.tgz? How do I go about extracting them?

1999-07-27 Thread Revenant
There's a very complex method listed in my Running Linux book.  But,
given the rate at which Linux is evolving, pretty old.

Is there a easier, newer way than that convoluted string piping from
gzip to tar etc. ?


-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Incredibly basic dopey question

1999-07-26 Thread Revenant
Does Slink use glibc?  Or libc5 (or is it lib6)?  *Is* lib6 glibc?



-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Re: Incredibly basic dopey question

1999-07-26 Thread Revenant
Thanx all for the prompt response.  You've been very helpful.

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

xmodmap problem?

1999-07-11 Thread Revenant
I have set up a new .pke file for a dvorak keyboard by cut and pasting
from the original keymap.  Regardless of what I put in #48 (' ), when
I press that key the messagie arg: -1 comes up and the next keypress
is not echoed.

Anyone got any ideas?

Thank you.

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Setting Wmaker prefs?

1999-07-11 Thread Revenant
When I first ran Wmaker it contained an icon that ran a preference
editor.  I moved this icon, it disappeared and I can't find it again.

Can someone please tell me how to set the preferences for Wmaker
without it?

Thank you.

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Re: Fate strikes again

1999-07-06 Thread Revenant
Matthew Dalton wrote:
 When you press c+a+f1, you are not killing the X-server. You are
 merely switching to one of the text only consoles. To switch back to
 X, press c+f7.

My computer won't let me ctrl-alt-whatever to another process when
an X-Server is running.  Is there any way to fix this?


-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Re: Debian install fails utterly

1999-07-06 Thread Revenant
I had all sorts of problems with this too when I first installed Debian
(not real long ago).

In the end I ended up copying the basic install files to HDD and
running the install from there.  (I needed base2_1.tgz, drv1440.bin,
install.bat, linux, loadlin.exe, resc1440.bin, root.bin). Then just ran
install.bat from the DOS Prompt.

Obviously, this is only of use if you're trying for a dual-boot system.

Partway into the install it asks where to get the needed files from
and you tell it the CD-ROM.

I had problems with it for *ages* before I figured out that my
CD-Burner is considered primary and Linux didn't like to install from
the burner.  In the end, I got it to work by unplugging the CD-Burner
for the duration of the Install.  Convinced that my second CD-ROM was
the only one, it was quite happy.

Hope some of that helps a little bit.

In a pinch (which it sounds like you are) it may well be worth
borrowing an IDE CD-ROM from someone long enough to do the install
then getting the problem worked out from an (otherwise) working
Linux box...

Bitt Faulk wrote:
 I have been trying to install Debian slink for about 3 working days now,
 and it will not happen.  First off, let me say that I am new to Debian,
 but not to linux.  I have been using it since 1991, so it's not a total
 newbie mistake, but it may be a Debian newbie mistake.
 I tried to boot off of the CDROM.  The kernel hangs after it loads the
 driver for my SCSI adapter (on-board AIC7890).  I found some documentation
 saying that the SCSI adapter can cause problems, but that someone (adric?)
 had created some boot floppies that solved the problem.  I d/l'ed those
 and booted using them with the same hang.  So I tried botting off of the
 second CDROM, the 'tecra' one, and it did not hang on the kernel boot, but
 it did panic because it evidently didn't know where to find the root
 filesystem.  Then I tried creating a new boot floppy with a new kernel
 that didn't have support for my SCSI adapter at all (as it will not be
 used at all -- don't ask, it's another long story).  While it booted okay,
 it also did not know where to find the root.  I finally figured (not that
 it's documented anywhere that I can find) that I needed to boot via floppy
 with the 'ramdisk' method and that the root is in root.bin.  Now I'm
 actually up to a point that looks like it's trying to install.  I go
 through some stuff that looks okay until I get to a point where it's
 looking for resc1440-2.2.6.bin (2.2.6 is the kernel I compiled).  It can't
 find it of course, and there appears to be no way to tell it to look for
 something else.  And I can't get any farther.  Then I have the idea to
 boot off of the 'tecra', but do a 'ramdisk' boot and have it load the root
 off of the floppy.  This seems to boot fine until it tries to find the
 rescue disk again.  This time it looks for a file that seems sane, but it
 can't find it, so I umount the tecra CDROM and mount the standard one.
 Then it seems able to find the disk image and everything goes okay until
 reboot, at which point it tries to boot off of that original kernel that
 hangs at the SCSI driver.
 At this point, I am ready to jump up and down on the install media, the
 motherboard with the SCSI adapter that I didn't want (again, don't ask),
 the vendor that sold it to me, my coworkers, the debian.org website,
 RedHat (just for laughs), both Deb and Ian, Adaptec, whoever wrote the
 Install Guide my mother; really, just about everybody in sight.
 I know I'm close to being in danger of offending everyone on this mailing
 list, but at this point, I'm real close to telling everyone I know that
 Debian is a true POS and to avoid it at all costs.  I would really like to
 be able to avoid that.  It's as if the folks making the distro decided
 that if you couldn't boot off of the CDROM without any additional options
 then they really didn't want your business.  Try following the
 instructions for booting off of a floppy.  It doesn't work.  All it says
 is that you need to boot off of the Resuce Floppy (6.2).  Try to find a
 reference to inserting the CDROM or an additional floppy or anything.  I
 certainly couldn't.  If I was installing Slackware, for instance, I would
 have tried to boot off of the CDROM, it would have hung up, and I would
 then have created two floppy disks, a boot and a root, and booted off of
 them, with all defaults accepted.  I know that this works fine because I
 did it on this machine just to make sure that there wasn't a hardware
 Anyway, now that I've come as close as humanly possible to creating pure
 flamebait, would someone PLEASE tell me that you're a complete idiot and
 you're going about it completely wrong and this is what you're supposed
 to be doing, you annoying fool.  Derision would be fine if I could just
 get this f**ker installed.
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Re: [SuSE Linux] What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-07-04 Thread Revenant
I use the Netscape Mail program and am quite happy with it.

