Lilo Source

1998-08-07 Thread Dennis Dixon
I am trying to find the Lilo source files.  I'm sure they must be available
somewhere but I'm not sure where to look.  (As far as I can tell they're not
in the kernel source code or in a separate package in the devel section of
the debian download archive.)

Incidentally, I wanted to look at these files because I'm trying to figure
out how to work the Flux Operating System Toolkit from the University of
Utah. If anyone has any tips on how to use this package I'd be very
interested.  For instance, do I need to set up a separate partition to try
out their sample kernels?  Should I just add an entry to lilo.conf to run
their sample? Etc..

Thanks for any help someone might have.
Dennis Dixon
P.O. Box 1896 
Fort Bragg, CA  95437

(707) 964-2979

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Printing .tex files

1998-07-15 Thread Dennis Dixon
I have Debian vers. 1.3 and an old Citizen GSX 140 printer.  I am attempting
to print a .tex file.

I assume my printer does not have a postscript interpreter.  Therefore, as I
understand it, the steps needed to print a .tex file are:
   1) convert .tex to .dvi with latex filename.tex
   2) convert .dvi to .ps with dvips -o filename.dvi
   3) print .ps with ghostview/ghostscript.
The last step ,#3, is where I am having problems.  From the command line, if
I type 
 gs -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=printer -sOutputFile=\|lpr

I get unknown device.  If I omit the -sDEVICE it opens a ghostscript
screen and prints it there, with nothing happening at the printer.

If I open ghostview it seems to treat it as .dvi file.  Then
when I try to print, it asks for the printer device, and I press o.k. to a
blank entry.
The program then prints, with the 'default device', I guess.  (It would be
helpful to know what that is.)  But since ghostview treats the file as a .dvi
the printer output is unintelligible.  I think, the same as if I typed 
lpr filename.dvi.

At the 'gs' prompt, if I type 'devicenames ==' I get numerous options which
don't seem to work. (e.g I tried 'epson').  Am I missing a driver?  Since
'lpr' works, it wouldn't seem so.

I'm a bit confused, but it probably has a simple answer.

A second problem is the .tex file I'm eventually going to print is 310 pages
long, so I will need some way of printing small parts of the file.
Ghostview has the 'mark page' and 'print marked pages' options, which would
be great, except for the above problem of ghostview not recognizing my .ps file.

Possibly there are options on the gs command line that
will segment the output.

Also, I noticed several relevant options in the command
 dvips ...filename.dvi.

What is the best way to do this?


A third question just tacked on here.  I found a file /root/screen.xwd
about 1MB in size which I have no idea where it came from.  Can I safely
delete this? Or does it have a purpose I'm not aware of?


Thanks for any help someone might have. 
Dennis Dixon
P.O. Box 1896 
Fort Bragg, CA  95437

(707) 964-2979

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Magicfilter Config

1998-07-15 Thread Dennis Dixon
I have a Debian 1.3 o/s and an old Citizen GSX 140 printer.  From previous
suggestions on this mailing list I have installed magicfilter_1.2-10.deb
in order to print .ps files from ghostview.

I am now attempting to configure the system so that the printer will use

I tried the following:
In /etc/printcap I added the line 

Now when I try to print from ghostview the printer prints the following message:

You already have an /etc/printcap installed.  I assume it is already
correctly configured and won't overwrite it. (if /etc/printcap is not
correctly configured, delete the file and re-run /usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig
or run '/usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig --force')

It seems like I'm on the right path, but rather than using trial and error
it would be better if I knew the correct way to set up magicfilter on the
Debian system.

Thanks for any help anyone might have.

Dennis Dixon
P.O. Box 1896 
Fort Bragg, CA  95437

(707) 964-2979

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More Can't Copy 161MB

1998-07-04 Thread Dennis Dixon
I did in fact forget to put a destination in my cp command.

