Re: net install

1999-09-02 Thread KaHa
tf wrote:
 hey guys,
 I just got my modem happily dialing and connecting, however, apt-get
 --update can't open (sources list).  can someone please tell me what
 files to edit?  /etc/hosts?  hosts.allow?


(Mine looks like this:)

deb unstable main contrib non-free

(Hoggin' the debian bandwidth cos my buddy ain't keeping the potato
stuff on our local mirror up to date. Maybe I gotta buy him more beer).

 Whenever they're out, I shall get myself a potato cd.

Been running potato since slink went frozen. It's gonna be a *great*
release! (Kudos to the Debian community!)  :-)


 | /-\ (-) /-\ Debian GNU/Linux

Oops! Hey, tf! [was:Re: net install]

1999-09-02 Thread KaHa
KaHa wrote:

 (Mine looks like this:)
 deb unstable main contrib non-free

erm.. needless to say, switch the unstable to stable if you're
running slink. Sorry.

 | /-\ (-) /-\ Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Install problem: LI, than nothing else

1999-08-29 Thread KaHa
Walthier Mate Tamas wrote:

 I tought I've allready installed DebinLinux but I never got over the
 LI after several times.

Try putting the line:


in your /etc/lilo.conf, right below the line that says compact.
Then run /usr/sbin/lilo, and reboot.

 An other problem: I created a bootdisc at last in Dos but after
 Uncompressing Linux it stops with crc error System Halted  What is

Bad floppy/corrupted file.

 I really want to try this Linux but the beginning semms hard.

Keep smiling; it gets better fast.  :-)

 Walthier Mate  

 | /-\ (-) /-\ Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Mission critical Debian

1999-06-03 Thread KaHa
David N. Welton wrote:
 Is there any list of people using Debian for mission critical
 applications?  Such a list wouldn't necessarily have to include
 exactly what, if the person preferred not to disclose that
 information, but might include a company name, at least.

Don't know what they're doing now, or if this example counts as
mission critical, but Debian was chosen to monitor some zero-G
experiments on a space shuttle mission back in the summer of '97.

 | /-\ (-) /-\ Debian GNU/Linux

Re: bashrc file gone! Where is it?

1999-05-28 Thread KaHa
Brendon Baumgartner wrote:
 I can't seem to find the .bashrc file. I checked all over for it.
 According to the debian package search on their website, its
 suppose to be in the bash package, but I installed that again, and
 its not there! What can I do to find it?? Thanks.

umm.. try vi .bashrc.   :-)

It's just a text file, that you can use to configure your non-login
shells. But seriously, you should have been given a default one
(blank) from /etc/skel/ when you created your user account. Is there
a chance that you may have accidentally deleted it?

Read /usr/doc/bash/examples/startup-files/bashrc.gz


 | /-\ (-) /-\ Debian GNU/Linux

Re: A Linux CIA(Red Hat Bruhaha)?

1999-05-21 Thread KaHa
George Bonser wrote:
 On Fri, 21 May 1999, Jayson Baird wrote:
  I say we form a watchdog committee called the Linux CIA :) it seems like
  slashdot's crash came from the grassy knoll and NOT the book
  depository...h...All I know is..I glanced something on Redhat and Linux
  care, and Rob is out at LinuxExpo I believe...I don't know if I can go
  without slashdot for this long :)
 Looks like freshmeat is down too.

Looks up to me. /. is still down, tho. Isn't Rob still working stuff
out with the new server?

 | /-\ (-) /-\ Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Separate list for newbies

1999-05-19 Thread KaHa
Pollywog wrote:

 I like to get lots of messages, because I scan through them to see
 if I can learn something.  I would be one of the newbies to take
 advantage of a newbie list.  :)

But most newbie questions tend to be covered in the FAQs or through a
perusal/search of the debian-user archives. Newer problems/questions
tend to get handled via the debian-user list.

Hrmm.. on the other hand, if there *were* such a list, I think that
several somewhat experienced Linux users (myself included) and maybe
even a real guru or two might be happy to chime in and field
questions. Prolly along the lines of the Teach a man to fish
parable.  :-)


 | /-\ (-) /-\ Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Separate list for newbies

1999-05-19 Thread KaHa
Sean wrote:

 Not true at all.  I have many more questions now that I have a clue
 as to what I'm doing than I did when I first started using Linux
 and was pretty much clueless about what was going on.
 It's kinda like that saying: The more you know the more you realize
 how much you don't know.

Yeah. But you can also probably answer more newbie questions than you
could back then. It's not a subjectively linear thing.  :-)
It's like life; none of us have all the pieces to the jigsaw, but we
constantly gather more. The jigsaw is huge, but that doesn't make us
helpless. Quite to the contrary.

Polliwog said:

 I think that I will know I am no longer a newbie when I answer more
 questions than I ask :)


 | /-\ (-) /-\ Debian GNU/Linux

Re: WARNING: oops!

1999-05-10 Thread KaHa
KaHa wrote:

 Hey, Ken: get a virus scanner.

Apologies, Ken. 'Twas Alexander that I meant.

 | /-\ (-) /-\ Debian GNU/Linux


1999-05-09 Thread KaHa
Kenneth Sims wrote:

 Why did you (Alexander Gutfraind [EMAIL PROTECTED]) just send a
 virus (HAPPY99.EXE) to the debian-user list?

That's how the HAPPY99 virus propogates itself; the sender isn't
even aware that it's attached.
Hey, Ken: get a virus scanner. Or better yet, dump Winblows.  :-)

 | /-\ (-) /-\ Debian GNU/Linux

Re: gimp: gif support?

