Re: Jessie upgrade now means samba is no longer working

2015-05-15 Thread Liam O'Toole
On 2015-05-15, Alan Chandler wrote:
 I recently upgraded from wheezy to jessie.

 I was relying in samba providing guest access to various key folders in 
 my home directory for virtual windows machines to have access to key data

 After the upgrade samba no longer runs and if I try and start it it says 
 service is masked

 /etc/init.d/smbd and /etc/init.d/nmbd exist and I can use the service 
 command to start them

 But I don't appear to have these shares available to my virtual windows 

 How can I make it so samba starts automatically (like it used to before 
 the upgrade) and how can I make it so it provides guest access to these 


The quick fix is to call the above services in /etc/rc.local, and check
that the systemd rc-local service is enabled:

systemctl status rc-local.service

There's probably a better way though.



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Re: A quel endroit poster un rapport d'installation

2015-05-15 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Fri, 15 May 2015 11:14:57 +0200,
Christophe De Natale a écrit :

 Bonjour à vous,
 J’achève de valider une installation de Jessie sur iMac G5 et je me
 demande quel serait l’endroit approprié pour le partager. Merci pour
 vos réponses.


voici une piste :


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Re: encfs, pam_mount, fusermount failed

2015-05-15 Thread ps

Le 14/05/2015 20:48, mireero a écrit :
 On 05/14/2015 04:30 PM, ps wrote:
 je confirme : l'étape manuelle fonctionne : le pam_mount semble aussi
 c'est le passage par ENCFS6_CONFIG qui semble bloquer l'affaire
 Ça signifie que tu peux monter le volume en root?
 Tu pourrais nous envoyer la commande que tu utilises?

Bonjour mireero,

peut-être que je ne comprends pas cette question mais pour lancer le
chiffrement je fais :

$ encfs -o nonempty /home/jlg/owncloud/zaclys_f/ /home/jlg/zaclys_o/

pour fermer :

$fusermount -u /home/jlg/zaclys_o/


 les dossiers à synchroniser, ce qui est l'objectif initial, seront
 placés dans zaclys_o.
 via encfs et pam_mount, ils seront cryptés, puis owncloud-client se
 chargera de rappatrier les dossiers chiffrés sur owncloud-zaclys. enfin
 c'est ce que j'ai imaginé comme possible, un jour:)
 Ah ça, c'est ce qui me plait avec linux et autres unix-like. Tout (ou
 presque) est faisable donc oui, c'est possible :)
 Mais pas forcément avec les outils / la méthode que l'on pense être la
 bonne au début.
 Je peux pas vraiment t'aider mais comme je suis curieux:
 1 - As-tu regardé du côté des logs (quelque part dans /var/log/*, ou
 dmesg (attention à bien le taper en console, /var/log/dmesg n'est pas le
 même!)? `ls -t' peut aider à voir les derniers fichiers modifiés (`ls
 -thr' par exemple).

(attention à bien le taper en console, /var/log/dmesg n'est pas le

le même que quoi ? :)

j'ai jeté un oeil sur syslog, dmesg, debug : rien vu ce qui ne veut pas
dire qu'il n'y a rien à voir :)

 2 - Dis-moi si je me trompe: tu synchronises les fichiers(/dossiers) à
 sauvegarder dans zaclys_o c'est bien ça? Genre tu utilises rsync ou tar
 avec la bonne option, ou encore `cp --update'?

ça c'était l'étape d'après, que je n'ai pas pu regarder :)

 Parallèlement, l'idée c'est de monter un système de fichiers crypté et
 distant (owncloud y fait penser en tout cas).
 Si c'est bien le cas, qu'essaye tu de faire par rapport au dossier

owncloud-client demande quel dossier doit être synchronisé : je pensais
lui indiquer celui-là

 * Lui aussi est synchronisé, dans le sens ou tu ne copies et cryptes que
 la différence entre les 2 dossiers? Si c'est ça, je crois pas qu'il
 faille monter le système avec une option nonempty (mais là je peux
 me tromper!). 

sans l'option nonempty, ENCFS6_CONFIG me dit que le dossier n'est pas
vide et qu'il ne peut pas aller plus loin...

Peut-être vaudrait-il mieux simplement crypter les
 fichiers en local (par exemple, si tu as de la place dans ton disque (ou

c'est ce que je pensais qui allait être fait par encfs

 mieux, mais ça ajoute de la compléxité, tu te débarasse du fichier grâce
 à un pipe/redirection |), en crytant tout le dossier zaclys_o ce qui
 te permet de faire un diff avec le dossier distant puis utiliser un
 outil pour envoyer seulement la différence sur le serveur.

je pensais que c'était le boulot de owncloud-client

 Et rapatrier/décrypter le dossier au besoin (autre pc, crash disque...).
 Dans ce cas, tu n'as pas besoin que le dossier distant soit accessible
 en permanence.
 * Ou tu supprimes le contenu de zaclys_o à partir du moment ou il a été
 sauvegardé sous forme d'un contenu distant crypté et tu utilises
 régulièrement ce contenu et c'est pour ça que tu voudrais que le montage
 se fasse en tant que jlg?

j'imaginais copier, si possible en automatique, les parties agenda,
tâches et carnet d'adresse du icedove-lightning du 'user' (et il faut
encore que je trouve ces fichiers) dans zaclys_f, qui est sur mon pc,
afin que owncloud-client mette ça sur le serveur
donc 'montage' user.
zaclys_o, qui est la partie en-clair du système encfs, recevrait les
nouveaux fichiers, garderait tout, et owncloud-client ferait le tri dans
zaclys_f entre ce qu'il a déjà, ce qui a été ajouté, ce qui a été
modifié (enfin c'était l'idée) :)

 * Ou encore j'ai rien compris du tout (ça arrive souvent, je suis du
 genre lent à comprendre mais comme tout le monde, j'ai certaine qualités
 :) )?
 * De qui veux-tu protéger ce contenu? De l’hébergeur de zaclys_f ou
 d'une attaque sur ce serveur; d'un autre utilisateur local (ou pareil,
 d'une attaque sur ton pc), des 2?

de l'hébergeur,

 3 - As tu un accès root à la machine qui héberge zaclys_f? Dans le sens:
 peux-tu y installer des services/programmes?

zaclys_f est, sur le pc local, le dossier chiffré du dossier zaclys_o

 En fonction de ton utilisation, je suis sûr qu'il y a du monde sur la
 liste qui pourra te conseiller la méthode la plus adéquate (ça t'empêche
 pas de continuer à essayer de résoudre le pb actuel, ça peut toujours
 servir, des connaissances).
 donc ce qui est dans zaclys_o, je pensais que ça pouvait (devait) y
 rester : certains fichiers à l'intérieur seront modifiés, peut-être
 supprimés et que owncloud-client fera le tri entre ce qu'il a déjà et ce
 qu'il doit rappatrier car nouveau ou 

Re: aptitude update errors for upgrade to Jessie on amd64

2015-05-15 Thread Pierre Frenkiel

On Thu, 14 May 2015, David Wright wrote:

. . .
$ wget
--2015-05-14 11:28:30--
Resolving (,, 2610:148:1f10:3::89
Connecting to (||:80... 
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2015-05-14 11:28:30 ERROR 404: Not Found.
. . .

$ wget
--2015-05-14 11:53:11--
Resolving (, 
Connecting to (||:80... 
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 9019439 (8.6M) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: Packages

 8.60M  2.32MB/s   in 4.4s

2015-05-14 11:53:16 (1.94 MB/s) - Packages saved [9019439/9019439]

  hi David,
  At least for that problem I found the explanation, and was able to reproduce 
it on
  my personal web server. I imported the index.html from the us and fr sites, 
and the
  3 files, Just try

  By default, the wget command works for us and fr
  If I remove the line
AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz
  from the mime.conf file of my apache2 config, then wget works only for fr, as 
you can check.
  One have now to understand what difference in the 2 index.html files explains 

best regards,
Pierre Frenkiel

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A quel endroit poster un rapport d'installation

2015-05-15 Thread Christophe De Natale
Bonjour à vous,

J’achève de valider une installation de Jessie sur iMac G5 et je me demande 
quel serait l’endroit approprié pour le partager.
Merci pour vos réponses.



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Re: P2P desde línea de comandos

2015-05-15 Thread Juan Francisco


El 15/05/2015 a las 4:29, LXDEbian escribió:

On 14/05/15 21:02, Carlos Manuel Escalona Villeda wrote:
Hola que tal, conocen algún programa para compartir archivos via p2p 

la consola???

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Jessie upgrade now means samba is no longer working

2015-05-15 Thread Alan Chandler

I recently upgraded from wheezy to jessie.

I was relying in samba providing guest access to various key folders in 
my home directory for virtual windows machines to have access to key data

After the upgrade samba no longer runs and if I try and start it it says 
service is masked

/etc/init.d/smbd and /etc/init.d/nmbd exist and I can use the service 
command to start them

But I don't appear to have these shares available to my virtual windows 

How can I make it so samba starts automatically (like it used to before 
the upgrade) and how can I make it so it provides guest access to these 

This is my (unchanged) /etc/samba/smb.conf

workgroup = Home
security = share

wins support = no
printing = cups
printcap name = cups

path = /home/alan/clienta
force user = alan
read only = no
guest ok = yes

path = /home/alan/dev
force user = alan
read only = no
guest ok = yes

path = /home/alan/clientb
force user = alan
read only = no
guest ok = yes

path = /home/alan/dev/clientc
force user = alan
read only = no
guest ok = yes


comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
browseable = no
public = yes
guest ok = yes
writable = no
printable = yes

comment = Printer Drivers
path = /etc/samba/drivers
browseable = yes
guest ok = no
read only = yes
write list = root

Alan Chandler

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Re: Programa para fazer desenho animado

2015-05-15 Thread Marcos Antonio Rufino do Egito
Obrigado a todos pelas dicas vou fazer a instalação e os testes este final
de semana.
Em 14/05/2015 20:42, Tiago Rocha escreveu:

 Eu só conheço o Tupi, inclusive está disponível nos repositórios oficiais
 do Debian, ele é bem legal.

 Uma dica legal de leitura relacionada ao assunto é o livro Produzindo
 Animações com Softwares Livres do Ricardo Graça

 Aliás, vale a pena dar uma conferida no resultado de talento+software
 livre no


 On 14-05-2015 18:39, Marcos Antonio Rufino do Egito wrote:

 Boa noite!
 Pessoas vocês conhecem algum programa de fazer desenho animado?
 Desenho chapado mesmo estilo estes que fazem usando transparências.


 Tiago Rocha

 É bom tudo aquilo que faço que diminui o meu poder sobre outra pessoa;
 é ruim tudo aquilo que faço que aumenta o meu poder sobre ela.”
 Antônio Joaquim Severino

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Re: Remove subject

2015-05-15 Thread Chris Bannister
On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 09:16:17AM +0100, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 On 11 May 2015, Lisi Reisz wrote:
  I hear that a _lot_. shudder  But I am hearing it more and more in cases 
  like this above where only the negative makes sense.  When it is written, 
  some are, I am sure, typos.  But I am equally sure that soemtimes when I 
  understand the positive the negative is likely to be meant .
   I certainly hope this 
   is not becoming a 'modern usage'! (Or should I say 'is becoming a
   modern usage'?)
  Yes, you certainly should. ;-)
 Since we're well off-topic already, I can't resist citing a rather
 similar and increasingly prevalent negative usage that makes no sense.
 I quite often read the phrase: the importance of this cannot be
 underestimated. It should, of course, be OVER-estimated, or
 alternatively must not be under-estimated. I think the two usages have

No! Why does it need a hyphen? What is it with all these hyphens
that people are sticking between words these days?

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: A quel endroit poster un rapport d'installation

2015-05-15 Thread Francois Mescam
On 15/05/2015 11:35, Bernard Schoenacker wrote:
 Le Fri, 15 May 2015 11:14:57 +0200,
 Christophe De Natale a écrit :

 Bonjour à vous,

 J’achève de valider une installation de Jessie sur iMac G5 et je me
 demande quel serait l’endroit approprié pour le partager. Merci pour
 vos réponses.




 voici une piste :


Dans le manuel d'installation il y a un
paragraphe qui donne la réponse à ta question.


 Francois Mescam 

Re: out of the box wifi adapter

2015-05-15 Thread Mark Allums

On 05/14/2015 08:25 PM, Raymond Jennings wrote:

I need to install a wifi adapter to my newly built desktop machine.

It needs to attach to either usb or the rj45 port, and I'd like to 
avoid models that require downloaded firmware or ndiswrapper or the like.

Any options out there?  I'm willing to buy stuff online if needed.

The N300 from netgear I have isn't installing, even on the netinst cd 
with firmware.

Most USB dongles will require firmware.  The little Edimax dongle 
available on Amazon and everywhere works beautifully with the Raspberry 
PI using Raspbian out-of-the-box, perhaps it would work for you?  It's 
tiny and supports WiFi-N, costs about $10.

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Re: usb device umount option in menu missing for some devices

2015-05-15 Thread deloptes
Liam O'Toole wrote:

 Are you using GNOME (the default) in Jessie? If so, the device should
 appear in the nautilus sidebar, with an 'unmount' icon next to it.

No I use trinity, but in my opinion it is not about the desktop but how the
device is associated with the set of options to display.
So it must be something in dbus. I think it gets recognized as a digicamera
as it says extract pictures in one of the options, but of course I don't
see this when I plug a usb stick - so it makes me think something is
missing in this set of options.
So where this gets set on system level?


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Compiler un paquet source de Debian

2015-05-15 Thread chris21 . roux

cela fait maintenant plusieurs fois que je tombe sur un paquet source fourni 
par Debian,
qui ne contient aucune instruction sur la manière de l'installer.
Par exemple mercurial.
Ou encore qui dispose d'une méthode d'installation qui n'est pas celle de 
l'équipe de Debian
et qui ne se comporte pas pareil, par exemple openjdk7.
Mais le pire, c'est quand je lance une commande Debian pour récuperer un paquet 
source Debian et
que cette commande me répond qu'il faut utiliser une autre commande pour 
récupérer le paquet source et
que ce paquet source ne provient pas de Debian, exemple openjdk7 sous i386.

Au final, je me pose la question: Debian est-il libre?

Si cela est vrai, alors il doit mettre à disposition, de lui-même, tout paquet 
source qui produit un paquet binaire et
ce paquet source doit donner une méthode pour générer un paquet binaire.

Tout autre comportement serait soit un oubli, soit un sabotage volontaire.


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Re: Q: About the futex bug of linux-3.14

2015-05-15 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Fri, May 15, 2015, at 02:55, Takahide Nojima wrote:
  Does anyone know which the state of futex bug of linux-3.14 effects

Jessie has this specific fix in its 3.16-ckt kernel.  In fact, that
futex fix landed in kernel 3.16.7 through the stable kernel trees, so it
should be present on all relevant stable kernels.

You can verify it yourself checking the git logs for kernel/futex.c on
the git tree for whatever kernel you're using, as you know the name of
the fix commit as well as the name of the commit that introduced the

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique de Moraes Holschuh

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Re: Openbox: which packages install to have sound?

