Re: Gnome 3.21: how to define compose key?

2016-09-12 Thread davidson

On Mon, 12 Sep 2016, Doug wrote:

On 09/11/2016 11:47 PM, wrote:

On Mon, 12 Sep 2016, wrote:

And if I wanted that behavior all the time, I would edit the file
/etc/default/keyboard, adding compose:rwin to the comma-separated list
of pairs in XKBOPTIONS.

Of course, editing that file will change the default system-wide, for
everybody. Even, erm, Mark! (...if running Ubuntu.)

Maybe that is not what you want.

It looks like your code sets up the right Win key to be Compose, I don't know 
why it would bother anyone using the machine. It wouldn't stay that way
if you rebooted into Windows, and the key does nothing at all (that I know 
of) in Linux.

I see your point. That particular change is not going to surprise
anyone. It won't turn an expected character key into an unexpected
dead key, and then keep some other user from entering their password,
quotation marks, etc.

In other words, no fun at all.

As it happens, I have an old IBM model M keyboard with no
Windows keys, so I use the right alt key. Also, PCLOS has an option in the 
keyboard setup to choose a Compose key. Are you sure that Debian doesn't

have that capability built in, somewhere?

No, I am certainly not certain about that. And I imagine there are
desktop-environment-specific ways of configuring keyboard default
preferences like this, and doing so per-user. It will be interesting
to see if someone who uses the OP's DE suggests one.

In the meantime there is also this:

 # dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuation

It asks many questions. One of the questions it eventually asks is
about your compose key--whether you want one, which key you want it to
be, etc.

It edits /etc/default/keyboard to conform to your answers. So the same
caveat about "system-wide changes, hope everyone will be equally
thrilled" applies. A backup of the file you started with, before you
made changes, could be convenient to have.

(I happen to be a big fan of Compose, because even if you don't write a 
European language,

Aha, a Brexit joke. Good one.

it does other useful things—like that m-dash I just wrote.

Mastery of sarcasm: Check.

And ½, ⅓, ⅜, ©, 75°, µF, 17¢, and others.)

I see recognisable glyphs for five out of seven of those. My
environment does not support the other two.

So I know what they are not, but I don't know what they are. Very
mysterious. Could be IPA symbols. Could be a happy face next to a
clover/club symbol. I may never know.

Como funcionar o Caixa de Som JBL 3 via bluetooth no debian

2016-09-12 Thread Anderson Gusm@o
Olá! Galera, adquirir o uma caixinha de som JBL 3 e estou tentando conectar
a mesma via bluetooth no meu notebook debian 8.
Contudo, não estou conseguindo, a mesma apresenta conectada, mas não
Alguém pode me ajudar?
Fico no aguardo. Abraços

*Anderson Gusmão*
Telefone: (81) 9630.8494

"A maneira de ajudar os outros é provar-lhes que eles são capazes de
(Dom Hélder Câmara)

exim4 some config error causing error how to pinpoint

2016-09-12 Thread Harry Putnam
I've attempted to setup exim4 on a second debian OS, using the
working configuration from the older one.

Before getting too detailed I think I see something in output of my
debug technique that indicated somewhere my host is telling exim the
wrong host name.

(dv is host with working config )

I use this technique; sending a mail like this:
mailx -v -s "TEST 160912_211756 dv" < ~/txtmsg.txt
I run that command then watch the smtp output from the little
test script named `tmail'.

On the working host the first bit of output:

 $ tmail
sending like this:
mailx -v -s "TEST 160912_211756 dv" < ~/txtmsg.txt
  <= harry@dv U=harry P=local S=546


Now the second, non-working host:

sending like this: (Non-working host is `d2')
mailx -v -s "TEST 160912_211617 d2" < ~/txtmsg.txt
  <= ha...@d2local.lan U=harry P=local S=440
Notice the above difference .. in the working host it shows
  harry@dv (hostname is dv.local.lan)
  In the non-working host:
  ha...@d2local.lan (hostname is d2.local.lan)

Somewhere in my setup exim4 is finding the hostname without the
separating dot in d2.local.lan   and is using d2local.lan

Which may be causing the failure:  Following the smtp otuput:

---   ---   ---=---   ---   ---

 delivering 1bjcKi-0001Ey-9B
R: nonlocal for
  ** R=nonlocal: Mailing to remote domains not supported
  <= <> R=1bjcKi-0001Ey-9B U=Debian-exim P=local S=1650
delivering 1bjcKi-0001F0-Fy
R: nonlocal for ha...@d2local.lan
  ** ha...@d2local.lan R=nonlocal: Mailing to remote domains not supported
  Frozen (delivery error message)

--- --- ---=--- --- ---

Or am I making too much of the missing dot and it really is that I've
missed an important setting that lets exim4 deliver to outside of lan?

Re: Baja

2016-09-12 Thread Daniel Bareiro

Hi, Hugo.

On 12/09/16 21:33, Hugo Alberto Bertheau Delgado wrote:

> Baja
> Gracias

Please see:


Kind regards,

Description: OpenPGP digital signature


2016-09-12 Thread Hugo Alberto Bertheau Delgado

Re: icedove: failed to connect server

2016-09-12 Thread Neal P. Murphy
On Mon, 12 Sep 2016 23:38:56 +0100
Lisi Reisz  wrote:

> PS I have been trying to help mudongliang, unsuccessfully.  But thereby hangs 
> another thread.  Please someone else, his question has still not been 
> answered.  Are all attempts to answer it being spam-checked out of 
> existence??

[I trust this will appear in the desired thread; I changed the subject back]

A few things I can think of (which generally reflect your suggestions):
  - username changed in settings or at gmail
  - password changed in settings or at gmail
  - port changed in settings or at gmail (between encrypted and non-encrypted, 
for example)
  - DNS problems
  - SSL versus startTLS
  - change between IMAP and POP3
  - firewall blockage (but not *too* likely, since other servers can be 
  - encryption schemes that are no longer valid (like SSL2 or SSL3 but, again, 
not *too* likely*)


P.S. Related to another thread (about email programs), another shortcoming of 
Claws Mail is that there's no way to see/edit *all* a reply's headers; 
otherwise, I would've adjusted this message's Message-id header to match that 
of the O.P.'s message and make this reply appear in the right place in the 
thread. I don't have the original message to reply to.

Re: How to get Jessie to run at boot time -- Problem solved

2016-09-12 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Monday 12 September 2016 19:14:53 Alan McConnell wrote:
> Maybe I should apologize for "hijacking a thread"?

Yes, you should.  It has left the person whose thread you have hijacked high 
and dry.  It is most definitely "not done" to hijack threads.  By those who 
care about etiquette and other people, that is.

Brian was offering you a good technical solution that would actually have 
solved your problem, instead of a "cobble", which you say that Debian should 

Even God is said only to help those who help themselves.


