Consulta router debian con wlan0 y eth0

2016-07-25 Thread tomas gonzalez
Hola amigos! quisera que me orienten ...en el trabajo existen dos oficinas:
en una hay un router wifi y lo que quisiera hacer es en la otra oficina,
instalar  un server debian con dhcp con una placa inalambrica (wlan0) y
otra ethernet (eth0); este server se conectara con wifi hacia el router y
realizara una puente hacia eth0 para compartir internet y ademas brindar
servicio de dhcp... muchas gracias por cualquier orientacion al respecto -
muchas gracias

Re: Servidor de correo no instalado envia SPAM

2016-07-25 Thread Paynalton
Es el cuarto joomla del que me entero que pasa eso.

Revisa tu formulario de contacto y pon un captcha, pues lo que hacen es
poner un bot a llenar formularios usando emails de una lista, entonces
tú inocentemente envías un correo de "su contacto ha sido recibido y lo
atenderemos en breve"  a cada una de esas personas que nisiquiera saben
que existes.

Además revisa tus archivos PHP, pues he visto varios que tienen un
backdoor. Específicamente checa si no tienen  un código PHP extraño al
inicio de cada archivo PHP, por encima de los comentarios de licencia
iniciales y revisa tus logs para ver que actividad sospechosa tienes.


/ A la bota, darla el beso después del \
\ queso.   /
\   ^__^
 \  (oo)\___
(__)\   )\/\
||w |
|| ||

El lun, 25-07-2016 a las 18:05 -0500, limpia escribió:

> On 2016-07-25 17:20, Debian Linux wrote:
> > Estimados amigos
> > Tengo un servidor con Debian 7 en un VPS alquilado, en el cual no
> > instalé el servidor de correo.
> > He recibio un e-mail de los proveedores del VPS que me dicen que un
> > sitio de mi servidor está generando SPAM
> > 
> > ¿Es posible que esto suceda?
> > 
> > Tengo instalado Joomla ¿Es posible que a través de Joomla se genere
> > el SPAM?
> > 
> > Gracias anticipadas por las respuestas.
> > 
> > Atte.
> > RVCC
> Buenos tarde.
> ¿Han, el alojamiento (proveedores de VPS) dicen que fue especificamente
> spam de correo electrónico, Si su servidor podría verse comprometida y
> está generando otro tipo de spam, no necesariamente de correo 
> electrónico.
>Creo que debería ponerse en contacto con los proveedores de VPS para 
> más detalles.
>Tal vez contacto suporte de Joomla, yo no se mucho de"joomla"
>   y de verdad hago la lucha para evitar los sitios usando
> eso,...pero es otra tema, eso, y mi razones
>Si es possible ¿Es posible que esto suceda?

Re: [Gimp-user] Next gotcha(off topic)

2016-07-25 Thread David Wright
On Mon 25 Jul 2016 at 15:09:07 (-0500), limpia wrote:
> On 2016-07-25 11:43, David Wright wrote:
> >On Mon 25 Jul 2016 at 10:34:11 (-0500), limpia wrote:
> >> I have been following this thread, it seems to be drifting
> >>into another topic, but any way, I just wanted to comment,
> >> I never did like either Gimp or Inkscape, and have tried all
> >>sorts of other "graphics programs", but none come close to the
> >>versatility, and user friendliness that ImageMagick has, with
> >>ImageMagick I can do whatever I need to do quickly and easily.
> >
> >I've used ImageMagick for resizing/cropping/annotating
> >pictures in which the annotations are in a fixed position
> >(eg placing names on a mugshot gallery), where the CLI
> >approach works well, and with a bash for loop to automate it.
> >
> >But has ImageMagick changed to include an interactive
> >interface since I last did that? How would I place an
> >arrow and text onto a photograph where the position of
> >the annotations is determined by looking at the layout
> >of the subjects in the picture itself?

>  To be honest I don't know, and I am not sure exactly what you mean,
> but there is a lot of good documentation on using Image Magick,
>  And yes , Image Magick does have a "interactive interface", of
> sorts,now,..

Well, I guess if that's versatile and friendly, you've got a good
tool there. It would not be much use to me because, though I can
draw something that looks a bit like an arrow, I can't place it
as it's not an object as far as IM is concerned. It just seems
to be a collection of modified pixels. And you appear only to
be able to undo things in the strict order they were done, so
you can't correct anything without jeopardizing everything you've
done since. Once you save it, it's set in stone; the workflow
is write-only.

So it's great for a bit of tinkering (which is what I've used
it for non-interactively), but I don't think it bears comparison
with Gimp or Inkscape or xfig when taken out of its comfort zone
where it excels, and which many people probably undervalue.


