Issues running VLC on Xserver

2016-03-22 Thread Himanshu Shekhar
I have been using VLC for playing videos, as it scales up the video to fit
the screen even if the size of video doesn't match the screen size. This
was done using "Always fit windows" settings. However, after some recent
update (no idea which one), videos with smaller resolution doesn't scale
up. They run in the middle of the screen, and when "always fit windows" is
checked, it runs in the same size in the top left corner of the window.
Things work fine in GNOME Videos.
This is not the same everywhere, as when I login to "GNOME on Wayland", VLC
work fine. There is no issue.

Also, when I change "Hardware accelerated decoding" to X11 codecs, few
videos work well (mp4/mkv/avi), while sometimes (now-a-days frequent),
entire RAM gets used up. On running VLC from Terminal, I saw some messages
about segmentation fault.

Here are some details about my system:
Dell Inspiron 15 3543, Intel Dedicated Graphics (Broadwell) on Core i5 5200
running Debian Stretch
VLC : VLC media player 2.2.2 Weatherwax (revision 2.2.2-0-g6259d80)

Himanshu Shekhar

Re: Cifrado de correo "end to end"

2016-03-22 Thread Latin
On Sun, 20 Mar 2016 06:45:53 +, Latin wrote:

> Hola
> Alguno de uds. sabe que paquetes utilizar en un servidor de correo
> Wheezy; para hacer lo mismo que hace ProtonMail con el cifrado?
> Ofrecen cifrado "end to end" y tambien a otros servidores, por medio de
> un enlace.
> Gracias por su atencion.

Bueno, encontre la respuesta, y pongo el enlace por si les interesa
tener un servidor Debian de correo cifrado en casa u oficina, y con 
enlaces via https, para los amigos que no usan cifrado, gracias por su 

Re: instalación cifrada en dos particiones

2016-03-22 Thread Allan Aguilar
Hash: SHA512

El 22/03/2016 a las 09:01, escribió:
> Saludos debianitas...
> Esta, es la situación:
> partición1 partición2
> método 1:(resumen) Cuando hago instalaciones cifradas utilizo una
> partición, creo un grupo de volúmenes, y creo en el g.v. los
> volúmenes lógicos (raiz, home) y etc..
> ¿Cómo hago para hacer una instalación cifrada en dos particiones 
> diferentes, así:
> partición1 -> raíz partición2 -> home
> pero que al iniciar el s.o. me pida una sola contraseña? (los tutos
> que encuentro utilizan el método 1)
> Saludos;

Será necesario tener al menos una partición para /boot sin cifrar.

Durante la instalación, cuando llegues a la parte de configurar las
particiones, deberás escoger particionado manual.

partición1 → /boot
partición2 → sistema de cifrado

Luego configuras el sistema de cifrado, dentro del cual puedes crear
un sistema LVM, y luego deberás configurar el LVM para tener dos
particiones, una para / y otra para /home

Puede ser un poco complicado al inicio, pero es importante respetar el
orden: (1) /boot + cifrado, (2) LVM, (3) / + /home

- --



Re: User's bin path not recognised in login script

2016-03-22 Thread The Wanderer
On 2016-03-22 at 18:35, Russell Gadd wrote:

> On 22/03/16 19:00, The Wanderer wrote:

>> How did you test? By launching a new terminal (with bash set as
>> your default shell), by running the command 'bash' in an existing
>> terminal, by logging all of the way out (to the main login prompt,
>> if not to a full reboot) and then logging back in, or by running
>> the command 'bash --login' in an existing terminal?
>> In my testing just now, only the latter two of these four will pick
>> up the new ~/.profile file; the other two seem to run the commands
>> which were present in the file which their parent bash session
>> used. (Strictly speaking I didn't test the full logout or reboot,
>> but I fully expect that that would pick up the changes.)
>> Also, at least on my system, ~/.bashrc is invoked only by being
>> sourced from ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile. Unless your system is
>> configured fairly differently, if ~/.bashrc is getting run, that
>> means that - per bash(1) - one of ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login,
>> or ~/.profile must be invoking it.
> I tested by rebooting each time. My ~/.bashrc is sourced from
> ~/.profile which itself is sourced from .bash_profile, but neither of
> them run the echo command I've added so I would assume the ~/.bashrc
> which runs when I open a Mate terminal is started some other way.
> bash --login does invoke ~./bash_profile and hence ~./profile as the
>  echos are seen in the output file (in the expected order), but I
> must admit the nature of login shells / non-login / interactive
> shells, etc is a bit beyond my experience. I've never tried bash
> --login before as I haven't previously come across it.

Just as a stab in the dark: in a newly-launched terminal after a fresh
reboot, with no other commands run yet, what does 'echo $0' say?

There's a faint chance that your default shell isn't actually bash,
which would explain what you're seeing. I don't think that's very
likely, for multiple reasons, but it's easy enough to rule out.

> Maybe what this is telling me is that I should run another script
> from my "login" script by 'bash --login real_login_scriptfile' in
> order to get these profiles to run first?

I wouldn't advise that route, no. It might work, but it would be a
kludge at best, not a real solution.

Instead, assuming that the above test confirms that you are running bash
in these cases, I'd start out by going all the way to the top of the
stack and figuring out what scripts are calling what, to figure out how
~/.bashrc is getting invoked. Figuring that out should help figure out
what's going on, which should help get the rest to make sense.

Things to try include:

find ~/ -type f -maxdepth 1 -name ".*" -exec grep bashrc \;

grep -R bashrc /etc/bash*

strace -f bash --login 2>/tmp/bash.strace
(then search the resulting file for mentions of .bashrc, and look above
that to figure out which scripts were opened before opening .bashrc)

This last is the most complicated and hardest to understand, and I'm
pretty sure I haven't got the right strace command to get the most
information out of it anyway, but it should be enough to get things started.

You can also try searching the file for mentions of the profile files,
just in case they show up directly. (They should, in fact.)

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: x86_64 vs i386 now firefoxish

2016-03-22 Thread Marc Shapiro

On 03/22/2016 04:14 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:

On Tuesday 22 March 2016 18:43:54 Lisi Reisz wrote:

> > What do I put in /etc/apt/sources.list to gain access to the newer

> > one?


> So far as I can see, you can't, not in Wheezy. The one you have is

> the most recent available via the repo.



> You could always use Firefox, as is now recommended. For instructions

> see the hyperlink I have referenced. That will give you 45.0.1.


> You could presumably download iceweasel_44.0.2-1~bpo70+1_i386.deb and

> install it with dpkg -i, but why? If Debian and Mozilla have made up,

> why not just accept it and use Firefox as Debian is now telling you to

> do? It takes a bit of getting used to, but why perpetuate a quarrel

> which is over?


> Lisi

It went to the mozilla site and pilled 45.0.1 but it was a tar.bz2, 
which when unpacked, did not have an installer script that I could find.

It looks to be prebuilt and ready to rock & roll, but where, and with 
what utility do I install it with?



Cheers, Gene Heskett


"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:

soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."

-Ed Howdershelt (Author)

Genes Web page 

For Mozilla's tarballs you don't need anything to install it, other than 
tar and bzip2.  Put the tarball wherever you like, the use the command:

tar -jxvf firefox-45.0.1.tar.bz2

this will unzip and untar everything into a directory named firefox.  
You can leave the firefox directory there, or rename it, or move it 
wherever you want to.  Inside that directory are two executable files, 
firefox and firefox-bin.  Either one of these will start firefox.  They 
are usually a few bytes different in size, but both seem to work the 
same as far as I can tell.

BTW, the URL

will do a download of the latest firefox, and

will do the same for Thunderbird, which can be installed in the same manner.

Whether you want to install Firefox and Thunderbird this way, or not, is 
up to you.  There should be debian packages for Firefox, now.  I'm not 
sure about Thunderbird.  I have been installing them this way ever since 
the Debian/Mozilla debates began.  This way I know that I always have 
the most current version of each of these packages.


Re: x86_64 vs i386 now firefoxish

2016-03-22 Thread Gene Heskett
On Tuesday 22 March 2016 19:38:00 Lisi Reisz wrote:

> (Private copy sent as well in case attachment doesn't get through on
> list.)
> On Tuesday 22 March 2016 23:14:00 Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Tuesday 22 March 2016 18:43:54 Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > > > What do I put in /etc/apt/sources.list to gain access to the
> > > > newer one?
> > >
> > > So far as I can see, you can't, not in Wheezy.  The one you have
> > > is the most recent available via the repo.
> > >
> > >
> > > You could always use Firefox, as is now recommended.  For
> > > instructions see the hyperlink I have referenced.  That will give
> > > you 45.0.1.
> > >
> > > You could presumably download iceweasel_44.0.2-1~bpo70+1_i386.deb
> > > and install it with dpkg -i, but why?  If Debian and Mozilla have
> > > made up, why not just accept it and use Firefox as Debian is now
> > > telling you to do?  It takes a bit of getting used to, but why
> > > perpetuate a quarrel which is over?
> > >
> > > Lisi
> >
> > It went to the mozilla site and pilled 45.0.1 but it was a tar.bz2,
> > which when unpacked, did not have an installer script that I could
> > find.
> >
> > It looks to be prebuilt and ready to rock & roll, but where, and
> > with what utility do I install it with?
> >
> > Next?
> You should be using the Debian repository and apt.  Go to the site I
> referenced and follow the instructions!  It probably doesn't work in
> Synaptic, though it may.  It definitely works in aptitude, it
> obviously works in apt-get, and I would expect it to work in apt.
> I attach a screen-shot.
> > Thanks.
> You're welcome,
> Lisi

Well, I followed the directions at that site, which FWIW, did not work 
the first time I put it in my sources.list a week+ back up the log, but 
all I had to do was uncomment it again and it worked just fine in 
synaptic too.  So its in, and running fairly well.

CBS is being snotty and won't show me some things unless I disable ALL 
the blockers.  Thats their choice, and its my choice to leave privacy 
badger enabled.

I am getting more and more of my news from non-mainsleaze sites anyway.

Too bad al-jezzera.America  had to fold up their tent and go away, that 
was about as unbiased a news site as we had.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: Desabafo

2016-03-22 Thread Prof . Silvério Luiz

boleto gerado...


