/echo: write error: No such file or directory

Con otras variables que quiero escribir en el directorio /sys no me ocurre


Supongo que debe estar relacionado con alguna propiedad especial del directorio 
/sys (type=sysfs)
pero puede ser que se me este pasando por alto algún error obvio que no puedo 

Gracias de antemano y saludos.


Description: Firma digital OpenPGP

Re: Error en script bash

2015-04-22 Thread Carlos Zuniga
2015-04-22 17:39 GMT-05:00 Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez


 Quiero ejecutar este comando desde un script bash y me da error

 Si ejecuto desde la linea de comandos funciona bien

 echo ${MI_UUID}  /sys/block/bcache0/bcache/attach

 Ahora cuando esto mismo lo hago desde un script me sale el siguiente error
 /bin/echo: write error: No such file or directory

 Con otras variables que quiero escribir en el directorio /sys no me ocurre


 Supongo que debe estar relacionado con alguna propiedad especial del 
 directorio /sys (type=sysfs)
 pero puede ser que se me este pasando por alto algún error obvio que no puedo 

Ejecutas tu directamente el script o desde cron u otra aplicación? Si
es así puede ser problema de permisos.

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Notificação Urgente 18:16

2015-04-22 Thread nfse


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Paschoalotto Advogados Associados


Re: boot logo in Jessie?

2015-04-22 Thread deloptes
German wrote:

 Is that possible to set up boot logo in Jessie? Black screen during boot
 is not nice. Thanks

install plymouth

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Re: reading an empty directory after reboot is very slow

2015-04-22 Thread David Wright
Quoting Vincent Lefevre (
 On 2015-04-21 10:35:12 -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
  Vincent Lefevre wrote:
   So, there's still something I don't understand: after dropping the
   caches, why is Mutt fast to read the mailbox (about 1 minute), but
   not my tool (about 30 minutes)?
  Are you using mutt's header_cache feature?  It keeps a cache of mail
  files off to the side.  It really improves Maildir performance.  I
  personally also have maildir_header_cache_verify=no set too.
 No, I don't use it. This variable doesn't even exist with my compiled

OK, I'll ask. What *is* your version?


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wheezy multiarch: binutils:amd64 conflicts with binutils:i386?

2015-04-22 Thread Tom Roche

summary: 3 questions:

1. Can one install both `binutils:amd64` and `binutils:i386` on the same device?
2. If one can: how? or, what am I doing wrong?
3. If one cannot: why not?


I need to setup a 32-bit app (don't ask!) on a 64-bit linode with

 $ lsb_release -ds
 Debian GNU/Linux 7.8 (wheezy)
 $ cat /etc/debian_version
 $ uname -rv
 3.19.1-x86_64-linode53 #1 SMP Tue Mar 10 15:30:28 EDT 2015

 $ dpkg --print-architecture
 $ dpkg --print-foreign-architectures
 $ sudo aptitude update
 $ sudo aptitude full-upgrade

 $ aptitude --version
 Thu Apr 23 00:08:02 EDT 2015
 aptitude compiled at Nov  7 2012 07:08:03
 Compiler: g++ 4.7.2
 Compiled against:
   apt version 4.12.0
   NCurses version 5.9
   libsigc++ version: 2.2.10
   Ept support enabled.
   Gtk+ support disabled.
   Qt support disabled.

 Current library versions:
   NCurses version: ncurses 5.9.20110404
   cwidget version: 0.5.16
   Apt version: 4.12.0

 $ apt-get --version
 Thu Apr 23 00:08:39 EDT 2015
 apt for amd64 compiled on Oct 17 2014 09:15:56
 Supported modules:
 *Ver: Standard .deb
 *Pkg:  Debian dpkg interface (Priority 30)
  Pkg:  Debian APT solver interface (Priority -1000)
  S.L: 'deb' Standard Debian binary tree
  S.L: 'deb-src' Standard Debian source tree
  Idx: Debian Source Index
  Idx: Debian Package Index
  Idx: Debian Translation Index
  Idx: Debian dpkg status file
  Idx: EDSP scenario file

Among other packages, I need to install `binutils:i386`. However, I can't seem 
to install that and keep the native/64-bit `binutils`:

 $ date ; sudo apt-get install binutils:i386
 Thu Apr 23 00:08:50 EDT 2015
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree   
 Reading state information... Done
 The following extra packages will be installed:
   libstdc++6:i386 zlib1g:i386
 Suggested packages:
 The following packages will be REMOVED:
 The following NEW packages will be installed:
   binutils:i386 libstdc++6:i386 zlib1g:i386
 0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
 Need to get 4,993 kB of archives.
 After this operation, 325 kB disk space will be freed.
 Do you want to continue [Y/n]? ^C

 $ date ; sudo aptitude -s install binutils:i386
 Thu Apr 23 00:08:21 EDT 2015
 The following NEW packages will be installed:
   binutils:i386{b} libstdc++6:i386{a} zlib1g:i386{a} 
 0 packages upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
 Need to get 4,993 kB of archives. After unpacking 14.7 MB will be used.
 The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  binutils : Conflicts: binutils:i386 but 2.22-8+deb7u2 is to be installed.
  binutils:i386 : Conflicts: binutils but 2.22-8+deb7u2 is installed.
 The following actions will resolve these dependencies:

  Remove the following packages:
 1) binutils

 Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/?] q

So I have 3 questions:

1. Can one install both `binutils:amd64` and `binutils:i386` on the same device?

2. If one can: how? or, what am I doing wrong?

3. If one cannot: why not?

Apologies if this is a FAQ, but

* I saw no answers relating to this (though several similar questions) when 

* I see nothing @ indicating that I 
should not be able to do this.

TIA, Tom Roche

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Re: Error en script bash

2015-04-22 Thread Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez
On Wed, 22 Apr 2015 17:53:48 -0500
Carlos Zuniga wrote:

 2015-04-22 17:39 GMT-05:00 Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez
  Quiero ejecutar este comando desde un script bash y me da error
  Si ejecuto desde la linea de comandos funciona bien
  echo ${MI_UUID}  /sys/block/bcache0/bcache/attach
  Ahora cuando esto mismo lo hago desde un script me sale el siguiente error
  /bin/echo: write error: No such file or directory
  Con otras variables que quiero escribir en el directorio /sys no me ocurre
  Supongo que debe estar relacionado con alguna propiedad especial del 
  directorio /sys (type=sysfs)
  pero puede ser que se me este pasando por alto algún error obvio que no 
  puedo ver.
 Ejecutas tu directamente el script o desde cron u otra aplicación? Si
 es así puede ser problema de permisos.

De las dos formas lo ejecuto yo mismo y siempre como usuario root

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Re: reading an empty directory after reboot is very slow

2015-04-22 Thread David Wright
Quoting Vincent Lefevre (
 On 2015-04-21 12:47:14 -0500, David Wright wrote:
  Quoting Vincent Lefevre (
   This mailbox is constantly open in a Mutt running in screen (in
   read-only mode). I often read it, and I modify it from time to time,
   either by adding new messages in the usual way, or by modifying some
   header of existing messages with some tool of mine (in which case, I
   restart Mutt to take the changes into account).
  I guess I find it hard (not knowing what all these emails are) to get
  my head around needing an email-style random access to 145k emails in
  one folder.
 I can then do any filtering I like to search for an old e-mail
 instead of having to look at several folders individually.

You have more of these folders with thousands of emails in them?

   When I wrote my tool, I thought that such a cached mapping would be
   useless because the mailbox would have to be read by Mutt anyway.
   So, there's still something I don't understand: after dropping the
   caches, why is Mutt fast to read the mailbox (about 1 minute), but
   not my tool (about 30 minutes)?
  Because mutt caches, and its caches are persistent.
  The default location (not in the man page, I think) is
  for the headers, and its parent for the emails themselves.
 No, I don't use caches (the header cache is not enabled and the
 ~/.mutt-cache directory doesn't exist).

My fault; I had forgotten that I myself added these settings to .muttrc.
After all, that was probably in 1998.