PS I have been trying to help mudongliang, unsuccessfully.  But thereby hangs 
another thread.  Please someone else, his question has still not been 
answered.  Are all attempts to answer it being spam-checked out of 

Re: Defining TAP interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces

2016-09-12 Thread Neal P. Murphy
On Mon, 12 Sep 2016 21:14:15 +0100
Andrew Wood  wrote:

> Im (slowly) trying to setup bridging and TAP interfaces to use with QEMU 
> so each VM can have a 'real' IP on the network rather than NAT.
> I now have a bridge setup (br1) using eth1 which Ive done in 
> /etc/network/interfaces with:
> auto eth1
> auto br1
> iface br1 inet dhcp
>  bridge_ports eth1
>  bridge_stp off
>  bridge_fd 0
>  bridge_maxwait 0
> However I cannot work out how to add TAP interfaces to this bridge using 
> that file. Currently I have to do it with the tunctl & brctl commands in 
> a separate script.
> It is possible to do it in /etc/network/interfaces ?
> Thanks
> Andrew

You might find something in here useful. How I did it with my 500-line script, 

-auto GREEN
allow-hotplug GREEN
iface GREEN inet manual
  bridge_ports eth1 regex tapGN.*
  bridge_maxwait 0
  post-up brctl setfd GREEN 0-

The salient part is 'regex tapGN.*', etc.

(I actually use four bridges--GREEN/ORANGE/PURPLE/RED--because I build and test 
the Smoothwall Express firewall. One of them has no connection to the outside 
world (no slave NIC). In my case, taps for each bridge have unique and 
identifiable names (my script does this automatically). This is required if you 
should 'ifdown RED; ifup RED'; you want the tap devices reconnected.)

If you have only one bridge, you mightn't need to give the taps unique names 
and can use 'regex tap.*' to reconnect all taps to the bridge if it is bounced. 
But your mileage may vary depending on any VPNs you may use.

I also have a set of scripts in /etc/network that handle the up-down bits. 
Examples for my GREEN bridge:

#! /bin/bash

chgrp netdev /dev/net/tun
/sbin/brctl addif GREEN $1
ip link set dev $1 up

#! /bin/bash

ip link set dev $1 down
/sbin/brctl delif GREEN $1

(Yeah, yeah, I know. I should use ip() for bridge control. But debian's ip() 
hasn't been quite new enough.)

And a GREEN example of qemu options for those scripts:
# netIF is either virtio or e1000
# tapGREEN is 'tapGN$tapID'
# tapID is the MAC addr (sans colons) that the script generated for that VM's 

NIC1="-net nic,vlan=1,macaddr=$macGREEN,model=${netIF} -net 

I also assign explicitly coded MAC addresses to the virtual NICs so I know 
which VM is being addressed in any particular packet.

I can't find it now, but I also have an init script that starts VMs marked 
'AUTOSTART' and stops them, if running, on shutdown.

Re: Defining TAP interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces

2016-09-12 Thread Charlie Kravetz
Hash: SHA256

On Mon, 12 Sep 2016 21:14:15 +0100
Andrew Wood  wrote:

>Im (slowly) trying to setup bridging and TAP interfaces to use with QEMU 
>so each VM can have a 'real' IP on the network rather than NAT.
>I now have a bridge setup (br1) using eth1 which Ive done in 
>/etc/network/interfaces with:
>auto eth1
>auto br1
>iface br1 inet dhcp
> bridge_ports eth1
> bridge_stp off
> bridge_fd 0
> bridge_maxwait 0
>However I cannot work out how to add TAP interfaces to this bridge using 
>that file. Currently I have to do it with the tunctl & brctl commands in 
>a separate script.
>It is possible to do it in /etc/network/interfaces ?

Change the bridge_ports to:
bridge_ports eth1 tap0

then add the tap lines:
auto tap0
 iface tap0 inet static
 address 192.168.??.?
 tunctl_user vboxusers

Change these as needed for your own setup. This works for me using
virtual box.

- -- 
Charlie Kravetz
Linux Registered User Number 425914
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.   []


Inbjudan: Lansering av FrågaStaten-plattformen 28:e september 2016!

2016-09-12 Thread Mattias Axell

Inbjudan: Lansering av FrågaStaten-plattformen 28:e september 2016!

Onsdagen den 28 september 2016 lanserar Open Knowledge Sverige, OKSE,
open source-plattformen FrågaStaten som en del av 250-årsjubileet av
Tryckfrihetsförordningen och Offentlighetsprincipen. Den 28 september är
också Internationella Right to Know-dagen.

Du inbjuds härmed till lanseringen av FrågaStaten och en presentation av
projektet och dess utveckling sedan starten hösten 2015. Du får även ta
del av några korta presentationer av nya systerprojekt till FrågaStaten.

Lanseringen sker under ett par trevliga timmar hos våra vänner på
SUNET/NUNOC i Stockholm där vi bjuder på presentationer, dryck och
mingelsnacks. Den 28 september är också internationella
Right to Know-dagen, en dag tillägnad Offentlighetsprincipen (Freedom of
Information) som uppmärksammas världen över.
Läs mer här:

*Datum*: 28 september 2016

*Tid*: 16.00 – 18.00. Dricka och tilltugg serveras från kl 16.00.

*Plats*: SUNET/NUNOC: Tulegatan 11, 3tr, 113 53, Stockholm

*Anmälan*: OSA senast 23 september via
Alternativt via ett meddelande till:
Mobil: +46 73-879 65 71
E-post: mattias[snabel-a]okfn[punkt]se
- antal platser är begränsade!

Besök gärna vår hemsida för ytterligare information om FrågaStaten och

Mattias Axell
Open Knowledge Sverige 
Projektledare FrågaStaten  @FragaStaten

Tryckfrihetsförordningen | Offentlighetsprincipen | 1766-2016  @frittord250

Mobil: +46 73-879 65 71
E-post: mattias[snabel-a]okfn[punkt]se
GNU Social:

Re: Defining TAP interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces

2016-09-12 Thread Nemeth Gyorgy

2016-09-12 22:14 keltezéssel, Andrew Wood írta:
Im (slowly) trying to setup bridging and TAP interfaces to use with 
QEMU so each VM can have a 'real' IP on the network rather than NAT.

I now have a bridge setup (br1) using eth1 which Ive done in 
/etc/network/interfaces with:

auto eth1
auto br1
iface br1 inet dhcp
bridge_ports eth1
bridge_stp off
bridge_fd 0
bridge_maxwait 0

However I cannot work out how to add TAP interfaces to this bridge 
using that file. Currently I have to do it with the tunctl & brctl 
commands in a separate script.

It is possible to do it in /etc/network/interfaces ?


An example:

Re: Systemd and Init was Problems communicating with and between servers after upgrade - correction

2016-09-12 Thread Clive Menzies

On 12/09/16 19:57, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 07:32:52PM +0100, Clive Menzies wrote:
Most of the common server-oriented packages in jessie have systemd
units written for them.  E.g. openssh-server:

~$ dpkg -L openssh-server | grep systemd

However, there are still several packages that were not updated to use
systemd facilities in time for jessie.  These packages still ship with
sysvinit scripts.

When a given service has sysvinit script and does *not* have systemd
unit files, it falls back to the sysvinit scripts.

Thanks Greg

That makes sense. Does this mean init will disappear from Debian in a 
future release?

It is interesting that you gave ssh as an example because we seem to 
have encountered strange problems with mixed IDE/SATA systems: 
specifically ssh, samba and dovecot.

The first server(U) we reinstalled (twice) seemed to exhibit samba and 
dovecot communications problems with some clients (but it was 
complicated by problems we later discovered on those) after the first 
reinstall. The second time, we changed the system disk from IDE to SATA 
(making it exclusively SATA) and it cleared most of the client 
communication issues.

