Re: newsgroup, instead of mail list?

1998-05-23 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 23-May-98 skrifar Ed Cogburn:
 I have to agree here.  Remember, this mailing list is being used by
 new to Debian and probably Linux as well.  A 'real' newsgroup would be better
 than a simulated one for those of us who can't/won't use something like emacs
 with gnus.
  The problem with news servers, and reading threads like this one there, is
for the home user.  If you have a 28.8 link, or 14.4 link, and start reading
the news, you will be downloading a far greater amount than if you just
subscribe via email.  You'll never have the patience to wait for the whole
news to finish, not to mention that many ISP news servers are simply buggy in
the first place.

  This is why I don't read news, unless I'm at my Uni... then it is both
simpler and faster to browse the news.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Totally off-subject ( And now for something Completely diffe

1998-05-16 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 16-May-98 skrifar [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Now I can't remember where I found it and EVERYONE is
 looking for it from Me?!?! 
 um well..add me to the list...if you do happen to find it...let me know
  I have it here, if you guys want it...

  I got it from the cnn site, somewhere in TECH... don't remember quite
where.  Maybe George Bonser remembers, George, you remember the pointer?

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

Description: PGP signature

Re: [OFF TOPIC] Linus Torvalds, the man of the century

1998-04-13 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 12-Apr-98 skrifar Manoj Srivastava:
   anal jokes? hots? What kind of deranged reality is this
  coming from?
  Look whose talking... the King of Geek world, as the magazines so
well describe it :-)

  You want to continue to be a geek, be my guest :-)

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: [OFF TOPIC] Linus Torvalds, the man of the century

1998-04-13 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 12-Apr-98 skrifar Manoj Srivastava:
   Frankly, most of us have sense enough not to tell people how
  their vbotes are wrong. It is one thing to campaign for a candidate,
  and urge and suggest where to cast ones vote, and it is quite another
  to say your votes are silly and must be cast in another fashin.
  Well, like it or not... your votes are silly.  And that's probably
why Linux people are so often described as geeks.  If you don't like it,
then you should try be non-geek like... but since you do like, accept
being called a geek. :-)

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: [OFF TOPIC] Linus Torvalds, the man of the century

1998-04-13 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 12-Apr-98 skrifar Marcus Brinkmann:
 Yes, he is. I don't think that many of the voters take seriously what
 they're doing. :-)
 If the would, Bill Gates wouldn't get so many votes...
  You'd be surprised how many Bill Gates fans are out there.  And then
I mean _true_ fans.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: [OFF TOPIC] Linus Torvalds, the man of the century

1998-04-13 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 12-Apr-98 skrifar Manoj Srivastava:
   Frankly, most of us have sense enough not to tell people how
  their vbotes are wrong. It is one thing to campaign for a candidate,
  and urge and suggest where to cast ones vote, and it is quite another
  to say your votes are silly and must be cast in another fashin.
  What on earth do you think, that all the political campaigns are
all about? And does the ideology of political party's escape the immense
density of your brain...

  People all around you, are telling you whom to vote.  Because voting is
not about the person on the ballad, but the cause the person stands for,
or DOESN'T stand for. And everywhere around you, people are trying to tell you
how to vote.  They're trying to *show* you the truth about the new world order,
or the reason why a new world order is needed, to sublimically tell you *HOW* to
vote.  By trying to get you to belive that THEY are YOUR PEOPlE IN THE SENATE.

  And... more to the point, when people are in the opposition, not to mention
when they are spread around in small oposition groups.  They often get
together to compare notes, and *ask* their political members *not* to
vote in a certain way... or to vote in another way, for the purpose of
their political gain, or others loss.  Depending on their winning or
losing position.

  All over the world, people are _being_told_ how to vote.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: [OFF TOPIC] Linus Torvalds, the man of the century

1998-04-12 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 11-Apr-98 skrifar Marcus Brinkmann:
 I consider such voting as meaningless, unimportant and irrational. If it can
 serve to push Linux forward, it has at least one good effect.
  You say that you don't take this seriously, but non the less you expect
to gain something by your scheme... that sounds serious enough to me.

  We have to take some responsibility for the world we live in.  It may
not be to our liking, but we live in it...

  The people in this world have about as much intelligence, generally, as
a rat.  They take drugs, walk around thinking they have an IQ of 180,
laughing at a cat walking on the side walk... because they hallucinate
and think the cat is pink. Downstairs I have a pair that live their days in
drug-dreams, and wake up twice a day to moan and groan and bang the walls in...
even the kids in the neighbourhood are starting to immitate the groans.  I've
been so *fortunate* to have my person publicly humiliated, and have to live
my existance bypassing some moron, who just *has* to make some anal jokes
about it.  *That* is the general main stream intellect...

  So, this may seem irrational to you... but do you think, even for a single
second, that someone who hallucinates about the cat... lives in acid dreams,
bangs the walls in with the kids watching, or people who even publicly show
a character of less value... do you think for a second, that they have even the
slightest ability to take this rationally?

  Everything and every vote you make has a side effect.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: [OFF TOPIC] Linus Torvalds, the man of the century

1998-04-12 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 12-Apr-98 skrifar Britton:
 I am not ashamed to admit that I think Linus and the system and philosophy
 he has come to represent are extremely important.  Linux is more than a
 great OS, it's the largest and most advanced technological achievment of a
 group of volunteers in all of history.  Ford was almost a Nazi, and
 McArthur, though useful, was hardly an original article.  Personally I
 think the world would be a much better place if an advanced math or
 science degree was a prerequisite for public service.  Repeal the nativity
 claus!  Linus for president! 
  Yeah, I'd really love to see my old math teacher as some serious
public candidate.  Geez... now there was a luny toon if there ever was
one.  :-)

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: [OFF TOPIC] Linus Torvalds, the man of the century

1998-04-11 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 10-Apr-98 skrifar Marcus Brinkmann:
Total Percent
richard rogers 636494 7.42
henry ford 555916 6.48
douglas macarthur 474770 5.53
bill gates 468605 5.46  --- We can beat this poor rating!
howard hughes 351237 4.09
vehbi koc 350473 4.08
steve jobs 336439 3.92
murat arslan 205791 2.40
  Voting for Linus Tolrvalds is not a good idea.  The man is not a Titan,
in any sense of the word... even less than Bill Gates.

  Making such silly votes, is sure to disrubt the balance and help put
Bill Gates up on the list, or is *that* your intent? to make your
favourite maggot Bill Gates the Titan of the century? Do you have the
hots for the man?

  People like Henry Ford, and Douglas McArthur are far greater Titans,
who are among those candidates people *should* spend their votes on.  Not
on anal jokes, just because they have the hots for'em.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: Windoze 95 is not multi-tasking, it just pretends it is mul

1998-04-11 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 11-Apr-98 skrifar Tristan Day:
 1. Win95 is designed to make the program that you have 'active' (the top
 program you are using at the time) work fastest and gives it max power while
 the background tasks (the ones you've got open but aren't using at the
 moment) have a very small amount of CPU usage and are minimised in memory.
 This can be a complete pain if you're using lots of programs on a server or
 many important, power-demanding programs at once, and is really crummy for
 CAD/CAM and other such programs.
 2. Linux seems to think it's running on several terminals, because you can
 run lots of different consoles at the same time, as if you were only using
 one (eg when you press Control-Alt-F2, F3, etc). Win95 doesn't do this.
  Well, not quite.

  The program you *are* running actively will always be on *top* in memory,
and will have the most CPU usage, as well.  That is irrelevant of the type
of OS you have.  So, in this concern Win95 comforms adequately.

  It's the job *shifting* that's different, and the memory management.
Windows, whatever version... is optimized toward the GUI, so the job shifting
between processes will be the GUI application (Top most) and then other
applications, that will have a far lower priority than any GUI process
available.  This is extremely crummy (as you describe), if you are using some
'daemon' type software under Windows 95... it will be cut down into 20%
because of it.

  And the memory management... well, I don't think anyone needs a lesson
in how *poor* Windows software are where Virtual memory is concerned.  The
way our good friend Bill Gates, obviously thought it, is that if you're in
a position where swapping is needed, you need more memory 'REAL' memory.  So,
Virtual Memory is just bogus in his mind... and just there to remind the
user, that he needs to go out and BUY more memory for his machine, or a
much faster machine (To make up for the poor virtual memory design), or
both... which is the situation most users end up in.

  Well, relatively, the guys attitude towards Virtual memory isn't that
much un-undestandable.  The PC doesn't have bus architechture that will
allow the machine to access any really fast external storage simultaneously
with other IO access.  So, virtual memory will always be relatively slow,
and boil down to the fact that if you need such performance, you should
get the equipment suitable for it :-)

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: Can't get my mouse to work

1998-04-09 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 09-Apr-98 skrifar Matt Kennedy:
 PS/2 Mouse to Mouse Systems and change the location of the device to
 /dev/gpmdata. /dev/gpmdata is a file GPM creates and stores the input from
 the mouse to. This did the trick for me, so I hope it'll work for you.

  I recently got myself a Logitech Mouse Man mouse, which is also a
PS/2 mouse.

  When I set it up, I discovered that even though it is MouseMan, it can't
run with the mouseman protocol, even if you set the device right.  It can
only run as a PS/2 type mouse.  I'd look at the XF86Config file, and
edit the section for the pointer... make sure all other items were removed,
except for Device and Protocol.  Then set the device to /dev/psaux, and
then fiddle with the Protocol, between the options Microsoft bus mouse,
logitech busmouse (mouseman) a plain ps/2, etc.  There are a few of these
protocols, and it's probably what is the bother.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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RE: Anyone got BTTV to work?

1998-04-07 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 05-Apr-98 skrifar [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Works fine here with 2.0.32, X 3.3.2 , Matrox MilleniumII.
 I had some problems with X 3.3.1 (screen locked). ATI Mach 64 was also OK,
 S3 Trio64 was not. I guess you have a problem with your X-Server or Card. 
 Greetings, Ramin

  I was reading a disturbing document on the web the other day, about the
WinTV cards. That some of them have problems with the PCI chipsets on some
motherboards? and that there are situations where it just *won't* work?

  Any thoughts on this?

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Anyone got BTTV to work?

1998-04-05 Thread Orn E. Hansen


  I've been trying to get bttv to work on my Linux box, without any

  Whenever I start it, I get some snow and after a few seconds my computer
locks.  Furthermore, the lines that *are* displayed are only the first
few lines, and it appears that the program is receiving SCERR (from the
booktree chip), or some synchronisation problems that it can't handle?

