Process kill on logout

2017-06-25 Thread Alan Chandler
I have just upgraded from Jessie to Stretch and my arrangement where I 
logout and then mythtv shuts my computer down and sets a wakeup time 
just before the next recording time has stopped working.  In the past 
when that happens I have set up "screen", and entered an used "sleep 1m 
&& who -u" to find out why its not detecting me as logged out.  I set 
that command running, detach from screen, logout, ensure the minute is 
up, log back in and re-enter my screen session to see what it made of 

That no longer works.  It appears that systemd now kills off all 
processess associated with the user - or rather I found a bug report 
that said that had happened about a year ago as the default had changed. 
That bug report said that /etc/systemd/logind.conf should allow you to 
change that default behaviour by setting KillUserProcesses=no.

Firstly, although commented out, that setting is already showing "no", 
which is supposed to mean that this is the default value anyway.  
Secondly setting it explicitly to "no" doesn't work, screen sessions 
still appear to have been wiped out by the act of logging out.

Can anyone tell me what to do to allow screen sessions to survive logout.

Alan Chandler

How do I change applications which startup when cd inserted

2016-08-19 Thread Alan Chandler

I am running the gnome 3 desktop under Debian Testing

I am trying to rip some of my cds to mp3 using k3b.

After I have inserted a cd and ask k3b to start ripping it to disk it 
tells me that gvf-cdda has control of the device and do I want to stop 
it.  I have to in order to continue.

However, I am doing all of this in the background, whilst getting on 
with other jobs in the foreground.  About 1 time in 10, the action of 
killing gvf-cdda actually logs me out.  This kills my windows virtual 
machine running in vbox and all sorts of other havoc.  I would rather 
this didn't happen as its a pain to get it all working again.

Firstly - can I stop gvf-cdda grabbing this cd and not releasing it?

Secondly, the gnome help (and indeed the gnome website) says to get a 
list of applications associated with different device types go to the 
Activities Menu and type "Details".  I don't have an activities menu 
per-se, just a desktop with a search bar to type into after I click on 
the activiies button in the top right hand corner.  But typing "Details" 
brings up nothing.

Is there something I should have installed in my system and haven't?  
(there is also a settings looking button on the top right menu (where I 
normally log out) - but clicking on it does nothing.   I am assuming 
this is part of the same problem).

Alan Chandler

Re: Mythtv has lost all its on screen text

2016-08-05 Thread Alan Chandler

On 05/08/16 15:14, Ric Moore wrote:

On 08/04/2016 07:12 PM, Alan Chandler wrote:

I have mythtv installed from debian multimedia.  I am running testing
Once you introduce Debian Multimedia to your mix, you get to keep all 
the broken pieces. "These packages are known to not integrate well 
with other software packages in Debian and cause breakage regularly. "
I know its a risk, but how else do I get a working mythtv setup other 
than compiling from scratch?

I just wondered if anyone here had noticed the same problem and found a 
work around.

Alan Chandler

Mythtv has lost all its on screen text

2016-08-04 Thread Alan Chandler

I have mythtv installed from debian multimedia.  I am running testing

About a week or so ago now, suddenly it has lost all its on screen text 
when playing a video (recorded TV programs).  The surrounding overlays 
are all there, just the text is missing - including on pop up menus.  As 
soon as you return to the normal mythv menu system the text comes back.

Anyone else experiencing this.  Any solution?

Alan Chandler

Re: updating ifupdown conflicts with systemd

2016-01-15 Thread Alan Chandler

On 13/01/16 12:31, Maciej Wołoszyn wrote:


On my Stretch system updating ifupdown conflicts with systemd.
I removed ifupdown.
I got network problems (no loopback) so I wanted to reinstall ifupdown,
with no luck.

In my case, aptitude suggested removing ifupdown and replacing
it by ifupdown2 ('ifupdown rewritten in Python').
I did it, and lost networking after reboot (no loopback, no eth0).
However, 'ifup -a' started both lo and eth0.
(I have static IP defined for eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces, and
don't use network manager)

I'm curious if other people also experience such problems?
If yes, I'd like to file the bug, but at the moment I don't know if the
problem is with ifupdown2 or systemd.

I tried to remove systemd and did not fully succeed, now I get no
login after a reboot.

Booting in safe mode does not give me a login prompt either.
I guess I have to reinstall my system, this time it will be the stable

Sorry to hear this, I guess reinstall will be the quickest option.
I'm not quite sure if booting from CD or USB and trying to fix your system by
reinstalling removed packages would be easier, or possible at all, never tried


I've had the very same thing this morning.  I am running testing and 
last night ran aptitude update.  It told me it needed to remove ifupdown 
as it was being replaced with systemd.  I let it.

Started the machine this morning (after what appeared to be a kernel 
crash on shutdown* - not sure if its related or not and might be a red 
herring) and had no networking.  Its a bit hard to figure out what to do 
when you can't connect to the internet to google.

Actually in the end I managed to find out with my mobile phone, that I 
could do

ip addr add dev eth0 (where is the address my 
dhcp erver always gives my machine) and the network was suddenly available.

Of course I went back to aptitude and tried to re-install ifupdown, but 
I can't without it removing my entire system, so I worry I might have to 
do this manual starting for the next few days.

I did find I could install net-tools, which I am sure I used to have, 
but must have removed at some point.  ifconfig command is in that and it 
helps (ip address show does something similar, which was what I was 
forced to use to find out what was wrong)

*I don't shutdown directly but log out.  I have mythtv backend also 
running on this machine, and I have to let it shutdown automatically 
when it knows there is no one logged in and it hasn't anything to record 
for a while as it is able to set a wakeup time.

Alan Chandler

Re: Changing Monitor that gdm uses

2015-11-27 Thread Alan Chandler

On 27/11/15 10:46, Cindy-Sue Causey wrote:

On 11/25/15, Alan Chandler <> wrote:

My desktop Debian Jessie PC  just got a new monitor to replace an old
one that failed. Because the new one is bigger than my previous main
monitor, I have swapped them round so that my bigger 27inch monitor is
the primary one and the original 24inch one has become my secondary.

I have altered my /etc/X11/xorg.conf so that the new one is the Primary

Section "Device"
  Identifier "H67 Integrated Graphics"
  Driver "intel"
  Option "Monitor-HDMI2" "Iiyama 27in"
  Option "Monitor-HDMI1" "Iiyama 24in"

Section "Monitor"
  Identifier "Iiyama 27in"
  Option "DPMS"
  Option "Primary"
  Option "Position" "0 0"
  Option "PreferredMode" "1920x1080"
  Option "Position" "1920 0"

Section "Monitor"
  Identifier "Iiyama 24in"
  Option "DPMS"
  Option "PreferredMode" "1920x1080"
  Option "Position" "1920 0"

Section "Screen"
  Identifier "Default Screen"
  Device "H67 Integrated Graphics"
  Monitor "Iiyama 27in"
  DefaultDepth 24
  Subsection "Display"
 Depth 24
 Modes "1920x1080" "1024x768" "640x480"

But gdm3 has decided it is going to come up on the secondary monitor.
Once the desktop starts the order of the displays is probably* also
wrong, but of course can be fixed in the display settings

* I say that because the main monitor is numbered 2 and the old monitor
is numbered 1.

Where is the detection of which monitor is which take place, and how do
I tell it to change the order?

You stated that you caught your own duplicate entry for:

Option "Position"

After you said that, I went back and was looking again at your first
email just to see what you were talking about. Now I'm also seeing two
entries for:

Section "Monitor"

This is out of my league so I have to ask is it normal to have two
entries for that declaration?

Just thinking out loud. :)

Cindy :)

I think so, I have two monitors, and each section describes one of them.

Alan Chandler

Slow Display of Graphics in Chrome

2015-11-27 Thread Alan Chandler
Just recently, I notice a sudden slowing down of the display of areas of 
the screen in Chrome when it fully maximised ( but still with toolbar 
etc on display)

I am running a dual monitor gnome 3 setup with intel display driver.

Quite frequently, but not predictably so (say once every few minutes) 
Chrome, when displaying a web page whilst fully maximized gets very slow 
and displays blocks of the screen but then hangs for a few seconds 
before continuing with some more and hanging again.

You can stop it doing this by dragging the toolbar down from the fully 
maximized position.  I don't think I have seen it when not fully maximized.

Anyone else experiencing the same?

Alan Chandler

Re: Slow Display of Graphics in Chrome

2015-11-27 Thread Alan Chandler

On 27/11/15 23:52, Patrick Bartek wrote:

On Fri, 27 Nov 2015, Alan Chandler wrote:

Just recently, I notice a sudden slowing down of the display of areas
of the screen in Chrome when it fully maximised ( but still with
toolbar etc on display)

I am running a dual monitor gnome 3 setup with intel display driver.

Quite frequently, but not predictably so (say once every few minutes)
Chrome, when displaying a web page whilst fully maximized gets very
slow and displays blocks of the screen but then hangs for a few
seconds before continuing with some more and hanging again.

You can stop it doing this by dragging the toolbar down from the
fully maximized position.  I don't think I have seen it when not
fully maximized.

Anyone else experiencing the same?

Not here.  Just as fast maximized (1920x1080) or less than max'd which
is the norm for me. But I'm not using Gnome, only a window manager
Openbox on Wheezy 64-bit.

How much RAM on your graphic card?  How much total system RAM?

B  .

This information seems harder to find than ever.  lscpi says I have 
either 4M (non prefetchable) or 256M (prefetchable) memory, but its an 
Intel driver which takes from main memory, of which I have 16G

I tried looking in /var/log/Xorg.0.log, but that hasn't been touched 
since before I got the new monitors.  My guess is gnome is using wayland 
(from the various switches I can see in htop)

I don't think its the display directly, I only experience the issue in 

Alan Chandler

Re: Changing Monitor that gdm uses

2015-11-26 Thread Alan Chandler

On 25/11/15 22:31, Sven Arvidsson wrote:

On Wed, 2015-11-25 at 06:54 +, Alan Chandler wrote:

My desktop Debian Jessie PC  just got a new monitor to replace an old
one that failed. Because the new one is bigger than my previous main
monitor, I have swapped them round so that my bigger 27inch monitor


But gdm3 has decided it is going to come up on the secondary monitor.

First answer from here says to copy your correctly set up
~/.config/monitors.xml to /var/lib/gdm3/.config/

TL;DR  I tried that and it doesn't work

I actually looked at monitors.xml and it seemed to have loads of 
different configurations  in it from all the previous combinations of 
displays I had used.  But it didn't have any entries for the current 

However, I went into system settings and moved the displays about a bit, 
saved the result, and then repeated the process and moved them back to 
the correct positions.  After that I did have a section in monitors.xml.

I have now copied this to /var/lib/gdm3/.config/, to /etc/gdm3/.config 
and to /etc/gdm3  and none of them seem to change a thing.

Alan Chandler

Changing Monitor that gdm uses

2015-11-24 Thread Alan Chandler
My desktop Debian Jessie PC  just got a new monitor to replace an old 
one that failed. Because the new one is bigger than my previous main 
monitor, I have swapped them round so that my bigger 27inch monitor is 
the primary one and the original 24inch one has become my secondary.

I have altered my /etc/X11/xorg.conf so that the new one is the Primary one.

Section "Device"
Identifier "H67 Integrated Graphics"
Driver "intel"
Option "Monitor-HDMI2" "Iiyama 27in"
Option "Monitor-HDMI1" "Iiyama 24in"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Iiyama 27in"
Option "DPMS"
Option "Primary"
Option "Position" "0 0"
Option "PreferredMode" "1920x1080"
Option "Position" "1920 0"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Iiyama 24in"
Option "DPMS"
Option "PreferredMode" "1920x1080"
Option "Position" "1920 0"

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Default Screen"
Device "H67 Integrated Graphics"
Monitor "Iiyama 27in"
DefaultDepth 24
Subsection "Display"
   Depth 24
   Modes "1920x1080" "1024x768" "640x480"

But gdm3 has decided it is going to come up on the secondary monitor.  
Once the desktop starts the order of the displays is probably* also 
wrong, but of course can be fixed in the display settings

* I say that because the main monitor is numbered 2 and the old monitor 
is numbered 1.

Where is the detection of which monitor is which take place, and how do 
I tell it to change the order?

Alan Chandler

Re: Changing Monitor that gdm uses

2015-11-24 Thread Alan Chandler

On 25/11/15 06:54, Alan Chandler wrote:

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Iiyama 27in"
Option "DPMS"
Option "Primary"
Option "Position" "0 0"
Option "PreferredMode" "1920x1080"
Option "Position" "1920 0"

I noticed as I posted this that there are two "Position" options.  I 
have edited the file and removed the second one, but it made no difference

Alan Chandler

Freemind stopped working

2015-11-23 Thread Alan Chandler

Freemind seems to have stopped working, hanging up in the splash screen.

I found something on debian bug lists that said I should comment out the 
line in /etc/java-7-opensdk/, but when I tried 
that all that happened is it got past the splash screen and then put up 
a dialog box that said freemind.main.Freemind can't be started.  If I 
start it from the command line I get a java exception.  Seems not to 
find class com/lightdev/app/shtm/SHTMLPanel

I have the simplyhtml package (which I think contains this class) installed.

Firstly, any one else having problems with Freemind and secondly anyone 
know how to fix the missing class problem?

Alan Chandler

Re: Freemind stopped working

2015-11-23 Thread Alan Chandler

On 23/11/15 20:54, Alan Chandler wrote:

Freemind seems to have stopped working, hanging up in the splash screen.

I found something on debian bug lists that said I should comment out 
the line in /etc/java-7-opensdk/, but when I 
tried that all that happened is it got past the splash screen and then 
put up a dialog box that said freemind.main.Freemind can't be 
started.  If I start it from the command line I get a java exception.  
Seems not to find class com/lightdev/app/shtm/SHTMLPanel

I have the simplyhtml package (which I think contains this class) 

Firstly, any one else having problems with Freemind and secondly 
anyone know how to fix the missing class problem?

 I have found a program in the Debian repository called Freeplane, 
which seems to be a fork of Freemind.  Interestingly it works and will 
read my Freemind files!

Alan Chandler

Re: Install MSWindz 7 as Virtual Machine on Debian 8

2015-11-09 Thread Alan Chandler

On 09/11/15 18:58, D Dimov wrote:
I need to install MS Windows 7 as a Virtual Machine on a computer that 
is running Debian 8. To do that, I'd like to use software that is not 
proprietory (I know, I know - this may sounds a bit ridiculous...). 
This Debian page: 
recommends Qemu, KVM, VirtualBox, and Zen. Does anyone have 
recommendations for which one is easiest to install for a novice? I 
tried the first one, Qemu, but didn't really find a good guide how to 
install MS Win 7 with it.

