Re: Hyper Threading

2003-11-02 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Mon, Dec 01, 2003 at 11:41:08AM +0100, Marco Cecconi wrote:
 Hello, which woody kernel supports Hyper Threading? I've read somewhere 
 that 2.4+ kernels support this feature but how? Is a SMP build 
 sufficient? How does linux support HT, dual processor style (like e.g. 
 Win2000) or natively (like e.g. WinXP)?

I'm using 2.4.22 on some dual P4 Xeon systems, and /proc/cpuinfo reports
there being 4 cpus.  I haven't done any benchmarking to determine if
there's really any benefit to hyperthreading in normal usage.  Building
the kernel with -j4 was faster than with -j2, but it's been a while
since I ran the same test on a non-hyperthreaded dual CPU system.  It's
possible that it would be faster even without the hyperthreading.

I don't recall doing anything special to enable support for
hyperthreading.  The kernel is built for the P4 architecture and SMB
support is compiled in.


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Re: Teergrubing (Was: Bouncing emails via procmail)

2003-09-16 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Wed, Sep 10, 2003 at 03:22:05AM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
 Speaking of teergrubing has anyone come up with a method of doing so with
 exiscan-acl in Exim4?  Now that Andreas compiled it in I'm considering moving
 SA processing from sa-exim to exiscan-acl.  I can get the temp and permanent
 rejections that sa-exim provides but don't see a clear cut method of

The current exim4 makes it easy.  See section 37.11 of the the spec
document.  Specifically look for the delay keyword that you can use in
any ACL.  I think (based on the colors used on the HTML spec document)
that this is a very new feature, probably added with or since exim 4.20.


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Re: Kernel 2.5.69 compilation issue ...

2003-08-15 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Fri, Aug 15, 2003 at 01:49:08PM -0700, Brian Nelson wrote:
  This is my first attempt on this kernel business, so be kind ... please ...
  I recently downloaded through dselect kernel-source-2.5.69. I followed the 
  procedures from
 If you're not a kernel hacker, you really shouldn't be messing with
 development kernels, especially if you're new to building kernels...

...Especially not outdated ones.  There is no reason for anybody to run
2.5.69.  And if there is, well, you know precisely what it is and why
you can't run any of the several more recent devel kernels or 2.6.0-test
kernels, and you have the skill to debug issues that may arise with it.


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Re: perl 5.8 for stable?

2003-08-14 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Mon, Aug 11, 2003 at 04:20:22PM -0700, Maria Rodriguez wrote:
 I've checked (now that it's back up) ;-) and didn't see
 anything, but I was just wondering if anyone knows of anywhere you can
 add to your sources.list that has perl 5.8 backported for woody.  I
 didn't think that it would have been that difficult to find, but it is
 really proving to be.

I don't know about an apt repository for a newer version of perl, but I
can tell you that I've solved the need for it by installing perl
manually in a different location.  Something like /opt/perl5.8 or
/usr/local/perl5.8.  What you can then do, when building CPAN modules,
is run e.g. /opt/perl5.8/bin/perl Makefile.PL, and build and install the
module normally.  Everything will be properly installed in /opt/perl5.8/
and will be available for that version of perl.  '/opt/perl5.8/bin/perl
-MCPAN -e shell' also does the right thing.

Then you can leave the standard perl in place for any Debian tools that
might not like the new one, and still use the new version where you need

I've been doing this for well over a year now, and have found it to be
far more simple than one might expect.


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Re: Clipboard is bent

2003-08-14 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Tue, Aug 05, 2003 at 09:16:29PM +1200, cr wrote:
 (Next instalment in the fixing-my-desktop saga)
 Not sure if I should be asking on this list or a Gnome list, 
 but can anyone tell me where to start investigating my clipboard?
 (I'm running Woody, and Gnome 1.4.)

I was really annoyed by the default X copy/paste settings in KDE as
well.  My problems were fixed by configuring Klipper, the KDE clipboard
manager.  Right-click on the clipboad icon oon your KDE panel and select
Configure Klipper.  My annoyances were fixed by setting the
Synchronize contents of the clipboard and the selection option.  That
option seems to make copy/paste consistant across different GUI
toolkits, while the alternative seems to make a distinction between
normal X copy on select clipboard behavior and KDE explicit 
Edit menu-copy behavior.

I'm not sure if this option is the root of your problems, too, but it
sounds like it could be.  It certainly resulted in inconsistant
clipboard behavior for me.  Or rather, I guess it was *consistant* but
certainly not consistant with the way X behaves normally.


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Re: 2.6.test02 fails to compile...riscom8.o

2003-08-04 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Mon, Aug 04, 2003 at 11:05:47PM +0200, A. Loonstra wrote:
 I've installed a debian woody system with a gnome2.2 backport. Basically 
 it's a fresh install. I wanted to compile 2.6-test02 and created a 
 config from config-2.4.18-686-smp config and enabling the 2.6 features 
 by hand.

You probably don't want to do this on woody.  At least procps and
e2fsprogs are too old.  Additionally module-init-tools is not available
(at leaast, not as part of the official distribution).

 What's wrong???

It *is* a beta kernel, and a fairly early one, at that.  It's quite
possible that the driver you're trying to compile is buggy.

Documentation for reporting kernel bugs is available at


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Re: kernel-source-2.6.0-test1?

2003-08-04 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Mon, Aug 04, 2003 at 03:29:51PM -0500, Marino Fernandez wrote:
 I cannot help you with the debian way... that I found more complex than the 
 regular way.
 Download a pristine kernel (get 2.6.0-test2)
 cd /usr/src
 Untar kernel in /usr/src
 mv linux linux~
 ln -s linux-2.6.0-test2 linux
 make menuconfig or make xconfig
 make modules_install
 Put bzimage in /boot, rename it vmlinuz-2.6.0-test2
 Update lilo or grub

Please tell me how that is less complex than

$ cd kernel source dir
$ fakeroot make-kpkg --config menu kernel_image
$ sudo dpkg -i ../kernel-image-whatever the version was.deb
$ sudo reboot

I just don't get it.


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Re: Future Debian default MTA?

2003-07-31 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 01:51:35PM +0100, Mark C wrote:
 Will or would either of these be removed or replaced in the forseable
 future of debian versions?

Neither is going to be removed from the Debian archive as long as
somebody is willing to maintain them.  I have no doubt that they will
receive the necessary attention from the Debian developer community.

There was talk on debian-devel recently about which mailer would be the
*default* on sarge (Debian 3.1 or whatever number it ends up getting),
but that really doesn't need to affect your decision.  They'll all still
be available and well integrated with the rest of the OS.


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Re: Suggestions on choosing an IMAP server

2003-07-16 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 08:28:56PM -0400, Neal Lippman wrote:
 A drawback to cyrus is that, last time I checked, both stable and
 testing included only an older version of cyrus; the most recent (2.x)
 series is only in unstable. 

There's an unofficial backport to woody.  Don't let the word
unofficial scare you: it's by the same guy that produces the official
packages.  So the quality is all there.

I second the vote for cyrus, except that it's likely to be overkill for
most peoples' needs.  If you're not hosting mail for hundreds of users,
you'll never see cyrus at its best.  It's a very fast and powerful
server, capable of scaling across machines to be basically about as big
as you need it to be.  It can handle light loads just fine, but courier
may be easier to figure out if you don't have any experience with either
of them.


Description: PGP signature

Re: what happened to freeswan?

2003-07-15 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 11:28:30PM +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
 also sprach Mike Fedyk [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003.07.15.2304 +0200]:
  Unfortunately, what they are doing to keep the possibility of the
  US government trying to take action against them, has caused the
  mainline kernel developers to refuse to include their work in the
  mainline kernel.
 I haven't followed this at all. Is there a comprehensive link?

Basically what's happening is that FreeS/WAN very emphatically refuses
to accept any contributions from US citizens.  The David Miller, who is
basically *the* Linux network stack guru, is a US citizen, freeswan's
position didn't sit well with him.  Of course, the kernel developers
could have forked freeswan; why they didn't I don't know.

Basically, you have to look at freeswan as a political statement as much
as as a security tool.  If you know much about security, you can easily
see why opportunistic encryption, which is basically where freeswan
fucuses its efforts, is useless as a security tool.  They're doing it
for the politics, with security as a side effect.  This isn't
surprising, when you look at what the freeswan founder has done in the

I'm not saying that I don't trust FreeS/WAN's security or the people who
develop it, or that I disagree with the politics.  FreeS/WAN is a very
well written piece of code that I use regularly.

One cool thing to note is that Herbert Xu has created patches for the
freeswan userland code that allow it to work with KLIPS or the native
Linux IPsec.  That way you should be able to gradually move to the new
IPsec code, rather than have to worry about changing (and configuring
and debugging) the userland and kernel stuff at once.  See the linux-net
archives for more info on this.


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Re: what happened to freeswan?

2003-07-13 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Sun, Jul 13, 2003 at 02:59:04PM +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
 Rene isn't answering my mails. What happened to the FreeS/WAN kernel
 patches? kernel-patch-freeswan-ext is gone, and
 kernel-patch-freeswan is back to 1.96 (with 1.99 being the current
 version). Moreover, freeswan-modules-source seems to be new.
 I hope that Debian doesn't expect people to run FreeS/WAN only as
 a module. Most of my productive machines don't have module support,
 so I'd be doomed.

Yeah, I'm not too happy about how freeswan is handled right now, either.
Basically, all the changes you're seeing are the result of the packaging
of freeswan 2.0, as far as I can tell.  There was a debconf note shown
during, IIRC, the installation of the latest freeswan userland package.
It warned of all the stuff you're complaining about.

Fortunately we won't need freeswan anymore, once Linux 2.6 is out (or if
you want to use linux 2.5).  But still, I thought the old freeswan
packages worked very well, and the new changes do seem to sacrifice some
of the package's usefulness to me.