In which case, if you want to know how come mutt is so fast, take a
look at the source. Just to mention one optimisation I would consider:
slurp the directory and sort the entries by inode. Open the files in
inode order.
And another: it's probably faster to slurp bigger chunks of each file
(with an intelligent guess of the best buffer size) and use a fast
search for \nMessage-ID rather than reading and checking line by line.

Have you considered running a local IMAP server to handle this (and
any other) maildir?
   There would be other problems. All the tools would have to talk
   with this server... and for instance, mairix doesn't support IMAP.
  Is this correct?
 This seems to be something different (nnmairix), which is not in Debian.
 For mairix:
  mairix is a program for indexing and searching locally stored email messages.
  mairix supports Maildir, MH folders, and mbox formats.

nnmairix is a backend to mairix. It's here in wheezy and jessie.
usr/share/emacs/23.4/lisp/gnus/nnmairix.el.gz editors/emacs23-el
usr/share/emacs/23.4/lisp/gnus/nnmairix.elc editors/emacs23-common
usr/share/emacs/24.4/lisp/gnus/nnmairix.el.gz editors/emacs24-el
usr/share/emacs/24.4/lisp/gnus/nnmairix.elc editors/emacs24-common

  But I don't understand why, if you're running mairix, you need to scan the
  emails yourself. Hasn't mairix done this already? (As well as mutt.)
 Only once for indexing. This is persistent after reboots and not
 used by Mutt at all.

No, I wasn't expecting mutt to use mairix. But I thought you might be
using it. Otherwise, why do you index them?

I also wondered what the problem would be with putting the thousands
of emails in a general purpose database. Don't they search and
retrieve faster than perl scripts?


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Gnumeric's DAYS function

2015-04-22 Thread David Wright
Seeing some spreadsheet discussion reminded me that I had noticed a
change in the behaviour of gnumeric between wheezy and jessie, which
affected some of my spreadsheets.

The order of the arguments to DAYS() has been reversed. DAYS() returns
the number of days between two dates. I've used it in monitoring my
household utility consumption, for example.

I have checked that jessie's ordering agrees with jessie's libreoffice,
and I think there is some sort of newish standard for spreadsheets that
mandates this order. But I've seen no warnings about the change.

It poked me right in the eye, but there may be more subtle effects
in other people's spreadsheets that use it. I also wonder if other
functions may have been modified too.


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Re: bash, dash and sh

2015-04-22 Thread Glenn English

On Apr 22, 2015, at 9:22 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:

 jeremy bentham wrote:
 I am finally abandonning my fifteen-year-old computer and Lenny
 for a six (?) year old used Gateway 2802 (as a Bad Consumer
 (tm) I never buy anything new if I can avoid it) and, right now,
 it has a start at Wheezy on it.

As a consumer running an elderly server with Lenny on it, I too congratulate 
you -- Wheezy is more fun than Lenny. They fixed a lot of stuff that gave me 
trouble with Lenny.

 I have a bunch of scripts 
 (ls -1 ~/bin | wc
   138   139   1302)
 with the first line #!/bin/sh that use bashisms, and the above
 would be a lot easier than editing each one (of course, maybe
 just editing each one would be easier than doing this ;-) ).

May I suggest just changing the pointer from Dash back to Bash. You sound like 
somebody that stays with a release for a while, and this is would be a lot less 
work than editing all those scripts. 

Or maybe editing the top line of them from #!/bin/sh to #!/bin/bash, for the 
time being. 

You'll likely have to do significant editing and debugging eventually. But this 
way, you could do that at your pleasure and at your own speed.

Glenn English

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Re: [OT] Tomcat + 2 app

2015-04-22 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 21 Apr 2015 16:08:48 -0300, Lacho escribió:


 Básicamente por si no quedo claro en algún momento, lo que necesito es
 lo siguiente:
 las 2 aplicaciones que tengo en tomcat están alojadas en
 una se llama conectaviz y la otra historial
 hasta el momento he podido hacer funcionar 1 de ellas, pero no las 2
 juntas. Esto lo hice cuando en la carpeta /opt/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/ cree
 un archivo index.html y le hice una referencia a la app


Sigo pensando que se trata de un problema en la configuración de la ruta 
hacia las dos aplicaciones por lo que la respuesta no debe de andar muy 
dejos de aquí (más concretamente Deploy A New Application from a Local 



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Debian Testing: Upgrade XFCE from v-4.10 to v-4.12

2015-04-22 Thread Stephen P. Molnar
Has anyone upgraded XFCE v-4.10 to v-4.12 in Debian Testing without 
having to compile the tarballs?

