Problems with `pactl load-module module-loopback'

2024-02-10 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Hi all.

Without pipewire I didn't manage to pair and connect my bluetooth
headset/microphone to my Debian 12 so I installed pipewire while pulseaudio was
already there.  So now both pulseaudio and pipewire are installed.  Now when I

 $ pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=5

a terrible noise suddenly comes, and if I want to stop it with

 $ pactl exit

I get the error message `exit failure: connection refused'.  I searched around
but didn't find so far any solution.  Please help whoever can.

Thanks in advance,


Problems with `pactl' after replacing pulseaudio with pipewire

2024-02-07 Thread Rodolfo Medina
In order to have my headset bluetooth microphone detected by Debian 12 I
removed pulseaudio and in its place installed pipewire.  Only, since then, when
I do

 $ pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=5

a terrible continuous noise comes up, and besides when I do

 $ pactl exit

I get the error message `exit failure: connection refused'.  I searched around
but didn't find so far any solution.  Please help whoever can.

Thanks in advance,


Re: Fn keys not working in Debian 12 on Lenovo Thinkpad T450s

2024-01-11 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Nicolas George  writes:

> Rodolfo Medina (12024-01-11):
>> As my machine has a dual boot with MS Windows, F2 and F3 keyboard keys work
>> fine in Windows in lowering and increasing sound volume, and F1 for muting
>> it etcetera F4, F5, F6..., but in Debian they don't seem to work.
> Hi.
> Try testing them with xev. Show what you get if you cannot read it.

Thanks.  Here's the whole output:

Outer window is 0x221, inner window is 0x222

PropertyNotify event, serial 8, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
atom 0x27 (WM_NAME), time 33946030, state PropertyNewValue

PropertyNotify event, serial 9, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
atom 0x22 (WM_COMMAND), time 33946030, state PropertyNewValue

PropertyNotify event, serial 10, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
atom 0x28 (WM_NORMAL_HINTS), time 33946030, state PropertyNewValue

CreateNotify event, serial 11, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
parent 0x221, window 0x222, (10,10), width 50, height 50
border_width 4, override NO

PropertyNotify event, serial 14, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
atom 0x167 (WM_PROTOCOLS), time 33946030, state PropertyNewValue

MapNotify event, serial 15, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
event 0x221, window 0x222, override NO

PropertyNotify event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
atom 0x186 (_NET_WM_VISIBLE_NAME), time 33946031, state PropertyNewValue

PropertyNotify event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
atom 0x188 (_NET_WM_VISIBLE_ICON_NAME), time 33946031, state 

PropertyNotify event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
atom 0x1c1 (_OB_APP_ROLE), time 33946031, state PropertyNewValue

PropertyNotify event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
atom 0x1c3 (_OB_APP_NAME), time 33946031, state PropertyNewValue

PropertyNotify event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
atom 0x1c4 (_OB_APP_CLASS), time 33946031, state PropertyNewValue

PropertyNotify event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
atom 0x1c5 (_OB_APP_GROUP_NAME), time 33946031, state PropertyNewValue

PropertyNotify event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
atom 0x1c6 (_OB_APP_GROUP_CLASS), time 33946031, state PropertyNewValue

PropertyNotify event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
atom 0x1c2 (_OB_APP_TITLE), time 33946031, state PropertyNewValue

PropertyNotify event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
atom 0x1c7 (_OB_APP_TYPE), time 33946031, state PropertyNewValue

PropertyNotify event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
atom 0x18e (_NET_WM_ICON), time 33946031, state PropertyNewValue

ReparentNotify event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
event 0x221, window 0x221, parent 0x40169d,
(0,0), override NO

PropertyNotify event, serial 21, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
atom 0x18b (_NET_WM_STATE), time 33946031, state PropertyNewValue

ConfigureNotify event, serial 21, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
event 0x221, window 0x221, (0,0), width 178, height 178,
border_width 0, above 0x4016e9, override NO

ConfigureNotify event, serial 21, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
event 0x221, window 0x221, (1,22), width 178, height 178,
border_width 0, above 0x4016e9, override NO

PropertyNotify event, serial 21, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
atom 0x195 (_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS), time 33946031, state PropertyNewValue

PropertyNotify event, serial 21, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
atom 0x194 (_KDE_NET_WM_FRAME_STRUT), time 33946031, state PropertyNewValue

PropertyNotify event, serial 22, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
atom 0x191 (_NET_WM_ALLOWED_ACTIONS), time 33946031, state PropertyNewValue

ConfigureNotify event, serial 22, synthetic YES, window 0x221,
event 0x221, window 0x221, (1045,20), width 178, height 178,
border_width 2, above 0x0, override NO

PropertyNotify event, serial 22, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
atom 0x189 (_NET_WM_DESKTOP), time 33946032, state PropertyNewValue

MapNotify event, serial 39, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
event 0x221, window 0x221, override NO

VisibilityNotify event, serial 39, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
state VisibilityFullyObscured

PropertyNotify event, serial 39, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
atom 0x168 (WM_STATE), time 33946033, state PropertyNewValue

VisibilityNotify event, serial 39, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
state VisibilityUnobscured

Expose event, serial 39, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
(0,0), width 178, height 10, count 3