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Re: Debian rpm

2003-07-08 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 10:28:33AM +0800, Louie Miranda wrote:
 I just installed a rpm deb package manager, I just wonder. If I
 installed an rpm package where would it go? I mean don't it get
 confused on two package manager?

It very well could work with no problems.  On the other hand, if the
rpm you're installing provides a library or some other dependency, dpkg
won't know about it, and will thus complain when you try to install a
package that depends on it.

Using alien to convert the rpm to deb is usually the recommended way to
install Redhat software on Debian.  This still won't get you around all
possible dependency problems, but at least you won't have to worry about
managing two package databases.


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Re: mantis security upgrade breaks user configuration

2003-07-07 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 02:26:12PM +0200, Alexander Meyer wrote:
 i learned from the debian-security-announce mailinglist that mantis (a
 php bugtracking system) has insecure permissions on the configfile that
 stores the database password. so i did an 'apt-get update ;apt-get
 upgrade' and was quite surprised, as this upgrade didn't just fix
 permissions on this file, but overwrote it without asking. it took me a
 while to find out what happened, and even longer, to restore the
 settings i had in this file, because the update didn't even bother
 backing up the original configuration.

Yuck.  I've talked to Matt Zimmerman about this (he prepared the
security update).  This problem is not introduced by the security
update, but is instead part of package as prepared by the maintainer.
They apparently don't list the configuration file as such, so dpkg will
happily over write it.  That's definitely a bug and must be fixed by the
Debian package maintainer.


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Re: Serial terminal program?

2003-07-01 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Tue, Jul 01, 2003 at 08:18:49PM -0400, Michael D. Crawford wrote:
 Is there a serial terminal program for Debian?  One that will talk out an
 RS-232 port? I couldn't seem to find one searching in dselect or's online package search.

How 'bout minicom, ckermit, or gkermit?


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Re: Raising Debian Awareness

2003-03-26 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Wed, Mar 26, 2003 at 10:48:54AM +, debian parisc wrote:
 I'm trying to get the corporate suits to look at debian for some of our 
 existing hp, sparc and intel platforms. What I need to understand is how it 
 is being used out there.

You may find very helpful.


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Re: default permissions on /root

2003-02-28 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Fri, Feb 28, 2003 at 01:39:51PM -0500, Jeremy Gaddis wrote:
 i guess i wrongly assumed that a distribution that's usually
 somewhat sane would have somewhat sane permissions on a directory
 such as /root, which i consider sensitive, so to speak.

This topic comes up fairly regularly.  On Debian lists and elsewhere.
Somebody just recently posted a similar complaint about NetBSD on one of
their lists.

The thing is, nobody has ever offered a compelling reason for changing
the default.  By default there's certainly nothing secret in that
directory.  You're certainly free chmod it.  

Personally, I don't see why you'd need to keep anything in that
directory at all.  Scripts and things like that should go in
/usr/local/{bin|sbin} or some other easily deduced, fairly standard
location to make life easier on the next guy in the event that you end
up passing admin duties on to somebody else.


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Re: IPv6 subnet?

2003-02-27 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 08:29:57AM -0500, Robert L. Harris wrote:
 I ended up doing this:
 auto eth1
 iface eth1 inet static
 up /sbin/ifconfig eth1 inet6 add 2001:470:1F00:465::1/64
 up /sbin/route -A inet6 add 2001:470:1F00:465::0/64 dev eth1

That's not really what you want.  You can have both a iface eth1 inet
static and an iface eth1 inet6 static stanza in your interfaces file.
They won't stomp on each other at all.


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Re: IPv6 resolvers?i

2003-02-14 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 09:50:32PM -0500, Robert L. Harris wrote:
  Try 'host -t'.
 Ok, that resolves.  Now if I put:
 hosts:  files dns
 I can ping6 a machine on my local lan.  If I put dns first it doesn't
 resolve properly.  

I think it must be something on your DNS server's end.  You don't need
to do anything unusual to Debian to make it ask for  records.

Which ping6 are you using?  Are you using the one from iputils-ping or
the unofficial hacked up netkit ping6?

If you still can't get it going, you may wish to use tcpdump and/or
ethereal to look at what requests and replies are going over the wire.
Ask for help with that if you need it.


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Re: IPv6 resolvers?i

2003-02-13 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 03:33:39PM -0500, Robert L. Harris wrote:
 I'm trying to get IPv6 running on 2 of my  systems.  One is Unstable,
 the other is Stable.  On both of them I do a:
 host (ip6 addr for a known machine) and I get nothing.


 ; IN  A

You're asking the wrong question.  A records don't point to IPv6

Try 'host -t'.


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Re: kernel-patch-freeswan cryptoapi

2003-01-29 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 02:14:42PM +0100, Francois Chenais wrote:
 I just have install the kernel-patch-freeswan but the building process
 fails because it doesn't find linux/crypto.h.

Hmm...  How did you actually apply the patch?

 The warning message says to install cryptoapi.  I have run apt-get
 install cryptoapi-core-source but what must I do now with the
 /usr/src/cryptoapi-core.tar.gz file ? (I have red the README.Debian
 Perhaps it could be usefull to had a dependance between the 2 packages

There are no dependencies between the two packages.  I've never
installed cryptoapi-core-source, but I run freeswan.  What version of
Debian are you using?  What version of kernel-patch-freeswan?  And
again, how did you apply the patch?  Did you use make-kpkg to try to
build your new kernel?


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Re: Ipsec under Linux

2003-01-29 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 02:04:45PM +0100, Francois Chenais wrote:
   What is the best way to create IPSec under Debian ?

FreeS/WAN.  Install the kernel-patch-freeswan and freeswan packages and
read the docs.  See for general docs on configuring


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Re: Some myths regarding apt pinning

2003-01-24 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Fri, Jan 24, 2003 at 09:23:26AM -0800, Craig Dickson wrote:
  The testing distribution has *exactly* the same problem, as the
  unstable libc is different from the testing libc.
 That's true currently, but it should be temporary, right? (Of course,
 it's been temporary for some time now, but at least in theory, things
 are supposed to propagate from unstable to testing in relatively short
 order unless they have serious problems...)

Why would that be the case?  Every time a new libc is uploaded, it's
going to take time for it to move to testing.  Critical bugs introduced
by the upload might prevent it from moving to testing for a long time,
as we've seen lately, but it should still take a couple of weeks, during
this time testing users will be getting a new libc that they never
explicitly asked for.


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Re: how to maintain /var on a debian system

2003-01-15 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 11:06:42PM -0500, nick lidakis wrote:
 I have tried googling and looking at for this answer, but I
 can't seem to find anything relevant. How does one maintain /var?
 I'm trying to apt-get dist-upgrade my laptop and it's telling me I dont
 have enough space to hold all the debs. df shows 92% used out a 300MB
 partition. /var seems to be slowly filling up, but what can I safely
 delete from var to trim it down?

du -ak /var/ | sort -n | tail

You may wish to move /var/cache/apt/archives to some bigger partition to
get around your immediate problem.  Put a symlink in place pointing to
the new location.


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Re: XP oerrating system

2003-01-03 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Fri, Jan 03, 2003 at 05:31:03AM -0800, Beatrice I. Smith wrote:

 I have the XP home operating system on my PC. Is it possible to
 install the Debian Linux OS on this pc?

Most likely.  Linux supports all common hardware, so unless you've got
some really weird stuff in your PC, it should not present any problems.

You can get Debian on CD-ROM at  Or see for other ways to get it.


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Re: Security Question

2003-01-02 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Thu, Jan 02, 2003 at 03:39:22PM -0800, John Gedeon wrote:
  I have Debian installed on my home computer (3.0 stable version) I want 
 to use it to remote login in to work, however the people in charge of the 
 remote logins (IT) at my work say that Debian has lots of security holes. 

It's unfortunate that people hold such uninformed and biased opionions.
The fact is that the Debian security team coordinates security updates
with Redhat and other Linux distributors and typically releases package
updates at exactly the same time as Redhat.  Can your IT people point to
specifics, or are they just arguing based on an irrational belief?  I
find that the most common misconception is that people believe that a
company is more capable of producing secure software than a non profit
organisation.  Perhaps that's what they're thinking.

 They also claimed that Debian isn't stable in comparison to Red Hat,
 Is Red Hat more stable? From what I have read and understand Debian is
 very stable and secure (at least it is equivalent in security and
 stability to Red Hat). Is this true?

I would actually claim that Debian is more likely to be stable.  Redhat
patches their kernel heavily.  Debian, OTOH, sticks to mostly stock
kernels with few modifications.  Since we stick to the real, officially
maintained Linux kernel source, it's more likely that our kernels
consist only of well tested code that is known to interoperate well.  I
don't think Redhat can make that claim.  Of course, this argument is
irrelevant if you build your own kernels from under Redhat.


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Re: Problem

2003-01-01 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Wed, Jan 01, 2003 at 07:40:46PM +0100, ?iga Dolher wrote:
 woody:/home/zdolher# ifconfig eth0 inet6 add 2001:06b8::0400::::4e34 
 No support for INET6 on this system.

Try running 'modprobe ipv6' as root.  Then try the above command (or
better yet, learn to use the 'ip' command instead of ifconfig).  If it
still doesn't work, then you'll probably have to recompile your kernel
and say yes to IPv6 under Networking Options.


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Re: Debian and IPV6

2002-12-29 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Sat, Dec 28, 2002 at 10:42:17PM -0600, Kirk Strauser wrote:
 Debian's sshd, at least, is not compiled with IPv6 support.  However, I can
 use the ssh client to connect to other (FreeBSD) servers with IPv6-enabled

That's not true.  It is compiled with --ipv4-default, but it can still
speak IPv6 if it is passed the -6 option.

