Re: Problem mit Postfix + SASL

2006-11-11 Thread Paul Seelig
Andre Timmermann wrote:
 Am Mittwoch, den 08.11.2006, 15:40 +0100 schrieb Holger Librenz:
 Bis zu dem Punkt an dem ich versuchte Mails zu versenden. Irgendwie hat es 
 Authentifizierung von SMTP entsorgt :(

 Ich möchte ein nettes ME, TOO einwerfen ;) Bei mir geht es auch nicht
 mehr und ich habe keinen Plan, wo ich nachsehen soll.
Hatte keine Probleme hier mit Authentifizierung via SASL nach dem
letzten Upgrade. Wie sieht eure /etc/default/saslauthd aus?
Bei mir:

 snip --
[root]~  grep -v \# /etc/default/saslauthd | grep -v ^$
 snap --

Vielleicht wird bei euch lediglich nur nicht mehr der saslauthd gestartet?

Re: Windows XP Partition nachtraeglich installieren bzw. reparieren (GRUB)

2006-10-17 Thread Paul Seelig
Matthias Haegele wrote:
 Gerhard Brauer schrieb:
 Meine Windows XP Partition (hda1) ist defekt und startet nicht mehr.
 Ich würde gerne diese Partition reparieren bzw. XP neu installieren.

 mit der Windows-Boot-CD in die Wiederherstellungskonsole booten.
 ckdsk /? (optionen /p /r afaik)

 könnte helfen, eine defekte Partition zu reparieren ...

Damit wir wieder on topic sind:

Und falls das nicht ausreichen sollte, kann man vorher noch unter Linux
ein /usr/bin/ntfsfix /dev/ntfs-partition ausführen. Das hat schon
ein paarmal dabei geholfen, auf dem Rechner eines Freundes eine selbst
mit chkdsk nicht mehr zu bearbeitende NTFS-Partition wieder in einen für
chkdsk wiederherstellbaren Zustand zu bringen. Irgendwas scheint MS
nicht wirklich richtig zu machen... ;-)

Dieses Programm ist Bestandteil des Pakets ntfsprogs, welches überhaupt
sehr zu empfehlen ist.


Re: ich kann nichts brennen (heul)

2006-09-24 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christian Schnobrich) writes:

 Liegt es an mir? Ist der Brenner ein faules Ei, das ich schnellstmöglich
 zurück zum Händler tragen sollte? Leide ich einfach nur unter den
 Nebenwirkungen des ganzen cdrecord-Trubels?
Wenn Du noch schreiben würdest, um was für einen Brenner es sich
handelt und wie er in Dein System eingebunden ist, könnte man
vielleicht mehr dazu sagen. Betreibst Du ihn eventuell im externen
Gehäuse via USB oder Firewire?

 PS: Ausgabe von wodim
Das erinnert mich an die Fehlerausgabe beim hoffnungslosen Versuch,
einen NEC ND-4550 im externen USB-Gehäuse mittels eines USB-Cardbus
Adapters an zwei verschiedenen ThinkPads zu betreiben. Sowohl cdrdao
als auch growisofs machten keinerlei Probleme, nur cdrecord wollte
nicht damit klarkommen.

Ich habe es mehrere Tage jeweils mehrere Stunden mit tausend Varianten
versucht, aber letztlich aufgegeben. Bleibt nur zu bemerken, dass mit
einem NEC ND-7550 am IDE-Bus derselben ThinkPads keinerlei Probleme
beim Brennen von CDs auftreten.

Da es zudem egal war, ob ich un cdrecord aus Debian/unstable, dessen
Nachfolger wodim oder sogar ein selbst kompiliertes brandaktuelles
cdrecord direkt von Jörg Schilling verwendete, nehme ich mal an, dass
es kein Problem von Debian ist...

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Re: cpufreq bzw. Speedstepping die zweite

2006-09-23 Thread Paul Seelig
Stefan Neuser @ C4 Design wrote:
 ich meinen Kernel neu kompiliert und siehe da, beim start wird cpufreq
 erfolgreich geladen.
 Alles soweit in Ordnung aber ich bekomme den cpufreqd nicht ans laufen.

Warum willst Du denn partout den cpufreqd herbeizwingen? Er ist doch
vollkommen überflüssig, wenn der Kernel schon alles selbst regelt!?

 Ich möchte am liebsten im ondemand Modus meine CPU steuern.
Ich würde zwar eher zu conservative als Governor raten, aber ich
betreibe ja auch nur ein T23 mit einem 1,2GHz-Professor. Zum Verhältnis
von ondemand und conservative findest Du auf der unten genannten Website
Genaueres im Abschnitt Using Frequency Scaling Governors.

 Hier die Kommandos und dessen Ausgabe die mich verzweifeln lassen :
Deinstalliere den cpufreqd und überlasse das alles besser dem Kernel!

Im Abschnitt Using_Frequency_Scaling_Daemons auf der ThinkWiki-Website
steht doch ganz laut und deutlich in dem rosa Kästchen:

Daemons are optional. If you don't plan to change policies depending on
the situation, you don't need one and you can stick to the ondemand or
conservative frequency scaling governors, available in kernels after
2.6.10 or 2.6.12 respectively. See above. They require less
configuration and have generally been experienced to flawlessly adapt to
the situations at hand.

Mit anderen Worten: Die Installation und Konfiguration des cpufreqd ist
reine Zeitverschwendung, da der Kernel selbst es mindestens genauso gut
oder sogar noch besser kann.

Hoffe, geholfen zu haben
P. *8^)

Re: cpufreq IBM T42 Notebook

2006-09-20 Thread Paul Seelig
Stefan Neuser @ C4 Design wrote:
 ich bekomme es einfach nicht hin die CPU Frequenz zu regeln. Auf allen
 möglichen Seiten finde ich Hinweise zum cpufreq. Ich bekomme es aber
 nicht zum laufen.

Aber hast Du noch nicht gefunden, oder?

und besonders

An Deiner Stelle würde ich mich nicht weiter mit dem optionalen cpufreqd
auseinandersetzen, sondern alles dem Kernel überlassen, indem Du einen
geeigneten Frequency Scaling Governor einstellst. Wie das konfiguriert
wird, steht sehr genau in der letztgenannten URL beschrieben.

MfG, P.*8^)

Re: Speed of cdrom/dvd writing

2006-09-15 Thread Paul Seelig
Juraj Fedel wrote:
 I got my first dvd writer. It write both cdrom and dvd, something
 that bother me is that speed for dvd writing is never more than 2x
 (device and medium are able to do 6x speed) and with cdrom mostly 8x
 only sometimes it manage to get 16x speed (device is capable of 48x).

It would have been probably useful to state what specific DVD writer
hardware you are using.

Are you using the specific media as recommended by the drive
manufacturer? It makes a big difference using random media versus
recomended media. But i'd rather care more about writing quality than speed.

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Re: Windows, alas!

2006-09-05 Thread Paul Seelig

Scott Reese wrote:

If you want to back up the Windows partition from Linux, you need to do
it at a bit level rather than a file level.  Using dd works, and you can
feed that through bzip to compress it, if space is an issue.

I was very happy using ntfsclone from the ntfsprogs package for backing 
up and cloning ntfs file systems, including migration to other disks. 
Migration to other disks eventually involves updating of the drive 
geometry parameters if the destination disk has a different layout. Use 
testdisk for this. Very recommended!

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Re: Debian als Desktop == Frust :-(

2006-09-03 Thread Paul Seelig

Edward von Flottwell wrote:
aber dass es mir unmöglich ist, einen komfortabel nutzbaren Desktop auf 
vorhandener Hardware aufzusetzen hätte ich nicht gedacht :-( 

Nimm halt eine von vornherein als Desktop spezialisierte Debian-Variante 
wie Ubuntu. Debian ist zu allgemein für jemanden, dessen Vorstellungen 
von Desktop durch andere Betrübssyteme vorgeprägt sind.

So einen 
Ärger hatte ich bei Servern nie.

Andere Baustelle.

Re: Debian als Desktop == Frust :-(

2006-09-03 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Edward von Flottwell) writes:

 Ich sehe nicht, wie ubuntu, Suse oder was auch immmer, mir diese
 Möglichkieten bieten kann, schließlich verwenden die den gleichen
 Xserver etc.
Aber dafür viel tiefgehender durchkonfiguriert! Ich habe jedenfalls
nicht schlecht gestaunt, dass auf meinen ThinkPad T23 Ubuntu out of
the box alles unterstützte, was ich mit Debian noch selbst zu Fuß
konfigurieren musste. Das ist nämlich der Unterschied!

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Re: pdftex on Debian...

2006-09-01 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Redefined Horizons) writes:

 I searched the Debian package repository for a pdftex package but
 couldn't find one.

Looks like you searched in the wrong way. This is what can easily be
found on Debian/unstable:
[root]~  apt-cache search pdftex
pgf - TeX Portable Graphic Format
tetex-bin - The teTeX binary files
tetex-doc - The documentation component of the Debian teTeX packages
tetex-extra - Additional library files of teTeX
transfig - Utilities for converting XFig figure files
cm-super - TeX font package with CM (EC) in Type1 in T1, T2*, TS1, X2 enc
dvipdfmx - A DVI to PDF translator with CJK support
rubber - an automated system for building LaTeX documents
texlive-base-bin - TeX Live: Essential binaries
texlive-latex-recommended - TeX Live: LaTeX recommended packages
texlive-pdfetex - TeX Live: pdfTeX

I'd suggest installing tetex.

 I need to convert a tex file to pdf. Does Debian
 have a package with a utility that will allow me to do this?
Short answer: Yes!

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Re: Download YouToube Stuff - Flash

2006-08-21 Thread Paul Seelig

Andreas B. wrote:

Wie kann ich denn Flash-Filme downloaden, so dass ich sie später
offline sehen kann?

Speziell geht es mir um den Film auf dieser Seite, die auf YouTube

Habe es mit der von Dir angegebenen URL nicht ausprobiert, aber empfehle 
   Dir folgende Firefox-Erweiterung, um Filme von YoyTube herunterzuladen:

Re: Ruhezustand / Suspend

2006-08-10 Thread Paul Seelig

Gerhard Wendebourg wrote:
Ich habe nun auf einem Toshiba / Centrino-Taschenrechner (Pentium M) 
einen 2.6.17er Kernel in Betrieb.

Welche suspend-Variante verwendet Dein Kernel? Die eingebaute Version 
oder die nachträglich gepatchte Variante (siehe

Mit hibernate faehrt er nun in den Ruhezustand.
Die Wiedererweckung klappt auch,

Wie ist hibernate von Dir an Dein System angepasst worden? Hast Du schon 
mal die Log-Datei /var/log/hibernate.log auf Hinweise untersucht?

allerdings mit einem instabilen System, 
das bald voellig crasht.