I am currently running RC3 in a VM and willing to experiment if there 
might be some guidance available.

Thanks in advance.

Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D.Life is a fuzzy set  Stochastic and multivarate
(614)312-7528 (c)
Skype: smolnar1

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Re: RAID para datos importantes

2015-04-22 Thread Josu Lazkano
Gracias de nuevo,

Me quedo con esta frase: Neil, the md/mdadm author, uses whole disks.

Asi que creo que lo dejare sin particionar, jejeje.


El día 22 de abril de 2015, 15:19, Camaleón escribió:
 El Wed, 22 Apr 2015 14:14:58 +0200, Josu Lazkano escribió:

 Corrijo el top-posting.

 El día 20 de abril de 2015, 15:34, Camaleón


 1. ¿Los discos los tengo que formatear con algun sistema de ficheros
 en cocncreto? ¿O simplemente creo el raid con los discos sin

 El software raid de linux es muy flexible, te permite crear los
 volúmenes raid en el momento que quieras, bien sobre particiones
 existentes o bien partiendo de cero. El RAID de linux tiene su propio
 formato (por así decirlo) por lo que en el caso de partir desde
 particiones ya creadas eliminará los datos y usará los recursos que
 hayas seleccionado (particiones/discos) para generar el dispositivo de
 bloques que conforma la matriz.

 Recuerda que puedes usar particiones o discos duros completos, cada
 esquema tiene sus ventajas e inconvenientes por lo que te recomendaría
 que revisaras la documentación oficial¹ del kernel.


 Gracias a los dos por las respuestas.

 He estado haciendo algunas pruebas. La gran duda que tengo es si tengo
 que crear el RAID sobre el disco tal cual (/dev/sdb) o sobre una
 particion (/dev/sdb1), y si es sobre una particion, si tiene que ser

 No es que tengas que crear una u otra, tienes que decidir qué esquema
 quieres. Como indica el artículo que te mencioné más arriba, las dos son
 opciones posibles y cada una tiene pros y contras. Yo prefiero usar
 discos completos al igual que sucede en un RAID por hardware.

 En cuanto al tipo de partición, como dice el artículo, sólo tienes que
 preocuparte si usas un sistema de RAID por particiones. En cualquier
 caso, y si no especificas nada, mdadm decidirá por ti.

 He probado con estos comandos:

 mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc

 Ahí estás creando un volumen con dos discos duros.

 He leido que es interesante crear una particion del tipo Linux raid

 fdisk -l /dev/sdc

 Device Boot Start End  Blocks   Id  System /dev/sdc1
2048  1953525167   976761560   fd  Linux raid autodetect

 Bueno, el artículo que te pasé dice exactamente lo contrario.

 ¿Que me recomendais sobre lo de crear la particion antes de crear el

 Creo que no has leído el enlace que te pasé y que está realmente bien
 además de ser fácil de seguir ;-)



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Josu Lazkano

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Re: [OT] Tomcat + 2 app

2015-04-22 Thread Carlos Manuel Escalona Villeda
Me parece que en apache debes definir la variable DocumentRoot para poner
el directorio de la instancia que se va a ejecutar, pero no creo que debas
hacerlo por separado en apache y en server.xml, sino sólamente en
server.xml, pues apache entrega la conexión a service.xml y este decide la
aplicación que va a servir.

El mié., 22 de abr. de 2015 a la(s) 2:36 p. m., Lacho escribió:


 Lo que hice ahora fue crear los virtualhost en apache y en server.xml
 definir las apps y como seria el dominio adonde debería apuntarpero
 sigo con el mismo problema!!!