Re: wicd trouble

2016-07-25 Thread limpia

On 2016-07-25 18:53, Glenn English wrote:

What does "Verifying access point association" mean, and what do you
do to make it OK?

I have several Debian boxes, Wheezy and Jessie. Wired and wireless (3
wireless -- wicd manged). 2 of then are Raspberry Pi 3's the other is
a GoBook laptop. All 3 are Jessie. All are XFCE4.

A few days ago, for no reason I can think of but surely something (I
futz with my computers all the time, but I swear I did nothing to the
laptop), they started failing to connect with the AP. Everything went
smoothly until that step. Then they stayed there for a long time, then
said it couldn't connect.

When I shut down the laptop one night, all was well. When it started
the next morning, things were bent.

All have ethernet connectors, and all work successfully on Ethernet --
all connected by wicd.

I replaced the chip in one of the Pi's with a backup, and it started
working. I've copied its wicd directory and its wpa-supplicant
directory to the laptop (and rebooted after each), with no success.
I've looked on the 'Net for anything that could be causing this, nada.

The Apple AP is OK, I think, because one of the Pi's and the MacAir
works. The other 2 Debians worked until recently.

Any explanation(s) would be gratefully appreciated. Reinstalling on
the Pi's is reasonable, although its OS has been modified a bit. But
the laptop would be a major job.

I would try looking at this first:
 It also answers about this ""What does "Verifying access point 
association" mean ", it means what it says, it is verifying the access 
point, or trying to,... So that maybe is the problem, it can not verify 
the access point.

 also this may have something:

wicd trouble

2016-07-25 Thread Glenn English
What does "Verifying access point association" mean, and what do you do to make 
it OK?

I have several Debian boxes, Wheezy and Jessie. Wired and wireless (3 wireless 
-- wicd manged). 2 of then are Raspberry Pi 3's the other is a GoBook laptop. 
All 3 are Jessie. All are XFCE4.

A few days ago, for no reason I can think of but surely something (I futz with 
my computers all the time, but I swear I did nothing to the laptop), they 
started failing to connect with the AP. Everything went smoothly until that 
step. Then they stayed there for a long time, then said it couldn't connect. 

When I shut down the laptop one night, all was well. When it started the next 
morning, things were bent.

All have ethernet connectors, and all work successfully on Ethernet -- all 
connected by wicd. 

I replaced the chip in one of the Pi's with a backup, and it started working. 
I've copied its wicd directory and its wpa-supplicant directory to the laptop 
(and rebooted after each), with no success. I've looked on the 'Net for 
anything that could be causing this, nada.

The Apple AP is OK, I think, because one of the Pi's and the MacAir works. The 
other 2 Debians worked until recently.

Any explanation(s) would be gratefully appreciated. Reinstalling on the Pi's is 
reasonable, although its OS has been modified a bit. But the laptop would be a 
major job.

Glenn English

Re: Servidor de correo no instalado envia SPAM

2016-07-25 Thread OddieX
El día 25 de julio de 2016, 19:20, Debian Linux  escribió:
> Estimados amigos
> Tengo un servidor con Debian 7 en un VPS alquilado, en el cual no instalé el
> servidor de correo.
> He recibio un e-mail de los proveedores del VPS que me dicen que un sitio de
> mi servidor está generando SPAM
> ¿Es posible que esto suceda?
> Tengo instalado Joomla ¿Es posible que a través de Joomla se genere el SPAM?
> Gracias anticipadas por las respuestas.
> Atte.

Si es posible, seguramente te esta usando la funcion mail de php y te
envia por sendmail o te metieron algun script en el joomla...

Re: Servidor de correo no instalado envia SPAM

2016-07-25 Thread limpia

On 2016-07-25 17:20, Debian Linux wrote:

Estimados amigos
Tengo un servidor con Debian 7 en un VPS alquilado, en el cual no
instalé el servidor de correo.
He recibio un e-mail de los proveedores del VPS que me dicen que un
sitio de mi servidor está generando SPAM

¿Es posible que esto suceda?

Tengo instalado Joomla ¿Es posible que a través de Joomla se genere
el SPAM?

Gracias anticipadas por las respuestas.


Buenos tarde.
¿Han, el alojamiento (proveedores de VPS) dicen que fue especificamente
spam de correo electrónico, Si su servidor podría verse comprometida y
está generando otro tipo de spam, no necesariamente de correo 
  Creo que debería ponerse en contacto con los proveedores de VPS para 
más detalles.