Up until last April, I ran Windows 7 under virtual Box on my Debian 
machine for my daily work almost every day for about 2 years.  I have 
cut down now to one day a week, and generally do that on a Macbook Air, 
also running Virtual Box.  It worked perfectly.

I updated to Windows 10, through the upgrade program, and that was a 
little dodgy until I updated Virtual Box to version 5 and removed 3d 
Video acceleration.

The only issue to be careful of, is that the drivers get properly 
rebuilt when the linux kernel changes.

When I first started doing this I was very nervous that a machine I 
depended on for my daily income was using virtual box, and I spent some 
time trying to get KVM working.  But I never found a way - struggling 
with documentation at every step.  VirtualBox on the other hand (apart 
from the occassional problem with ensuring the driver modules get 
rebuilt) was easy to set up, modify and  use.

Alan Chandler

Re: Install MSWindz 7 as Virtual Machine on Debian 8

2015-11-09 Thread Alan Chandler

On 10/11/15 01:47, Patrick Bartek wrote:

On Mon, 09 Nov 2015, Alan Chandler wrote:

On 09/11/15 18:58, D Dimov wrote:

I need to install MS Windows 7 as a Virtual Machine on a computer
that is running Debian 8. To do that, I'd like to use software that
is not proprietory (I know, I know - this may sounds a bit
ridiculous...). This Debian page: recommends Qemu, KVM,
VirtualBox, and Zen. Does anyone have recommendations for which one
is easiest to install for a novice? I tried the first one, Qemu,
but didn't really find a good guide how to install MS Win 7 with it.

Up until last April, I ran Windows 7 under virtual Box on my Debian
machine for my daily work almost every day for about 2 years.  I have
cut down now to one day a week, and generally do that on a Macbook
Air, also running Virtual Box.  It worked perfectly.

I updated to Windows 10, through the upgrade program, and that was a
little dodgy until I updated Virtual Box to version 5 and removed 3d
Video acceleration.

The only issue to be careful of, is that the drivers get properly
rebuilt when the linux kernel changes.

Installing dkms (Dynamic Kernel Modules Support) and the appropriate
kernel headers will take care of that auto-magically.  Never had it
fail.  Of course, you  need the gcc compiler and its related files, too.

Also, I'd suggest the OP download VirtualBox directly from their web
site, and NOT from the Debian Repo.  When you do the former, the
VirtualBox repo automatically is set up and configured.


I have switched back and forth between the virtual box debian repository 
and the normal repository at various times.  Currently using the normal 
Debian repository (testing), but a few months ago I was running Debian 
stable and trying to get Windows 10 to work and had to switch to a more 
recent release - so then used the virtual box one.

I do have dkms installed and most times (with either repository) the 
drivers are built automatically, but I have had it fail, and that left 
me without a system for a few hours whilst I figured out what had gone 

Despite all of that, I have always managed to get it sorted, and have 
never lost data.

Alan Chandler

Re: dspam silently (perhaps) crashing

2015-11-08 Thread Alan Chandler

On 08/11/15 08:00, Erwan David wrote:
I had a look at rspam and did not use it : i find it far too much 
invasive, it practically impose tons of tests that I do not want to be 
done because of false positives. (and worse when a new version comes 
with new tests they are enabled by default). I found it also rather 
difficult to configure. So I stayed with dspam, which despite not 
being more developped is robust and does its job : bayesian filtering. 

I have now removed it from the main mail path, but am still sending spam 
and ham retraining requests to it. It has now stayed up for a whole day.

I followed your quest round the internet looking for a replacement. In 
this process I did discover someone who was experiencing silent exits of 
The current dspam maintainer was saying that the hash driver could get 
into trouble because it copies a file into memory and if this got 
corrupt then it would cause dspam to crash.

I am wondering if I can find that file and remove it.  Just don't know 
where to look

Alan Chandler

Re: dspam silently (perhaps) crashing

2015-11-08 Thread Alan Chandler

On 08/11/15 11:20, Alan Chandler wrote:

On 08/11/15 08:00, Erwan David wrote:
I had a look at rspam and did not use it : i find it far too much 
invasive, it practically impose tons of tests that I do not want to 
be done because of false positives. (and worse when a new version 
comes with new tests they are enabled by default). I found it also 
rather difficult to configure. So I stayed with dspam, which despite 
not being more developped is robust and does its job : bayesian 

I have now removed it from the main mail path, but am still sending 
spam and ham retraining requests to it. It has now stayed up for a 
whole day.

I followed your quest round the internet looking for a replacement. In 
this process I did discover someone who was experiencing silent exits 
of dspam.
The current dspam maintainer was saying that the hash driver could get 
into trouble because it copies a file into memory and if this got 
corrupt then it would cause dspam to crash.

I am wondering if I can find that file and remove it.  Just don't know 
where to look

Alan Chandler

I did find the hash database, they were in /var/spool/dspam/data

I put dspam back in my mail delivery path (postfix delivers to dspam 
delivers to dovecot), deleted the has files for each individual user and 
dspam has now stayed up for the last three hours.

So I am concluding that it is corrupted hash files.

I might look at migrating to one of the other drivers which use a proper 

Alan Chandler

dspam silently (perhaps) crashing

2015-11-07 Thread Alan Chandler

I run a small raspberry pi as my home mail server.

Over the last couple of days, my wife has reported to me that she hasn't 
seen any mail for a while.

After a bit of investigation I found that if I did

service dspam status

It would show its status as active(exited).

In order to start it again I have to do

service dspam restart

(a service dspam start won't do it).

This happened to me yesterday evening

Again today, I stopped receiving e-mail and sure enough dspam had failed 

I started again, and within a few minutes it had stopped.

I tried
journalctl _SYSTEM_UNIT=dspam.service

but there didn't appear to be any entries in there.

How can I find out why dpam is falling over

Alan Chandler

Jessie upgrade now means samba is no longer working

2015-05-15 Thread Alan Chandler

I recently upgraded from wheezy to jessie.

I was relying in samba providing guest access to various key folders in 
my home directory for virtual windows machines to have access to key data

After the upgrade samba no longer runs and if I try and start it it says 
service is masked

/etc/init.d/smbd and /etc/init.d/nmbd exist and I can use the service 
command to start them

But I don't appear to have these shares available to my virtual windows 

How can I make it so samba starts automatically (like it used to before 
the upgrade) and how can I make it so it provides guest access to these 

This is my (unchanged) /etc/samba/smb.conf

workgroup = Home
security = share

wins support = no
printing = cups
printcap name = cups

path = /home/alan/clienta
force user = alan
read only = no
guest ok = yes

path = /home/alan/dev
force user = alan
read only = no
guest ok = yes

path = /home/alan/clientb
force user = alan
read only = no
guest ok = yes

path = /home/alan/dev/clientc
force user = alan
read only = no
guest ok = yes


comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
browseable = no
public = yes
guest ok = yes
writable = no
printable = yes

comment = Printer Drivers
path = /etc/samba/drivers
browseable = yes
guest ok = no
read only = yes
write list = root

Alan Chandler

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Re: Mysql Access Problems after Jessie Upgrade

2015-05-10 Thread Alan Chandler

On 10/05/15 18:58, Alan Chandler wrote:
I don't think this is a mythtv problem.  All other aspects of it 
appear to be working with its local database connection.

The fact that

mysql --host=owl.home --user=mythtv --password=xx mythconverg

is the problem means its the database connection

This machine used to be (but has recently changed so it is no longer) 
the NAT router for my home network.  I suspect iptables driven by 
fail2ban had put a block on the connection.

I removed this legacy and rebooted and all started working again

Alan Chandler

Re: Mysql Access Problems after Jessie Upgrade

2015-05-10 Thread Alan Chandler

On 10/05/15 18:29, Brad Rogers wrote:

On Sun, 10 May 2015 18:17:27 +0100
Alan Chandler wrote:

Hello Alan,

The plot thickens - After working during the week, I came to view
Mythtv again today and it is refusing connection to the database again.

The following may, or may not, be of use to you (taken from the Debian
Multimedia mailing list - credit to Stephan Sürken);

   in jessie /var/run/mythtv/ seems to pre-exists at boot time with the
   x flag missing at the time the init script runs:

   drw-r-xr-x  2 mythtv root  40 May 10 12:41 .

   -- which makes the backend fail to start (pidfile perms).

   Any idea what causes this?

and in a follow up, also from Stephan;

   fwiw: I found it ;):

   systemctl disable monit

   fixes this on my system. Seems monit runs before and messes around with
   the pid path.

I don't think this is a mythtv problem.  All other aspects of it appear 
to be working with its local database connection.

The fact that

mysql --host=owl.home --user=mythtv --password=xx mythconverg

is the problem means its the database connection

Alan Chandler

Re: Mysql Access Problems after Jessie Upgrade

2015-05-10 Thread Alan Chandler

On 04/05/15 11:51, Bernhard Schmidt wrote:

Alan Chandler wrote:


Do you have /etc/hosts.allow / hosts.deny non-standard?

Both appear empty (other than comments)

So I added a line

ALL: 127.0.0. 192.168.0.

to /etc/hosts.allow

and everything started working again

Not sure if I need to include the 127.0.0 to allow connections from
localhost but at least it appears to work

Weird, I wasn't aware of libwrap blocking anything by default.


The plot thickens - After working during the week, I came to view Mythtv 
again today and it is refusing connection to the database again.

So  do a
mysql --host=owl.home --user=mythtv --password=xx mythconverg
again, and am getting the old error
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading 
authorization packet', system error: 0

But this time /etc/hosts.allow have the stanza I mention above it in

I am baffled - and I can't find any log entry to indicate something is 

Alan Chandler

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Re: Mysql Access Problems after Jessie Upgrade

2015-05-04 Thread Alan Chandler

On 03/05/15 23:00, Alan Chandler wrote:

On 03/05/15 19:59, Bernhard Schmidt wrote:

Do you have /etc/hosts.allow / hosts.deny non-standard?

Both appear empty (other than comments)

So I added a line

ALL: 127.0.0. 192.168.0.

to /etc/hosts.allow

and everything started working again

Not sure if I need to include the 127.0.0 to allow connections from 
localhost but at least it appears to work

Alan Chandler

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to 
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


Re: Mysql Access Problems after Jessie Upgrade

2015-05-03 Thread Alan Chandler

On 03/05/15 19:59, Bernhard Schmidt wrote:

Alan Chandler wrote:

Hi Alan,

Today I am having database connection problems.

Using mysql client to connect to my server owl.home

   mysql --host=owl.home --user=mythtv --password=XX mythconverg
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading
authorization packet', system error: 0

Not using mysql myself, but this error seems familiar. I have seen it
when a Percona upgrade suddenly started using libwrap (hosts.allow) and
it was hit by our standard DENY all block.

At least mysql-server-core-5.5 in Jessie is linked against libwrap0.

Do you see error messages connecting in /var/log/auth.log?
Nothing related to mysql.  There are some cron and sshd entries and an 
occassional systemd-logind entry

Do you have /etc/hosts.allow / hosts.deny non-standard?

Both appear empty (other than comments)


Alan Chandler

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Mysql Access Problems after Jessie Upgrade

2015-05-03 Thread Alan Chandler
I have been sticking with Debian stable for some while, and whilst that 
was Whezzy, I have deb-multimedia version of MythTV-Frontend installed 
on my desktop and mythtv-backend (and mythweb) installed on my server. 
This all worked fine

I updated my desktop to Jessie which seemed to immediately break 
comptibility between front end and backend of mythtv, so I upgraded my 
server also.

Yesterday I successfully watched a recorded TV program on my desktop.

Today I am having database connection problems.

Using mysql client to connect to my server owl.home

 mysql --host=owl.home --user=mythtv --password=XX mythconverg
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading 
authorization packet', system error: 0

I have the same /etc/mysql/my.cnf file that I had before which is pretty 
standard except for


So that the server should be listening for connections on all interfaces.

The only other strange change is that the ip address of owl.home has 
changed from (where it was the internet gateway and Nat 
router) to - since the virgin media superhub that I am now 
using takes over the address.

I am really at a lost as to how to debug this further.  The backend is 
still recording successfully, and I can view the recordings by streaming 
them from mythweb, but because the front end can't directly attach to 
the database it is not allowing me to view from there.

I feel the failing mysql command is the key indicator of whats wrong, 
but with nothing I can find in any logs, I don't know how to proceed 

Any ideas anyone

Alan Chandler

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Re: Error with Latest Google Chrome Stable

2014-09-17 Thread Alan Chandler

On 14/09/14 23:40, Kenneth Jacker wrote:

[ Debian stable ]

A few days ago, I updated Chrome from:

 google-chrome-stable:amd64 37.0.2062.94-1


 google-chrome-stable:amd64 37.0.2062.120-1

That update caused pages with embedded Adobe Flash to malfunction (with
various nasty error windows appearing).

I tried to find the right, and ideally a straight forward fix, but failed.

So instead, I removed the 120 version, and reinstalled 94.

Flash returned to normal!

Is this a known bug?  With Chrome?  With Flash?


The suggested place to get a replacement is here

What I actually did myself was to download this the version you mention 
(64bit version).  Extract only the version of 
/opt/google/chrome/PepperFlash/ in it and put that 
into the actual /opt/google/chrome/PepperFlash directory.

I seem to be OK at the moment.

Alan Chandler

Evolution Calendar Notifications - switch off

2014-09-08 Thread Alan Chandler
I run Debian Stable, and have done ever since the it was released (ie 
since May 2013).  I also run Gnome 3 as the desktop since that time.

In the past couple of months, when I start the system each day (I power 
off at night), something - which appears to be related to evolution 
prompts me for the password to my google calendar account.  It does it 
twice,  The password is already filled in.  It didn't used to do it.

My mail client is icedove, so I really don't need evolution getting in 
on the act.  I don't mind if it wants to notify me of upcoming events, 
but I don't need it to.  So how can I switch off these prompts on start

Alan Chandler

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Re: problems with php5-fpm

2014-05-01 Thread Alan Chandler

On 01/05/14 06:35, Alan Chandler wrote:

On 01/05/14 03:51, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

On 4/30/2014 6:25 PM, Alan Chandler wrote:


I am experimenting with nginx and php5-fpm to replace an
apache2/libapache2-mod-php configuration.  And I am getting something
strange happening.

I have both a simple php web site that just consists of php pages (and
other assets) and static content.

I also have a wordpress configuration.