Em 19 de março de 2016 20:01, Henrique Fagundes 

> *Senhores,*
> Boa noite, e saudações pinguianas. Peço a todos 5 minutinhos de atenção
> para um desabafo sobre a minha participação com o mundo opensource.
> Hoje eu estava refletindo sobre algumas coisas que vem acontecendo e
> resolvi escrever esse texto.
> Muitos já me conhecem, para outros eu sou um mero desconhecido, entusiasta
> de Linux e soluções OpenSource no geral. Meu nome é Luiz Henrique Marques
> Fagundes, tenho 35 anos de idade e sou mantenedor do Projeto Aprendendo
> Linux (*
> *). Esse projeto existe  desde o dia 17 de
> Julho de 2008.
> Como todo projeto que se inicia, comecei de maneira simples. Lembro do
> computador que hospedava o site, um AMD K6-II 500 com 64 MB de RAM, rodando
> um Debian 4, vulgo Etch, com o WordPress ainda nas primeiras versões.
> Lembro que tinha um Link Velox ADSL de 1MB e eu usava um serviço de DNS
> dinâmico, se eu bem me recordo o Duc No-IP e apontava os CNAME lá onde eu
> registrei o domínio.
> No começo era só uma experiência, tipo a ideia era ir registrando e
> compartilhando tudo que eu ia aprendendo. Assim tudo estaria documentado. O
> projeto foi crescendo e me vi na necessidade de melhorar, pois o então
> “servidor” não estava aguentando a carga.
> Durante essa minha expectativa, recebi um convite para administrar uma
> rede e cuidar do suporte de TI em uma empresa de Telecom, na qual eu pude
> “pegar uma carona” na infra. Conversando com os responsáveis,
> disponibilizaram para o meu projeto, uma máquina com 2GB de RAM, 160GB de
> disco e um IP Público estático. Para os dias de hoje, isso pode nem
> significar nada, mas na época, esses recursos me deixaram muito feliz.
> Trabalhei por quase 5 anos nessa empresa e durante esse tempo o meu
> projeto ficou seguro, estável e satisfatório. Depois de 5 anos a empresa se
> desfez e eu tive que sair… Usei uma parte do dinheiro da minha rescisão
> para fazer um Upgrade no meu computador Desktop e o que sobrou dele, eu
> montei uma outra máquina que, seria então o servidor que daria continuidade
> ao Projeto do Portal Aprendendo Linux (ainda consegui comprar um Nobreak
> pra ele).
> É preciso mencionar que, junto com a Infra do projeto, minha vida mudou um
> pouco também. Nesse período me casei, me mudei, tornei-me um chefe de
> família com contas pra pagar, responsabilidades para arcar (não que eu não
> tinha antes, mas com o casamento as responsabilidades aumentam) e etc.
> Na minha nova casa, eu pude contar com a GVT que mesmo com ADLS, me
> entregava um Link de 15 Megas com IP FIXO (por mais R$ 50,00) com reverso
> cadastrado e tudo. E assim o projeto continuou andando.
> Durante esse tempo, eu fiz um vídeo pedindo doações (com intenção de
> melhorar o projeto, comprar hardware e ajudar a pagar o link de internet) e
> divulguei insistentemente em todas as comunidades que frequento e colaboro.
> Não consegui arrecadar nem um mísero centavo.
> Então a crise da eletricidade começou a dar sinais que ia tomar conta do
> Brasil e a minha conta de luz foi encarecendo e cada vezes estava mais
> difícil manter a máquina ligada 24 horas por dia. Durante tudo isso, as VPS
> (Virtual Private Server) começaram a se popularizar. Como o Dólar ainda
> custava aproximadamente R$ 2,00 (dois reais), comecei pensar na
> possibilidade de tirar o servidor daqui de casa, colocar todos os serviços
> na nuvem. Aí eu conheci a DigitalOcean. Tiver a oportunidade de testar os
> serviços, senti firmeza, estabilidade e confiança e então, resolvi migrar
> os serviços para uma VPS de $20,00 (vinte dólares) e desligar a máquina
> aqui em casa. O primeiro ano foi financeiramente satisfatório, pois com o
> site hospedado lá, eu pude desligar a minha máquina aqui em casa e entregar
> o IP fixo, o que me gerou uma boa economia.
> Durante tudo isso, graças a minha obesidade, passei por alguns problemas
> relacionado a saúde. Tive que ser submetido a cirurgia de gastroplastia
> (redução de estomago) para sanar aos problemas (para saber detalhadamente
> sobre esse caso, acesse aqui: *
> *). Mesmo debilitado, em período de recuperação,
> continuei tocando o projeto.
> Depois que me recuperei, recebi um convite para administrar a rede de uma
> empresa de serigrafia, aqui na zona norte do Rio de Janeiro. Então surgiu a
> necessidade de fazer uma segunda cirurgia, (abdominoplastia + coxas) para
> remover os excessos de pele que ficaram, em consequência da obesidade.
> Continuei trabalhando normalmente durante o período pré-operatório e quando
> estava faltando uma semana para a cirurgia, a empresa me demitiu alegando
> problemas financeiros por conta da crise.
> Conclusão: Eu tive que “fritar” todo o dinheiro da minha rescisão com
> medicamentos, 

Re: Capturer une vidéo d'écran

2016-03-22 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Wed, 23 Mar 2016 00:25:16 +0100,
MENGUAL Jean-Philippe  a écrit :

> Re,
> Le 22/03/2016 22:58, Fabrice Regnier a écrit :
> >   
> >> Il fonctionne chez moi sous Sid.  
> > sous stretch aussi, je viens de le compiler sans soucis. Mais avec
> > un paquet debian, ce serait plus simple pour les utilisateurs "de
> > base" nan ?  
> Certes. J'aimerais mieux car je veux installer chez qqn qui ne sait
> pas compiler.
> >> Regarde  
> > tu utilises le repo d'ubuntu ?  
> Mais j'y accède comment? Il n'y a pas la ligne deb. Tu sais quoi
> mettre toi?
> Amitiés,
> > f.
> > 
> >   


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:maarten-baert/simplescreenrecorder
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install simplescreenrecorder

cf :


Re: Capturer une vidéo d'écran

2016-03-22 Thread MENGUAL Jean-Philippe

Le 22/03/2016 22:58, Fabrice Regnier a écrit :
>> Il fonctionne chez moi sous Sid.
> sous stretch aussi, je viens de le compiler sans soucis. Mais avec un
> paquet debian, ce serait plus simple pour les utilisateurs "de base" nan ?

Certes. J'aimerais mieux car je veux installer chez qqn qui ne sait pas

>> Regarde
> tu utilises le repo d'ubuntu ?

Mais j'y accède comment? Il n'y a pas la ligne deb. Tu sais quoi mettre toi?


> f.


Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

HYPRA, progressons ensemble

Tél.: 01 84 73 06 61

Site Web:

Re: Capturer une vidéo d'écran

2016-03-22 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Tue, 22 Mar 2016 22:46:43 +0100,
MENGUAL Jean-Philippe  a écrit :

> Hello,
> Istanbul ne semble pas en testing ni stable. gtkrecordmydesktop oui,
> mais il a un pb d'accès à la carte son (inexpliqué). Sans doute
> pulseaudio. Je crains que les effets Compiz y passent mal en +.
> Quant à simplescreenrecorder, comment on fait? Le tuto parle de ppa,
> mais pour Debian, on l'installe comment? J'ai pas la ligne du
> sources.list ou un lien de téléchargement du .deb.
> Merci de votre aide.
> Amitiés,
> Le 22/03/2016 22:25, Klaus Becker a écrit :
> > Le mardi 22 mars 2016, 22:06:56 Fabrice Regnier a �crit :  
> >> 'lut,
> >>  
> >>>  simplescreenrecorder est ton ami. C'est � ma connaissance le
> >>> seul qui enregistre aussi le son.  
> >>
> >> mais dommage qu'il n'y ait pas de paquet debian.  
> > 
> > Il fonctionne chez moi sous Sid.
> > 
> > Regarde
> > 
> > Klaus
> >   
> >>
> >> f.
> >>
> >> ps: qui a dit "juste fais le!" ?  
> > 
> >   


voici ce qui est dispo pour record my desktop

 rmadison -a i386,amd64 recordmydesktop 
recordmydesktop | | oldstable  | amd64, i386
recordmydesktop | | stable | amd64, i386
recordmydesktop | | testing| amd64, i386
recordmydesktop | | unstable   | amd64, i386


Re: instalación cifrada en dos particiones

2016-03-22 Thread

El 22/03/16 a las 18:16, Paynalton escribió:

Te serviría de algo asignarle una contraseña por hardware???

Con eso el disco queda protegido por encima de las particiones.

Eso sí, aun es posible leer la información si con mucho cuidado y las
herramientas necesarias cambias la tarjeta lógica del disco duro.

por ahora no.

Re: instalación cifrada en dos particiones

2016-03-22 Thread

El 22/03/16 a las 17:41, Santiago Vila escribió:

On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 10:01:39AM -0500, wrote:

Saludos debianitas...

Esta, es la situación:


método 1:(resumen)
Cuando hago instalaciones cifradas utilizo una partición, creo un grupo de
volúmenes, y creo en el g.v. los volúmenes lógicos (raiz, home) y etc..

¿Cómo hago para hacer una instalación cifrada en dos particiones diferentes,

partición1 -> raíz
partición2 -> home

pero que al iniciar el s.o. me pida una sola contraseña?

Haz que lo que esté cifrado sea el propio grupo de volúmenes.
Es una de las posibilidades que ofrece el instalador.

pero cómo?

al hacer ese paso (en virtualbox) me pide 2 claves, así:

selecciono: configurar los volúmenes cifrados
guardo los cambios. selecciona: si
selecciono: crear volúmenes cifrados
elegimos las 2 particiónes a cifrar (sí selecciono una, solo cifra una)
sobrescribir o borrar datos: si o no
sobrescribir o borrar datos: si o no
escribimos la frase-contraseña para cifrar
repetir la misma frase de contraseña
escribimos la frase-contraseña para cifrar
repetir la misma frase de contraseña

la idea es tener 2 particiones (no 2 volúmenes lógicos (raiz, home) en 
una partición)


Re: instalación cifrada en dos particiones

2016-03-22 Thread Paynalton
Te serviría de algo asignarle una contraseña por hardware???

Con eso el disco queda protegido por encima de las particiones.

Eso sí, aun es posible leer la información si con mucho cuidado y las
herramientas necesarias cambias la tarjeta lógica del disco duro.


/ Nadie es más esclavo que el que se \
| tiene por libre sin serlo. |
| -- Johann Wolfang Von Goethe.  |
\ (1749-1832) Escritor alemán.   /
\   ^__^
 \  (oo)\___
(__)\   )\/\
||w |
|| ||

El mar, 22-03-2016 a las 23:41 +0100, Santiago Vila escribió:
> On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 10:01:39AM -0500, wrote:
> > 
> > Saludos debianitas...
> > 
> > Esta, es la situación:
> > 
> > partición1
> > partición2
> > 
> > método 1:(resumen)
> > Cuando hago instalaciones cifradas utilizo una partición, creo un grupo de
> > volúmenes, y creo en el g.v. los volúmenes lógicos (raiz, home) y etc..
> > 
> > ¿Cómo hago para hacer una instalación cifrada en dos particiones diferentes,
> > así:
> > 
> > partición1 -> raíz
> > partición2 -> home
> > 
> > pero que al iniciar el s.o. me pida una sola contraseña?
> Haz que lo que esté cifrado sea el propio grupo de volúmenes.
> Es una de las posibilidades que ofrece el instalador.