After deleting the '/root/core' file, freeing up some space, I tried to:
   'cp -a /usr/* /mnt/linuxfiles/'

But I got a whole bunch of operation not permitted errors, so I aborted
the process. Apparently, the dos side won't save my symlink files, etc.. Now
my problem is to get rid of the remaining files I copied on to the D: drive.
Windows won't recognize a lot of them.  So to delete all of them from the
linux side requires many, many 'rm *', 'cd ..', 'rmdir *' commands.  This
would be better handled with a script that did all these commands.  Is there
a script or a command somewhere I could use to accomplish these nested deletes.

I still haven't solved the original problem of how to repartition the 'hda6'
partition.  Are my only options to install ftape and back up the files or to
just reinstall from scratch?

Thanks for any help. 
Dennis Dixon
P.O. Box 1896 
Fort Bragg, CA  95437

(707) 964-2979

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Can't Copy 161 MB

1998-07-03 Thread Dennis Dixon
What I need to do is change one of my Debian (version 1.3) partitions into 2
separate partitions.  There is presently 161 MB of files in hda6 (the
partition I want to subdivide) and on my Windows half of the computer in
Drive D: (hda5) I have 190MB of free space.

I figured the thing to do is copy all the files on hda6 into hda5(my D:
drive), repartition hda6 into hda6 + hda7 (I should use the rescue disk for
this?), and then copy back my files from 'D:' on to 'hda6', leaving hda7
empty for future use.  (I thought I read in one of the previous mailings
that there is software that makes these steps unnecessary.  Is this true?) 

Anyway, when I tried to do this:
 'mount hda5 /mnt'
 go to 'D:/Debfiles' directory
 'cp -a /usr/*' (hda6)

I got the error message 'no more space left on device'.

Furthermore, now when I boot up, my hda2 partition (where my /root is) shows
0 space available.  When I halt or reboot I get the message:
 'error can't write to etc mtab.tmp, no space left on device'

Looking around I found 1 file '/proc/kcore' which had 16 MB and everything
elso in '/proc' had 0 bytes.  To fix the first problem, of all my space gone
in hda2, I am tempted to just delete the 'proc/kcore' file.  Is this the
wrong thing to do?

The second problem is to copy the 161 MB in hda6 to D:.  I went back to D:
and deleted and moved some stuff around and now have 240MB free, which
should be plenty of room.  But when I try again am I going to have the same
problem?  Is my limiting factor the size of hda2 (my root partition) or does
the 'etc/mtab.tmp' file have a maximum capacity?  Since I only have ~20MB
free on hda2, is that the limit of what I can copy between partitions?


I have another problem, which I believe is a separate issue.  When I first
booted up the computer, (BEFORE trying to copy the 161MB) I noticed a huge
file ('root/core' 21MB) that wasn't there yesterday.  The last thing I've
done is install the CoffeeShop Java IDE (from SFS Software) in my
'/home/dixon' directory. (The instructions appeared to say that this was the
proper place for it.) I also noticed a 339KB file '/etc/core'.  Are these
files necessary? Should they be there?

Thanks for any help someone might have.  
Dennis Dixon
P.O. Box 1896 
Fort Bragg, CA  95437

(707) 964-2979

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Man + Latex

1998-06-28 Thread Dennis Dixon
I am still working on reading text files.  Acting on Alexey Vyskubov's
advice I downloaded the man-db package.  Now, instead of:
   'zmore Xserver.1x.gz', when I use
   'man  Xserver' I no longer have control characters
interspersed in the text.

When I was installing man-db, however, I got the following error message:

Checking for languages ...de_DECan't locate Getopt/ in
@INC at /usr/sbin/chman config line 38 

Man still seems to run, so possibly this isn't important and should be ignored.

The other problem is with .tex files which I assume I use the Latex command.
My error message when I run:
   'latex guide.tex' is:

   'Can't find file linuxdoc.sty'

On Jens Ritter suggestion, I downloaded the 'sgml-tools' package which has
the file 'linuxdoc-sgml.sty'.  This not working, I renamed the
'linuxdoc-sgml.sty' file to 'linuxdoc.sty', which also didn't work.

Jens Ritter mentioned that the file 'linuxdoc.sty' is in 'gweb', but I
couldn't find the 'qweb' package anywhere. 

