Re: 73-usb-net-by-mac.rules is no longer used in Bullseye for USB ethernet devices?

2022-02-16 Thread Reco

On Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 12:32:48AM -0600, Flacusbigotis wrote:
> Thanks Reco & Greg.  I did see the
> /lib/systemd/network/ file. Thanks for that.
> I don't know exactly what is happening, but the MAC address of the device
> keeps changing  after an ifdown/ifup cycle post boot.

You should've said that first.
If the MAC address of the NIC is not persistent, that means udev will
provide you with different interface name each time you boot.
That means that you've hit yet another case of unpredictability of so
called Predictable Network Interface Names.

> I also tried adding a udev file (/etc/udev/rules.d/99_fix_usb.rules) with
> the following content to try to force the addr_assign_type to 0, but this
> did nothing:
> SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", SUBSYSTEM=="net", ATTR{addr_assign_type}="0"

Try this:

1) Create a file called /etc/systemd/network/ with the following



You may have to create an appropriate directory, and the file name has
to start with double zeroes.

2) Invoke (really needed):

update-initramfs -k all -u

3) Reboot.

4) Watch your network interface is called usb0 from now then.

Now, this approach has its caveats, so:

1) If you ever plug-in two USB devices that both served with
"ax88179_178a" - you won't be able to distinguish between them. They
will be called usb0, usb1, etc without any meaningful order.

2) If they decide to rename "ax88179_178a" in the kernel - this link
file will cease to work for obvious reasons.


Re: Installing bullseye into previously existing encrypted disk with buster

2022-02-16 Thread John Crawley

On 16/02/2022 05:26, Nitebirdz wrote:

On Sat, Feb 12, 2022 at 09:36:45AM +1100, David wrote:

I'm not really paying attention to the latest capabilites that the
installer might have, or to what any other distros are doing, but when
I have attempted this in the past it appeared to me that the Debian
installer does not directly support installing a fresh installation
into a previously created LUKS encrypted volume.

However it is certainly "possible" with some complicated tricks, and
if you are prepared to risk accidentally destroying the whole
encrypted volume if you make a mistake. That's what happened to me the
first time I tried it. But I have adequate backups and alternative
machines, so that didn't bother me.

It is possible to trick the installer into opening the existing
encrypted volume. Then (with numerous fiddly steps and using great
caution not to make a mistake) the installer can then install into a
new partition inside that, in the usual way.

However the installation it creates will be broken and likely not
bootable. Because we have tricked the installer beyond what it
understands, it makes many mistakes. There will be problems with grub,
with the cryptsetup configuration, and with the initramfs. That all
then needs to be fixed by rebooting into an alternative environment
that has cryptsetup tools available. Maybe the installer rescue system
is capable of doing that, but I'm not sure because ...

Indeed. I did some further searching (it's not an easy thing to search
for), and ended up finding the following document:

I tested it on a VM inside QEMU, and it worked.

So, basically, once we reach the point where we detect the hard drive,
we need to drop to the shell, install additional software into the
installation environment, and then run the commands to configure the
already existing volume group and logical volumes. After that, we can
return to the installer, and partman will see everything. We can then
configure the proper mounts, and go on with the rest of the standard
installation steps.

However, as you explained, the installation is not bootable, it fails to
recognize the encrypted volume group, and it just drops to the initramfs
prompt. However, from there, we can run the commands documented in that
blog entry, and it all works.

While not disagreeing that the process is messy, I don't think it's quite as 
difficult in 2022 as it was in 2013.
I used these two links to read up on it:
and FWIW summarized my experience here:
It wasn't all that hard to re-use one of the encrypted partitions and keep the 
others. (Though I made the mistake of overwriting the previous boot partition, 
so the old installation would have needed a new /boot created in order to boot. 
I didn't bother because the partition was still accessible from the new system.)

So, confirmed, it can be done. Maybe some day Debian Installer will cope with 
existing LUKS containers.


Re: 73-usb-net-by-mac.rules is no longer used in Bullseye for USB ethernet devices?

2022-02-16 Thread Flacusbigotis
Thanks Reco & Greg.  I did see the
/lib/systemd/network/ file. Thanks for that.

I don't know exactly what is happening, but the MAC address of the device
keeps changing  after an ifdown/ifup cycle post boot.  When the device
boots up, it comes up with its own real MAC, but it is failing to get an
IP.  So, then if I do an ifdown and then a subsequent ifup on it, the MAC
then changes to a random number.   I also see that the addr_assign_type
attribute of the interface changed from 0 (at boot) to 1 (after the
ifdown/ifup cycle).  It then remains as 1 until I reboot...

I also tried adding a udev file (/etc/udev/rules.d/99_fix_usb.rules) with
the following content to try to force the addr_assign_type to 0, but this
did nothing:

SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", SUBSYSTEM=="net", ATTR{addr_assign_type}="0"

Also, here is the output showing all that after a fresh boot:

user1@server1:~$ ip a
1: lo:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group
default qlen 1000
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: ens4:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
state DOWN group default qlen 1000
link/ether 00:01:02:03:04:05 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
altname enp40s0
3: enp1s0:  mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP
group default qlen 1000
link/ether 00:11:22:33:44:55 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global enp1s0
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
4: enx001234567890:  mtu 1500 qdisc
pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 00:12:34:56:78:90 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global dynamic
   valid_lft 279980sec preferred_lft 279980sec

root@server1:~# cat /sys/class/net/enx001234567890/addr_assign_type

root@server1:~# ifdown enx001234567890
Killed old client process
Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 4.4.1
Copyright 2004-2018 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit

Listening on LPF/enx001234567890/00:12:34:56:78:90
Sending on   LPF/enx001234567890/00:12:34:56:78:90
Sending on   Socket/fallback
DHCPRELEASE of on enx001234567890 to port 67

root@server1:~# cat /sys/class/net/enx001234567890/addr_assign_type

root@server1:~# ip a
1: lo:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group
default qlen 1000
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: ens4:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
state DOWN group default qlen 1000
link/ether 00:01:02:03:04:05 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
altname enp40s0
3: enp1s0:  mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP
group default qlen 1000
link/ether 00:11:22:33:44:55 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global enp1s0
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
4: enx001234567890:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state
DOWN group default qlen 1000
link/ether 00:12:34:56:78:90 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

root@server1:~# ifup enx001234567890
Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 4.4.1
Copyright 2004-2018 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit

RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument
Listening on LPF/enx001234567890/96:6e:37:f1:d0:34
Sending on   LPF/enx001234567890/96:6e:37:f1:d0:34
Sending on   Socket/fallback
DHCPDISCOVER on enx001234567890 to port 67 interval 8
send_packet: Network is down
dhclient.c:2446: Failed to send 300 byte long packet over enx001234567890
receive_packet failed on enx001234567890: Network is down
DHCPDISCOVER on enx001234567890 to port 67 interval 17
send_packet: Network is down
dhclient.c:2446: Failed to send 300 byte long packet over enx001234567890
DHCPDISCOVER on enx001234567890 to port 67 interval 14
send_packet: Network is down
dhclient.c:2446: Failed to send 300 byte long packet over enx001234567890
DHCPDISCOVER on enx001234567890 to port 67 interval 10
send_packet: Network is down
dhclient.c:2446: Failed to send 300 byte long packet over enx001234567890
DHCPDISCOVER on enx001234567890 to port 67 interval 12
send_packet: Network is down
dhclient.c:2446: Failed to send 300 byte long packet over enx001234567890
No DHCPOFFERS received.
No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.

root@server1:~# cat /sys/class/net/enx001234567890/addr_assign_type

root@server1:~# ip a
1: lo:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group
default qlen 1000
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: ens4:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
state DOWN group default qlen 1000
link/ether 00:01:02:03:04:05 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
altname enp40s0
3: enp1s0:  mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP

Re: printing pages in reverse order not possible in LO

2022-02-16 Thread Ken Heard

On 2022-02-13 18:09, Ken Heard wrote:
In order to print documents on both sides of the paper using a printer 
without collating ability, I always printed first in reverse order the 
even pages.  I then  print in numerical order the odd pages on the back 
side of the paper on which the even pages are printed.  In this way the 
pages do not need to be collated manually.

While this version of LO still allows printing separately the odd and 
even pages, I discovered to my horror that it no longer allows printing 
of pages in reverse order.

The help page however still says that all one has to do to print in 
reverse order is to

1.    Choose File - Print.
2.    Click the General tab.
3.    Choose Print in reverse page order.
4.    Click Print.

In view of the foregoing it would appear that disappearance of the 
reverse print option was unintended.  In that case when can we helpless 
users expect this error to be corrected?

I don't know how I managed to miss the 'More' which causes the 'Print in 
reverse order' option to emerge.  In fact there are two 'Mores', one for 
'Range and Copies' and the other for 'Page Layout' .  The first one 
opens more options most of which I cannot use because the printer I am 
using is a simplex.  The one option I can use and want to use is "Print 
in reverse order'.  (I am not too sure what additional
options the second 'more' opens; they mostly seem to relate to 
collations which a simplex printer cannot do.)