 VirtualHost *:80

ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPreserveHost On

ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/tomcat.error.log
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/tomcat.log combined

Proxy *
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/
ProxyPassReverse / ajp://localhost:8009/

 VirtualHost *:80

ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPreserveHost On

ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/tomcat.error.log
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/tomcat.log combined

Proxy *
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/
ProxyPassReverse / ajp://localhost:8009/


 Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container
   description=User database that can be updated and saved
   pathname=conf/tomcat-users.xml /

   Service name=Catalina

 Connector port=8080 protocol=HTTP/1.1
redirectPort=8443 /
 Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=8443 /

 Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost

   Host name=localhost  appBase=webapps
 unpackWARs=false autoDeploy=false
 xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

 Host  appBase=historial
 unpackWARs=false autoDeploy=false
 xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false


 Host  appBase=conectaviz
 unpackWARs=false autoDeploy=false
 xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false


 Las carpetas donde estan definidas las app estan a la misma altura que

 tomcat  -- webapps
 -- conectaviz
 -- historial

 varios de los ejemplos que vi están definidos de esa manera y funcionan.


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Re: How to bypass login screen in Jessie?

2015-04-22 Thread Frédéric Marchal
On Tuesday 21 April 2015 16:35:18, German wrote :
 hi. I'd like to bypass the login screen and boot straight to LXDE desktop.
 How do I accomplish this? I am the only user on this system. Thanks

It depends on the Display Manager started during boot. Some of the biggest 
players support autologin (kdm or gdm). Others don't (xdm).

The simplest display manager I know of with autologin is nodm.

I never tried to start LXDE but I use it to start OpenBox without login 
prompt. The user to autologin is defined in /etc/default/nodm (not sure about 
the exact file name as the system running it is currently powered off).


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Re: Installing open-vm-tools in Debian Wheezy

2015-04-22 Thread Liam O'Toole
On 2015-04-22, Eric Gamess wrote:
 Hello all,

 I am trying to install open-vm-tools in Debian 7.8 i386.
 I tried:
apt-get install open-vm-tools

 And I got an error message:
 Error!  Build of vmhgfs.ko failed for: 3.2.0-4-686-pae (i686)
 Consult the make.log in the build directory
 /var/lib/dkms/open-vm-tools/2012.05.21/build/ for more information.
 Setting up open-vm-tools (2:8.8.0+2012.05.21-724730-1+nmu2) ...
 FATAL: Module vmhgfs not found.
 FATAL: Module vmsync not found.

 Some web pages recommend to install open-vm-source. But there is
 no such packet in Debian Wheezy.

 By the way, it seems that the problem is during the compilation
 of file:

 What should I do
 Thank you.


The open-vm-tools package recomends open-vm-dkms. The package
description for the latter is 'Source for VMware guest systems driver
(DKMS)'. It seems that that will give you the source, packaged to work
with DKMS.  Therefore the module(s) will automaticaly be recompiled on
kernel upgrade.



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Re: [Jessie] Anomalie

2015-04-22 Thread Pascal Legrand
Le fichier trash existe t'il toujours dans ton profil ?
Dans le cas contraire un touch trash au bon endroit devrait faire l'affaire.
A tester, j'ai déjà eu ce soucis résolu de cette manière

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Re: Re: [Jessie] Anomalie

2015-04-22 Thread Pascal Legrand
Le fichier trash existe t'il toujours dans ton profil ?
Dans le cas contraire un touch trash au bon endroit devrait faire l'affaire.
A tester, j'ai déjà eu ce soucis résolu de cette manière

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Re: Need help fixing an unhandled irq

2015-04-22 Thread Kynn Jones
On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 10:03 PM, James wrote:

 What kind of connection for the mouse?
 Does unplugging it and plugging it back in help?

Sorry, I should have covered those questions in my original post!

It's a USB2 mouse, and no, unplugging/re-plugging it back in does not help.


Re: Grub is not showing after install debian on windows 8.1 laptop

2015-04-22 Thread Darac Marjal
On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 01:29:24PM +0800, 丁海江 wrote:
I tried to install debian whizzey into my laptop which runs windows 8.1
now, and the last step i have chosen to install grub with mbr.
Then it asked me to reboot, after reboot, there is no grub and directly
launching the windows as normal.
Can anyone help?
How can i get the grub to be shown before windows is showing?

