dialup pp problemsq 2.1-2.2

2001-01-07 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III
Kernel: 2.2.18pre21
OS: debian 2.2r2

using dialqd/pppd setings from 2.1 setup (which works)

has the follwong uutput:
(from messsages)

Jan  7 10:41:31 zeek2 diald[153]: Calling site 
Jan  7 10:41:32 zeek2 connect: Initializing Modem
Jan  7 10:41:33 zeek2 connect: Dialing system
Jan  7 10:41:53 zeek2 connect: Connected
Jan  7 10:41:53 zeek2 connect: Loggin in
Jan  7 10:41:53 zeek2 connect: Protocol started
Jan  7 10:41:53 zeek2 diald[153]: Connected to site 
Jan  7 10:41:53 zeek2 diald[153]: Running pppd (pid = 448).
Jan  7 10:41:54 zeek2 kernel: registered device ppp0
Jan  7 10:41:54 zeek2 pppd[448]: pppd 2.3.11 started by root, uid 0
Jan  7 10:41:54 zeek2 pppd[448]: Using interface ppp0
Jan  7 10:41:54 zeek2 pppd[448]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
Jan  7 10:41:57 zeek2 pppd[448]: Connection terminated.
Jan  7 10:41:57 zeek2 pppd[448]: Connect time 0.1 minutes.
Jan  7 10:41:57 zeek2 pppd[448]: Sent 267 bytes, received 361 bytes.
Jan  7 10:41:57 zeek2 pppd[448]: Exit.
Jan  7 10:41:57 zeek2 diald[153]: start sl0: SIOCSIFMETRIC: Operation not 
Jan  7 10:41:57 zeek2 diald[153]: start sl0: SIOCADDRT: File exists 
Jan  7 10:41:57 zeek2 diald[153]: start sl0: SIOCADDRT: File exists 
Jan  7 10:41:57 zeek2 diald[153]: stop ppp0: Cannot send dump request: 
Connection refused 
Jan  7 10:41:58 zeek2 diald[153]: start sl0: SIOCSIFMETRIC: Operation not 
Jan  7 10:41:58 zeek2 diald[153]: start sl0: SIOCADDRT: File exists 
Jan  7 10:41:58 zeek2 diald[153]: start sl0: SIOCADDRT: File exists 
Jan  7 10:41:58 zeek2 diald[153]: Disconnected. Call duration 5 seconds. 
Jan  7 10:41:58 zeek2 diald[153]: IP transmitted 110 bytes and received 0 
Jan  7 10:41:59 zeek2 diald[153]: Delaying 2 seconds before clear to dial.

any ideas what is going on, I'm figuring that the sl0 bit is because the ppp 
failed, so the problem is with pppd, mabey?  
also: mabey its related mabey not, but every time I boot now(since I added
SLIP support to the kernel)  the printer starts dumping a page  or more of 
I'm using a BJ-200
all of this worked under 2.1 which I am using ot sqend this e-mail.

any ideas?

re: wvdial hangs off to pppd..... How to stop that??

2001-01-07 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III
I had similar problems with that 8bit problem with my deb 2.1 with diald... 
I fixed it with /ppp/options, the setting crtscts, or xonxoff I believe.. 
try settings these on/off see what it gives you... I'm sorry I cant
remember more about it.  (if I remember correctly its like local echo, if
you have ever used terminal to connect 2 computers and you get 2 of
everything on the screen, something similar is happening to your

hope this gives you some ideas / help


buying new monitor

2000-10-08 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III
I was going to buy a KDS vs-190 monitor, and was wondering if
anyone had used this monitor with X before, might have any thoughts

I am running Debian 2.1 

any input would be appreciated.


efax package

1999-09-07 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III

I just installed the E-fax package , but the man pages are missing, the
2 .gz files in /usr/doc/efax talk about extensive help in the man pages..
any one know what happened? (I am using Debian 2.0.2 cds)

Thanks, Ken

running Exim with inetd / headder rewrite

1999-02-16 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III

First of all, thank you to everyone who sent help. I now only have (I hope)
2 problems.

I was wrong about using cron to start Exim daemon, the 2 ways that were
suggested to me were using init and using inetd.  

