Re: SOLVED - Re: Deb10 installer can't install grub

2021-03-07 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Mar 03, 2021 at 10:28:34AM -0500, Marc Auslander wrote:
> One potential gotcha.  When you boot from an mdadm file system containing
> /boot/grub, grub will not write to the file system.  In particular, it will
> not update grub/grubenv even if you have a save_env line in grub.cfg.  So if
> you use grub-reboot to specify an alternate line in grub.cfg, you need to
> reset grubenv afterwards.  I do this in a root @reboot cron job.
> If you don't know what I'm talking about, you probably don't need to worry
> about this.

I don't *know* know what you're talking about, but I think I get the
gist of it.  I'm not doing anything fancy enough to have to deal with
the details of grubenv and grub-reboot, but your initial comment about
grub refusing to write to a mdadm filesystem is consistent with what I
was seeing, and it's nice to have confirmation that it actually does
work that way.

Dave Sherohman

SOLVED - Re: Deb10 installer can't install grub

2021-03-03 Thread Dave Sherohman
So, after my last message, I ran across a general mdadm setup guide at
and, in the "booting" section of that document, it said to add
to /etc/default/grub.  Didn't have that, so I added it, did the checks
mentioned in the document, and reinstalled grub to both EFI partitions.

Still didn't work.

Then I found and
was able to start the installed kernel with the command sequence:

set root=(md/1)
linux (md/1)/vmlinuz root=/dev/md1
initrd (md/1)/boot/initrd.img-4.19.0-14-amd64
insmod normal

This still ultimately died with an error saying the EFI partition had an
"Invalid FSINFO signature".  Searches on that phrase mostly seemed to
talk about secure boot problems, so I double-checked the bios options
and secure boot was off, so that wasn't it.

So I went back to the document and went through all the
steps that I hadn't already done manually:  Running os-prober and
update-grub.  Then grub-install to the EFI partitions again, reboot,
and... success!

Based on this, I'm guessing that the original problem was that the
installer forgot to include mdadm support in its grub options, even
though it was configured with an mdadm boot device.  And then I missed a
couple steps after adding mdadm support, so it didn't all get installed
to the EFI partitions correctly.

Dave Sherohman

Re: Deb10 installer can't install grub

2021-03-03 Thread Dave Sherohman
General update on my situation:

Just before knocking off for the day, I tried telling the installer to
finish up without installing a boot loader, then used the netinst USB
stick as a rescue disk to boot my installed system.  From there, I was
able to use the regular grub-install program (instead of the install
environment's grub-installer script).

grub-install ran with no errors and I now have grub in the (separate,
non-RAIDed) EFI partitions of both nvme drives... but it's still not
directly bootable.  Trying to boot directly from nvme drops me into a
grub command line.

Thinking that this may be an initrd or similar issue, I tried
reinstalling the kernel image and grub-efi-amd64 packages, so that their
postinst scripts would run and rebuild initrd and reinstall grub to the
drives, but that had no effect.  Still just getting the grub shell when
I boot from nvme.

Any tips on making use of the grub shell to make further progress, such
as getting the system to boot in non-rescue mode (i.e., not chrooted
from the installer)?  The help information available in the grub shell
itself isn't terribly useful because it scrolls off the screen with no
(obvious) pager or scrollback buffer.

Alternately, suggestions for things I can try in the chroot environment
would also be good, since that's considerably less restrictive than the
installer environment I was trying to work within yesterday.

I guess the most obvious explanation for the current grub issues is that
grub isn't smart enough to boot an mdadm filesystem directly and I need
to repartition with a non-RAID /boot, but I don't consider that a
desirable solution, since it would then leave me with no /boot if the
device holding that partition dies.

(No new text below this point, just my original post for context.)

On Tue, Mar 02, 2021 at 05:57:37AM -0600, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> I've got a new server and am currently fighting with the Debian 10
> installer (build 20190702) in my attempts to get it up and running.
> After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I managed to get it to stop
> complaining about being unble to mount /boot/efi and complete the
> "Partition disks" step successfully, but now I'm completely stuck on the
> "Install GRUB" step.
> The GUI installer shows the error:
> Unable to install GRUB in dummy
> Executing 'grub-install dummy' failed.
> Checking the syslog output on virtual console 4 shows a bunch of
> os-prober activity (as expected), then finally:
> Installing for x64_64-efi platform.
> grub-install: error: failed to get canonical path of `/dev/nvme0n1p1`.
> error: Running 'grub-install  --force "dummy"' failed.
> I assume that the "canonical path" it's looking for is a /dev/sda-type
> device name, but I have no idea how to assign one of those to an nvme
> drive.  (And I thought that kind of name was supposed to have been
> banished in favor of "predictable" names by now anyhow.)
> Several of the old-style names are already in use; the installer is
> showing sda for the USB stick that the installation was booted from and
> sdb-sdi for eight large disks, but the operating system is to boot and
> run from the drives /dev/nvme0n1 and /dev/nvme1n1.
> What do I need to do to get this working?
> Also, would that solution also work for md devices as well as for nvme
> devices?  I had previously tried putting UEFI onto a RAID1 mirror
> between the two nvme drives, but got a similar error from grub about not
> being able to find the canonical path of /dev/md1.
> -- 
> Dave Sherohman

Dave Sherohman

Re: Deb10 installer can't install grub

2021-03-02 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Mar 02, 2021 at 09:26:21AM -0500, The Wanderer wrote:
> I didn't parse what he wrote that way. He said:
> >>>> You'll want to create the following partitions on each,
> >>>> identically:
> >>>> 
> >>>> 1 efi - type efi
> >>>> 2 boot (or boot/root) - type MDADM volume
> >>>> 3 root, if using separate boot - type MDADM volume
> >>>> 4 swap - type MDADM volume
> >>>> 
> >>>> Then you go to the mdadm setup and create MDADM RAID1 devices
> >>>> out of each pair of boot, root and swap.
> Note that he specified to RAID the three listed MDADM partitions, but
> did not mention the same for the EFI partition.

Ah, right.  When he mentioned RAIDing the boot, I took that to mean the
EFI partitions.  Forgot that he as using a separate /boot.

So I took a look at the grub-installer script, and guess what I found as
a comment just before the `ls` that kills it?

# XXX cjwatson 2019-03-25: This is all far too complicated and fragile, and
# should be replaced with in-target or similar.

# Ensure proc is mounted in all the $chroot calls;
# needed for RAID+LVM for example
initial_proc_contents="$(ls $ROOT/proc)"

"Far too complicated and fragile", indeed!

Dave Sherohman

Re: Deb10 installer can't install grub

2021-03-02 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Mar 02, 2021 at 09:09:52AM -0500, The Wanderer wrote:
> On 2021-03-02 at 09:01, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 02, 2021 at 07:54:01AM -0500, Dan Ritter wrote:
> >> Then you go to the mdadm setup and create MDADM RAID1 devices
> >> out of each pair of boot, root and swap.
> > 
> > RAID Device #1 is 1.9 TB, ext4fs, and set to mount on /
> > RAID Device #2 is 2.0 GB, ESP, and bootable
> So the EFI partitions themselves are also RAIDed? I wouldn't have
> expected that to work.

That was my expectation as well, but Dan said it should work, so I went
with it.  Of course, I've also tried it with then not RAIDed and the
results are identical, aside from the "canonoical path" error message in
syslog changing from /dev/md2 to /dev/nvme0n1p1.

> Is grub-installer specific to the Debian installer environment? I don't
> find it at a glance in my installed system, or with 'apt-file search'; I
> do find grub-install, which is a binary (where the error you quote seems
> to indicate a script), and is what I seem to recall having used for the
> manual installation of GRUB that finally got my current machine working
> with a RAIDed boot-drive pair all those years ago. (Albeit not with EFI
> boot partitioning, so that may not be directly comparable.)

Yes, it seems to be unique to the installer environment.  I made that
same trip in reverse, first trying to run grub-install, and then having
to go looking when that didn't exist.

> If grub-installer is a script and is the correct thing to use, the first
> thing I'd be inclined to do in your place is to examine that script and
> see what it's trying to do at the point of the error, so that I can
> figure out what it expects as input and how I can potentially try to
> provide that.

Good thought.  It's a shell script, so I'll see if I can make sense of
what it's doing in [filesystem]/proc.

Dave Sherohman

Re: Deb10 installer can't install grub

2021-03-02 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Mar 02, 2021 at 07:54:01AM -0500, Dan Ritter wrote:
> In the installer, you want expert mode. Does the disk
> partitioner recognize both nvme0n1 and nvme1n1 ? 

Yes.  The list of disks shown in the partitioner is currently:

RAID device #1
RAID device #2
SCSI2 (0,0,0) (sda) - the USB stick I booted from
SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sdb) - the first storage drive
... the other seven storage drives ...

> You'll want to create the following partitions on each,
> identically:
> 1 efi - type efi
> 2 boot (or boot/root) - type MDADM volume
> 3 root, if using separate boot - type MDADM volume
> 4 swap - type MDADM volume

Partitioning is identical on both nvme drives, consisting of:

1.0   MB  free space
2.0   GB  ESP (bootable)
8.0   GB  swap
1.9   TB  RAID physical device
331.8 kB  free space

> Then you go to the mdadm setup and create MDADM RAID1 devices
> out of each pair of boot, root and swap.

RAID Device #1 is 1.9 TB, ext4fs, and set to mount on /
RAID Device #2 is 2.0 GB, ESP, and bootable

> After install to those RAID1 devices, grub will want to install.
> Do that to the boot sector of /dev/nvme0n1, and then again to
> the boot sector of /dev/nvme1n1.

...and this is where it dies.  I'm now in the text-mode "expert
install", and there is no option to manually specify a partition to
install GRUB on, only a yes/no "Force GRUB installation to the EFI
removable media path?" prompt.  Regardless of which answer I choose, I
get "Unable to install GRUB in dummy" and syslog records "failed to get
canonical path of /dev/md2".

I also tried dropping to a shell and manually running `grub-installer
/dev/nvme0n1` and got the error "ls: /dev/nvme0n1/proc: Not a directory"
Manually running grub-installer for /dev/md2 and /dev/nvme1n1
(unsurprisingly) produced similar results.

Dave Sherohman

Deb10 installer can't install grub

2021-03-02 Thread Dave Sherohman
I've got a new server and am currently fighting with the Debian 10
installer (build 20190702) in my attempts to get it up and running.
After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I managed to get it to stop
complaining about being unble to mount /boot/efi and complete the
"Partition disks" step successfully, but now I'm completely stuck on the
"Install GRUB" step.

The GUI installer shows the error:

Unable to install GRUB in dummy
Executing 'grub-install dummy' failed.

Checking the syslog output on virtual console 4 shows a bunch of
os-prober activity (as expected), then finally:

Installing for x64_64-efi platform.
grub-install: error: failed to get canonical path of `/dev/nvme0n1p1`.
error: Running 'grub-install  --force "dummy"' failed.

I assume that the "canonical path" it's looking for is a /dev/sda-type
device name, but I have no idea how to assign one of those to an nvme
drive.  (And I thought that kind of name was supposed to have been
banished in favor of "predictable" names by now anyhow.)

Several of the old-style names are already in use; the installer is
showing sda for the USB stick that the installation was booted from and
sdb-sdi for eight large disks, but the operating system is to boot and
run from the drives /dev/nvme0n1 and /dev/nvme1n1.

What do I need to do to get this working?

Also, would that solution also work for md devices as well as for nvme
devices?  I had previously tried putting UEFI onto a RAID1 mirror
between the two nvme drives, but got a similar error from grub about not
being able to find the canonical path of /dev/md1.

Dave Sherohman

Re: Can nginx "events" block be configured in an include file?

2020-11-04 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Nov 03, 2020 at 10:06:30AM -0600, David Wright wrote:
> On Tue 03 Nov 2020 at 08:03:24 (-0600), Dave Sherohman wrote:
> > Another (off-list) reply suggested using a script to edit nginx.conf
> > rather than doing it by hand, which looks like the best solution for my
> > specific case.
> I obviously haven't seen that suggestion, but why write a script
> yourself when software exists to do that already.

Because my deployment script already exists and does several things
other than editing nginx.conf, and I prefer being able to deploy with
one command instead of two.

> Patch, of course, has the same pedigree as Perl, both being creations
> of Larry Wall.

I'm passigly familiar with `patch`, but wasn't aware that Larry was the
original author.  Thanks for that tidbit!

Dave Sherohman

Re: Can nginx "events" block be configured in an include file?

2020-11-03 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Nov 03, 2020 at 07:57:40AM -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 03, 2020 at 03:35:58AM -0600, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> > tl;dr:  I need to increase worker_connections on my nginx servers, but
> > don't want to edit the debian-provided nginx.conf due to that causing
> > future upgrade hassles.  Is this possible?

> No.

Ah, well.  That's what I expected, but thanks for confirming it.

Another (off-list) reply suggested using a script to edit nginx.conf
rather than doing it by hand, which looks like the best solution for my
specific case.  My site-specific config files are generated from
templates using a Perl deployment script, and I also have hooks there
which I can use to edit nginx.conf without needing to generate the whole
thing from a template, and that will also handle nginx config changes
coming from debian by re-patching the config the next time we deploy.

Dave Sherohman

Can nginx "events" block be configured in an include file?

2020-11-03 Thread Dave Sherohman
tl;dr:  I need to increase worker_connections on my nginx servers, but
don't want to edit the debian-provided nginx.conf due to that causing
future upgrade hassles.  Is this possible?