  Tal vez contacto suporte de Joomla, yo no se mucho de"joomla"
 y de verdad hago la lucha para evitar los sitios usando
eso,...pero es otra tema, eso, y mi razones
  Si es possible ¿Es posible que esto suceda?
¿Cómo no romper Debian :(Don'tBreakDebian)

Servidor de correo no instalado envia SPAM

2016-07-25 Thread Debian Linux
Estimados amigos
Tengo un servidor con Debian 7 en un VPS alquilado, en el cual no instalé
el servidor de correo.
He recibio un e-mail de los proveedores del VPS que me dicen que un sitio
de mi servidor está generando SPAM

¿Es posible que esto suceda?

Tengo instalado Joomla ¿Es posible que a través de Joomla se genere el SPAM?

Gracias anticipadas por las respuestas.


Re: [Gimp-user] Next gotcha(off topic)

2016-07-25 Thread limpia

On 2016-07-25 11:43, David Wright wrote:

On Mon 25 Jul 2016 at 10:34:11 (-0500), limpia wrote:

 I have been following this thread, it seems to be drifting
into another topic, but any way, I just wanted to comment,
 I never did like either Gimp or Inkscape, and have tried all
sorts of other "graphics programs", but none come close to the
versatility, and user friendliness that ImageMagick has, with
ImageMagick I can do whatever I need to do quickly and easily.

I've used ImageMagick for resizing/cropping/annotating
pictures in which the annotations are in a fixed position
(eg placing names on a mugshot gallery), where the CLI
approach works well, and with a bash for loop to automate it.

But has ImageMagick changed to include an interactive
interface since I last did that? How would I place an
arrow and text onto a photograph where the position of
the annotations is determined by looking at the layout
of the subjects in the picture itself?


 To be honest I don't know, and I am not sure exactly what you mean,
but there is a lot of good documentation on using Image Magick,
 And yes , Image Magick does have a "interactive interface", of 
Maybe :
 Here are some text handling examples,

Re: Mayúsculas en la propiedad hostname de rsyslog

2016-07-25 Thread Luis Enrique Araneda
Estimadisimo, de verdad desconosco la respuesta pero si me encantaria que
pudiaras compartir el como crear un servidor de rsyslog... sería
interesante... saludos!

El 25 de julio de 2016, 15:03, Mauro Antivero 

> Estimados, desde hace un tiempo tengo un servidor de rsyslog funcionando y
> recibiendo los logs de una buena cantidad de equipos. Esto me ha sido de
> gran ayuda en múltiples ocasiones. Tengo todo dividido primero por fecha y
> después por nombre de equipo, por ejemplo:
> año/mes/dia/hora/Servidor1
> año/mes/dia/hora/Servidor2
> año/mes/dia/hora/Servidor3
> Notar que puse la primera letra del nombre del servidor en mayúscula... Y
> si, es que soy bastante quisquilloso y me gusta usar mayúsculas en los
> nombres de mis servidores... Para lograr que la primera letra quede en
> mayúscula usé el "property replacer" de la siguiente manera:
> %hostname:1:1:uppercase%%hostname:2:$%
> Qué locura no? Y si... Ustedes entenderán, cada uno tiene sus locuras, y
> una de las mías es el uso de mayúsculas... En fin, hasta aquí todo bien,
> estaba feliz con lo que había logrado, hasta que comencé a tener equipos
> con nombre del siguiente tipo:
> Servidor_A
> Servidor_B
> Servidor_C
> El uso del property replacer como definí anteriormente me da como
> resultado lo siguiente:
> Servidor_a
> Servidor_b
> Servidor_c
> Es decir, solo me deja la primera letra en mayúscula (lo cual está bien,
> pero no es lo que yo quiero). Ya he intentado varias cosas, como por
> ejemplo definir los hosts en el archivo /etc/hostname, pero en ese caso
> utiliza todo en minúsculas.
> Se que esto es en si una pavada, pero es algo que a mi me molesta y si es
> posible me gustaría acomodar. Alguien tiene idea si se puede lograr lo que
> yo deseo? Desde ya les agradezco mucho por su tiempo y ayuda.
> Saludos, Mauro.
> PD: Este correo salió con formato HTML o no? En teoría lo configuré para
> que no.

Luis Enrique Araneda
Ingeniero en sistemas

Mayúsculas en la propiedad hostname de rsyslog

2016-07-25 Thread Mauro Antivero
Estimados, desde hace un tiempo tengo un servidor de rsyslog funcionando 
y recibiendo los logs de una buena cantidad de equipos. Esto me ha sido 
de gran ayuda en múltiples ocasiones. Tengo todo dividido primero por 
fecha y después por nombre de equipo, por ejemplo:


Notar que puse la primera letra del nombre del servidor en mayúscula... 
Y si, es que soy bastante quisquilloso y me gusta usar mayúsculas en los 
nombres de mis servidores... Para lograr que la primera letra quede en 
mayúscula usé el "property replacer" de la siguiente manera:


Qué locura no? Y si... Ustedes entenderán, cada uno tiene sus locuras, y 
una de las mías es el uso de mayúsculas... En fin, hasta aquí todo bien, 
estaba feliz con lo que había logrado, hasta que comencé a tener equipos 
con nombre del siguiente tipo:


El uso del property replacer como definí anteriormente me da como 
resultado lo siguiente:


Es decir, solo me deja la primera letra en mayúscula (lo cual está bien, 
pero no es lo que yo quiero). Ya he intentado varias cosas, como por 
ejemplo definir los hosts en el archivo /etc/hostname, pero en ese caso 
utiliza todo en minúsculas.