2015-05-15 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Juha Heinanen writes:

 Rodolfo Medina writes:

 Thanks, but still no sound when running mplayer.  What's missing?  I did:
  # aptitude install alsa-base alsa-oss alsa-tools alsa-tools-gui alsa-utils
 alsamixergui bluez-alsa gstreamer0.10-alsa libalsaplayer0 libasound2
 libasound2-data libasound2-dev libasound2-plugins libsox-fmt-alsa
 .  Besides, it complains `No candidate version found for bluez-alsa'.  

 you did not mention what output device you try to use.  bluetooth sound
 does not work in jessie. bluez-alsa was leftover from my wheezy upgrade.

 after installing the packages (- bluez-alsa) you need to configure alsa
 by creating .asoundrc file

Thanks, but I don't know how.

 or, if the default device is correct, use alsamixer to turn on volumes of the
 default card.

By running alxamixer I turned all volumes on.  But still no sound.


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Re: 500 Remove Directory Failed

2015-05-15 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 14 May 2015 13:34:56 -0500, Debia Linux escribió:

 He tratado de eliminar algunos archivos via FTP por medio del cliente
 Me arroja el error
 500 Remove Directory Failed

¿Intentas eliminar archivos o un directorio?

 Verifique los permisos y todos tienen permisos de 777 y aun asi no puedo
 eliminarlos. ¿Alguna idea?.

Permisos de archivo a 777 ¿y el propietario/grupo es el correcto? ¿Puedes 
subir archivos a ese directorio?

Intenta con otro cliente FTP para ver si obtienes el mismo resultado 
(Debian viene con uno de serie en línea de comandos). 

Y si te fuera posible el acceso al servidor mediante sftp/ssh también 
sería interesante ver si obtienes el mismo mensaje de error.



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Re: Compiler un paquet source de Debian

2015-05-15 Thread valentin OVD
 Compiler paquet source debian, premier lien sur Google.

La prochaine fois, une petite recherche avant de s'énerver.


Le 15 mai 2015 à 13:44, a écrit :

 cela fait maintenant plusieurs fois que je tombe sur un paquet source fourni 
 par Debian,
 qui ne contient aucune instruction sur la manière de l'installer.
 Par exemple mercurial.
 Ou encore qui dispose d'une méthode d'installation qui n'est pas celle de 
 l'équipe de Debian
 et qui ne se comporte pas pareil, par exemple openjdk7.
 Mais le pire, c'est quand je lance une commande Debian pour récuperer un 
 paquet source Debian et
 que cette commande me répond qu'il faut utiliser une autre commande pour 
 récupérer le paquet source et
 que ce paquet source ne provient pas de Debian, exemple openjdk7 sous i386.
 Au final, je me pose la question: Debian est-il libre?
 Si cela est vrai, alors il doit mettre à disposition, de lui-même, tout 
 paquet source qui produit un paquet binaire et
 ce paquet source doit donner une méthode pour générer un paquet binaire.
 Tout autre comportement serait soit un oubli, soit un sabotage volontaire.
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Re: A quel endroit poster un rapport d'installation

2015-05-15 Thread Christophe De Natale
Ok merci pour vos réponses.
Je vais rédigé un wiki en français, ce sera le plus approprié.

Par ailleurs, si qq a déjà pratiqué, je peux le aussi rédiger en anglais mais 
est-ce que c’est utile ? (doublon)


Christophe De Natale

 Le 15 mai 2015 à 13:17, Francois Mescam a écrit :
 On 15/05/2015 11:35, Bernard Schoenacker wrote:
 Le Fri, 15 May 2015 11:14:57 +0200,
 Christophe De Natale a écrit :
 Bonjour à vous,
 J’achève de valider une installation de Jessie sur iMac G5 et je me
 demande quel serait l’endroit approprié pour le partager. Merci pour
 vos réponses.
 voici une piste :
 Dans le manuel d'installation il y a un 
 paragraphe qui donne la réponse à ta question.
  Francois Mescam 

Re: Apache2 e Debian 8

2015-05-15 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Thu, May 14, 2015, at 18:03, Fred Maranhão wrote:
 Em 14 de maio de 2015 17:27, Leonardo Rocha
  Olá Fred, acabo de verificar aqui, nem existe esse arquivo (envvars) no
  caminho /etc/apache2
 o dpkg está dizendo aqui que este arquivo é do pacote apache2.
 $ dpkg -S /etc/apache2/envvars
 apache2: /etc/apache2/envvars
 será que um apt-get install --reinstall apache2 corrige isto?

Não porque é um conffile (arquivo em /etc) e ele vai lembrar deletado
como uma alteração a ser preservada.

dpkg --reinstall --force-confmiss no arquivo .deb do apache2 talvez

Na dúvida, copie /etc/apache2 para algum outro lugar antes de forçar
qualquer dpkg --force*.

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique de Moraes Holschuh

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Re: Compiler un paquet source de Debian

2015-05-15 Thread valentin OVD
Le reste du code est aussi disponible sur

Le 15 mai 2015 à 15:15, valentin OVD a écrit :

 Compiler paquet source debian, premier lien sur Google.
 La prochaine fois, une petite recherche avant de s'énerver.
 Le 15 mai 2015 à 13:44, a écrit :
 cela fait maintenant plusieurs fois que je tombe sur un paquet source fourni 
 par Debian,
 qui ne contient aucune instruction sur la manière de l'installer.
 Par exemple mercurial.
 Ou encore qui dispose d'une méthode d'installation qui n'est pas celle de 
 l'équipe de Debian
 et qui ne se comporte pas pareil, par exemple openjdk7.
 Mais le pire, c'est quand je lance une commande Debian pour récuperer un 
 paquet source Debian et
 que cette commande me répond qu'il faut utiliser une autre commande pour 
 récupérer le paquet source et
 que ce paquet source ne provient pas de Debian, exemple openjdk7 sous i386.
 Au final, je me pose la question: Debian est-il libre?
 Si cela est vrai, alors il doit mettre à disposition, de lui-même, tout 
 paquet source qui produit un paquet binaire et
 ce paquet source doit donner une méthode pour générer un paquet binaire.
 Tout autre comportement serait soit un oubli, soit un sabotage volontaire.
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 En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Redireccionar a TTY las salidas de Consola.

2015-05-15 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 14 May 2015 21:48:56 +0200, Ramses escribió:

 Hola a todos,

Ese html...

 Cuan se pincha, por ejemplo, un PEN en un PC / Server, salen una serie
 de mensajes en la Consola que tiene conectada dicho Server.

Los mensajes del kernel, entiendo.

 ¿Hay alguna forma de que esos mensajes me aparezcan en una sesión SSH
 remota establecida?

Quizá Debian tenga algo más específico, pero mira a ver si te sirve esto:

How to stop kernel messages from flooding my console?



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OT: linguistic mis-usages (was Re: Remove subject)

2015-05-15 Thread The Wanderer
On 05/15/2015 at 07:35 AM, Chris Bannister wrote:

 On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 09:16:17AM +0100, Anthony Campbell wrote:

 Since we're well off-topic already, I can't resist citing a rather 
 similar and increasingly prevalent negative usage that makes no
 sense. I quite often read the phrase: the importance of this
 cannot be underestimated. It should, of course, be OVER-estimated,
 or alternatively must not be under-estimated. I think the two
 usages have
 No! Why does it need a hyphen?

To help indicate that you're separating out (and thus focusing on) the
first half of the compound word, while still indicating that you're
using the compound word rather than (incorrectly) the matching two-word

 What is it with all these hyphens that people are sticking between
 words these days?

I can't speak to all of them, but in a large fraction of cases, they're
extremely helpful for communicating the way in which you intend words to
group together.

I've done (and am still, perpetually, working on) an extensive, informal
study of word grouping, pauses in speech, the way the latter can
interact with the former, and the ways to represent both in text. It's a
complex and, at least to me, interesting subject.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Reconhecimento de Placas Veiculares.

2015-05-15 Thread Sinval Júnior
OpenCV sem dúvida, mais o OpenCV é apenas uma lib, ou seja você vai
precisar saber programar, recomendo usar Python. Este link[1] no
Stackoverflow irá te dar uma luz.

Ao encaminhar esta mensagem, por favor:
1 - Apague meu endereço eletrônico;
2 - Encaminhe como Cópia Oculta (Cco ou BCc) aos seus destinatários.
Dificulte assim a disseminação de vírus, spams e banners.

#!/usr/bin/env python
nome = 'Sinval Júnior'
email = 'sinvalju arroba gmail ponto com'
print nome
print email

Em 13 de maio de 2015 20:10, Hugo Cosme escreveu:

 Boa noite galera...
 Gostaria de algumas dicas de softwares para reconhecimento de placas e
 imagens, estou pesquisando pelo OpenCV, mas estou meio perdido...
 Obrigado a todos, desde já!

Re: Questions sur Exim4 avec un SMTP Orange

2015-05-15 Thread Guillaume

Oui c'est ça, a vérifier quand même.

Le 15/05/2015 17:08, Olivier a écrit :

Le 15 mai 2015 16:42, Guillaume a écrit :


Désolé je ne peux pas t'aider à propos d'Exim4,

mais il me sembe qu'Orange utilise la même protection.

Tu veux dire qu'on ne peux qu'émettre avec l'adresse d'émission 
fournie par Orange ?

Le 15/05/2015 16:22, Olivier a écrit :


J'ai un système (sous Squeeze) qui émet quelques courriels.
Il utilise exim4 et un compte GMail pour ses envois et l'ensemble
fonctionne sans histoire.

Depuis peu, j'ai une nouvelle exigence: je dois émettre certains
mails avec une adresse d'émisssion précise (exemple: et non plus

Grâce à cette liste, j'ai pu trouver le moyen pour configurer
l'adresse d'émission: le pb est que mon compte GMail n'accepte
pas une autre adresse d'émission que la sienne.

Pour contourner cette limitation, j'envisage d'utiliser les
paramètres SMTP fournis avec le lien ADSL Orange du site
d'installation de mon système.

Je rencontre des difficultés pour émettre avec ces paramètres
SMTP Orange et j'apprécierai beaucoup une aide sur le sujet.

Voici comment j'ai procédé:

1. J'ai testé unitairement les paramètres SMTP en suivant la
procédure décrite ici [1].
Je me suis connecté avec:
telnet 587
Après la commande AUTH LOGIN et l'envoi du login et du mot de
passe en base64, j'ai la réponse suivante du serveur:
235 2.7.0 ... authentication succeeded
J'en déduis que mes paramètres d'authentification sont corrects
mais j'ai un doute sur les paramètres de connexion car je lis ici
ou là des références aux ports 25 ou 465.
Quels paramètres de connexion doit-on privilégier ?

2. Je poursuis pour ensuite arriver à émettre mais il n'y a pas
d'émetteur dans le mail reçu malgré la commande
250 2.1.0 sender ok
Avez-vous une suggestion pour valoriser en telnet avec le SMTP
d'Orange l'adresse d'émission ?

3. Je reviens maintenant à mailx et exim4.
Je configure ceux-ci du mieux possible et je lance un envoi avec
mailx et l'option -v.
J'observe alors à l'écran:
  SMTP 550 5.1.0 Authentification requise. Authentication
Required. OFR102_402 [402]

Avant cette ligne, j'observe que mailx/exim4 n'émet aucune
commande AUTH LOGIN préalable, analogue à celle que j'envoie avec
Ma question est: comment dois-je spécifier à exim4/mailx
d'envoyer un AUTH LOGIN ?

J'ai ceci dans /etc/exim4/pass.client:

Dans update-exim4.conf.conf, j'ai:





Gnome Update Notifications in Jessie

2015-05-15 Thread Manuel Lorenzo
Hello all,

Gnome Update Notifications seem not to work in my vanilla installation
of Jessie.
I have read that Gnome-Packagekit should be taking care of this and
that it's a bug that is supposed to be solved [1], but actually in my
system it doesn't look for updates automatically.

On the other hand, running manually Update Manager works as
expected.So I suppose the problem is related to auto checking them.

As Update Manager doesn't have any configurable options, I used dconf
to check org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.updates (which is the only
place I found that has Updates related configurations) and all seems
to be OK: it's activated and configured to check for updates every 24
hours (86.400 s) and notify them every 7 days (604.800 s).

I know I can use unattended-upgrades and other tools, but I want to
know what is happening to Update Manager: if I have to configure
something manually or I am doing something wrong.

Any help is appreciated.




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mtree .deb / Re: systraq / filetraq dep

2015-05-15 Thread Joost van Baal-Ilić
Hoi Tim,

On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 05:29:49PM +0200, Tim Kuijsten wrote:
 Op 15-05-15 om 17:20 schreef Joost van Baal-Ilić:
 ... vandaar mijn suggestie
 O! Wist niet dat er is; klinkt erg mooi.  Kan freebsd-glue een mtree .deb
 maken?  Heb je zo'n mtree .deb-je voor me?
 nee, helaas geen aparte mtree.deb. Dat zou helemaal tof zijn, via de
 freebsd-buildutils/glue package dus (met allerlei andere deps die
 niet voor mtree nodig zijn).

Precies; zou moeten kunnen als je freebsd-glue als Build-Depends van je mtree
debian source package opgeeft.

Ga ervoor, zou ik zeggen :)



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Re: Questions sur Exim4 avec un SMTP Orange

2015-05-15 Thread SD76

Pourquoi ne pas laisser exim4 envoyé lui même l'email?
Il faut cependant ajouter l'IP publique que vous utilisez dans le champs
SPF du domaine concerné afin de ne pas passer en spam.

Le 15 mai 2015 17:25, Guillaume a écrit :

  Oui c'est ça, a vérifier quand même.

 Le 15/05/2015 17:08, Olivier a écrit :

 Le 15 mai 2015 16:42, Guillaume a écrit :


 Désolé je ne peux pas t'aider à propos d'Exim4,

 mais il me sembe qu'Orange utilise la même protection.

  Tu veux dire qu'on ne peux qu'émettre avec l'adresse d'émission fournie
 par Orange ?

 Le 15/05/2015 16:22, Olivier a écrit :


  J'ai un système (sous Squeeze) qui émet quelques courriels.
  Il utilise exim4 et un compte GMail pour ses envois et l'ensemble
 fonctionne sans histoire.

  Depuis peu, j'ai une nouvelle exigence: je dois émettre certains mails
 avec une adresse d'émisssion précise (exemple: et non

  Grâce à cette liste, j'ai pu trouver le moyen pour configurer l'adresse
 d'émission: le pb est que mon compte GMail n'accepte pas une autre adresse
 d'émission que la sienne.

  Pour contourner cette limitation, j'envisage d'utiliser les paramètres
 SMTP fournis avec le lien ADSL Orange du site d'installation de mon système.

  Je rencontre des difficultés pour émettre avec ces paramètres SMTP
 Orange et j'apprécierai beaucoup une aide sur le sujet.

  Voici comment j'ai procédé:

  1. J'ai testé unitairement les paramètres SMTP en suivant la procédure
 décrite ici [1].
  Je me suis connecté avec:
  telnet 587
  Après la commande AUTH LOGIN et l'envoi du login et du mot de passe en
 base64, j'ai la réponse suivante du serveur:
 235 2.7.0 ... authentication succeeded
  J'en déduis que mes paramètres d'authentification sont corrects mais
 j'ai un doute sur les paramètres de connexion car je lis ici ou là des
 références aux ports 25 ou 465.
  Quels paramètres de connexion doit-on privilégier ?

  2. Je poursuis pour ensuite arriver à émettre mais il n'y a pas
 d'émetteur dans le mail reçu malgré la commande
 250 2.1.0 sender ok
  Avez-vous une suggestion pour valoriser en telnet avec le SMTP d'Orange
 l'adresse d'émission ?