I must however in my defence say that in the help entry for reverse 
printing there is no reference to the first 'more'.  I naturally 
inferred that an intermediate step was not necessary, as it probably was 
at some point in the dim and distant past.  I assume it likely that help 
revisions lag behind changes in the software, understandable.  The 
general layout of the print window could nevertheless stand improvement.

In any event many thanks to all for your help, in particular for Dave 
Barton's screen shot which made everything crystal clear.

Regards, Ken

Re: Uninstalling a package removes other essential packages: What is the best course of action?

2022-02-16 Thread Stella Ashburne

> Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 at 9:45 PM
> From: "The Wanderer" 
> To:
> Subject: Re: Uninstalling a package removes other essential packages: What is 
> the best course of action?
> There are a few possible answers.
I love reading your answers and found them to be informative. And I appreciate 
your effort and time spent on writing them.

Best regards.


Re: Uninstalling a package removes other essential packages: What is the best course of action?

2022-02-16 Thread Stella Ashburne

> Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 at 10:05 PM
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Uninstalling a package removes other essential packages: What is 
> the best course of action?
> So why not do your research yourself?
Honestly I don't know where to start.

You're my daddy's contemporary and besides, I wasn't even born when Linux or 
Debian burst onto the scene.

> As far as I can see [1], Thai standardisation is the farthest
> along. I guess Burmese, Laotian and Cambodian are waiting for
> helping hands (yours, perhaps?).
I do not possess the technical skills to accomplish it.

Best regards.


Re: Uninstalling a package removes other essential packages: What is the best course of action?

2022-02-16 Thread tomas
On Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 02:37:02PM -0600, David Wright wrote:
> On Wed 16 Feb 2022 at 15:38:22 (-), Curt wrote:
> > On 2022-02-16,   wrote:


> > > So why not do your research yourself?
> > >
> > > ;-)
> >  
> >  Of course, it’s an excellent question [...]

> >
> Tomas's question seems to me more rhetorical than a scientific inquiry.

In a way, yes. I was trying my best to animate people to look into stuff.
The answer is, nevertheless, a good read.

> Great video, though. Thanks.



Description: PGP signature

Re: a stop job is running for user manager

2022-02-16 Thread David Wright
On Thu 17 Feb 2022 at 01:00:30 (+), Richmond wrote:
> Since upgrading to Debian 11 I sometimes see "a stop job is running for
> user manager..." on shutdown and it waits 90 seconds. The last comment
> in this thread says "Installing systemd from backsports solved this issue."
> I guess that means a backport from testing. Is that a good idea?

No, it's not.

testing: 250.3-2

BULLSEYE backports: 250.3-2~bpo11+1

The latter is lovingly crafted to suit your installed libraries.
The former depends on bookworm/testing's libraries.


Re: Uninstalling a package removes other essential packages: What is the best course of action?

2022-02-16 Thread David Wright
On Wed 16 Feb 2022 at 15:38:22 (-), Curt wrote:
> On 2022-02-16,   wrote:
> >
> >> So why not create libraries for Burmese, Laotian and Cambodian (Khmer) la=
> > nguages? Why don't we have libburmese, liblaotian and libkhmer and make the=
> > m essential dependencies for libpango?
> >
> > So why not do your research yourself?
> >
> > ;-)
>  Of course, it’s an excellent question. But the problem, you see, when you ask
>  why something happens, how does a person answer why something happens? For
>  example, Aunt Minnie is in the hospital. Why? Because she went out, slipped 
> on
>  the ice, and broke her hip. That satisfies people. It satisfies, but it
>  wouldn’t satisfy someone who came from another planet and knew nothing about
>  why when you break your hip do you go to the hospital. How do you get to the
>  hospital when the hip is broken? Well, because her husband, seeing that her 
> hip
>  was broken, called the hospital up and sent somebody to get her. All that is
>  understood by people. And when you explain a why, you have to be in some
>  framework that you allow something to be true. Otherwise, you’re perpetually
>  asking why.

Tomas's question seems to me more rhetorical than a scientific inquiry.
Great video, though. Thanks.


Re: Misremembered (was: Re: Stupid question)

2022-02-16 Thread David Wright
On Tue 15 Feb 2022 at 19:28:48 (+0100), Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Lu, 14 feb 22, 17:23:52, David Wright wrote:
> > > On 2/14/2022 10:19 AM, Bijan Soleymani wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > Not sure about the Debian installer (except that it does boot and
> > > > run Linux, but not sure it ever switches to another kernel
> > > > midway), but the Grub bootloader is kind of a mini-OS, in that it
> > > > can read files from filesystems (rather than some other
> > > > bootloaders that read from specific sectors/blocks of a disk).
> > 
> > I think that confuses the issue. Grub is just a program, not an OS.
> > It can run commands from a shell, and it can load lots of drivers,
> > but that doesn't even qualify it as a single-user OS.
> Well, without digging too much into it GRUB seems to be almost as 
> capable as DOS ;)
> > It's technically correct to say that Grub is designed with a "kernel"
> > and modules, but that's mainly a way of saving space in the final
> > product, by having as little excess code included as possible.
> As far as I recall there is a very strict limit for the first stage, 
> because it has to fit in the MBR.

It's a very strict limit but, in another sense, very generous,
seeing that its code barely consists of more than Jump To Sector N.

When you embed Grub's core image in the "MBR Gap" (IMO the second
safest place), that's where the size constraints kick in. On my
old MBR laptop, it has less than 32KB space. (For comparison,

│ io.sys│  40774│May 31  1994│
│ msdos.sys │  38138│May 31  1994│
│   │  54645│May 31  1994│

for DOS 6.22, before you start adding any drivers.)

One of the reasons I converted all my drives to GPT (bar said
laptop's) was the BIOS Boot partition, which must be the safest
place for Grub's core image.

> > There's no concept of kernel- and user-space. They could have as
> > easily named the kernel.img "trunk.img", and core.img "body.img",
> > to illustrate how Grub is agglomerated.
> However, GRUB's capabilities are heavily influenced by what modules are 
> available and loaded (as you mention below with the 'normal' module), 
> and anyway, an OS isn't defined by having kernel- and user-space.

I wasn't trying to define an OS, but just correcting the post that
drew a false equivalence between something called "Grub's kernel"
and the linux kernel.

> On the other hand it can't run *other* programs within it's environment 
> (scripts in it's own scripting language don't count). When it loads a 
> kernel or chain-loads another boot-loader it basically hands over 
> control completely, so maybe this is the distinguishing limitation 
> compared to a "real" OS.

I think an OS has to have something to manage, ie other programs,
and "manage" has to mean more than one function like loading
a program. Generally a computer system's "product" comes from
the programs that the OS manages, and not from the OS itself,
which usually produces nothing at all.


Re: Restoring file capabilities in /usr

2022-02-16 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2022-02-16 20:03 +0100, wrote:

> Is there an easy method of restoring original file capabilities for the
> entire /usr directory?
> The background is I wanted to move my /usr directory to another
> partition and I copied it with "cp -ar ..." and deleted the original
> content of /usr to find out my ping does not work because of the lack of
> the required capabilities for the binary.
> That is not too much of an issue, because I can fix the ping command.
> However, I am afraid there might be some other binaries lurking to bite
> me when I need it least...
> Is there an easy method (like apt based for instance) of restoring file 
> capabilities for the whole
> /usr directory?

Capabilities are currently not stored in Debian packages, but are set up
by the postinst scripts.  Here is how to find them:

$ grep -w -l setcap /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.postinst

Reinstall the affected packages (likely there are only a few of them),
and you should be fine.


Re: Sid : reboot looses boot partition and goes directly to bios

2022-02-16 Thread David Wright
On Tue 15 Feb 2022 at 10:37:52 (+0100), Sébastien Kalt wrote:
> I'm experiencing something weird on my ASUS PN50 : I have a dual boot,
> windows and Sid.
> CPU: 8-core AMD Ryzen 7 4700U with Radeon Graphics (-MCP-)
> speed/min/max: 2514/1400/2000 MHz Kernel: 5.15.0-3-amd64 x86_64 Up: 3h 1m
> Mem: 9300.6/15483.7 MiB (60.1%) Storage: 238.47 GiB (66.6% used) Procs: 386
> Shell: Bash inxi: 3.3.12
> Some time ago (say one month), I noticed that if I reboot my Sid (with KDE
> menu or reboot from a console) the computer goes to the BIOS, loosing the
> partition start order.
> If I choose my Debian partition first, everything returns to normal,
> booting to grub, letting me choosing between Debian and Windows.
> If I stop the computer (shutdown -h now or with KDE menu) it boots
> normally to grub when powered on.
> I don't really know when it starts, I rarely reboot my system, last time
> might be last november.
> I don't really know where to look to find what might goes wrong during
> reboot.
> Does anyone experienced this problem ?
> Any clue as where to look to find what is dysfunctionning ?

It sounds as if you've accidentally set your system to boot with
an unsatisfactory default, but are using a one-shot scheme to
override it.

