Re: curl and form submission

2016-06-08 Thread Bob

On Wednesday 08 June 2016 05:01 PM, Jeremy Nicoll wrote:

On Wed, 8 Jun 2016, at 17:16, Bob wrote:

Well Tomas, I like to share with you that your guess is again correct.
This link quickly redirects to http:// (seems the session checked
here) and then to home page. I'm tying to figure out the cookie part now.

It's important that at the start of this process you have an empty
cookie file.  Then
you give its name to curl on every call; curl will store any cookies
that the site sends
to you in that file (you shouldn't have to pay any attention to what
they actually
are).  In every subsequent curl command, you again specify the same file
and the
cookies whose values are stored in it are sent back to the server by
curl.  Each time
the server might change cookies but the whole thing should just work.
At the very
end of the process, throw the cookie file away.

Also, in the curl command you can specify names of files into which curl
will place
the HTML of the page you just fetched, and you can sepcify a second file
to have the
headers (which accompany every page sent to a browser, but users don't
ever see
them) stored.  It's good to do this because those headers will include
any server
error codes - useful for diagnosing problems in the whole process - and
they also
contain eg redirection instructions, if the server wants you to make
another request
for a different page.  if you don't have the headers file for your
script to read and check
it can be really difficult to make this sort of thing work!

Hello Jeremy,

Thanks for your explanation. I did "curl -c" but no luck as it doesn't 
have any cookie.

curl -c mycookie " 

# ls mycookie
ls: cannot access 'mycookie': No such file or directory

whereas I can see during curl operation



Re: (deb-cat) e4defrag a mitges

2016-06-08 Thread alex

A 2016-06-08 16:27, Narcis Garcia escrigué:

He provat aquesta eina de e2fsprogs defragmentant particions de 

ordinadors (Debian 7, Debian 8, Ubuntu 14, arrel, /home separat o no,
/boot separat o no, etc.) I al final conclou amb un recompte de fitxers
defragmentats existosament i dels que no.

Els que no (Failure) sempre són una bona quantitat, menor que els
defragmentats (success) però tamé arriba a les desenes de milers.

Què puc fer per assolir una defragmentació completa, almenys dels 


Bon dia,

Em van explicar fa molt de temps sobre ext2 (-potser és extensible a 
ext4-) que automàticament evitava la fragmentació de fitxers movent-los 
a blocs contigus prou grans. Però per això havia d'haver disponibles 
blocs d'aquests addients al fitxer. Quan la partició estava bastant 
plena, era quan començava a aparèixer la fragmentació. Si fos així, per 
evitar la defragmentació la partició ha d'estar prou buida.

Però potser és una llegenda. No sé si el que he explicat és cert o no.


Re: pregunta sobre iptables, init i systemd

2016-06-08 Thread alex
Gràcies Julià, Josep Maria, Adrià, Àlex, Òscar, Roger, i gent de la 

Ahir fent proves i més proves vaig descobrir que les regles d'iptables 
no arrencaven per culpa meva. L'error més estúpid: fent còpia-enganxa 
entre fitxers m'havia menjat la primera línia de l'script #!/bin/sh . A 
la propera trobada em flagelaré públicament o faré algun tipus de 
penitència, a més d'invitar a una ronda.

Tanmateix, posaré en pràctica els consells. M'ha agradat això que feu 
d'associar les regles a l'aixecament de la interfície de xarxa. Ho trobo 
millor mètode que el que jo feia servir. Tot el tema també m'ha servit 
per començar a aprendre els bàsics de systemd.



A 2016-06-05 21:30, Àlex escrigué:

Benvolguts/des debianites,

em podeu aconsellar sobre quin és el millor mètode per fer regles
d'iptables persistents ara que systemd substitueix init a Debian 

Sempre que he establert regles de tallafocs, les escrivia a un script
dintre de /etc/init.d/ i feia un update-rc.d defaults i tot funcionava.

Però els temps canvien i avui no m'ha funcionat, tot i que les regles
estan perfectes i l'script està perfecte. Systemd em diu que no tinc un
fitxer iptables.service .

He buscat informació sobre com fer-ho i trobo vàries maneres però no sé
quina és la millor.

La primera manera em diu que faci servir el paquet 

però el gestor de paquets em recomana que enlloc d'aquest paquet faci
servir "netscript-ipfilter" . Ho feu servir? Quin és realment millor?

La segona manera (Archlinux) em diu de crear l'arxiu iptables.service:

Qué feu vosaltres per tenir regles d'iptables persistents a Debian ara
que systemd ha desplaçat a init ?



Re: rkhunter -c, doesnt show any rootkit

2016-06-08 Thread David Wright
On Wed 08 Jun 2016 at 22:16:03 (-), Dan Purgert wrote:
> David Wright wrote:
> > On Wed 08 Jun 2016 at 20:51:55 (+0300), Nikos Macheras wrote:
> >> On 06/07/2016 01:50 PM, wrote:
> >> >On Tue, Jun 07, 2016 at 01:29:28PM +0300, wrote:
> >> >>There is a problem to a computer,
> >> >>It loses files, not very often, files downloaded from internet.
> >> >It *only* loses files downloaded from the internet? How do you download
> >> >those files?
> >> >Are you sure that this isn't something (perhaps the browser) cleaning
> >> >up old files?
> >> The last time, was with httrack, after download files (45 files),
> >> after some minutes dissapeared. repeated three times. The computer
> >> has not any port open on external interfaces (eth0,wlan0), it runs
> >> debian wheezy .On cron i dont see something that could remove theese
> >> files.
> >> Any suggestion?
> >
> > [also]
> >
> >> The Download target was $HOME
> >
> > Whose $HOME? It would be bizarre to download a website into your own
> > home directory. Someone changing files on the other side of the world
> > could change files in your own home directory.
> Well, if he's /Downloading/ something (e.g. the latest *.tgz for some
> sourcecode), one would imagine it's HIS $HOME (or at least $HOME of the
> currently logged in user).  This is the default action in Iceweasel --
> or, at least on my install it was.
> Or have I missed something somewhere?  Seems the thread got broken
> somewhere, so not 100% certain if this is the latest info ... 

The OP hasn't posted a lot of information, so I made some assumptions.

He mentions httrack and 45 files, so I assumed he was downloading a website
rather than, say, a single tgz. httrack would be overkill for that.
But how would you like someone else's website to determine your own
home directory's files and folder structure.

The httrack manual documents this option:

 X *purge old files after update

where * is the default value.

This does imply that httrack can remove files as well as download them
(ie it tracks the files hosted somewhere else). The FAQ contains at
one point:
"Therefore, all other files have been deleted to show the current
state of the website!"

Hence my suggestion, as requested.


Re: ljudkortsfråga

2016-06-08 Thread karl
Kristoffer Gustafsson:
> Är det nån här på listan som har erfarenhet av ljudkort under debian?
> är intresserad av inspelning och sådanna saker bland annt.
> någon som testat mycket ljudkort underlinux, som kan svara på sådanna frågor?
> har rätt många.

Bara testat M-Audio 1010LT, pci, fungerar helt ok. Använder det för 
inspelning av kören mha. jack och ardour.

/Karl Hammar

Aspö Data
Lilla Aspö 148
S-742 94 Östhammar
0173 140 57

Re: console fonts and systemd (was ... Re: What can AppArmor do?)

2016-06-08 Thread David Wright
On Mon 06 Jun 2016 at 16:52:30 (+1200), wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 05, 2016 at 09:16:23AM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> > And here's my observation. When you type real quotation marks (ie ‘’“”),
> > the correct glyphs appear on the screen. After changing font, those
> > glyphs turn into different glyphs, but freshly typed quotation marks
> > appear with the correct glyphs.
> > 
> > I have no idea why this happens, but it does mean that your statement
> > above needs qualification. The glyphs that change to a sort of D shape
> > with a squiggle on top, are these glyphs that were already on the
> > screen before you changed choice, or are they fresh glyphs written 
> > afterwards?
> They were fresh glyphs written afterwards. The glyps I got were dependant on 
> the
> setting I chose in the second screen (after choosing UTF from the first.) 
> while
> doing 'dpkg-reconfigure console-setup'.
> I've now got it set to 'Guess optimal character set' which does do the quotes.
> It was when choosing the other options i noticed the D shape with a squiggle 
> on
> top.
> There is also setupcon (man setupcon) which may be of some interest.

Yes, that's what I used to use: setupcon -f
(aliased, naturally) where foo was small/medium/large/huge and the
associated files (in /etc/default) had the appropriate CODESET="Lat15"
FONTFACE="Terminus" FONTSIZE="10x20" lines.

But now I just call up the actual font file, and just for one VC at a time.
(I wonder why it's FONTSIZE="10x20" but Lat15-Terminus20x10.)

> Once I got the dlyphs showing correctly I didn't bother with the 
> technicalities
> any further --- although what the option 'Guess optimal character set' is 
> actually
> doing behind the scenes *may* be an option for further perusal. 

/bin/setupcon is just a script. AFAICT guessing the CHARMAP just uses the
locale's value. In turn, guessing the CODESET uses $CHARMAP in a case


Unexpected \Gamma's in tex

2016-06-08 Thread EenyMeenyMinyMoa

( \alpha \in \mathbb{C} )

I compiled this tex source by
$ platex 3.tex
But unexpected \Gamma's as the attached file appeared.


Re: Touchpad, audio, and wifi not working

2016-06-08 Thread Norbert Kiszka
Dnia 2016-06-08, śro o godzinie 19:30 -0500, Zachary Tretter pisze:
> I'm using an ASUS X555U laptop with an Intel Core i7-6500U CPU
> I have no touchpad or audio support. I hear these can be fixed by
> installing a linux-image v4.X or greater. Though if I use
> linux-image-4.5.0-2-amd64 I get an infinite loop when booting, setting
> pci=noaer just makes it freeze on boot. I'm using
> linux-image-3.16.0-4-amd64 which, other than the problems mentioned,
> is working fine.
> As for wifi, when I install firmware-realtek I also get an infinite
> loop when booting. But I can go into recovery mode to uninstall the
> package to fix that.
> Here's some output:
> dmesg
> speccy (from my windows partition)
> Really, getting wifi is the most important. I can live without the
> touchpad and audio support. I can provide more info if asked, I don't
> really know what output you guys need.
> Thank you.
Did You tried ndiswrapper for wifi?

Touchpad, audio, and wifi not working

2016-06-08 Thread Zachary Tretter
I'm using an ASUS X555U laptop with an Intel Core i7-6500U CPU

I have no touchpad or audio support. I hear these can be fixed by
installing a linux-image v4.X or greater. Though if I use
linux-image-4.5.0-2-amd64 I get an infinite loop when booting, setting
pci=noaer just makes it freeze on boot. I'm using
linux-image-3.16.0-4-amd64 which, other than the problems mentioned, is
working fine.

As for wifi, when I install firmware-realtek I also get an infinite loop
when booting. But I can go into recovery mode to uninstall the package to
fix that.

Here's some output:

speccy (from my windows partition)

Really, getting wifi is the most important. I can live without the touchpad
and audio support. I can provide more info if asked, I don't really know
what output you guys need.

Thank you.

Re: rkhunter -c, doesnt show any rootkit

2016-06-08 Thread Dan Purgert
David Wright wrote:
> On Wed 08 Jun 2016 at 20:51:55 (+0300), Nikos Macheras wrote:
>> On 06/07/2016 01:50 PM, wrote:
>> >On Tue, Jun 07, 2016 at 01:29:28PM +0300, wrote:
>> >>There is a problem to a computer,
>> >>It loses files, not very often, files downloaded from internet.
>> >It *only* loses files downloaded from the internet? How do you download
>> >those files?
>> >Are you sure that this isn't something (perhaps the browser) cleaning
>> >up old files?
>> The last time, was with httrack, after download files (45 files),
>> after some minutes dissapeared. repeated three times. The computer
>> has not any port open on external interfaces (eth0,wlan0), it runs
>> debian wheezy .On cron i dont see something that could remove theese
>> files.
>> Any suggestion?
> [also]
>> The Download target was $HOME
> Whose $HOME? It would be bizarre to download a website into your own
> home directory. Someone changing files on the other side of the world
> could change files in your own home directory.

Well, if he's /Downloading/ something (e.g. the latest *.tgz for some
sourcecode), one would imagine it's HIS $HOME (or at least $HOME of the
currently logged in user).  This is the default action in Iceweasel --
or, at least on my install it was.

Or have I missed something somewhere?  Seems the thread got broken
somewhere, so not 100% certain if this is the latest info ... 

|_|O|_| Registered Linux user #585947
|_|_|O| Github:

Trabajo Linux Debian Mexico

2016-06-08 Thread Abraham Rico
Somos un proveedor de acceso a Internet vía microndas WISP con servicios y 
soluciones en la nube, en la ciudad de Guadalajara, contamos con una amplia 
base instalada de clientes importantes y actualmente estamos buscando un 
ingeniero para laborar de soporte técnico, con el siguiente perfil:

 * Administración e instalación de Linux

 * Conocimientos en redes de computo

   * Ruteo estático y dinámico (ospf, bgp, etc.)

   * DHCP

   * IP address, netmask, gateway

   * VPN

 * Experiencia en programación bash, etc. +plus

 * Trabajo en equipo

 * Manejo de sistema de tickets

 * Amabilidad hacia el cliente

Abraham Rico

Re: servidor Ldap en debian

2016-06-08 Thread Fausto Disla
Mmmm algo me dice ese es para mi, jajajaja

Ta buena esa, ya lo estoy leyendo.
On Jun 8, 2016 10:00 AM, "Juan Lavieri"  wrote:

> Hola.
> El 08-06-2016 a las 09:14 a.m., Gonzalo Rivero escribió:
>> El mar, 07-06-2016 a las 20:24 -0500, jorge serna escribió:
>>> tutorial completo para montar un servidor Openldap en debian
>> podés ver por aquí alguno:
> Oye Gonzalo, no seas mala gente.  Pon la búsqueda en youtube.  No te das
> cuenta que eso de leer cansa.
> Saludos
> --
> Juan M Lavieri
> Errar es de humanos, pero es mas humano culpar a los demás.