  3. Je reviens maintenant à mailx et exim4.
  Je configure ceux-ci du mieux possible et je lance un envoi avec mailx
 et l'option -v.
  J'observe alors à l'écran:
   SMTP 550 5.1.0 Authentification requise. Authentication Required.
 OFR102_402 [402]

  Avant cette ligne, j'observe que mailx/exim4 n'émet aucune commande AUTH
 LOGIN préalable, analogue à celle que j'envoie avec telnet.
  Ma question est: comment dois-je spécifier à exim4/mailx d'envoyer un

  J'ai ceci dans /etc/exim4/pass.client:

  Dans update-exim4.conf.conf, j'ai:





Re: dropbox nao sinconiza

2015-05-15 Thread Manoel Pedro de Araújo
Qunado eu arrasto um arquivo para dentro de um diretório dentro da pasta
dropbox ele atualizar.

Para atualizar tenho que enviar online para o diretorio

Em 14 de maio de 2015 19:51, Tiago Pigazao escreveu:

 Boa noite !

 Manoel o dropbox só ira sincronizar se haver alguma alteração quando você
 por exemplo arrastar/criar  algum arquivo ou diretório novo pra dentro da
 pasta dropbox

 Em 14 de maio de 2015 18:48, Manoel Pedro de Araújo

 Olá, estou com seguinte problema. Quando instalo o dropbox, ao colocar
 algum arquivo nas pastas que criei no dropbox estas sincronizam
 normalmente. Porem ao reiniciar a o PC as pastas nao sincronizam mais,
 quando eu ponho fora da pasta o dropbox sincroniza normalmente.

 Alguem sabe como resolver este problemaw



Re: Remove subject

2015-05-15 Thread Mihamina Rakotomandimby

On 05/12/2015 10:34 AM, Mis Ntmurth wrote:

Ok thanks
I will contact debian

You're also good to contact
Marc Info:

And *ALL* the websites that could have took the public information, 
because retiring your message from the debian list archives does not 
imply retiring from those ones...

I wish you good luck.

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Re: P2P desde línea de comandos

2015-05-15 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 15 May 2015 02:02:56 +, Carlos Manuel Escalona Villeda

(ese html...)

 Hola que tal, conocen algún programa para compartir archivos via p2p desde
 la consola???

Wikipedia sugiere:

- Deluge
- rTorrent
- Transmission



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Re: CD instalacion debian con paquete ssh incluido

2015-05-15 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 14 May 2015 20:13:26 -0300, libreydivagante escribió:

(ese top-posting...)

 El 14/05/15 a las 20:01, Pablo escibió:
 Gente, alguien sabe cual es la version de CD/DVD de instalacion de
 Debian 8 que me permite instalar sin necesidad de conexion a internet
 el sistema base mas el paquete de servidor SSH?.

 Cualquier cd o dvd que termine su titulo en CD-1.iso te sirve. 


La imagen de instalación mínima (netinst, ~250 MiB.) incluye tanto el 
paquete cliente como el servidor openssh.



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Re: 500 Remove Directory Failed

2015-05-15 Thread Debia Linux
2015-05-14 14:49 GMT-05:00 Gerardo Diez García
 El 14/05/15 20:34, Debia Linux escribió:

 He tratado de eliminar algunos archivos via FTP por medio del cliente 

 Me arroja el error

 500 Remove Directory Failed

 Verifique los permisos y todos tienen permisos de 777 y aun asi no
 puedo eliminarlos. ¿Alguna idea?.

 - Prueba con una conexión en modo pasivo.

Ya hice lo que me recomendaste, pero todo sigue igual.

 - Si tienes el antivirus Kaspersky deshabilita la inspección de red para
 filezilla [1]


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Re: Questions sur Exim4 avec un SMTP Orange

2015-05-15 Thread Olivier
Le 15 mai 2015 16:42, Guillaume a écrit :


 Désolé je ne peux pas t'aider à propos d'Exim4,

 mais il me sembe qu'Orange utilise la même protection.

Tu veux dire qu'on ne peux qu'émettre avec l'adresse d'émission fournie par
Orange ?

 Le 15/05/2015 16:22, Olivier a écrit :


  J'ai un système (sous Squeeze) qui émet quelques courriels.
  Il utilise exim4 et un compte GMail pour ses envois et l'ensemble
 fonctionne sans histoire.

  Depuis peu, j'ai une nouvelle exigence: je dois émettre certains mails
 avec une adresse d'émisssion précise (exemple: et non

  Grâce à cette liste, j'ai pu trouver le moyen pour configurer l'adresse
 d'émission: le pb est que mon compte GMail n'accepte pas une autre adresse
 d'émission que la sienne.

  Pour contourner cette limitation, j'envisage d'utiliser les paramètres
 SMTP fournis avec le lien ADSL Orange du site d'installation de mon système.

  Je rencontre des difficultés pour émettre avec ces paramètres SMTP Orange
 et j'apprécierai beaucoup une aide sur le sujet.

  Voici comment j'ai procédé:

  1. J'ai testé unitairement les paramètres SMTP en suivant la procédure
 décrite ici [1].
  Je me suis connecté avec:
  telnet 587
  Après la commande AUTH LOGIN et l'envoi du login et du mot de passe en
 base64, j'ai la réponse suivante du serveur:
 235 2.7.0 ... authentication succeeded
  J'en déduis que mes paramètres d'authentification sont corrects mais
 j'ai un doute sur les paramètres de connexion car je lis ici ou là des
 références aux ports 25 ou 465.
  Quels paramètres de connexion doit-on privilégier ?

  2. Je poursuis pour ensuite arriver à émettre mais il n'y a pas
 d'émetteur dans le mail reçu malgré la commande
 250 2.1.0 sender ok
  Avez-vous une suggestion pour valoriser en telnet avec le SMTP d'Orange
 l'adresse d'émission ?

  3. Je reviens maintenant à mailx et exim4.
  Je configure ceux-ci du mieux possible et je lance un envoi avec mailx et
 l'option -v.
  J'observe alors à l'écran:
   SMTP 550 5.1.0 Authentification requise. Authentication Required.
 OFR102_402 [402]

  Avant cette ligne, j'observe que mailx/exim4 n'émet aucune commande AUTH
 LOGIN préalable, analogue à celle que j'envoie avec telnet.
  Ma question est: comment dois-je spécifier à exim4/mailx d'envoyer un

  J'ai ceci dans /etc/exim4/pass.client:

  Dans update-exim4.conf.conf, j'ai:




Re: Openbox: which packages install to have sound?

2015-05-15 Thread Pete Orrall
 after installing the packages (- bluez-alsa) you need to configure alsa
 by creating .asoundrc file

 Thanks, but I don't know how.

I'm running openbox on my Wheezy systems at home (a ThinkPad and a
massive workstation) and haven't needed to create an .asoundrc file.

 or, if the default device is correct, use alsamixer to turn on volumes of the
 default card.

 By running alxamixer I turned all volumes on.  But still no sound.

Other questions:

1) What is your sound card's make/model?
2) What are you using as a listening device, ie headphones, basic
multimedia speakers, stereo receiver?
3) Did you check your connections.  Are your (assuming) speakers
plugged into the audio OUT of your soundcard, and not MIC or Line IN?
4) Did you check volume levels on speakers?

Pete Orrall
If there isn't a way, I'll make one.

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Re: Questions sur Exim4 avec un SMTP Orange

2015-05-15 Thread Olivier
Le 15 mai 2015 17:59, SD76 a écrit :


 Pourquoi ne pas laisser exim4 envoyé lui même l'email?

Je ne suis pas sûr de comprendre la remarque.
Si tu fais référence à l'utilisation de telnet, il s'agit bien sûr d'une
utilisation temporaire n'ayant pour but que de valider certains paramètres.
En utilisation courante, les scripts utilisent mailx-heirloom qui s'appuie
sur exim.

 Il faut cependant ajouter l'IP publique que vous utilisez dans le champs
 SPF du domaine concerné afin de ne pas passer en spam.

Peux-tu préciser ?

 Le 15 mai 2015 17:25, Guillaume a écrit :

  Oui c'est ça, a vérifier quand même.

 Le 15/05/2015 17:08, Olivier a écrit :

 Le 15 mai 2015 16:42, Guillaume a écrit :


 Désolé je ne peux pas t'aider à propos d'Exim4,

 mais il me sembe qu'Orange utilise la même protection.

  Tu veux dire qu'on ne peux qu'émettre avec l'adresse d'émission fournie
 par Orange ?

 Le 15/05/2015 16:22, Olivier a écrit :


  J'ai un système (sous Squeeze) qui émet quelques courriels.
  Il utilise exim4 et un compte GMail pour ses envois et l'ensemble
 fonctionne sans histoire.

  Depuis peu, j'ai une nouvelle exigence: je dois émettre certains mails
 avec une adresse d'émisssion précise (exemple: et
 non plus

  Grâce à cette liste, j'ai pu trouver le moyen pour configurer l'adresse
 d'émission: le pb est que mon compte GMail n'accepte pas une autre adresse
 d'émission que la sienne.

  Pour contourner cette limitation, j'envisage d'utiliser les paramètres
 SMTP fournis avec le lien ADSL Orange du site d'installation de mon système.

  Je rencontre des difficultés pour émettre avec ces paramètres SMTP
 Orange et j'apprécierai beaucoup une aide sur le sujet.

  Voici comment j'ai procédé:

  1. J'ai testé unitairement les paramètres SMTP en suivant la procédure
 décrite ici [1].
  Je me suis connecté avec:
  telnet 587
  Après la commande AUTH LOGIN et l'envoi du login et du mot de passe en
 base64, j'ai la réponse suivante du serveur:
 235 2.7.0 ... authentication succeeded
  J'en déduis que mes paramètres d'authentification sont corrects mais
 j'ai un doute sur les paramètres de connexion car je lis ici ou là des
 références aux ports 25 ou 465.
  Quels paramètres de connexion doit-on privilégier ?

  2. Je poursuis pour ensuite arriver à émettre mais il n'y a pas
 d'émetteur dans le mail reçu malgré la commande
 250 2.1.0 sender ok
  Avez-vous une suggestion pour valoriser en telnet avec le SMTP d'Orange
 l'adresse d'émission ?

  3. Je reviens maintenant à mailx et exim4.
  Je configure ceux-ci du mieux possible et je lance un envoi avec mailx
 et l'option -v.
  J'observe alors à l'écran:
   SMTP 550 5.1.0 Authentification requise. Authentication Required.
 OFR102_402 [402]

  Avant cette ligne, j'observe que mailx/exim4 n'émet aucune commande
 AUTH LOGIN préalable, analogue à celle que j'envoie avec telnet.
  Ma question est: comment dois-je spécifier à exim4/mailx d'envoyer un

  J'ai ceci dans /etc/exim4/pass.client:

  Dans update-exim4.conf.conf, j'ai:





Re: systraq / filetraq dep

2015-05-15 Thread Tim Kuijsten

Op 15-05-15 om 17:20 schreef Joost van Baal-Ilić:

... vandaar mijn suggestie

O! Wist niet dat er is; klinkt erg mooi.  Kan freebsd-glue een mtree .deb
maken?  Heb je zo'n mtree .deb-je voor me?

nee, helaas geen aparte mtree.deb. Dat zou helemaal tof zijn, via de 
freebsd-buildutils/glue package dus (met allerlei andere deps die niet 
voor mtree nodig zijn).



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Re: aptitude update errors for upgrade to Jessie on amd64

2015-05-15 Thread Bob Proulx
Brian wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
  You are currently using:
deb jessie main
  That is okay.  Good!  But for the purpose of this task change that to
  a different but still valid mirror.  This would be a good time to try
  out the new http redirector which has just recently become an official
  Debian resource.[1]
deb jessie main
  That was previously known as for
  those on the list that are familiar with it.
  This is a good configuration for anyone geographically anywhere as it
  will redirect to the best known nearby mirror.  The effect for you
  with this problem is that it will be a different appearing URL than
  the previously used and will therefore ask for
  different files.  The previously locally cached files on your disk in
  /var/lib/apt will be expired as no longer being in your sources.list
  file.  If mismatched cached proxy files are your only remaining
  problem then this should fix it.  Make sure to 'apt-get update' after
  changing the sources.list file.
 A small reservation, much as we are advocates of in
 these parts. If the intention is to eliminate the mirror as a source
 of a problem it may not be sufficient. For whatever reason, the
 redirector may still choose the mirror you do not want as the best
 one to use.

I still consider the redirector somewhat experimental.  There are
reports that it sometimes does not select the best mirror.  It might
not detect that a mirror has gone out of sync fast enough and leave a
time when it would still be redirecting to a bad mirror.  It can't be
perfect.  However none of the other strategies such as the country code alias set are perfect either.  I have
had to report mirrors in the US set being stuck.  But both schemes
seem to be working pretty well.  That is why think of it as a try it
out policy.  Try it.  If it works then great.  If it doesn't for some
reason then continue to use the previous country specific mirrors.
That is my thinking.


Description: Digital signature

Re: out of the box wifi adapter

2015-05-15 Thread Bob Proulx
Raymond Jennings wrote:
 I wound up buying a 100 foot cat5 cable and running it from the house to
 the trailer :P

My perspective is that nothing is as reliable as hardline wire!  It
will be much more immune to radio noise trouble.  Speedy and
reliable.  Wire will almost always be my choice if possible.

If you didn't think of for that 100 foot
cable let me make a mention of it here for the future.  I am a happy
customer of them.


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Re: out of the box wifi adapter

2015-05-15 Thread Raymond Jennings
good idea, but since it was time sensitive, I opted for best buy at a local
brick and mortar.

On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 4:09 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:

 Raymond Jennings wrote:
  I wound up buying a 100 foot cat5 cable and running it from the house to
  the trailer :P

 My perspective is that nothing is as reliable as hardline wire!  It
 will be much more immune to radio noise trouble.  Speedy and
 reliable.  Wire will almost always be my choice if possible.

 If you didn't think of for that 100 foot
 cable let me make a mention of it here for the future.  I am a happy
 customer of them.


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About alternatives in stretch - testing.........

2015-05-15 Thread Charlie

A question about alternatives in stretch:

3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt9-3 (2015-04-23) x86_64 GNU/Linux

I do:

$ update-alternatives --config x-www-browser

Selection Path Priority Status

0 /usr/bin/iceweasel 70 auto mode

* 1 /usr/bin/chromium 40 manual mode

2 /usr/bin/iceweasel 70 manual mode

Press enter to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number:

I press enter

In claws-mail press a URL and it opens in iceweasel.

Tried it as root, same result.

Three questions:

.1. Is the alternatives script not working or

.2. Is Claws mail not checking it

.3. Can I change this manually and if so where?

Not a biggie but just wondered.

Be well,
Registered Linux User:- 329524

He enjoys true leisure who has time to improve his soul's
estate. Henry David Thoreau


Debian GNU/Linux - Magic indeed.


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Re: Redireccionar a TTY las salidas de Consola.