Problem #1:
I found that using init overrides my security from hosts.deny and
hosts.allow, since these are used by inetd.  The answer is to use Inetd to
call Exim on demand.  After looking in my Inetd.conf file, I found the
following line commented out in the bottom of the file:

#smtpstreamtcp   nowait   root /usr/sbin/tcpd
/usr/sbin/in.smtpd (will be restored by smail postinstall)

I looked into it, there is no file /usr/sbin/in.smtpd  ,after looking at
the man page for smail, I saw that smail -bs = in.smtpd ,so I figure
in.smtp was removed with smail.  I looked in the Exim man page and found
that Exim -bs should work just like smail -bs, so I went up to the section
headed by the comment: #:Mail:
and entered the line:

smtp   stream   tcpnowait   root   /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/exim -bs 

no good, I try telnet 25, get connection terminated 

I remember this problem with smail by adding in hosts.allow:
I allowed smtp calls to port 25, fixed the problem (and I believe this is
the secure and proper way to do this {yes/no?}) So what's the deal?  (I
included some details about my system at the bottom of this letter that may

Problem #2: 
I need to do address rewriting, I know this, from reading, making some
tests, and trying configuration changes suggested in responses to my last
mail.  Basically here is what I want to happen:

if to:field is not TO:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
change the from field in the envelope the same way..

so from reading the Exim spec, I believe the rewrite rule is like this:


only problem is how do I get it to do this ONLY when the TO: field is not

system stuff:
Debian 1.3.1  local host name:  Zeek.org  smarthost: Maine.edu
local users: root, ryder Mail name: Kryder71
Exim version: 1.61 #1 built 4-Mar-1997   Fetchmail version: 3.8 pl 0
.fetchmailrc:  user kryder71 with pass  is [EMAIL PROTECTED] here

thank's for any help / ideas / comments,


ATN: running Exim with inetd / headder rewrite

1999-02-16 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III
A problem occurred (on my system with Exim) that made some mail bounce (now
fixed) and  caused me to be removed from the list, right after I sent my
message about Exim if anyone could forward their responses to my original
mail running Exim with inetd / headder rewrite  to me at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] I'd appreciate it.


Re: smail - exim = mail now broken

1999-02-14 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III

I fixed my local mail and retrieval of ISP mail.

added / changed local domains (were not set properly by eximconfig,
probably a type-o by me)

that took care of local mail.

found out that there is no cron job for exim -bd,  (DOH!) it helps to be
running your mail daemon.  I am not sure why there was no cron job, since
Dselect had done one for smail, when I had that installed

Still didn't totally fix ISP retrieval, Exim didn't like the address
ryder that fetchmail was using, changed .fetchmailrc to say kryder71 is
[EMAIL PROTECTED] here , now it works.

I think I know how to setup the cron job, but can anyone verify that I know
what I am talking about?

login as root, edit crontab, resubmit it to cron,  that's basic idea, right?

Thanks in advance,

Ken, who has had a long day fighting with exim, but won, at least for 

smail - exim = mail now broken

1999-02-13 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III

I am in the middle of setting up my internet mail on my Debian 1.3.1
system.  I was using smail set for local mail delivered , and fetchmail
to retrieve mail from my ISP at school.  So local mail worked and ISP mail
was delivered to me too. In looking through the mailing list archives I got
the general feeling that sending mail via SMTP to my school, with smail
would not work, because the FROM: header needs to be rewritten from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ( local machine)  to [EMAIL PROTECTED] my internet mail.
Most of the archives suggested exim, so I un-installed smail and setup
exim, just like smail I ran the config program (eximconfig), and setup for
local mail delivered option, figuring that I would start there and work
my way up (since that is were I was with smail).  Now mail does not work at
all.  In /var/log/exim/mainlog  it says something like:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] unknown mail domain , sending error message to root.. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mail domain unknown message frozen.