We reinstalled serverM on SATA, similarly the communications problems 

The working back up server is all SATA but the "broken" one isn't; it's 
IDE  for the system, and software RAIDed SATA for the data. We've 
ordered another PCI SATA card to change it.

Has anyone else seen this?



Clive Menzies

Defining TAP interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces

2016-09-12 Thread Andrew Wood
Im (slowly) trying to setup bridging and TAP interfaces to use with QEMU 
so each VM can have a 'real' IP on the network rather than NAT.

I now have a bridge setup (br1) using eth1 which Ive done in 
/etc/network/interfaces with:

auto eth1
auto br1
iface br1 inet dhcp
bridge_ports eth1
bridge_stp off
bridge_fd 0
bridge_maxwait 0

However I cannot work out how to add TAP interfaces to this bridge using 
that file. Currently I have to do it with the tunctl & brctl commands in 
a separate script.

It is possible to do it in /etc/network/interfaces ?


Re: Plantage de Icedove.

2016-09-12 Thread Christophe De Natale

Le 12/09/2016 à 20:17, contact a écrit :


sur un système Jessie j'ai régulièrement un plantage de icedove 
(version 45.2.0). Soit à la fin du téléchargement des messages ou en 
cliquant sur l'un d'entre eux pour le lire.

Quelqu'un a-t-il se genre de problème ?


*François-Marie BILLARD*
Sculpteur - Céramiste 


Cela m'est arrivé (avec Gnome3), les fermetures brusques de fenêtres 
étaient fréquentes.
Il te faut regarder (je dis de tête comme je me souviens) avec dmesg, 
trouver un message d'erreur concernant "glib warning..." (correspondant 
à peu près au moment du crash) et installer ce qu'il te réclame.

Désolé d'être aussi flou, je ne me souviens plus.


Re: system monitor

2016-09-12 Thread Jochen Spieker
> Take time and look attentive to both cpu cores and to both ram and swap
> graph and compare them

Please elaborate what you think is wrong. The CPU graph in the taskbar
probably only shows one CPU. The two colors you are seeing most probably
to nice/usr/sys/iowait. I have no idea what you think is wrong with the
memory graphs.

I feel yawning hollowness whilst talking to people at parties.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: Systemd and Init was Problems communicating with and between servers after upgrade - correction

2016-09-12 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 07:32:52PM +0100, Clive Menzies wrote:
> However, studying documentation on systemd v init, I'm a bit confused. I 
> assumed the reinstall would implement systemd for all services and init 
> wouldn't be visible although symlinks will use init where necessary. 
> systemd-sysv is installed as per the Debian wiki.

Most of the common server-oriented packages in jessie have systemd
units written for them.  E.g. openssh-server:

~$ dpkg -L openssh-server | grep systemd

However, there are still several packages that were not updated to use
systemd facilities in time for jessie.  These packages still ship with
sysvinit scripts.

When a given service has sysvinit script and does *not* have systemd
unit files, it falls back to the sysvinit scripts.

> Looking at other setups on the net, a ps aux should assign the first 
> process (1) to systemd but on server_M it is /sbin/init
> Is this right?

The kernel still runs /sbin/init because the systemd changes are not
intrusive all the way up inside the kernel.  Thus, the kernel does not
know or care which init system you're using.

On a jessie-systemd (default) installation, /sbin/init is a symlink:

~$ ls -ld /sbin/init
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Mar 12  2016 /sbin/init -> /lib/systemd/systemd

Re: How to get Jessie to run at boot time -- Problem solved

2016-09-12 Thread Brian
On Mon 12 Sep 2016 at 14:14:53 -0400, Alan McConnell wrote:

> From: "Felix Miata" 
> ...
> How is it beneficial to list anyone here or searching list archives to 
> continue a thread by chastising an OP for being imperfect more than 12 hours 
> after OP added string "solved" to the subject and thanked people who provided 
> useful help?
> Hurrah for Felix!  He got it.

You are both on the same page, then. Keep together and ward off the
people who ask questions or request information. It will give you a
cosier world.
>   I don't know what I have to apologize for.  Did I say anything 
> impolite?  I'm not
>   conscious of having done so.  Maybe I should apologize for
>   "hijacking a thread"?

Was anyone at all impolite?

>   As Felix and maybe a few others have noticed, I can now log on to 
> either my Windoze
>   or to Jessie, which is what I originally inquired about.  I persist 
> in thinking 
>   that the procedure I am using is cumbersome, and I hope

You are quite correct - the procedure is cumbersome. In fact, it is
naff. But you have it as a "solution" and are happy with it and do not
want to alter it. Who are we to argue and try to seek a technical

>   that a new release of installation SW will a) be sure to detect 
> another OS during
>   the installation, and b) will ensure that grub puts a good 
> notice/question up on a
>   beginning screen for people to click on(or perhaps use the arrow 
> keys) to indicate
>   which OS they wish to boot.

We are working on it. Debian Central has realised that there are holes
in its installation for some users with names beginning with "Alan". A
fix will be sent out when we have dealt with Abarrane.

Meanwhile, follow the advice on -user. You seem to have ignored most of
>   To conclude this topic:  the folks who think I'm rude or 
> uncooperative or both clearly
>   have the option to ignore in future anything/everything that I 
> write.  I hope they
>   will take advantage of this option.
> Now I have a follow-on question:  I'd like to be able, from Jessie, to copy 
> files to and from my
> Windoze system.  I haven't really tried simply cd-ing to e.g. /dev/sda1, 
> which is the partition
> containing my Windoze stuff.  Is that what you dual OS users do?  is there 
> some subtle   mount
> command  that you use?   I shall be most grateful for any instructions, or 
> even suggestions.

Follow-on questions go in different threads. It keeps things tidy and
manageable. Please start a new one on this topic.

Re: Consulta sobre port forward con shorewall

2016-09-12 Thread OddieX
El 12 sept. 2016 10:53, "Camaleón"  escribió:
> El Sun, 11 Sep 2016 19:39:59 -0300, OddieX escribió:
> > Estimados, estoy teniendo un tema con shorewall y ya me he quemado la
> > cabeza...
> >
> > Necesito hacer un forward de un puerto a otro ip...
> >
> > Es algo sencillo pero no esta funcionando y ya me he vuelto loco...
> (...)
> Los ejemplos y la documentación son bastante claros pero ojo con la nota
> que avisa de que no funciona desde la red local:
> Nota 1: Asegúrate de que lo has habilitado en el kernel
> Nota 2: Revisa los registros de shorewall/iptables
> Saludos,
> --
> Camaleón

Si, esta habilitado el ip_forward, y las reglas estan bien... Los registros
de iptables me muestran la regla bien echa, y sabes que la agregue manual
con iptables y no anda... Algp raro tiene ese equipo...