I've recently returned to Netscape Mail from Pegasus, which is nice,
but has a few little annoying things that Netscape doesn't:

  New messages appear in the New Mail folder.  Once they move from
there (after reading) they can't be put back, even if you mark messages
as unread.

  If you search for messages by criteria you get a list of matches.
If you select one of them, it opens it (okay so far), but then when
you finish the message and close it, you find that Pegasus has opened
the folder it came from underneath.  This leads to an annoying
repetition of click on msg, read msg, close msg, close folder

  It also doesn't have Netscape's ease of searching on multiple fields.
You can do it, but you have to parse together a command-line like
search term rather than just clicking on add another search term
like Netscape.

  It had a feature to autowrap quoting which I found nice - until I
found it was unreliable in general, *never* worked for multi-level
quoting and tended to auto-italicize (if you have that turned on)
the wrong bits of the message.  Sometimes text around the autowrapped
area even disappeared!

  Like I say, generally little things, but annoying.

  Regardless of what you may think of the Netscape Browser, the
Mail program is really a fairly nice piece of work...

David Woolley wrote:
  To a certain extent I have to agree, but where I REALLY think Linux lags 
  is email. I miss an email client coming close to for instance Outlook 
  and The Bat! for Windows (or even Eudora!). The only one is XFmail which
  currently is not being developed it seems.
 The Outlook family are generally considered broken even by ardent Microsoft
 fans.  They ride rough shod over standards and convention, make it difficult
 to quote sesnibly, don't seem to do blind copies, and will send HTML,
 MS-TNEF and GIF images of the paper almost without warning.
 If you want a free Windows mail program, use Pegasus, preferably one of the
 older ones, as it has gone down hill with the introduction of rich text,
 which is about as broken as Outlook's.  Unfortunately Pegasus is not
 available in source code and Eudora Lite is a teaser for a commercial
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-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Problems changing colour depth.

1999-07-01 Thread Revenant
I dlded and installed the newer version of the i740 drivers, and I've
now got the screen running in 1024 x 768 mode okay (yay!) but it won't
use a colour depth of greater than 8.  I've tried running startx with
the -bpp option and it still came up in 8-bit mode.  

Any thoughts?


-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

X Resolution Problems?

1999-06-29 Thread Revenant
I've downloaded the i740 drivers for X, set up a symbolic link from
XBFwhatever (the i740 driver) to X and that works.  

I've configured it using XF86Setup.  It will run if I set it to VGA,
but if I set it to SVGA I get an:
X11TransSocketUNIXConnect : Cannot connect errvo 111

I got it to run in 1024 x 768 mode but made the mistake of trying to
tweak the settings again and can't get it back.  Even then it wouldn't
use more than 8-bit colour.

Sometimes when I run XF86Setup, a white rectangle appears on the
screen and remains there, even when I drop back to the shell. - even
if I flip to other shells(?) with Alt-Fwhatever.

Does anyone have any thoughts?

Thank you.

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Uninstalling RPMs?

1999-06-29 Thread Revenant
How do I uninstall an RPM I installed with Alien please?

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

A stylistic question?

