Re: [ *** ] Job anacron.service/stop running (15min 49s / no limit)

2024-03-03 Thread Eduard Bloch
reopen 915379

* David Wright [Sun, Feb 11 2024, 10:20:16PM]:
> On Sun 11 Feb 2024 at 20:41:51 (+), Darac Marjal wrote:
> > On 11/02/2024 11:21, Rainer Dorsch wrote:
> > > - How do I set a timeout/limit for anacron, that it cannot block forever
> > > during a reboot?
> >
> > It may be germane to point out that anacron.service already explicitly
> > sets "TimeoutStopSec=Infinity". So, in the opinion of the developers,
> > the service shouldn't be prematurely killed. Of course you, as the
> > system administrator, always have the right to countermand that sort
> > of decision, but it would be curious to find out why the developers
> > thought they needed to override the systemd default in the first
> > place?
> Bug #915379 explains all: long-running cron jobs, like backups, can
> get killed, and there was also an issue with exim.

Yes, and? The opposite is: you have some stupid (and UNKNOWN) task which
hangs forever because of some programming bug. And then your whole system
locks up, unable to reboot, and no way to recover it because the reboot
is stuck because of this. I am observing this on my old hacking laptop
right now, the system took many minutes (5? 7?) to continue, but even
that was pure luck.

Sorry, no, that cannot be the proper way. I am reopening 915379 now, the
maintainer should maybe come up with some sane solution.

Best regards,

Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

2023-04-03 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Emanuel Berg [Mon, Apr 03 2023, 02:15:10AM]:

> > The reason Perl gives you more than one way to do anything
> > is this: I truly believe computer programmers want to be
> > creative, and they may have many different reasons for
> > wanting to write code a particular way. What you choose to
> > optimize for is your concern, not mine. I just supply the
> > paint—you paint the picture.
> I agree but I think maybe the success of Python, and its
> development speed, is actually because of some of that
> rigidness, yes, including the whitespace lack of freedom.

I don't think so, Sir! Python has certain advantages but the "meaningful
whitespace" is IMHO not one of them.

That said, I have been an active Perl user ~20y ago and for the last
couple of years slowly converting to Python for scripting purposes,
still using Perl here and there.

Therefore, my recent impressions and reflections:

- still excels on creating quick solutions in a one-liner for many
  purposes where string/text input/output and some generic algorithms
- great cross-platform availability as long as you don't need CPAN, even
  part of Git-Bash and therefore an "obligatory" component
- IMHO clean lifecycle of variables. Means, you can set "strict" and
  then be sure that you manage your variables correctly, without much
  risk of strange runtime effects
- flexibility in statement writing (although making them sometimes
  looking strange and requiring more brackets than you initially wanted)
- a "friendly" API for users who just came from Bash or AWK scripting,
  many things would look familiar and need only minor adaption,
  especially when one knows "computer science" and understands what is
  going on underneath anyway
- true threads are possible... the last time I tried that was great but
  unstable, but I think they have fixed it in a rewrite a while ago (not
  tried again for years, cannot tell for sure)
- OOP is awkward, has always been, it just sucks
- still sucky when it comes to complex data structures
- ECO system unfortunately slowly fading away
- error handling (exceptions?)
- sometimes too rigid ways of method calling

- HUGE and modern ECO system, and mostly good documentation
- Developers listening to user's wishes, recognizing and completing
  missing features and seeing modern developments
  (things like string interpolation with f-literals)
- flexible ways of method calling with default/optional/... parameters
- a certain level of rigidness keeps your code understandable even if
  you touch it a year later, and also for the code from your colleagues
- the uniform usage of certain infrastructure components (like argparse)
  became universal in the last few years
- OOP is okay. Good or bad depending on whom you ask. Good because it
  allows for "wild west" OO design which still allows the interpreter to
  convert it into something useful in the end. Bad because this happens
  and runtime and because there are life-saving type checks and no real
  interfaces possible with Python.
- OOP: ... one MUST keep writing "self." prefix all the time. What the
  heck, one of the reasons for refactoring to OO style is to have this
  shortened because the context prefers local objects.
- "meaningful whitespace" - whoever came up with that concept should maybe
  rethink it, and give people alternatives
- no (easy user-controllable) concept of references etc. which always
  feels like something causing memory waste
- performance SUCKS when it comes to actual computation (yes, there is
  Cython coming as alternative and replacement/completion but it has its
  own issues)
- awkward lifetime of variables (yes, they are not variables,
  haha, I know, but still, it's a very unusual model, and unnatural /
  problematic to handle for developers who are used to scope driven languages)
- performance (again) of multi-threading... GIL sucks, making regular
  Python basically a single-threaded language (considering that
  performance gain is the main performance of MT)

So that were my few cents regarding the scripting languages. For a real
n00b nowadays, I would still recommend to learn Bash first. But always
keep in mind that "Bash programming" is a mix of executing commands in
the own language but mixing the result with the external forking of
other programs.

However, the lines between "scripting" and "real programming" languages
are blurry. If one is asking for the later, nowadays I would suggest
learning C# or Rust.


Re: No space left when: update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.10.0-5-amd64

2021-04-07 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Marco Ippolito [Wed, Apr 07 2021, 09:20:46AM]:

> dpkg: error processing package initramfs-tools (--configure):
>  installed initramfs-tools package post-installation script subprocess 
> returned
>  error exit status 1
>  Errors were encountered while processing:
>   initramfs-tools
> # df -h /boot
> Filesystem  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/nvme0n1p1  236M  233M 0 100% /boot

That's not much if you have more than a few kernels installed. They are
simply too fat nowadays, too many drivers included. And with the "most"
strategy (which you normally want to have a bootable system), they are
just too fat nowadays. I decided to let MY initramfs images go on diet
and added a little script which removes a few drivers that I certainly
don't need (checked with lsmod) and which contained lots of firmwares
and similar stuff.

So, one _might_ try that but only on your own risk, it could render your
system unbootable. I selected those three because they contributed most
to the overall usage (unpacked initramfs image with unmkinitramfs and
checking with "du|sort -n").

$ cat /etc/initramfs-tools/hooks/zz_drop_stuff

if ! test "$DESTDIR"; then
. /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hook-functions

set -x

#experiments: radeon infiniband lpfc qla2xxx qla4xxx cxgb4 drbd nfs bfa f2fs 
xfs btrfs aic7xxx gma500

for nam in i915 amdgpu ethernet
find ${DESTDIR} -name $nam | xargs --no-run-if-empty rm -rv

#USEDMODPAT=$(lsmod | grep -v " 0 " | sed -e "s, .*,,;s,_,.,g;s,$,.ko,")
#for pat in $USEDMODPAT
#find ${DESTDIR} | grep "/${pat}$" || echo "WARNING: $pat not found, 
essential module missing!"

That script probably should be set executable.

Best regards,

Re: Archivemail

2021-01-25 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Mark Fletcher [Fri, Jan 22 2021, 11:22:19PM]:
> Anyone know what happened to archivemail in Debian?
> shows it was in Jessie, Stretch and Buster, but it
> is in neither sid nor Bullseye which presumably means it has been
> dropped. Anyone know why?
> doesn't show any bugs against it and google is coming up
> short too.

It's gone along with the rest of the Python2 eco system. In the meantime
I have extended my own alternative (mail-expire package) to do something
similar, at least for the usecases I care about. Maybe it's sufficient
for you too, feel free to report bugs or wishes.

Best regards,

Re: apt-cacher-ng's expiry job failing

2019-05-03 Thread Eduard Bloch
* David Wright [Sat, Apr 27 2019, 09:31:50AM]:
> > /var/cache/apt-cacher-ng/_xstore/rsnap/debrep/dists/unstable/45961554550630227606591
> >
> > I removed the file and it started complaining about other similar files.
> > After deleting a couple, the logs became even more unhelpful:
> >
> > Maintenance task Expiration, apt-cacher-ng version: 2 (Cancel)

Old. And had some issues in that area. Try

Best regards,

stracing login process with systemd?

2019-02-21 Thread Eduard Bloch
Dear Lazynet,

I have some trouble with one desktop system running Sid. After some
updates a couple of weeks ago, user programs started to fail, like
pulseaudio no longer running or "systemctl suspend" not working.

After little investigation I have found out that "systemd --user"
process is not working which is supposed to run user-specific services.

Which is probably somethign that libpam-systemd should have invoked -
that was the best guess I could extract from the documentation (the
manpage of systemd is AFAICS NOT telling you who/what is supposed to
start the user systemd).

I had some exchange with the maintainer in the BTS but so far that's not
really fruitful. I would like to just strace the whole login process
(console or xdm) and check what's happening there around systemd
invocation, and what's failing.

Does anyone know how to insert strace or any similar tracing utility?

I can imagine that one could try to use kernel tracing here but that
would be a huge hammer.


Every great idea is worthless without someone to do the work. --Neil Williams

Re: apt-cacher-ng related program and package suggestion

2017-06-16 Thread Eduard Bloch
* [Wed, Jun 14 2017, 09:57:50PM]:
>I have a suggestion for a client program/package in combination with
>Consider following situation:
>User U_A has a laptop which he uses at home and at university
>He has a poor internet connection in both places.
>So he set up apt-cacher-ng services in both places but they are on
>different networks (he does not have permission to change the network
>settings at university to make the IP addresses of the apt-cacher-ng
>servers math)
>Lets say at home the server HOST_1 is [1]
>At university: server: HOST_2: [2]
>He uses Ubuntu (so this should work for Debian in a similar way).
>He makes a backup "/etc/apt/sources.list.bak" of /etc/apt/sources.list
>At university he sets up the cache repo as follows (after overwriting the
>/etc/apt/sources.list with a copy of the backup if it was changed to use
>the home apt-cacher-ng)
>sed -i 's/'
>The same procedure at home.
>The shown way is not very comfortable.

You can automate this easily with a one-liner in /etc/network/ip-up.d/ ,
for example.

Actually, apt-cacher-ng provides a similar kind of automation but it can
only decide between "use a proxy" and "don't use a proxy" and the need
to switch by checking whether that proxy server is broken/unreachable by
timeout or a user hook script. This can be used well in a proxy cascade,
i.e. one apt-cacher-ng running on the mobile device itself in
non-storing mode, and local applications use that proxy on localhost.

There is, however, no support for multiple proxies that would be
switchable upon the mentioned conditions check. This could be added,
maybe in future. Please open a feature requeston Alioth (apt-cacher-ng
space) or in the BTS.


Every great idea is worthless without someone to do the work. --Neil Williams

Re: Jessie for Udoo X86?

2017-04-17 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Larry Dighera [Sun, Apr 16 2017, 09:27:46PM]:
> The new Udoo X86 boards have just begun to ship: . 
> Is anyone able to provide a link to the 64-bit Debian Jessie USB/SD
> installation ISO/img?

Did you try the regular installer from USB stick already?

Data sheet indicates that it supports "All Linux Flavors for x86". Which
means that it's probably usual Intel hardware inside. It might lack a
few drivers for recent hardware revisions but you could install a
kernel from jessie-backports in that case.

Best regards,

Re: Quiet gaming capable gfx card for Debian Sid

2016-08-15 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Floris [Sun, Aug 14 2016, 11:08:49AM]:
> Op Sat, 13 Aug 2016 20:54:51 +0200 schreef Eduard Bloch <>:
> > Hallo,
> > 
> > I would like to spend some hours on a normal game without having to
> > reboot into Windows. I have a Steam account and some Linux games are
> > available (at least some from Valve).
> > 
> > But the video card I have is not ok. It's a Nvidia Geforce 750Ti
> > (passive cooling), it works quite well with the Nouveau drivers but
> > there are too many glitches in 3D games, some are basically not
> > playable. I remember that Nvidia drivers (non-free) have been a lot
> > better but I cannot make them work with current Debian Unstable, even if
> > I install the latest packages from Debian Experimental, the drivers
> > simply don't compile with latest kernels.
> > 
> Don't use the experimental branch, but use the latest version from svn:
> I don't have any troubles with the 367.35 version (kernel 4.6)

Thanks for the hint, I will give it a try, either with kernel 4.7 or at
least 4.6 which is in Sid.

Looks like maintainers need some help. It shouldn't take three months to
bring an important update into Experimental.


Re: Quiet gaming capable gfx card for Debian Sid

2016-08-15 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Stefan Monnier [Sat, Aug 13 2016, 03:26:27PM]:
> > drivers basically broken, or you can buy some 3 year old hardware for
> > insane prices, or what else can a normal gamer do?
> Hmmm... my experience with (2nd hand) 3 year old hardware is that it's
> rather cheap, yet I don't think that's what you meant by "insane
> prices".

"insane prices" is what some dealers in Europe expect for the few
remaining ones in their stock, i.e. about 300eur.

And, what's confusing me most: people want over 200eur on eBay for a
used R9-290 which makes much more heat and noise than a NEW RX470
(according to reviews), which is offered for just 10-20% more - however,
it didn't become available yet.


Quiet gaming capable gfx card for Debian Sid

2016-08-13 Thread Eduard Bloch

I would like to spend some hours on a normal game without having to
reboot into Windows. I have a Steam account and some Linux games are
available (at least some from Valve).

But the video card I have is not ok. It's a Nvidia Geforce 750Ti
(passive cooling), it works quite well with the Nouveau drivers but
there are too many glitches in 3D games, some are basically not
playable. I remember that Nvidia drivers (non-free) have been a lot
better but I cannot make them work with current Debian Unstable, even if
I install the latest packages from Debian Experimental, the drivers
simply don't compile with latest kernels.

This makes me think, is AMD a better alternative? I could by one, but
only if the driver support situation is acceptable. And I am not sure
WRT recent developments. There is the amdgpu driver in Sid but the list
of supported models includes only R9-280 or 290 stuff which is two years
old. And no such card on the market seems to support semi-passive
cooling. And then, there are "AMDGPU PRO" drivers on the AMD page, which
seem to be the successor of the non-free fglrx driver. But the packages
there are only made for Ubuntu.

I really don't want to troll but this makes me wonder... am I missing
something? Or does AMD give a s...t about users unless they are running
the latest Ubuntu LTS and nothing else?

And I don't like this situation. NVidia drivers basically broken, AMD
drivers basically broken, or you can buy some 3 year old hardware for
insane prices, or what else can a normal gamer do?


Re: Putting It All On a Stick

2015-12-31 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Thomas Schmidt [Thu, Dec 31 2015, 06:11:39PM]:
> Hi,
> Steve Matzura wrote:
> > The one thing I forgot is cp and dd are not the same.
> I was surprised that cp onto block devices really works as
> needed for this purpose.
> You could also do
>   cat debian-8.2.0-amd64-BD-1.iso >/dev/sdc
> But for old unixers no other tool than dd comes to the mind.

It's like duck typing: if it has syscalls like cp and uses them like cp
then it must be cp... at least something like that.

In the end, dd gives you more control (buffer sizes, IO synchronization
behavior for data/metadata) and it can print the status with SIGUSR1.

But for regular "push data around from FD to FD" job the only crucial
difference I remember is the nasty behavior of dd when a short read
occurres - aborting instead of retrying as cp does. Not sure whether
they changed the default mode to blocking mode nowadays.


 Du solltest wissen: Du bist hier im Internet. Da wird jede Deiner
Aussagen so verdreht, dass man Dich in Grund und Boden flamen kann.

Re: Changing default XDB browser w/o GNOME etc.

2015-12-14 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Thomas Schmidt [Sun, Dec 13 2015, 10:32:01AM]:

> > Feels like things that have been established in a sane way (alternatives
> > system and sensible-browser) are now reverted to the chaos we used to
> > manage in the nineties :-(
> Well, the kernel has also reverted to the CD drive quirks
> of the 90s. History is chaotic in a cyclical way.

Don't get me started... some things start rotting quickly when the user base
is shrinking.

> > Message-ID: 
> Some things stay constant, though.

Or maybe not. Thanks for reminding, I should use the holidays to finally
overhaul my mail setup.


Re: Changing default XDB browser w/o GNOME etc.