With BIOS systems, you can set up Grub to boot by default any
particular menu entry (rather than 0, the first). Your default
is written to /boot/grub/grubenv.

However, if before you close down you run grub-reboot, a
single-shot override value is written to grubenv, meaning that
when the system powers up, Grub will read grubenv and
automatically boot with the override, but will also clear
the override setting from grubenv.

EFI systems have a similar scheme that obviously runs before
Grub is given control. (The grubenv scheme can still operate
afterwards as well.)

$ efibootmgr 
Timeout: 2 seconds
BootOrder: ,0006,0001,0002,0003,0004,0005
Boot* debian
Boot0001* Diskette Drive
Boot0002* ST500LX025-123456
Boot0003* USB Storage Device
Boot0004* CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive
Boot0005  Onboard NIC
Boot0006* UEFI: ST500LX025-123456

This gives the default order when, for example, you force closedown
and then boot up (ie preempting any configuration being set up).
Ctrl-Alt-Del usually does the same sort of thing. I imagine that
you have a bad default choice here, accidentally set up a while back.

When you close down in the manner you have hinted at,¹
I again imagine that something in the bowels of your KDE
is using the   efibootmgr --bootnext   facility to set up
a more pleasing choice, but /for one-time only/.

man 8 efibootmgr   has copious examples to help you.

¹ You wrote "If I choose my Debian partition first" but
  you don't say how you made that choice. We are also
  left to guess whether it's affecting what's reported in
  the previous paragraph ("if I reboot my Sid …")
  or the next one ("If I stop the computer …").


Re: International Space Station adopts Debian Linux, drops Windows & Red Hat into airlock

2022-02-16 Thread Pete Orrall
> We just had this discussion.
> > Subject: ISS is running GNU Linux Debian :)
> > Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2022 21:39:02 +0100

Great, thanks.  I"ll take a look at that thread.

Pete Orrall
"If there isn't a way, I'll make one."

Restoring file capabilities in /usr

2022-02-16 Thread deb
Hi All,

Is there an easy method of restoring original file capabilities for the
entire /usr directory?

The background is I wanted to move my /usr directory to another
partition and I copied it with "cp -ar ..." and deleted the original
content of /usr to find out my ping does not work because of the lack of
the required capabilities for the binary.
That is not too much of an issue, because I can fix the ping command.
However, I am afraid there might be some other binaries lurking to bite
me when I need it least...

Is there an easy method (like apt based for instance) of restoring file 
capabilities for the whole
/usr directory?


Re: Cannot upgrade circular udev dependency

2022-02-16 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 08:24:57AM -0800, David Liontooth wrote:
> Still, where in pool is udev?

unicorn:~$ apt-get --reinstall --print-uris install udev
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 reinstalled, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 1,464 kB of archives.
After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used.
udev_247.3-6_amd64.deb 1463624 MD5Sum:2e6e11d7cfd3069201b3ea65853c5a61

Under s for systemd, apparently.  Or at least, that's where it is *now*.
Who knows where it was in your version.

Re: systemd/dhcp v. ntpd

2022-02-16 Thread Lee
On 2/12/22, Tim Woodall  wrote:
> On Wed, 9 Feb 2022, Lee wrote:
>> Any idea what the chances are of getting an enhancement request for
>> the dhcp client to add an
>>  ignore option;
>> that says not use the option given by the dhcp server?
> isc-dhcp-client? zero.
> The client and relay portions of ISC DHCP are no longer maintained.

  NOTE: The client and relay components are now End-Of-Life.
  4.4.3 is the final release for those components.

How does one figure out what the replacement dhcp client software is
going to be?

> It's on my todo list, along with ntp, to move to something else...

I've seen references to chrony and ntpsec as replacements.


Re: Cannot upgrade circular udev dependency

2022-02-16 Thread Andy Smith
On Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 07:19:34AM -0800, David Liontooth wrote:
> Hi -- I have a machine, Linux ancient #1 SMP Sun Dec 26 06:19:57
> PST 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux.


> Since release 198, udev requires support for the following features in
> the running kernel:
> - inotify(2)    (CONFIG_INOTIFY_USER)
> - signalfd(2)   (CONFIG_SIGNALFD)
> - accept4(2)
> - open_by_handle_at(2)  (CONFIG_FHANDLE)
> - timerfd_create(2) (CONFIG_TIMERFD)
> - epoll_create(2)   (CONFIG_EPOLL)
> dpkg: error processing archive
> /var/cache/apt/archives/udev_232-25+deb9u13_amd64.deb (--unpack):
>  subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1
> update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported;
> falling back to defaults
> update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported;
> falling back to defaults
> Errors were encountered while processing:
>  /var/cache/apt/archives/udev_232-25+deb9u13_amd64.deb
> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)


> There are clearly lots of barriers put in to keep people from making
> mistakes, but it's also keeping me from upgrading. Is there a solution?

To have ended up trying to run Debian stretch software on a 2.6.32
kernel you have made some pretty extreme decisions far outside what
Debian supports.

You have got to get onto a more modern kernel so you can upgrade
udev. If you somehow force udev to get installed while still running
that 2.6.32 kernel you will be in a world of pain because it just
won't work and you very likely won't complete another boot.

You haven't elaborated as to why any of the newer kernels you have
installed won't boot.


-- -- No-nonsense VPS hosting

Re: International Space Station adopts Debian Linux, drops Windows & Red Hat into airlock

2022-02-16 Thread Charles Curley
On Wed, 16 Feb 2022 22:57:56 +0800
Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming  wrote:

> Subject: International Space Station adopts Debian Linux, drops
> Windows & Red Hat into airlock

We just had this discussion.

> Subject: ISS is running GNU Linux Debian :)
> Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2022 21:39:02 +0100

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: disque plein mais pas plein

2022-02-16 Thread Basile Starynkevitch

On 16/02/2022 16:28, Benoît SZCZYGIEL wrote:

Bonne réponse collective, effectivement les inodes sont à 100%. Existe t-il une 
solution pour les augmenter sans réformateur? Je n'ai pas trouvé.

A mon avis, même avec une solution pour augmenter les inodes, il 
faudrait prendre le temps de sauveguarder les fichiers importants (ceux 
qui vous ont pris beacuoup de temps et de travail). Par exemple avec 
tar, dar, afio, cpio,  peut-être combiné avec find.

Vous êtes le seul à savoir quels fichiers vous sont importants.

Il y aurait intérêt à les sauvegarder sur un support _externe_ (disque 
ou clef USB, réseau, ).

Ensuite, utilisez e2fsck et tune2fs pour un système de fichier ext4.

Basile Starynkevitch
(only mine opinions / les opinions sont miennes uniquement)
92340 Bourg-la-Reine, France
web page:

Re: Cannot upgrade circular udev dependency

2022-02-16 Thread David Liontooth

On 2/16/22 7:48 AM, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 07:19:34AM -0800, David Liontooth wrote:

Hi -- I have a machine, Linux ancient #1 SMP Sun Dec 26 06:19:57
PST 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux.

This is not a Debian kernel.  You either built it yourself, or you got
it from some foreign Linux distribution.
True -- I used to compile my own kernels, though in this case, there's 
no particular need to. I just want a vanilla system at this point.

I can install a new kernel, but it won't boot into any of the new kernels:

root@ancient:~# update-grub
Generating grub.cfg ...
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-4.9.0-16-amd64
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-4.9.0-16-amd64
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.16.0-6-amd64
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.16.0-6-amd64
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-

Why not?  What happens when you try to boot one of them?  Are they missing
whatever features you needed to build a custom kernel to support?
I've only tried remotely, so I don't see what's happening. If I force it 
and the udev is wrong, won't the kernel fail?

I also cannot upgrade udev:

root@ancient:~# apt --fix-broken install
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Correcting dependencies... Done
The following additional packages will be installed:
The following packages will be upgraded:
1 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 476 not upgraded.
Need to get 0 B/1,112 kB of archives.
After this operation, 6,381 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
Reading database ... 64907 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../udev_232-25+deb9u13_amd64.deb ...
Since release 198, udev requires support for the following features in
the running kernel:

- inotify(2)    (CONFIG_INOTIFY_USER)
- signalfd(2)   (CONFIG_SIGNALFD)
- accept4(2)
- open_by_handle_at(2)  (CONFIG_FHANDLE)
- timerfd_create(2) (CONFIG_TIMERFD)
- epoll_create(2)   (CONFIG_EPOLL)

You could rebuild your custom kernel to include those features.  Assuming
they existed in 2.6.36.

But... that says deb9.  That's a *whole* lot newer than your running
system.  Did you honestly expect a Debian 9 package to work on your
Debian 6 (or whatever it is) system?
I'm trying to upgrade from jesse to stretch. Maybe I should downgrade to 
jesse again and see if I can install a debian kernel first -- I'll try 

I'm not finding udev packages in pool. Where are they located in the
repository tree? Is there an intermediate udev package that would allow me
for instance to boot linux 3.16.0-6-amd64?