1999-06-28 Thread Revenant
Hi.  I finally worked out how to do the Linux equivalent of batch files
(scripts) and was wondering if there was a generally accepted directory
for keeping user (and/or root) scripts in.


-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Still i740 problems. :( :(

1999-06-28 Thread Revenant
I downloaded the i740 drivers for X, set up a symbolic link from
XBFwhatever (the i740 driver) to X and that works.  

I've configured it using XF86Setup.  It will run if I set it to VGA,
but if I set it to SVGA I get an:
X11TransSocketUNIXConnect : Cannot connect errvo 111

I got it to run in 1024 x 768 mode but made the mistake of trying to
tweak the settings again and can't get it back.  Even then it wouldn't
use more than 8-bit colour.

Sometimes when I run XF86Setup, a white rectangle appears on the
screen and remains there, even when I drop back to the shell. - even
if I flip to other shells(?) with Alt-Fwhatever.

Does anyone have any thoughts?

Thank you.

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Re: New to the group: my 3 boxes....

1999-06-27 Thread Revenant
I'm rather fond of WindowMaker.  This was included in my Debian 2.1.

You should be able to select a new Window Manager from the standard
drop-down menus in X to give it a try...

Tony T. wrote:
 Hi all,
 I was directed here by a very helpful person on the comp.os.linux.setup
 group, (thanks Tom!) looks like just what I need. I have been puttering
 with Linux for a few years, started with Slackware, tried Redhat 4x and
 5x, and lately I got my hands on Debian 2.0, Caldera 2.2, Linux Pro and
 SuSe. Any questions I have here will (obviouslty) refer to the Debian
 distribution. I have 3 pcs I am working on at once, here are the stats:
 486, 16 meg ram, 300 meg hd (FAT16)   200 meg hd (ext2) no cdrom -
 Debian 2.0, some generic ISA video
 P100, 24 meg ram, 1.2 gig hd (ext2)  4X Mitsumi - Calera 2.2, STB
 Powergraph 64v+ running KDE (blech)
 Celron 300a @ 450, 64 megs ram, 4.2 gig  800 meg hd., 36X IDE cd. Riva
 16meg TNT - nothing yet.
 I am thinking about putting Debian 2.0 on the Celeron, and when I have
 PPP running connect to the ftp site and upgrade it to the latest (2.2?)
 My question is, what sort of X11 window managers are included with 2.0?
 I know COL comes with KDE (I am not terribly impressed with it), and I
 have not yet gotten to the point where I can switch window managers on a
 whim like  changing Themes in 95 (although it IS a goal of mine!) I used
 Afterstep on one of the RH boxes and I liekd it, mostley because it
 didnt look too much like 95; my opinion is, it aint 95, why would I want
 it to LOOK like it? :-)
 Anyway, opinions welcome!
 System halted: hit any user to continue.
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-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Setting up i740 X Server?

1999-06-27 Thread Revenant
Okay, I've dlded the i740 drivers for X, I've set up a link from
XBFwhatever (the i740 driver) and X and that works.  But startx still
won't run if I crank the res higher than 640x480 8-bit.  What else do
I need to do?


BTW, I'm officially an idiot.  The reason my mouse wasn't working when
it did before is that I recently recompiled my kernel and forgot mouse
support.  Oops. :/

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Re: I need some info/piece of mind before installing linux

1999-06-25 Thread Revenant
Mounting an MS-DOS filesystem should work - I was doing that until I
realised you could do VFAT.  You'll just be without your
long filenames.

There is a Windows 'emulator' called WINE for Linux but it's not 100%
reliable and is still listed as a developer's-only alpha release to the
best of my knowledge.

I believe there is a UNIX win emulator called WAPI, but it's commercial
and I don't know how much it would cost.

Wahoo!  My first opportunity to *give back* to this list. :)