Usually the way to get IPv6 working with Debian (woody, anyway, dunno
about sid/sarge) is to leave the ListenAddress directive completely out
of sshd_config and pass -6 to sshd.  I'm not sure why Russel is unable
to get this working.  OpenSSH 3.5 may be different than the version in


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Re: ALSA working with 2.5.52 and latest module-init-tools?

2002-12-25 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Mon, Dec 23, 2002 at 02:59:24PM +0100, Alexander Koch wrote:
 Is anyone running ALSA and has it working with the 2.5.52
 kernel (and obviously the latest modutils or it may not work
 out anyway)? I would love to get it running.

It seemed to almost work for me, except that none of the /dev entries
existed so I couldn't actually *use* my sound hardware.  I didn't try
devfs.  The modules for my ymfpci soundcard built and loaded with no
problems.  I gave up and rebooted to 2.4, since at the time my objective
was to actually listen to sound, not hack sound support.  8^)


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Re: hesiod

2002-12-18 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Wed, Dec 18, 2002 at 08:58:17AM -0200, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
  I'm sure that if I were to enable notifyd and configure it to use zephyr
  notifications, I'd run in to problems.  But otherwise, there's no reason
 Ok. After that one (read what you wrote), I will only believe you if you
 show me an ldd of notifyd with shows that it is linked to the zephyr libs,
 and that they are not present in the system.  Also, I need the logs of a
 running notifyd configured for some sort of notification (that is not
 zephyr, obviously).

I said I'd run in to problems, not that I'd get undefined symbols or
anything.  I didn't have the Zephyr libs installed when I *built* cyrus
and notifyd.  Thus notifyd is not liked against those libs.  Were I to
try and enable zephyr notifications, I would likely be told as much by

 That will show me that indeed notifyd won't break when the runtime linker
 tries to execute it...  Then I will take the pain to downgrade all that
 stuff to recommends (which will NOT be straigthforward, since I will have to
 muck around with automatically generated shlibdep stuff), knowing that it
 will not break things for anyone.

How about you simply don't link against the zephyr libraries at all?
I'm sure Zephyr sites wouldn't appreciate that, but I wonder how many of
them there are?  I'm not convinced that it's enough to make it worth it
to force all Cyrus installations to install zephyr libraries.  But of
course, that's the maintainer's call.  I'm sure you'll find somebody to
disagree with you no matter which choice you make.


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Re: Alpha installation

2002-12-18 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Wed, Dec 18, 2002 at 10:40:18AM -0700, Ocasio Anthony R Civ 746 TS/TGGIG wrote:
 When I try to boot to either cd using 'boot dqb0 -flags 0'
 it seems to start reading from the cd, but halts after about 40 seconds, 
 the screen changes color, and the last line written to the screen is:  
 SMC37c669 Super I/O Controller found @ 0x370

It is possible that the system is actually booting at this point, but
sending the boot messages to a (nonexistant?) serial console.  But maybe

 When I tried to create boot floppies from the Debian set, (on a linux
 system using dd) I get a smaller block count on the floppy than is on
 the cd for root.bin and rescue.bin and they don't work anyway.  (I'd
 prefer to boot from CD, though.)

What block counts did you get?  Were the floppes DOS formatted?

I can't help you much, but [EMAIL PROTECTED] may be able


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Re: hesiod

2002-12-17 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Tue, Dec 17, 2002 at 09:42:11AM -0200, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
  have Zephyr or Hesiod installed.  Perhaps a softer dependency like
  Suggests or Recommends would be more appropriate.  I'm sure a large
 It would probably cause trouble with undefined symbols when running the
 program.  You can try using dpkg to force-purge the libs you don't want, and
 then see if Cyrus still runs ok.  If it does, file a wishlist bug, and I
 will think about it.

I know it runs fine without zephyr libs installed because I run it
without zephyr libs installed.  The only part of cyrus that needs these
libraries is notifyd, which doesn't even need to be run for cyrus to
work.  And even if you do run it, it can use several other notify
methods besides zephyr.

I'm sure that if I were to enable notifyd and configure it to use zephyr
notifications, I'd run in to problems.  But otherwise, there's no reason
to install the libraries.  Therefore, I do not believe cyrus should have
a hard dependency on zephyr libraries.


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Re: Eterm title magic?

2002-12-17 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Tue, Dec 17, 2002 at 02:09:49PM -0500, Robert L. Harris wrote:
   I know with Eterm -T 'foo' I can set the title for my Eterm, but is it
 possible to have it set to whatever is going on in my Term?  A co-worker
 using xterm has it set up so the title changes if he ssh's to a
 different box, etc.

In zsh, I have a prompt defined:
#based on prompt_suse_setup
prompt_setup () {

  prompt_opts=( cr percent )

  precmd () { 
   print -n \e]2;$USER\@$HOSTNAME:$PWD\a\e]1;$USER\@$HOSTNAME\a
  preexec () { }
prompt_setup $@

The precmd function is what sets the title bar and icon name.
In bash, I did a similar thing with this code:
if [ $BASH !=  ]; then
if [ $TERM = 'xterm' ] || [ $TERM = 'rxvt' ]
|| [ $TERM = 'Eterm' ]; then

The weird thing is that in zsh, I can't get the $TERM conditionals to
have any effect.  precmd() always ends up printing the escape sequence,
even if I'm at the console.  This results in an annoying beep.  If I log
in on the console, I end up manually running 'precmd(){}' to redefine
precmd to be an empty function.


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Re: Debian 3.0 Updated R1 Problem!

2002-12-17 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Tue, Dec 17, 2002 at 11:46:53AM -0800, Account for Debian group mail wrote:
 ps: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open
 shared object file: No such file or directory
 There is a in the lib directory. This is an important
 library - could someone tell us how to fix this problem?

Hmm.  ps and libproc both come in the same package.  There should be no
problems.  Out of curiosity, when you upgraded to 3.0r1, did you use
'dist-upgrade' or 'upgrade' in apt?  I always recomment the former, as
it's the only one guaranteed to ensure that dependencies are updated.

In any case, try 'apt-get install --reinstall procps'.

 We are running Kernel version 2.4.18 that is custom built. We did not have
 this problem before the update, and we did rebuild the kernel after the
 update to see if this would solve the problem.

The kernel should not have any affect on this issue.


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Re: hesiod

2002-12-16 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Mon, Dec 16, 2002 at 10:01:14PM -0500, David Z Maze wrote:
 'apt-cache show zephyr-server'; I assumed since your original question
 was about zephyr you were trying to set it up...  *prods*  Oh, I see
 now: the Cyrus IMAP server added support for sending notification via
 zephyr a long long time ago, so if your site uses zephyr, you can
 request to get a little window pop up on your screen every time you
 get mail.  /usr/lib/cyrus/bin/notifyd appears to do this task, so
 Cyrus depends on Zephyr depends on Hesiod.

Does Cyrus really have to *depend* on Zephyr, though?  It's certainly an
optional dependency upstream; I use Cyrus on FreeBSD at work and don't
have Zephyr or Hesiod installed.  Perhaps a softer dependency like
Suggests or Recommends would be more appropriate.  I'm sure a large
percentage of Cyrus using sites don't run Zephyr and would prefer not to
install it.


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Re: 2.5.50 on Woody

2002-12-16 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Tue, Dec 17, 2002 at 10:18:34AM +0700, arief_mulya wrote:
 But can somebody tells a little fairytale about the new 2.5 
 kernels? Structures, layouts, newbie-readable-changelog?

2.5 is really not for newbies at all.  It is the development kernel
(i.e. unfinished, often broken, constantly changing) that will
eventually be released as Linux 2.6.  For now, though, you almost
definitely do not want it.

The changelog for it (and all kernels) are in Documentation/Changes in
the kernel source directory.  This will give you some idea about what
has changed between a given kernel version and previous versions.


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Re: ACPI and sleep mode

2002-12-13 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Fri, Dec 13, 2002 at 06:52:33PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
 When I tell my laptop to go to sleep, the event is correctly forwarded
 to /etc/acpi/, but it claims it doesn't know what to do to
 put the laptop to sleep. Well, neither do I, APM is disabled.

The ACPI implementation in Linux 2.4 is really not very useful.  I'm not
sure that you can actually put your laptop to sleep with it.  The
problem is that, unlike APM, ACPI relies on the OS itself to go to
sleep, and I don't think any of the 2.4 drivers can actually do it.

ACPI is being completely re-written in 2.5.  There has been talk of
backporting the new ACPI drivers to 2.4, but the 2.4 maintainer doesn't
like the idea since it's so big a change.

 How Do I suspend my laptop to RAM from within Linux?

I think you'll probably have to use APM.


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Re: exim filtering

2002-12-10 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Mon, Dec 09, 2002 at 11:43:55PM -0500, Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:

That is going to warrant further investigation.  Very cool.


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Re: gpg implying potential tampering trouble...

2002-12-10 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 08:00:03PM -0800, alan brown wrote:
 gpg: Warning: This key is not certified with a trusted signature.
 gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.

You should probably read up on some of the concepts behind the web of
trust.  The GNU Privacy Handbook
( is a fairly good place to

Basically what gpg is telling you is that the signature is valid, but it
has no way of knowing that the signature belonged to the person to whom
you expected it to belong.  Anybody can generate a gpg key with somebody
else's name and address on it.  It's up to you to determine whether or
not it's the right key.  gpg allows you to assign trust values to keys
based on a model that is similar to the 6 degrees of separation that
sociologists use.

Lots of documentation is available and it will probably do a better job
of descibing the concept than I.


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Re: build an overloaded linux server

2002-12-09 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Fri, Dec 06, 2002 at 07:53:50PM +0800, Patrick Hsieh wrote:
 For experimental requirement, I want to build an overloaded linux server in 
 which openssh is binding tcp port 22. The criteria is, when a ssh client is 
 connecting to the sshd on the overloaded one, the sshd will take more than 60 
 seconds to respond.(that is, tcp socket established but the sshd hangs over 
 60 seconds)

You could definitely put it on a really slow machine.  Try a Sun SPARC
IPX or some old m68k based Mac.  The fun thing with Debian is that we
support all that old stuff, and let me tell you, it's slooo.  You
could probably get such a machine for free if you know who to ask, or
really cheap if you want to check Ebay.