Re: Backup com Rsync

2016-06-08 Thread Leonardo Rocha

On 08-06-2016 14:39, Flavio Menezes dos Reis wrote:
> Leonardo,
> Além de usar o rsync, se ainda associares aos snapshots do ZFS (caso
> tenha espaço disponível), terás um sistema imbatível.
> Atte.,
> Em 7 de junho de 2016 14:18, Fabricio Cannini  > escreveu:
> Tanto programa de backup disponível e tu quer reinventar a roda?
> Dá uma olhada em 'aptitude search backup' se não tem um que faz o
> que tu quer, e também o truque do udev do Lucas Castro.
> [ ]'s
> -- 
> Flávio Menezes dos Reis
> Analista de Informática
> Seção de Infraestrutura de Rede - Assessoria de Informática
> Procuradoria-Geral do Estado do RS
> (51) 3288 1764

Devo partilhar essa informação. Encontrei algo bem interessante na
documentação do Debian. Agora precisarei ler


Leonardo Rocha

Re: Backup com Rsync

2016-06-08 Thread Leonardo Rocha

On 08-06-2016 14:39, Flavio Menezes dos Reis wrote:
> Leonardo,
> Além de usar o rsync, se ainda associares aos snapshots do ZFS (caso
> tenha espaço disponível), terás um sistema imbatível.
> Atte.,
> Em 7 de junho de 2016 14:18, Fabricio Cannini  > escreveu:
> Tanto programa de backup disponível e tu quer reinventar a roda?
> Dá uma olhada em 'aptitude search backup' se não tem um que faz o
> que tu quer, e também o truque do udev do Lucas Castro.
> [ ]'s
> -- 
> Flávio Menezes dos Reis
> Analista de Informática
> Seção de Infraestrutura de Rede - Assessoria de Informática
> Procuradoria-Geral do Estado do RS
> (51) 3288 1764

Oi Flávio, boa noite! Muito obrigado pelo retorno viu. Bom, não penso em
algo tão robusto, é uma coisa mais simples. Na verdade só não quero te
trabalho. Comprei um HD externo só pra backup (meu notebook não anda
bem). Quero só espetar ele e o backup acontecer de maneira automática,
sem que eu tenha que digitar nada ou startar qualquer processo. Por isso
pensei em algo automatizado com o rsync.

Você conseguiu êxito nos teus testes? Poderia socializar por favor?

Leonardo Rocha


2016-06-08 Thread Kristoffer Gustafsson
Är det nån här på listan som har erfarenhet av ljudkort under debian?
är intresserad av inspelning och sådanna saker bland annt.
någon som testat mycket ljudkort underlinux, som kan svara på sådanna frågor?
har rätt många.

Re: curl and form submission

2016-06-08 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, Jun 08, 2016 at 01:06:32PM -0700, A wrote:
> I'm no expert on wget, but have you tried RTFM:
> ‘--user=user’
> ‘--password=password’
>Specify the username user and password password for both FTP and
>HTTP file retrieval. These parameters can be overridden using the
>‘--ftp-user’ and ‘--ftp-password’ options for FTP connections and
>the ‘--http-user’ and ‘--http-password’ options for HTTP connections.
> And just for relative completeness:
> ‘--ask-password’
>Prompt for a password for each connection established. Cannot be
>specified when ‘--password’ is being used, because they are mutually

Unfortunately, this is for "standard" http authentification. I
believe that the server is doing its own thing here with auth, as
is, (unfortunately) custom.

It might be worth a try, though: it'd save one http turnaround.

- -- t
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)



2016-06-08 Thread Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA , Leandro
2016-06-08 16:44 GMT-03:00 Flavio Menezes dos Reis :
> Quanto à IRAID

Iraid?  Algo novo ou só erro de digitação?

> mesmo que no significado tenha inexpensive, no mundo real,
> TODOS os storages de alguns milhões utilizam outros discos que não
> inexpensives.

Mas estamos falando disso?  Imagino que não seja nem a experiência do
consulente, nem da maioria de nós.  Até porque se alguém usou alguns
milhões (mesmo que de pobres reais) para comprar um equipamento, deve
ter contratado também alguém que não precisa de nossa humilde lista
para aprender o beabá do Raid e sobre o Baarf.

Aliás, com a crise cabulosa do jeito que está, o ‘barato’ ganha nova
relevância.  E essa é a promessa do Raid: não precisar gastar milhões,
mas ter ao menos os benefícios mais fundamentais dos milhões com meras

> Até quando eu pude falar com Andre no último FISL, sobre ZFS, eles estavam
> utilizando, em produção, FreeBSD com OpenZFS.

Interessante.  Faz sentido, principalmente se o FreeBSD já tiver
resolvido os problemas de escalabilidade com multiprocessamento e de
ineficiência de pilha de rede de alguns anos atrás, o que imagino já
tenha com louvor.  Embora eu mesmo tenha uma queda pelo OpenBSD e sua
auditoria de código-fonte.


skype:leandro.gfc.dutra?chat  Yahoo!: ymsgr:sendIM?lgcdutra
+55 (61) 3546 7191  gTalk:
+55 (61) 9302 2691ICQ/AIM: aim:GoIM?screenname=61287803
BRAZIL GMT−3  MSN: msnim:chat?

Unattended-upgrades do not seem to be able to restart services

2016-06-08 Thread Jesper Dybdal
I am running up-to-date Jessie (8.5) with unattended-upgrades to provide
security upgrades.  But it seems that its attempts to restart services

Early this morning unattended-upgrades upgraded "libexpat1".

At the end of unattended-upgrades-dpkg.log, I see:

>Services to be restarted:
>Skipping dbus.service...
>systemctl restart apache2.service cron.service
>Log ended: 2016-06-08  04:36:36

However, apache2 and cron have not been restarted - they've been running
since June 5:

>root   622  0.0  0.0  27504  2860 ?Ss   Jun05   0:00 
>/usr/sbin/cron -f
>root   748  0.0  0.1  80220  4928 ?Ss   Jun05   0:02 
>/usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
>www-data   751  0.0  0.1 828208  5908 ?Sl   Jun05   0:13 
>/usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
>www-data   752  0.0  0.1 500520  4688 ?Sl   Jun05   0:13 
>/usr/sbin/apache2 -k start

If I manually execute the exact same systemctl command that
unattended-upgrades said that it used, it works fine:

# systemctl restart apache2.service cron.service

Now they have actually been restarted:
>root 27126  0.0  0.0  27504  2856 ?Ss   22:04   0:00 
>/usr/sbin/cron -f
>root 27162  0.0  0.1  80220  5020 ?Ss   22:04   0:00 
>/usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
>www-data 27165  0.0  0.1 369368  4452 ?Sl   22:04   0:00 
>/usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
>www-data 27166  0.0  0.1 369368  4452 ?Sl   22:04   0:00 
>/usr/sbin/apache2 -k start

I can find nothing in the logs about problems at that time (2016-06-08

Can someone tell me what I've done wrong?
Jesper Dybdal, Denmark. (in Danish).

Re: curl and form submission

2016-06-08 Thread A

I'm no expert on wget, but have you tried RTFM:


   Specify the username user and password password for both FTP and
   HTTP file retrieval. These parameters can be overridden using the
   ‘--ftp-user’ and ‘--ftp-password’ options for FTP connections and
   the ‘--http-user’ and ‘--http-password’ options for HTTP connections.

And just for relative completeness:


   Prompt for a password for each connection established. Cannot be
   specified when ‘--password’ is being used, because they are mutually

- A

On 06/07/2016 05:23 PM, Oliver Briscbois wrote:

On 2016-06-07, Bob  wrote:

Hello list,

I'm trying to automate my internet login which is based on a web form.

Good question. I hope someone follows up with an answer. I'll be
following this thread. I've been trying the same thing with wget without


Re: rkhunter -c, doesnt show any rootkit

2016-06-08 Thread Norbert Kiszka
Dnia 2016-06-08, śro o godzinie 20:51 +0300, Nikos Macheras pisze:
> On 06/07/2016 01:50 PM, wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > On Tue, Jun 07, 2016 at 01:29:28PM +0300, wrote:
> >> Hello to list,
> >>
> >> There is a problem to a computer,
> >> It loses files, not very often, files downloaded from internet.
> > It *only* loses files downloaded from the internet? How do you download
> > those files?
> >
> > Are you sure that this isn't something (perhaps the browser) cleaning
> > up old files?
> >
> > Is there any other repeatable pattern?
> >
> >> rkhunter -c,  doesnt show any rootkit, smartctl --all /dev/sdX ,
> >> shows a healthy hard disk.
> >>
> >> Any suggestion?
> > Tell us more :-)
> >
> > regards
> > - -- t
> > Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
> >
> > iEYEARECAAYFAldWpvwACgkQBcgs9XrR2kaulACeL60hjXFXbl2GxyQKbmxw9Y/n
> > lWoAn36op+WknedtUx+eUVC1StQ8PgJe
> > =zGyk
> >
> >
> Hello,
> The last time, was with httrack, after download files (45 files), after 
> some minutes dissapeared. repeated three times. The computer has not any 
> port open on external interfaces (eth0,wlan0), it runs debian wheezy .On 
> cron i dont see something that could remove theese files.
> Any suggestion?

1. Check logs.
2. Which fs on home?


2016-06-08 Thread Flavio Menezes dos Reis
DUTRA, vou inverter um pouco as respostas:

Quanto à IRAID, mesmo que no significado tenha inexpensive, no mundo real,
TODOS os storages de alguns milhões utilizam outros discos que não

Até quando eu pude falar com Andre no último FISL, sobre ZFS, eles estavam
utilizando, em produção, FreeBSD com OpenZFS.


Em 8 de junho de 2016 16:41, Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA <> escreveu:

> Le 8 juin 2016 16:26:52 GMT-03:00, Flavio Menezes dos Reis <
>> a écrit :
> >
> >Desculpe se não fui a fundo com muito mais informações, afinal não
> >tinha a
> >intenção de propor um curso sobre ZFS num simples post.
> Tranqüilo.  Quis esclarecer que o consulente parece estar iniciando nesse
> mundo e as coisas são um pouco mais complicadas que parecem à primeira
> vista.
> > Inclusive a SERPRO tem utilizado ZFS há
> >muitos
> >anos em detrimento a RAID por hardware.
> Eles estão no Debian, Solaris ou BSD, sabes?
> >E quanto à matriz de discos baratos, não procede, pois a escolha da
> >qualidade dos discos estará ligada diretamente à qualidade do
> >armazenamento
> >que se deseja.
> Mas esse é o significado de Raid, /redundant array of inexpensive disks/.
> Porque a idéia original era uma alternativa aos discos de /mainframe/.
> --
> skype:leandro.gfc.dutra?chat  Yahoo!: ymsgr:sendIM?lgcdutra
> +55 (61) 3546 7191 (Net)gTalk:
> +55 (61) 9302 2691 (Vivo) ICQ/AIM: aim:GoIM?screenname=61287803
> BRAZIL GMT−3  MSN: msnim:chat?

Flávio Menezes dos Reis
Analista de Informática
Seção de Infraestrutura de Rede - Assessoria de Informática
Procuradoria-Geral do Estado do RS
(51) 3288 1764

Re: rkhunter -c, doesnt show any rootkit

2016-06-08 Thread David Wright
On Wed 08 Jun 2016 at 20:51:55 (+0300), Nikos Macheras wrote:
> On 06/07/2016 01:50 PM, wrote:
> >On Tue, Jun 07, 2016 at 01:29:28PM +0300, wrote:
> >>There is a problem to a computer,
> >>It loses files, not very often, files downloaded from internet.
> >It *only* loses files downloaded from the internet? How do you download
> >those files?
> >Are you sure that this isn't something (perhaps the browser) cleaning
> >up old files?
> The last time, was with httrack, after download files (45 files),
> after some minutes dissapeared. repeated three times. The computer
> has not any port open on external interfaces (eth0,wlan0), it runs
> debian wheezy .On cron i dont see something that could remove theese
> files.
> Any suggestion?


> The Download target was $HOME

Whose $HOME? It would be bizarre to download a website into your own
home directory. Someone changing files on the other side of the world
could change files in your own home directory.

How familiar are you with httrack? One of its own abilities is to
remove downloaded files without any specific action by yourself.
That's because it tracks.

What's in the logs (httrack's, that is)?


Re: (deb-cat) e4defrag a mitges

2016-06-08 Thread Alex Muntada
Narcis Garcia:

> A alguns ordinadors antics els reviso *molts* detalls per aconseguir una
> engruna més de velocitat, que en aquest cas té a veure amb l'arrencada i
> amb la càrrega d'aplicacions.

Has pogut comprovar empíricament alguna millora de rendiment amb
la desfragmentació? El rendiment de l'accés a disc varia molt en
funció de l'ús i no tinc gens clar que compensi l'esforç de
preocupar-se d'això.

He trobat un article molt interessant i llarg sobre el tema però
segueixo sense estar convençut que l'article justifiqui que es
faci desfragmentació periòdicament si realment no es percep cap

D'altra banda, si ho he entès bé, e4defrag permet desfragmentar
en calent. Però si hom reinicia o atura l'ordinador de tant en
tant, en arrencar ja es comprova la fragmentació del sistema de
fitxers i es corregeix si és greu. Així doncs, semblaria que
e4defrag pot ser útil per a servidors que tinguin problemes
importants de fragmentació i que no es puguin reiniciar però
no per a equips d'escriptori.

En qualsevol cas, gràcies per despatar el tema perquè no sabia
que existís aquesta eina.



2016-06-08 Thread Flavio Menezes dos Reis
Para que não fique dúvida, eu tenho utilizado ZFS em Debian e não em BSD

Em 8 de junho de 2016 16:26, Flavio Menezes dos Reis <> escreveu:

> Desculpe se não fui a fundo com muito mais informações, afinal não tinha a
> intenção de propor um curso sobre ZFS num simples post.
> Quanto à maturidade, obviamente ela é muito maior no BSD (nem cito
> Solaris), pois há muito é utilizada desde que o ZFS tornou-se livre
> (juntamente com o Solaris). Inclusive a SERPRO tem utilizado ZFS há muitos
> anos em detrimento a RAID por hardware. Eis um apresentação do André Felipe
> Machado
> E quanto à matriz de discos baratos, não procede, pois a escolha da
> qualidade dos discos estará ligada diretamente à qualidade do armazenamento
> que se deseja.
> Atte.,
> Em 8 de junho de 2016 15:49, Rodolfo  escreveu:
>> Não vi problema nenhum no conselho que o outro colega deu, a pesquisa e
>> análise da utilização ou não do conselho cabe ao interessado na mensagem
>> verificar, independente da pouco informação dada, logo, não vejo qualquer
>> problema no conselho dado.
>> Em 8 de junho de 2016 14:45, Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA, Leandro <
>>> escreveu:
>>> 2016-06-08 14:41 GMT-03:00 Flavio Menezes dos Reis <
>>> >
>>> > Desculpa quem ainda gosta de RAID+LVM, mas nada se compara a ZFS. Tenho
>>> > usado a dois anos, além da robustez, tem uma facilidade de uso
>>> incrível.
>>> Tomemos cuidado com conselhos na lista.  ZFS pode ser um produto
>>> fantástico, mas o que ele faz, entre outras coisas, é implementar uma
>>> MRDB (matriz redundante de discos [relativamente] baratos) — ou seja,
>>> Raid.
>>> No Solaris, talvez seja hoje a maneira mais recomendada de fazer Raid.
>>> Mas tenho minhas dúvidas se isso também vale para outros SOs.
>>> De qualquer maneira, o mínimo que devemos fazer é dar informação
>>> suficiente para quem for seguir o conselho dado.  Por exemplo, a
>>> equivalência entre os níveis de Raid e os nomes comerciais do ZFS:
>>> — tenho bronca de
>>> quem fica mudando os nomes das coisas, como o ZFS faz com os nomes dos
>>> níveis do Raid.  E deveríamos também informar qual o nível de
>>> maturidade do produto proposto na plataforma do consulente.
>>> --
>>> skype:leandro.gfc.dutra?chat  Yahoo!: ymsgr:sendIM?lgcdutra
>>> +55 (61) 3546 7191  gTalk:
>>> +55 (61) 9302 2691ICQ/AIM: aim:GoIM?screenname=61287803
>>> BRAZIL GMT−3  MSN: msnim:chat?
> --
> Flávio Menezes dos Reis
> Analista de Informática
> Seção de Infraestrutura de Rede - Assessoria de Informática
> Procuradoria-Geral do Estado do RS
> (51) 3288 1764

Flávio Menezes dos Reis
Analista de Informática
Seção de Infraestrutura de Rede - Assessoria de Informática
Procuradoria-Geral do Estado do RS
(51) 3288 1764


2016-06-08 Thread Flavio Menezes dos Reis

Desculpe se não fui a fundo com muito mais informações, afinal não tinha a
intenção de propor um curso sobre ZFS num simples post.