  I've even installed kernel 2.1.92 with video4linux in the kernel, but
with the same results.  It always gets this error and hangs.

  Since I'm no expert in video code, and I know others have experienced
problems in this area, I was wondering if anyone could share their
experience?  Is this related to the method being used, by the capture
program (i.e. scanning directly into the video memory at the windows
location, instead of into user memory and then have X do it) ?.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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RE: the install that never was

1998-03-28 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 28-Mar-98 skrifar Wolf Logan:
 Any other options? Any possible leads on why this is going on? I don't mean
 to sound ungrateful (I understand this software is free), but it strikes me
 as a little unfriendly for the installation floppy to be completely unable
 to boot. I've scanned the archives, and while I'm not the first person to
 have trouble like this during an install, I didn't find any solutions.
  I haven't followed up on this thread, but could you tell me what system
you are using? the details?

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: Netscape 4.04.... [Read this Please!]

1998-01-19 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 18-Jan-98 skrifar Timothy M. Hospedales:
 My MOZILLA_HOME as well as all the other directories NSN  must find as
 described in the README are already set. :(.However, everyone who has replied
 indicating success seems to be running full hamm. Mine is half bo, half hamm.
 I suspect that the problem is rooted in the half bo, half hamm thing.
 Does anyone run applets successfully in NSN4 under a dual libc5  libc6
  Even if you have a full hamm system, you need to have both libc5  libc6
installed, as the netscape binary is compiled against libc5.  So, I would
answer yes to your question.

  The reason I pointed out the MOZILLA_HOME stuff, is that before I set this
variable, Netscape complained about not finding java.jar, when running applets
and friends.  The reason is, that when it searches under the builtin default
directory of /usr/lib/netscape, it searches under the wrong subdirectory. 
Whereas it will search under the correct subdirectory relative to

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: Netscape 4.04.... [Read this Please!]

1998-01-18 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 18-Jan-98 skrifar Ben Pfaff:
I have been following various messages about Netscape 4.04, and it
seems to me that lots of people's NSN4 don't do Java properly, AND,
(Please correct me if i'm wrong), I haven't seen any successfull
reponses to mine or anyone else's messages about fixing this problem.
So! Will anyone who's NSN4 will do Java applets properly please
respond to this, then maybe we can figure out what those of us whose
Java does not work have missed.
 Mine works fine.  I'm running full hamm, how about you?
  Works fine here too, full hamm.

  For those who are having trouble, you need to set the environment variable
MOZILLA_HOME to the path where netscape is located.  On my machine, it is
located in...


Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: Trying to fix a mistake in upgrading Netscape...

1998-01-17 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 16-Jan-98 skrifar Richard E. Hawkins Esq.:
 err, I wasn't clear.  The only netscape 3 that can be installed is 3.01.
 I haven't even considered 4, after watching it bring a 400mhz, 350meg alpha
 to its knees . . .

  I'm using Communicator professional here, 4.03, on a 486DX/2 66 with 20Meg of
ram.  I even have a libc6 system, with libc5 as alternative runtime
environment, and still the Communicator runs ok.  

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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RE: printing

1998-01-15 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 15-Jan-98 skrifar [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Question for the C crowd: I have a program which I wish to print an ordered
 text file. In the Linux Programmers Guide, the printer chapter shows how to
 directly talk to the printer port. I'd like to be able to send the text to
 appropriate printer filter (and spooler). How would one go about doing that?
  Put the ordered file into a temporary one, and execl 'lpr' on that file,
removing it when 'lpr' is done... or open a pipe to 'lpr'.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: Announce: Simple End-User Linux (SEUL) Project

1998-01-14 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 13-Jan-98 skrifar Matthew Majka:
 Please take Debian and improve the
 installation utilities (I'm a big fan of SGI's 'swmgr'. 
 Anyone want to write a clone for dpkg?).
  I'm a big fan of SGI :-) and it is a good idea to provide a GUI software
manager, preferrably written in C/C++.  There are many tools around to assist
in this, the only stepping stone (IMO) would be the style of the
'available/status' files.  They'd need to be converted to table form on the fly
for database usage.

  Maybe move the
 documentation into a web-based format (HTML) to make the
 current information easier to navigate.  Maybe web-based
 admin tools?
  There have been a few people mentioning their interrest in writing GUI admin
tools, what about them?

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: X-win more effiecient than Win95?

1998-01-14 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 14-Jan-98 skrifar George Bonser:
 On Tue, 13 Jan 1998, Rick Jones wrote:
 This is somewhat incorrect, George.  Yes. X uses a protocol called XDMCP to
 allow xfer's of information, as you have explained, between local and remote
 machines.  And X uses sockets and protocols when used locally.  But it is no
 different than Windows.  They are both Graphical User Interfaces (GUI's).
 Without widget sets and a window manager, Simply running an X server on
 your machine is rather useless.  
  I agree with you on this.  The concept of comparing X with Windows is
bogus.  You could compare Windows with CDE, KDE, but not with X.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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1998-01-14 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 14-Jan-98 skrifar Herr Detlev Scholz \(ODIS\):
 Dear users,
 i m a novice user of debian-Linux. The installation was easy, and
 everythink works well :-). 
 Now i installed the KDE-desktop on the box. The KDE is working well,
 when i start with startx. When i try to aktivate XDM or KDM, the 
 Xserver starts, asks for login but after login it seems that the 
 Xserver crashes and XDM is started again asking for username.
 In the KDE-user-list the problem is reportet few times with 
 RedHat-Dist., but without a solution.
 Has debian the same problem or is it my problem because of 
  After the login on XDM/KDM it starts a window manager, and it is this window
manager that is probably crashing and causing the display manager to reappear. 
Try and edit the first line in /etc/X11/window-managers it is this line that
selects the window manager to run.  Try selecting a different one.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: X-win more effiecient than Win95?

1998-01-14 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 14-Jan-98 skrifar Rick Jones:
 Not true.  1) X MUST be operating to benchmark CDE, KDE, or Afterstep
 etc.  2)
 To acurately benchmark the performance of software 'whatever' you have to
 the processes that are handled by X.  So you would have to benchmark the
 combnation X + window-manager  against Windows.  Besides that, Windows is
 than just a wrapper that beautifys the border of the window and adds a menu. 
 acts as an interface with the video adapter, keyboard, and mouse, as the
  No, Windows is not an interface... and it's a lot more than just a GUI, it's
an operating system as well (as of Win95, WinNT).

  And that's right, you need to compare X+Window manager, not just X which was
the issue.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: PPP 2.3.2 and demand dialing

1998-01-07 Thread Orn E. Hansen
Þann Wed, 07 Jan 1998, skrifaði Jim Foltz:Hello,

 I am seeking assistance in configuring PPP 2.3.2 for demand
dialing. My setup works up until I add the demand option and the remote ip
to the options file. PPP will even initiate the link and will dial only
when there is data to be transmitted, which is the correct behaviour. PPP
then connects and the pc is issued a dynamic IP by my provider. At this
point no internet programs return any data. 
According to the documentation with PPP 2.3.2, it does not support demand
dialing for dynamic IP addresses. Youll still need to use diald for that.

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KDE rough edges

1998-01-07 Thread Orn E. Hansen


  I just tried out an extremely good looking desktop environment, the KDE, but
I've noticed some few rough parts, and would like to know if these were
common problems.

  Whenever I start KFM the file manager, it seems to insist on having an
attached terminal.

  When I start up the panel, and try and change the desktop settings I get
an X error (bad request, trying to access private resources).  And the window
in question dies, the same thing happens when I try to start KFM from the
panel menu, I get an echo in a window (KFM CRASH).

  Since these issues weren't mentioned in the BUG list with KDE, I was
wondering if others running KDE have the same problems?

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Re: fetchmail fails with smtp error

1998-01-06 Thread Orn E. Hansen
 fetchmail: 29 messages at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 reading message 1 (4310 bytes) ..fetchmail: SMTP connect to (null)
 fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from

  Upgrade the netbase and netstd packages.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: [ was wondering if you could help us]

1998-01-04 Thread Orn E. Hansen
 we so far have gotten xdm/xwindows running, but the type size is too
 small to be readable. I think its defaulting to 1024x768 how do I 
 have it resize to 800x600, without losing the ability to switch to the 

  I suggest keeping the 1024x768 screen size, and only changing fontsizes for
those programs that appear small.  The reason is, that most X programs are
built to reside on 19 screens and 1280x1024 resolution, and will have their
windows far outside the 800x600 resolution.  Which will make them difficult to

 smaller size. what we see after logging in on the xdm login screen is
 a title bar in the upper left corner and what looks like a tic-tac-toe
 board in the center of the screen. clicking on the title bar produces 
 a xterm in center of the screen but its small and not scaleable. I'm

  All xterm's are normally 80x25 in size, which is a normal size for a console
display.  If you have difficulty seeing the text, then point the mouse inside
the xterm window, then press and hold the CTRL key and right mouse button at
the same time until a popup menu appears.  You can then release the CTRL key,
but hold the mouse button down and move the mouse over the popup menu and
select a different font for the xterm.  This way you can select a different
font for your xterm, in the range (tiny,small,medium,large,huge).

 we'd like to try other window managers... what is available and
 (what directories if on the 'offical' CDs or non-free) where 
 if not. 

  They reside in the binary/X11 directory I'd think.  There are,
   fvwm2- a very nice window manager.
   afterstep- a NextStep clone... the original was better.
   fvwm95   - a Win95 look-a-like... the original is better.
   twm  - the standard X window manager, simple 2D manager.
   olwm - Open Look, the pre-Solaris window manager from Sun.
  this is Version 3.2... unfortunately the Open Look
  desktop environment didn't become really usable until
  version 3.3.
   mwm  - Motif Window Manager clone provided by lesstif...
  again, the original is better.

  Many people use Linux, merely for net-support... and then use their Windoze
machines as desktops, but if you intend to use Linux as a Workstation, I
suggest getting CDE, and motif 2.0.  These are commercial programs, and provide
a good desktop environment, *similar* to what you can find on SGI and Solaris.

 we'd like to set up netscape... we saw there is an installer package,
 presumably the actual tarball comes from what do I
 need along with that? during the installation of the basic system 
 I told the the install script to load the module for java binaries.
 what other packages do I need besides the installer package for
 netscape and the actual netscape tarball?