Hier (IBM T23 PIII-1,2GHz) läuft dieser Vorgang auf Debian unstable mit 
einem aus dem originalen Quellcode von selbstgebauten Kernel mit den suspend2-Patches (meistens) einwandfrei.

Welche Vorkerhungen muessen ggf. getroffen werden fuer ein 
zuverlaessiges hibernating bzw. welches System ist nach den vorhandenen 
Erfahrungen das geeignetste?

Am besten ist, sich möglichst tief in die Materie einzuarbeiten, auch 
wenn das sehr zeitintensiv sein mag. Ein guter Einstieg wäre eventuell 
als erste Lektüre. Das müsstest Du dann nur auf Deine Hardware umsetzen.

Re: Mal wieder DVD-RAM brennen

2006-08-02 Thread Paul Seelig

Dirk Salva wrote:

Das meine ich. Das Problem muss also irgendwo bei Linux liegen.

An Deiner Stelle würde ich es zuerst mal mit einem aktuellen Kernel 
probieren, wenn es schon an Linux selbst zu liegen scheint.

Re: Mal wieder DVD-RAM brennen

2006-08-01 Thread Paul Seelig

Dirk Salva wrote:

[Daten auf eine DVD-RAM bekommen]

1. Disk einlegen, dann mit ext2 formatieren, z.B.
   mkfs -t ext2 /dev/cdrom1
2. mounten dann mit dem Parameter -o noatime:
   mount -t ext2 /dev/hdc /brenner -o noatime
3. Um sie schneller zu beschreiben:
   sysctl -w vm.dirty_ratio=0

Was für ein DVD-RAM-Medium verwendest Du? Warum formatierst Du sie nicht 
 mit dem UDF-Dateisystem (wäre übrigens auch die beste Wahl für Windows)?

mkudffs --media-type=dvdram --udfrev=0x0150 /dev/hdc

Ich weiss, dass die UDF-Unterstützung für Linux ziemlich fragwürdig ist. 
Auch macht das Sourceforge-Projekt schon seit langem keinen lebendigen 
Eindruck mehr..

Problem: selbst damit bekomme ich nur Datenraten von mitunter unter
70kB/s, brauche also für z.B. 2GB mehrere Stunden!

Habe gerade eben zwei ISO-Images mit jeweils 3,3GB und 715MB auf eine 
Panasonic DVD-RAM (2-5x Speed) in einem NEC 7550 wegggeschrieben. Hier 
die Zeiten:

time cp ubuntu-6.06-dvd-i386.iso /mnt/dvdram/
0.80user 29.33system 43:53.49elapsed 1%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (1major+231minor)pagefaults 0swaps

time cp QEmu/ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso /mnt/dvdram/
0.13user 6.97system 5:03.84elapsed 2%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (1major+235minor)pagefaults 0swaps

Die Kernelversion ist auf einem zuletzt heute Mittag 
aktualisierten Debian unstable.

und eigentlich will ich dafür nicht auf Windoze booten, zumal ich gar
nicht wüßte, was ich dann dort für ein Dateisystem nehmen sollte (es
geht um die Archivierung von Bildern).

Viele kleine Dateien und Verzeichnisse? Das ist zeitlich aufwendiger als 
bei zwei riesigen Dateien. Dafür gibt es wohl ein paar zugriffs- und 
schreibverbessernde mount-Optionen. Finde ich aber jetz auf die Schnelle 
leider nicht.

Tips, Vorschläge?

Im Usenet in de.comp.hardware.laufwerke.brenner bist Du ja schon 
präsent. Mehr kann ich jetzt auch nicht enmpfehlen.

Re: Mal wieder DVD-RAM brennen

2006-08-01 Thread Paul Seelig

Dirk Salva wrote:

On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 07:22:05PM +0200, Paul Seelig wrote:
Warum formatierst Du sie nicht 
 mit dem UDF-Dateisystem (wäre übrigens auch die beste Wahl für Windows)?

mkudffs --media-type=dvdram --udfrev=0x0150 /dev/hdc
Ich weiss, dass die UDF-Unterstützung für Linux ziemlich fragwürdig ist. 
Auch macht das Sourceforge-Projekt schon seit langem keinen lebendigen 
Eindruck mehr..

Die Frage beantwortest Du Dir ja hier selbst...

Theoretisch Ja, aber praktisch dann doch Nein: Ich benutze UDF unter 
Linux und habe damit tatsächlich keine Probleme. Probier's doch mal.

Re: Copy CD to disk + copy disk to CD + reuse

2006-07-19 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hugo Vanwoerkom) writes:

 So I did:
 1.  mount /cdrom
 2. mkisofs -r -o 11.iso /cdrom
 Guess what? That CD-RW does not boot.
 What's wrong with the scheme?
The boot portion of the CD contents needs special treatment.

To create a valid bootable image of a CD better use a program like
readcd from the cdrecord package. It's man page explains the rest.

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Re: Langfristiger Ausblick: welcher Audiocodec für Archivierung?

2006-06-27 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dirk Salva) writes:

 Anregungen und Kommentare sind sehr erwünscht, wie gesagt, es ist in
 meinen Augen eine wichtige Entscheidung, die einer gründlichen
 Vorüberlegung bedarf. Eine dreistellige CD-Zahl rippt man nicht mal
 eben so...
In diesem Falle ist nur eine verlustlose Komprimierung sinnvoll. Eine
Umkodierung in eines der verlustbehafteten Formate kann man ja auch
nicht ernsthaft als Archivieren bezeichnen. Bei einer verlustlosen
Archivierung geht schlicht nichts verloren. Und den dafür nötigen
Speicherplatz bekommt man heutztage ja so billig wie nie zuvor.

Selbst archiviere ich mir wichtige Aufnahmen ausnahmslos als FLAC auf
MO-Disks. Darunter sind so einige selbstdigitalisierte Vinylscheiben,
für die ich trotz inensivster und langandauernder Recherche nie eine
CD-Ausgabe finden konnte.  Mein Musikgeschmack (Latin Jazz und andere
Jazz-Spielarten weltweiter Herkunft) scheint wohl nicht ganz so weit
verbreitet und kommerziell verwertbar zu sein, als dass er den Wechsel
des Medienformats (Vinyl - CD) unbelastet hätte überstehen können.

FLAC hat nicht nur den Vorteil, im Quelltext vorzuliegen, so dass man
in Zukunft im Falle eines Falles immer noch darauf zurückgreifen kann,
sondern archiviert ohne Verluste. Das sind die definitiven Argumente.

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Re: Langläufiger Linux Laptop?

2006-05-24 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dirk Salva) writes:
 Funktioniert das denn unter Debian genauso gut wie mit dem Mac-OS? Ich
 habe diesbezüglich z.B. massive Probleme mit meinem (gebraucht
 gekauften) Sony Vaio, um nicht zu sagen, unter Debian ist das völlig
 unbrauchbar. Kein Powermanagement, kein Akkumanagement, einfach nix.
Es kommt wohl auf die jeweils verwendete Hardware und die darauf
abgestimmte ACPI- bzw. APM-Konfiguration an. Auf meinem IBM T23
funktioniert das mittlerweile hinreichend gut unter ACPI, aber ich
musste viel Zeit in die Informationsbeschaffung und Konfiguration
investieren. Mit dem anfänglich eingesetzten APM ging es dagegen
praktisch (meistens) von selbst.

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Re: Langläufiger Linux Laptop?

2006-05-22 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Evgeni Golov) writes:

 Jetzt noch grob die Hardware: Intel P4 (oder Core Duo?), 

Für eine möglichst lange Laufzeit verbietet sich allein schon der
Gedanke an einen anderen Prozessor als den Pentium-M bzw. Core Duo.

Ansonsten immer wieder gerne einen ThinkPad in einer den eigenen
Bedürfnissen angemessenen Variante und grundsätzlich mit optionaler
Garantieverlängerung auf 3 Jahre. Such dir halt einen aus.

   P. *8^) zufriedener T23-Benutzer

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Re: OT: Digitalisieren von Kassetten bzw. Schallplatten

2006-04-18 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christian Biermann) writes:

 ich möchte Kassetten und Schallplatten auf CD sichern. Welches
 Programm/Programme ist/sind dafür eurer Erfahrung nach gut geeignet?
Hier wurde schon gramofile genannt, aber ich bevorzuge audacity für
die Aufnahme und anschliessende Weiterbearbeitung. Falls das nicht
genügen sollte, gibt es noch das Programm gwc (gnome wave cleaner) zur
Beseitigung von Knistern und Knacken.

Hier ein paar sehr gute Informationsquellen zum Thema:

Ist zwar alles nicht spezifisch für Linux, aber die technischen
Grundlagen sind ja schliesslich dieselben.

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Re: Alternative für VMware

2005-12-23 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Markus Boas) writes:

 Am Freitag 23 Dezember 2005 02:01 schrieb Paul Seelig:
  Software wurde. Allerdings gibt es eine freie Alternative namens qvm86
  (, mit der ich aber keine
  Erfahrung habe.
 Läuft fast besser asl kqemu läst sich auf jeden Fall problemloser übersetzten.
Ist das Projekt eigentlich noch am Leben? Die Webseiten sehen
jedenfalls ziemlich verwaist aus...

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Re: Fwd: Re: Alternative für VMware

2005-12-22 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tobias Hilbricht) writes:
 Zumindest für qemu und Parallels gilt aber, wie ich aus eigener Erfahrung
 weiß: die CPU muß sehr viel mehr als 1200 MHz haben. Ich habe hier einen
 Celeron mit 1200 MHz, VMware läßt Betriebssysteme gut bedienbar flüssig
 laufen, qemu (mit funktionierendem Accelerator-Modul) und Parallels sind
 degegen unbrauchbar langsam

VMware ist prinzipiell zwar sicher deutlich schneller, aber bei einer
großzügigen RAM-Ausstattung lässt sich gemäß eigener Erfahrung auch
mit QEmu (mit kqemu) auf einem 1,2 GHz-PIII-M (der andererseits sicher
schneller ist als ein 1,2GHz-Celeron) mit 1 GB RAM auf einem Thinkpad
T23 relativ gut arbeiten. Als ich dieselben Aktionen mit 512MB RAM
durchführte, war es in der Tat noch ein echtes Geduldsspiel.

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Re: Alternative für VMware

2005-12-22 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Taube) writes:

 Was ist denn dieses Accelerator-Modul? Und wo bekommt man das?

 Ist qemu in sarge brauchbar oder muss man sid nehmen?
Da auch unstable der aktuellen Entwicklung hinterherhinkt, kompiliert
man am besten selbst. Ist wegen kqemu sowieso notwendig.

 Was ist Kqemu? In Debian wohl nicht, oder?
Bei kqemu handelt es sich genau um dieses Accelerator-Modul. Nein, in
Debian wird sich das solange nicht einfinden, bis es nicht zu freier
Software wurde. Allerdings gibt es eine freie Alternative namens qvm86
(, mit der ich aber keine
Erfahrung habe.