Systemd and Init was Problems communicating with and between servers after upgrade - correction

2016-09-12 Thread Clive Menzies

On 08/09/16 23:50, Clive Menzies wrote:

On 08/09/16 23:07, Clive Menzies wrote:


We've suffered a series of seemingly disconnect problems on 4 
machines since upgrading jessie on Monday:


Start-Date: 2016-09-05  12:17:10
Commandline: apt-get upgrade
Upgrade: libgcrypt20:i386 (1.6.3-2+deb8u1, 1.6.3-2+deb8u2), 
gnupg:i386 (1.4.18-7+deb8u1, 1.4.18-7+deb8u2), linux-libc-dev:i386 
(3.16.7-ckt25-2+deb8u3, 3.16.36-1+deb8u1), 
linux-image-3.16.0-4-686-pae:i386 (3.16.7-ckt25-2+deb8u3, 
3.16.36-1+deb8u1), gpgv:i386 (1.4.18-7+deb8u1, 1.4.18-7+deb8u2), 
libidn11:i386 (1.29-1+deb8u1, 1.29-1+deb8u2)

End-Date: 2016-09-05  12:19:22

First there was a DMA error on bootup on file and mail server_U, we 
were alerted to by no email being delivered from dovecot on the 
server. We fsck'd the disk offline and no errors were reported. 
Although the system would boot, dovecot wouldn't work. We've been 
through so many permutations and combinations since that I can't 
remember each step we took after that, some of which we repeated. 
Eventually, in spite of the fsck result, we replaced the disk and 
reinstalled. The samba installation worked out of the box but dovecot 
and rsync (for automated remote backups) didn't. It turned out to be 
a certification problem which required creating the certs while 
making sure dovecot knows where to look (not straightforward). I 
can't remember the specifics of the rsync issue; it may have been 
self-inflicted. Eventually, all was well and everything was working, 
including the remote backup.

Tuesday: we'd lost ssh connection to the two remote backup servers 
via the VPN; I've no idea of their state other than getting someone 
onsite to reboot them using the power button - they appear to be 

We then found that laptop_T can access smb shares (using both windows 
and debian systems) on file and mail server_M but two other linux 
machines couldn't, nor could a remote windows laptop via VPN, (but 
that may be because the user's machine is "broken" but the timing is 
suspicious). Nor can he get to dovecot with his Thunderbird email 
client which may be related to the same upgrade.

We've compared /etc/fstab on laptop_T which mounts the shares with no 
problem to that on laptop_D which doesn't. Same user, same share and 
they are identical in respect of mounting the shares but one works, 
one doesn't.

As server_U is working after reinstallation, following much 
exploration, we reinstalled jessie 8.3 on server_M and committed to 
systemd to avoid potential progressive sysv-init problems we'd 
learned of during our investigation. After a reinstall of the system 
and subsequently samba (twice), we resorted to the maintainer's 
version of /etc/smb.conf and customised it for our setup. We tried to 
keep the configuration as vanilla as possible but there was no 
improvement in terms of access from the two debian machines.

In comparing the /etc/smb.conf with that on server_U, we noticed that 
the winserver IP address on U was uncommented and gave its LAN IP (it 
is acting as the winserver for the workgroup). We edited server_M 
/etc/fstab to include the winserver IP and debian workstation_E saw 
the shares in file manager but the share didn't show up in df -h. The 
shares appeared to be unmounted but were accessible through 
Thunar(FM). We commented it out and access broke, uncommented it and 
it worked again. On laptop_D the IP "fix" didn't have any effect - 
won't mount and can't be seen.
Sorry, brain disengaged. We edited server_M /etc/smb.conf to include 
the winserver IP NOT /etc/fstab

At this point we're stuck which gives pause for reflection. These 4 
servers have been running stable debian for over 10 years and apart 
from the odd hardware issue have been rock solid. Two of the machines 
have been replaced more than once over the years but the other two 
are the original boxes. Most upgrades were pretty seamless and if 
there were problems, a short burst of intensive exploration, trial 
and error, quickly resolved them.

This nightmare of expanding problems has been going on for three 
days, since Monday afternoon. Never before have I questioned the 
decision to base our business (and our lives) on Debian and I remain 
a firm advocate. I also recognise that over successive releases, 
accommodating a plethora of configurations becomes harder and that at 
some point a step changes in the foundations of the system are 
required. I'm presuming that the transition to systemd from sysv-init 
was an essential step and understand that backwards compatibility 
becomes more challenging as time goes on.

Whether this systemd transition is related to the remote connectivity 
with the servers and the samba issue, I don't know but this number of 
seemingly random but mission critical series of problems has shaken 
our confidence.

Apologies if this sounds like a complaint, it's not. It is a concern, 
which someone may be able to allay, that Debian is not as rock solid 

Re: How to get Jessie to run at boot time -- Problem solved

2016-09-12 Thread Alan McConnell

- Original Message -
From: "Felix Miata" 
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2016 10:14:26 PM
Subject: Re: How to get Jessie to run at boot time -- Problem solved

David Wright composed on 2016-09-11 21:44 (UTC-0500):
>> Subject: Re: How to get Jessie to run at boot time -- Problem solved
How is it beneficial to list anyone here or searching list archives to 
continue a thread by chastising an OP for being imperfect more than 12 hours 
after OP added string "solved" to the subject and thanked people who provided 
useful help?
Hurrah for Felix!  He got it.

  I don't know what I have to apologize for.  Did I say anything 
impolite?  I'm not
  conscious of having done so.  Maybe I should apologize for "hijacking 
a thread"?

  As Felix and maybe a few others have noticed, I can now log on to 
either my Windoze
  or to Jessie, which is what I originally inquired about.  I persist 
in thinking 
  that the procedure I am using is cumbersome, and I hope
  that a new release of installation SW will a) be sure to detect 
another OS during
  the installation, and b) will ensure that grub puts a good 
notice/question up on a
  beginning screen for people to click on(or perhaps use the arrow 
keys) to indicate
  which OS they wish to boot.

  To conclude this topic:  the folks who think I'm rude or 
uncooperative or both clearly
  have the option to ignore in future anything/everything that I write. 
 I hope they
  will take advantage of this option.

Now I have a follow-on question:  I'd like to be able, from Jessie, to copy 
files to and from my
Windoze system.  I haven't really tried simply cd-ing to e.g. /dev/sda1, which 
is the partition
containing my Windoze stuff.  Is that what you dual OS users do?  is there some 
subtle   mount
command  that you use?   I shall be most grateful for any instructions, or even 

Best wishes to all,

Alan McConnell

Plantage de Icedove.

2016-09-12 Thread contact

sur un système Jessie j'ai régulièrement un plantage de icedove
  (version 45.2.0). Soit à la fin du téléchargement des messages ou
  en cliquant sur l'un d'entre eux pour le lire.
Quelqu'un a-t-il se genre de problème ?

  François-Marie BILLARD
  Sculpteur - Céramiste 


Re: Roundcube avec les paquets Debian

2016-09-12 Thread Ph. Gras
Hello Christophe,

> Ah, et j'ai oublié

chez moi, c'est identique (possible que je sois sur Debian ;-))

Qu'est-ce que tu as comme owner, group et permissions ?

