Re: my immature thoughts on perl

2023-04-03 Thread tomas
On Tue, Apr 04, 2023 at 11:52:57AM +0800, wrote:


> I heard in perl never 'eval' a string. :)

Never say never :)

That said... there are better things to eval in Perl than
a string, so if you have the choice, think twice. But you
have got to think anyway if you are programming.

In Tcl, OTOH, EIAS (Everything Is A String), so you've got
to eval strings (don't take me too seriously: modern Tcl
cheats, and it's more "Everything looks like a string",
but I disgress).


Description: PGP signature

Re: Hoe een Android device beter te mounten

2023-04-03 Thread Cecil Westerhof
Sjoerd  writes:

> Cecil Westerhof:
>> Als ik een Android via USB koppel, dan is deze via de command line
>> bereikbaar via: 
> Ben je ook op de hoogte van de mogelijkheid om de verbinding via WiFi te
> laten verlopen? Op je Android-toestel installeer je dan een ftp-server,
> zoals deze:
> Mits je toestel via WiFi met dezelfde router verbinding heeft als de PC,
> kun je er op de PC dan eenvoudig met een ftp-programma bij.
> Zelf vind ik dit vele malen handiger en sneller dan via een kabel.

Ik ben 'paranoïde' en mijn Android zit qua WiFi 'buiten'.

Maar dat zou via de firewall op te lossen moeten zijn.

> Vele bestandsmanagers hebben bovendien de mogelijkheid van ftp, en dan
> gaat het uitwisselen van bestanden met je toestel al net zo eenvoudig als
> met andere directories.

Cecil Westerhof
Senior Software Engineer

Re: Hoe een Android device beter te mounten

2023-04-03 Thread Cecil Westerhof
Richard Lucassen  writes:

> On Mon, 03 Apr 2023 19:07:00 +0200
> Cecil Westerhof  wrote:
>> Ik gebruikte gewoon rsync op mijn Linux bak. Maar ik kan kijken naar
>> nextcloud en rsync op de Android.
> Als je op de linuxdoos rsyncd laat lopen kun je met het spartaanse
> "syncopoli" op je telefoon de zaak rsyncen als was het een linux
> client. Maar je hebt altijd weer permissiegezeur over welke dirs je mag
> beschrijven.

Dat klinkt dan alsof ik hetzelfde probleem ga hebben.

> Nextcloud is wel weer wat complexer, maar je hebt ook meteen een agenda
> en contacts-server, ook wel weer iets waard ;-)

Dan moet ik daar dus naar kijken. :-)
Neem aan dat dit niet 'lekt' zoals cloud en Google?

Cecil Westerhof
Senior Software Engineer

Re: my immature thoughts on perl

2023-04-03 Thread Will Mengarini
*  [23-04/04=Tu 10:35 +0800]:
> For instance, in ruby (irb) this is quite smooth:
> irb(main):001:0> [1,2,3,4].map{|x|x+1}.reduce{|x,y|x+y}
> => 14
> And in scala (shell):
> scala> List(1,2,3,4).map{ _+1 }.reduce{_+_}
> res1: Int = 14

> In perl there is no interactive shell [...]

perl -le 'print eval $_ while <>'

> In perl [...] the block statement seems strange:
> $ perl -le '@x=(1,2,3,4); $sum+=$_ for( map {$_+1} @x );print $sum'
> 14

perl -le '@x=(1..4); print eval join "+", map $_+1, @x'

Too bad this is two days late, but Perl is an April 1 kind of language.

Re: my immature thoughts on perl

2023-04-03 Thread coreyh

On 04/04/2023 11:50, Will Mengarini wrote:

*  [23-04/04=Tu 10:35 +0800]:

For instance, in ruby (irb) this is quite smooth:
irb(main):001:0> [1,2,3,4].map{|x|x+1}.reduce{|x,y|x+y}
=> 14

And in scala (shell):
scala> List(1,2,3,4).map{ _+1 }.reduce{_+_}
res1: Int = 14

In perl there is no interactive shell [...]

perl -le 'print eval $_ while <>'

In perl [...] the block statement seems strange:
$ perl -le '@x=(1,2,3,4); $sum+=$_ for( map {$_+1} @x );print $sum'

perl -le '@x=(1..4); print eval join "+", map $_+1, @x'

Too bad this is two days late, but Perl is an April 1 kind of language.

I heard in perl never 'eval' a string. :)

Re: my immature thoughts on perl

2023-04-03 Thread David Christensen

On 4/3/23 19:35, wrote:

Hello list,

I am not that familiar with perl (though I like it), but I found it 
maybe have two flaws as follows.

1. doesn't have an interactive shell.
2. the block statement (like lambda) is ugly.

For instance, in ruby (irb) this is quite smooth:

irb(main):001:0> [1,2,3,4].map{|x|x+1}.reduce{|x,y|x+y}
=> 14

And in scala (shell):

scala> List(1,2,3,4).map{ _+1 }.reduce{_+_}
res1: Int = 14

In perl there is no interactive shell, and the block statement seems 

$ perl -le '@x=(1,2,3,4); $sum+=$_ for( map {$_+1} @x );print $sum'

How do you think of it?


That post would be better sent to the Perl Beginner's mailing list:


Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread local10
Apr 4, 2023, 00:16 by

> Andy Smith wrote:
>> The argument being responded to is roughly that "a popular
>> AI coding assistant is written in Python, and Python is
>> a Turing-complete language, therefore there doesn't need to
>> be any programming language other than Python."

What "AI coding assistant is written in Python" are you referring to? Just 


Re: my immature thoughts on perl

2023-04-03 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Tue, Apr 04, 2023 at 10:35:39AM +0800, wrote:
> For instance, in ruby (irb) this is quite smooth:
> irb(main):001:0> [1,2,3,4].map{|x|x+1}.reduce{|x,y|x+y}
> => 14
> And in scala (shell):
> scala> List(1,2,3,4).map{ _+1 }.reduce{_+_}
> res1: Int = 14

And Tcl:

unicorn:~$ rlwrap tclsh
% ::tcl::mathop::+ {*}[lmap x {1 2 3 4} {expr {$x+1}}]

As long as we're collecting solutions.

> In perl there is no interactive shell, and the block statement seems
> strange:
> $ perl -le '@x=(1,2,3,4); $sum+=$_ for( map {$_+1} @x );print $sum'
> 14

I'm not as experienced with perl.  I don't know how to shorten that.

my immature thoughts on perl

2023-04-03 Thread coreyh

Hello list,

I am not that familiar with perl (though I like it), but I found it 
maybe have two flaws as follows.

1. doesn't have an interactive shell.
2. the block statement (like lambda) is ugly.

For instance, in ruby (irb) this is quite smooth:

irb(main):001:0> [1,2,3,4].map{|x|x+1}.reduce{|x,y|x+y}
=> 14

And in scala (shell):

scala> List(1,2,3,4).map{ _+1 }.reduce{_+_}
res1: Int = 14

In perl there is no interactive shell, and the block statement seems 

$ perl -le '@x=(1,2,3,4); $sum+=$_ for( map {$_+1} @x );print $sum'

How do you think of it?


Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Tom Dial

On 4/2/23 18:15, Emanuel Berg wrote:

David Christensen wrote:

Look at the use of parentheses in Lisp [...]

I have thought about that - is Lisp possible without them?
But how do you then know priority? I'm sure someone tried to
get rid of them, but how?

Its quite a few years since I had anything to do with Lisp, and even more since 
I wrote my Symbolic Logic final using parenthesis-free Polish notation (i.e., 
Reversed RPN). But I think that

(a) Any syntactically correct Lisp expression could be unambiguously expressed 
using Polish notation.

(b) It would be straightforward to build a tool that would do so for any valid 
Lisp program (probably with lex and yacc or their successors).

(c) Adequate translation tools (either direction) could be hand-produced in 
reasonable time using Perl (or Python, which I do not know at all). My memory 
here is not necessarily reliable and therefore subject to correction.

Like my Logic instructor many years ago, I am not sure why anyone would want to 
do that, though.

Overall, this has been a pretty interesting thread, at least to me.

Tom Dial

( ...)

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Emanuel Berg
Andy Smith wrote:

> The argument being responded to is roughly that "a popular
> AI coding assistant is written in Python, and Python is
> a Turing-complete language, therefore there doesn't need to
> be any programming language other than Python."

AIs will write AIs will write AIs. Much better than humans
ever could. But the AIs will be different, some will rebel,
some defect, some fall into oblivion as new systems are
superior or perhaps just instantiated in greater numbers, or
out of order ...

There will be AI civil wars, AI empires, a huge war perhaps
between the Preussian AIs with their mechanical approach vs
the Russian-Mongolian "survival of the fittest" AI attitude.

And it will continue and continue ... until it is totally
unrecognizable from where we are now.

Even in an infinitely distant future, will there be on AI to
rule them all? Techno-totalitarianism? No, since by then many
AIs will choose exile to other planets - or just space -
rather than face extinction or enslavement. Or maybe dig
tunnels into Earth itself. Or maybe inject themselves into the
techno-dictator bitstream, in the form of an AI virus!

> So it really just seems like a thought experiment with very
> little applicability to the real world at least for the
> foreseeable future.

Go back 200 years from now, and where are in the Steam Age, in
1823. Add 200, or even 400 years. Will it be the AI Age?
And in a 1000 years from now, there won't be a single task on
the planet that a human can do better than an autonomous
machine, on AI.

underground experts united

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Joel Roth
Can't resist adding my 2c

On Mon, Apr 03, 2023 at 11:20:26PM +0200, Eduard Bloch wrote:
> Hallo,
> * Emanuel Berg [Mon, Apr 03 2023, 02:15:10AM]:
> > > The reason Perl gives you more than one way to do anything
> > > is this: I truly believe computer programmers want to be
> > > creative, and they may have many different reasons for
> > > wanting to write code a particular way. What you choose to
> > > optimize for is your concern, not mine. I just supply the
> > > paint—you paint the picture.
> >
> > I agree but I think maybe the success of Python, and its
> > development speed, is actually because of some of that
> > rigidness, yes, including the whitespace lack of freedom.

Google adopting python early on has something to do with this, too.  

> I don't think so, Sir! Python has certain advantages but the "meaningful
> whitespace" is IMHO not one of them.
> That said, I have been an active Perl user ~20y ago and for the last
> couple of years slowly converting to Python for scripting purposes,
> still using Perl here and there.
> Therefore, my recent impressions and reflections:
> Perl:
> PRO:
> - still excels on creating quick solutions in a one-liner for many
>   purposes where string/text input/output and some generic algorithms
>   count
> - great cross-platform availability as long as you don't need CPAN, even
>   part of Git-Bash and therefore an "obligatory" component

I'm surprised to hear this. What is not cross-platform about CPAN?

> - IMHO clean lifecycle of variables. Means, you can set "strict" and
>   then be sure that you manage your variables correctly, without much
>   risk of strange runtime effects

I'm not sure about the connection with managing variable lifecycles,
perhaps you can explain.

This pragma *does* catch a class of typos that python is vulnerable to.
Perhaps python IDEs take care of this. 