Quanto à maturidade, obviamente ela é muito maior no BSD (nem cito
Solaris), pois há muito é utilizada desde que o ZFS tornou-se livre
(juntamente com o Solaris). Inclusive a SERPRO tem utilizado ZFS há muitos
anos em detrimento a RAID por hardware. Eis um apresentação do André Felipe

E quanto à matriz de discos baratos, não procede, pois a escolha da
qualidade dos discos estará ligada diretamente à qualidade do armazenamento
que se deseja.


Em 8 de junho de 2016 15:49, Rodolfo  escreveu:

> Não vi problema nenhum no conselho que o outro colega deu, a pesquisa e
> análise da utilização ou não do conselho cabe ao interessado na mensagem
> verificar, independente da pouco informação dada, logo, não vejo qualquer
> problema no conselho dado.
> Em 8 de junho de 2016 14:45, Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA, Leandro <
>> escreveu:
>> 2016-06-08 14:41 GMT-03:00 Flavio Menezes dos Reis <
>> >
>> > Desculpa quem ainda gosta de RAID+LVM, mas nada se compara a ZFS. Tenho
>> > usado a dois anos, além da robustez, tem uma facilidade de uso incrível.
>> Tomemos cuidado com conselhos na lista.  ZFS pode ser um produto
>> fantástico, mas o que ele faz, entre outras coisas, é implementar uma
>> MRDB (matriz redundante de discos [relativamente] baratos) — ou seja,
>> Raid.
>> No Solaris, talvez seja hoje a maneira mais recomendada de fazer Raid.
>> Mas tenho minhas dúvidas se isso também vale para outros SOs.
>> De qualquer maneira, o mínimo que devemos fazer é dar informação
>> suficiente para quem for seguir o conselho dado.  Por exemplo, a
>> equivalência entre os níveis de Raid e os nomes comerciais do ZFS:
>> — tenho bronca de
>> quem fica mudando os nomes das coisas, como o ZFS faz com os nomes dos
>> níveis do Raid.  E deveríamos também informar qual o nível de
>> maturidade do produto proposto na plataforma do consulente.
>> --
>> skype:leandro.gfc.dutra?chat  Yahoo!: ymsgr:sendIM?lgcdutra
>> +55 (61) 3546 7191  gTalk:
>> +55 (61) 9302 2691ICQ/AIM: aim:GoIM?screenname=61287803
>> BRAZIL GMT−3  MSN: msnim:chat?

Flávio Menezes dos Reis
Analista de Informática
Seção de Infraestrutura de Rede - Assessoria de Informática
Procuradoria-Geral do Estado do RS
(51) 3288 1764


2016-06-08 Thread Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA
Le 8 juin 2016 16:26:52 GMT-03:00, Flavio Menezes dos Reis 
 a écrit :
>Desculpe se não fui a fundo com muito mais informações, afinal não
>tinha a
>intenção de propor um curso sobre ZFS num simples post.

Tranqüilo.  Quis esclarecer que o consulente parece estar iniciando nesse mundo 
e as coisas são um pouco mais complicadas que parecem à primeira vista.

> Inclusive a SERPRO tem utilizado ZFS há
>anos em detrimento a RAID por hardware.

Eles estão no Debian, Solaris ou BSD, sabes?

>E quanto à matriz de discos baratos, não procede, pois a escolha da
>qualidade dos discos estará ligada diretamente à qualidade do
>que se deseja.

Mas esse é o significado de Raid, /redundant array of inexpensive disks/.  
Porque a idéia original era uma alternativa aos discos de /mainframe/.

skype:leandro.gfc.dutra?chat  Yahoo!: ymsgr:sendIM?lgcdutra
+55 (61) 3546 7191 (Net)gTalk:
+55 (61) 9302 2691 (Vivo) ICQ/AIM: aim:GoIM?screenname=61287803
BRAZIL GMT−3  MSN: msnim:chat?

Re: Upgrading from Backports

2016-06-08 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Wed, 08 Jun 2016, Alex Mestiashvili wrote:

> On 06/07/2016 11:46 PM, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> > Need to upgrade claws-mail installed from regular repo to a newer
> > version in wheezy-backports.  I don't want to end up with two
> > installed versions.  Have done research, but have found nothing
> > specific about this particular procedure.  Would
> > 
> >apt-get install -t wheezy-backports claws-mail= > number>
> > 
> > upgrade the old version or just install the new version along side
> > the old.
> > 
> It will upgrade the package. In this case backports simply provide a
> more up-to-date version of the same software.

That's what I thought.  I just wanted to be safe rather than sorry.



Re: Upgrading from Backports

2016-06-08 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Wed, 08 Jun 2016, Jochen Spieker wrote:

> Patrick Bartek:
> > Need to upgrade claws-mail installed from regular repo to a newer
> > version in wheezy-backports.  I don't want to end up with two
> > installed versions.  Have done research, but have found nothing
> > specific about this particular procedure.  Would
> > 
> >apt-get install -t wheezy-backports claws-mail= > number>
> > 
> > upgrade the old version or just install the new version along side
> > the old.
> A Debian package can only ever be installed in one version at a time
> on one machine. The package is defined by its name. In your example,
> claws-mail is the package name and if it is already installed then it
> will be upgraded. You can most probably leave out the version number
> behind the package name. I would be surprised if wheezy-backports
> contained more than one version of claws-mail. And even if that was
> the case, apt-get would then pick the most recent version.
> > Or would it be easier to "remove" the old version keeping all the
> > configs, etc., and install the new one from backports?  I did this
> > with LibreOffice a few years ago.  Worked fine.
> Doesn't really make a difference. The state of your system should be
> the same after either 'remove && install' or a simple 'install'.

I'll try "upgrading" without the version number.

Yes, there's only one version of claws-mail in wheezy-backports, which
is newer than the regular repo version.

Thanks for clarifying.


Re: wrong owner of /run/user/1000/dconf/user causes X to freeze

2016-06-08 Thread Brian
On Wed 08 Jun 2016 at 12:31:48 -0400, Dan Ritter wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 08, 2016 at 05:36:51PM +0200, wrote:
> > 
> > About my question:
> > wrong owner of /run/user/1000/dconf/user causes X to freeze
> >
> > 
> > 
> > Is debian-user@ perhaps the wrong list for such a question?  Which one
> > would be better?
> > 
> no, this is a perfectly fine list to ask that question.
> The problem is that the answer is "systemd".

Even before June is over you win this month's prize for the most useless
post to -user. The committee is unaminous on this. Well done! Wear your
badge with pride.

The question was

  How can I file a Debian bug report, without assigning it to a
  specific package?

Your answer is so tangential it requires use of the axe-to-grind package
to make headway with a response.

Re: (deb-cat) e4defrag a mitges

2016-06-08 Thread Ernest Adrogué
2016-06- 8, 19:32 (+0200); Josep Lladonosa escriu:
> Necessites realment desfragmentar? Pel que diuen, no cal, si tens la
> partició a menys del 80-95% d'ocupació.

Que jo sàpiga ext2/3/4 no necessita desfragmentar.  Sense haver
desfragmentat mai aquest disc, ho acabo de mirar i només troba 2 fitxers
fragmentats, amb un 67% d'ocupació.  Si en troba desenes de milers diria que
alguna cosa no funciona.


2016-06-08 Thread Rodolfo
Não vi problema nenhum no conselho que o outro colega deu, a pesquisa e
análise da utilização ou não do conselho cabe ao interessado na mensagem
verificar, independente da pouco informação dada, logo, não vejo qualquer
problema no conselho dado.

Em 8 de junho de 2016 14:45, Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA, Leandro <> escreveu:

> 2016-06-08 14:41 GMT-03:00 Flavio Menezes dos Reis <
> >
> > Desculpa quem ainda gosta de RAID+LVM, mas nada se compara a ZFS. Tenho
> > usado a dois anos, além da robustez, tem uma facilidade de uso incrível.
> Tomemos cuidado com conselhos na lista.  ZFS pode ser um produto
> fantástico, mas o que ele faz, entre outras coisas, é implementar uma
> MRDB (matriz redundante de discos [relativamente] baratos) — ou seja,
> Raid.
> No Solaris, talvez seja hoje a maneira mais recomendada de fazer Raid.
> Mas tenho minhas dúvidas se isso também vale para outros SOs.
> De qualquer maneira, o mínimo que devemos fazer é dar informação
> suficiente para quem for seguir o conselho dado.  Por exemplo, a
> equivalência entre os níveis de Raid e os nomes comerciais do ZFS:
> — tenho bronca de
> quem fica mudando os nomes das coisas, como o ZFS faz com os nomes dos
> níveis do Raid.  E deveríamos também informar qual o nível de
> maturidade do produto proposto na plataforma do consulente.
> --
> skype:leandro.gfc.dutra?chat  Yahoo!: ymsgr:sendIM?lgcdutra
> +55 (61) 3546 7191  gTalk:
> +55 (61) 9302 2691ICQ/AIM: aim:GoIM?screenname=61287803
> BRAZIL GMT−3  MSN: msnim:chat?


2016-06-08 Thread Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA , Leandro
2016-06-08 14:41 GMT-03:00 Flavio Menezes dos Reis :
> Desculpa quem ainda gosta de RAID+LVM, mas nada se compara a ZFS. Tenho
> usado a dois anos, além da robustez, tem uma facilidade de uso incrível.

Tomemos cuidado com conselhos na lista.  ZFS pode ser um produto
fantástico, mas o que ele faz, entre outras coisas, é implementar uma
MRDB (matriz redundante de discos [relativamente] baratos) — ou seja,

No Solaris, talvez seja hoje a maneira mais recomendada de fazer Raid.
Mas tenho minhas dúvidas se isso também vale para outros SOs.

De qualquer maneira, o mínimo que devemos fazer é dar informação
suficiente para quem for seguir o conselho dado.  Por exemplo, a
equivalência entre os níveis de Raid e os nomes comerciais do ZFS: — tenho bronca de
quem fica mudando os nomes das coisas, como o ZFS faz com os nomes dos
níveis do Raid.  E deveríamos também informar qual o nível de
maturidade do produto proposto na plataforma do consulente.

skype:leandro.gfc.dutra?chat  Yahoo!: ymsgr:sendIM?lgcdutra
+55 (61) 3546 7191  gTalk:
+55 (61) 9302 2691ICQ/AIM: aim:GoIM?screenname=61287803
BRAZIL GMT−3  MSN: msnim:chat?

Re: Lose Files, rkhunter -c, doesnt show any rootkit, healthy hard disk

2016-06-08 Thread Norbert Kiszka
Dnia 2016-06-08, śro o godzinie 21:20 +0300, Nikos Macheras pisze:
> On 06/07/2016 02:52 PM, Dan Purgert wrote:
> > wrote:
> >> Hello to list,
> >>
> >> There is a problem to a computer,
> >> It loses files, not very often, files downloaded from internet.
> >> rkhunter -c,  doesnt show any rootkit, smartctl --all /dev/sdX , shows a
> >> healthy hard disk.
> >>
> >> Any suggestion?
> > Where's your "Download" target?  $HOME/Downloads, $HOME, somewhere else?
> >
> >
> >
> Hello,
> The Download target was $HOME
> thank you
> Nikos Macheras

In this case, my every time first checkpoint is to check /usr/sbin/sshd
- is it changed to another file? - check for size, md5/sha sum or ev.
do binary diff.

BTW. Did You checked syslog/dmesg/messages/etc?

Exim is installed? What version?

Re: (deb-cat) e4defrag a mitges

2016-06-08 Thread Narcis Garcia
Si, la forma «manual» de desfragmentar (còpia, formatat i restauració)
ja la utilitzava abans de trobar el e4defrag, però no té els avantatges
que el e4defrag com per exemple poder disposar de l'ordinador
immediatament o fer-ho per control remot.

A alguns ordinadors antics els reviso *molts* detalls per aconseguir una
engruna més de velocitat, que en aquest cas té a veure amb l'arrencada i
amb la càrrega d'aplicacions.

El 08/06/16 a les 19:32, Josep Lladonosa ha escrit:
> On 8 Jun 2016 16:45, "Narcis Garcia"  > wrote:
>> He provat aquesta eina de e2fsprogs defragmentant particions de diversos
>> ordinadors (Debian 7, Debian 8, Ubuntu 14, arrel, /home separat o no,
>> /boot separat o no, etc.) I al final conclou amb un recompte de fitxers
>> defragmentats existosament i dels que no.
>> Els que no (Failure) sempre són una bona quantitat, menor que els
>> defragmentats (success) però tamé arriba a les desenes de milers.
>> Perquè?
>> Què puc fer per assolir una defragmentació completa, almenys dels fitxers?
> 1) Còpia fitxers en dispositiu extern.
> 2) Esborrat fitxers.
> 3) Restauració fitxers
> Necessites realment desfragmentar? Pel que diuen, no cal, si tens la
> partició a menys del 80-95% d'ocupació.
>> Gràcies.

Re: Version and Release

2016-06-08 Thread Brad Rogers
On Wed, 8 Jun 2016 18:41:52 +0100
Joe  wrote:

Hello Joe,

>Indeed, but the console distribution ID line (currently) shows
>'stretch/sid' and the default splash screen currently shows 'Debian 8'.

Which possibly only added to Chris' (OP) confusion.

>It is recommended that the sources.list file for unstable contains
>references to both unstable and testing, but the '/sid' ID

I wasn't aware of that.  Although, as I only use testing not unstable,
it's of academic interest only.  Thanks.