Se que esto es en si una pavada, pero es algo que a mi me molesta y si 
es posible me gustaría acomodar. Alguien tiene idea si se puede lograr 
lo que yo deseo? Desde ya les agradezco mucho por su tiempo y ayuda.

Saludos, Mauro.

PD: Este correo salió con formato HTML o no? En teoría lo configuré para 
que no.

Re: Wireless kartı sorunu

2016-07-25 Thread Emrah Atalay

Host device 'in wireless karti, sanal makina uzerinde ethernet device
olarak baglaniyor, eger sanal makina icinde wireless adaptor
goremiyorsaniz bu normal

25 Temmuz 2016 20:04 tarihinde Mesut GENCOGLU  yazdı:
> merhaba ms windows ta teknik destek seviyesinde bilgim var ancak linuxu ilk
> kez kullanmaya başladım ve şuan hiçbir bilgim yok. oracle virtualbox ile
> kali linux kurulum yaptım ancak birtürlü wireless kartımı görmüyor.
> dan indirmem gerekiyormuş sanırım driver fakat site izin
> vermiyor. Sanırım burayada üyelik gerekiyor. Birtürlü indiremedim. Ağ kartım
> Atheros Ar9285 . Lütfen yardımcı olurmusunuz. İyi çalışmalar

Re: Wireless kartı sorunu

2016-07-25 Thread jin
Tam anlayamadim. Sanirim Virtual Box Debian uzerinde kurulu ve kali linuxda
sanal makina olarak çalışıyor. Eger sisteminiz bu sekilde ise bu durumda
once synaptic (grafik arayuze sahip paket yönetim uygulamasi) ile ar9285
için gereken paketi debian repolarinda aramak iyi bir başlangıç olur.

On Jul 25, 2016 8:21 PM, "Mesut GENCOGLU"  wrote:

> merhaba ms windows ta teknik destek seviyesinde bilgim var ancak linuxu
> ilk kez kullanmaya başladım ve şuan hiçbir bilgim yok. oracle virtualbox
> ile kali linux kurulum yaptım ancak birtürlü wireless kartımı görmüyor.
> dan indirmem gerekiyormuş sanırım driver fakat site izin
> vermiyor. Sanırım burayada üyelik gerekiyor. Birtürlü indiremedim. Ağ
> kartım Atheros Ar9285 . Lütfen yardımcı olurmusunuz. İyi çalışmalar

Wireless kartı sorunu

2016-07-25 Thread Mesut GENCOGLU
merhaba ms windows ta teknik destek seviyesinde bilgim var ancak linuxu ilk kez 
kullanmaya başladım ve şuan hiçbir bilgim yok. oracle virtualbox ile kali linux 
kurulum yaptım ancak birtürlü wireless kartımı görmüyor. dan 
indirmem gerekiyormuş sanırım driver fakat site izin vermiyor. Sanırım burayada 
üyelik gerekiyor. Birtürlü indiremedim. Ağ kartım Atheros Ar9285 . Lütfen 
yardımcı olurmusunuz. İyi çalışmalar

Re: [Gimp-user] Next gotcha(off topic)

2016-07-25 Thread David Wright
On Mon 25 Jul 2016 at 10:34:11 (-0500), limpia wrote:
>  I have been following this thread, it seems to be drifting
> into another topic, but any way, I just wanted to comment,
>  I never did like either Gimp or Inkscape, and have tried all
> sorts of other "graphics programs", but none come close to the
> versatility, and user friendliness that ImageMagick has, with
> ImageMagick I can do whatever I need to do quickly and easily.

I've used ImageMagick for resizing/cropping/annotating
pictures in which the annotations are in a fixed position
(eg placing names on a mugshot gallery), where the CLI
approach works well, and with a bash for loop to automate it.

But has ImageMagick changed to include an interactive
interface since I last did that? How would I place an
arrow and text onto a photograph where the position of
the annotations is determined by looking at the layout
of the subjects in the picture itself?