2015-12-14 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Martin Read [Sun, Dec 13 2015, 11:18:24AM]:
> On 13/12/15 09:19, Eduard Bloch wrote:
> >Observation: various programs use the XDG mechanism (freedesktop
> >configuration method) to start a specific browser to visit a hyperlink.
> >Easy to verify with the xdg-open tool.
> >
> >But how can I change this setting in a persistent way especially when I
> >don't use Gnome or Kde or Xfce? I tried LxQt once and apparently the
> >stupid thing has reset some configuration and now xdg-open starts
> >Qupzilla which I don't like. Before, some other stupid program has reset
> >it to Chromium which I don't like either.
> xdg-open examines your environment to determine what desktop environment (if
> any) you are invoking it under, and follows a DE-specific strategy if you're
> using one of the DEs it knows about (KDE, LXDE, XFCE, Gnome, Darwin, MATE).
> This is an entirely reasonable design decision, but also one that reasonable
> people can disagree with.

I didn't realize that it's plain shell script, thanks for mentioning
this below. I haven't even checked because I assumed that it's a program
using the common glib/kde framework functions to run url/mime handlers.

> If you are not using one of the desktop environments it knows about, then it
> uses its "generic" approach. For HTTP URLs, the generic approach is "check
> the BROWSER environment variable, then try the web browsers in a specified
> order if BROWSER isn't set". The first entry in that ordering is www-browser
> if DISPLAY is not set, and x-www-browser if DISPLAY *is* set.

What you describe is exactly what the sensible-browser script does. And
sensible-browser works fine for me, xdg-open does not.

What happens for me is that sensible-browser runs x-www-browser
(pointing at iceweasel) but xdg-open seems to try different fallbacks
first and finds some mime information about for http in
/usr/share//applications/mimeinfo.cache (not ok).

But anyhow, thanks for mentioning BROWSER variable. It seems to
influence glib functions too, so it's just what I need.

> xdg-open is written in POSIX shell, so you could easily copy it into a
> higher-priority location in your particular user account's PATH and modify
> it.

I will try to communicate this with the xdg-utils maintainer.
IMHO the script should respect the specifics of a system and on Debian
consider the configuration of x-www-browser alternative entry rather if
it couldn't detect a specific desktop environment. Or maybe do so only
if the alternative-link is a non-default setting.

Best regards,

Changing default XDB browser w/o GNOME etc.

2015-12-13 Thread Eduard Bloch
Hello, dear lazynet,

I have a problem and I am not sure which is the best approach to tackle

Observation: various programs use the XDG mechanism (freedesktop
configuration method) to start a specific browser to visit a hyperlink.
Easy to verify with the xdg-open tool.

But how can I change this setting in a persistent way especially when I
don't use Gnome or Kde or Xfce? I tried LxQt once and apparently the
stupid thing has reset some configuration and now xdg-open starts
Qupzilla which I don't like. Before, some other stupid program has reset
it to Chromium which I don't like either.

How can I configure this, and do that in a way that is set persisently?
i.e. no program or package changes the setting to its own yard.

NOTE: I will not install the monster just to change this simple setting.

Feels like things that have been established in a sane way (alternatives
system and sensible-browser) are now reverted to the chaos we used to
manage in the nineties :-(


Re: RealTek RTL8192EU drivers

2015-10-30 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Jose Martinez [Thu, Oct 29 2015, 02:38:04PM]:
> Yea, I had checked that site first, they don't have anything on the
> 8192EU.  In fact, their support for the 8192E is pretty spotty.  They
> don't have anything for the 8192EE either, which is the PCI version of
> the same chip.
> I saw drivers for an 8192E and an 8192U both for windows, but nothing
> for linux.  There are a couple of other versions of the 8192 up there
> too, but nothing for the E series.

RTL8192EU/RTL8188EUS is supported by recent kernels with a driver from
the staging area. The driver has been in the mainline for a while, the
normal Debian kernel should support it. You also need to install the a
recent firmware-realtek package.


 Das wurde vom User Joey angelegt, das ist keine
   Applikation, der darf das.

Re: Broadcom 43121 wlan issue

2015-10-04 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Himanshu Shekhar [Sun, Oct 04 2015, 03:06:34PM]:
> I have no idea of what has happened to my system. My sources.list is
> attached along with make.log. If I need to downgrade my kernel, please
> provide a fix.
> Thanks for replying... I was waiting!

Downgrade the kernel or upgrade the driver, your choice.


Re: Broadcom 43121 wlan issue

2015-10-04 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Himanshu Shekhar [Sun, Oct 04 2015, 04:09:55PM]:
> thanks dude ! i upgraded my driver. But can you tell why some packages
> break after updating to newer version and still debian stable version is
> named so.
> infact after updating java.. libreoffice4 failed and i had to install
> libreoffice5 from jessie backports.
> Is this normal or and issue?

This is not the whole truth. You DELIBERATELY installed a kernel from
backports, now you have to deal with consequences.


Fällt der Pfarrer in den Mist, lacht der Bauer, bis er pißt.

Re: Extracting directories from an ISO image, command line tool?

2015-09-10 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Richard Owlett [Thu, Sep 10 2015, 09:18:18AM]:

> >if you need to automate it as non-root it looks like you can do that
> >with orrisox (part of the xorriso package):
> >
> >orrisox -indev /path/to/file.iso -extract . -subdir
> >/path/to/output/directory
> >
> Browsing man page suggests that "-extract iso_rr_path disk_path" is
> explicitly what I'm looking for. Don't have time for a detailed read right
> now. Thank you.

You could also try isodump for single files.


Re: apt-cacher-ng not expiring any more

2015-08-28 Thread Eduard Bloch
* David Wright [Tue, Aug 25 2015, 11:00:41AM]:
 Running apt-cacher-ng on wheezy (with wheezy-backports), some missing
 files in the repository are making the expiration step fail. Here are
 the relevant lines from the log:
 404 Not Found
 As I don't understand why there are Packages.bz2, Packages.xz and
 Packages.gz files variously scattered throughout debrep, I'm not sure
 whether this problem is a failure to maintain debrep or a bug in
 apt-cacher-ng (version 0.8.0-3~bpo70+2) whose fix hasn't been backported.

There is a newer BPO version where this problem should be fixed.

 Anyone else noticed this? If you're running under jessie, does it
 fail, does it skip those .bz2 files without complaining, or does it
 just use one of its companion files (.xz or .gz as available)?

They were removed from mirrors because, well, they are not necessary and
Jessie can work with .xz versions. However, apt-cacher-ng fails to
accomodate to this fact and will try to get the zombie versions. As
said, there is a workaround in a newer version.


Das Positive am Skeptiker ist, daß er alles für möglich hält.
-- Thomas Mann

Re: how to debug this fuse problem

2015-03-19 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Gene Heskett [Thu, Mar 19 2015, 12:08:25PM]:

 Mode rant (with some profanity):

TLDR. Is this about fuse?


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Re: how to debug this fuse problem

2015-03-19 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Harry Putnam [Wed, Mar 18 2015, 07:41:21PM]:

  Something is wrong with your modules installation. Run dmesg to see
  what happened there.
  Run depmod -a once, it might help if some stupid tool damaged the
  module database (I had that fun with old dkms before).
  Check the installed files (debsums linux-image-3.16.0-4-586)
  Reinstall if needed (apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-3.16.0-4-586)
 dmesg shows what looks like quite a mess.  I' don't know what it might
 mean, perhaps someone here has seen it before or understands what it
 | dmesg|grep fuse
 | [7.166080] fuse: Unknown symbol pagecache_get_page_fixed (err 0)
 | [7.166143] fuse: disagrees about version of symbol iov_iter_get_pages
 | [7.166188] fuse: Unknown symbol iov_iter_get_pages (err -22)

Please proceed as I suggested before (debsums, depmod, etc.). If the
package state is OK then feel free to open a bug report (with
reportbug utility).

 Apparently it is a little more going on in those lines above.  I don't
 see anything on the page you cite with names like: 3.16.7-ckt4-3
 searching with `aptitudue search ckt7' (or ckt4)  finds nothing at all.

It's just an arbitrary version string. It can be (almost) anything, even

 I suspect I could/should be running i686 with pae.  Not sure why the
 installer choose a 486 kernel originally ... (it changed to 586 during a
 full-upgrade a mnth or two ago)
 The jessie OS here is running as vbox guest on a 2x Xeon on HP xw8600

I don't know why the installer chose that kernel, your Xeon should be
fully i686 compatible. If the installation is damaged somehow (see
above) then switching to another kernel might make the problem


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Re: how to debug this fuse problem

2015-03-18 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Harry Putnam [Wed, Mar 18 2015, 07:48:54AM]:
 Running `jessie'
 I've been using encfs, drawn from wheeze for months.  But following a
 `full upgrade' I can no longer mount an encfs file system.
 The error message from mount attempt:
 | fuse: device not found, try 'modprobe fuse' first
 | fuse failed.  Common problems:
 |  - fuse kernel module not installed (modprobe fuse)
 |  - invalid options -- see usage message
 Attempting to modprobe fuse gets this error:
 | root # modprobe fuse
 | modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'fuse': Invalid argument

Something is wrong with your modules installation. Run dmesg to see
what happened there.
Run depmod -a once, it might help if some stupid tool damaged the
module database (I had that fun with old dkms before).
Check the installed files (debsums linux-image-3.16.0-4-586)
Reinstall if needed (apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-3.16.0-4-586)

 The upgrade log shows no upgrade for fuse at the last `full-upgrade'
 but does show something happening with the kernel. However, I don't
 understand what it means.
 | [UPGRADE] linux-compiler-gcc-4.8-x86:i386 3.16.7-ckt4-3 - 3.16.7-ckt7-1
 | [UPGRADE] linux-headers-3.16.0-4-586:i386 3.16.7-ckt4-3 - 3.16.7-ckt7-1
 | [UPGRADE] linux-headers-3.16.0-4-common:i386 3.16.7-ckt4-3 - 3.16.7-ckt7-1
 | [UPGRADE] linux-image-3.16.0-4-586:i386 3.16.7-ckt4-3 - 3.16.7-ckt7-1
 | [UPGRADE] linux-libc-dev:i386 3.16.7-ckt4-3 - 3.16.7-ckt7-1

It's just the kernel from Jessie. See


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Re: how to remove libsystemd0 from a live-running debian desktop system

2015-02-17 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton [Tue, Feb 17 2015, 04:28:04PM]:
 so to summarise:
 * the use of libselinux1 is dormant (i.e. whilst you can't remove it
 without inconvenience, its use is entirely optional, right from the
 kernel level)
 * its development and documentation is rational and well-researched
 * the timeline behind its introduction was done in a respectful and
 reasonable way

 now let's compare that to the situation that we find ourselves in with

Talk only about you, please. The yourselves of yours seems to lack
basic research skills.

 * the use of libsystemd0 is MANDATORY and EXCLUSIONARY (everywhere
 except slackware and FreeBSD)

Wrong. It is also dormant, except for a little function that
applications call.

 * its development is a moving target and the documentation of the
 roadmap is informal and sparse.

And that little piece of code had just six commits according to:
git log ./src/libsystemd/sd-daemon/sd-daemon.c | grep commit
and most of them are minor changes.

That's a HELL OF MOVING TARGET, yeah.  Now, enjoy the feel of being my
personal hero, take a cookie, STFU and go away. Thanks.

Deleted the rest of unfunded crap.


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Re: how to remove libsystemd0 from a live-running debian desktop system

2015-02-16 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Lisi Reisz [Mon, Feb 16 2015, 11:42:14AM]:
 On Monday 16 February 2015 08:09:19 Marco d'Itri wrote:
   to debian-users: you don't have complete choice (yet), but i have
   demonstrated with a few hours work that there is a way to run
   (certain) desktop environments without requiring libsystemd0 or any of
   its dependencies, and after a little investigation there do appear to
   be people working hard to give you your right to choose what software
   to run *without* having to abandon debian.
  I strongly recommend that the people who cannot live with libsystemd0
  installed on their systems leave Debian,
 Oh, yes, please!  Please.  Please.  You have lots of choice.  There are lots 
 of distros and you can fork (devuan).  But leave us in peace!  It has been 
 lovely on this list without you lot.

+1, please!

(And if you still want to start a crusade against system libraries,
please try practicing first with more famous targets like libselinux1 or
even libpthread... nobody needs this dependency hell, right?)


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Re: Debian fork: 'Devuan', Debian without Systemd

2014-12-05 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Erwan David [Wed, Dec 03 2014, 04:13:14PM]:
  As explained several times on this ML, depending against libsystemd0
  package doesn't mean anything about requiring systemd to be used as
  PID1 or not. Even Ian's GR was not taking the I don't want any systemd
  package on my machine use case into account you know.
 Why focus on PID1 ? As I said, systemd-resolved proved to be

Because that set of systemd depending packages is BS, most of the
ones listed there are only linked with libsystemd0 and might attempt to
send a dbus message here and there, which only has some effect if and
only if systemd is PID1.

Bitching about not used features is like demonizing libselinux1.


leichenwagenErst wenn der letzte Programmierer eingesperrt und die letzte 
Idee patentiert ist, werdet ihr merken, daß Anwälte nicht programmieren können

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Re: apt-get source download has files not in git repository

2014-11-23 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Joel Roth [Thu, Nov 20 2014, 10:05:08PM]:
 Hi Andrei,
  Are you sure these files are from dbus? I'd rather guess they are from 
  the 'apt' source package. Anyway:
 Yes, they are. I'm curious at which step they get generated.

Have a look at the timestamps which might provide a clue. I cannot see
any integration tests or similar activity config in the packaging so
it's hard to explain.

Also make sure you have checked out the right branch, see
debian/gbp.conf for details.



wurst-griller hallo ich möchte eine datei mit unrar entpacken, ich verwende
dazu den befehl unrar -e *.rar, es kommt jedoch immer nur die liste
der optionen?
youam wurst-griller: dann kannst du wohl nicht lesen
youam haeufige fehlerursache...

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Re: init scripts [was: If Not Systemd, then What?]

2014-11-18 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Miles Fidelman [Sun, Nov 16 2014, 02:41:14PM]:
 Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Du, 16 nov 14, 11:50:25, Miles Fidelman wrote:
 So... with systemd, one has to:
 - rely on packagers to generate systemd service files, and/or,
 - rely on systemd's support for sysvinit scripts, which
 In the later case, one just has to read:
 to get very, very scared
 I don't see any item that would matter on a Debian system, care to
 It's very simple.  I have a bunch of stuff running on my system that I
 compiled from upstream code, including init scripts that work just fine.
 Now I have to worry that some of those scripts are incompatible with

You have already opened the Pandora box when you started relying on
self-compiled software which is installed aside of any knowlege of dpkg.

Now you hope to reduce your own efforts on upgrading by holding back any
progress. Is this fair? I don't think so.

If you don't see what I mean, think about all the other packages where
Debian does not promise backwards compatibility (Perl/Python/...
modules, etc, i.e. all that beasts that make a transition in big
clusters). You already have to read the release notes now, why should we
make an exception here for startup related parts?

Apart from that, have ever read those init scripts from upstream
packages or is this all this aversion just lazyness and fear / panic to
not touch a running system (but do a system upgrade, ha, ha, ha)?


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Re: systemd - so much energy wasted in quarreling

2014-11-17 Thread Eduard Bloch
* st [Tue, Nov 11 2014, 02:01:46AM]:
 Hans wrote:
 And at the beginning things never work perfect
 That's why they shouldn't make it into Stable as defaults,
 now should they?

We shouldn't and we are not. Because it's not the beginning, systemd
already has multiple years of history behind.

I am wick of people whining about problems that systemd allegedly has but
that turn out to be a bug in something else when you dig deeper, or are
actually solved long ago. Sometimes this solutions are badly documented,
even so much that it hits my nerve, but apart from that systemd is
mature enough for inclusion as primary init system.


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Re: Joey Hess is out?

2014-11-17 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Slavko [Sat, Nov 08 2014, 04:13:12PM]:
  Why don't the anti-systemd people do what they've been threatening the
  whole time and fuck off to another distro or to FreeBSD?
 This is exact example why i stopped all my contribution to Debian, and
 i will not start it again, despite if i stay with Debian in future or
 not! I orphan my packages in near future.
 If the community consider people which have another opinion as bad, it
 is time do not contribute to it more. And whole debate is about one
 idea: If you don't like systemd, you are stupid.

That's not my impression. It's more like: if you don't like systemd,
don't use it. If you don't like it that much that you want to rant
against it, make sure your arguments have some proof/backup.