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Re: NTFS-Partitionen sichern und wiederherstellen

2005-12-21 Thread Paul Seelig
On Wed, Dec 21, 2005 at 09:01:58AM +0100, Michael Hierweck wrote:
 auf welche Weise würdet ihr mir die (offline) Sicherung und
 Widerherstellung von NTFS-Partitionen empfehlen? 
ntfsclone aus dem Paket ntfsprogs. Sehr gut und ausgereift. Verwende ich
oft und gern. Ein Blick in die Beispiele der Man Page ist begeisternd!

 [...] aber der Nachteil ist, dass man dann den freien
 Speicherplatz mitsichert und bei der Rücksicherung auf die exakt
 identische Partitionsgröße angewiesen wäre.
Wenn du obengenannte Empfehlung mit ntfsresize aus dem Paket ntfsprogs
kombinierst, wäre auch diese Hürde genommen.

Siehe auch:

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Re: What would I do without partimage?

2005-12-16 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Ballard) writes:

 On Fri, Dec 16, 2005 at 12:48:07AM +0100, Paul Seelig wrote:
  For ntfs partitions, i prefer the more mature ntfs support of the
  ntfsprogs and the added benefit of loop mounting an NTFS image file.
 You can't mount an image that has been saved with --save-image.
Yes, if you use the --save-image parameter. But if you restore such an
image to a file instead to a partition, you can use loop mount that file.

 I tried ntfsclone and it works about as fast as partimage, and it's 
 definitely less 
 cumbersome that partimage; however the resulting gzipped image file from a 
 partition with 2GB of actual data was about 60MB larger: 840mb versus 780mb.  
 partimage image was also gzipped.
But can you restore a partimage image to a file and loop mount the result?

 I'm also going to file a bug against ntfsprogs that ntfsclone should be 
 separately from the rest of ntfsprogs.

I love package fragmentation... :-/

 ntfsclone is actually useful; the rest of those 
 programs are either unnecessary or flat dangerous.  The only thing they have 
 in common 
 is they involve NTFS.
ntfsresize and ntfsfix are some other nice components of the ntfsprogs
package.  I've benefited from both various times.

 The fact that ntfsclone is packaged with a tool called fixntfs or somethign 
 who's man 
 page says always run this after running any of the other utilities in this 
 before booting or your NTFS partition will be completely destroyed makes me 
 squeamish about ntfsclone,


Don't worry. The ntfsprogs should be safer than the ntfs support of partimage.

 although as I said it's a different animal and people report 
 it as stable.
ntfsfix helped me quite a few times to fix a ntfs partition which the
native WinXP chkdsk couldn't repair anymore... ;-)

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Re: What would I do without partimage?

2005-12-15 Thread Paul Seelig
On Wed, Dec 14, 2005 at 09:25:35PM -0500, William Ballard wrote:
 Are there other tools that work like Ghost but in Linux?  Partimage is 
I largely prefer ntfsclone from the ntfsprogs package over partimage.
Partimage is nice but the command line based ntfsclone is far more
flexible. Just check out the man page for some usage examples. Here are
some i came up with:

Backing up a NTFS partition into a gzipped image file:

 ntfsclone -s -o - /dev/hda1 | gzip -9 -c  winxp_hda1.img.gz

Recovering a partition works like this:

 gunzip -c winxp_hda1.img.gz | ntfsclone --restore-image --overwrite /dev/hda1 -

A friend of mine uses this tool on a daily basis to clone a partition to
another disk using this command:

 ntfsclone -s -o - /dev/hda1 | ntfsclone --restore-image --overwrite /dev/hdb1 -

Recovering a partition to a file works like this:

 gunzip -c winxp_hda1.img.gz | ntfsclone --restore-image --overwrite 
winxp_hda1.img -
 after that one can mount and browse it like a normal filesystem:

 mount -t ntfs -o loop winxp_hda1.img /mnt/

Beat this, partimage! ;-)

The ntfsprogs package contains lots of other useful utilities a XP really
can't do without.
 Cheers, P. *8^)

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Re: What would I do without partimage?

2005-12-15 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joseph H. Fry) writes:

 Can you configure ntfsclone to clone an NTFS partition but not include the 
 swap file or other files of your choice?  
I don't know because i never bothered... ;-)

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Re: What would I do without partimage?

2005-12-15 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martijn Marsman) writes:

 There is also Ghost4linux (not the real Norton stuff)
 and i must say, it works great ! :D
 ghost multiple clients on a network, via ftp! try it out!
I downloaded it, bootet it and what did i end up with? With
partimage. This g4l seems to be nothing more than a bootable mini
linux with a ncurses frontend for some utilities and partimage...

For ntfs partitions, i prefer the more mature ntfs support of the
ntfsprogs and the added benefit of loop mounting an NTFS image file.
BTW, to save an image via network one can use whatever the pipe
permits. Here are some samples from the man page:

   Backup an NTFS volume to a remote host, using ssh.

  ntfsclone --save-image --output - /dev/hda1 | \
  gzip -c | ssh host 'cat  backup.img.gz'

   Restore an NTFS volume from a remote host via ssh.

  ssh host 'cat backup.img.gz' | gunzip -c | \
  ntfsclone --restore-image --overwrite /dev/hda1 -

   Stream an image from a web server and restore it to a partition

  wget -qO - http://server/backup.img | \
  ntfsclone --restore-image --overwrite /dev/hda1 -

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Re: boot time verkürzen

2005-12-02 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Daniel Kämtner) writes:

 meine bootzeit auf dem Laptop beträgt unter Debian mit kernel
 2.6.14-2-686 ca. 1min:20s
 Wie kann ich die verkürzen?
Probier's doch mal mit Software-Suspend2, wenn du keine
Berührungsängste mit dem Patchen und Kompilieren eines Kernels
hast. Damit lege ich mein Notebook schlafen und umgehe ein
umständliches erneutes Booten:

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Re: Warnung vor Ubuntu 5.04

2005-08-01 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ludwig Maetzke) writes:

 - Und das Schlimmste: Das /home Verzeichnis auf der zweiten Partition war
 komplett leer, d. h. die davor mit einem anderen Linux darauf abgelegten
 Daten waren nicht mehr da!

Wenn du während der normalen Installation aufmerksam mitgelesen
hättest, wärest du rechtzeitig gewarnt gewesen, dass Ubuntu die ganze
Platte für sich beansprucht. Wenn man eine expert-Installation
vornimmt, lässt sich das verhindern. Und ein root-Passwort wird dann
auch angefordert (obwohl es dank sudo überflüssig ist).

 Libranet 2.81 ist trotz einiger Zicken mE immer noch die bessere Debian
Ich kenne Libranet zwar nicht (nur Debian seit 1997), aber Ubuntu ist
bisher das erste Debian-Derivat, dass ich ohne Hemmungen bei reinen
Endanwendern zu installieren bereit bin, ohne mir Sorgen darum machen
zu müssen, mit nachträglichen Support-Anfragen belästigt zu werden. Es
funktioniert eher mehr als minder einfach so für Endanwender. Und das
ist sehr gut so.

Ich selbst habe es mir auf einem uralten HP OmniBook (iP166 mit 128MB
RAM) installiert und bin erstaunt darüber, was Ubuntu aus der Kiste
noch herauszaubern kann. Selbst Suspend funktioniert auf dieser
Antiquität anstandslos! :-)

Das einzige, was mich an der Installations-CD störte, war, dass trotz
noch vorhandenem Platz die Sprachunterstützung unter anderem für
Deutsch, Portugiesisch und Spanisch nicht vollständig darauf enthalten
war. Das ist nicht so toll, wenn der Endanwender keinen brauchbaren
Internet-Zugang für eine Installation dieser Pakete über das Netz
hat... :-/

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Re: japanische fonts

2005-07-28 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bastian Venthur) writes:

 Ich selbst möchte nichts auf japanisch schreiben oder so, ich möchte nur die
 hässlichen Sonderzeichen nicht mehr sehen.
 Welche pakete muss ich installieren und/oder wo muss ich drehen?
Lerne am besten, sowas selbst herauszufinden! Mit einer Reihe
sinnvoller Stichwörter lässt sich in Debian (fast) jede beliebige
Funktionalität suche und in Form eines Pakets finden:

  apt-cache search japanese fonts

Suche dir aus der ausgegebenen Liste das bestgeeignete Paket aus.

Debian kann so einfach sein... ;-)

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Re: Package to block random SSH login attempts?

2004-12-05 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Adam Rosi-Kessel) writes:

 Is there any Debian package (or free software outside of Debian) that can
 detect random ssh login attempts and blacklist (temporarily or
 permanently) the IP address?
You might want to check the (albeit still unofficial) mirabello
package i provide at an apt-get enabled unofficial archive at

Package: mirabello
Version: 0.31
Priority: optional
Section: net
Maintainer: Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depends: screen, iptables, whois, bash (= 3.0-1)
Suggests: ipmasq, portsentry
Architecture: all
Filename: ./binary/mirabello_0.31_all.deb
Size: 6848
Installed-Size: 24
MD5sum: d04bd01b116f2c669ba09aa3c51322b6
Description: intrusion detection monitoring and IP blocking scripts
 The script runclient is run via cron job at each reboot and every 15
 minutes to ensure that scripts or programs defined via the RUNCLIENTS
 variable in /etc/mirabello.conf are started or continually running in
 the background within a detached screen session.
 The mirabello script checks for illegal uploads via abuse of apache
 webserver vulnerabilities. It immediately shuts down the webserver if
 files owned by user www-data appear in the monitored temp dirs, and
 archives all log files into a not so obvious place on the server
 machine for remote retrieval by the sysadmin who has been sent an alert
 via mail.
 The script intrudercheck monitors /var/log/auth.log for illegal ssh
 login attempts and blocks any source IP address from further contact to
 the system via iptables reject command.

- End forwarded message -

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Debian i386 binaries for Mozilla 1.7 with PostScript available

2004-07-13 Thread Paul Seelig
Hi all!

Due to security reasons i was in need of Debian binary packages for the 
latest Mozilla 1.7. Unfortunately though, PostScript has been dropped by
the official Debian packages so i recompiled with PostScript enabled again.
For the benefit of my fellow maintainers and users i made the resulting
binaries available at:

While you are at it, you might as well check out the other Debian packages 
provided there. The entry for /etc/apt/sources.list is:

 deb ./ 
 deb-src ./

Hopefully PostScript will soon be enabled in the official Debian packages 
again. Unix apps without PostScript support are not very reasonable...