Long version:

I've got a couple servers running a somewhat convoluted web app
deployment, with nginx at the front end.  Every so often, one of the
nginx instances will lock up and start logging "768 worker_connections
are not enough" messages on every request.

After some searches and double-checking that there aren't any loops in
my nginx config, I've come to the conclusion that 768 is an absurdly low
default for production servers - one source said that "over 9000" is
appropriate for most sites that see significant traffic.

So I'm thinking I should probably raise it.  However, when I tried
raising it from conf.d, nginx failed to start, with the error

[emerg] 25402#25402: "events" directive is not allowed here in 

conf.d/mysite.conf contains only:
events {
  worker_connections 10240;
  # multi_accept on;

I also tried moving that config file to modules-enabled/ and it at least
gave me a different error message:

[emerg] 14914#14914: "events" directive is duplicate in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:6

so it apparently accepted my events block, then choked on the default

Is there any way to accomplish this using only new files of my own
creation, while leaving all debian-provided config files in a pristine

I know I could change it directly in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf, but

a) That would potentially generate conflicts with new debian-provided
   versions of nginx.conf whenever the package is upgraded

b) My site-specific config files are generated from templates, meaning
   that I'd then need to keep the template in sync with any debian-
   provided changes, or go outside the existing system and have to
   remember to manually tweak nginx.conf every time I make a new server
   or upgrade an existing one

and I would greatly prefer a one-time change which doesn't lead to
either of those ongoing maintenance concerns.

Dave Sherohman

Re: Buster without systemd?

2020-03-24 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 09:59:25AM +0100, Renato Gallo wrote:
> Rly, systemd is, between things, a way to be sure when and after what 
> something starts isn't it ?

I expect that there would be much, much less resistance to systemd if
that were all that it does.  However, it has evolved to take over a
number of other functions aside from managing the order that services
are started, which makes many people uncomfortable with it.

Dave Sherohman

Video display via Thunderbolt docking station (Lenovo/Lenovo)

2020-03-09 Thread Dave Sherohman
ration Device 1fb9 (rev a1)
01:00.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation Device 10fa (rev a1)
02:00.0 Non-Volatile memory controller: Samsung Electronics Co Ltd NVMe SSD 
Controller SM981/PM981
04:00.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation JHL7540 Thunderbolt 3 Bridge [Titan Ridge 
4C 2018] (rev 06)
05:00.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation JHL7540 Thunderbolt 3 Bridge [Titan Ridge 
4C 2018] (rev 06)
05:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation JHL7540 Thunderbolt 3 Bridge [Titan Ridge 
4C 2018] (rev 06)
05:02.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation JHL7540 Thunderbolt 3 Bridge [Titan Ridge 
4C 2018] (rev 06)
05:04.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation JHL7540 Thunderbolt 3 Bridge [Titan Ridge 
4C 2018] (rev 06)
06:00.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation JHL7540 Thunderbolt 3 NHI [Titan 
Ridge 4C 2018] (rev 06)
07:00.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation JHL7540 Thunderbolt 3 Bridge [Titan Ridge 
DD 2018] (rev 06)
08:02.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation JHL7540 Thunderbolt 3 Bridge [Titan Ridge 
DD 2018] (rev 06)
08:04.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation JHL7540 Thunderbolt 3 Bridge [Titan Ridge 
DD 2018] (rev 06)
09:00.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation JHL7540 Thunderbolt 3 USB Controller 
[Titan Ridge DD 2018] (rev 06)
52:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Device 2723 (rev 1a)
53:00.0 SD Host controller: Genesys Logic, Inc Device 9755

Dave Sherohman

Re: I support the founder of FreeSoftware

2019-09-19 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 12:19:50PM +0300, aprekates wrote:
> ps: for the members of the debian community not fully aware of
>   attack i'd recommend as entry readings:


It's nominally an interview with Stallman about his visit to Microsoft,
which was conducted just before the original attack on him, but it has a
lengthy preamble describing the situation (from a decidedly
anti-Stallman viewpoint, with a heavy emphasis on "the only reason we
didn't grill Stallman on how evil his is is because we didn't know

Dave Sherohman

Adding buster endpoint to stretch icinga2 server

2019-08-28 Thread Dave Sherohman
I've been using icinga2 for monitoring several stretch systems for quite
a while, and now I'm starting to add buster machines to my herd, but
haven't been able to work out how to (easily) get the old server to
recognize the existence of new clients.

Going through the process of running the wizard on the new client, PKI
handshaking, and so on all went off without a hitch.  However, after
getting everything set up on the client and restarting icinga on the
client, I'm stuck.

Previously, I have made the master aware of the new client endpoint by

# icinga2 node list
# icinga2 node update-config

And, yes, "DEPRECATED! Please read the Changelog.", but the Changelog
doesn't say anything that's actually useful in terms of "instead of
using `icinga2 node foo`, you should use this other command".

So now they've apparently stopped working with buster clients (they
don't show up in the list of nodes) and the checks I've configured on
the master throw errors when I run `icinga2 daemon -C` because they
refer to an Endpoint which, according to the master, doesn't exist.

What is the preferred/"correct" way of making the master aware of the
new Endpoint?

I can see by inspecting the existing files that I could do this manually
by going into the endpoints, zones, and hosts directories and creating
files for the new client in each of those three directories, but, aside
from being a PITA, that seems sufficiently error-prone (typos, etc.)
that it doesn't seem likely to be the preferred method.

Dave Sherohman

Re: sending mail via a script

2019-07-17 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 10:39:57PM +0100, mick crane wrote:
>  well when I became aware of all this stuff, I thought this is great,
> everybody can connect and do what they like, if of course following
> protocols.
> But you can't do that can you ? you have to connect through a service
> provider.

Certain ISPs (primarily those focusing on home customers, and especially
those providing dynamic IP addresses) will block outbound connections to
port 25 (smtp) by their clients.  If your connection comes from such a
provider, then, yes, you do have to pass your mail through their mail
server, because their firewalls will prevent you from directly
connecting to any other mail servers.

But if you're not in such a situation, then you absolutely can run your
own mail server, although there are hoops you need to jump through to
avoid being mistaken for a spammer.  Having a static IP in a
non-blacklisted subnet and properly-configured DNS pointing back to that
IP address are, in my experience, the primary factors.  I don't think
I've ever needed to do more than that for my own personal mail server,
which I've been running since the summer of 2000, and it's been
connected on at least 4-5 different ISPs over that time, including both
residential and commercial providers.

If you want to send mail claiming to originate from other servers, then
*that's* where it gets tricky and cumbersome, because you need to
properly handle SPF and DKIM restrictions, which you may not have any
direct control over.  I occasionally have to deal with this at work, and
it's never a pleasant experience.

Dave Sherohman

Re: buster changes vim mouse behavior again...

2019-07-09 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Jul 08, 2019 at 08:50:56PM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Lu, 08 iul 19, 08:48:15, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> > Today I did a test install of buster, however, and found a new problem:
> > It seems that buster's vim detects the middle-click and "helpfully" goes
> > immediately into insert mode, meaning that ":set paste" and "O" are
> > entered as part of the file contents rather than being processed as
> > commands.

> If you do figure out how it's supposed to work please do post on list.

My stackexchange question was identified as a duplicate of
which gave me enough information to track down ":set t_BE=" (in addition
to the existing ":set mouse=") as a solution to my problem.

A full description of the behavior can be found at if you do a search in the page for

":set termcap" shows that stretch's vim doesn't support the t_BE
setting, which is why it doesn't need to be cleared there.

Dave Sherohman

buster changes vim mouse behavior again...

2019-07-08 Thread Dave Sherohman
Last time around, stretch changed mouse behavior in vim by setting
"mouse=a" by default.  To deal with this, my checklist for stretch
updates/installs includes

vi /etc/vim/vimrc.local
:set mouse=
:set paste
" Don't silently ignore these settings in favor of those in default.vim
let g:skip_defaults_vim = 1

" Middle-mouse should paste from X clipboard, NOT vim clipboard!
set mouse=

I copy (mouse highlight)/paste (middle-click) the first line into my
terminal, manually type the first `:set mouse=`, and then copy/paste the
rest of it.

Works great in stretch.

Today I did a test install of buster, however, and found a new problem:
It seems that buster's vim detects the middle-click and "helpfully" goes
immediately into insert mode, meaning that ":set paste" and "O" are
entered as part of the file contents rather than being processed as

I suppose that's handy for simple cases like this, where I ultimately am
just inserting text into a file, but I also frequently want to run the
same command in vim on a couple dozen different files, so it's really
handy to be able to paste commands into the vim window and have the
command executed instead of being inserted into the file's content.

So how do I bring back the old behavior?

In addition to ":set mouse=", I've also tried ":set ttymouse=" and
":set sessionoptions-=terminal", but these had no effect on this

Crossposting notice:  I have also posted this question on the vi/vim
stack exchange site at

Dave Sherohman

Re: No jigdo images yet?

2019-07-08 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Jul 08, 2019 at 11:08:15AM +0200, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> it is an old bug of jigdo-lite that it cannot download .jigdo and
> .template files via https:
> So manually download the .template file too and then run jigdo-lite again.
> There is hope that the new system can install jigdo-lite without that bug.
> It might be interesting to learn whether this is really true.

Thanks.  Manually downloading the .template seems to have done the

I also tried manually applying the patch from that bug report, but it
doesn't seem to have helped, but we can still hope that the version that
made it into the 0.7.3-5 release actually works.

Dave Sherohman

Re: will Release come back for testing/updates at

2019-07-08 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Jul 08, 2019 at 11:54:01AM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Lu, 08 iul 19, 03:10:53, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> > On Sun, Jul 07, 2019 at 03:22:40PM +0200, Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
> > > That will be actually a permanent change, see
> > > . The
> > > intention was actually do to it already in earlier cycle, but was not
> > > possible (cf.
> > >
> > 
> > What was the intended method for people upgrading from pre-buster
> > versions to find out about this change?  Just wait for them to try to do
> > an update, get an error message, and hope that they ask on the mailing
> > list instead of just commenting out the security updates line?
> Testing users are supposed to be able to handle such breakage.
> When bullseye becomes stable this will most likely be documented in the 
> Release Notes.

Ah, ok, thanks.  I guess I wasn't following the thread properly and I
was thinking this change was happening in buster, not bullseye.  My
mistake; sorry about that.

Dave Sherohman

No jigdo images yet?

2019-07-08 Thread Dave Sherohman
Back from the weekend, and now I'm trying to do a jigdo download of the
new buster install image, but having no luck.  Are the jigdo files not
up yet (although they seem to be there when I access them with other
tools instead of jigdo-lite), or are the instructions on
wrong, or am I somehow misunderstanding them?

Transcript of what I've tried, along with a couple ### notes ### about
where I got my information and some alternatives I tried:

--- cut here ---

$ sudo apt-get install jigdo-file
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree   
Reading state information... Done
jigdo-file is already the newest version (0.7.3-4+b1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

$ jigdo-lite

Jigsaw Download "lite"
Copyright (C) 2001-2005  |  jigdo@
Richard Atterer  |
Loading settings from `/home/council/.jigdo-lite'
 does not exist!

$ wget
--2019-07-08 10:16:27--
Resolving (,, 2001:6b0:19::165, ...
Connecting to
(||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 26209 (26K)
Saving to: ‘debian-10.0.0-amd64-netinst.jigdo’

debian-10.0.0-amd64 100%[===>]  25.59K  --.-KB/sin

2019-07-08 10:16:27 (1.88 MB/s) - ‘debian-10.0.0-amd64-netinst.jigdo’
saved [26209/26209]

### Hmm, wget finds the URL just fine, even though jigdo-lite says it ###
### doesn't exist...  So install it from the local file instead of###
### the URL, even though says to  ###
### "supply that URL on the command line if you like".###

$ jigdo-lite debian-10.0.0-amd64-netinst.jigdo

Jigsaw Download "lite"
Copyright (C) 2001-2005  |  jigdo@
Richard Atterer  |
Loading settings from `/home/council/.jigdo-lite'

Images offered by `debian-10.0.0-amd64-netinst.jigdo':
  1: 'Debian GNU/Linux 10.0.0 "Buster" - Official amd64 NETINST 20190706-10:23 
(20190706)' (debian-10.0.0-amd64-netinst.iso)

Further information about `debian-10.0.0-amd64-netinst.iso':
Generated on Sat, 06 Jul 2019 10:25:25 +

If you already have a previous version of the CD you are
downloading, jigdo can re-use files on the old CD that are also
present in the new image, and you do not need to download them
again. Mount the old CD ROM and enter the path it is mounted under
(e.g. `/mnt/cdrom').
Alternatively, just press enter if you want to start downloading
the remaining files.
Files to scan: 

The jigdo file refers to files stored on Debian mirrors. Please
choose a Debian mirror as follows: Either enter a complete URL
pointing to a mirror (in the form
`'), or enter any regular expression
for searching through the list of mirrors: Try a two-letter
country code such as `de', or a country name like `United
States', or a server name like `sunsite'.
Debian mirror []: 

File `debian-10.0.0-amd64-netinst.template' does not exist!