Since systemd hatters usually fail on the second task, the rhetorical
arsenal is chosen accordingly (ad-hominem, trolling, misquoting, ...).


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Re: Joey Hess is out?

2014-11-17 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Nate Bargmann [Mon, Nov 17 2014, 07:46:48AM]:
  Since systemd hatters usually fail on the second task, the rhetorical
  arsenal is chosen accordingly (ad-hominem, trolling, misquoting, ...).
 Here is the crux of the problem in these discussions and that is the use
 of haters as an ad hominem as part of the shaming language directed at
 those with concerns.  It matters not who started it, but when one of the

There is no offensive of discriminatory meaning implied; you have read
my definition and that's how I apply it. Not more, not less.

 primary developers of systemd also engages in using this language to
 describe those who do have legitimate concerns, the discussion descends
 quickly into a non-productive direction especially when others follow
 his lead as being somehow acceptable.

If the final outcome is simply pidgeonholing into those with us vs.
those against us then I agree. But for somebody not participating in
this stupid holly wars about systemd this argument sounds somehow


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Re: OT - Convert output of byte count to GB count?

2013-02-20 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Bob Proulx [Sat, Feb 16 2013, 01:54:44PM]:
 Eduard Bloch wrote:
  Nah, not having much spare time to post doesn't mean I have to drop
  all the good habits.
 I had nothing in the mailbox for the last year of recent memory.  I
 will call that good enough to be called a while.
  Bob Proulx wrote:
   $ perl -le 'print 5605687296 / (1024*1024*1024)'
   For anyone who gets upset by the topic I will only offer this
   following treatise as highly recommended reading.
 On Holy Wars and a Plea for Peace
  And there is it again :-( Please don't justify pure misuse of
  terminology with false analogies like this document about Holy Wars at
  absolutely equivalent things (equivalent WRT their application).
 Please quote my exact words where I misused terminology.  I do not see
 it.  I never said GB nor GiB.  I used a number.

Yeah. A number as answer to something about GB. Have you ever been on
the Jeopardy show?

 Because of the fervor on this topic I believe the Holy Wars article is
 very obviously as relevant now as then.  It is talking about human
 nature.  As was the original Swift.  As proven by this thread human
 nature hasn't changed any in all of these years.

What is so unclear in what I have written before? In Gulliver's travels,
as in most holy wars, the outcome is absolutely identical, so choosing
any method doesn't make a difference. This analogy does NOT apply here.

Following your logics means that it's ok to use pint for business
communication because it's a soo well defined unit and anyone
understands how much it is. Now tell that to a globally operating

  You can prefer whatever you want but the means of reliable
  communication are unambiguous terms. EOD.
 The number 1024 that I used is not ambiguous.  It is an exact value.

Sure. But please, never use it to refer to any unit name using a SI

  Some dudes in nineteen-seventies didn't get it and another generation
  of dudes is still trying to protect those values even perfectly
  knowing they are wrong.
 I used a number 1024 as a divisor for binary data and I don't think I

Responding to someone asking for GB.

 When I am working with binary data I use binary numbers.  When I am
 working with decimal data then I use decimal numbers.  This is neither

And when exactly does the data stop being decimal and becomes binary?
When it's read from the the PHY buffer and written to the 2nd level
cache of your CPU? Sorry, that kind of hairsplitting is just

 Others are of course free to use their own preferences.  Many people
 still prefer octal representations.  Such as with chmod.  I typically

Yet another false analogy. You keep presenting more and more of them,
always implying that somebody ...

 eschew use of octal values with chmod and prefer the modern purely
 symbolic modes.  But I don't declare others wrong for using octal
 values with chmod.  At times it is also convenient to the data it is

... revealing them as not applicable here is declaring others wrong.

A better analogy would be like telling compiler makers to watch
out for the special word chmod. If present and the programmer writes
chmod(..., 755) they should not handle it like chmod(..., 0755) because
that's what looks convinient for many people. Oh, and please, the
compiler should guess the meaning based on the count of *.c files in the
home directory because that's a good indication for being used by an
expert or newbie.

  In the field of arithmetics the effects of such misnomers can become
  fatal. For example, see the US speciality called billion which has a
  custom meaning incompatible to the rest of the world.
 I do not understand your point with regards to billion.  Please
 explain further.
 I am aware that in the old days (prior to the 1970's?) for some
 countries (primarily the British Commonwealth?) a billion was a
 million million (10^12) and a trillion was a million million million
 (10^18).  Those derived from bi and tri meaning million^2 and
 million^3.  Which makes sense.  But I believe that now common English
 communication throughout the US, UK, and Commonwealth it is now
 considered obsolete usage.  Today a billion is 10 (10^9) aka a
 thousand million and a trillion is 1 (10^12) aka a
 thousand thousand million.

There is a long story (short and long scales) where different
mathematics started using the same words for different counts. The
result is the mess we currently have (i.e. billion is still 10^12 in
most of the Europe and Trillion is 10^18, not 10^12), and we have a
chance to avoid this with binary-style SI prefixes.

 I am aware that this changeover has happened within living memory for
 a lot of people and therefore causes colloquial speech to fall back,
 often intentionally, to the old ways at times.  Also any literature
 prior to this needs to be read within that context.  Context is always
 important.  Using

Re: OT - Convert output of byte count to GB count?

2013-02-16 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Bob Proulx [Sun, Feb 10 2013, 11:46:30AM]:
 Eduard Bloch wrote:
  * Bob Proulx [Sat, Feb 09 2013, 11:44:03AM]:
   You say tomato, I say tomahto.  You can make your own divider the
   number 34,969[1] if you like.
  Wow, someone trying to disguise the own mistaken convention as pure
  matter of preference?
   For me I prefer binary powers of two when using it in relation to
   computer tasks.
  You can prefer whatever you want but the means of reliable communication
  are unambiguous terms. EOD.
  Some dudes in nineteen-seventies didn't get it and another generation of
  dudes is still trying to protect those values even perfectly knowing
  they are wrong.
 Wow.  My response pulled you in to post on debian-user!  It has been a
 while.  Good to see you here.

Nah, not having much spare time to post doesn't mean I have to drop all
the good habits.

 For anyone who gets upset by the topic I will only offer this
 following treatise as highly recommended reading.
   On Holy Wars and a Plea for Peace

And there is it again :-( Please don't justify pure misuse of
terminology with false analogies like this document about Holy Wars at
absolutely equivalent things (equivalent WRT their application).

In the field of arithmetics the effects of such misnomers can become
fatal. For example, see the US speciality called billion which has a
custom meaning incompatible to the rest of the world.


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Re: OT - Convert output of byte count to GB count?

2013-02-16 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Lisi Reisz [Sat, Feb 16 2013, 08:20:45AM]:
 On Saturday 16 February 2013 03:20:54 Jerry Stuckle wrote:
  When dealing with computers, it's powers of 2.  When
  dealing with distances, it's powers of 10.
 Not so.  Manufacturers of hard drives normally (frequently?) give the size in 
 decimal, though they obviously don't say so, to make them look bigger.

Actually, they do say so. Most harddisks I have seen so far have the
explanation printed on them or an explicite reference to the
documentation where they tell you that.

In fact, the main reason for becoming a drama is the impression that
numbers have on some people's mind. I bought a 32 gig stick and Windows
says it's not even 30 gig on it... that's FRAUD!!


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Re: OT - Convert output of byte count to GB count?

2013-02-16 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Jerry Stuckle [Sat, Feb 16 2013, 09:09:42AM]:
 And there is it again :-( Please don't justify pure misuse of
 terminology with false analogies like this document about Holy Wars at
 absolutely equivalent things (equivalent WRT their application).
 In the field of arithmetics the effects of such misnomers can become
 fatal. For example, see the US speciality called billion which has a
 custom meaning incompatible to the rest of the world.

 I agree, I wish people WOULD stop applying terms in the incorrect
 context.  That's what confuses matters.

Which part do you agree with? I cannot see any. You keep insisting on
being right with the incorrect use of other people's words, telling
them that THEY have to rethink and adapt the meaning every time they
need to communicate with you in your little sandbox.

Reminds me on doublespeak and doublethink (google it if you don't know
what I mean).


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Re: OT - Convert output of byte count to GB count?

2013-02-16 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Jerry Stuckle [Sat, Feb 16 2013, 01:36:42PM]:

 On 2/16/2013 5:43 AM, Eduard Bloch wrote:
 In fact, the main reason for becoming a drama is the impression that
 numbers have on some people's mind. I bought a 32 gig stick and Windows
 says it's not even 30 gig on it... that's FRAUD!!
 Sure it has 32GB on it.  But that doesn't mean 32GB is available for
 your files.  There is OS overhead, also.
 Bullshit. Overhead does not consume 7% of the disk capacity. This is
 just the difference between 1 GiB and 1 GB.

Funny. I made an example to demonstrate the irrational
effects that numbers have on people, and you both immediately start a
holy war based on it.

 Overhead can easily take up 7% of the disk, depending on the file system
 being used.
 Let me rephrase it. Can you provide an example of a freshly created
 filesystem of a common size with an overhead of at least 7%, i.e. with
 the free space being less than 93 % of the raw size ?
 How about answering my question.  Exactly which disk do you have

I am with him. There is no real question from you that I could discover
so far, just some attempts to distract attention after not understanding
the point (or even the content) of the original example.


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Re: OT - Convert output of byte count to GB count?

2013-02-10 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Bob Proulx [Sat, Feb 09 2013, 11:44:03AM]:
 Pascal Hambourg wrote:
  Bob Proulx a écrit :
 $ perl -le 'print 5605687296 / (1024*1024*1024)'
  Note that 1 GB (gigabyte) is 10^9 bytes as can be seen in the GNU dd
  output. 1024^3 is 1 GiB (gibibyte).
 You say tomato, I say tomahto.  You can make your own divider the
 number 34,969[1] if you like.

Wow, someone trying to disguise the own mistaken convention as pure
matter of preference?

 For me I prefer binary powers of two when using it in relation to
 computer tasks.

You can prefer whatever you want but the means of reliable communication
are unambiguous terms. EOD.

Some dudes in nineteen-seventies didn't get it and another generation of
dudes is still trying to protect those values even perfectly knowing
they are wrong.


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Re: 2TB file system

2011-08-16 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Camaleón [Tue, Aug 16 2011, 05:30:07PM]:
 On Tue, 16 Aug 2011 12:31:53 -0400, Rick Pasotto wrote:
  I recently acquired a 2TB SATA HD that I have not yet installed. It will
  be used entirely to store media files. Would there be any problems in

  Any other considerations?
 Hum... Reconsider partitioning or even reconsider the file system.

That really depends on what media files means. It can be anything,
from 2MiB music files to 200GiB raw video streams.

For many, many thousands of small files, smaller partitions make sense.
But for other cases... is it really worth it?

 A single volume of 2 TiB is very big (and big file systems are more prone 
 to errors and hard to recover in the event of a corruption... fsck can 
 take... ages? :-P). 

You blatantly ignore the real question... why would fsck take ages?
Because of the file count or because of the overall data size?

 Also, if you plan to host specifically multimedia files you could 
 consider using XFS instead, I've been told is very good for such 
 purpose ;-)

I have been told many things, and some of them aren't something you
should believe if you want to stay sane and healthy.


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Re: Installing Debian from NFS

2011-02-05 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* RR [Fri, Feb 04 2011, 10:19:06PM]:

 helps build one a local mirror. It's been going on for almost 20 hrs and
 it's downloaded 28GB so far after I used a LOT of EXCLUDEs but oh well. Was
 a Bad move in a way since Squeeze is going to be out soon and then I'll have
 to build a mirror for that as well. I'm probably stupid or impatient but I
 didn't understand the concept of apt-cacher-ng from a brief glimpse. It's a
 HTTP proxy to a local mirror or some other mirror or does it make an NFS
 partition accessible via HTTP? Since it uses the word cache in it, I'm
 assuming, it caches the packages so everytime you need something you get it
 locally than reaching out to the Internet mirror?

Yes, it's a tiny HTTP proxy with some sugar, getting extra knowledge
from package databases or predefined configuration and making more
optimal decissions than ordinary HTTP proxies.

If you decide to use it, you could reuse the data you already
downloaded. There are instructions for integration into the acng cache
in /usr/share/doc/apt-cacher-ng/html/howtos.html . And if you want to
save some disk space and your NFS storage is permanently mounted, then
you could even put symlinks into the import directory (cp -asf
/download/... /var/cache/apt-cacher-ng/import/).

And if you still want to have a local snapshot of the whole Debian
archive in order to avoid future internet connections, there is a new
feature in recent versions called Guided precaching. That function
actually examines some Packages.bz2/Sources.bz2 files (or whatever you
specify as long as the file is parseable by acng) and downloads
everything listed therein. Usually the resulting tree in the cache
directory is defacto a partial mirror, containing files which apt might
need for a certain architecture.

NForcer Und nun sehen sie das alphascorpii in der freien Wildbahn...
NForcer Es umschleicht den Malzkaffe, sein natürliches Beutetier..

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Re: [SOLVED] Is squeeze compatible with WD20EARS and other 2TB drives?

2011-01-19 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Stan Hoeppner [Sun, Jan 16 2011, 01:22:28PM]:

  of native 4k sectors used
  with a smaller transfer size. But the whole system programing domain has
  tons of similar situations.
 Transfer size?  SAS and SATA are both capable of large multi sector transfers.
 This has nothing to do with transfer size, but SECTOR size.  It seems you 
 basic understanding of the technology we're discussing.

Do you realize that transfer size is an abstract term? Doesn't look so
because you obviously fail to make the connection to the subsequent
example. And sorry for crushing your theory but you are wrong; usually I
wasn't sleeping in related CS lectures.

 Me stating that these drives suck with Linux (fact) is, to some owners of
 said drives, apparently akin to me calling their sister fat or mother ugly.

And if you are looking for things that suck then remember the bad
old days (if you were with us at that time). When you needed to install
emulation software like Ontrack to make your harddrive work with DOS and
then patch the Linux kernel to get along with it. Or had to write
modelines manually because other the monitor might go up in smoke. Or
needed to make experiments with hdparm to find the fastest Multiword-DMA
mode that still worked with your HDD. Etcetera, etcetera.

The problems with AF are a joke.


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Re: [SOLVED] Is squeeze compatible with WD20EARS and other 2TB drives?

2011-01-16 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Stan Hoeppner [Wed, Jan 12 2011, 10:28:40AM]:
 Stefan Monnier put forth on 1/11/2011 9:46 PM:
  I have no idea what makes you so angry against green drives.
  I am against using any drive, at this time, in Linux, with a native
  sector size other than 512 bytes.
  Again, I fail to see why you're so emotional about it.
 You've got that backwards.  You own a bunch of these drives and feel I am

That's not my impression. The only good argument I could identify in
YOUR answers is the strong (personal) dislike of native 4k sectors used
with a smaller transfer size. But the whole system programing domain has
tons of similar situations.

Why don't you object to 32bit/64bit PCs? They work with small transfer
bytes (bytes) but they native WORD size is a lot bigger nowadays. How
dare they to do a such thing?

Maybe you should consider throwing your PC away right now and buy a
modern 8088 XT system from some garage sale.


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Re: [SOLVED] Is squeeze compatible with WD20EARS and other 2TB drives?

2010-12-19 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Klistvud [Sat, Dec 18 2010, 10:32:10PM]:

 First of all, let me thank all of you who responded. As promised, I
 am giving feedback to the list so that future purchasers of Western
 Digital WD EARS/EADS models and similar Advanced Format hard
 drives may benefit.

Err, what? EADS don't use AF, TTBOMK.

 The first thing of notice is that the Load_Cycle_Count of the drive
 heads increases every 8 seconds by default. As seen on the Internet,

That only refers to EARS. And it's wrong. Umount everything on that disk
and wait a while, no loading/unloading should stop.

What really happens is that the disk parks after 8 seconds when it's
IDLE. Which is ok when you either read or write stuff all the time or
don't do anything at all. It is not ok if you use them as system disks
where a few bytes are written every couple of seconds and certain
popular Linux filesystems like to flush (means: write out to disk) that
data every 10..15 seconds (just a bit more than 8 seconds) and so
causing the LCC growing quite quickly over time.