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Re: exim filtering

2002-12-09 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Mon, Dec 09, 2002 at 03:52:38PM +1100, Rob Weir wrote:
 Another solution is to use spamassassin which does this amongst many
 other tests.  dman has a rather nice guide on his site, IIRC :)

No, it does not achieve what I want.  I do, of course, use spamassassin
and find it extremely useful.  However, in this case, I don't ever want
to even accept the messages from the spammer.  After all, if I accept it
and bounce it it will only go to an unread box at some webmail provider,
which has probably already been shut off or exceeded quota due to this
forgery.  I want to reject the mail as soon as I see mail from: in an SMTP conversation with a non-yahoo host
(excluding my own MX hosts, of course).  Basically, I want the delivery
to fail while the spammer is still connected to my mail server, even if
it's only via some hijacked relay in Korea.

I have written a nice little script that comes very close to meeting my
exact requirements.  It is written in the exim filter language, and can
be enabled in exim.conf with the message_filter keyword.  The script is
attached, in case others find it interesting.  It works with woody's
exim and can either tag or reject forged yahoo or hotmail messages,
depending on which lines are commented out.  I've simply been having it
tag forged webmail, for debugging purposes, but it has worked flawlessly
for me, and I would feel comfortable having it reject them.


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# Only run any of this stuff on the first pass through the
# filter - this is an optomisation for messages that get
# queued and have several delivery attempts
# we express this in reverse so we can just bail out
# on inappropriate messages
if not first_delivery

### flag messages from addresses that lack the 
### X-Originating-IP header that the hotmail servers add.  With
### this in place, forged messages from hotmail should get caught.
### Uncomment the fail line if this works well...
if $sender_address contains and
   $local_part does not contain postmaster@ and
   ${if def:header_X-Originating-IP: {yes}{no}} is no
   logfile /var/log/exim/hotmail.log
   logwrite $message_id from $sender_address to $local_part did not really come from 
   headers add X-Hotmail-Warning: This message did not pass through a hotmail server
   #fail This message did not pass through a hotmail server
elif $sender_address contains and
 $sender_address does not contain [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
 $local_part does not contain postmaster@ and
 $header_Received does not contain via HTTP
 logfile /var/log/exim/webmail.log
 logwrite $message_id from $sender_address to $local_part did not really come 
from yahoo
 headers add X-Webmail-Warning: This message did not pass through yahoo servers

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Re: ipsec (freeswan)

2002-12-03 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Mon, Dec 02, 2002 at 10:32:50PM +0100, Ionel Mugurel Ciobica wrote:
  Have you patched and recompiled your kernel?  You need to install the
  kernel-patch-freeswan package and go through the steps to build a kernel
  that includes it.  The kernel-package package will help you patch and
  build the new kernel, and it's well documented.
 Yes, I builded a new kernel with that patch enabled.

And if you look in /proc/net/ when running this kernel, do you see files
with ipsec in their name?

 Also I don't understand this: Insert the record into DNS, or have a
 system adminstrator do it for you. There is no way that the sysadmin
 will enetr something in the DNS, only because I say so...

You only need to do that if you're using opportunistic encryption,
where cryptographic keys are being distributed on demand via DNS.  I've
never known anybody to use this mechanism.  You either want pre-shared
keys or X.509 certificates for authentication.  The docs on are pretty good at describing the trade-offs between
the different authentication schemes and will help you figure out how to
configure them.


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Re: 2.5.50 kernel compilation problem

2002-12-03 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 11:01:26AM -0300, Miguel Griffa wrote:
 I've been trying to compile the 2.5.50 kernel and after _many_ 
 configuration changes (to make it comilable) I've arrived to an error 
 which I have no clue about.
 after compiling/intalling: request_module[ide-disk]: not ready

I'm not 100% sure about what you're seeing, but the module interface in
the 2.5 tree is in a state of major flux right now.  You are really
going to have a tough time getting the kernel running even if you do
manage to get it compiled (BTW, does the behavior change if you build
IDE disk support statically into the kernel, instead of as a module?).

See for some info about
the problems people are experiencing with the 2.5 tree modules.  Mostly
it's simply that the supporting tools aren't there yet, and the old
modutils package won't work.  If you revert back to 2.5.47 you might not
have these problems.


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Re: Window manager

2002-12-03 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 02:42:20PM -, wrote:
 What is the coolest window manager to use with knowe of KDE?
 Enlightenment and Windomaker look really cool. Much better than W**dows.

KDE has its own window manager (kwin) that is fairly cool.  If you look
at you'll see evidence that it is very
configurable and can look like basically anything you might want.

Last I knew, Window Maker had reasonably good support for KDE, though
the kwin configuration is integrated more tightly with KDE.  I have no
experience with KDE under other window managers.


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Re: ipsec (freeswan)

2002-12-02 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Mon, Dec 02, 2002 at 10:09:39PM +0100, Ionel Mugurel Ciobica wrote:
 I run stable, and I tried the freeswan 1.96, but when I go through the
 documentations it says to run ipsec verify, which give me the error
 that verify is not an option. I took the tar file from freeswan site
 and I did make install. Now I have the verify option, but it says that
 the Pluto service is not working. The solution for it (from the
 documentation) is to run service ipsec start, which I don't understand.
 I try /etc/init.d/ipsec start, but there is no such file
 /etc/init.d/ipsec, same for /etc/init.d/freeswan.

Have you patched and recompiled your kernel?  You need to install the
kernel-patch-freeswan package and go through the steps to build a kernel
that includes it.  The kernel-package package will help you patch and
build the new kernel, and it's well documented.


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Re: What should I do after a power failure?

2002-11-27 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 11:08:49AM -0800, Fred Sloniker wrote:
 I know that powering the system off manually is a Bad Thing (tm), but
 I live in Cowville, so a black-out is always a possibility.  It's also
 possible that my mom would turn the computer off out of ignorance,
 despite my attempts to educate her on computer no-nos.  What do I need
 to do, if anything, to make sure my hard drive isn't hosed after a
 power-off?  Is there an equivalent to the Windows Scandisk-after-crash

It's called fsck and it will run automatically when your computer gets
turned back on.  There are other situations where you may need to run it
manually.  It's get a man page, so man fsck will get you docs on it.

To make it easier on your filesystem, you probably want to use the newer
ext3 filesystem on your machine, rather than the old (and still default)
ext2.  ext3 contains some extra logic to help maintain filesystem
consistancy on the disk at all times, which means that the fs is less
likely to be in a fragile state when the power goes away.


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exim filtering

2002-11-26 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
A particularly effective anti-spam tool that I've see in use is to block
mail claiming to be from a webmail provider (e.g. hotmail) that never
actually passed through a server controlled by that webmail provider.
Has anybody written such a filter for exim that can be run system-wide?
I want to do it in exim because I don't have a global procmail filter in
place and would rather not introduce one if I can get away with it.


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Re: CNAME in DNS: having a cname for a different domain than my domain...

2002-11-26 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Tue, Nov 26, 2002 at 08:33:56AM -0800, Irvin Temp wrote:
snip  A   CNAME   hanz-woody
 vhostbCNAME   hanz-woody
 cname for can i do this at all? or
 i need to setup a
 another zone.. in my named.conf?

Yes, you need to set up another zone for is not contained within, so having it in
the zone is an error.  If you turned up bind's debugging
level it would probably tell you that.


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Re: rescue disk for powerPC (beige G3)

2002-11-25 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 12:34:46PM -0800, Micha Feigin wrote:
 I am trying to run a beige G3 mac (powerpc) with only linux on it (no
 mac-os) which rools out bootX if I can.

I actually don't think this is possible.  The beige G3 seems to occupy
some strange space between NewWorld and OldWorld, and neither yaboot nor
qwik can boot it.  I struggled with this for some time before giving up
and using BootX on a really tiny MacOS 9 installation.  It sucks, but it

[EMAIL PROTECTED] might be able to give you more info,
though I don't think they'll be able to help you get rid of BootX.


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Re: Correction: ext2 vs ext3 vs xfs vs reiserfs

2002-11-25 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Tue, Nov 26, 2002 at 10:18:28AM +1100, Cameron Hutchison wrote:
 There is another tool called xfs_repair that is used to repair XFS

The problem with xfs_repair is that it can't be used on a mounted
filesystem (even mounted read-only).  This means, of course, that if
your root filesystem is XFS and gets screwed up, you're in trouble.
You'll have to boot to an alternate root and use xfs_repair from there.

I also wish that XFS (and others, really) could give some indication
about when data corruption occurred.  I used to run a Debian mirror on
an XFS filesystem, and started getting reports of bad checksums on .debs
pulled from it.  It turns out that the machine went down due to a power
outtage in the middle of a mirror update, which caused all sorts of
filesystem corruption.  When the machine was brought back up, there was
no sign of trouble so I didn't think any more about it.  It turns out
that I should have.

FWIW, that mirror is now running ext3, and I have nothing bad to say
about it.

While on this topic, I was at a presentation on Linux filesystems at the
USENIX Annual Tech.  Conference in California in June.  A lot of
comparisons were done between XFS, ext2, ext3, reiserfs, and JFS.  The
conclusions they presented were that reiserfs is really good with lots
of little files, XFS is really good with multi-gigabyte files, and
ext2/3 are good for all-around stuff.  For the average Linux user (and
that includes the average Linux server), the other filesystems really
aren't going to give you anything that ext2/3 doesn't give you.