### Can't find that file either, despite using the mirror URL   ###
### suggested on I've also ###
### tried a half-dozen other randomly-selected German and   ###
### Swedish mirrors, plus a few in the US in case it's just a   ###
### European problem, all with the same results.    ###

--- cut here ---

Dave Sherohman

Re: will Release come back for testing/updates at

2019-07-08 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, Jul 07, 2019 at 03:22:40PM +0200, Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
> That will be actually a permanent change, see
> . The
> intention was actually do to it already in earlier cycle, but was not
> possible (cf.

What was the intended method for people upgrading from pre-buster
versions to find out about this change?  Just wait for them to try to do
an update, get an error message, and hope that they ask on the mailing
list instead of just commenting out the security updates line?

Perhaps an announcement on debian-security-announce (and perhaps also on
debian-user) would be in order?  Ideally one with a "PAY ATTENTION! THIS
IS IMPORTANT!"-type subject line to minimize the chance of people
missing it.

Dave Sherohman

Re: How Buster release may affect Unstable?

2019-07-08 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Jul 05, 2019 at 10:35:05AM -0300, Francisco M Neto wrote:
> On Tue, 2019-07-02 at 12:23 -0400, Default User wrote:
> > On Tue, Jul 2, 2019, 05:38 Dave Sherohman  wrote:
> > > I think the core misunderstanding here is that you seem to be assuming
> > > that, when a new stable comes out, a new unstable is created to go with
> > > it.
>   Well... maybe? I mean, certain developers or maintainers may be aware of
> the release cycle and delay their uploads into unstable until after the new
> stable is released. In that case, Sid should experience an unusually high 
> number
> of updates over the next few weeks.

Yes, true, there will be (are?) a lot of new uploads to unstable in the
wake of the new stable release, but my impression was that the OP might
have been thinking that stretch-unstable is going to be discontinued and
replaced with a brand new buster-unstable (based on the stable buster
release), which isn't the case.  sid remains sid forever and will never
be replaced with a different unstable.

Dave Sherohman

Re: How to have password shown?

2019-07-04 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Jul 03, 2019 at 03:00:24PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> Most people mistype at some time; have you considered why your father
> might be doing it? Logins with convoluted or complex passwords do not
> help, so consider 12345678 or the date of his birthday. I'm tempted to
> say that either would reduce mishaps.

This would basically be my suggestion as well, since you want to get him
in the habit of using a password rather than disabling passwords
entirely.  Just make it a password based on a simple, compact keyboard
pattern, such as 1234 or (assuming a qwerty keyboard) qweasdzxc, so that
he's not moving from one part of the keyboard to another and potentially
making mistakes while doing so.

Dave Sherohman

Re: Debian Perl or Brew Perl for production application?

2019-07-02 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Jul 01, 2019 at 06:30:19PM +0200, wrote:
> I tend to stick to Debian packages as my primary choice, resorting
> to off-distribution packages when needed (e.g. not packaged for
> Debian, or I /need/ a newer version). Of course it takes some foresight
> to guess in advance whether you expect such a situation in the
> future.
> Rationale: they mesh better with the flow of system updates/upgrades.
> I've found Perl packaging in Debian outstanding. The Debian Perl
> packaging team does a damn good job indeed.

Pretty much the same here.  I was initially hired as a Perl developer,
then gradually moved into more sysadmin duties and, in both roles, I
prefer to stick with the Debian-packaged perl binary.  It gets me
security updates as needed and the only reasons I see a particular need
for PerlBrew and the like are:

1) You need different compile-time options than Debian chooses

2) You need access to a feature that's only present in a newer-than-
   Debian Perl version

3) You want to have the "latest and greatest" for its own sake

Personally, I've never encountered #1 or #2 in practice and if #3
mattered to me, then I wouldn't be running Debian stable in the first

Dave Sherohman

Re: How Buster release may affect Unstable?

2019-07-02 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Jul 01, 2019 at 03:34:55PM -0400, Default User wrote:
> What if a new Stable release introduces a major change to the existing
> distribution technology or methodology?
> For example, a new default filesystem is introduced.  Or something like
> systemd infects the distribution or its rate of metastasis accelerates,
> etc.  Or an important package management system or communication protocol
> is superseded or falls into disuse, or is simply abandoned by its
> developers or maintainers.
> I was wondering if an existing Unstable setup could diverge so far from
> Stable that major surgery would be necessary, or even complete replacement
> with Stable, followed by conversion to contemporaneous Unstable.

I think the core misunderstanding here is that you seem to be assuming
that, when a new stable comes out, a new unstable is created to go with

This is not the case.  *NOTHING* ever goes from stable into unstable.
*EVERYTHING* in stable[1] got there by way of unstable (with a stop off
in testing along the way).  If a major change happens in stable, then it
already happened some months or years ago in unstable:

- New filesystems start in unstable, then move to stable.

- systemd for Debian was first implemented in unstable, then made its
  way into stable.

- If apt were to somehow be replaced, that process would happen in
  unstable and the new package management tools would first appear
  there, before migrating into stable.

So, no, a new stable release would never break unstable.  Any breakage
that may happen would be flowing in the other direction (something
coming from unstable breaks stable), and even that is extremely rare.

[1] ...except security updates, which have their own path into stable
that doesn't pass through unstable, but they're not going to be
introducing major changes anyhow.

Dave Sherohman

Re: Can't install addons for firefox

2019-05-06 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, May 05, 2019 at 07:29:55PM -0400, Dan Ritter wrote:
> No, Mozilla really screwed up.

Understatement of the month, if not the year.  And yet, on the Mozilla
blog, all the comments are "oh, you're so awesome for working on a
weekend to fix this!", completely ignoring that there wouldn't have been
a problem to "heroically" work all weekend to solve if they'd just done
things right (staying on top of cert expirations, not trying to funnel
everything through a single point of failure, etc.) in the first place.

> Try installing
> And your problems should go away immediately.

Thanks!  The Mozilla blog just says to get the updated version, no
mention of how to install the updated cert directly.

I did still need to uninstall/reinstall my add-ons before they started
working again (I assume it would have eventually revalidated them on its
own, but I didn't have the patience to wait for that) but everything
appears normal again after doing that.  And all my settings appear to
have survived across the uninstall/reinstall cycle, even!

Dave Sherohman

Re: Can't install addons for firefox

2019-05-05 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, May 05, 2019 at 10:52:56AM +1200, Ben Caradoc-Davies wrote:
> Setting about:config / xpinstall.signatures.required to false fixed
> extensions for me for firefox 66.0.1-1 amd64 on Debian sid and for Firefox
> 66.0.2 on Android. I needed to restart Firefox on Debian.

When I tried that yesterday, it allowed extensions to be reinstalled
(yes, I was one of those who tried to fix this problem by uninstalling
and reinstalling my extensions), but not all plugins actually worked in
this state.  Most notably, NoScript displayed no icon on the toolbar
(just a blank space with a tooltip) and did not appear to actually do
anything.  Its settings were also inaccessible, both through the
(missing) popup menu and via the list of installed add-ons (in which
case I got a blank grey page with an endless "loading" spinner

Based on this, it appears that xpinstall.signatures.required may be no
more than a partial solution.  (Although it's also possible that
something may have been broken in the uninstall/reinstall process.)

Dave Sherohman

Re: Making a modal window

2018-12-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 11:24:33AM +, Brian wrote:
> It wasn't any plan for layers of secutity which surprised me but
> the desire to add to the existing username/password login scheme
> with extra (unspecified) questions.

Dan Ritter's reply included some off-list clarification from the OP:

> Actually the app I'm developing is for school's computer lab. In our
> school's computer lab, if someone wants access the computer, they
> should make a entry in a register stating the name, purpose, upto the
> time they want to use.   
> I'm making the same app in a computer for the computer. No user should
> be able to use the computer without filling the form. We can assume
> normal computer users and not so of advanced level. 

As Dan pointed out, you should be able to determine the user's name from
their login information and the duration of the session is also logged
automatically, so that really just leaves the "purpose" as the only
thing which still needs to be collected separately.

Dave Sherohman

Re: perl; Trying to get File::stat to work

2018-10-20 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 09:47:11PM -0500, Martin McCormick wrote:
> I am a member of a perl discussion list but it seems to have gone
> away

Your actual question has already been answered, but, for future
reference, PerlMonks ( is still around and
there are also several Perl folks who frequent StackOverflow
(, so you can generally get good answers to
Perl questions pretty quickly from either of those sites.

Dave Sherohman

Re: utilities

2018-09-25 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 01:24:48PM +0200, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> But i am not sure whether the official classification in
> of the first three priorities really matches the idea of a set of
> "standard [system] utilities":
>   "standard
>These packages provide a reasonably small but not too limited
>character-mode system."
> I.e. no X Window System:

I would not consider X[1] to be "standard" on anything other than a
desktop workstation.  I certainly don't install it on the vast majority
of the machines I manage.

> No command line CD/DVD/BD burning:

Sounds pretty far from "standard" to me.  Bordering on "esoteric", even.
Again, CD/DVD/BD burning at all is generally only applicable to end-user
systems[2] and, given that X is usually installed on such systems, I
would expect GUI burners to be used much more widely than CLI programs.

[1] Specifically, an X server.  X client applications are often useful
on non-desktop systems.

[2] And, I would suspect, a rather small subset of end-user systems, at
that.  I only know one person who burns optical media these days, and
that's to back up large numbers of photos whenever her hard drive fills

Dave Sherohman

Re: Apache HTP-Server won't fork more than 3000 processes.

2018-09-18 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 12:14:11AM +0200, Martin wrote:
> I have an issue with Apache's HTTP-Server 2.4. It says 'Resource temporarily 
> unavailable: AH00159: fork: Unable to fork new process'. I know, there are 
> some hits with Google, but there is no solution to me.
> Systemd knows about a task limit of 6000. mpm_prefork_module is set to 
> 'ServerLimit 4000' and 'MaxRequestWorkers 4000'. ulimits are set to unlimited.
> I also see in the kernel log 'cgroup: fork rejected by pids controller in 
> /system.slice/apache2.service'. But this does not correlate with the httpd's 
> messages from above, that comes only from time to time.
> Why does this thing stop forking at about 3000 processes? I have a (not just 
> one) Red Hat 6 in parallel, that one does.

"fork: Unable to fork new process" sounds to me like a system-level
error, coming from fork itself, not an apache configuration issue per
se.  Have you checked for available resources on the system?  Apache
processes are fairly heavy in terms of memory and CPU usage, so I'd
expect you to need a real beast of a machine to handle even 3000 apache
processes, never mind 6000.

Dave Sherohman

Re: Encrypted e-mails?

2018-09-07 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Sep 06, 2018 at 03:44:22PM +0200, Torben Schou Jensen wrote:
> We have smartphones with software from Apple and Google, but we are unsure
> if they look in our data.

Don't be silly.  Of course they do.

> But it is still very common to send unencrypted e-mails, open post cards.
> So why not use OpenPGP to encrypt e-mails, it is free, I am trying to find
> out how to?

Can't speak for anyone else, but...

I don't give a damn.

I'm sending this message to a public email list that anyone can
subscribe to, and I know that it's archived in many, many places,
several of which can be browsed by the general public.  It is not
private, by design, so why would I bother with encrypting it in transit?

If I were transmitting information that I actually wanted to keep
secret, I wouldn't put it in the body of an email at all.

The current push for enhanced privacy is all well and good, but the
crusaders often forget that there's a lot of information out there which
is intended to be public or which people simply don't care if it becomes
public.  There is absolutely no need to encrypt such information,
therefore "encrypt everything" is not the moral imperative they make it
out to be.

(There's an argument to be made for using cryptographic signatures to
validate the authenticity and integrity of messages, but that doesn't
require encrypting the actual content itself.)

Dave Sherohman

Re: mailing list vs "the futur"

2018-09-04 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 01:35:35PM -, Dan Purgert wrote:
> [*] Please you one last holdout using our ancient FTP service, let's
> move to the 21st century and use SFTP, please?

Last week, we decommissioned an ancient server[1] and then got a call
two days later from an academic complaining that his web site had
disappeared.  One of my predecessors had set him up with an arrangement
where he FTPed his files to this ancient server, then the actual web
host ran a daily cron job to scp files into production.

We somehow managed to convince him that the easiest solution would be
for him to use SFTP directly to the web server instead, and thus my
last FTP user fell.

Being rid of that protocol felt even better than I had anticipated.

[1] I don't know how old it was exactly - it was here before I started -
but it was running a version of Red Hat that was EOLed over a decade

Dave Sherohman

Re: mailing list vs "the futur"

2018-08-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 07:23:15PM +0100, mick crane wrote:
> mailing list are great until one of the threads gets really, really, really
> long

...and then they're *REALLY* great.

The only problem I can ever recall seeing with mailing lists and long
threads is when people don't trim the posts they're replying to.

Dave Sherohman

Re: Fail2Ban Question: Can I do this without restarting the service?

2018-08-18 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 05:28:50PM -0400, cyaiplexys wrote:
> While I don't travel, the co-admin travels a LOT and doesn't always stay at
> hotels. Sometimes they are on the road, getting wifi other places, etc. So
> again, probably not possible to even get a good range.

Yes, agreed, you probably will need to open your ssh port to the world.

> >>Can I do this too?
> >>
> >>ufw deny 22/tcp # Deny connection to port 22 (ssh default port)
> >
> >You could, but there's generally no point because all ports are denied
> >by default.  You usually don't need to create specific deny rules unless
> >you have a port that you want to have open to the world, but then close
> >it for specific addresses, or if there's an IP address that you want to
> >allow access to all ports, except for a few specific ports.
> But (unless I was mistaken) wasn't port 22 open by default for ssh? So
> wouldn't I have to block it once I change and open the other ssh port?