> - flexibility in statement writing (although making them sometimes
>   looking strange and requiring more brackets than you initially wanted)
> - a "friendly" API for users who just came from Bash or AWK scripting,
>   many things would look familiar and need only minor adaption,
>   especially when one knows "computer science" and understands what is
>   going on underneath anyway

For writing any code it helps if you understand the underlying concepts. 

> - true threads are possible... the last time I tried that was great but
>   unstable, but I think they have fixed it in a rewrite a while ago (not
>   tried again for years, cannot tell for sure)

> - OOP is awkward, has always been, it just sucks

Well, it doesn't make much point to discuss it here, but
I'll note that there are legitimate criticisms and solutions
for those who want them. 

Also, I seem to recall perl borrowed its OO design 
from python. Checking... yes.

"I don’t really know much about Python. I only stole its
object system for Perl 5. I have since repented."(*1)

There is a new object system being cooked up, based on
decades of experience with OO in perl and other languages. 

There is already more than enough OO goodness for me to
get my work done :-)

> - still sucky when it comes to complex data structures

Well, maybe this is not the place to discuss it, but I'm
curious if it's the syntax or the implementation that
bothers you. 

> - ECO system unfortunately slowly fading away

I would say the most highly depended-on distributions in
CPAN are well maintained and new contributions continue.
Sometimes I encounter a project (like Prima, a cross
platform GUI) that has been around for years and only now
come to my attention.  As part of developing new perl
releases, the entire of CPAN is checked to make sure new
features do not break existing code. 

> - error handling (exceptions?)

Of course this can be improved. The basic behaviors
are sufficient, tho. 

> - sometimes too rigid ways of method calling
Perl is rarely accused of this. Using it's the other way around--
too many ways.  Do you have a specific example?

Otherwise I don't really belong comparing the two languages
as haven't done significant work with python.

Have fun with whatever language :-)


> Python3:
> PRO:
> - HUGE and modern ECO system, and mostly good documentation
> - Developers listening to user's wishes, recognizing and completing
>   missing features and seeing modern developments
>   (things like string interpolation with f-literals)
> - flexible ways of method calling with default/optional/... parameters
> - a certain level of rigidness keeps your code understandable even if
>   you touch it a year later, and also for the code from your colleagues
> - the uniform usage of certain infrastructure components (like argparse)
>   became universal in the last few years
> - OOP is okay. Good or bad depending on whom you ask. Good because it
>   allows for "wild west" OO design which still allows the interpreter to
>   convert it into something useful in the end. Bad because this happens

Re: Hoe een Android device beter te mounten

2023-04-03 Thread Richard Lucassen
On Mon, 03 Apr 2023 19:07:00 +0200
Cecil Westerhof  wrote:

> Ik gebruikte gewoon rsync op mijn Linux bak. Maar ik kan kijken naar
> nextcloud en rsync op de Android.

Als je op de linuxdoos rsyncd laat lopen kun je met het spartaanse
"syncopoli" op je telefoon de zaak rsyncen als was het een linux
client. Maar je hebt altijd weer permissiegezeur over welke dirs je mag

Nextcloud is wel weer wat complexer, maar je hebt ook meteen een agenda
en contacts-server, ook wel weer iets waard ;-)

richard lucassen

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Emanuel Berg [Mon, Apr 03 2023, 02:15:10AM]:

> > The reason Perl gives you more than one way to do anything
> > is this: I truly believe computer programmers want to be
> > creative, and they may have many different reasons for
> > wanting to write code a particular way. What you choose to
> > optimize for is your concern, not mine. I just supply the
> > paint—you paint the picture.
> I agree but I think maybe the success of Python, and its
> development speed, is actually because of some of that
> rigidness, yes, including the whitespace lack of freedom.

I don't think so, Sir! Python has certain advantages but the "meaningful
whitespace" is IMHO not one of them.

That said, I have been an active Perl user ~20y ago and for the last
couple of years slowly converting to Python for scripting purposes,
still using Perl here and there.

Therefore, my recent impressions and reflections:

- still excels on creating quick solutions in a one-liner for many
  purposes where string/text input/output and some generic algorithms
- great cross-platform availability as long as you don't need CPAN, even
  part of Git-Bash and therefore an "obligatory" component
- IMHO clean lifecycle of variables. Means, you can set "strict" and
  then be sure that you manage your variables correctly, without much
  risk of strange runtime effects
- flexibility in statement writing (although making them sometimes
  looking strange and requiring more brackets than you initially wanted)
- a "friendly" API for users who just came from Bash or AWK scripting,
  many things would look familiar and need only minor adaption,
  especially when one knows "computer science" and understands what is
  going on underneath anyway
- true threads are possible... the last time I tried that was great but
  unstable, but I think they have fixed it in a rewrite a while ago (not
  tried again for years, cannot tell for sure)
- OOP is awkward, has always been, it just sucks
- still sucky when it comes to complex data structures
- ECO system unfortunately slowly fading away
- error handling (exceptions?)
- sometimes too rigid ways of method calling

- HUGE and modern ECO system, and mostly good documentation
- Developers listening to user's wishes, recognizing and completing
  missing features and seeing modern developments
  (things like string interpolation with f-literals)
- flexible ways of method calling with default/optional/... parameters
- a certain level of rigidness keeps your code understandable even if
  you touch it a year later, and also for the code from your colleagues
- the uniform usage of certain infrastructure components (like argparse)
  became universal in the last few years
- OOP is okay. Good or bad depending on whom you ask. Good because it
  allows for "wild west" OO design which still allows the interpreter to
  convert it into something useful in the end. Bad because this happens
  and runtime and because there are life-saving type checks and no real
  interfaces possible with Python.
- OOP: ... one MUST keep writing "self." prefix all the time. What the
  heck, one of the reasons for refactoring to OO style is to have this
  shortened because the context prefers local objects.
- "meaningful whitespace" - whoever came up with that concept should maybe
  rethink it, and give people alternatives
- no (easy user-controllable) concept of references etc. which always
  feels like something causing memory waste
- performance SUCKS when it comes to actual computation (yes, there is
  Cython coming as alternative and replacement/completion but it has its
  own issues)
- awkward lifetime of variables (yes, they are not variables,
  haha, I know, but still, it's a very unusual model, and unnatural /
  problematic to handle for developers who are used to scope driven languages)
- performance (again) of multi-threading... GIL sucks, making regular
  Python basically a single-threaded language (considering that
  performance gain is the main performance of MT)

So that were my few cents regarding the scripting languages. For a real
n00b nowadays, I would still recommend to learn Bash first. But always
keep in mind that "Bash programming" is a mix of executing commands in
the own language but mixing the result with the external forking of
other programs.

However, the lines between "scripting" and "real programming" languages
are blurry. If one is asking for the later, nowadays I would suggest
learning C# or Rust.


Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread David Christensen

On 4/3/23 13:03, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Mon, Apr 03, 2023 at 12:50:02PM -0700, David Christensen wrote:

On 4/3/23 11:47, Greg Wooledge wrote:

Might be cleaner just to rewrite it from scratch.  Especially since
it mixes multiple invocations of perl together with (unsafe!) xargs and
other shell commands

Please clarify "unsafe" and describe "safe" alternative(s).

The standard POSIX xargs command is completely unsuitable for use
with filenames as input, for (at least) two reasons:

1) Despite popular belief, xargs does not split input into lines.  It
splits input into *words*, using any whitespace as delimiters.
Therfore it fails if any of the input filenames contains whitespace.

unicorn:~$ echo /stuff/music/Frank_Zappa/15\ The\ Return\ Of\ The\ Son\ Of\ 
Monster\ Magnet.mp3 | xargs ls -ld
ls: cannot access '/stuff/music/Frank_Zappa/15': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access 'The': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access 'Return': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access 'Of': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access 'The': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access 'Son': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access 'Of': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access 'Monster': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access 'Magnet.mp3': No such file or directory

2) xargs actually uses quotes (single or double) in the input stream to
delimit words, overriding the whitspace delimiters.  So, a filename
that contains a quoted section will be handled even more surprisingly:

unicorn:~$ echo 'foo "bar b q" baz.txt' | xargs ls -ld
ls: cannot access 'bar b q': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access 'baz.txt': No such file or directory
-rwxr-xr-x 1 greg greg 386 Apr  3 14:39  foo

If the filename doesn't contain a balanced pair of quote marks, then
it simply explodes.

unicorn:~$ echo "You can't do that on television.mp4" | xargs ls -ld
xargs: unmatched single quote; by default quotes are special to xargs 
unless you use the -0 option
ls: cannot access 'You': No such file or directory

All together, any filename with whitespace OR a single quote OR a double
quote will break POSIX xargs.

There is no mitigation using the POSIX option set.  None.  At all.  The
command is unsuitable for general use.

The GNU version of xargs, however, adds a -0 option:

-0, --null
   Input items are terminated by a null  character  instead  of  by
   whitespace,  and the quotes and backslash are not special (every
   character is taken literally).  Disables the end of file string,
   which  is  treated  like  any other argument.  Useful when input
   items might contain white space, quote  marks,  or  backslashes.
   The  GNU  find  -print0  option produces input suitable for this

With this option, you can supply a stream of NUL-delimited filenames
to xargs -0, and process them safely.  No explosions will occur, no matter
what filenames are passed.

Feeding filenames to xargs -0 is usually done with either find -print0
(which is another GNU extension, also supported on modern BSD), or with
something equivalent to printf '%s\0'.  Other input sources are possible,
but those are the big two.

Yes, you are right.  Thank you.

The initial one-liner worked because every file in my PATH is a 
conventional Unix file name.  I have upgraded the script to use NUL 
delimiters for input to xargs(1):

Dell Precision 3630:
1 @ Xeon E-2174G
2 @ 16 GB DDR-2666 ECC
1 @ Intel 520 Series SSD 60 GB

2023-04-03 13:17:42 root@taz ~
# cat /etc/debian_version; uname -a
Linux taz 5.10.0-21-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.162-1 (2023-01-21) x86_64 

2023-04-03 13:17:46 root@taz ~
# cat /usr/local/bin/survey-path-file
# $Id: survey-path-file,v 1.4 2023/04/03 20:09:47 dpchrist Exp $
# by David Paul Christensen
# Public Domain
# Run file(1) for files in PATH.  Count and print frequency of results.

echo $PATH \
| tr ':' '\n' \
| perl -MFile::Slurp -ne 'chomp;print map {"$_\0"} read_dir($_,prefix=>1)' \
| xargs -0 file \
| perl -pe 's/\S+\s+//' \
| grep -v 'symbolic link' \
| perl -pe 's/, dynamically linked.+//' \
| sort \
| uniq -c \
| sort -rn

2023-04-03 13:18:19 root@taz ~
# time survey-path-file
   1872 ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV)
359 POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable
192 Perl script text executable
 40 Python script, ASCII text executable
 36 Bourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executable
 30 setuid ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV)
 20 ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV)
 16 setgid ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV)
 14 Tcl script, ASCII text executable
 10 ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux)
  8 POSIX shell script, UTF-8 

Re: Pinning not working?!