 Enjoy, P. *8^)


Format: 1.7
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 19:08:43 +0200
Source: mozilla
Binary: mozilla mozilla-calendar mozilla-dom-inspector libnspr4 mozilla-js-debugger 
mozilla-browser libnss3 libnspr-dev mozilla-chatzilla mozilla-psm mozilla-mailnews 
libnss-dev mozilla-dev
Architecture: source i386
Version: 2:1.7-5.1
Distribution: unofficial
Urgency: low
Changed-By: Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 libnspr-dev - Netscape Portable Runtime library - development files
 libnspr4   - Netscape Portable Runtime Library
 libnss-dev - Network Security Service Libraries - development
 libnss3- Network Security Service Libraries - runtime
 mozilla- The Mozilla Internet application suite - meta package
 mozilla-browser - The Mozilla Internet application suite - core and browser
 mozilla-calendar - Calendar Application support files for Mozilla
 mozilla-chatzilla - Mozilla Web Browser - irc client
 mozilla-dev - The Mozilla Internet application suite - development files
 mozilla-dom-inspector - A tool for inspecting the DOM of pages in Mozilla.
 mozilla-js-debugger - JavaScript debugger for use with Mozilla
 mozilla-mailnews - The Mozilla Internet application suite - mail and news support
 mozilla-psm - The Mozilla Internet application suite - Personal Security Manage
 mozilla (2:1.7-5.1) unofficial; urgency=low
   * Unofficial NMU
   * Removed --disable-postscript from debian/rules and rebuild
 with proper postscript support. Support for postscript is
 definitely a must and should rather be fixed than removed.
 1077aabc9b5e6cddbcb07df05fdbe1b6 1142 web optional mozilla_1.7-5.1.dsc
 41539671daf2b01809120b89e345d635 753479 web optional mozilla_1.7-5.1.diff.gz
 33cb5f6cc19f121193108d1b8a28811a 1034 web optional mozilla_1.7-5.1_i386.deb
 b514c1d8e0b9603427e33229fcadf7eb 10694330 web optional 
 96cb5f2c6c1b99320b8b010abd88c5eb 3296770 devel optional mozilla-dev_1.7-5.1_i386.deb
 ecdc99c499273f0662c684e67d805a0c 1799808 mail optional 
 f440ddbf0efa171a2683c0db8b2de11a 158336 net optional 
 495a68a7867c66a516ad77ac4721831e 191370 web optional mozilla-psm_1.7-5.1_i386.deb
 f2109e277da706257594554ba1ba9ec6 116212 web optional 
 9d959b34c01f403a0bd36771262ab0d3 204166 devel optional 
 ab4804c053e9550a1422925242015f11 399444 devel optional 
 bde33ba402f30e5198232e5239b9b172 126888 libs optional libnspr4_1.7-5.1_i386.deb
 ea6e4ccaef9c9dc49e7c11b08826edb3 167984 libdevel optional libnspr-dev_1.7-5.1_i386.deb
 ea7de6430da83530358fd04417c68172 631376 libs optional libnss3_1.7-5.1_i386.deb
 273ab06d12402d43d1d6b020e1bb726c 183596 libdevel optional libnss-dev_1.7-5.1_i386.deb

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: latin1


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Re: Advice: making the move to all-SCSI

2004-03-09 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Perrin) writes:

 My concern is with lilo. How do I tell it to install in the SCSI disk's
 MBR, not the current boot disk? In the past, it seems like I've had
 trouble with that process.
Have you already considered reading lilo's documentation?  If all else fails
this might prove to be very helpful...

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Re: Aufnehmen über rec

2003-12-05 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Heimroth) writes:

 Hat denn jemand schon unter debian oder anderem Linux Schallplatten
 aufgenommen? Wie kommt man hier weiter?
Ich digitalisiere seit Monaten mit Audacity meine alten Jazz-Scheiben
und Audiokassetten und bin damit sehr zufrieden. Kennst du schon die
sehr gute Website;? Sehr zu empfehlen!

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Re: [avicap] kein Ton bei aufgenommenen Fernsehsendungen

2003-09-19 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alexander Fieroch) writes:

 Ich habe eine WinTV Karte, dessen Audio-Ausgang mit dem Audio-Eingang
 meiner Soundblaster PCI 128 verbunden ist. Fernsehen kann ich normal
 mit Ton, nur die Aufnahme ist ohne Ton.
 Woran könnte das liegen?
Mach mal vorher ein modprobe btaudio.

Ansonsten /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound/btaudio lesen. Da steht
alles, was du dazu wissen musst.

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Re: was an debian so toll ist

2003-08-14 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sascha Morr) writes:

 Nun dann sollten wir aber auch aufzeigen was bei Debian nicht so
 toll ist und das ist eben die Aktualität der Software.

Nun, wenn du dich auf stable beziehst, magst du recht haben.  Aber
dann ist das Problem wohl eher, dass es eher hoffnungslos ist, auf ein
neues Release von stable zu warten, um diesem Mangel abzuhelfen.

Wenn man sich aber damit abgefunden hat und gleich ganz auf unstable
sattelt, dann sieht's doch schon wieder ganz gut aus. Wer sich im Fall
von Problemen allerdings nicht selbst zu helfen weiß, der sollte das
besser lassen.

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Re: LyX-qt tarred sources?

2003-03-05 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Schönhoff) writes:

 where to find a lyx-qt.tar.gz to compile it for Woody on my own?
 Usal places did not provide this package (only found an inofficial deb)
Probiers doch einfach mal auf Abgesehen davon gibt es
keinen gesonderten lyx-qt-Quellcode. Sowohl die XForms- wie auch die
Qt-Version sind im selben Tarball enthalten.

   Ciao, P. *8^)

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Re: OT: Orthogonales Verhalten von Anwendungen zu Umgebungen

2003-02-10 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Schönhoff) writes:

 eine eher allgemeine Frage zu folgender Aussage von Havoc Pennington:
 Verlangt alle, dass die Anwendungen sich orthogonal zu den Umgebungen
 verhalten, in denen sie laufen.
Offensichtlich verhält sich der Sprachgebrauch von Havoc orthogonal
zum Verständnis der von GNOME avisierten Anwenderschaft...

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Re: Reconfigure of localepurge has no effect

2003-01-24 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lloyd Zusman) writes:

 And I've run the localepurge reconfiguration repeatedly, each time this
 message comes up, but it never seems to have any effect.
 Any ideas?
 Thanks in advance.
 Here's the message that I get:
   localepurge: checking for new locale files ...
   Some new locales have appeared on your system:
   They will not be touched at all until you reconfigure localepurge
   with the following command:
   dpkg-reconfigure localepurge
I have two bug reports pending complaining about exactly the
same. Unfortunately i simply find no way how to reproduce this
behaviour. On my machines localepurge simply does what i've written it

Since the two bug reporters still didn't seem to be able to provide me
with any useful information other than describing the symptoms, maybe
you could help me:

Would you please run script /tmp/localepurge.typescript (the command
/usr/bin/script is part of the bsdutils package) and within this very
script session run first localepurge -d, then dpkg-reconfigure
localepurge, and then again localepurge -d. After that, exit the
session and please send me the resulting /tmp/localepurge.typescript
(preferably g'zipped ;) along with the separate output of the command
dpkg -l * | grep ^ii to [EMAIL PROTECTED].

This would be most helpful helpful to find out what goes wrong!

 Thanks, P. *8^)

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Re: dvd::rip

2002-12-18 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Markus Hansen) writes:

 Geht das, oder nicht?
Geht nicht.

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Re: scsi controller HD

2002-12-12 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Templin) writes:

 Alle SCSI Controller die vom Kernel untersttzt werden sollten im 
 Prinzipp laufen. Allerdings von Tecram und DawiControll würde ich 
 aus Erfahrung das nur mit Einschränkung behaupten.

Solange da jeweils ein SymbiosLogic-Chip drauf ist, geht das ganz
wunderbar. Ich habe mit einem Tekram DC-390U2W und einem DawiControl
DC-2980U2W, die beide auf SymbiosLogic-Chips basieren, nur allerbeste
Erfahrungen. Die Treiberunterstützung im Linux-Kernel für besagte
SCSI-Chipsätze ist zudem vorbildlich und sehr ausgereift.

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Re: LyX Fragen

2002-09-06 Thread Paul Seelig

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (J. Volkmann) writes:

 Kann mir da mal jemand auf die Spruenge helfen?
Welche Version verwendest du?  Aktuell (noch inoffiziell) ist:

Package: lyx
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: contrib/editors
Installed-Size: 16645
Maintainer: Jules Bean [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: 1.2.1-0.1

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Re: lyx

2002-08-18 Thread Paul Seelig

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hanns-Albert Kaminzky) writes:

 finde jetzt auf woody lyx als veraltetes Paket . Gibt's dafür neueren Ersatz /
--- /etc/apt/sources.list ---
# Unofficial stuff #
deb unofficial/
deb-src unofficial/
# xforms-0. 
deb ./
--- /etc/apt/sources.list ---

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Re: Guten Tag. Frage bezüglich umsteigen auf Debian.

2002-08-12 Thread Paul Seelig

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hofmann, Sebastian) writes:

 Ich möchte von Windows weg, und bin mit Suse 8.0 auch nicht zu frieden und
 wie es der Zufall will glaube ich das Debian so das richtige sein

Warum denn das? Debian ist zwar aus administratorischer Sicht ganz
wunderbar, aber für reine Endanwender IMHO eher ziemlich spröde zu
handhaben.  Zudem ist Debian für einen Personenkreis ohne
UNIX/Linux-Vorkenntnisse nicht so leicht zu handhaben, wie ein
Endanwender sich das wünschen würde, ohne *viel* zum Thema zu
lesen. Da ist Englisch aber eigentlich Pflicht...

 Als erstes brauche ich wohl die CD's die ich mir ja bestellen kann.

 Sind auch Handbücher enthalten? Ich brauche doch auf jeden fall DEUTSCHE
 Docu. !?
Diverse Handbücher sind nur in elektronischer Form auf den CDs
enthalten. Im Buchandel bekommt man aber einige hervorraggende
deutschsprachige Bücher speziell über Debian.  Allerdings sind diese
bzgl. des aktuellen Debian-Releases 3.0.r0 im Rückstand.

Wer bei Linux/Debian auf deutsche Doku angewiesen ist, der wird es
schwer haben.  Denn jegliche aktuelle Doku, als die in der Regel am
meisten interessierende, ist in der Regel zuerst auf Englisch
vorhanden und mit den Übersetzungen dauert es in der Regel so lange,
bis das Original doch wieder neu überarbeitet vorliegt.
  Viel Spaß, P. *8^)
  Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
 - --

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Re: OT: NUR 10 LinuxProgis in ct-Software-collection!!

2002-06-04 Thread Paul Seelig

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rene Lemke) writes:

 Ja da hat die c't ihr Angagement sehr zurückgenommen. 