 Regards  _
 / )   "The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent"
When I say ugly, I don't mean rough looking, I mean hideous
Ugly - The Stranglers

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Lose Files, rkhunter -c, doesnt show any rootkit, healthy hard disk

2016-06-08 Thread Nikos Macheras

On 06/07/2016 02:52 PM, Dan Purgert wrote: wrote:

Hello to list,

There is a problem to a computer,
It loses files, not very often, files downloaded from internet.
rkhunter -c,  doesnt show any rootkit, smartctl --all /dev/sdX , shows a
healthy hard disk.

Any suggestion?

Where's your "Download" target?  $HOME/Downloads, $HOME, somewhere else?

The Download target was $HOME

thank you
Nikos Macheras


2016-06-08 Thread Caio Ferreira

Eu fiz como teste de estudo de caso e escrita de um texto/howto.

Uma boa pedida, estudar ZFS.

Um grande abraço

> On Jun 8, 2016, at 2:41 PM, Flavio Menezes dos Reis 
>  wrote:
> Galera,
> Desculpa quem ainda gosta de RAID+LVM, mas nada se compara a ZFS. Tenho usado 
> a dois anos, além da robustez, tem uma facilidade de uso incrível.
> Recomendo a todos que estão pensando em criar mais um RAID+LVM.
> Atte.,
> Em 30 de maio de 2016 15:46, Caio Ferreira  > escreveu:
> Adriano
> Obrigado pela ajuda, funcionou.
> > On May 25, 2016, at 6:05 PM, Adriano Rafael Gomes  > > wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 05:19:10PM -0300, Caio Ferreira wrote:
> >> Aguém teria uma ideia de como fazer um teste em relação ao RAID 1?
> >
> > Segue uma cópia das anotações que eu fiz quando estudei RAID 1. São de
> > 2007, veja se ainda podem ser aplicadas:
> >
> > Exibir o status do array:
> >
> > cat /proc/mdstat
> >
> > sudo mdadm --query --detail /dev/md0
> >
> > Remover um disco hot-swap do array:
> >
> > mdadm --set-faulty /dev/md0 /dev/sda1
> > mdadm --set-faulty /dev/md1 /dev/sda2
> >
> > mdadm --remove /dev/md0 /dev/sda1
> > mdadm --remove /dev/md1 /dev/sda2
> >
> > Para remover um disco não hot-swap não precisa rodar estes comandos
> > acima, basta desligar o servidor e retirar o disco, e depois religar o
> > servidor.
> >
> > Re-adicionar um disco ao array:
> >
> > mdadm --re-add /dev/md0 /dev/sda1
> > mdadm --re-add /dev/md1 /dev/sda2
> >
> > Adicionar um disco novo ao array:
> >
> > sfdisk -d /dev/sda | sfdisk /dev/sdb
> >
> > mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sdb1
> > mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sdb2
> >
> > mdadm --add /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1
> > mdadm --add /dev/md1 /dev/sdb2
> -- 
> Flávio Menezes dos Reis
> Analista de Informática
> Seção de Infraestrutura de Rede - Assessoria de Informática
> Procuradoria-Geral do Estado do RS
> (51) 3288 1764

Re: Version and Release

2016-06-08 Thread Joe
On Wed, 8 Jun 2016 13:28:16 +0200
""  wrote:

> AA... I see.
> That makes perfect sense.

A bit more information: there is generally a release about every two
years. About eighteen months after a release, testing is 'frozen', in
that no new package versions will be added without good reason and
considerable discussion, and the priority shifts to clearing the
release-critical bugs ready for the next release.

Before the freeze, testing isn't too far removed from unstable, in
general a new package in unstable which does not show serious problems
within about two weeks will be moved on into testing.

After the freeze, unstable continues to advance, but without any
serious architecture changes. People who continuously use testing will
receive six months' worth of new packages immediately after a release,
but the upgrade should occur without problems. Now unstable can receive
larger changes which can be accepted one by one, but which would risk
the big testing upgrade failing if they had already been in unstable
at release time. Immediately after release, both testing and unstable
become somewhat interesting to use...

The main priority of Debian is that every stable version can be
upgraded in-place to the next version, and lower priorities are that
both testing and unstable should remain usable at all times. These are
different goals to those of most other distributions, and are the
reason why Debian software versions are sometimes fairly old. Knoppix,
for example, though based on Debian, is explicitly described as
non-maintainable, and when a new version is released, you throw the old
one away. This is an important issue for servers, where a from-scratch
installation and restoration of configurations into different software
versions can be a large job. Upgrade of a Debian server is not exactly
a routine matter, but it is generally all over in an hour, usually with
only a few minutes offline.


Re: rkhunter -c, doesnt show any rootkit

2016-06-08 Thread Nikos Macheras

On 06/07/2016 01:50 PM, wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Jun 07, 2016 at 01:29:28PM +0300, wrote:

Hello to list,

There is a problem to a computer,
It loses files, not very often, files downloaded from internet.

It *only* loses files downloaded from the internet? How do you download
those files?

Are you sure that this isn't something (perhaps the browser) cleaning
up old files?

Is there any other repeatable pattern?

rkhunter -c,  doesnt show any rootkit, smartctl --all /dev/sdX ,
shows a healthy hard disk.

Any suggestion?

Tell us more :-)

- -- t
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


The last time, was with httrack, after download files (45 files), after 
some minutes dissapeared. repeated three times. The computer has not any 
port open on external interfaces (eth0,wlan0), it runs debian wheezy .On 
cron i dont see something that could remove theese files.

Any suggestion?


2016-06-08 Thread Flavio Menezes dos Reis

Desculpa quem ainda gosta de RAID+LVM, mas nada se compara a ZFS. Tenho
usado a dois anos, além da robustez, tem uma facilidade de uso incrível.

Recomendo a todos que estão pensando em criar mais um RAID+LVM.


Em 30 de maio de 2016 15:46, Caio Ferreira  escreveu:

> Adriano
> Obrigado pela ajuda, funcionou.
> > On May 25, 2016, at 6:05 PM, Adriano Rafael Gomes 
> wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 05:19:10PM -0300, Caio Ferreira wrote:
> >> Aguém teria uma ideia de como fazer um teste em relação ao RAID 1?
> >
> > Segue uma cópia das anotações que eu fiz quando estudei RAID 1. São de
> > 2007, veja se ainda podem ser aplicadas:
> >
> > Exibir o status do array:
> >
> > cat /proc/mdstat
> >
> > sudo mdadm --query --detail /dev/md0
> >
> > Remover um disco hot-swap do array:
> >
> > mdadm --set-faulty /dev/md0 /dev/sda1
> > mdadm --set-faulty /dev/md1 /dev/sda2
> >
> > mdadm --remove /dev/md0 /dev/sda1
> > mdadm --remove /dev/md1 /dev/sda2
> >
> > Para remover um disco não hot-swap não precisa rodar estes comandos
> > acima, basta desligar o servidor e retirar o disco, e depois religar o
> > servidor.
> >
> > Re-adicionar um disco ao array:
> >
> > mdadm --re-add /dev/md0 /dev/sda1
> > mdadm --re-add /dev/md1 /dev/sda2
> >
> > Adicionar um disco novo ao array:
> >
> > sfdisk -d /dev/sda | sfdisk /dev/sdb
> >
> > mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sdb1
> > mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sdb2
> >
> > mdadm --add /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1
> > mdadm --add /dev/md1 /dev/sdb2

Flávio Menezes dos Reis
Analista de Informática
Seção de Infraestrutura de Rede - Assessoria de Informática
Procuradoria-Geral do Estado do RS
(51) 3288 1764

Re: Backup com Rsync

2016-06-08 Thread Flavio Menezes dos Reis

Além de usar o rsync, se ainda associares aos snapshots do ZFS (caso tenha
espaço disponível), terás um sistema imbatível.


Em 7 de junho de 2016 14:18, Fabricio Cannini  escreveu:

> Tanto programa de backup disponível e tu quer reinventar a roda?
> Dá uma olhada em 'aptitude search backup' se não tem um que faz o que tu
> quer, e também o truque do udev do Lucas Castro.
> [ ]'s

Flávio Menezes dos Reis
Analista de Informática
Seção de Infraestrutura de Rede - Assessoria de Informática
Procuradoria-Geral do Estado do RS
(51) 3288 1764

Re: Version and Release

2016-06-08 Thread Joe
On Wed, 8 Jun 2016 12:20:48 +0100
Brad Rogers  wrote:

> sid=unstable and never, AFAIAA, takes a version number.

Indeed, but the console distribution ID line (currently) shows
'stretch/sid' and the default splash screen currently shows 'Debian 8'.

It is recommended that the sources.list file for unstable contains
references to both unstable and testing, but the '/sid' ID
will appear even if only sid sources are selected.


Re: (deb-cat) e4defrag a mitges

2016-06-08 Thread Josep Lladonosa
On 8 Jun 2016 16:45, "Narcis Garcia"  wrote:
> He provat aquesta eina de e2fsprogs defragmentant particions de diversos
> ordinadors (Debian 7, Debian 8, Ubuntu 14, arrel, /home separat o no,
> /boot separat o no, etc.) I al final conclou amb un recompte de fitxers
> defragmentats existosament i dels que no.
> Els que no (Failure) sempre són una bona quantitat, menor que els
> defragmentats (success) però tamé arriba a les desenes de milers.
> Perquè?
> Què puc fer per assolir una defragmentació completa, almenys dels fitxers?

1) Còpia fitxers en dispositiu extern.
2) Esborrat fitxers.
3) Restauració fitxers

Necessites realment desfragmentar? Pel que diuen, no cal, si tens la
partició a menys del 80-95% d'ocupació.

> Gràcies.

Re: curl and form submission

2016-06-08 Thread Jeremy Nicoll
On Wed, 8 Jun 2016, at 17:16, Bob wrote:

> Well Tomas, I like to share with you that your guess is again correct.
> This link quickly redirects to http:// (seems the session checked 
> here) and then to home page. I'm tying to figure out the cookie part now.

It's important that at the start of this process you have an empty
cookie file.  Then 
you give its name to curl on every call; curl will store any cookies
that the site sends
to you in that file (you shouldn't have to pay any attention to what
they actually 
are).  In every subsequent curl command, you again specify the same file
and the 
cookies whose values are stored in it are sent back to the server by
curl.  Each time
the server might change cookies but the whole thing should just work. 
At the very 
end of the process, throw the cookie file away.

Also, in the curl command you can specify names of files into which curl
will place
the HTML of the page you just fetched, and you can sepcify a second file
to have the
headers (which accompany every page sent to a browser, but users don't
ever see 
them) stored.  It's good to do this because those headers will include
any server
error codes - useful for diagnosing problems in the whole process - and
they also 
contain eg redirection instructions, if the server wants you to make
another request
for a different page.  if you don't have the headers file for your
script to read and check
it can be really difficult to make this sort of thing work!

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

Re: Version and Release

2016-06-08 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Wed, Jun 08, 2016 at 12:20:48PM +0100, Brad Rogers wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Jun 2016 12:03:12 +0200
> ""  wrote:
> Hello,
> >I understand the versions have nicknames (8 = jessie, 7 = wheezy, 6 = 
> >squeeze, ...).
> >I also understand there are 3 releases of every version (stable, 
> >testing, unstable) and
> That's where the bulk of your problem lies;  stable, testing and
> unstable are not three releases of every version.  Currently,
> oldstable=7=wheezy, stable=8=jessie, testing is what will be the next
> stable version, is codenamed stretch, and will most likely be version
> number 9.
> When current testing becomes stable (i.e. when Debian release a new
> version), things will change such that stable=9=stretch,
> oldstable=8=jessie and testing will get a new, as yet undecided, release
> name.  It will, of course, be a Toy Story character's name.
> So, whenever Debian release the next version (Stretch,v9), the
> oldstable, oldoldstable, stable and testing names will be pointed to
> their new positions.
> sid=unstable and never, AFAIAA, takes a version number.
> -- 
>  Regards  _
>  / )   "The blindingly obvious is
> / _)radnever immediately apparent"
> I'll tell you something, I think that you should know
> Rich Kids - Rich Kids

As of today:

Squeeze-LTS - Debian 6.8 is history

Wheezy-LTS - Debian 7.11 - has a couple of years support as of a couple of days 

Jessie - Debian 8.5 - is current Stable

Stretch - Debian 9 - will be released early next year in all likelihood - is 
current Testing

Buster - Debian 10 - will be the release after Stretch

Sid == unstable, permanently

So when the next major release time comes round:

Jessie will become oldstable

Stretch will become stable

What is testing at that point will eventually be the release eventually called 

Sid == sid == unstable

Hope this helps,

Andy C

Re: wrong owner of /run/user/1000/dconf/user causes X to freeze

2016-06-08 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Tue, 2016-06-07 at 16:26 +0200, wrote:
> I would like to file a bug into your bug tracking system, but I don't
> know which package to assign it to.
> Googling shows that several others are reporting the same problems,
> but
> the exact originator is seemingly not yet pinpointed.
> Is there an open category, for bugs which are not yet assigned to a
> package?

You can usually make a best guess for the package. In this case dconf,
and ask the maintainer to reassign the bug if it's wrong.

In this case it has already been reported (quite a few times):

You can also file bugs against the "general" pseudo package, but it's
generally discouraged. Better to ask for guidance on the list.

Sven Arvidsson

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: wrong owner of /run/user/1000/dconf/user causes X to freeze

2016-06-08 Thread Dan Ritter
On Wed, Jun 08, 2016 at 05:36:51PM +0200, wrote:
> About my question:
> wrong owner of /run/user/1000/dconf/user causes X to freeze
> Is debian-user@ perhaps the wrong list for such a question?  Which one
> would be better?

no, this is a perfectly fine list to ask that question.

The problem is that the answer is "systemd".


Re: Proxmox

2016-06-08 Thread

El 2016-06-08 11:02, Ramses escribió:

El 8 de junio de 2016 16:15:16 CEST, ""

Hola lista tengo el siguiente problema tengo el proxmox intalado con
snapshot programados pero ahora me esta dando el siguinte error.

ERROR: job failed with err -5 - Input/output error
INFO: aborting backup job
INFO: stopping kvm after backup task
ERROR: Backup of VM 107 failed - job failed with err -5 - Input/output
INFO: Backup job finished with errors
TASK ERROR: job errors

Alguna sugerencia.

A ver si vas a tener demasiados ficheros de backup en el directorio de
Backuo y no te deja crear más...


Gracias a todos los que respondieron, resolvi el problema el hdd virtual 
estaba fastidiado lo formatie y lo respalde.

Frank A Sanchez Calzada

Especialista B en Ciencias Informáticas

División de Talleres Asertec Holguin


Telf: (024)426446

Re: installera utan internet

2016-06-08 Thread jan
On Wed, 8 Jun 2016 15:37:14 +0200
Kristoffer Gustafsson  wrote:

> Hej.
> Vill installera utan internet.
> detta på grund av att min dator(msi gt72s) inte har ett nätverk som
> stöds av linux utan konfiguration.
> Men har problem o starta. får igång en enda liten nätinstallation, o
> det är en version för testing, med tilllägg för firmware.
> laddade ner en mindre cd från testing, men det går inte alls o starta
> den. windows bara ignorerar den.
> bränner jag en dvd o väljer installera där så låser sig datorn.
> Nån som har en lösning?
> det enda jag får igång är alltså den där lilla nätinstallationen från
> testing. /Kristoffer

Något speciellt skäl att du vill använda testing?