2015-05-15 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El Thu, 14 May 2015 21:48:56 +0200
Ramses escribió:

 Hola a todos,
 Cuan se pincha, por ejemplo, un PEN en un PC / Server, salen una serie de 
 mensajes en la Consola que tiene conectada dicho Server.
 ¿Hay alguna forma de que esos mensajes me aparezcan en una sesión SSH remota 
Si tenes kernel = 3.5 
man dmesg

si no, con un simple oneline de bash
man watch
man tail

 Saludos y gracias,

Angel Claudio Alvarez

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Re: aptitude update errors for upgrade to Jessie on amd64

2015-05-15 Thread David Wright
Quoting Pierre Frenkiel (

   hi David,
   At least for that problem I found the explanation, and was able to 
 reproduce it on
   my personal web server. I imported the index.html from the us and fr sites, 
 and the
   3 files, Just try
   By default, the wget command works for us and fr
   If I remove the line
   AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz
   from the mime.conf file of my apache2 config, then wget works only for fr, 
 as you can check.
   One have now to understand what difference in the 2 index.html files 
 explains that.

I'm afraid this is an aspect that I have little to no knowledge of.
I did take a look out of interest at the output from
and a comparison of them turned up nothing that looked significant.
I noticed that on repeating the former, I got a very different file,
and this might be because had resolved to a different
IPv4 address (but IPv6 was the same).

$ wget
--2015-05-15 17:03:15--
Resolving (,, 2610:148:1f10:3::89
Connecting to (||:80... 
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
--2015-05-15 17:03:15--
Reusing existing connection to
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]
Saving to: ‘binary-i386’

binary-i386 [ =]  
   569  --.-KB/s   in 0s

2015-05-15 17:03:15 (11.7 MB/s) - ‘binary-i386’ saved [569]


$ wget
--2015-05-15 19:17:14--
Resolving (,, 2610:148:1f10:3::89
Connecting to (||:80... 
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
--2015-05-15 19:17:14--
Reusing existing connection to
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]
Saving to: ‘binary-i386’

binary-i386 [ =]  
 3.22K  --.-KB/s   in 0s 

2015-05-15 19:17:14 (7.87 MB/s) - ‘binary-i386’ saved [3302]


The appearance of the webpage had also changed since yesterday, with
logos from Oregon State University, Open Source Lab, TDS and Friend of
OSL scattered around that weren't there before.

But, having no idea what goes on between apt etc and web servers, I'll
have to leave this for others to help you.


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Re: out of the box wifi adapter

2015-05-15 Thread Raymond Jennings
Pardon, it was a cat5e cable.

On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 4:24 PM, Raymond Jennings

 good idea, but since it was time sensitive, I opted for best buy at a
 local brick and mortar.

 On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 4:09 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:

 Raymond Jennings wrote:
  I wound up buying a 100 foot cat5 cable and running it from the house to
  the trailer :P

 My perspective is that nothing is as reliable as hardline wire!  It
 will be much more immune to radio noise trouble.  Speedy and
 reliable.  Wire will almost always be my choice if possible.

 If you didn't think of for that 100 foot
 cable let me make a mention of it here for the future.  I am a happy
 customer of them.


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Re: A quel endroit poster un rapport d'installation

2015-05-15 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Fri, May 15, 2015 at 03:47:43PM +0200, Christophe De Natale a écrit :
 Ok merci pour vos réponses.
 Je vais rédigé un wiki en français, ce sera le plus approprié.
 Par ailleurs, si qq a déjà pratiqué, je peux le aussi rédiger en anglais mais 
 est-ce que c’est utile ? (doublon)


Il y a déjà une page en anglais, qui a l'air très complète.

Comme elle a été modifiée pour la dernière fois en 2010, elle n'est plus très à

Si vous le pouvez, je pense qu'il vaudrait mieux voir si vous avez des
informations supplémentaires ou des corrections à apporter à cette page.

Pour la page en français, l'idéal serait de la baser sur la page en anglais

Bonne fin de semaine,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Questions sur Exim4 avec un SMTP Orange

2015-05-15 Thread Olivier

J'ai un système (sous Squeeze) qui émet quelques courriels.
Il utilise exim4 et un compte GMail pour ses envois et l'ensemble
fonctionne sans histoire.

Depuis peu, j'ai une nouvelle exigence: je dois émettre certains mails avec
une adresse d'émisssion précise (exemple: et non plus

Grâce à cette liste, j'ai pu trouver le moyen pour configurer l'adresse
d'émission: le pb est que mon compte GMail n'accepte pas une autre adresse
d'émission que la sienne.

Pour contourner cette limitation, j'envisage d'utiliser les paramètres SMTP
fournis avec le lien ADSL Orange du site d'installation de mon système.

Je rencontre des difficultés pour émettre avec ces paramètres SMTP Orange
et j'apprécierai beaucoup une aide sur le sujet.

Voici comment j'ai procédé:

1. J'ai testé unitairement les paramètres SMTP en suivant la procédure
décrite ici [1].
Je me suis connecté avec:
telnet 587
Après la commande AUTH LOGIN et l'envoi du login et du mot de passe en
base64, j'ai la réponse suivante du serveur:
235 2.7.0 ... authentication succeeded
J'en déduis que mes paramètres d'authentification sont corrects mais j'ai
un doute sur les paramètres de connexion car je lis ici ou là des
références aux ports 25 ou 465.
Quels paramètres de connexion doit-on privilégier ?

2. Je poursuis pour ensuite arriver à émettre mais il n'y a pas d'émetteur
dans le mail reçu malgré la commande
250 2.1.0 sender ok
Avez-vous une suggestion pour valoriser en telnet avec le SMTP d'Orange
l'adresse d'émission ?

3. Je reviens maintenant à mailx et exim4.
Je configure ceux-ci du mieux possible et je lance un envoi avec mailx et
l'option -v.
J'observe alors à l'écran:
  SMTP 550 5.1.0 Authentification requise. Authentication Required.
OFR102_402 [402]

Avant cette ligne, j'observe que mailx/exim4 n'émet aucune commande AUTH
LOGIN préalable, analogue à celle que j'envoie avec telnet.
Ma question est: comment dois-je spécifier à exim4/mailx d'envoyer un AUTH

J'ai ceci dans /etc/exim4/pass.client:

Dans update-exim4.conf.conf, j'ai:



Re: Questions sur Exim4 avec un SMTP Orange

2015-05-15 Thread Guillaume


Désolé je ne peux pas t'aider à propos d'Exim4,

mais il me sembe qu'Orange utilise la même protection.

Le 15/05/2015 16:22, Olivier a écrit :


J'ai un système (sous Squeeze) qui émet quelques courriels.
Il utilise exim4 et un compte GMail pour ses envois et l'ensemble 
fonctionne sans histoire.

Depuis peu, j'ai une nouvelle exigence: je dois émettre certains mails 
avec une adresse d'émisssion précise (exemple: et non plus

Grâce à cette liste, j'ai pu trouver le moyen pour configurer 
l'adresse d'émission: le pb est que mon compte GMail n'accepte pas une 
autre adresse d'émission que la sienne.

Pour contourner cette limitation, j'envisage d'utiliser les paramètres 
SMTP fournis avec le lien ADSL Orange du site d'installation de mon 

Je rencontre des difficultés pour émettre avec ces paramètres SMTP 
Orange et j'apprécierai beaucoup une aide sur le sujet.

Voici comment j'ai procédé:

1. J'ai testé unitairement les paramètres SMTP en suivant la procédure 
décrite ici [1].

Je me suis connecté avec:
telnet 587
Après la commande AUTH LOGIN et l'envoi du login et du mot de passe en 
base64, j'ai la réponse suivante du serveur:

235 2.7.0 ... authentication succeeded
J'en déduis que mes paramètres d'authentification sont corrects mais 
j'ai un doute sur les paramètres de connexion car je lis ici ou là des 
références aux ports 25 ou 465.

Quels paramètres de connexion doit-on privilégier ?

2. Je poursuis pour ensuite arriver à émettre mais il n'y a pas 
d'émetteur dans le mail reçu malgré la commande

250 2.1.0 sender ok
Avez-vous une suggestion pour valoriser en telnet avec le SMTP 
d'Orange l'adresse d'émission ?

3. Je reviens maintenant à mailx et exim4.
Je configure ceux-ci du mieux possible et je lance un envoi avec mailx 
et l'option -v.

J'observe alors à l'écran:
  SMTP 550 5.1.0 Authentification requise. Authentication Required. 
OFR102_402 [402]

Avant cette ligne, j'observe que mailx/exim4 n'émet aucune commande 
AUTH LOGIN préalable, analogue à celle que j'envoie avec telnet.
Ma question est: comment dois-je spécifier à exim4/mailx d'envoyer un 

J'ai ceci dans /etc/exim4/pass.client:

Dans update-exim4.conf.conf, j'ai:




Re: systraq / filetraq dep

2015-05-15 Thread Tim Kuijsten

Op 13-05-15 om 21:28 schreef Joost van Baal-Ilić:

Hoi Tim,

Hi Joost,

Meelezers: Tim heeft vragen over mijn tooltje : monitor your system and warn when system
files change.

On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 07:19:13PM +0200, Tim Kuijsten wrote:

is het misschien een idee om (f)mtree uit de freebsd-glue package te
gebruiken ipv filetraq?

Dat zou kunnen, ik noem mtree ook in de systraq manual ( ).  Ik heb filetraq
gekozen omdat dat een shell script is; mtree wordt van C code gebouwd.  Ik
geloof dat mtree niet out of the box compileert op GNU/Linux.  Het is iig
niet gepackaged voor Debian. vandaar mijn suggestie

Maar: be my guest om systraq met mtree te combineren!

o.a. vanwege het feit dat in de manual van systraq het volgende staat:
Jeremy runs it as root, I believe. I want to avoid that as much as
possible.. Dat vervolgens systraq filetraq als dep heeft en dus ook
standaard filetraq elke 5 minuten als root wordt gedraaid was me pas
duidelijk na een extra inspectie.

Als je van wijzigingen op de hoogte wilt worden gehouden van bestanden die
alleen door root leesbaar zijn, dan zul je filetraq als root moeten draaien.
Je kunt er ook voor kiezen om filetraq helemaal niet te draaien; of je kunt t
onder een andere user draaien (ikzelf heb dat nooit geprobeerd overigens).

Ik zelf ben m'n setup poging onder Ubuntu

Gebruik je systraq 0.0.20081217-7?


gestaakt omdat een simpele
`find /etc -type f  /etc/systraq/filetraq.conf` me wat rare errors

Welke errors gaf dat?  Niet de errors die je hieronder weergeeft geloof ik.

Jawel, maar was idd als normale user of root, not sure. tnx voor de `su 
-s /bin/bash debian-systraq` tip.

Wat betreft: Nog iets: als je systraq installeert, en verder niks 
configureert, dan krijg je iedere nacht een melding van cron in je 
mailbox, met instructies over hoe het te configureren.  Heb je _die_ 
instructies opgevolgd?

Die mail had ik gezien idd, de half uurlijkse variant daarvan iig. En 
dat + manual heb ik gevolgd. Alleen dat verzameling van de file list had 
ik waarschijnlijk iets secuurder moeten doen om die permission denied 
errors te voorkomen (ik dacht eigenlijk aan verkeerde filenames).

Tnx voor de support. Voor nu ben ik echter gegaan voor een combinatie 
van logwatch + mtree uit de eerder genoemde freebsd-glue package.



(+ het feit dat er nog redelijk wat manuele stappen gemaakt
moeten worden na installatie, waardoor ik sowieso enigzins onzeker
ben of het wel compleet is):

Creating first backup of /etc/apparmor.d/cache/sbin.dhclient.
cp: cannot open ‘/etc/apparmor.d/cache/sbin.dhclient’ for
reading: Permission denied
Creating first backup of /etc/apparmor.d/cache/usr.sbin.mysqld.
cp: cannot open ‘/etc/apparmor.d/cache/usr.sbin.mysqld’ for
reading: Permission denied
Creating first backup of /etc/at.deny.

Het lijkt erop dat er bestanden in /etc/systraq/filetraq.conf genoemd worden
die niet wereld-leesbaar zijn.  Dat is niet de gedocumenteerde manier; je moet
iets als dit doen:

  # su -s /bin/bash debian-systraq
  $ find /etc -type f  /tmp/filetraq.conf
  $ exit
  # mv /tmp/filetraq.conf /etc/systraq/

en dit was nadat ik de initiele backup zoals voorgesteld in de
systraq manual al had gemaakt.

OK.  Het initiele opzetten van de systraq data is inderdaad nogal wat handwerk.
Ik heb dat niet helemaal geautomatiseerd; ook om het systeem flexibel te

Happy hacking, Groeten,


PS: ik ben niet subscribed op deze lijst, honoreer Mail-Followup-To aub en
stuur antwoorden ook naar mij.

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Jessie - MATE - Places dropdown menu has strange entry

2015-05-15 Thread Richard Owlett

I just installed Jessie from a purchased set of DVDs.
The installation went smoothly.
The hardware is a Lenovo R61 Thinkpad, 2GB RAM, 80GB hard drive.
It is a system set aside for experimenting with configuration 

It has had multiple installs of Squeeze and Wheezy without problems.

Current partitions and function:
sda1 ext2 10GB Squeeze 6.0.5
sda2 swap  3GB
sda3 extended partition 67GB
sda5 ext2 10GB Jessie 8.0
sda6 ext2 11GB Squeeze 6.0.10

Both Squeeze 6.0.5 and 6.0.10 Gnome2 Places dropdown show the 
labels for Jessie's partition and the other Squeeze partition.

Jessie MATE Places dropdown shows labels for both Squeeze 
partitions *AND*

something labeled Debian squeeze 20111014-10:28.

The error message when clicking on it to mount identifies it as 

Should this be filed as a bug against Jessie or against MATE?

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Re: Openbox: which packages install to have sound?

2015-05-15 Thread Juha Heinanen
Rodolfo Medina writes:

 By running alxamixer I turned all volumes on.  But still no sound.

check with alsamixer that everything is un-muted (no MM
letters). also check with 'aplay -l' which card you want to use.  then
make test 'aplay -c card number audio file'

-- juha

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Re: P2P desde línea de comandos

2015-05-15 Thread Carlos Zuniga
2015-05-14 21:02 GMT-05:00 Carlos Manuel Escalona Villeda
 Hola que tal, conocen algún programa para compartir archivos via p2p desde
 la consola???

A mi me gusta el aria2 (paquete Aria2c), soporta bittorrent, metalink,
http, ftp.

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Re: Redireccionar a TTY las salidas de Consola.

2015-05-15 Thread Ramses
El 15 de mayo de 2015 15:18:16 CEST, Camaleón escribió:
El Thu, 14 May 2015 21:48:56 +0200, Ramses escribió:

 Hola a todos,

Ese html...

 Cuan se pincha, por ejemplo, un PEN en un PC / Server, salen una
 de mensajes en la Consola que tiene conectada dicho Server.

Los mensajes del kernel, entiendo.

 ¿Hay alguna forma de que esos mensajes me aparezcan en una sesión SSH
 remota establecida?

Quizá Debian tenga algo más específico, pero mira a ver si te sirve

How to stop kernel messages from flooding my console?


Concretamente, por ejemplo, lo que estoy buscando es:

- Me conecto a un server, sin pantalla, por SSH.

- Meto un PEN en el server.

- En la sesión SSH me deben aparecer los mismos mensajes que en la Consola del 

Lo que aparece en el enlace me da la impresión que es para evitar que salgan 
por Consola...

Saludos y gracias,


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Re: Redireccionar a TTY las salidas de Consola.

2015-05-15 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 15 May 2015 16:22:25 +0200, Ramses escribió:

 El 15 de mayo de 2015 15:18:16 CEST, Camaleón


 ¿Hay alguna forma de que esos mensajes me aparezcan en una sesión SSH
 remota establecida?