Nun ja, es ist nun mal keine reine Linux-Zeitschrift, aber gemessen an
einem Käufermehrheiten orientierten Spektrum ist das Verhältnis IMHO
ausgesprochen ausgewogen.

 Es finden 
 sich schon seit langem nur Windows-Themen. Die gucken 
 anscheinend immer seltener über den Tellerrand. 

Selbst gucken die sicherlich oft genug über den Tellerrand, aber
schließlich wird ja für eine zahlende Kundschaft geschrieben und die
ist in der überwiegenden Mehrheit eben Windows-Klientele.  Im
Verhältnis dazu ist die c't eigentlich ganz gut gelungen, was
Linux-Themen angeht.
  Ciao, P. *8^)
  Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
 - --

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Re: mutt mit compressed folder patch als debian Paket

2002-06-03 Thread Paul Seelig

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas Röhrle) writes:

 ich würde mir gerne mutt mit oben genanntem Patch als Debian-Paket
 bauen. Normalerweise muss ich ja dem configure-Skript die Option
 --enable-compressed mitgeben. Wie übergebe ich die Option an
Also unter Debian/unstable kann mutt standardmäßig schon lange mit
compressed folders umgehen:

--- snip 
[pseelig]~  apt-cache show mutt | grep ^Version
Version: 1.3.28-2
--- snip 

Du mußt es nur mal konfigurieren:

--- /etc/Muttrc -
# for compressed folders:
append-hook   \\.gz$  gzip -c %t  %f
open-hook \\.gz$  gzip -cd %f  %t
close-hook\\.gz$  gzip -c %t  %f
--- /etc/Muttrc -

Ciao, P. *8^)
  Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
 - --

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Re: OT: NUR 10 LinuxProgis in ct-Software-collection!!

2002-06-03 Thread Paul Seelig

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stefan Keul) writes:

 Gut es macht nicht viel Sinn die jeweiligen sourcen oder gar binaries auf die 
 CD zu brennen, haben doch sowieso die meisten in ihrer allumfassenden 
 Distrie. Nein es geht um PR, darum dass Linux nicht päsent ist.

Also ich finde es ja eher sehr bezeichnend, daß man als Linux-Nutzer
nicht auf derartige CDs angewiesen ist.  Denn im Gegensatz zu anderen
Betrübssystemen wird bei Linux ja eigentlich alles mitgeliefert, was
dort erst alles nachinstalliert werden muß(!), um halbwegs auf etwa
denselben Funktionalitätsstand zu kommen. ;-)

  Cheers, P. *8^)
  Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
 - --

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Re: Begeisterungsmitteilung -- Re: apt-sourcen usw.

2002-05-12 Thread Paul Seelig

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andre Naehring) writes:

 Ansonsten ist Debian ja wirklich überzeugend, keine Frage. Werde im
 Endeffekt wohl komplett von der Slack auf Debian umsteigen.:)
Wir kriegen euch doch noch alle... ;-)

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Re: Latex

2002-05-11 Thread Paul Seelig

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Udo Mueller) writes:

 Helmut Kopka: LaTeX Einführung Band 1
 Addison-Wesley Verlag.
 Hab ich dort letztes Jahr für DM 79,- gekauft. Ist wohl, wie ich
 jetzt sagen kann, _das_ Referenzwerk für Einsteiger.
... aber eine didaktische Katastrophe und von daher eher abschreckend.
Ich hatte damals den Kauf schnell bereut. Wenn es mir jemand abkaufen
möchte, dann bitte ein Angebot per Mail.

Ich empfehle die LaTeX2e Kurzanleitung, um in die Gänge zu kommen, und
ab dann den LaTeX-Begleiter und das von Ingo Klöckl im dpunkt-Verlag
erschienene Buch LaTeX2e - Tip  Tricks in der aktuellen zweiten

Die deutschsprachige LaTeX2e Kurzanleitung ist Bestandteil des
Debian-Paketes tetex-doc und befindet sich nach Installation hier:


Etwas umfangreicher und informativer finde ich allerdings das
englischsprachige Original, welches sich hier befindet:


  Viel Spaß, P. *8^)
  Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
 - --

Zum AUSTRAGEN schicken Sie eine Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mit dem Subject unsubscribe. Probleme? Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] (engl)

Re: gnustep

2002-04-30 Thread Paul Seelig

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kristian Rink) writes:

 Konkrete Frage: Das gworkspace, was, wie ich erfahren hab,
 zentraler Bestandteil dieses Pakets ist, ist zwar installiert, quittiert
 aber den Start(versuch) mit der lapidaren Meldung can't find the
 required application:

Du mußt *unbedingt* darauf achten, alle aktuellen GNUstep-Komponenten
aus Debian/testing (via FTP) installiert zu haben.  Alle sogenannten
Pre-Woody CDs sind schon bei Erscheinen hoffnungslos veraltet und
spätestens jetzt nur noch Sondermüll.

 Ciao, P. *8^)

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mit dem Subject unsubscribe. Probleme? Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] (engl)

Re: Linux equivalent of CloneCD?

2002-04-22 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Troy Telford) writes:

 Is there a Linux equivalent of CloneCD?  (Meaning it can make a
 perfect bit-per-bit copy of a CD?)
See the README in

and rejoice. It's binary only though...

 Cheers, P. *8^)
  Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
 - --

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Woody???

2002-04-15 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mattias Berg) writes:

 I'l need to dist-upgrade to woody due kernelchange.. didn't
 work.. totally fuck'd up my server... Try'd to reinstall debian and
 try with unstable... didn't work.. totally fuck'd up my server...
Your technically accurate and coherent description of the problems you
were facing let me severely doubt that your problems were due to *any*
of Debian's own shortcomings.  If only people like you would use their
experiences to properly submit meaningful bug reports so that we can
use them for debugging Debian instead of just pointlessly bickering!

Unfortunately you are only one of Debian's consumer type users for
which we have no use for. Contribute nothing, expect nothing. And now
please silently go away. EOF.
  Thanks, P. *8^(
  Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
 - --

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xemacs21 - leaving unconfigured

2002-04-02 Thread Paul Seelig

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stefan Kosak) writes:

 Setting up xemacs21-bin (21.4.6-7) ...
 update-alternatives: unable to make /usr/man/man1/editor.1.gz.dpkg-tmp a symlink to 
/etc/alternatives/editor.1.gz: No such 
 file or directory
Ich hatte vor einem halben Jahr auch mal ein Problem mit dem
xemacs21-bin und dessen Symlinks in /etc/alternatives/.  Da ich mir
damals nicht anders zu helfen wußte (auf zwei anderen Maschinen mit
identischer Installation ging nämlich alles problemlos), hatte ich
einfach alle sich auf XEmacs beziehenden Symlinks in /etc/alternatives
und den Zielverzeichnissen gelöscht.  Danach hatte ich XEmacs21 neu
installiert und es war wieder in Ordnung.  Leider konnte ich das
Problem damals nicht reproduzieren, um einen Bugreport damit
   Ciao, P. *8^)
  Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
 - --

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Re: Restore CD image equiv.

2002-04-02 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chapman, Matt) writes:

 I build a server with Debian on it as well as a filter (url) and squid
 for caching.  I ship the box.  The customer has a hardware issue and
 replaces bad drive etc.  Then needs to restore to the factory
 defaults.  How could I distribute a cd that installs the os and needed
 packages without the user needing to know linux at all. 

- snip 
Package: bootcd
Version: 2.08
Priority: extra
Section: utils
Maintainer: Bernd Schumacher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depends: cdrecord, mkisofs, cpio, fdutils, syslinux, bc
Suggests: ssh
Architecture: all
Filename: ./bootcd_2.08_all.deb
Size: 21706
MD5sum: c42cdc55738b2b8329572e565f71e808
Description: run your system from cd without need for disks.
 Copy your running Debian System on CD with the command bootcdwrite.
 If your system has no CD-Writer you can build a bootcd via NFS on a
 remote System with CD-Writer. When you run your system from CD you do
 not need any disks. All changes will be done in ram. To reuse this
 changes at next boottime you can save them on FLOPPY with the command
 bootcdflopcp. If booting from your CD-drive is not supported, booting
 from FLOPPY is possible. It is possible to install a new system from
 the running CD with the command bootcd2disk. Bootcd2disk can also find
 a target disk, format it and make it bootable automatically.
installed-size: 152
- snip 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xemacs21 - leaving unconfigured

2002-03-29 Thread Paul Seelig

Hallo Nora!

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nora Central) writes:
[ xemacs21 ( Broken Optional Package ) ]
[ (error in postinstall procedure) ]

Bitte aussagekräftige Details senden, bevor hier langwierig geraten
werden muß, um welchen Fehler es sich möglicherweise handeln könnte.

Am besten solltest du die Ausgabe von dpkg --configure -a betreffs
XEmacs21 schicken, damit man sehen kann, was du gesehen hast und nur
unvollständig beschreibst.
   MfG, P. *8^)
  Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
 - --

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Re: Mozilla mailto + mutt

2002-03-29 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rohan Deshpande) writes:

 Does anyone know if there is a way to have the mailto: in mozilla be
 used with mutt?  Thanks much!
apt-get install muttzilla

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: vmware pooched by latest dist upgrade.

2002-03-26 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gary Hennigan) writes:

 BTW, did you notify VMWare about this?
The problem is already discussed on the vmware news groups and
seemingly has found a solution:

- snip -
[ header shortened ]
From: Petr Vandrovec [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: vmware.for-linux.experimental
Subject: Re: VMWare 3.0 dead after GLIBC upgrade
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 22:05:09 +0100

Petr Vandrovec wrote:

 As SUSv2 mandates that new nice return value is correct, please use [EMAIL 
 (or @GLIBC_2.2.6 as it is in CVS only) for new nice() interface, so old 
 will not break.

Let's replace movl %eax,%ebx with xorl %ebx,%ebx ;-) Apply It fixes 
for VMware 3.0 and for some 3.1 betas. If you are using VMware 2.0 and you 
from this problem - sorry. 

It also fixes crash when you start vmnet-bridge with eth0 interface loaded, 
but down, and you'll not 'up' interface before eth0 interface disappears 
(by rmmod -a, for example) by fixing problem and not symptoms (like previous 
fix did).
- snip -

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Help!!! undelete for ext3fs!!!

2002-03-03 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian Potkin) writes:

 The man page for Midnight Commander claims that undeletion is possible
 only with an ext2 file system.  Your suggestion to explore whether it
 would deal with ext3 is reasonable but doesn't mc use debugfs which is
 designed for an ext2 file system?
Writing from the perspective of an up to date Debian/unstable system
only (i really can't be bothered with this rotten potato anymore):

debugfs is part of the e2fsprogs package which in turn is ext3-aware.

 I was aware that Midnight Commander has the facility you describe so I
 used it.  It told me it was `loading deleted files information' and was
 still going strong after an hour.  I went to bed, dreamt of inodes, got
 up and there it was still churning away.