You're running a version that's so old that I wouldn't expect to find
its packages in the normal locations.  You'd be better off using and downloading the obsolete versions that you require
by hand.

OK, very helpful, I'd forgotten about snapshots, that's great.

Still, where in pool is udev?

Finally. I tried using another machine to download udev 215-17+deb8u7 -- it
lets me download libudev 215-17+deb8u7, but even just downloading the udev
package is blocked by the dependency check.

     apt-get install --download-only udev=215-17+deb8u7 <== fails
     apt-get install --nodeps --download-only udev=215-17+deb8u7
E: Command line option --nodeps is not understood in combination with the
other options

And this one says deb8.
I was just trying to find something that would install, so I went back 
to a jesse repository for this.

Use dpkg -i to install individual Debian package files in these old
versions.  "apt-get install ./filename" didn't exist back then.  The
old way was to use dpkg -i, which led you to an incomplete state,
and then use "apt-get -f install" with no package names to let apt-get
try to fix the incomplete state.

OK, cool, thanks!

Or... you could install a newer version of Debian from scratch.  It might
be simpler than trying to salvage this Frankendebian installation.  (You've
got mixed up versions all over the place.  I don't think this is fixable
in any sane way.)
You may be right, but the machine is old and I'm not entirely confident 
I can get it to boot from a USB stick.

I'm still curious why you needed a custom kernel, though.  You'll want to
solve that mystery.  If there's something *unique* about this machine,
which would prevent a clean installation of Debian 11, you'll need to
address it, whatever it may be.

I just used to compile my own kernels as a matter of course -- maybe 
from way back; I first installed potato. I don't think it means there's 
anything unusual about this Supermicro machine, I see nothing in my 
ancient notes that would suggest it needs anything special.


Re: Apache2 start Failed to start apache2.service:unit apache2.service not found. Vad betyder detta ?

2022-02-16 Thread Hund
On 16 February 2022 16:49:42 CET, Ttl <> wrote:
>Apache2 start 
>Failed to start apache2.service:unit apache2.service not found. 
>Vad betyder detta ?   Hur löser jag detta kan inte installera Apache det går 
>inte för mig att göra skkrev sudo apt install apache 2  

Paketet heter "apache2".


Re: Cannot upgrade circular udev dependency

2022-02-16 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 07:19:34AM -0800, David Liontooth wrote:
> Hi -- I have a machine, Linux ancient #1 SMP Sun Dec 26 06:19:57
> PST 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux.

This is not a Debian kernel.  You either built it yourself, or you got
it from some foreign Linux distribution.

> I can install a new kernel, but it won't boot into any of the new kernels:
> root@ancient:~# update-grub
> Generating grub.cfg ...
> Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-4.9.0-16-amd64
> Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-4.9.0-16-amd64
> Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.16.0-6-amd64
> Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.16.0-6-amd64
> Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-
> Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-

Why not?  What happens when you try to boot one of them?  Are they missing
whatever features you needed to build a custom kernel to support?

> I also cannot upgrade udev:
> root@ancient:~# apt --fix-broken install
> Reading package lists... Done
> Building dependency tree
> Reading state information... Done
> Correcting dependencies... Done
> ...
> The following additional packages will be installed:
>   udev
> The following packages will be upgraded:
>   udev
> 1 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 476 not upgraded.
> Need to get 0 B/1,112 kB of archives.
> After this operation, 6,381 kB of additional disk space will be used.
> Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
> Reading database ... 64907 files and directories currently installed.)
> Preparing to unpack .../udev_232-25+deb9u13_amd64.deb ...
> Since release 198, udev requires support for the following features in
> the running kernel:
> - inotify(2)    (CONFIG_INOTIFY_USER)
> - signalfd(2)   (CONFIG_SIGNALFD)
> - accept4(2)
> - open_by_handle_at(2)  (CONFIG_FHANDLE)
> - timerfd_create(2) (CONFIG_TIMERFD)
> - epoll_create(2)   (CONFIG_EPOLL)

You could rebuild your custom kernel to include those features.  Assuming
they existed in 2.6.36.

But... that says deb9.  That's a *whole* lot newer than your running
system.  Did you honestly expect a Debian 9 package to work on your
Debian 6 (or whatever it is) system?

> I'm not finding udev packages in pool. Where are they located in the
> repository tree? Is there an intermediate udev package that would allow me
> for instance to boot linux 3.16.0-6-amd64?

You're running a version that's so old that I wouldn't expect to find
its packages in the normal locations.  You'd be better off using and downloading the obsolete versions that you require
by hand.

> Finally. I tried using another machine to download udev 215-17+deb8u7 -- it
> lets me download libudev 215-17+deb8u7, but even just downloading the udev
> package is blocked by the dependency check.
>     apt-get install --download-only udev=215-17+deb8u7 <== fails
>     apt-get install --nodeps --download-only udev=215-17+deb8u7
> E: Command line option --nodeps is not understood in combination with the
> other options

And this one says deb8.

Use dpkg -i to install individual Debian package files in these old
versions.  "apt-get install ./filename" didn't exist back then.  The
old way was to use dpkg -i, which led you to an incomplete state,
and then use "apt-get -f install" with no package names to let apt-get
try to fix the incomplete state.

Or... you could install a newer version of Debian from scratch.  It might
be simpler than trying to salvage this Frankendebian installation.  (You've
got mixed up versions all over the place.  I don't think this is fixable
in any sane way.)

I'm still curious why you needed a custom kernel, though.  You'll want to
solve that mystery.  If there's something *unique* about this machine,
which would prevent a clean installation of Debian 11, you'll need to
address it, whatever it may be.

Apache2 start Failed to start apache2.service:unit apache2.service not found. Vad betyder detta ?

2022-02-16 Thread Ttl
Apache2 start 
Failed to start apache2.service:unit apache2.service not found. 
Vad betyder detta ?   Hur löser jag detta kan inte installera Apache det går 
inte för mig att göra skkrev sudo apt install apache 2  

Skickat från min iPhone

for info: Sid ssh 8.8p1 may break some Java client like Rundeck

2022-02-16 Thread Patrice Duroux

After upgrading the openssh-server to 8.8p1 has broken a client instance of
Rundeck (3.4.4) that runs some SSH commands. Downgrading to 8.7p1 using
Debian Snapshots solved this.
Don't know if there is a «better» way to notify users about this.


Re: Uninstalling a package removes other essential packages: What is the best course of action?

2022-02-16 Thread Curt
On 2022-02-16,   wrote:
>> So why not create libraries for Burmese, Laotian and Cambodian (Khmer) la=
> nguages? Why don't we have libburmese, liblaotian and libkhmer and make the=
> m essential dependencies for libpango?
> So why not do your research yourself?
> ;-)

 Of course, it’s an excellent question. But the problem, you see, when you ask
 why something happens, how does a person answer why something happens? For
 example, Aunt Minnie is in the hospital. Why? Because she went out, slipped on
 the ice, and broke her hip. That satisfies people. It satisfies, but it
 wouldn’t satisfy someone who came from another planet and knew nothing about
 why when you break your hip do you go to the hospital. How do you get to the
 hospital when the hip is broken? Well, because her husband, seeing that her hip
 was broken, called the hospital up and sent somebody to get her. All that is
 understood by people. And when you explain a why, you have to be in some
 framework that you allow something to be true. Otherwise, you’re perpetually
 asking why.


Cannot upgrade circular udev dependency

2022-02-16 Thread David Liontooth

Hi -- I have a machine, Linux ancient #1 SMP Sun Dec 26 
06:19:57 PST 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux.

I can install a new kernel, but it won't boot into any of the new kernels:

root@ancient:~# update-grub
Generating grub.cfg ...
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-4.9.0-16-amd64
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-4.9.0-16-amd64
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.16.0-6-amd64
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.16.0-6-amd64
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-

I also cannot upgrade udev:

root@ancient:~# apt --fix-broken install
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Correcting dependencies... Done
The following additional packages will be installed:
The following packages will be upgraded:
1 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 476 not upgraded.
Need to get 0 B/1,112 kB of archives.
After this operation, 6,381 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
Reading database ... 64907 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../udev_232-25+deb9u13_amd64.deb ...
Since release 198, udev requires support for the following features in
the running kernel:

- inotify(2)    (CONFIG_INOTIFY_USER)
- signalfd(2)   (CONFIG_SIGNALFD)
- accept4(2)
- open_by_handle_at(2)  (CONFIG_FHANDLE)
- timerfd_create(2) (CONFIG_TIMERFD)
- epoll_create(2)   (CONFIG_EPOLL)
dpkg: error processing archive 
/var/cache/apt/archives/udev_232-25+deb9u13_amd64.deb (--unpack):

 subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1
update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported; 
falling back to defaults
update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported; 
falling back to defaults

Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

I'm also unable to download or install anything else; it's all blocked 
by udev. I cannot for instance install any of these available versions:

root@ancient:~# just available udev
  Installed: 175-7.2
  Candidate: 232-25+deb9u13
  Version table:
 241-5~bpo9+1 100
    100 stretch-backports/main amd64 

 232-25+deb9u13 500
    500 stretch/updates/main amd64 Packages
 232-25+deb9u12 500
    500 stretch/main amd64 Packages
    500 stretch/main amd64 Packages
 215-17+deb8u13 500
    500 jessie/updates/main amd64 Packages
 215-17+deb8u7 500
    500 jessie/main amd64 Packages
 *** 175-7.2 100
    100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

I'm not finding udev packages in pool. Where are they located in the 
repository tree? Is there an intermediate udev package that would allow 
me for instance to boot linux 3.16.0-6-amd64?