What I am finding after an idle period (do not actually know how 
long it

has to be, but I am leaving the web site and coming back after a couple
of hours of doing something else) is that

The static web site works,
the wordpress web site doesn't - because it appears that php5-fpm is
returning a 500

php5-fpm still appears to be running with the right number of 

I can get the wordpress site to work if I restart php5-fpm.

The question is why.  The main difference that wordpress site has is
that it uses a mysql database.  But I have no idea why that might cause
failures after an idle period.

Anyone any other ideas?

What's in your php log?  (This may or may not be the same log as your 
Apache log - it depends on your configuration).


I have display_errors set to off, and log_errors set to on (I think 
this is the default debian configuration).  However the only reference 
in ANY (including mysql ) logs that I can find is the nginx access log 

This shows the request with the 500 response.

There is nothing in the php5-fpm.log, and I can't find where php is 
logging things.

I have just set display_errors on, and also explicitly defined a php 
log file to see if I can capture more information.  Of course I had to 
restart php5-fpm to do that, so my wordpress site is currently 
working.  I need to leave it to time out and will report back when it 

I am getting a clearer, but not yet complete, picture of what is 
happening by adding some echo statements to the php code.

Wordpress is dieing somewhere in the plugin super-cache.

php5-fpm seems to override php.ini settings with the ones from the 
pool.d/www.conf file.  That is why I wasn't seeing any logging. (at 
least I think that is why).

I have to give up for now.  But will try again this evening.

Alan Chandler

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Re: name resolution

2014-05-01 Thread Alan Chandler

On 01/05/14 08:18, L V Gandhi wrote:

I have name resolution problem in my debian virtual machine.
In my host operating system name resolution is ok.
Even in debian, ping works. But wget says resolution error as follows.
lvgandhi@lvgacersqueeze:~$ ping -c4
56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from 
( icmp_req=1 ttl=53 time=7.10 ms
64 bytes from 
( icmp_req=2 ttl=53 time=4.97 ms
64 bytes from 
( icmp_req=3 ttl=53 time=6.54 ms
64 bytes from 
( icmp_req=4 ttl=53 time=7.82 ms

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3007ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 4.976/6.610/7.822/1.050 ms
lvgandhi@lvgacersqueeze:~$ wget -v
--2014-05-01 12:45:01--

Resolving failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address `'

What todo, so that wget can do find and download from that site?

L V Gandhi

on your virtual machine what does /etc/resolv.conf and 
/etc/nsswitch.conf say

IN particular, which nameservers does /etc/resolv.conf say as opposed to 
your host

Alan Chandler

problems with php5-fpm

2014-04-30 Thread Alan Chandler


I am experimenting with nginx and php5-fpm to replace an 
apache2/libapache2-mod-php configuration.  And I am getting something 
strange happening.

I have both a simple php web site that just consists of php pages (and 
other assets) and static content.

I also have a wordpress configuration.

What I am finding after an idle period (do not actually know how long it 
has to be, but I am leaving the web site and coming back after a couple 
of hours of doing something else) is that

The static web site works,
the wordpress web site doesn't - because it appears that php5-fpm is 
returning a 500

php5-fpm still appears to be running with the right number of processes.

I can get the wordpress site to work if I restart php5-fpm.

The question is why.  The main difference that wordpress site has is 
that it uses a mysql database.  But I have no idea why that might cause 
failures after an idle period.

Anyone any other ideas?

Alan Chandler

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Re: problems with php5-fpm

2014-04-30 Thread Alan Chandler

On 01/05/14 03:51, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

On 4/30/2014 6:25 PM, Alan Chandler wrote:


I am experimenting with nginx and php5-fpm to replace an
apache2/libapache2-mod-php configuration.  And I am getting something
strange happening.

I have both a simple php web site that just consists of php pages (and
other assets) and static content.

I also have a wordpress configuration.

What I am finding after an idle period (do not actually know how long it
has to be, but I am leaving the web site and coming back after a couple
of hours of doing something else) is that

The static web site works,
the wordpress web site doesn't - because it appears that php5-fpm is
returning a 500

php5-fpm still appears to be running with the right number of processes.

I can get the wordpress site to work if I restart php5-fpm.

The question is why.  The main difference that wordpress site has is
that it uses a mysql database.  But I have no idea why that might cause
failures after an idle period.

Anyone any other ideas?

What's in your php log?  (This may or may not be the same log as your 
Apache log - it depends on your configuration).


I have display_errors set to off, and log_errors set to on (I think this 
is the default debian configuration).  However the only reference in ANY 
(including mysql ) logs that I can find is the nginx access log 

This shows the request with the 500 response.

There is nothing in the php5-fpm.log, and I can't find where php is 
logging things.

I have just set display_errors on, and also explicitly defined a php log 
file to see if I can capture more information.  Of course I had to 
restart php5-fpm to do that, so my wordpress site is currently working.  
I need to leave it to time out and will report back when it does

Alan Chandler

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Re: running a website the Debian way

2014-03-13 Thread Alan Chandler

On 13/03/14 06:18, Peter Michaux wrote:


I've had some small hobby-type websites running on a Debian VPS for a
several years. My sysadmin approach has been very amateur and ad hoc.
It has worked fine because I have not depended on these sites for
anything. I'd like to learn how to install and maintain a website in a
more professional way. If there is such a thing, I'd like to know what
the Debian way would be.

The website in question could be something like

  * an Apache virtual host configuration file
  * a PostgreSQL database with a few users with various permissions
  * some static web content: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images
  * a few Perl CGI scripts

What I'm thinking is that I'd like to be have some .deb packages that
I can install on a brand new Debian VPS. These packages would create
database users, database, and tables as necessary. These packages
would configure and restart Apache to use the new configuration files.
I would be trying to avoid type anything other than commands to
install packages. Perferably one package that installs all other

Any pointers to good resources that describe doing all of this for a
website the most Debian way possible?

Does this even seem like a reasonable objective?


I am not sure how much of this is the debian way, but this is what I do.

1) every week, in a cron job I run dpkg --get-selections to create a 
list of packages installed on my virtual machine

2) every week in a cron job I tar /etc
3) the files produced in 1 and 2 are kept in off machine storage - and 
are also copied to the archive I describe in point 5).  These two files 
are sufficient, I hope, to record the current state of the Debian 
installation - I have never had to use it - currently my virtual machine 
has an uptime of 341 days and the reboot before was something of the 
same order of magnitude.
4) in a cron job I run daily, backup any databases used by any of the 
web sites. - these are rotated so there are always two copies latest and 
one day old
5) daily I copy the backups produced in 4 to another machine, and have 
them cycle through daily and then weekly and then monthly backup 
archives (ie I keep every day for a week, then one snapshot from the 
daily each week for a month, and then one snapshot from the weekly each 
month for 6 months).  Each 6 month segment gets written to a DVD+R when 
6) I do the same as 4) and 5) for any volatile files.  For instance I 
host some smf forums, and the attachment directory gets the same 
treatment (via tar)
7) at a varying frequency - mainly monthly - I take a backup of the 
static elements of the site

Obviously the backup of /etc includes everything inside 

For each web site that I manage, I maintain a mirrored development copy 
on my development machine.  These are all stored under git, with the 
master branch being the development.

I generally split this development directory into two - one holds the 
main web site, the other holds various supporting files - such as the 
database creation script (if not part of the main web site), and the 
apache configuration file.

I use a local copy of apache to host local domain names that represent 
each of these web sites (so for instance for client  I have a 
local domain at home called xxx.home with a web site to match.  This 
included database copies - the location apache uses is the development 

each web site has a separate branch in git (generally called site) 
which I branched off early in the development and made changes necessary 
for the site configuration (ie different database passwords etc).  I 
have a git hook, that on merge or commit to this branch, the web 
contents are rsync'ed into place on the virtual machine.  This means I 
do development, test it on the master branch (or sometimes branches off 
the master branch - before merging back).  When I am ready to put it 
live I checkout the site branch and issue a git merge master.  This 
makes appropriate changes to the configuration for site and updates the 
site with the latest changes.

I have maintained one rather complicated smf forum (its the base forum 
software, with lots and lots of personal local modifications) up to date 
with the latest smf distribution since 2007 this way.

If you want any details of how I do this exactly, just ask.  Also see

Alan Chandler

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Re: feature request for this mailing list

2014-03-06 Thread Alan Chandler

On 06/03/14 10:01, wrote:

 As I am starting to subscribe to various mailing lists, I have 
noticed that some uses a kind of tag in subjects. Obviously, it is added 
by the ml-engine, not by users.
 I am also receiving more and more spam since 2 months. I guess my 
address was sold to or found by some f** spammers, which do not 
understand that someone without a classic hotmail, google or whatever 
mainstream mail provider will probably know what a spam is and only be 

 So I think that it could be useful to have this one prefixing mails 
with, for example [debian-user], or [du] or whatever. But I do not know 
where to submit this idea. Do someone knows?

 I know that some MUAs are able to do such kind of filtering 
automatically, but I am using a webmail (roundcube) most of the time, 
which have less features, but have the same configuration and display on 
all computers I use to access my mails :)

There is already a header List-Id: which contains

which you can use to filter your e-mails. Is that what you are asking for?

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Re: resolv.conf misbehaving

2014-02-20 Thread Alan Chandler

On 20/02/14 15:17, Danny wrote:

Hi guys,

The past weekend I upgraded from Debian v3.0 to the latest Debian stable (7.0 or
something) ... (wish I never did) ...

However, I have noticed that my resolv.conf gets overwritten by something after
every reboot. The Debian server resolves all local (internal) addresses and the
ADSL router resolves all external addresses.

Normally my resolv.conf looked like this

nameserver (ADSL router)
nameserver (Debian server to resolve local addresses)

Now it get's overwritten with :


Its is probably dbclient doing it.  I had the same problem

Take a look at man dbclient.conf, and especially the prepend statement.  
I initially had the prepend at a global level but it wasn't working.  
Instead I followed the example in the man page and placed inside an

interface eth0 {
prepend domain-name-servers

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dovecot-imapd and imaps protocol

2014-02-13 Thread Alan Chandler
I am trying to figure out if the dovecot-imapd is able to support the 
imaps protocol

all the guides say put the following at the head of 

protocols = imap imaps (and pop3 etc but I am not interested in that)

However the debian packaging puts instead

!include_try /usr/share/dovecot/protocols.d/*.protocol

and then allows each debian dovecot- package to add a file into the 
directory with the .protocol extension if it needs to

dovecot-imapd adds

protocols = $protocols imap

and nothing else.

So why doesn't it specify imaps.  Am I missing another package which 
does that?

Alan Chandler

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Re: dovecot-imapd and imaps protocol

2014-02-13 Thread Alan Chandler

On 13/02/14 21:01, Wolfgang Karall wrote:
What makes you think that imaps isn't working, did you try connecting 
and got a connection refused?

I did a doveconf protocols listen and it didn't list imaps

I was still trying to work out how to configure things as I couldn't get 
dovecot to start saying it was missing a definition of protocol imaps, 
so I hadn't tried it at that point.
I have fixed whatever was the problem now so moving on - but thanks for 
the input.

I am  just now getting the basics working with telnet before getting to 
test imaps

I am using an underlying sqlite database to check authentication and I 
have the basic logon working now.

My main problem is how to get login as master user to be able to bypass 
a disabled account (because it appears in the deny query)

If you have any ideas on how I can produce a separate query to validate 
the user the master is pretending to be so that it bypasses the deny 
stage I would be interested to hear it.

Alan Chandler

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Re: dovecot-imapd and imaps protocol

2014-02-13 Thread Alan Chandler

On 13/02/14 22:41, Alan Chandler wrote:

If you have any ideas on how I can produce a separate query to 
validate the user the master is pretending to be so that it bypasses 
the deny stage I would be interested to hear it.

Alan Chandler

To answer my own question, I found the variable %{login_user} which I 
can include in the query for the masters access.  That solves it

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Re: images that play nicely with revision control?

2014-02-11 Thread Alan Chandler

On 11/02/14 01:04, Hendrik Boom wrote:

On Sun, 09 Feb 2014 10:47:11 -0600, Richard Owlett wrote:

Hendrik Boom wrote:

I'm looking for a file format for images that plays nicely with
revision control. Ideally I'd like to edit them while seeing what I'm
editing, whether it's a line drawing (like inkscape) or a pixel map.

You didn't say much about your actual drawing mixture.

I'd probably be willing to adapt my drawing style to the technology that
works with my revision control.  The drawings I'm interested in are
development tools for for novels or computer programs.  One might be
block diagrams of the main components of a program and their
relationships.  Another might be a picture of the main character of a
story, or a map of the country, or the layout of a character's house.
These are working drawings than high art.  And they're not static.  Oh, I
don't mean they're animations... I mean that as the months go by, they
need to be changed, as my understanding of the things they represent
I that case I would recommend you look at latex and specifically 
\tikzpicture.  The NODE feature of \tikz allows you to get shapes from a 
shape library and then link them with arrows.

I have been using latex for a while as my documentation engine of 
choice, with the raw text markup going into the repository.

Take a look at this manual - it is organised so there is an introductory 
tutorial first, with more detailed references later.

I currently use sublime text 2 as my editor, and with the latex plugin a 
ctrl-B builds the document as a pdf almost instantenously.

I have also developed a house style hartley.cls (My one man 
consultancy is called Hartley Consultants) for my documents which I 
installed in ~/texmf/tex/latex/hartley.cls.  Now at the top of each 
document all I have to do is say


and I get a standard format (article like) document

just to give a flavour of the picture drawing capability (unusable 
unless you include 
\usetikzlibrary{fit,positioning,decorations.pathmorphing} at the top 
of the whole document) - here is a picture of 3 computers (one outside 
the home, 2 inside) with a load of applications drawn inside each  There 
is a router, called superhub which links inside to out, and there is a 
wiggly line (see snake) separating inside and out.