So DO NOT use an EARS drive as SYSTEM DISK.

 this may pose a problem in the long run, since these drives are
 guaranteed to sustain a limited number of such head parking
 cycles. The number given varies from 300.000 to 1.000.000, depending
 on where you look. The first thing I did was, therefore, launch a

There is no reason to put the word guaranteed into double-quotes or
refer to weird sites. Just have a look at the official data sheet and
the common definition of MTBF please.

 the WD proprietary utility wdidle3.exe, and the first link obtained
 by googling for wdidle3.exe did the trick:
 thousand ticks overnight. Interestingly enough, the drive loaded and
 unloaded its heads at the amazing rate of twice per second even
 disabled to every 300 seconds, which appears to be the maximum
 interval allowed. It would seem that, for the time being at least,
 this made the Load_Cycle_Count stay put at 22413. Whew!

Err, what? You play with a dangerous toy which was not designed for your
drive and you wonder that it's all messed up now?

 Now, the second issue: the hardware/logical sector alignment.
 Since it will affects real-world transfer speeds, let's first check
 out the theoretical speeds of this drive in this particular
 environment -- a 3GHz Pentium-IV motherboard with a humble
 integrated SATA controller (I think it's an early SATA-I

My company had a lot of them. The SATA controllers were crap
performance-wise. I remember a colleague who got a shiny new OCZ SSD
drive which was supposed to deliver 200MB/s but never got beyond
70MB/s on his system. The solution was a 15EUR PCIe controller card
which suddenly make it work as expected. 

 obelix# hdparm -tT /dev/sda

Err, what does this have to do with pro/contra of logical sector sizes?
Counter-example, WD20EARS on an AMD-78xx mainboard:

 Timing cached reads:   8042 MB in  2.00 seconds = 4023.46 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads: 360 MB in  3.02 seconds = 119.38 MB/sec

ignored the rest of the posting, ENOTIME to read all of the voodoo


Naja, Garbage Collector eben. Holt den Müll sogar vom Himmel.
   (Heise Trollforum über Java in der Flugzeugsteuerung)

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Re: which package can show CPU temperature and fan speed

2010-04-18 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Long Wind [Sun, Apr 18 2010, 01:24:09AM]:
 I have etch and HP VL420
 It runs P4 1.6G
 but BIOS can't show CPU temperature and fan speed
 so I download a bios from motherboard maker ASUS
 but can't update bios
 then I install lm-sensor in etch
 but reading data seems incorrect
 Can you help???

If the kernel is fresh enough and ships with all required modules then
you need to run sensors-detect as root. It should detect suitable
drivers and load the modules. It would also ask you to add the list to
/etc/modules which you should confirm unless you want to run the
detection again after reboot.


Myon TV ist Zeitverschwendung
* micsch muss auch nochmal seine TV-Karte einbauen

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Re: SOLVED aumix not working

2010-03-07 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Martin [Sun, Mar 07 2010, 05:01:19AM]:
 On Sat, Mar 06, 2010 at 03:03:30PM -0800, Freeman wrote:
  On Sat, Mar 06, 2010 at 08:55:52PM +0100, MList wrote:
   Why is aumix failing and how can I fix it?
  Have you read:
  Debian specific notes for the aumix package
 After lot of blind guesses I finaly try command
 from amixer man page:
 $ amixer -c 0 -- sset Master playback -20dB
 after this one command aumix can work now as expected.

That shouldn't be required unless snd_mixer_oss was not loaded before
and amixer just triggered its loading somehow (see quoted README for
details). Or maybe it's some other low-level module. You can compare the
module lists before and after running that command (visible with lsmod
command or in /proc/modules).

 I guess that amixer command created /dev/mixer device so aumix can
 find it now. Why was /dev/mixer was not created during instalation
 process I do not know!

They are usually created by udev which is triggered by *bingo* module


zpiggy zpiggy: wo hast du den nick her?
zpiggy ach dat bin ja ich

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Re: Vfat or NTFS?

2010-03-07 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Roger Leigh [Sun, Mar 07 2010, 07:20:04PM]:

  I am wondering now whether to convert my Vfat partitions to NTFS as there
  are some advantages. For example I recently forgot about the 4GB file
  restriction of Vfat when trying to download a DVD iso - it got to 4GB then
  gave up so I had to redownload again to the NTFS volume. I suspect NTFS is
  more reliable at least in Windows. Are there any potential issues in Linux -
  e.g. reliability / speed.
  Should I go NTFS now for my data files? (keeping the main Lenny root
  filesystem on an ext3 partition).
 Just my experience but:
 1) VFAT is a terrible filesystem with all sorts of restrictions, not least
filesize and encoding issues.

The worst problem with VFAT is IMHO the stupid behavior WRT letter case,
i.e. you get some other filename than you originally intended to store
to which confuses tools like rsync. The encoding issues are usually not
that bad.

 2) NTFS (using ntfs-3g) performs terribly on Linux.  The FUSE driver is

I disagree. I get about half of the raw speed of the drive from a
Windows system partition. Ext3 is not much better on a Linux system
partition. There were, however, combinations of kernel versions and
ntfs-3g versions where performance really sucked.

slow, and this makes data transfer a very lengthy affair.  No idea

Cannot agree on that either. FUSE driver needs to copy data around and
therefore having some spare CPU power helps a lot and many people have
multi-core CPUs nowadays.


schneckal hat einer von euch schon bind9 installiert?
eis das neue root kit? :-

Description: Digital signature

Re: how to find bad blocks

2010-02-09 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* James Zuelow [Tue, Feb 09 2010, 08:58:15AM]:

 Can you get SMART data from it?
 I don't think you can list the bad blocks that the drive is re-mapping, but 
 you can certainly get the number of times the drive has had to do that.
 The manpage for smartctl describes how to query individual disks behind 
 various RAID controllers.

And if that doesn't work then you can use dd_rescue to copy the data to
another harddisk and store the list of bad blocks on-the-fly.

If you need to know which files are damaged, in many cases you can later
use that bad block list to retrieve the file list with
debug / administrative tools for particular file system.


Joey Jeder, der mich verwirrt, muss einen oeffentlichen Security-Bug fixen
und einen Absatz fuer's DWN schreiben.

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Re: apt-get files transfering to another machine.

2010-01-18 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Sthu Deus [Tue, Jan 19 2010, 02:22:38AM]:
 Good day.
 Which files I should copy from one machine to another after
 apt-get update
 command lunched at one machine so that another machine might have the same 
 info as if I lunched the command in it?

For the same architecture?

rsync -a /var/cache/apt r...@host:/var/cache

This will also include package files. If that's not wanted then only
transfer /var/cache/apt/*.bin .

Salz jjFux: Ted hieß ja früher auch Walther
Salz winkiller: hm... es sind 8... die 7 kandidaten und NOTA
Madkiss Ist der jetzt eigentlich eine gespaltene Persönlichkeit, bei der aber
  beide Teile bekloppt sind?

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Re: [ANNOUNCE] apt-offline 0.9.6 released

2009-12-22 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Ritesh Raj Sarraf [Tue, Dec 22 2009, 01:24:13PM]:

 I'm pleased to announce apt-offline version 0.9.6.

Wait a second, unless I am mistaken it's an implementation of the
traditional Using APT Offline howto from Jason Gunthorpe, this time
with additional requirement of Python.

If yes, maybe you should tell this upfront?

 Please see the git log for full details.

Where is it?

 apt-offline is an Offline APT Package Manager for APT based systems, i.e. 
 Debian and Debian derived distributions.

And what does managing the packages mean in this context? Maybe you
mean: download manager for package files?

 apt-offline can fully update/upgrade your disconnected Debian box without the 
 need of connecting it to the network.
 * It works by generating a signature of the disconnected box.

Is that a signature? A signature is something short you write down with
a pen for identification purposes, basically equivalent to a short
checksum in data processing.

AFAICS what you use is a plain flat database, i.e. an URL list generated
by apt.

 * You carry the signature to a net connected box running anything 

And the system requirements on that net connected box are... what?
That's an important detail, IMHO.


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Re: IDE CD-DVD Writer won't write

2009-12-13 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Merciadri Luca [Sun, Dec 13 2009, 03:58:37PM]:

 I thought that I had specified it before, but, according to your
 message, I did not explain this in an explicit way.
 Under Windows (XP), I am able to read, and write, on any CD or DVD
 medium, whatever the writer. I am thus fully able to use the
 Linux-problematic CD-DVD-writer under Windows XP. That proves that
 cables and related stuff are correctly done. That is the main problem:
 Linux cannot make it, while Windows can make it, for once.

Relax. Then I suggest testing a closed-source alternative similar to
what you may know from Windows experience: Nero Linux 4, This way you can exclude kernel issues as
potential problem.


LGS Halloechen, ihr Spinner, so frueh auf?
nusse nein, wir schlafen alle im kollektiv
knorke mein alkoven ist kaputt
teq alkohol kaputt?

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Re: IDE CD-DVD Writer won't write

2009-12-13 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Merciadri Luca [Sun, Dec 13 2009, 07:48:59PM]:

 pata_marvell4256  0 

I think you have some third-party IDE controller on the mainboard
(with a Marvell chip) which has a faulty driver. The problem is not
uncommon, i.e. if the the driver author only tested with even block
sizes like 512 and 2048 and not those used for burning commands then
there may be bugs.

 see last message please

Where? AFAICS you only posted some console log with wodim calls so far.

So which kernel version are you using? Consider upgrading.


Der Mensch selbst ist die Killer-Application.
-- Hal Faber

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Re: Is there an IM Client that Does Not Use X

2009-05-15 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Martin McCormick [Fri, May 15 2009, 02:39:31PM]:
 Is there any sort of instant message application that can run in
 a command-line terminal, similar to talkd?

Not very similar but good:

apt-cache show centerim

Wer den Menschen die Hölle auf Erden bereiten will, braucht ihnen nur
alles zu erlauben.
-- Graham Henry Greene

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Re: stitching a filesystem

2009-03-17 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Mag Gam [Tue, Mar 17 2009, 07:22:13PM]:
 Is it possible to combine 2 filesystems so they would appear as one?
 For example, you have 2 volumes:
 /vol0 (500GB)
 /vol1 (500GB)
 I want to export both of them so it would appear as 1TB volume.

Kind of stitching (the size reporting might confuse but the contents
appear merged):

apt-cache show funionfs (FUSE variant)
apt-cache search unionfs (kernel implementations, aufs and unionfs modules)

man funionfs will tell you more.


Einschlafen dürfen, wenn man müde ist, und eine Last fallen lassen 
dürfen, die man sehr lang getragen hat, das ist eine köstliche, eine
wunderbare Sache.
-- Hermann Hesse

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Re: nrg2iso

2008-12-19 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* steef [Fri, Dec 19 2008, 12:58:35PM]:

 this is the command i used to convert a (nero)file into a readable iso:

Why don't you just NeroLinux then?

 *sudo nrg2iso /home/steef/Desktop/PF2.nrg /home/steef/Desktop/PF3.iso
 it seemed to work,
 and i burnt the result, PF3.iso, onto a dvd
 with # growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/scd0:/home/steef/Desktop/PF3.iso

Try this:

mount foo.nrg /bla -oloop,offset=307200

If you can read the files in /bla directory then you can try to burn
from the intermediate loop device with a command like

wodim -dev=/dev/scd0 -isosize /dev/loopX

You can identify your loop device via mount | grep loop. Or RTFM of
the losetup command if you don't like the mount command above.

But, as said, I would just use NeroLinux.

 no readable file on the dvd results (tried it three times on a re-writable)

What does no readable mean? Can it be mounted?


[ New Maintainer Prozess ]
panthera ein jahr ist ein bisschen zu optimistisch,
_rene_ panthera: kommt auf den NM/AM an.
/* _rene_ ist pantheras AM und lässt sich mit pantheras
   package check schon ein wenig Zeit ;) */

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Re: .bash_history deleted

2007-07-08 Thread Eduard Bloch

 Hi Anna.
 Anna Machens, 08.07.2007 15:48:
   (i'm using debian unstable )
   i am totally confused. suddenly, my .bash_history file for root did not
 That’s really odd; I experienced the same thing yesterday. Suddenly
 there was no
 history anymore but since then, the file has been growing normally like

I have seen this several times in the past, still having no idea how this 
happens. For a while I suspected bash_completion but I think I saw this also 
without bash_completion. Finally I am suspecting the filesystem journaling 
doing weird things, since it it mostly happened after crashes with JFS and XFS, 
but (almost? not sure) never with Ext3.

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Re: wireless - is it possible?

2007-04-30 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Default User [Sat, Apr 28 2007, 04:04:41PM]:
 Easy question: has anyone been able to get any currently available wifi
 USB or PCMCIA adapter to work with a 2004 Toshiba Satellite M35X-S109
 laptop (no built-in wifi), using Debian Etch? 
 Very hard question: if so, how were you able to do it? 
 I have tried a Netgear MA111 (v1?) USB adapter. I have only been able to
 get it to work out of the box with OpenBSD (any recent distribution),
 and Freespire 1.0.13 (before the switch to an Ubuntu base). 
 I have also tried a Netgear WG111 (v2) adapter.  To date, it won't work
 out of the box with any of many non-M$ OSes tried.  

We tried several sticks at my previous university and most of them
sucked. Some of those Netgear have been supported by the free drivers,
other (v1 rev. 2 or so) have not been supported anymore but ndiswrapper
did the trick, but some has been working and some didn't, and IIRC none
of v2 did work.

For ralink based ones, I have a mixed feeling. An old ASUS stick did
work with an old driver, but a more recent driver screwed up something
in the kernel and made it first loose the keyboard control and then
crash, after just replugging the stick two or three times. A newer
stick with Ralink chipset (IIRC from D-Link) was not really supported
either: driver loads, the interface is created but no data is transfered
after that.

Well, and the best experience we had was with the cheapest stick from
MSI having some Zydas chipset (IIRC MSI US54SE). Stick inserted, WEP or
WPA configured, WORKS! They are still not perfect, in a certain
combination (old Cisco AP and WEP mode) the data transfers got stuck
after few minutes and the stick has been restarted (messages about
reseting the SoftMAC in the kernel log). However, there was no such
trouble with in plain or WPA mode, IIRC.


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Re: console based cd burning (wodim and burn)

2007-03-16 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Joerg Schilling [Thu, Mar 15 2007, 05:57:30PM]:

 trying to see what should I use to burn CD's from a terminal. This is on 
 an Etch bases system with only icewm installed on it. I don't want to 
 use nautilus cd burner and neither k3b, if I can help it.
 How do wodim and burn compare for such a task? Any experiences with 
 these utilities? I am trying to decide which one to start and keep using 
 depending on its stability and features. And it would be great to have 
 the option of burning audio cd's with text information (never been able 
 to do so with k3b, even with checking the cd-text option).
 Wodim is based on _parts_ of an very outdated version of cdrtools.

Please stop throwing subjective assesment into objective discussion.
I.e. tell your definition of very and do it exactly. And please don't
tell weird things like contains parts that are 2 years old. Parts of
the current Linux kernel may be 10 years old, so what...

 Wodim does not include the DVD burning code from cdrecord and it does not

Of course it does not. Is that a reason to be much worse? I doubt.

 include dozen of bugfixes mainly in mkisofs that have been applied during 

Since those are under GPL there should be not a big problem to pull them
from the current cdrtools. Or would you dare to forbid this?

 the past 12 months. As an important issue, wodum does not use the new 

enhanced, how? As above, stop throwing subjective assesment into
objective discussion.

 version of libscg that tries to reintegrate the unwanted /dev/hd* interface 
 SCSI into the rest of the SCSI namespace from Linux.

Funny. I maybe will start believing your words when -scanbus does
actually present the native Linux namespace and not before.

 If you use the Debian surrogate instead of the original, you suffer from the 
 following problems:

 - No support for hardlinks in Rock Ridge

Minor bug. They have diverging inode numbers and wrong link counts, but
it is not important in usual use cases because the filesystem is

 - Incorrect permissions for many of the .. directory entries,
   so cd .. wo'nt work.

Unreproducible. Maybe a side effect of your sooper-dooper find
extensions not visible with the good old version?

 - Incorrect link counts on directories.

Maybe. Does that matter? Not really.

 - not correctly working deeply nested directories (level  8)

Maybe. I have not looked at that part yet.