Quizá Debian tenga algo más específico, pero mira a ver si te sirve

How to stop kernel messages from flooding my console?

 Concretamente, por ejemplo, lo que estoy buscando es:
 - Me conecto a un server, sin pantalla, por SSH.
 - Meto un PEN en el server.
 - En la sesión SSH me deben aparecer los mismos mensajes que en la
 Consola del server.
 Lo que aparece en el enlace me da la impresión que es para evitar que
 salgan por Consola...

Supongo que quieres enviar los mensajes del kernel a otra tty o a una 
archivo de texto o eliminarlos, sencillamente, para eso sirve los pasos 
del enlace que te he pasado. Lo que ya no sé es si se podrá diferenciar 
entre sesiones locales/remotas para permitir que los mensajes se 
visualicen en local pero no desde una sesión ssh.



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Re: OT: linguistic mis-usages (was Re: Remove subject)

2015-05-15 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 15 May 2015, The Wanderer wrote:
 On 05/15/2015 at 07:35 AM, Chris Bannister wrote:
  On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 09:16:17AM +0100, Anthony Campbell wrote:
  Since we're well off-topic already, I can't resist citing a rather 
  similar and increasingly prevalent negative usage that makes no
  sense. I quite often read the phrase: the importance of this
  cannot be underestimated. It should, of course, be OVER-estimated,
  or alternatively must not be under-estimated. I think the two
  usages have
  No! Why does it need a hyphen?
 To help indicate that you're separating out (and thus focusing on) the
 first half of the compound word, while still indicating that you're
 using the compound word rather than (incorrectly) the matching two-word
  What is it with all these hyphens that people are sticking between
  words these days?
 I can't speak to all of them, but in a large fraction of cases, they're
 extremely helpful for communicating the way in which you intend words to
 group together.

Agreed. And it isn't these days; in fact, in earlier times people used
hyphens more than they do now. But I think the fashion pendulum is
beginning to swing back (and it's largely a question of fashion).

But not entirely fashion. Omitting hyphens can sometimes cause the
reader to check momentarily, a kind of mental stumble. E.g. the hyphen
in the subject line of this thread is useful; misusages would be
confusing. It's a question of courtesy to readers.


Anthony Campbell

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Re: 500 Remove Directory Failed

2015-05-15 Thread Debia Linux
2015-05-15 9:14 GMT-05:00 Debia Linux
 2015-05-15 8:59 GMT-05:00 Debia Linux
 2015-05-15 8:13 GMT-05:00 Camaleón
 El Thu, 14 May 2015 13:34:56 -0500, Debia Linux escribió:

 He tratado de eliminar algunos archivos via FTP por medio del cliente

 Me arroja el error

 500 Remove Directory Failed

 ¿Intentas eliminar archivos o un directorio?

 E intentado las tres formas:

 1.- Carpetas.
 2.- Archivos.
 3.- Carpetas con subcarpetas y archivos.

 Verifique los permisos y todos tienen permisos de 777 y aun asi no puedo
 eliminarlos. ¿Alguna idea?.

 Permisos de archivo a 777 ¿y el propietario/grupo es el correcto? ¿Puedes
 subir archivos a ese directorio?

 Si, al tener permisos 777 quiere decir que todos los usuarios pueden
 escribir, eliminar, ejecutar ¿Cierto?.

 Intenta con otro cliente FTP para ver si obtienes el mismo resultado
 (Debian viene con uno de serie en línea de comandos).

 Ya lo intente via web y tampoco me es posible
 eliminarlos, ingreso, puedo ver los archivos, pero no puedo
 eliminarlos. Lo curioso es que esos archivos los actualizo o elimino
 (los que dejan de servir) continuamente y llevo tiempo haciendo lo
 mismo, es una tarea rutinaria.

 Y si te fuera posible el acceso al servidor mediante sftp/ssh también
 sería interesante ver si obtienes el mismo mensaje de error.

 Intentare hacerlo mediante consola de comandos.

Ya ingrese mediante consola de comandos y si. ¡Obtengo el mismo error!.

Tambien e intentado eliminarlos desde tres computadoras diferentes, pero nada.



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Re: 500 Remove Directory Failed

2015-05-15 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 15 May 2015 09:14:52 -0500, Debia Linux escribió:

 2015-05-15 9:14 GMT-05:00 Debia Linux
 2015-05-15 8:59 GMT-05:00 Debia Linux
 2015-05-15 8:13 GMT-05:00 Camaleón
 El Thu, 14 May 2015 13:34:56 -0500, Debia Linux escribió:

 He tratado de eliminar algunos archivos via FTP por medio del
 cliente FILEZILLA.

 Me arroja el error

 500 Remove Directory Failed

 ¿Intentas eliminar archivos o un directorio?

 E intentado las tres formas:

 1.- Carpetas.
 2.- Archivos.
 3.- Carpetas con subcarpetas y archivos.

Creo que no me expliqué bien :-)

Preguntaba si lo que estabas eliminando eran archivos porque el mensaje 
que recibes habla de directorios, de ahí que me extrañara. 

De todas formas, los permisos de un directorio pueden venir heredados 
desde una jerarquía superior ¿de qué sistema operativo estamos hablando? 
es decir, el servidor FTP qué lleva, Linux, Windows, FreeBSD...? ¿Qué 
permisos/propietario tiene el directorio inmediatamente superior?

 Verifique los permisos y todos tienen permisos de 777 y aun asi no
 puedo eliminarlos. ¿Alguna idea?.

 Permisos de archivo a 777 ¿y el propietario/grupo es el correcto?
 ¿Puedes subir archivos a ese directorio?

 Si, al tener permisos 777 quiere decir que todos los usuarios pueden
 escribir, eliminar, ejecutar ¿Cierto?.

Son permisos totales, sí, algo que no debería estar así ;-)

 Intenta con otro cliente FTP para ver si obtienes el mismo resultado
 (Debian viene con uno de serie en línea de comandos).

 Ya lo intente via web y tampoco me es posible
 eliminarlos, ingreso, puedo ver los archivos, pero no puedo
 eliminarlos. Lo curioso es que esos archivos los actualizo o elimino
 (los que dejan de servir) continuamente y llevo tiempo haciendo lo
 mismo, es una tarea rutinaria.

Quizá haya habido cambios en la política de uso del servidor FTP, ¿tienes 
acceso a la configuración del servidor FTP?

 Y si te fuera posible el acceso al servidor mediante sftp/ssh también
 sería interesante ver si obtienes el mismo mensaje de error.

 Intentare hacerlo mediante consola de comandos.

 Ya ingrese mediante consola de comandos y si. ¡Obtengo el mismo error!.
 Tambien e intentado eliminarlos desde tres computadoras diferentes, pero

Pues entonces apunta a un problema con la configuración en el lado del 
servidor no en el cliente, tendrás que ver qué tipo de acceso tienes al 
servidor para acceder al archivo de registro (log) del FTP o ponerte en 
contacto con el administrador.



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Re: Why is libapache2-mod-auth-mysql not in Jessie?

2015-05-15 Thread Patrick Wiseman
On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 3:14 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:
 On Fri, 15 May 2015, Patrick Wiseman wrote:
 I just upgraded a server from Wheezy to Jessie, only to find that my
 authentication is broken because libapache2-mod-auth-mysql is not
 available in Jessie (it's in Squeeze, Wheezy and Sid). I tried to
 install the package from Sid, but dpkg complains that apache2.2-common
 is not installed, which is indeed the case, as it's no longer a part
 of the apache2 package apparently.

 Any thoughts on a fix?

 See for the
 whole saga; basically, this means that someone needs to actually step in
 and fix this module so that it can build with apache2.4 (and probably
 help maintain it too.)

So is that as totally irresponsible as it seems to me? I cannot be the
only person using mysql authentication. As it happens, my institution
is about to make me move to something else (ldap or openid) and so
I'll do that by the time my students need access next Fall. But, if I
may, really??


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Re: Colorized Prompts Problem - Thanks for the Deconstruction

2015-05-15 Thread David Wright
Quoting Thomas H. George (
 Your explanation is very helpful, converts the jumble I copied from a
 website into a logical sequence of instructions. I really appreciate
 being able to understand the meaning of the prompt.

This conversation made me revisit my own prompt which I have now
modified. I thought I'd share it with you in case any part of it
should be helpful.

LOCAL_COLOR is set in a host-specific file that also sets things like
different colours for midnight commander (mc) so I know which host I'm on.

PROMPT_COMMAND adds a space after the return code and then removes
itself if it would print zero. It also sets the title-bar in an xterm,
again so I know where I am. (I have a couple of dozen xterms, some
ssh'd to other hosts.) Putting the tty number in the title bar makes
it easier to kill an xterm should it freeze.

PS1 makes any non-zero return code stand out; then the local colour
takes over the rest of the prompt. Note that the 0; is required in
LOCAL_COLOR to cancel the earlier 1; that highlights the return code.
Breaking the PS1 line into 3 parts avoids another level of quoting.

LOCAL_COLOR='\e[0;34m' # blue (this is in ~/.bash-hostname)

case $TERM in
export PROMPT_COMMAND+= || echo -ne '\e]0;${HOSTNAME^^}  
$(tty)  ${HOSTNAME^^}\a'

export PS1='\[\e[1;33;41m\]$MYPROMPT\['
export PS1+=$LOCAL_COLOR
export PS1+='\]\H!\u \t \w \$ \[\e[m\]'


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touchpad em computador dell

2015-05-15 Thread Fred Maranhão

comprei um computador dell que veio com ubuntu. no ubuntu o touchpad
funciona normalmente, mas no debian jessie ao pressionar o botão e
mover o ponteiro (para arrastar) o ponteiro não funciona.

preciso descobrir qual o meu touchpad, mas não sei onde ele está no
lspci ou no lsusb:

$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Broadwell-U Host Bridge -OPI (rev 09)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Broadwell-U
Integrated Graphics (rev 09)
00:03.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Broadwell-U Audio Controller (rev 09)
00:14.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP USB xHCI
Controller (rev 03)
00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP
MEI Controller #1 (rev 03)
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP High
Definition Audio Controller (rev 03)
00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP PCI Express
Root Port #1 (rev e3)
00:1c.2 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP PCI Express
Root Port #3 (rev e3)
00:1c.3 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP PCI Express
Root Port #4 (rev e3)
00:1c.4 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP PCI Express
Root Port #5 (rev e3)
00:1d.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP USB EHCI
Controller (rev 03)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP LPC Controller (rev 03)
00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP SATA
Controller [AHCI Mode] (rev 03)
00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP SMBus Controller (rev 03)
02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 07)
03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless 7265 (rev 59)
04:00.0 Display controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI]
Topaz XT [Radeon R7 M260/M265]

$ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:8001 Intel Corp.
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 004: ID 1bcf:2b8a Sunplus Innovation Technology Inc.
Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0bda:0129 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTS5129
Card Reader Controller
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0a2a Intel Corp.
Bus 002 Device 005: ID 1c4f:0034 SiGma Micro
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
fredm@lap-adriana:~$ $ Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux
Foundation 2.0 root hub

alguém sabe me dizer qual destas linhas se refere ao touchpad?

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Re: out of the box wifi adapter

2015-05-15 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Thu, 14 May 2015 18:25:46 -0700
Raymond Jennings wrote:

I need to install a wifi adapter to my newly built desktop machine.

It needs to attach to either usb or the rj45 port, and I'd like to
avoid models that require downloaded firmware or ndiswrapper or the

Any options out there?  I'm willing to buy stuff online if needed.

The N300 from netgear I have isn't installing, even on the netinst cd
with firmware.

This seems like a great alternative:

(I haven't tried it myself though).


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ulogd2 fails with kernel 4.0.0-1

2015-05-15 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom


Running Sid dist-upgraded on May 12 2015 which went to kernel 4.0.0-1.
I run the firewall via Firehol and use  'FIREHOL_LOG_MODE=ULOG'.
Iptables then gets errors because it cannot find ULOG.
That is because ulogd2 failed with:

May 15 11:56:39 hdbb ulogd[5785]: Can't create ULOG handle
May 15 11:56:39 hdbb ulogd[5785]: error starting `ulog1'

When this dist-upgraded system is booted with kernel 3.16.0-4 ulogd2 starts

May 15 15:46:24 hdbb ulogd[27455]: building new pluginstance stack:

But I seem to be the first person that ran into this because I find no 
references to this error. Is it because this kernel is new?


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Re: DKIM Questions sur Exim4 avec un SMTP Orange

2015-05-15 Thread Pierre Meurisse
On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 04:22:04PM +0200, Olivier wrote:
 J'ai un système (sous Squeeze) qui émet quelques courriels.
 Il utilise exim4 et un compte GMail pour ses envois et l'ensemble
 fonctionne sans histoire.
 Depuis peu, j'ai une nouvelle exigence: je dois émettre certains mails avec
 une adresse d'émisssion précise (exemple: et non plus
 Grâce à cette liste, j'ai pu trouver le moyen pour configurer l'adresse
 d'émission: le pb est que mon compte GMail n'accepte pas une autre adresse
 d'émission que la sienne.
 Pour contourner cette limitation, j'envisage d'utiliser les paramètres SMTP
 fournis avec le lien ADSL Orange du site d'installation de mon système.
 Je rencontre des difficultés pour émettre avec ces paramètres SMTP Orange
 et j'apprécierai beaucoup une aide sur le sujet.

J'ai le même problème avec free.
Si je comprends bien, tes utilisateurs doivent voir comme expéditeur mais gmail doit voir

A la fin de REWRITE CONFIGURATION dans /etc/exim4.conf/exim4.conf.template :
*@machine.domaine F
toi@machine.domaine rsf

éventuellement, pour un autre utilisateur :
autre@machine.domaine rsf

et ensuite :
$ sudo update-exim4.conf

Pour vérifier :

$ sudo exim4 -brw toi

Hope this helps.

Pierre Meurisse

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Re: Colorized Prompts Problem - Thanks for the Deconstruction (correction)

2015-05-15 Thread David Wright
Quoting David Wright (
   export PROMPT_COMMAND+= || echo -ne '\e]0;${HOSTNAME^^}  
 $(tty)  ${HOSTNAME^^}\a'

Forgive the typo; that || was in the penultimate version that I
accidentally included. It should of course be ; otherwise the
title only appears after a non-zero return code. Thus:

export PROMPT_COMMAND+= ; echo -ne '\e]0;${HOSTNAME^^}  $(tty) 


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Re: touchpad em computador dell

2015-05-15 Thread Fred Maranhão
2015-05-16 0:11 GMT-03:00 Fred Maranhão

 comprei um computador dell que veio com ubuntu. no ubuntu o touchpad
 funciona normalmente, mas no debian jessie ao pressionar o botão e
 mover o ponteiro (para arrastar) o ponteiro não funciona.

na verdade notei uma coisa. quando eu boto um dedo no touchpad e
arrasto um segundo, o que acontece é uma rolagem (scroll). como o
touchpad é daqueles que a parte dos botões não é secregada, eu aperto
o botão com um dedo e arrasto com outro e ele interpreta que eu estou
fazendo uma rolagem com dois dedos.

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Re: About alternatives in stretch - testing.........

2015-05-15 Thread Charlie
On Sat, 16 May 2015 14:41:09 +1000 Charlie sent:

 Since you gave the way of how to discover what I need to know, I
 googled it and found that link.

Alternatives works now:

Did: apt-mark hold libgnutls-deb0-28

That held it.

Upgraded and I saw that it upgraded chromium and now it works.