  You don't need support for java binaries, to use netscape.  Netscape comes
with a restricted Java interpreter, and uses that.  You only need support for
java binaries, if you intend to compile and run java programs on your system
outside netscape.  Some will tell you it is a nice feature, and probably is if
you are a java developer.  I read somewhere that Sun was going to produce a
Java chip, something like the old BASIC CPU's, which will run java code.  Don't
know if they have, nor if it is only available for Sun machines, but who
knows... maybe the name change Solaris-Slowaris is a java,tcl/tk,perl feature?

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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RE: libc6-dev depends on kernel-headers-2.0.32-2

1998-01-02 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 02-Jan-98 skrifar Tim Bell:
 Okay, I read the libc6 mini-HOWTO (thanks Scott), and it's worked until
 I got to installing libc6-dev 2.0.6-2, which depends on kernel-headers
 (or kernel-source) 2.0.32-2 or greater, which I can't seem to find
 anywhere. ( only has 2.0.32-1, dated Dec 9.)
 Any ideas here? (I was tempted to do a --force, but I remembered Scott's
 advice to NEVER do a --force when upgrading to libc6, so I'm stuck.)
  Yeah, well... you can install kernel-headers 2.0.32-1, which is available,
and which installs cleanly, and then do the force.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: Best Dual PPro Motherboard?

1998-01-02 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 02-Jan-98 skrifar Ian Keith Setford:
 I am in the market for a dual PPro board and I am looking for suggestions!
 I would prefer a board with on board UW SCSI and SDRAM but I'm not sure if
 the Natoma (440FX) chipset supports SDRAM.

  If you're looking for processing power, place SDRAM at a higher precedance
than a Pentium II or PPro.  With normal 60ns RAM, your memory bus rate will be
at 16.67MHz, while 10ns SDRAM will allow upto 100MHz access rate... huge

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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DOOM - broken pipe

1998-01-01 Thread Orn E. Hansen

  Has anyone gotten DOOM to work?  Here, the program starts, but when I try to
move the cursor, or press any ke, after the Menu comes up the program stops
with the message 'broken pipe'.  Any ideas?

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: DOOM - broken pipe

1998-01-01 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 01-Jan-98 skrifar Joey Hess:
 What version of doom are you using? Do you have doom-musserver installed,
 and if so, what version? Do you have a sound card?

  The problem was, that I am using NAS to network'ize my soundcard, and that
meant doom couldn't acquire the card.  Whenever I move the cursor in the menu,
there is a sound, which is why it broke.

  There is a sndserver for NAS, and I compiled it.  It seems to work ok, but it
would be better if it was possible to set a variable to point to it, so you
don't have to overwrite the original sndserver, which provides far better

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: DOOM - broken pipe

1998-01-01 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 01-Jan-98 skrifar Joey Hess:
 You can edit your ~/.doomrc, and there is a line in there that lets you
 configure the path to the sndserver.
  yeah, I took a peak at the source and found the M_LoadDefaults routine, and
some of the keywords.  The 'key_fire' is especially interresting, since I'm
using fvwm2 the CTRL key kinda bumps me into the next desk on occasion :-)

 It's interesting that it crashed when it couldn't start sound. I've
 succesfully run doom on a computer with no sound card, and it didn't crash.

  That's probably because it has a soundcard, one that is locked by NAS, but
it runs ok without a sound, if the soundriver is missing.  It would be neat to
have a '-nosound' option, as I discovered that it is faster without sound.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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1997-12-27 Thread Orn E. Hansen

  This game just made it resently into Debian, and I tried it... but so far I
haven't gotten past the level, has anyone else?

  There is one daimond at lower left corner, trapped behind three rocks, and
obviously your supposed to snap it quickly before the top rocks falls on you. 
However, I'd really like to know if anyone has been able to do that... as it
doesn't seem to be responsive enough on my computer?

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: Xfree86 question

1997-12-25 Thread Orn E. Hansen
 Hi! I am a new Linux user converted from Windows NT. :).
  I have a 17 inch monitor, but my XFree86 insists on displaying in an
 approximately 15 inch rectangle of my screen. How do I configure it to fill
 the whole screen?
  You do that with your monitor... it has functions on it, to make it wider,
and taller.

  Also! Is there an equivalent of Microsoft's file manager for X
  Equivalent? No, and god forbid...

  There are several file managers... one really good, which I think just made
it into Debian, is Xplore.  But, to acquire such managers that work completely
you need to purchase motif, and/or CDE.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: a single command

1997-12-25 Thread Orn E. Hansen
 Is there a command to delete all files and subdirectories within a
 directory. For example, I have the directory apps in my home directory.
 Lets says apps has 7 files and 2 directories.  With one command, how can
 I delete the apps directory and all its contents.  I looked at the man
 page but didn't see anything helpful.  Thanks.

 rm -fr /home/apps

...or to remove anything inside /home/apps but leave /home/apps standing

 rm -fr /home/apps/*

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: windows

1997-12-24 Thread Orn E. Hansen
 The FILETIME structure is a 64-bit value representing the 
 number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601. 

 It's important, to be able to keep time in nanoseconds on a computer... and as
we all know, 1601 is an important date ;-)

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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ppp 2.3.2 and diald

1997-12-23 Thread Orn E. Hansen

  I just tried ppp-2.3.2 and its demand dialing, only to figure out that it
can't be used with an ISP that uses dynamic IP address for itself and my
machine... bummer.  Now, I have ppp-2.3.2 and diald doesn't work with it, has
anyone been able to get diald to work with it, and then what options are needed
to make it work?

 Merry Christmas everyone,

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Re: ppp 2.3.2 and diald

1997-12-23 Thread Orn E. Hansen
   I just tried ppp-2.3.2 and its demand dialing, only to figure out that it
 can't be used with an ISP that uses dynamic IP address for itself and my
 machine... bummer.  Now, I have ppp-2.3.2 and diald doesn't work with it,
 has anyone been able to get diald to work with it, and then what options
 are needed to make it work?

  To answer my own mail, I just discovered that the reason for the problem was
the netbase package.  I needed to upgrade netbase from 3.00 to 3.01, and then
everything went smooth.

  Perhaps ppp 2.3.2 should be made to depend or suggest netbase 3.01?

Merry christmas!

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: Changing the domain

1997-12-20 Thread Orn E. Hansen
Peter Prohaska writes:
  I have no /etc/domain file on my system...
  could you please search for the package which installed the file?
  Or did you create it by hand?

 There is a file /etc/resolv.conf, and it has a domain and search
part, it should contain your domain name, i.e. the tld to which your
hostname belongs.  Then there is a /etc/hosts file, in it you put your 
hostname, along with the name localhost and your FQDN (Fully
Qualified Domain Name)...

 For what do you need to set your domain name, beyond just for

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Re: Changing the domain

1997-12-20 Thread Orn E. Hansen
George Bonser writes:
  I assumed that file was created during the install process when it asked
  the hostname and domain.

 Probably created for convenience, in line with the /etc/hostname.
The /etc/hostname file has no purpose but to store the hostname to be
then read by the 'hostname' program, that set's the hostname at
startup.  The debian version of it, has a special parameter '-f' that
read's the hostname from a file.

 Maybe a /etc/domain is there for NIS/YP?

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looking for a script to display current location in filesystem

1997-12-17 Thread Orn E. Hansen
cs51wcs writes:
I'm currently trying to figure a way to display where I am in the
  filesystem like in dos, but am having  a hard time. Any assistance is

If you use the tcsh as your shell...

[1:42] Ørn:~  set
cwd /home/oehansen
echo_style  both
gid 50
group   staff
history 100
path(/bin /usr/bin /usr/bin/X11 /usr/local/bin /home/oehansen/bin .)
prompt  %B[%U%T%u]%b Ørn:%~ %# 
prompt2 %R? 
prompt3 CORRECT%R (y|n|e|a)? 
shell   /usr/bin/tcsh
shlvl   2
status  0
tty ttyp2
uid 1000
version tcsh 6.07.02 (Astron) 1996-10-27 (i386-intel-linux) options 
[1:42] Ørn:~  cd bin
[1:44] Ørn:~/bin  set prompt =  Me:%~ %# 

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Pager utility or script?

1997-12-17 Thread Orn E. Hansen
Kevin J Poorman writes:
  I am looking for a way to allow my computer to dial a pager and send the
  number ... I was wondering if anyone had a way to do this via a shell
  script or maybe there is a pager program ?... Debian Package?

Sam Leffler's program HylaFAX(tm) is supposed to be able to do this...

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Core with pthread, libc6, and g++ in child processes..

1997-12-17 Thread Orn E. Hansen
  Any help or suggestions would be appreciated because otherwise
  I'm stuck and can't continue on with my software development.

The version of g++ that is available at debian isn't thread safe.  It
*is* possible to have it work with threads, but as soon as you include 
something like strings, and especially gnu extensions String and List, 
it will break with a core dump.

The answer is, go to and get egcs, which
provides a thread safe c++ environment.  Get the newly released
egcs-1.0 or snapshot egcs-971201, and you're set.  You'll need the
'core' and 'g++', which are about 9Meg, and takes around 4-6hrs to

hope that helps.

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SVGA (X) server stopped working properly.

1997-12-11 Thread Orn E. Hansen
Liran Zvibel writes:
  I accidently ran (the command) X (not startx) and the server showed up
  with no window-manager or anything else (just the dotted gray/white/black
  background and the x shaped cursor) I didn't know how to shut it down so I
  rebooted (since CTRL-ALT-DEL didn't do the job I pressed reset),
  everything works fine BUT X windows.
To KILL X Windows, press CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE.

  The resolution is now 640x400, even though I ran XF86Setup and changed the
  screen to 1024x768 non-interlaced, then edited /etc/X11/XF86Config
  manually and added (even though I used XF86Setup it wasn't there) support
  for 1024x768 and 800x600. When I shut it down, I was that the server
  marked (with (**) instead of (--)) resolutions up to 640X400, and wrote
  that it didn't use 800x600 since it is 50 MHz and my clock limit is 40
  MHz, it also wrote that it dropped 1024x768 from the list (didn't say why 
  - I configured it to 80 MHz) My monitor AND graphic card can do much
  better then 40 MHz.
  Should I reinsatall xbase and SVGA-Server?
  Can I do something else about it? 
  I'm using Trident 8900CL and no-name (non-interlace) monitor that can do
  30-50 and 30-90 for 1024x768 and 800x600.