Likely your laptop is set to use Secure Boot. Debian Wheezy (and even
Jessie) does not support this. The easiest option is to disable Secure
Boot in your firmware menu. If you cannot or do not wish to then,
depending on your requirements, running Debian in a Virtual Machine may
be acceptable.

Description: Digital signature

define a new keyboard shortcuts in settings/keyboard/shortcuts

2015-04-22 Thread mudongliang
I want to define a new  keyboard shortcuts in the graphic
settings/keyboard/shortcuts to start-up the gitlab!
Name: Gitlab Panel
Commands: su -c /opt/gitlab-7.9.3-0/
The attribute of this file is following :
/opt/gitlab-7.9.3-0/ ELF 64-bit LSB executable,
x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, stripped
But when I press the keyboard , there is no response to me! 


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Re: define a new keyboard shortcuts in settings/keyboard/shortcuts

2015-04-22 Thread Liam O'Toole
On 2015-04-22, mudongliang wrote:
 I want to define a new  keyboard shortcuts in the graphic
 settings/keyboard/shortcuts to start-up the gitlab!
 Name: Gitlab Panel
 Commands: su -c /opt/gitlab-7.9.3-0/
 The attribute of this file is following :
 /opt/gitlab-7.9.3-0/ ELF 64-bit LSB executable,
 x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, stripped
 But when I press the keyboard , there is no response to me! 


Try using /usr/bin/gksu (from the package of the same name) instead of
su. (See the man page for the appropriate syntax.) Then you will be
prompted for the root password.



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(Solved)Re: define a new keyboard shortcuts in settings/keyboard/shortcuts

2015-04-22 Thread mudongliang
Thank you very much! 
The problem is solved.
On Wed, 2015-04-22 at 11:04 +, Liam O'Toole wrote: 
 On 2015-04-22, mudongliang wrote:
  I want to define a new  keyboard shortcuts in the graphic
  settings/keyboard/shortcuts to start-up the gitlab!
  Name: Gitlab Panel
  Commands: su -c /opt/gitlab-7.9.3-0/
  The attribute of this file is following :
  /opt/gitlab-7.9.3-0/ ELF 64-bit LSB executable,
  x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, stripped
  But when I press the keyboard , there is no response to me! 
 Try using /usr/bin/gksu (from the package of the same name) instead of
 su. (See the man page for the appropriate syntax.) Then you will be
 prompted for the root password.

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Re: [Jessie] Anomalie

2015-04-22 Thread yamo'

Yannick VOYEAUD a écrit le 21/04/2015 21:10 :
 Le 21/04/2015 20:51, Frederic MASSOT a écrit :
 Le 21/04/2015 20:44, Yannick VOYEAUD a écrit :

 Depuis mon passage à Jessie j'ai un comportement anormal de Icedove!
 En effet la suppression de message ne se fait plus!
 Clic droit  Supprimer le message
 Bouton Supprimer

 Fais un clic droit sur la boite, menu Propriétés, bouton Réparer le

 Merci Frédéric mais chou blanc.

Peut-être faut-il faire Maj Suppr (Supprimer sans passer par la
corbeille donc _sans_ _récupération_ _possible_ du message en cas

C'est peut-être un problème sur la corbeille, faudrait la réparer.

Et de temps en temps, il est conseillé de compacter les dossiers.
   C'est ce que je fais depuis des années.


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Re: reading an empty directory after reboot is very slow

2015-04-22 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2015-04-21 10:35:12 -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Vincent Lefevre wrote:
  So, there's still something I don't understand: after dropping the
  caches, why is Mutt fast to read the mailbox (about 1 minute), but
  not my tool (about 30 minutes)?
 Are you using mutt's header_cache feature?  It keeps a cache of mail
 files off to the side.  It really improves Maildir performance.  I
 personally also have maildir_header_cache_verify=no set too.

No, I don't use it. This variable doesn't even exist with my compiled

Vincent Lefèvre - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Re: reading an empty directory after reboot is very slow

2015-04-22 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2015-04-21 12:47:14 -0500, David Wright wrote:
 Quoting Vincent Lefevre (
  This mailbox is constantly open in a Mutt running in screen (in
  read-only mode). I often read it, and I modify it from time to time,
  either by adding new messages in the usual way, or by modifying some
  header of existing messages with some tool of mine (in which case, I
  restart Mutt to take the changes into account).
 I guess I find it hard (not knowing what all these emails are) to get
 my head around needing an email-style random access to 145k emails in
 one folder.