The line
%\draw[help lines] (0,-7) grid(12,7);
is commented out (% represents rest of line is a comment) but I used as 
I was building up the drawing to provide a grid behind the picture so I 
could see where I was placing things.

\begin{tikzpicture} [font=\footnotesize,inner 
sep=0.1cm,rectangle,remember picture,node distance=0.1cm,

machine/.style={fill=blue!30,inner sep=0.2cm},
servicename/.style={font=\itshape,text width=1.5cm},
application/.style={draw,text width=2cm,text badly centered,rounded 

panel/.style={rectangle,text width=2.5cm},
service/.style={rectangle,draw,thin,text badly centered,text 

applicationstack/.style={draw,thick,text width=2.5cm,rounded 

%\draw[help lines] (0,-7) grid(12,7);
% avalon
\node[machinename] (avalon) at(3,7) {Avalon};
\node (avalonapps) [below=of avalon] {\tikz {
\node[application,text width=2.5cm] (web) {\tikz {
\node[servicename] (http) {http};
\node[application] (hc) [below=of http]{Hartley Consultants};
\node[application] (cf) [below=of hc] {Chandler Family};
\node[application] (multiple) [below=of cf] {Multiple Clients};
\node[application] (httpsservices) [below right=0.2cm of 
web.north east] {\tikz {

\node[servicename](https) {https};
\node[application,text width=1.5cm](planner) [below= of 

\node[application](chat)[below=of httpsservices] {Chat Server};
\node[application](mx) [below=of chat] {Mail Forwarding};
% boundary and superhub
\node[point](leftside) at(0,0){};
\node[point](rightside) at (12,0){};
\node [application,text width= 2.7cm,fill=red!20] (superhub) at 
(4,0) {\tikz {

\node[servicename] (superh) {Super Hub};
\node[application] (firewall) [below=of superh] {Firewall};
\node (hubservices) [below=of firewall] {\tikz {
\node[service] (nat) {NAT};
\node[service] (dhcp) [below=of nat] {\sout{DHCP}};
\node[service] (fwd) [below right=of nat.north east] {Port 


\draw[decorate,decoration={snake,post length=2mm}]
(leftside) -- (superhub);
\draw[decorate,decoration={snake,post length=2mm}]
(rightside) -- (superhub);
\node[machinename,above left=of rightside]{External Internet};

Re: images that play nicely with revision control?

2014-02-11 Thread Alan Chandler

just to give a flavour of the picture drawing capability (unusable 
unless you include 
\usetikzlibrary{fit,positioning,decorations.pathmorphing} at the top 
of the whole document) - here is

I forgot - my hartley.cls file also uses tikz picture (I draw some 
coloured lines (actually rectangles) at the bottom of the page and there 
is an option to print a light DRAFT across the page diagonally - so you 
will also need to include


to bring in the whole drawing package

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Re: Configuring OpenLDAP to support dynamic list overlay in Wheezy

2014-02-07 Thread Alan Chandler

On 06/02/14 21:06, Alan Chandler wrote:
I am stuggling to understand how to get the dynamic list overlay 
working using OpenLdap

I think I found a good solution to this problem here

I have a least got the olcOverlay element as a subsidiary of the 
database config.

Combining that with Step 4 here

gives me enough clues to finish

In particular it uses olcDlAttrSet Attribute to define the equivalent of 

Not actually working yet, but now I need to construct the actual 
directory tree for the data.

Alan Chandler

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Configuring OpenLDAP to support dynamic list overlay in Wheezy

2014-02-06 Thread Alan Chandler
I am stuggling to understand how to get the dynamic list overlay working 
using OpenLdap

It uses the online version of configuring slapd, and all the 
instructions on the internet seems to assume an older version with 
slapd.conf file.

I have manage to configure the module part to include dynlist (at least 
I have an entry in the config DIT)

I have loaded a schema which defines GroupOfURLs as an attribute, and I 
have an object class called olcOverlayConfig available.

The LDAP server is running on a headless RaspberryPI, running its own 
version of Debian Wheezy (Raspbian), but so far it hasn't seemed any 
different to standard Debian Wheezy

The bit I can't figure out is how to add the equivalent of the two commands

overlay dynlist
dynlist-attset group-oc URL-add

I think I should create an entry under olcDatabase={1}hdb,cn=config




and presumably another attribute to handle dynlist-attset, but what?

Any help would be appreciated


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Re: Debian Wheezy SSD+HDD configuration

2013-06-21 Thread Alan Chandler

On 08/06/13 02:27, Fran wrote:

Hello list,

I just installed Debian 7.0 Wheezy on what I call my new workstation.
It's a pretty standard setup: right now I installed Debian on the first
SATA drive (a 120Gb SSD drive) and mounted my 1Tb HDD as my home
partition with no problems at all.

I have a set up in which I have a 200GB SSD and a pair of 2 TB HDDs.  I 
did some things rather differently

1) I split the SSD into two partitions.  The first one is 60GB and has 
root on it.  The second is the rest and is an lvm volume group
2) My two HDD are both split into three partitions.  20GB at the front, 
then 12GB swap and the remainder for each half of a RAID1 setup with lvm 
sitting on top

My rationale for 1 is

60GB is more than enough for a debian root - that allows me to allocate 
small elements of the ssd to parts of my home directory where I need 
speed. In my case one logical volume holds the file that is a virtualbox 
system disk for a Windows 7 virtual machine and another holds a software 
development project where there is also a sqlite database that I am 

My rationale for 2 is

- the 20GB partitions at the front of each of the two drives can each 
hold a backup configuration.  I normally run sid, but I have wheezy 
installed on one of the two 20GB partitions to give me a fallback boot 
if sid gets screwed after an update.  The other allows me to try other 
distributions - currently installed linux mint.

- I have some swap space to use

- My home directory does not need anything like the rest of the 2TB - so 
I just allocate enough from the lvm that I need for now (but with the 
confidence I can extend it if I run out of space).  The rest I use for 
backups of the SSD and as backup space for other systems at home.

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Gnome Shell takes about a minute to respond to logout or power off

2013-06-13 Thread Alan Chandler
I have a fairly standard Debian Sid system with Gnome3 with the shell 
extensions installed.

If I log off (from the menu below my name on the top right) the system 
immediately puts up the dialog box saying it will log off in 60 seconds 
but inviting me to either cancel or log out immediately. If I say log 
out immediately, the screen greys out and the activities hot spot become 
inactive, but nothing further happens for about 60 seconds, when it 
suddenly logs out.

Similarly - with power off, it again pops up a dialog box and again when 
I say power off now, nothing happens for a minute.  This time, you can 
see it going though the power off sequence with the final line on the 
console saying I will now halt, but in actual fact the PC reboots.  The 
only way I can power down, is to press the power down switch on the 
computer just before the bios completes the pre-boot sequence.

This same hardware has worked before for power down (it works in Wheezy 
- and powers down immediately), but I am not sure with regard to log out 
(since I am the only user of this machine I rarely have a requirement to 
log out) so something has changed.

Is anyone else experiencing these problems?  Any idea how they may be fixed?

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Apparent Changes to Apache

2013-06-02 Thread Alan Chandler
I have had to re-install my system after some problems wiped out the 
boot sector.  I decided to move from stable to unstable in the process 
(for me stable wasn't very = I was getting regular problems with the 
screen locking up (could have been X, or gnome3 not sure which).

Trying to get all my development web sites back up again is causing 

1) a2ensite now seems to require the sites-available files have a .conf 
2) I don't seem to have any enabled named virtual hosts - the default is 
always served
3) I have installed apache2-mpm-itk (as I did previously) and used the 
AssignUserID directive to set the UserID to my personal account.  This 
directive is now being rejected, and this package now seems to be a 
transitional package

I can't find anything in the changelog about these changes - does anyone 
know if they are real or just that I have something configured wrongly

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Re: lightweight dns server

2013-02-27 Thread Alan Chandler

On 27/02/13 13:46, Umarzuki Mochlis wrote:


please suggest a lightweight dns server that is available on debian main repo

my main usage is to be used as split domain, mainly to able to resolve
mx record for mailserver test lab


dnsmasq is ideal for this.  It also includes a dhcp server if you need 
that too.

Alan Chandler

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node.js npm and buster

2012-12-12 Thread Alan Chandler
I am trying to setup buster.js to run under node.js in Debian Sid.  The 
buster.js video shows a guy on a mac do it in a few seconds.

What I so far have discovered with Debian is

1) Node.js is not run as node (which the buster.js package assumes). 
Instead it runs as nodejs

2) npm install -g installs the package in /usr/local/lib/node_modules 
rather than in /usr/lib/node_modules. There is a comment in the 
README.Debian of npm which cryptically mentions using npm link in the 
package directory, but I tried that and managed to apparently delete the 
package from /usr/local/lib/node_modules

Can someone give me some definitive instructions of getting buster.js to 
run in Debian

Alan Chandler

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Re: node.js npm and buster

2012-12-12 Thread Alan Chandler

On 13/12/12 02:34, Bob Proulx wrote:

Alan Chandler wrote:

I am trying to setup buster.js to run under node.js in Debian Sid.

The name conflict of the much too generic node became one of those
irreconcilable differences.  After a very long discussion it was
referred to the technical committee and here is their resolution.

1) Node.js is not run as node (which the buster.js package
assumes). Instead it runs as nodejs

Unfortunately, yes.

Seems like I can install nodejs-legacy to fix this - thanks for the link 
it has effectively solved this problem.

2) npm install -g installs the package in
/usr/local/lib/node_modules rather than in /usr/lib/node_modules.
There is a comment in the README.Debian of npm which cryptically
mentions using npm link in the package directory, but I tried that
and managed to apparently delete the package from

Sorry but I have no information on this point.

now that /usr/bin/node has been installed from nodejs-legacy (as a 
symlink to /usr/bin/nodejs) this part seems to work just fine

Alan Chandler

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Connecting to MS Sql Server from php/apache

2012-12-02 Thread Alan Chandler
I have a two virtual machines on my debian unstable desktop machine.  
One runs windows 7 and has an instance of Microsoft SQL Server Express 
running on it.  The other runs Windows XP and has a version of Apache 
and Php together with the Microsoft PHP Drivers.  All three machines 
(the host and the two virtual machines) are networked via a virtual 
bridge, so they all sit in the same subnet and can therefore 

In the WindowsXP machine I have set up a test of PHP talking to the SQL 
Server database and this works perfectly. ( I mention this because it 
proves that the database is indeed running and responding to remote 

I am now trying to replicate that test on my desktop machine using 
FreeTDS.  However I am struggling to make it work.  I have two 
problems.  Firstly I am finding it quite difficult to know precisely 
which Debian packages I need to install to make it all work, and 
secondly with the complicated chain of things I don't really know how 
the error message is telling me what is wrong.

So let me describe the setup in a bit more detail.

1) My local home DNS system identifies the SQL Server machine as 
roo.home.  The instance of SQL Server is called SQLEXPRESS (so from 
windows I would access this server as ROO\SQLEXPRESS

2) On my host machine (called kanga.home) I have 
/etc/freetds/freetds.conf set up (ignoring comment lines) as follows

text size = 64512

host = roo.home
instance = SQLEXPRESS
tds version = 7.2

3) I have an apache virtual host setup to recognise ac.home as a web 
address with the web root set to a place where I have set up index.php 
as follows

$dsn = 'dblib:server=roodb';
$user = 'accu_app';
$password = '';
try {
$db = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password);
catch(PDOException $e) {
die(Failed with message:  . $e-getMessage());
echo It worked

When I call this configuration from a web browser I get the following 

Failed with message: SQLSTATE[HY000] Unable to connect: Adaptive Server 
is unavailable or does not exist (severity 9)

I have no idea whats wrong, and I find it quite difficult to find some 
decent instructions of how to set up a dblib connection.

Can anyone help me investigate and solve this problem

Alan Chandler

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Re: Connecting to MS Sql Server from php/apache

2012-12-02 Thread Alan Chandler

On 02/12/12 08:06, Alan Chandler wrote:

Failed with message: SQLSTATE[HY000] Unable to connect: Adaptive 
Server is unavailable or does not exist (severity 9)

I managed to fix this myself.  There were two problems

1) Password was one character wrong.
2) The connection string should be

That is the host= piece should refer to the name in the 
/etc/freetds/freetds.conf configuration

Alan Chandler

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Failing to install virt-manager on Sid

2012-11-30 Thread Alan Chandler
I am trying to install virt-manager on sid, but I am getting a 
dependancy blockage which I don't understand

virt-manager ultimately depends on libvirt0 - which seems to have 
version (0.9.12-5) in the sid repository

libvirt0 depends on libnetcf1 - however libnetcf1 says it needs at least 

I can see that experimental has that version, but its does not seem to 
be able to get into sid.  I am not sure why

Is there a freeze or something on.

Alan Chandler

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Re: Failing to install virt-manager on Sid

2012-11-30 Thread Alan Chandler

On 30/11/12 23:37, wrote:

Le 30.11.2012 18:43, Alan Chandler a écrit :

I am trying to install virt-manager on sid, but I am getting a
dependancy blockage which I don't understand

virt-manager ultimately depends on libvirt0 - which seems to have
version (0.9.12-5) in the sid repository

libvirt0 depends on libnetcf1 - however libnetcf1 says it needs at
least 0.10.1-2

I can see that experimental has that version, but its does not seem
to be able to get into sid.  I am not sure why

Is there a freeze or something on.

Hum. Let me say, first, that my words will *NOT* be very accurate, 
because for some reasons I am not in my usual mind. It includes acid 
words, but, please, do not take care of that.

This said, I will try to explain what I think is your problem.

Sid is the broken version of Debian, you should know that. The easiest 
solution for you is to use apt-pinning, which means things can be 
broken quite often.

I know that, but I've been stuck on it for about 10 years now and can 
never seem to find my way off.  Mostly it does what I want for my 
desktop machine although occassionally we get these little hickups where 
things break.  Normally they are short lived, but this one seems 
different. I am much more comfortable with what I have now and have been 
thinking of jumping into testing and then letting it slide towards the 
next stable release.

What stops me is the fact that stuff never completely works and I end up 
deciding it will get fixed more quickly in sid.

I like to run stable debian on my servers (although I have been conned 
by needing a an up to date mythtv backend into using ubuntu-server.  I 
am appalled by how often it needs a reboot, but I am not sure how I can 
find my way back without some major disruption)

Now, should I describe apt-pinning?

I understand apt-pinning - I did it before in a situation like this, so 
I will probably set that up next

Alan Chandler

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Re: Exim4 behaviour when long term failure of outgoing address

2012-10-12 Thread Alan Chandler

On 10/10/12 17:00, Alan Chandler wrote:

On 10/10/12 09:49, Chris Davies wrote:
4. Failure (bounce) message to root@avalon is being lost - and this 
is the issue at stake 

Absolutely correct.

I think I have discovered - at least part of the problem - maybe the 
whole thing.

The address for the IP address of my virtual server 
resolved to a domain I dropped somewhile ago.  
It should be updating itself to as we 

Also - I think I confused both Lee and yourself with the use of

as a relay domain

I don't actually pass through this virtual server normally - I 
normally use my ISPs normal mail server.  This was just so it was 
already pre-configured IF I SHOULD NEED IT.

Thanks for everyone's help on this issue.  I decided, on my virtual 
machine, to set up Postfix to become the MX for the domains I was 
supporting and to use the virtual alias capability to forward mail on to 
real mail addresses.  It is working great - so I don't need to worry 
over this issue anymore.