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Re: can't cp files from dvd

2002-11-24 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Sun, Nov 24, 2002 at 10:50:38PM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
 Just now, when I tried to cp the *.VOB files from a movie disk
 mounted udf onto /dvd-rw, I got the same Input/output error.

Believe it or not, this is a function of the fact that the DVDs are
encrypted.  I don't remember what the heck it is that you have to do to
actually get enough of a handle on the data to be able to use something
like DeCSS on it.  I saw an interesting talk entitled Decrypting DVD
at MIT a couple of years ago, and this is the first I've thought of it
since then.  Hell, I probably couldn't tell you how to do it, even if I
did remember, without the MPAA sending the FBI after me for a DMCA
violation.  8^(

But whatever the case, you will not be able to copy .vob files from a
DVD using normal tools like cp.


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Re: OT: benefits of preloading libraries

2002-11-21 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Thu, Nov 21, 2002 at 02:57:27PM -0800, nate wrote:
 running a couple google searches I can't find anything useful, I
 was wondering if anyone could explain what the advantage is to
 preloading libraries on a linux system.

I'm surprised there isn't anything on the web about this.  I just
searched google and altavista (remember them?) but came up with nothing.

In any case, loading shared libraries is slow.  Compiling everything
statically would be much faster, but you'd sacrifice huge amounts of
disk space.  Preloading helps to work around the performance hit you
take when using dynamically loaded libraries by getting to load
the libraries prior to runtime, so it doesn't have to work as hard when
you're actually running the program.

It might be interesting to see a side by side comparison of something
big like mozilla or gnumeric with and without preloading.  I suppose if
such a thing already existed we'd have found it in our web searches...


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Re: extra multimedia keys

2002-11-17 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Sun, Nov 17, 2002 at 04:10:22PM -0500, Levi Waldron wrote:
 Is there a way to configure the extra keys on my laptop  - play, stop, FF, RW 
 - to work with a software CD player?  
 I have found the funkey kernel patch -  
 - but is there a Debian way?  (Woody 2.4.18)

You probably don't need to patch your kernel or do anything funky to get
them to work.  At least on my Microsoft Natural keyboard with multimedia
and internet keys, the keys already generated keysyms in X.  They have
names like XF86Standby for the Sleep key, and XF86VolMute or something
like that.

Here are the keys as I've got them defined in my .xmodmap:
keycode 0xEA =  XF86Back
keycode 0xE9 =  XF86Forward
keycode 0xE8 =  XF86Stop
keycode 0xE7 =  XF86Refresh
keycode 0xE5 =  XF86Search
keycode 0xE6 =  XF86Favorites
keycode 0xB2 =  XF86HomePage
keycode 0xEC =  XF86Mail
keycode 0xA0 =  XF86AudioMute
keycode 0xAE =  XF86AudioLowerVolume
keycode 0xB0 =  XF86AudioRaiseVolume
keycode 0xA2 =  XF86AudioPlay   XF86AudioPause
keycode 0xA4 =  XF86AudioStop
keycode 0x90 =  XF86AudioPrev
keycode 0x99 =  XF86AudioNext
keycode 0xED =  XF86AudioMedia

Once you've got the keysyms bound, you can do interesting things with
them.  It's usually in your window manager that you do this.  Sawfish
has xmms bindings available, so you can easily bind the multimedia keys
to xmms actions.  It's also pretty easy to get Window Maker to do useful
things with a given keypress.


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Re: Problem with INET6

2002-11-05 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 05:53:53AM +0100, ?iga Dolher wrote:
 I have an problem with the protocol IPv6. I can't install it.
 I don't know, or I have the wrong rpm or I don't know.

I really hope you don't have *any* rpm, as it's likely to be the wrong

 The message that show's to me is:
 Configuring sit0 sit0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such
 No support for INET6 on this system.
 socket: Address family not supported by protocol
 Can you help me?

If you're running the standard Debian kernel, you should be able to run
'modprobe ipv6' and have things work.   Or recompile your kernel and
enable it.


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Re: phoenix + mozilla

2002-11-05 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 08:36:40AM -0500, Hall Stevenson wrote:
 With Mozilla mail/news running, ALL of Mozilla is really running and 
 therefore not saving you anything in regards to memory footprint.

That's certainly not true.  Yes, there is a lot of code that is common
between Mozilla mail/news and the browser, and that code is loaded even
if you're only running mail/news, but the code that is unique to the
browser is not loaded into memory unless the browser is running.  It is
called on-demand page loading and all modern OSes support it.


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Re: Weird problem with self-compiled kernel

2002-11-04 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Mon, Nov 04, 2002 at 09:39:54PM +0100, Patrick Brunier wrote:
 Everything works fine. But the problem is that I can't connect to
 certain sites.  Eg. When I type lynx he tries to
 make a http connection but nothing happens.  Also when I type lynx it goes wrong. All other site I have tried do work
 perfectly.  When I switch back to 2.4.18-bf24 I can connect to the
 sites that don't work in 2.4.19.

There are broken (old) routers between you and the sites you're trying
to contact.  They don't support Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN;
see RFC 3168).  You should disable this in your new kernel.  You can do
so at runtime via something in /proc/sys/net/ somewhere (sorry, I don't
know the filename off-hand.  Take a look; it might be fairly obvious.)
Or you can disable ECN at compile time by removing CONFIG_INET_ECN=y
from your .config.

See for some useful info about ECN and why
old routers behave the way they do.  RFC 3168 is at


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Re: Microsoft's plans to kill open source: TCPA

2002-11-03 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Sun, Nov 03, 2002 at 07:32:16PM +0200, Johan Ehnberg wrote:  
 Yes, you really sound like you've attended a Microsoft talk. :=). 
 Congratulations, you have been brain washed.  

Hardly.  Read RMS' comments on the issue.  He, too, was at the MS talk, 
and I hardly think he's been brainwashed.  He does not seem to fear MS  
killing open source software to a particularly great degree (at least,
that's not his primary reason for opposing it.  He sees that the
possibility is there, which it is).   

 The fact stands: Linux won't maybe load at all on a TCPA enabled  
 hardware, eventually. And TCPA can't be completely turned off.

Paranoia.  Unfounded paranoia.  Besides, it's only the x86 CPU vendors
that are getting involved in this.  Remember, Debian supports a whole
pile of non-x86 architectures, so even if we ever reach a day where all
new x86 hardware forces users to run Palladium (which I don't think will
*ever* happen) then the worst thing that can happen is that the next
machine you buy will have to be a PowerPC or something.  But I really
don't think that the hardware vendors will go for that, no matter what
MS bribes them with.  They know there's a significant market for x86
hardware that runs non-MS software.  Hell, Intel and AMD both use open
source operating systems themselves, they're certainly not going to do
something to prevent their own machines from running.

 They said Palladium technology stops viruses and spam. Yeah, right.   

Actually, they don't claim that at all.  It won't stop viruses.  If you 
install outlook 2000 or whatever on a Palladium system, you're just as  
vulnerable to Outlook viruses as if you were running on Win98.
Palladium is DRM, period.  It's Microsoft caving in to Hollywood's
demands in such a way that they think they'll be able to turn a profit.
As the speaker at MIT (whose name escapes me) said, it's Microsoft's
attempt to virtualize a single-purpose piece of hardware (e.g. a
hardware DVD player) on a multi-purpose PC.  They don't intent to kill
the multi-purpose PC.

RMS wrote an article after attending the MIT talk
(  In it
he acknowledges that it is possible that Palladium could be used to
prevent open source software from running.  Yes, it could.  But as I've
said, I think it's very unlikely.  He also presents some DRM scenarios,
and those are, IMHO, the real issues with Palladium. That is what's
going to make life miserable for everybody, whether they're Palladium
users or not and whether they run open source software or not.


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Re: where is the potato archive (specifically a potato compatable mozilla .deb package)?

2002-11-03 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Mon, Nov 04, 2002 at 04:24:48AM +1100, brett hennig wrote:
 anyway, i can't see potato at:

It's still in the main archive.
deb potato main contrib non-free

 what i really want is a version of mozilla that
 supports SSL 

You probably need to install the mozilla-psm package.  Look on if you don't find it on the main archive.  But the
version of mozilla in potato is really ancient, and you'd be better off
upgrading to woody or getting a non-Debianized mozilla build from


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Re: Microsoft's plans to kill open source: TCPA

2002-11-03 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
[ I've pruned the giant list of innappropriate and off-topic CCs ]

On Sat, Nov 02, 2002 at 11:57:51PM +0100, Hauke Goos-Habermann wrote:
 Microsoft plans to kill all OpenSource software on hardware level. This
 technology is called TCPA.

FUD! FUD FUD FUD FUD!!!  This is completely all wrong.  Recently a talk
was given at MIT by one of the designers of Microsoft Palladium (their
trusted computing initiative) at MIT.  I was at the talk, which received
lots of coverage on sites like slashdot and arstechnica.

Palladium and TCPA will *NOT* kill open source.  I am going to repeat
that, because some people are too thick-headed to understand.  Palladium
and TCPA will *NOT* kill open source!!!

One of the absolutely fundamental restrictions on Palladium is that
*all* software that runs on non-Palladium system *must* run on Palladium
systems.  Remember that backward-compatibility is the only reason MS has
been able to sustain their monopoly.  You can still run software written
for the IBM XT on your WinXP boxes.  Microsoft cannot throw that
backward compatibity away, and they know this.

Hardware support for Palladium will be user-configurable via a BIOS
setting.  It can be completely disabled.

The only negative thing I see comming out of TCPA is that content
producers (Hollywood, etc) will release copies of their
movies/music/whatever for download in a format that can only be accessed
on TCPA systems.  This is the major threat.  Personally, I would not be
bothered by this.  However, some people might.  For this, I think the
only way to prevent this is to get lots of people to either refuse to
use Palladium or run systems that don't support it.  If the content
producers can say well, we'll happily give up the potential customers
on Linux, MacOS, UNIX, whatever if we can get all the Windows Palladium
users.  They'll only be able to do this if the population of
non-Palladium-using people is small.