Fetchmail seems to be doing its job, forwarding mail to port 25, but exim
gets the mail and has no idea what to do with it  WHY?   I setup exim
exactly the same as smail, why does it not deliver?  

can some one help me get my mail back so I can move forward with getting it
to send internet mail?


diald is eating packets

1999-01-25 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III

Hi everyone,

I am running Debian 1.3.1, the problem is I can not open a telnet and 
diald connect me, it connects and immediately hangs up.  Right now the only
way I have been getting online is to open netscape, it sends a bunch of udp
packets, which all get eaten by diald when the PPP link comes up, but the
link stays up, and after a while netscape sends some more packets ,which go
out across the PPP link ( instead of getting eaten). Basically once the
link is established, I can open telnet's etc., but it appears the telnets
send one packet, if diald eats that packet instead of sending it along the
PPP link, the telnet freezes and never sends more packets, or at least
doesn't send them soon enough for diald to not hang up.  

my questions:

1) how to keep diald from eating the first packet it sees coming across the
dummy link, and instead hold it and send it down the PPP link once

2) how to increase the time limit in the standard filter (I'd like to use
standard.filter over my very primitive one) on the FIRST packet sent out by
a program (like telnet,  rlogin, etc.)

Here's what I have tried so far:

originally used original standard.filter ( the one that dselect installed). 
I start a telnet,  ( I am watching from dtcrl, with the packet queue {PQ}
in view)  
a tcp packet appears in the PQ, with a timer of 15 seconds.
Diald starts logging in etc., packet timer runs out so diald eats the
packet, PQ empty, diald starts up the link, sees empty queue closes link.

I changed the line (I think it was the first rule) in the standard.filter ,
 from 'accept tcp 15 tcp.syn' to 'accept tcp 120 tcp.syn' , no difference
in above situation.

I made my own basic.filter  (I have put it at the bottom of this letter)
this changed the behavior of diald, now the tcp packet shows up with a 5
minute timer, diald connects, logs in, starts up PPP, and then eats the
packet, even though the timer never ran out on it. now the packet queue is
empty and diald disconnects the line.  
Currently I am using the standard.filter, and bait the line with netscape
as I described in the beginning of the letter.

any ideas?


my basic.filter file:

ignore tcp tcp.source=tcp.domain
ignore tcp tcp.dest=tcp.domain
accept tcp 300 any
ignore udp udp.dest=udp.who
ignore udp udp.source=udp.who
ignore udp udp.dest=udp.route
ignore udp udp.source=udp.route
ignore udp udp.source=udp.ntp
ignore udp udp.dest=udp.ntp
ignore udp udp.source=udp.timed
ignore udp udp.dest=udp.timed
ignore udp udp.dest=udp.domain,udp.source=udp.domain
accept udp 30 udp.source=udp.domain
accept udp 30 udp.dest=udp.domain
ignore udp udp.dest=udp.netbios-ns,udp.source=udp.netbios-ns
accept udp 30 udp.source=udp.netbios-ns
accept udp 30 udp.dest=udp.netbios-ns
accept udp 120 any
accept udp 120 any
accept any 30 any

Debian 1.3.1 PPP connection problems

1999-01-20 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III
I can not connect to my ISP with linux, can anyone help me?

Right now I connect through windows 3.1  trumped winsock, my IP is
dynamically given to me, and I use PPP.

I am trying to get diald and PPPD to do the same under linux (Debian 1.3.1).

here are some of  my config and log files:

Tue Jan 19 19:26:03 1999 EST: Calling site
Tue Jan 19 19:26:26 1999 EST: Connected to site
Tue Jan 19 19:26:58 1999 EST: Disconnected. Call duration 32 seconds.
  IP transmitted 176 bytes and received 0 bytes.

Jan 19 19:23:05 Zeek diald[104]: FIFO: full monitor connection to monitor
/tmp/dctrl.195-1 requested
Jan 19 19:26:04 Zeek diald[104]: Running connect (pid = 203).
Jan 19 19:26:05 Zeek connect: Initializing Modem
Jan 19 19:26:05 Zeek connect: Dialing system
Jan 19 19:26:25 Zeek connect: Connected
Jan 19 19:26:25 Zeek connect: Loggin in
Jan 19 19:26:26 Zeek connect: Protocol started
Jan 19 19:26:26 Zeek diald[104]: Running pppd (pid = 212).
Jan 19 19:26:26 Zeek diald[212]: Running pppd: /usr/sbin/pppd -detach modem
crtscts mtu 1500 mru 1500 
Jan 19 19:26:26 Zeek pppd[212]: pppd 2.2.0 started by root, uid 0
Jan 19 19:26:26 Zeek pppd[212]: Using interface ppp0
Jan 19 19:26:26 Zeek pppd[212]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
Jan 19 19:26:56 Zeek pppd[212]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Jan 19 19:26:56 Zeek pppd[212]: Connection terminated.
Jan 19 19:26:56 Zeek pppd[212]: Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean:
Jan 19 19:26:56 Zeek pppd[212]: Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0
Jan 19 19:26:56 Zeek pppd[212]: Exit.
Jan 19 19:26:59 Zeek diald[104]: Delaying 30 seconds before clear to dial.
Jan 19 19:27:37 Zeek diald[104]: SIGHUP: modem got hung up on.