Re: [Gimp-user] Next gotcha(off topic)

2016-07-25 Thread Joe
On Mon, 25 Jul 2016 16:45:33 +0100
Lisi Reisz  wrote:

> But
> Gene is a great exponent of the "If the hard way will do, why use the
> easy one?" school of thought. ;-)

To be fair, that is the Linux Way, isn't it?

Why make a simple system to drive sound hardware, for example, when
with only a little more effort one can make half a dozen different,
incompatible ones, none of which work reliably without the user having
to learn some operating system programming?


Re: (deb-cat) Dependencies no autoremovibles

2016-07-25 Thread Ernest Adrogué
2016-07-15, 10:32 (+0200); Narcis Garcia escriu:
> D'acord, gràcies.
> Això implica que, a l'hora de provar un paquet, millor em copio la
> llista de paquets associats per eliminar-lo després i deixar el sistema
> com estava.

I si et descuides de copiar la llista, igualment pots veure els paquets
instal·lats recentment (amb qualsevol programa) fent:

grep '[0-9] install ' /var/log/dpkg.log

Espero que et serveixi.

Re: pinning et apt-cache policy

2016-07-25 Thread Francois Lafont

Désolé, je n'ai pas lu attentivement tout le fil de discussion,
simplement je voulais indiquer que je me suis heurté moi-même à ces
histoires de pinnings sous Jessie et que j'avais lancé aussi un fil
de discussion ici :

Perso, je voulais faire du pinning précisément sur « tous les paquets
issus d'un dépôt en particulier et dont le numéro de version matchait
un truc du genre 9.2.1-* ». Et bien je n'ai jamais réussi. ;)

Si jamais tu arrives à quelque chose et bien ça m'intéresse. Dans le
fil de discussion (si jamais tu as le courage de le lire), tu verras que
j'en arrive plus ou moins à la conclusion que la version de APT sous
Jessie est un peu boguée au niveau du pinning et que même avec une
version plus récente de APT je n'ai pas réussi à faire ce que je voulais.

Bon courage. ;)

François Lafont

Re: [Gimp-user] Next gotcha(off topic)

2016-07-25 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Monday 25 July 2016 16:34:11 limpia wrote:
> On 2016-07-24 22:27, phil wrote:
> > On 25/07/2016 9:45 AM, Joel Rees wrote:
> >> (Bringing it back to both lists so those who are telling Gene he
> >> should upgrade his debian can get a clue.)
> >>
> >>
> >> On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 7:19 PM, Gene Heskett 
> >>
> >> wrote:
> >>> On Saturday 23 July 2016 05:41:29 Michael Schumacher wrote:
>  On 07/22/2016 10:32 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > But when I hit the help menu, up pops the help for 2.6!  So I fire
> > up synaptic and check to see if I am out of date, because the
> > "context help" doesn't work at all.  Yup, I'm up to date allright,
> > got gimp-2.8.2 but the doc files are for 2.6.x.  Debian wheezy at
> > your service, NOT.
>  Well, actually you are not up-to-date at all - this is because you
>  choose to run the oldstable Debian release.
>  This also means you're missing most of the bug fixes that have
>  happened in 2.8 since 2.8.2 has been released (minus some security
>  fixes, maybe).
> > Did this train lose its conductor a few stops back?  Or how can I
> > back it up to when it Just Worked(TM) quite a bit of the time?
>  You should check whether you can and want to upgrade to a more
>  current
>  Debian release. Or, in train terms: check if you want to board a
>  train
>  that is actually going somewhere, instead of the museum train that's
>  running around in circles on its closed track.
> >>>
> >>> True, but I am stuck with a distribution that can run LinuxCNC, which
> >>> has
> >>> a need for a real time capable kernel. The guys are working on it but
> >>> so
> >>> far have not managed to get good enough IRQ response with kernels
> >>> post
> >>> 3.4.9-55 to run stepper motors direct, they have to be delegated to
> >>> specialized control cards that run from $90 to 3 or 400, depending on
> >>> the complexity of the machine being controlled.
> >>
> >> (I suppose I should restrain myself, and it doesn't help Gene at all
> >> for me to say, to the pro-systemd sheeple, that this is what I was
> >> warning about. But this is what I was warning about.
> >>
> >> Oh, for someone to foot me a few hundred million JPY to fork the
> >> kernel and strip it of all the damage done in trying to deal with that
> >> cabal.
> >>
> >> Ah, but I'd prefer to write a new kernel from scratch and get rid of a
> >> whole lot of cruft. Linus has done well, and the bazaar has worked
> >> well, but the committee effects take their toll. Systemd was just the
> >> worst visible evidence of the committee effect to date. And I doubt
> >> anyone reading this except Gene understands my mumbling, so I really
> >> should restrain myself. :-<  )
> >
> > No Joel i'm sure plenty of us understand exactly what you are getting
> > at
> > . . .
>   I have been following this thread, it seems to be drifting
> into another topic, but any way, I just wanted to comment,
>   I never did like either Gimp or Inkscape, and have tried all
> sorts of other "graphics programs", but none come close to the
> versatility, and user friendliness that ImageMagick has, with
> ImageMagick I can do whatever I need to do quickly and easily.