There are other negatives to palladium that I certainly dislike, but I
think the above is what's going to be most noticable by users initially.
Palladium is really more about protecting the rights of copyright
holders.  You'll be able to run whatever software you want on it.  In
fact, aside from potential patent issues, I didn't hear anything at the
talk that would prevent anyone from writing an open source
implementation of the Palladium Nexus (which is the DRM pseudo-OS that
runs aside the normal OS kernel).


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2002-11-03 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Sun, Nov 03, 2002 at 02:00:39PM -0500, Raul Miller wrote:
 I don't think that TCPA will kill open software.  But I do think that
 it's part of an ongoing effort to erode the freedoms which are behind
 open software.

Agreed 100%.  I said previously in this thread that I don't care if
content owners start providing their bits only in DRM enabled formats.
Well, that's not strictly true.  I don't personally care much about
content, 'cause I don't think Hollywood puts out many movies worth
watching.  However, I do not like the general trend towards restricting
what people are able to do with published material.  I think this is why
we should strongly oppose TCPA and similar initiatives, not out of fear
that it's an attempt to kill open source.

I don't think that Microsoft is necessarilly the evil bad guy in the DRM
war.  Certainly they're not on our side, but they're only pushing DRM
because Hollywood is pressuring them to.  I don't think MS supports the
CBDTPA (the law that would require all digital media devices to
implement DRM), and I know that the hardware vendors are opposed to it.
RIAA, MPAA, and the like are the ones who really want it.


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Re: Installing new software

2002-11-03 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Sun, Nov 03, 2002 at 05:40:55PM -0600, Shyamal Prasad wrote:
 I actually believe that an upgrade to Woody will not upgrade your X
 Server unless you ask for it (just like it will not upgrade your
 kernel), but I cannot remember if that is a lie.

It will upgrade it, but not accross major version boundaries.  XFree86
3.x won't be replaced with XFree86 4.x.  But you will get the woody
XFree86 3.x packages in place of the potato packages.


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Re: gdm - adding windowmanagers

2002-10-15 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Tue, Oct 15, 2002 at 08:43:26PM +0200, Kenneth Macdonald Karlsen wrote:
 Is it correct in that this enables me to change wich wm I start eg if I
 type startx, or in my case gdm?

wdm replaces gdm.  Like gdm, it has a menu allowing you to select a
window manager to start.  The menu gets populated automatically with all
the window managers installed on your system.  If you install a new one,
it will show up in the menu.


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Re: Woody IPv6 problem finally, really, solved

2002-09-30 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Sat, Sep 28, 2002 at 09:21:37AM +0200, Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:
 However, opinons are divided, and Wichert Akkerman, at least,
 now thinks it is a bug. The question is where the bug really is:
 in all the applications that are now in the process of being
 upgraded to ipv6 (as telnetd and exim have already been) or in
 something central, like libc. My guess is that it is the
 former, but the jury is still out..

The bug is in the getaddrinfo function, not the programs calling it.
Getaddrinfo is responsible for the DNS lookups, and it's not smart
enough to skip the IPv6 lookups on a host that can't speak IPv6.  It
needs to be.

Programs that aren't calling getaddrinfo are buggy... gethostbyname2 is
deprecated and the programs shouldn't use it.  The ones that do call
getaddrinfo should be able to expect it to do the right thing.


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Re: Woody IPv6 problem finally, really, solved

2002-09-27 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Fri, Sep 27, 2002 at 07:38:50PM +0200, Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:
 Are you going to file a bug on this?
 There doesn't seem to be much point in this. When I asked about 
 this on debian-ipv6 (the developers list) no less an authority 
 than Wichert Akkerman said that it was a feature, not a bug.

No, this is a bug.  Or at least, the fact that you can't turn IPv6
lookups *off*, even if you're running an IPv4-only host, is a bug.
There is absolutely no point in performing an extra DNS lookup when you
can't even use the result.  Since DNS lookups are expensive, this can
lead to a fairly noticable performance hit.


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Re: idiosyncratic ln not making hard links

2002-09-25 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Wed, Sep 25, 2002 at 10:33:15AM -0500, Elizabeth Barham wrote:
  | :~$ touch k
  | :~$ ln k y
 Any idea of what might be causing ln not to work correctly on my

Try running strace on it:
strace ln k y

Look for indications of obvious brokeness.  And, as has been said
already, unmount the filesystem and fsck it.


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Re: xfs_repair: bad primary superblock - bad magic number !!!

2002-09-24 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Tue, Sep 24, 2002 at 05:15:21PM +0800, Patrick Hsieh wrote:
 I am running woody with 2.4.19 and xfs patch for 2.4.19 from SGI ftp
 site. Whey I type xfs_repair /dev/hda, I got the error

The filesystem isn't directly on /dev/hda is it?  I would hope it's on a
partition on that drive (/dev/hda1 or something).

 Is there something wrong? Should I unmount the filesystem before
 performing xfs_repair?

I don't think xfs_repair will work at all on a mounted filesystem.
This, IMHO, makes it next to useless if you want to take advantage of
the fast recovery afforded by the filesystem journal.  Metadata is
journalled, which means that the filesystem can be quickly brought up
clean.  However, there are no guarantees about actual *data*, and the
only way to check the data seems to be to run xfs_repair, which is no
better than running a long fsck at boot time.

I hope I'm wrong about that, but that's what my experiences have been.
I was using XFS on a Debian mirror, which crashed one day.  After
bringing it back up, people started complaining about corrupt packages
on the mirror.  The filesystem had to be runmounted so I could run
xfs_repair on it...  I have no idea how you'd handle such a situation if
you were using XFS on your root disk...


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Re: filesystem error???

2002-09-24 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Wed, Sep 25, 2002 at 11:54:13AM +0800, axacheng wrote:
 love:/# xfs_repair /dev/hda1
 xfs_repair: /dev/hda1 contains a mounted filesystem
 fatal error -- couldn't initialize XFS library
 love:/# xfs_repair /dev/hda1
 those mean,i should be use boot my system from cdrom than use
 xfs_repair to check/repair /dev/hda1 again???

Yup.  Kinda makes you wish you had used something other than XFS for
your root filesystem, huh?  It was enough to make me ditch it on a few


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Re: IP datagram analyzer

2002-09-19 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Thu, Sep 19, 2002 at 11:57:23AM -0400, Kevin Coyner wrote:
 I'm new to Debian and only a 1 yr vet of Linux, but 100% in the Penguin
 camp now, and looking for a GUI type of program that does IP datagram
 analyzing.  Can anyone make any suggestions?  The equivalent that ran on
 Windows was Shomiti, which let you look at a datagram broken down by
 words and bits.

You want tcpdump and ethereal.  ethereal is in many ways a GUI frontend
to tcpdump, but it's more than that.  Play around with it a bit.


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File size limit exceeded in mkfs

2002-06-26 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
I'm running in to a weird problem when running mkfs on a 52 GB
filesystem.  If I run mkfs when logged in as root on the console, it
works.  The filesystem is created and everything is good.

However, when I tried mkfs in other situations, it failed.  The output
debian:~# mkfs  /dev/sdh1
mke2fs 1.25 (20-Sep-2001)
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)
Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
6553600 inodes, 13107024 blocks
655351 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=0
400 block groups
32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
16384 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks: 
32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736, 1605632, 2654208, 
4096000, 7962624, 11239424

File size limit exceeded

This behavior is entirely reproducible.  It occurns when logged in via
ssh (either as root or as a user sued to root, or as a user with sudo).
If I log in on the console, either as root or as a user sued to root, it
works; I am able to create the filesystem.

This problem has been seen before.  The best explanation I've seen of it
is in,
but no solution is included.

This is a potato system upgraded to kernel 2.4.17.  Has anybody seen
this before?  Is it fixed in woody?  I don't have a large disk that I
can sacrifice via mkfs in any of my woody systems.


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Debian beer at USENIX?

2002-06-10 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
If anybody here's at USENIX this week or otherwise in the Monterey, CA,
USA area, give a yell.  We should get BoF session scheduled or just go
out for beers.

And don't forget to go see Bdale's Guru Session.


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uname -p?

2001-10-16 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On every Linux box I've ever used, uname -p prints 'unknown'.  This has
never affected me in the slightest, but every once in a while it occurs
to me that I still have no idea what it means.  I assume I could somehow
make it print something i686 or something, although this is what's
printed by uname -m.  The docs indicate that the info gets read from the
running kernel, so maybe it's something I have to configure when
compiling the kernel.

On my Solaris machine, uname -m prints sun4u, while -p prints sparc.  So
maybe uname -p could print 'ia32' or something like that...  I dunno.
I'm curious.


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Eterm's terminfo entry

2001-07-20 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
I am experiencing some frustration at the hands of the Eterm terminfo
entry.  I have a sid system, which uses Eterm 0.9.1.  This version of
Eterm sets $TERM to Eterm, and a termcap file is included in
/usr/share/doc/eterm/Eterm.tcap.  I've compiled this file with tic and
installed it correctly.  Eterm is now recognized as a real terminal
type.  However, it is *ugly*.  Many characters are not displayed
correctly, but are substituted with (usually) the letter 'q'.  Here's an
example, taken from the first few lines of dselect's package listing:

q All packages q
qqq Obsolete and local packages present on system qqq
q Obsolete/local Optional packages q
qqq Obsolete/local Optional packages in section base qqq

So this is clearly not working quite right.  Can anybody shed some light
on the situation, or point me to the correct docs to read?


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xv alternatives

2001-07-06 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
Since xv is being removed from the distribution, I would like to find a
new image viewer to use.  Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find one
that's as good as Xv.  eeyes seems pretty nice, but I refuse to install
the necessary GNOME libraries to make it work.  I grabbed the source to
see if it might be possible to build it without GNOME, but it can't be

I've tried xzgv, but that doesn't seem very useful.  It doesn't seem to
be able to modify images at all, or convert between formats.