Re: x86_64 vs i386 now firefoxish

2016-03-22 Thread Gene Heskett
On Tuesday 22 March 2016 18:43:54 Lisi Reisz wrote:

> > What do I put in /etc/apt/sources.list to gain access to the newer
> > one?
> So far as I can see, you can't, not in Wheezy.  The one you have is
> the most recent available via the repo.
> You could always use Firefox, as is now recommended.  For instructions
> see the hyperlink I have referenced.  That will give you 45.0.1.
> You could presumably download iceweasel_44.0.2-1~bpo70+1_i386.deb and
> install it with dpkg -i, but why?  If Debian and Mozilla have made up,
> why not just accept it and use Firefox as Debian is now telling you to
> do?  It takes a bit of getting used to, but why perpetuate a quarrel
> which is over?
> Lisi

It went to the mozilla site and pilled 45.0.1 but it was a tar.bz2, which when 
unpacked, did not have an installer script that I could find. 

It looks to be prebuilt and ready to rock & roll, but where, and with what 
utility do I install it with?



Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: instalación cifrada en dos particiones

2016-03-22 Thread Santiago Vila
On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 10:01:39AM -0500, wrote:
> Saludos debianitas...
> Esta, es la situación:
> partición1
> partición2
> método 1:(resumen)
> Cuando hago instalaciones cifradas utilizo una partición, creo un grupo de
> volúmenes, y creo en el g.v. los volúmenes lógicos (raiz, home) y etc..
> ¿Cómo hago para hacer una instalación cifrada en dos particiones diferentes,
> así:
> partición1 -> raíz
> partición2 -> home
> pero que al iniciar el s.o. me pida una sola contraseña?

Haz que lo que esté cifrado sea el propio grupo de volúmenes.
Es una de las posibilidades que ofrece el instalador.

Re: User's bin path not recognised in login script

2016-03-22 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Tuesday 22 March 2016 21:42:11 wrote:
> See if this gets through, my WiFi got flaky, which seems like it cause some
> issue with imap between Thunderbird and Comcast. Thunderbird claims the
> message was sent twice, but I never got a copy in my inbox.

I got two earlier copies of each of two emails sent by you.  You can check the 
archives, rather than sending three copies, if you want to be sure!!  Been 
there, done that, got the tee shirt. ;-)


Re: x86_64 vs i386

2016-03-22 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Tuesday 22 March 2016 18:54:30 Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Tuesday 22 March 2016 13:17:26 Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > On Tuesday 22 March 2016 01:04:44 Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > On Monday 21 March 2016 19:27:11 Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > > > On Monday 21 March 2016 15:54:33 Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > > > You haven't noticed there have been no updates to the 32 bit
> > > > > stuff in quite a while?
> > > >
> > > > Quote at the end of last week from form a client of mine who runs
> > > > a 32 bit computer (Debian 7 and TDE
> > > > 
> > > > My computer is telling me I have 75 updates available.
> > > > Perhaps we could do that at some point.
> > > > We are involved with the Musical Festival this week, so no rush!
> > > > 
> > > >
> > > > No updates???
> > >
> > > Correct, no updates to iceweasel despite a growing list of exploits.
> >
> > The most recent Iceweasel update arrived this Sunday at 22.04.36 GMT.
> > (See below)  You can see the GMT time arrival time of your email
> > above:  Tuesday 01:04:44.  So no new update in 27 hours and 6 seconds.
> >  You and I have different definitions of "quite a while".
> >
> > Lisi
> >
> > 
> > -
> > --
> >--- Debian Security Advisory DSA-3523-1
> >
> > Moritz Muehlenhoff March 20, 2016
> > -
> > --
> >---
> >
> > Package: iceweasel
> > CVE ID : not available
> >
> > This update disables the Graphite font shaping library in Iceweasel,
> > Debian's version of the Mozilla Firefox web browser.
> >
> > For the oldstable distribution (wheezy), this problem has been fixed
> > in version 38.7.1esr-1~deb7u1.
> >
> > For the stable distribution (jessie), this problem has been fixed in
> > version 38.7.1esr-1~deb8u1.
> >
> > For the unstable distribution (sid), this problem has been fixed in
> > version 45.0.1esr-1 of the firefox-esr source package.
> >
> > We recommend that you upgrade your iceweasel packages.
> Tell me how girl. Mine highest numbered version
> in /var/cache/apt/archives is dated Feb 14 for a 44.0.x.bpo, but the
> installed one I put back in yesterday from the repos is a 37.7.1, whose
> date is indeed yesterday.  It seems to be working, but why is it not the
> newer version?
> ls -l output of archives:
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 39445644 Mar 18 22:45
> iceweasel_38.7.1esr-1~deb7u1_i386.deb
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 42916910 Feb 14 18:13
> iceweasel_44.0.2-1~bpo70+1_i386.deb
> It seems to me I ought to be looking at an about screen that says
> 44.0.2-1.
> What do I put in /etc/apt/sources.list to gain access to the newer one?
So far as I can see, you can't, not in Wheezy.  The one you have is the most 
recent available via the repo.

You could always use Firefox, as is now recommended.  For instructions see the 
hyperlink I have referenced.  That will give you 45.0.1.

You could presumably download iceweasel_44.0.2-1~bpo70+1_i386.deb and install 
it with dpkg -i, but why?  If Debian and Mozilla have made up, why not just 
accept it and use Firefox as Debian is now telling you to do?  It takes a bit 
of getting used to, but why perpetuate a quarrel which is over?


Re: User's bin path not recognised in login script

2016-03-22 Thread Russell Gadd

On 22/03/16 20:20, Seeker wrote:


Create '~/.xprofile' and put your export commands and extra non-desktop
specific stuff you
  always want to run there.

Later, Seeker

Thanks. I might try this later.

Re: User's bin path not recognised in login script

2016-03-22 Thread Russell Gadd

On 22/03/16 19:00, The Wanderer wrote:


How did you test? By launching a new terminal (with bash set as your
default shell), by running the command 'bash' in an existing terminal,
by logging all of the way out (to the main login prompt, if not to a
full reboot) and then logging back in, or by running the command 'bash
--login' in an existing terminal?

In my testing just now, only the latter two of these four will pick up
the new ~/.profile file; the other two seem to run the commands which
were present in the file which their parent bash session used. (Strictly
speaking I didn't test the full logout or reboot, but I fully expect
that that would pick up the changes.)

Also, at least on my system, ~/.bashrc is invoked only by being sourced
from ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile. Unless your system is configured
fairly differently, if ~/.bashrc is getting run, that means that - per
bash(1) - one of ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, or ~/.profile must be
invoking it.

I tested by rebooting each time. My ~/.bashrc is sourced from ~/.profile 
which itself is sourced from .bash_profile, but neither of them run the 
echo command I've added so I would assume the ~/.bashrc which runs when 
I open a Mate terminal is started some other way.

bash --login does invoke ~./bash_profile and hence ~./profile as the 
echos are seen in the output file (in the expected order), but I must 
admit the nature of login shells / non-login / interactive shells, etc 
is a bit beyond my experience. I've never tried bash --login before as I 
haven't previously come across it.

Maybe what this is telling me is that I should run another script from 
my "login" script by 'bash --login real_login_scriptfile' in order to 
get these profiles to run first?

Re: Capturer une vidéo d'écran

2016-03-22 Thread MENGUAL Jean-Philippe

Istanbul ne semble pas en testing ni stable. gtkrecordmydesktop oui,
mais il a un pb d'accès à la carte son (inexpliqué). Sans doute
pulseaudio. Je crains que les effets Compiz y passent mal en +.

Quant à simplescreenrecorder, comment on fait? Le tuto parle de ppa,
mais pour Debian, on l'installe comment? J'ai pas la ligne du
sources.list ou un lien de téléchargement du .deb.

Merci de votre aide.


Le 22/03/2016 22:25, Klaus Becker a écrit :
> Le mardi 22 mars 2016, 22:06:56 Fabrice Regnier a �crit :
>> 'lut,
>>>  simplescreenrecorder est ton ami. C'est � ma connaissance le seul qui
>>> enregistre aussi le son.
>> mais dommage qu'il n'y ait pas de paquet debian.
> Il fonctionne chez moi sous Sid.
> Regarde
> Klaus
>> f.
>> ps: qui a dit "juste fais le!" ?


Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

HYPRA, progressons ensemble

Tél.: 01 84 73 06 61

Site Web:

Re: Multi-display - one monitor active but blank

2016-03-22 Thread Oliver Elphick
On Tue, 2016-03-22 at 16:36 -0400, Ric Moore wrote:
> I didn't see a response to the question if this was a laptop?

It isn't.  It's a tower PC. The on-board Intel video is not used; there
is a dual-head Nvidia card with both monitors.

Re: Capturer une vidéo d'écran

2016-03-22 Thread Fabrice Regnier

> Il fonctionne chez moi sous Sid.
sous stretch aussi, je viens de le compiler sans soucis. Mais avec un
paquet debian, ce serait plus simple pour les utilisateurs "de base" nan ?

> Regarde
tu utilises le repo d'ubuntu ?


Re: Capturer une vidéo d'écran

2016-03-22 Thread Thierry Boibary

j'utilise Clipgrab.
c'est un simple programme à lancer.

Le 22/03/2016 19:12, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :

Le Tue, 22 Mar 2016 17:47:05 +0100,
MENGUAL Jean-Philippe  a écrit :


Y'a-t-il un logiciel capable de capter une vidéo de mon écran, quel
que soit mon bureau? Là j'ai MATE et Compiz, donc je voudrais un
outil un peu transverse.

Merci de vos idées par avance.



voici les 2 solutions :

gtk-recordmydesktop - Graphical frontend for recordMyDesktop screencast
tool recordmydesktop - Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop

istanbul - Desktop session recorder producing Ogg Theora video


Re: User's bin path not recognised in login script

2016-03-22 Thread seeker5528
See if this gets through, my WiFi got flaky, which seems like it cause some 
issue with imap between Thunderbird and Comcast. Thunderbird claims the 
message was sent twice, but I never got a copy in my inbox. 

Here we go again, from the webmail this time. ;) 

On 3/22/2016 11:20 AM, Russell Gadd wrote: 

Thanks for the export point which I have now used. However it doesn't 
solve the problem. 

I experimented by adding the following line into ~/.bash_profile, 
~/.profile and ~/.bashrc: 
echo "This is " &>>/tmp/out.txt 

Neither of the profile files triggered the output, nor did .bashrc 
until I manually opened a Mate terminal from the desktop. So it 
appears that the profile files do not get invoked at any time. 

I've even tried changing the PATH which is set at the top of 
/etc/profile, but this doesn't work either, so it looks like profile 
files are ignored altogether. 

I did a search using terms that seemed like likely suspects if I expected the 
login shell stuff to get 
sourced when a display manager is handling the login instead of the shell. 

The first page of results I got where some combination of old, incomplete, 
and/or GDM specific. 
Even in the GDM case, I'm not sure if the documentation is correct for current 
versions of GDM 
since I have not used GDM for a long time. 