Alan Chandler

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Re: Exim4 behaviour when long term failure of outgoing address

2012-10-10 Thread Alan Chandler

On 07/10/12 22:31, Chris Davies wrote:

Alan  wrote:

I am using Debian Squeeze on a virtual machine that I lease.  It has
exim4 (light) version as its mail server.  - its name is
However, it looks to me like its trying to send a failure e-mail to me
locally somehow.
2012-10-05 07:42:09 1TK1bf-Mx-0C= U=root P=local S=389
2012-10-05 07:42:09 1TK1bf-Mx-0C ** R=dnslookup
T=remote_smtp: retry time not reached for any host after a long failure
2012-10-05 07:42:09 1TK1bt-N0-DT remote host address is the local

It's difficult to tell without knowing the precise setup on the
machine, but this looks like you've aliased root to the offsite address, but then you've got an entry somewhere that tells
avalon that it *is*

This could be an entry in /etc/hosts, an MX or A record in DNS, or some
fancy aliasing somewhere associated with exim itself.

Avalon accordingly tries to deliver to info, locally, and finds that
this does not exist. Because it's already trying to deliver a bounce
message it simply discards the bouncing bounce and aborts.

Unfortunately, without knowing what really is, I can't
run any non-local diagnostics for you. Unless really is
yours, in which case you've got a configuration problem there because
it's not accepting mail.


I'll try and be more specific

The domain in question is and I am having 
particular difficulty with the domain name hosting company to get e-mail 
forwarding working with them.

The virtual machine is a standard squeeze setup with my 


( is my home ip address where my main mail server sits - 
because this is effectively a dynamic ip address I have to route all 
outgoing mail through a remote smtp server.  Normally I use my ISPs mail 
server, but occassionally it becomes slow, or is blacklisted - and this 
allows me to rapidly switch to this machine to route outgoing mail through)

/etc/aliases has


in it

the virtual machines ip address is

and both and have this 
domain referencing BUT their MX records both point else 
where.  In fact hartley-consultants MX record points to, 
whereas mx records point somewhere completely 
different (at first trial at what seems a non existant mail server that 
was refusing connections) I am trying to fix that now.

Alan Chandler

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Re: Exim4 behaviour when long term failure of outgoing address

2012-10-10 Thread Alan Chandler

On 10/10/12 09:49, Chris Davies wrote:
4. Failure (bounce) message to root@avalon is being lost - and this is 
the issue at stake 

Absolutely correct.

I think I have discovered - at least part of the problem - maybe the 
whole thing.

The address for the IP address of my virtual server resolved 
to a domain I dropped somewhile ago.  It should 
be updating itself to as we speak.

Also - I think I confused both Lee and yourself with the use of

as a relay domain

I don't actually pass through this virtual server normally - I normally use my 
ISPs normal mail server.  This was just so it was already pre-configured IF I 

Alan Chandler

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Exim4 behaviour when long term failure of outgoing address

2012-10-05 Thread Alan Chandler
I am using Debian Squeeze on a virtual machine that I lease.  It has 
exim4 (light) version as its mail server.  - its name is

I have been trying to send mail to a mail address where the server is 
refusing connections (incorrectly - but that is another story).  
Eventually Exim has detected that this address is bad news and seems to 
have made an entry into its database to prevent this address working again.

However, it looks to me like its trying to send a failure e-mail to me 
locally somehow.  The following is sitting in mainlog after the 
following command done from root

exim -v -odf

2012-10-05 07:42:09 1TK1bf-Mx-0C = U=root P=local S=389
2012-10-05 07:42:09 1TK1bf-Mx-0C ** R=dnslookup 
T=remote_smtp: retry time not reached for any host after a long failure 
2012-10-05 07:42:09 1TK1bt-N0-DT =  R=1TK1bf-Mx-0C 
U=Debian-exim P=local S=1340
2012-10-05 07:42:09 1TK1bt-N0-DT remote host address is the local 
2012-10-05 07:42:09 1TK1bt-N0-DT == R=dnslookup defer (-1): remote host 
address is the local host
2012-10-05 07:42:09 1TK1bt-N0-DT ** retry timeout exceeded
2012-10-05 07:42:09 1TK1bt-N0-DT error ignored

2012-10-05 07:42:10 1TK1bt-N0-DT Completed
2012-10-05 07:42:10 1TK1bf-Mx-0C Completed

Because there are no particular e-mail accounts on this machine, I have 
an /etc/aliases file which aliases all the standard addresses 
(postmaster etc) to root and then aliases root to one of my normal 
e-mail addresses.  But my reading of that log is that its somehow failed 
to send to root.  I do not got any indication (and I would like to - 
since the mail is being sent from a web site, and if its not working I 
would like to know)

I sent the mail config up via dpgk-reconfigure exim4-config - so it 
ought to be a standard direct to internet connection, relaying only and my home ip addresses,

Anyone any idea what is happening - and how I can change the 
configuration of exim to tell me when mail, like the above, is being 

Alan Chandler

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Re: CD image doesn't exist for download?

2012-07-12 Thread Alan Chandler

On 11/07/12 22:43, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Mi, 11 iul 12, 17:11:51, Gary Dale wrote:

The architecture downloaded should match your machine. If you have a
64bit computer, don't cripple it with a 32bit kernel.

I'll raise you guys some multiarch images:
(this image is accessible directly from the Debian home page)

Kind regards,
I was just bitten by the netinst limitations.  I had been regularly 
keeping copies and then when my hardware failed and I had to install the 
system on some slightly non standard hardware I found that the network 
card wasn't supported.

Eventually I got hold of the CD1 .iso and had no problem.

So for simplicity I would always recommend the CD1.iso.

Alan Chandler

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Re: getting gnome 3

2012-07-08 Thread Alan Chandler

On 08/07/12 04:13, cletusjenkins wrote:

I know I go against most people when I say that now I've gotten used to
Gnome3 I really like it and would not want to go back.  It may be that I
run a two screen set-up, but for me the really nice features are
Alan Chandler

I'm not the best person to argue against gnome because I still use it on my 
main laptop (2.3 on stable). I have LXDE on most of my home systems because 
they are a bit on the old and slow side (much like myself). But I haven't tried 
gnome3 much. I tried it in a vm to play with for a while, but my main 
experience of it was when I upgraded my laptop from debian 5 to 6 (I stuck with 
5 for a looong time). My laptop originally came pre-installed with Ubuntu so I 
tried the latest version of it for a couple of days, and ran screaming for the 
hills after that experience.

Lets take this back to the list rather than have a private conversation!

You don't say why you wanted to run screaming to the hills.  Sure the 
interface is different to what people have become used to in the past 
and it took me a few weeks to get over the hill of expecting the old way 
of it working.  But now I have this new way I find it better for the 
reasons I stated.

What I am not really hearing from people how say they don't like is why 
their way of working is slowing them down in Gnome3. There is lots of I 
don't like it but not much of this is why I don't like it (other than 
the argument that its just different).

Alan Chandler

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Re: getting gnome 3

2012-07-07 Thread Alan Chandler

On 07/07/12 07:20, cletusjenkins wrote:

You'll have to use Gnome3. You can use it in Gnome Classic mode
(fallback) for now, but it has been strongly hinted that that option
won't be available for much longer.
I've switched to XFCE, as Gnome3 was too much of a PITA to try and use
on my laptop (I used pinning to keep Gnome2 as long as possible, but was
missing out on important updates). XFCE is sufficiently Gnome2 like
for me, once I'd tweaked a few things.

Yes, it seems both Gnome and KDE want to become eye-candy, touchscreen shells to launch 
apps instead of a fully functional desktop for a graphical workstation. I 
lost faith in gnome when they rolled out gdm3. They removed a shit-ton of nice features 
and customizability to make a dumbed-down, microsoft-esque blandness for what seems to me 
no good reason.

I know I go against most people when I say that now I've gotten used to 
Gnome3 I really like it and would not want to go back.  It may be that I 
run a two screen set-up, but for me the really nice features are

a) The management of the workspaces - particularly the ability for me to 
keep my secondary screen constant whilst I switch around workspaces on 
my primary screen.  During the day I normally fire up my mail program 
(thunderbird as it happens) and leave it there and immediately have 
access to it, I then sometime am working with a windows virtual machine 
on one workspace, perhaps other things in another.  If ever life gets 
too complicated with too many open windows on one, I just drag them down 
to a new workspace and carry on.

During the evening, I can watch TV (via Mythtv front end on one screen) 
and still continue working with multiple workspaces.  Even when I want 
to switch windows, the TV continues in the slightly shrunken windows 
that gnome displays whilst I do

b) I've gotten used to flicking my mouse to the top left to have all the 
windows open to switch to another window.  If its a full screen app, 
where the hotspot doesn't work the logo key on my keyboard has the same 
effect.  In fact I am now so used to it, that I find it frustrating when 
I am sitting inside my windows virtual machine and can't do the same 
thing there.

c) the ability to drag to either side (of either screen) to get a window 
to size at exactly half size of the screen you've done that on.

I find that except very occassionally, the 12 programs that I have in my 
dock cover everything I use on a day to day basis. So all my normal 
applications are there.  Even when my work shifts focus for a few weeks 
its pretty easy to switch which programs are .

I must admit, I used to be really frustrated with the fact that there 
was only a suspend and not a power off - but now the shell extensions 
are available to add that facility back I don't have any issues at all. 
I don't miss the taskbar or the minimize button, and so far I haven't 
missed the menu either.

Alan Chandler

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Re: how does update-grub choose the root filesystem

2012-07-06 Thread Alan Chandler

On 05/07/12 23:10, Tom H wrote:

On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 7:22 PM, Alan Chandler  wrote:

I am trying to figure out how to move my current rootfs to raid1 (its just a
partition at the moment).

The plan is to make a a raid device, copy the current root fs in to it - but
I then need to tell grub to set up this up as the root for the boot.

grub-install /dev/sdX

Reading the man page for this doesn't say how it finds out where the 
root filesystem is.  Thats the bit that is confusing me.

I currently have a root filesystem on /dev/sdb1.  I am not sure which 
disk contains the mbr - but it boots and then loads the root from there.

I have created a partially degraded mdadm raid array /dev/md0 comprising 
/dev/sda1 and an empty slot.  My desire is to install grub on both 
/dev/sda and /dev/sdb to boot up from /dev/md0.  When that is working I 
will retire /dev/sdb1 and add it as the second component of /dev/md0.

The magic appears to be in grub-mkconfig (wrapped with update-grub).   
But I am also confused as to whether I need to do anything about an 

I want to achieve the mimimum of downtime on the machine I am trying to 
make this work on, and am worried that if I go too far without properly 
understanding what would happen I may end up with an unbootable system.

Alan Chandler

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Re: how does update-grub choose the root filesystem

2012-07-06 Thread Alan Chandler

On 06/07/12 07:24, Alan Chandler wrote:

On 05/07/12 23:10, Tom H wrote:

On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 7:22 PM, Alan Chandler  wrote:
I am trying to figure out how to move my current rootfs to raid1 
(its just a

partition at the moment).

The plan is to make a a raid device, copy the current root fs in to 
it - but

I then need to tell grub to set up this up as the root for the boot.

grub-install /dev/sdX

Reading the man page for this doesn't say how it finds out where the 
root filesystem is.  Thats the bit that is confusing me.

I currently have a root filesystem on /dev/sdb1.  I am not sure which 
disk contains the mbr - but it boots and then loads the root from there.

I have created a partially degraded mdadm raid array /dev/md0 
comprising /dev/sda1 and an empty slot.  My desire is to install grub 
on both /dev/sda and /dev/sdb to boot up from /dev/md0.  When that is 
working I will retire /dev/sdb1 and add it as the second component of 

The magic appears to be in grub-mkconfig (wrapped with update-grub).   
But I am also confused as to whether I need to do anything about an 

I want to achieve the mimimum of downtime on the machine I am trying 
to make this work on, and am worried that if I go too far without 
properly understanding what would happen I may end up with an 
unbootable system.

I think the answer might be here.
I have some other things to do right now, but I will try this out later.

It looks as though update-grub and/or grub-install use the current 
root.  So by chrooting into where you want to be you get them all set up.

Alan Chandler

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Re: how does update-grub choose the root filesystem

2012-07-06 Thread Alan Chandler

On 06/07/12 08:15, Alan Chandler wrote:

On 06/07/12 07:24, Alan Chandler wrote:

On 05/07/12 23:10, Tom H wrote:

On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 7:22 PM, Alan Chandler  wrote:
I am trying to figure out how to move my current rootfs to raid1 
(its just a

partition at the moment).

The plan is to make a a raid device, copy the current root fs in to 
it - but

I then need to tell grub to set up this up as the root for the boot.

grub-install /dev/sdX

Reading the man page for this doesn't say how it finds out where the 
root filesystem is.  Thats the bit that is confusing me.

I currently have a root filesystem on /dev/sdb1.  I am not sure which 
disk contains the mbr - but it boots and then loads the root from there.

I have created a partially degraded mdadm raid array /dev/md0 
comprising /dev/sda1 and an empty slot.  My desire is to install grub 
on both /dev/sda and /dev/sdb to boot up from /dev/md0.  When that is 
working I will retire /dev/sdb1 and add it as the second component of 

The magic appears to be in grub-mkconfig (wrapped with 
update-grub).   But I am also confused as to whether I need to do 
anything about an initramfs.

I want to achieve the mimimum of downtime on the machine I am trying 
to make this work on, and am worried that if I go too far without 
properly understanding what would happen I may end up with an 
unbootable system.

I think the answer might be here. 

I have some other things to do right now, but I will try this out later.

It looks as though update-grub and/or grub-install use the current 
root.  So by chrooting into where you want to be you get them all set up.

Something went wrong - I am not sure what, but I ended up needing a 
rescue disk to reset root back to its old location.  I wonder if its to 
do with trying to use a raid device as the root partition.

Do you need to create a special initrd for that?

Alan Chandler

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Re: how does update-grub choose the root filesystem

2012-07-06 Thread Alan Chandler

On 06/07/12 18:56, Gary Dale wrote:

On 06/07/12 01:43 PM, Tom H wrote:
On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 2:24 AM, Alan


On 05/07/12 23:10, Tom H wrote:

On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 7:22 PM, Alan Chandler  wrote:

I am trying to figure out how to move my current rootfs to raid1 (its
just a partition at the moment).

The plan is to make a a raid device, copy the current root fs in 
to it -
but I then need to tell grub to set up this up as the root for the 

grub-install /dev/sdX
Reading the man page for this doesn't say how it finds out where the 

filesystem is. Thats the bit that is confusing me.