1999-05-08 Thread KaHa
Joel Gautschi wrote:
 I didn't found any gif support in gimp of slink. is that because of
 the licence of gif or what?

Yup; that's exactly why. To provide the Gimp with gif support, you
need to get and install the gimp-nonfree package from non-free.

 | /-\ (-) /-\ Debian GNU/Linux

Re: installing

1999-05-05 Thread KaHa
darrin griffiths wrote:
 hi, i'm having a hard time installing debian. it's on
 an old 486 with 8 meg ram and a 100 meg h/d. i put it
 together with spare parts and it works well. when i
 install all goes well ( i am installing from floppies )
 untill i put in the 7 base discs. after the 7th it
 starts to extract but then says there was a problem...
 blah blah blah. i've tried everything-ie used brand
 new discs, changed to a newer floppy drive, etc. i

What's the blah blah blah translation?

 darrin griffiths

 | /-\ (-) /-\ Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Talk

1999-05-01 Thread KaHa
Brian Schramm wrote:

 OK I want to use talk on the slink distribution.  I have ytalk
 installed along with talkd damon.  But for some reason it always
 comes back saying that the person is refusing connection.  I
 thought that the talk system worked with all users right away.  The
 man pages and config files are no help.  Everything that I have
 read says it should be working.  Any ideas?

Yup. Any user who wants to recieve word from the talk daemon that
somebody's trying to chat with them needs to have:

mesg y

in their .bash_profile (or if you want to make talk accessability
mandatory for some reason, you can put the line in /etc/profile).

It's not enabled by default (some folks don't want to be bugged by
every soul who telnets into their box).  :-)

 Brian Schramm

 | /-\ (-) /-\ Debian GNU/Linux

Re: [Debian]: Ein paar Fragen

1999-04-30 Thread KaHa
Bernd Mayer wrote:
 Martin T. schrieb:

  2. Was hat es mit den timezones auf sich und wie kann ich die
 veraendern ?  Ich habe bei der Installation Eurapa/Berlin
 angegeben. Wenn die BIOS-Uhr nun auf die lokale Uhrzeit
 eingestellt ist, ist die Systemuhrzeit 2 Std.  voraus. Stelle ich
 die BIOS-Uhrzeit 2 Std. zurueck, damit die Systemuhr unter Linux
 die lokale Zeit anzeigt, stimmt die Uhrzeit unter Win nicht mehr.
 Vermutlich hast Du bei der Zeitzoneneinstellung UTC gewählt statt

Tut mir leid, wegen mein schlechten Deutsch.  :-(
Lese doch den manpage fuer hwclock.
Dass erklaert hoffentlich einiges.

 Bernd Mayer

 | /-\ (-) /-\ Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Procmail debian-user

1999-04-24 Thread KaHa
Nidge Jones wrote:
 Can some kind soul suggest an entry for my .procmailrc file which
 will seperate debian-user mails to another foler/mbox.
 I have tried using various things, even some of the
 /usr/doc/procmail/example 'examples' All to no avail.

Well, this one works for me with Mutt:


 | /-\ (-) /-\ Debian GNU/Linux

Re: linux usage by well known sites

1999-04-16 Thread KaHa
A. M. Varon wrote:
 On Thu, 15 Apr 1999, Eugene Sevinian wrote:
  I would like to know if there are any well known sites which are
  running linux?  I need some statistics to persuade some decision
  makers to consider linux for a crusial task machine to provide
  different internet services. 
 You could e-mail the site administrator or whatever. 

Just happened to remember: runs Linux as well. As a matter of fact, Keith
Rowland, who maintains the site, appears rather proud of that fact.
You can read about the system specifics at:

 | /-\ (-) /-\ Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Trouble with Installation

1999-04-16 Thread KaHa
Stephen Parks wrote:
 I tried to install Debian on my second harddrive.
 I went through bootstrap and then when I set my bios to try booting
 from D:, all I get is the following output:
 (where _ is a cursor which won't actually echo anything I type)

Try putting the line:


in your /etc/lilo.conf file.

 | /-\ (-) /-\ Debian GNU/Linux

Re: netscape and libXpm

1999-04-07 Thread KaHa
Vincent Murphy wrote:
  because netscape kept giving my crap about illegal instructions in
  libBrokenLocale, which is in the libc6 pkg (thanks to the people
  who told me that BTW), i'm trying to run navigator 4.08 libc5.
  here's what happens:
 $ /usr/local/netscape/netscape  
 /usr/local/netscape/netscape: can't load library ''
  all the xpm pkgs in stable/x11 are installed.

Did you install the xpm4.7 from /oldlibs? That's the libc5 compatable
xpm, and should fix you up.

 .   .
 | /-\ (-) /-\

 Debian GNU/Linux

Re: irc help

1999-04-04 Thread KaHa
Shawn Nguyen wrote:
 I am using Zircon IRC to try to hook up to but I
 can't seem to get there.  Is there something special that I need to
 do in order to open the link to  Does it work?

Hmm.. was a sort of a round-robin thing; wasn't
working anymore last I tried it either. Use to
get to the #debian channel. Hope this helps.


 .   .
 | /-\ (-) /-\

 Debian GNU/Linux

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-04 Thread KaHa
Gary Singleton wrote:

 As an aside, this person sends .doc files regularly too; luckily
 we're not susceptible to their evils.

Don't get mad: get even. People that send me .doc files generally
recieve a copy of the bash manpage or a big ole tarball.  :-)

 Regards, G.S.

 .   .
 | /-\ (-) /-\

 Debian GNU/Linux