# ls -al /etc/roundcube
total 88
drwxr-xr-x   3 root root  4096 sept. 12 19:38 .
drwxr-xr-x 101 root root  4096 sept.  6 17:10 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  1240 avril 29 22:04 apache.conf
-rw-r-   1 root www-data  3564 sept.  4 00:56
-rw-r-   1 root www-data   529 sept.  4 00:56 debian-db.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root root   373 avril 29 22:04 debian-db-roundcube.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 49062 mai9 10:58
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  1743 mai9 10:58 htaccess
-rw-r--r--   1 root root   491 avril 29 22:04 lighttpd.conf
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  2815 avril 17 18:37 mimetypes.php
drwxr-xr-x  15 root root  4096 sept.  4 00:56 plugins

# ls -al /var/lib/roundcube
total 20
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root 4096 sept.  4 00:56 .
drwxr-xr-x 41 root root 4096 sept.  4 00:56 ..
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   14 mai9 10:59 config -> /etc/roundcube
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   23 mai9 10:59 .htaccess -> 
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   30 mai9 10:59 index.php -> 
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   19 mai9 10:59 logs -> ../../log/roundcube
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 sept.  4 00:56 plugins
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   28 mai9 10:59 program -> 
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   31 mai9 10:59 robots.txt -> 
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 sept.  4 00:56 skins
drwxr-x---  2 www-data www-data 4096 mai9 10:58 temp

# ls -al /usr/share/roundcube
total 64
drwxr-xr-x   8 root root  4096 sept. 12 00:12 .
drwxr-xr-x 112 root root  4096 sept.  4 00:56 ..
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4096 sept.  4 00:56 bin
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  1148 mai9 10:58 composer.json
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  3595 mai9 10:58
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  1743 avril 17 18:37 .htaccess
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 12345 avril 17 18:37 index.php
drwxr-xr-x   3 root root  4096 sept.  4 00:56 installer
drwxr-xr-x  29 root root  4096 sept.  4 00:56 plugins
drwxr-xr-x   8 root root  4096 sept.  4 00:56 program
-rw-r--r--   1 root root26 avril 17 18:37 robots.txt
drwxr-xr-x   4 root root  4096 sept.  4 00:56 skins
drwxr-xr-x   7 root root  4096 sept.  4 00:56 SQL

# ls -al /var/log
drwxr-x---  2 www-datawww-data4096 sept. 11 06:25 round cube

Je commence à avoir la tête au… cube !

D'avance, je vous remercie.

Ph. Gras

Re: Gnome 3.21: how to define compose key?

2016-09-12 Thread Doug

On 09/11/2016 11:47 PM, wrote:

On Mon, 12 Sep 2016, wrote:

And if I wanted that behavior all the time, I would edit the file
/etc/default/keyboard, adding compose:rwin to the comma-separated list
of pairs in XKBOPTIONS.

Of course, editing that file will change the default system-wide, for
everybody. Even, erm, Mark! (...if running Ubuntu.)

Maybe that is not what you want.

It looks like your code sets up the right Win key to be Compose, I don't 
know why it would bother anyone using the machine. It wouldn't stay that 
if you rebooted into Windows, and the key does nothing at all (that I 
know of) in Linux. As it happens, I have an old IBM model M keyboard 
with no
Windows keys, so I use the right alt key. Also, PCLOS has an option in 
the keyboard setup to choose a Compose key. Are you sure that Debian 

have that capability built in, somewhere?
(I happen to be a big fan of Compose, because even if you don't write a 
European language, it does other useful things—like that m-dash I just 

And ½, ⅓, ⅜, ©, 75°, µF, 17¢, and others.)


Re: Using the result of equivs (dummy package for dependencies)

2016-09-12 Thread Mark Fletcher
On Mon, 12 Sep 2016 at 00:25, The Wanderer  wrote:

> On 2016-09-11 at 11:13, Mark Fletcher wrote:
> > So I've used the equivs-control and equivs-build commands from the
> > equivs package to create a dummy package which has all the needed
> > dependencies. My problem is I can't do anything with the created
> > package -- I obviously can't dpkg -i it because dpkg just complains
> > about the missing dependencies -- which was the point of creating the
> > dummy package in the first place!
> >
> > Is there a way I can get aptitude to add this package to its
> > knowledge base, and then let me install it as if it came from a
> > debian repository?
> You almost certainly want one or more of dpkg's '--force' options.
> As a first attempt, try 'dpkg -i pkgname.deb --force-depends', or
> similar. If that doesn't work, look through that section of the man page
> and see what else you may find.
> After it's installed, 'apt-get -f install' (or a comparable aptitude
> command) should get you the missing dependencies, as intended.
> --
>The Wanderer
> The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
> persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
> progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw
> This worked, thanks!

dpkg --force-depends -i dangerdeep.deb

Followed by aptitude install dangerdeep

Then I was able to build Danger From The Deep, and in sharp contrast to
last time it worked first time!

And all the dependent libraries know they are only there because of that
dangerdeep package, as I wanted.


Re: gestion de projet

2016-09-12 Thread andre_debian
On Wednesday 24 August 2016 18:31:48 Alex PADOLY wrote:
> Je recherche une application web GPL permettant
> de faire de la gestion de projet. 

Pour info, un atelier Gestion de Projets - ETL,
le 22 octobre 2016 :


Re: How to change size of system font(s)?

2016-09-12 Thread Richard Owlett

On 9/12/2016 8:07 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Monday 12 September 2016 13:52:26 Richard Owlett wrote:

The default font in Squeeze(Gnome2) and Jessie(Mate) is too small!
Gedit and Pluma allow changing from default size of "10"[units
not specified]. I find setting to 14 or larger much more legible
on my laptop.

Other programs, e.g. Synaptic, give no option to chose an
acceptable font size.

Is there any way to force a minimum font size system wide?
Can it be preseeded on installation?

It is usually settable in the DE,

DUHH [with implied head slap ;] Thought I had looked. If I had I 
didn't remember.

 it certainly is in TDE, and then it can be
set for the VT.  Some applications, e.g. Google-Chrome, ignore the system
settings and have to be set individually.

10 is the point size.


Re: [OT Consejo sobre portátil]

2016-09-12 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 11 Sep 2016 19:45:40 +0200, Angel Vicente escribió:

> El Sun, 11 Sep 2016 14:36:25 + (UTC)
> Camaleón  escribió:
>> El Sun, 11 Sep 2016 11:16:39 +0200, Angel Vicente escribió:
>> (...)
>> > 14'' igual es un poco grande todavía, es para llevarlo dentro de una
>> > mochila.
>> Para llevar en una mochila mejor una tableta pero con una pantalla tan
>> pequeña le van a doler los ojos y se le va a hacer muy molesto trabajar
>> salvo que sólo quiera jugar al Candy Crush.
> Es para la carrera de Biología, no Políticas... XD

> Parece que hay alumnos que llevan tabletas, pero la verdad es que me
> repelen un poco, y a mi hija también.

Quizá para manos pequeñas no sea tan incómodo pero yo no puedo con los 
teclados de los netbooks (que tienen pantallas de 10,1"), simplemente me 
cuesta horrores hacer algo decente con ellos. Y gnome-shell "no cabe", 
vamos, que es un poco frustrante.



Re: Consulta sobre port forward con shorewall

2016-09-12 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 11 Sep 2016 19:39:59 -0300, OddieX escribió:

> Estimados, estoy teniendo un tema con shorewall y ya me he quemado la
> cabeza...
> Necesito hacer un forward de un puerto a otro ip...
> Es algo sencillo pero no esta funcionando y ya me he vuelto loco...


Los ejemplos y la documentación son bastante claros pero ojo con la nota 
que avisa de que no funciona desde la red local:

Nota 1: Asegúrate de que lo has habilitado en el kernel
Nota 2: Revisa los registros de shorewall/iptables



Re: How to change size of system font(s)?