Having become curious after writing my message, i tried this as well
on an ext3 filesystem with similar effect. But i was not patient
enough to stand the procedure for more than an hour... ;-)

  Now that partition only has
 about 50M of free space so I suspect there is insufficient room to write
 the undeleted files to it.  

Even if you wanted to, you simply couldn't and you better wouldn't,
even if you could because you wouldn't want to use those unlinked
inodes to be overwritten by restoring your files.  

The last time i succesfully undeleted using MC (almost two years ago)
i tried this and the undeletion routine refused writing data onto the
same partition.

 A way to direct the file listing somewhere
 else would be useful.
What should this be good for?

 Imagine a lot of .deb files.  Imagine having to rename them correctly!
 The tedium involved, however, is very much offset by the pleasure of
 recovering them.
I'm feeling with you. ;-)

 Eventually I used the recover package from the testing distribution.
 You can select deleted files by date and time of deletion and dump them
 to a directory on another partition.  It was also quite quick.  Having
 read about the difficulty of undeleting files on unix systems I found
 the performance of this program impressive.
Thanks for the hint!  I wasn't aware about the usefulness of this! :-)

 Thanks, P. *8^)
  Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
 - --

Re: Help!!! undelete for ext3fs!!!

2002-03-02 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cheryl Homiak) writes:

 Well, it really is too late now, as this was my root partition and I
 couldn't unmount it immediately even if I had known what to do. 

Maybe you could still save some fragments of the file?  or if you are
*really* lucky, the relvant inodes still have not been overwritten?

In such cases it's nice to have another Linux system on removable
media like a CD-R or similar.  This way you could have simply rebooted
from this second system and repair from there.

There is a *very* nice full Debian live system on a single CD-R which
runs directly from CD without the need of an installation called
KNOPPIX. Boots right into a full featured KDE session with full access
of hundreds of applications.

Check out; to learn more about it.  

I use it as full featured rescue disk and installation media for new
desktop installations.

 for backups, I'm really sorry but i can't figure out what a MO disk

This is a magneto optical disk. It is similar to ZIP and floppy disks
in size but has capacities from 128 MB up to 2.3 GB and is virtually
undestroyable by magnetic influences, etc.  There exist 5.25 disks
and drives with capacities up to 9.1GB as well.  MO is IMHO the only
really safe way for storing any data, albeit not very widespread and
the drives tend to be quite costly.  But one can easily aquire older
models at eBay for cheaper prices.  That's what i did. I have a 5.2GB
drive from Sony and a 640MB drive from Fujitsu. ;-)

For more information, check out;,;,;, and;.

Maybe a CD-RW might be of some practical use, but what i like so much
about MO disks is that one can use them like any other file system.

 This incident also points out the wisdom in having your linux system
 mounted on several partitions so that in cases like this you can unmount
 the partition immediately.

Just take into account that such deep wisdom shouldn't force it's
cleverness upon oneself and become impractical.  The only file system
layout i'd bother about for a desktop machine would consist of only
three partions. One each for swap space, / and /home/.  Just for
private use, anything else would be only overkill.

If you don't mind reinstalling programs from Debian packages, backups
should only be made regularily from /etc/, /home/ and /var/.
But restoring (and cloning!) a system from a full backup might save
quite some time in case of an actual incident.

 As for the trash can, it wouldn't do any good if your hard disk breaks but
 could be an asset in momentarily slips of the fingers (or the brain) such
 as I had.

Yes, in this case it might prove to be useful.  Generally, it's a good
idea *not* to trust oneself.  Therefore it's as well a bad idea to work
only as the super user.  Been there, done that, suffered from the
consequences, and, rightfully so, got no t-shirt. ;-)

 Cheers, P. *8^)
  Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
 - --

Re: OT: scsi vs ide: some data

2002-03-01 Thread Paul Seelig
On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 06:34:38PM -0800, Brian Nelson wrote:
 Performance isn't everything...
... versatility is.  Speed comes last IMHO.

The main point i'm using SCSI is that a wide range of devices can be
operated externally.  External operation means to be able to only
switch on devices when they are actually needed and the possibility to
attach them to and share them between multiple machines.

Try that with IDE devices... ;-)

Re: Help!!! undelete for ext3fs!!!

2002-03-01 Thread Paul Seelig
On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 11:42:36PM -0600, Cheryl Homiak wrote:

 I just deleted something I didn't want to delete; won't hurt my system,
 just destroyed some important records I was keeping.

*Immediately* unmount the partition holding this data!  With
*immediately* i mean *IMMEDIATELY!*, or better put, RIGHT *NOW*!

An now let's just calm down to be able to think for a minute.

 Is there any way to undelete in ext3fs?

Since this is compatible with ext2, ext2 undeletion should be
possible.  Now you have the possibility to find out yourself and tell
us whether this worked or not.

There is a comfortable way for undeletion using the GNU Midnight
Commander, /usr/bin/mc. If you have it installed, then start it up,
press F9 and choose Command | Undelete files (ext2fs only).  

Enter the device file name without the leading /dev/ of the
(hopefully unmounted!)  partition containing the deleted files and
wait a few minutes until the panel contains a listing of deleted
files. Depending on size of the partition in question, this can take
up a considerable amount of time. So please be patient even if this
takes half an hour or even far more.

The files in the resulting list don't carry names anymore and the
shown names are probably mere inode numbers(?) or similar.  Check
which file(s) might contain the data in question and copy this file
into a directory located on *another* partition.

And if you've been able to save your data: Rejoice!

 And if there is a way, but you had to have it pre-set up before the
 catastrophe occurred, I'd still like to know about it so I will have a
 safeguard in the future.

The only true safeguard is a regular backup.  Other good possibilities
include a regular backup or possibly even a regular backup.  Some
people even go so far to claim that a regular backup is the only
worthwhile protection system because it transcends the limits of you
hard disk and computer live span. Among the multitude of choices just
presented i'd always favour a regular backup. ;-)

I wouldn't bother about a trash can facility because if your hard disk
breaks your trash can will be broken too.  Backups don't get broken
when your hard disk fails *and* when made on secure media like MO
disks (that's what i use and trust).  If the data in question is
*really* important i'd take responsibility to store various
generations of backup media in another room, floor, building or even
city.  Linus himself and most Free Software developers even chose to
spread their data over various continents... ;-)

Good luck, P. *8^)
If not specific to HP please always reply to 

Re: libc6 oder Die Freuden von Unstable

2002-02-25 Thread Paul Seelig

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hartmut Figge) writes:

 wurde mal wieder Zeit, mein Debian etwas zu modernisieren. Sourcen von
 libc6 aus Sid geholt, compiliert, deb's installiert und:

Warum um Himmels willen kompilierst du dir libc6 selbst, anstat
einfach die Binaries aus Sid zu nehmen?

 Sich wundernd, P. *8^)
  Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
 - --

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Re: Duplicating current debian install

2002-02-15 Thread Paul Seelig
On Fri, Feb 15, 2002 at 06:03:20PM +0100, Eduard Bloch wrote:
 François Chenais wrote on Fri Feb 15, 2002 um 05:42:06PM:
  i want to change my laptop disk from 5 Go to 20 Go
  But I do not want reinstall my debian.
Normally one installs Debian just once and then simply clones the
existing system.  My own Debian system was first installed in 1996 and
has survived at least two computer changes and three or four hard disk
replacements.  In addition the very same system has been propagated to
five other computer systems so far. ;-)

  Does a tar enougth ?
Not quite...

 Disk-upgrade-howto says, tar has a serious bug, however I do not know

Uh oh!

The problem with GNU tar is that it chokes on very long path names
(like 256 characters or whatever).  Unfortunately it still does. :-(

 what they are talking about. I suggest:
 tar -l -p -s --same-owner --numeric-owner / | tar -l -p -s --same-owner 
 --numeric-owner -C /mount/newdisk

After having installed the new disk along to the old one, booting from
a rescue media ( is my favourite) and properly
mounting both disk's partitions, i've used the classic

  cd /mnt/oldsystem  tar cpf - . | ( cd /mnt/newsystem  tar xpf -)

The tar problem has bitten me nonetheless. So i'd rather suggest using
the following:

   Install the new disk along to the old one, boot from a rescue
   media, then properly mount both disk's partitions and do

   cd /mnt/oldsystem  cp -a . /mnt/newsystem

Works perfectly and long path names seem to be no problem.

 Good luck, P. *8^)
If not specific to HP please always reply to 

Re: Help: Command to search replace word in file?

2000-10-19 Thread Paul Seelig
On Thu, Oct 19, 2000 at 09:26:59AM +0200, Jonathan Gift wrote:

 Is there a way from the console to use a grep like command to search a file
 for, say the word blue and replace it with red? The key is console and
 not within Vim, etc. I'm trying to set up a way to automate changing
 .Xdefault setups with a simple Bash script.
I use this here once in a while for such tasks:

-- snip --
# $Id: changer,v 1.1 1996/11/23 12:26:21 sami Exp sami $
# Sami Lempinen * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *


if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then
  echo 12 Usage: $0 old-string new-strings file [files]
  exit 127

OLD=$1; shift;
NEW=$1; shift;

BASENAME=`basename $1`

while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
  echo Changing $OLD to $NEW in $1...
  sed s/$OLD/$NEW/g $1  /tmp/$BASENAME.$PID
  cp -f /tmp/$BASENAME.$PID $1
  rm -f /tmp/$BASENAME.$PID
-- snip --

  HTH, P. *8^)

Re: Cloning Debian/GNU

2000-10-05 Thread Paul Seelig
On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 01:53:14PM +0300, Denis J. Cirulis wrote:

 I want to make (of course if it's possible) some kinda instalation profile.
 I want to add only these deb packages to be installed which i'll select, but I
 want to automate this task cause too much time is wasted to choose packages on
 each machine. If there is some kickstart install would you be so kind and 
 me to the good documentation on how to implement this.
This might proof being useful for such a task:

-- snip -
[pseelig]~  apt-cache show bootcd
Package: bootcd
Priority: optional
Section: utils
Installed-Size: 53
Maintainer: Bernd Schumacher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: 1-5
Depends: cdrecord, mkisofs, cpio, makepatch, fdutils
Suggests: ssh
Architecture: i386
Size: 12094
MD5sum: 7336a8586b059d4eb87efafc33bad67c
Filename: dists/woody/main/binary-i386/utils/bootcd_1-5.deb
Description: run your system from cd without need for disks.
 Copy your running Debian System on CD with the command bootcdwrite. When
 you run your system from CD you do not need any disks. All changes will
 be done in ram. To reuse this changes at next boottime you can save them
 on FLOPPY with the command bootcdflopcp. If booting from your CD-drive
 is not supported, booting from floppy is possible.
-- snip -

It can be used for cloning a complete system installing from CD-ROM.