Sorry for taking up everyone's time with such basic questions.  Wish things
were easier. By the way, several times I've seen 'IIRC' printed on e-mails.
Forgive my ignorance, but what does that stand for?

Thanks for anyone's help.  

Dennis Dixon
P.O. Box 1896 
Fort Bragg, CA  95437

(707) 964-2979

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Solved JDK/Display error

1998-06-25 Thread Dennis Dixon
Thanks to Paul Reavis and others for your help.  I was getting the following
error message:


My error message was:
java.lang.InternalError: Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0' as
the value of the DISPLAY variable.

I was trying to run the appletviewer outside Xwindows.  Inside Xwindows
there was no display error message.  Pretty silly actually.

I did notice, while trying to solve this problem that there wasn't a
'/etc/X0.hosts' file.  I guess this is ok.  Xwindows somehow solves the
'xwindow access permission' configuration without this file.

To Paul Reavis: I plan to upgrade to Debian 2.0 eventually. Being new to
Linux, however, I thought it best to get the system I have running first
before trying to make improvements.

Thanks again. 

Dennis Dixon
P.O. Box 1896 
Fort Bragg, CA  95437

(707) 964-2979

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Running FreeBuilder.jar

1998-06-25 Thread Dennis Dixon
I have already posted the following e-mail on the FreeBuilder and the
Java-Linux mailing lists.  I have reposted it here just in case someone on
this list might know the answer.


I'm a relatively new Debian Linux user (version 1.3) and have recently
succesfully installed jdk1.1.5. I downloaded FreeBuilder.jar and ran the
 java FreeBuilder

which gave me the error message:
 Can't find class FreeBuilder.

Am I doing something wrong?  I copied 'CardTest.class' and 'CardPanel.class'
into the same directory and ran the command:

java CardTest

which ran fine.  My guess is it has something to do with the .jar ending.

I also have a second question that you might have an answer to.  When I run
'java anything' I get the following message:

 Warning: cannot allocate colormap entry for default background.

Possibly, someone knows how to fix this configuration problem.

Any help you could pass on would be appreciated.  Thanks.
Dennis Dixon
P.O. Box 1896 
Fort Bragg, CA  95437

(707) 964-2979

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

zmore Latex

1998-06-25 Thread Dennis Dixon
I am still having trouble with basic text commands.  Doesn't seem like it
should be that hard.

The following command, for instance:

   zmore Xserver.1x.gz 

gives me text with control characters in it.  I'm fairly sure I'm not using
the right procedure to view these files.

Also, someone suggested using 'zless', but when I run this command I get a
'/usr/bin/zless: less: command not found' error.

In regards to a file that I downloaded (xxx.tar.gz), which was supposed to
be a latex archive file, as mentioned in an earlier post, I unzipped it with: 
  'tar zxvf filename.tar.gz'

Which gave me numerous xx.tex files.  I finally deduced that I can only view
the .tex files that begin with '/begin/document' or I'll get an 'uncontolled
character sequence error' or something like that.  

I then ran:

  latex guide.tex  (Which has the correct starting text in it)

and got the error message:

  'Can't find file linuxdoc.sty'

Thinking I needed the library 'tetex-extra_0.4pl6-4.deb' I installed this,
which didn't solve the problem.  

Reading simple text files shouldn't be this hard.  

Thanks for any help someone might have.
Dennis Dixon
P.O. Box 1896 
Fort Bragg, CA  95437

(707) 964-2979

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

JDK1.1.5 Installation

1998-06-24 Thread Dennis Dixon
Thanks to everyone for helping me with mounting my 2nd Linux partition.  I'm
sure on my own I would have surely screwed it up.  Now, on to new problems.

I am trying to install the package 'jdk1.1.5-v7-libc5.tar.gz' 
(downloaded from '

I put '/usr/local/jdk1.1.5/bin' in my path in '/root/.bash_profile' and
added the statement:
  'export DISPLAY=:0'
to '/root/.bash_profile' also.