2016-09-12 Thread Brian
On Mon 12 Sep 2016 at 07:52:26 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

> The default font in Squeeze(Gnome2) and Jessie(Mate) is too small!
> Gedit and Pluma allow changing from default size of "10"[units not
> specified]. I find setting to 14 or larger much more legible on my laptop.
> Other programs, e.g. Synaptic, give no option to chose an acceptable font
> size.
> Is there any way to force a minimum font size system wide?

>From memory you have to put something in a .gtkrc file. A seach for
"gtkrc font" at

could lead you somewhere. Here is an example post:

> Can it be preseeded on installation?

Use a late_command to copy a working file somewhere; $HOME? /etc?


Re: MariaDB / MySQL / SkySQL

2016-09-12 Thread andre_debian
On Monday 12 September 2016 14:36:01 Daniel Huhardeaux wrote:
> > MySQL = Oracle, donc pas sûr d'être du Libre et comme c'est gratos,
> > Oracle le laisse tomber petit à petit, comme elle le fait avec OpenOffice.
> > Il faut donc préférer LibreOffice (Fondation Apache).
> Rectification: LibreOffice c'est la Document Fondation, Apache Fondation 
> c'est OpenOffice.

Merci pour la rectification, effectivement :

la Fondation Apache a récupéré OpenOffice,
car Oracle ne s'en occupait plus du tout,
comme d'ailleurs MySQL.

Il y a aussi SkySQL, fork indépendant d'anciens employés 
de MySQL AB.

LibreOffice est un fork d'OpenOffice :
LibreOffice is Free Software. 
"Because of its origin, LibreOffice is licensed under the 
LGPLv3 (unless indicated otherwise for any particular file), 
which gives you key liberties and responsibilities".


Re: How to change size of system font(s)?

2016-09-12 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Monday 12 September 2016 13:52:26 Richard Owlett wrote:
> The default font in Squeeze(Gnome2) and Jessie(Mate) is too small!
> Gedit and Pluma allow changing from default size of "10"[units
> not specified]. I find setting to 14 or larger much more legible
> on my laptop.
> Other programs, e.g. Synaptic, give no option to chose an
> acceptable font size.
> Is there any way to force a minimum font size system wide?
> Can it be preseeded on installation?

It is usually settable in the DE, it certainly is in TDE, and then it can be 
set for the VT.  Some applications, e.g. Google-Chrome, ignore the system 
settings and have to be set individually.

10 is the point size.


Re: icedove: failed to connect server

2016-09-12 Thread Lisi Reisz
Third time lucky?  I am using Gmail's SMTP server this time - so I shan't get 
a copy myself!

This is a duplicate - a check of the archives shows that the original has not 
got through, and I have been having problems with my ISP's SMTP server, as I 
mentioned before.  I'll take it up with them, meanwhile:

On Friday 09 September 2016 16:02:42 mudongliang wrote:
> Dear all,
>  recently I suddenly failed to update my gmail account in
> icedove. When I tried to get messages from gmail account in icedove, it
> poped up one window : "Failled to connect server". There
> is no error for my other email, for example, hotmail, outlook.
>  How could I solve this problem?

Look at the SMTP or IMAP server settings.  It looks as though something has 
gone wrong with the gmail settings.  It would help if you were to say which 
gmail server you are having problems with, and what settings you are using.


How to change size of system font(s)?

2016-09-12 Thread Richard Owlett

The default font in Squeeze(Gnome2) and Jessie(Mate) is too small!
Gedit and Pluma allow changing from default size of "10"[units 
not specified]. I find setting to 14 or larger much more legible 
on my laptop.

Other programs, e.g. Synaptic, give no option to chose an 
acceptable font size.

Is there any way to force a minimum font size system wide?
Can it be preseeded on installation?


Re: MariaDB / Mysql

2016-09-12 Thread Daniel Huhardeaux

Le 12/09/2016 à 14:26, a écrit :

On Monday 12 September 2016 12:55:49 C. Mourad Jaber wrote:

Je déterre un vieux sujet...
Y'a-t-il une valeur ajouter d'installer mariaDB à la place de MySQL ?
Je vois les numéros de version de Maria DB augmenter rapidement et
ceux de MySQL faire du  sur place (ou presque)...
Avez-vous des retours d'expérience en développement et en
administration avec chacune de  ses 2 bases ?

Et oui,

MySQL = Oracle, donc pas sûr d'être du Libre et comme c'est gratos,
Oracle le laisse tomber petit à petit, comme elle le fait avec OpenOffice.
Il faut donc préférer LibreOffice (Fondation Apache).

Rectification: LibreOffice c'est la Document Fondation, Apache Fondation 
c'est OpenOffice.


Re: MariaDB / Mysql

2016-09-12 Thread Frédéric MASSOT
Le 12/09/2016 à 12:55, C. Mourad Jaber a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Je déterre un vieux sujet...
> Y'a-t-il une valeur ajouter d'installer mariaDB à la place de MySQL ?
> Je vois les numéros de version de Maria DB augmenter rapidement et ceux
> de MySQL faire du sur place (ou presque)...
> Avez-vous des retours d'expérience en développement et en administration
> avec chacune de ses 2 bases ?

Concernant MySQL et MariaDB, je vous transmets un mail (en anglais) qui
a été diffusé début septembre sur la liste par l'équipe pkg-mysql, MariaDB
va devenir la variante par défaut de MySQL pour Debian :

 Message transféré 
Sujet : Introducing default-mysql-* metapackages
Date de renvoi : Sun,  4 Sep 2016 07:15:10 + (UTC)
De (renvoi) :
Date : Sun, 04 Sep 2016 10:14:11 +0300
De : Otto Kekäläinen 
Pour :

Hello maintainers of packages that depend in MySQL/MariaDB!


Please update packages that depend on MySQL or MariaDB as follows:

BEFORE: Build-Depends: libmysqlclient-dev
AFTER: Build-Depends: default-libmysqlclient-dev

BEFORE: Depends: mysql-server | virtual-mysql-server
OR Depends: mariadb-server | virtual-mysql-server
AFTER: Depends: default-mysql-server | virtual-mysql-server

BEFORE: Depends: mysql-client | virtual-mysql-client
OR Depends: mariadb-client | virtual-mariadb-client
AFTER: Depends: default-mysql-client | virtual-mysql-client

Details follow:

The release team decided earlier in the spring that MariaDB should be
made the default MySQL variant in Debian. The release team also wished
to have a facility that allows easy switching of the default.

Therefore we have introduced the following metapackages
from the mysql-defaults source package:
- default-mysql-server
- default-mysql-server-core
- default-mysql-client
- default-mysql-client-core
- default-libmysqlclient-dev

All maintainers of packages that currently depend directly on
mysql-server, mariadb-server, or any of the other packages in these
series, shall update the dependencies in their packages to point to
default-mysql-* instead.

Installing the metapackage default-mysql-server will pull in
mariadb-server-10.0. Users who had mysql-server-5.6 will have it
removed and replaced by the MariaDB equivalent on upgrade. Note that
once you have switched to MariaDB, it might not possible to convert
your in-place database files back to MySQL automatically, since Oracle
does not maintain tools to convert possible MariaDB features present
in the binary format. Please back up your data first if you wish to
switch or experiment. Manual dump/import is the most reliable way to
import data from one installation to another.