No, it's not open by default.  That's why it's necessary to set up the
"allow port 22 from..." (or whatever your alternate ssh port might be)
rule before turning the firewall on with "ufw enable".

If you've already opened port 22, then change your ssh port after
enabling the firewall, you would handle this by adding an allow rule for
the new port and then (after establishing a new ssh connection on the
new port) deleting the "allow port 22" rule rather than by adding a
"deny port 22".  To do this, run "ufw status numbered" to find the
number of the rule you want to remove, then "ufw delete [rule number]".

(Handy tip:  If you want to add a new rule that's similar to an existing
rule, but can't remember the exact syntax, you can "ufw delete [the
existing rule]" and say "no" when it asks to confirm the deletion.  The
confirmation message includes the command used to create the rule, so
you can just copy/paste it and change the details as needed to create
the new rule.)

Dave Sherohman

Re: Fail2Ban Question: Can I do this without restarting the service?

2018-08-17 Thread Dave Sherohman
is stuff is the same for Debian and Ubuntu as
> for fail2ban/ufw?)

I have limited experience with Ubuntu, but my impression is that their
differences (aside from release schedule) are primarily dealing with
end-user-focused applications.  Networking and firewall management are
deep enough in the guts that I'm 99% sure they'll be the same in both

Dave Sherohman

Re: Fail2Ban Question: Can I do this without restarting the service?

2018-08-17 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 02:07:02PM -0400, cyaiplexys wrote:
> See, that all is way over my head. I don't understand this stuff as I'm
> pretty much a total beginner in this.

OK, fair enough.  Let's see what help I can offer.

> Does Debian and Debian based systems have the firewall installed and
> running by default?

No.  For general-purpose firewalling, I would suggest installing ufw
(`sudo apt-get install ufw`), as it's much simpler to manage than using
iptables (the underlying firewall control scheme used by both ufw and
fail2ban to communicate with the kernel) directly.

After installing ufw, the following commands should get you started (all
of them need to be run with sudo or from a root shell):

ufw allow to any port 22 from [your IP address] proto tcp
(If you're using ssh to connect to the server, you *must* do this one
before enabling the firewall, or else you'll lock yourself out.  If you
need to connect with ssh from multiple addresses, you can either run it
multiple times with different addresses, or specify a network in CIDR

ufw enable
(Starts the firewall.)

ufw logging off
(...because it will otherwise flood your logs with reports of pretty
much every packet recieved on the network interface.)

ufw allow 80,443/tcp
(Opens port 80 (http) and 443 (https) for connections from anywhere on
the internet.)

Repeat the last one with the appropriate port numbers for any other
service that you want to make publicly available.

> I hvae no idea how to jail or whatever in fail2ban. Sounds that's what I
> want to do. Detect IP addresses hitting the server 1000 times in an hour and
> then ban those for a good long while (week sounds good).

That's pretty much exactly what fail2ban is intended to do.  A "jail" is
just fail2ban's term for a rule for what activities aren't allowed and
how to handle IP addresses which break the rule.

Unfortunately, adding a custom jail requires changes to multiple files,
but I can at least give you specific details on how to create this
particular one.  Again, these files need to be created or edited using
sudo or from a root shell.

First, you need to create a filter definition.  Create the file
/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/apache-missing-local.conf containing:

failregex =  [^ ]+ [^ ]+ \[[^]]+\] "[^"]+" 40[04] [0-9]+

Lines matching the failregex (an apache log line for a 404 error) count
as "failures".

Next, you need to define a jail which uses that filter.  Create the file
/etc/fail2ban/jail.local (or edit it if it exists, but I don't think it
exists by default) and add:

enabled  = true
port = http,https
filter   = apache-missing-local
logpath  = /var/log/apache2/*access*.log
maxretry = 1000
findtime = 3600
bantime  = 604800
ignoreip =

'port' is the list of ports to block when an address is put in the jail.
'logpath' is the list of logfiles to monitor for offending entries (in
this case, all log files in /var/log/apache2 with "access" in their
names).  'maxretry' is the number of times an address can break the rule
before getting jailed.  'findtime' is how long (in seconds, 3600 = 1
hour) the retries are remembered.  And 'bantime' is how long (in
seconds again, 604800 = 1 week) the address should remain jailed before
it is released and allowed to access your service again.  'ignoreip' is
a list of IP addresses which should never be blocked.

After setting up these files, you can either restart fail2ban or run
`sudo fail2ban-client reload` to activate the new jail.

> I wish there was an easy tutorial for doing these things.

It would be nice, yes.  I've figured out everything in this mail by
reading man pages and examining the existing config files.  Good
tutorials would have made that a lot easier.

Dave Sherohman

Re: Fail2Ban Question: Can I do this without restarting the service?

2018-08-16 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 09:29:58PM -0400, cyaiplexys wrote:
> Is there a better way to do this? I have a cron job that gathers IP
> addresses that get more than 1,000 hits from the apache log file and that
> gets put in the ip.blacklist.perm file.

If (as the filename implies) you want to block these addresses
permanently, then why are you using a tool designed to manage blocks
dynamically (fail2ban)?  Just use your preferred firewall management
tool to add a rule to block them outside of fail2ban.

For example, I manage my firewalls with ufw, so I would use 'ufw deny
from $IP_ADDR'.  It takes effect instantly, with no need to restart
anything, and will be persistent across reboots.

If you don't actually want them to be permanent, then you could instead
create a fail2ban jail which detects IP addresses which have generated
1000 incoming requests to ports 80/443 within the last 60 minutes (or
whatever timeframe your log analysis script looks at) and bans them for
a week (or however long you like), without needing to wait for the log
analysis script to run first.  And you can also whitelist certain IPs in
the jail config, if there are internal service monitoring machines or
whatever which legitimately generate levels of traffic which would
normally trigger a ban.

Dave Sherohman

Re: mailing list vs "the futur"

2018-08-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 08:29:34AM -0400, Rich Kulawiec wrote:
> Correct.  Procmail uses a set of rules to decide what to go with messages
> presented to it; those rules are usually based on the contents of message
> headers, but don't have to be.  For example, for this mailing list:
>   :0:
> * ^X-Mailing-List:.*
> /home/rsk/linux/debian-user
> Translating, this means that any message which has the specified header
> will be appended to the file named in the last line.

I used to use procmail a couple decades ago, then I switched to Debian,
and Debian installed exim by default, and I started using exim to sort
my mail instead.  My corresponding rule is:

if $h_X-Mailing-List: contains "debian-" then
  save $home/Mail/deb/

No translation required.  (And I prefer a single mailbox for all my
debian lists, which is why I just match on "debian-" instead of the full
name/address of the list.)

Dave Sherohman

Re: As seen above: use of su vs sudo

2018-08-07 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Aug 07, 2018 at 12:22:53PM +0100, James Allsopp wrote:
> As far as I can see "su -" saves a lot of grief if you're the only admin on
> a system. Tried sudo ing to a protected directory? Doesn't work.

Works fine for me:

dave$ sudo bash
[sudo] password for dave:
root# cd /some/protected/dir

> Tired of entering your password every couple of minutes?

Even without using sudo to start a shell, it (by default) remembers that
you've already authenticated recently and you only have to re-enter your
password if you go more than 15 minutes without running a sudo command.

Dave Sherohman

Re: As seen above: use of su vs sudo

2018-08-07 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Aug 07, 2018 at 08:07:56AM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
> On 2018-08-07 at 07:47, Martin wrote:
> > The point is not, that ONE person needs a root password. All people
> > intended to do privileged things will have to share this password.
> > This is a security nightmare!
> If they're all trusted enough to be trusted with that password in the
> first place, this isn't a problem, any more than the one person having
> it is.
> If they aren't trusted enough to have that password, why are we
> permitting them to do anything root-level in the first place?

It's not just a question of trust, but also one of maintenance.  What
happens when one of the people with root access gets a new job?

Using su and a shared root password:
- Disable the person's account.
- Change the root password.
- Find a secure way to distribute the new password to all the people
  it's shared by.

Using sudo:
- Disable the person's account.
- Remove the account from /etc/sudoers and/or the sudo group.

Everyone else with root access is completely unaffected by the

Dave Sherohman

Re: Changing systemd startup timeout

2018-05-16 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 02:09:43PM +0200, Sven Joachim wrote:
> Have you tried setting TimeoutStartSec rather than TimeoutStartUSec?
> Though I have to admit that I did not perform a web search but cheated
> by looking at the systemd.service(5) manpage, which mentions the former
> but not the latter.

Whaddayaknow, that did the trick.  Thanks!

Strange, though, that you have to set it as TimeoutStartSec, but
`systemctl show` displays it as TimeoutStartUSec.

Dave Sherohman

Changing systemd startup timeout

2018-05-16 Thread Dave Sherohman
Short version:

How can I extend (or remove) the startup timeout for a single systemd

Longer version:

I'm running a galera cluster of three mariadb servers.  It's been
brought down twice because one node has detected an inconsistency,
killed itself, and then systemd automatically restarted it.  This is all
good so far.

The problem comes in when it tries to restart and, because it shut down
in an inconsistent state, it wants to do a full state transfer to get
back in sync with the rest of the cluster, which involves copying
(potentially) 24G of data.  Performing this transfer takes long enough
that systemd times out, assumes the restart failed, and kills it, so
it's not possible to bring the node back online without bypassing
systemd and running mysqld_safe manually.

Based on some web searches, I've tried using `systemctl edit mysql` to
set "TimeoutStartUSec=infinity", but this does not appear to actually
have any effect, even after reloading the systemd daemon:

# systemctl edit mysql

# systemctl show mysql -p TimeoutStartUSec
TimeoutStartUSec=1min 30s
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl show mysql -p TimeoutStartUSec
TimeoutStartUSec=1min 30s
# systemctl daemon-reexec
# systemctl show mysql -p TimeoutStartUSec
TimeoutStartUSec=1min 30s

What do I need to do to make this actually work?  Or is it possible to
tell systemd to use a different method of determining whether mysqld has
started successfully, so that it will recognize "SST in progress" as a
valid "started" state?

Dave Sherohman

Re: Origin of /var/run contents

2018-02-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
Thanks!  That was just what I needed.

On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 12:46:50PM +0100, Martin S. Weber wrote:
> On 2018-02-27 05:03:15, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> > (...)
> > So, is there somewhere that /run is initially populated from, 
> > (...)
> man 5 tmpfiles.d, see also its SEE ALSO.
> Regards,
> -Martin

Dave Sherohman

Origin of /var/run contents

2018-02-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
I've just made my first foray into creating systemd service files, and,
although I got them to work with manual startup, they failed miserably
on reboot.  A short investigation revealed that this is because /var/run
is not persistent across reboots.  (It's a link to /run, which is a
tmpfs mount.)

The service file runs a shell script which starts the actual daemon (a
starman server).  The script runs as an unprivileged user, since we
don't want starman running as root.  However, /run is only writable by
root, so starman can't create its pidfile.

To work around this, I had created a subdirectory, /var/run/myapp, owned
by the user I run starman as.  This worked perfectly when it was set up,
but, of course, that subdirectory vanished when the system was rebooted
and, once again, starman couldn't create its pidfile.

So, is there somewhere that /run is initially populated from, where I
can create my myapp/ directory and set its ownership so that it will
exist and be writable by the app's user when systemd starts it up?  Or
should I be going about this in a completely different manner?

Dave Sherohman

Re: Dell Open Manage

2018-02-13 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 08:41:32AM -0600, David Wright wrote:
> On Mon 12 Feb 2018 at 10:34:45 (+), Adam Weremczuk wrote:
> > I'm referring to:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Does anybody know if jessie version works well on stretch?
> > 
> > Or if an official release for stretch is going to be available soon?
> On stretch, if *they* don't know, I doubt you'll get much joy here.

Coincidentally, earlier today I installed srvadmin-idracadm8 on stretch

deb jessie openmanage

and racadm was able to read the network config from my drac with no
problems.  I haven't tried changing the network config yet, or any other
operations, so I can't say whether it works completely, but it's at
least partially functional.

Dave Sherohman

Re: HTTPS - Your connection is not private - ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID

2018-01-20 Thread Dave Sherohman
> Now, when I open chromium or midori, I receive the error in the message 
> subject.
> Any https url is not opened and a warning page is displayed instead.
> What could be the problem?

Sounds like the root CA (Certification Authority) certificates aren't
installed, making it impossible to establish trust in the individual
site certificates.

> And How to solve?

First thing I'd try would be reinstalling the ca-certificates package.

(Well, actually, the first thing I'd consider would be copying all
important data to another location, then either restore a backup or
reinstall the system, because it sounds like the problem it encountered
is having widespread effects, so you're likely to encounter further
weird problems like this in the future.  But I assume that, in this
case, neither of those is a viable option, so you're stuck with playing
whack-a-mole as broken things are discovered.)

Dave Sherohman

Re: Banishing UUIDs from grub

2018-01-19 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 06:42:41PM +0100, deloptes wrote:
> Dave Sherohman wrote:
> > What is the recommended method for preventing grub from using UUIDs to
> > refer to filesystems in the current Debian stable distribution?
> what is the reason to avoid UUIDs? (if not very private)

The specific system where this is an issue is a backing image used as
the master for eight cloned developer virtual machines, so that each of
our devs can have their own private space to work in which mimics the
production server and can easily be reset to a pristine state by
throwing out the clone and making a new one.  In the cloning process,
the disk and LVM volume UUIDs are discarded and new UUIDs are generated
(which makes sense, because it's no longer the same disk or same
volume), but grub is still looking for the original UUIDs and drops into
a recovery shell when it fails to find them.