For something as simple as Gene was wanting, LibreOffice Draw would probably 
have been more than adequate, and much less trouble.  But Gene is a great 
exponent of the "If the hard way will do, why use the easy one?" school of 
thought. ;-)


Bug - Bluetooth don't work- Atheros AR9485

2016-07-25 Thread victor braz
My BT doesn't work. It's enabled on BIOS.
In another Debian installation i get the Bt working after a lot of steps. I
needed to reinstall my O.S. and now i can't find the "how to" i used
There's someone in same situation or have the solution?

My note it's an TOSHIBA Tecra R 940 - i3 version

Victor Braz Iturriet
Acadêmico do Curso de Licenciatura em Física
Conselheiro do Diretório Acadêmico do Curso de Licenciatura em Física
Bolsista do Programa de Educação Tutorial - PET Física
Coordenador pedagógico do Desafio Pré-vestibular popular
Universidade Federal de Pelotas - UFPel

Re: [Gimp-user] Next gotcha(off topic)

2016-07-25 Thread limpia

On 2016-07-24 22:27, phil wrote:

On 25/07/2016 9:45 AM, Joel Rees wrote:

(Bringing it back to both lists so those who are telling Gene he
should upgrade his debian can get a clue.)

On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 7:19 PM, Gene Heskett  

On Saturday 23 July 2016 05:41:29 Michael Schumacher wrote:

On 07/22/2016 10:32 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:

But when I hit the help menu, up pops the help for 2.6!  So I fire
up synaptic and check to see if I am out of date, because the
"context help" doesn't work at all.  Yup, I'm up to date allright,
got gimp-2.8.2 but the doc files are for 2.6.x.  Debian wheezy at
your service, NOT.

Well, actually you are not up-to-date at all - this is because you
choose to run the oldstable Debian release.

This also means you're missing most of the bug fixes that have
happened in 2.8 since 2.8.2 has been released (minus some security
fixes, maybe).

Did this train lose its conductor a few stops back?  Or how can I
back it up to when it Just Worked(TM) quite a bit of the time?

You should check whether you can and want to upgrade to a more 
Debian release. Or, in train terms: check if you want to board a 

that is actually going somewhere, instead of the museum train that's
running around in circles on its closed track.

True, but I am stuck with a distribution that can run LinuxCNC, which 
a need for a real time capable kernel. The guys are working on it but 
far have not managed to get good enough IRQ response with kernels 

3.4.9-55 to run stepper motors direct, they have to be delegated to
specialized control cards that run from $90 to 3 or 400, depending on
the complexity of the machine being controlled.

(I suppose I should restrain myself, and it doesn't help Gene at all
for me to say, to the pro-systemd sheeple, that this is what I was
warning about. But this is what I was warning about.

Oh, for someone to foot me a few hundred million JPY to fork the
kernel and strip it of all the damage done in trying to deal with that

Ah, but I'd prefer to write a new kernel from scratch and get rid of a
whole lot of cruft. Linus has done well, and the bazaar has worked
well, but the committee effects take their toll. Systemd was just the
worst visible evidence of the committee effect to date. And I doubt
anyone reading this except Gene understands my mumbling, so I really
should restrain myself. :-<  )

No Joel i'm sure plenty of us understand exactly what you are getting 

. . .

 I have been following this thread, it seems to be drifting
into another topic, but any way, I just wanted to comment,
 I never did like either Gimp or Inkscape, and have tried all
sorts of other "graphics programs", but none come close to the
versatility, and user friendliness that ImageMagick has, with
ImageMagick I can do whatever I need to do quickly and easily.

Problem with linphone and twinkle

2016-07-25 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

Linphone doesn't sort contacts in alphabetical order.
Twinkle crashes when I switch virtual desktop during a call.

Any ideas?
Suggestions for other softphones?


Re: (deb-cat) Dependencies no autoremovibles

2016-07-25 Thread Narcis Garcia
Em sembla que és el Synaptic que té historial d'operacions APT, però no
sé si només és per inspeccionar.

Si apt-get i/o aptitude fessin el mateix, podrien retrocedir operacions
com a conjunts cridats amb una comanda. Sobre BBDD i similars, al cap i
a la fi és l'usuari que ha d'assumir els problemes aliens a APT.
Una alternativa més suau seria, en comptes d'executar operacions de
retrocés, suggerir l'operació que podria fer l'usuari manualment:

$ apt-get retro-packages
Last operation implied installs: a b c
Last operation implied removes:
Last operation implied upgrade: d e

Els «snapshots» del sistema de fitxers també poden donar problemes amb
serveis que treballen, per exemple, imaginem-nos un servei web amb un
fòrum en funcionament, o un ordinador al qual els demés li desen els
documents via xarxa.