The features I really want are:
1. Lots of easy keyboard commands (Tab  Backspace were great in XV)
2. Intelligent scaling (I liked the zoom maxspect feature of XV, where
   it would zoom as close as possible to the screensize without changing
   the aspect ratio).
3. Simple image manipulation algorithms.  I especially like the smooth 
   algorithm, which would attempt to smooth out rought edges that
   resulted from scaling an image.
4. Simplicity.  I don't want to have to install CORBA to get an image
   viewer.  I want a nice, simple image viewer.  I use the GIMP, but
   that's much bigger than what I'm asking for here.

So what do people here like?


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RAID, fs labels, and fsck

2001-07-02 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
I'm working on a test machine which is running an XFS filesystem on a
software RAID0 volume.  The XFS filesystem has a lable (foo).  In
/etc/fstab I have the following entry associated with it:

LABEL=foo   /mntxfs defaults0   0

Since the last field listed is 0, I expect the XFS filesystem not to be
fscked at boot time.  This is intentional as fsck.xfs is essentially a
big nop.  However, at boot time, I do not see the behavior I expect.  In
fact I get an error that halts the boot sequence.  The error is 
Couldn't find matching filesystem: LABLE=foo

fsck fails and I'm prompted for the root password.  If I hit CTRL-D to
skip the root login and proceed with the boot sequence, everything
continues as expected and the RAID filesystem is mounted as it should

I tried adding -t ext2 to the list of options passed to fsck in
/etc/rcS.d/ hoping that it would cause fsck to completely
ignore xfs filesystems listed in fstab.  But that didn't help;
apparently fsck still wants to actually confirm that the filesystems are

I disabled the boot time fsck completely by adding exit 0 to the top
of, which works.  That work around is OK since I'm using
all XFS filesystems, but it would obviously not be acceptable if I was
using a combination of filesystems.

It seems like the problem is with the interaction between fsck and RAID,
though it doesn't seem like that should be the case.  The RAID subsystem
is initialized before is run.  Is it a bug in fsck?  I'm
using the version included with e2fsprogs 1.20-0.bunk, part of Adrian
Bunk's collection of packages for using kernel 2.4.x with potato.  Has
anybody else seen similar behavior?  Did you find a fix for it?


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Re: rlinetd security

2001-06-19 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Tue, Jun 19, 2001 at 09:30:56AM -0700, Pat Moffitt wrote:
 My real concern is for people like me.  I know a lot about computers (over
 20 years of experience).  But, I don't have much experience with security.
 I don't know a lot about many of the packages in Linux.

That's partly why I don't like the argument that, for example, if you
don't want rpc.statd running, just uninstall nfs-common.  I work in an
environment where there are hundreds of Linux installations directly
connected to the Internet.  There is no firewall, and, in general, no
ports are filtered by the routers.  Andybody is free to install their
own system and do with it pretty much as they please.  The problem is
that most of the time they don't really know what's running on their
system.  They don't know about editing inetd.conf, they don't know about
portmap and NFS, and some of them are only just now leaning (the
hard way) why 'xhost +' is bad.

These people will install Apache on their machine, see that it works,
and start using it as a production web server.  There is nothing to
force them to turn off unnecessary services.  It might make my life more
difficult if they came to me every time they installed a new system and
asked why Apache wasn't working, but I'd prefer that to having them come
complain when I shut their access off due to their machine being cracked
via rpc.statd, which they've never even heard of.

I am certainly not claiming that these people are competant sysadmins,
or that a sysadmin would experience the difficulties that they do, but I
am claiming that the majority of Linux installations are run by people
with this level of expertise.  As it gets easier and easier to install
Linux, we're going to be seeing less and less competant people doing it.
They're going to get in trouble.

 As I write this it becomes a little clearer to me that we need to protect
 the net and ourselves.  This may make it harder for the newbie to learn (and
 more work for us when we install).  I would have to recommend that the off
 by default would be the safer policy.  (But then again, who am I?)

Well, maybe off by default is not the way to go, but not installed by
default is.  If somebody needs NFS, they know it, and with that
knowledge can easily search dselect for appropriate packages.  If they
don't need NFS, they don't necessarily know it, and don't necessarily
know that they need to disable or uninstall packages to get rid of it.
I think this is really a better way to go.


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[OT] quick CVS question

2001-06-13 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
I thought I found the answer to this question a while back, but I either
misplaced it or was mistaken.

Basically what I need to do is create symlinks on a source check out.
The repository contains a file foo, and I need a symlink bar - foo.  Is
there any way to ensure that this link is created every time the source
tree is checked out?


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Re: Linux equivalents of Visual basic and Visual C++?

2001-06-08 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 11:18:29AM -0400, Sebastian Canagaratna wrote:
   Are there any programs around for linux which provide the sort of
   programming environment given by Microsoft Visual Basic and Visual

Look in to kdestudio, as part of KDE 2.0.x.  I don't actually use it,
but from what I've seen of it it's probably what you want.  You don't
actually need the full KDE desktop in order to use it, either.

You may wish to either compile from the KDE source distribution or get
the source package from unstable ('sid').  KDE 2.0 was not yet released
when we released Debian 2.2.


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Re: switching from lilo to grub

2001-06-08 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 11:00:30AM -0700, Peter Hicks wrote:
 I wanted to make the switch from lilo to grub, and I was wondering what the 
 proper procedure is. It could be as easy as apt-get install grub could it?

Mostly it is.  You'll want to get grub from woody or sid, though, as it
comes with a handy script ('grub-install') that's not available in the
potato version.

Once it's installed, consult the docs for info on how to write
/boot/grub/menu.lst.  It's the file that defined the contents of the
graphical menu that you get at boot time.  It's pretty simple.  On one
of my machines, it looks like this:

timeout 10

title ant
kernel (hd0,2)/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda3

The docs describe how to set it up.


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Re: HELP - wmakerconf blew my menus away!!!!

2001-06-07 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 11:10:40AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How do I get my menu's back?  This has become a real pain not having any.

Check ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/menu.  Try moving it out of the way
completely and copying /etc/X11/WindowMaker/menu to its place.


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Re: wmaker and it's icons

2001-06-07 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Mon, Jun 04, 2001 at 12:35:59AM -0300, Sergio E. Schvezov wrote:
 hi this is kind of a simple problem  (i guess), i'm having some trouble
 when i resize the icons from 64x64 2 48x48, the applets don't resize with the
 icons and they seem useless as they are bigger than the icons that hold them, 
 any help apreciated

I don't think you can resize applets without changing code.  The
dimensions of the dock app are typcically deeply rooted in code, and it
would take a lot of work to get them out.  In the case of a dock app
that draws text, for example, the text is simply pulled from a pixmap
which is compiled in to the dock app.  You may be able to get the code
for the dockapp, scale all the involved pixmaps to the desired size, and
re-compile, but I doubt even that would work.  You'd need to change the
code which actually lays out the display and get it to put things in the
right place now that everything is a new size.


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Re: Unidentified subject!

2001-06-07 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 12:44:40PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there an easy way to install EVERYTHIG that comes
 in the Debian Cd´s 

It doesn't make any sense to install everything.  Many package are
contradictory.  Many are simply redundant.  Why would you install exim
if you've already installed sendmail, for example.  There's really no
situation where you'd want to install both.  If you look at the
descriptions for a few package, you'll find that there are some that
specifically conflict with other Debian package.  The package management
system simply won't let you install them together.

But...  It is possible to install a very large subset of packages.  If
you look at the package listings in dselect, you'll see that you've got
several priorities.  This include required, standard, optional
and extra.  Debian policy dictates that no packages from required,
standard, important or optional conflict with each other.  Packages that
conflict with a package from these priorities must be moved to extra.
So, using dselect, you can select a line that represents a section
heading (e.g. Available Optional packages in section net).  If you hit
the '+' key on that line, all package in that section will be marked for
installation.  So you could go to the category header marked Available
Optional packages and hit '+'.  This would install *ALL* the optional
packages.  Do the same thing for Standard and Important.

I don't see why you'd want to do that, though.  How many window
managers, editors, and pagers do you really need?  Do you need emacs19
*and* emacs20?

But hey, if you really want to...


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Re: Currency of packages

2001-06-03 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 08:51:07AM -0700, Nate Amsden wrote:
  I'd like to hear how Debian old-timers work with this.
 we deal with it. i run cyrus imap 1.5.x and many other old packages
 from stable. they are in stable for a reason..they are stable :)

I don't agree.  I think stable is an innapropriate name.  The prime
example for this is slink, which included GNOME 0.3.something.  This was
released after GNOME 1.0 came out.  Let me tell you, there was nothing
at all stable about GNOME 0.3 ever.  I wish we could come up with
better terms than stable, testing, and unstable.  I have yet to think of
any, though.

In answer to the original question, deb-src lines in your source.list
are extremely helpful.  They will get even better once woody is
released, since apt-get will handle not only binary dependecies but
source dependencies.


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Re: High Load Average

2001-06-03 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Sun, Jun 03, 2001 at 11:18:41PM -0300, Jordi S. Bunster wrote:
 91 processes: 89 sleeping, 2 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
 CPU states: 68.7% user, 31.2% system,  0.0% nice,  0.0% idle
 Mem:  257856K av, 229104K used,  28752K free, 103600K shrd, 
 73192K buff
 Swap: 128484K av,  0K used, 128484K free
 86696K cached

This (along with the process list copied from 'top') is not enough.  I
suspect that you have several processes in state 'D' which is
uninterruptable sleep.  Run 'ps auxwww' and search for any 'D's in the
STAT column.  They won't be using any CPU, but if they're hanging out in
that state they could indicate some other kind of problem, possibly
hardware related.


