SAMBA: %G substitution wrong

1999-07-23 Thread Ries van Twisk

I posted a simular question in the samba lists, but still no answer,
maby you know this.

When I use 'include = \etc\smb.conf.%G in the smb.conf
configuration file.

the %G is somtimes substituted as nogroup.
(nogroup is the gid of the user nobody.)

When this happens, a user from a group cannot
see there browse list because there configuration is in
a other configuration file. (smb.conf.quality for example)

I use all the programs from the Debian 2.1 CD Rom Set 
(Linux Kernel 2.0.36, samba 1.9.18p10)

Hope you can help because I don't really
have a clou on how to create different configurations
for my different workgroups in the office.

Ries van Twisk

Re: Centralized script ...

1999-07-15 Thread Ries van Twisk

I go for the debian way to.
Something complete diferrent, but Windows has centralized 
settings (user.dat/system.dat) you cannot simple copy a program to a
system without knowing the complete settings in the resource files.

When I program software (I'm a Win32 programmer that maintains a 
network based on a Linux File Server (Debian ofcourse) )

I always use the *.ini files, because user can add/remove/change
settings much more easely.


SAMBA: Permissions

1999-07-13 Thread Ries van Twisk
Hai All,

I posted this one into the samba list (some time ago), but
still no solution..

(Win95 == Samba on Debian 2.1)
I have two people with groups: Ries (it, quality),  Thijs (quality)
I have two shares named: It and quality.

In both shares I have (not world readable):
directory mask = 0770 
create mask = 0660

So I Ries can Read/write in the quality share , but Thys can ONLY
read/Write in
quality share, not in the it share.

If Ries writes something in quality, the file has the follwoing 
user:group permission:  ries:it

If I use the force group = quality in the quality share (so if ries
writes it becomes ries:quality) then everybody can read the data
in the quality share (even if RW permissions are 0770/0660)

1- Ries must Read/Write write in IT and Quality
2- Thys my only Read/Write in Quality
3- Thys MUST beable to read/Write the files written by Ries

Any clues? Or do I miss a point here?

Ries van Twisk

ipmasq package

1999-05-28 Thread Ries van Twisk

I have installed the IPMASQ package, and now I can ping myself.

I now that this has something to do with the firewall rules, but I can find
any documentation on how to use the IPMASQ package.

I did do a man ipmasq, and looked in the /use/doc/ipmasq directory but
I can't find any good example.

My setup is very seimple, just mu network on eth0 (192.168.1.x) and a ISDN
router on eth1 (192.168.2.x).

Hope you can help me with this

Ries van Twisk

DNS for workstations using DHCP

1999-05-10 Thread Ries van Twisk

My workstations currently have static IP adresses, and I'm planning to
change this to a DHCP protocol.
I already have a DHCP daemon running on my unix box witch gives IP address
in the range
of 32..254 (CLASS C network). I use 1..32 for the current workstations
(staticly assigned).

On my unix box I have a hosts file to name al my workstations (running
Win95) so I can ping CP6 (CP6 is the name of  one of my workstations)

If I use DHCP, I cant to PIN CP6 anymore because my IP is dynamic.

My questions is can I use bind to solve my problmen?

Is it posible to assign IP addresses to workstations using a look up table.
So CP6 will always get's as his IP address?

Best Regards,
Ries van Twisk

Re: Network problems with Vortex Adapter... outputs

1999-04-27 Thread Ries van Twisk


[OT] Whitch adaptec SCSI card?

1999-04-26 Thread Ries van Twisk

I'm running Debian with a 2.0.36 kernel.
I want to upgrade my system to the following:

12..18Gb HD
DAT Tape Backup system 
SCSI card for connecting both.

Witch SCSI card is best supported, and whitch DAT type is best supported?
Where can I find the doc's on witch HF is supported under Debian?

Best Regards,
Ries van Twisk
Frank's International Holland.

Re: [OT] Whitch adaptec SCSI card?

1999-04-26 Thread Ries van Twisk
Thanx for the fast response,

Dell is currently offering a PowerEdge 1300.

18Gb Ultra-2/LVD SCSI HD.
Adaptec AIC-7890 Ultra-2/LVD SCSI  Controller (inergrated)
DDS-3 DAT-Drive 12/24GB SCSI-3

I will call them about the of they can offer my an other SCSI  Controler.
I haven't talked to the support engineer yet. Hopefully I know this
by tomorrow.

I'll let you know If this is a working situation.

(Currently working with a PII 64Mb, 2Gb HD, we are going foreward with
 Using: Sendmail, ProcMail, PostGres (testing), FetchMail, Diald, Samba
 Soon will create roaming profiles for the Win95 workstations)

Best Regards,
Ries van Twisk

/dev/isdnctrl Operation not supported....