El 25/07/16 a les 16:22, Alex Muntada ha escrit:
> Marcos:
>> Potser perquè algun paquet ja instal·lat el té com a recomanat
>> o suggerit i l'autoremove no el marca com desinsta·lable?
> Correcte. Sovint no és trivial endevinar les intencions dels
> usuaris quan fem «autoremove» i per això a Debian prefereixen
> triar l'opció més segura, que és deixar instal·lat el paquet.
> Fa unes setmanes es va parlar d'aquest tema a la llista de
> desenvolupament i algú va suggerir una opció de l'apt que
> permetés «desfer» el darrer canvi. La idea sembla senzilla i
> resoldria el cas d'en Narcís, però no tothom estava d'acord
> que fos tan fàcil fer-ho amb l'apt. En general, el que es va
> recomanar és que qui vulgui desfer canvis al sistema, millor
> que utilitzi «snapshots» del sistema de fitxers perquè quan
> hom instal·la un paquet es poden produir canvis en parts del
> sistema que no sigui fàcils de desfer (p.e. bases de dades).
>> % apt-cache rdepends shared-mime-info --no-depends
> En el fil que comentava algú va esmentar també:
> $ aptitude why shared-mime-info
> Salut!
> Alex

Re: (deb-cat) Dependencies no autoremovibles

2016-07-25 Thread Alex Muntada

> Potser perquè algun paquet ja instal·lat el té com a recomanat
> o suggerit i l'autoremove no el marca com desinsta·lable?

Correcte. Sovint no és trivial endevinar les intencions dels
usuaris quan fem «autoremove» i per això a Debian prefereixen
triar l'opció més segura, que és deixar instal·lat el paquet.

Fa unes setmanes es va parlar d'aquest tema a la llista de
desenvolupament i algú va suggerir una opció de l'apt que
permetés «desfer» el darrer canvi. La idea sembla senzilla i
resoldria el cas d'en Narcís, però no tothom estava d'acord
que fos tan fàcil fer-ho amb l'apt. En general, el que es va
recomanar és que qui vulgui desfer canvis al sistema, millor
que utilitzi «snapshots» del sistema de fitxers perquè quan
hom instal·la un paquet es poden produir canvis en parts del
sistema que no sigui fàcils de desfer (p.e. bases de dades).

> % apt-cache rdepends shared-mime-info --no-depends

En el fil que comentava algú va esmentar també:

$ aptitude why shared-mime-info


Re: Debian 8. keine Ahnung....

2016-07-25 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Monday 25 July 2016 14:43:45 Wilko Fokken wrote:
> Ein Trost bleibt:
> Debian [nach ausgiebigen "Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törleß"] zu
> installieren, könnte dazu beitragen, den künftigen Aufenthalt im Altersheim
> zu verkürzen ;~)

This IS the English speaking list.  If you want to use German, try:


Re: Debian 8. keine Ahnung....

2016-07-25 Thread Wilko Fokken

Ein Trost bleibt:

Debian [nach ausgiebigen "Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törleß"] zu installieren,
könnte dazu beitragen, den künftigen Aufenthalt im Altersheim zu verkürzen ;~)

Re: Jessie does not boot (GRUB2 complains with "mduuid not found"

2016-07-25 Thread Daniel Bareiro
Hi, Pascal.

On 07/23/16 05:48, Pascal Hambourg wrote:

>> The idea was to re-install without losing the containers I had
>> created. After finishing the installation process, GRUB failed
>> to boot with this message:
>> error: failure reading sector 0xb30 from 'fd0'
>> error: disk "mduuid/9c7c52338a6635c48476b6866bc3c650' not found.
>> Entering rescue mode...
>> grub rescue>
> (...)
>> But I see no reference to the block shown in the previous
>> error (mduuid/9c7c52338a6635c48476b6866bc3c650).

> It seems that the GRUB core image which is launched is not the one which
> was (or should have been) installed with the new system.

>> Any recommendations to fix this issue?

> Where did you choose to install the GRUB boot image during the
> installation ? In the MBR (recommended) or in a partition boot sector ?

I used the standard installation of Debian Jessie and in this case I
opted for installation in the MBR. In fact, I remember have chosen
"sda", which was the only option available.

> If in the MBR, just reinstall it with
> grub-install /dev/sda

I try this by running grub-install in debug mode from the chroot
environment on SystemRescueCD.