Thanks again,

Registered Linux User:- 329524

The engineer is neither optimist nor pessimist. He sees the
proverbial half-full/empty glass and says, The glass is twice
as big as there is any need for it to be.___anon


Debian GNU/Linux - Magic indeed.


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Re: About alternatives in stretch - testing.........

2015-05-15 Thread Bob Proulx
Charlie wrote:
 A question about alternatives in stretch:

 $ update-alternatives --config x-www-browser
 * 1 /usr/bin/chromium 40 manual mode
 In claws-mail press a URL and it opens in iceweasel.

Sounds like claws does not call x-www-browser but instead calls
iceweasel directly.  However I installed claws in order to test this
and for me it did call x-www-browser okay.  So I think it must be
calling x-www-browser okay.

   .1. Is the alternatives script not working or

Very likely the alternatives for x-www-browser are correct.  Did you
try it?  Please try it and check that it works.  Check that it returns
a non-zero exit code.

  $ x-www-browser
  $ echo $?

What starts?  Chromium?  Then your configuration is fine.  If not then
that is the problem.  But that is unlikely if your Testing is up to
date.  Does it return an exit code of 0 okay?

   .2. Is Claws mail not checking it

For me when I installed claws just now as a test, set x-www-browser to
chromium, and then clicked on a link to open in a web browser window
it opened chromium.  Therefore it isn't a systematic problem.  It must
be something in your environment.

   .3. Can I change this manually and if so where?

Almost certainly.  You did very good starting with the alternatives
for x-www-browser.  That's great.  I would start there too.  But since
it works for other people (me!) the problem must be something specific
to your environment.



 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt9-3 (2015-04-23) x86_64 GNU/Linux

Just for future reference but the 'uname -a' output showing kernel
version information isn't useful for much these days.  At one time it
was how we told if users were using BSD or HP-UX or Solaris or IBM AIX
or whatever.  But if you say you are using Debian Stretch then we know
you are actually using Debian Testing and that is good enough.  I
prefer to say Testing rather than a name because Stretch is only a
candidate and will change every day for the next two years until it is
finally released.  It doesn't stop changing until then. 

Description: Digital signature

Re: Why is libapache2-mod-auth-mysql not in Jessie?

2015-05-15 Thread Sven Hartge
Patrick Wiseman wrote:
 On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 3:14 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:
 On Fri, 15 May 2015, Patrick Wiseman wrote:

 I just upgraded a server from Wheezy to Jessie, only to find that my
 authentication is broken because libapache2-mod-auth-mysql is not
 available in Jessie (it's in Squeeze, Wheezy and Sid). I tried to
 install the package from Sid, but dpkg complains that apache2.2-common
 is not installed, which is indeed the case, as it's no longer a part
 of the apache2 package apparently.

 Any thoughts on a fix?

 See for the
 whole saga; basically, this means that someone needs to actually step in
 and fix this module so that it can build with apache2.4 (and probably
 help maintain it too.)

 So is that as totally irresponsible as it seems to me? I cannot be the
 only person using mysql authentication. As it happens, my institution
 is about to make me move to something else (ldap or openid) and so
 I'll do that by the time my students need access next Fall. But, if I
 may, really??

It seems this module is dead upstream, given that the same version was
already included in Squeeze and only NMU'd to get into Wheezy.

There is a ticket open on the site, that advises to use


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

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Re: About alternatives in stretch - testing.........

2015-05-15 Thread Charlie
On Fri, 15 May 2015 19:52:38 -0600 Bob Proulx sent:

 For me when I installed claws just now as a test, set x-www-browser to
 chromium, and then clicked on a link to open in a web browser window
 it opened chromium.  Therefore it isn't a systematic problem.  It must
 be something in your environment.

Sorry Bob,

The update won't be done, because:

I held openssl without problems, but can't  hold this because it's
buggy as well:

E: Unable to locate package libgnutls-deb0-28,

So I won't go ahead with the upgrade at this time.

I'll try alternatives again when I can upgrade.

Sorry for your trouble, thanks for your help, it's much appreciated.

Registered Linux User:- 329524

No object is mysterious. The mystery is in your eye.
--Elizabeth Bowen


Debian GNU/Linux - Magic indeed.


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Re: aptitude update errors for upgrade to Jessie on amd64

2015-05-15 Thread Bob Proulx
David Wright wrote:
 I noticed that on repeating the former, I got a very different file,
 and this might be because had resolved to a different
 IPv4 address (but IPv6 was the same).

  $ host has address has address has IPv6 address 2610:148:1f10:3::89

It is at this moment a list of two different IPv4 addresses and one
IPv6 address.  Looking up those will find that
has both IPv4 and IPv6 available. only shows the
IPv4 address.  So basically two mirror sites are available.

Depending upon various things you will somewhat randomly get one or
the other site.  After having gotten one site it will be sticky for
the dns time to live value after which it will expire and the
selection process will repeat.

 The appearance of the webpage had also changed since yesterday, with
 logos from Oregon State University, Open Source Lab, TDS and Friend of
 OSL scattered around that weren't there before.

Basically the difference is:

When the program looks up the name it will get all
three of the above in some order.  If your system is IPv6 capable it
will prefer the IPv6 address and always use it.  If not then it will
select one of the two IPv4 addresses and use it.  The different mirror
sites are using different software.  Some sites advertise their own
information and others do not.  The archive data provided is the same
in either case.  And regardless the Release file is cryptographically
signed and checksumed such that it can be trusted regardless of the
host transporting it.  We appreciate the mirrors making their
bandwidth and hosting available for Debian mirrors.


Description: Digital signature


2015-05-15 Thread Manoel Pedro de Araújo
Caros alguem sabia disso?

I contacted support about this, and they reported that its a problem with
the latest distribution of Dropbox for Linux (not specifcally for Jessie).


Re: problemas no apache2 após migração wheezy - jessie

2015-05-15 Thread Fred Maranhão
resolvi instalando a versão mais nova do oci8.

Em 7 de maio de 2015 17:21, Carlos Donizete escreveu:
 $ apt-cache search oci8
 php5-adodb - Extension optimising the ADOdb database abstraction library
 php-db - PHP PEAR Database Abstraction Layer

 chegou a instalar este 'php5-adodb'

 Em Qui, 2015-05-07 às 17:18 -0300, Fred Maranhão escreveu:
 Em 7 de maio de 2015 16:46, Fred Maranhão escreveu:
  2015-05-07 16:10 GMT-03:00 Fred Maranhão
  apaguei o /etc/apache2/conf.d/zabbix
  e publiquei o frontend dos fontes (zabbix-2.4.5.tar.gz)
  tá funcionando. fui apresentado à tela de setup. Agora vamos ao
  próximo problema:
  No passo 2. Check of pre-requisites tá tudo ok menos isto:
  PHP always_populate_raw_post_data current value: on ; Required: off ; Fail
  editei o meu /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
  ; Always populate the $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA variable. PHP's default 
  behavior is
  ; to disable this feature and it will be removed in a future version.
  ; If post reading is disabled through enable_post_data_reading,
  ; $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is *NOT* populated.
  ; alterado de -1 para off a pedido do zabbix (fredm, 2015-05-07)
  always_populate_raw_post_data = off
  reiniciei o apache e o erro persiste. tentei com os valores 'off' e '0'.
  o estranho é que rodando um phpinfo() e procurando por esta diretiva,
  está como '0'. só o zabbix que não vê.
  logo, não é um problema do debian. mas alguém tem mais alguma
  sugestão? reiniciar o apache, já fiz. reiniciar o servidor, já fiz.
  usar outro navegador, já fiz.
  acho que é hora de abrir um bug para o código do zabbix...
  ops. falha minha. era para usar o valor -1.
  próximo pau: a única database habilitada é mysql. tenho que habilitar 
  no dist-upgrade, a linha:
  foi retirada do arquivo /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
  eu aceitei a versão do mantenedor e reinseri a linha.
  mas nada de oracle no php...

 respondendo à minha própria pergunta, parece que vou ter que atualizar
 o oci8, um plugin do php. a versão 1.4 só é suportada até o php 5.5. e
 na jessie o php é 5.6

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Re: ulogd2 fails with kernel 4.0.0-1

2015-05-15 Thread Sven Hartge
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 Running Sid dist-upgraded on May 12 2015 which went to kernel 4.0.0-1.
 I run the firewall via Firehol and use  'FIREHOL_LOG_MODE=ULOG'.
 Iptables then gets errors because it cannot find ULOG.  That is
 because ulogd2 failed with:

 May 15 11:56:39 hdbb ulogd[5785]: Can't create ULOG handle
 May 15 11:56:39 hdbb ulogd[5785]: error starting `ulog1'

 When this dist-upgraded system is booted with kernel 3.16.0-4 ulogd2
 starts correctly:

 May 15 15:46:24 hdbb ulogd[27455]: building new pluginstance stack:

 But I seem to be the first person that ran into this because I find no
 references to this error. Is it because this kernel is new?

I would think so.

My guess is most people running ulogd run it on their firewall systems,
systems normally not running Sid.


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Re: aptitude update errors for upgrade to Jessie on amd64

2015-05-15 Thread David Wright
Quoting Bob Proulx (

 When the program looks up the name it will get all
 three of the above in some order.  If your system is IPv6 capable it
 will prefer the IPv6 address and always use it.  If not then it will
 select one of the two IPv4 addresses and use it.  The different mirror
 sites are using different software.  Some sites advertise their own
 information and others do not.  The archive data provided is the same
 in either case.  And regardless the Release file is cryptographically
 signed and checksumed such that it can be trusted regardless of the
 host transporting it.  We appreciate the mirrors making their
 bandwidth and hosting available for Debian mirrors.

Thanks for that clear exposition. I myself have had no problem with
these differences (assuming they could even be relevant). But can you
throw any light on why Pierre is apparently being served a .xz
compressed file by which is making apt-get
(presumably expecting to receive a .gz file) fail to verify the
digest? (I can't even try reproducing this as I'm i386 and he's amd64.)


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Re: Why is libapache2-mod-auth-mysql not in Jessie?

2015-05-15 Thread Sven Hartge
Sven Hartge wrote:
 Patrick Wiseman wrote:
 On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 3:14 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:
 On Fri, 15 May 2015, Patrick Wiseman wrote:

 I just upgraded a server from Wheezy to Jessie, only to find that my
 authentication is broken because libapache2-mod-auth-mysql is not
 available in Jessie (it's in Squeeze, Wheezy and Sid). I tried to
 install the package from Sid, but dpkg complains that apache2.2-common
 is not installed, which is indeed the case, as it's no longer a part
 of the apache2 package apparently.

 Any thoughts on a fix?

 See for the
 whole saga; basically, this means that someone needs to actually step in
 and fix this module so that it can build with apache2.4 (and probably
 help maintain it too.)

 So is that as totally irresponsible as it seems to me? I cannot be the
 only person using mysql authentication. As it happens, my institution
 is about to make me move to something else (ldap or openid) and so
 I'll do that by the time my students need access next Fall. But, if I
 may, really??

 It seems this module is dead upstream, given that the same version was
 already included in Squeeze and only NMU'd to get into Wheezy.

To be precise: the same (upstream) version was already included in
Sarge, released 10 years ago.

But since there is a generic solution available, one that is even
included in apache2 proper, there is no need to yearn for a continuiton
of development of mod-auth-mysql.

On might even be so inclined to file a bug for complete removal from Debian.


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

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Re: About alternatives in stretch - testing.........

2015-05-15 Thread Charlie
On Fri, 15 May 2015 19:52:38 -0600 Bob Proulx sent:


 Very likely the alternatives for x-www-browser are correct.  Did you
 try it?  Please try it and check that it works.  Check that it returns
 a non-zero exit code.
   $ x-www-browser
   $ echo $?
 What starts?  Chromium?  Then your configuration is fine.  If not then
 that is the problem.  But that is unlikely if your Testing is up to
 date.  Does it return an exit code of 0 okay?


Thank you for these commands Bob,

$ x-www-browser
/usr/bin/x-www-browser: 95: exec: /usr/lib/chromium/x-www-browser: not

$ echo $?

Alternatives was working while I was using stable [jessie] then I
upgraded to testing and suddenly it reverted back to iceweasel.

My system hadn't been upgraded for a week or more, so upgrading now.

I will get back with what happens when the upgrade is complete.

I'm on satellite internet so it will take a bit longer than others who
have ADSL might expect.

In the famous words of Muscles Schwartznegger, I'll be back.

Thank you for your time and adding to your system [claws-mail] to test

Registered Linux User:- 329524

Men are equal; it is not birth but virtue that makes the
difference. .Voltaire


Debian GNU/Linux - Magic indeed.


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Re: About alternatives in stretch - testing.........

2015-05-15 Thread Charlie
On Sat, 16 May 2015 14:26:23 +1000 Charlie sent:

 On Fri, 15 May 2015 19:52:38 -0600 Bob Proulx sent:
  For me when I installed claws just now as a test, set x-www-browser
  to chromium, and then clicked on a link to open in a web browser
  window it opened chromium.  Therefore it isn't a systematic
  problem.  It must be something in your environment.
 Sorry Bob,
 The update won't be done, because:
 I held openssl without problems, but can't  hold this because it's
 buggy as well:
 E: Unable to locate package libgnutls-deb0-28,
 So I won't go ahead with the upgrade at this time.
 I'll try alternatives again when I can upgrade.
 Sorry for your trouble, thanks for your help, it's much appreciated.

It seems there is a bug here:

Since you gave the way of how to discover what I need to know, I
googled it and found that link.

Thanks again,


Registered Linux User:- 329524

The keeping of bees is like the direction of sunbeams. - Henry
David Thoreau


Debian GNU/Linux - Magic indeed.


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Qs re: capture card, composite input, devices

2015-05-15 Thread Kent West
I want to rip some programs off a TIVO to a DVD, figuring to do so with 
a Debian box.

I tried with Debian; failed. So I wiped the box and installed the latest 
Ubuntu, thinking it might be more user friendly; I failed with it 
also, so I wiped it and went back to Debian (8), which just feels cleaner.

westk@jennisis:~$ uname -a
Linux jennisis 4.0.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.0.2-1 (2015-05-11) x86_64 

I've inherited a Dell Dimension 9200 PC with a TV card. On the back of 
the PC are two interfaces in slots next to each other; they are both 
identical, having an S-Video input and a Comp Vid RCA-style input 
(yellow) and a red and a white RCA-style input (stereo Audio, I'm sure), 
except one interface also has an FM In coax connector and a TV In coax 

I don't understand the relationship between the term tv card and 
capture card and /dev/videoX and ivtv and v4l2 and the various utils 
related to those last two and the video card and the video card driver 
and acceleration and X and Wayland. I'm sure I don't need to know all of 
those details, but my lack of understanding seems to be preventing me 
from successfully troubleshooting my problem, which is that I can't seem 
to see any image with my test setup of plugging the output of a VCR to 
the Comp Vid input of the PC, using MythTV, or xawtv, or tvtime, or VLC, 
or qv4l, or cat /dev/video0  temp.mpg, etc. I'm hoping someone might 
be able to guide me to my goal. Thanks!

I currently have an RCA-style cable (yellow-tip) going from the VCR's 
composite video output to the Comp In (yellow) input on the interface 
that also has the coax connectors. I also have a stereo RCA cable (red  
yellow tips) going from the VCR's audio outputs to the red  white RCA 
jacks on the same interface card.