Then after 'tar zxvf jdk1.1.5.tar.gz', I ran the command:

My error message was:
java.lang.InternalError: Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0' as
the value of the DISPLAY variable.

I do have the XF86 .deb package installed but I'm obviously not making the
right entry in '/root/.bash_profile'.

I have already posted my question to Paul Reavis ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
who is listed in Blackdown's Java How To page for Debian users
(  Possibly, someone on
this mailing list might also know the answer to this one.

Thanks for anyone's help.
Dennis Dixon
P.O. Box 1896 
Fort Bragg, CA  95437

(707) 964-2979

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mounting 2nd Partition

1998-06-23 Thread Dennis Dixon
My debian system is Debian version 1.3.  Apparently, when I initially
installed the o/s I didn't activate/mount my partitions correctly.  

When I type '/etc/more fstab' I get this result:
dev/hda2/ ext2  defaults  0   1
dev/hda3none  swap  sw0   0
proc/proc proc  defaults  0   0

When I type '/etc/more mtab' I get this:
/dev/hda2/  ext2rw   0   1
proc /proc  procrw   0   1

When I type '/proc/more mounts' I get this:
/dev/root/   ext2   rw   0   0
proc /proc   proc   rw   0   0

When I type 'mount -t ext2' I get this:
/dev/hda2  on  / type ext2  (rw)

Whe I type 'mount -t swap' I get nothing at all!

The first issue, do I have a swap partition activated and mounted?  When I
boot I get the message activating swap partition but shouldn't it be in
'etc/mtab', 'proc/mounts', and 'mount -t swap'?

The second issue, is a separate partition (hda6) which I have allocated the
vast majority of my memory space to. This clearly doesn't exist at all.
Trying to remedy this, I booted from my rescue disk, activated and mounted
hda2 as root, then activated and mounted hda6 as usr2.  After exiting the
rescue disk and rebooting I did have a 'usr2' directory, but it was located
in hda2.

Also, in 'etc/init.d/boot' the command 'mount -avt nonfs, noproc' exists.
(Possibly this is helpful information)  

Are there commands that I can use to permanently activate and mount
partitions without using the rescue disk? 

When I do this, is it safe to mount hda6 as '/usr' or will this wipe out all
the existing data on /usr in hda2?  (The solution is to mount hda6 as usr2,
'cp usr usr2', then rename usr2 to usr somehow?)

Also, how do you exit the 'rescue' disk correctly?  'Cancel' always brings
the menu screen up, so I end up just turning off the computer.  Possibly
this is why hda6 didn't get mounted.  

Thanks for any help anyone might have.  I have some more miscellaneous
questions, but on the advice of a previous e-mail I have separated them into
a second e-mail.
Dennis Dixon
P.O. Box 1896 
Fort Bragg, CA  95437

(707) 964-2979

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux Commands

1998-06-23 Thread Dennis Dixon
When I read the man pages, or any zip file that I have for that matter, I
use the command:  'zmore .tar.gz'.  This obviously is not the right
command to view these files, in that the files have all sorts of control
characters in them. 

Along the same lines, I downloaded a tar.gz file which was supposed to be in
Latex format.  I unzipped it with 'tar zxvf filename.tar.gz' which gave me
numerous .tex files.  Thinking I needed the Tetex package I downloaded and
installed this.  'tex filename.tex' however gets me the error message;
   'undefined control sequence' or something like that.

Clearly I'm missing something.  It can't be that hard to read a text file.

A second question is in reference to a previous problem of getting the 'pon'
command to work when logged in as user (not as root).  I finally did solve
this, thanks to help from this mailing list, by:
   adduser username dip 
   chown :dip ppp.chatscript
   chown :dip ppp.options_out
   chmod g+r ppp.chatscript
   chmod g+r ppp.options_out 
  In the process however, I mistakenly gave the command 'adduser username
dialin', which added username to the dialin group in '/etc/group'.  My
question is how do I reverse this?  I don't want to delete the user, but
merely remove it from the dialin group.  Possibly the 'groupmod' or
'usermod' commands? I couldn't figure out how to use these commands though.