I can then do any filtering I like to search for an old e-mail
instead of having to look at several folders individually.

  When I wrote my tool, I thought that such a cached mapping would be
  useless because the mailbox would have to be read by Mutt anyway.
  So, there's still something I don't understand: after dropping the
  caches, why is Mutt fast to read the mailbox (about 1 minute), but
  not my tool (about 30 minutes)?
 Because mutt caches, and its caches are persistent.
 The default location (not in the man page, I think) is
 for the headers, and its parent for the emails themselves.

No, I don't use caches (the header cache is not enabled and the
~/.mutt-cache directory doesn't exist).

   Have you considered running a local IMAP server to handle this (and
   any other) maildir?
  There would be other problems. All the tools would have to talk
  with this server... and for instance, mairix doesn't support IMAP.
 Is this correct?

This seems to be something different (nnmairix), which is not in Debian.
For mairix:

 mairix is a program for indexing and searching locally stored email messages.
 mairix supports Maildir, MH folders, and mbox formats.

 But I don't understand why, if you're running mairix, you need to scan the
 emails yourself. Hasn't mairix done this already? (As well as mutt.)

Only once for indexing. This is persistent after reboots and not
used by Mutt at all.

Vincent Lefèvre - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Re: /etc/network/interfaces in jessie and systemd?

2015-04-22 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2015-04-21 17:27:46 +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
 The ifup@.service is triggered by a udev rule and responsible to handle
 allow-hotplug interfaces.

I hope that this will remain always optional. For a laptop at least,
that's not the correct way to do.

Vincent Lefèvre - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Re: reading an empty directory after reboot is very slow

2015-04-22 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2015-04-21 11:05:58 -0500, David Wright wrote:
 Quoting Vincent Lefevre (
  On 2015-04-20 13:04:41 -0500, David Wright wrote:
   Quoting Vincent Lefevre (
But with the current solution (no automatic moving of an entry), you
can't miss an entry that hasn't been removed.
 [...] if you happen to be reading the entry for file5 at the
   time I typed mv, you'll get the entry for file4 twice, under
   two different names. (Or the opposite.)
  OK, so, if the rename(2) system call can reorder the entries (this is
  not quite clear because one doesn't see the empty entries here),
 No, and you wouldn't *normally* see them with readdir, I'd suppose.

But this matters for the implementation in the kernel.

  there is already a problem with the file system. Getting an entry
  twice under different names is not much a problem, IMHO, because one
  can look at the inode number; there's a race condition, but at worst,
  one can just miss a *new* inode (whose number has been reassigned).
  Missing an existing entry is a problem.
 ...easily demonstrated with
 ~ $ for j in 1 2 3 4 5 6 ; do mkdir /tmp/testdir/file$j ; done
 ~ $ ls -lU /tmp/testdir
 total 24
 drwxr-x--- 2 david david 4096 Apr 21 10:58 file1
 drwxr-x--- 2 david david 4096 Apr 21 10:58 file4
 drwxr-x--- 2 david david 4096 Apr 21 10:58 file5
 drwxr-x--- 2 david david 4096 Apr 21 10:58 file6
 drwxr-x--- 2 david david 4096 Apr 21 10:58 file2
 drwxr-x--- 2 david david 4096 Apr 21 10:58 file3
 ~ $ mv -i /tmp/testdir/file3 
 ~ $ ls -lU /tmp/testdir
 total 24
 drwxr-x--- 2 david david 4096 Apr 21 10:58 file1
 drwxr-x--- 2 david david 4096 Apr 21 10:58 file4
 drwxr-x--- 2 david david 4096 Apr 21 10:58 file5
 drwxr-x--- 2 david david 4096 Apr 21 10:58 
 drwxr-x--- 2 david david 4096 Apr 21 10:58 file6
 drwxr-x--- 2 david david 4096 Apr 21 10:58 file2
 ~ $ 
 where file3 goes AWOL.