mode ppp
accounting-log /var/log/diald.log
fifo /var/run/diald.fifo
connect /etc/diald/connect
device /dev/ttyS1
speed 115200
include /etc/diald/standard.filter

diald's connect file( password, modem init, etc all clipped, all of that


START_ACK=Entering PPP mode.

# Pass a message on to diald and the system logs.
function message () {
[ $FIFO ]  echo message $* $FIFO
logger -p local2.info -t connect $*

*** cut the dialing loop  login  stuff from here too, it works***

# We logged in, try to start up the protocol (provided that the
# user has specified how to do this)

if [ $PROMPT ]; then
message Starting Comm Protocol
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
message Prompt not received
exit 1

if [ $START_ACK ]; then
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
message Failed to start Protocol
exit 1

# Success!
message Protocol started

The options that are activated in my PPPD options file  are:
asyncmap 0
lcp-echo-interval 30
lcp-echo-failure 4

here's what I see when running dctrl from X:

says interface fromtoin state down

I go to a terminal, startup a telnet (to a server at school)

dctrl says   interface fromtoin state connect

dctrl saysinterface fromtoin state start_link

then it says interface sl0 from to in state

then switches to  interface sl0 from to in state

finally goes to interface sl0 from to in state Down

(first time I went through this the modem hungup at this point, second time
the modem stays online so I forced a quit then ran minicom to hang up the

If this is any help since windows/winsock can connect, I made Trumped
winsock do a trace on PPP and got the following:

PPP mode selected.  Will try to negotiate IP address.

Script completed
PPP[C021] state = reqsent
PPP frame check error, 17
PPP frame check error, 26
PPP[C021] state = ackrcvd
PPP[C021] state = opened
PPP[8021] SND CONFREQ ID=01 LEN=16 IPCP(002D0F01) IPADDR(826F8D67)
PPP[8021] state = reqsent
PPP[8021] RCV CONFREQ ID=01 LEN=16 IPCP(002D0F00) IPADDR(826F8D01)
PPP[8021] SND CONFACK ID=01 LEN=16 IPCP(002D0F00) IPADDR(826F8D01)
PPP[8021] state = acksent
My IP address =
PPP[8021] SND CONFREQ ID=02 LEN=16 IPCP(002D0F01) IPADDR(826F8D66)
PPP[8021] RCV CONFACK ID=02 LEN=16 IPCP(002D0F01) IPADDR(826F8D66)
PPP[8021] state = opened

I am sorry if this mail is too long I cut out what I thought I could, I
don't know all that much of the inner working's of PPP, even though I have
been throught the man pages, 

Sml-nj requires libc6 , will this have problems with libc5?

1998-11-03 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III

A while ago I wrote about setting up ML on my system. I am running 1.3.1
and have libc5 installed (ver 5.4.33-3).  In trying to install sml-nj, dpkg
tells me that I need libc6 (=2.0.7u). Will I have problems if I install
libc6?  Will this conflict with libc5, will it over write it?  How will
this affect my programs in C and C++? is there a stable version of libc6
that I can use? Will it work with 1.3.1?  Where can I get libc6?  Is there
a way to get Sml-nj to work properly without libc6, using libc5?

Thank you for your time and thoughts.


Sml-nj requires libc6 , will this have problems with libc5?

1998-11-02 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III

A while ago I wrote about setting up ML on my system. I am running 1.3.1
and have libc5 installed (ver 5.4.33-3).  In trying to install sml-nj, dpkg
tells me that I need libc6 (=2.0.7u). Will I have problems if I install
libc6?  Will this conflict with libc5, will it over write it?  How will
this affect my programs in C and C++? is there a stable version of libc6
that I can use? Will it work with 1.3.1?  Where can I get libc6?  Is there
a way to get Sml-nj to work properly without libc6, using libc5?