Sourcing '~/.profile' when the shell is not your login was more of a Redhat 
thing that other 
distributions may or may not do. 

I did see some bug reports which would probably have some relevant information 
in the 

Create '~/.xprofile' and put your export commands and extra non-desktop 
specific stuff you 
always want to run there. 

Later, Seeker 

Re: Capturer une vidéo d'écran

2016-03-22 Thread Klaus Becker
Le mardi 22 mars 2016, 22:06:56 Fabrice Regnier a écrit :
> 'lut,
> > simplescreenrecorder est ton ami. C'est à ma connaissance le seul qui
> > enregistre aussi le son.
> mais dommage qu'il n'y ait pas de paquet debian.

Il fonctionne chez moi sous Sid.



> f.
> ps: qui a dit "juste fais le!" ?

Re: User's bin path not recognised in login script

2016-03-22 Thread Seeker

On 3/22/2016 1:11 PM, Michael Fothergill wrote:

On 22 March 2016 at 19:59, Dan Ritter > wrote:

On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 05:13:43PM +, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> On 22 March 2016 at 16:24, Andrew McGlashan <
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On 23/03/2016 12:18 AM, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> > > I own a Samsung BD-C5900 Blu ray/DVD player.
> >
There's a reasonable chance that if you attack it with a
screwdriver, you will discover that there is a modern SATA
bluray/DVD drive in there, and you can rip it out and put
it in your computer.


​Would that drive be one that only read bluray and DVD disks or could 
it be modified to burn them as well?

If the player did not have functions built in for recording the drive is 
probably just a reader, no

write capability.

It my reach a point where it makes more economic sense for the 
manufacturers to only create
RW drives than it does for them to have 2 production lines, but don't 
know if we are there yet,

much less if we were there when your player was manufactured.

Also I expect it's more likely that the player would have a laptop style 
drive in it which would
require an adapter to handle the different size of SATA data/power 
connectors if you are looking

to use it in a desktop system.

If the system you are looking to use it in is a laptop, then newer 
laptops that still include an
optical drive have gone to thinner drives. Outside of that it's a 
question of how things line up.
The piece that secures the drive to the laptop could probably be swapped 
with the piece off
of the old drive if necessary or left off if the drive fits tight enough 
if really necessary. The face
plate is less likely the match up between the two drives, especially 
between a DVD drive and a

Blue Ray drive.

Later, Seeker

Re: Capturer une vidéo d'écran

2016-03-22 Thread Fabrice Regnier

> simplescreenrecorder est ton ami. C'est à ma connaissance le seul qui 
> enregistre aussi le son.
mais dommage qu'il n'y ait pas de paquet debian.


ps: qui a dit "juste fais le!" ?

Re: User's bin path not recognised in login script

2016-03-22 Thread Seeker

On 3/22/2016 11:20 AM, Russell Gadd wrote:

Thanks for the export point which I have now used. However it doesn't
solve the problem.

I experimented by adding the following line into ~/.bash_profile,
~/.profile and ~/.bashrc:
echo "This is " &>>/tmp/out.txt

Neither of the profile files triggered the output, nor did .bashrc
until I manually opened a Mate terminal from the desktop. So it
appears that the profile files do not get invoked at any time.

I've even tried changing the PATH which is set at the top of
/etc/profile, but this doesn't work either, so it looks like profile
files are ignored altogether.

I did a search using terms that seemed like likely suspects if I 
expected the login shell stuff to get

sourced when a display manager is handling the login instead of the shell.

The first page of results I got where some combination of old, 
incomplete, and/or GDM specific.
Even in the GDM case, I'm not sure if the documentation is correct for 
current versions of GDM

since I have not used GDM for a long time.

Sourcing '~/.profile' when the shell is not your login was more of a 
Redhat thing that other

distributions may or may not do.

I did see some bug reports which would probably have some relevant 
information in the


Create '~/.xprofile' and put your export commands and extra non-desktop 
specific stuff you

 always want to run there.

Later, Seeker

Re: can you boot a dvd iso file from a tv dvd player?

2016-03-22 Thread Seeker

On 3/22/2016 1:11 PM, Michael Fothergill wrote:

On 22 March 2016 at 19:59, Dan Ritter > wrote:

On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 05:13:43PM +, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> On 22 March 2016 at 16:24, Andrew McGlashan <
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On 23/03/2016 12:18 AM, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> > > I own a Samsung BD-C5900 Blu ray/DVD player.
> >
There's a reasonable chance that if you attack it with a
screwdriver, you will discover that there is a modern SATA
bluray/DVD drive in there, and you can rip it out and put
it in your computer.


​Would that drive be one that only read bluray and DVD disks or could 
it be modified to burn them as well?

If the player did not have functions built in for recording the drive is 
probably just a reader, no

write capability.

It my reach a point where it makes more economic sense for the 
manufacturers to only create
RW drives than it does for them to have 2 production lines, but don't 
know if we are there yet,

much less if we were there when your player was manufactured.

Also I expect it's more likely that the player would have a laptop style 
drive in it which would
require an adapter to handle the different size of SATA data/power 
connectors if you are looking

to use it in a desktop system.

If the system you are looking to use it in is a laptop, then newer 
laptops that still include an
optical drive have gone to thinner drives. Outside of that it's a 
question of how things line up.
The piece that secures the drive to the laptop could probably be swapped 
with the piece off
of the old drive if necessary or left off if the drive fits tight enough 
if really necessary. The face
plate is less likely the match up between the two drives, especially 
between a DVD drive and a

Blue Ray drive.

Later, Seeker

Re: can you boot a dvd iso file from a tv dvd player?

2016-03-22 Thread Seeker

On 3/22/2016 1:11 PM, Michael Fothergill wrote:

On 22 March 2016 at 19:59, Dan Ritter > wrote:

On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 05:13:43PM +, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> On 22 March 2016 at 16:24, Andrew McGlashan <
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On 23/03/2016 12:18 AM, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> > > I own a Samsung BD-C5900 Blu ray/DVD player.
> >
There's a reasonable chance that if you attack it with a
screwdriver, you will discover that there is a modern SATA
bluray/DVD drive in there, and you can rip it out and put
it in your computer.


​Would that drive be one that only read bluray and DVD disks or could 
it be modified to burn them as well?

If the player did not have functions built in for recording the drive is 
probably just a reader, no

write capability.

It my reach a point where it makes more economic sense for the 
manufacturers to only create
RW drives than it does for them to have 2 production lines, but don't 
know if we are there yet,

much less if we were there when your player was manufactured.

Also I expect it's more likely that the player would have a laptop style 
drive in it which would
require an adapter to handle the different size of SATA data/power 
connectors if you are looking

to use it in a desktop system.

If the system you are looking to use it in is a laptop, then newer 
laptops that still include an
optical drive have gone to thinner drives. Outside of that it's a 
question of how things line up.
The piece that secures the drive to the laptop could probably be swapped 
with the piece off
of the old drive if necessary or left off if the drive fits tight enough 
if really necessary. The face
plate is less likely the match up between the two drives, especially 
between a DVD drive and a

Blue Ray drive.

Later, Seeker

Re: Multi-display - one monitor active but blank

2016-03-22 Thread Ric Moore

On 03/22/2016 06:14 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Monday 21 March 2016 23:13:22 Oliver Elphick wrote:

On Mon, 2016-03-21 at 23:07 +, Mark Fletcher wrote:

It couldn't be a dodgy cable, could it?


I don't think so. If that were the case it would flash on and off as
the cable moved. It is resolutely blank, except just sometimes. The
cable is behind the desk, so it doesn't ge tmoved.

It may have something to do with the momitor itself, but I don't have
another one to substitute.


It would be worth trying another cable all the same, wouldn't it?  Or swapping
them over if you haven't got another.  (Provided, of course, they are the

I didn't see a response to the question if this was a laptop?

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

Re: User's bin path not recognised in login script

2016-03-22 Thread Seeker

On 3/22/2016 11:20 AM, Russell Gadd wrote:

Thanks for the export point which I have now used. However it doesn't 
solve the problem.

I experimented by adding the following line into ~/.bash_profile, 
~/.profile and ~/.bashrc:

echo "This is " &>>/tmp/out.txt

Neither of the profile files triggered the output, nor did .bashrc 
until I manually opened a Mate terminal from the desktop. So it 
appears that the profile files do not get invoked at any time.

I've even tried changing the PATH which is set at the top of 
/etc/profile, but this doesn't work either, so it looks like profile 
files are ignored altogether.

I did a search using terms that seemed like likely suspects if I 
expected the login shell stuff to get

sourced when a display manager is handling the login instead of the shell.

The first page of results I got where some combination of old, 
incomplete, and/or GDM specific.
Even in the GDM case, I'm not sure if the documentation is correct for 
current versions of GDM

since I have not used GDM for a long time.

Sourcing '~/.profile' when the shell is not your login was more of a 
Redhat thing that other

distributions may or may not do.

I did see some bug reports which would probably have some relevant 
information in the


Create '~/.xprofile' and put your export commands and extra non-desktop 
specific stuff you

 always want to run there.

Later, Seeker

Re: can you boot a dvd iso file from a tv dvd player?

2016-03-22 Thread Michael Fothergill
On 22 March 2016 at 19:59, Dan Ritter  wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 05:13:43PM +, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> > On 22 March 2016 at 16:24, Andrew McGlashan <
> >> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > On 23/03/2016 12:18 AM, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> > > > I own a Samsung BD-C5900 Blu ray/DVD player.
> > >
> > > I think you will find that the USB port on a DVD player is only for
> > > playing content and/or updating the firmware of the player itself.
> > >
> > > There would be very little chance that it will act as a DVD drive for a
> > > computer.
> > >
> > > Cheers
> > >
> > ​OK, I will forget about that idea.   I need to get better at
> warranty
> > registrations, reliability ratings, hardware problem diagnosis and
> > maintenance.
> >
> There's a reasonable chance that if you attack it with a
> screwdriver, you will discover that there is a modern SATA
> bluray/DVD drive in there, and you can rip it out and put
> it in your computer.
> -dsr-

​Would that drive be one that only read bluray and DVD disks or could it be
modified to burn them as well?




Re: can you boot a dvd iso file from a tv dvd player?

2016-03-22 Thread Dan Ritter
On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 05:13:43PM +, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> On 22 March 2016 at 16:24, Andrew McGlashan <
>> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On 23/03/2016 12:18 AM, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> > > I own a Samsung BD-C5900 Blu ray/DVD player.
> >
> > I think you will find that the USB port on a DVD player is only for
> > playing content and/or updating the firmware of the player itself.
> >
> > There would be very little chance that it will act as a DVD drive for a
> > computer.
> >
> > Cheers
> >
> ​OK, I will forget about that idea.   I need to get better at warranty
> registrations, reliability ratings, hardware problem diagnosis and
> maintenance.