I currently have a root filesystem on /dev/sdb1. I am not sure which 

contains the mbr - but it boots and then loads the root from there.

I have created a partially degraded mdadm raid array /dev/md0 
/dev/sda1 and an empty slot. My desire is to install grub on both 
and /dev/sdb to boot up from /dev/md0. When that is working I will 

/dev/sdb1 and add it as the second component of /dev/md0.

The magic appears to be in grub-mkconfig (wrapped with update-grub). 
But I
am also confused as to whether I need to do anything about an 

grub-install /dev/sdX uses grub-probe to find / and /boot.

grub-install /dev/sdX installs grub in the MBR of sdX and
grub-install -f /dev/sdXY installs grub in the PBR of of sdXY. The
latter's not recommended in general and isn't necessarily possible
when using mdraid.

You have to install grub in the MBR of both drives in order to be able
to boot from a degraded array.

 From a system of mine:

  =  Grub2 (v1.99) is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks at 
sector 34
 of the same hard drive for core.img. core.img is at this 
location and
 looks for (mduuid/801256bc800752eab5118583d15c4689)/boot/grub on 

  =  Grub2 (v1.99) is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb and looks at 
sector 34
 of the same hard drive for core.img. core.img is at this 
location and
 looks for (mduuid/801256bc800752eab5118583d15c4689)/boot/grub on 


update-grub calls grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg and creates
the grub menu configuration. It doesn't install grub on a disk.

You shouldn't have to worry about the initramfs. It's built with md
scripts and hooks in /usr/share/initramfs-tools. You can check that
it's been done with lsinitramfs /boot/INITRAMFS  | grep md | grep -v

Grub-install is generally pretty good at installing on both drives in 
a RAID1 array or all drives in other RAID arrays. Update-grub also 
manages to find OS partitions in just about everything - including 
non-Linux partitions.

When in doubt, if you've changed things, just run update-grub and 
update-initramfs -u. They only take a few seconds to run.

I think you are simplifying things.  update-grub needs to locate a  root 
filesystem and seems to do that based on what it is running on at the 
moment.  I you are changing that then you have to do all this is the 
context of that new root.  This means setting up the environment as 
described in the link I left elsewhere in this thread

Alan Chandler

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how does update-grub choose the root filesystem

2012-07-04 Thread Alan Chandler
I am trying to figure out how to move my current rootfs to raid1 (its 
just a partition at the moment).

The plan is to make a a raid device, copy the current root fs in to it - 
but I then need to tell grub to set up this up as the root for the boot.

How do I do this?

Alan Chandler

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Kdevelop-php and debugging

2012-06-23 Thread Alan Chandler

Anyone out there using kdevelop with php and xdebug.

I have installed the debian kdevelop and kdevelop-php packages (from 
sid) , but the only documentation I can find about how to set up the 
debugger doesn't seem to match the version of kdevelop.

Kdevelop seems to have something called launch configurations, but I 
don't really understand the dialog box and what to add for debugging 
with xdebug.  The only place on the net I found that describes this must 
be for an earlier version of kdevelop, because it doesn't seem to match.

Lots of other posts refer to this.

But for a starters - its suggesting I need various kdevelop plugings, 
but the links he gives don't work, and if you try and look in the same 
place for later releases of kdevelop, the specific plugins are not there.

Alan Chandler

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Using the find command

2012-06-19 Thread Alan Chandler
I am trying to debug why my system fails during bootup with udev 
failing.  I think its related to debian bug #677097 cleans the run directory. This program sources 

Inside there is a function clean_all

At one point it does

clean /run ! -xtype d ! -name utmp ! -name || ES=1
clean /run/lock ! -type d || ES=1
clean /run/shm ! -type d || ES=1

which looks as though (with the ! - xtype d...) that its trying not to 
recurse down the subdirectories of /run (otherwise why follow the clean 
/run with clean /run/lock)

the clean routine ends up passing its parameter to find

what in effect is happening is its cd to /run
then calls find

find . ! -xtype d ! -name utmp ! -name -delete

I tried running
find . ! -xtype d ! -name utmp ! -name

which is the same command without the -delete action - so I am assuming 
it prints the names instead

What happens it that

a) it lists all the files in all subdirectories
b) it finishes up with a line which says find: `! -xtype d ! -name utmp 
! -name': No such file or directory

I guess this is what is ultimately wrong - since it deletes the 
/run/udev directory which udev is using.

However I can't find any real documentation on find which explains why 
it outputs that error message.  Can any gurus out there explain

Alan Chandler

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Re: Using the find command

2012-06-19 Thread Alan Chandler

On 19/06/12 19:42, Shane Johnson wrote:

from what I can see, it's just supposed to delete files and not touch
directories, any files name utmp or  the ! prefixing the
tests negates the test to pull the opposite.  By using xtype it's just
handling links differently.  This command shouldn't be deleting your
udev directory. (the ! -xtype d is the part that singles the
directories out).

I think it needs a -maxdepth 1.  What I think is happening is that yes, 
its leaving out the directory, but it is still recursing into them and 
listing the files within

So the directory remains, but the files in it do not.

The quotes were a red herring - its needed to make all options  pass as 
a single parameter to the routine clean,

I am just experimenting with that now.

Alan Chandler

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Re: Rotation of Xorg log files

2012-06-17 Thread Alan Chandler

On 17/06/12 06:36, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 06:23 +0100, Alan Chandler wrote:

Can anyone tell me what is supposed to be rotating (and cleaning Xorg
log files).  I've just noticed /var/log contains about 540 versions of
the log

Wow, fortunately my X logs for Debian are limited to

spinymouse@precise:~$ ls /media/avlinux/var/log/X*
/media/avlinux/var/log/Xorg.0.log  /media/avlinux/var/log/Xorg.0.log.old

But on Ubuntu I get
spinymouse@precise:~$ ls .goutputstream-*

each time I log out there's a new useless file called .goutputstream-*.

If you aren't able to find the reason why, add a script to delete this
crap, or manually delete it, as I do.

Is there any information in those log files, that really refers to a

If you shouldn't know, please post one of your X log files.

- Ralf

All the recent ones terminate like this

[ 32068.411] (II) intel: Driver for Intel Integrated Graphics Chipsets: 

i810-dc100, i810e, i815, i830M, 845G, 854, 852GM/855GM, 865G, 915G,
E7221 (i915), 915GM, 945G, 945GM, 945GME, Pineview GM, Pineview G,
965G, G35, 965Q, 946GZ, 965GM, 965GME/GLE, G33, Q35, Q33, GM45,
4 Series, G45/G43, Q45/Q43, G41, B43, B43, Clarkdale, Arrandale,
Sandybridge Desktop (GT1), Sandybridge Desktop (GT2),
Sandybridge Desktop (GT2+), Sandybridge Mobile (GT1),
Sandybridge Mobile (GT2), Sandybridge Mobile (GT2+),
Sandybridge Server, Ivybridge Mobile (GT1), Ivybridge Mobile (GT2),
Ivybridge Desktop (GT1), Ivybridge Desktop (GT2), Ivybridge Server
[ 32068.412]
Fatal server error:
[ 32068.412] xf86OpenConsole: Cannot find a free VT
[ 32068.412]
[ 32068.412]
Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support
 for help.
[ 32068.412] Please also check the log file at /var/log/Xorg.543.log 
for additional information.

[ 32068.412]

But it all seems to be fine otherwise

Now I've looked more closely the numbering isn't contiguous.  
Xorg.398.log exists, then the next one is - but then they 
continue as a series all the way up to Xorg.544.log

Alan Chandler

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Re: Rotation of Xorg log files

2012-06-17 Thread Alan Chandler

On 17/06/12 12:53, Camaleón wrote:

On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 06:23:44 +0100, Alan Chandler wrote:

Can anyone tell me what is supposed to be rotating (and cleaning Xorg
log files).  I've just noticed /var/log contains about 540 versions of
the log

I experienced something similar in my Wheezy system... IIRC it happened
when I was testing different settings in xorg.conf and the X server
crashed. I manually removed the extra log files and until now I have
not experienced the problem again.


I should have looked at the dates.  All of them were for the 13 may!

I just deleted them

Alan Chandler

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Re: Sound disappeared after unstable upgrade

2012-06-16 Thread Alan Chandler

On 15/06/12 07:28, Alan Chandler wrote:

On 14/06/12 22:27, Alan Chandler wrote:

I upgraded my sid system with the latest set of packages.

I have now lost by sound, but I am not sure why.

When I run alsamixer as root I see a device that appears to be the 
sound chip on my motherboard, and using aplay to send a .wav file works.

If I run as me - a user, alsamixer shows a pulseaudio card as the 
only card.  Playing the wave file does nothing.

I presume I have a pulseaudio problem, but I don't know what to do 
about it.

If I look at the sound settings in the Gnome System Settings, it says 
be sound output is a dummy card.  I don't know whether that just 
implies its going via pulse-audio, or that pulse audio has not found 
a real device and is using a dummy one.

NOTE: the same upgrade seemed to screw up udevd - I get an error 
message about failing to queue file, and I have to unplug and replug 
my usb mouse and keyboard to make them work.

I got my sound back - at least temporarily.

There appeared to be two copies of the udevd daemon running.  I killed 
all copies of it and then restarted it once.  Then I restarted 
pulseaudio and now I have sound.

So my instinct that the problem with udev is the root cause seems 
correct.  However I have yet to find out what is the problem with that.

It is still not fixed for me.  I am getting the udev errors during 
startup and then get to the logon point with no mouse or keyboard.  To 
get them, I have to unplug and plug them in again and they come back.  I 
can then login.

Once I am at my desktop I can run a root terminal window, kill of udevd 
and restart it and then I get my sound back.

The thing I can't see how to track down is what is causing the spate of 
errors at the beginning.  It is almost like there is an ordering problem 
with all the things running in parallel, and that when udevd first runs, 
the /dev directory is not in place (I think the failing to queue files 
is an indication that udevd can't write to the /dev directory - but I am 
not sure in the boot process why).

Alan Chandler

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Rotation of Xorg log files

2012-06-16 Thread Alan Chandler
Can anyone tell me what is supposed to be rotating (and cleaning Xorg 
log files).  I've just noticed /var/log contains about 540 versions of 
the log

Alan Chandler

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Re: Sound disappeared after unstable upgrade

2012-06-15 Thread Alan Chandler

On 14/06/12 22:27, Alan Chandler wrote:

I upgraded my sid system with the latest set of packages.

I have now lost by sound, but I am not sure why.

When I run alsamixer as root I see a device that appears to be the 
sound chip on my motherboard, and using aplay to send a .wav file works.

If I run as me - a user, alsamixer shows a pulseaudio card as the 
only card.  Playing the wave file does nothing.

I presume I have a pulseaudio problem, but I don't know what to do 
about it.

If I look at the sound settings in the Gnome System Settings, it says 
be sound output is a dummy card.  I don't know whether that just 
implies its going via pulse-audio, or that pulse audio has not found a 
real device and is using a dummy one.

NOTE: the same upgrade seemed to screw up udevd - I get an error 
message about failing to queue file, and I have to unplug and replug 
my usb mouse and keyboard to make them work.

I got my sound back - at least temporarily.

There appeared to be two copies of the udevd daemon running.  I killed 
all copies of it and then restarted it once.  Then I restarted 
pulseaudio and now I have sound.

So my instinct that the problem with udev is the root cause seems 
correct.  However I have yet to find out what is the problem with that.

Alan Chandler

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Re: KVM virtual machines and storage.

2012-06-14 Thread Alan Chandler

On 13/06/12 21:19, Christofer C. Bell wrote:

On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Alan Chandler  wrote:


One problem, which I haven't satisfactorily solved so far, is backing up the
files on the disk in that virtual machine.  The best I can do is back up the
entire file that represents the disk.  However the vast majority of that
disk is not changing on a regular basis and at 120GB of the image in use, it
takes a lot of resource to back it up.  I would much prefer some sort of
approach that allows me to copy only the recent changes to a rolling
backup/archive store I have set up for my normal (linux) desktop .

Since the guest is running Windows 7, have you considered just using
Windows Backup (it comes with Windows) and having it backup your files
over the network either through Samba or using a VBox shared folder
to your host's hard disk?   A Samba route would also work for KVM.  I
don't know if KVM can do shared folders the way VBox does.
I am glad I asked the question.  I hadn't even been thinking in that 
direction - as I was thinking of pulling the backup rather than pushing 
it.  But of course I can do it that way.  I already have some shares set 
up using samba and I could just as easily set up one for a backup.


Alan Chandler

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Sound disappeared after unstable upgrade

2012-06-14 Thread Alan Chandler

I upgraded my sid system with the latest set of packages.

I have now lost by sound, but I am not sure why.

When I run alsamixer as root I see a device that appears to be the sound 
chip on my motherboard, and using aplay to send a .wav file works.

If I run as me - a user, alsamixer shows a pulseaudio card as the only 
card.  Playing the wave file does nothing.

I presume I have a pulseaudio problem, but I don't know what to do about it.

If I look at the sound settings in the Gnome System Settings, it says be 
sound output is a dummy card.  I don't know whether that just implies 
its going via pulse-audio, or that pulse audio has not found a real 
device and is using a dummy one.

NOTE: the same upgrade seemed to screw up udevd - I get an error message 
about failing to queue file, and I have to unplug and replug my usb 
mouse and keyboard to make them work.

Alan Chandler

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KVM virtual machines and storage.

2012-06-13 Thread Alan Chandler
I currently run a necessary Windows 7 (Home Premium) installation in a 
VirtualBox virtual machine on my Debian Unstable desktop.  Its OK, but I 
have had the occasional glitch when Debian tries to upgrade by kernel 
version and for one reason or another the VirtualBox kernel module 
hasn't kept up.

I would like to migrate to a KVM setup, where the required module is in 
the mainline kernel.  I feel that would be safer longer term.

One problem, which I haven't satisfactorily solved so far, is backing up 
the files on the disk in that virtual machine.  The best I can do is 
back up the entire file that represents the disk.  However the vast 
majority of that disk is not changing on a regular basis and at 120GB of 
the image in use, it takes a lot of resource to back it up.  I would 
much prefer some sort of approach that allows me to copy only the recent 
changes to a rolling backup/archive store I have set up for my normal 
(linux) desktop .

A possibility that occurred to me is that I could make the disk used by 
the virtual machine a raw image file on an LVM logical volume, which I 
use the snapshot capability of to take a frozen snapshot of the disk 
file at some moment in time.  Mount that snapshot on the loopback 
device, so that I get to see all the individual files and then back them 
up.  However I am not sure that would work, as, I presume, the disk 
image contains bootsectors and stuff like that.  Has anyone used this 
sort of approach, and if so how did they get round the issue of device v 

The second option maybe something to do with the fact that libvirt can 
allocate chunks of space out of a LVM volume group, but I haven't been 
able to find out any more about how it does this.  Do these chunks 
appear as logical volumes?  Can a snapshot of them be taken and mounted 
separately as a filesystem?