At this point, I have the rest of the process automated.  The one step
that still requires manual intervention is walking grub through the
first boot of the system and telling it to boot from (lvm/system)
instead of (lvm/[vg UUID]/[volume UUID]).

Dave Sherohman

Re: Banishing UUIDs from grub

2018-01-19 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 11:52:11AM -0500, Marc Auslander wrote:
> Dave Sherohman <> writes:
> >What is the recommended method for preventing grub from using UUIDs to
> >refer to filesystems in the current Debian stable distribution?
> I don't know about "recommended" but could you put your own menu
> entry into /etc/grub.d and make it the default?

Short and sweet.  Why didn't I think of that?


Dave Sherohman

Re: Banishing UUIDs from grub

2018-01-18 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 11:11:32AM +0100, Stephan Seitz wrote:
> On Do, Jan 18, 2018 at 03:31:30 -0600, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> >What is the recommended method for preventing grub from using UUIDs to
> >refer to filesystems in the current Debian stable distribution?
> In /etc/default/grub I have the option:
> # Uncomment if you don’t want GRUB to pass „root=UUID=xxx” parameter to Linux

That doesn't seem to be a complete solution for booting from an LVM
volume.  I've enabled it:

$ grep UUID /etc/default/grub 
# Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass "root=UUID=xxx" parameter to
# Linux

and re-run update-grub, but /boot/grub/grub.cfg still has a mix of
device names and UUIDs:

menuentry 'Debian GNU/Linux' --class debian --class gnu-linux --class gnu 
--class os $menuentry_id_option 
'gnulinux-simple-c5bb6082-0b8b-46e5-a253-c4811a1f011a' {
insmod gzio
if [ x$grub_platform = xxen ]; then insmod xzio; insmod lzopio; fi
insmod part_msdos
insmod lvm
insmod ext2
if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 
  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 
echo'Loading Linux 4.9.0-5-amd64 ...'
linux   /boot/vmlinuz-4.9.0-5-amd64 root=/dev/mapper/system ro  quiet
echo'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
initrd  /boot/initrd.img-4.9.0-5-amd64

My guess at explaining this would be that the GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID
flag is very literal and *only* affects whether "GRUB [passes]
"root=UUID=xxx" parameter to Linux", but not how grub itself identifies
the root device ("set root='lvmid/[UUID]').

Dave Sherohman

Banishing UUIDs from grub

2018-01-18 Thread Dave Sherohman
What is the recommended method for preventing grub from using UUIDs to
refer to filesystems in the current Debian stable distribution?


In an attempt to head off a "but you really want to use UUIDs!" debate:

The specific use-case I'm dealing with here is cloned virtual machines.
When I clone them, the virtual disks' UUIDs are cleared and new UUIDs
are assigned, which is as it should be.  However, this causes the first
boot to fail because grub can't find the UUID it wants to boot from,
requiring me to manually boot the system through the grub rescue shell.

Once the cloned VM is up and running, I can run grub-install to fix it,
but the use of UUIDs prevents the cloned VMs from booting unattended
until this is done.  If grub were to try to boot from lvm/system[1]
instead of lvm/UUID, that would remove the need for per-machine manual

[1] ...and it will always and forever be lvm/system.  Removable media
and hardware which can autodetect in nondeterministic sequences are not
concerns here.

Dave Sherohman

Re: Filter logcheck reboot messages?

2017-12-11 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sat, Dec 09, 2017 at 04:49:09PM +0100, Sven Hartge wrote:
> Ulf Volmer <> wrote:
> > On 09.12.2017 15:37, Sven Hartge wrote:
> >> Richard Hector <> wrote:
> >>> Nobody else uses logcheck? Everyone is fine with how it works?

I use it on a few dozen servers and I'm fine with how it works.

Yes, the majority of the content in the reboot messages is just routine
stuff, so I skip over it, checking only the first few lines and the last
few lines for anything questionable, without bothering to examine every
single line in between.  Still good to have all the "businesss as usual"
status messages in the middle, though, as that provides a record that I
can go back and examine later if any problems do crop up, and which is
independent of the machine itself, in case it's in too bad of shape to
be able to examine its logs directly.

> This is also the reason why I prefer logcheck over logwatch. 
> With logcheck you define "normal behavior" and it gets filtered out. The
> rest is then per definition "abnormal behavior" and gets send via mail.
> For logwatch on the other side you define the "abnormal behavior"
> beforehand, which I find much more inconvenient and difficult, because I
> mostly don't know if something is normal or not before I can see it.

I actually use both.  logcheck gives me quick (hourly) notice of
abnormal events when they occur and logwatch gives me daily summaries of
each machine's activity - not just unusual log messages, but also
actions taken by fail2ban, numbers of failed login attempts by source,
disk space status, etc.  logwatch can also serve as a (slow) heartbeat
for detecting machines which have failed or had their disks go into
read-only mode (which prevents logs from being written, so logcheck has
no log activity to report on) by setting up a script which knows what
logcheck reports should be received each day and warns if any are

Dave Sherohman

Re: Embarrassing security bug in systemd

2017-12-08 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Dec 07, 2017 at 09:37:25AM -0500, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 07, 2017 at 03:03:44AM -0600, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> > 
> > I no longer have any non-systemd machines handy to verify this on, but
> > my memory is that I have *always* been able to use halt/poweroff/reboot
> > commands from the console without requiring sudo or entering a password,
> > and I've been using Debian since 2000ish, well before systemd was even a
> > gleam in some programmer's eye.  /sbin/shutdown may have also been
> > freely available at the console, but I don't remember that one clearly,
> > since I didn't use it all that often once I discovered the others.
> > 
> I just did a fresh install of wheezy (7.11) with all defaults.  Here is
> what happened:
> testuser@debian:~$ cat /etc/debian_version
> 7.11
> testuser@debian:~$ /sbin/reboot
> reboot: must be superuser.
> testuser@debian:~$ ls -l /sbin/reboot
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Jul 14  2013 /sbin/reboot -> halt
> testuser@debian:~$ ls -l /sbin/halt
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 15184 Jul 14  2013 /sbin/halt
> The situation is basically the same for /sbin/shutdown.

Well, then.  I stand corrected.  Thanks for reminding me of what I'd

Dave Sherohman

Re: Embarrassing security bug in systemd

2017-12-07 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Dec 07, 2017 at 11:26:45AM +1300, Ben Caradoc-Davies wrote:
> Special privileges have been granted to console users for as long as I can
> remember, long before systemd, because they have physical access to the
> machine. Console users typically are also permitted to mount, unmount, and
> eject removable media, and have access to audio devices.

I think this is a key point that's been overlooked in the complaints
about this behavior:  It has nothing to do with systemd.

I no longer have any non-systemd machines handy to verify this on, but
my memory is that I have *always* been able to use halt/poweroff/reboot
commands from the console without requiring sudo or entering a password,
and I've been using Debian since 2000ish, well before systemd was even a
gleam in some programmer's eye.  /sbin/shutdown may have also been
freely available at the console, but I don't remember that one clearly,
since I didn't use it all that often once I discovered the others.

But, then, even if I'm remembering incorrectly, it's still a policy
matter, not a technical one.  If the policy was changed at the same time
as Debian switched to systemd, that's just a coincidence of timing and
the same policy change could have happened while still under sysvinit.

Dave Sherohman

Re: Older PHP for stretch

2017-10-06 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Oct 06, 2017 at 09:08:55AM -0400, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 06, 2017 at 07:35:28AM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> > Does anyone know where I might be able to find a repo with PHP 5.3 for
> > stretch?

> This is highly inadvisable, unless you are deploying within a completely
> trusted environment, as PHP 5.3 has been unsupported since August 2014.

That's pretty much as I expected, although I had assumed anything older
than jessie was already unsupported.  wheezy might be worth a try,
although we're also looking into whether a newer version of the app
might be available which would run under a more current PHP version.


Dave Sherohman

Older PHP for stretch

2017-10-06 Thread Dave Sherohman
Does anyone know where I might be able to find a repo with PHP 5.3 for
stretch?  It appears that one of the web apps we depend on is
incompatible with PHP 5.4 or newer and the official stretch php5
packages are version 5.6.30.

Dave Sherohman

Re: systemd says "org.freedesktop.systemd1.TransactionIsDestructive"

2017-09-01 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 07:40:50PM +0100, Jonathan de Boyne Pollard wrote:
> That said, it does sound like, from the scant description given, you are
> mis-using |su|. Do not abuse |su| to drop privileges
> <>, from
> |root| to |nobody|.  There are proper tools for the job of dropping
> privileges, which do not involve PAM and which will thus not hit this
> problem.  Moreover: do not abuse |nobody| for running dæmons
> <>, if you are doing
> that.  Set up a proper rôle account.  And, indeed, give the cron job
> (whatever it is) directly to that rôle account's |crontab|.

Thank you.  This lecture, though misplaced, proved to be useful.

While checking /etc/cron.daily to confirm that it's a Debian package,
not anything I wrote, which uses `su nobody`, I found that
/etc/cron.daily/locate calls updatedb.findutils with $LOCALUSER set to
"nobody".  updatedb.findutils then calls `su $LOCALUSER` multiple times,
matching the multiple attempts to su from root to nobody that I see in

For my part, I suppose I'll resolve this by switching from locate to
mlocate, which does its database updates as root, so it should have no
reason to drop privileges, regardless of the method.

In the larger picture, I suppose this qualifies as a bug in the locate
package.  But I will not file a bug against the package because,
honestly, I don't believe that I understand the pieces in play well
enough to make a convincing argument to the maintainer that it should be
changed, much less what it should be changed *to*.

Dave Sherohman

systemd says "org.freedesktop.systemd1.TransactionIsDestructive"

2017-08-31 Thread Dave Sherohman
Since being upgraded from jessie to stretch, several of my machines have
started emitting the following messages while processing cron.daily:

(in /var/log/syslog)
Aug 31 06:30:48 HOSTNAME systemd[1]: Requested transaction contradicts existing 
jobs: Transaction is destructive.

(in /var/log/auth.log)
Aug 31 06:30:48 HOSTNAME su[32025]: pam_systemd(su:session): Failed to create 
session: Input/output error
Aug 31 06:30:48 HOSTNAME systemd-logind[1301]: Failed to start session scope 
session-11179.scope: Transaction is destructive.  

The mention of freedesktop in one of the messages suggests that this may
be somehow X/GUI related, but all machines which are doing this are
headless servers with no X server installed, so they shouldn't be
touching anything obviously related to

Googling "org.freedesktop.systemd1.TransactionIsDestructive" just gets
me a handful of people having system startup/shutdown problems, which
would seem to support the "it's GUI desktop related" assumption, but
doesn't really provide any explanation of what's actually going wrong
(if anything - systemd is rather chatty even when everything is just

Looking at the larger context in auth.log, this comes in the middle of
starting up and shutting down several su sessions from root to nobody,
all of which succeed aside from the one which generates these errors.

So, in practical terms, what do these messages actually mean, beyond
just "a su session failed to start"?  Is it anything to be concerned

Dave Sherohman

Re: Question to new network device names

2017-08-24 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 09:17:00AM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
> However, I'll point out that machines with this many network interfaces
> are *by far* the exception rather than the rule; indeed, even machines
> with more than *one* interface each of wired and wireless are reasonably
> rare.

In the home desktop space, perhaps.  When you deal with rackmount
servers, OTOH, four (wired) network ports is pretty standard these days.

Of course, they're all on the same bus and using identical hardware/
firmware, so the "order might change based on which drivers load first"
case still doesn't apply.

> To the best of my awareness, the rationale for calling this "predictable
> network interface names" is that, on a single computer which has
> multiple network interfaces of a given type, this naming scheme makes
> it possible to predict *from one boot to the next* what the name of each
> one will be. On such a computer, this is extremely valuable.
> By contrast, on a computer which has at most one interface of a given
> type, this naming scheme provides - so far as I can tell - no advantage
> at all.
> What's more, when working on *multiple* computers of that latter type,
> this naming scheme makes it impossible to predict *from one computer to
> the next* what the name of the sole available interface will be.
> As such, IMO this naming scheme makes network-interface names
> significantly *less* predictable in the real-world scenario which is
> most commonly encountered.

This closely parallels the move from using /dev/sdXn to UUIDs for
referring to filesystems.  Probably superior in theory and doesn't cause
any issues as long as you're dealing with a single machine and
unchanging hardware configuration... but then you have a drive failure,
restore your backups onto new hardware, and you're hosed because the
system wants to boot from a UUID that no longer exists.  (Yes, you can
recover from that situation - I know because I've had to do it - but it
doesn't Just Work(TM) effortlessly.)

Dave Sherohman

Re: Apache oddness on jessie => stretch upgrade

2017-08-22 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 11:49:50AM +0200, Sven Hartge wrote:
> Dave Sherohman <> wrote:
> > Also, side question: I'm also manually running `systemctl enable
> > apache2` after upgrading.
> You shouldn't need to do this, the maintainer scripts in the packages
> will do this for you during the upgrade.
> *If* you need to do this to get a service started automatically during
> boot, then something is wrong with your system.