Jag brukar använda stable och boota från CD/USB och allt bara rullar
på. Vad har windows med det hela att göra?


Re: NAT sobre WLAN

2016-06-08 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 08 Jun 2016 12:50:23 -0300, JAP escribió:

> El 08/06/16 a las 12:43, Camaleón escribió:


>>> He intentado tu consejo.
>>> El clonado hace que aparezca otra interfaz con la misma MAC, pero como
>>> es un Portal Cautivo ZeroShell, me pide la contraseña nuevamente, y
>>> por ende, no me deja tener más de una sesión abierta.
>> Pues echa un ojo a ver cómo funciona ese portal, si conoces a tu
>> enemigo podrás derrotarlo :-)
>> The enemies of the Captive Portal
> Eso lo he estudiado a fondo, y por ello mi sistema tiene un script
> python en vez de andar trasteando con una pantalla del navegador siempre
> abierto.

¿Y ya sabes qué tipo de filtro aplica ese portal? Por número de sesiones 
no es, desde luego y según dices, por MAC tampoco.

>>> Lo que me "vuela" la cabeza, es que con VirtualBox, armé una NAT
>>> interna, y es transparente para las máquinas virtuales.
>> ¿Quieres decir que desde una máquina virtual de VB te permitía acceder
>> al portal?
> Sí. Accede en forma transparente.
> Por eso no entiendo qué estoy haciendo mal.

¿Qué tipo de sistema red tienes configurada en el adaptador de la máquina 



Re: curl and form submission

2016-06-08 Thread Bob

On Wednesday 08 June 2016 01:28 PM, wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, Jun 08, 2016 at 01:02:54PM +, Bob wrote:


Hello Tomas,

Thanks for your explanation. At my end a funny thing happens which
now questions the whole web based authentication of this provider. I
have discovered a simple link (which happens during a quick
redirection after pressing login button)


I logout to kill my session and then put the same on browser, I
logged in straight  :-)

Again, your browser is pulling your leg. What you are doing with this
command line is equivalent to sending your filled in login form (you
are sending what the browser would do via "URL query parameters".

The next step is the server sending back a fresh session ID in a cookie
(and possibly a redirect to the "real" page). From then on you're in

How can I send that link through command line then ?

Simple: just "curl" it:


but as I said, this'll just give you the first step in a multi-step
process. You'd have possibly to follow (at least) one redirect,
offering the cookie you just harvested. That's where curl's options
- -c (set cookie jar) and -L (follow redirect) come in.

Try to find a way to watch what your browser's doing. It's much
more instructive than reading my incomplete guesses :-)

Well Tomas, I like to share with you that your guess is again correct.
This link quickly redirects to http:// (seems the session checked 
here) and then to home page. I'm tying to figure out the cookie part now.

Re: Proxmox

2016-06-08 Thread Ramses
El 8 de junio de 2016 16:15:16 CEST, ""  
>Hola lista tengo el siguiente problema tengo el proxmox intalado con 
>snapshot programados pero ahora me esta dando el siguinte error.
>ERROR: job failed with err -5 - Input/output error
>INFO: aborting backup job
>INFO: stopping kvm after backup task
>ERROR: Backup of VM 107 failed - job failed with err -5 - Input/output 
>INFO: Backup job finished with errors
>TASK ERROR: job errors
>Alguna sugerencia.

A ver si vas a tener demasiados ficheros de backup en el directorio de Backuo y 
no te deja crear más...



Re: NAT sobre WLAN

2016-06-08 Thread JAP

El 08/06/16 a las 12:43, Camaleón escribió:

El Wed, 08 Jun 2016 12:08:28 -0300, JAP escribió:

El 08/06/16 a las 10:52, Camaleón escribió:


Un truco muy habitual que solían hacer los clientes de Ono (antigua
operadora de cable en España) era clonar la MAC de todos los equipos de
la red interna (de su casa) para poder acceder a Internet a través del
cable-módem que la operadora les instalaba.

Cuento esto porque quizá te sirva hacer lo mismo en tu caso, teniendo
en cuenta que el portal cautivo es el que te impide la conexión,
seguramente mediante técnicas similares de identificación de los

He intentado tu consejo.
El clonado hace que aparezca otra interfaz con la misma MAC, pero como
es un Portal Cautivo ZeroShell, me pide la contraseña nuevamente, y por
ende, no me deja tener más de una sesión abierta.

Pues echa un ojo a ver cómo funciona ese portal, si conoces a tu enemigo
podrás derrotarlo :-)

The enemies of the Captive Portal

Eso lo he estudiado a fondo, y por ello mi sistema tiene un script 
python en vez de andar trasteando con una pantalla del navegador siempre 

Lo que me "vuela" la cabeza, es que con VirtualBox, armé una NAT
interna, y es transparente para las máquinas virtuales.

¿Quieres decir que desde una máquina virtual de VB te permitía acceder al

Sí. Accede en forma transparente.
Por eso no entiendo qué estoy haciendo mal.


Re: NAT sobre WLAN

2016-06-08 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 08 Jun 2016 12:08:28 -0300, JAP escribió:

> El 08/06/16 a las 10:52, Camaleón escribió:
>> (...)
>> Un truco muy habitual que solían hacer los clientes de Ono (antigua
>> operadora de cable en España) era clonar la MAC de todos los equipos de
>> la red interna (de su casa) para poder acceder a Internet a través del
>> cable-módem que la operadora les instalaba.
>> Cuento esto porque quizá te sirva hacer lo mismo en tu caso, teniendo
>> en cuenta que el portal cautivo es el que te impide la conexión,
>> seguramente mediante técnicas similares de identificación de los
>> clientes.
> He intentado tu consejo.
> El clonado hace que aparezca otra interfaz con la misma MAC, pero como
> es un Portal Cautivo ZeroShell, me pide la contraseña nuevamente, y por
> ende, no me deja tener más de una sesión abierta.

Pues echa un ojo a ver cómo funciona ese portal, si conoces a tu enemigo 
podrás derrotarlo :-)

The enemies of the Captive Portal

> Lo que me "vuela" la cabeza, es que con VirtualBox, armé una NAT
> interna, y es transparente para las máquinas virtuales.

¿Quieres decir que desde una máquina virtual de VB te permitía acceder al 



Re: Gestor de E-mail para PC e Celular

2016-06-08 Thread Mauricio Capeleiro
Eu uso o Thunderbird sincronizando com o Gmail imapi e funciona
perfeitamente sincronismo tanto dos emails, como agenda e contatos.
Bastando adicionar ao Thunderbird as extensões provider e o googlsync

Enviado pelo meu celular, desculpe pela brevidade.

Maurício Capeleiro
+55 81 99714 4000
Em 8 de jun de 2016 06:39, "Marcos Antonio Rufino do Egito" <> escreveu:

> Bom dia Amigos!
> Estou a procura de um gestor de e-mail que possa usar no PC (Debian), note
> (Debian), e Celular (Android), pois no pc o padrão do Debian e Evolution,
> no Celular Tem o Gmail que permite Várias contas, o Inbox, mais curto mesmo
> o K9 Mail, estou a procura de um que possa usar no PC e celular, que eles
> trabalhem juntos, também com agenda ...
> Estive pesquisando mais não achei k9 para pc e Evolution para Android.
> Se alguém poder ajudar!
> Abraços!
> --
> Marcos Egito
> CV:
> GNU/Linux User #491326
> blog
> TIM 081-99525-3834
> "Sabedoria é não dizer nada, quando tudo que queremos é falar tudo,
> sabedoria é saber calar, para poder dizer mais com o silêncio!"
> (Eu)

Re: wrong owner of /run/user/1000/dconf/user causes X to freeze

2016-06-08 Thread postings

About my question:
wrong owner of /run/user/1000/dconf/user causes X to freeze

Is debian-user@ perhaps the wrong list for such a question?  Which one
would be better?

How can I file a Debian bug report, without assigning it to a specific

What do you think about my ideas?

> ... ''. I am wondering if I should perhaps 
> put a cron job that is executing it every 10 seconds?

> ... Anyone got a good idea how to fix this?  
> Or how to identify which package is causing it?  
> Is there a way to install a watcher, which logs 
> all the programs which are changing a certain file?

I don't want to repost my -long, sorry- error description.
You find the full text here:


Re: Version and Release

2016-06-08 Thread David Wright
On Wed 08 Jun 2016 at 13:37:47 (+0200), Norbert Kiszka wrote:
> Dnia 2016-06-08, śro o godzinie 13:28 +0200, pisze:
> > 
> > One additional question please:
> > Does stable and testing have nicknames too - like unstable = Sid??
> Stable always have nickname.
> Sid is always sid :)
> Testing is "something" that will be next stable - in this day old stable
> become old-stable and...
> ...old-stable has same nickname as it was. New stable will have
> offcourse another nickname.

stable *is* a nickname.

One day, someone will put a diagram on the Debian website.
It might look something like this:

Codename  Nicknames
(directory)   (symlinks)

experimental  rc-buggy (Not a distribution, just an assortment of packages)

sid   unstable (this symlink never changes)

stretch<- testing
jessie <- stable
wheezy <- oldstable

On a Release Day, all the nicknames that have a <- against them
are moved upwards by one line.

With the exceptions above the  line, the collection of packages
under a given codename doesn't change. The nicknames do.

Also on a Release Day, a release number is applied to the new release.
So jessie was released as 8.0 and has been upgraded (renumbered) as
far as 8.5. This numbering scheme started with etch (4.0).
Before etch, codenames could be released as point releases
(sarge was 3.1 but never 3.0). stretch will be 9.0 but isn't there yet.

If you feel the need to verify this, just type:

$ ftp
Name: anonymous
ftp> cd debian
ftp> cd dists
ftp> ls


Re: Gestor de E-mail para PC e Celular

2016-06-08 Thread Isaac F. Ferreira
Opa egito.

Aqui eu uso icedove nos pcs e k9 no Android. É só usar imap que fica 

Sobre o calendario é so você usar algum ical... Tanto no android, através do 
app de calendar, quanto no icedove, via iceowl, funciona bem.


Em 8 de junho de 2016 09:00:19 BRT, Diego Rabatone Oliveira 
>Marcos, vai ser meio difícil achar um mesmo cliente para ambas
>Inclusive porque no celular em geral os aplicativos são feitos para
>resolver "um único problema" (email, calendário, etc).
>Eu acho que a melhor solução é usar o que te servir melhor em cada
>plataforma e sincronizá-los usando os devidos protocolos (imap e etc).
>Diego Rabatone Oliveira
>Diego Rabatone Oliveira
>Twitter: @diraol
>Em 8 de junho de 2016 07:45, Paulo Alexandre A.P. de Oliveira <
>> escreveu:
>> Para debian, eu uso o thundervird (tens também o icedove) .
>> Para o Android eu uso o cliente de email por defeito. Se configurares
>> IMAP, ficam mais ou menos sincronizados.
>> Paulo.
>> Às 09:38 de 08-06-2016, Marcos Antonio Rufino do Egito escreveu:
>> Bom dia Amigos!
>> Estou a procura de um gestor de e-mail que possa usar no PC (Debian),
>> (Debian), e Celular (Android), pois no pc o padrão do Debian e
>> no Celular Tem o Gmail que permite Várias contas, o Inbox, mais curto
>> o K9 Mail, estou a procura de um que possa usar no PC e celular, que
>> trabalhem juntos, também com agenda ...
>> Estive pesquisando mais não achei k9 para pc e Evolution para
>> Se alguém poder ajudar!
>> Abraços!
>> --
>> Marcos Egito
>> CV:
>> GNU/Linux User #491326
>> blog
>> TIM 081-99525-3834
>> "Sabedoria é não dizer nada, quando tudo que queremos é falar tudo,
>> sabedoria é saber calar, para poder dizer mais com o silêncio!"
>> (Eu)

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

[OT] Re: Proxmox

2016-06-08 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 08 Jun 2016 09:15:16 -0500, escribió:

> Hola lista tengo el siguiente problema tengo el proxmox intalado 

¿Y no existe una lista de correo para ProxMox? >:-)

> con snapshot programados pero ahora me esta dando el siguinte error.
> ERROR: job failed with err -5 - Input/output error INFO: aborting backup
> job INFO: stopping kvm after backup task ERROR: Backup of VM 107 failed
> - job failed with err -5 - Input/output error INFO: Backup job finished
> with errors TASK ERROR: job errors
> Alguna sugerencia.

Si, algo hay...



Re: NAT sobre WLAN

2016-06-08 Thread JAP

El 08/06/16 a las 10:52, Camaleón escribió:


Un truco muy habitual que solían hacer los clientes de Ono (antigua
operadora de cable en España) era clonar la MAC de todos los equipos de
la red interna (de su casa) para poder acceder a Internet a través del
cable-módem que la operadora les instalaba.

Cuento esto porque quizá te sirva hacer lo mismo en tu caso, teniendo en
cuenta que el portal cautivo es el que te impide la conexión, seguramente
mediante técnicas similares de identificación de los clientes.


-- Camaleón

He intentado tu consejo.
El clonado hace que aparezca otra interfaz con la misma MAC, pero como 
es un Portal Cautivo ZeroShell, me pide la contraseña nuevamente, y por 
ende, no me deja tener más de una sesión abierta.

Lo que me "vuela" la cabeza, es que con VirtualBox, armé una NAT 
interna, y es transparente para las máquinas virtuales.


Hospedagem de Sites para Pequenas, Médias e Grandes empresas

2016-06-08 Thread i7 Host

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(deb-cat) e4defrag a mitges

2016-06-08 Thread Narcis Garcia
He provat aquesta eina de e2fsprogs defragmentant particions de diversos
ordinadors (Debian 7, Debian 8, Ubuntu 14, arrel, /home separat o no,
/boot separat o no, etc.) I al final conclou amb un recompte de fitxers
defragmentats existosament i dels que no.

Els que no (Failure) sempre són una bona quantitat, menor que els
defragmentats (success) però tamé arriba a les desenes de milers.

Què puc fer per assolir una defragmentació completa, almenys dels fitxers?


Re: make ping executable by normal users?

2016-06-08 Thread Santiago Vila
On Wed, Jun 08, 2016 at 02:44:52PM +0100, Ben Hutchings wrote:
> [...] see bug #770492.