Thanks for any help someone might have.
Dennis Dixon
P.O. Box 1896 
Fort Bragg, CA  95437

(707) 964-2979

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1998-06-19 Thread Dennis Dixon
I ran the command 'dpkg -i jdk-common_1.0.2-7.deb' to install the Java
libraries on my computer. The program succesfully installed I believe.  When
I typed 'java' on the command line I got the message 'bash java: command
not found'.

Why doesn't this work?

When I go to 'usr/lib/jdk/' I find a '' file and an empty
'classes' directory.  I didn't try to unzip '' since I remember
from the jdk on windows that some files need to remain zipped to run
correctly.  However, shouldn't there be 'java.class' and 'javac.class' files
somewhere that are runnable?

Possibly the jdk needs to be added to the CLASSPATH for Bash to find the
file and this wasn't done automatically by dpkg. What file would this be in
Linux?  Possibly 'etc/profile'?

Could anyone that's previously installed this package help please.

The reason I'm installing the JDK is in order to run the Java IDE
FreeBuilder, downloaded from ''.  Is
the above jdk the correct version?  From the numbers it appears to be
version 1.0.2, whereas I believe FreeBuilder requires jdk 1.1 or higher.  If
so this means I need to install the jdk from something other than a .deb
file, which I'm not sure how to do.  Is the correct procedure to unzip your
file then run 'install filename'?
If so, do I need to know the correct directories for everything to go in and
which configuration files to update? For jdk, what would this be?

Also, I noticed that FreeBuilder.jar has a .jar ending which I find odd.
The instructions say to just run 'java FreeBuilder.jar' but I don't see why
this should execute correctly.  (Not a .class file)

Continuing on with the neverending array of questions, I just installed XF86
on my machine.  It now starts when I type 'startx', but beyond that I have
no idea what it's supposed to do.  For instance I can't even change the font
size on the command prompt it displays.  (Presently much too small to be
useable)  Is there a config file I'm supposed to change to fix this?

Thinking what I need is a windows manager I installed 'afterstep_1.0-1.deb'.
When I type 'afterstep' on the command line I get 'afterstep: can't open
display'.  If I type it on the command line inside XF86 I get 'WM already
running'. Is afterstep supposed to replace XF86 or work in conjunction with
it? I actually have no idea what these programs are supposed to do.  There
must be more than this though.

On the advice of previous e-mails on this mailing list I would like to try
out the windows manager 'icewm', 'gnome', and 'gmc' (Which is actually
Midnight Cowboy?). However, I can't find .deb files for these programs.
Which leads us back to the previous question as to how to install software
that's not packaged as .deb files. 

Two more questions concerning Linux commands.  I have been trying to make
the 'pon' command accessible when I log in as a user.  (It works fine when
log in as root)  I have succefully added  'theuser' to the 'dip' group in
Apparently I also need to change the ownership of certain files/directories
from 'root' to 'dip'. A previous e-mail identified /etc/chatscript/,
/etc/chatscript/provider, and /etc/ppp/peers/provider.  'ls -l' gave me the
following ownership's for what I believe are the files/directory I need to
change on my system.

d r w _ _ _ _ _ _ _2  root  root   ppp  (directory)
_ r w _ _ _ _ _ _ _1  root  root   ppp.chatscript
_ r w _ _ _ _ _ _ _1  root  root   ppp.options_out

What command do I use to change the ownership of these files, not just the
permission level?  Are these the correct files/directory to change?

Also, previously I had erronously changed the dialin group with
adduser  username  dialin

Is there a command to reverse this addition.  e.g. something like 'deluser'?

Thanks for any help someone can pass on.  I know there a lot of questions
here, but I don't know how else to solve these problems and I would be
overjoyed if I could actually get all this stuff running.

Dennis Dixon
P.O. Box 1896 
Fort Bragg, CA  95437

(707) 964-2979

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

XF86Setup/Mouse Device

1998-06-15 Thread Dennis Dixon
First of all, I'd like to thank everyone that responds to my inquiries.  I
find it amazing that so many people take the time to help out others less

Unfortunately, I'm afraid I have more questions.  It seems every time I try
to do something, it generates more problems.  