Even if you re-install xbase, you'll probably end up hand-editing the
config file anyway (I know, I usually have to :-)

Just edit the monitor section in the XF86Config file, and tell it that 
your monitor can use 30-50 Hz horizontal, and 30-90 Hz
vertical. (i.e. HorizontalSync = 30-50, and VertRefresh = 30-90).
Then look at /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc, for the Devices and Monitors
file.  There you will find Modelines for you monitor and card, and
tune your Device section to your hearts desire.  Then, ensure that the
chipset is correct for your Generic SVGA device, and that SVGA is
the X server used in /etc/X11/Xserver (i.e. the first line reads

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56k voice modem for Debian

1997-12-09 Thread Orn E. Hansen
Randy Edwards writes:
  I've got to get a new modem for a Debian machine.  My requirements
  are that it be one of the Rockwell 56k standard ones, of course, that it
  do fax, and I'd like it to be able to handle voice.  What I'd really
  love is to set up a voice mailbox system on my Debian box.
 So I was wondering, is there any such software for Debian to allow me
  to use a voice modem and set up such a mailbox system?  Also, does
  anyone have any recommendations of particular modems which would meet my
  specs above?  I'd appreciate any input; thanks in advance.

There are a few of them...

But if you want a good voice mail quality, I'd suggest making your
own. With most packages you need to get acquainted with it, and that
takes a few days, maybe a week.  About the amount of time, it takes to 
make a voice package.  But, you could take a look at mgetty, which
does provide a vgetty program.

In my case, I installed hylafax on my machine, which provides a very
intensive fax functions (even paging).  I also had a modem with a
cirrus sound chip, that doesn't have any software support on Linux, so 
I programmed an 'egetty' (external getty) for hylafax, that grabs the
call if it's a voice but passes it onto hylafax, if it's fax or data.
The modem itself has all functions for voice mail, it's only a
question of communicating with it in the right order, and then put the 
recording in a maildrop.

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1997-12-09 Thread Orn E. Hansen
Richard Davies writes:
  This is a request for some feedback from current and potential users of GPC.
  I have GPC 2.0 compiled for hamm, built using GCC  The next
  version of GPC (currently 971001) is in beta, but is already more stable
  than GPC 2.0.  There seems to be a few possibilities available.  I could
  package GPC 2.0, GPC 971001 beta, both versions, or wait until GPC 971001
  beta is released as GPC 2.1.  Let me know your preferences, if any, within
  the next few of days and I will then decide which course of action to take.

 I'd say package 2.1 beta, into unstable and 2.0 as stable.  Then
update the beta package when GPC get's released.

 I have a few pascal programs, that would be nice to compile on Linux
and I'd want to use 2.1 as it is more complete than 2.0.

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Re: Sound.o module / Dependancies

1997-12-06 Thread Orn E. Hansen
Jens B. Jorgensen writes:
  Brian Skreeg wrote:
   Hi there peoplewithsound,
   ok, here we go...
   install. no dependancy information error.
  Add the following steps to the above:
  make modules
  make modules_install

 Doesn't help much...

 The only way I've ever got the sound modules to work, is to
explicidly go into the drivers/sound directory and to do 'configure'
there, for the sound.  And then, disabling all other sound cards
except the one I have (no need for the others).

 After that step, go back into building the kernel...

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Q's about upgrading to hamm

1997-12-06 Thread Orn E. Hansen
Christopher Jason Morrone writes:
  Ok, I'd like to upgrade to hamm, because there are some things there that
  I need.  I'm following the libc5 to libc6 howto, but I've got a couple
  The first conflict arose when I tried to install the second package,
  libc6_2.0.5c-0.1 .  It conflicted with the pthreads package.  No biggy, I
  just got rid of the threads.

 First, upgrade your already installed packages to their equivalent
hamm version.  So, start by upgrading ldso, and dpkg.  Then upgrade
libc5, and remove all *-dev packages (and dependant packages).  Now,
you can install libc6, and then upgrade 'base' and 'admin' packages,
and be aware to install the 'g' packages, i.e. ncurses3.4g etc.

 And if you have X installed, you may need to remove them before you
can upgrade to xlib6g.  Anyways, you will have to reinstall all of
them, because X packages for xlib6 won't work with xlib6g.

 I run all hamm, and it works _quite_ well here... a few bugs, and a
few bad packages once in a while though.  But it looks like it's
getting more stable.

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Re: Running defrag in single user mode...

1997-12-06 Thread Orn E. Hansen
Oliver Elphick writes:
  In 10 years of using Unix and Linux I have never had to defragment a disk.
  This isn't a Micro$oft product...
  Can anyone suggest why one might want to defragment a disk in Linux?

 On a related issue...

 Doesn't Unix load data on demand? i.e. when you run a program,
doesn't it just load the first page, and then each page as it is
referenced? and a similar technique for data?

 And besides, since this is a multiuser multitasking system that is
running several programs at the same time, and perhaps even
swapping.  The disk is spinning and the head is going back and forth
more or less all the time, and it is highly unlikely that the entire
data is loaded before the head is moved again. if my memory doesn't
fail :-), doesn't Unix also use a hard disk reading technique that is
far superior to M$ which enables it to read the wanted data between
two endpoints in a single run?

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HTTP background tool

1997-12-05 Thread Orn E. Hansen


  I was wondering if anyone knew of a tool, that will basically
connect to a site through port 80, using HTTP and download a document
in the background?

  Some sites are very slow, and they only provide HTTP access to the
information they provide... while it would be nice to be able to
download some links with a command line tool.

  Any links or hints are appreciated.

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Re: HTTP background tool

1997-12-05 Thread Orn E. Hansen
Dale Martin writes:
  I use snarf.  It can do command line grabs from http, finger, ftp, and
  gopher.  Seems to work reasonably well, and it's super simple to use.
  I'm not sure if it's still available or not - I don't see it in my mirror.
  Let me know if it's not - I'll package it.

 I looked and it isn't there...

 Such tools can come in handy, as an example I just downloaded some
excel tables from a http site, where I took the actual index for some
company shares.  Then transfer it into the accounting server I am
writing, and used the accounting client to display a line chart of the 
index of the company I was interested in.

 No need to keep your fingers on a Dynosaur like web browser to hop
from one site to the next over slow links to get that info.  Just have 
it automatically transferred to your machine, then have a script pin
out the information you're interested in and put it into your books...

 That's Unix :-)

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Re: HTTP background tool

1997-12-05 Thread Orn E. Hansen
Eloy A. Paris writes:
  Do not reinvent the wheel. The Wget package will do what you want, and

 Tried it, it works great.

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threads and latest libg++?

1997-12-03 Thread Orn E. Hansen
Dale Martin writes:
  Are the latest libg++ and threads happy together?  I have libg++272 version installed, and I'm running mostly libc6 stuff.
  Here's my program, reduced to illustrate the problem precisely.

If you have to remove all the classes in c++ to get threads working,
there isn't much sense in using c++ :-)

I've had the same problem, and as far as I've been able to collect,
g++ simply isn't, and won't be thread safe.  If you wish for a thread
safe environment, get stdc++ 2.8.0 or the 'egcs' compiler.

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teTeX packages

1997-12-01 Thread Orn E. Hansen
Ben Pfaff writes:
  I can't seem to get Debian's teTeX to work at all (can't find default
  format file from tex).  But when I downloaded it direct from sunsite,
  it worked fine.  Has anyone had a similar experience?  I suppose I
  could include more (or any, actually) details if requested.

 I had precisely the same problem.  What I did was do a

 dpkg --extract tetex-base

 Then, I entered the directory /etc/texmf, and renamed all the files
there from '*.dpkg-new' removing the '.dpkg-new' part.  Then, I
configured the package and installed rest of tetex.

 Tetex-base seems to remove these files under configuration, instead
of installing them.  Which causes the rest of tetex to break.

Hope tht helps.

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RE: allow mount to normal use

1997-12-01 Thread Orn E. Hansen
Bill Leach writes:
  The simplest and most direct solution is to add users to the list of 
  options for each filesystem that you want your users to be able to mount 
  (in /etc/fstab).
  So, your cdrom entry might look something like:
  /dev/hdd/cdrom  iso9660 noauto,users   00
 Just a hint...

 it is often convenient to make a link from /dev/cdrom  to whatever
device your CD-ROM is on.  Thus, if you add devices, or change your
configuration, you only have to change one link, instead of every
program that uses the CD-ROM ;-)

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Problem with keyboard

1997-12-01 Thread Orn E. Hansen
Witold Grabysz writes:
  Dear Friends,
  it happened to me to use Polish as my native language. In general we use
  Latin alphabet plus some unique
  letters (the same do the German and French). It seemed to me during
  configuration I set my keyboard to
  support Polish signs:
  Xkbkeycodes xfree86
  XkbCompat   default
  XkbSymbols  en_US(pc101)+pl
  however it doesn't work. For example appart from 'a' we have a letter
  called (even in English documentation)
  'a ogonek' (a with a small tail). It should be evoked by pressing 'a'
  together with right Alt. I ran xkeycaps and
  saw, that a+right Alt is bound to 'a ogonek', but when I press it (in
  terminal window or now in Netscape mail
  editor) there is no reaction. Just nothing!

 Well, there is a keysym named dead_ogonek, basically it is the
escape key to get to a ogonek.  By pressing dead_ogonek + a.

 However, I just got 'a' by pressing that key pair.  Are you sure the
ogonek belongs to Latin1?  And what characters are you looking for?

  áéíóúý  -  dead_acute
  àèìòù   -  dead_grave
  âêîôû   -  dead_tilde
  äëïöüÿ  -  dead_diaeresis
  å   -  dead_abovering

 If it's any of the above, you can get them through the dead key that
is listed beside the table.  Just put one of the keys on your keyboard
to it, like:

  xmodmap -e keycode 76 = dead_acute

 Will give you the result F10 + a = á (keycode 76 is F10 on my
keyboard, just be careful of not removing any of your standard keys

 There is also another method, to get to these characters.  Through
the so-called compose key.  On my keyboard this key is the 'Windows'
key on the right side of the keyboard, through it COMPOSE d - = ð,
as an example.

Hope that helps,

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Re: Making Debian bootable from hard disk

1997-11-28 Thread Orn E. Hansen
Steve Kostecke writes:
   Here is my /etc/lilo.conf:
  /dev/hda1 = first partition on master disk on 1st IDE controller
  /dev/hdc1 = first partition on master disk on 2nd IDE controller
  If both of your disks are running off the 1st IDE controller  and linux is 
  the slave (2nd) disk then your root would be /dev/hdb1.  If linux is on the 
  master disk then your root is /dev/hda1.  Change the root= line in your 
  lilo.conf to what ever is appropriate and run lilo to complete the 

  I want to thank those who answered and gave me tips concerning this, 
as it has helped me solve the problem.