A virtual package scheme virtual-mysql-* already exists since 2013,
and will continue to exist. All MySQL variants in Debian (and outside
in 3rd party repositories too) have Provides for these virtual-mysql-*
packages. Maintainers can must use "Depends: default-mysql-server |
virtual-mysql-server" if their package can be satisfied by any MySQL
variant (Oracle, MariaDB, Percona, mysql-wsrep).

The first dependency should be default-mysql-*, which is a
metapackage, that in turn depends on exactly one option, which for now
is MariaDB.

If a maintainer knows that his/her package only works with one
variant, then the package can depend directly on that package and not
use the default-mysql-* (matches one) or virtual-mysql-* (matches any)
schemes. Please get in touch if this applies to you. At the moment
there should be no such packages, but in the future cases like this
can arise when MySQL and MariaDB develop diverging feature sets.

Packages built against default-mysqlclient-dev and link using
"-lmysqlclient" will end up with a shared library dependency on either or depending on the default
defined by the release team at build time. These will be provided by
the libmysqlclient18 (soon to be libmysqlclient20) and
libmariadbclient18 packages, which will be co-installable. Packages
which require particular functionality available from only one of the
forks may Build-Depend directly on libmysqlclient-dev or
libmariadbclient-dev and then link using "-lmysqlclient" or
"-lmariadbclient" respectively. Again, please get in touch if this
applies to you.

Users that want to rebuild packages against a different variant of
lib*client-dev for experimenting and testing locally should prefer
using a locally modified default-libmysqlclient-dev over modifying
each client application source package individually.

The default-mysql-* metapackages have been available in experimental
since July, and since also in unstable and testing, and we are
confident there are no regressions. If you however do encounter
problems, please report to pkg-mysql-maint@.

On behalf ot the pkg-mysql team,


Re: MariaDB / Mysql

2016-09-12 Thread andre_debian
On Monday 12 September 2016 12:55:49 C. Mourad Jaber wrote:
> Je déterre un vieux sujet...
> Y'a-t-il une valeur ajouter d'installer mariaDB à la place de MySQL ?
> Je vois les numéros de version de Maria DB augmenter rapidement et 
> ceux de MySQL faire du  sur place (ou presque)...
> Avez-vous des retours d'expérience en développement et en 
> administration avec chacune de  ses 2 bases ?

Et oui,

MySQL = Oracle, donc pas sûr d'être du Libre et comme c'est gratos,
Oracle le laisse tomber petit à petit, comme elle le fait avec OpenOffice.
Il faut donc préférer LibreOffice (Fondation Apache).

Alors que MariaDB, c'est un fork de MySQL, du 100% Libre,
et semble bien suivie avec fréquentes versions.


Re: Tableau de bord Mate

2016-09-12 Thread humbert . olivier . 1
Le 09/09/2016 à 21:49, a écrit :
>> À noter qu'il y a eu pas mal de commits sur l'empaquetage de MATE
>> aujourd'hui autour de 17h40 en France métropolitaine (15h40 UTC) : 
>>  Merci Martin Wimpress !

>J'ai l'impression que les commits sont pour Ubuntu Yakkety pas pour Debian 
>Unstable/Testing :

Bien vu.

> Dans le mail de Martin Wimpress concernant le bug de Caja, son lien vers
> le diff ne fonctionne pas :

Ça ressemble à un message automatique du BTS. Le diff est là :

Re: How to get Jessie to run at boot time -- Problem solved

2016-09-12 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Sunday 11 September 2016 20:51:50 Brian wrote:
> On Sun 11 Sep 2016 at 15:17:00 -0400, Alan McConnell wrote:
> > On Sun 11 Sep 2016 at 11:13:45 -0400, Alan McConnell wrote:
> > > Addendum:  during my Jessie install, the install program commented at
> > > one point: "There doesn't seem to be any other OS on your system". 
> > > Jeez!!  I hope some maintainer reads this complaint and Debian  works
> > > hard to make sure that the
> >
> > What is the exact name and version of this OS which is not found?
> >  Windows 10.  If there is a more exact name, I don't know
> > it.
> Deconstruction of this statement follows:
>  I do not know. I am unable to extract information from any OS. But I am
>  really good at moaning about them. You will get no help from me, don't
>  bother me.
> > > operation of installing a second OS(Linux) on a Windoze box is as easy
> > > and error-proof as it is possible to make it.
> >
> > 1. As a user do
> >
> >  dpkg -l | grep grub
> >
> >Please post the output of this command.
> >
> > 2. Suppose there are four packages listed. As root do
> >
> >  apt-get --reinstall install 
> >
> >for each package
> >
> > is in the second column of the 'dpkg -l' output.
> >
> >So, for example
> >
> >  apt-get --reinstall install grub-common
> >  apt-get --reinstall install grub-pc
> >  apt-get --reinstall install grub-pc-bin
> >  apt-get --reinstall install grub2-common
> >
> >is what I would do on my machine. For the grub-pc reinstall please
> > post the lines which begin "Found ." in the output.
> >
> > 3. As root run the command
> >
> >  os-prober
> >
> >and post its output.
> >
> >  Why?  why all this?  What good will it do? to anyone?  To do
> > this I'd have to get out of this URL(, shut down my Windoze,
> > reboot to Jessie, copy the output you are requesting to a piece of paper,
> > and then get back here.(*)
> Deconstruction of this statement follows:
>   You are asking questions. Questions are awkward - you have to give
>   answers; I do not want to participate in giving answers. Just take
>   some notice of me and give me what I want without all this palaver.
> >  May I ask: are you the Debian installation maintainer?  if you
> > are, I'd be happy to work with you.
> Having chosen to post to debian-user you cannot even work with the
> process here. What chance would there be of a working relationship if
> you thought you were talking to the Debian Leader.
> > (*)  Many years ago, when I ran a dual boot machine of Linux and MS-DOS,
> > I used to be able to mount the MS-DOS partition from my Linux system, and
> > copy file to and from it. I'm going to try that, when next I (re)boot
> > into Jessie.
> Deconstruction of this statement follows:
>   Redirection. I've managed to avoid answering anything but I can still
>   go down fighting and introduce something irrelevant. Do I have to stew
>   in my own juice?

And to achieve all this rudeness he hijacked mudongliang's thread and as a 
result mudongliang has still had no answers.  :-(  But I'm forgetting.  
Nothing and no-one else matters compared with Alan. :-(

I'm off to try and answer mudongliang, but I fear that I can't because I don't 
think I know the answer.  But at least it should revive his thread.


MariaDB / Mysql

2016-09-12 Thread C. Mourad Jaber


Je déterre un vieux sujet...

Y'a-t-il une valeur ajouter d'installer mariaDB à la place de MySQL ?

Je vois les numéros de version de Maria DB augmenter rapidement et ceux de MySQL faire du 
sur place (ou presque)...

Avez-vous des retours d'expérience en développement et en administration avec chacune de 
ses 2 bases ?



[ANNOUNCE] apt-offline 1.7.1 Released

2016-09-12 Thread Ritesh Raj Sarraf
Hash: SHA512

Hello World,

It gives me immense pleasure to announce the release of apt-offline,
version 1.7.1

For a detailed release announcement, please visit:

This release includes many bug fixes, code cleanups and better integration.