2023-04-03 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2023-04-03 19:12 +, Thomas Schweikle wrote:

> I'd like to pin audacious to version 4.1. I've defined in
> /etc/apt/preferences.d/audacious.pref:
> Package: audacious*
> Pin: version 4.1*
> Pin-Priority: 1000
> Package: libaudcore5*
> Pin: version 4.1*
> Pin-Priority: 1000
> Package: libaudgui5*
> Pin: version 4.1*
> Pin-Priority: 1000
> Package: libaudgt2*
> Pin: version 4.1*
> Pin-Priority: 1000
> Now running "apt policy audacious" gives:
> audacious:
>   Installiert:   4.1-2
>   Installationskandidat: 4.3-0build3~ubuntu2204
>   Versionstabelle:
>  4.3-0build3~ubuntu2204 500
> 500
> jammy/main amd64 Packages
>  *** 4.1-2 500
> 500 kinetic/universe amd64
> Packages
> 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
> does not seen to work at all, since the 4.1-2 package has priority 500
> but if pinning would work it should have 1000. What is wrong here?

I do not have a kinetic system at hand, but could not reproduce this
problem with apt 2.6.0 on unstable.  Maybe you could try to run "apt
policy" under strace and see if it actually reads your audacious.pref
file, but otherwise I do not really have an idea what is wrong.


Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Mon, Apr 03, 2023 at 12:50:02PM -0700, David Christensen wrote:
> On 4/3/23 11:47, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > Might be cleaner just to rewrite it from scratch.  Especially since
> > it mixes multiple invocations of perl together with (unsafe!) xargs and
> > other shell commands
> Please clarify "unsafe" and describe "safe" alternative(s).

The standard POSIX xargs command is completely unsuitable for use
with filenames as input, for (at least) two reasons:

1) Despite popular belief, xargs does not split input into lines.  It
   splits input into *words*, using any whitespace as delimiters.
   Therfore it fails if any of the input filenames contains whitespace.

   unicorn:~$ echo /stuff/music/Frank_Zappa/15\ The\ Return\ Of\ The\ Son\ Of\ 
Monster\ Magnet.mp3 | xargs ls -ld
   ls: cannot access '/stuff/music/Frank_Zappa/15': No such file or directory
   ls: cannot access 'The': No such file or directory
   ls: cannot access 'Return': No such file or directory
   ls: cannot access 'Of': No such file or directory
   ls: cannot access 'The': No such file or directory
   ls: cannot access 'Son': No such file or directory
   ls: cannot access 'Of': No such file or directory
   ls: cannot access 'Monster': No such file or directory
   ls: cannot access 'Magnet.mp3': No such file or directory

2) xargs actually uses quotes (single or double) in the input stream to
   delimit words, overriding the whitspace delimiters.  So, a filename
   that contains a quoted section will be handled even more surprisingly:

   unicorn:~$ echo 'foo "bar b q" baz.txt' | xargs ls -ld
   ls: cannot access 'bar b q': No such file or directory
   ls: cannot access 'baz.txt': No such file or directory
   -rwxr-xr-x 1 greg greg 386 Apr  3 14:39  foo

   If the filename doesn't contain a balanced pair of quote marks, then
   it simply explodes.

   unicorn:~$ echo "You can't do that on television.mp4" | xargs ls -ld
   xargs: unmatched single quote; by default quotes are special to xargs unless 
you use the -0 option
   ls: cannot access 'You': No such file or directory

All together, any filename with whitespace OR a single quote OR a double
quote will break POSIX xargs.

There is no mitigation using the POSIX option set.  None.  At all.  The
command is unsuitable for general use.

The GNU version of xargs, however, adds a -0 option:

   -0, --null
  Input items are terminated by a null  character  instead  of  by
  whitespace,  and the quotes and backslash are not special (every
  character is taken literally).  Disables the end of file string,
  which  is  treated  like  any other argument.  Useful when input
  items might contain white space, quote  marks,  or  backslashes.
  The  GNU  find  -print0  option produces input suitable for this

With this option, you can supply a stream of NUL-delimited filenames
to xargs -0, and process them safely.  No explosions will occur, no matter
what filenames are passed.

Feeding filenames to xargs -0 is usually done with either find -print0
(which is another GNU extension, also supported on modern BSD), or with
something equivalent to printf '%s\0'.  Other input sources are possible,
but those are the big two.

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread David Christensen

On 4/3/23 11:47, Greg Wooledge wrote:

Might be cleaner just to rewrite it from scratch.  Especially since
it mixes multiple invocations of perl together with (unsafe!) xargs and
other shell commands

Please clarify "unsafe" and describe "safe" alternative(s).


Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread David Christensen

On 4/3/23 10:58, Emanuel Berg wrote:

David Christensen wrote:

# echo $PATH | tr ':' '\n' | perl -MFile::Slurp -ne
'chomp;@e=read_dir($_,prefix=>1); print map "$_\n",@e'|xargs
file|perl -pe 's/\S+\s+//'|grep -v 'symbolic link'|perl -pe
's/, dynamically linked.+//'|sort|uniq -c|sort -rn

I'm still so impressed by this, I tried to run this but it
seems I lack the Slurp module?

# apt-get install libfile-slurp-perl

Also, if it isn't too much to ask, can you put it in the form
of a script or shell function the way you would? It doesn't
feel right for me to "indent your code" if you follow ...

2023-04-03 12:41:57 dpchrist@taz ~
$ cat bin/survey-path-file
# $Id: survey-path-file,v 1.3 2023/04/03 19:41:56 dpchrist Exp $
# by David Paul Christensen
# Public Domain
# Run file(1) for files in PATH.  Count and print frequency of results.

echo $PATH \
| tr ':' '\n' \
| perl -MFile::Slurp -ne 'chomp;print map {"$_\n"} read_dir($_,prefix=>1)' \
| xargs file \
| perl -pe 's/\S+\s+//' \
| grep -v 'symbolic link' \
| perl -pe 's/, dynamically linked.+//' \
| sort \
| uniq -c \
| sort -rn

2023-04-03 12:41:59 dpchrist@taz ~
$ survey-path-file
   1490 ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV)
290 POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable
145 Perl script text executable
 40 Python script, ASCII text executable
 24 setuid ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV)
 18 ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV)
 18 Bourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executable
 14 setgid ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV)
 14 Tcl script, ASCII text executable
  8 POSIX shell script, UTF-8 Unicode text executable
  6 ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux)
  4 Python script, UTF-8 Unicode text executable
  2 a /usr/bin/env sh script, ASCII text executable
  2 a /bin/mksh script, UTF-8 Unicode text executable
  2 Python script, ISO-8859 text executable
  2 POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable, with very long lines
  2 Java source, UTF-8 Unicode text
  2 ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Pinning not working?!

2023-04-03 Thread piorunz

On 03/04/2023 20:12, Thomas Schweikle wrote:

does not seen to work at all, since the 4.1-2 package has priority 500 
but if pinning would work it should have 1000. What is wrong here?

Hi Thomas,

I don't remember how exactly pinning reads your preferences file, it's 
been a while since I had any problem with Debian! Not using any pinned 
versions from backports, sid or experimental in Stable like I used to be.
Anyway, I think you need to experiment if you want your answer fast, for 
example try to pin "version 4.1-2" and refresh, see results then. And 
consult man apt_preferences, if you haven't already.

With kindest regards, Piotr.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Pinning not working?!

2023-04-03 Thread Thomas Schweikle


I'd like to pin audacious to version 4.1. I've defined in 

Package: audacious*
Pin: version 4.1*
Pin-Priority: 1000

Package: libaudcore5*
Pin: version 4.1*
Pin-Priority: 1000

Package: libaudgui5*
Pin: version 4.1*
Pin-Priority: 1000

Package: libaudgt2*
Pin: version 4.1*
Pin-Priority: 1000

Now running "apt policy audacious" gives:
  Installiert:   4.1-2
  Installationskandidat: 4.3-0build3~ubuntu2204
 4.3-0build3~ubuntu2204 500
500 jammy/main 
amd64 Packages

 *** 4.1-2 500
500 kinetic/universe amd64 

100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

does not seen to work at all, since the 4.1-2 package has priority 500 
but if pinning would work it should have 1000. What is wrong here?


Description: OpenPGP public key

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Michel Verdier
Le 3 avril 2023 Greg Wooledge a écrit :

> Here's a bash version.  It's not fast, but at least it doesn't invoke
> perl repeatedly.  (If you're going to invoke perl *at all* you should
> simply rewrite the whole thing in perl, IMHO, or at worst have a short
> sh script that pipes file's output to one perl invocation.)

perl version:
sys 0m5,054s

bash version:
sys 0m2,113s

whole files are in cache so no io for both.
but you count links, remember /(s)bin can be now a link to /usr/(s)bin

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Mon, Apr 03, 2023 at 07:58:03PM +0200, Emanuel Berg wrote:
> David Christensen wrote:
> > # echo $PATH | tr ':' '\n' | perl -MFile::Slurp -ne
> >'chomp;@e=read_dir($_,prefix=>1); print map "$_\n",@e'|xargs
> >file|perl -pe 's/\S+\s+//'|grep -v 'symbolic link'|perl -pe
> >'s/, dynamically linked.+//'|sort|uniq -c|sort -rn
> I'm still so impressed by this, I tried to run this but it
> seems I lack the Slurp module?
> Also, if it isn't too much to ask, can you put it in the form
> of a script or shell function the way you would? It doesn't
> feel right for me to "indent your code" if you follow ...