If I start VLC, and go to the Media menu, then Open Capture Device, the 
capture mode is set to Video camera; the standard is Undefined, and 
the Video and Audio device name fields are blank. I think I've tried 
every combination of the Capture mode and Video and Audio device names, 
and the best I can get is the VLC logo, or dark-snow raster (on Video32 
 33 I think), or sometimes a half-painted screen of skewed yellow/black 
bricks (Video31, I think). This is pretty consistent whether I'm 
actually at the computer or remoted in with ssh -Y.

In dmesg I see references to tveeprom and ivtv and Hauppage PVR 500 (and 
a second instance; the second interface?). Does /dev/video0 refer to 
the first interface card as a whole, and then the commands like 
ivtv-ctrl --set-input=2 tell that card which input to output to the 
computer? If so, how do i refer to the second interface card. Why would 
there even be a second interface card? I don't even know the right 
questions to ask. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Here are relevant data immediately after a boot, booting to the KDM 
login screen and not logging in locally, and then logging in remotely 
from across the room via ssh:

westk@jennisis:~$ ls -l /dev/vid*
crw-rw 1 root video 81, 0 May 14 16:07 /dev/video0
crw-rw 1 root video 81, 5 May 14 16:07 /dev/video1
crw-rw 1 root video 81, 3 May 14 16:07 /dev/video24
crw-rw 1 root video 81, 8 May 14 16:07 /dev/video25
crw-rw 1 root video 81, 1 May 14 16:07 /dev/video32
crw-rw 1 root video 81, 6 May 14 16:07 /dev/video33

westk@jennisis:~$ dmesg
[0.00] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
[0.00] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
[0.00] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
[0.00] Linux version 4.0.0-1-amd64 
( (gcc version 4.9.2 (Debian 4.9.2-16) ) 
#1 SMP Debian 4.0.2-1 (2015-05-11)
[0.00] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.0.0-1-amd64 
root=UUID=a68561a0-750d-4c23-a939-cd7fd929a37d ro quiet

[0.00] Disabled fast string operations
[0.00] e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x-0x0009fbff] usable
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000f-0x000f] 

[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0010-0x7fe53bff] usable
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x7fe53c00-0x7fe55bff] 
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x7fe55c00-0x7fe57bff] 
ACPI data
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x7fe57c00-0x7fff] 
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0xe000-0xefff] 
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0xfec0-0xfed003ff] 
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0xfed2-0xfed9] 
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0xfee0-0xfeef] 
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0xffb0-0x] 

[0.00] NX (Execute Disable) protection: active
[0.00] SMBIOS 2.3 present.
[0.00] DMI: Dell Inc. Dell 
DXP061  /0CT017, BIOS 2.4.2  03/30/2007


Re: dropbox nao sinconiza

2015-05-15 Thread Paulino Kenji Sato
Tem certeza de que o dropbox esta rodando?
Aqui para min aparece um icone na área de notificação.
Mas uso a versão headless,
Conforme descrito no final dessa página
No caso aqui uso 32bits
E binários que não precisa ser do sistema, de uso particular, deixo no ~/bin/
cd ~/bin
wget -O -; | tar xzf -
mv dropbox dropbox_velho
mv .dropbox-dist/ dropbox
cd dropbox
./dropboxd  (ou pelo menu executar)

Algum tempo depois aparece o icone do dropbox na área de notificação.
Se copiar ou modificar os arquivos que estão no ~/Dropbox
automaticamente e feita a sincronização.
Em alguns casos, pode demorar um pouco para que apareça no site, ou
que seja replicado em outro local.
Certos tipo de arquivos passam por verificação de vírus e outras
coisas, motivo da demora.

2015-05-15 11:58 GMT-03:00 Manoel Pedro de Araújo
 Eu instalei a ultima versão

 Em 15 de maio de 2015 11:36, Paulino Kenji Sato escreveu:


 2015-05-15 10:07 GMT-03:00 Manoel Pedro de Araújo
  Qunado eu arrasto um arquivo para dentro de um diretório dentro da pasta
  dropbox ele atualizar.
  Para atualizar tenho que enviar online para o diretorio

 O client dropbox esta atualizado? (ou a api usado)
 No meu aqui o diretório e Dropbox, não dropbox.

 Paulino Kenji Sato


Paulino Kenji Sato

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Ddns gratuito

2015-05-15 Thread jonatas bruno
Alguém conhece um serviço de DDNS gratuito?

Enc: Ddns gratuito

2015-05-15 Thread riesdra
winco ddns

e tantos outros

Ricardo Libanio

 Em Sex, 15 Mai 2015 14:31:25 -0300 jonatas bruno 
lt;jonatasbr...@gmail.comgt; escreveu  

Alguém conhece um serviço de DDNS gratuito?

Why is libapache2-mod-auth-mysql not in Jessie?

2015-05-15 Thread Patrick Wiseman
I just upgraded a server from Wheezy to Jessie, only to find that my
authentication is broken because libapache2-mod-auth-mysql is not
available in Jessie (it's in Squeeze, Wheezy and Sid). I tried to
install the package from Sid, but dpkg complains that apache2.2-common
is not installed, which is indeed the case, as it's no longer a part
of the apache2 package apparently.

Any thoughts on a fix?


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Re: dropbox nao sinconiza

2015-05-15 Thread Paulino Kenji Sato

2015-05-15 14:59 GMT-03:00 Manoel Pedro de Araújo
 Acho que voce nao entendeu o meu problema. Quando eu deleto ou arrasto um
 pdf simples para o drobpox ele sincroniza.
 Porem quando faço o mesmo processo em uma dentro do dropox ele nao

O que dentro do dropbox?

O dropbox e um serviço na nuvem.
Ele não tem um lugar especifico chamado dropbox.
Para interagir com o dropbox existem duas formas básicas.
Acessando diretamente pelo site, nesse caso não tem nada de diferente
de servidor ftp.
O principal meio de interação e via um cliente, para computadores
grandes ou para dispositivos moveis.
Nesse caso, se especifica um diretório que será sincronizado com o que
esta na nuvem. Esse diretório e arbitrário, não precisa ter o mesmo
nome em todos os locais.
O cliente pode ser configurado para não sincronizar todo o conteúdo.

Assim sendo, quando você manipula os arquivos locais, esse vai para a nuvem.
Mas, quando mexe os arquivos na nuvem (site ou outro cliente) não
ocorre a atualização?

Paulino Kenji Sato

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Re: Enc: Ddns gratuito

2015-05-15 Thread Anderson Eckhardt

 Em 15/05/2015, às 14:45, riesdra escreveu:
 winco ddns
 e tantos outros
 Ricardo Libanio
  Em Sex, 15 Mai 2015 14:31:25 -0300 jonatas bruno escreveu  
 Alguém conhece um serviço de DDNS gratuito?

Re: out of the box wifi adapter

2015-05-15 Thread Raymond Jennings
I wound up buying a 100 foot cat5 cable and running it from the house to
the trailer :P

But thanks everyone for trying to help.

On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 5:16 AM, Mark Allums wrote:

 On 05/14/2015 08:25 PM, Raymond Jennings wrote:

 I need to install a wifi adapter to my newly built desktop machine.

 It needs to attach to either usb or the rj45 port, and I'd like to avoid
 models that require downloaded firmware or ndiswrapper or the like.

 Any options out there?  I'm willing to buy stuff online if needed.

 The N300 from netgear I have isn't installing, even on the netinst cd
 with firmware.

 Most USB dongles will require firmware.  The little Edimax dongle
 available on Amazon and everywhere works beautifully with the Raspberry PI
 using Raspbian out-of-the-box, perhaps it would work for you?  It's tiny
 and supports WiFi-N, costs about $10.

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Re : Questions sur Exim4 avec un SMTP Orange

2015-05-15 Thread nicolas . patrois
Le 15/05/2015 17:08:43, Olivier a écrit :

 Tu veux dire qu'on ne peux qu'émettre avec l'adresse d'émission
 fournie par Orange ?

Non, tu peux utiliser d’autres adresses (encore heureux pour moi).
Il faut entrer le nom d’utilisateur d’Orange et la phrase de passe 

nicolas patrois : pts noir asocial

M : Qu'est-ce qu'il nous faudrait pour qu'on nous considère comme des 
humains ? Un cerveau plus gros ?
P : Non... Une carte bleue suffirait...

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Re: Questions sur Exim4 avec un SMTP Orange

2015-05-15 Thread Christophe


Le 15/05/2015 17:59, SD76 a écrit :


Pourquoi ne pas laisser exim4 envoyé lui même l'email?
Il faut cependant ajouter l'IP publique que vous utilisez dans le champs
SPF du domaine concerné afin de ne pas passer en spam.

A moins que ca ait changé, ce dont je doute, ce n'est pas possible chez 
Orange (Offres residentielles et pro) : port 25 bloqué en sortie (et 
blocage non désactivable).

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Jessie i386 8.0.0 + icecast2 + liquidsoap general protection error

2015-05-15 Thread Detrick Merz
Howdy Folks,

I had a streaming server running for a while (wheezy i386 v7.8.0 + icecast2
v2.3.2 + liquidsoap v1.0.1) with liquidsoap sending mp3 data to icecast,
and it was doing fine. I upgraded it to jessie and started seeing general
protection errors in /var/log/messages:

May 15 11:53:28 fluffy kernel: [ 3874.762067] liquidsoap[1515] general
protection ip:b682f0c9 sp:b28f9538 error:0 in[b6801000+48000]

In trying to hunt down the root cause I've gone through a few rebuilds.
It's a dedicated system so not running a bunch of extra stuff. During the
netinstall I pick the basic (non-graphical) install at the beginning, and
only install sshd and general system utilities (no print server, X, etc.).
Once the build is complete I install icecast2 and liquidsoap. I save my
config files for both of these and implement them each time. The build is
quite repeatable in this manner.

After upgrading to or doing a fresh install of jessie, if I ask liquidsoap
to output using another encoding method (e.g. vorbis) it works fine, it's
only mp3 encoding that seems to have a problem (I haven't tested them all,
of course). I can go with extremely simple config files for both icecast
and liquidsoap and it all behaves the same. No errors are shown in the
icecast or liquidsoap specific log files.

If I run a clean wheezy install it works fine again, of course.

I've tried taking clean wheezy installs and slowly upgrading them to see if
I could at least narrow down where the issue is being introduced. After the
wheezy install is complete and I verify that icecast and liquidsoap are
both playing nicely, I point /etc/apt/sources.list to jessie, apt-get
update, then have done the following tests:

1a) apt-get install icecast2; brings icecast up to v2.4.0; everything works
fine even through reboots

1b) After upgrading icecast, apt-get install liquididsoap; brings
liquidsoap up to v1.1.1; everything works fine even through reboots

1c) After upgrading icecast and liquidsoap, apt-get upgrade; upgrade
appears to go fine with no errors shown in /var/log/messages, and even when
it has completed icecast reports the stream as live, but next time
liquidsoap is restarted the general protection error shows up and
liquidsoap can no longer send mp3 to icecast

While I can coax this along and find a way to make it work, Ideally I'd
like to be on something stable, so I can apt-get update and apt-get
dist-upgrade to keep all of the packages happy. I could stay on wheezy, but
that's less than ideal. There are features in the newer icecast versions
that I'd like to leverage.

Any thoughts on where to go next to figure out the root cause, short of
going through the 193 packages upgraded by apt-get upgrade?



Re: 500 Remove Directory Failed

2015-05-15 Thread Debia Linux
2015-05-15 15:04 GMT-05:00 Debia Linux
 2015-05-15 9:32 GMT-05:00 Debia Linux
 2015-05-15 9:25 GMT-05:00 Camaleón
 El Fri, 15 May 2015 09:14:52 -0500, Debia Linux escribió:

 2015-05-15 9:14 GMT-05:00 Debia Linux
 2015-05-15 8:59 GMT-05:00 Debia Linux
 2015-05-15 8:13 GMT-05:00 Camaleón
 El Thu, 14 May 2015 13:34:56 -0500, Debia Linux escribió:

 He tratado de eliminar algunos archivos via FTP por medio del
 cliente FILEZILLA.

 Me arroja el error

 500 Remove Directory Failed

 ¿Intentas eliminar archivos o un directorio?

 E intentado las tres formas:

 1.- Carpetas.
 2.- Archivos.
 3.- Carpetas con subcarpetas y archivos.

 Ahora que estoy intentando, me parece ver que las unicas carpetas que
 no se pueden eliminar ni cambiar nombre son aquellas que comienzan con
 la letra T mayuscula o minuscula.

 Tal vez sea mi imaginacion...

¿Tendra algo que ver el archivo .htaccess?

 Creo que no me expliqué bien :-)

 Preguntaba si lo que estabas eliminando eran archivos porque el mensaje
 que recibes habla de directorios, de ahí que me extrañara.

 De todas formas, los permisos de un directorio pueden venir heredados
 desde una jerarquía superior ¿de qué sistema operativo estamos hablando?
 es decir, el servidor FTP qué lleva, Linux, Windows, FreeBSD...? ¿Qué
 permisos/propietario tiene el directorio inmediatamente superior?

 El servidor FTP esta en un disco duro conectado en red, que yo sepa
 segun las intrucciones del Hardware, este corre en linux.

 Verifique los permisos y todos tienen permisos de 777 y aun asi no
 puedo eliminarlos. ¿Alguna idea?.

 Permisos de archivo a 777 ¿y el propietario/grupo es el correcto?
 ¿Puedes subir archivos a ese directorio?

 Si, al tener permisos 777 quiere decir que todos los usuarios pueden
 escribir, eliminar, ejecutar ¿Cierto?.

 Son permisos totales, sí, algo que no debería estar así ;-)

 Entonces ¿Que permisos sugieres?

 Intenta con otro cliente FTP para ver si obtienes el mismo resultado
 (Debian viene con uno de serie en línea de comandos).

 Ya lo intente via web y tampoco me es posible
 eliminarlos, ingreso, puedo ver los archivos, pero no puedo
 eliminarlos. Lo curioso es que esos archivos los actualizo o elimino
 (los que dejan de servir) continuamente y llevo tiempo haciendo lo
 mismo, es una tarea rutinaria.

 Quizá haya habido cambios en la política de uso del servidor FTP, ¿tienes
 acceso a la configuración del servidor FTP?

 Como lo comente arriba, es un disco duro conectado en red.

 Y si te fuera posible el acceso al servidor mediante sftp/ssh también
 sería interesante ver si obtienes el mismo mensaje de error.

 Intentare hacerlo mediante consola de comandos.

 Ya ingrese mediante consola de comandos y si. ¡Obtengo el mismo error!.

 Tambien e intentado eliminarlos desde tres computadoras diferentes, pero

 Pues entonces apunta a un problema con la configuración en el lado del
 servidor no en el cliente, tendrás que ver qué tipo de acceso tienes al
 servidor para acceder al archivo de registro (log) del FTP o ponerte en
 contacto con el administrador.

 ¡¡Upss, supongo que el administrador soy yo!!! jejeje 8-D



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Re: 500 Remove Directory Failed

2015-05-15 Thread Debia Linux
2015-05-15 15:19 GMT-05:00 Carlos Zuniga
 2015-05-15 15:07 GMT-05:00 Debia Linux
 2015-05-15 15:04 GMT-05:00 Debia Linux
 2015-05-15 9:32 GMT-05:00 Debia Linux
 2015-05-15 9:25 GMT-05:00 Camaleón
 El Fri, 15 May 2015 09:14:52 -0500, Debia Linux escribió:

 2015-05-15 9:14 GMT-05:00 Debia Linux
 2015-05-15 8:59 GMT-05:00 Debia Linux
 2015-05-15 8:13 GMT-05:00 Camaleón
 El Thu, 14 May 2015 13:34:56 -0500, Debia Linux escribió:

 He tratado de eliminar algunos archivos via FTP por medio del
 cliente FILEZILLA.