  I had three harddisks, and one CD-ROM... then I added one harddisk,
and removed one of the olders to fit it in.  The new hard disk was
thus the third in the line /dev/hdc1.  Originally, I had my root
partition on hda1, then I moved over to hdb2 :-) and finally over to
hdc1.  LILO was able to boot on other partitions, out of the original
configuration.  However, after recalibrating the drive, it no longer
was able to.

  Since, I just took out /dev/hda1 and put the disk on /dev/hdc onto
the first controller, as the first harddisk.  And made the entries in
/etc/fstab point to the new destination of the disk.  Now LILO is able 
to boot from that disk, without any difficulties.  The message I wrote 
on here about what LILO said:

lilo: disk device 0x82 may not be accessible
  This is not the disk type, as I thought.  But the disk drive number, 
which means that hda is 0x80, hdb is 0x81 and hdc is 0x82.  Lilo was
thus unable to boot hdc1, even though it had been able to before.  I
can't quite see why not, at the moment.

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Q: SVGA X Server Fails w/16bpp

1997-11-28 Thread Orn E. Hansen
Dean C. Sullinger writes:
  I just installed debian on my home PC.  I mirrored
  almost everything from debian on my Laptop.  I
  couldn't mirror the X Server Config because of diff
  graphic cards.  The SVGA X Server works for 8bpp,
  but fails for 16bpp.  My cirrus logic card will support
  16bpp colors.
  Here's the scoop.  The PC is a Compaq 486/50 with
  32MB RAM, Cirrus Logic GD-CL5428 w/1MB DRAM.
  I used XF86Config and selected all the standard inputs.
  I think the card uses a intergrated RAMDAK, so I selected
  a normal RAMDAK.  I selected the following options:
  linear, fast_dram and no_bitblt.  I tried setting the MemBase
  as recommended in the cirrus docs, but it caused my PC
  to lockup and I couldn't reboot it.  I had to turn it off and
  it hosed the file system.  I have to run fsck everytime and
  I've gotten scared to continue trying to get it to work.

  I have the same GD-CL5428 graphics card.  In the directory tree
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc there is a README file for cirrus cards.  It
tells you to look at the card, and see if pins 25-27 are blank on
upper side of the card.  If these pins are blank (which they are on my 
card), you can't use 'linear' mode.  The point is, the card only knows 
about 16MByte adressing space, so you are unable to tell the card to
map the graphics ram outside the computers memory.  So, the card will
map it's memory inside the 16MByte range, which conflicts with the
other memory... bummer.

  To be able to use 16bpp, you must therefore use maximum 800x600
resolution and disable linear mode... here is a copy of the Device
for the cirrus card in my XF86Config file

Section Device
   Identifier  Cirrus Alpaline
   VendorName  Cirrus Logic
   BoardName   VLB CL-5428
   Chipset clgd5428
   Clocks  25.23 28.32 41.16 36.08 31.50 39.99 45.08 49.87
   Clocks  64.98 72.16 75.00 80.01 85.23

Hope that helps...

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Linux, a MicroSoft product? (fwd)

1997-11-28 Thread Orn E. Hansen
Pancho Horrillo writes:
  AAP Worldwide Wire Service11/21/97 06:00 GMT
  (Hirchsrgig, MS)-The computer world has been shaken to its core by a
  legal decision that has immense implications worldwide.  In a ruling
  that is certain to become a hotbed of controversy, a US Federal Judge
  in Hirchsrgig Mississippi ruled that Microsoft legally holds all
  rights to the Linux operating system.
  Judge Richard Shortner, in an opinion handed down today, ruled that
  the Linux operating system is not free software, and that the GNU
  Public License is not legally binding, thus giving final legal
  approval to the US Patent Office's conditional approval of Microsoft's
  patent application.

 Now, *this* would be a really neat trick... Linux, which is an
operating system, that strives to be compatible with Unix, and is
derived from Minix, is now 'Patentable' by Micro$oft as an operating

 Well, look out Kernigan  Richie, next week we'll hear that you
really didn't make the C language, M$ did :-) and AT/T, be very
carefult, next month M$ is going to sue you for making an imitation of 
their operating system, selling it for billions without paying them

 Now, _that_ Bill Gates is a magician :-)

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1997-11-27 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Description: My diald.options file
Chuma Agbodike writes:
  Can someone please send me a working copy of their diald-options file.
  So I can
  find out what is wrong with my setup or non-setup ? I think that's where
  the problem
  lies because when I disable diald and use pon everything works.
  This linux has fought me every inch of the way. But I really want to
  rely on it.

  Here is my 'diald.options' files...

  are you sure your 'ppp' options file is correct? Try connecting to
your ISP by typing 'pppd' along with the options involved...

pppd /dev/ttyS? 57600 connect chat -f /etc/ppp/chatscript lock
modem crtscts defaultroute

Re: fdisk is it available anywhere else?

1997-11-27 Thread Orn E. Hansen
Udjat the BitMeister... writes:
  On Sun, 23 Nov 1997, butch wrote:
  try cfdisk, I believe its also available on the debian disks.

  There appears to be a problem with cfdisk... when it writes the
partition information, it isn't 'sufficiently' done.

  Like, if I set a partition information with cfdisk to be a DOS
partition, when it was previously set to a different type.  I need
to use fdisk to delete  the partition and reinstall it.  The
information written by cfdisk is unusable by DOS.

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Re: Switching keyboards under X

1997-11-27 Thread Orn E. Hansen
Louis-David Mitterrand writes:
  Oh, I don't type the lines litteraly, they are bound to F2 and F3
  respectively in my shell. It is xmodmap itself that I find slow (2 full
  seconds ;-)

  You mean you are looking for an MS-DOS function like, where you can
press CTRL-F1 to switch between keyboard tables (C vs. locale).

  The difference between the two, are that on a PC this is coded into
keyboard code, which already has both tables loaded.  While on Unix,
you'll have to explicidly load the table into X.

  But, it wouldn't be a bad idea though...

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Making Debian bootable from hard disk

1997-11-27 Thread Orn E. Hansen


  Recently I upgraded my system with a new hard disk, and moved all of
Debian over to the new harddisk.  After having moved it, I
recalibrated the old disk, scratching everything that was there
including the master boot record.

  This was ok, and all my files got themselves safely on their new
destination.  But after scratching the old hard disks, my Debian was
no longer bootable from the hard disk, so I ran lilo... however, lilo
reports that it can't install the boot info correctly.  I know that if 
I formatted the hard disk under MS-DOS and then proceeded onto
installing debian over it, and running lilo to make it bootable,
things would be ok... heck, I've done that before with the same hard
disk involved.  But my problem is, that I don't have MS-DOS anymore
:-) It is nowhere in sight here, only Linux...

  Has anyone had this problem before, and knows the answer?
Apparantly it seems to me, that cfdisk doesn't format the boot part of 
the hard disk properly... is there another way to accomplish that,
than to go down town and buy that horrible os lookalike MS-DOS and
friends, just to install the boot block ;-)


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Re: Making Debian bootable from hard disk

1997-11-27 Thread Orn E. Hansen
Luis Francisco Gonzalez writes:
  What's the lilo.conf? Which is the root partition?
  The way I see it, you should have something like:

My lilo.conf file looks like:


And it doesn't work...

Before I tried to use /dev/hda1 as a swap disk, I tried precisely this
setup, whith the boot partition on /dev/hda1 and root on /dev/hdc1.
This worked flawlessly, so I thought it safe to use the disk as a swap
disk (for it's small size), but it had too many errors on it, so I
assumed it wasn't stable enough to use for swap.

The error message I am getting from liloconfig:

Warning: BIOS drive 0x82 may not be accessible

  I assume means that even though I have changed the partition type
back to 0x83 (Linux ext2) there is somewhere on the disk some
leftovers that mark it type 0x82 (Linux swap) and thus make it

  Any ideas?

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Linux filesystem from DOS?

1997-11-27 Thread Orn E. Hansen
Jones, David A \(CAP, ITS, US\) writes:
  Hi Team-
  I was wondering if anyone has a method of writing Linux / Un*x filenames
  from DOS apps. You know- where we have more than 1 period in the
  filename like x.yyy.zz? I have to move some files back  forth, but
  DOS changes the name to x-yyy.zz so when I try to use gunzip, etc,
  I get an error saying the file has been modified or corrupted. I tried
  renaming the file back to x.yyy.zz before un-tarring or
  uncompressing but it doesn't seem to work. Any ideas? Thanks for your

  Did you use FTP to upload/download the file to/from Unix/Linux using
DOS?  If that is the case, you probably overlooked that DOS FTP
sessions use 'ASCII' transfer modes instead of 'BINARY'.  This would
count for the corrupted compressed format, reported by tar.

  When you start an FTP session on a DOS platform, you need to do an
explicit 'binary' command to set the transfer to binary.  On Unix
systems this is the default mode of operation.

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Re: [DEBIAN] Financial software?

1997-11-21 Thread Orn E. Hansen
 I'm looking for an application that will let me manage
 my bankaccounts and can draw some nice graphs to show 
 what I'm spending my money on.  No fancy features are
 necessary :-).

  How much features do you want in your package?

  To be able to record your income, spending and record your holdings and
liabilities.  And to just view basic graphs of income (which would be linear)
and spending... or to view graphs showing where an income over a specific
period is spent...

  Or, do you need to do more 'accounting' like transactions?  Transactioons
from and to multiple accounts, automatic transactions.  Double account, or
just simple accounting.  Do you wish for simplified transactions, where you
just type the amount and the category.  Would you like to be able to
define your own accounting key, or be able use one to pattern and base your
accounting on.  Would you like to be able to create a balance sheet,
see a balance graph, income/spending graphs over variable periods with
selectable accounts... or from the periodic result sheet?

  I am interested in some feedback on the basic wishes on such a product,
as I am writing an accounting program.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: ncurses3.4

1997-11-19 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 18-Nov-97 skrifar Scott Ellis:
 Maybe if you'd tell us what is unstable for you it could be fixed.  I've
 only experienced neglegable problems using hamm.
  Ok, here is my system (Just for an overview, the latest in hamm).

xbase 3.3.1
libc  5.4.33
libc  2.0.5c
xpm   xpm4g
jpeg  libjpegg6a
libpaperg 1.0.3
ghostview 1.5-16
xfig  3.2.0
netbase   3.00
ppp   2.3.1

  Now, I can use pppd to manually put up my network... but diald (which I
normally use) doesn't work, it will fail with 'sl0: transmit timeout, bad
line quality?'...