Truly amazing! For "ping", it would be like this:

$ /sbin/getcap /bin/ping
/bin/ping = cap_net_raw+ep
$ chown root:root /bin/ping
chown: changing ownership of '/bin/ping': Operation not permitted
$ /sbin/getcap /bin/ping
[ empty output ]

And you don't even have to be root, so this is a lot easier method to
lose the capability than doing tar + untar or using rsync without -X.


displays not detected via xrandr, kernel 4.4 and higher

2016-06-08 Thread Collin McMillan
Hi Folks,

I am trying to figure out where to submit a bug report for this issue.  Let
me just explain:

I have a dual monitor setup.  Two identical Samsung 213Ts.  One connects to
laptop via displayport/DVI adapter, and another via VGA.  The laptop is
ThinkPad T440p.  The video hardware is below.  It is an Optimus setup
(bumblebee works well, if that is relevant).

$ lspci -vnn | grep VGA
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation 4th Gen Core
Processor Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:0416] (rev 06) (prog-if 00
[VGA controller])
02:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GK208M
[GeForce GT 730M] [10de:1290] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])

So here's the issue.  Up until linux 4.3, I could connect both external
monitors.  Here is the output of uname and xrandr:

$ uname -a
Linux nanook 4.3.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.3.3-7 (2016-01-19) x86_64
$ xrandr
Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 2400 x 1600, maximum 32767 x 32767
eDP1 connected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
   1600x900  60.01 +
   1440x900  59.89
   1368x768  60.00
   1360x768  59.8059.96
   1152x864  60.00
   1280x720  60.00
   1024x768  60.00
   1024x576  60.00
   960x540   60.00
   800x600   60.3256.25
   864x486   60.00
   800x450   60.00
   640x480   59.94
   720x405   60.00
   640x360   60.00
DP1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DP2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
HDMI1 connected 1200x1600+0+0 left (normal left inverted right x axis y
axis) 432mm x 324mm
   1600x1200 59.98*+
   1280x1024 75.0260.02
   1152x864  75.00
   1024x768  75.0870.0760.00
   832x624   74.55
   800x600   72.1975.0060.3256.25
   640x480   75.0072.8166.6760.00
   720x400   70.08
HDMI2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
VGA1 connected 1200x1600+1200+0 left (normal left inverted right x axis y
axis) 432mm x 324mm
   1600x1200 60.00*+
   1280x1024 75.0260.02
   1152x864  75.00
   1024x768  75.0870.0760.00
   832x624   74.55
   800x600   72.1975.0060.3256.25
   640x480   75.0072.8166.6760.00
   720x400   70.08
VIRTUAL1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)

You can see one monitor hooked to HDMI1 and another to VGA1, plus the
internal screen at eDP1.  I can activate all three.

But after upgrading to 4.4 or 4.5, I get the following (example for 4.5):

$ uname -a
Linux nanook 4.5.0-2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.5.5-1 (2016-05-29) x86_64
$ xrandr
Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 1600 x 1600, maximum 32767 x 32767
eDP1 connected 1600x900+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
309mm x 174mm
   1600x900  60.01*+
   1440x900  59.89
   1368x768  60.00
   1360x768  59.8059.96
   1152x864  60.00
   1280x720  60.00
   1024x768  60.00
   1024x576  60.00
   960x540   60.00
   800x600   60.3256.25
   864x486   60.00
   800x450   60.00
   640x480   59.94
   720x405   60.00
   640x360   60.00
DP1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DP2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
HDMI1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
HDMI2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
VGA1 connected 1200x1600+0+0 left (normal left inverted right x axis y
axis) 432mm x 324mm
   1600x1200 60.00*+
   1280x1024 75.0260.02
   1152x864  75.00
   1024x768  75.0870.0760.00
   832x624   74.55
   800x600   72.1975.0060.3256.25
   640x480   75.0072.8166.6760.00
   720x400   70.08
VIRTUAL1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)

Now it says that HDMI1 is disconnected.  My stab-in-the-dark guess is that
the HDMI1 connection is routed through one card (perhaps nvidia) and VGA1
through another (perhaps intel), and the driver/kernel could be confused
about it.  Would anyone know how to verify that?  Or perhaps could you
point me to the correct list/package?

Thank you!  And sorry if this is a duplicate.  I have searched and searched
but not found exactly the same issue.



2016-06-08 Thread
Hola lista tengo el siguiente problema tengo el proxmox intalado con 
snapshot programados pero ahora me esta dando el siguinte error.

ERROR: job failed with err -5 - Input/output error
INFO: aborting backup job
INFO: stopping kvm after backup task
ERROR: Backup of VM 107 failed - job failed with err -5 - Input/output 

INFO: Backup job finished with errors
TASK ERROR: job errors

Alguna sugerencia.

Frank A Sanchez Calzada

Especialista B en Ciencias Informáticas

División de Talleres Asertec Holguin


Telf: (024)426446

Re: servidor Ldap en debian

2016-06-08 Thread Juan Lavieri


El 08-06-2016 a las 09:14 a.m., Gonzalo Rivero escribió:

El mar, 07-06-2016 a las 20:24 -0500, jorge serna escribió:

tutorial completo para montar un servidor Openldap en debian

podés ver por aquí alguno:

Oye Gonzalo, no seas mala gente.  Pon la búsqueda en youtube.  No te das 
cuenta que eso de leer cansa.


Juan M Lavieri

Errar es de humanos, pero es mas humano culpar a los demás.

Re: servidor Ldap en debian

2016-06-08 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 07 Jun 2016 20:24:34 -0500, jorge serna escribió:

> Hola a todos...

(ese formato...)

> Alguien me pueda ayudar a encontrar un tutorial completo para montar un
> servidor Openldap en debian, alguno lo mas completo que se
> pueda...Gracias 

The Debian Administrator's Handbook
11.7. LDAP Directory



Re: NAT sobre WLAN

2016-06-08 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 07 Jun 2016 15:34:45 -0300, JAP escribió:

> Tengo un equipo corriendo Debian "jessie":
> # uname -a Linux javier 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt25-1
> (2016-03-06) x86_64 GNU/Linux
> ¿Qué quiero hacer?
> Que los equipos conectados por WiFi a la placa wlan0 accedan a internet
> a través de la placa eth1.
> Tengo una red cableada a Internet:
> # ifconfig eth1 eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr a0:f3:c1:01:da:92
>inet addr:  Bcast: 
>Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::a2f3:c1ff:fe01:da92/64
>RX packets:1523 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX
>packets:1596 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:705060 (688.5 KiB)  TX
>bytes:299878 (292.8 KiB)
> Me conecto a dicha red mediante un portal cautivo provisto por un
> servido ZeroShell, sobre el cual me identifico con un "script" en
> python.
> Tengo una placa de red inalámbrica que provee servicio dhcp para mis
> otros aparatos:
> En otro entorno más "natural", lo que he hecho toda mi vida, fue montar
> un puente br0 desde eth1 a wlan0.
> El problema que tengo es que en este lugar, debo pasar por el portal
> cautivo, y el maldito no me permite más de una conexión con una mac
> definida. Los puentes (bridges), generan una nueva MAC, y asignan
> direcciones IP del servidor. Y como dije, con una clave, no puedo tener
> más de una conexión. Y el BAFH no me da otra clave de acceso.


Un truco muy habitual que solían hacer los clientes de Ono (antigua  
operadora de cable en España) era clonar la MAC de todos los equipos de 
la red interna (de su casa) para poder acceder a Internet a través del 
cable-módem que la operadora les instalaba.

Cuento esto porque quizá te sirva hacer lo mismo en tu caso, teniendo en 
cuenta que el portal cautivo es el que te impide la conexión, seguramente 
mediante técnicas similares de identificación de los clientes.



Re: libreCAD, can't find help docs

2016-06-08 Thread Gene Heskett
On Wednesday 08 June 2016 02:41:02 Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote:

> Maybe, the priority of the package repositories for , e.g., package
> "libsoqt4-20" is wrong.
> Let's see what's the outcome of
>   apt-cache policy

Rather lengthy, wordwrap off:

root@coyote:/home/gene# apt-cache policy
Package files:
 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
 release a=now
 500 wheezy/2.6 i386 Packages
 release o=Chris Radek ,a=linuxcnc,n=wheezy,l=LinuxCNC 
and supporting files for Debian,c=2.6
 500 wheezy/base i386 Packages
 release o=Chris Radek ,a=linuxcnc,n=wheezy,l=LinuxCNC 
and supporting files for Debian,c=base
 500 wheezy/2.7-uspace i386 Packages
 release o=Chris Radek ,a=linuxcnc,n=wheezy,l=LinuxCNC 
and supporting files for 
 500 wheezy/2.7-rtpreempt i386 Packages
 release o=LinuxCNC Buildbot 
,a=stable,n=wheezy,l=LinuxCNC packages 
 500 wheezy/non-free i386 Packages
 release o=Unofficial Multimedia Packages,a=oldstable,n=wheezy,l=Unofficial 
Multimedia Packages,c=non-free
 500 wheezy/main i386 Packages
 release o=Unofficial Multimedia Packages,a=oldstable,n=wheezy,l=Unofficial 
Multimedia Packages,c=main
 500 wheezy/main-r14 i386 Packages
 release v=7.0,,n=wheezy,l=Trinity Desktop 
 500 wheezy/deps-r14 i386 Packages
 release v=7.0,,n=wheezy,l=Trinity Desktop 
 500 wheezy-backports/firefox-release i386 Packages
 release o=Debian Mozilla 
Team,a=wheezy-backports,n=wheezy-backports,l=Debian Mozilla 
 500 wheezy-backports/non-free Translation-en
 500 wheezy-backports/main Translation-en
 500 wheezy-backports/contrib Translation-en
 100 wheezy-backports/non-free i386 Packages
 release v=,o=Debian 
Backports,a=wheezy-backports,n=wheezy-backports,l=Debian Backports,c=non-free
 100 wheezy-backports/contrib i386 Packages
 release v=,o=Debian 
Backports,a=wheezy-backports,n=wheezy-backports,l=Debian Backports,c=contrib
 100 wheezy-backports/main i386 Packages
 release v=,o=Debian 
Backports,a=wheezy-backports,n=wheezy-backports,l=Debian Backports,c=main
 500 wheezy-updates/non-free Translation-en
 500 wheezy-updates/main Translation-en
 500 wheezy-updates/contrib Translation-en
 500 wheezy-updates/non-free i386 Packages
 release o=Debian,a=oldstable-updates,n=wheezy-updates,l=Debian,c=non-free
 500 wheezy-updates/contrib i386 Packages
 release o=Debian,a=oldstable-updates,n=wheezy-updates,l=Debian,c=contrib
 500 wheezy-updates/main i386 Packages
 release o=Debian,a=oldstable-updates,n=wheezy-updates,l=Debian,c=main
 500 wheezy/non-free Translation-en
 500 wheezy/main Translation-en
 500 wheezy/contrib Translation-en
 500 wheezy/non-free i386 Packages
 release v=7.11,o=Debian,a=oldstable,n=wheezy,l=Debian,c=non-free
 500 wheezy/contrib i386 Packages
 release v=7.11,o=Debian,a=oldstable,n=wheezy,l=Debian,c=contrib
 500 wheezy/main i386 Packages
 release v=7.11,o=Debian,a=oldstable,n=wheezy,l=Debian,c=main
 500 wheezy/updates/non-free Translation-en
 500 wheezy/updates/main Translation-en
 500 wheezy/updates/contrib Translation-en
 500 wheezy/updates/non-free i386 Packages
 release v=7.0,o=Debian,a=oldstable,n=wheezy,l=Debian-Security,c=non-free
 500 wheezy/updates/contrib 

Re: make ping executable by normal users?

2016-06-08 Thread Ben Hutchings
On Tue, 2016-06-07 at 14:56 -0800, Britton Kerin wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 2:33 PM, Santiago Vila  wrote:
> > On Thu, Jun 02, 2016 at 01:56:08PM -0800, Britton Kerin wrote:
> > > On my old debian system I could ping as a normal user.  The ping
> > > binary had the suid bit set.  Now I get:
> > > 
> > > $ ping
> > > ping: icmp open socket: Operation not permitted
> > > 2 $
> > > 
> > > presumably because the bit isn't set.
> > > 
> > > What's the right fix?  I could setuid it but then if I understand
> > > correctly it might get changed back by an upgrade.  Does it use
> > > capabilites or something?
> > 
> > Yes, it uses capabilities. The simple fix is to do this:
> > 
> > dpkg-reconfigure iputils-ping
> Well, that works, thanks.  But I really don't get the overall behavior.
> It says this:
>  root@debian:/home/bkerin# dpkg-reconfigure iputils-ping
>  Setcap worked! Ping(6) is not suid!
>  root@debian:/home/bkerin#
> And then ping works for non-root users.
> How, just by executing dpkg-reconfigure, did I tell it this is what
> I wanted?  If that's the default, why wasn't it that way to begin with?

It probably was, but see bug #770492.

> More generally, is it somehow possible to still run debian without
> capabilities?

Capabilities are a non-optional feature of Linux.  There are Debian
ports to other kernels where this may not be the case.


Ben Hutchings
Any smoothly functioning technology is indistinguishable from a rigged

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

installera utan internet

2016-06-08 Thread Kristoffer Gustafsson
Vill installera utan internet.
detta på grund av att min dator(msi gt72s) inte har ett nätverk som
stöds av linux utan konfiguration.
Men har problem o starta. får igång en enda liten nätinstallation, o
det är en version för testing, med tilllägg för firmware.
laddade ner en mindre cd från testing, men det går inte alls o starta
den. windows bara ignorerar den.
bränner jag en dvd o väljer installera där så låser sig datorn.
Nån som har en lösning?
det enda jag får igång är alltså den där lilla nätinstallationen från testing.

Kristoffer Gustafsson
Salängsgatan 7a
tel:033-12 60 93
mobil: 0730-500934

Re: curl and form submission

2016-06-08 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, Jun 08, 2016 at 01:02:54PM +, Bob wrote:


> Hello Tomas,
> Thanks for your explanation. At my end a funny thing happens which
> now questions the whole web based authentication of this provider. I
> have discovered a simple link (which happens during a quick
> redirection after pressing login button)
>  http:///login1.html?a=%3F%2B%2F%40=%3F%2B%2F%40
> I logout to kill my session and then put the same on browser, I
> logged in straight  :-)

Again, your browser is pulling your leg. What you are doing with this
command line is equivalent to sending your filled in login form (you
are sending what the browser would do via "URL query parameters".

The next step is the server sending back a fresh session ID in a cookie
(and possibly a redirect to the "real" page). From then on you're in

> How can I send that link through command line then ?

Simple: just "curl" it:


but as I said, this'll just give you the first step in a multi-step
process. You'd have possibly to follow (at least) one redirect,
offering the cookie you just harvested. That's where curl's options
- -c (set cookie jar) and -L (follow redirect) come in.