I've been doing it more just to be certain it was enabled, since I
wasn't sure how to tell if it was already enabled or not.  It probably
wasn't actually needed.

> > How can you tell whether something is enabled or not in systemd?
> > `systemctl status` will tell you whether it's currently running or
> > not, but I can't find any indication of enabled/ disabled in its
> > output.
> ,
> | # systemctl status ssh.service 
> | ● ssh.service - OpenBSD Secure Shell server
> |Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ssh.service; enabled)
> |Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-08-22 11:36:46 CEST; 11min ago
> |  Main PID: 812 (sshd)
> |CGroup: /system.slice/ssh.service
> |└─812 /usr/sbin/sshd -D
> `
> See the "enabled" at the end of the line starting with "Loaded:"? 


Well, that's embarrassing.  How did I manage to never notice that in all
the times I looked for it?


Dave Sherohman

Apache oddness on jessie => stretch upgrade

2017-08-22 Thread Dave Sherohman
Yesterday, I started on upgrading my servers from jessie to stretch.  It
went mostly without incident at the time, but then apache failed to
restart after logrotate did its thing overnight.

Investigating the apache error log, it ended with:

[Tue Aug 22 06:30:01.223322 2017] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 32366] AH00171: 
Graceful restart requested, doing restart
apache2: Syntax error on line 146 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on 
line 2 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/access_compat.load: Cannot load 
/usr/lib/apache2/modules/ into server: 
/usr/lib/apache2/modules/ undefined symbol: 

The particularly odd part is that this seems to happen only on the first
restart after the upgrade.  If I manually `systemctl start apache2` or
`apachectl graceful`, it successfully starts up with no complaints.
I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see whether this recurs on the next
logrotate run.

Any ideas regarding what's happening here or how to prevent it (other
than doing a manual apache restart immediately after upgrading, to get
the failure out of the way)?

Also, side question: I'm also manually running `systemctl enable
apache2` after upgrading.  How can you tell whether something is enabled
or not in systemd?  `systemctl status` will tell you whether it's
currently running or not, but I can't find any indication of enabled/
disabled in its output.

Dave Sherohman

Re: mailutils in stretch

2017-07-08 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Jul 07, 2017 at 04:39:48PM +0200, Sven Joachim wrote:
> Argh, I am sorry.  I meant to say just the opposite by leaving out the
> extra "not", In fact, various packages have been demoted from Priority
> standard or important to optional in recent years.  This includes the
> venerable "ed" text editor for instance, and also any package providing
> /usr/bin/mail.  Apparently the reason is that they pull in an MTA which
> is also no longer included by default.  Which seems sensible to me BTW.

It isn't?  On one of the new stretch machines referenced in my original
post, I get:

~$ dpkg -s exim4 | grep Priority
Priority: standard

Dave Sherohman

Re: mailutils in stretch

2017-07-07 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Jul 07, 2017 at 09:41:33AM +0200, Sven Joachim wrote:
> On 2017-07-07 02:06 -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> > What was the reason for omitting mailutils (and, specifically, a
> > functional /usr/bin/mail binary) from the default strech install?
> For the record, mailutils have never been part of a default install, but
> bsd-mailx (which also provides /usr/bin/mail) was until Jessie.

I stand corrected.  bsd-mailx does sound more familiar, now that you
mention it, but mailutils was the (first) `mail`-providing package I
found when I started looking with `apt-cache search`.

> > That's kind of a standard thing to be there on *nix systems...
> For better or worse, a default Debian installation seems to not omit
> various programs that have been standard on Unix systems.

Yes, exactly, which is why I was so surprised by /usr/bin/mail's

> There are certainly reasons for that, and I don't think many people
> use /usr/bin/mail to send or read mail these days.

> Packages using /usr/bin/mail to send reports should depend on, or at
> least recommend, bsd-mailx | mailx.

The reports in question weren't from packaged reporting tools, but
rather from random command-line programs being run with a command of the
form `some-program 2&>1 | mail dave -s "some-program results"`.  Is
there a more "modern"/preferred way of doing this sort of thing, which
will work in a default stretch install (and doesn't require adding
headers to the program output to make it suitable for piping directly to

Before someone points out that cron mails output to the user whose
crontab it runs from, these commands aren't being run directly from a
crontab.  Most are in cron.(d/daily/weekly/monthly), which doesn't
appear to support mailing the output to a non-root user or customizing
the subject line into somthing more useful than "Cron <root@host> test
-x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )".

Dave Sherohman

mailutils in stretch

2017-07-07 Thread Dave Sherohman
What was the reason for omitting mailutils (and, specifically, a
functional /usr/bin/mail binary) from the default strech install?
That's kind of a standard thing to be there on *nix systems...

(Yes, I've just spent the last couple days wondering why a couple new
stretch servers I set up were mailing some of their reports, but not
others, and finally noticed the "/usr/bin/mail: not found" errors
associated with the missing reports.)

Dave Sherohman

Re: glusterfs and qemu/kvm

2017-07-06 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Jul 06, 2017 at 09:43:48AM -0400, Jason Wittlin-Cohen wrote:
> The last post on the bug report indicates that this issue has been fixed.
> The changelog for the fixed version states:
>* enable glusterfs support (glusterfs-common), in qemu-block-extra
> Stretch and newer contain qemu-block-extra, and it depends on 
> glusterfs-common.

Ah, I missed that.  I didn't go through the details of the final message
because the "wontfix" tag is still there, so I assumed it still applied.

However, even after installing qemu-block-extra and restarting libvirtd,
it's still a no-go:

~$ sudo apt-get install qemu-block-extra

~$ sudo systemctl restart libvirtd
~$ cat gluster.xml 



~$ virsh pool-define gluster.xml 
error: Failed to define pool from gluster.xml
error: internal error: missing backend for pool type 10 (gluster)

This is on a fully up-to-date stretch install (qemu 1:2.8+dfsg-6, libvirt 
3.0.0-4, gluster 3.8.8-1).

Dave Sherohman

glusterfs and qemu/kvm

2017-07-06 Thread Dave Sherohman
I'm currently running a number of virtual hosts under qemu/kvm backed by
iscsi storage and would like to move the storage onto glusterfs.
Unfortunately, Debian's qemu does not come with gluster support.  When
searching for information on this, I came across this bug report:

It was tagged wontfix in Oct 2015 and closed Dec 2016.  The basic reason
for the wontfix is that gluster is packaged in a way which makes it
infeasible to provide gluster support in the core qemu package, or even
to create a qemu-glusterfs package, and this in turn is because upstream
does things in a way which would make it difficult to maintain a stable
glusterfs-dev package.

Has this situation changed at all since then?  Assuming it hasn't, is
there a recommended procedure for replacing the standard Debian qemu
with a version which adds gluster support?

Dave Sherohman

Re: Replace systemd

2017-07-05 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Jul 04, 2017 at 07:08:03PM -0700, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> Why not try a window manager and a panel?

I'm so far behind the times[1]... What's a "panel" in this context?

[1] I still use WindowMaker for my desktop.

Dave Sherohman

Re: stretch, vim, cut and paste broken (and fix)

2017-07-05 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 10:36:52AM -0400, Dan Ritter wrote:
> That's nice. It doesn't actually work for the X cut and paste
> mechanism that I rely on, and it turns out that adding this
> to my .vimrc:
> set mouse=off
> or
> set mouse=""
> does not work.

That's odd.  'set mouse=' worked fine for me as an in-session fix and my
long-term fix was to create a file at /etc/vim/vimrc.local containing:

--- cut here ---
" Don't silently ignore these settings in favor of those in default.vim
let g:skip_defaults_vim = 1

" Middle-mouse should paste from system clipboard, NOT vim clipboard!
set mouse=
--- cut here ---

Guess I never tried it in my own .vimrc, though, so perhaps default.vim
is overriding that, then, in addition to vimrc.local.

Dave Sherohman

Re: How did you update to stretch?

2017-06-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 01:27:42PM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> By running upgrade before dist-upgrade, you reduce complexity by
> maximising the compatibility of packages with each other. When
> lenny was replaced by squeeze, even these two steps were
> insufficient; the kernel and udev needed replacing as a pair after
> the (lenny) upgrade and before the (squeeze) dist-upgrade.

I was around for lenny => squeeze, but had forgotten about that.  It
could well be the explanation for my current procedure, though, which

apt-get update
apt-get install dpkg apt
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade

The basic idea being to first get the latest tools in place, then do the
simple upgrades, and save the complex ones for last.

I also used to stage large upgrades in multiple steps, doing only a
dozen or two packages at a time and selecting dependencies first,
leaving dependent packages for later (when possible), again in the
interest of keeping each batch of updates as simple as possible, but
I've stopped doing that since the tools started distinguishing between
manually-installed packages and those which were automatically selected
to satisfy dependencies.

Dave Sherohman

Re: [OT] Imperial measures

2011-10-06 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Oct 05, 2011 at 02:54:42PM +, Curt wrote:
 A liter of water weighs a kilo and is one meter long (at sea level).

A liter of water can be any length you want[1] (at any altitude), depending
on its cross-section.

[1] Well, OK, there is an upper limit, depending on how close you
require the molecules to be in order to still be considered a contiguous
liter of water.  If we require them to be separated by a maximum
distance of 2.75 angstroms (the diameter of a water molecule, according
to a quick google search), that gives a maximum length of 1.656 x 10e14
meters, or roughly 28 times Pluto's mean orbital radius.

Dave Sherohman

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Re: Worst Admin Mistake? was -- Re: /usr broken, will the machine reboot ?

2011-09-14 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 03:15:13PM -0700, Bryan Irvine wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 1:00 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:
  jacques wrote:
  by error most of the binaries in /usr are erased (killing rm :-(
  Everyone has made that mistake at some point.  I know I have!
 Not me!

Me neither!

However, on my first attempt to back up a Debian system, I somewhat
misunderstood the tar man page and entered:

tar cvzf /dev/hda1 *

Dave Sherohman

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Re: too much context switching

2011-07-07 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Jul 04, 2011 at 02:52:18PM -0600, ChadDavis wrote:
  Does the context switching means CPU switches it speed?
 Context switching means that the CPU has switched the process that it
 is executing.  The context is the process's execution context, I
 believe, which contains it's execution stack, variables, etc.

Yes, that's exactly what the context in question is.

I'm not familiar with how the Linux kernel divides up CPU time between
processes, but, if it does it based on clock cycles (X clocks to this
process, then X to that one, etc.) rather than wall-clock time (0.01
seconds to this process...), then we can expect the number of context
switches per second to correlate strongly with CPU speed, since there
will be more X clocks slices per second to distribute.  If any running
software includes commands to yield CPU early, then a similar (but
weaker) correlation can be expected, since that yield command will be
reached more quickly each time that program runs, leading to more churn
of executing processes.

Perhaps more significantly, I would expect a strong correlation between
context switches per second and the number of CPU cores, since each core
will have its own process context and do its own switching and time
slicing - I would generally expect a system that's running processes on
four cores to have four times as many context switches per second as a
system that's only using one core.  It's just a side detail that, in
general, CPUs with more cores also tend to have higher clock speeds.

Anyhow, there are some good answers to the original question at

For a short and sweet answer, I'll turn to Microsoft and their Windows
2000 Server docs

You can determine whether context switching is excessive by
comparing it with the value of Processor\% Privileged Time. If this
counter is at 40 percent or more and the context-switching rate is
high, then you can investigate the cause for high rates of context

If, as in the OP, your CPU is 90+% idle, then you are *not* having
problems caused by excessive context switching.  (The reason they become
problematic is because they suck CPU time away from doing useful things.
If the CPU is idle, then it's obviously not having problems with wasting
too much time on context switches.)

Dave Sherohman

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Re: [OT] Google search default lang.

2011-06-22 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 10:55:43PM +1000, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 On 20/06/11 18:35, Dave Sherohman wrote:
  Oh, if only it were that simple...  Most internationalized websites
  (including Google) seem to have completely given up on Accept-Language
  headers[1] in favor of relying on IP geolocation.  I'm an American expat
  living in Sweden, so my browsers are set to send
  Accept-Language: en-us, en, sv-se
  Despite this, every time my Google cookie expires, it sends me the
  Swedish version of the page.  Setting language preferences on the client
  side does *not* work[2] for Google or most other sites.
  [1] apparently on the theory that most users don't know how to set
  their preferred lanuages, so the header specifies the browser's default
  instead of the user's preference
  [2] even though it damn well should
 Are you sure this is not also Google's geolocation feature?

My point is that geolocation should not matter.  Yes, I am physically in
Sweden, however my Accept-Language header explicitly states that Swedish
is NOT my preferred language.  Documents should be provided in en-us if
available, then en, and only sv-se if no English version is available,
regardless of my location.

How they determine my physical location (IP geolocation vs.
approximating based on google's database of wireless access point
locations vs. GPS vs.  triangulating from cell towers vs. picking me out
of a spy satellite image vs. whatever else) is completely irrelevant to
this point.

Dave Sherohman

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Re: [OT] Google search default lang.

2011-06-20 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 01:14:11PM -0300, Leandro DUTRA wrote:
 2011/6/19 Lisi
  Google - language tools (under advanced) - preferences
 Even better, set the system???s or the user account???s language.