  And now lets see, here is ghostview...

(gdb) run
Starting program: /usr/bin/X11/ghostview 
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x804df70 in _start ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x804df70 in _start ()
#1  0x80c2588 in ?? ()
#2  0x804c9fe in _start ()

  And then there is xfig...

(gdb) run
Starting program: /usr/bin/X11/xfig 
xfig: this input-method don't support OffTheSpot input style
xfig: using ROOT input style instead.
(no debugging symbols found)...
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x4020d8a4 in free ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x4020d8a4 in free ()
#1  0x4020d841 in free ()
#2  0x400c49ad in XtFree ()
#3  0x4006a543 in _XawMultiSaveAsFile ()
#4  0x40069f7d in XawListShowCurrent ()
#5  0x400e4837 in XtSetSensitive ()
#6  0x400e4daf in XtSetValues ()
#7  0x40079e5e in _XawTextExecuteUpdate ()
#8  0x400e4837 in XtSetSensitive ()
#9  0x400e47f8 in XtSetSensitive ()
#10 0x400e4daf in XtSetValues ()
#11 0x80b31c5 in _start ()
#12 0x80adb92 in _start ()
#13 0x809a85d in _start ()
#14 0x80a9d52 in _start ()
#15 0x80765bc in _start ()

  These two programs are well known and function fully on normal Unix systems,
that is also why I list them here.  The problem, at least in the case of xfig,
is a clash between libc5 and libc6.  A library will establish a pointer through
libc5, and then X will try to free it through libc6... or in other cases this
is vice versa.  This case is interresting, because the backtrace shows that
this is the fault of the Xaw3d... this is because Xaw3d library is listed
before /usr/X11R6/lib in, removing the reference to Xaw3d will
allow xfig to function normally... similar SIGSEGV are called in many programs,
even that I compile here, and usually the fault is found inside malloc() or

  All these problems have to do with collition between libraries, either at
the maintainers' or at the users end.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: ncurses3.4

1997-11-19 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 18-Nov-97 skrifar Scott Ellis:
 The problem is that linking a program with both libc6 and librarys linked
 with libc5 will produce problems.  Programs that are linked this way
 should have bugs filed against them if they haven't been already.  Yes you
 need to purge and reconstruct your development environment, but it isn't
 impossible or even difficult to live with both c librarys.
  That is most likely true... but as a user, who want's to have a libc6
system.  Wouldn't it me more normal, to have the packages all developed
and linked to libc6 libraries, and provide libc5-compat libraries as an
extra (in hamm, that is), just to be able to run old programs?  The blended
environment that has been there for a while, is a little problematic IMHO.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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RE: Can I use Samba with dial-up?

1997-11-19 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 19-Nov-97 skrifar Oliver Elphick:
 I have to connect to a client through their Win/NT network to get to their
 Unix machine.  They want me to use Dial-Up Adapter from Win95, but this means
 that I have to drop all other useful work while I boot up that abomination.
 I can't make it work anyway, and as usual with MS stuff I can't find out
 what is going on.
 Can I use Samba to dial out on a modem and connect to their network?  I can
 see how to use Samba across a network, but not how to use it with a direct
 dial-up connection. 
 Since I actually want to talk to a Unix machine, can I do without Samba 
 Does MS Dial-up Adapter use ppp?
 If so, what kind of negotiation does it do? (I'm sure the customer won't
 Is it possible to telnet through such a connection to the network beyond?

  It depends on how they've installed their system.  Usually M$ requires a
special M$ handshake with other M$ machines that dial into an NT administered
network.  But the NT can also handle normal PPP/PAP authendication on their
incoming dialup line.  If they use PAP authendication it's easy, the only
abomination from the rule is the user authendication part, which you put
into your pap-secrets file... it must look like

DOMAIN\\username  *  PASSWORD

  Where DOMAIN is the NT Domain that is assigned to dialin users at your
remote end.

  However, I was unable to use samba over the serial line... samba didn't
work over it (this was last summer, so maybe it has improved some).  But
once you're connected with PPP (with dynamic IP address for their intranet),
things should be according to your wishes.

  You may notice, that your remote NT server will behave strangely on an
occasion.  One part is, that when you are doing ftp it will freeze.  This
happens if you are downloading a large file, and there is a lot of delay on
the network... usually you'll get the whole file, but won't receive the last
signature packet.  So, just monitor the file until its full and then kill
the ftp session, to keep the file :-)

  Another really neat feature with NT server is, that after a while, especially
if the RAS is configured to use DHCP for the incoming lines instead of fixed
addresses. Is that you'll suddenly get a very LONG pause... this is because
the server got a few other dialers dialing in, and put you down the last on
his queue and forgot you (temporarily :-) ), if it get's annoyingly long till
it remembers you again... just hangup and re-dial the server :-)

  Ah... Don't you just love Micro$oft and their Neue Technoly? :-)

Hope that helps.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: ncurses3.4

1997-11-19 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 19-Nov-97 skrifar Scott Ellis:
 Yep, it's a bug in xaw3d.  Not exactly making your system unusable, since
 it is easilly fixed.

  Nor was I saying that it was unusable...

  I was saying, that if one intends to upgrade to a libc6 system, one needs
to upgrade the entire base system.  Purgeing the old libc5 stuff... if you
don't, you may very well end up in a situation where your system becomes
unusable... and if it does, that *that* was the problem... conflict between
the two libraries.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: ncurses3.4

1997-11-19 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 19-Nov-97 skrifar Philippe Troin:
 Change the network: line of /etc/nsswitch.conf from files dns to files.
 That should make it.

  Now this is what I call a useful pointer!

  Thanks!, that did the trick... thanks a million!

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: ncurses3.4

1997-11-18 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 18-Nov-97 skrifar Daniel Doro Ferrante:
   After that email, I tried to upgrade 'tetex-bin' but I also got
 the same message: seg fault in the pre-inst AND pos-inst scripts !!! I
 can't figure out what is happening. I tried to use libc6 and libc5 in
 different ways in order to find out if it were the problem - no problem;
 besides everything else is working fine - so I think that libc's are not
 the problem (but I am not sure yet).

  Downgrade libc6 to 2.0.4-1... libc6 2.0.5c is close to unusable yet.

  and if you intend to use libc6 for future use and development, then
purge libc5 and all its remnants, as there *is* and will remain a conflict
between the two.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: ncurses3.4

1997-11-18 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 18-Nov-97 skrifar Scott Ellis:
 On Tue, 18 Nov 1997, Orn E. Hansen wrote:
 What you do need to do if you're upgrading to a full hamm (unstable)
 system is to use dpkg to purge the existing '-dev' packages on your
 system.  The existing librarys only need updated.
  You can purge all libc5 programs, takes a trick or two though...
and it's the ONLY way to get a stable libc6 system.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: ncurses3.4

1997-11-18 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 18-Nov-97 skrifar James Troup:
 Orn E. Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   You can purge all libc5 programs, takes a trick or two though...
 and it's the ONLY way to get a stable libc6 system.
  I've been tracking hamm on several systems, ever since libc6 came
out... and there is NOTHING stable about it(period)

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: ncurses3.4

1997-11-18 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 18-Nov-97 skrifar Scott Ellis:
 I beg to differ here.  My machine runs sync'd to hamm, but I still use
 several programs that are only libc5 (including netscape).  Everything
 works fine, although with Netscrape running my memory useage is a bit on
 the cramped side.

  The reason I say, that you need to purge them (especially if you are
doing development), is because of...

0x401c6230 in malloc ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x401c6230 in malloc ()
#1  0x401c6145 in malloc ()
#2  0x401c12cc in fopen ()
#3  0x80ab65b in getline ()
#4  0x80abb5c in getline ()
#5  0x80ada67 in getline ()
#6  0x80afcb9 in getline ()
#7  0x8051b25 in _start ()
#8  0x805330d in _start ()
#9  0x40038bfc in fl_object_qread ()
#10 0x40046ef5 in fl_do_forms ()
#11 0x80570fd in _start ()

  Programs like xfig, and ghostview will produce similar results... SIGSEGV in
malloc() or free().  The reason here, appears to be that libc5 and libc6 use
two different malloc routines and algorithms... and CAN'T be used side by side.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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RE: procmail help

1997-11-02 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 02-Nov-97 skrifar Paul Miller:
 * All system mail programs should check for netscape's lock file
   if [ -L $HOME/.netscape/lock ]; then
   and not execute if it exists.. (netscape can't handle another program
   modifing the mail boxes).
  Are you sure it's Netscape?  I've got Communicator installed here, and
it doesn't seem to mind that XF-Mail is also running and automatically
collecting mail from the mailbox?  And I do sometimes collect the mail
with Netscape?

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: perl and ISO-8859-1

1997-11-02 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 02-Nov-97 skrifar Pere Camps:
   Ok. I've checked and it looks like everything's ok. In fact, after
 setting LC_ALL to es_ES, perl doesn't complain any more.
  That makes sense, LC_ALL will override your setting of LC_CTYPE.

   Now, it's bash. ;)
  Try converting to bash from hamm.

   I used to be able to type accented characters in the command
 line, and now I'm not able to do so. I have LC_ALL set to es_ES and
 LC_CTYPE set to ISO_8859_1... anyway, you're not supposed to have accented
 filenames so it really doesn't matter. Thanks for your help.
  I've got a lot of accented filenames, a directory named bókhald,
etc :-) No problems.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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RE: Where is Navigator .deb file?

1997-11-02 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 02-Nov-97 skrifar Adrian Monk:
 I read somewhere in this group that there is a .deb file of Navigator
 4.03, have hunted high and low at the Debian and Netscape ftp sites,
 but can't find it. Can someone give a pointer to where it is? 
  The debian installer, is under contrib... I think.

  You were probably looking for 4.03, under the Netscape folder on the
Netscape ftp site.  Version 4.03 is called Communicator, so look under
that folder, and you should find it.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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RE: How do I set LOCALE?

1997-11-02 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 01-Nov-97 skrifar Johann Spies:
 I have been reading the interesting discussion about setting locale.  I
 could not see, however how do you do it.  I have for instance tried set
 LANG='uk' in bash, and it have no effect on the LOCALE-settings.
  There are two locale packages, 'wg15-locale', that has all locale data
for libc5.  And 'locales', that supplies localedata for libc6.  There
should be information for these, under /usr/doc/{wg15-locale,libc6}.