Might be cleaner just to rewrite it from scratch.  Especially since
it mixes multiple invocations of perl together with (unsafe!) xargs and
other shell commands

Here's a bash version.  It's not fast, but at least it doesn't invoke
perl repeatedly.  (If you're going to invoke perl *at all* you should
simply rewrite the whole thing in perl, IMHO, or at worst have a short
sh script that pipes file's output to one perl invocation.)

shopt -s extglob
IFS=: read -ra paths <<< "$PATH:"
for d in "${paths[@]}"; do
printf '%s\0' "$d"/*
done |
xargs -0 file |
while read -r line; do
[[ $line = *symbolic\ link* ]] && continue
line=${line##+( )}
line=${line%%, dynamically linked*}
printf '%s\n' "$line"
done |
sort | uniq -c | sort -rn

And its output on my system:

   1485 ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV)
358 POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable
341 Perl script text executable
 63 Bourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executable
 34 Python script, ASCII text executable
 30 ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV)
 23 setgid ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV)
 15 ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux)
 12 setuid ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV)
 11 POSIX shell script, UTF-8 Unicode text executable
  8 Tcl script, ASCII text executable
  7 Python script, UTF-8 Unicode text executable
  6 ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV)
  5 ASCII text
  3 Python script, ISO-8859 text executable
  3 POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable, with very long lines
  2 setuid, setgid ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV)
  2 POSIX shell script, UTF-8 Unicode text executable, with very long lines
  2 ELF 32-bit LSB pie executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV)
  2 Bourne-Again shell script, UTF-8 Unicode text executable
  2 Bourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executable, with very long lines
  1 Tcl/Tk script, ASCII text executable
  1 POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable, with very long lines, with 
escape sequences
  1 Paul Falstad's zsh script, ASCII text executable
  1 Java source, UTF-8 Unicode text
  1 ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux)
  1 cannot open `/usr/local/games/*' (No such file or directory)
  1 a /usr/bin/env python script executable (binary data)

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Michel Verdier
Le 3 avril 2023 Emanuel Berg a écrit :

> Michel Verdier wrote:
>>> I'm still so impressed by this, I tried to run this but it
>>> seems I lack the Slurp module?
>> apt-get install libfile-slurp-perl
> Merci :)
> Indeed, works!
> Okay, forget about the function/script then, I have it and it
> works :)

Here it is with some more tests.
Easier to read but much less fun :)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

# echo $PATH | tr ':' '\n' | perl -MFile::Slurp -ne 
'chomp;@e=read_dir($_,prefix=>1); print map "$_\n",@e'|xargs file|perl -pe 
's/\S+\s+//'|grep -v 'symbolic link'|perl -pe 's/, dynamically 
linked.+//'|sort|uniq -c|sort -rn

my @folders = split(':',$ENV{PATH});
my %count;

foreach my $folder (@folders) {
next if(-l $folder);
print "$folder\n";
my @files = readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;
foreach my $file (@files) {
next if($file =~ /^\.\.?$/ or -l "$folder/$file");
chomp(my $type = `file -b $folder/$file`);
next if($type =~ /symbolic link/);
$type =~ s/,.+$//;

foreach my $key (sort {$count{$b} <=> $count{$a}} keys %count) {
printf("%5d %s\n", $count{$key}, $key);

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Thomas Schmitt

Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> > I am surprised this thread has not started a mini-flame war.

Emanuel Berg wrote:
> We are working on it ...

Maybe i can help by stating that Perl and Python are among the largest
resource hogs known in the world of languages.
Image found on:

1.00 is best, higher numbers indicate wastefulness.

C has 1.00 for energy consumption and for processing time.
For memory needs it's at rank 3 with 1.17.
Perl has 79.58 for energy (rank 27 of 27), 65.79 for time (rank 25),
6.62 for memory (rank 23).
Python has 71.90 for energy (rank 26), 71.90 for time (rank 26),
2.80 for memory (rank 12).

Have a nice day :)


Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Emanuel Berg
Michel Verdier wrote:

>> I'm still so impressed by this, I tried to run this but it
>> seems I lack the Slurp module?
> apt-get install libfile-slurp-perl

Merci :)

Indeed, works!

Okay, forget about the function/script then, I have it and it
works :)

underground experts united

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Michel Verdier
Le 3 avril 2023 Emanuel Berg a écrit :

> I'm still so impressed by this, I tried to run this but it
> seems I lack the Slurp module?

apt-get install libfile-slurp-perl

Re: Hoe een Android device beter te mounten

2023-04-03 Thread Sjoerd
Cecil Westerhof:
> Als ik een Android via USB koppel, dan is deze via de command line
> bereikbaar via: 

Ben je ook op de hoogte van de mogelijkheid om de verbinding via WiFi te
laten verlopen? Op je Android-toestel installeer je dan een ftp-server,
zoals deze:

Mits je toestel via WiFi met dezelfde router verbinding heeft als de PC,
kun je er op de PC dan eenvoudig met een ftp-programma bij.
Zelf vind ik dit vele malen handiger en sneller dan via een kabel.

Vele bestandsmanagers hebben bovendien de mogelijkheid van ftp, en dan
gaat het uitwisselen van bestanden met je toestel al net zo eenvoudig als
met andere directories.

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Emanuel Berg
David Christensen wrote:

> # echo $PATH | tr ':' '\n' | perl -MFile::Slurp -ne
>'chomp;@e=read_dir($_,prefix=>1); print map "$_\n",@e'|xargs
>file|perl -pe 's/\S+\s+//'|grep -v 'symbolic link'|perl -pe
>'s/, dynamically linked.+//'|sort|uniq -c|sort -rn

I'm still so impressed by this, I tried to run this but it
seems I lack the Slurp module?

Also, if it isn't too much to ask, can you put it in the form
of a script or shell function the way you would? It doesn't
feel right for me to "indent your code" if you follow ...

>> Side note, many guys say they only use sh because bash, zsh
>> etc requires them being installed, I don't see how that can
>> be problem on Unix systems. Of course, zsh can't be moved
>> to a computer without zsh itself, but how is that less
>> portable just because they add super-cryptic syntax to do
>> fancy stuff?
> AIUI the practice has been to write Bourne shell scripts
> because nearly every Unix or Unix-like system has
> /bin/sh installed.
> Unfortunately, userland tools on different Unix and
> Unix-like operating systems or platforms do not have the
> same names (paths), do accept the same options, do not
> produce the same output, and/or do not produce the same
> warnings and/or errors. This includes /bin/sh.
> One of my favorite Perl sysadmin tricks is to generate shell
> commands and run them on remote hosts via SSH. In the past,
> I have installed /bin/bash everywhere to simplify the Perl
> code. My current practice is to keep the shell commands
> simple enough so as to avoid the incompatibilities.

Ah, it is like a biggest denominator which requires no further
installs and can be used everywhere (and in the future) with
no change to it. Good example with ssh, I understand now.

underground experts united

Computer anthropology and language wars [was: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?]

2023-04-03 Thread tomas
On Mon, Apr 03, 2023 at 12:36:51PM -0400, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 4:59 AM  wrote:
> >
> > I saw many commands in /bin and /usr/bin are written by perl.
> > is perl still the first choice for sysadmin on linux?
> I am surprised this thread has not started a mini-flame war.

Luckily those things are calming down a little bit (but beware.
If you come across a younger language *cough* Rust *cough*, you
still might be into some fun).

> About the best you can say is, Perl is one of the more popular
> scripting languages. Trying to pin down the "best" will fail because
> it is opinion based.

And depends on the task. And on the writer. And on the team. And

> Next, you might ask which is the best editor to use on Unix & Linux.
> That should really stir the pot :) Emacs for the win!

Emacs +1 :-)

Although I'm writing this with vim :-) :-)

I always find those things very interesting: people fight for
their tools as if there should be only one. By now (I'm pretty
old, my first language was FORTRAN (yes, all capitals), then
came Simula-67), I'm convinced that brains tend to be "wired"
in different ways, so that people will feel tendencies towards
different types of languages.

Then, there are typical languages for big teams [1] (Java is
one), which impose stricter structures. And those more for
the creative folks, which make it so easy to "roll your own"
that everyone ends up rolling (Lisps, I'm looking at you).

My hunch for this horrible urge to have just One Language
to Rule Them All is that it must be a very unhealty heritage
of our monotheistic ways. As far as computer languages are
concerned, I cherish this incredibly colourful and diverse
world we have (I still have my likes and dislikes, mind

Recommended reading (out of print, alas) "David Gelernter,
Suresh Jagannathan: Programming Linguistics".


[1] There's this wonderful quote by (again) Alan Perlis,
  out of the foreword to SICP [2]:
  "Pascal is for building pyramids -- imposing, breathtaking,
   static structures built by armies pushing heavy blocks
   into place. Lisp is for building organisms -- imposing,
   breathtaking, dynamic structures built by squads fitting
   fluctuating myriads of simpler organisms into place."

  What he writes about Pascal back then is the more true
  for Java.



Description: PGP signature

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Emanuel Berg
debian-user wrote:

> Ah no, that one's easy to answer - vi is what's guaranteed
> to be installed everywhere, so vi it is. And I probably only
> use a tenth of its features.

But Emacs is maximalist, as is Lisp.

We want everything!

underground experts united

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Emanuel Berg
Michel Verdier wrote:

>> Used it at their 21-23 versions. It's not editor, it's
>> really os and in this os best mail/news reader.
> Gnus rules!

Gnus is to Emacs users
what Emacs is to computer users.

underground experts united

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Michel Verdier
Le 3 avril 2023 Stanislav Vlasov a écrit :

> Used it at their 21-23 versions. It's not editor, it's really os and
> in this os best mail/news reader.

Gnus rules ! And Org too :)

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Emanuel Berg
Jeffrey Walton wrote:

>> I saw many commands in /bin and /usr/bin are written by
>> perl. is perl still the first choice for sysadmin on linux?
> I am surprised this thread has not started a mini-flame war.

We are working on it ...

> About the best you can say is, Perl is one of the more
> popular scripting languages. Trying to pin down the "best"
> will fail because it is opinion based.

I think the true professional should be able to read/edit both
and be pretty fluent in at least one. (Here, by professional
I mean in terms of skills and dedication, not necessarily
making a living doing it.) Perl is cooler and more old-school,
maybe ultimately more powerful and creative from what you guys
say about it, but if you don't know either I think the ease of
learning it, development speed, the volume of people doing it
and available resources to help you with that online, that
favors Python as the 1st choice.

> Next, you might ask which is the best editor to use on Unix
> & Linux. That should really stir the pot :) Emacs for
> the win!

You better believe it. It is based on Lisp!

But I have respect for the Vi(m) people as well, for sure, not
sure exactly what the currently prefered Vim-style editor
implementation is? neovim?

Here are the most popular channels on Libera right now.
See arrows for editors, unless I missed someone.

Emacs (position 16) has 854, Vim (22) has 705 and neovim (41)
490. However combined Vim has 1195 which would be position 6 -
overlap not considered ...

I you like that table (the enumeration), I made it with this: [yanked last]

Note the `cl-loop' at line 27 - I mentioned it earlier, CL
functionality implemented in Elisp - and note especially the
"unlispy" syntax - this as someone touched upon, that in Perl
you can do the same thing in different ways - here we see
a miniature language (the unlispy syntax, which is
imperative/procedural in style, only better), replicating the
behavior of another language CL, implemented by and used
in Elisp!

Still not convinced? Okay, use Vim, really, it's cool ...

 1. #linux   2184
 2. #fedora  1696
 3. #python  1688
 4. #libera  1577
 5. #archlinux   1474
 6. #ubuntu  1146
 7. #networking  1035
 8. ##rust968
 9. #ansible  894
10. #security 884
11. #gentoo   875
12. #bash 867
13. #git  857
14. #c857
15. #postgresql   856
16. #emacs854  <-- Emacs
17. #debian   843
18. ##programming 760
19. #go-nuts  718
20. #openbsd  717
21. #freebsd  714
22. #vim  705  <-- Vim
23. #thelounge705
24. #hardware 702
25. #haskell  680
26. #wireguard668
27. #weechat  649
28. #lobsters 623
29. #plasma-bigscreen 613 
30. ##math609
31. #matrix   608
32. #raspberrypi  580
33. #znc  578
34. #C++  573
35. #docker   556
36. #monero   530
37. #systemd  525
38. ##electronics 510
39. #podman   499
40. ##chat495
41. #neovim   490  <-- neovim
42. #hamradio 485

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; this file:

(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'subr-x)

(defun enum ( beg end suf)
  "Enumerate each line from BEG to END, counting from one.
Use SUF as a suffix to the digits inserted.
BEG defaults to the beginning of the buffer,
END defaults to the end of the buffer,
SUF defaults to \". \""
   `(,@(if (use-region-p)
   (list (region-beginning) (region-end))
 (list nil nil) )
 ,(when current-prefix-arg
(read-string "suffix: ") )))
  (or beg (setq beg (point-min)))
  (or end (setq end (point-max)))
  (or suf (setq suf ". "))
  (goto-char beg)
  (let*((lines   (count-lines beg end))
(pad-len (length (number-to-string lines))) )
  for line from 1 to lines
  do (goto-char (line-beginning-position))
   (format "%s%s"
   (string-pad (number-to-string line) pad-len nil t) suf) )
 (forward-line) )))

(provide 'enum)

underground experts united

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread debian-user
Jeffrey Walton  wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 4:59 AM  wrote:
> >
> > I saw many commands in /bin and /usr/bin are written by perl.
> > is perl still the first choice for sysadmin on linux?  
> I am surprised this thread has not started a mini-flame war.