Thank you for your time and thoughts.


standard ML

1998-10-07 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III

I am a computer science student, and will be using standard ML in the near
future for a few projects.  I have noticed the ocaml 1.05-2 package at
debian.org  I have read the description, it seems that it is not exactly
the same as SML. Is this true? if so is there a .deb package that would be
better for me?  ( I want to be able to code programs exactly the same as
the rest of the class, make's things a lot easier for me that way) I have a
Debian 1.3.1 CD but  I could not find a ML package on my CD, am I just
missing it?  If I have to FTP the file how do I get dselect to install it?  

many thanks for the help

Ken Ryder

I now HAVE PINE Debian package.. how do I install it?

1998-04-21 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III
What a interesting thread my PINE question created... OK I have found a
Debian package for pine, pine3.96L-2

the file is


its located on the root of /dev/hda7 , a MSDOS partition on my drive, which
is not mounted by default, so if I use it in Linux I need to mount it.

I want to install this version of PINE, I would prefer using dselect to
make sure I have all the needed support files etc., so HOW DO I DO IT?

 BTW: I found this package by going to the Debian site, and searching the
stable packages

OK, can some one tell me how to install the thing?  I have not had much

Thanks for your time / help


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: monitor rates for X

1998-04-21 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III
At 05:17 PM 4/20/98 -0600, S. keeling wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kenneth F. Ryder III) writes:

  I Do not have a manual for my monitor, but I want to push my
 resolution in X higher.  I have searched the net, but I can't find
 the horizontal and vertical rates for it.  my monitor is:
 PIXIE  PBC-1450

Never heard of Pixie, but could PBC mean Packard-Bell Corp?  netscape

 ALSO:  I am left handed, but I can't figure out how to set my mouse buttons
 for left handed use.  (GPM  X) 

#  /etc/gpm.conf - configuration file for gpm(1)
append=-B 321 -R

Then, in X use /etc/gpmdata in MouseSystems mode.  The -B 321 swaps the
mouse buttons.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Contract programmer, server dude.
TopQuark Software  Serv. Enquire within.
  Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.

I have a PS/2 mouse in /dev/psaux, I tried the configuration above , with
the exceptions:  device = /dev/ttyS1 ( I used /dev/psaux)  and type=mman (
I used PS/2)
with the above changes in the XF86Config file, I had X server die, I found
in the man page for GPM to use /dev/gpmdata instead of /etc/gpmdata, so I
changed that, but I still got damaged results, X ran , but the mouse was
wrong, it moved OK, but the buttons were completely messed up, not reversed
both just really screwy for instance, I did not have the function of a
right handed user's left button, on any of my buttons.

Any ideas as to where to go next?

BTW: the changes worked in regular shells just not in X

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Help! Liunx messes with date for DOS

1998-04-20 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III

I am getting my system up, new kernel compiled mouse etc. all coming
together, but I now notice a quite annoying problem.  Last week I go all
sorts of errors from some of my (DOS) programs talking about things being
changed before last use etc.  I just happen to glance at my clock and it
says its 2/8/99!  I fixed it, but today I noticed after starting up DOS,
that the date was 2/19/98, right year and day, but the month was off.  What
OH, I do remember telling Linux that I did not, and did not want to have,
my clock set to GMT, that it was local time.  How is Linux changing my date
/ time, and why?  It doesn't seem to happen every time, mabey only after
running dselect and installing stuff?  not sure I have only noticed it a
few times, usually because some software complained or I happened to look
at the clock and notice the error. 

any ideas?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

monitor rates for X

1998-04-20 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III

I Do not have a manual for my monitor, but I want to push my resolution 
X higher.  I have searched the net, but I can't find the horizontal and
vertical rates for it.  my monitor is:


If any one knows the horizontal and vertical rates for this monitor I could
really use them. I am stuck in 640X480, I don't want to damage my monitor
by running rates it can support, but I strongly believe it is capable of a
few higher res modes...