At one point there was an option to use "touch /etc/udev/kernel-upgrade" 
to overcome this exact problem, but it's not working to get me out of and udev 175-7.2.

Finally. I tried using another machine to download udev 215-17+deb8u7 -- 
it lets me download libudev 215-17+deb8u7, but even just downloading the 
udev package is blocked by the dependency check.

    apt-get install --download-only udev=215-17+deb8u7 <== fails
    apt-get install --nodeps --download-only udev=215-17+deb8u7
E: Command line option --nodeps is not understood in combination with 
the other options

There are clearly lots of barriers put in to keep people from making 
mistakes, but it's also keeping me from upgrading. Is there a solution?


Re: Any plan to upgrade bash to 5.1.16 on bullseye?

2022-02-16 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2022-02-16 11:18 +0100, Christian Britz wrote:

> On 2022-02-16 10:16 UTC+0100, Daniel Qian wrote:
>> Hi,
>> There is a severe bug on GNU Bash which is fixed in 5.1.16.
>> Bug info:
>> While currently debian bullseye GNU Bash is 5.1.4.
> Without reading the details: If you think this should be fixed in Debian
> stable, please go to and check if there is already a
> report.

There is,  Apparently no progress on a
stable upload has been made in the last five weeks, so it might be good
to ping that bug.


Re: International Space Station adopts Debian Linux, drops Windows & Red Hat into airlock

2022-02-16 Thread Pete Orrall
> Seriusly?
> Published: 13 May 2013

I saw that too.  I'm curious to know what OS(es) are *currently* being used
aboard the ISS.  Is Debian still used?

Pete Orrall
"If there isn't a way, I'll make one."

Re: disque plein mais pas plein

2022-02-16 Thread Benoît SZCZYGIEL
Bonne réponse collective, effectivement les inodes sont à 100%. Existe t-il une 
solution pour les augmenter sans réformateur? Je n'ai pas trouvé.

Re: International Space Station adopts Debian Linux, drops Windows & Red Hat into airlock

2022-02-16 Thread piorunz

On 16/02/2022 14:57, Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming wrote:

Good day from Singapore,

Just sharing.


Published: 13 May 2013


With kindest regards, Piotr.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: [rech] cluster , et calcul distribué et parallelisé !

2022-02-16 Thread Pierre Malard

Pour créer un cluster de calcul basé sur Debian je m’appuierai sur ce qui est 
largement utilisé sur les HPC soit SLURM. qui est chargé de distribuer les 
modules de calcul sur l’ensemble des nœuds du calcul parallèle et gérer les 
files d’attente.

À ce propos, voici ce que j’ai trouvé comme doc : 

Après il faut bien savoir que cela demande une programmation parallèle… et un 
réseau suffisant pour assurer les échanges de données. 

En espérant que cela t'aide

> Le 14 févr. 2022 à 13:12, ptilou  a écrit :
> Slt,
> Je fais partie d’une association qui fait la promotion de debian et du 
> logiciel libre, l’association dispose d’unités centrales, je propose à 
> l’association de faire un cluster pour voir l’intérêt du titre du threats.
> Donc je cherche des informations ?
> Je suis navré de vous informer qu’il n’y a pas d’argent, je m’y intéresse et 
> essaye de federer pour connaître le fonctionnement !
> Donc cela s’adresse à quelqu’un qui maîtrise le kernel et ses réglages, pour 
> savoir si un parc machine entérocolites qui d’après ce document :
> Fait qu’il existe un arbitre ?
> Y a plusieurs kernel qui s’exécute, d’après n document du site, et 
> donc je suppose une couche supérieur qui partage et effectue les calcul ?
> Je trouve que le niveau a baisser, peut-être que c’est de ma faute (?), et 
> donc en français y aurait il une oreille attentive ?
> Je pense mais je vérifierai que l’association d’Ivry utilise la dernière 
> version de Debian stable, si il existe une distribution Linux plus adapté 
> merci de m’orienter ?
> —
> Ptilou

Pierre Malard
Responsable architectures système GeoSUD
IRD - UMR Espace-Dev - UMS CPST
Maison de la Télédétection
500 rue Jean-François Breton
34093 Montpellier Cx 5

  « On ne peut pas pousser à fond l'éducation politique et l'éducation
tout court de masses sans l'accompagner d'un développement
économique, culturel et social parallèle. »
   Romain Gary - "Les racines 
du ciel"
   |\  _,,,---,,_
   /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_
  |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'
 '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)   πr

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(  `'"'"'-'"'"': '"'"'-3'"'"'2(_/--'"'"'  `-'"'"'\_): 
- --> Ce message n’engage que son auteur <--

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP

International Space Station adopts Debian Linux, drops Windows & Red Hat into airlock

2022-02-16 Thread Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming
Subject: International Space Station adopts Debian Linux, drops
Windows & Red Hat into airlock

Good day from Singapore,

Just sharing.

Link to the article:

Happy reading!


Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming
Targeted Individual in Singapore
16 Feb 2022 Wednesday Singapore Time

Re: 73-usb-net-by-mac.rules is no longer used in Bullseye for USB ethernet devices?

2022-02-16 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 05:30:17PM +0300, Reco wrote:
>   Hi.
> On Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 03:55:21AM -0600, Flacusbigotis wrote:
> > Back in Debian Buster, I learned that the "predictive" naming of this USB
> > ethernet interface would be governed by "73-usb-net-by-mac.rules" and so I
> > had it configured accordingly with a config file in
> > /etc/network/interfaces.d/... Namely that the device name would basically
> > be its MAC.
> It's still true in Bullseye, but the implementation has changed
> somewhat.
> Instead of /lib/udev/rules.d/73-usb-net-by-mac.rules now systemd uses
> /lib/systemd/network/
> > Well, I just upgraded to Bullseye, and I can't bring up the darn
> > interface.  I have tried fiddling around with the device name in my config
> > file in /etc/network/interfaces.d/ directory, but it just won't come up.
> > The Networking.service also fails during bootup.
> A straightforward approach would be to learn the actual name of the
> device via "ip a"/"ifconfig -a", and then using that name in /e/n/i.

I don't use a USB ethernet device.  I use the one that's inside my
computer.  Here's how I configure it.  First, I figured out what its MAC
address is.  Then, I decided what *name* I wanted it to have.  I chose

I created this file to assign that name to that interface, based on its
MAC address:

unicorn:~$ cat /etc/systemd/network/ 


Next, I told interfaces(5) to configure it with DHCP:

unicorn:~$ cat /etc/network/interfaces
auto lan0
iface lan0 inet dhcp

Finally, I configured my router (which is also my DHCP server) to assign
the IP address I want, based on the MAC address.  In my case, it makes
the most sense to do this at the DHCP server, because I *also* configure
some IP port forwardings from the Internet to my computer in that same
router.  Keeping the IP assignment and the port forwardings all together
in the same device makes sense.

If you don't need to worry about port forwarding or other special Internet
configurations, then you might choose to assign the IP address statically
in interfaces(5) instead of using DHCP.  Both ways have their merits.

Re: 73-usb-net-by-mac.rules is no longer used in Bullseye for USB ethernet devices?

2022-02-16 Thread Reco

On Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 03:55:21AM -0600, Flacusbigotis wrote:
> Back in Debian Buster, I learned that the "predictive" naming of this USB
> ethernet interface would be governed by "73-usb-net-by-mac.rules" and so I
> had it configured accordingly with a config file in
> /etc/network/interfaces.d/... Namely that the device name would basically
> be its MAC.

It's still true in Bullseye, but the implementation has changed
Instead of /lib/udev/rules.d/73-usb-net-by-mac.rules now systemd uses

> Well, I just upgraded to Bullseye, and I can't bring up the darn
> interface.  I have tried fiddling around with the device name in my config
> file in /etc/network/interfaces.d/ directory, but it just won't come up.
> The Networking.service also fails during bootup.

A straightforward approach would be to learn the actual name of the
device via "ip a"/"ifconfig -a", and then using that name in /e/n/i.

> Anyone know how the heck this is supposed to work in Bullseye?,
The keyword you need is NamePolicy=mac.

> BTW, the device shows up as disabled in lshw (I obfuscated the MAC in the
> output):
>  *-network DISABLED

That could mean anything. Please show the output of "ip a".