  The reason your locale settings don't change, is because there is
because there is no locale 'uk'.  For the United Kingdom, you would
specify 'en_GB' (English, Great Britain).  These shortcuts are
standard, and will be represented by a directory in /usr/share/locale
with the same name, and/or a file in /usr/share/i18n/locale.

 The locale-manpage did not help me.  I could also not find something about
 it in Linux in a Nutshell or the Linux System Administrator's Guide.
  Maybe that is because locale support for Linux, is broken... as it is
only supported by a few applications.  It's unfortunate, but the standard
seems to be still 7-bit ascii... even under Unix.  And, apparantly difficult,
to get some of the core to respect other peoples language needs.  Only
large corporations, that have their income depend on other 'nationalities'
buying their systems, are advancing the issue.  The rest trails far
behind... along with the documentation :-)

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: perl and ISO-8859-1

1997-11-01 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 31-Oct-97 skrifar Marcus Brinkmann:
 You are right in all points, although I don't know the meaning of legedly
 (my dictionary does not know it, too).

legedly = according to legend :-)

 I would consider a script that depends on the setting of a locale as buggy,
 So I would encourage LC_ALL for people that want to do testing. If a script
 really does need C locale, it should be wise enough to set it temporarly.

I agree with that, on all accounts.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: perl and ISO-8859-1

1997-11-01 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 31-Oct-97 skrifar Pere Camps:
   Perl doesn't complain anymour if I unset LC_CTYPE, but bash does.
 It doesn't let me put latin-1 characters.
  I have...


  ...and just tried bash.  It allowed me to enter accented characters.
Even tried with LANG set to es_ES, no problem there either.  Are you sure
your locale data is correct?

try this code...

#include stdio.h
#include ctype.h
#include locale.h

  printf(Locale is %s\n, setlocale(LC_ALL, ));
  printf(The uppercase of ñ = %c\n, toupper('ñ'));

...with LC_ALL set to es_ES.  If it displays the correct upper case
character Ñ, then your LC_CTYPE is set correctly.  Else, note what
it says your locale is.

   But I think changing ISO_8859_1 to iso_8859_1 would do the

  Try combinations, like iso-8859-1.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: perl and ISO-8859-1

1997-11-01 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 31-Oct-97 skrifar Pere Camps:
   I only hace en_GB there, but in /usr/share/locale I have all the
 others. The thing is that -I think- I have installed all the needed
 packages for locale support, but perl is not getting it. Bash doesn't
 complain about LC_CTYPE. In fact, if I unset LC_CTYPE, I can't type
 latin-1 characters in it.
  It means your en_GB locale data is broken.  If you look under the
folder /usr/share/locale/en_GB you should see a file LC_CTYPE, this
file should hold the information for iso-8859-1, normally.  If this
file is damaged, or holds a wrong version of locale data (i.e. the
locale data for libc5 wont work with libc6 and vice versa, because
they have different magic numbers in their header), it won't work.

   I tried, but it didn't work.
  Try iso-8859-1, or ISO-8859-1.  These files should reside in

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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RE: printing and samba

1997-11-01 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 31-Oct-97 skrifar Paul Miller:
 I have three questions:
 (2) How do I print in color?  Netscape has the option of color, but it
 won't print in color.  I'm using a HP DJ660C shared on a win95
 machine with magicfilter's dj550c-filter. 
  Use postscript printing, and pipe it through GhostScript.  There is a
deskjet color driver built into ghostscript that does good colors, and
works with all series of HP deskjet, all the way up to 870Cxi.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: perl and ISO-8859-1

1997-10-31 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 30-Oct-97 skrifar Torsten Hilbrich:
 Pere Camps [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Whenever I start perl, I get the following warning:
 perl: warning: Setting locale failed for the categories:
 perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
 LC_ALL = (unset),
 LC_CTYPE = ISO_8859_1,
 LANG = es_ES
 are supported and installed on your system.
 perl: warning: Falling back to the C locale.
 Try setting LC_CTYPE to es_ES too.  It worked for me with de_DE.

  Locale es_ES has Latin-1 character set as default?  If so, just
do a 'unsetenv LC_CTYPE', the LANG variable will see to that the
LC_CTYPE is set properly.

  But I think changing ISO_8859_1 to iso_8859_1 would do the

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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RE: Linux as a Firewall

1997-10-31 Thread Orn E. Hansen

  The issue of pros/cons of an operating systems are very biased, based on
the person who is talking.  So, I wouldn't expect anything else but a biased
discussion on the matter. :-)  Everyone's favorite horse is the best there
is ;-)

  Just for a point of argument, on another list there were guys talking
about the pros/cons of Hardware... here Linux and Pentium environment was
so good that a SPARC was compared to a 286 in speed (reality turned around
for favouring ones favorite platform :-)

 (I think Debian developers will get a bit of a kick regarding what is said
 about Slackware/RedHat/Debian developers in general - or, at least, what is
 Anyone here care to comment?

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: perl and ISO-8859-1

1997-10-31 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 31-Oct-97 skrifar [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Try setting LC_CTYPE to es_ES too.  It worked for me with de_DE.
 Or just LC_ALL=es_ES (as I do it with de_DE). This sets all the LC_*

  What LC_ALL variable will do, is *force* all variables to that setting,
this however is *not* always the desired result.  Let me give you an
example... if you're on a modern advanced workstation (Not Linux, but one
that has locales fully functional), then...

  LC_ALL = is_IS

  Will cause the result of 'date' command to be...

Lau, 1 Nóv 1997. 17:24:00 GMT

  Which *legedly* causes some scripts to malfunction, because they expect
a C style date.  The date is controlled by the LC_TIME variable, but
changing this one, won't matter, as the LC_ALL variable has precedence.  So,
you either have to have ALL variables the locale, or ALL to the C style.

  But, by undefining the LC_ALL variable and using the LANG variable
instead.  You can then select which category is what.  You can thus set
your LANG to...

  LANG = is_IS

LC_MONETARY will function as the locale specifies.  But the result of
the 'date' command...

Sat Nov  1 1997. 17:24:00 GMT

  ...the C locale as specified by the LC_TIME variable.  Thus, you have
a better control over you locale's settings.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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RE: The real

1997-10-27 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 26-Oct-97 skrifar Dave Cinege:
 Take heed people. This is what happens if you dare challenge the leadership
 of the 
 Debian project.
  It happens everywhere, if you challenge the leader of a group.

 Personal attacks, compliants to your service provider, banishment from the 
 project. They will gang-up on you and drive you away. You all should be
 ashamed of yourselves.
  There are many things, people should be ashamed of themselves for... but
people will continue to be people, non the less.

 If you are new to Debian, please don't make the mistake I made. This is a
 software project, where you are allowed to contribute only if you surcome to
 personal agenda of the current leadership. This is the structure and model of
 project, make no bones about it.
  Now you've learned... But you shouldn't feel angry, pushed or vengeful.
People sell themselves, for a little attention... from those who they term
as the leadership... that's nothing to hate people for, because it's human.
And although people throw harsh words at you, it's not because they are
ganging on you.  But because they are protecting themselves... they feel,
that by attacking the leader, you are attacking the distribution and thus
ultimately... them.

  We've all been tought that argumentation is what makes intelligent
people... and the only way you can ever argue somone on your side, is when
it will benefit that somone.  We are all animals, and our ultimate goal is
to feed... thus, next time you present your arguments on an issue, put
your feelings aside and present them in a way where your arguments will
clearly serve and benefit the interest of those, whom you present it
to... and, present it to the right crowd.

Orn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: The real

1997-10-27 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Þann 27-Oct-97 skrifar Gernot Bauer:
 Dave (dc) wrote:
 -- Take heed people. This is what happens if you dare challenge the
 leadership of the 
 Debian project.
 [crap deleted]
 Can we please filter mails from [EMAIL PROTECTED] from the
 debian-user-list (and the digest). It was funny in the beginning but
 this freak just wastes bandwidth.
  Yeah, and bandwidth costs money... and who wants to pay for opinions
nobody wants to hear, right?

  So, why don't we lock'im in a lunatic assylum... I mean, he doesn't
share our view of the world... so he must be crazy! No, better yet, let's
take the JEW and put'im in the Gas chamber... that way, he won't return

  Let's march to Victory! SIEG HEIL!

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Re: Date in mail headers

1997-09-05 Thread Orn E. Hansen
On 05-Sep-97 Buddha Buck wrote:


Not really.  The current -standard- for email transmission is RFC821 
(also about 15 years old), and that explicitly states that SMTP is 
7-bits only.  ESTMP, MIME, and other standards-track protocols are 
designed to try to work around that problem, but not all sites use 
ESTMP yet, etc.

  Sure... but that ain't the point.

  The date and time descriptions are quite acceptable as they are defined
in the standards, to a point.  But it should also be noted, that these are
system dates.  What I put as a content in my e-mail message, is not
subject to any standard... and the 'Date' field, is like the 'Subject' field,
a user supplied field.  No, sensible mail agent parses it...

  But, even that is really besides the point... it is of no issue to co-operate
with people, that have a problem with their mail agents, and civily ask
for co-operation.  Under those conditions, it is just civility to comply.  I
wasn't asked to be civil... just kicked out of the mailing list, if that is the
way you people co-operate.  You should prepare yourself for a shock,
because I am not the only person in the World, who doesn't have much
sympathy or patience with people who definately fill the category of geek.

...just me.

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Re: Date in mail headers

1997-09-04 Thread Orn E. Hansen
On 03-Sep-97 George Bonser wrote:

I STRONGLY disagree.  I want to know when you wrote it ... not when it
arrived here.  If a mail was delayed a day or two in route, it might
completely change how I look at the information in the email.  Example, a
put-down of Princess Diana might be viewed in poor taste if it arrives
after she died but might be perfectly acceptable expression of opinion if
authored three days earlier and delayed in route.

  I could easily be using a custom mail client, and the 'date' field is
created when I write it.  But nothing says I have to actually send it
when I write it.  I can wait a day or two, and then hit the return key
to send it.

  The first system stamp, is the stamp of the original receiver, telling
when the email started it's 'email route'.  And thus the most reliable
source as to when the email was sent.  As it is the system that makes
these stamps when the email passes by, and not the user,

  However, the 'Date' field is displayed on my screen when I view my
email.  And It is therefore for display and will be in locale format,
in many situations.

