terminal to serial device on startup?

1999-08-25 Thread Dan DeMond
Hi all,
I'm trying to get a terminal console session to my serial devices
on startup.  I've looked around for different terminal emulators and found
one called screen.  I added the line

10:23:respawn:/usr/local/bin/screen /dev/ttyS0

to my /etc/inittab, but screen seems to take over tty0 not tty10 like I
want it to.  Is there any way, with screen or a different program, to make
a terminal emulator connect to a serial port on one end and a virtual
terminal on the other(tty10) on startup?

Thanks in advance,
Dan DeMond

network firewalling situation

1999-08-25 Thread Dan DeMond
Hi all,
I'm setting up a machine here to take over the job of our firewall
temporarily.  Both machines have the same network cards in the same
configuration.  The current firewall is a debian 2.0 machine running
kernel 2.0.29 on an i486.  The temp machine is an i386, debian 2.1, kernel
2.2.10.  I'm using the same setup scripts in the same order to make the
computer route packets between two networks, but it just isn't working on
the i386.  Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,
Dan DeMond

--Network script for current firewall--
#!  /bin/sh
ifconfig lo
route add -net

#portsentry and big brother stuff
portsentry -tcp

ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast
ifconfig eth0:0 netmask broadcast
ifconfig eth1 netmask broadcast

# Kernel IP routing table
#Destination GatewayGenmask  Iface
/sbin/route add -net netmask lo
/sbin/route add eth0:0
/sbin/route add -net netmask eth0
/sbin/route add -net netmask  eth1
/sbin/route add -net gw netmask  
/sbin/route add -net gw netmask 
/sbin/route add -net gw netmask eth0

# Firewall Filters

ipfwadm -F -p deny
ipfwadm -F -a accept -S -D

#ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
#route add -net ${NETWORK}
#route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1


--ipx script for current firewall--
# ipx   Bring up/down IPX networking

test -f /usr/sbin/ipx_configure || exit 0

# Source function library.
. /etc/init.d/functions

. /etc/ipx.conf

case $1 in
if [ ${IPX_CONFIGURED} = yes ]; then
if [ ${IPX_INTERNAL_NET} = yes ]; then
ipx_internal_net add ${IPX_NETNUM}
ipx_interface add -p ${IPX_DEVICE} \
if [ ${IPX_SERVER_ROUTE} = yes ]; then
ipx_route add ${IPX_SERVER_NETNUM} \
ipx_configure \
--auto_primary=${IPX_AUTO_PRIMARY} \
# touch /var/lock/subsys/ipx
ipx_configure --auto_primary=off --auto_interface=off
ipx_interface delall
# rm -f /var/lock/subsys/ipx
echo Usage: network {start|stop}
exit 1

exit 0
--ipxripd script for current firewall--
#! /bin/sh
# This file was automatically customized by debmake on Jan 9, 1997.
# Written by Miquel van Smoorenburg [EMAIL PROTECTED].
# Modified for Debian GNU/Linux by Ian Murdock [EMAIL PROTECTED].
# Modified for Debian by Christoph Lameter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

# The following value is extracted by debstd to figure out how to generate
# the postinst script. Edit the field to change the way the script is
# registered through update-rc.d (see the manpage for update-rc.d!)
FLAGS=defaults 40

test -f $DAEMON || exit 0

case $1 in
echo -n Starting IPX RIP/SAP daemon: ipxd
start-stop-daemon --start --exec $DAEMON
echo .
echo -n Stopping IPX RIP/SAP daemon: ipxd
start-stop-daemon --stop --exec $DAEMON
echo .
echo Usage: /etc/init.d/$0 {start|stop}
exit 1

exit 0
--ipxconfigure.rcS script for current firewall--

# This script configures the Ethernet cards to route IPX
# packets when hedge boots up.

/usr/sbin/ipx_interface delall
/usr/sbin/ipx_interface add -p eth1 etherii 011D
/usr/sbin/ipx_interface add eth0 etherii 0DDD

network aliasing situation

1999-08-11 Thread Dan DeMond
Hi all,
I'm setting up a machine here to take over the job of our firewall
temporarily.  The firewall has two network cards but the new machine has
only one.  I recompiled the 2.2.10 kernel with ip-aliasing support, and
the network will be one electrically when we make the switch.

My questions are;

1. Is it possible to assign multiple ipx networks to the
same card on two different interfaces?  Both networks run EtherII but I'm
not sure if you can run them both on the same card.

2. I know I compiled in ip-aliasing support, and I'm using the
same ifconfig and route commands that work on other machines for
ip-aliasing, but the aliased addresses aren't working from other machines
on the network.  Is there any reason other than a bad kernel for this?