1) I have succesfully installed XFree86 and am now attempting to run the
XF86Setup routine. In trying to get the mouse to work it appears to me all I
should have to do is select one of the 'devices'  and hit 'apply'. However,
I tried all possible device options and none got a response from the mouse.
(The mouse says Microsoft right on it, so I assume 'Microsoft' is the
correct protocol.  I tried different protocols with the 'inbortbm' device
and still got nothing.)

The real problem is I don't understand how 'devices' work.  I found a
'MAKEDEV' command, but I'm not sure what this does. Is there a command to
query the contents of '/dev/smouse', etc.?  Plus, if I run a command like
'MAKEDEV' it would obviously create a new file in '/dev', but how would it
know to hook up to the mouse port on the machine?

2) I have several other miscellaneous questions, although not necessary,
would make my life a lot easier.  When I go to '/var/log/messages' ( or any
log file for that matter) I get a huge file.  Does this file clear
automatically somehow eventually or does it just keep growing forever? There
must be a command to clear log files.

3) The 'find','locate', and 'dpkg -search' commands would be great if I
could get them to work.  Logged in as 'root' if I type 'find  filename'
from any directory it should find that file anywhere in the system?
However, it doesn't do this for me.  Am I doing something wrong?

4) The last questions is a repeat from a previous post.  I am trying to make
it so a 'user' can run 'pon'.  ('pon' currently runs fine when logged in as
A response from Martin Bialasinski suggested that I use the following command:

adduser  theuser dialout

Although this command ran fine and added 'theuser' to the dialout group,
when logged in as theuser I still couldn't use the 'pon' command.

Thanks for any help you can give me.  
Dennis Dixon
P.O. Box 1896 
Fort Bragg, CA  95437

(707) 964-2979

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ISP Connection + Misc.

1998-06-14 Thread Dennis Dixon
For reasons explained later in this post I needed to reinstall Debian from
scratch.  This time around I had trouble connecting to my ISP.  Although I
finally fixed the problem it appears to be either a (sort of) bug or
something nonstandard with my ISP.  Anyway, I thought it was worth mentioning.

What I did:
   edited - /etc/ppp.chatscript   inserted phone # username password
  - /etc/ppp.options_out  changed '/dev/modem' to '/dev/ttyS3'
  - /etc/ppp/pap-secrets  inserted 'username * password' above 
   '  os   *  password'
  - /etc/hosts.allow   added 'ALL : LOCAL'
   new file - /etc/resolv.conf'search

The Problem:  worked manually:  exec pppd connect  \
'chat -v -f /etc/ppp.chatscript'
-detach crtscts modem defaultroute  \
user username  \

  with 'pon' wouldn't connect, various error messages:
  IPCP timeout sending Config-Requests
  LCP terminated at peer's request
  serial line is looped back
  sometimes locks up and need to reboot

The Solution:  edited /etc/ppp.options_out by inserting  'user username'
   before '/dev/ttyS3'

I'm guessing that the first time I installed Debian I accidentally did
something to ppp.chatscript to make it wait for the ISP to request the
username, but this time the username needed to be in the ppp.options_out
script also since by the time the ISP requested username chatscript was
already closed.

This is merely a wild guess.  But since nowhere in the instructions does it
say to add your username to ppp.options_out I thought it was worth mentioning.

Being a new user of Debian I also have some miscellaneous questions, which
might seem simplistic to others but would be helpful if answered.

1) In the error message above, does peer refer to my ISP, not my Debian
machine?  It appears that way to me, but I'm not sure.

2)  pon (and also 'exec pppd') only works when logged on as root.  Is it
supposed to be that way?  Shouldn't you be able to access the Internet when
logged in as a 'user'?  If so, how do I change this?  