 - No find(1) support in mkiofs

 - News at 11: Fifth wheel not important for stable driving.

 - No corretly working graft points

How not correctly?

 - cdrecord/readcd/cdda2wav -scanbus does not find ATAPI drives on Linux

Because -scanbus sucks IMHO. We have --devices instead.

 - No auto-target feature in  cdrecord/readcd/cdda2wav (dev= parameter is
   no longer needed with the original software)

Wrong at two points. First, we do not distribute binaries called
cdrecord/readcd/cdda2wav and you know that. Second, with wodim dev=-1
(default in the config) looks for an appropriate device, even deciding
about CD-R or DVD-R type depending on the track size. The next
user-friendly feature on the list is automatic scanning all drives for a
real audio CD in icedax.

 - No correctly working DVD support from the third party DVD enhancement
   hack used by wodim.

No correctly and hack are fuzzy/subjective terms. Better tell how
severe the problem is that you claim to have found. If there is one at

 While most changes in the wodim source are a result of replacing a working
 highly portable build system by something that does not work as good as the 
 original, the original software has been enhanced and:

It works as good as the original in the scope that we need. And in some
areas even beyond, remember AIX5l.

 - mkisofs did replace more than 1/3 of the code (mostly for bug-fixes) 
   Debian did fetch the code

mostly is good. The changes that attracted most of my attention are
gazillions of meta-changes done to make the source look more closer to
the style used in your personal software zoo. Using the word fix or
cleanup (like Cstyle fixes) to describe them, ROTFL.

 - More than 2/3 of the cdda2wav code has been reworked in order to clean 
   up the code, make it maintainable again and fixing bugs.

Oh, we also fixed some stupid bugs. I hope you fixed things like
potential buffer overflows in the meantime like we did. Unfortunatelly
no fixes can be pulled from your source because of the incompatible

 - More than 1/3 of the cdrecord code has been replaced or added since 
   Debian ffethced their code.

Yes, and? You add DVD support, we add DVD support, and the game

 If you like to use a recent cdrtools, I recommend to use the latest source 

So, that is what your message is about? Some FUD enabled marketing?

If you wanna beat others with features, explain first:

 - where is the multibyte input charset 

Re: console based cd burning (wodim and burn)

2007-03-16 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Joerg Schilling [Thu, Mar 15 2007, 09:03:15PM]:

 Some Debian people did create this fork because they do not like to cooperate
 with the author in a fruitful way.

fruitful from our point of view implies fulfilling user requirements.
If you do not listen to them or are not ready to make compromises then
the cooperation based on solely on your terms is not fruitful.

 This is not related to license problems but to personal deficites from these 

Really? We have been modifying cdrtools for years before. I wonder how
you can overlook the correlation of the license change and the final
fork triggering condition.

 Unfortunately Debian does not seem to be interested in doing the best for 

does not seem for whom actually?

 users but to avoid replacing the people in question by people who are 
 in a fuitful cooperation.

Grats, well chosen words to present the others as the source of trouble.
To clean up with your assumptions: there is no need to replace people
to put pure cdrtools packages into the archive. It just needs a
volunteer to package them and deal with you. If nobody from the hundreds
of maintainers is interested in a fruitful cooperation than it may
have some other reason.

Naja, Garbage Collector eben. Holt den Müll sogar vom Himmel.
   (Heise Trollforum über Java in der Flugzeugsteuerung)

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Re: Best File System for partitions over 600GB

2007-03-13 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Roberto C. Sanchez [Mon, Mar 12 2007, 07:06:43PM]:
 On Mon, Mar 12, 2007 at 11:34:48PM +0100, Mathias Brodala wrote:
  Hi Roberto.
  I see. I was asking since I have a whole drive full of videos and such 
  which are
  usually between 100MB and 300MB per file. So I guess XFS would not really 
  be the
  best choice for them. I got ext3 everywhere at the moment and wondered if I
  could get a bit more performance by using another filesystem. And since I 
  used ext3 up until now, I don???t really know which other filesystem to 
 I would certainly trust XFS.  Of course, if you don't have your machine
 on an UPS, it can cause problems on a crash or power outage.  How are

Great, that is the usual propaganda from XFS users with the same lame
excuse written with small letters. It has this bad tendency to shred the
file contents after powerouts or sudden kernel crashes... silently
inserting lots of 0x0s, IIRC sometimes only a 512 byte block, sometimes
filling the rest of a file after a certain position. I cannot prove it
either, it is just the experience which I had every time after I tried
XFS in the last years. And every time I came back to ext3 where I can
not remember such trouble.

HE meebey: Mail kannst du eigentlich nicht verschachteln ... und dann
 kam MIME.

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Re: Attracting newbies (Was Booting Debian/testing fails)

2007-02-15 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Andrei Popescu [Tue, Feb 06 2007, 10:43:32PM]:
 On Tue, 06 Feb 2007 15:06:11 -0500
 Michael Pobega [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Where is the graphical installer, anyway? I'd love to try it out
  myself, I haven't got the chance (I just used NetInstall's default
  curses installer).
 Just boot with 'installgui' or 'expertgui'.
 I've had bad experiences with Kubuntu myself. I convinced my brother to
 try it, but it would freeze at loading KDE. He was pretty disappointed
 and gave up. Now I want to give it another try with etch as I am more
 experienced and I know Debian much better anyway.

Such freezing at KDE start may be a typical hardware problem. For
example, my brother has a really broken sound chip on his laptop and
there was similar freezing when the start sound was to be played.

In such cases, changing the distro won't help you much.


weasel jstr: in welchem rfc steht, dass du nicht in die hose machen sollst?
weasel yath: es gehoert sich nicht.

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Re: SoundBlaster AWE64 ISAPNP on etch

2007-02-03 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Kevin Mark [Sat, Feb 03 2007, 12:54:13AM]:

  But when I try to play any sort of sound (audio CD, raw PCM file, etc.) I 
  just get static from the speakers.
  I have also tried:
  # modprobe sound
  # modprobe sound-core
  but cannot determine what effect, if any, these have.
  any advice?
 the basic advice is to at least include the output of 'lspci' (assuming
 its a pci card). And telling us if 'alsaconf' has any problems. Did you

You do not need to assume but to read the subject. It is not a PCI card.
Generaly, the snd-sbawe module is used for this card... however, it
seems that all ISA soundcard support has been removed in the current
kernels. Does anyone know what happened to it?

 try running 'alsaconf' as root and then using 'alsamixer' to turn up all
 the volumes and hit 'm' so that the controls DO NOT SHOW 'm'. 'm' means
 mute, but you use 'm' to toggle this.

And install alsa-utils to save the volume on shutdown.


* Madkiss würgt.
Madkiss Da lag gerade so ein Karton im Kühlschrank. Lust auf
was Feines? -- Und das war ... Frittenfett *bllüär*

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Re: Cdrecord with a 2.4 kernel

2007-01-30 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Sonixxfx [Tue, Jan 23 2007, 03:11:47PM]:
 I am trying to burn multisession cd's with cdrecord but I have a problem.
 After I have written a multisession disc, and mount it, the burned files are
 not shown at /media/cdrom. The files are written to the disc though, because
 I can access/see them when I have rebooted my system and mount the cd.

Reboot? OMG. Just reload the disk.


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Re: kernel modules

2007-01-30 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* remigio [Mon, Jan 22 2007, 06:30:29AM]:
 boot and dvd-writer problems
 Today 15:23:25
 I've installed Debian testing 2.6.18-3-486 on a PIV 2.8 GHz equiped
 with a
 dvd-rom and a dvd-writer.
 On bios the dvd drives are both present correctly, but when system
 startup and
 kde is running I can't find the writer: only dvd-rom is visible.
 I tried with wodim -scanbus but writer is not present and k3b says
 Writer not
 I tried again on appending hdc=ide-scsi in menu.list for scsi

Why? Read /usr/share/doc/wodim/README.ATAPI.setup .


Naja, Garbage Collector eben. Holt den Müll sogar vom Himmel.
   (Heise Trollforum über Java in der Flugzeugsteuerung)

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Re: Announce: zerotools (tools to keep virtual machine disks cleaner)

2007-01-03 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Aleksandr Koltsoff [Wed, Jan 03 2007, 05:47:36AM]:
 It was suggested that I'd post a short announcement on these two lists
 in order to get some feedback for a small set of utilities I just
 released. The documentation covers integrating the tools into Debian and
 I'd appreciate feedback on that part. Especially if I'm doing something
 which is out of line established Debian policies (hence the debian-devel
 list) [these parts are mainly listings 7 - 9 with the associated text].
 I'll copy  paste the introduction text so that you may decide whether
 the program might be of interest to you. Target users for the tools are
 people who run Linux systems in a virtualized environment.
 Zerotools are a set of tools to aid keeping virtual disks clean (by
 filling binary zero to those regions which are no longer in use). This

Please add a technical overview to your introduction. As a techie, I
would like to read what is so special about zerotools what I cannot do
rm crapfiles  cat /dev/zero  bigfile  sync  rm bigfile  sync.

And you introduction does not tell me about anything new in your tools
and I do not like reading a long novel to learn that simple details.

Something like:


Zerotools are a set of tools to aid keeping virtual disks clean (by
filling binary zero to those regions which are no longer in use as
visible files). In technical terms, they contain a library wrapper used
with LD_PRELOAD to make unlink calls zero-out the data before unlinking
the files and helper executables based on it.


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Re: Announce: zerotools (tools to keep virtual machine disks cleaner)

2007-01-03 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Mike Hommey [Wed, Jan 03 2007, 01:38:23PM]:
 On Wed, Jan 03, 2007 at 01:13:27PM +0100, Eduard Bloch [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Please add a technical overview to your introduction. As a techie, I
  would like to read what is so special about zerotools what I cannot do
  rm crapfiles  cat /dev/zero  bigfile  sync  rm bigfile  sync.
 or just shred crapfiles

Not really. You need to add funny parameters like -vzn0 to shred to
shred them with zero and then you still need to unlink them manually.
And IMO it is less intuitive than my command chain for this particular


OpenBSD fails miserably in this respect, and makes for an example of how NOT
to work with the community on security issues.  Their approach is, roughly,
we fixed this a while ago but didn't tell anyone, so you're vulnerable and
we're not, ha-ha-ha.

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Re: k3b + wodim fails to burn

2006-12-25 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Giacomo Montagner [Fri, Dec 22 2006, 03:35:12PM]:
 I just upgraded and have these packages installed:
 Package: wodim
 Architecture: i386
 Source: cdrkit
 Version: 9:1.1.0-1
 Package: k3b
 Architecture: i386
 Version: 0.12.17-5
 When I try to burn data-cd using k3b it fails with the following error:

The key to your answer is in BLAH BLAH BLAH. I suggest reading it.

 What seems strange to me is that I tried creating only the iso image with
 k3b, then burnt the cd using:
 dd if=/tmp/k3b_image.iso | cdrecord speed=10 dev=/dev/scd0
 driveropts=BURNFREE -v -
 and it worked perfectly... then I discovered (amazingly enough) that
 cdrecord is a symlink to wodim...

What about READING THE MESSAGES? How can we know what is going wrong if
you hide them?


Sinclair: Are you telling me this is about a flower?
 -- Quotes from Babylon 5 --

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: apt-cacher questions

2006-11-27 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Wayne Topa [Mon, Nov 27 2006, 09:53:12AM]:
 Wackojacko([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is reported to have said:
  Wayne Topa wrote:
  I am trying to setup apt-cacher (v1.5.3) and seem to be getting some
  strange results.  I wonder if any apt-cacher users might enlighten me.
  How have you setup your servers sources.list?  I saw a reference to
  doing deb, but that didn't work for the
  server or the clients.
  your missing the port number in your package listing.  Mine looks like this
  deb http://localhost:3142/site.address
  3142 is default port.
 Sorry, my bad, I did have the port in my sources.list but didn't show
 it in the OP.  :-(
 deb testing main contrib 
 I had to replace it tho because  (this) server would not upgrade
 until I removed the  Aptitude kept saying there were
 no packages to upgrade until I removed it, after that, it upgraded 50
 The clients work sometime for a few packages and them stop.  I find a
 lot of these in the error.log, on the server, when the clients try
 ALARM!Faulty package in local cache detected! Removing, to be
 replaced with the next download.
 Sorry for not being more explicit in the OP.

Maybe mixed up with Ubuntu packages? Hard to debug. Enable the debug
logging and look for suspicious things. Unfortunately, I cannot work on
apt-cacher's successor now. See for details.


maxx noel, nobse, Ganneff... ist mit allen das selbe: braucht man sie, sind
sie nicht da, braucht man sie nicht, landet man in den fortunes...

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Re: fremdes RAID1 einbinden

2006-11-19 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Roger Rehnelt [Sat, Nov 18 2006, 03:45:30PM]:
 Ich möchte ein fremdes RAID1 (Software-RAID) einbinden.
 Die beiden HDs sind per SATA am lokalen Controller angeschlossen.
 Manuell kann ich die beiden Platten einhängen:
 debian:~# mdadm -A /dev/md0 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1
 mdadm: /dev/md0 has been started with 2 drives.
 Mounten, etc. klappt dann alles.
 Nur wie bekomm ich das hin, dass md0 nach dem nächsten Restart noch da ist?

editor /etc/default/mdadm
... und Kommentare dort lesen. Entweder eine Konfig erstellen, oder halt
mdrun verwenden, was brute-force macht und Nebenwirkungen haben kann,
aber für so einen Fall eigentlich gedacht war.


florg *notier* nix doofes zu alfie sagen, sonst landet man uU in der signatur

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Re: Brenner trotz dma zu langsam die Xte

2006-11-15 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Hilmar Glato [Wed, Nov 15 2006, 02:19:19PM]:
 Hallo Liste!
 Ich habe seit dem verbau einer Sata Platte ein Problem mit dem IDE 
 cdrom/brenner. anstatt 52x wird nur -trotz korrekter erkennung- mit 12x 
 gebrannt. bei der Laserkalibrierung vorm Brennvorgang ist ein paarmal 
 ein mechanisches klackern zu vernehmen, bis er schließlich doch anfängt 
   die Daten auf Cd zu bannen.
 dabei ist es egal, ob mit k3b, cdrtoaster, oder mit cdrecord gebrannt wird.

Kannst du bitte mal folgendes probieren:

 - die aktuelle Version von wodim und cdrecord-Paketen aus Sid nehmen
   (wenn nicht möglich, kann ein Backport zur Verfügung gestellt werden)
 - Umgebungsvariable CDR_NODMATEST setzen (Wert ist egal) und danach
   versuchen zu brennen.

Ich habe hier das Problem, mit meinem Notebook
Zuhause aber auch unterwegs arbeiten zu dürfen.
-- Goran Ristec

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Re: Brenner trotz dma zu langsam die Xte

2006-11-15 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Hilmar Glato [Wed, Nov 15 2006, 03:38:22PM]:
 Eduard Bloch wrote:
 Die var CDR_NODMATEST hatte ich mittels set gesetzt, wenn ich das 
 richtig verstanden habe, muss das so gemacht werden. Aber leider ohne 
 Änderung der Brennweise. Google sagt komischerweise fast garnichts über 
 die genannte Variable aus.

Weil das ein relativ frischer Workaround ist für Leute, bei dennen der
Brenner Probleme nach dem DMA-Speedtest von cdrecord/wodim gemacht hat.

 wobei mir bei experimenten mit wodim grade was aufgefallen ist:
 Using generic SCSI-3/mmc   CD-R/CD-RW driver (mmc_cdr).
 Ist das richtig, dass er einen SCSI Treiber für einen IDE Brenner nimmt?

Klar. SCSI-Protokoll, nicht SCSI-Schnittstelle. Das ist das, was ATAPI
mittels IDE realisiert.


Aquariophile Aber wofuer kann ich dann einen MBR gekauft?

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Re: Kann nur als Root brennen

2006-11-14 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Tobias Krais [Mon, Nov 13 2006, 10:56:58PM]:
 Hi Eduard,
  Welche Version von wodim? Bitte die aktuelle (1.0pre5) nehmen, die
  vorherige hatte noch einige Überbleibsel Schillingscher Weltanschauung
  einkodiert (vor Arbeitsbeginn erstmal um jeden Preis jedes Device
  öffnen, auch unbeteiligtes, nur um gefakete SCSI-IDs damit zu bauen).
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg -l | grep wodim
 ii  wodim1.0~pre5-1
  Ansonsten, zeig doch mal die Fehlermeldungen. So wie es da steht kann
  man keine konkretten Tipps geben.
 Du hast recht. Siehe meine andere Antwort.

