Re: Linking c programs?

1999-07-05 Thread Andrew Holmes

I'd like to say thanks to everyone who replyed to my question. It's working
great now :-) Now I can get my maths c/w done :-)
Best Wishes,

We are MicroSoft.  You will be assimilated.  Resistance is futile.
-- Attributed to B.G., Gill Bates

Linking c programs?

1999-07-04 Thread Andrew Holmes

I've been trying to compile a c program which uses maths functions like pow()
and cbrt(), I've included the #include math.h and it compiles to an object
ok. However when I try to compile it to a program I get:

/tmp/ccc13322: In function `difi':
/tmp/ccc13322(.text+0xea): undefined reference to `cbrt'

Am I supposed to use some command line to gcc to make it work, I've been using 

gcc -o it it.c

to make a program called 'it' from the source 'it.c'

Any help would be greatly appreciated, TIA
Best Wishes,

We are MicroSoft.  You will be assimilated.  Resistance is futile.
-- Attributed to B.G., Gill Bates

Re: Getting Mpeg Trackname?

1999-06-29 Thread Andrew Holmes

That sounds great, at the moment te tracks I've been reorganinsing have been
copied of a few iffy cd-rs but I have quite a few CDs that I'd like to
convert. Thanks alot :-)

On Mon, Jun 28, 1999 at 10:00:34AM -0400, Evan Van Dyke wrote:
 Debian has two wrapper-scripts that get CDDB info off the web,
 pull tracks from a CD, and then create .mp3 files replete with headers
 you might want to check them out.  They are:
 cdda2wav, and cdgrab. Of the two I prefer cdgrab myself.

Best Wishes,

We are MicroSoft.  You will be assimilated.  Resistance is futile.
-- Attributed to B.G., Gill Bates

Re: Getting Mpeg Trackname?

1999-06-26 Thread Andrew Holmes
On Fri, Jun 25, 1999 at 10:52:50AM -0700, Greg Baker wrote:
 On Fri, 25 Jun 1999, Andrew Holmes wrote:
  I've looked through the man pages for splay and mpg123 but I can't find an
  option to output the trackname information from an mp3 file.
 Have a look at the 'mp3info' package (which gives you the command
 'mp3info'). That should do everything you need.  It can also set the
 title, artist, album, etc. for an mp3. 
 With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
 necessarily a good idea.  --RFC-1925 

Thanks Greg,

mp3info seems to be just what I need, now all I need is a way for the computer
to automatically recognise when someone has typed the artist wrong in the
header info :-) Is it Bryan Adams or Brian Adams? :-)

Thanks again!

Best Wishes,

We are MicroSoft.  You will be assimilated.  Resistance is futile.
-- Attributed to B.G., Gill Bates

Getting Mpeg Trackname?

1999-06-25 Thread Andrew Holmes

I've looked through the man pages for splay and mpg123 but I can't find an
option to output the trackname information from an mp3 file.

I have quite a few mp3 files with unhelpful filenames, I want to write a
script to rename all the files according to the names of the groups and song
names but I can't get the names from the files.

Any info regarding programs or c/perl librays that might be helpful would be
great. TIA.
Best Wishes,

We are MicroSoft.  You will be assimilated.  Resistance is futile.
-- Attributed to B.G., Gill Bates

Re: ISPs

1999-06-10 Thread Andrew Holmes

I'm with Force9 and although they don't officially support Linux, they do have
an FAQ and several of the users are using Linux. They also have a linux server
where you can get a shell and you have a cgi-bin directory to play with.

The address is, give them a go.

Andy Holmes


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic 
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

Re: Binary Newsgroup extractor?

1999-06-01 Thread Andrew Holmes

How do I make AUB download single messages with attachments? AUB seems to do
filtering OK with the 'hook' keyword but it wouldn't get images from single
messages when I tried it :-( TIA
Andy Holmes


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic 
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

Binary Newsgroup extractor?

1999-05-31 Thread Andrew Holmes
Hi all,

Maybe this is a pointless question, but. Has anyone found a program for
linux that will look through binary news groups and download/decode all of the
images/attachments according to a filter? I have AUB which works for
multi-part messages, but I can't find a way to do single-part messages with
binary-attachments. There are several programs like this for NT, (I have used
NewsBin quite succesfully), but I can't find one for linux. The only solution
I have found is to use slrnpull to get all the messages then use uuencode
extract them, but this isn't a very nice solution. TIA, any help is greatly
Andy Holmes


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic 
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

Re: PCI Soundblaster card?