Re: ssh -X and size of GUI elements (KDE/Qt)

2022-02-16 Thread Dan Ritter
Christian Britz wrote: 
> On 2022-02-15 17:26 UTC+0100, Dan Ritter wrote:
> > It's probably a disagreement on screen dpi settings. Check your
> > native setting and then replicate it on your headless server's
> > KDE config?
> Wouldn't this mainly/exclusively affect the fonts?
> I set dpi in both systemsettings5 tool explicitly to 96, without effect.
> (I could notice that values like 120 actually result in bigger fonts,
> but nothing else.)
> Anyhow, purged (almost) all KDE and Qt stuff already. :-)

DPI affects anything that is drawn as scaled, rather than
bitmapped. Fonts are the most obvious effect, but most buttons
and many other interface elements are scaled.


Re: Uninstalling a package removes other essential packages: What is the best course of action?

2022-02-16 Thread tomas
On Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 02:31:21PM +0100, Stella Ashburne wrote:
> Hello


> So why not create libraries for Burmese, Laotian and Cambodian (Khmer) 
> languages? Why don't we have libburmese, liblaotian and libkhmer and make 
> them essential dependencies for libpango?

So why not do your research yourself?


As far as I can see [1], Thai standardisation is the farthest
along. I guess Burmese, Laotian and Cambodian are waiting for
helping hands (yours, perhaps?).

Perhaps we get a libmranmabhasa, then, who knows?




Description: PGP signature

Re: Uninstalling a package removes other essential packages: What is the best course of action?

2022-02-16 Thread The Wanderer
On 2022-02-16 at 08:31, Stella Ashburne wrote:

> Hello

>> What if someone sends you a document that has one or more words
>> written in Thai? In order to be able to display that document
>> correctly, the computer will need code that knows how to handle the
>> Thai language. Whether that code is in libthai, or in a more
>> general library, or embedded directly in whatever program it is
>> that's reading the document, it's still there.
>> Even if you can be sure you'll never have any reason to want to
>> read a document that contains Thai, the same thing applies for
>> every other language that doesn't just use the same character set,
>> etc., as English. Most of them don't have sufficiently unusual
>> and/or complex rules that they need a dedicated library to handle
>> them, as Thai apparently does, but they do need something to handle
>> whatever rules there may be.
> So why not create libraries for Burmese, Laotian and Cambodian
> (Khmer) languages? Why don't we have libburmese, liblaotian and
> libkhmer and make them essential dependencies for libpango?

There are a few possible answers.

A: Because the rules for handling those languages are similar enough to
those used for other languages that they can be handled by the
non-language-specific code already built in to libpango, but the rules
for handling Thai are not.

B: Because the rules for handling those languages are similar enough to
those used for Thai that they can be handled by the code already present
in libthai, so there's no need for another library.

C: Because the people who wrote the language-specific code to handle
those languages decided to write it as part of libpango, rather than as
an external library which libpango can depend on.

I don't know which of those answers is accurate, and I can't rule out
that other answers may be possible as well, but those are the
possibilities that come quickly to mind.

It may be instructive to note that the listed maintainer of libthai0 is
also the person who filed bug 620001, against libpango, about a
rendering issue that affects (affected?) both Lao and Thai. This leaves
me thinking that option B is probably less likely than the others, but I
don't know that for certain.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Uninstalling a package removes other essential packages: What is the best course of action?

2022-02-16 Thread Stella Ashburne

> Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 at 10:04 AM
> From: "The Wanderer" 
> To:
> Subject: Re: Uninstalling a package removes other essential packages: What is 
> the best course of action?
> What if someone sends you a document that has one or more words written
> in Thai? In order to be able to display that document correctly, the
> computer will need code that knows how to handle the Thai language.
> Whether that code is in libthai, or in a more general library, or
> embedded directly in whatever program it is that's reading the document,
> it's still there.
> Even if you can be sure you'll never have any reason to want to read a
> document that contains Thai, the same thing applies for every other
> language that doesn't just use the same character set, etc., as English.
> Most of them don't have sufficiently unusual and/or complex rules that
> they need a dedicated library to handle them, as Thai apparently does,
> but they do need something to handle whatever rules there may be.
So why not create libraries for Burmese, Laotian and Cambodian (Khmer) 
languages? Why don't we have libburmese, liblaotian and libkhmer and make them 
essential dependencies for libpango?

Best regards.


Re: cinnamon - slow boot up times

2022-02-16 Thread Thomas Anderson

I have an Nvidia GTX 1060 top of the line, ten years ago =)

Everything works great for me, once it finally loads. Everything is snappy,

and no hangups from sleep, or anything.

Hmm...what other drivers...None come to mind, sound, network, video

(on two screens), all work great.

The only other thing I guess could be a factor is that I did a 

so it's not a "clean install" of Bullseye. Not sure if that's what is 
causing it.

Now that I think about it, i do have a clean install of Bullseye, on 
another SSD

drive, on this system, so I can easily test it.

I don't  have any services running, no servers or anything that should 
cause such

a delay.

On 2/16/22 12:09, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:

On Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 04:21:43AM -0500, Cindy Sue Causey wrote:

On 2/15/22, Thomas Anderson  wrote:


I have Bullseye installed on an SSD, it boots up fast as expected up
until the login screen.

I enter my login credentials...then, queue the music...just a darker
screen (not pitch black, flickering, or anything bad)

42 seconds later I get my desktop.

What video chipset? Does anything need firmware - it might just be hanging
and you end up with something closer to VESA mode if needed firmware isn't

For what it's worth in comparing apples and oranges, I use XFCE4 and
that's about how long it takes here, too. Just have never set a timer
to it. It's been doing that for quite a while.

The difference is mine actually makes it into the desktop first. Then
it takes its sweet time depending on the requests I make of it.
Sometimes I can close the first couple packages I have it load at
startup (Mousepad and Thunar). Sometimes it takes a few seconds before
they respond.

Trying to click the Applications menu is a similar hit and miss until
after that maybe 40 seconds or so time span passes. Likewise with the
eventual disappearance of the "timer" or "throbber" that's visually
indicating something resource heavy is occurring in the background.

What vintage machine / what amount of memory / SSD? - and, also, what video
chipset? XFCE ought to be small/relatively fast.

Our two experiences may be completely unrelated. Then again, maybe
what we're each seeing is due to the priority each desktop gives to
what they load first. Seeing that dark screen would seem the more
distressing of the two because a User's not sure if the system's going
to load or not until the first of the GUI eventually pops up on the

I do have a Cinnamon desktop environment with a custom theme setup...but
still, 42 seconds? Can that be right? I have thought about using Mint,
but I have been using Debian for 20 years, see no reason to change now.
If need be, I will wait 42 seconds.

I've tried Mint a few times. It's a no from me because it won't let me
uninstall GRUB without destroying the entire operating system in the
process. The releases I've test driven won't uninstall GRUB without
auto-uninstalling a massive amount of important packages.

That's about User CHOICE, my preference being to try to use anything
except GRUB. That CHOICE is non-existent in this case.

That's one of the reasons I keep using Debian - and why support for
Debian-derived distributions here and in IRC can only be either
best endeavours / off-topic.

They do things differently elsewhere - sometimes better, sometimes worse -
but always differently and make their own choices.

All best to you all, as ever,

Andy Cater

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
* runs with birdseed *

Re: Synchroniser deux profils debian

2022-02-16 Thread Erwann Le Bras


En situation identique, je synchronise les profils via un cloud privé 
(OwnCloud autohébergé)

tous mes fichiers sont dans $HOME/ownCloud (par exemple 
$HOME/ownCloud/Documents), ce qui laisse la config (.config) en local. 
Je force parfois la synchronisation de config particulières en /liant/ 
depuis le cloud (Thunderbird, Firefox...) car mes machines sont 

avantages :

 * c'est transparent (pas de process à programmer, à lancer), sûr (le
   cloud fait sauvegarde... à sauvegarder) : un fichier est modifié, il
   est copié sur le cloud, c'est tout
 * ne nécessite pas un média (DD externe) pour faire la liaison (rsync).
 * s'affranchit facilement de liaisons Internet intermittentes (le
   portable pas branché sur Internet)

inconvénients :

 * avoir accès à un cloud ou pouvoir en installer/administrer un, et un
   port https disponible. Pour rsyncd/Unison, il faut un accès ssh à un
 * laisser la synchronisation initiale (au démarrage de la session) se
   terminer avant de commencer à ouvrir des applis partout sous peine
   d'avoir à gérer des conflits

J'utilise cette solutions depuis plusieurs années pour synchroniser mon 
profil sur plusieurs machines hétéroclites (2 Debian, 1 Windows, 2 
Android et une clé USB) et j'en suis satisfait.
Elle permet à chaque machine d'être indépendants et un accès universel à 
mes fichiers (il suffit d'un client Cloud)

Bonjour à tous,

J'ai deux débian au boulot, un poste fixe et un portable.

Je souhaiterai synchroniser mon profil user de mon portable sur le pc 

Les deux debians sont identiques (j'ai fait un clone du disque du 
portable et restauré sur le PC)

Avez-vous une astuces pour que mon profil sur le portable se 
synchronise sur le PC ?