Ne, eben nicht. Im anderen Posting gibst du dem Programm
suid-root-Rechte (47xx). Das ist ein schneller Workaround und Joerg
Schilling stiftet die Leute an, es so zu machen, aber schön ist es IMHO
nicht, wenn andere Wege existieren. Bitte berichte, ob es mit
1.0~pre5-1.1 _ohne_ Root-Rechte klappt.


Wo ich bin, klappt gar nichts, aber ich kann ja nicht überall sein.

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Re: Kann nur als Root brennen

2006-11-14 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Tobias Krais [Mon, Nov 13 2006, 10:55:23PM]:
 Hallo zusammen,
  Und wie genau aeussert sich jetzt Dein Problem?
 Hier mal der Output bei K3B:
 scsidev: 'ATAPI:/dev/hdc'
 devname: 'ATAPI:/dev/hdc'
Diese Symptome passen auf , kannst du
bitte den Workaround in testen, ohne den Hack
mit suid-root-Rechten (4755)?


KaiL susn: koffice ist ein proof-of-concept, aber praktisch nicht
wirklich nutzbar

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Re: Kann nur als Root brennen

2006-11-13 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Tobias Krais (Zentrum BATS) [Mon, Nov 13 2006, 03:00:39PM]:
 Hi zusammen,
 ich habe hier ein echtes Problem: ich kann CDs nur als root brennen.
 Woran kann das liegen? Einschlägige Tipps aus Google haben nichts geholfen.
 Die Berechtigungen auf /dev/hdc stimmen inzwischen auch:
 brw-rw-rw- 1 root burning 22, 0 2006-11-13 12:00 /dev/hdc
 wodim, cdrdao und growisofs sind alle auf 777 gesetzt!?!
 Habt ihr ein paar Tipps?
 Wer oder was ändert eigentlich immer wieder die oben genannten
 Brechtigungen? Wie kann ich das verhindern?

Welche Version von wodim? Bitte die aktuelle (1.0pre5) nehmen, die
vorherige hatte noch einige Überbleibsel Schillingscher Weltanschauung
einkodiert (vor Arbeitsbeginn erstmal um jeden Preis jedes Device
öffnen, auch unbeteiligtes, nur um gefakete SCSI-IDs damit zu bauen).

Ansonsten, zeig doch mal die Fehlermeldungen. So wie es da steht kann
man keine konkretten Tipps geben.

TCW *argh* ich Doofkopp!  Falschen Netzstromstecker gezogen! *patsch*

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Re: Xserver mit fester Auf lösung starten

2006-11-13 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Stefan Lienesch [Mon, Nov 13 2006, 10:37:39PM]:

 Schön und gut, ich möchte aber grundsätzlich mit einer Auflösung von 1024x768 
 bei 75
 Hz starten, egal welches Gerät angeschlossen ist, selbst wenn es gar keins 
 Ich habe schon mit diversen Modelines experimentiert, aber das funktioniert 
 wenn ein Gerät angeschlossen ist.
 Kennt jemand eine Möglichkeit, eine feste Auflösung zu erzwingen, ohne 
 Rücksicht auf Verluste?

Ich würde sagen, du solltest dich mit Xorg.0.log und der Manpage deines
Graka-Treiber auseinander setzen. Für radeon kann man z.B. folgendes

   Option IgnoreEDID boolean
  Do not use EDID data for mode validation, but DDC is still used 
for monitor detection. This is different from NoDDC option.
  The default value is off.

Zu NoDDC finde ich grade nichts mehr, aber das ist auch für die Erkennung


Lob ist eine gewaltige Antriebskraft, dessen Zauber seine Wirkung nie
-- Andor Foldes

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Re: Can't find header files.

2006-11-13 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Amit Joshi [Mon, Nov 13 2006, 12:16:12PM]:
 I recently installed gcc and Anjuta for C programming. 
 All dependencies have been installed. 
 So whenever I try to compile a program, it returns an error saying: 
 Error: stdio.h: Can't find file or directory. 

apt-get install build-essential

Alles in der Welt endet durch Zufall und Ermüdung.
-- Heinrich Heine

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Re: CD als ISO-Image exportieren

2006-11-02 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Thomas Korber [Wed, Nov 01 2006, 11:03:50PM]:
 Eduard Bloch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Mit cdfs geht sowas direkt, solange es sich um nur ein Track handelt.
  apt-get install cdfs  m-a a-i cdfs
 Du bist doch der Maintainer und solltest am besten wissen, dass das
 entsprechende Paket cdfs-src heißt. :^)

Im Prinzip ja. Aber m-a a-i cdfs reicht auch. ;-)


HE Meine Güte, wegen euch verschwindet immer die Hälfte meines Tees im

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Re: CD als ISO-Image exportieren

2006-11-01 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Martin D. [Wed, Nov 01 2006, 01:38:08PM]:
 Evgeni Golov wrote:
  On Wed, 01 Nov 2006 12:44:03 +0100 Martin D. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  kann mir einer den entscheidenden Hinweis geben, wie ich eine CD
  direkt als iso ins Dateisystem bekomme? Ohne den Umweg mkisofs.
  dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/wo/auch/immer/cd.iso
 Auch hier wieder der Umweg übers Filesystem :-(

Mit cdfs geht sowas direkt, solange es sich um nur ein Track handelt.

apt-get install cdfs  m-a a-i cdfs

Salz jjFux: Ted hieß ja früher auch Walther
Salz winkiller: hm... es sind 8... die 7 kandidaten und NOTA
Madkiss Ist der jetzt eigentlich eine gespaltene Persönlichkeit, bei der aber
  beide Teile bekloppt sind?

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Re: Zensur bei Debian

2006-10-28 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Joerg Schilling [Fri, Oct 27 2006, 08:13:31PM]:

   Dann frage ich _Dich_ warum _Du_ _Dich_ an der Verbreitung des
   Gerüchts beteiligst welches nicht cdrecord.c betrachtet sondern
  Weil du nach cdrecord.c gefragt wurdest, aber mit libscg geantwortet 
  hast. Ich kann aber kein Gerücht, sondern nur eine klarer formulierte 
  Frage erkennen.

Uns als Cdrkit-Maintainer interessiert nur noch, ob du GPL oder
Pseudo-GPL-mit-Schilling-Restriktionen als Lizenz für alte cdrtools
angibst. In klaren Worten. Ohne Rede um den heissen Brei herum, ohne
ständige Verweise angeblich bereits existierende ausführliche
Erklärungen, ohne Verweise auf CDDL-Lizenzierung, und ähnliche
irrelevante Entwicklungen.

Und diese Antwort willst du nach wie vor nicht geben, obwohl du mehrfach
die Gelegenheit dazu hattest.

   Die Datei cdrecord.c steht unter einer unveränderten CDDL.
  Genau dieser Satz wäre alles gewesen was ich lesen wollte. Damit wäre 
  Eduards Frage beantwortet, und niemand könnte irgendetwas dazu 
  interpretieren, umdichten oder weglassen.
 Die Fragen des Herrn Bloch habe ich vor vielem Wochen ausgiebigst beantwortet,
 dennoch trollt er ständig herum - offenbar um mir meine Zeit zu stehlen.

Quatsch. Ich habe diese Ausgiebigkeit schon kommentiert und will
es nicht wiederholen.

  Naja, rein sachlich warst du auch nicht immer. Ich würde mal sagen, das 
  in der Form der Kommunikation, und gerade der Wahl der Formulierungen 
  auf beiden Seiten Fehler gemacht wurden. Deine obigen Formulierungen, 
  egal ob berechtigt oder nicvht, würde ich an Eduards Stelle auch als 
  beleidigend, oder zumindest als öffenbtliche Bloßstellung, empfinden.
 Herr Bloch hatte viele Jahre Zeit.

... steht wofür? 

Aber da erwarte ich keine ernstzunehmende Antwort mehr. Vermuttlich
hätte ich persönlich den ganzen Quellcode durchsuchen müssen und nach
verstecken Trojanern Ausschau halten. Jahrelang gabe es nicht mal
Andeutung darüber in README/COPYING-Dateien.

Und ich bin auch nicht der einzige Maintainer. Da kannst du noch so
viele dieser Herr Bloch hat...-Geschichten in die Welt setzen, die
zeugen nur noch von deiner Verblendetheit.

 Er hat Jahrelang keine ordentliche Arbeit geleistet, in kleinen Häppchen  
 Bugs in die Debian Variante eingebaut bis die Liste der Debian spezifischen
 Bugs kein Ende mehr zu nehmen schien. Er hat Hinweise die ich ihm zu seinen
 Bugs gegeben habe ignoriert.

Quatsch. Ich weiss nicht, was du mit dem plumpen Deffamationsversuch
noch anrichten willst, aber du wirst scheinbar nie Müde, dieses Märchen
zu wiederholen... nur wahrer wird es davon nicht.

Wer wissen will, welcher Maintainer welche Patches integriert hat, kann
sich selbst ein Bild davon verschafen (Debian-Changelog). Und auch
davon, was die Änderungen alles korrigiert/verbessert haben
(Debian-BTS, auch die von anderen Linux-Distributoren). Und auch was
deine sachlichen Hinweise vom Kaliber Linux und nur Linux immer
Schuld1, die und die Entwickler sind unfähig dazu beigetragen

 Irgendwann fing er an, regemäßig beleidigende Mails an mich zu verschicken.

Quatsch. Ein Paar kritische private Mails hatten mit regelmässiger
Beleidigung so viel gemeinsam wie dein Getrolle mit Papstreden.


Der Morgen bringt etwas, das Jugend verleiht. Wenn die, welche den
Morgen verschlafen, wüßten, was sie verlieren.
-- August Strindberg

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Re: gcc-4.0 command nnot found

2006-10-27 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Stephan Ferber [Fri, Oct 27 2006, 03:02:03PM]:
 ich habe gerade aufm meinem Laptop (Ausus A6J) ein Debian Etch 
 installiert. Beim Kompilieren des Netzwerktreibers bekomme ich folgende 
 /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.16-2-686/scripts/ : line 11: 
 gcc-4.0 : command not found und make[2]: gcc-4.0: command not found . 

Das ist dann der Compiler, mit dem dein Kernel gebaut wurde, und den du
ebenfalls für passende Module verwenden musst.

 gcc-4.1 ist definitiv installiert, aber gibt anscheinend 
 immer gcc-4.0 aus.

Toll, dass gcc-4.1 installiert ist. Aber gcc-4.0 ist es offensichtlich
nicht. Du kannst den gcc-4.0 einfach mal dazu installieren.

LGS Halloechen, ihr Spinner, so frueh auf?
nusse nein, wir schlafen alle im kollektiv
knorke mein alkoven ist kaputt
teq alkohol kaputt?

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Re: Erleuchtet mich zu wodim oder wer hat cdrecord geklaut?

2006-10-24 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Joerg Schilling [Mon, Oct 23 2006, 09:01:01PM]:
 frank paulsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joerg Schilling) writes:
  J.rg Schilling ist auch nach aufforderung nicht in der lage, mails mit 
  nach MIME-standard korrekt deklariertem zeichensatz zu versenden. 
   Wenn Du Probleme mit einer seit .ber 16 Jahren .blichen Praxis bei 
   der Benennung von Lokalen hast, dann kannst Du es ja mal mit einem 
   an dieser Stelle versuchen:
  Jörg, ob dein betriebsystem nun kaputt vorkonfiguriert ist, oder
  nicht: die deklaration des zeichensatzes in deinem header ist einzig
  und allein von dir zu verantworten.
 Da die einzigen, die Probleme mit dem Lesen zu haben scheinen, bestimmte

Wenn es dir scheint muss es noch lange nicht für andere gelten.

 Linux Varianten verwenden und z.B. SuSE Linux nachweislich keine Probleme

Wer hat was nachgewiesen? Oder meinst du Beweis durch Behauptung und
nichtrepresäntativen Test?

 hat und die von Solaris verwendete Zeichensatzbenennung seit 16 Jahren
 verwendet wird, solltest Du Dir vielleicht mal Gedenken machen wie Du
 die Probleme mit Deinem BS behebst...

Und wie kommst du darauf, dass die Nomenklatur von Solaris für den
MIME-Standard relevant ist? Die Referenzen auf relevante Dokumente
wurden schon genannt.

Hier ein Beispiel für einen MUA, der es unter SunOS richtig macht:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Mailer: Mutt 0.95.1i

Abgeschickt von:
SunOS poker 5.9 Generic_118558-34 sun4u sparc




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Re: Überlang e CD mit 'cdrecord'

2006-10-24 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Rolf Hermann [Tue, Oct 24 2006, 06:55:55PM]:
 Hi zusammen!
 Ich habe mir mit 'mkisofs' ein Image gemacht, dass ich gerne brennen möchte.
 Die Iso-Datei ist genau 730.757.120 Bytes groß.
 Ich frage mich allerdings, ob das auf einen 700-MB-Rohling passt -- ich
 Track 01: data   696 MB
Willkommen bei dem grossen WirrWar um die Einheiten. Bei Rohlingen sind
mit MB MebiByte gemeint (1048576 Byte), bei Festplatten Megabyte
(10^6Byte). Die binären Einheiten gibt es offiziell aber erst seit 1996,
davor wurde MB und Megabyte willkürlich für binäre Einheiten verwendet.

Leider hat sich das MB = Megabyte = 2^10 in den Köpfen einiger
Softwareentwickler festgefressen. Es würde mich nicht wundern, wenn wir
auch noch in 10 Jahren neuen Programmen begegnen, bei dennen es falsch
gemacht wird.


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Re: cdrecord replacement (wodim) fails

2006-10-24 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Wayne Topa [Tue, Oct 24 2006, 03:08:08PM]:
   Just upgraded cdrecord and k3b to burn a Knoppix CD and find that
   the new replacement for cdrecord, wodim, can't handle it.  It fails
   saying the file is larger the the CD.

Show your media data, wodim -atip. And the exact output when tryin to
burn, doing wodim -vv imagefile.


Der Aberglaube an die automatische Wirkung der Einsicht kommt
außerhalb der schematischen Propaganda nur noch bei alten
Mathematikern vor.
-- Ernst Bloch

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Re: Erleuchtet mich zu wodim oder wer hat cdrecord geklaut?

2006-10-22 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Joerg Schilling [Sun, Oct 22 2006, 12:27:54PM]:
 Werner Mahr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Am Samstag, 21. Oktober 2006 20:49 schrieb Joerg Schilling:
   Da wird mir einiges klarer. Zwar nichts was Erleuchtung bringt, aber
   zumindest weiß ich, warum Jörg keine Ahnung hat was wie lizensiert
   Damit beteiligst Du Dich bei der Erzeugung eines Gerüchts
  Würde ich so nicht sagen. Eher spreche ich aus, was ich denke, und das 
  ist nunmal genau das, was dein Verhalten nahe legt.
 Dann hoffe ich mal, daß Du in Zukunft Dein Denken nicht auf Gerüchten 
 sondern Dich _selbst_ informiertst. Das ist bei der Qualität der Psoting der 
 anderen Leute auf dieser Liste offensichtlich nötig.
   Jemand hat damit angefangen, daß er zunächst sich zunächst
   unvollständig informiert hat und den fehlenden Anteil durch frei
   erfundene Vermutungen ergänzt hat.
  Stimmt nicht, er hat dich unter anderem auf dieser Liste (an dem Punkt, 
  an dem ich mich dann beteiligt habe) nach diesem fehlenden Anteil 
  gefragt. Geantwortet hast du zwar, aber immer noch nicht auf seine 
 Das ist falsch: er hat mich nicht gefragt, denn ich bekam keine Mail von ihm
 und zudem hat er eine Behauptng aufgestellt die - wie man sieht - falsch ist.

Welche Behauptung? Warum springst du von eine Frage an dich gestellt
die du nicht beantwort hast auf er hat eine Behauptung aufgestellt?

Und dein man kann sehen was es will; dieser Leser kann deinen
Ausführungen offenbar nicht folgen.