There's a reasonable chance that if you attack it with a
screwdriver, you will discover that there is a modern SATA
bluray/DVD drive in there, and you can rip it out and put
it in your computer.


Re: x86_64 vs i386

2016-03-22 Thread Gene Heskett
On Tuesday 22 March 2016 13:17:26 Lisi Reisz wrote:

> On Tuesday 22 March 2016 01:04:44 Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Monday 21 March 2016 19:27:11 Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > > On Monday 21 March 2016 15:54:33 Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > > You haven't noticed there have been no updates to the 32 bit
> > > > stuff in quite a while?
> > >
> > > Quote at the end of last week from form a client of mine who runs
> > > a 32 bit computer (Debian 7 and TDE
> > > 
> > > My computer is telling me I have 75 updates available.
> > > Perhaps we could do that at some point.
> > > We are involved with the Musical Festival this week, so no rush!
> > > 
> > >
> > > No updates???
> >
> > Correct, no updates to iceweasel despite a growing list of exploits.
> The most recent Iceweasel update arrived this Sunday at 22.04.36 GMT. 
> (See below)  You can see the GMT time arrival time of your email
> above:  Tuesday 01:04:44.  So no new update in 27 hours and 6 seconds.
>  You and I have different definitions of "quite a while".
> Lisi
> -
> --
>--- Debian Security Advisory DSA-3523-1  
> Moritz Muehlenhoff March 20, 2016   
> -
> --
> Package: iceweasel
> CVE ID : not available
> This update disables the Graphite font shaping library in Iceweasel,
> Debian's version of the Mozilla Firefox web browser.
> For the oldstable distribution (wheezy), this problem has been fixed
> in version 38.7.1esr-1~deb7u1.
> For the stable distribution (jessie), this problem has been fixed in
> version 38.7.1esr-1~deb8u1.
> For the unstable distribution (sid), this problem has been fixed in
> version 45.0.1esr-1 of the firefox-esr source package.
> We recommend that you upgrade your iceweasel packages.

Tell me how girl. Mine highest numbered version 
in /var/cache/apt/archives is dated Feb 14 for a 44.0.x.bpo, but the 
installed one I put back in yesterday from the repos is a 37.7.1, whose 
date is indeed yesterday.  It seems to be working, but why is it not the 
newer version?

ls -l output of archives:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 39445644 Mar 18 22:45 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 42916910 Feb 14 18:13 

It seems to me I ought to be looking at an about screen that says 

What do I put in /etc/apt/sources.list to gain access to the newer one?

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: User's bin path not recognised in login script

2016-03-22 Thread The Wanderer
On 2016-03-22 at 14:20, Russell Gadd wrote:

> On 22/03/16 02:40, David Christensen wrote:

>> Did you remember the 'export' in .profile?
>>  export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin
>> It might help to add echo's in the various scripts to check the
>> order in which they run -- e.g. verify that .bash_profile runs
>> before your bash login script, so that PATH includes $HOME/bin.
> Thanks for the export point which I have now used. However it
> doesn't solve the problem.
> I experimented by adding the following line into ~/.bash_profile,
> ~/.profile and ~/.bashrc:
> echo "This is " &>>/tmp/out.txt
> Neither of the profile files triggered the output, nor did .bashrc
> until I manually opened a Mate terminal from the desktop. So it
> appears that the profile files do not get invoked at any time.

How did you test? By launching a new terminal (with bash set as your
default shell), by running the command 'bash' in an existing terminal,
by logging all of the way out (to the main login prompt, if not to a
full reboot) and then logging back in, or by running the command 'bash
--login' in an existing terminal?

In my testing just now, only the latter two of these four will pick up
the new ~/.profile file; the other two seem to run the commands which
were present in the file which their parent bash session used. (Strictly
speaking I didn't test the full logout or reboot, but I fully expect
that that would pick up the changes.)

Also, at least on my system, ~/.bashrc is invoked only by being sourced
from ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile. Unless your system is configured
fairly differently, if ~/.bashrc is getting run, that means that - per
bash(1) - one of ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, or ~/.profile must be
invoking it.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: User's bin path not recognised in login script

2016-03-22 Thread Russell Gadd

On 22/03/16 02:40, David Christensen wrote:


Did you remember the 'export' in .profile?

 export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin

It might help to add echo's in the various scripts to check the order in
which they run -- e.g. verify that .bash_profile runs before your bash
login script, so that PATH includes $HOME/bin.

Thanks for the export point which I have now used. However it doesn't 
solve the problem.

I experimented by adding the following line into ~/.bash_profile, 
~/.profile and ~/.bashrc:

echo "This is " &>>/tmp/out.txt

Neither of the profile files triggered the output, nor did .bashrc until 
I manually opened a Mate terminal from the desktop. So it appears that 
the profile files do not get invoked at any time.

I've even tried changing the PATH which is set at the top of 
/etc/profile, but this doesn't work either, so it looks like profile 
files are ignored altogether.

Re: Capturer une vidéo d'écran

2016-03-22 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Tue, 22 Mar 2016 19:12:08 +0100,
Bernard Schoenacker  a écrit :

> Le Tue, 22 Mar 2016 17:47:05 +0100,
> MENGUAL Jean-Philippe  a écrit :
> > Hello,
> > 
> > Y'a-t-il un logiciel capable de capter une vidéo de mon écran, quel
> > que soit mon bureau? Là j'ai MATE et Compiz, donc je voudrais un
> > outil un peu transverse.
> > 
> > Merci de vos idées par avance.
> > 
> > Cordialement,
> >   
> bonjour,
> voici les 2 solutions :
> gtk-recordmydesktop - Graphical frontend for recordMyDesktop
> screencast tool recordmydesktop - Captures audio-video data of a
> Linux desktop session
> istanbul - Desktop session recorder producing Ogg Theora video
> slt
> bernard

apt-cache search screencast

gtk-recordmydesktop - Graphical frontend for recordMyDesktop
kazam - screencast and screenshot application created with design
in mind 

screenkey - screencast tool to display your keystrokes

shelr - Utility for plain text screencasting

istanbul - Desktop session recorder producing Ogg Theora video

vokoscreen - Easy to use screencast creator

avec le message de klaus :


Re: Capturer une vidéo d'écran

2016-03-22 Thread Klaus Becker
Le mardi 22 mars 2016, 17:47:05 MENGUAL Jean-Philippe a écrit :
> Hello,
> Y'a-t-il un logiciel capable de capter une vidéo de mon écran, quel que
> soit mon bureau? Là j'ai MATE et Compiz, donc je voudrais un outil un
> peu transverse.
> Merci de vos idées par avance.
> Cordialement,


simplescreenrecorder est ton ami. C'est à ma connaissance le seul qui 
enregistre aussi le son.



Re: Capturer une vidéo d'écran

2016-03-22 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Tue, 22 Mar 2016 17:47:05 +0100,
MENGUAL Jean-Philippe  a écrit :

> Hello,
> Y'a-t-il un logiciel capable de capter une vidéo de mon écran, quel
> que soit mon bureau? Là j'ai MATE et Compiz, donc je voudrais un
> outil un peu transverse.
> Merci de vos idées par avance.
> Cordialement,


voici les 2 solutions :

gtk-recordmydesktop - Graphical frontend for recordMyDesktop screencast
tool recordmydesktop - Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop

istanbul - Desktop session recorder producing Ogg Theora video


Capturer une vidéo d'écran

2016-03-22 Thread MENGUAL Jean-Philippe

Y'a-t-il un logiciel capable de capter une vidéo de mon écran, quel que
soit mon bureau? Là j'ai MATE et Compiz, donc je voudrais un outil un
peu transverse.

Merci de vos idées par avance.



Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

HYPRA, progressons ensemble

Tél.: 01 84 73 06 61

Site Web:

Re: x86_64 vs i386

2016-03-22 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Tuesday 22 March 2016 01:04:44 Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Monday 21 March 2016 19:27:11 Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > On Monday 21 March 2016 15:54:33 Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > You haven't noticed there have been no updates to the 32 bit stuff
> > > in quite a while?
> >
> > Quote at the end of last week from form a client of mine who runs a 32
> > bit computer (Debian 7 and TDE
> > 
> > My computer is telling me I have 75 updates available.
> > Perhaps we could do that at some point.
> > We are involved with the Musical Festival this week, so no rush!
> > 
> >
> > No updates???
> Correct, no updates to iceweasel despite a growing list of exploits.

The most recent Iceweasel update arrived this Sunday at 22.04.36 GMT.  (See 
below)  You can see the GMT time arrival time of your email above:  Tuesday 
01:04:44.  So no new update in 27 hours and 6 seconds.  You and I have 
different definitions of "quite a while".


- -
Debian Security Advisory DSA-3523-1   Moritz Muehlenhoff
March 20, 2016
- -

Package: iceweasel
CVE ID : not available

This update disables the Graphite font shaping library in Iceweasel,
Debian's version of the Mozilla Firefox web browser.

For the oldstable distribution (wheezy), this problem has been fixed
in version 38.7.1esr-1~deb7u1.

For the stable distribution (jessie), this problem has been fixed in
version 38.7.1esr-1~deb8u1.

For the unstable distribution (sid), this problem has been fixed in
version 45.0.1esr-1 of the firefox-esr source package.

We recommend that you upgrade your iceweasel packages.

Re: can you boot a dvd iso file from a tv dvd player?

2016-03-22 Thread Michael Fothergill
On 22 March 2016 at 16:24, Andrew McGlashan <> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 23/03/2016 12:18 AM, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> > I own a Samsung BD-C5900 Blu ray/DVD player.
> I think you will find that the USB port on a DVD player is only for
> playing content and/or updating the firmware of the player itself.
> There would be very little chance that it will act as a DVD drive for a
> computer.
> Cheers
​OK, I will forget about that idea.   I need to get better at warranty
registrations, reliability ratings, hardware problem diagnosis and




> A.

Re: can you boot a dvd iso file from a tv dvd player?

2016-03-22 Thread Andrew McGlashan

On 23/03/2016 12:18 AM, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> I own a Samsung BD-C5900 Blu ray/DVD player.

I think you will find that the USB port on a DVD player is only for
playing content and/or updating the firmware of the player itself.

There would be very little chance that it will act as a DVD drive for a


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: elinks and links2 don't verify ssl certificates at all on debian 8

2016-03-22 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2016-03-21 16:30:46 +0200, Georgi Guninski wrote:
> Slightly paraphrased from the cypherpunks mailing list:
> [OT] Would someone please check if links2 and elinks verify
> certificates on clean install of Debian 8?

Under Debian/unstable, I get an error with links2 as expected.
So, apparently no problems here. But indeed, elinks does not
report an error.

Vincent Lefèvre  - Web: 
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: 
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

instalación cifrada en dos particiones

2016-03-22 Thread

Saludos debianitas...

Esta, es la situación:


método 1:(resumen)
Cuando hago instalaciones cifradas utilizo una partición, creo un grupo 
de volúmenes, y creo en el g.v. los volúmenes lógicos (raiz, home) y etc..