ALSO:  I am left handed, but I can't figure out how to set my mouse buttons
for left handed use.  (GPM  X) 


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PINE Debian Package

1998-04-20 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III

I am looking for a debian package of PINE, does any one know where I can
get one?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Printer now printing properly HOWTO suggests magic filter?

1998-04-18 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III

I was reading the HOWTO for printing (which was quite helpful) and it was
telling me I needed filters to get my printer to behave (it prints in the
staircase method)

this is 
not printing 
the way it should be

Print out:

this is
not printing
the way it should

As I said the HOWTO said something about using filters to fix this, and
that the magic filter (by B.A. McCawley) was available on the net.  (This
filter seemed to cover many formats, which I would like to support.) Is
there a way I can get a Debian package and use dselect to install it that
will be magicfilter / do the same thing as magicfilter does? Or do I
already have one? I have the Official Debian 1.3.1 Binay and Source disks
from lsl.com,  perhaps they contain magic filter in a Debian package?  

Also, I would like to recompile my kernel, I have done this with Slakware,
durring its install I told it to install the kernel source, once in the
system I changed to the soucre directroy and ran make menuconfig, how do
I do this in Debian? 


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

X video problems

1998-04-17 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III

Thank you to every one who helped me out with the mouse/modem problem,
both now work.  :)

I now can get into setup for X, I ran SuperProbe, which returned my card as 

Trident gui 9680
(with 2048 ram)
 so in the setup I picked Trident gui 9680 (generic)
I took the default settings for the Monitor horizontal and vertical sync
rates, because I do not have a book for my monitor PIXIE PBC-1450 (and I
hunted the net but never found any place that had my settings eighter)
 It ran the server, but the background was think gray and black vertical
lines, and after accepting the settings so were the xterms etc., none were

Whats wrong?  is it my monitor settings, and if so does any one have the
magic numbers for my monitor?  

thanks again,


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

debian 1.3.1 troubles

1998-04-16 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III

I have been trying to get Debian to run on my computer.  I have be able to
get Slakware 3.4 to run, but I would prefer Debian.

I have a modem that is com2 in DOS, a PS/2 mouse connected to the PS/2
connector on my motherboard, ( Slakware recognized the mouse as /dev/mouse
(type PS/2) ) but I never tried the modem there.  

Debian will not work with my mouse or modem. I installed several times and
the last time I left on the system, and wrote down what I did/ was asked to
do ect. 
here is what I did on my final install:

- means the computer typed this
= means I typed this
# means comments or simple stuff

I had a trashed install of Debian, used a rescue disk resc1440.bin on A: to
 new system, did the following:

selected color monitor
-install asks config keyboard
=us qwerty
-init and activate linux swap (linux swap and native partitions exist)
= init /dev/hda9 as swap
- scan it
=no ( already did that today several hours ago prev install:} )
- you sure you want to init loose data
-init linux partition
= /dev/hda6 as native
=no (for reason above)
-mount /dev/hda6 as root?
= yes
-install OS kernel and modules
-install medium?
=cdrom ( / dev/hdc)
-select base archives
=default stable
-config device drivers
-select category
= misc
- lp1 at 0x0378, (polling)
-Installation succeeded
-PS/2 auxiliary pointing device detected -- driver installed.
-Installation succeeded
-serial driver version 4.13 with no serial options enabled
-tty00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
-tty01 at 0x02f8 9irq = 3) is a 16550A
-Installation succeeded
=exit ( done w/ these modules)
=exit (done  w/ modules)
-config network
-host name?
- connected to network?
- install base system
( goes through the where install form I pick the CD {/dev/hdc})..
-select base
=default stable
(it installs it)
-config base
(asks for tome zone { I pick America/New_York, with N for GMT})
-boot from HDD?
=yes ( accidentally, then canceled my way back to the menu where it asked
to make a boot floppy, made a boot floppy instead)
 - reboot system?
(booted w/o the floppy to make sure I didnt kill my DOS system.. then
booted with boot floppy)
(while booting I noticed that it said something about the PS/2 mouse, it
said device detected, driver installed)
#chagned root password , created a user ryder made a pass word for ryder#
- Shall I install shadow passwords?
- hit enter to run dselect
#selected the cd for the access for distribution top selected / (seemed
to work
) for non free I used /contrib ( again seemed to work) for local used /
(seemed to work) for local packages file used / (seemed to work) selected
update (seemed to do it except for /var/lib/dpkg/methods/mnt/ 'invalid
argument BUT /var/lib/dpkg/methods/mnt//stab
le/binary.. and several other paths involving /var/lib/dpkg/methods/mnt as
of their path worked)
selected Select in the menu,
went with the standard packages Dselect suggested and added:
1)lrzsz (x/y/z modem)
2)DDD ( visual debugger) * it requested lesstif  xpm4.7 which I added
3) mc (midnight commander) * it requested libgpm1 I added it
5)xserver-vga1 (includes xserver setup program) * reqs: xbase , xfntbase ,
 , I added them
7) xringd
(I then chose to install, which it started doing, after a while it came up
with some questions which follow:)
-config file ' /etc/syslog.conf'exists replace w package version
- put the META key in minicom config file 
- installing xring
-error modem device not found
-configuring gpm
-actual config is: -m /dev/ttys0 -t bare
(as I understand this is like com 1, and is a micorsoft 2 button mouse,
which ins 
not mine so I changed it)
-do you want to change anything (Y,n)
-where is mouse?
-what type
=responsiveness (normally not needed)
=just hit enter
-additional arguments?
=just hit enter
test (y/N)
-Actual config: -m /dev/mouse -t ps2
-do you want to change (Y/n)
-error starting gmp error /dev/mouse : no such file or directory
-config inews[Y/n]
-make English default [y/N]
-Current default x server /bin/false found.
- do you want to make SVGA the default instead? (y/n) [n]
-Do you want to create XFree86 config? 
=n ( last time I did this I got in there mouse never responded and I got
stuck had to boot, started over)
- do you want to make VGA16 default server
(asked me again about Xfree, told it no don't config it now)