* Integration with PolicyKit
* Better integration with apt gpg keyring
* Resilient to failures when a sub-task errors out
* New Feature: Changelog
  This release adds the ability to deal with package changelogs ('set' command  
option: --generate-changelog) based on what is installed, extract changelog
(Currently support with python-apt only) from downloaded packages and display
them during installation ('install' command opiton: --skip-changelog, if you
want to skip display of changelog)
* New Option: --apt-backend
  Users can now opt to choose an apt backend of their choice. Currently
supports: apt, apt-get (default) and python-apt

Hopefully, there will be one more release, before the release of Stretch.

The release details and other details about bug fixes is available in
the git repository and the announcement page above. Packages for Debian should
be available soon.

- -- 
Ritesh Raj Sarraf |
Debian - The Universal Operating System


Re: Tableau de bord Mate

2016-09-12 Thread Frédéric MASSOT
Le 09/09/2016 à 21:49, a écrit :
> À noter qu'il y a eu pas mal de commits sur l'empaquetage de MATE
> aujourd'hui autour de 17h40 en France métropolitaine (15h40 UTC) : 
>  Merci Martin Wimpress !

J'ai l'impression que les commits sont pour Ubuntu Yakkety pas pour
Debian Unstable/Testing :

Dans le mail de Martin Wimpress concernant le bug de Caja, son lien vers
le diff ne fonctionne pas :;a=commitdiff;h=2279ae0

Ce week-end, un utilisateur a complété le rapport de bug 836669 sur Caja
avec un message des développeurs de MATE : Mate developers blame Debian

Pour résumer, Debian est passé à Gnome 3.21, ce qui a fait passer GTK à
la version 3.21, et les packageurs Debian n'a pas fait passer MATE à la
version 1.15.

Donc tant que les packageurs Debian n'ont pas bougé, il ne faut pas
mettre à jour Mate.

|  |
|   |
| +33.(0)  +33.(0) |

Re: How to get Jessie to run at boot time -- Problem solved

2016-09-12 Thread Brian
On Sun 11 Sep 2016 at 23:14:26 -0400, Felix Miata wrote:

> David Wright composed on 2016-09-11 21:44 (UTC-0500):
> ...
> >>Subject: Re: How to get Jessie to run at boot time -- Problem solved
> ...
> How is it beneficial to list anyone here or searching list archives to
> continue a thread by chastising an OP for being imperfect more than 12 hours
> after OP added string "solved" to the subject and thanked people who
> provided useful help?

The "solution" is very suboptimal in the context of Debian and GRUB and
does not help anyone having the same problem, particularily if a bug is

(I do not know where you get the 12 hours from. sent
the mail to me at 15:14:19 + (UTC). My reply arrived at bendel by
18:32:58 + (UTC) on the same day. I also hadn't appreciated that
this list had a time limit set on replies sent to it).

Re: gdm3 doesn't work any more after the upgrade from Wheezy to Jessie 8.5

2016-09-12 Thread Jean-Paul Bouchet


It seems that libpam-systemd is correctly installed

dpkg --status libpam-systemd
Package: libpam-systemd
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: admin
Installed-Size: 304
Maintainer: Debian systemd Maintainers 

Architecture: amd64
Multi-Arch: same
Source: systemd
Version: 215-17+deb8u4

system.logind is running but may be blocked:

4 S root   1644  1  0  80   0 -  4964 -  sept.09 ?  
00:00:00 /lib/systemd/systemd-logind

systemctl -l status systemd-logind.service
● systemd-logind.service - Login Service
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/systemd-logind.service; static)
   Active: active (running) since ven. 2016-09-09 13:47:14 CEST; 2 days ago
 Docs: man:systemd-logind.service(8)
 Main PID: 1644 (systemd-logind)
   Status: "Processing requests..."
   CGroup: /system.slice/systemd-logind.service
   └─1644 /lib/systemd/systemd-logind

sept. 09 13:47:14 pac-sm-gafl01 systemd-logind[1644]: New seat seat0.
sept. 09 13:47:14 pac-sm-gafl01 systemd-logind[1644]: Watching system 
buttons on /dev/input/event0 (Power Button)

loginctl shows no session:

0 sessions listed.
May be there has been an attempt of creating a session for Debian-gdm to 
launch on the console the greetings screen?

The last update of most files in ~Debian-gdm correspond with the last 
reboot of the server.

ll -a ~Debian-gdm/
total 36
drwxr-xr-x  6 Debian-gdm Debian-gdm 4096 sept. 12 09:42 .
drwxr-xr-x 70 root   root   4096 sept.  9 13:30 ..
drwx--  4 Debian-gdm Debian-gdm 4096 sept.  9 13:47 .cache
drwx--  6 Debian-gdm Debian-gdm 4096 sept.  9 13:47 .config
drwx--  3 Debian-gdm Debian-gdm 4096 sept.  9 13:47 .dbus
-rw-r--r--  1 Debian-gdm Debian-gdm 5251 sept.  9 13:47 

-rw---  1 Debian-gdm Debian-gdm 2084 sept. 12 09:42 .ICEauthority
drwx--  3 Debian-gdm Debian-gdm 4096 sept.  9 13:47 .local

Best regards,

Jean-Paul Bouchet

On 10/09/2016 10:09, Laurent Bigonville wrote:

Jean-Paul Bouchet wrote:
> [...]
> Check that logind is properly installed and pam_systemd is getting 
used at login.

> [...]

Could you check if you have libpam-systemd package installed? And also 
please check if "loginctl" shows sessions.


Laurent Bigonville

Re: How to arrange for booting to console

2016-09-12 Thread Tixy
On Sun, 2016-09-11 at 19:03 -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
> AFAIK, the GRUB2 menu is defined from /boot/grub/grub.cfg; the headers
> of that file say that it's generated from templates in /etc/grub.d/ and
> settings in /etc/default/grub.
> Based on a quick look in those locations, you probably want to adjust
> one of the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX* settings in the latter file. I haven't
> done much tweaking in that area myself, however (I only migrated to
> GRUB2 within the last year, give or take), so I can't confirm that with
> any certainty.

That's how I tweak grub to change things like the boot timeout and
kernel commandline. I.e. edit etc/default/grub and as that file says
"run 'update-grub' afterwards".


Re: Debian Stretch/Sid : bug dans gnome-control-center

2016-09-12 Thread Haricophile
Le Mon, 12 Sep 2016 00:23:37 +0200,
Gaëtan PERRIER  a écrit :

> J'ai fait la mise à jour sur 2 machines et sur une des 2 je n'ai plus
> l'affichage des icones sur le bureau ...
> J'ai regardé dans gnome-tweak-tool et c'est bien activé ...
> Chose étrange mais sûrement liée, sur la machine où je n'ai plus les
> icones sur le bureau, maintenant quand j'ouvre la session ça m'ouvre
> une fenêtre nautilus automatiquement.
> Gaëtan

Pas que Gnome, Mate et Cinnamon ont des soucis aussi dans Testing avec
une mise à jour de GTK3 grand casseur d'API devant l'éternel... Pour la
session regarde peut-être si tu n'as pas une session enregistrée
dans :