1999-05-08 Thread Andrew Holmes

Thanks, I've still got the 2.2.0 archive so I'll just get the patch. A 13 meg
download would give me a headache :-)
Andy Holmes


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic 
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

PCI Soundblaster card?

1999-05-06 Thread Andrew Holmes
Hi all,

I'm probabily missing the obvious here but is it possaible to use a
Soundblaster AWE64 PCI soundcard. I have read in the docs that the AWE64 is
supported by Linux, but I can't seem to make it work and I can't find any
mention about wether the PCI bus makes a difference. I managed to get an
SB16 ISA PnP card to work on another machine. But the PCI card is driving me
nuts. I can find the interupt and IO range from NT (Dual boot machine)!

Any information would be greatly appreciated! Is there a web page about
this somewhere, I can't seem to find much in the sound, or AWE howtos. Thanks
for taking the time to read this.

Andy Holmes


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic 
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

Re: PCI Soundblaster card?

1999-05-06 Thread Andrew Holmes

Thanks, I'm using 2.2.0, so I'll recompile and keep my fingers crossed.

Thanks for the info

Andy Holmes


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic 
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

Referencing Tables in Latex?

1999-04-19 Thread Andrew Holmes
Hi all,

Sorry if this is a bit off topic, but with the recent converstaion about
latex I was wondering if someone could help me? I'm writing a document in
latex and I can use \ref and \label to identify figures fine. So if I put
\ref{something}, it will print the number of the figure called using

However when I try to do the same thing with a reference to a table, it
prints the section the table is in, instead of the number of the table. I can
show the number of tables with \arabic{table}, but when I put \ref{a_table},
it prints the section number of the table instead of the table's number. Eg
2.3.4 instead of 3.

Please help, I'm sure I'm just missing something simple but the documentation
doesn't help :-(

Thanks :-)
Andy Holmes


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic 
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

Re: Referencing Tables in Latex?

1999-04-19 Thread Andrew Holmes

Here is some of the doc

This is the end of one of my tables...

$y$  0.00027 0.00034 0.00042 0.00050 0.00057 0.00065\\
\caption{Decimal Search Values}

and this is where I try to reference it

These are included in table~\ref{tab:dec}

Doing it like this seems ok to me, and works with figures, but in this case the
reference prints the section/location of the table instead of it's number.


On Mon, Apr 19, 1999 at 10:34:06AM -0600, John Maheu wrote:
 On Mon, 19 Apr 1999, Andrew Holmes wrote:
 It's hard to know what the problem is unless you show us some code or the 
 log file. Is the label inside the table environment? Check to see if the
 label definition is unique, ie. you didn't use it for the section label
 John Maheuphone  (780) 492-2049
 University of Alberta fax(780) 492-3300
 Dept. of Economicsemail  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Edmonton, Alberta
 Canada, T6G 2H4

Andy Holmes


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic 
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

Re: Referencing Tables in Latex?

1999-04-19 Thread Andrew Holmes

Thanks for the help. It's working fine now :-).
Should I nest the labels like this when I do figures as well, or is it not
Andy Holmes


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic 
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

Re: Referencing Tables in Latex?

1999-04-19 Thread Andrew Holmes

I'd like to say thanks for all the great info I've had in such a short space
of time. It seems to work fine when I embed the \label inside the \caption,
but I'll try with the \label afterwards to see what happens. 

Back to writing bad maths coursework :-)
Andy Holmes


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic 
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

Re: Switching pine to mutt - but...

1999-04-15 Thread Andrew Holmes

Thanks for the advice, changing the Muttrc has fixed it up. Now I can get back
to reading the list :-)


Andy Holmes


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic 
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

Re: Switching pine to mutt - but...

1999-04-14 Thread Andrew Holmes
Hi all,

While on the subject of mutt, yesterday I upgraded to slink from hamm using
cheapbytes CDs without to much trouble, however. Now when I try to change
mail-boxes in mutt I have to type the 'd' in debian twice to get it to appear
on the screen. For instance if I want to change to the mail box called
'debian'. I type '=' then press 'd' twice then type 'ebian'. Which would look
like '=ddebian' but it only prints '=debian'. Why is that? It seems to do the
same thing when I type in an address to send to. Any ideas would be really
appreciated. Thanks for listening.
Andy Holmes


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic 
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

Re: cfs???