# some grep error about no configfile for xwindows#
#asks me to set up send mail set it up w local mail only, set root mail to
go to
 user ryder ,sent a test message#
#set up American as default dictionary#
-config file '/ect/X11/Xserver' exists replace from package default is no
-confg '/ect/init.d/xdm ..
-config Xfree86?
-Xfree config will not be created , to create it later run
re as root
-start xdm at boot time 
=n ( would like to later, 

IBM ThinkPad w/ Debian Linux 1.3.1

1998-03-31 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III

I am thinking of buying a IBM ThinkPad 755CD and want to know if Debian
Linux 1.3.1 ( which I just ordered) would work well on it (graphical/ CD
ROM/ sound /etc. support)

here are the details that I do know about the 755CD:

IBM ThinkPad  755CD
 Processor (CPU): Pentium
Processor internal clock speed: 75MHz
Processor manufacturer: Intel
 Math co-processor: Built-in
 L1 internal CPU cache: 16KB
 L2 external CPU cache std/max: 256KB / 256KB
L2 external CPU cache type: Write-through
 BIOS type: Flash APM-aware
Audio chipset make  model: Mwave MDSP2780 DSP
  Audio data width: 16-bit
 Fax/modem: Via DSP
   Communications features: Infrared ports (2) (IRDA compatible)
   Screen type: 640x480
   Screen type description: TFT - active matrix 
Contrast ratio: 100:1
   Screen illumination: Toplit
Max resolution on built-in screen: 640x480 65536 colors
 Max colors or grey shades: 65536
External display supported: Yes
Max resolution on external display: 1024x768 256 colors

Graphics subsystem
Graphics type: 1024x768
 Graphics chipset: Western Digital WD90C24A2 (Rev.D)
  Graphics data width: 32-bit
Video RAM std/max: 1MB / 1MB
   Video RAM type: DRAM
   Max resolution: 1024x768 256 colors
   Max colors: 65536
   Graphics bus interface: VESA
Pointing device
 Pointing device type: TrackPoint III 

If this computer will not work well with Debian Linux 1.3.1 I would not
buy it, but I found it at what I think is a good deal ($695, w/ 850Mb hdd,
and docking station) and though it would make a good portable programming /
work horse. (I'm a computer science student at USM, we program in C++ using
Emacs/G++/DDD )

thanks in advance for any suggestions / advice


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support for IBM ThinkPad 755CD

1998-03-30 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III

I am thinking of buying a IBM Thinkpad 755CD laptop.  Is it supported
under Debian Linux?  


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