 Good luck, P. *8^)
    Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany

Re: libc6 problem after apt-get

2000-09-27 Thread Paul Seelig
On Wed, Sep 27, 2000 at 06:27:49AM -0400, Joel Dinel wrote:

 After doing a routine apt-get dist-upgrade, I started having mail

That's the reward of naively trusting unstable/woody.  There have been
new libc6 packages uploaded which make it necessary to recompile lots
of other packages.  Woody has ceased being compatible with Potato.

 I dit an apt-get remove and apt-get install of libc6, still not working.
Remove the unstable/woody entry from /etc/apt/sources.list and
reinstall the Potato libc6 versions.  It is eventually necessary to
get them via FTP and install them manually with dpkg -i *.deb
because apt-get can't handle downgrades (this will change some time).

   Cheers, P. *8^)
    Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany

Re: Netscape 4.75 ??

2000-09-22 Thread Paul Seelig
On Fri, Sep 22, 2000 at 09:34:27AM -0400, Mike Leone wrote:
 Netscape sucks. There are no good browsers right now. Wait for Mozilla to
 mature and maybe we'll have one. In the meantime, this is something we have 
 put up with. 
 I'm told - altho have not tried it myself - that you can compile and
 run IE for Unix on a Linux box.

Sure, just check out it's source code from, run
./configure --without-win32 --target=GNU_Linux-Intel, and then make
install, right?
  SCNR, P. *8^)
    Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany

Re: Netscape 4.75 ??

2000-09-22 Thread Paul Seelig
On Fri, Sep 22, 2000 at 10:03:32AM -0400, Mike Leone wrote:
  I'm told - altho have not tried it myself - that you can compile and
  run IE for Unix on a Linux box.
 Sure, just check out it's source code from, run
 ./configure --without-win32 --target=GNU_Linux-Intel, and then make
 install, right?
 I get it; that's supposed to be humor, right?
Yes, kind of... ;-)

 I shouldn't have said compile and run; just run.
Not even this, actually.  As you should have seen yourself, IE is at
best available on Solaris and HP-UX but this definitely still rules
out Linux.  I work a lot with HP-UX at it's very own company's place
and neither i nor actually any of my colleages has used or even seen
IE on HP-UX.

As i'm told it is pretty unsusable on either Solaris and HP-UX because
it depends so much on the Win32 API that at least half of windows had
to be ported to *NIX to make it crawl^H^H^Hrun on it.

 Internet Explorer 5 and Outlook Express are now available on both
 Solaris and HP-UX! This release of Microsoft's award-winning Web
 browsing technology makes using the Web simpler than ever, more
 automated, and more flexible to let you use the Web the way you

Isn't this funny? ;-)
 Cheers, P. *8^)

Re: Netscape 4.75 ??

2000-09-22 Thread Paul Seelig
On Fri, Sep 22, 2000 at 06:54:57PM +0300, Shaul Karl wrote:

 Seriously, I heard that KDE has Konquerer, I hope I spell it correctly. How 
 it as the main browser?
I have no idea, since i don't have KDE installed and happen to get
along just fine with navigator-standalone.  But how about installing
it yourself and trying it out?  It's free software and just an apt-get
command (or two) away:

--- snip --
[root]~  apt-cache search konqueror
kdebase - KDE core applications
[root]~  apt-get install kdebase
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following extra packages will be installed:
  kdelibs3-nossl libqt2.2 libssl095a 
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  kdebase kdelibs3-nossl libqt2.2 libssl095a 
0 packages upgraded, 4 newly installed, 0 to remove and 181 not upgraded.
Need to get 15.5MB of archives. After unpacking 50.5MB will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 
--- snip --

No, thanks... :-/

Duh, some 50.5MB worth of dependencies just for a web browser is a bit
hefty, isn't it?
  Cheers, P. *8^)

Re: Netscape 4.75 ??

2000-09-22 Thread Paul Seelig
On Fri, Sep 22, 2000 at 12:27:50PM -0400, Mike Leone wrote:
 I have no idea, since i don't have KDE installed and happen to get
 along just fine with navigator-standalone.  But how about installing
 it yourself and trying it out?  It's free software and just an apt-get
 command (or two) away:
 Is Konqueror KDE2?

 Duh, some 50.5MB worth of dependencies just for a web browser is a bit
 hefty, isn't it?
 You're not getting JUST a browser; you're getting all of KDE.
Yes, that's the problem.  

I wouldn't mind that if i'd been running KDE2 anyway, but i don't.
The same is naturally valid for GNOME applications.  If one wants to
run a GNOME app like gnumeric, there is always this hefty space
penalty involved.  And since i'm happy running a simple window manager
only this is hard to swallow actually.  I just don't buy an integrated
desktop's benefits when it mainly snatches away large portions of my
valuable RAM that i'd rather see used for the apps i'm running.  On
the other hand though, both KDE2 and GNOME have started to offer
really nice stuff lately. :-)
Cheers, P. *8^)

Re: Console based Word Processor

2000-09-01 Thread Paul Seelig
On Fri, Sep 01, 2000 at 11:38:19AM -0400, Joseph C. Tuttle wrote:
 I've heard this before, but I haven't been able to find WP 5.x on either of 
 two WP 8 CDs I have.  I'd be happy to find it, though,  because I believe the 
 DOS version of WP 5.1 was one of the best software products ever created.  
 So, if any of y'all know where it can be found exactly, please let me know. 
It is only included in the retail server edition.  Check for yourself

Re: feature-proposal: apt-get : single-package reinstallation

2000-08-30 Thread Paul Seelig
On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Sean Champ wrote:

 so, a proposal:
   maybe a 'reinstall' option for apt-get ?
It's already there.  Just RTFM the man page:

- from apt-get(8) ---
  Re-Install  packages that are already installed and
  at the newest version.
- from apt-get(8) ---

   Cheers, P. *8^)

Re: .zip file

1999-11-02 Thread Paul Seelig
On Tue, 2 Nov 1999, Ralph Winslow wrote:

 I recently recieved a .zip file in the e-mail, and when I tried:
 $ gunzip
 gunzip: unknown suffix -- ignored
 What am I doing wrong?
Better try;.  But it should already be
on your Debian CD (if you have one) or you could install it via the net
using apt-get install unzip on the command prompt while you are online
(if you have apt properly set up).
 Cheers, P. *8^)
If not specific to HP please always reply to 

Re: How to shut up dselect?

1999-10-21 Thread Paul Seelig
On Thu, 21 Oct 1999, Daniel Haude wrote:

 Is there a way to tell dselect: I installed sucha-and-such myself, it's
 there, so stop bitching (and remember next time)?

You can create any pseudo package with equivs which fools the package
management into believing that the mimicked package is actually installed.

  Cheers, P. *8^)
If not specific to HP please always reply to 

Re: System crashes using 2.2.1 kernel with ATI Rage Fury

1999-10-20 Thread Paul Seelig
On Wed, 20 Oct 1999, Adam Wojnicki wrote:

 Trying to start xserver with 2.2.1 causes system crash: 

Before any further discussion please upgrade first to a more *recent*
2.2.x kernel and try again. The current kernel version is 2.2.12 with
2.2.13 being expected very soon. These versions are mainly bug fixes and
chances are good that your particular might be already vanished.

   Good luck, P. *8^)
If not specific to HP please always reply to 

Re: spreadsheet?

1999-09-16 Thread Paul Seelig
On Wed, 15 Sep 1999, Richard E. Hawkins wrote: 
 but it's not free; it asks for $50 as shareware.
Check out this:

Both are free (unfortunately only as in free beer) for personal use.

--- snip ---
Title:  Wingz
Entered-date:   11DEC98
Description:X-windows Graphical Spreadsheet
Keywords:   Spreadsheet, Data Analysis, Charting, X/Motif, database
Maintained-by:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Primary-site: /pub/Linux/apps/financial/spreadsheet
4.8 M Wingz-311.tar.gz
  6 K Wingz-311.lsm
Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/apps/financial/spreadsheet
Platforms:  Linux, Windows95/98/NT, Solaris, AIX, SunOS, HPUX, IRIX,
Copying-policy: Freeware
--- snip ---

I like it quite a lot.
 Cheers, P. *8^)
Please always reply to Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Window managers or desktop managers...

1999-09-10 Thread Paul Seelig
On Fri, 10 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 One that machine, I use FXCE,
 which looks a lot like CDE, but uses GTK. I don't believe it is packaged
 for Debian (at least, not for slink), but it's relatively painless to
 build and install from source (./configure ; make ; make install). It's
 available from, I believe, if you are interested.
I've made an unofficial Debian package of the latest XFCE-3.1.0 which is
available from; in the
binary/source directories.
 Cheers, P. *8^)
Please always reply to Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Corel : GNOME vs KDE

1999-04-22 Thread Paul Seelig
On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Sami Dalouche wrote:

 I don't understand why Corel has chosen KDE instead of Gnome.
 [ etc. deleted ]

Please stop right here! If you don't understand it then just keep
quiet instead of provoking yet another flame war on this subject.
Corel made a choice with regards to making money. Deal with it.

JFYI: I don't like KDE very much either but don't use GNOME either.
But i'd rather adminster a KDE based Corel/Debian Linux at work than
having to stand yet another year with Win9x/NT/2000/whatever.

   Thank you, P. *8^)
   - Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   --- -

Re: (no subject)

1999-04-21 Thread Paul Seelig
On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, darrin griffiths wrote:

 I'm installing debian linux but the files resc1440.bin and drv1440.bin
 are too large to fit on a 1.44 mb floppy.

This should explain it to you:

RTFM is good for you.
  Cheers, P. *8^)
   - Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   --- -

Re: DOS Program

1999-02-19 Thread Paul Seelig
On Fri, 19 Feb 1999, Nils Lorvick wrote:

Have you tried booting from your DOS disk and executing fdisk /mbr
for rewrtiting the master boot record?
P. *8^)
   - Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   --- -

Re: DOS Program

1999-02-19 Thread Paul Seelig
On Fri, 19 Feb 1999, Paul Seelig wrote:

 Have you tried booting from your DOS disk and executing fdisk /mbr
This should have meant DOS boot floppy...

Re: Documentation for WingZ spreadsheet for Linux?

1999-02-15 Thread Paul Seelig
On Mon, 15 Feb 1999, Johann Spies wrote:

 I tried out wingzpro not so long ago.  I could not get it to accept input
 from the keyboard into spreadsheet cells.  It also gave a segmentation
 fault when I tried to import .xls files.  

Hmm, that's strange.  Here it works almost flawlessly and i've begun
to really like this program.  Import of .xls files works to some
degree but i didn't try more than a few different files - i don't need
this import capability anyway.