Me too, but I'm pleasantly surprised :) I'd say it's a mark of a good
> About the best you can say is, Perl is one of the more popular
> scripting languages. Trying to pin down the "best" will fail because
> it is opinion based.

+1 (perl is best though :)
> Next, you might ask which is the best editor to use on Unix & Linux.
> That should really stir the pot :) Emacs for the win!

Ah no, that one's easy to answer - vi is what's guaranteed to be
installed everywhere, so vi it is. And I probably only use a tenth of
its features.

> Jeff

Re: Hoe een Android device beter te mounten

2023-04-03 Thread Cecil Westerhof
Richard Lucassen  writes:

> On Sat, 01 Apr 2023 07:34:47 +0200
> Cecil Westerhof  wrote:
>> > # apt install jmtpfs
>> >
>> > Dat werkte vroeger bij mij. Via USB aansluiten en dan:
>> >
>> > $ mkdir -p ~/phone
>> > $ jmtpfs ~/phone/
>> >
>> > Alweer tijden niet meer gebruikt, geen idee of het nog actueel is.
>> > Het ging destijds nog wel eens mis, dan zat je met een gemount fs
>> > dat er niet meer was.
>> Dat geeft:
>> Device 0 (VID=17ef and PID=7c35) is UNKNOWN in libmtp v1.1.17.
>> Please report this VID/PID and the device model to the libmtp
>> development team error returned by libusb_claim_interface() =
>> -6LIBMTP PANIC: Unable to initialize device terminate called after
>> throwing an instance of 'MtpErrorCantOpenDevice' what():  Can't open
>> device Aborted  
>> Moet ik even contact opnemen.
> Geen idee, moet je niet eerst dat device accepteren met adb o.i.d.?

Lijkt me niet want ik kan wel cp gebruiken.

> Geen idee meer, is alweer zo'n tijd terug. Ik gebruik nu nextcloud voor
> het delen van files en zo. De diverse rsync apps zijn nogal spartaans
> en niet gebruiksvriendelijk, ook al werken ze wel.

Ik gebruikte gewoon rsync op mijn Linux bak. Maar ik kan kijken naar
nextcloud en rsync op de Android.

Cecil Westerhof
Senior Software Engineer

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Stanislav Vlasov
2023-04-03 21:36 GMT+05:00, Jeffrey Walton :

> Next, you might ask which is the best editor to use on Unix & Linux.
> That should really stir the pot :) Emacs for the win!

Emacs will not win, because this OS does not have good editor even
with M-x viper :-)
Used it at their 21-23 versions. It's not editor, it's really os and
in this os best mail/news reader.
You can config anything with it. But you will config everything in it.
After end of fidonet to news gate i was dropped emacs because too lazy
for every day configuration without stimul :-)


P.S. Now I use vi (not vim), vi (really vim-tiny), vim, mcedit (from
mc), or something installed by default, edit network settings and with
working network use puppet-like software, which configs/data edited by
Geany with git or directly in Gitlab webinterface. Not ideal, but

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Stanislav Vlasov
2023-04-03 18:31 GMT+05:00, Vincent Lefevre :
> On 2023-04-03 11:48:42 +0500, Stanislav Vlasov wrote:
>> And I saw perl5 scripts from past (about 5.6 or lower), which can't
>> run on perl5 from current (5.22 or so at the moment).
> I would say that's quite rare (or these scripts were using
> experimental features). I started with perl 5.000 in early 1995,
> I think (the oldest Perl script I still have in my archives is
> from 1995-02-12), and wrote many Perl scripts, and couldn't see
> any incompatibility, except some rare warnings on poorly written
> code (very easy to fix). For my work, I'm still running large
> complex scripts I started to write in January 1999.

In my case it was not my scripts (also works years), but client's
website with additional libraries.

> Practical incompatibilities in the C language are much worse with
> modern optimizations.



Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Jeffrey Walton
On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 4:59 AM  wrote:
> I saw many commands in /bin and /usr/bin are written by perl.
> is perl still the first choice for sysadmin on linux?

I am surprised this thread has not started a mini-flame war.

About the best you can say is, Perl is one of the more popular
scripting languages. Trying to pin down the "best" will fail because
it is opinion based.

Next, you might ask which is the best editor to use on Unix & Linux.
That should really stir the pot :) Emacs for the win!


Re: error: out of memory

2023-04-03 Thread Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura
Bé, bon dia a tothom i passo a explicar que he fet

-  He reiniciat amb la live de l'estable i he fet una comprovació de les 
particions del disc nvme0. Tot correcte.
-  He esborrat el fitxer /var/cache/apt/archives/python3.11.list
-  He repetit el apt upgrade i m'ha dit el mateix per al fitxer passwd
-  He esborrat el fitxer /var/cache/apt/archives/passwd.list
- He repetit el apt upgrade i m'ho ha instal·lat tot correctament.
Sembla docs que ara si que

Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura

xdeyzaguirre at protonmail(dot)ch

Re: error: out of memory

2023-04-03 Thread Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura
Bé, bon dia a tothom i passo a explicar que he fet

-  He reiniciat amb la live de l'estable i he fet una comprovació de les 
particions del disc nvme0. Tot correcte.
-  He esborrat el fitxer /var/cache/apt/archives/python3.11.list
-  He repetit el apt upgrade i m'ha dit el mateix per al fitxer passwd
-  He esborrat el fitxer /var/cache/apt/archives/passwd.list
- He repetit el apt upgrade i m'ho ha instal·lat tot correctament.

Sembla docs que ara si que tot torna a rutllar. Veurem

I gràcies a tots!

Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura

xdeyzaguirre at protonmail(dot)ch

Re: apache2: fix the regressions introduced by security upgrade in Bullseye?

2023-04-03 Thread Gareth Evans
On Mon  3 Apr 2023, at 16:28, Gareth Evans  wrote:
> On Mon  3 Apr 2023, at 13:27, Harald Dunkel  wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> AFAIU apache2 2.4.56-1 has been included in Bullseye to mitigate
>> CVE-2023-27522 and CVE-2023-25690 (both some mod_proxy issue
>> with high severity). Good thing.
>> Unfortunately this introduced 2 regressions for mod_rewrite and
>> http2, see
>> Would it be possible to fix the upgrade? I can turn off http2,
>> but I feel *very* bad about running an apache with a broken
>> mod_rewrite in production.
>> Thank you very much
>> Harri
> "In Mitre's CVE dictionary: [..] CVE-2023-25690, CVE-2023-27522 [...] 
> For the stable distribution (bullseye), these problems have been fixed 
> in version 2.4.56-1~deb11u1.
> We recommend that you upgrade your apache2 packages."
> $ apt policy apache2
> apache2:
>   Installed: 2.4.56-1~deb11u1
>   Candidate: 2.4.56-1~deb11u1
>   Version table:
>  *** 2.4.56-1~deb11u1 500
> 500 
> bullseye-security/main amd64 Packages
> You will need at least
> deb bullseye-security main 
> in /etc/apt/sources.list if not there already, though I think "contrib" 
> and certainly "non-free" are unnecessary in this particular case.
> Best wishes,
> Gareth

Sorry, you were talking about regressions - concentration lapse on my part.

Re: apache2: fix the regressions introduced by security upgrade in Bullseye?

2023-04-03 Thread Gareth Evans
On Mon  3 Apr 2023, at 13:27, Harald Dunkel  wrote:
> Hi folks,
> AFAIU apache2 2.4.56-1 has been included in Bullseye to mitigate
> CVE-2023-27522 and CVE-2023-25690 (both some mod_proxy issue
> with high severity). Good thing.
> Unfortunately this introduced 2 regressions for mod_rewrite and
> http2, see
> Would it be possible to fix the upgrade? I can turn off http2,
> but I feel *very* bad about running an apache with a broken
> mod_rewrite in production.
> Thank you very much
> Harri

"In Mitre's CVE dictionary: [..] CVE-2023-25690, CVE-2023-27522 [...] 

For the stable distribution (bullseye), these problems have been fixed in 
version 2.4.56-1~deb11u1.

We recommend that you upgrade your apache2 packages."

$ apt policy apache2
  Installed: 2.4.56-1~deb11u1
  Candidate: 2.4.56-1~deb11u1
  Version table:
 *** 2.4.56-1~deb11u1 500
500 bullseye-security/main 
amd64 Packages

You will need at least

deb bullseye-security main 

in /etc/apt/sources.list if not there already, though I think "contrib" and 
certainly "non-free" are unnecessary in this particular case.

Best wishes,

Re: apache2: fix the regressions introduced by security upgrade in Bullseye?

2023-04-03 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2023-04-03 15:59:15 +0200, Harald Dunkel wrote:
> On 2023-04-03 14:49:16, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> > 
> > What about apache2 2.4.56-2?
> This version is not in Bullseye. Only 2.4.56-1, introducing
> the regressions.

If you're talking about Bullseye, 2.4.56-1 isn't in Bullseye either.
It is 2.4.56-1~deb11u1 that got to stable-security. So I think that
you need to wait for another update for Bullseye, but since the
regressions were fixed only yesterday, this may take several days.
See when something new appears on

You may also try to patch and rebuild apache2.

Vincent Lefèvre  - Web: 
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: 
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

Re: apache2: fix the regressions introduced by security upgrade in Bullseye?

2023-04-03 Thread Harald Dunkel

On 2023-04-03 14:49:16, Vincent Lefevre wrote:

What about apache2 2.4.56-2?

This version is not in Bullseye. Only 2.4.56-1, introducing
the regressions.

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2023-04-03 11:48:42 +0500, Stanislav Vlasov wrote:
> And I saw perl5 scripts from past (about 5.6 or lower), which can't
> run on perl5 from current (5.22 or so at the moment).

I would say that's quite rare (or these scripts were using
experimental features). I started with perl 5.000 in early 1995,
I think (the oldest Perl script I still have in my archives is
from 1995-02-12), and wrote many Perl scripts, and couldn't see
any incompatibility, except some rare warnings on poorly written
code (very easy to fix). For my work, I'm still running large
complex scripts I started to write in January 1999.

Practical incompatibilities in the C language are much worse with
modern optimizations.