   Du fügst weitere Dichtungen hinzu die nicht der Wahrheit entsprechen
   statt Dich mal zu informieren
  Auch ich habe dich gefragt, wie die Lizenz denn nun aussieht, und statt 
  einer Antwort der Form cdrecord.c hat Lizenz xy hast du nur einfach 
  wieder drumherum geredet, ohne eine Aussage zu treffen.
 Die Datei cdrecord.c steht unter einer unveränderten CDDL während 

Wie kommst auf CDDL? Ich zitiere:

|  Zu lizenztechnischen Dingen kann ich erst dann etwas sagen, wenn du die
|  genaue Lizenz von cdrecord.c u.a. in 2.01.01.a08 endlich offenbart hast.
| Angesehen davon, daß ich die Lizenzbedingungen _mehrfach_ ausführlichst
| Herrn Bloch erklärt habe, ist 2.01.01a08 so veraltet, das sie schon fast
| nicht mehr wahr ist.

Und wo ist genau diese Erklärung (zu Version 2.01.01a08) nun genau zu

weitere Verweise auf angeblich vorhandene ausführliche Erklärungen

   So und nun ein paar Erläuterungen dazu warum daß, was die Leute um
   Herrn Bloch mit den cdrtools tun, eine pure Schädigung des Projektes
   zum Ziel hat und kein Fork ist.
  Genau, für Rufmord ist es am effektivsten erst einmal den Namen zu 
 Möchtest Du eine Diskusion oder beteiligst Du Dich an der Kampagne des Herrn 

Benennung der Tatsachen beim Namen ist normalerweise keine Kampagne.
Ich sehe meine Mitarbeit an Cdrkit an einem Totpunkt angekommen und die
Lösung ist eben eine Klarstellung der Verhältnisse. An der du offenbar
nicht interessiert bist, siehe ausbleibende Antworten (von dir).

weitere Rants wegen angeblicher Inkompetenz/Kooperationsunfähigkeit,
angeblich fehlende Weiterentwicklung in Cdrkit gelöscht

HE meebey: Mail kannst du eigentlich nicht verschachteln ... und dann
 kam MIME.

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Re: Erleuchtet mich zu wodim oder wer hat cdrecord geklaut?

2006-10-20 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Joerg Schilling [Fri, Oct 20 2006, 01:39:30AM]:
 Damit verstanden werden kann, warum Leute wie Eduard Bloch OSS Projekte
 vergiften und z.B. dem cdrtools Projekt gewaltig schaden versuche ich mal 
 beispielhaft eine der typischen Bloch Aussagen zu kommentieren..

vergiften, schaden, gewaltig... du nimmst den Mund ganz schön voll
für das, was du an harten Tatsachen vorlegst. Ich versuche mal,
objektiv zu bleiben.

 Eduard Bloch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Kein Wunder, denn beim Original findet um Gegensatz zu dem Debian 
   auch weiterhin eine Entwicklung statt.
  Wer den Verlauf der Entwicklung sehen will, sollte erstmal einen Blick ins
  werfen und erst dann solchen Sprüchen glauben (vielleicht).
 Eine ziemlich gewagte Aussage des Herrn Bloch, die auf der Hoffnung basiert,
 daß niemand das was er da schreibt auch tut: sich selbst ein Bild machen.


 - unser Changelog ist öffentlich einsehbar. Das
   Versionsverwaltungssystem ebenfalls.

 Ich rate jedem dieses Angebot zu nutzen und vor Allem mal zu versuchen, sich 
 alte Bugliste der cdrtools auf Debian zu beschaffen. Dann mal sehen ob einer 
 selbstverursachten Bugs (denn praktisch alle Bugs in der besagten Liste sind
 nicht in der Originalsoftware zu finden) beseitigt wurde.


 - Alte Bugliste ist irrelevant. Cdrkit wurde geforkt, damit die Arbeit
   wetiergehen kann und der Bughaufen endlich aufgeräumt wird.
 - Jeder, auch Joerg Schilling haette die Bugs schliessen können, wenn
   sie nicht länger den Tatsachen entsprechen.
 - aktuelle Bugliste findet man unter;dist=unstable
   und dort verlinkt Seiten. Die derzeit brennenden Bugs ohne
   anstehender Lösung sind: #390320, #387020, #392342, #393188, #387783
   (hässliche FUD-Meldungen auf stdout verwirren
   verwirren Benutzer und stören die Arbeit von Frontends). Die
   entsprechenden Bereiche sind durch Jörgs Kommentare geschützt, man
   dürfe sie nicht verändern oder die Ausgabe entfernen. Wie genau
   dieser Schutz mit der GPL zu vereinbaren ist, wurde bis heute nicht

   Seit Februar gibt es Workarounds für die Interface-Inkompatibilitäten 
  Die als Basis verwendete Version 2.01.01a08 ist aber vom Mai 2006.
 Wieder mal eine typische Falschdarstellung:
 Verwendet wird in wodim eine cdrecord Version vom Februar 2006 die dann 
 mit einer fast zwei Jahre alten Version der libscg kombiniert wird, so daß 
 Support für die Anweichungen von Linux-2.6 vorhanden ist.


 - Releasedatum von dem grundlegenden Cdrtools-Snapshot:
File: cdrtools-2.01.01a08.tar.bz2   1409 KB 07.05.2006  19:27:00

 - letzte von dir vorgenommenen Änderungen in libscg:
 scsihack.c:/* @(#)scsihack.c1.44 06/01/30 Copyright 1997,2000,2001 J. 
Schilling */
 scsi-linux-sg.c:/* @(#)scsi-linux-sg.c  1.86 05/11/22 Copyright 1997 J. 
Schilling */
 scsi-sun.c:/* @(#)scsi-sun.c1.83 05/11/20 Copyright 1988,1995,2000-2004 J. 
Schilling */
 scsi-mac-iokit.c:/* @(#)scsi-mac-iokit.c1.10 05/05/15 Copyright 
1997,2001-2004 J. Schilling */

 Dass 05/ und 06/ nicht für das Jahr 2004 stehen ist offensichtlich.

   Linux Versionen, die Debian immer noch nicht verwendet. Dank dieser 
   kann cdrecord (falls suid-root installiert) korrekt funktionieren wenn es 
   user genutzt wird.
  Wodim muss nicht mal suid-root installiert werden. Was durch den
  Verzicht auf den root-Rechte-Zwang inkorrekt sein soll, liess sich
  durch empirische Untersuchungen noch nicht feststellen.
 Herrn Bloch sollten die Probleme eigentlich bekannt sein. Es gibt viele 
 Einträge im Debian Bug Tracking system dazu. Auch habe ich ihm mehrfach 
 weshalb cdrecord root-Rechte benötigt um korrekt zu funktionieren.


 - Leute können mit wodim brennen, auch unter Kernel 2.6
 - an die Erklärung, _warum_ man sie braucht, kann ich mich nicht
   erinnern. An viele Behauptungen, dass man sie bräuchte (gesalzen mit
   FUD) dagegen schon.
 - Probleme mit Kernel-Versionen 2.6.8 = x  2.6.11 sind bekannt. Diese
   Kernel-Versionen sind jedoch schon lange nicht mehr aktuell.

   Mit dem Original bekommt man funktionierenden DVD Support und auch bei 
   hat sich einiges in den letzten Wochen getan.
  Mit Cdrkit bekommt man funktionierenden DVD-Support und auch bei mkisofs
  hat sich einiges getan.
 Wer die Einträge im Debian Bugtrackingsystem mal gelesen hat, der weis, daß 
 Behauptungen dieser Art nicht ernstgenommen werden können.


 - Jörg Schilling ist kein staatlich geprüfter Hellseher.

 DVD+ Support in Wodim ist faktisch nicht vorhanden, mit Pinoeer Laufwerken
 werden alle Medien durch Wodim zerstört.


 - hier liegt eine frisch gebrannte DVD+RW, keinen Meter entfernt
 - es gibt im Debian-BTS keine Bugberichte über Zerstörung

Re: DVD brennen mit SATA

2006-10-19 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Peter Kuechler [Thu, Oct 19 2006, 09:36:45AM]:
 Auf Grund der vielen Diskussionen hab ich ein wenig mit cdrecord, wodim
 usw. herumgespielt. Wei dabei am wenigsten bei SCSI gemeckert wird, ich

Eher weil SCSI-Brenner kaum noch gebaut werden und der Verbreitungsgrad
auch dementsprechend aussieht.

 mir aber keinen SCSI-Kontroller mehr einbauen will, hab ich es mit einem
 SATA-Brenner versucht. Der wird als SCSI-Brenner erkannt.
 Leider brennt er nur Müll, oder garnicht, egal mit was ich brenne!!!

Müll aus Fehlerbeschreibung hat Null Aussagekraft.

 (Nero, cdrecord, wodim oder growisofs)

Wenn's mit dem Nero schon nicht brennt (vom Hersteller mitgeliefert?),
warum sollen Unix-Programme das besser können?

 Es taucht die Frage auf ob es am Laufwerk liegen kann?

Können... immer.

 Ich muß mir überlegen, ob ich das Teil gegen ein 80 Euro teureres
 Plextor umtausche...:-(

Warum kommt kein normaler PATA-Brenner in Frage?

Manche Karrieremacher sind wie Efeu: Kriechend wachsen sie über sich
selbst hinaus.
-- Ralph Boller

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Re: Erleuchtet mich zu wodim oder wer hat cdrecord geklaut?

2006-10-16 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Joerg Schilling [Sun, Oct 15 2006, 09:52:16PM]:
 Eduard Bloch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Aber glauben kann ich dir auch nicht. Du bist nicht mal fähig (oder
  willig), genaue Lizenzbestimmungen für cdrecord.c u.a. zu erklären.
  Die zweite Frist läuft heute ab. Was danach passiert, geht auf deine
 Ich weis nicht was Herr Bloch sich von diesem plumpen Erpressungsversuch 

Jetzt plötzlich dritte Person? Nun, wie auch immer. Was wir wollen ist
eigentlich offensichtlich: Klarheit. Rechtssicherheit. Nicht nur vor
dir, sondern vor allen beteiligten Autoren. Es geht gar nicht darum, ob
du illegal handelst, sondern was Debian macht in dem es die Binaries
vertreibt. Diese brauchen eine Lizenz. Nach dem es dir [1] endlich klar
gemacht wurde, hast du in [2] die GPL zu einer source license
degradiert und daraus gefolgert (wie auch immer), dass es keine Probleme
mit dem Vertrieb von Binaries gibt.

Erstens braucht Debian eine klare Lizenz für Binaries. Dass dies
bei CDDLGPL nicht glasklar gewährleistet ist, wurde in [3]
dokumentiert. Zweitens, würde die GPL nach deiner Auslegung [2] eine
reine Quellcode-Lizenz sein (was in darauf folgenden Antworten
bestritten wurde), dann würde es den Vertrieb von Tausenden von Binaries
auf einen Schlag illegal machen. Und das hast du sicherlich nicht
sagen wollen.

Drittens, bei Arbeiten an cdrkit haben wir hässliche Dinge entdeckt:
Code-Abschnitte, die eindeutig als unveränderbar markiert wurden, was
eben eine Erweiterung der GPL-Lizenz darstellt. Der Zweck ist
nachvollziehbar, aber bedeutungslos für die Frage, ob diese Teile
verändert/entfernt werden dürfen oder nicht. Eine einfache Klarstellung
von dir hätte genügt, aber auf eine sachliche Antwort warten wir immer

Hinweis: Ich bin kein Anwalt. Keine Gewähr für die genannten Dinge.

 Einen Grund eine Frist zu setzten gibt es jedenfalls nicht, denn ich habe 
 unbewiesenen Behauptungen gegen ihn verbreitet.

Es ging bei der letzten Diskussion gar nicht um unbewiesenen
Behauptungen. Ergo, was soll dieser Einwand hier? Ein neues
Ablenkungsmanöver? Zwecks Überblicks habe ich mal eine der Fragemails

 Fragen zur Lizenzierung habe ich ihm schon mindestens ein Dutzend Mal 
 beantwortet, ich sehe daher keine Veranlassung dies schon wieder zu zun.

Geantwortet hast du. Antworten zu wichtigen zentralen Fragen finden sich
darin aber kaum, stattdessen vor allem ablenkende Geschichtchen,
unerfüllbare Bedingungen dazu, oder hinkende Vergleiche. Es ist mir
unbegreiflich, wie man ausführliche Sätze mit Fragezeichen dahinter[4]
überlesen oder ignorieren kann.

 Ich hoffe daß Angriffe dieser Art bald aufhören.

Die Frage eines möglichen Lizenznehmers nach Klarheit sind kein Angriff.
Wenn du nicht offenlegen willst, unter welchen Lizenzbestimmungen
(genau) die genannten Dateien verbreitet werden dürfen, dann ist es
genau das: eine unklare Lizenz. Möglicherweise ungültig, möglicherweise
nicht. Gegen diese Unsicherheit kannst du etwas tun und zwar sehr
EINFACH, aber du machst es NICHT.




[3] und dort verlinktes.

Subject: cdrtools/cdrkit, Kommentare im Source
To: Joerg Schilling [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hallo Joerg,

du hast ja seit langem in verschiedenen source dateien Hinweise dass man
bestimmte Abschnitte nicht ändern darf, bzw. man bei einigen Abschnitten
andere Daten zurückliefern muss (SCG_AUTHOR was anderes als schily zum

Wir würden davon gerne einen Grossteil entsorgen, aber da es
ursprünglich von dir kommt uns mit dir absprechen.

Das mit SCG_AUTHOR geht klar, wir liefern da bereits _scg_auth_cdrkit
zurück, was cdrkit-team beinhaltet.

Es existieren allerdings noch einige andere parts im source, zum
Beispiel der version checking code in cdrecord.c für den libscg
part. Wir würden den einfach verkleinern und direkt ausgeben dass wir
die cdrkit libscg verwenden, somit also den ganzen check entfernen.
(Also entfernen aber weiterhin deutlich machen dass es nicht von dir
kommt). Einverstanden?

Um das ganze einfach zu machen und nicht alles aufzuführen:

- Hast du etwas dagegen wenn wir beliebig solche not allowed
  entfernen? Natürlich ergreifen wir Massnahmen um darauf hinzuweisen,

Re: wie mache ich aus einer bootbaren CD ein ISO-File

2006-10-16 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Simon Neumeister [Mon, Oct 16 2006, 08:08:38PM]:
 Am Montag, 16. Oktober 2006 19:55 schrieb Niels Jende:
  Hallo zusammen!
  Wie kann ich aus einer CD die bootable ist ein ISO erzeugen?
  Danke für Eure Hilfen schon im voraus
 man mkisofs

Kaum. man cat, man dd, oder cp, etc.pp. Soll heissen: Bootbare CDs haben
reguläre ISO-Spuren mit spezieller Markerung und sichtbar- oder
unsichtbar eingebetteten Boot-Daten/Images. Viel mehr Magie steckt nicht


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Re: Erleuchtet mich zu wodim oder wer hat cdrecord geklaut?

2006-10-15 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Joerg Schilling [Sat, Oct 14 2006, 07:29:07PM]:

Ich bin kein Anwalt und werde das unten stehende nicht kommentieren.
Wurde auch schon alles bis zum erbrechen durchgekaut.

Aber glauben kann ich dir auch nicht. Du bist nicht mal fähig (oder
willig), genaue Lizenzbestimmungen für cdrecord.c u.a. zu erklären.

Die zweite Frist läuft heute ab. Was danach passiert, geht auf deine


 dir ist ein kleiner Fehler unterlaufen. CDDL ist nicht GPL kompatibel,
 das streitet niemand ab. Jedoch hast du in deinem ersten Mail
 Auch Dir ist ein Fehler unterlaufen:
 Die Antwort auf die Frage Kann man CDDL und GPL Code kombinieren? ist
 nicht Nein, sondern: Unter bestimmten Bedingungen, ja.
 GPL und LGPL sind ja auch nicht unter allen Umständen inkompatibel 
 Es dürfte daher auch nicht weiter verwundern, daß die Bedingungen unter denen
 man GPL und LGPL Code miteinander kombinieren kann auch eine Kombination
 von CDDL  GPL zulassen.
 Wenn die Außenseiter, die behaupten die cdrtools seinen nicht distributierbar,
 die gleichen absurden Kriterien die sie an die cdrtools anlegen auch auf 
 Programme anwenden würden, dann müßten sie große Teile der Debian 
 für illegal erklären.
  EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (work) Blog:
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Wir sind, aber wir haben uns nicht, deshalb werden wir erst.