3)  In 'dselect' how do you safely remove packages without destroying all
your previously installed files.  I think this is why I had to reinstall
Debian in the first place.  I went to 'deselect' and then 'remove packages'
and it started deleting like crazy.  What is the proper procedure?  (e.g. go
to the 'select' option and put a '+' near only those to delete and '-'
everything else?)

4) Which command starts XFree86, 'xdm' or 'xstart'?  When installing XFree86
it asks if you want 'xdm' to start at boot time.  Then warns that if the
monitor isn't configured yet this could cause problems. Will answering yes
actually bring up a graphical interface at boot time?  The safe answer would
be 'no', but then what initialization file do I change later when I want it
to start at boot time?

5) Last, and this may seem really silly, but what is the correct way to log
off and turn off the machine.  I've been just turning off the computer at
the 'login' prompt, but when I reboot I get messages such as '... not
cleanly unmounted' leading me to believe I'm not doing things correctly.

Thanks for any help.   
Dennis Dixon
P.O. Box 1896 
Fort Bragg, CA  95437

(707) 964-2979

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1998-06-11 Thread Dennis Dixon
Thanks to the numerous responses I received from my posting (June 9, 10:04)
regarding setting up XFree86 on my Debian 1.3 O/S.

Below is what I think I'm supposed to do.  Possibly, someone could verify if
this is correct.

First, let's make sure I understand the difference between various versions
of Debian and XFree86.  The 2 relevant parameters seem to be bo vs. hamm
and xlibc5 vs. xlibc6.  
Debian 1.3 uses bo and xlibc5, whereas the frozen version
Debian 2.0 uses hamm and xlibc6.  
 (Frozen versions are still available for download but just aren't
100% stable?) 

XFree86 3.2 uses xlibc5 and hamm, not bo.
 Therefore, unless I upgrade to Debian 2.0, I need to use XFree86 version 3.1?
 I don't know what these terms mean, but at least this is hopefully enough
information to download the correct version.

I should download from

 xbase_3.3-4.deb, xlib6_3.3-4.deb, xfntbase_3.3-4.deb,
xserver-vga16_3.3-4.deb, fvwm2_2.0.45-BETA-4.deb.

Several questions about this:
 1) Is this in fact XFree86, or is this a completely different generic
XWindows Package?
 2) Is this the correct version of XFree86? (e.g version 3.1, not 3.2)
 3) Is this the correct directory to download from?  I pretty much
picked it  at random.
 4) xlib6_3.3-4.deb has nothing to do with the xlibc5/xlibc6 issue and
is  the correct file to download?   
 5) Is fvwm2_2.0.45-BETA-4.deb o.k. to use even though it says BETA
in  the file name?

I should then run on my O/S dpkg -i filename.deb for each of these files. 

More questions:
 1) This is just as good as running dselect and really doesn't matter?
 2) In the other direction, unarchiving the files:,, X332bin.tgz, X332cfg.tgz, X332doc.tgz,
  X332man.tgz, X332fnts.tgz, X332lib.tgz, X332set.tgz, X332VG16.tgz
  (which I downloaded from
   would also accomplish the same, but would involve a number of extra
steps.(Except this is XFree86 version 3.2, not 3.1)
 3)xbase_3.3-4.deb should be installed first and contains pre.inst
and  post.inst (similar to the files from
pre.inst  should be immediately run?
 4)xbase_3.3-4.deb also includes the SuperProbe program which should
be  run to determine the correct xserver file I should use.

Thanks for any advice someone can pass on.  I really have no idea how far
off base I am. Hopefully not too far.

Dennis Dixon
P.O. Box 1896 
Fort Bragg, CA  95437

(707) 964-2979

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

XFree86 + Netscape

1998-06-09 Thread Dennis Dixon
I am presently attempting to install both XFree86 and Netscape to a Debian
O/S which I recently setup. My lack of knowledge in this area leaves me with
a huge amount of questions, as you can see below.  Feel free to ignore any
of these if its too much.

My present system is a 486 CPU and Debian version 1.3.

I tried to install Netscape first and ran across dependency problems.
Thinking that installing XWindows first might solve these I then started on
XFree86.  The results are below.