Re: disque plein mais pas plein

2022-02-16 Thread hamster

Le 16/02/2022 à 13:25, Jean-Marc a écrit :

Le 16/02/22 à 13:14, benoit szczygiel Z.Elec a écrit :

J'ai une machine sous debian, sans interface graphique qui me pose une 
colle. J'ai 2 disques dur le deuxième est un agrégat RAID matériel. 
L'agrégat apparaît comme un disque. J'ai donc 2 partitions, 1 sur le 
premier disque montée en / et la deuxième montée sur l'agrégat en 
/var. Mon problème est que le /var est plein sans l'être. Un df -h me 
dit que sdb montée en var fait 19To dont 5 To de libre 74% occupée. 
Mais si je veux créer un fichier dans /var, il me dit impossible, pas 
d'espace disque disponible.

Juste une idée rapide qui me vient : pas de soucis d'inodes ?

df -i

J'ai aussi tout de suite pensé a ca. Vu que c'est dans /var, il m'est 
déjà arrivé que les images des noyaux qui s'accumulent avec les mises a 
jour bouffent tous les indes.

Si c'est ca, ca se résout très bien avec :
apt autoremove

Pour avoir la paix j'ai mis dans cron monthly un script qui lance apt 

Re: [rech] cluster , et calcul distribué et parallelisé !

2022-02-16 Thread Billard François-Marie

peut-être ici


Le 14/02/2022 à 13:12, ptilou a écrit :


Je fais partie d’une association qui fait la promotion de debian et du logiciel 
libre, l’association dispose d’unités centrales, je propose à l’association de 
faire un cluster pour voir l’intérêt du titre du threats.

Donc je cherche des informations ?
Je suis navré de vous informer qu’il n’y a pas d’argent, je m’y intéresse et 
essaye de federer pour connaître le fonctionnement !

Donc cela s’adresse à quelqu’un qui maîtrise le kernel et ses réglages, pour 
savoir si un parc machine entérocolites qui d’après ce document :

Fait qu’il existe un arbitre ?
Y a plusieurs kernel qui s’exécute, d’après n document du site, et 
donc je suppose une couche supérieur qui partage et effectue les calcul ?

Je trouve que le niveau a baisser, peut-être que c’est de ma faute (?), et donc 
en français y aurait il une oreille attentive ?

Je pense mais je vérifierai que l’association d’Ivry utilise la dernière 
version de Debian stable, si il existe une distribution Linux plus adapté merci 
de m’orienter ?


Re: disque plein mais pas plein

2022-02-16 Thread Jean-Marc

Le 16/02/22 à 13:14, benoit szczygiel Z.Elec a écrit :

J'ai une machine sous debian, sans interface graphique qui me pose une 
colle. J'ai 2 disques dur le deuxième est un agrégat RAID matériel. 
L'agrégat apparaît comme un disque. J'ai donc 2 partitions, 1 sur le 
premier disque montée en / et la deuxième montée sur l'agrégat en /var. 
Mon problème est que le /var est plein sans l'être. Un df -h me dit que 
sdb montée en var fait 19To dont 5 To de libre 74% occupée. Mais si je 
veux créer un fichier dans /var, il me dit impossible, pas d'espace 
disque disponible.

Juste une idée rapide qui me vient : pas de soucis d'inodes ?

df -i

Comment vérifier?



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: disque plein mais pas plein

2022-02-16 Thread NoSpam


Le 16/02/2022 à 13:14, benoit szczygiel Z.Elec a écrit :

J'ai une machine sous debian, sans interface graphique qui me pose une 
colle. J'ai 2 disques dur le deuxième est un agrégat RAID matériel. 
L'agrégat apparaît comme un disque. J'ai donc 2 partitions, 1 sur le 
premier disque montée en / et la deuxième montée sur l'agrégat en 
/var. Mon problème est que le /var est plein sans l'être. Un df -h me 
dit que sdb montée en var fait 19To dont 5 To de libre 74% occupée. 
Mais si je veux créer un fichier dans /var, il me dit impossible, pas 
d'espace disque disponible.


Que dit df -i /var ?



Re : disque plein mais pas plein

2022-02-16 Thread nicolas . patrois
Le 16/02/2022 13:14:13, benoit szczygiel  Z.Elec a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> J'ai une machine sous debian, sans interface graphique qui me pose une
> colle. J'ai 2 disques dur le deuxième est un agrégat RAID matériel.  
> L'agrégat apparaît comme un disque. J'ai donc 2 partitions, 1 sur le  
> premier disque montée en / et la deuxième montée sur l'agrégat en  
> /var. Mon problème est que le /var est plein sans l'être. Un df -h me 
> dit que sdb montée en var fait 19To dont 5 To de libre 74% occupée.  
> Mais si je veux créer un fichier dans /var, il me dit impossible, pas 
> d'espace disque disponible.

Et avec df -hi ?

nicolas patrois : pts noir asocial

M : Qu'est-ce qu'il nous faudrait pour qu'on nous considère comme des humains ? 
Un cerveau plus gros ?
P : Non... Une carte bleue suffirait...

disque plein mais pas plein

2022-02-16 Thread benoit szczygiel Z.Elec

J'ai une machine sous debian, sans interface graphique qui me pose une  
colle. J'ai 2 disques dur le deuxième est un agrégat RAID matériel.  
L'agrégat apparaît comme un disque. J'ai donc 2 partitions, 1 sur le  
premier disque montée en / et la deuxième montée sur l'agrégat en  
/var. Mon problème est que le /var est plein sans l'être. Un df -h me  
dit que sdb montée en var fait 19To dont 5 To de libre 74% occupée.  
Mais si je veux créer un fichier dans /var, il me dit impossible, pas  
d'espace disque disponible.

Comment vérifier?


Re: cinnamon - slow boot up times

2022-02-16 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 04:21:43AM -0500, Cindy Sue Causey wrote:
> On 2/15/22, Thomas Anderson  wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have Bullseye installed on an SSD, it boots up fast as expected up
> > until the login screen.
> >
> > I enter my login credentials...then, queue the music...just a darker
> > screen (not pitch black, flickering, or anything bad)
> >
> > 42 seconds later I get my desktop.

What video chipset? Does anything need firmware - it might just be hanging
and you end up with something closer to VESA mode if needed firmware isn't

> For what it's worth in comparing apples and oranges, I use XFCE4 and
> that's about how long it takes here, too. Just have never set a timer
> to it. It's been doing that for quite a while.
> The difference is mine actually makes it into the desktop first. Then
> it takes its sweet time depending on the requests I make of it.
> Sometimes I can close the first couple packages I have it load at
> startup (Mousepad and Thunar). Sometimes it takes a few seconds before
> they respond.
> Trying to click the Applications menu is a similar hit and miss until
> after that maybe 40 seconds or so time span passes. Likewise with the
> eventual disappearance of the "timer" or "throbber" that's visually
> indicating something resource heavy is occurring in the background.

What vintage machine / what amount of memory / SSD? - and, also, what video 
chipset? XFCE ought to be small/relatively fast.

> Our two experiences may be completely unrelated. Then again, maybe
> what we're each seeing is due to the priority each desktop gives to
> what they load first. Seeing that dark screen would seem the more
> distressing of the two because a User's not sure if the system's going
> to load or not until the first of the GUI eventually pops up on the
> screen.
> > I do have a Cinnamon desktop environment with a custom theme setup...but
> > still, 42 seconds? Can that be right? I have thought about using Mint,
> > but I have been using Debian for 20 years, see no reason to change now.
> > If need be, I will wait 42 seconds.
> I've tried Mint a few times. It's a no from me because it won't let me
> uninstall GRUB without destroying the entire operating system in the
> process. The releases I've test driven won't uninstall GRUB without
> auto-uninstalling a massive amount of important packages.
> That's about User CHOICE, my preference being to try to use anything
> except GRUB. That CHOICE is non-existent in this case.

That's one of the reasons I keep using Debian - and why support for 
Debian-derived distributions here and in IRC can only be either
best endeavours / off-topic.

They do things differently elsewhere - sometimes better, sometimes worse -
but always differently and make their own choices.

All best to you all, as ever,

Andy Cater

> Cindy :)
> -- 
> Cindy-Sue Causey
> Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
> * runs with birdseed *

Re: Misremembered

2022-02-16 Thread Cindy Sue Causey
On 2/16/22, Andrew M.A. Cater  wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 06:45:15PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
>> On Tuesday, February 15, 2022 5:59:37 PM EST Stefan Monnier wrote:
>> > > Yes, "infected" floppy disks were a thing.  There really wasn't any
>> > > way to make money off viruses, though.
>> >
>> > I think McAffe would disagree.
>> >
>> Sorry, but that spammer is so disagreable that he would yell insults at
>> the guy in the mirror, he is hitting my inbox 4-6 times a day with msgs
>> that insult my inteligence because I haven't renewed a service I've never
>> had nor needed.  And its been going on for months.
>> > .
> "That spammer" has been dead for a while, I think. You've just got some
> random spam advertising anti-virus products to you. Block it/ignore it
> and carry on? Probably going off-topic for debian-user if we rant
> about spam too much :)

Pretty funny that I saved my draft of a similar thought process at the
same time yours hit the list. I was just checking my email archives
for those very same SPAM emails before sending.