Oh, if only it were that simple...  Most internationalized websites
(including Google) seem to have completely given up on Accept-Language
headers[1] in favor of relying on IP geolocation.  I'm an American expat
living in Sweden, so my browsers are set to send

Accept-Language: en-us, en, sv-se

Despite this, every time my Google cookie expires, it sends me the
Swedish version of the page.  Setting language preferences on the client
side does *not* work[2] for Google or most other sites.

[1] apparently on the theory that most users don't know how to set
their preferred lanuages, so the header specifies the browser's default
instead of the user's preference

[2] even though it damn well should

Dave Sherohman

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Re: how to get to runlevel 3

2011-06-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 07:42:25AM +0200, Mark Panen wrote:
 Been googling for this with no success. I have tried init 3 and teinit
 3 and the runlevel command shows i am at runlevel 3

Then you are in runlevel 3.  If your true objective is to get to
runlevel 3, you have succeeded!

 but X is still on and i cannot install a Nvidia driver.

Unlike Red Hat-derived distributions, Debian leaves it up to the
individual sysadmin to define the significance (if any) of runlevels
2-5.  By default, they are all identical.

If X is starting by default, then you must have installed an X display
manager.  Unfortunately, it's been so long since I last did a default
Debian install that I have no idea which one might have been
automatically installed (I'm assuming you didn't explicitly install one,
since you don't want what it does to happen), but you should be able to
find the running display manager with

ps ax | grep dm

Look for a process named something like xdm, wdm, gdm, kdm, etc.
Assuming you found xdm, you can then shut it down with

/etc/init.d/xdm stop

If, on the other hand, you just need to get to a real console and don't
need to shut X down completely, a simple ctrl-alt-F1 will do that.
(Although, if your purpose is to install nVidia drivers, you probably
will need to shut X down.)

Dave Sherohman

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Re: how to get to runlevel 3

2011-06-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 09:37:15AM +0200, Mark Panen wrote:
 yes, as Frank said /etc/init.d/kdm stop works, one thing i don't
 understand about runlevels though is, when i reboot, i still get X
 which i want but,
 who -r
  run-level 2  2011-06-10 09:01   last=S
 why is X running at runlevel 2 and not 5?

Your who -r output says the last runlevel was S (the capital letter),
not 5 (the numeral).  Per man 8 init:

Runlevel S is not really meant to be used directly, but more for
the scripts that are executed when entering runlevel 1. For more
information on this, see the manpages for shutdown(8) and

When the system is in runlevel S, it hasn't fully booted. X just hasn't
been started yet at that point.

Dave Sherohman

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Re: Poll Summary Poll 1b - What Smartphone do you use?

2011-05-17 Thread Dave Sherohman
Ah, what the heck...  I'll play:

Sony Ericsson Xperia X10i, Android 2.1, 3, Sweden
APD: 40, 32, 13

(Yes, Sweden has a cell carrier named 3.  No, I have no idea how they
managed to get that approved as a company name.)

Dave Sherohman

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Re: Let's say you never want to upgrade from Lenny...

2011-04-06 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Apr 05, 2011 at 05:55:30PM +0200, Klistvud wrote:
 The leap from Lenny to Squeeze is not that big, after all. It's just  
 like having Lenny on steroids. There are just too many goodies in  
 Squeeze not to upgrade.

 What's the big fuss? I've upgraded my better half and our two kids to  
 Squeeze and, apart from the new boot theme/wallpaper, they never even  
 noticed it.

So, if I'm following this correctly, you should upgrade from lenny to
squeeze because it's chock full of goodies, but (aside from the boot
theme/wallpaper) you'll never notice whether those goodies are there or

If the goodies aren't noticable, then they don't sound like a very
compelling reason to upgrade.

(I'm not saying you shouldn't upgrade, just that those two paragraphs
seem to contradict each other.)

Dave Sherohman

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Re: New policies?

2011-02-16 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 04:48:44PM -0600, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
 For the irksome case where a proprietary protocol is changed out from under 
 Free Software in a stable release, Debian has already had a mechanism for 
 fixing this, for a while.
 First, the change required to support the changes in the protocol are applied 
 to the stable version of the software.  Then, after some internal testing, a 
 VUA ts published and the updated Debian package is uploaded to volatile.  
 Concurrently, this update might also be published to stable-proposed-updates. 
 If there are complaints with the new package, these are addressed in the same 
 repositories.  Assuming the package is in good shape by the next point 
 release, the new package is included in that point release.
 This is similar to a security update in some ways, but it doesn't have a 
 dedicated team and repository mainly due to the relative importance.  The 
 sticking point is largely the same, too; the fix must be cherry-picked / 
 backported to the version of the software that is in Debian.  If no one 
 do that work, that is proof of lack of interest in the bug fix.

...and *this* is why I love Debian.  Stable is rock-solid without
bringing in all the new features (and their accompanying new bugs) every
time that upstream drops a new latest and greatest version.  Aside
from once every couple of years, it doesn't change except to address
major problems and, even then, the change is limited to only the fix for
the problem instead of adopting unrelated updates just because they're

Dave Sherohman

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Re: Sticking with Lenny

2011-02-08 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Feb 08, 2011 at 11:27:55AM +, Tony van der Hoff wrote:
 deb stable main contrib non-free
 What happens in this case? Presumably updates will be taken from the new  
 stable repository?


 Should I be specifying lenny instead of stable,

Yes, if you want to stay on lenny until further notice.

Personally, I always use the version names, so I'm not 100% certain that
it's still around, but I believe you could also use old-stable to
continue tracking lenny (at least until wheeze comes out, at which point
old-stable will become squeeze).

 or am  
 I already too late to do that?

If you've already done any updates which have installed packages from
squeeze, then it's too late with respect to those packages (apt won't
automatically downgrade the squeeze versions back to a lenny version),
but, aside from that, changing from stable to lenny shouldn't cause any

Dave Sherohman

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Re: Let's talk about HTTPS Everywhere

2011-01-21 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 03:26:31PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 In regards to http cookie hijacking the first and foremost a programmer 
 would ask himself is do we really need to *constantly* generate a write/
 read operations of the cookies for *all* the tasks?.

Unfortunately, if the site is to exist within a single base URI, yes, we
do need to *constantly* read cookies.  That's the way browsers work - if
the browser holds any cookies related to a given URI, it will send those
cookies on *every* request to that URI.  The cookies are not requested
on a per-fetch basis by the server.

The only way around this is to have separate /public and
/authenticated spaces within your app's URI space and set all cookies
to apply only to the /authenticated space.  This isn't a viable
solution these days, however, as it means that documents in the
/public space will have absolutely no access to any information
regarding the user or his session, so it won't be able to do things that
users have become accustomed to, such as showing who you're logged in as
(or even whether you're logged in at all, making any login or logout
links within the /public space problematic, at best).

(Well, OK, there is one other way around it:  Discard the stateless HTTP
protocol and replace it with a protocol based on persistent connections
so that you don't have to fake persistence by using cookies to
re-identify yourself every time you talk to the server, but there's no
way that's happening any time soon.)

 If the data, that now is being exchanged between the server and user's 
 computer by means of cookies, is to be stored in the server itself in a 
 database, most of theses attacks could be prevented.

Any decent site will only use a single cookie containing a random
session ID and store all additional data on the server itself, keyed to
that ID.  In this (extremely common) scenario, the only thing being
exchanged between the server and the user's computer by means of cookies
is this identification token; storing it solely on the server and not
repeatedly exchanging it would mean that the server is not able to
identify the user.

Dave Sherohman

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Re: Let's talk about HTTPS Everywhere

2011-01-20 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 02:47:11PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Wed, 19 Jan 2011 07:17:58 -0600, Dave Sherohman wrote:
  When dealing with sites which use session cookies, public navigation
  *is* sensitive data, as every request sent will include the cookie(s)
  which identify you and an attacker who gains access to that data would
  be able to use those cookies to impersonate you for the lifetime of that
  session, as demonstrated by the recent uproar over FireSheep.
 Data stored in cookies is not what I understand for sensitive. What 
 kind of information do you think are cookies managing?

As I said earlier, websites which use persistent sessions store the
session id in a cookie.  While this cookie does not contain any data
which is meaningful outside of the context of your persistent session,
it is somewhat sensitive in that an attacker would be able to
impersonate you by cloning your session cookie.  This would then allow
them to create or access content on the site which issued the cookie as
if they were you, potentially gaining access to more conventionally
sensitive information or fraudulently posting from your accout, for the
remaining lifetime of the session.

Some sites do associate the originating IP address with the session data
to help protect against session hijacking, but this is not overly
widespread and, even when it is employed, it has issues with proxies
(which can cause multiple users to appear on a single address) or
reverse proxies (which can cause a single user to appear on multiple
addresses), so https really is the only surefire way to prevent it.

Dave Sherohman

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Re: Let's talk about HTTPS Everywhere

2011-01-19 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 12:57:48PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Wed, 19 Jan 2011 03:29:15 -0800, S Mathias wrote:
  3) Can someone trust this Add-on? Is it safe to install/use?
 I don't like/trust anoymous (even encrypted) proxy sites.

HTTPS Everywhere is not a proxy site, encrypted, anonymous, or
otherwise.  It causes your browser to request that the sites you visit
use HTTPS rather than cleartext HTTP when communicating (directly) with
you.  Nothing more, nothing less.

  4) If it's so great why isn't it more prevalent?
 - SSL traffic is heavy and slow
 My opinion is that I don't want to encrypt all the traffic, at least not 
 with the slow DSL connections/hosts we have now (loading a single page 
 will take seconds).

I don't know where you get this idea.  SSL traffic is no different on
the wire than any other data traffic.  There is a cost in processing
overhead for running the encryption algorithms on the client and on the
server, but it does not incur any additional bandwidth requirements and,
with modern hardware, the additional processing cost is negligible.

 - There no need (normally) for encrypting public navigation (see the note 
 I prefer to leave the SSL/TLS for sensitive data (logins, etc...). 

When dealing with sites which use session cookies, public navigation
*is* sensitive data, as every request sent will include the cookie(s)
which identify you and an attacker who gains access to that data would
be able to use those cookies to impersonate you for the lifetime of that
session, as demonstrated by the recent uproar over FireSheep.

Dave Sherohman

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Re: Does everything depend on everything?

2009-10-31 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 09:49:08AM -0400, Celejar wrote:
 Why does anything have to be wrong?  It just means that you'll have to
 wait to upgrade the core packages until newer versions of the optional
 packages, compatible with the new core packages, become available.
 I assume that you're running testing or unstable?  This sort of thing
 is not uncommon with those flavors, IIUC.

Expected, even.  That's why they're *called* testing (as in, it's not
fully-tested yet, so it may break) and unstable (as in, it's not

Dave Sherohman

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Re: [OT] List policy - [Was: Could you recommend CD/DVD writer program?]

2009-10-13 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 11:29:57PM -0500, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
 It is semi-on-topic for this list to discuss work-arounds for Debian-provided 
 clients, most of which boil down to using Reply-To-All and then editing the 
 To/Cc lines to match list policy.

Actually, I'd say that the majority of suggestions boil down to use a
better email client.  I know mutt supports reply-to-list (I'm using it
right now) and I'm pretty sure I've seen people here saying that
Thunderbird supports it natively in the latest version (and with a
plugin in earlier versions).  A couple others have also been mentioned,
though their names elude me at the moment.

Use reply-to-all and edit to/cc seems to be the fallback position for
when the person who doesn't like the way the list works says they
can't/won't switch clients.

Dave Sherohman

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Re: Could you recommend CD/DVD writer program?

2009-10-13 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 07:23:30AM +0400, Mark Goldshtein wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 1:17 PM, Dave Sherohman wrote:
  Granted, for most lists, the substantial majority of replies are
  intended to go to the list, but the greater degree of harm caused by
  inadvertently publicizing private information is, I believe, large
  enough that the average harm-per-reply (i.e., expected harm from a
  mis-send times the odds of a mis-send) is still lower without setting
  I'm not a list admin here, but that seems to me like a pretty good
  reason for the current policy.
 Still see no reason not to have Debian Mailing List in 'Reply-To'
 field. People who subscribed to public mailing list undoubtedly almost
 in 100% cases want to reply to that mailing list, not to the original
 authors. Is that not reasonable?

The position I was trying to explain in my earlier message was that,
even though 99% of replies to mailing list messages are intended to go
to the list, directing an intended-private message to the list causes
over 100 times more harm than a message intended for the list being
inadvertently made private.  The Debian list policy is, therefore,
reasonable, because it minimizes the overall total harm caused by
misdirected messages.

Reasonable people can (and clearly do) disagree, but that's why I favor
maintaining the Debian list policy of not injecting Reply-To: headers.
My main point, really, was just that the current policy is not merely a
case of being as mule-headed as possible about this, for no good
reason, RFCs-be-damned.  There are actual reasons behind it, even
though some may not agree with them.

That said, some other posts in this thread have mentioned a tendency of
d-u members to become irate when replies are sent with 'reply-to-all'
and they receive two copies of the response, one privately and one via
the list.  This does strike me as unreasonable, particularly given that
so many people continue to use broken email clients that don't provide a
reply-to-list function.  Although dual-replying is marginally
inefficient, it's ultimately benign, easily ignored, and, if it really
bugs you that much, I've seen many procmail recipes posted here for
filtering them out automatically.  There's no reason to get on anyone's
case for using reply-to-all.

Dave Sherohman

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Re: Could you recommend CD/DVD writer program?

2009-10-12 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 06:28:29AM -0500, Mark Allums wrote:
 The fact that so many people have a problem with this should tell the  
 maintainers something.  They are being as mule-headed as possible about  
 this, for no good reason, RFCs-be-damned.