Checking the output, I have not found the error message mentioned
earlier by GRUB and the system has booted without problems.

Thanks for your reply and your time.

Kind regards,

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Aw: Re: [Gimp-user] Next gotcha

2016-07-25 Thread Michael Schumacher
> Von: "Joel Rees" 

> (Bringing it back to both lists so those who are telling Gene he
> should upgrade his debian can get a clue.)

> On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 7:19 PM, Gene Heskett  wrote:

> > True, but I am stuck with a distribution that can run LinuxCNC, which has
> > a need for a real time capable kernel. The guys are working on it but so
> > far have not managed to get good enough IRQ response with kernels post
> > 3.4.9-55 to run stepper motors direct, they have to be delegated to
> > specialized control cards that run from $90 to 3 or 400, depending on
> > the complexity of the machine being controlled.

Debian Wheezy should have the dependencies to build more recent releases of 
GIMP 2.8 as well.
We keep them pretty much the same in the stable GIMP branches.

GPG: 96A8 B38A 728A 577D 724D 60E5 F855 53EC B36D 4CDD

Re: grub-customizer

2016-07-25 Thread Klaus Becker
On lundi 25 juillet 2016 13:13:55 CEST Samy Mezani wrote:
> Bonjour,
> Le 25/07/2016 à 09:09, Stephane Ascoet a écrit :
> > Le 22/07/2016 18:35, a écrit :
> >> Unable to init server: Impossible de se connecter : Connexion refusée
> >> (grub-customizer:10609): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display
> >> 
> >> En mode user, pareil :
> >> Unable to init server: Impossible de se connecter : Connexion refusée,
> >> cannot open display
> > 
> > Bonjour, normal, pour executer des applications graphiques en
> > super-utilisateur sous un X lance par un autre utilisateur, il faut lui
> > dire vers quel affichage aller(0:0?) voire il y a des droits a donner(je
> > ne sais jamais, d'autres sur la liste pourront certainement te sauver).
> Il faut utiliser gksu ou gksudo selon ta configuration, ils sont faits
> pour ça.
> Samy

Ou kdesu sous KDE


Re: grub-customizer

2016-07-25 Thread Samy Mezani


Le 25/07/2016 à 09:09, Stephane Ascoet a écrit :

Le 22/07/2016 18:35, a écrit :

Unable to init server: Impossible de se connecter : Connexion refusée
(grub-customizer:10609): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display

En mode user, pareil :
Unable to init server: Impossible de se connecter : Connexion refusée,
cannot open display

Bonjour, normal, pour executer des applications graphiques en
super-utilisateur sous un X lance par un autre utilisateur, il faut lui
dire vers quel affichage aller(0:0?) voire il y a des droits a donner(je
ne sais jamais, d'autres sur la liste pourront certainement te sauver).

Il faut utiliser gksu ou gksudo selon ta configuration, ils sont faits 
pour ça.


Re: does anybody remember which debian release was it that asked for the MAC ID details at the end ?

2016-07-25 Thread Philipp Kern

On 2016-07-19 16:13, Lennart Sorensen wrote:

I don't think so.  I can't think of a reason the installer would ever
ask for the MAC, unless you are talking some odd ball ARM hardware that
didn't have a MAC in hardware and required the user to provide one.
But would Debian have even had an installer for such a thing?

Note that there are parts that parse BOOTIF= from the kernel 
command-line. That's a different case of MAC address passing, but it 
exists. Mostly to tell the OS which network card the machine PXE booted 
from, to continue using that interface during installation/early boot.

Kind regards
Philipp Kern

install debian via debootstrap sur zfs

2016-07-25 Thread bernard . schoenacker

j'ai installé une version de FreeBSD11 (trueOS Desktop) et 
je souhaiterai installer debian via debootstrap dans un 
jail, malheureusement la doc contient des erreurs qui ne me
permettent pas d'avancer plus en avant ...

l'instruction qui bloque :

 zfs create fbsdzpool1/jailz/deb-master

lien incriminé :

documentation récente pour centos 5.5 :

comment y arriver sans trop de misères


Re: grub-customizer

2016-07-25 Thread Stephane Ascoet

Le 22/07/2016 18:35, a écrit :

Unable to init server: Impossible de se connecter : Connexion refusée
(grub-customizer:10609): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display

En mode user, pareil :
Unable to init server: Impossible de se connecter : Connexion refusée,
cannot open display

Bonjour, normal, pour executer des applications graphiques en 
super-utilisateur sous un X lance par un autre utilisateur, il faut lui 
dire vers quel affichage aller(0:0?) voire il y a des droits a donner(je 
ne sais jamais, d'autres sur la liste pourront certainement te sauver).

Bien cordialement, Stephane Ascoet