Any other ideas?

The other area that is currently puzzling me is the migration process.  
At the moment the disk image that windows 7 is working with contains a 
hardware environment that is created by Virtual Box.  If I move to KVM I 
presume that some of the devices will not be the same.  Does Windows 
manage with these changes, or would I be better creating an environment 
from scratch (including re-installing all my key applications)

Alan Chandler

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Re: Problem setting up a subdomain

2012-06-09 Thread Alan Chandler

On 08/06/12 15:20, Chris Davies wrote:

Keir  wrote:

I've then enabled it using a2ensite however it seems to override my
default config file and serve the subdomain content when the main site
URL is used.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Misunderstanding vHosts :-)

The _default_ entry works fine until you start adding virtual hosts. At
that point you need to stop using the _default_ entry completely and
create a vHost definition for each of the sites you want to serve.

So if you had just working within _default_,
but now have added, you now need three
definitions: _default_ (which doesn't really get used any more),, and

That is NOT correct.

I have a number of separate files in sites-available with different 
domains/subdomains  I still use _default_ though as the main web site, 
because it acts as a catchall for any other domains that happen to be 
pointed at the same IP address.

Alan Chandler

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Re: Sound in my headphones - clicking of keys on keyboard....

2012-04-25 Thread Alan Chandler

On 25/04/12 11:58, Charlie wrote:

So that it produces constant feedback [background buzzing] and the
sound of clicking on my keyboard when typing.

I have no idea what I turned on, but can't turn it off.

I was trying to get my microphone working. Can someone please help.
It sounds like you succeeded.  It reading the microphone and putting it 
out through your headphones.

Sorry can't help you turn it off - but presumably doing something your 
were doing to turn it on.

Alan Chandler

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Re: How do you debug with php

2012-04-17 Thread Alan Chandler

On 17/04/12 01:16, Chris Hiestand wrote:

I have never used a debugger for PHP; I think your struggles are part of the 
reason why.

Neither have I until now.

But I don't understand why this isn't a typical many eyes make the 
problems trivial, and that there isn't a great raft of solutions out 
there that just work.

I am particular puzzled with Eclipse.  The PDT project has been going 
for a long while now and yet there is question after question on the 
forum as to why xdebug fails to catch their breakpoints.  I have it set 
to break on the first line of the file I am debugging, yet it still 
doesn't seem to work.  This leaves me to believe that I am doing 
something wrong, but I just don't know what.

Alan Chandler

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Re: How do you debug with php

2012-04-17 Thread Alan Chandler

On 17/04/12 07:01, Alan Chandler wrote:

On 17/04/12 01:16, Chris Hiestand wrote:
I have never used a debugger for PHP; I think your struggles are part 
of the reason why.

Neither have I until now.

But I don't understand why this isn't a typical many eyes make the 
problems trivial, and that there isn't a great raft of solutions out 
there that just work.

I am particular puzzled with Eclipse.  The PDT project has been going 
for a long while now and yet there is question after question on the 
forum as to why xdebug fails to catch their breakpoints.  I have it 
set to break on the first line of the file I am debugging, yet it 
still doesn't seem to work.  This leaves me to believe that I am doing 
something wrong, but I just don't know what.

Funny how things happen

JUST after I sent this email I tried a new approach.

I blew away the entire Eclipse configuration, and reloaded the base 
Eclipse, and then started it up.  Instead of defining a workspace within 
my current development environment I defined a separate workspace.  I 
then updated Eclipse within itself with the PDT SDK.

I created a new project and told it to link to the existing files which 
it just did.

I then setup my debugging environment and it immediately broke on the 
first line of the file when I ran it.  I then, by accident, found it 
crashed if I had the variables tab open, and from then on its working 
perfectly EXCEPT if I select the Variables tab (the one that shows the 
values of all the variables) it crashes.

Alan Chandler

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Mythtv problem with versions

2012-04-17 Thread Alan Chandler
I have a server running Squeeze.  It has mythtv-backend to record all my 
TV programs.

On my desktop I run Sid.  After an update over the weekend, my Mythtv 
Frontend will no longer connect to my backend, complaining that

This version of MythTV requires an updated database. (schema is 35 
versions behind)

Please run mythtv-setup or mythbackend to update your database.

I suspect that I need to somehow update the backend.  But with that 
being Squeeze, that could be rather difficult.

Anyone got any suggestions of how to deal wth this.

[Mythweb will stream the TV. and that almost works, but I do tend to 
want to save programs mid way through or want to rapidly skip forward 
and backward.  The media play that is launched by the browser doesn't 
seem to all any of this.]

Alan Chandler

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Re: Mythtv problem with versions

2012-04-17 Thread Alan Chandler

On 17/04/12 19:24, Alan Chandler wrote:
I have a server running Squeeze.  It has mythtv-backend to record all 
my TV programs.

On my desktop I run Sid.  After an update over the weekend, my Mythtv 
Frontend will no longer connect to my backend, complaining that

This version of MythTV requires an updated database. (schema is 35 
versions behind)

Please run mythtv-setup or mythbackend to update your database.

I suspect that I need to somehow update the backend.  But with that 
being Squeeze, that could be rather difficult.

Anyone got any suggestions of how to deal wth this.

[Mythweb will stream the TV. and that almost works, but I do tend to 
want to save programs mid way through or want to rapidly skip forward 
and backward.  The media play that is launched by the browser doesn't 
seem to all any of this.]

I installed XBMC and it seems to be doing just fine reading the backend 

Alan Chandler

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How do you debug with php

2012-04-16 Thread Alan Chandler
I have just had a frustrating few days trying, and failing to set up a 
debugging session with a php based web app.

My setup is a yii based application, but with the framework sitting in a 
separate directory since (supposidely) the only file you actually have 
to expose to the web space is the index.php as the base url.

So my document root is at ~/dev/football/app and the framework is at 

I would like to put a breakpoint on the index.php in document root and 
single step tracking its progress through the entire sequence.

I have tried with multiple versions of eclipse with the PDT tools and 
xdebug.  But whatever I do I end never hitting any breakpoints 
(including the fact that it says break before the first line).

I have tried with kdevelop and the kdevelop-php plugin.  I got it 
running once, but now It crashes before it even loads.

I have tried with phpstorm, but it seems to need the entire php code 
within the web space, and doesn't allow for document root somewhere 
inside the directory hierarchy (at least i can't find a way to set it up).

debian doesn't seem to support the potential addings to vim and emacs.

What do others use?

Alan Chandler

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Re: Happauge Nove-T 500 no channel data

2012-04-12 Thread Alan Chandler

On 12/04/12 10:41, Paul Lewis wrote:

Pine:/home/archie# scan /usr/share/dvb/dvb-t/uk-BlackHill

Any suggestions as to what's wrong?
In the recent re-allocation of channels on 4th April, what happened to 
uk-BlackHill?  Are they maybe different?

I use MythTv, which does a complete scan without using those 
preconfigured channels.  On 4th April I lost BBC channels, but on a 
rescan I got them back.

Alan Chandler

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Re: skype?

2012-04-11 Thread Alan Chandler

On 09/04/12 12:08, Brian wrote:

On Mon 09 Apr 2012 at 10:09:59 +0200, Tony van der Hoff wrote:

On 09/04/12 08:22, Scott Ferguson wrote:

SIP will currently work with the Skype network - if being able to
communicate is your only requirement.

This is interesting. Do you mean I could install SIP, and communicate
with my wedded to skype contacts? Voice, video, text?

You don't really install SIP you use a SIP client (Ekiga or Linphone,
for example) to communicate with a gateway running the Skype client. The
gateway manipulates the Skype client using the SIP messages you send and
can be on your own machine or somebody else's machine. The first will
cost you time and effort; the second will probably cost money. The
gateway will provide voice but maybe not video.

Either way you cannot avoid running the Skype client, or its equivalent,
somewhere. If it is local you may as well use it (have you managed to
set it up yet?) to talk with your friends.

Its been a while now since I played with it, but I have a recollection 
that Freeswitch (which is a bit like Asterisk) has a skype connector.

[Its a long story, but I sent up a system so my daughters to communicate 
with me.  I have (or rather they now have - gathering dust) some linksys 
boxes that could take a standard phone and turn it into a sip phone. I 
had Freeswitch running on my home server (which is a server for 
everything - freeswitch hardly added to the load) and they could phone 
in (even though they were behind a NAT box).  Unfortunately the 
convenience of the mobile phone meant they never really used it]

Alan Chandler

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Re: Linux TV tuner

2012-04-11 Thread Alan Chandler

On 10/04/12 22:24, Lisi wrote:

On Tuesday 10 April 2012 21:50:44 Sian Mountbatten wrote:

I have decided to get a USB TV tuner so that I can use it with my
sid(uction) box. I am in the UK. Will I need a TV licence?

I think so.  But I also believe that you can get round it by watching iPlayer
etc. over the internet.  IANL of course!
Unfortunately you can't.  You still need a TV licence to watch via 
iPlayer.  It says so on the BBC web site.

Alan Chandler

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Re: TV with Linux

2012-04-11 Thread Alan Chandler

On 11/04/12 06:04, Dom wrote:

I have been using MythTV from the debian-multimedia repository for 
about 6 years now, (they have xbmc pre-compiled too), on an old PC 
with four PCI digital TV tuner cards in. MythTV can record multiple 
(adjacent) channels on each card - I've got mine set to a maximum of 6 
channels per card, so *could* record 24 programmes at once. This, of 
course, is silly and I'd never need to do it, but sometimes one 
programme starts before another ends. MythTV can be a bit fiddly to 
set up intially, but is easy to use after that.

My next goal is to see if I can set up a Raspberry Pi as a MythTV 
frontend, so I can have the noisy backend machine in another room - I 
just need to get my hands on one first :-)

I have a Mythtv setup on my Debian Squeeze home server (which also 
serves as everything else - mail, web, internet firewall...) and watch 
it from my Debian Sid desktop.

I also have a RaspberryPi on order (I am in a queue with RS to be able 
to order one) with the same intention.  I suspect (although not yet 100% 
sure) that the special xbmc version made for the Pi will read data from 
a MythTv backend.  There is one Gotcha that I wasn't able to get a clear 
answer on when I asked - the incoming digital signal is in MPEG2 format 
and MythTV stores the stream as mpeg2.  The PI only has a (firmware) 
codec for Mpeg4, so not sure if transcoding between mpeg2 and mpeg4 is 
going to be necessary.

Alan Chandler

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Re: How to create empty git with master / development branch ?

2012-04-03 Thread Alan Chandler

On 03/04/12 07:58, J. Bakshi wrote:

Dear list,

I need to create git repos on a remote server by the command executed on that 
through ssh as

` ` ` ` `
git --bare init project_name.git

` ` ` ` `

How can I also add the master branch, so that users don't need to
execute  [ git push origin master ]  ?


I am not sure what you are trying to do, however, you seems to be 
confusing what is at the server with what a client, who clones from it 
is doing.

Having got a bare repository, you just push your existing local master 
branch to it

git push (repository url) master:master

That is what creates the master branch.

People can clone from it and in that case, they will get an origin 
branch that is mapped to this repositories master.  I am not entirely 
sure, but I think they get setup with data in their .git/config file 
which allows them to just git push origin.  If not you can easily add 
names where to push stuff to using the git remote command.

For instance, I use

git push public

on some of my repositories to push my local changes to both git hub AND 
a local repository (created just like you did) for my redmine instance 
to access.  the .git/config file has something like the following in it

[remote public]
url = github:akc42/MBBall.git
url = hweb:redmine/git/mbball.git
push = master:master
push = sqlite:sqlite

In this case I am pushing TWO branches to TWO repositories. github: and 
hweb: are aliases for a more complicated URL that is set up inside 
.ssh/config - which in turn has the following in it

Host hweb
 User www-data
 IdentityFile ~/mydocs/PCinfo/keys/hartley-web/hartley_web
Host github
 User git
 IdentityFile ~/mydocs/PCinfo/keys/github/github_ssh_access

Alan Chandler

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Re: When will Debian 7.0 with Linux Kernel 3.x be Released?

2012-03-30 Thread Alan Chandler

On 27/03/12 06:04, Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming) wrote:


I am actually looking forward to Debian 7.0 with Linux Kernel 3.x. As 
we all know, Debian 6.0.x is still using the old Linux Kernel 2.6.

When will Debian 7.0 be released? Debian with Linux Kernel 3.x release 
seems very slow when all the other Linux distros already have the 
latest Linux Kernel 3.x. Why do I want Linux Kernel 3.x? Because I 
want to play around with Xen virtualization (dom0 required).

Debian developers, please speed up! I love Ubuntu and Debian Linux!!! 
I am already using Debian wheezy with my Samsung Intel Atom N455 1.6 
GHz netbook, with Shorewall Firewall configuration.

Thank you very much.

You could use SID.

I have it on a desktop I use every day and 99% of the time it works 
well.  Every so often (like a few days ago with libpcre) some crucial 
package gets messed up and my computer does too - but normally there is 
a pretty quick away around it, or a fix will be forthcoming within a day 
or so.

I use squeeze on my servers - here stability is more important than 
bleeding edge and that seems to work just fine.  The only additional 
software packages (other than those in the standard repositor) that I 
generally install on the servers are web packages like (for instance) 
drupal or wordpress.  But they just use the underlying LAMP stack.

If these extra packages don't work with Squeeze, I just regard that as 
one more criteria with which to judge them as unsuitable.

Alan Chandler

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Re: Problematic upgrade

2012-03-22 Thread Alan Chandler

On 22/03/12 04:34, Frank McCormick wrote:

Just upgraded my Sid system

Will install 13 packages, and remove 0 packages.
24.6 kB of disk space will be freed

[UPGRADE] acpid 1:2.0.15-1 - 1:2.0.15-2
[UPGRADE] cups-filters 1.0.5-1 - 1.0.7-1
[UPGRADE] gir1.2-freedesktop 1.31.20-1 - 1.31.22-1
[UPGRADE] gir1.2-glib-2.0 1.31.20-1 - 1.31.22-1
[UPGRADE] google-chrome-stable 17.0.963.79-r125985 - 17.0.963.83-r127885
[UPGRADE] libcupsfilters1 1.0.5-1 - 1.0.7-1
[UPGRADE] libgirepository-1.0-1 1.31.20-1 - 1.31.22-1
[UPGRADE] libpcre3 8.12-4 - 8.30-1
[UPGRADE] libpython2.7 2.7.3~rc1-1 - 2.7.3~rc2-1
[UPGRADE] makedev 2.3.1-89 - 2.3.1-90
[UPGRADE] python-tk 2.7.1-3 - 2.7.3-1
[UPGRADE] python2.7 2.7.3~rc1-1 - 2.7.3~rc2-1
[UPGRADE] python2.7-minimal 2.7.3~rc1-1 - 2.7.3~rc2-1

Log complete.
Aptitude 0.6.5: log report
Thu, Mar 22 2012 00:02:20 -0400

Be warned...libpcre3 8.30-1 makes for an un-runnable system, at least it
did here. I solved it by downgrading to 8.12-4 again which contains Apparently the new version doesn't.