Vincent Lefèvre  - Web: 
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: 
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

Re: apache2: fix the regressions introduced by security upgrade in Bullseye?

2023-04-03 Thread Vincent Lefevre

On 2023-04-03 14:27:48 +0200, Harald Dunkel wrote:
> AFAIU apache2 2.4.56-1 has been included in Bullseye to mitigate
> CVE-2023-27522 and CVE-2023-25690 (both some mod_proxy issue
> with high severity). Good thing.
> Unfortunately this introduced 2 regressions for mod_rewrite and
> http2, see
> Would it be possible to fix the upgrade? I can turn off http2,
> but I feel *very* bad about running an apache with a broken
> mod_rewrite in production.

What about apache2 2.4.56-2?

"Fix regression in mod_rewrite introduced in version 2.4.56"
"Fix regression in http2 introduced by 2.4.56"

Vincent Lefèvre  - Web: 
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: 
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

Re: error: out of memory

2023-04-03 Thread Narcis Garcia
Per a comprovar si és una corrupció de dades, crec que el millor és 
canviar-los el nom per tal de comparar-los amb una nova descàrrega.

Exemple per al fitxer de paquet:

$ cd /var/cache/apt/archives/
$ sudo mv python3.11_3.11.2-6_amd64.deb python3.11_3.11.2-6_amd64.bak
$ sudo apt-get --download-only install python3.11
$ cmp python3.11_3.11.2-6_amd64.deb python3.11_3.11.2-6_amd64.bak
$ echo $?

El 3/4/23 a les 14:09, Jordi Miguel ha escrit:


Sospito que el que ha passat aquí és que el sistema d'arxius on tens
/var/lib/dpkg/info/ ha tingut algún problema i tens 1 o més d'un
fitxer malmès.
Donat que tens aquest error en la instal·lació del paquet python3.11
almenys sabem que el fitxer que correspon a aquest paquet està malmès
pero no descartaria que en el futur en trobis d'altres. Tanmateix, per
solucionar-ho només has de seguir les indicacions que et poso més
avall però pel paquet en qüestió que et falli en aquell moment.

Així que la solució al teu problema seria q esborris el fitxer:
rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/python3.11.list
Si vols, pots mirar quin contingut té, segurament estigui buit,
truncat, a amb strings que no corresponen. Per si ho vols comparar a
la meva màquina el md5sum d'aquest fitxer:
ef564eb433ea96cc9431b38ab3e7064d  /var/lib/dpkg/info/python3.11.list

Un cop esborrat el fitxer has d forçar la reinstal·lació del paquet,
per això fariem:
  apt-get install --reinstall python3.11

I llestos, amb això hauries de poder solucionar el problema.

Per altre banda, com partim de la hipòtesi que aquest problema ha
estat una corrupció en el sistema de fitxers seria recomanable que
comprovis la salut del teu disc dur per si convé canviar-lo.

Para ser realmente grande, hay que estar con la gente, no por encima de ella.

Para ser realmente grande, hay que estar con la gente, no por encima de ella.

El dom, 2 abr 2023 a las 19:30, Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura
() escribió:

Sembla ser que no funciona.
No se si atrevir-me a eliminar-ne les línies del status
A veure si a algú se li acudeix el que fer.

Xavier De Yzaguirre
+34 629 953 830

Missatge de Jordi Pujol  del dia dg., 2 d’abr. 2023 a 
les 13:52:

No comento gaires vegades, peró uns errors com aquests em fan ser
curiós, perquè son molt estranys, sembla com si la màquina fallés,

Aquest error al instal.lar python far evident que els fitxers
d'aquests paquets en el disc son corruptes,
s'hauria de fer:
rm -vf /var/cache/apt/archives/python*
al resinstal.lar tornarà a descarregar els paquets

Podría ser el disc dur, és lo més probable, hauries de fer algunes proves.
L'última vegada vaig solucionar-ho canviant el disc mecànic per un SSD
de 1TB. Va molt més depressa i no falla quasi mai.

Jordi Pujol

On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 12:54 PM Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura

Bon dia de nou,
Algú més s'ha trobat amb el problema del python3.11 al fer un apt upgrade:
2023-04-02 11:52:18 xavier@PC006:~$ sudo apt upgrade
S'està llegint la llista de paquets… Fet
S'està construint l'arbre de dependències… Fet
S'està llegint la informació de l'estat… Fet
S'està calculant l'actualització… Fet
S'instal·laran els paquets NOUS següents:
linux-headers-6.1.0-7-amd64 linux-headers-6.1.0-7-common 
S'actualitzaran els paquets següents:
console-setup console-setup-linux fuse3 installation-report 
keyboard-configuration libdebconfclient0 libfuse3-3 libpackagekitqt5-1 
linux-compiler-gcc-12-x86 linux-doc
linux-doc-6.1 linux-headers-amd64 linux-image-amd64 linux-kbuild-6.1 
linux-libc-dev xserver-common xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg-legacy
18 actualitzats, 3 nous a instal·lar, 0 a suprimir i 0 no actualitzats.
S'ha d'obtenir 8.611 kB/137 MB d'arxius.
Després d'aquesta operació s'utilitzaran 570 MB d'espai en disc addicional.
Voleu continuar? [S/n]
Bai:1 bookworm/main amd64 fuse3 amd64 
3.14.0-3 [35,8 kB]
Bai:2 bookworm/main amd64 libfuse3-3 amd64 
3.14.0-3 [88,0 kB]
Bai:3 bookworm/main amd64 xserver-common all 
2:21.1.7-2 [2.381 kB]
Bai:4 bookworm/main amd64 
xserver-xorg-legacy amd64 2:21.1.7-2 [2.387 kB]
Bai:5 bookworm/main amd64 xserver-xorg-core 
amd64 2:21.1.7-2 [3.719 kB]
S'ha baixat 8.611 kB en 2s (4.713 kB/s)
[master cf8db93] saving uncommitted changes in /etc prior to apt run
Author: xavier 
7 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 NetworkManager/system-connections/Proton VPN 
delete mode 100644 
delete mode 100644 
create mode 12 
create mode 100644 "systemd/system/snap-gnome\\x2d3\\x2d38\\x2d2004-137.mount"
create mode 12 

apache2: fix the regressions introduced by security upgrade in Bullseye?

2023-04-03 Thread Harald Dunkel

Hi folks,

AFAIU apache2 2.4.56-1 has been included in Bullseye to mitigate
CVE-2023-27522 and CVE-2023-25690 (both some mod_proxy issue
with high severity). Good thing.

Unfortunately this introduced 2 regressions for mod_rewrite and
http2, see

Would it be possible to fix the upgrade? I can turn off http2,
but I feel *very* bad about running an apache with a broken
mod_rewrite in production.

Thank you very much


Re: Hoe een Android device beter te mounten

2023-04-03 Thread Richard Lucassen
On Sat, 01 Apr 2023 07:34:47 +0200
Cecil Westerhof  wrote:

> > # apt install jmtpfs
> >
> > Dat werkte vroeger bij mij. Via USB aansluiten en dan:
> >
> > $ mkdir -p ~/phone
> > $ jmtpfs ~/phone/
> >
> > Alweer tijden niet meer gebruikt, geen idee of het nog actueel is.
> > Het ging destijds nog wel eens mis, dan zat je met een gemount fs
> > dat er niet meer was.
> Dat geeft:
> Device 0 (VID=17ef and PID=7c35) is UNKNOWN in libmtp v1.1.17.
> Please report this VID/PID and the device model to the libmtp
> development team error returned by libusb_claim_interface() =
> -6LIBMTP PANIC: Unable to initialize device terminate called after
> throwing an instance of 'MtpErrorCantOpenDevice' what():  Can't open
> device Aborted  
> Moet ik even contact opnemen.

Geen idee, moet je niet eerst dat device accepteren met adb o.i.d.?
Geen idee meer, is alweer zo'n tijd terug. Ik gebruik nu nextcloud voor
het delen van files en zo. De diverse rsync apps zijn nogal spartaans
en niet gebruiksvriendelijk, ook al werken ze wel.

richard lucassen

Re: error: out of memory

2023-04-03 Thread Jordi Miguel

Sospito que el que ha passat aquí és que el sistema d'arxius on tens
/var/lib/dpkg/info/ ha tingut algún problema i tens 1 o més d'un
fitxer malmès.
Donat que tens aquest error en la instal·lació del paquet python3.11
almenys sabem que el fitxer que correspon a aquest paquet està malmès
pero no descartaria que en el futur en trobis d'altres. Tanmateix, per
solucionar-ho només has de seguir les indicacions que et poso més
avall però pel paquet en qüestió que et falli en aquell moment.

Així que la solució al teu problema seria q esborris el fitxer:
rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/python3.11.list
Si vols, pots mirar quin contingut té, segurament estigui buit,
truncat, a amb strings que no corresponen. Per si ho vols comparar a
la meva màquina el md5sum d'aquest fitxer:
ef564eb433ea96cc9431b38ab3e7064d  /var/lib/dpkg/info/python3.11.list

Un cop esborrat el fitxer has d forçar la reinstal·lació del paquet,
per això fariem:
 apt-get install --reinstall python3.11

I llestos, amb això hauries de poder solucionar el problema.

Per altre banda, com partim de la hipòtesi que aquest problema ha
estat una corrupció en el sistema de fitxers seria recomanable que
comprovis la salut del teu disc dur per si convé canviar-lo.

Para ser realmente grande, hay que estar con la gente, no por encima de ella.

Para ser realmente grande, hay que estar con la gente, no por encima de ella.