1999-04-12 Thread Andrew Holmes
Thanks Caffeine,

There was an rpm with compiled binaries at so I got that and 
used alien to make a deb. I have a bad history with compiling things :-(

It's working great now.

On Mon, Apr 12, 1999 at 09:33:06AM +1000, caffeine wrote:
 You can find the CFS source (as well as other disk-related crypto) at:

Thanks again :-)

Andy Holmes


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic 
herd!, Edmund Blackadder


1999-04-11 Thread Andrew Holmes

I've been trying to install cfs1.3.3-1 from the deb package and the install
goes fine. I can mount it and I get a line in mount that says:-

'localhost:/null on /crypt type nfs (rw,port=3049,intr,addr='

However I can't create any cfs directories. When I try to use the cmkdir
command it seems to be running the cpasswd command. They are seperate files
but are exactly the same size. If I try to use cmkdir on an already existing
normal directory I get 

'Can only change passphrase on new format CFS directories'
and when I try to use it with a non existant directory I get

'No such file or directory'

I have downloaded the deb twice from two different servers but the problem
remains. Does anyone have any ideas about a solution. Or are they supposed to
be the same but I'm getting the command lines wrong. I have read the docs/man
pages but they don't seem to mention this problem. I also searches the
archives for 'cfs' but got nothing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Andy Holmes


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic 
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

Re: cfs???

1999-04-11 Thread Andrew Holmes
Thanks for the advice, I have found the source for TCFS but it seems to want
to patch everything, does anyone know where the source code for cfs is? I'd
like to be able to use a cfs without having to change other parts of the

Andy Holmes


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic 
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-07 Thread Andrew Holmes

I doubt that my ISP would agree to that :-) But I could ask.

On Tue, Apr 06, 1999 at 05:33:31PM -0500, Jonathan Guthrie wrote:
 On Sat, 3 Apr 1999, Andrew Holmes wrote:
  Wouldn't it be nice if POP mail boxes could be set to
  automatically bounce messages over a certain size as soon as they arrive at
  the ISP :-)
 That would be the MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE configuration parameter from, now, wouldn't it?

Andy Holmes


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic 
herd!, Edmund Blackadder


1999-04-05 Thread Andrew Holmes

I've been trying to use internet junkbuster and have it setup on port 8000 on
localhost. Netscape works correctly now I have set the proxy information as
does wget. However Lynx doesn't use the proxy. I have the env variable
http_proxy=, and I have also tried with localhost:8000. As I say
wget works but Lynx doesn't want to know, it is Lynx Version 2.8rel.2 (1998),
which comes from the deb in hamm. Any help would be greatly appreciated as
there is no help in the Lynx documentation and the junkbuster documentation
says to use the env variable. Thanks.

Andy Holmes


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic 
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

Re: junkbuster???

1999-04-05 Thread Andrew Holmes
Hi again,

Sorry to waste bandwidth with this :-( I've now figured that I should have used 
http_proxy=; for Lynx to work with the proxy, wget
doesn't seem to mind but Lynx is more fussy. I'm not sure if it's just that I
wasn't looking properly but the documentation didn't seem very clear. Perhaps
it's just me? I found the answer in the lynx.cfg file which had the proper
layout for the proxy name. Once again sorry.
Andy Holmes


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic 
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-03 Thread Andrew Holmes

Wouldn't it be nice if POP mail boxes could be set to
automatically bounce messages over a certain size as soon as they arrive at
the ISP :-) I doubt I'd get so many large attchments if I could do that,
actually it's only one person who regularly sends me large attachments and I'm 
going to
start sending them back 10 times when he does it :-) Or would that also be a
denial of service? 

On Sat, Apr 03, 1999 at 10:43:00AM +0200, Stefan Nobis wrote:
 But if you are so happy about big emails, what about sending you the
 X11 sources? Without asking you about sending it. Will you be happy
 about that?
 The question is: What is big and what is too big? Everybody i can
 think of will get angry if i send him/her the X11 sources without
 being asked to do so. So X11 sources are clearly too big. What about a 
 50MB animation? What about a 5MB picture? What about a 100KB text?
 Do you get the point? To send emails bigger than about 40-80KB without 
 being asked to do so and without asking the recipient is not very nice 
 and i would call it an offence.
Andy Holmes


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic 
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

Spliting messages between different mail-boxes?