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Re: Erleuchtet mich zu wodim oder wer hat cdrecord geklaut?

2006-10-14 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Joerg Schilling [Sat, Oct 14 2006, 12:51:46PM]:

 BTW cdrtools-2.01.01a17.tar.gz mit 2.6.16-2-k7 funktioniert als User auf den 
 ersten Blick problemlos und mein Script mag auch wieder brennen. 
 Kein Wunder, denn beim Original findet um Gegensatz zu dem Debian 
 auch weiterhin eine Entwicklung statt.

Wer den Verlauf der Entwicklung sehen will, sollte erstmal einen Blick ins
werfen und erst dann solchen Sprüchen glauben (vielleicht).

 Seit Februar gibt es Workarounds für die Interface-Inkompatibilitäten neuerer 

Die als Basis verwendete Version 2.01.01a08 ist aber vom Mai 2006.

 Linux Versionen, die Debian immer noch nicht verwendet. Dank dieser 
 kann cdrecord (falls suid-root installiert) korrekt funktionieren wenn es als
 user genutzt wird.

Wodim muss nicht mal suid-root installiert werden. Was durch den
Verzicht auf den root-Rechte-Zwang inkorrekt sein soll, liess sich
durch empirische Untersuchungen noch nicht feststellen.

 Mit dem Original bekommt man funktionierenden DVD Support und auch bei 
 hat sich einiges in den letzten Wochen getan.

Mit Cdrkit bekommt man funktionierenden DVD-Support und auch bei mkisofs
hat sich einiges getan.

 Vor dem nicht sauber eingebauten iconv Support bei der Debian Variante von 
 mkisofs muß hingegen weiterhin gewarnt werden. Wenn man den Code mit einem
 funktionierenden Kompiler übersetzt bekommt man Warnungen die das Problem
 offensichtlich werden lassen.

Die aktuelle Version (SVN-Trunk) kann mit GCC auf mehreren Plattformen
gebaut werden, und zumindest auch mit IBMs xlc-Compiler. Es sind keine
Warnungen zu sehen, die ein Problem offensichtlich machen.

Zu lizenztechnischen Dingen kann ich erst dann etwas sagen, wenn du die
genaue Lizenz von cdrecord.c u.a. in 2.01.01.a08 endlich offenbart hast.


Das Unverständlichste am Universum ist im Grunde, daß wir es
verstehen können.
-- Albert Einstein

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Re: why Starting MTA: exim4 take so much time?

2006-10-14 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Serena Cantor [Fri, Oct 13 2006, 07:02:26PM]:
 During sarge installation, I select 3rd option (local delivery). Each time it 
 boots, starting MTA
 take too much time, I have to remove it from /etc/rc2.d.

You have a broken (but configured) internet connection? Your DNS makes

Run dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config -p low and say yes in the Minimize
DNS requests question.

Vertrauen Sie denen, die nach der Wahrheit suchen, und mißtrauen Sie
denen, die sie gefunden haben.
-- André Gide

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Erleuchtet mich zu wodim oder wer hat cdrecord geklaut?

2006-10-13 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Al Bogner [Fri, Oct 13 2006, 11:58:29PM]:

 Wenn man cdrecord will, dann installiert man wodim. Was ist da los? Mein 
 Script läuft mit wodim nicht mehr. Vermutlich verwende ich zu spezielle 
 cdrecord-Befehle. Wenn man schon cdrecord rauswerfen will, dann sollte man 
 erst tun, wenn wodim zuverlässig funktioniert. Wo es bei mir hakt, muss ich 
 mir erst ansehen.

Mach das. Und schick dann bitte einen ordentlichen Bugreport. Dass EDC-
und CLONE-Support nicht einkompiliert wird, ist bekannt, und wird in der
nächsten Version behoben, sofern sie kommt. Kannst ja mal direkt aus SVN

 Ich werde die cdrtools also von den Original-Sourcen selber kompilieren. 
 Ärgern tue ich mich aber trotzdem darüber, das man da nicht besser gewarnt 

Wie wäre es mit Lesen von den üblichen News-Seiten?

 wurde. Der Kleinkrieg mit Jörg sollte nicht auf den Rücken der User 
 ausgetragen werden.

Das ist nur solange möglich, wie das Schlachtfeld oberhalb der
Gürtellinie (hier Lizenzierung) liegt.


Naja, Garbage Collector eben. Holt den Müll sogar vom Himmel.
   (Heise Trollforum über Java in der Flugzeugsteuerung)

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Re: [SOLVED] k3B meldet immer Fehler nachdem eine CD gelesen wurde

2006-10-12 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Niels Jende [Thu, Oct 12 2006, 04:42:35PM]:
 Niels Jende schrieb:
  Paul Puschmann schrieb:

  und gamin oder libfam0 (oder ähnlich)

  gamin ist installiert; libfam0 nicht

 gamin war der Übeltäter...
 denn jetzt tut k3b wieder. Dennoch ist es unschön...

Zum Schönmachen gibt es das O_EXCL-Flag, dass die Programme bei Geräten
verwenden sollten. Leider ist das mit der Umsetzung in der Realität noch
nicht wirklich weit, nicht mal mount verwendet es durchgehend.

Sahneschnitter Aquariophile: welches debian/ welche xfree version?
Aquariophile woody
Aquariophile Xfree version 86

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Re: Wie geht es? k3b, wodi m, multisession session anhängen

2006-10-11 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Christoph Conrad [Wed, Oct 11 2006, 08:14:42AM]:
 Hallo Christian,
  Das erzeugte deb enthält hier nur doku. Sehr unbefriedigend.
 Hier nicht - kein /opt/schily/bin? Vielleicht war es auch ein smake
 all, ich weiss es nicht mehr.

nicht mehr, so, so. Nun, aktuelle cdrtools können nicht mehr mit dem
smake aus Debian gebaut werden. Mit make aka gmake dagegen schon, nach
dem man die hässliche Mecker-Seite aus den Schilling-Skripten über die
angeblichen Bugs in gmake über sich ergehen lässt.


* Aquarioph ist dummy *g*

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Re: Wie geht es? k3b, wodim , multisession session =?iso-8859-15?q?anh=E4nge n?=

2006-10-11 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Joerg Schilling [Wed, Oct 11 2006, 09:10:09AM]:

Interessant. Offensichtlich hast du genug Zeit für User-Support auf den
Mailinglisten. Und zum Flamen bei Heise sowieso. Dann könntest du auch
endlich mal unsere Fragemail beantworten, die endgültig
aufklären würde. Da du ein offener und ehrlicher Mensch bist, sollte es
ja kein Problem darstellen.
 in diesem Fall das Bootstramake mit gmake starten...

Und bevor der User Himmel und Höhle nach gmake absucht... damit ist
make auf Debian GNU/Linux gemeint.


formorer frohe ostern hasis
Zugschlus *hoppel*

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Re: Welcher Kernel ist am Fremdsystem

2006-10-10 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Al Bogner [Tue, Oct 10 2006, 11:50:59PM]:
 Mich würde interessieren welcher Kernel auf einem Gastrechner installiert 
 uname ist aber gesperrt.
 Kennt wer andere Möglichkeiten?

cat /proc/version


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Re: module-assistant will module nicht bauen

2006-10-09 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Sandro Frenzel [Mon, Oct 09 2006, 11:16:44PM]:
 Hey Liste!
 Folgendes Problem:
 Und zwar will ich mit module-assistant das fglrx modul bauen.
 Also erstmal ein apt-get install fglrx-driver gemacht.
 Ein module-assistant prepare sagte mir, dass es zu meinem Kernel kein 
 aktuelles header Paket finden konnte. Kein Wunder - ist ja auch ein 
 gepachter selbstgebauter Kernel , den ich nur als .deb Paket 
 vorliegen hab.

Und dann wunderst du dich, warum du nichts bauen kannst? Besorge den
richtigen Source, dann klappt es.

Wenn du den Source nicht hast, versuche diesen nachzubauen. Hol dazu den
2.6.17 von, entpacke in /usr/src, patche ihn mit ck1, kopiere
/boot/config-`uname -r` nach $kernelsource-verzeichnis/.config und mache
make prepare DANN und genau DORT.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/programme/google-earth$ uname -r
 Also ein apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.17-2 gemacht.

 - du hast die Manpage nicht gelesen
 - du hast das Falsche installiert

 Dann ein 
 module-assistant a-i fglrx --kernel-dir=usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.17-2

Wird dir alles nichts nützen. Bestenfalls Module die in völlig falschen
Pfaden liegen oder die sich nicht installieren lassen.

aba_ Tolimar: Was lernt man in einem Kochen für Singles-Kurs?
Tolimar aba_: Ich habe gelernt, dass es einfacher ist,
eine Tiefkühlpizza in den Ofen zu schmeissen ;)

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Re: Brennen von Iso und Dateien mit der Bash

2006-10-07 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Joerg Schilling [Fri, Oct 06 2006, 09:11:02PM]:

 du verbreitest hingegen gerne falsch deklarierte umlaute...
 Ich kann nichts dafür, wenn Du einen defektes Mail-Programm verwendest.

Unsinn. Dein ISO8859-1 ist keine gültige Charset-Kodierung fürs
Content-Type-Feld. Quelle: RFC2046 und IANA-Register von Januar 2005.

Geh und guck nach, wenn du es nicht glaubst. Einige Mail-Programme wie
z.B. aktuelles mutt erkennen den Unsinn scheinbar und interptetieren es
als ISO-8859-1, aber das ist dann Glückssache.

Was aber definitiv unschön ist, ist die Arbeitsweise deines
Mailprogramms, denn es behält die Referenzen nicht bei und zerstört die
Thread-Darstellung. Es ist sicherlich nicht defekt, aber nicht
wirklich zeitgemäss.

 growisofs ist zum erstellen von DVD hinreichend gut, warum sollte man
 sich also mit proprietaerem kram abgeben?
 Das Program growisofs hingegen ist definitiv unfreie Software
 denn seine Lizenz erlaubt keine freie Publikation ohne Erlaubnis 
 des Autors.



Was ist der Akademiker anders, als ein eingelerntes und angeeignetes
Glied einer großen Vereinigung?
-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (an Zelter, 1832)

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Re: Brennen von Iso und Dateien mit der Bash

2006-10-05 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Johannes Starosta [Wed, Oct 04 2006, 06:57:24PM]:
 Eduard Bloch [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
  Wie kommst du denn darauf?
 aptitude show wodim
 Version: 5:1.0~pre4-1.
 Description: command line CD writing tool
 wodim allows you to create CDs on a CD recorder.

Ups. Einst stand da auch CDs/DVDs, wurde aber ausgebaut weil cdrecord
keine DVDs schreiben konnte. Wird korrigiert.

 Von DVDs ist da keine Rede. Ich weiss nat?rlich nicht, ob der Eindruck
 t?uscht. BTW: Wenn ja, wie habt ihr denn DVD Unterst?tzung eingebaut?
 Auf Basis der alten Patches?

Mit dem Patch von Warly/Mandriva mit ein Paar Korrekturen.

 Wobei ich auch sagen muss, dass ich keinen DVD Brenner besitze. Im
 Moment kann es mir also egal sein. Aber das kann sich nat?rlich ?ndern.

Genau, heute kosten die meisten g?ngigen DVD-Brenner weniger als ein
simpler CD-Laufwerk vor wenigen Jahren.

zobel meine Frau macht mir echt Sorgen... sendet man ein ping ueber SMS
und bekommt ein pong zurueck ;)
zobel wobei, richtig Sorgen mach ich mir erst, wenn sie mit ICMP echo
reply antwortet...
Ganneff ich w?rd mir Sorgen machen wenn gar keine Antwort kommt
Zomb oder icmp-host-prohibited...

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Re: Brennen von Iso und Dateien mit der Bash

2006-10-04 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Johannes Starosta [Wed, Oct 04 2006, 12:04:39AM]:

 benutzen. Der Fork ist hingegen wohl koscher, kann aber (noch?) keine
 DVDs brennen. 

Wie kommst du denn darauf?

Um Rekursion zu verstehen, muß man erst Rekursion verstanden haben.

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Re: Brenner brennt nicht

2006-10-01 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Thorsten Haude [Sun, Oct 01 2006, 05:45:00PM]:

 Mit Speed 1x ändert sich nichts, ebensowenig mit einer DVD-R. Ich
 hab's dann mal mit dvdrtools versucht, leider auch ohne Erfolg:
 - - - Schnipp - - -
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] % dvdrecord dev=/dev/crucible /tmp/kde-yooden/K3b\ data\ 
 dvdrtools v0.1.5

dvdrtools ist ein alter Fork von cdrtools. Versuch es mal mit cdrkit
bzw. wodim (Etch).

 Based on:
 Cdrecord 1.11a15 (i386-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Jörg Schilling
 dvdrecord: Operation not permitted. WARNING: Cannot set RR-scheduler
 dvdrecord: Permission denied. WARNING: Cannot set priority using 
 dvdrecord: WARNING: This causes a high risk for buffer underruns.
 scsidev: '/dev/crucible'
 devname: '/dev/crucible'
 scsibus: -2 target: -2 lun: -2
 Warning: Open by 'devname' is unintentional and not supported.
 Linux sg driver version: 3.5.27
 Using libscg version 'schily-0.7'
 Device type: Removable CD-ROM
 Version: 0
 Response Format: 1
 Vendor_info: 'PLEXTOR '
 Identifikation : 'DVDR   PX-716AL '
 Revision   : '1.02'
 Device seems to be: Generic mmc2 DVD.
 Using generic SCSI-3/mmc DVD-R(W) driver (mmc_mdvd).
 Driver flags   : SWABAUDIO BURNFREE 
 Supported modes: PACKET SAO

 dvdrecord: Drive does not support TAO recording.
 dvdrecord: Illegal write mode for this drive.

Lesen bildet. Versuch es mal mit -sao.


Naja, Garbage Collector eben. Holt den Müll sogar vom Himmel.
   (Heise Trollforum über Java in der Flugzeugsteuerung)

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Re: Brenner brennt nicht

2006-10-01 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Thorsten Haude [Mon, Oct 02 2006, 12:23:07AM]:
 * Andreas Pakulat wrote (2006-10-02 00:07):
 On 01.10.06 23:36:45, Thorsten Haude wrote:
  * Eduard Bloch wrote (2006-10-01 18:34):
  Lesen bildet.
  Super Spruch, danke!
 Und noch besser wenn man nicht ordentlich quoten kann. Ist ja nicht so
 als ob Eduard dir nur das um die Ohren gehauen haette oder?
 Ne, das ist aber der Teil, auf den ich antworten wollte. Ich denke
 nicht, daß ich da etwas verfremdet habe.

Ich schon. Halbwahrheiten sind manchmal schlimmer als einfaches

Aber zur Sache: klappt es jetzt mit -sao oder nicht? Wenn du Pakete für
Sarge brauchst, sag für welche Architektur und mit etwas Glück kriegst
du welche.

 Ich bin aber froh, gleich zwei Personen kennengelernt zu haben, die
 Begründung und Lösungsmöglichkeiten für ausnahmslos jede Fehlermeldung
 kennen, gratuliere! Daß Eduard ein paar Zeilen darüber erklärt hat,
 daß die Software obsolet ist, ist dann wohl nicht mehr so wichtig.

Ich fasse es nicht. Ich habe dir zwei einfache Tatsachen genannt und
Hinweise gegeben, und du maulst unnötig rum weil es nicht auf dem
silbernen Tablet daher kam? Hallo? Ich habe auch nicht ewig viel Zeit,
um es bis ins kleinste Detail D^hanfängerfreundlich zu formulieren.

 Also nicht so gereizt sein, nur weil die Software nicht das tut was sie
 soll ;)
 Es geht nichtmal um Software, also solltest Du vielleicht besser nicht
 behaupten, Du wüßtest, ob und warum ich gereizt bin.

Der Ton der Mail deutet aber drauf.


Naja, Garbage Collector eben. Holt den Müll sogar vom Himmel.
   (Heise Trollforum über Java in der Flugzeugsteuerung)

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