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Re: Port Sentry

2001-06-02 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Sat, Jun 02, 2001 at 08:51:46PM +0530, Rajkumar S. wrote:
  Now when portsentry detects a port scan it blocks the ip making the
 Is it wise to block an ip just because it did a port scan?
 What if s/he spoofs the ip and puts your ip as source address?

This is the real problem, and is a very good reason not to block IP
addresses based on a portscan.  Very few large scale sites do anything
of the sort.  It is trivial to spoof the source address of a portscan,
allowing one to cause your machine to block access from your nameservers
or your clients or other important sites.

I recommend using ippl or the ipchains/iptables based logging facilities
in place of portsentry.  They don't necessitate having a service
actually listening on unused ports.


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2001-06-01 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
Does anybody know what happened to ORBS? simply
shows Due to circumstances beyond our control, the ORBS website is no
longer available.  There's no further explanation.


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2001-06-01 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 11:21:37PM +0200, Robert Waldner wrote:
 On Fri, 01 Jun 2001 12:04:27 EDT, Noah L. Meyerhans writes:
 Does anybody know what happened to ORBS? simply
 Well, according to Alan Brown they were served with 2 NZ High court
  injunctions ordering the removal of several ORBS listings against
  sites inside New Zealand.
 I´d guess a connection there.

I would think so as well, except for the fact that their database is
still working.  It seems that only their web server is down.

It's odd.

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Re: IPv6

2001-05-31 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 09:33:35AM -0500, DvB wrote:
 I've noticed that the debian installer includes the option to add ipv6 
 support to the kernel. Are there any advantages/disadvantages to adding 
 this to a workstation? Would it break compatibility with the current 

No, adding IPv6 support will not break compatibility with any IPv4
stuff.  However, unless you know you'll be doing IPv6 work it won't do
you any good to add support for it.  Since at this point IPv6 work
basically means IPv6 development, testing, debugging, etc you definitely
already know it if you need it.

Additionally, there are (last I knew) some problems with IPv6 in Linux
when inserted as a kernel module.  It only works right when compiled in.
This info may be outdated though.

If you are interested in doing IPv6 work, check out the debian-ipv6
mailing list.


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Re: anyone going to USENIX?

2001-05-31 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 07:49:40AM +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
 We've had a Debian Bof at the last 3 Usenixes (Usenices?), so it'd be
 a reasonable idea.

Excellent.  Hopefully we'll be running a booth in the expo so we'll get
to meet there anyway.  I will be helping to run the booth, but I don't
think I've got enough free cycles to think about hosting the BoF.  I'd
love it if somebody stepped up and organized something though.

 So how 'bout a quick show of hands from people who think they'll be
 I've held back from saying this until now, as it wasn't definite, but
 there will be a couple of us from the UK - me and Dave Swegen.

Excellent.  It sounds like there will be a pretty decent number of
Debian people there.  I live in Boston and would be willing to lead some
excursions to some local pubs or restaurants.


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Re: udma100

2001-05-24 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 06:48:51PM +0200, Sebastian Ezequiel Ovide wrote:
 where can I download the floppy set to install Potato in my machine with
 udma100 ?

On your favorite debian mirror.  Try

for example.  (sorry about the extra long line).


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Re: /etc/rc* and locate

2001-05-24 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 08:16:26PM +0100, john gennard wrote:
 which locate (after updatedb) shows as being present when in actual
 fact they are not there. I did not remove them by hand, it was only
 when trying to do so that I found this situation.
 Does anyone have any explanation of why this is so?

Locate uses a database that is updated nightly on Debian.  If those
files existed last night, but are gone today, then locate will still
show them to you.  Most likely they were deleted automatically when you
uninstalled the package.


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Re: About PGP signatures

2001-05-23 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Wed, May 23, 2001 at 03:43:47PM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:

 get a real mail client that supports RFCs.  the relevant RFC is 2015

 i reccommend mutt

Supporting RFCs is fine and should be encouraged, but from what I've
seen there is not another mail reader in existance that can verify
mutt's attached signatures.  I wrestled with this for a very very long
time when switching to mutt.  I've read the mutt developers' reasons for
why inline sigs are bad, but when doing things the right way breaks
things for everybody else, that's a bad situation.

I know mutt people just come back and say well everybody else is
broken, but that argument just doesn't hold weight with me.  Maybe mutt
needs to wait until the rest of the world catches up to it, or, if the
world has no intention of ever catching up to it, maybe the RFC needs


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Re: About PGP signatures

2001-05-23 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Wed, May 23, 2001 at 01:51:18PM +0100, Eddy Young wrote:
 copy/paste the message to TkPGP to verify it. *But* the signature is
 from the message; so, how do I actually verify the

What you're supposed to be able to do is save the attached signature to
a file (say 'foo.sign') and the signed message to another file (say
'foo.asc').  Then you should be able to run 'gpg --verify foo.sign
foo.asc'.  Let me know if that works, though, because as I've said
elsewhere, I don't think anything else can verify mutt's attached
PGP/MIME signatures.


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Re: need help with ALSA / soundcard

2001-05-22 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 07:57:40PM +0200, vester wrote:
 i'm using a vaio notebook with a yamaha ymf-754 soundcard on
 debian/testing. i compiled the
 modules (i know that the last one is the correct module for my soundcard,
 because it worked with my old suse system) and succesfully loaded the
 modules -- however i didn't hear sound with xmms

# modprobe snd-card-ymfpci
# modprobe snd-pcm-oss
# modprobe snd-seq-oss
# alsamixer

Use alsamixer to un-mute the channels and set the volume to the level
you want it.


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Re: need help with ALSA / soundcard

2001-05-22 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 08:33:21PM +0200, vester wrote:
 modprobe gives me a Can't locate module output to all three of them...

Run depmod -a, followed by modprobe -l to list the available modules.
If you don't see the right modules, you'll have to rebuild them.

What I normally do is get the ALSA stuff directly from ALSA.  The
packaged stuff from Debian just seemed to complicate things, and often
meant that you were using an slightly outdated version of the code.

Get the alsa-driver package from  When
building it, use ´./configure --with-cards=ymfpci' to tell it to build
the drivers for your Yamaha chipset (I've got the same chipset in my
VAIO).  'make', 'make install', 'depmod -a', followed by the commands I
mentioned previously, and you should be all set.


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Re: broken man pages

2001-05-22 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 02:06:50PM -0500, Andrew D Dixon wrote:
 stiq:~# man man
 man: can't create a temporary filename: Permission denied

man cannot write to $TMPDIR (or /tmp if $TMPDIR isn't set).  Permissions
should be 1777 on /tmp.


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Re: need help with ALSA / soundcard

2001-05-22 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Wed, May 23, 2001 at 12:36:12AM +0200, vester wrote:
 modprobe snd-seq-oss says:
 /lib/modules/2.4.4/misc/snd-seq-oss.o: init_module: Device or resource
 Hint: insmor errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters,
 including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
 alsamixer says:
 alsamixer: failed to open mixer #0/#0: No such file or directory

Run the snddevices script that's included with the alsa-driver package.
I believe that is mentioned in the INSTALL file.


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Re: modutils

2001-05-22 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Wed, May 23, 2001 at 09:29:05AM +0700, Oki DZ wrote:
 If I did depmod -a then /lib/modules/2.4.4/modules.dep would become 0
 in size.

What version of modutils are you using?


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Re: Thermal throttling?

2001-05-21 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Mon, May 21, 2001 at 09:35:35PM +0600, V.Suresh wrote:
  What does the Thermal throttling option mean, in the BIOS setup?
  It has values like 25%,50%, 87% etc. What's its significance?

It means that you have a Pentium 4 that has the cabability to slow
itself down when it gets too hot.  Hopefully you've got a decent fan on
it, though, and it won't ever actually get hot enough to matter.

I'm not sure if 25% means that it gets throttled back by 25% or if it
gets throttled down to 25% of maximum.


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2001-05-20 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Sun, May 20, 2001 at 12:36:02PM +0200, Mao's Brüderle wrote:
 PAM [dlerror: /lib/security/ : cannot open shared object 
 file: No such file or directory]
 PAM adding faulty module: /lib/security/

If you're using wdm as your desktop login manager then the problem you
see has been fixed in a more recent version and you're running a really
out of date unstable.  Upgrade wdm and it will go away.

If you're not running wdm, then remove any references to that module
from the files in /etc/pam.d.


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Re: Problem with netgear card

2001-05-19 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Sat, May 19, 2001 at 03:19:07PM -, Brian Schramm wrote:
 gcc -DMODULE -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O6 -c natsemi.c 
 from the bottom of the natsemi.c file.  My file placement is standard for the
 kernel.  I have a link to the 2.2.19 source directory by the name of linux.  I
 have the drivers stored in the /usr/src/module directory.  

Try adding -I/usr/src/linux/include to the command line.  Something like
this should do it:
gcc -DMODULE -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -I/usr/src/linux/include \
   -O6 -c natsemi.c

Keep that all on one line.  If modversion.s is there then this will tell
the compiler where to get it.


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Re: Problem with netgear card

2001-05-18 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 01:04:13PM +, John Griffiths wrote:
 I've always just loaded the tulip module on install with those cards and sat 
 back to enjoy the ride

Err, no, the netgear FA-311 and 312 are not tulip cards.  The 310 is.
The 311 and 312 are based on the national semiconductor (nominal
semidestructor) DB83815 chip.  Completely different, not compatible, not
tulip based.

You actually can build your driver and not recompile the whole kernel.
You need to get the kernel sources that correspond with the kernel-image
you're running.  Get the source from the web page that other have
mentioned and follow the instructions for building it, taking care to
ensure that it gets its kernel includes from the directory containing
the Linux source for the kernel that you're running.  Then copy it to
the right location in /lib/modules/, run depmod -a, then 'modprobe


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