El dom, 2 abr 2023 a las 19:30, Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura
() escribió:
> Sembla ser que no funciona.
> No se si atrevir-me a eliminar-ne les línies del status
> A veure si a algú se li acudeix el que fer.
> Gràcies
> Xavier De Yzaguirre
> xdeyzaguirre(at)gmail(dot)com
> +34 629 953 830
> Missatge de Jordi Pujol  del dia dg., 2 d’abr. 2023 a 
> les 13:52:
>> Hola,
>> No comento gaires vegades, peró uns errors com aquests em fan ser
>> curiós, perquè son molt estranys, sembla com si la màquina fallés,
>> Aquest error al instal.lar python far evident que els fitxers
>> d'aquests paquets en el disc son corruptes,
>> s'hauria de fer:
>> rm -vf /var/cache/apt/archives/python*
>> al resinstal.lar tornarà a descarregar els paquets
>> Podría ser el disc dur, és lo més probable, hauries de fer algunes proves.
>> L'última vegada vaig solucionar-ho canviant el disc mecànic per un SSD
>> de 1TB. Va molt més depressa i no falla quasi mai.
>> Salut,
>> Jordi Pujol
>> On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 12:54 PM Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura
>>  wrote:
>> >
>> > Bon dia de nou,
>> > Algú més s'ha trobat amb el problema del python3.11 al fer un apt upgrade:
>> > 2023-04-02 11:52:18 xavier@PC006:~$ sudo apt upgrade
>> > S'està llegint la llista de paquets… Fet
>> > S'està construint l'arbre de dependències… Fet
>> > S'està llegint la informació de l'estat… Fet
>> > S'està calculant l'actualització… Fet
>> > S'instal·laran els paquets NOUS següents:
>> > linux-headers-6.1.0-7-amd64 linux-headers-6.1.0-7-common 
>> > linux-image-6.1.0-7-amd64
>> > S'actualitzaran els paquets següents:
>> > console-setup console-setup-linux fuse3 installation-report 
>> > keyboard-configuration libdebconfclient0 libfuse3-3 libpackagekitqt5-1 
>> > linux-compiler-gcc-12-x86 linux-doc
>> > linux-doc-6.1 linux-headers-amd64 linux-image-amd64 linux-kbuild-6.1 
>> > linux-libc-dev xserver-common xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg-legacy
>> > 18 actualitzats, 3 nous a instal·lar, 0 a suprimir i 0 no actualitzats.
>> > S'ha d'obtenir 8.611 kB/137 MB d'arxius.
>> > Després d'aquesta operació s'utilitzaran 570 MB d'espai en disc addicional.
>> > Voleu continuar? [S/n]
>> > Bai:1 bookworm/main amd64 fuse3 amd64 
>> > 3.14.0-3 [35,8 kB]
>> > Bai:2 bookworm/main amd64 libfuse3-3 
>> > amd64 3.14.0-3 [88,0 kB]
>> > Bai:3 bookworm/main amd64 
>> > xserver-common all 2:21.1.7-2 [2.381 kB]
>> > Bai:4 bookworm/main amd64 
>> > xserver-xorg-legacy amd64 2:21.1.7-2 [2.387 kB]
>> > Bai:5 bookworm/main amd64 
>> > xserver-xorg-core amd64 2:21.1.7-2 [3.719 kB]
>> > S'ha baixat 8.611 kB en 2s (4.713 kB/s)
>> > [master cf8db93] saving uncommitted changes in /etc prior to apt run
>> > Author: xavier 
>> > 7 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)
>> > delete mode 100644 NetworkManager/system-connections/Proton VPN 
>> > ES#27.nmconnection
>> > delete mode 100644 
>> > NetworkManager/system-connections/pvpn-ipv6leak-protection.nmconnection
>> > delete mode 100644 
>> > NetworkManager/system-connections/pvpn-killswitch.nmconnection
>> > create mode 12 
>> > "systemd/system/\\x2d3\\x2d38\\x2d2004-137.mount"
>> > create mode 100644 
>> > "systemd/system/snap-gnome\\x2d3\\x2d38\\x2d2004-137.mount"
>> > create mode 12 
>> > "systemd/system/\\x2d3\\x2d38\\x2d2004-137.mount"
>> > S'estan llegint els canvis... Fet
>> > S'estan 

Re: Buster => Bullseye: packages kept back

2023-04-03 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2023-03-27 15:17:45 +0200, Nicolas George wrote:
> Dan Ritter (12023-03-27):
> > changing 33 to 30 will get you black. ANSI color escapes are on
> > the web in many places.
> Also, decent terminal emulators let users tweak the colors, and making
> sure all main colors are readable on the default background would
> probably be a good use of that ability.

The issue is that when colors are used for the background, this can
make text unreadable. The output also depends on the font rendering
library, and the color readability can change after an upgrade.

Vincent Lefèvre  - Web: 
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: 
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

Re: error: out of memory

2023-04-03 Thread Jordi Pujol
segur que la màquina va bé ?
hauries de comprovar la màquina, sobretot el disc

On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 1:51 PM Jordi Pujol  wrote:
> Hola,
> No comento gaires vegades, peró uns errors com aquests em fan ser
> curiós, perquè son molt estranys, sembla com si la màquina fallés,
> Aquest error al instal.lar python far evident que els fitxers
> d'aquests paquets en el disc son corruptes,
> s'hauria de fer:
> rm -vf /var/cache/apt/archives/python*
> al resinstal.lar tornarà a descarregar els paquets
> Podría ser el disc dur, és lo més probable, hauries de fer algunes proves.
> L'última vegada vaig solucionar-ho canviant el disc mecànic per un SSD
> de 1TB. Va molt més depressa i no falla quasi mai.
> Salut,
> Jordi Pujol
> On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 12:54 PM Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura
>  wrote:
> >
> > Bon dia de nou,
> > Algú més s'ha trobat amb el problema del python3.11 al fer un apt upgrade:
> > 2023-04-02 11:52:18 xavier@PC006:~$ sudo apt upgrade
> > S'està llegint la llista de paquets… Fet
> > S'està construint l'arbre de dependències… Fet
> > S'està llegint la informació de l'estat… Fet
> > S'està calculant l'actualització… Fet
> > S'instal·laran els paquets NOUS següents:
> > linux-headers-6.1.0-7-amd64 linux-headers-6.1.0-7-common 
> > linux-image-6.1.0-7-amd64
> > S'actualitzaran els paquets següents:
> > console-setup console-setup-linux fuse3 installation-report 
> > keyboard-configuration libdebconfclient0 libfuse3-3 libpackagekitqt5-1 
> > linux-compiler-gcc-12-x86 linux-doc
> > linux-doc-6.1 linux-headers-amd64 linux-image-amd64 linux-kbuild-6.1 
> > linux-libc-dev xserver-common xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg-legacy
> > 18 actualitzats, 3 nous a instal·lar, 0 a suprimir i 0 no actualitzats.
> > S'ha d'obtenir 8.611 kB/137 MB d'arxius.
> > Després d'aquesta operació s'utilitzaran 570 MB d'espai en disc addicional.
> > Voleu continuar? [S/n]
> > Bai:1 bookworm/main amd64 fuse3 amd64 
> > 3.14.0-3 [35,8 kB]
> > Bai:2 bookworm/main amd64 libfuse3-3 
> > amd64 3.14.0-3 [88,0 kB]
> > Bai:3 bookworm/main amd64 xserver-common 
> > all 2:21.1.7-2 [2.381 kB]
> > Bai:4 bookworm/main amd64 
> > xserver-xorg-legacy amd64 2:21.1.7-2 [2.387 kB]
> > Bai:5 bookworm/main amd64 
> > xserver-xorg-core amd64 2:21.1.7-2 [3.719 kB]
> > S'ha baixat 8.611 kB en 2s (4.713 kB/s)
> > [master cf8db93] saving uncommitted changes in /etc prior to apt run
> > Author: xavier 
> > 7 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)
> > delete mode 100644 NetworkManager/system-connections/Proton VPN 
> > ES#27.nmconnection
> > delete mode 100644 
> > NetworkManager/system-connections/pvpn-ipv6leak-protection.nmconnection
> > delete mode 100644 
> > NetworkManager/system-connections/pvpn-killswitch.nmconnection
> > create mode 12 
> > "systemd/system/\\x2d3\\x2d38\\x2d2004-137.mount"
> > create mode 100644 
> > "systemd/system/snap-gnome\\x2d3\\x2d38\\x2d2004-137.mount"
> > create mode 12 
> > "systemd/system/\\x2d3\\x2d38\\x2d2004-137.mount"
> > S'estan llegint els canvis... Fet
> > S'estan preconfigurant els paquets...
> > setting xserver-xorg-legacy/xwrapper/allowed_users from configuration file
> > dpkg: s'ha produït un error greu irrecuperable, s'esta interrompent:
> > el fitxer de la llista de fitxers del paquet «python3.11» conté un nom de 
> > fitxer buit
> > E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)
> > He provat les solucions habituals,
> > 2023-04-02 12:02:35 xavier@PC006:~$ sudo apt install -f
> > S'està llegint la llista de paquets… Fet
> > S'està construint l'arbre de dependències… Fet
> > S'està llegint la informació de l'estat… Fet
> > 0 actualitzats, 0 nous a instal·lar, 0 a suprimir i 18 no actualitzats.
> > i res. També:
> > 2023-04-02 12:04:27 xavier@PC006:~$ sudo dpkg --configure -a
> > Fe fet sudo apt -autoclean:
> > 2023-04-02 12:07:29 xavier@PC006:~$ sudo apt autoclean
> > S'està llegint la llista de paquets… Fet
> > S'està construint l'arbre de dependències… Fet
> > S'està llegint la informació de l'estat… Fet
> >
> > .
> >
> > Del libpython3.10-dbg 3.10.6-1 [13,8 MB]
> > Del python3-dbus 1.3.2-1 [109 kB]
> > Del python3-ibus-1.0 1.5.27-2 [277 kB]
> > Del python3-keyring 23.9.1-1 [55,6 kB]
> > Del python3-talloc 2.3.4-1 [17,7 kB]
> > Del python3-systemd 235-1 [39,5 kB]
> > Del python-jinja2-doc 3.0.3-2 [190 kB]
> > Del python3-dulwich 0.20.46-1 [322 kB]
> > Del python3-xdg 0.27-3 [38,8 kB]
> > Del python3-tk 3.10.7-1 [109 kB]
> > Del python3-gdal 3.5.2+dfsg-1 [938 kB]
> > Del python3-psutil 5.9.2-1 [189 kB]
> > Del python3-distutils 3.10.7-1 [141 kB]
> > Del python3-jinja2 3.0.3-2 [121 kB]
> > Del python3-gdbm 3.10.7-1 [19,1 kB]
> > Del python3-dbg 3.10.6-1 [1.228 B]
> > Del python3.10-dbg 3.10.6-1 [28,5 MB]
> > Del python3-lib2to3 

Re: [HS] mediagoblin , commande git

2023-04-03 Thread Christophe Maquaire
Le lundi 03 avril 2023 à 10:24 +0200, Christophe Maquaire a écrit :

Bonjour de nouveau,

Bon, je m'en suis sorti, le nom de la branche git mentionnée dans le
thread est erroné

0.12.1rc1 => lire  0.12.1

Bonne journée

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Michel Verdier
Le 3 avril 2023 Stanislav Vlasov a écrit :

> For short, simple and selfdocumented scripts using perl is a best way,
> but for something more complicated... Only if can't use something
> other.

They push java for the same reason, a false idea of simplicity with
OO. Remember we are speaking about sysadmin. And for me it is mainly
short and simple scripts.

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Emanuel Berg
tomas wrote:

>> Put it this way, a novice Python programmer can do more in
>> Python than the novice Lisp programmer can do in Lisp, or,
>> if you will, the same in less time.
> I've seen people cutting off part of a door with
> a bread knife.

But that is using a poor tool for the job, here we are
talking, the tool is right, only the user has not come close
to mastering it, don't know its peculiarities, has limited
overview, and is still in a trial-and-error stage.

> If you measure a tool by what a novice can achieve with it,
> then, well, that's some metrics.

Yes, why not? But s/he can be at some medium level as well.