The only real problem i had so far was that when i invoke Window/SQL
Interface WingZ allocates all memory (including virtual) until most
processes come to a grinding halt.  Seems to be a familiar problem to
other people as well.  :-/

 I reported that to the people
 who distributed it as well as asking them about the documentation.  
 Here is the reply I received:

That's just what i feared: Release the program without documentation
and then expect people to pay big time for it.  Is it really big time
or somewhat affordable?  I guess i'll better write them myself.

   Thank you, P. *8^)
   - Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   --- -

Re: Easy way to make a packages.gz file?

1999-02-10 Thread Paul Seelig
On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, Becher, Andrew wrote:

 Assuming I have a directory with many .deb files, is there an easy way to
 generate a packages.gz file for this directory?
man dpkg-scanpackages

RE: slashdot poll

1999-02-09 Thread Paul Seelig
On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, M.C. Vernon wrote:

 RH is a commercially-based distro, so they can spend loads of cash on
 advertising etc, so they are the most popular, despite Debian's inherantly
 free-er nature, and techincal superiority
Redhat is a distribution geared at ease of use. That's why Linus
himself uses Redhat and not Debian.  Debian with all it's technical
superiority would definitely benefit from becoming a bit more user
friendly as well. This should be possible without dumbing down or
sacrificing technical advantages but might in the contrary actually
add to it's overall quality.

Speaking about polls, here is the URL of a poll conducted in Germany a
few months ago.  Debian is second here too but Redhat is not first

  Cheers, P. *8^)
   - Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   --- -

RE: slashdot poll

1999-02-09 Thread Paul Seelig
On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, Christian Lavoie wrote:

 Debian's harder to install. One guy mentionned he could install Red Hat in
 less than 15 minutes. Hard to have something fully up at that speed with

Right.  I've recently tried Redhat and SuSE on a separate partition
and Debian's installation is still pure stone age. Well, i guess
there's still Slackware...
 Debian's way easier to maintain. Apt, dselect and dpkg are marvels. In the
 same way, Debian's easier to upgrade.
This is right as well.  Redhat has proven to be pretty awkward in
these matters.  But SuSE is a valid contender as well regarding ease
of maintenance.

 So, in those comparative reviews, yes, we DO are disadvantaged. What they
 look at is: How easy are the 5 first day of use. They forget about the 360
 next that'll really show the Debian power.
And now imagine the power of Debian combined with an installation
routine at least as convenient and user friendly like Redhat's or
SuSE's.  Debian would be the absolute killer!

But oh well, talk is cheap...
 Cheers, P. *8^)
   - Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   --- -

Re: Idea for popularizing Debian!

1999-02-09 Thread Paul Seelig
On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, Person, Roderick wrote:

 I was reading the /. poll stuff and I just though, why don't some Debian
 user get together and do some Type of volunteer advertising via web page and
 if funds can be raise via Linux Journal and other pubs
Investing some time and money into an easier installation routine
would be the best advertisement IMHO.
  just my 2 euro, P. *8^)
   - Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   --- -

Re: slashdot poll

1999-02-09 Thread Paul Seelig
On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, William Schwartz wrote:

 I also after playing with Debian for a week tried Red-Hat.
 The install went very well, but that was all I ever got done... I did not
 know how to get other packages installed and such. I was stuck with a
 system that was empty. It had almost nothing installed on it, and I did
 not know how to get any more installed on it. So, I went back to dselect
 (hamm)  Debian and have been using Debian ever since. Even if Red-hat has a
 good installation procedure, it was dselect that won me over.
When i tested Redhat this was one of the most definitive turn offs.
One needed to have X11 up and running to have access to a rather
strange package management frontend.  Actually dselect is terrible in
ergonomic terms and intuitive usage but at least it works and does
it's job far better than this RPM frontend under X11.  And it even
works well when you take the time to read the documentation to get
aquainted with it's somewhat awkward handling.  I even began to like
it to some degree.  But then there is SuSE...

Cheers, P. *8^)
   - Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   --- -

Re: Unofficial lyx_1.0.0-0.1_i386.deb available

1999-02-02 Thread Paul Seelig
On Tue, 2 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Any hope it did not use XForms?
No, not at all unfortunately.  Until now there is no other front end
than for XForms and the Qt version is severely outdated.  I'd love to
see a gtk+ based front end for LyX but i'm not aware of anyone having
started with such an undertaking.  A GNUstep version would be my all
time favorite though...
 Cheers, P. *8^)
   - Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   --- -

Re: Screenshot utility for Debian?

1999-01-23 Thread Paul Seelig
On Fri, 22 Jan 1999, Randy Edwards wrote:

 Could someone tell me if there is a utility to create screenshots
 packaged for Debian?  

Install the imagemagick package and then do man import.

Here's what i use most effectively:

-- snip ---
# save as /usr/local/bin/
import -quality 100 -frame /tmp/screenshot-`date +%y%m%d.%H%M%S`.jpg
-- snip ---

-- snip ---
# save as /usr/local/bin/
import -quality 100 -window root /tmp/screenshot-`date +%y%m%d.%H%M%S`.jpg
-- snip ---

-- snip ---
# save as /usr/local/bin/
import -quality 100 -colorspace GRAY -window root \
  /tmp/screenshot-`date +%y%m%d.%H%M%S`.eps.gz
-- snip ---

 Have fun, P. *8^)
   - Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   --- -

Re: Screenshot utility for Debian?

1999-01-23 Thread Paul Seelig
On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, George Bonser wrote:

On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, Paul Seelig wrote:

 On Fri, 22 Jan 1999, Randy Edwards wrote:
  Could someone tell me if there is a utility to create screenshots
  packaged for Debian?  
 Install the imagemagick package and then do man import.

xv does it too.

And ee and ksnap and and the GIMP and whatever you name.  But one
still needs to point and click.

With import it's actually just the command prompt or a shell script
to execute.  A very comfortable option IMHO since this can be very
well integrated into a window manager menu.  I usually only press the
Print key on my keyboard to produce a screenshot.  Having to fire up
a click'n'drool utility just to make a screenshot is far too
cumbersome for me.
Cheers, P. *8^)
   - Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   --- -

Re: Screenshot utility for Debian?

1999-01-23 Thread Paul Seelig
On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, Branden Robinson wrote:

 But how about getting screenshots of VC's?  Apparently no such tool
 already exists.  

With a framebuffer console it's already feasible:

cp /dev/fb0 /tmp/

I just wonder how the resulting stuff could be converted into
something to be displayed with a regular graphics program?

  Absolutely clueless, P. *8^)
   - Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   --- -

lyx_1.0.0pre6-0.1_i386.deb available

1998-12-24 Thread Paul Seelig
Well, the subject already says it all, so here is my christmas present for
all interested parties:;

Don't complain if it doesn't work for you and better fix it. You'll find
the debianized original sources in the same place.

Merry xmas, P. *8^)
   - Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   --- -

Re: lyx_1.0.0pre6-0.1_i386.deb available

1998-12-24 Thread Paul Seelig
On Fri, 25 Dec 1998, Alexander N. Benner wrote:

 Ship's Log, Lt. Paul Seelig, Stardate 241298.2050:;
 Is there a reason why lyx is unofficial? (guess that was already
 asked many versions b4)

Because there is already a maintainer waiting for the final release
but mainly because i'm too lazy to officially maintain it.  Or better
said, i rather lack the time for doing a more thorough job.  You've
probably already noted, that my packaging was rather a quick'n'dirty
hack then a well debugged package.
   Rohe Weihnachten, P. *8^)
   - Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   --- -

Re: unix/literature people article

1998-12-19 Thread Paul Seelig
On Fri, 18 Dec 1998, Chris Frost wrote:

 Several months back a webzine (maybe they did print also) has a great
 article on the writers findings to why people who were very good at
 writing, etc used unix so much (because unix is a language, as he
 explained with an example of two unix people grep'ing a menu at a
 restraunt). It might have been unixworld, but I didn't see it there,
 anyone remember where I could find this article?
The Elements Of Style: UNIX As Literature

   Nice article indeed, P. *8^)
   - Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   --- -

Re: dvi viewer in 2.0

1998-10-20 Thread Paul Seelig
On Tue, 20 Oct 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have just upgraded to 2.0. Previously I could view .dvi files with xdvi.
 It is no longer present. Is there a .dvi viewer (preferably for x) that
 does not require a tetex installation?

Yes, there is tmview-98.06, which is split into the two .deb packages
dvisvga for the console and dvilx for X11. Both work just great and
especially dvisvga is a great means for having true WYSIWYG right at the
console. These packages are not present in Debian-2.0 but you can easily
fetch the sources from frozen and compile it yourself. I've already done
so for Debian-2.0 and you can get the binaries from our unofficial site at{source,binary}; as
dvilx_98.06-1_i386.deb, dvisvga_98.06-1_i386.deb and tmview_98.06* for the
sources. An updated lyx-1.0.0pre2 package is available too.

 Cheers, P. *8^)
   - Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   --- -

Re: Fixkeys Mini Howto

1998-09-25 Thread Paul Seelig
On Thu, 24 Sep 1998, Martin Schulze wrote:

  Very likely.  In addition to Partition Magic, many of the Linux distribs 
  come with FIPS.EXE, which is free software.
 ... and can (only) resize FAT and VFAT partitions.
The latest official version can BTW finally handle FAT32 as well. This
should go on the Debian FTP servers as soon as possible. The official FIPS
home page is at;.

  Regards, P. *8^)
   - Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   --- -

Re: How to get a screenshot?

1998-09-12 Thread Paul Seelig
On Fri, 11 Sep 1998, Eric House wrote:

 I assume the Gimp can handle the conversion.  But how does one get a
 screenshot under [Debian] Linux?  Is there anything comparable to
 Snapshot (on Solaris), for example?  
Just use the GIMP! ;-)

From the main toolbox window: Xtns - Screen Shot.

XV is BTW 
very nice for screenshots as well.

Cheers, P. *8^)
   - Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   --- -

Re: Technical aspects that make Linux better than NT -- Is a list compiled somewhere?

1998-08-30 Thread Paul Seelig
On Sat, 29 Aug 1998, Asher Haig wrote:

 Is there a list somewhere that's compiled about technical reasons that 
 Linux is better than NT? I'm interested as far as having good reasons to 
 quickly list off to NT hacks. Not a matter of convincing _me_ -- just 
Not exactly a list, but close in the wanted contents: 

 Cheers, P. *8^) 
   - Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   --- -

Re: NE clone

1997-11-21 Thread Paul Seelig
On Fri, 21 Nov 1997, Pablo Ares Gastesi wrote:

   does any one know about a clone for Norton Editor (the same way
 Midnight Commander looks like Norton Commander) ? I have a bunch of
 users who do not change to LINUX just because they are used to NE.
Actually the same Midnight Commander might be the answer for your
problem as well. It comes with an internal editor mcedit which can
be invoked separately under this very name. To use it inside MC just
toggle the checkbox use internal edIt in Options/Configuration. 

  Cheers, P. *8^)
   Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   Our AMA Homepage  in  the WWW at

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