Try to find a way to watch what your browser's doing. It's much
more instructive than reading my incomplete guesses :-)

- -- tomás
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: servidor Ldap en debian

2016-06-08 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El mar, 07-06-2016 a las 20:24 -0500, jorge serna escribió:
> tutorial completo para montar un servidor Openldap en debian

podés ver por aquí alguno:

Re: Upgrading from Backports

2016-06-08 Thread Jochen Spieker
Patrick Bartek:
> Need to upgrade claws-mail installed from regular repo to a newer
> version in wheezy-backports.  I don't want to end up with two installed
> versions.  Have done research, but have found nothing specific about
> this particular procedure.  Would
>apt-get install -t wheezy-backports claws-mail=
> upgrade the old version or just install the new version along side the
> old.

A Debian package can only ever be installed in one version at a time on
one machine. The package is defined by its name. In your example,
claws-mail is the package name and if it is already installed then it
will be upgraded. You can most probably leave out the version number
behind the package name. I would be surprised if wheezy-backports
contained more than one version of claws-mail. And even if that was the
case, apt-get would then pick the most recent version.

> Or would it be easier to "remove" the old version keeping all the
> configs, etc., and install the new one from backports?  I did this with
> LibreOffice a few years ago.  Worked fine.

Doesn't really make a difference. The state of your system should be the
same after either 'remove && install' or a simple 'install'.

If I was Mark Chapman I would have shot John Lennon with a water pistol.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Aulas de MS Project, Gestao de Projetos, Processos BPM

2016-06-08 Thread GreenRabbit Treinamentos
Próximas Turmas com Desconto - Jun / 2016

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Ótimos preços para você investir em sua carreira.  

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Treinamentos FLEX
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Re: curl and form submission

2016-06-08 Thread Bob

On Wednesday 08 June 2016 10:20 AM, wrote:

Hash: SHA1

[please keep replies to list, so that others can chime in]

On Wed, Jun 08, 2016 at 10:03:38AM +, Bob wrote:

On Wednesday 08 June 2016 07:11 AM, wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Jun 07, 2016 at 03:33:40PM +, Bob wrote:

Hello list,

I'm trying to automate my internet login which is based on a web
form [...]
Your clue will be helpful.

Most probably yes: those "modern" login forms elicit a response with
some session key which the browser uses from then on to "prove" to
the server that authentication happened.

You have to simulate that.


You are correct Tomas,

When I call the curl and investigate very first few lines I get the session

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
< Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=A22B8981871A8A4779F5DEB8ACC5D1B8; Path=/loginarea
< Content-Type: text/html
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked

So, I wonder If I can make my previous command [curl -sd
] work with correct session. How can I collect the session then ? I
like to share, if any other tool can help me to autologin with the
web based form, I am open with that too.

First you have to realize that the whole process consists of several
back-and-forths (your web browser hides this fact from you). The
client contacts the server, the server sees "no session" and redirects
to the login page, this comes back with a session ID, then the
browser goes to do useful work, providing the just-received cookie.

Then, there's the option -c to curl (cf. curl's excellent, albeit a
bit terse documentation), in which you provide a file name where
curl is supposed to manage cookies for a request series.

So the rough schema will be (at least):

   curl -c  login-page   # this stores above cookie
   curl -c  some-useful-page # this uses the cookie

perhaps more back-and-forths.

Go install firebug (if you're using firefox as your browser) and have
a look what your browser is doing: this will give you an idea of what
it'd take to teach curl.

Alternatively, and if the connection is not encrypted, you can spy on
it with wireshark.

In any case you'll need a bit of patience to be able to control all
this. Just don't hesitate to come back!

- -- tomás
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Hello Tomas,

Thanks for your explanation. At my end a funny thing happens which now 
questions the whole web based authentication of this provider. I have 
discovered a simple link (which happens during a quick redirection after 
pressing login button)


I logout to kill my session and then put the same on browser, I logged 
in straight  :-)

How can I send that link through command line then ?


3d Systems Updated Directory

2016-06-08 Thread Jennell Hodgson

Hello there, 

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Re: Gestor de E-mail para PC e Celular

2016-06-08 Thread Diego Rabatone Oliveira
Marcos, vai ser meio difícil achar um mesmo cliente para ambas plataformas.
Inclusive porque no celular em geral os aplicativos são feitos para
resolver "um único problema" (email, calendário, etc).
Eu acho que a melhor solução é usar o que te servir melhor em cada
plataforma e sincronizá-los usando os devidos protocolos (imap e etc).

Diego Rabatone Oliveira

Diego Rabatone Oliveira
Twitter: @diraol

Em 8 de junho de 2016 07:45, Paulo Alexandre A.P. de Oliveira <> escreveu:

> Para debian, eu uso o thundervird (tens também o icedove) .
> Para o Android eu uso o cliente de email por defeito. Se configurares o
> IMAP, ficam mais ou menos sincronizados.
> Paulo.
> Às 09:38 de 08-06-2016, Marcos Antonio Rufino do Egito escreveu:
> Bom dia Amigos!
> Estou a procura de um gestor de e-mail que possa usar no PC (Debian), note
> (Debian), e Celular (Android), pois no pc o padrão do Debian e Evolution,
> no Celular Tem o Gmail que permite Várias contas, o Inbox, mais curto mesmo
> o K9 Mail, estou a procura de um que possa usar no PC e celular, que eles
> trabalhem juntos, também com agenda ...
> Estive pesquisando mais não achei k9 para pc e Evolution para Android.
> Se alguém poder ajudar!
> Abraços!
> --
> Marcos Egito
> CV:
> GNU/Linux User #491326
> blog
> TIM 081-99525-3834
> "Sabedoria é não dizer nada, quando tudo que queremos é falar tudo,
> sabedoria é saber calar, para poder dizer mais com o silêncio!"
> (Eu)

Re: Gestor de E-mail para PC e Celular

2016-06-08 Thread Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA , Leandro
2016-06-08 6:38 GMT-03:00 Marcos Antonio Rufino do Egito :
> Estou a procura de um gestor de e-mail que possa usar no PC (Debian), note
> (Debian), e Celular (Android), pois no pc o padrão do Debian e Evolution, no
> Celular Tem o Gmail que permite Várias contas, o Inbox, mais curto mesmo o
> K9 Mail, estou a procura de um que possa usar no PC e celular, que eles
> trabalhem juntos, também com agenda ...

Trabalhar juntos será por meio dos protocolos de servidor: Imap para
correio eletrônico, iCal para agenda (se não me falha a memória).  O
K9 Mail e o Google Calendar no Android, por exemplo, com o Gnome
Evolution (ou Mozilla Thunderbird, ou outros) no Debian podem usar
Imap e iCal.

> Estive pesquisando mais não achei k9 para pc

O K9 poderia ser portado para PC, mas como ainda é um cliente muito
limitado — por exemplo, não consegue mostrar a mensagem HTML em texto
simples — dificilmente haverá interesse em o portar por enquanto.

> e Evolution para Android.

Esse é praticamente impossível, visto que ele é em C, não em Java, a
linguagem preferencial do Google Android.  Mas me parece que o novo
cliente de correio eletrônico do Gnome poderia ser portado para um
eventual celular Debian ou Ubuntu.

skype:leandro.gfc.dutra?chat  Yahoo!: ymsgr:sendIM?lgcdutra
+55 (61) 3546 7191  gTalk:
+55 (61) 9302 2691ICQ/AIM: aim:GoIM?screenname=61287803
BRAZIL GMT−3  MSN: msnim:chat?

Re: Version and Release

2016-06-08 Thread Norbert Kiszka
Stable always have nickname.

Sid is always sid :)

Testing is "something" that will be next stable - in this day old stable
become old-stable and...

...old-stable has same nickname as it was. New stable will have
offcourse another nickname.

Hope this helps. If not, just ask again.

Dnia 2016-06-08, śro o godzinie 13:28 +0200, pisze:
> AA... I see.
> That makes perfect sense.
> Thanks!!!
> One additional question please:
> Does stable and testing have nicknames too - like unstable = Sid??
> Chris
> On 2016-06-08 13:19, Mark Fletcher wrote:
> > 
> > On Wed, 8 Jun 2016 at 19:51, 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > Yes, I already knew this.
> > But I still get not the connection.
> > 
> > Chris
> > 
> > On 2016-06-08 12:18, wrote:
> > > Hi Chris,
> > >
> > > good questions you're asking yourself here.
> > > Check .
> > > This is a point where you want to start regarding this.
> > >
> > > Hope that helps,
> > > Olivier
> > >
> > >
> > > - Mail original -
> > > De: "c holper" 
> > > À:
> > > Envoyé: Mercredi 8 Juin 2016 12:03:12
> > > Objet: Version and Release
> > >
> > > Hi!
> > >
> > > I am not completely new to Debian but I never really
> > understood the
> > > version-system.
> > >
> > > I understand the versions have nicknames (8 = jessie, 7 =
> > wheezy, 6 =
> > > squeeze, ...).
> > > I also understand there are 3 releases of every version
> > (stable,
> > > testing, unstable) and
> > > it is clear that stable has the oldest but most bugfree
> > version of
> > > software and unstable the opposit.
> > >
> > > But it seems there is some living connection between the
> > current testing
> > > and the future version...
> > > And what is "sid"?
> > >
> > > I downloades 8 testing (some months ago) and in my
> > apt-sources is
> > > jessie. Would it be something else if I chose stable??
> > > How can I see it in apt?
> > > Is there a better way to determine the release beside
> > lsb_relsease?
> > > /etc/debian_version is pretty clear but only the verion is
> > inside.
> > >
> > > Please clearifiy for me the impact of the the once chosen
> > release in
> > > connection with the current and future version.
> > > Big thankyou!
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > > Chris
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > There aren't 3 versions of each release, there's only one. Stable,
> > testing and unstable are nicknames / status codes applied to a given
> > release at any stage of its lifecycle. Right now Jessie is stable,
> > Stretch is testing. The unstable release is always called Sid, that
> > never changes. When stretch is considered stable enough, it will get
> > a release number (9.0), and be referred to as stable. At this point
> > Jessie will be "oldstable" and wheezy will pass into legend.
> > Whatever Sid looks like at that time, will get a new Toy Story
> > character name assigned, and become the new "testing". Sid and
> > "testing" will at that moment be identical, and will start to
> > diverge as stuff gets into Sid, and takes a while to prove itself
> > enough to get into "testing". HTH Mark

Re: Version and Release

2016-06-08 Thread

AA... I see.
That makes perfect sense.


One additional question please:
Does stable and testing have nicknames too - like unstable = Sid??


On 2016-06-08 13:19, Mark Fletcher wrote:

On Wed, 8 Jun 2016 at 19:51, 

Yes, I already knew this.
But I still get not the connection.


On 2016-06-08 12:18,
> Hi Chris,
> good questions you're asking yourself here.
> Check .
> This is a point where you want to start regarding this.
> Hope that helps,
> Olivier
> - Mail original -
> De: "c holper" >
> À:

> Envoyé: Mercredi 8 Juin 2016 12:03:12
> Objet: Version and Release
> Hi!
> I am not completely new to Debian but I never really understood the
> version-system.
> I understand the versions have nicknames (8 = jessie, 7 =
wheezy, 6 =
> squeeze, ...).
> I also understand there are 3 releases of every version (stable,
> testing, unstable) and
> it is clear that stable has the oldest but most bugfree version of
> software and unstable the opposit.
> But it seems there is some living connection between the current
> and the future version...
> And what is "sid"?
> I downloades 8 testing (some months ago) and in my apt-sources is
> jessie. Would it be something else if I chose stable??
> How can I see it in apt?
> Is there a better way to determine the release beside lsb_relsease?
> /etc/debian_version is pretty clear but only the verion is inside.
> Please clearifiy for me the impact of the the once chosen release in
> connection with the current and future version.
> Big thankyou!
> Cheers,
> Chris

There aren't 3 versions of each release, there's only one. Stable, 
testing and unstable are nicknames / status codes applied to a given 
release at any stage of its lifecycle. Right now Jessie is stable, 
Stretch is testing. The unstable release is always called Sid, that 
never changes. When stretch is considered stable enough, it will get a 
release number (9.0), and be referred to as stable. At this point 
Jessie will be "oldstable" and wheezy will pass into legend. Whatever 
Sid looks like at that time, will get a new Toy Story character name 
assigned, and become the new "testing". Sid and "testing" will at that 
moment be identical, and will start to diverge as stuff gets into Sid, 
and takes a while to prove itself enough to get into "testing". HTH Mark

Re: Version and Release

2016-06-08 Thread Brad Rogers
On Wed, 8 Jun 2016 12:03:12 +0200
""  wrote:


>I understand the versions have nicknames (8 = jessie, 7 = wheezy, 6 = 
>squeeze, ...).
>I also understand there are 3 releases of every version (stable, 
>testing, unstable) and

That's where the bulk of your problem lies;  stable, testing and
unstable are not three releases of every version.  Currently,
oldstable=7=wheezy, stable=8=jessie, testing is what will be the next
stable version, is codenamed stretch, and will most likely be version
number 9.

When current testing becomes stable (i.e. when Debian release a new
version), things will change such that stable=9=stretch,
oldstable=8=jessie and testing will get a new, as yet undecided, release
name.  It will, of course, be a Toy Story character's name.

So, whenever Debian release the next version (Stretch,v9), the
oldstable, oldoldstable, stable and testing names will be pointed to
their new positions.

sid=unstable and never, AFAIAA, takes a version number.

 Regards  _
 / )   "The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent"
I'll tell you something, I think that you should know
Rich Kids - Rich Kids

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Version and Release

2016-06-08 Thread Mark Fletcher
On Wed, 8 Jun 2016 at 19:51,  wrote:

> Yes, I already knew this.
> But I still get not the connection.
> Chris
> On 2016-06-08 12:18, wrote:
> > Hi Chris,
> >
> > good questions you're asking yourself here.
> > Check .
> > This is a point where you want to start regarding this.
> >
> > Hope that helps,
> > Olivier
> >
> >
> > - Mail original -
> > De: "c holper" 
> > À:
> > Envoyé: Mercredi 8 Juin 2016 12:03:12
> > Objet: Version and Release
> >
> > Hi!
> >
> > I am not completely new to Debian but I never really understood the
> > version-system.
> >
> > I understand the versions have nicknames (8 = jessie, 7 = wheezy, 6 =
> > squeeze, ...).
> > I also understand there are 3 releases of every version (stable,
> > testing, unstable) and
> > it is clear that stable has the oldest but most bugfree version of
> > software and unstable the opposit.
> >
> > But it seems there is some living connection between the current testing
> > and the future version...
> > And what is "sid"?
> >
> > I downloades 8 testing (some months ago) and in my apt-sources is
> > jessie. Would it be something else if I chose stable??
> > How can I see it in apt?
> > Is there a better way to determine the release beside lsb_relsease?
> > /etc/debian_version is pretty clear but only the verion is inside.
> >
> > Please clearifiy for me the impact of the the once chosen release in
> > connection with the current and future version.
> > Big thankyou!
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Chris
> >
> >
There aren't 3 versions of each release, there's only one. Stable, testing
and unstable are nicknames / status codes applied to a given release at any
stage of its lifecycle. Right now Jessie is stable, Stretch is testing. The
unstable release is always called Sid, that never changes.