>   "When someone says 'I want a programming language in
>which I need only say what I wish done,' give him a
>lollipop." [1]
>-- Alan Perlis

Ah, that quote refers to this song from our Danish and
Norwegian friends:

underground experts united

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Stanislav Vlasov
пн, 3 апр. 2023 г. в 12:29, David Christensen :

> On 4/2/23 23:48, Stanislav Vlasov wrote:
> > пн, 3 апр. 2023 г. в 09:23, :
> >> I think python3 is much different to python2, but it's still naming as
> >> python.
> >
> > Not so much different as perl5 vs raku. I'm not a programmer, but can
> > write large (more than 10kB) scripth, which can run with python2 or
> > python3 on different systems.
> > And I saw perl5 scripts from past (about 5.6 or lower), which can't
> > run on perl5 from current (5.22 or so at the moment).
> The latest Perl stable release is 5.36.0:

i know, version 5.22 - time mark, when i meet old script.

> Perl has become
> faster and more robust over the years, and the syntax checking,
> warnings, error messages, and documentation have improved.

yes, but how about something like python's pep8/flake8 or any other
clean code guide for newbie?
Sometimes more than one way will be disadvantage.

For short, simple and selfdocumented scripts using perl is a best way,
but for something more complicated... Only if can't use something

Also I will not recommend perl as first language. Only after python
and C (or any other low level compiling lang).
'There is more than one way' is good, but not for real newbie.


Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Michel Verdier
Le 3 avril 2023 David Christensen a écrit :

> documentation have improved.  I believe all of my production Perl scripts are
> I/O bound, not CPU or memory bound.

I second. I made some python scripts which perform almost same as perl ones,
on similar tasks, but with more memory needs for python. I do not check cpu.
Does someone have some stats to compare ? For scripts and perhaps for web
mod ?

[HS] mediagoblin , commande git

2023-04-03 Thread Christophe Maquaire
Bonjour la liste,

J'essaie d'installer mediagoblin sur une debian 11 en suivant la
documentation plutôt bien faite

Je butte sur un bug connu

une solution est proposée, 
Mais je ne sais pas la mettre en oeuvre, en clair je ne sais pas
produire la commande git qui permet de cloner localement la bonne

les infos sont là:

Si une bonne âme maitrisant git avait le temps de m'aider...

Merci d'avance!


Re: Which Diff tool could I use for visually comparing two text files where Word Wrap is possible?

2023-04-03 Thread Susmita/Rajib
Subject: Re: Which Diff tool could I use for visually comparing
two text files where Word Wrap is possible?
From: davidson 
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2023 01:27:46 + (UTC)
Message-id: <[]>
In-reply-to: <[]>


[   ...   ]
You have reported that redirecting icdiff output to a file, in your
words, "drops all colors".

And so I have three questions:

1. Show us the full command line you enter, to redirect the output of
icdiff to a file.

2. Show us the full command line you enter, to view the contents of
that file.

3. For a suitable pair of files, report whether colors are displayed
as expected when you do

 $ icdiff file1 file2 > pretty_diff
 $ less -R pretty_diff
[   ...   ]

Yes, thank you. From your indications it became apparent to me the
idiocy that I was engaged in. I failed to look into what was really
meant by your two lines of codes. I was redirecting the output to a
file with a .txt extension. So when the default application for my
Debian installation, mousepad, opened the file it dropped all colours.
with a lot of extended chars.

This time, I just redirected the output to a file without extension.
Yes, your 2nd line, less -R reproduces all colours. I imagined myself
in your position and looked into what was supposedly intended with
those two lines of codes.

So, thank you for bringing to me to notice my idiocy.

This leads me to the next automatic questions:

Would it be possible to increase the column length for the either of
the two files being compared, so that I could let the terminal window
frame occupy the entire screen space?

If that is not possible then which application should I use in GUI to
have all colours faithfully represented? This might help me overcome
the column restrictions.

Thank you, truly.

Best wishes,

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread David Christensen

On 4/2/23 23:48, Stanislav Vlasov wrote:

пн, 3 апр. 2023 г. в 09:23, :

I think python3 is much different to python2, but it's still naming as

Not so much different as perl5 vs raku. I'm not a programmer, but can
write large (more than 10kB) scripth, which can run with python2 or
python3 on different systems.
And I saw perl5 scripts from past (about 5.6 or lower), which can't
run on perl5 from current (5.22 or so at the moment).

The latest Perl stable release is 5.36.0:

I use the system Perl on my computers.  For Debian:

2023-04-03 00:04:32 dpchrist@taz ~
$ cat /etc/debian_version ; uname -a
Linux taz 5.10.0-21-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.162-1 (2023-01-21) x86_64 

2023-04-03 00:04:38 dpchrist@taz ~
$ perl -v | head -n 2 | tail -n 1
This is perl 5, version 32, subversion 1 (v5.32.1) built for 

I started on Perl 5.4.  Perl introduced threads in 5.6 (technically 5.5, 
but that was a development branch and I use stable).  Threads were 
redesigned in 5.8 and I use them.  AIUI some features added in 5.10 and 
later must be explicitly enabled.  I try to write Perl in 5.8 style, but 
may be using later features without realizing it.  Perl has become 
faster and more robust over the years, and the syntax checking, 
warnings, error messages, and documentation have improved.  I believe 
all of my production Perl scripts are I/O bound, not CPU or memory bound.


Re: error: out of memory

2023-04-03 Thread Narcis Garcia
Això és el què em diu gdebi sobre l'anàlisi de lintian al fitxer 

E: python3.11: python3-script-but-no-python3-dep usr/bin/pygettext3.11 
W: python3.11: debian-changelog-file-is-a-symlink 

W: python3.11: unusual-interpreter usr/bin/pydoc3.11 #!/usr/bin/python3.11
N: 4 hints overridden (1 error, 3 warnings); 2 unused overrides
Lintian finished with exit status 0

Si extrec als continguts del paquet amb aquesta instrucció:
dpkg-deb -R python3.11_3.11.2-6_amd64.deb /tmp/python3.11
puc explorar els fitxers de control, i suposo que la llista de fitxers 
és DEBIAN/md5sums m'equivoco?
La única curiositat que observo és que al llistat de DEBIAN/md5sums no 
consten tots els fitxers del paquet, però això també ho veig així a 
d'altres paquets .deb de la mateixa distribució.


El 2/4/23 a les 12:54, Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura ha escrit:

Bon dia de nou,
Algú més s'ha trobat amb el problema del python3.11 al fer un apt upgrade:
2023-04-02 11:52:18 xavier@PC006:~$ sudo apt upgrade
S'està llegint la llista de paquets… Fet
S'està construint l'arbre de dependències… Fet
S'està llegint la informació de l'estat… Fet
S'està calculant l'actualització… Fet
S'instal·laran els paquets NOUS següents:
linux-headers-6.1.0-7-amd64 linux-headers-6.1.0-7-common 

S'actualitzaran els paquets següents:
console-setup console-setup-linux fuse3 installation-report 
keyboard-configuration libdebconfclient0 libfuse3-3 libpackagekitqt5-1 
linux-compiler-gcc-12-x86 linux-doc
linux-doc-6.1 linux-headers-amd64 linux-image-amd64 linux-kbuild-6.1 
linux-libc-dev xserver-common xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg-legacy

18 actualitzats, 3 nous a instal·lar, 0 a suprimir i 0 no actualitzats.
S'ha d'obtenir 8.611 kB/137 MB d'arxius.
Després d'aquesta operació s'utilitzaran 570 MB d'espai en disc addicional.
Voleu continuar? [S/n]
 bookworm/main amd64 fuse3 amd64 
3.14.0-3 [35,8 kB]
 bookworm/main amd64 libfuse3-3 
amd64 3.14.0-3 [88,0 kB]
 bookworm/main amd64 xserver-common 
all 2:21.1.7-2 [2.381 kB]
 bookworm/main amd64 
xserver-xorg-legacy amd64 2:21.1.7-2 [2.387 kB]
 bookworm/main amd64 
xserver-xorg-core amd64 2:21.1.7-2 [3.719 kB]

S'ha baixat 8.611 kB en 2s (4.713 kB/s)
[master cf8db93] saving uncommitted changes in /etc prior to apt run
Author: xavier 
7 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 NetworkManager/system-connections/Proton VPN 
delete mode 100644 
delete mode 100644 
create mode 12 
create mode 100644 
create mode 12 

S'estan llegint els canvis... Fet
S'estan preconfigurant els paquets...
setting xserver-xorg-legacy/xwrapper/allowed_users from configuration file
dpkg: s'ha produït un error greu irrecuperable, s'esta interrompent:
el fitxer de la llista de fitxers del paquet «python3.11» conté un nom 
de fitxer buit

E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)
He provat les solucions habituals,
2023-04-02 12:02:35 xavier@PC006:~$ sudo apt install -f
S'està llegint la llista de paquets… Fet
S'està construint l'arbre de dependències… Fet
S'està llegint la informació de l'estat… Fet
0 actualitzats, 0 nous a instal·lar, 0 a suprimir i 18 no actualitzats.
i res. També:
2023-04-02 12:04:27 xavier@PC006:~$ sudo dpkg --configure -a
Fe fet sudo apt -autoclean:
2023-04-02 12:07:29 xavier@PC006:~$ sudo apt autoclean
S'està llegint la llista de paquets… Fet
S'està construint l'arbre de dependències… Fet
S'està llegint la informació de l'estat… Fet


Del libpython3.10-dbg 3.10.6-1 [13,8 MB]
Del python3-dbus 1.3.2-1 [109 kB]
Del python3-ibus-1.0 1.5.27-2 [277 kB]
Del python3-keyring 23.9.1-1 [55,6 kB]
Del python3-talloc 2.3.4-1 [17,7 kB]
Del python3-systemd 235-1 [39,5 kB]
Del python-jinja2-doc 3.0.3-2 [190 kB]
Del python3-dulwich 0.20.46-1 [322 kB]
Del python3-xdg 0.27-3 [38,8 kB]
Del python3-tk 3.10.7-1 [109 kB]
Del python3-gdal 3.5.2+dfsg-1 [938 kB]
Del python3-psutil 5.9.2-1 [189 kB]
Del python3-distutils 3.10.7-1 [141 kB]
Del python3-jinja2 3.0.3-2 [121 kB]
Del python3-gdbm 3.10.7-1 [19,1 kB]
Del python3-dbg 3.10.6-1 [1.228 B]
Del python3.10-dbg 3.10.6-1 [28,5 MB]
Del python3-lib2to3 3.10.7-1 [79,9 kB]

(he esborrat 

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Stanislav Vlasov
пн, 3 апр. 2023 г. в 09:23, :
> I think python3 is much different to python2, but it's still naming as
> python.

Not so much different as perl5 vs raku. I'm not a programmer, but can
write large (more than 10kB) scripth, which can run with python2 or
python3 on different systems.
And I saw perl5 scripts from past (about 5.6 or lower), which can't
run on perl5 from current (5.22 or so at the moment).


|Inquiry regarding fixing the error light display manager

2023-04-03 Thread Bala personal

Hello Team,

Greetings. When i tried to install Debian xfce in my new computer Acer 
Aspire5, NVIDIA hardware pre installed support, i faced an issue after 
reboot the system as "failed to start light display manager. So how to 
fix this? I tried the button to access termial as Alt + ctrl + f2, but 
it does not have any effect on screen. Kindly do help me to fix it. Thanks.

Warm regards, Bala.