Thanks in advance,
Dan DeMond

ps-please cc any responses to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

saving dselect lists?

1999-08-09 Thread Dan DeMond
Is there any way I can save a dselect configuration and use it in
another install?

Thanks in advance,
Dan DeMond

Have we been cracked?

1999-06-21 Thread Dan DeMond
Hello all,
I'm think that our system may have been cracked.  I think they got
in through imapd, because of what was in the logfile(see attachment).

My question is, did they really get in through imapd?  On
www.cert.org there was an advisory for imapd, but that was last year this
time.  Cert said the affected versions were =10.234, while our version
reports 11.241.  Are newer versions still vulnerable?

Thanks in Advance,
Dan DeMond
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:31:08 XX imapd[16504]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:31:14 XX imapd[16505]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:31:14 XX imapd[16506]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:31:15 XX imapd[16508]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:31:15 XX imapd[16507]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:31:15 XX imapd[16509]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:31:15 XX imapd[16510]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:31:15 XX imapd[16511]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:31:15 XX imapd[16513]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:31:15 XX imapd[16512]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:31:15 XX imapd[16517]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:31:15 XX imapd[16516]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:31:15 XX imapd[16515]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:31:15 XX imapd[16514]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:31:15 XX imapd[16518]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:46:36 XX imapd[16584]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:46:45 XX imapd[16585]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:46:45 XX imapd[16586]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:46:45 XX imapd[16587]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:46:45 XX imapd[16589]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:46:45 XX imapd[16588]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:46:45 XX imapd[16590]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:46:45 XX imapd[16591]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:46:45 XX imapd[16593]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:46:45 XX imapd[16592]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:46:45 XX imapd[16597]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:46:45 XX imapd[16596]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:46:45 XX imapd[16595]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:46:45 XX imapd[16594]: connect from cinequanon.com
daemon.log.0:Jun 19 07:46:45 XX imapd[16598]: connect from cinequanon.com
mail.info.0:Jun 19 07:31:13 XX imapd[16504]: command stream end of file, 
while reading line user=??? host=cinequanon.com []
mail.info.0:Jun 19 07:31:25 XX imapd[16505]: command stream end of file, 
while reading line user=??? host=cinequanon.com []
mail.info.0:Jun 19 07:31:25 XX imapd[16507]: command stream end of file, 
while reading line user=??? host=cinequanon.com []
mail.info.0:Jun 19 07:31:25 XX imapd[16509]: command stream end of file, 
while reading line user=??? host=cinequanon.com []
mail.info.0:Jun 19 07:31:25 XX imapd[16506]: command stream end of file, 
while reading line user=??? host=cinequanon.com []
mail.info.0:Jun 19 07:31:25 XX imapd[16508]: command stream end of file, 
while reading line user=??? host=cinequanon.com []
mail.info.0:Jun 19 07:31:25 XX imapd[16510]: command stream end of file, 
while reading line user=??? host=cinequanon.com []
mail.info.0:Jun 19 07:31:25 XX imapd[16511]: command stream end of file, 
while reading line user=??? host=cinequanon.com []
mail.info.0:Jun 19 07:31:25 XX imapd[16512]: command stream end of file, 
while reading line user=??? host=cinequanon.com []
mail.info.0:Jun 19 07:31:25 XX imapd[16514]: command stream end of file, 
while reading line user=??? host=cinequanon.com []
mail.info.0:Jun 19 07:31:25 XX imapd[16513]: command stream end of file, 
while reading line user=??? host=cinequanon.com []
mail.info.0:Jun 19 07:31:25 XX imapd[16516]: command stream end of file, 
while reading line user=??? host=cinequanon.com []
mail.info.0:Jun 19 07:31:25 XX imapd[16515]: command stream end of file, 
while reading line user=??? host=cinequanon.com []
mail.info.0:Jun 19 07:31:25 XX imapd[16518]: command stream end of file, 
while reading line user=??? host=cinequanon.com []
mail.info.0:Jun 19 07:31:25 XX imapd[16517]: command stream end of file, 
while reading line user=??? host=cinequanon.com []
mail.info.0:Jun 19 07

e2fsck LARGE_FILE flag error?

1999-05-15 Thread Dan DeMond
Hello all,
I was doing an e2fsck on my disk when I got this kinda scary
Filesystem contains large files, but lacks LARGE_FILE flag in superblock.
How large are large files?
Will this waste data on my drive if I say yes?
Where is the large file flag normally set, or why haven't I ever heard of
it before?
Any information about the large file flag is appreciated.
Dan DeMond