   1) Downloaded from
  the files:,, X332bin.tgz, X332cfg.tgz, X332doc.tgz,
  X332man.tgz, X332fnts.tgz, X332lib.tgz, X332set.tgz, X332VG16.tgz.

Possibly I'm doing things the hard way and I just need to download a Debian
Package(.deb file) somewhere?  If so, what is the name of this file and what
directory is it located?

   2) I then ran which gave me the following error messages:

./ file: command not found
You appear to have an a.out system
a.out binaries ar not available for this release.

Command not found is kind of odd, but it did appear to run the script. The
next 2 lines I don't understand either.  According to the Debian FAQ all
Debian versions after 0.93 are based on ELF, rather than a.out. (I have
version 1.3)  However, I don't know what a.out and ELF are, so possibly I'm
missing something here.

At this point I stopped and didn't attempt to unarchive the 10 XFree86 files.

As a side issue, to run dpkg do I always need a .deb file?  For instance,
to install netsacpe-v304-export.x86-unknown-linux-elf.tar.gz I needed
netscape_3.01-4.deb.  Is this a similar situation with the XFree86
binaries, that is, I need an installer file?  Or is it possible to unarchive
the files (What command would I use for this?) and then install them with
dpkg or some other command?

Also, do I need a windows manager to go with XFree86 such as fvwm, fvwm2,
icewm, afterstep, olvwm?  None of these are presently in my
/usr/X11R6/bin directory.

In regards to Netscape, I ran dpkg -i netscape_3.01-4.deb with
netscape-v304-export.x86-unknown-linus-elf.tar.gz in the /tmp directory
and came up with 3 dependency errors as follows:

   1) xpm4.7_3.4g-9.deb
   I downloaded this file and ran dpkg -i xpm4.7_3.4g-9.deb which
I think worked.

   2) xlib6_3.3-4.deb
When I ran dpkg -i xlib6_3.3-4.deb I received the following
  Idconfig: warning can't open /usr/X11R6/lib/
  Idconfig: warning can't open /usr/X11R6/lib/

When I checked my directories, those files do exist there.

(This might not be relevant, but I have already added to /etc/profile the
statement /usr/X11R6/bin and to etc/ the line /usr/X11R6/lib
and then ran /sbin/ldconfig in preparation for setting up XFree86.)

As a side issue, I'm not sure  I understand the distinction between xlib6
and xlib5, what version I had previous to installing this file, or whether
it matters.

   When ran dpkg -i motifnls_2.1-1.1deb I got the following message:
 mv: .X11.tmp: No such file or directory.

Also, possibly libd11 and libc5 are also needed for netscape or are
already installed with my Debian version.

Thanks for any help anyone can pass on.   
Dennis Dixon
P.O. Box 1896 
Fort Bragg, CA  95437

(707) 964-2979

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Debian Download

1998-04-12 Thread Dennis Dixon
I have recently installed the Debian Linux O/S on my computer and now need
to install certain packages to give the system some functionality.

I am afraid the process is not progressing very smoothly.  I assume I am
supposed to use the dselect routine.  Although I had troubles with it I
finally got the program to select only one file.  (In this case, the ed file)

I downloaded ed 0.2-12 onto my hard drive using my Windows 95 partition
and then copied it to a floppy.  When I went to install the program with
dselect it said it couldn't find any .deb files on the floppy.

Since I have no idea what I did wrong my questions are numerous.
- Was it correct to get dselect to select only 1 file?
- What if the program I want to install isn't on the list in dselect?
- Are there other files that need to be downloaded with it?
- The downloaded file doesn't have a .deb extension, why not?
- Is it ok to use Windows 95 to download and to save on a MS-DOS
formatted floppy?

Anyways, you get the picture.  I have no idea what I'm doing.  Thanks for
any help you can pass on.

What I really need I think is to download the appropriate ftp software so
that I don't have to use Windows 95 as a middleman.  Which software would
accomplish this?

Thanks again. 
Dennis Dixon
P.O. Box 1896 
Fort Bragg, CA  95437

(707) 964-2979

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]