¿Cómo hago para hacer una instalación cifrada en dos particiones 
diferentes, así:

partición1 -> raíz
partición2 -> home

pero que al iniciar el s.o. me pida una sola contraseña?
(los tutos que encuentro utilizan el método 1)


Re: Error al instalar Debian 8.3

2016-03-22 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 21 Mar 2016 21:31:06 +0100, Ala de Dragón escribió:

> El 21/3/16, Camaleón  escribió:
>> El Mon, 21 Mar 2016 02:35:09 +, Miguel Rubio escribió:


>>> Para hacer booteable el USB utilizo el programa que se descarga desde
>>> "Universal USB installer"
>>> No estoy pudiendo instalar ninguna distribución de linux, no es solo
>>> Debian. Con debian es con la que mas lejos llegue en la instalación..
>> No uses ninguna herramienta externa para generar la llave USB,
>> simplemente sigue las instrucciones de la Guía de Instalación:
>> 4.3.1. Preparación de una memoria USB utilizando una imagen de CD o DVD
>> híbrida
> Hola :D Para Windows la que mejor me ha funcionado es:
> Puedes visitar el PPA
> en :
> ;)
> saludos

Es la que recomiendan en la Guía de Instalación, que para variar, su 
traducción en español no está actualizada y no aparece ese dato (me doy 
dos latigazos virtuales por formar parte del equipo de traductores :-P)

4.3.1. Preparing a USB stick using a hybrid CD or DVD image



Re: Application gestion multi connexion ssh linux et windows

2016-03-22 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2016-03-21 15:54:29 +0100, daniel huhardeaux wrote:
> Host 
> User 
> Port <12345>
> ProxyCommand ssh MonserveurFQDN nc localhost <1er port>

Pourquoi utiliser "ssh ... nc" et non "ssh -W"?

Vincent Lefèvre  - Web: 
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: 
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

Re: can you boot a dvd iso file from a tv dvd player?

2016-03-22 Thread Dan Purgert
On 2016-03-22, Michael Fothergill  wrote:
> --001a11c3193add3a72052ea30a72
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Dear Folks,
> I own a Samsung BD-C5900 Blu ray/DVD player.
> It's meant to be used for viewing movies etc recorded on blu ray discs etc.
> Out of interest, would it possible to insert e.g. a debian minimal install
> DVD into it, connect to my PC via e.g. a usb cable and use it to boot up
> and install debian on it?
> One of my optical drives seems to have malfunctioned and I wondered if it
> could substitute for it at all.
> I googled around a bit and it seemed as though the dvd player is set up for
> video file formats not iso files etc.
> But maybe it could still be made to work in some way..
> Suggestions appreciated.
> Regards
> Michael Fothergill

Buy a new drive for your PC.  Set-top boxes will simply refuse to read
that disc -- they're only programmed to recognize the video DVD / BR

Re: can you boot a dvd iso file from a tv dvd player?

2016-03-22 Thread Thomas Schmitt

Michael Fothergill wrote:
> Out of interest, would it possible to insert e.g. a debian minimal install
> DVD into it, connect to my PC via e.g. a usb cable and use it to boot up and
> install debian on it?

It seems that the option to attach USB devices is rather for
the player acting as computer and the devices acting as add-on

But well, try out what happens if you give it a bootable DVD
or if you connect the player via USB to a PC.

Have a nice day :)


can you boot a dvd iso file from a tv dvd player?

2016-03-22 Thread Michael Fothergill
Dear Folks,

I own a Samsung BD-C5900 Blu ray/DVD player.

It's meant to be used for viewing movies etc recorded on blu ray discs etc.

Out of interest, would it possible to insert e.g. a debian minimal install
DVD into it, connect to my PC via e.g. a usb cable and use it to boot up
and install debian on it?

One of my optical drives seems to have malfunctioned and I wondered if it
could substitute for it at all.

I googled around a bit and it seemed as though the dvd player is set up for
video file formats not iso files etc.

But maybe it could still be made to work in some way..

Suggestions appreciated.


Michael Fothergill

Re: Desabafo

2016-03-22 Thread Henrique Fagundes


Agradeço imensamente as palavras de apoio e dicas!

Já passamos dos 20% do objetivo total

Vamos contribuir!

Segue o link:

Vida longa e próspera para o Linux e para o Projeto Aprendendo Linux.


Henrique Fagundes
Skype: magnata-br-rj
Linux User: 475399
Participe do Grupo Aprendendo Linux

Ou envie um e-mail para:

Em 22-03-2016 06:24, Thiago T. Faioli escreveu:

  Antes de qualquer coisa: Saia do papel de vítima!
  Mude, completamente,  o seu discurso!
  Num país onde a estrutura cultural é mediana! E até onde não é... Tem
de ter muita cautela e discernimento para criticar o estado político...
Inda mais se a intenção é angariar fundos...

*Thiago Torres Faioli*

+55 (31) 98449-4065
+55 3003-5410 ramal: 0011
+1 800 990 8273 ext: 0011

Em 21 de março de 2016 23:38, Fred Maranhão > escreveu:

Em 21 de março de 2016 12:04, Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA, Leandro
> escreveu:
> Eu ia fuçar o sítio para ver se havia outras maneiras de contribuir,
> mas fui saudado por um Flash e acabei deixando para lá.


RE: Throughput riddle

2016-03-22 Thread Bonno Bloksma

>>> It might be a good idea to upgrade to a dual-band access point, so 
>>> that you can use 5 GHz, which is typically has much cleaner channels.
>> Thanks. See my other response in the thread regarding channel selection.
>> Celejar
> Also remember you can have too much RF power in your transmitter, as well
> as your neighbours overloading your system, you could be overloading your own.
> Try turning down the transmitters power.

That might indeed be a good idea because
Another misconception that people do not take into account when increasing the 
power on the WiFi transmitter Although the transmitter can use a higher 
power setting and the clients can see the WiFi base tramsmitter, that does not 
mean the clients will use a higher setting. Therefore the base station might 
not hear the client.
A lot of WiFi networks had to be "redesigned" when taking into account that a 
mobile phone uses a lot less power, usually aroud 60% of a laptop. Before the 
redesign a lot of times there would be failed communications a.k.a. noise when 
the WiFi base did not correctly hear the client, the client resending creating 
more noise, etc., degrading WiFi performance for all nearby devices.

This can happen at home too. There is not really a difference in "Enterprise 
WiFi" and "SOHO WiFi" when you look at those parts. In just means that in 
Enterprise WiFi there is interference inside the corporate building, so it is 
the same company who is having the problems as the one that is causing them. 
With SOHO WiFi there is interference between you and your neighbours. Whether 
you care depends on whether you like them or if maybe because of your 
interference they are getting bigger / better WiFi transmitters as well and 
THEN bother you? ;-)
It is best to adhere to "researched best practices" I think.

Bonno Bloksma

Re: Upgrade Deb 7 to 8, GNOME Flashback, terminal windows not saved: any way to save?

2016-03-22 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 07:51:16AM -0400, Tom Browder wrote:
> On Tuesday, March 22, 2016, Lisi Reisz  wrote:
> ...
> > Sorry, I should get to the end before I respond!
> That's okay, Lisi, I do that, too, especially when trying to work
> e-mail with a tablet.
> And this gives me a chance to elucidate on my situation. I have liked
> and used Debian for at least 10 years (after 10+ years with Yggdrasil,
> Redhat, Fedora), but, as GNOME 2 was giving way to GMOE 3 (ugh) [...]

Similar here, with different outcome. After a short affair with XFCE
(and having seen that all are moving towards "desktop", willy-nilly
replacing library interfaces with DBUS and similar horrors) I ditched
desktop altogether.

> SHAMELESS PLUG: Please keep MATE as part of Deb 9..*!!

My significant one is on MATE (after I told her to try Gnome 3 and she
nearly threw the computer at me[1] ;-) so I have an interest in a working
MATE too. Although for me personally it's already far too Rube Goldberg.


[1] Everyone is entitled to her own judgment, I thought. Perhaps it's
   just me, averse to change, I thought.

- -- tomás
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: repositories frozen since Mar 20th?

2016-03-22 Thread Jörg-Volker Peetz
Sven Hartge wrote on 03/22/16 12:45:
> Jörg-Volker Peetz  wrote:
>> Any clue to why the debian repositories, especially testing and sid,
>> seem to be unchanged since Mar 20th?
> Maybe this has something to do with the removal of the SHA1 checksums in
> the Release file and the removal of gzipped Packages files? Perhaps
> something internally broke and the mirrors are not updated correctly any
> more.
> Grüße,
> Sven.
Maybe I'd ask the same question on the developer.announce list then.


Re: [Un peu HS] Comment s'assurer du routage openvpn ?

2016-03-22 Thread BERTRAND Joël

Eric Degenetais a écrit :

Je crois qu'il traîne encore des routeurs qui ne gèrent ni IPV6 ni la
transition IPV6-IPV4. IPV6 est désactivé chez moi car la livebox
m'avait fait le coup.
Le symptôme de ce que j'avais constaté (et résolu à grand renfort de
google mon ami...) est que la résolution DNS présente des défaillances
aléatoires. L'explication (telle que je l'avais comprise) est que
quand le système support IPV6, il envoie à la fois des requêtes DNS
IPV4 et IPV6. Si tu as sur la route un système avec un résolveur
incompatible, il répond par des DNS fail sur les requêtes IPV6.
Résultat, aléatoirement, soit la requête IPV4 répond en premier et tu
réussis à résoudre le nom et contacter ta cible, soit c'est la IPV6
qui répond en premier et tu te prends le mur...

	Sans compter la gestion folklorique d'IPv6 lorsqu'il est officiellement 
supporté. Je me bats avec l'IPv6 forwarding du noyau Linux qui 
fonctionne franchement bizarrement et avec les MTU parfois étranges des 
réseaux IPv6. IPv6, c'est encore un truc pas fiable et très chatouilleux.



Re: Upgrade Deb 7 to 8, GNOME Flashback, terminal windows not saved: any way to save?

2016-03-22 Thread Tom Browder
On Tuesday, March 22, 2016, Lisi Reisz  wrote:
> Sorry, I should get to the end before I respond!

That's okay, Lisi, I do that, too, especially when trying to work
e-mail with a tablet.

And this gives me a chance to elucidate on my situation. I have liked
and used Debian for at least 10 years (after 10+ years with Yggdrasil,
Redhat, Fedora), but, as GNOME 2 was giving way to GMOE 3 (ugh), I
tried some of the Debian-like distros like Mint but didn't like them.
Finally, default Deb 8 I thought was the end for me, but Mate has
allowed me to keep my old desktop the way I want it and still keep
using a current Debian, so I am happy for now.

SHAMELESS PLUG: Please keep MATE as part of Deb 9..*!!

BTW, so far I have upgraded two hosts remotely and they went pretty
much flawlessly (I have used in-place upgrade on one server
successfully since Deb 5, and the upgrade process keeps getting better
and better).  I still have to upgrade my two laptops, but I'm going to
wait until I'm completely happy with the other two machines.