...just me

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Re: Date in mail headers

1997-09-04 Thread Orn E. Hansen
On 03-Sep-97 Olaf Weber wrote:

RFC822 would be the appropriate one here, and it does impose some
restrictions regarding what can and cannot be a date header:


 5.1.  SYNTAX

 date-time   =  [ day , ] date time; dd mm yy
 ;  hh:mm:ss zzz

 day =  Mon  / Tue /  Wed  / Thu
 /  Fri  / Sat /  Sun

So it certainly looks like Orn needs to fix his mailer.

  The RFC are just guidelines... and not rules.  And the above
guideline applies to system times.  Not to the contents of subject
or date headers.  These are display fields, that are filled in by
the client programs.

  And besides, the english language is good... but it is spoken by
a minority in the World.  And what are you going to do with the
poor suckers who can't read email?  Tell them they must learn
english or not know when the email they are receiving was sent?
that's silly :-)

...just me

Quote of the Day: Everybody who can't read english... will be shot!

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Re: Date in mail headers

1997-09-04 Thread Orn E. Hansen
On 03-Sep-97 Clare Johnstone wrote:

If not sorted at all, listed as they arrive, the threads are in good
order. For example the date on 
Orn's mail as received just now is:
Date: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Mi=F0,?= 03 Sep 1997 23:00:14 +0200 (CET DST)

Which is:

  Date: Mið, 03 Sep 1997 23:00:14 +0200 (CET DST)

My Received time is:Thu, 4 Sep 1997 06:00:09 (Western Australia)

My clock is undoubtedly permanently and irretrievably mis-set :)
I think no-one really wants all dates in GMT.

cheers, clare

  Every server that handles an email message, stamps the email.  An
email will thus have a long list of 'Received' lines.  The first in
the list will be the original server, which will be the server to
whom you sent the mail, when you hit the return key to 'send' the
email.  And have the same date stamp :-)

  However, in the case of mailing lists, as this one.  This does
become a little more complicated.  As an email is sent to the list,
and the list server stores the email, and when it sends it back to
you, the first stamp will thus be the date the list server sends you
the mail... and not the date when the author wrote it.

  But the problem lies in, that the 'Date' field is like the 'Subject'
field a display field, that will in many cases be in locale format.
As it is created by the email client, and not a system stamp.  But
since you're english :-) this particular date is in your locale
format, and your program can easily decipher it.  But in say, Sweden,
where a person will be sending 80% of his/her email to people
reading swedish, it makes sense that the Date they read on the
screan is in swedish, or their own locale :-)  But when your program
will start decyphering the date into machine readable format, using
'your' locale date-specifics... it'll just get lost ;-)

...just me

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Re: Date in mail headers

1997-09-04 Thread Orn E. Hansen
On 04-Sep-97 Manoj Srivastava wrote:

   The RFC are all the rules that actually apply to the
 internet. And if we all start ignoring the rules, the cooperative
 process that is the internet (and, indeed, Linux itself is the
 product of a similar cooperative process). 

   If you must have a change, and you do not think that the
 current internationalization effort is not doing enough, use a Header
 like X-Time and fill it anyway you wish; at least automata that
 expects standard headers to bve standards conformant does not break.

   The RFC are Request For Comments, and not rules.  And to be perfectly
sincere, there are only limited amount guidence taken from them in the
corporate world.  Maybe because they never fully address the need of
the Internet :-)

  There is no Debate... the question rose as somebody complained about his
server software breaking on my mail... and I guessed it was because of my
Date field being a quoted printable inside a header field.  This is
a standard, period.  However, I did start my mail client in the C locale,
that ensures that the Date was written in C locale... but I was still kicked
out of the list for it... so, I don't think the problem has anything to do with
my 'Date' field, do you? :-) So, I'll just have it the way I see fit ;-)

  There are still some 7-bit servers out there (and minds ;-)... I'm not going
to, neither now nor in future to comply in making my software 7-bits just for
those servers, they'll just have to break, until the administrators find it with
in their time to comply to evolution.  These servers are out-dated by 50
years.  :-)

...Just me

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RE: Printer Advice: HP 870C or Epson Stylus 800

1997-09-03 Thread Orn E. Hansen
On 03-Sep-97 Civ Kevin F. Havener wrote:
I'm contemplating buying one of the two subject printers.  Has anyone out 
there used either of these two printers under Linux?

   Easy to use under Linux is the key criteria.
   Color printing is nice to have but most of my important printing  
   needs are black and white.
   Will use ghostscript.
   Epson has optional postscript.  Anyone know what this is?  
   Appears to be software (like ghostscript) that emulates 
   postscript.  Is it OS dependent as I suspect (resides 
   on my computer) or is it actually installed into the printer?

Any clues you can give me are appreciated.

  I've used an HP DeskJet 870Cxi, and HP LaserJet 5L at Work with Debian.  The
way I did it, was to create a small wrapper script around 'lpr', and then use
ghostscript to interpret postscript for the printer.  Apart from the fact
that it required quite a large disk space for printing (about 100Mbyte for
large files), it worked quite well.  Netscape printout came in glorius
colors :-) and I printed manuals up to 700 pages on the LaserJet.

...just me.

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RE: Mail Agent.

1997-09-03 Thread Orn E. Hansen
On 03-Sep-97 Eng. Jose Luis Faria wrote:

I'm looking for a mail agent like Eudora, ishmail
but freeware.
Please send me the some advices.

  Try XFMail 1.0... I definately recommend it.

...just me

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Re: Private XF-Mail package available

1997-09-03 Thread Orn E. Hansen
On 03-Sep-97 George Bonser wrote:

Sure, I would like to have a look at it.  The version that I currently have
packaged is 1.1 which looks a lot smoother than the older version that I had
and the newer versions are supposed to be even better from what I hear.  What I
like is to be able to auto-expire messages in mailing list folders ... kind of
like newsgroup articles do.  This makes subscriptions to multiple mailing lists
easier to manage.

  There is one minor detail with XFMail, that the editor doesn't enable
accented characters (I think this comes from xforms, but not sure).  However,
I have a patch for this, if you are interrested.

...just me

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Date in mail headers

1997-09-03 Thread Orn E. Hansen
On 02-Sep-97 Jason Gunthorpe wrote:

Orn, your mailer is formatting dates in a way that pine doesn't understand

  Ah, unfortunately that would happen... the header produced by my mailer

HReceived: (from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
by (8.8.7/8.8.7/Debian/GNU) id TAA11866;
Wed, 3 Sep 1997 19:15:50 +0200

  And the date field...

HDate: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Mi=F0,?= 03 Sep 1997 19:14:09 +0200 (CET DST)

  Your mailer is probably choking on the quoted printables... and most
likely trying to decypher the date.  I think it should decypher the date
in 'Received', rather than in 'Date' ??

...just me

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Re: Undefined reference to '...'

1997-09-03 Thread Orn E. Hansen
On 03-Sep-97 Gonzalo A. Diethelm wrote:

The only official way sanctioned by the upcoming C++ ANSI/ISO standard
to instantiate templates is to explicitly mention the types you want
to use for instantiation. All of the repository techniques that exist,
some better, some worse, are not standard and that's one reason why
you do this differently on each platform.

If you ask me, explicit instantiation is the correct way, because it
gives you the control on where, when and how many times (hopefully
just once!) you instantiate something.

  I went to some length to code my object, so they had a common
ancestor that would be independant of their superclass.  The object
should be the same for any classes sharing it (instantiated only
once).  However, the method I can use with GCC forces me to
instantiate it once, for every object that shares it.  This way the
object oriented mechanism is really lost, except in making the
source code more readable, imho.

  There have been a lot of good pointers on the subject in this
thread... and I haven't been able to try out the egcs distribution
yet, but I'm working on it.  And I'm looking forward to seeing a
better light tomorrow :-)

...just me

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Re: Date in mail headers

1997-09-03 Thread Orn E. Hansen
On 03-Sep-97 Jason Gunthorpe wrote:

Hm, interesting thought.. Right now it does sort by the Date: line which
is quite nice, it puts all the messages in thread order, unless people
have mis-set clocks ; Sorting by the recived line would likely be the
same as not sorting at all though.

  I am using XF-Mail, except that I compiled it myself... with locales on.  The
date line that is created is normal.  The standard states, that if there
are non us-ascii characters in header lines, they should be quoted printables.

  The 'date' line is also created by the end users program... and not by the
system.  But the 'Received line is the stamp the system gives.  It should
thus make more sense to parse the 'Received' line to decypher the date,
rather than the date line.  The first 'Received' line in the chain, should
also give the same date.

...just me

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RE: X-Server again

1997-09-02 Thread Orn E. Hansen
On 01-Sep-97 Volker Bauer wrote:

Still my problem is my X-Server:
Several time I tried now to config my X-Server without success. Both
XF86Setup and xf86config failed. Always I get Error messages after
finishing the conifguration like:

Unable to connect to X-Server
X11TransSocketUNIXconnect: errno 111

This happend both with S3 and Svga, although installed both servers with
dselect. Why does the configuration with XF86Setup and xf86config always
fail? I wonder. Have I made a mistake?

  Not necessarily, I recently got the same problem after I upgraded my
system.  And had the same error message.

  Incidentally I had a copy of my old XF86Config file, which I edited in
hand, adding my video card, and took video modes from the file
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/Monitors, that applied to my Monitor.  After this my
X server started up perfectly.

  You should try do the same, and see if it works.  There are both
sample Devices and Screen sections that can be found in the document
directory for XFree86 (/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc).  The files 'Devices' and

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RE: Netscape installation problems

1997-09-02 Thread Orn E. Hansen
On 01-Sep-97 Dave Neuer wrote:

I am trying to install Netscape 3.01 on my Debian system.  The machine
running debian has no connection to the Internet, so to transfer files
to the Debian box, I have to first download them onto my PowerMac, and
then transfer them over my local network.  The mac doesn't like the name
netscape-v301-export.x86-unknown-linux-elf.tar.gz, and so truncates it
to netscape-v301-export.x86-unknow.  I transfered the file to the
Linux box, and then attempted to run the Debian netscape installer, and
got the following message:

ERROR: The Netscape archive must be in /tmp under the name:

   Do NOT simply rename the archive of another version in order to
   force it to install with this package.  It will not work.

   Archive files can be found on

  Whatever the filename is when your PowerMac has downloaded it, copy it
into the '/tmp' directory on your Debian machine, and then rename that
file to the appropriate name as indicated above... i.e.

mv /tmp/netscape-v301-export-x86-unknow /tmp/netscape-v301-export-x86-unknown-li

  And then re-install the netscape package.

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