It might or might not be about Debian-User in that case. The ones I'm
receiving are strangely targeted. They're being addressed to my first
name at AOL. I had a-sumed they were from a particular genre of
(unreciprocated) followers out on social media, but maybe they came
from us posting on here, too. That was a topic on here a while back.

That first name at AOL occasionally changes to something other than my
own. On too regular an occasion, it becomes a relative's first name,
instead. That potentially hints at some heavy duty online stalking
being perped in the name of obvious phishing.

Please be safe out there.

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
* runs with birdseed *

Re: Any plan to upgrade bash to 5.1.16 on bullseye?

2022-02-16 Thread Christian Britz

On 2022-02-16 10:16 UTC+0100, Daniel Qian wrote:
> Hi,
> There is a severe bug on GNU Bash which is fixed in 5.1.16.
> Bug info:
> While currently debian bullseye GNU Bash is 5.1.4.

Without reading the details: If you think this should be fixed in Debian
stable, please go to and check if there is already a
report. If not, please open one.


Re: One-user system. Was "One user system."

2022-02-16 Thread mick crane

On 2022-02-11 19:10, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Jo, 10 feb 22, 11:11:01, wrote:

On Wednesday, February 09, 2022 06:08:16 AM Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> I've switched to using sudo because it encourages me to use root only
> when strictly required.

That's a good idea, but I'll mention what I do -- I may have started 

sudo existed (or, at least, before I knew about it).

I use kde and keep several konsole (terminals) open, at on one, I open 
it as
root and set the background to be a different color than the non-root 

(a shade of yello).

(Once you pick a color for the background (or any of variety of other 
preferences), you can save those so, for example, every time I open a 

as root, it gets those preferences.

I did use to have a root window constantly open and "Ctrl-a r" is still
opening a 'sudo -i' window in tmux.

The trouble with that is that I would tend to use the root console for
non-root things. Besides, it's annoying to 'cd' in the non-root 

in some deep directory structure only to find out you need root
permissions to do what you actually needed to do when you got there.

I've su'ed first before diving into the file system if I thought I was 
going to edit something as root but now I think should

"echo $PWD" when there.
copy that, "su -" and "cd paste".


73-usb-net-by-mac.rules is no longer used in Bullseye for USB ethernet devices?

2022-02-16 Thread Flacusbigotis
My internet connection is off the ethernet port of a PCI-E card that also
has USB ports on it, so the ethernet device is recognized as a "USB
ethernet device"...

Back in Debian Buster, I learned that the "predictive" naming of this USB
ethernet interface would be governed by "73-usb-net-by-mac.rules" and so I
had it configured accordingly with a config file in
/etc/network/interfaces.d/... Namely that the device name would basically
be its MAC.

Well, I just upgraded to Bullseye, and I can't bring up the darn
interface.  I have tried fiddling around with the device name in my config
file in /etc/network/interfaces.d/ directory, but it just won't come up.
The Networking.service also fails during bootup.

I also noticed that the 73-usb-net-by-mac.rules file has completely
disappeared, never mind that the official Debian NetworkInterfaceNames page
here  still talks about it!

Anyone know how the heck this is supposed to work in Bullseye?

BTW, the device shows up as disabled in lshw (I obfuscated the MAC in the

 *-network DISABLED
   description: Ethernet interface
   physical id: 1
   bus info: usb@7:1
   logical name: enx00XX<<<=== Yes, I tried using this name
in the config
   serial: 00:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
   size: 10Mbit/s
   capacity: 1Gbit/s
   capabilities: ethernet physical tp mii 10bt 10bt-fd 100bt 100bt-fd
1000bt 1000bt-fd autonegotiation
   configuration: autonegotiation=off broadcast=yes driver=ax88179_178a
driverversion=5.10.0-11-amd64 duplex=half link=no multicast=yes port=MII

Re: Misremembered

2022-02-16 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 06:45:15PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
> On Tuesday, February 15, 2022 5:59:37 PM EST Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > > Yes, "infected" floppy disks were a thing.  There really wasn't any
> > > way to make money off viruses, though.
> > 
> > I think McAffe would disagree.
> > 
> Sorry, but that spammer is so disagreable that he would yell insults at 
> the guy in the mirror, he is hitting my inbox 4-6 times a day with msgs 
> that insult my inteligence because I haven't renewed a service I've never 
> had nor needed.  And its been going on for months.
> > 
> > Stefan
> > 
> > .

"That spammer" has been dead for a while, I think. You've just got some
random spam advertising anti-virus products to you. Block it/ignore it
and carry on? Probably going off-topic for debian-user if we rant
about spam too much :)

All the very best, as ever,

Andy Cater

> Cheers, Gene Heskett.
> -- 
> "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
>  soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
> -Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
> If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
>  - Louis D. Brandeis
> Genes Web page 

Any plan to upgrade bash to 5.1.16 on bullseye?

2022-02-16 Thread Daniel Qian

There is a severe bug on GNU Bash which is fixed in 5.1.16.

Bug info:

While currently debian bullseye GNU Bash is 5.1.4.

Daniel Qian
Apache Committer(chanjarster)

Re: cinnamon - slow boot up times

2022-02-16 Thread Cindy Sue Causey
On 2/15/22, Thomas Anderson  wrote:
> Hello,
> I have Bullseye installed on an SSD, it boots up fast as expected up
> until the login screen.
> I enter my login credentials...then, queue the music...just a darker
> screen (not pitch black, flickering, or anything bad)
> 42 seconds later I get my desktop.

For what it's worth in comparing apples and oranges, I use XFCE4 and
that's about how long it takes here, too. Just have never set a timer
to it. It's been doing that for quite a while.

The difference is mine actually makes it into the desktop first. Then
it takes its sweet time depending on the requests I make of it.
Sometimes I can close the first couple packages I have it load at
startup (Mousepad and Thunar). Sometimes it takes a few seconds before
they respond.

Trying to click the Applications menu is a similar hit and miss until
after that maybe 40 seconds or so time span passes. Likewise with the
eventual disappearance of the "timer" or "throbber" that's visually
indicating something resource heavy is occurring in the background.

Our two experiences may be completely unrelated. Then again, maybe
what we're each seeing is due to the priority each desktop gives to
what they load first. Seeing that dark screen would seem the more
distressing of the two because a User's not sure if the system's going
to load or not until the first of the GUI eventually pops up on the

> I do have a Cinnamon desktop environment with a custom theme setup...but
> still, 42 seconds? Can that be right? I have thought about using Mint,
> but I have been using Debian for 20 years, see no reason to change now.
> If need be, I will wait 42 seconds.

I've tried Mint a few times. It's a no from me because it won't let me
uninstall GRUB without destroying the entire operating system in the
process. The releases I've test driven won't uninstall GRUB without
auto-uninstalling a massive amount of important packages.

That's about User CHOICE, my preference being to try to use anything
except GRUB. That CHOICE is non-existent in this case.

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
* runs with birdseed *

Re: Synchroniser deux profils debian

2022-02-16 Thread Erwann Le Bras


En situation identique, je synchronise les profils via un cloud privé 
(OwnCloud autohébergé)

tous mes fichiers sont dans $HOME/ownCloud (par exemple 
$HOME/ownCloud/Documents), ce qui laisse la config (.config) en local. 
Je force parfois la synchronisation de config particulières en /liant/ 
depuis le cloud (Thunderbird, Firefox...) car mes machines sont 

avantages :

 * c'est transparent (pas de process à programmer, à lancer), sûr (le
   cloud fait sauvegarde... à sauvegarder) : un fichier est modifié, il
   est copié sur le cloud, c'est tout
 * ne nécessite pas un média (DD externe) pour faire la liaison (rsync).
 * s'affranchit facilement de liaisons Internet intermittentes (le
   portable pas branché sur Internet)

inconvénients :

 * avoir accès à un cloud ou pouvoir en installer/administrer un, et un
   port https disponible. Pour rsyncd/Unison, il faut un accès ssh à un
 * laisser la synchronisation initiale (au démarrage de la session) se
   terminer avant de commencer à ouvrir des applis partout sous peine
   d'avoir à gérer des conflits

J'utilise cette solutions depuis plusieurs années pour synchroniser mon 
profil sur plusieurs machines hétéroclites (2 Debian, 1 Windows, 2 
Android et une clé USB) et j'en suis satisfait.
Elle permet à chaque machine d'être indépendants et un accès universel à 
mes fichiers (il suffit d'un client Cloud)

Bonjour à tous,

J'ai deux débian au boulot, un poste fixe et un portable.

Je souhaiterai synchroniser mon profil user de mon portable sur le pc 

Les deux debians sont identiques (j'ai fait un clone du disque du 
portable et restauré sur le PC)

Avez-vous une astuces pour que mon profil sur le portable se 
synchronise sur le PC ?