Best regards,


Re: repositories frozen since Mar 20th?

2016-03-22 Thread Sven Hartge
Jörg-Volker Peetz  wrote:

> Any clue to why the debian repositories, especially testing and sid,
> seem to be unchanged since Mar 20th?

Maybe this has something to do with the removal of the SHA1 checksums in
the Release file and the removal of gzipped Packages files? Perhaps
something internally broke and the mirrors are not updated correctly any


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

repositories frozen since Mar 20th?

2016-03-22 Thread Jörg-Volker Peetz
Any clue to why the debian repositories, especially testing and sid, seem to be
unchanged since Mar 20th?


Re: [Un peu HS] Comment s'assurer du routage openvpn ?

2016-03-22 Thread Eric Degenetais
Je crois qu'il traîne encore des routeurs qui ne gèrent ni IPV6 ni la
transition IPV6-IPV4. IPV6 est désactivé chez moi car la livebox
m'avait fait le coup.
Le symptôme de ce que j'avais constaté (et résolu à grand renfort de
google mon ami...) est que la résolution DNS présente des défaillances
aléatoires. L'explication (telle que je l'avais comprise) est que
quand le système support IPV6, il envoie à la fois des requêtes DNS
IPV4 et IPV6. Si tu as sur la route un système avec un résolveur
incompatible, il répond par des DNS fail sur les requêtes IPV6.
Résultat, aléatoirement, soit la requête IPV4 répond en premier et tu
réussis à résoudre le nom et contacter ta cible, soit c'est la IPV6
qui répond en premier et tu te prends le mur...

Éric Dégenètais

Le 22 mars 2016 à 09:39, C. Mourad Jaber  a écrit :
> Le 16/03/2016 10:26, C. Mourad Jaber a écrit :
>> Bonjour,
>> Je rencontre une difficulté avec openvpn...
>> J'ai mis en place une solution openvpn qui me permet de router vers
>> internet.
>> Je l'utilise pour éviter les réseaux non sûres (wifi publique par
>> exemple)
>> Dans la majorité des cas, cela semble fonctionner, sauf pour certains
>> portails captifs où il me semble que la résolution dns semble rester celle
>> du wifi et donc les redirections se font mal ou bien certains site/numéro de
>> port ne sont pas accessibles...
>> Au niveau client, j'utilise le widget network-manager.
>> Étant une bille en routage réseau, y'a-t-il des règles à ajouter dans
>> openvpn pour s'assurer que la route par défaut est bien le tunnel chiffré ?
>> ++
>> Mourad
> J'ai avancé un peu, cela semble lié à IPV6...
> Mon serveur VPN est en IPV4 uniquement et le réseau qui me pose problème
> gère les 2 protocoles (IPV4 et IPV6)...
> Si je désactive l'IPV6 sur ma machine, tout ce passe bien, je peux de
> nouveau accéder aux miroirs debian, par exemple...
> Si l'IPV6 est actif j'ai des erreurs de connexion...
> Donc ce n'est probablement pas un soucis de openvpn mais un problème plus
> profond...
> Mes 2 cents
> Mourad

Re: Upgrade Deb 7 to 8, GNOME Flashback, terminal windows not saved: any way to save?

2016-03-22 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Monday 21 March 2016 16:26:59 Tom Browder wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 12:21 PM, Tom Browder  wrote:
> > On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 11:45 AM, Sven Arvidsson  wrote:
> >> On Mon, 2016-03-21 at 11:26 -0400, Tom Browder wrote:
> >>> I just upgraded and am disappointed that, even though browser
> >>> instances can be saved between login sessions, terminal windows
> >>> apparently can't.
> ...
> > If not, are there any other reasonable, debian-packaged, desktop
> > environments that provide auto-saved terminals?
> Ah, it looks like I can try MATE.
> -Tom

Sorry, I should get to the end before I respond!


Re: Upgrade Deb 7 to 8, GNOME Flashback, terminal windows not saved: any way to save?

2016-03-22 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Monday 21 March 2016 16:21:52 Tom Browder wrote:
> I remember that now.  So is there any way to drop back to using GNOME
> Classic as in Deb 7?
> If not, are there any other reasonable, debian-packaged, desktop
> environments that provide auto-saved terminals?

How about MATE?  As a non-GNOME-user I don't know any specifics, but it is 
supposed to have carried on most of GNOME2.


Re: Throughput riddle

2016-03-22 Thread David
On Tue, 2016-03-22 at 00:45 -0400, Celejar wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Mar 2016 12:15:56 - (UTC)
> Dan Purgert  wrote:
> > On 2016-03-18, Celejar  wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I'm trying to understand the throughput across the different links of
> > > my little home network, and am perplexed by the measured wireless
> > > throughput.
> > >
> > > The three main devices I'm interested in:
> > >
> > > Router: Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH running OpenWrt (Chaos Calmer 15.05).
> > > Gigabit WAN and LAN, 802.11bgn wireless.
> > 
> > I know I'm coming to the party a bit late, and it's probably been
> > answered somewhere else in the posts here, but what channel width are
> > you running here?
> > 
> > If you're running 40 MHz, you WILL be getting combined Co-channel
> > contention from all other devices on channels 1 and 6 (or 6 and 11).
> > With 2.4 GHz connections, it's advisable to stick to 20 MHz channels, to
> > limit the amount of contention you're getting.
> Running at 20 MHz.
> > > [...]
> > >
> > > Here's the part that baffles me - these are with the laptop connected
> > > to the router wirelessly:
> > >
> > > Laptop - router:  ~11.8 Mbps
> > >
> > > These numbers actually exhibit significant variance, but they're
> > > generally at least this much, and at most about 15-20 Mbps.
> > >
> > > Laptop - NAS: ~14.7 Mbps
> > >
> > > Once again, these numbers vary widely, but are in line with the laptop
> > > - router numbers.
> > >
> > > But here's the kicker: Ookla's speedtest (run on the laptop with
> > > speedtest-cli) shows 29.01/5.89 (d/u), and this is fairly consistent.
> > >
> > > [...]
> > >
> > > So the wireless link can apparently push at least 30 Mbps or so, so why
> > > are my local wireless throughput numbers so much lower?
> > 
> > Given that the router is a 2x2 device, have you tried sending multiple
> > streams with iperf (with the "-P" client option)?  As I (likely,
> > incorrectly) recall, iperf defaults to one stream, whereas speedtest
> > will run multiple streams.
> Just tried a few runs with "-P 2" - no difference.
> > > I was originally using one of the common 1/6/11 channels, and I switched
> > > to 3 since I saw a lot of other stations on those channels. This may
> > > have resulted in some improvement, but I'm still stuck locally as
> > > above. What's the explanation for this - how can I possibly be getting
> > > much better throughput to servers tens of miles away than to my local
> > > stations? Does iperf somehow work fundamentally differently from
> > > speedtest? If so, which is a better representation of actual throughput?
> > 
> > Switch back to 1, 6, or 11 (and a 20 MHz channel).  As others have
> > explained, being on an "in-between" channel will result in you getting
> > actual interference (rather than simply co-channel contention) ... not
> > to mention causing interference for your neighbors.
> > 
> > It might be a good idea to upgrade to a dual-band access point, so that
> > you can use 5 GHz, which is typically has much cleaner channels.
> Thanks. See my other response in the thread regarding channel selection.
> Celejar
Also remember you can have too much RF power in your transmitter, as
well as your neighbours overloading your system, you could be
overloading your own.

Try turning down the transmitters power.


Re: Multi-display - one monitor active but blank

2016-03-22 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Monday 21 March 2016 23:13:22 Oliver Elphick wrote:
> On Mon, 2016-03-21 at 23:07 +, Mark Fletcher wrote:
> > It couldn't be a dodgy cable, could it?
> >
> > Mark
> I don't think so. If that were the case it would flash on and off as
> the cable moved. It is resolutely blank, except just sometimes. The
> cable is behind the desk, so it doesn't ge tmoved.
> It may have something to do with the momitor itself, but I don't have
> another one to substitute.
> Oliver

It would be worth trying another cable all the same, wouldn't it?  Or swapping 
them over if you haven't got another.  (Provided, of course, they are the 


Re: Puc rebre però no enviar mails amb Evolution...

2016-03-22 Thread Narcis Garcia
No és ben bé que estiguis en una llista expressa de brossa, sinó que
bona part d'adreces IP de la xarxa estan considerades com a «possibles
enviadors de brossa», perquè la majoria d'adreces IP no són utilitzades
per servidors sinó per usuaris, i a més a més la majoria d'aquests
usuaris utilitzen programari privatiu infectat per eines malicioses.

És a dir que, quan hom posa en marxa un servidor SMTP (que tu no hauries
de necessitar) el primer que ha de fer és netejar la reputació de la
seva IP estàtica, i estar a sobre del tema per sempre perquè els
llistadors poden desqualificar la IP per «mal comportament» de qualsevol
de les persones que utilitzen aquest servidor.

Tant comn ja semblen disposar d'un servidor SMTP
amb administradors que se n'ocupen, així que val més la pena utilitzar
aquest servidor que no fer-li enviar el correu directament des de
l'ordinador amb l'Evolution com si fos un servidor SMTP.

I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at archives.

El 21/03/16 a les 22:38, rita ha escrit:
> La configuració de l'Evolution, doncs, sembla que ara està bé. Quina
> ilu! Gràcies! Però...hi ha manera de sortir de la llista d'SPAM? Com hi
> ha programilles per a tot...Molt dummie-friendly hauria de ser ;)
> I el Comunitel aquest de Vodafone d'on deu sortir? Entenc que és el
> responsable de l'SPAM i no la plantilla pirata? Estic
> descolocada...Creieu que puc arribar a trobar i entendre què ha passat i
> quina ha estat la repercussió? 
> Merci de nou!,
> rita 
> El ds 19 de 03 de 2016 a les 16:00 +0100, en/na Adrià va escriure:
>> On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 09:12:46PM +0100, rita wrote:
>>> Provant, provant! Si rebeu aquest mail (des de Evolution)... vol dir que
>>> ja no sóc a la llista d'SPAMERS? 
>> No, vol dir que el teu servidor de correu ha acceptat el teu missatge.
>>> No he entès això graciós de perquè sóc a la llista però sé que hi sóc
>>> per la plantilla pirata...Puc saber si he perjudicat algú?...Quin mal
>>> rotllo...
>> Realment no és graciós sinó més aviat vergonyós, perquè uns han
>> bloquejat un rang d'adreces enorme (/14 = més de 25) i els altres
>> no sembla que tinguin intenció de fer les gestions per tenir-ne cura i
>> fer-ne un seguiment. I és l'usuari qui n'acaba pagant les
>> conseqüències.
>> Però no, la plantilla no té res a veure, perquè la incidència que
>> plantejaves prové de l'adreça de Comunitel (Vodafone) i que el correu
>> de sortida a l'Evolution no estava ben configurat.
>>> Si rebeu aquest mail, doncs, efectivament s'havia d'habilitar la casella
>>> de la autenticació SMTP. He anat al link i explicaven com fer-ho a la
>>> tercera pregunta: "How do I turn on SMTP Authentication?
>>> Aviam si arriba bé! :)
>> Doncs sí:
>> Perfecte!