When stretch is considered stable enough, it will get a release number
(9.0), and be referred to as stable. At this point Jessie will be
"oldstable" and wheezy will pass into legend. Whatever Sid looks like at
that time, will get a new Toy Story character name assigned, and become the
new "testing". Sid and "testing" will at that moment be identical, and will
start to diverge as stuff gets into Sid, and takes a while to prove itself
enough to get into "testing".



Re: Pour envoyer un SMS (ou un fax) depuis son IP :

2016-06-08 Thread andre_debian
On Monday 06 June 2016 22:02:50 Yves Rutschle wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 06, 2016 wrote:
> > > [Envaya SMS] :
> > C'est de l'Espagnol ?

> 3s dans Google:

> > Èvidemment ! ou plutôt, "je sais pas du tout"

> Je l'ai utilisé l'an dernier, avec succès. Ça fait un an que
> je ne l'utilise plus, donc effectivement je ne sais pas du
> tout le nom du script PHP. Je parlais évidemment du manuel
> de Envaya, dont je pensais que c'était clair que c'était une
> application Android (puisque c'était précisé dans mon mail
> précédent).

Alors désolé, excuses, si tu avais réussi à faire fonctionner
l'envoi de SMS à partir d'un serveur sous Linux.


Re: make ping executable by normal users?

2016-06-08 Thread Adam Borowski
On Tue, Jun 07, 2016 at 02:56:11PM -0800, Britton Kerin wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 2:33 PM, Santiago Vila  wrote:
> > On Thu, Jun 02, 2016 at 01:56:08PM -0800, Britton Kerin wrote:
> >> On my old debian system I could ping as a normal user.  The ping
> >> binary had the suid bit set.  Now I get:
> >>
> >> $ ping
> >> ping: icmp open socket: Operation not permitted
> >> 2 $
> >>
> >> presumably because the bit isn't set.
> >
> > Yes, it uses capabilities. The simple fix is to do this:
> >
> > dpkg-reconfigure iputils-ping
> Well, that works, thanks.  But I really don't get the overall behavior.
> It says this:
>  root@debian:/home/bkerin# dpkg-reconfigure iputils-ping
>  Setcap worked! Ping(6) is not suid!
>  root@debian:/home/bkerin#
> And then ping works for non-root users.
> How, just by executing dpkg-reconfigure, did I tell it this is what
> I wanted?  If that's the default, why wasn't it that way to begin with?

It is supposed to work on initial installation as well -- the decision
whether to setcap or setuid is made anew whenever iputils-ping is
configured.  Did you do something out of ordinary, like tarring and
restoring or otherwise moving your system around?  If so, that's
unfortunately an expected thing -- if not, it'd be nice to know what
else could have failed.

> More generally, is it somehow possible to still run debian without
> capabilities?  I hate them.

Yes, apt-get purge libcap2-bin.

This won't undo existing capabilities in the filesystem, you can search for
them with getcap -r, then dpkg --reconfigure them to use setuid instead.

> The simple root-or-not security model is much simpler and doesn't promise
> more than it can really deliver.

Giving only limited capabilities greatly reduces possible attacks.  If
someone manages to subvert ping, in the setuid model he gains full root.  In
the capability model, all he gets is cap_net_raw.  The damage from being
able to create raw sockets is rather limited.  Another such capability is
for example cap_net_bind_service which lets your http/whatever server to
listen on port 80 without being root.  And so on...

On the other hand, setcap does have its downsides, like surprising some
sysadmins or tools.

> I'm sad to see capabilities now as the default.

I'd say the upside outweights the downsides.  But, you do get to choose.

An imaginary friend squared is a real enemy.

Re: Version and Release

2016-06-08 Thread

Yes, I already knew this.
But I still get not the connection.


On 2016-06-08 12:18, wrote:

Hi Chris,

good questions you're asking yourself here.
Check .
This is a point where you want to start regarding this.

Hope that helps,

- Mail original -
De: "c holper" 
Envoyé: Mercredi 8 Juin 2016 12:03:12
Objet: Version and Release


I am not completely new to Debian but I never really understood the

I understand the versions have nicknames (8 = jessie, 7 = wheezy, 6 =
squeeze, ...).
I also understand there are 3 releases of every version (stable,
testing, unstable) and
it is clear that stable has the oldest but most bugfree version of
software and unstable the opposit.

But it seems there is some living connection between the current testing
and the future version...
And what is "sid"?

I downloades 8 testing (some months ago) and in my apt-sources is
jessie. Would it be something else if I chose stable??
How can I see it in apt?
Is there a better way to determine the release beside lsb_relsease?
/etc/debian_version is pretty clear but only the verion is inside.

Please clearifiy for me the impact of the the once chosen release in
connection with the current and future version.
Big thankyou!


Re: Gestor de E-mail para PC e Celular

2016-06-08 Thread Paulo Alexandre A.P. de Oliveira
Para debian, eu uso o thundervird (tens também o icedove) .

Para o Android eu uso o cliente de email por defeito. Se configurares o
IMAP, ficam mais ou menos sincronizados.


Às 09:38 de 08-06-2016, Marcos Antonio Rufino do Egito escreveu:
> Bom dia Amigos!
> Estou a procura de um gestor de e-mail que possa usar no PC (Debian),
> note (Debian), e Celular (Android), pois no pc o padrão do Debian e
> Evolution, no Celular Tem o Gmail que permite Várias contas, o Inbox,
> mais curto mesmo o K9 Mail, estou a procura de um que possa usar no PC
> e celular, que eles trabalhem juntos, também com agenda ...
> Estive pesquisando mais não achei k9 para pc e Evolution para Android.
> Se alguém poder ajudar!
> Abraços!
> -- 
> Marcos Egito  
> CV:
> GNU/Linux User #491326   
> blog 
> TIM 081-99525-3834
> "Sabedoria é não dizer nada, quando tudo que queremos é falar tudo,
> sabedoria é saber calar, para poder dizer mais com o silêncio!"
> (Eu)

Re: curl and form submission

2016-06-08 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

[please keep replies to list, so that others can chime in]

On Wed, Jun 08, 2016 at 10:03:38AM +, Bob wrote:
> On Wednesday 08 June 2016 07:11 AM, wrote:
> >Hash: SHA1
> >
> >On Tue, Jun 07, 2016 at 03:33:40PM +, Bob wrote:
> >>Hello list,
> >>
> >>I'm trying to automate my internet login which is based on a web
> >>form [...]

> >>Your clue will be helpful.
> >Most probably yes: those "modern" login forms elicit a response with
> >some session key which the browser uses from then on to "prove" to
> >the server that authentication happened.
> >
> >You have to simulate that.


> You are correct Tomas,
> When I call the curl and investigate very first few lines I get the session
> ~
> < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> < Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
> < Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=A22B8981871A8A4779F5DEB8ACC5D1B8; Path=/loginarea
> < Content-Type: text/html
> < Transfer-Encoding: chunked
> So, I wonder If I can make my previous command [curl -sd
> "Username===Login"
> http:///Login.jsp
> ] work with correct session. How can I collect the session then ? I
> like to share, if any other tool can help me to autologin with the
> web based form, I am open with that too.

First you have to realize that the whole process consists of several
back-and-forths (your web browser hides this fact from you). The
client contacts the server, the server sees "no session" and redirects
to the login page, this comes back with a session ID, then the
browser goes to do useful work, providing the just-received cookie.

Then, there's the option -c to curl (cf. curl's excellent, albeit a
bit terse documentation), in which you provide a file name where
curl is supposed to manage cookies for a request series.

So the rough schema will be (at least):

  curl -c  login-page   # this stores above cookie
  curl -c  some-useful-page # this uses the cookie

perhaps more back-and-forths.

Go install firebug (if you're using firefox as your browser) and have
a look what your browser is doing: this will give you an idea of what
it'd take to teach curl.

Alternatively, and if the connection is not encrypted, you can spy on
it with wireshark.

In any case you'll need a bit of patience to be able to control all
this. Just don't hesitate to come back!

- -- tomás
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Version and Release

2016-06-08 Thread humbert . olivier . 1
Hi Chris,

good questions you're asking yourself here. 
Check .
This is a point where you want to start regarding this.

Hope that helps,

- Mail original -
De: "c holper" 
Envoyé: Mercredi 8 Juin 2016 12:03:12
Objet: Version and Release


I am not completely new to Debian but I never really understood the 

I understand the versions have nicknames (8 = jessie, 7 = wheezy, 6 = 
squeeze, ...).
I also understand there are 3 releases of every version (stable, 
testing, unstable) and
it is clear that stable has the oldest but most bugfree version of 
software and unstable the opposit.

But it seems there is some living connection between the current testing 
and the future version...
And what is "sid"?

I downloades 8 testing (some months ago) and in my apt-sources is 
jessie. Would it be something else if I chose stable??
How can I see it in apt?
Is there a better way to determine the release beside lsb_relsease?
/etc/debian_version is pretty clear but only the verion is inside.

Please clearifiy for me the impact of the the once chosen release in 
connection with the current and future version.
Big thankyou!


Version and Release

2016-06-08 Thread


I am not completely new to Debian but I never really understood the 

I understand the versions have nicknames (8 = jessie, 7 = wheezy, 6 = 
squeeze, ...).
I also understand there are 3 releases of every version (stable, 
testing, unstable) and
it is clear that stable has the oldest but most bugfree version of 
software and unstable the opposit.

But it seems there is some living connection between the current testing 
and the future version...

And what is "sid"?

I downloades 8 testing (some months ago) and in my apt-sources is 
jessie. Would it be something else if I chose stable??

How can I see it in apt?
Is there a better way to determine the release beside lsb_relsease?
/etc/debian_version is pretty clear but only the verion is inside.

Please clearifiy for me the impact of the the once chosen release in 
connection with the current and future version.

Big thankyou!


Gestor de E-mail para PC e Celular

2016-06-08 Thread Marcos Antonio Rufino do Egito
Bom dia Amigos!

Estou a procura de um gestor de e-mail que possa usar no PC (Debian), note
(Debian), e Celular (Android), pois no pc o padrão do Debian e Evolution,
no Celular Tem o Gmail que permite Várias contas, o Inbox, mais curto mesmo
o K9 Mail, estou a procura de um que possa usar no PC e celular, que eles
trabalhem juntos, também com agenda ...

Estive pesquisando mais não achei k9 para pc e Evolution para Android.

Se alguém poder ajudar!



Marcos Egito
GNU/Linux User #491326
TIM 081-99525-3834

"Sabedoria é não dizer nada, quando tudo que queremos é falar tudo,
sabedoria é saber calar, para poder dizer mais com o silêncio!"

Bluetooth speaker: visible, but no sound

2016-06-08 Thread W. Martin Borgert

I'm trying to use a bluetooth speaker, but don't get any sound.

bluetoothctl shows the device as paired, trusted, and connected and
lists it as "serial port", "headset", "audio sink", and some others.

pavucontrol shows the speaker as "Output Device". But xfce4-mixer,
while showing the speaker in the "Sound card" dropdown, does not
allow me to actually select the device. Also, I wonder what device
string I have to put into my .quodlibet/config to use the speaker
(gst_pipeline = pulsesink device=???).

Any ideas?


mutt, w3m and firefox

2016-06-08 Thread Johann Spies
Until a few weeks ago, I could open firefox from mutt by 'v' and then
select the html-part of the email and press enter.

Now firefox does not but w3m handles everything - which is not preferred
when some links are important.

I have in my .mailcap:

#text/html; firefox -new-tab %s & sleep 5; test=test -n "$DISPLAY";
nametemplate=%s.html; copiousoutput
text/html; firefox -new-tab %s & sleep 5; test=test -n "$DISPLAY";
text/html; w3m -T text/html -dump %s; copiousoutput

When the first of the three lines is uncommented, every time I open an
email containing html it is opened in firefox - which is also not what I
Also, when I select a bunch of messages to forward or to do something with,
every single one of them gets opened in firefox.

How can I get back the previous behaviour.

Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)

Re: Upgrading from Backports

2016-06-08 Thread Alex Mestiashvili
On 06/07/2016 11:46 PM, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> Need to upgrade claws-mail installed from regular repo to a newer
> version in wheezy-backports.  I don't want to end up with two installed
> versions.  Have done research, but have found nothing specific about
> this particular procedure.  Would
>apt-get install -t wheezy-backports claws-mail=
> upgrade the old version or just install the new version along side the
> old.

It will upgrade the package. In this case backports simply provide a
more up-to-date version of the same software.

Re: curl and form submission

2016-06-08 Thread Jude DaShiell
For the wget users, you may want to try using the wput package which is 
intended to fill web forms or was when it was written.  I can't speak 
for how current wput is in terms of web technology you talk to but that 
package may be a little more effective than wget.

On Wed, 8 Jun 2016, Oliver Briscbois wrote:

Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2016 20:23:27
From: Oliver Briscbois 
Subject: Re: curl and form submission
Resent-Date: Wed,  8 Jun 2016 00:24:48 + (UTC)

On 2016-06-07, Bob  wrote:

Hello list,

I'm trying to automate my internet login which is based on a web form.

Good question. I hope someone follows up with an answer. I'll be
following this thread. I've been trying the same thing with wget without



Re: curl and form submission

2016-06-08 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Jun 07, 2016 at 03:33:40PM +, Bob wrote:
> Hello list,
> I'm trying to automate my internet login which is based on a web
> form. I have already checked few tutorial/posts on form submission
> by curl. I have tried various combinations too but nothing worked in
> my case.
> When I inspect the form I get following for username/password text
> box and submit button


> which is not working unfortunately. Have I missed anything ?
> Your clue will be helpful.

Most probably yes: those "modern" login forms elicit a response with
some session key which the browser uses from then on to "prove" to
the server that authentication happened.

You have to simulate that.

Most of the time, this session key is hidden in a cookie. You can
let curl manage the cookies for you with option -c: it stores the
set cookies in the file you give it and uses it in subsequent requests

Sometimes servers fall back to a session ID embedded in the URL
when the client refuses to use cookies (the ending .jsp suggests
you are talking to a java server pages thingmajig: those do this
kind of fallback -- sometimes). There, you would have to follow
redirects judiciously and possibly enrich your URL with whatever
session ID is there (perhaps embedded in the path, perhaps in
the url params after the ?).

Why those &$%#*$? web designers gave up on "traditional"
authentication is something I've kept asking myself the last
15 years. Some things are "turtles all the way down", the
Intertubes is just a disgusting tangle of turtles.

But there you go.

- -- t
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: libreCAD, can't find help docs

2016-06-08 Thread Jörg-Volker Peetz
Maybe, the priority of the package repositories for , e.g., package
"libsoqt4-20" is wrong.

Let's see what's the outcome of

  apt-cache policy