1999-03-26 Thread Andrew Holmes

For the last few weeks I've been following the list and have messages from
the list going to a seperate pop-mail box at my ISP. At the moment I'm
reading the list from Outlook Express and have a filter that puts all
messages from this mail-box into a seperate mail folder in Outlook.

I would like to be able to do all my email from the debian box (am i
supposed to say Linux, Debian/GNU Llinux, or GNU Linux) anyway. I have smail
working to send messages to the local users on the debian box and when I am
online I use 'runq' to send any outgoing messages tomy ISP's mail server.
I'm using elm to read/write messages and I'm using 'fetchmail' to download
messages from the pop server and put them into my mail box. What I would
like is a way to have fetchmail pick-up the list messages but instead of
having them end-up with my other messages put them somewhere else. I
understand that elm can be told to read from any location. I don'y want to
have to create a seperate user name for reading the list (but I could do as
a last resort). I have read the docs for the 3 programs but can't see a good
way to do this. Maybe forwarding messages into a different location? Any
information would be greatly appreciated, on how other people have solved
this problem or on what other sources of information are avialable. Thanks

Andy Holmes


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

TIOCSER?WILD ??????????

1999-03-18 Thread Andrew Holmes
Hi all,

Having upgraded from Kernel 2.0.34 to 2.2.3 I get a mesage that says

TIOCSER?WILD ioctl obsolete, ignored.

when the machine boots. The message is printed twice and I can see it with
dmesg. I thought it might be an option in a config file so I searched the
whole harddrive for files containing TIOCSER?WILD, the only non executable
file I could find was serial.c in the kernel source. What does it mean and
how can I stop it? I can't see anything about it in the Changes document in
the kernel\documents dir.  Any info would be appreciated, thanks.

Andy Holmes


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

Re: printcap, filtering, etc

1999-03-15 Thread Andrew Holmes
Hi Rich,

There is a program called ATP(ascii to postscript) which I use to format
ascii documents when printing them, it supports lanscape, portrait and
different numbers of columns. As well as differernt fonts and sizes, etc.
Give it a go. You'll need to have a working postscript filter for your
printer, I use ghostscript.

Andy Holmes  West Sussex, England


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

Re: fstab question

1999-03-13 Thread Andrew Holmes

When I use the 'auto' filesystem type in fstab, my vfat floppies are
detected as umsdos and I lose the long filenames. Is there a way around

Andy Holmes  West Sussex, England


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

Re: Magicfilter and Stylus Color 640

1999-03-12 Thread Andrew Holmes

I have an old Stylus 500 colour (and love it! great printer) but when I
first tried to get it setup with magicfilter and ghostscipt I could only
make it print text, not postscript (blank pages came out). I found that
installing Aladdin-ghostscript 5.1 from the gs web site sorted it for me. If
your problem is similar then give it a go, otherwise ignore me :-)

It would probabily have been possiable to get it to work using the orginal
packages but I'm new to debian and don't know how it works.

Andy Holmes  West Sussex, England


Protect privacy, boycott Intel:

The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

Booting linux with a file as root??

1999-03-11 Thread Andrew Holmes

I'm new to this list, and to debian/linux in genereal. I installed debian
from a CD and am having a great time, mainly due to the amount of great
documentation available from the cd and on-line.

Anyway what I wanted to know was if there was anyway to boot a kernel (using
loadlin.exe) and make it use a file as a root filesystem. I know I can
format and mount a file in linux but I want to know how I get the kernel to
do it at boot. The reason I ask is that I already have debian on the
harddrive of my old machine but want to be able to run it on my new machine
without changing anything. I configured my new machine to dual boot DOS and
NT, but I can start BeOS using loadlin.exe from DOS. I know I can boot the
linux kernel like this but how do I make it use a file on the DOS filesystem
for the root filesystem. If this is impossiable please let me know. Any info
would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :-)

Andy Holmes


Protect privacy, boycott Intel:

The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic
herd!, Edmund Blackadder