David Teague wrote:
 On Thu, 24 Jun 1999, Gentleman Loser wrote:
  I got a CD with the Debian realease(a cd from the Boot Magazine's
  suplementary CD).
  I guess all in all im fine with just blazing over my hard drive
  with linux, but i really want to keep my mp3 files, text/doc/wri
  files, my webpage, and real audio files.  If you could only tell
  me one thing it would be how i could carry these things over to
  linux.  I don't have a cd burner to store them, and some of the
  files are bigger that a floppy.  The only thing i can think of is
  keeping them on the second drive while the first drive makes the
  conversion to linux, then im hoping that in linux i can still
  access the non-linux second drive, put it's contents onto the
  first drive than convert the second drive to linux.  If that can
  be done, could you expalain how?
  also, is there any way to still use Win95 apps in linux, i like to
  make techno music on my computer and would like to carry over my
  production music(and video games for that matter) to linux, is
  this possible??
  thanks for any info you can give me, also if you can think of
  anything else usefull to a linux newbie like me, please send it.
 If you install Debian on one drive, data on the other drive is
 unlikely to be affected adversely, I suspect you have more data than
 you really want to put on floppies. However, Assuming your files are
 on MS DOS file system, you could use pkzip to put them on a sequence
 of floppies.
 You will be able to read MS DOS, Vfat, and NT file systems from
 Linux if support for these is in your kernel.  The install kernels
 usually have MSDOS file system support, but I don't think the will
 have NT or Vfat (wind 95 32 bit fs) support. So I do not know
 whether you will be able to get to your files with the kernel that
 comes on your CD.
 This is a wonderful bunch of men and women who provide help on this
 list. Others probably will respond with words of assistance,
 encouragement, and caution.
 I wish you luck in installing and learning to use Linux.
 David Teague, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
  useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
  (I'm hoping this is all of the above!)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Re: Accidentally deleted mouse! Please help!

1999-06-25 Thread Revenant
I configured PSAUX in XF86Setup.  This worked before I deleted the
device.  I don't understand what you mean by What says the driver?.

How do I kill gpm and try again?


Robert Pintarelli wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 24, 1999 at 07:05:53PM +1000, Revenant wrote:
  I've now tried this and it didn't work.  The drivers reappear, but when
  I configure the mouse in XF86Setup the pointer refuses to respond.
  Does it make a difference that it is a PS/2 mouse?
  Thank you.
 what says the driver, and which device did you configure in XF86Setup?
 sometimes gpm makes some trouble with X. kill it and try it again.
 in a world without fences, who needs gates?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Drivers for Orchid NuSound 3D?

1999-06-24 Thread Revenant
Does anyone know what if any Linux Sound Drivers will work with the
Orchid NuSound 3D card?

Thank you.
-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Re: Accidentally deleted mouse! Please help!

1999-06-24 Thread Revenant
I've now tried this and it didn't work.  The drivers reappear, but when
I configure the mouse in XF86Setup the pointer refuses to respond.

Does it make a difference that it is a PS/2 mouse?

Thank you.

Robert Pintarelli wrote:
 in /dev type ./MAKEDEV busmice (as root).
 and then ln -s psaux mouse
 that should recover psaux and mouse

 On Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 05:50:59PM +1000, Revenant wrote:
  I managed to accidentally delete the files mouse and psaux in
  the /dev directory.
  How do I get these back, please?

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Re: Accidentally deleted mouse! Please help!

1999-06-24 Thread Revenant
I've now tried this and it didn't work.  The drivers reappear, but when
I configure the mouse in XF86Setup the pointer refuses to respond.

Does it make a difference that it is a PS/2 mouse?

Thank you.

Robert Pintarelli wrote:
 in /dev type ./MAKEDEV busmice (as root).
 and then ln -s psaux mouse
 that should recover psaux and mouse

 On Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 05:50:59PM +1000, Revenant wrote:
  I managed to accidentally delete the files mouse and psaux in
  the /dev directory.
  How do I get these back, please?

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Accidentally deleted mouse! Please help!

1999-06-23 Thread Revenant
I managed to accidentally delete the files mouse and psaux in
the /dev directory.

How do I get these back, please?

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Re: X-Server for AGP-7410 (Intel740 chipset)?

1999-06-23 Thread Revenant
I've downloaded this package and installed it using alien.

I tried modifying XF86Config as suggested by the README but when I do,
startx won't run.  XF86Setup doesn't seem to detect the driver.

How do I get startx to use the i740 driver, please?

Thank you.

 Redhat has one, check their ftp server.  I found it in the XBF*
 folder, it eventually will be included in X version 4.  I used it
 last year, works quite well.
 Revenant wrote:
  Well, after lengthy stuffing about I got X running.  Yay!
  Unfortunately, I had to enter my VGA card as an unsupported VGA card
  and it's not happy with higher than 640x480, 8-bit colour.
  Does anyone know if there's an X-Server compatible with an AGP-7410
  card (with Intel740 chipset) or conversely if there's another way to
  improve my resolution?
  -- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
  Why use a keyboard layout deliberately designed to be slow and
  awkward?  For a faster, more comfortable and free layout try Dvorak.
  http://members.xoom.com/Aggie97/DVORAK.HTML for more information.
  http://www.dvorakint.org/ for lotsa links.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Wim Kerkhoff
   Wim Kerkhoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Wim Kerkhoff
   43810 Chilliwack Mountain Road  Fax: 604-795-2935
   Chilliwack  Home: 604-795-7419
   BC  Netscape Conference Address
   V2R 4A1
   Additional Information:
   Last NameKerkhoff
   First Name   Wim
   Version  2.1

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Re: New windows

1999-06-22 Thread Revenant
Well, this seems like the ideal opportunity for me to advertise my

What exactly is the difference between a window manager and a desktop


BTW, I second the opinion re: Windowmaker.  It's intuitive and easy
to use, it looks funky (and probably will look funkier when I get
drivers for my video card :) and is really quite impressive...