Am I correct to infer from your final clause that you are aware of some
RFC which states that mailing lists SHOULD or MUST add reply-to headers
directing responses back to the list?  If so, please cite the RFC number
and/or provide a link to it, as I am aware of no such RFC.

 And sometimes I forget.  I have to remember two behaviors for different  
 lists.  I'm not young anymore.  No one should get POed at anyone else  
 for not changing the addressing, because we may not be able to do better.

Sometimes I forget, too.  I'm sure everyone does.  That's human nature.

So what happens when someone forgets?  With reply-to set to direct
responses back to the list, a response which was intended to be private
becomes public.  With no reply-to, a response which was intended to be
public becomes private.

Perhaps your experiences have been different than mine, but, as I see
it, publicizing something intended to be private is very likely to cause
harm, and this harm may be rather substantial.  (Sending a closed
project bid to your competitors, distributing your home phone number to
all of d-u's thousands of subscribers, etc.)  Sending a reply privately
that was intended to go to the list is unlikely to do any more than
cause minor annoyance.  (Re-send it to the list and you get the original
intended effect with no harm done beyond the embarassment of messing it
up and the initial recipient seeing it twice.)

Granted, for most lists, the substantial majority of replies are
intended to go to the list, but the greater degree of harm caused by
inadvertently publicizing private information is, I believe, large
enough that the average harm-per-reply (i.e., expected harm from a
mis-send times the odds of a mis-send) is still lower without setting

I'm not a list admin here, but that seems to me like a pretty good
reason for the current policy.

Dave Sherohman

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Re: Is there any security risk using p2p client ?

2009-08-16 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 12:05:08PM +0300, ??  wrote:
 Is that so? The torrent file you download from debian (= you trust
 that), doesn't contain the checksum?

If you're verifying the checksum, then you implicitly don't trust the
file 100%.  And you shouldn't have 100% trust in any file obtained over
the public internet unless solid end-to-end encryption is in place to
secure the transfer against man-in-the-middle attacks, DNS-based attacks
(which could result in you downloading from a different source than you
think you're getting it from), etc.  This goes double for any sort of
p2p download, since the whole point of p2p downloads is that you're
getting small pieces of the file from many different sources, meaning
that any one of those sources could potentially have maliciously altered
the pieces they're giving you.

If you don't trust the file 100%, then why would you trust the checksum
it contains?  A maliciously-altered file would almost certainly also
contain a new checksum which matches the altered version of the file.

Always obtain your checksums via an alternate (cryptographically-
secured) path, not directly from the data they're being used to verify.

Dave Sherohman

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Re: wi-fi security?

2009-08-06 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Aug 05, 2009 at 12:27:24PM -0500, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
 However, NO wireless security protocol can protect you from packet sniffing 
 at or *behind* the AP.  If the entity that provides the network is a 
 potential attacker, you must use end-to-end security (ssh, ssl, tls, vpn, 
 etc.) for anything not public.

IMO, this is the most important point in all discussions of wireless
network security.  It doesn't matter how secure the wireless connection
itself is, the internet at large is (and almost certainly always will
be) an untrusted network.  If you're already treating all connections
across the public internet as untrusted, then it really doesn't matter
all that much whether the wireless network you're connected to is
trustworthy or not.

Dave Sherohman

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Re: How many users will fall for my Disposition-Notification-To?

2009-06-05 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Jun 05, 2009 at 09:00:21AM +0800, wrote:
 Fellas, what happens when I put a Disposition-Notification-To: m...@...
 header at the top of my mail? Yes I know all about the protocol,
 I'm just curious about how many users will fall for my From what I've seen, about half the
 users' computers I send such a header to send back acknowledgements, and
 the other half don't.

Seems to me you already answered your own question:  About half will
fall for it.  (Not that I have any knowledge of this beyond what you
posted, just pointing out that you appear to already have empirical data
which answers the question.)

Dave Sherohman

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ctrl-o (was Re: Rogue Filename - Can't Do A Thing With It)

2009-05-22 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 10:23:13AM -0700, Kelly Clowers wrote:
 For hard to type file names, I have a line in my .inputrc:
 Control-o: menu-complete
 Then you can press ctrl-o repeatedly to cycle through file names. If you
 can type the beginning of the name, it cycles through only the names
 that start with whatever you typed. I have found it very useful for some
 Japanese file names.

You might want to map it to a different keystroke, as ctrl-o already
does something quite useful by default:  When calling up a command from
history, ctrl-o executes it and loads the next command in your history
into the prompt.

e.g., If, at some point in your command history, you did a 'cd' followed
by 'ls', you could go back in the history to the 'cd', press ctrl-o, and
it would execute the 'cd', then put 'ls' on the command line, ready for
you to execute it by just hitting enter (or ctrl-o again, if you want to
continue replaying the sequence).

It's obviously not that great when you're replaying a sequence of
two-character commands, but when you're stepping through a series of
longer commands with lots of parameters from way back in the history, it
can be a huge convenience.

Dave Sherohman

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Re: Rogue Filename - Can't Do A Thing With It

2009-05-21 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 10:39:38AM -0400, Hal Vaughan wrote:
 Recently I started getting errors from rsync on a machine I don't tend  
 to have to log on to very often.  I checked the bad directory and get  

 [...@scarecrow:threshNet]$ ls -l reportX
 total 0
 ?- ? ? ? ?? reportX/2009-r...@?

 At this point this is the only file in the directory.  Originally the  
 directory was report but I changed it to reportX and moved all the  
 other files out of that directory and into the new one (since my rsync  
 cron job only backs up specific directories).  If there are more files  
 in that directory, I get just the file names, but this rogue file shows 
 up in the listing with the directory name first -- every time.  I've 
 tried this:

 [...@scarecrow:threshNet]$ rm reportX/*
 rm: cannot lstat `reportX/2009-raw\...@\037': No such file or directory

Sounds to me like you may be dealing with a (hopefully) minor case of
filesystem corruption.  Have you tried running fsck over that device?
(Don't forget to unmount it first!)

Dave Sherohman

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RT3.6 failing mysteriously after lenny upgrade

2009-05-14 Thread Dave Sherohman
I finally got around to upgrading from etch to lenny about a week ago
and, since then, my Request Tracker installation has been returning
blank pages after about 24 hours of operation.  An `apache2ctl graceful`
will get it working again, but, the next day, I'm right back to blank

These white pages were initially associated with a segfault being logged
on each request, which gave me something to google for, and I turned up
some posts stating that it was likely caused by an incomplete upgrade
which did not make all necessary database changes.  A specific change
was mentioned, which did indeed put an end to the segfaults (it now logs
no errors when failing), but the blank pages are still coming back.

Some of my google hits mentioned that the change I'd made was not the
only one and that you should go through the steps listed in
UPGRADING.mysql or re-run, but neither of these
files appears to exist on my system.  (`locate` doesn't find them and
`dpkg -L` doesn't list them as being present in the request-tracker3.6
or rt3.6-db-mysql packages.)

What do I need to do to recover from this and get RT to stay up 24/7

Dave Sherohman

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Re: Cron - any advanced options?

2009-04-23 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 09:29:29AM +0100, Dave Ewart wrote:
 Don't make it cron's responsibility to check whether the script is
 already running.  Make it the *scripts's* responsibility.

Agreed.  If you make cron responsible for making sure it doesn't run
twice, what happens when someone decides they should (for whatever
reason) run it from the command line, a web-based tool, or anything
other than cron?

 For example, the script should create a marker file (or similar) when it
 runs, deleting the marker file upon completion.

Depending on the script, you may also be able to accomplish this with ps

ps ax | grep [m]y-script-name

If it returns anything, then at least one process named my-script-name
is already running, so abort.  (The [brackets] around the first letter
of my-script-name are to prevent grep my-script-name from appearing in
the output and creating a false positive.)

Dave Sherohman
NomadNet, Inc.

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Etch (7.4) - Lenny (8.3) PostgreSQL upgrade issues

2009-04-19 Thread Dave Sherohman
I took the plunge and upgraded my server from etch to lenny last night.
It went mostly OK, but the PostgreSQL update didn't quite work out...

I did see the message during the 8.3 install indicating that manual
intervention was required and, per
/usr/share/doc/postgresql-8.3/README.Debian.gz, I issued the commands:

pg_dropcluster 8.3 main --stop
pg_upgradecluster 7.4 main

The second command, instead of performing the upgrade, responded with:

Error: specified cluster is not running

Er, OK...  There's still an /etc/init.d/postgresql-7.4, so tell that to
start.  It returned too quickly for me to believe it had done anything
and ps confirmed that no postgres processes were running.  Check dpkg
--get-selections, and 7.4 is deinstalled.  Fine.  Tell aptitude to
reinstall it.  But, alas, No candidate version found for

Google has turned up a few discussions in the Debian BTS about whether
it would be a good or bad thing to fully-automate the PostgreSQL upgrade
process, but nothing that appeared relevant to getting this to work
(manually or automatically).

So, what do I need to do to recover from this?

Dave Sherohman
NomadNet, Inc.

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Re: Etch (7.4) - Lenny (8.3) PostgreSQL upgrade issues

2009-04-19 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 09:53:03PM +1000, CaT wrote:
 On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 05:51:17AM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
  So, what do I need to do to recover from this?
 Not had this problem myself but at a guess... put a deb-src line for etch
 in your sources.list file, then
 apt-get -b source postgresql-server-7.4
 Install all the needed things, then once it's compiled, make a backup of
 your db, install the resulting debs and follow the procedure you initially
 tried to follow.

Figures I'd miss the obvious...  Thanks!  That does seem to have taken
care of it.

Dave Sherohman
NomadNet, Inc.

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Re: security (malware) issues in Linux bases OSes

2009-02-16 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 04:22:37PM -0300, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:
 But neither of these help in case a stupid user receives an e-mail saying:
 Run 'sudo dpkg -i FreePornPics.deb to see insert celebrity name here's
 secret sex tape'.

No, but it still wouldn't get far because, unlike all the major Windows
malware threats, this requires the user to do actual *typing* (eww!
yuck!) instead of just going clicky-clicky or auto-running as soon as
the message is previewed.

Dave Sherohman
NomadNet, Inc.

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Re: security (malware) issues in Linux bases OSes

2009-02-16 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 07:26:38AM -0700, Paul E Condon wrote:
 And, without testing it, I'm pretty sure that
 sudo rm -rf / 
 is trapped and subject to special handling. At least, it should be,

Only one way to find out whether it is or not...  Try it!  *evil grin*

(Well, OK, you could just look at the source, I suppose, but where's the
fun in that?)

Dave Sherohman
NomadNet, Inc.

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Re: [OT] Friday the 13th

2009-02-11 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 01:11:06PM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
 Days beginning (near) daybreak, and years beginning on a seasonal 
 boundary and having 13 each 28 day months are also good ideas that 
 won't get implemented.  Too much inertia.

How would days beginning (near) daybreak cope with extreme latitudes?
Vary the lengths of hours so that the day starts at (what we currently
call) 1am in the summer and at 3pm in the winter?  Or when you get above
the arctic circle, where the sun may not rise/set for multiple 24-hour

No, I think the much better idea would be to ditch timezones and put the
whole world on UTC.  Get rid of DST and 12-hour clocks, too, while
you're at it.  There is absolutely no real benefit to having the clock
say 7am when you wake up and 11pm when you go to sleep instead of
(assuming UTC-6) waking up at 1:00 (which, remember, represents the same
actual time as is currently called 7am in that timezone), working
3-12, and going to bed at 19:00.

Dave Sherohman
NomadNet, Inc.

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Re: [OT] Friday the 13th

2009-02-11 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 08:23:25AM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
 On 02/11/2009 05:17 AM, Dave Sherohman wrote:
 No, I think the much better idea would be to ditch timezones and put the
 whole world on UTC.  Get rid of DST and 12-hour clocks, too, while
 you're at it.  There is absolutely no real benefit to having the clock
 say 7am when you wake up and 11pm when you go to sleep instead of
 (assuming UTC-6) waking up at 1:00 (which, remember, represents the same
 actual time as is currently called 7am in that timezone), working
 3-12, and going to bed at 19:00.
 Of course time zones are a good idea.  Humans are still diurnal and 
 like seeing the clock say morning when they wake up after a 
 night's sleep.  A clock who's 00:00 is at what is now 06:00 would be 
 coherent with our nature.

I believe you have missed my point.  There is nothing magical about
00:00 or 06:00 or whatever that makes it morning.  It is, IMO,
perfectly acceptable for morning to be from 06:00-18:00 in one area
and from 18:00-06:00 on the other side of the planet.

Switching to a 24-hour clock eliminates any spurious connection to AM
being morning and PM being evening, thus allowing morning to be
defined based on local conditions rather than tying it to the clock.

 And yes, DST *is* a good idea in a non-agrarian society, since we 
 all (note the quotes) go to work at the same time.  Even though 
 during the summer the Sun rises earlier in the day, we still all 
 go to work at the same time, so that extra amount of daylight in the 
 early morning is wasted, since there's nothing we can do with it.

Or, and I realize this is utterly crazy... people could just leave the
clock set to the same time and *still go to work an hour earlier, even
though the clock says something different*.  Once again, there's nothing
magical about the numbers on the clock which causes any meaningful
change in the world.

Dave Sherohman
NomadNet, Inc.

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