You haven't demonstrated anything. If you have before the mv:

0: file1
1: file4
2: file5
3: file6
4: file2
5: file3

and after the mv:

0: file1
1: file4
2: file5
3: [empty]
4: [empty]
5: file3file3file3file3file3file3file3file3file3file3file3file3file3
6: file6
7: file2

there's no problem. What actually needs to be done is a real test
using readdir.

Any idea of the algorithm to choose the directory entries? The fact
that the files are not ordered initially is unintuitive.

  What do the backup systems do?
 I don't know. Lock the directory and slurp it (if it's not too big),
 otherwise check the modification time before and after reading it,
 and reread it if necessary, maybe...

The modification time mustn't be used since it can be changed by some
tools, e.g. during unarchiving or decompressing. The ctime could be
OK, but re-reads can introduce endless loops for directories that are
constantly modified.

Vincent Lefèvre - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Re: RAID para datos importantes

2015-04-22 Thread Josu Lazkano
Gracias a los dos por las respuestas.

He estado haciendo algunas pruebas. La gran duda que tengo es si tengo
que crear el RAID sobre el disco tal cual (/dev/sdb) o sobre una
particion (/dev/sdb1), y si es sobre una particion, si tiene que ser

He probado con estos comandos:

mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc

He leido que es interesante crear una particion del tipo Linux raid

fdisk -l /dev/sdc

Device Boot Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdc12048  1953525167   976761560   fd  Linux raid autodetect

¿Que me recomendais sobre lo de crear la particion antes de crear el RAID?

Muchas gracias por todo.


El día 20 de abril de 2015, 15:34, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sun, 19 Apr 2015 19:52:13 +0200, Josu Lazkano escribió:

 Hola a todos,

 Tengo un servidor pequeñito en casa: HP ProLiant MicroServer AMD Turion
 II N40L


 He estado leyendo un poco sobre mdadm en Debian y tengo varias dudas:

 1. ¿Los discos los tengo que formatear con algun sistema de ficheros en
 cocncreto? ¿O simplemente creo el raid con los discos sin formatear?

 El software raid de linux es muy flexible, te permite crear los volúmenes
 raid en el momento que quieras, bien sobre particiones existentes o bien
 partiendo de cero. El RAID de linux tiene su propio formato (por así
 decirlo) por lo que en el caso de partir desde particiones ya creadas
 eliminará los datos y usará los recursos que hayas seleccionado
 (particiones/discos) para generar el dispositivo de bloques que conforma
 la matriz.

 Recuerda que puedes usar particiones o discos duros completos, cada
 esquema tiene sus ventajas e inconvenientes por lo que te recomendaría
 que revisaras la documentación oficial¹ del kernel.

 2. ¿Como hago para que me avise si algo va mal?

 Supongo que podrás configurar la propia herramienta de monitorización que
 proporciona mdadm para que te mande un e-mail cuando detecte algún

 3. Tengo opcion a reemplazar el disco de 2TB por uno de 1TB y crear un
 RAID5 con los 3 discos de 1TB, ¿me lo recomendais?

 No, un RAID 5 tiene muchas desventajas ya que sólo protege contra el
 fallo de uno de los discos de la matriz (se recomienda mejor RAID 6
 siempre que sea posible) y además, cuanto mayor sea el volumen RAID más
 tiempo tardará la reconstrucción.

 Es la primera vez que configura un RAID por software y la verdad que me
 da un poco de respeto, ya que los daots que voy a guardar son
 importantes. Agradezco cualquier ayuda.

 A mí no me gusta jugar con los datos, yo te reocmendaŕia que probaras la
 configuración y puesta en marcha de un raid en una máquina virtual y que
 estuvieras un tiempo gestionándolo, haciéndole perrerías y forzando
 caídas de los volúmenes para ver su comportamiento antes de lanzarte a
 por un RAID real.

 En cualquier caso, siempre hay que tener una copia de seguridad de los
 datos, estén bajo RAID o no, porque el RAID te previene contra fallos
 mecánicos/físicos del disco duro pero no contra dedos gordos, prisas e
 imprevistos :-)




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Josu Lazkano

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