 Me arroja el error

 500 Remove Directory Failed

 ¿Intentas eliminar archivos o un directorio?

 E intentado las tres formas:

 1.- Carpetas.
 2.- Archivos.
 3.- Carpetas con subcarpetas y archivos.

 Ahora que estoy intentando, me parece ver que las unicas carpetas que
 no se pueden eliminar ni cambiar nombre son aquellas que comienzan con
 la letra T mayuscula o minuscula.

 Tal vez sea mi imaginacion...

 ¿Tendra algo que ver el archivo .htaccess?

 Con un servidor ftp? no. Qué servidor usas y como está configurado?

Solo es un disco duro que hay en una red privada. Ya viene
configurado, solo que tiene acceso via ftp. Supongo por logica que si
tiene el servidor ftp integrado, de otra manera no funcionaria. Las
configuraciones vienen por defecto.

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Re: Jessie: Set up Samba and Winbind, can't log in to the domain

2015-05-15 Thread Dalton Durst
After a search of the bug tracker, this is a confirmed issue with the
Winbind package currently in Debian Jessie:

Re: 500 Remove Directory Failed

2015-05-15 Thread Debia Linux
2015-05-15 9:32 GMT-05:00 Debia Linux
 2015-05-15 9:25 GMT-05:00 Camaleón
 El Fri, 15 May 2015 09:14:52 -0500, Debia Linux escribió:

 2015-05-15 9:14 GMT-05:00 Debia Linux
 2015-05-15 8:59 GMT-05:00 Debia Linux
 2015-05-15 8:13 GMT-05:00 Camaleón
 El Thu, 14 May 2015 13:34:56 -0500, Debia Linux escribió:

 He tratado de eliminar algunos archivos via FTP por medio del
 cliente FILEZILLA.

 Me arroja el error

 500 Remove Directory Failed

 ¿Intentas eliminar archivos o un directorio?

 E intentado las tres formas:

 1.- Carpetas.
 2.- Archivos.
 3.- Carpetas con subcarpetas y archivos.

Ahora que estoy intentando, me parece ver que las unicas carpetas que
no se pueden eliminar ni cambiar nombre son aquellas que comienzan con
la letra T mayuscula o minuscula.

Tal vez sea mi imaginacion...

 Creo que no me expliqué bien :-)

 Preguntaba si lo que estabas eliminando eran archivos porque el mensaje
 que recibes habla de directorios, de ahí que me extrañara.

 De todas formas, los permisos de un directorio pueden venir heredados
 desde una jerarquía superior ¿de qué sistema operativo estamos hablando?
 es decir, el servidor FTP qué lleva, Linux, Windows, FreeBSD...? ¿Qué
 permisos/propietario tiene el directorio inmediatamente superior?

 El servidor FTP esta en un disco duro conectado en red, que yo sepa
 segun las intrucciones del Hardware, este corre en linux.

 Verifique los permisos y todos tienen permisos de 777 y aun asi no
 puedo eliminarlos. ¿Alguna idea?.

 Permisos de archivo a 777 ¿y el propietario/grupo es el correcto?
 ¿Puedes subir archivos a ese directorio?

 Si, al tener permisos 777 quiere decir que todos los usuarios pueden
 escribir, eliminar, ejecutar ¿Cierto?.

 Son permisos totales, sí, algo que no debería estar así ;-)

 Entonces ¿Que permisos sugieres?

 Intenta con otro cliente FTP para ver si obtienes el mismo resultado
 (Debian viene con uno de serie en línea de comandos).

 Ya lo intente via web y tampoco me es posible
 eliminarlos, ingreso, puedo ver los archivos, pero no puedo
 eliminarlos. Lo curioso es que esos archivos los actualizo o elimino
 (los que dejan de servir) continuamente y llevo tiempo haciendo lo
 mismo, es una tarea rutinaria.

 Quizá haya habido cambios en la política de uso del servidor FTP, ¿tienes
 acceso a la configuración del servidor FTP?

 Como lo comente arriba, es un disco duro conectado en red.

 Y si te fuera posible el acceso al servidor mediante sftp/ssh también
 sería interesante ver si obtienes el mismo mensaje de error.

 Intentare hacerlo mediante consola de comandos.

 Ya ingrese mediante consola de comandos y si. ¡Obtengo el mismo error!.

 Tambien e intentado eliminarlos desde tres computadoras diferentes, pero

 Pues entonces apunta a un problema con la configuración en el lado del
 servidor no en el cliente, tendrás que ver qué tipo de acceso tienes al
 servidor para acceder al archivo de registro (log) del FTP o ponerte en
 contacto con el administrador.

 ¡¡Upss, supongo que el administrador soy yo!!! jejeje 8-D



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Re: 500 Remove Directory Failed

2015-05-15 Thread Carlos Zuniga
2015-05-15 15:07 GMT-05:00 Debia Linux
 2015-05-15 15:04 GMT-05:00 Debia Linux
 2015-05-15 9:32 GMT-05:00 Debia Linux
 2015-05-15 9:25 GMT-05:00 Camaleón
 El Fri, 15 May 2015 09:14:52 -0500, Debia Linux escribió:

 2015-05-15 9:14 GMT-05:00 Debia Linux
 2015-05-15 8:59 GMT-05:00 Debia Linux
 2015-05-15 8:13 GMT-05:00 Camaleón
 El Thu, 14 May 2015 13:34:56 -0500, Debia Linux escribió:

 He tratado de eliminar algunos archivos via FTP por medio del
 cliente FILEZILLA.

 Me arroja el error

 500 Remove Directory Failed

 ¿Intentas eliminar archivos o un directorio?

 E intentado las tres formas:

 1.- Carpetas.
 2.- Archivos.
 3.- Carpetas con subcarpetas y archivos.

 Ahora que estoy intentando, me parece ver que las unicas carpetas que
 no se pueden eliminar ni cambiar nombre son aquellas que comienzan con
 la letra T mayuscula o minuscula.

 Tal vez sea mi imaginacion...

 ¿Tendra algo que ver el archivo .htaccess?

Con un servidor ftp? no. Qué servidor usas y como está configurado?

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[solved] Re: Openbox: which packages install to have sound?

2015-05-15 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Juha Heinanen writes:

 Rodolfo Medina writes:

 By running alxamixer I turned all volumes on.  But still no sound.

 check with alsamixer that everything is un-muted (no MM
 letters). also check with 'aplay -l' which card you want to use.  then
 make test 'aplay -c card number audio file'

Unmuting everything via alsamixer was sufficient.  Thanks!


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Re: Openbox: which packages install to have sound?

2015-05-15 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Pete Orrall writes:

 after installing the packages (- bluez-alsa) you need to configure alsa
 by creating .asoundrc file

 Thanks, but I don't know how.

 I'm running openbox on my Wheezy systems at home (a ThinkPad and a
 massive workstation) and haven't needed to create an .asoundrc file.

 or, if the default device is correct, use alsamixer to turn on volumes of
 the default card.

 By running alxamixer I turned all volumes on.  But still no sound.

 Other questions:

 1) What is your sound card's make/model?
 2) What are you using as a listening device, ie headphones, basic
 multimedia speakers, stereo receiver?
 3) Did you check your connections.  Are your (assuming) speakers
 plugged into the audio OUT of your soundcard, and not MIC or Line IN?
 4) Did you check volume levels on speakers?

Many thanks to you too.  It's all right now: with alsamixer, I needed unmuting



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Re: blackbox: where is bbkeys package?

2015-05-15 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Siard writes:

 On Sat, 09 May 2015 13:30 +, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
 I installed blackbox in order to choose it as my window manager, but
 read that, to use keystrokes in it, the bbkeys package is needed.
 But it seems to be absent from Debian Stable,

 It looks like Blackbox has been abandoned for some time now.
 I'd suggest to install its successor, Fluxbox, instead.  It is very
 similar.  Keystrokes are configurable in ~/.fluxbox/keys
 or /etc/X11/fluxbox/keys.

Thanks to August and Siard.  I installed openbox and started using it as window



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What package pulls in default fonts?

2015-05-15 Thread Sven Arvidsson

I got missing Unicode in the latest xkcd comic[0]. Turns out it's trying
to show emoji icons and these doesn't seem to be available on a standard
Debian desktop install. There are similar issues with the BBS on Boing
Boing (On all Disqus forums?) and I'm sure, many other sites.

I'm guessing these fonts are provided OOTB on Windows and Mac, and it
would be nice to provide the same on Debian. At least the
ttf-ancient-fonts package provides this, but I'm not sure where to file
a bug for it to be installed by default. 

Which package pulls in the default fonts for a desktop installs?


Sven Arvidsson

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: dropbox nao sinconiza

2015-05-15 Thread Tiago Pigazao
Bom dia

Manoel , pelo que entendi as pastas que estão dentro do dropbox não
sincronizam ? se for isso abre o as *Preferencias *pelo icone do dropbox
que deve estar aparecendo ai na sua barra, vá em *Conta* e clique em
Seletiva *e verifique se as pastas e subpastas estão setados

Em 15 de maio de 2015 15:23, Paulino Kenji Sato escreveu:


 2015-05-15 14:59 GMT-03:00 Manoel Pedro de Araújo
  Acho que voce nao entendeu o meu problema. Quando eu deleto ou arrasto um
  pdf simples para o drobpox ele sincroniza.
  Porem quando faço o mesmo processo em uma dentro do dropox ele nao

 O que dentro do dropbox?

 O dropbox e um serviço na nuvem.
 Ele não tem um lugar especifico chamado dropbox.
 Para interagir com o dropbox existem duas formas básicas.
 Acessando diretamente pelo site, nesse caso não tem nada de diferente
 de servidor ftp.
 O principal meio de interação e via um cliente, para computadores
 grandes ou para dispositivos moveis.
 Nesse caso, se especifica um diretório que será sincronizado com o que
 esta na nuvem. Esse diretório e arbitrário, não precisa ter o mesmo
 nome em todos os locais.
 O cliente pode ser configurado para não sincronizar todo o conteúdo.

 Assim sendo, quando você manipula os arquivos locais, esse vai para a
 Mas, quando mexe os arquivos na nuvem (site ou outro cliente) não
 ocorre a atualização?

 Paulino Kenji Sato

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RES: Enc: Ddns gratuito

2015-05-15 Thread Johnata Tagliavini

Johnata Tagliavini

De: Anderson Eckhardt []
Enviado: sexta-feira, 15 de maio de 2015 15:29
Para: DUP
Ótima dica.
Eu estava precisando de um desse.


Assunto: Re: Enc: Ddns gratuito

Em 15/05/2015, às 14:45, riesdra 

winco ddns

e tantos outros

Ricardo Libanio

 Em Sex, 15 Mai 2015 14:31:25 -0300 jonatas bruno escreveu 
Alguém conhece um serviço de DDNS gratuito?

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Re: dropbox nao sinconiza

2015-05-15 Thread Manoel Pedro de Araújo
ja verifiquei isso, as pastas estão todas setadas.

Podemos cria uma pasta para verificar o problema pode ser?

Em 15 de maio de 2015 15:38, Tiago Pigazao escreveu:

 Bom dia

 Manoel , pelo que entendi as pastas que estão dentro do dropbox não
 sincronizam ? se for isso abre o as *Preferencias *pelo icone do dropbox
 que deve estar aparecendo ai na sua barra, vá em *Conta* e clique em 
 Seletiva *e verifique se as pastas e subpastas estão setados

 Em 15 de maio de 2015 15:23, Paulino Kenji Sato


 2015-05-15 14:59 GMT-03:00 Manoel Pedro de Araújo
  Acho que voce nao entendeu o meu problema. Quando eu deleto ou arrasto
  pdf simples para o drobpox ele sincroniza.
  Porem quando faço o mesmo processo em uma dentro do dropox ele nao

 O que dentro do dropbox?

 O dropbox e um serviço na nuvem.
 Ele não tem um lugar especifico chamado dropbox.
 Para interagir com o dropbox existem duas formas básicas.
 Acessando diretamente pelo site, nesse caso não tem nada de diferente
 de servidor ftp.
 O principal meio de interação e via um cliente, para computadores
 grandes ou para dispositivos moveis.
 Nesse caso, se especifica um diretório que será sincronizado com o que
 esta na nuvem. Esse diretório e arbitrário, não precisa ter o mesmo
 nome em todos os locais.
 O cliente pode ser configurado para não sincronizar todo o conteúdo.

 Assim sendo, quando você manipula os arquivos locais, esse vai para a
 Mas, quando mexe os arquivos na nuvem (site ou outro cliente) não
 ocorre a atualização?

 Paulino Kenji Sato

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RE: Redireccionar a TTY las salidas de Consola.

2015-05-15 Thread Ramses II

-Mensaje original-
De: Camaleón []
Enviado el: viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015 16:33
Asunto: Re: Redireccionar a TTY las salidas de Consola.

El Fri, 15 May 2015 16:22:25 +0200, Ramses escribió:

 El 15 de mayo de 2015 15:18:16 CEST, Camaleón


 ¿Hay alguna forma de que esos mensajes me aparezcan en una sesión
 SSH remota establecida?

Quizá Debian tenga algo más específico, pero mira a ver si te sirve

How to stop kernel messages from flooding my console?

 Concretamente, por ejemplo, lo que estoy buscando es:

 - Me conecto a un server, sin pantalla, por SSH.

 - Meto un PEN en el server.

 - En la sesión SSH me deben aparecer los mismos mensajes que en la
 Consola del server.

 Lo que aparece en el enlace me da la impresión que es para evitar que
 salgan por Consola...

Supongo que quieres enviar los mensajes del kernel a otra tty o a una archivo
de texto o eliminarlos, sencillamente, para eso sirve los pasos del enlace que
te he pasado. Lo que ya no sé es si se podrá diferenciar entre sesiones
locales/remotas para permitir que los mensajes se visualicen en local pero no
desde una sesión ssh.

No sé, yo en ese enlace sólo veo la forma de indicar los tipos de errores a 
mostrar, pero nada del dispositivo donde mostrarlos...

A ver si alguien se ha encontrado con esta curiosidad y cuenta. No pensé que 
fuese una cosa tan rara lo de pedir que los mensajes de Consola se copien a 
una sesión ssh concreta... :-(

Saludos y gracias,


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Re: Why is libapache2-mod-auth-mysql not in Jessie?

2015-05-15 Thread Don Armstrong
On Fri, 15 May 2015, Patrick Wiseman wrote:
 I just upgraded a server from Wheezy to Jessie, only to find that my
 authentication is broken because libapache2-mod-auth-mysql is not
 available in Jessie (it's in Squeeze, Wheezy and Sid). I tried to
 install the package from Sid, but dpkg complains that apache2.2-common
 is not installed, which is indeed the case, as it's no longer a part
 of the apache2 package apparently.
 Any thoughts on a fix?

See for the
whole saga; basically, this means that someone needs to actually step in
and fix this module so that it can build with apache2.4 (and probably
help maintain it too.)

Don Armstrong

I would like to be the air
that inhabits you for a moment
only. I would like to be that unnoticed
 that necessary.
 -- Margaret Atwood Poetry in Motion p140

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