Brad wrote:
 Oooo, dangerous ground... Hopefully this doesn't spark a holy war ;)
 On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Christian Dysthe wrote:
  After a while I found Windowmaker, and set up a desktop with several
  handy dock apps. A refreshingly approach to a personal desktop
  environment. Also, Windowmaker looks good! So different from MS, and yet
  very easy to configure and use.
 i like it too, none of the other window managers i've tried have felt
  Then I see that the big hype these days is KDE and Gnome. I have tried them
  both and felt I was taking one step back towards what I left. I just do not
  undetstand why the Linux community are working against a wm standard that 
  not based on what seems truly unique and well layed out: The nextish look.
 Supposedly, you can use any window manager (read: WindowMaker) with these
 desktop environments. i haven't actually tried it, never felt the need to.
  Instead I am again presented with the taskbar and popup menus that hasn't
  really changed for years. Is this to conquer new users, or is it becuase 
  users secretly have missed the look and feel of MS Windows?
 My guess is new users... Although there certainly are some out there
 that like the windows-style menus.
  And in Debian Windowmaker is presented as: Yet another Windowmanager when 
  is actually GNOME and KDE that to me feels and looks like yet another...
 File a bug report, saying the description doesn't do the package justice?
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-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
Why use a keyboard layout deliberately designed to be slow and
awkward?  For a faster, more comfortable and free layout try Dvorak.
http://members.xoom.com/Aggie97/DVORAK.HTML for more information.
http://www.dvorakint.org/ for lotsa links.

No menuconfig!?

1999-06-22 Thread Revenant
I'm wanting to rebuild the kernel, but when I try to make menuconfig
I get an error like no rule for menuconfig.  make config likewise
doesn't work.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Thank you.
-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
Why use a keyboard layout deliberately designed to be slow and
awkward?  For a faster, more comfortable and free layout try Dvorak.
http://members.xoom.com/Aggie97/DVORAK.HTML for more information.
http://www.dvorakint.org/ for lotsa links.

X-Windows running automatically and not working. :(

1999-06-20 Thread Revenant
I'm terribly new to Debian and Linux in general.  After a lot of
stuffing about (and some help - thanx John!) I got it installed.

But when I tried to configure X-Windows I get a mouse that doesn't
respond, a 320x200 resolution or so and can't seem to do anything with
the keyboard.  Ctrl-Alt-Backspace just flashes back to the shell for
a fraction of a second then back into X-Windows.

Worst of all, X-Windows runs automatically when I boot so I can't get
to the shell to do anything about it. :(

Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this please?

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
Why use a keyboard layout deliberately designed to be slow and
awkward?  For a faster, more comfortable and free layout try Dvorak.
http://members.xoom.com/Aggie97/DVORAK.HTML for more information.
http://www.dvorakint.org/ for lotsa links.

X-Server for AGP-7410 (Intel740 chipset)?

1999-06-20 Thread Revenant
Well, after lengthy stuffing about I got X running.  Yay!

Unfortunately, I had to enter my VGA card as an unsupported VGA card
and it's not happy with higher than 640x480, 8-bit colour.

Does anyone know if there's an X-Server compatible with an AGP-7410
card (with Intel740 chipset) or conversely if there's another way to
improve my resolution?


-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
Why use a keyboard layout deliberately designed to be slow and
awkward?  For a faster, more comfortable and free layout try Dvorak.
http://members.xoom.com/Aggie97/DVORAK.HTML for more information.
http://www.dvorakint.org/ for lotsa links.

Install query: Selecting Computer Role?

1999-06-18 Thread Revenant
I'm new to the world of Linux and am currently installing Debian 2.1
off CD.  I was forced to reboot during install at the point where it
asks what tasks/profile the computer is (Server machine, dialup, etc.).

Does anyone know how to get this menu up again?  I'm finding the
option lists in dselect a bit overwhelming and that would be much
simpler to start with.

Thank you.

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
Why use a keyboard layout deliberately designed to be slow and
awkward?  For a faster, more comfortable and free layout try Dvorak.
http://members.xoom.com/Aggie97/DVORAK.HTML for more information.
http://www.dvorakint.org/ for lotsa links.