I hit the same problem on an upgrade this morning.  I solved it by 
manually downloading the 8.12-4 deb from the archives (I went to the 
libpcre3 package page, went to download the latest version but where the 
list of ftp mirrors appears I copied the link address into my browser.  
I then backspaced to remove the package name and get a directory listing 
so I was then able to find the older package).

I downloaded it and installed with dpkg -i.

I then went into aptitude and found the package there and put a hold on 
that version.  I was then able to get aptitude to properly re-install 
desktop-utils (which meant for instance that until that point I was 
unable to run nautilus).

Alan Chandler

latest chrome won't play videos full screen

2012-03-11 Thread Alan Chandler
Anyone experiencing an issue I have discovered after a chrome update 
yesterday.  Videos will no longer play full screen.

Firefox(Iceweasel) display just fine.

Is there any known way around the limitation

Alan Chandler

Re: Aptitude failing on squeeze with package file problems

2012-02-28 Thread Alan Chandler

On 28/02/12 14:40, Camaleón wrote:

On Mon, 27 Feb 2012 18:59:49 +, Alan Chandler wrote:

I just tried to do an aptitude update on my Debian squeeze server.

I get error message like ...

E: Encounted a section with no Package: header
E: The problem with MergeList
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened
E: Couldn't rebuild the package cache.

I tried deleting all the files in /var/lib/apt/lists/

and trying again, but it just repeated the message

After removing the files, did you try to apt-get update first?

I did, but it didn't help

Is this a glitch with the files today - or something
more serious.

After this message occurs, you can't do anything other than close

I tried Cancel Pending Actions (from the Actions menu) and got a
segfault in aptitude.

Anyone else seeing anything like this?

Not here but I'm using wheezy... Maybe a temporary issue, is it still
present? :-?

It cleared up yesterday evening when I tried again.  Seems like some 
temporary glitch

Alan Chandler

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Aptitude failing on squeeze with package file problems

2012-02-27 Thread Alan Chandler

I just tried to do an aptitude update on my Debian squeeze server.

I get error message like ...

E: Encounted a section with no Package: header
E: The problem with MergeList 

E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened
E: Couldn't rebuild the package cache.

I tried deleting all the files in /var/lib/apt/lists/

and trying again, but it just repeated the message

Is this a glitch with the files today - or something 
more serious.

After this message occurs, you can't do anything other than close aptitude.

I tried Cancel Pending Actions (from the Actions menu) and got a 
segfault in aptitude.

Anyone else seeing anything like this?

Alan Chandler

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Re: Converting to btrfs

2012-01-31 Thread Alan Chandler

On 30/01/12 13:02, Christian Dysthe wrote:

On 01/30/12 at 06:52am, Alan Chandler wrote:

On 29/01/12 18:21, Christian Dysthe wrote:


I have an older laptop running Sid I like to play around with. I would
like to check out the new btrfs file system and know you can easily convert

from  ext4 to btrfs. The disk is partitioned with a small /boot partition, a

10 gb / partition and a /home parirtion taking the rest of the disk (except
for swap). As long as I keep the /boot parition ext4 do I have to do more
than point to the new UUIDs in fstab after conversion and update grub?

Its been a while since I made myself a setup like this - but I think
you will also have to ensure that initramfs has the bttrfs driver in

That means I need a kernel with btrfs support and then do an
'update-initramfs' also?

The standard debian kernels have btrfs modules with them.  What you need 
to do is ensure they are loaded before accessing the root filesystem.  
That is where initramfs comes in.

I'm afraid I don't know the details.  It was about 6 months ago I played 
with this - and came to the conclusion I wouldn't do it for real and am 
now happily using ext4 for everything except my offsite backups - where 
btrfs is the mechanism I use.

Alan Chandler

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Re: Gnome3 login failure

2012-01-29 Thread Alan Chandler

On 24/01/12 14:56, Richard wrote:


Out of the blue, when I try to login to the shell I get after a few second that 
dreaded something has
gone wrong message and to logout.
Is Gnome3 similar in behaviour to Gnome2 that removing the .gnome files will 
cause them to be recreated
on login ?
Or any other ideas ???

I started happening to me yesterday.  The first time it happened, it was 
NOT just after login.  I had been working a few hours when all of a 
sudden the message you mention popped up and I was logged out.  I logged 
in again and apart from having to restart stuff I was running I was 
working again.

This morning it happened just after login - but again I just logged in 
again and it worked.

Running Debian SID

Alan Chandler

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Re: Converting to btrfs

2012-01-29 Thread Alan Chandler

On 29/01/12 18:21, Christian Dysthe wrote:


I have an older laptop running Sid I like to play around with. I would
like to check out the new btrfs file system and know you can easily convert
from  ext4 to btrfs. The disk is partitioned with a small /boot partition, a
10 gb / partition and a /home parirtion taking the rest of the disk (except
for swap). As long as I keep the /boot parition ext4 do I have to do more
than point to the new UUIDs in fstab after conversion and update grub?

Its been a while since I made myself a setup like this - but I think you 
will also have to ensure that initramfs has the bttrfs driver in it.

Alan Chandler

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Re: Iceweasel really slow

2011-12-29 Thread Alan Chandler

On 28/12/11 10:36, Scott Ferguson wrote:

On 28/12/11 19:48, Alan Chandler wrote:

I am finding that Iceweasel seems to be really slow at times loading a
web site.  Whilst it is being slow the user interface is locked solid. I
am not talking the odd second - delays of 20/30 seconds are occuring.

Longer in my case - in one instance it took more than two minutes for a
right-click menu choice to be selected (Open Link in New Tab...)

I see it a lot whilst accessing Slashdot and thought originally that it
was something to do with that site, but I just discovered it being
particularly slow on my own personal web site - that is just a simple
wordpress implementation.

Hopefully fully updated with your own themes, and blocking
Those two addresses have been attacking machines for days. See a list of
the script attacks they are trying at:-

I think its related to offsite links - it stopped on my site whilst
pulling in paypal stuff, and often on other sites it appears to be
related to the ad system.

I thought it might be my add ons - although they are the standard ones -
but I disabled all of them and still its occuring.

Anyone else seeing this issue

Yes - on Iceweasel 9.0.1. last night. I was unable to reproduce it so I
put it down to update checking and made a note to sniff the traffic
should it happen again.

Hasn't happened today, and I run a lot of extensions.
It only happened the once - felt like it was long running script.
I shut it down and restarted it, hasn't happened since.

Just went to Slashdot and opened a dozen tabs in addition to the current
7 open. No problems (lead story at least 5 days stale)
No problems with your site either.

I am on version 9.0.1, but it hasn't got better for me.

Alan Chandler

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Iceweasel really slow

2011-12-28 Thread Alan Chandler
I am finding that Iceweasel seems to be really slow at times loading a 
web site.  Whilst it is being slow the user interface is locked solid. 
I am not talking the odd second - delays of 20/30 seconds are occuring.

I see it a lot whilst accessing Slashdot and thought originally that it 
was something to do with that site, but I just discovered it being 
particularly slow on my own personal web site - that is just a simple 
wordpress implementation.

I think its related to offsite links - it stopped on my site whilst 
pulling in paypal stuff, and often on other sites it appears to be 
related to the ad system.

I thought it might be my add ons - although they are the standard ones - 
but I disabled all of them and still its occuring.

Anyone else seeing this issue
Alan Chandler

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Re: Gnome 3 update makes PDFs open in inkscape

2011-12-26 Thread Alan Chandler

On 23/12/11 15:05, Ross Vandegrift wrote:

Hello all,

I recently pulled in the updates that brought Gnome 3.  Now, anytime I
try to open a PDF in iceweasel, they are opened with inkscape instead of
evince.  There's a bug filed on this problem (#613752), but it includes
no workaround.

gnome-control-center lets me specify preferred applications for only a
scant few things, but not PDFs.  Setting iceweasel's application/pdf to
/usr/bin/evince doesn't help.  I would be happy to remove inkscape, but
gnome and gnome-desktop-environment depend on it.

What is the right way around this?

Right click on the file in Nautilus and choose properties.

Select the Open With tab

Either pick an application from the list and click the Set as Default 
button, or if its not there you will have to Show Other Applications 
first and select one from there.

If its not in the Show Other Applications it a bit harder because I 
think you have to set up a desktop file with the right info in. (Take 
a look at the files in /usr/share/applications - which has the ones 
which should be installed on your system)

Alan Chandler

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Re: web server migration

2011-12-10 Thread Alan Chandler

On 10/12/11 22:26, steve reilly wrote:

good afternoon

looking for input on moving a couple small family websites from a
desktop machine running lenny to a poweredge 4600 I just bought.
poweredge has two 73gb scsi drives, perc3 embedded raid. in process of
formatting drives, and then setting up container. desktop has a 300gb
drive, all one partition, but only about 4gb used. ideally would like to
just somehow dd or rsync contents of the desktop to the other machine.

question. how would YOU do it with minimal hassle, ie. having to edit
config files, databases and such. this thing has been running since etch
and been a learning process along the way i doubt my idea of cloning
would work, but?

I manage quite a few different web sites, including my own personal one 
based on Wordpress. Generically they are all managed in a similar way, 
although to be fair, there is a slight difference in how I manage my 
workpress one.

Firstly, in general, I have two versions of the web site.  One that 
remains on my desktop where I develop changes to it, and one that 
resides on the production server, wherever that may be.  My home server 
runs a copy of dnsmasq as a dns server for the house and has a config 
file that defines lots of host names for my desktop machine. These name 
let me know what site I am using but all sit in the .home domain - so 
for instance, my production site is, my home 
equivalent if cf.home.  Another site I manage is, my home machine is mb.home.  etc etc

I run the apache2-mpm-itk package on my desktop.  This allows me to add 
the AssignUserId directive to my virtual host config to ensure that I am 
reading and writing files to the location in my home directory as me 
rather than the more normal www-data.

I run local copies of mysql and postgres (and sqlite) on my desktop 
machine as they are all databases that drive the different sites I 
manage.  There are mostly copies I have taken of the production site, 
although I normally ensure that the password to access them is different.

The web site itself is stored in a git repository. Generally speaking 
there is the files that make up the web site itself - stored in a sub 
directory called web plus other important supporting files (for instance 
the apache config) which are stored in other directories.

The important part is post commit/post-merge hooks (stored in 
.git/hooks/post-commit with .git/hooks/post-merge symlinked to it). Here 
is the version I use with my Wordpress site (which, as I implied above I 
manage slightly differently to the other sites, as I only update the 
theme files this way).  Nevertheless it shows the key use

#  If merging or committing to site or test branches, load up 
appropriate directories on host

branch=$(git branch | sed  -n s/^\*\ //p)
version=$(git describe --tags)

cd $(git rev-parse --show-cdup)
echo ?php echo '$version';?  web/inc/

if [ $branch == site ]; then
# Copy all to the theme directory on main site
rsync -aqz --delete ./ 


#   Changelog
#   02 Mar 2011 - Initial version after setting theme as its own repository

This interesting part is how I parse the git branch I am on, and 
establish a version number for the site.  The version gets embedded into 
a file for inclusion on the site, then IF I am on the site branch I use 
rsync to ssh copy the appropriate files to the appropriate place on the 
production server.

(With wordpress, I allow its own update mechanisms to install and manage 
itself and the plugins - with other packages - particularly the SMF 
forum I use quite a bit I use a different mechanism that is detailed in 
this article


Although my explanation may seem quite complex, it works out as really 
useful tidy way to manage sites.  They always need updating from time to 
time and it is quite hard to remember all the details if you work with 
lots of different sites.  With my mechanism its simple - ensure you are 
on branch master with git (my command line prompt actually includes the 
branch name in square brackets when ever I am inside a git repository*) 
make the changes and test locally.  When you are happy with them do

git checkout site
git merge master
(site is automatically updated to new version)
git checkout master

* The command line prompt is set in .bashrc

with the command output-git-head-or-blank being

PS_GIT=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2/dev/null)echo [$(basename 

# else output nothing

Alan Chandler

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X being shutdown without warning

2011-12-09 Thread Alan Chandler
Since yesterday (and I presume something which got updated in my SID 
desktop) I can reliably crash X when running Mythtv.  I just move the 
mouse about/offscreen.

It doesn't lockup, like is normally the case, rather I instantly logout, 
and am left with the gdm login screen.

Looking at the end of Xorg.0.Log.old is see the following lines which 
aren't in the current Xorg.

[ 35741.884] (II) Power Button: Close
[ 35741.884] (II) UnloadModule: evdev
[ 35741.884] (II) Unloading evdev
[ 35741.900] (II) Power Button: Close
[ 35741.900] (II) UnloadModule: evdev
[ 35741.900] (II) Unloading evdev
[ 35741.944] (II) Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse: Close
[ 35741.944] (II) UnloadModule: evdev
[ 35741.944] (II) Unloading evdev
[ 35741.944] (II) Logitech Logitech Illuminated Keyboard: Close
[ 35741.944] (II) UnloadModule: evdev
[ 35741.944] (II) Unloading evdev
[ 35741.964] (II) Logitech Logitech Illuminated Keyboard: Close
[ 35741.964] (II) UnloadModule: evdev
[ 35741.964] (II) Unloading evdev
[ 35742.649] Server terminated successfully (0). Closing log file.

Its not very helpful  - it seems to indicate that the PowerButton has 
been pressed - but that didn't happen.

I would like to report a bug, but I am not sure where to go from here to 
find what actually caused it. I don't think MythTV updated yesterday, so 
I assume it wasn't that

Anyone any ideas what could have happened here.

Alan Chandler

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Re: X being shutdown without warning

2011-12-09 Thread Alan Chandler

On 09/12/11 17:07, Alan Chandler wrote:

Anyone any ideas what could have happened here.

just seen a message on debian-kde that implies it could have been 

Alan Chandler

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