1999-04-03 Thread Ries van Twisk


I'm buzy installing my Telis ISDN card on my Linux box.
Currently i'm running Debian with a 2.0.34 kernel

When I do

isdnctrl addif ippp0

I get a 'operation not supported by device' message back.
I have tryed lots and lots of things but still no luck. 

Does anybody have a clue?

Best Regards,
Ries van Twisk

OFF TIPIC: Programs in linux for children in age of 10-15

1999-03-19 Thread Ries van Twisk

I know that this is a bit Off Topic, but hopefully
you can answer these..

Are there any programs on Linux/Debian for these ages (10-15)?

I want to set up a Linux network on a school to cut down
the cost and use the old 386 computers to connect to a X-Server.

I need programs like 'Reading a clock', 'Spelling programs',
 'Simple Math' just the basic stuff for the children to learn.

Best Regards,
Ries van Twisk

(Happy Debian user  ;-)  )

Re: Undersanding bootable media

1999-03-07 Thread Ries van Twisk

At 11:16 AM 7/3/1999 -0800, you wrote:
In my quest to understand booting/LILO/MBR's  I've come a cross
a phenomenon I dont understand. Friend of mine (linux guru-ish)
said that to make a linux bootable floppy you had to use a lowlevel
tool like dd as opposed to just copying the files over to the floppy.
But dos floppies boot just fine by making copies of other dos boot disks.
BUT I tried to copy the files from a dos boot disk onto an CDR, and guess
what? It wont boot. Despite the fact that it contains the exact same files
as the floppy. I understand that in order for media to be bootable it's
MBR needs to contain a program to point to the OS, so how does a copied
dos-boot disk work?Thanks, marlon

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Most of the time just copy file from one disk to another disk is not enough.

As soon as your computer us booting, the processor is starting at some
point in ROM.
ROM does some checking, calls the BIOS etc. etc. I don't know the exact
procedure of the system anymore because of all these new fancy BIOS types,
PNP etc. etc.
Anyway at some point the computer has determined that it's all up and
running, monitor is
connected, keyboard is connected and decides that it's time to look for
to go furter. That's where the bootloader comes in.

The computer read's the first 512 bytes from the very first sector on a HD
or floppy

That little peace of program is loaded into RAM and started (JMP
from this point's it's all upto the bootloader on how to load the file system.

If it was a DOS file system it properly load's the partition table (for a
HD) and seek's
for a bootable partition, that that partion is started at a simular way the
is started (for a HD it is done it two stages because in the early day's
there was no
partition table so you can load the filesystem directly).

On how it's done in linux I realy don'y know but this is the general way to
a filesystem.

So in short, the must be some sort of a bootload at the first sector of a
to load a file system. This is nothing to do with the filesystem itself
(DOS, OS2, NTFS, ext2, 
etc, etc (etc is NOT a file system but stands for etcetera) ;-) )

Best Regards,
Ries van Twisk

IP Forwarding

1999-02-24 Thread Ries van Twisk
Currently I'm working with my linux box
learning about proxy's and firewalls.

How do I tell if IP_Forwading is turned off?
I do have a file called:
wich is empty.
(I do also have /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward)
Wich is also empty

Is it one of these files I have to look for? ANd wich is wich?

Best Regards,
Ries van Twisk

how to LUSER_RELAY in sendmail?

1999-01-30 Thread Ries van Twisk

I need some more detaild information about the LUSER_RELAY option in sendmail.

if I use:
define(`LUSER_RELAY', `smtp:provider')dnl
for usernames with the correct domain but are not part if this domain
it must be relay'd to my ISP.
How do I prevent that a username get's the privider name after the @
will become
but it must be

Anyone can point me to a webside where LUSER_RELAY is more explaint in detail?
and/or solutions for my probs?

What happends if I do
  define(`LUSER_RELAY', [smtp:provider])dnl

Best Regards 

Ries van Twisk

Multiple pop accounts

1999-01-25 Thread Ries van Twisk

Witch program do I need to pop multiple accounts from my ISP?
I use sendmail as my MTA, and use qpopper so my windows users can
read there e-mail (correct?)

Best Regards,

Ries van Twisk

anyone tryed to compile diald under debian?

1999-01-15 Thread Ries van Twisk

I have lots of programming skils under Windows 95/NT.
Currently i'm doing my first baby steps under Linux (Debian).
Currently all is up and running, but my first chalange is to
compile diald (dail up deamon). For my has a baby it's like trying
to stand up and wondering about the world of linux!
Anyway: I'm getting to following error:
if I do a make 'make depend'.
I'm getting a lot of warnings.
If I do a make, no object file is generated

What the hell i'm doing wrong??

Best Regards,

Ries van Twisk