Re: Multi-display - one monitor active but blank

2016-03-22 Thread Oliver Elphick
On Mon, 2016-03-21 at 20:55 -0400, Felix Miata wrote:
> Oliver Elphick composed on 2016-03-21 22:56 (UTC):
> > > What gfxchip powers your displays?
> > 
> > Card: Nvidia
> > 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GT218 [NVS
> > 300]
> > (rev a2)
> > 
> > (I hope that is an answer!)
> According to the log, you have both NVidia and Intel gfx hardware,
> which to 
> me means you're probably using a laptop, making my help available to
> you very 
> limited. AFAIK, those two together are a special hybrid that for
> optimal use 
> requires a special driver, either Bumblebee, or Prime, depending on
> whether 
> you want a FOSS solution (latter), or a proprietary one (former).
> Is it actually a PC with a separate NVidia card in a PCIe slot? If
> yes, are 
> the cables actually both DisplayPort cables? Sometimes the logs
> identify 
> connections differently from the actual physics. I've often seen
> physical DVI 
> connectors identified as HDMI with Intel gfx hardware.

The latter is the case. The dual-head Nvidia card has both monitors;
the Intel port on the motherboard is not in use.


> First, ensure the display itself is not a problem by trying two
> things if you 
> haven't already:
> 1-boot the computer with the 1920x1200 display powered off

The second (problem) display came up for the boot messages, but X still
treated the powered-off display as the primary display, so I had to
turn it on to log in. However the secondary display is currently
active, which is an improvement!
> 2-if the cables are twins, boot the computer with the cables
> switched, so 
> that the smaller is primary rather than the larger

Bizarre results - the swapped primary (now secondary) was clearly using
the wrong driver settings, giving a very unclear picture, but both
screens came up.

On restoring things and rebooting, both screens came up.  I'll wait to
see what happens when it blanks the screen after inactivity.

> Docs for solving such problems as yours are usually very good on
> Arch, so you 
> might wish to look at if
> nothing 
> yet tried helps. Another place to look for video-focused help is:

Thanks for the suggestions.

Re: [OT] Re: Puc rebre però no enviar mails amb Evolution...

2016-03-22 Thread Narcis Garcia
La única cosa que asegura l'enviament des d'un Webmail és que
l'administrador del programari webmail haurà configurat correctament la
sortida SMTP, tal com a la Rita li calia fer a l'Evolution;
- servidor
- xifrat
- port
- usuari
- contrasenya

I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at archives.

El 20/03/16 a les 01:54, Adrià ha escrit:
> On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 10:38:45PM +0100, rita wrote:
>> La configuració de l'Evolution, doncs, sembla que ara està bé. Quina
>> ilu! Gràcies! Però...hi ha manera de sortir de la llista d'SPAM? Com hi
>> ha programilles per a tot...Molt dummie-friendly hauria de ser ;)
> Cada proveïdor de llistes negres funciona d'una forma diferent, i
> correspon al propietari de la (a Comunitel/Vodafone) sol·licitar-ne
> l'exclusió. 
> A la pàgina hi ha més detalls però el meu consell és que no t'hi
> molestis. Al cap i a la fi, són més aviat tràmits administratius que
> han de fer les dues empreses i de vegades pretenen fer passar per
> caixa.
>> I el Comunitel aquest de Vodafone d'on deu sortir? Entenc que és el
>> responsable de l'SPAM i no la plantilla pirata? Estic
>> descolocada...Creieu que puc arribar a trobar i entendre què ha passat i
>> quina ha estat la repercussió? 
> Si no saps d'on ha sortit Comunitel/Vodafone, segurament és perquè es
> tracta de la connexió del lloc on estàs, i tractant-se d'aquest
> proveïdor i d'una IP estàtica, segurament sigui de la teva empresa.
> No, ells no són responsables de l'spam. Si el proveïdor de les llistes
> negres ha afegit més de 25 adreces d'un mateixa companyia, el més 
> plausible és pensar que no s'ha generat tant spam des d'aquesta
> companyia i que el que han fet ha estat generalitzar i afegir al sac
> tot un grup d'adreces, amb més o menys encert.
> La plantilla no té res a veure amb tot això.
> La repercussió? a priori cap. Podràs enviar missatges amb tota
> tranquil·litat, però si sospites que algú el pot no haver rebut,
> llavors envia-li des del webmail (quan s'envia un missatge, s'afegeix
> a aquest l'adreça des d'on l'envies, i un filtre antispam al
> destinatari, configurat de forma massa rigorosa, pot tractar-lo com a
> spam).

Re: Desabafo

2016-03-22 Thread Thiago T. Faioli
 Antes de qualquer coisa: Saia do papel de vítima!
 Mude, completamente,  o seu discurso!
 Num país onde a estrutura cultural é mediana! E até onde não é... Tem de
ter muita cautela e discernimento para criticar o estado político... Inda
mais se a intenção é angariar fundos...

*Thiago Torres Faioli*

+55 (31) 98449-4065
+55 3003-5410 ramal: 0011
+1 800 990 8273 ext: 0011

Em 21 de março de 2016 23:38, Fred Maranhão 

> Em 21 de março de 2016 12:04, Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA, Leandro
>  escreveu:
> ...
> > Eu ia fuçar o sítio para ver se havia outras maneiras de contribuir,
> > mas fui saudado por um Flash e acabei deixando para lá.
> idem

Re: [Un peu HS] Comment s'assurer du routage openvpn ?

2016-03-22 Thread C. Mourad Jaber

Le 16/03/2016 10:26, C. Mourad Jaber a écrit :


Je rencontre une difficulté avec openvpn...

J'ai mis en place une solution openvpn qui me permet de router vers internet.

Je l'utilise pour éviter les réseaux non sûres (wifi publique par exemple)

Dans la majorité des cas, cela semble fonctionner, sauf pour certains portails captifs 
où il me semble que la résolution dns semble rester celle du wifi et donc les 
redirections se font mal ou bien certains site/numéro de port ne sont pas accessibles...

Au niveau client, j'utilise le widget network-manager.

Étant une bille en routage réseau, y'a-t-il des règles à ajouter dans openvpn pour 
s'assurer que la route par défaut est bien le tunnel chiffré ?



J'ai avancé un peu, cela semble lié à IPV6...

Mon serveur VPN est en IPV4 uniquement et le réseau qui me pose problème gère les 2 
protocoles (IPV4 et IPV6)...

Si je désactive l'IPV6 sur ma machine, tout ce passe bien, je peux de nouveau accéder aux 
miroirs debian, par exemple...

Si l'IPV6 est actif j'ai des erreurs de connexion...

Donc ce n'est probablement pas un soucis de openvpn mais un problème plus 

Mes 2 cents


Fwd: Re: [OT] Re: Puc rebre però no enviar mails amb Evolution...

2016-03-22 Thread Brad Gibbons
-- Forwarded message --
From: "Brad Gibbons" 
Date: Mar 22, 2016 4:20 AM
Subject: Re: [OT] Re: Puc rebre però no enviar mails amb Evolution...
To: "Adrià" 

Hola Rita,

Se m'ha ocorregut alguna cosa:

Has dit anteriorment que el servidor SMTP està configurat com l'adreça
rita(a), no?

Doncs, jo estic estadounidenç, i em sembla que a nosaltres semblaria molt
suspicios que alguna persona pogués "(a)" en lloc de "@."

El meu consell és que t'assegurès de que sempre utilitzeu l'arroba mateixa.
Tindràs que estar utilitzant l'UTF-8 al teu sistema, i si de veres és
l'assumpte que proposo, al futur tinguis molta cuidada de utilitzar la
tecla "compose," o si no, configureu els teus modes d'entrada perquè és
resol "(a)" a "@" de forma automàtica.

Em diguis si l'he acertat, oi? I a més, demano que em correguis els errors
verbals de català que seguríssim cometo!

Moltes Gràcies,

En Brad

On Mar 22, 2016 2:52 AM, "Adrià"  wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 10:38:45PM +0100, rita wrote:
> > La configuració de l'Evolution, doncs, sembla que ara està bé. Quina
> > ilu! Gràcies! Però...hi ha manera de sortir de la llista d'SPAM? Com hi
> > ha programilles per a tot...Molt dummie-friendly hauria de ser ;)
> Cada proveïdor de llistes negres funciona d'una forma diferent, i
> correspon al propietari de la (a Comunitel/Vodafone) sol·licitar-ne
> l'exclusió.
> A la pàgina hi ha més detalls però el meu consell és que no t'hi
> molestis. Al cap i a la fi, són més aviat tràmits administratius que
> han de fer les dues empreses i de vegades pretenen fer passar per
> caixa.
> > I el Comunitel aquest de Vodafone d'on deu sortir? Entenc que és el
> > responsable de l'SPAM i no la plantilla pirata? Estic
> > descolocada...Creieu que puc arribar a trobar i entendre què ha passat i
> > quina ha estat la repercussió?
> Si no saps d'on ha sortit Comunitel/Vodafone, segurament és perquè es
> tracta de la connexió del lloc on estàs, i tractant-se d'aquest
> proveïdor i d'una IP estàtica, segurament sigui de la teva empresa.
> No, ells no són responsables de l'spam. Si el proveïdor de les llistes
> negres ha afegit més de 25 adreces d'un mateixa companyia, el més
> plausible és pensar que no s'ha generat tant spam des d'aquesta
> companyia i que el que han fet ha estat generalitzar i afegir al sac
> tot un grup d'adreces, amb més o menys encert.
> La plantilla no té res a veure amb tot això.
> La repercussió? a priori cap. Podràs enviar missatges amb tota
> tranquil·litat, però si sospites que algú el pot no haver rebut,
> llavors envia-li des del webmail (quan s'envia un missatge, s'afegeix
> a aquest l'adreça des d'on l'envies, i un filtre antispam al
> destinatari, configurat de forma massa rigorosa, pot tractar-lo com a
> spam).
> --
> Adrià García-Alzórriz
> 0x09494C14
> "With molasses you catch flies, with vinegar you catch nobody."
> -- Baltimore City Councilman Dominic DiPietro

Description: PGP signature

Re: Sudo

2016-03-22 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 10:32:57AM +1300, Richard Hector wrote:
> On 21/03/16 21:35, wrote:


> > depending on your preferences. It's all in the manpage :)
> It is indeed - thanks :-) I try and remember such things, but it's
> harder when the old way works fine as well :-)

That's the way it is with most of us, I think.

That said, I do appreciate being prodded from time to time, that's why
I try to offer this service to others as well :-)

- -- tomás
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