Expose event, serial 39, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
(0,10), width 10, height 58, count 2

Expose event, serial 39, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
(68,10), width 110, height 58, count 1

Expose event, serial 39, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
(0,68), width 178, height 110, count 0

FocusIn event, serial 40, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
mode Not

Re: Fn keys not working in Debian 12 on Lenovo Thinkpad T450s

2024-01-11 Thread Rodolfo Medina

> On Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 08:53:46AM +0000, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> As my machine has a dual boot with MS Windows, F2 and F3 keyboard keys work
>> fine in Windows in lowering and increasing sound volume, and F1 for muting it
>> etcetera F4, F5, F6..., but in Debian they don't seem to work.
> "In Debian" is a wide land :-)

It's Bookworm with Openbox.

> OT1H...
> A week ago I installed Debian's Bookworm with MATE on a friend's computer
> (Thinkpad x270) and the loudness keys worked out of the box.
> OTOH...
> Myself -- I have no desktop environment (fvwm on X, *no* systemd, *no*
> DBUS, so that would count as "exotic guy").
> On my laptop (a Thinkpad x230) the background brightness wasn't working
> (I don't know about the loudness things, since I never needed/used them).
> Therefore I decided to catch ACPI events and set up this:
> --- ---
> tomas@trotzki:~$ cat /etc/acpi/events/briteup
> event=video/brightnessup
> action=/etc/acpi/actions/brite "%e"
> --- ---
> tomas@trotzki:~$ cat /etc/acpi/events/britedn
> event=video/brightnessdown
> action=/etc/acpi/actions/brite "%e"
> --- ---
> tomas@trotzki:~$ cat /etc/acpi/actions/brite 
> #!/bin/sh
> logger "[ACPI] $@"
> BASE="/sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight"
> CURR=$(cat "$BASE/brightness")
> MAX=$(cat "$BASE/max_brightness")
> # MIN is some arbitrary "low" value. Note that for values
> # of MIN below 6 (more precisely: 2/11 for our factor), the
> # thing gets stuck at the low end: (13 * x) / 11 == x,
> # in integer arithmetic, for x <= 5.
> #
> # The "exponential" algorithm is a bit long at the low
> # end. We might consider stretching there. Or increasing
> # MIN.
> MIN=20
> if [ "$CURR" -lt "$MIN" ] ; then CURR="$MIN" ; fi
> # NOTE: 11/13 is approx the fourth root of 1/2:
> #   i.e. four steps are a doubling/halving
> #   of brightness (constant steps gave too
> #   coarse jumps in the low range)
> case $1 in
>   video/brightnessdown* )
> NEW=$(( (11 * CURR) / 13 )) 
> ;;
>   video/brightnessup* )
> NEW=$(( (13 * CURR) / 11 )) 
> ;;
>   * )
> exit 0
> ;;
> esac
> if [ "$NEW" -lt "$MIN" ] ; then NEW="$MIN" ; fi
> if [ "$NEW" -gt "$MAX" ] ; then NEW="$MAX" ; fi
> logger "[ACPI] brightness $CURR --> $NEW"
> echo "$NEW" > $BASE/brightness
> --- ---
> (The charm of using ACPI is that it works independently of X).
> To find which events to wait on, just run acpi_listen on a
> terminal and hit your dream's key.

Following your example, I aptitude-installed acpid and created
/etc/apt/events/briteup and /etc/acpi/actions/brite and filled them with the
stuff you reported; and then I did `chmod +x brite'...  Then?



Re: Fn keys not working in Debian 12 on Lenovo Thinkpad T450s

2024-01-11 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Rodolfo Medina  writes:

> As my machine has a dual boot with MS Windows, F2 and F3 keyboard keys work
> fine in Windows in lowering and increasing sound volume, and F1 for muting it
> etcetera F4, F5, F6..., but in Debian they don't seem to work.

Sorry, I forgot to say that Openbox is my graphical environment.



Fn keys not working in Debian 12 on Lenovo Thinkpad T450s

2024-01-11 Thread Rodolfo Medina
As my machine has a dual boot with MS Windows, F2 and F3 keyboard keys work
fine in Windows in lowering and increasing sound volume, and F1 for muting it
etcetera F4, F5, F6..., but in Debian they don't seem to work.

Please help who can, thanks in advance.


Re: Temporary failure in name resolution

2024-01-10 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Greg Wooledge  writes:

> On Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 06:34:53PM +0000, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>>  writes:
>> > Where/how does this error message "appear"?
>> As an output of the `startx' command.
> It would be lovely to see the *entire* error message, in case some part
> of it identifies the program that produced the error.  Many messages do.

/etc/resolv.conf is there again (the system created it) but the error message
does not seem to occur any more.  Even if it occurred again, I have no way to
fetch it, cause it appears (it used to) at login.

> Failing that, let's go out on a limb and guess that it's *your own*
> hostname that can't be resolved.
> What is the output of the "hostname" command?

It's: `thinkpad'.

> What is the output of "grep -F $(hostname) /etc/hosts"?

It's:   caterina-thinkpad.home  caterina-thinkpad

> What is the output of "grep hosts /etc/nsswitch.conf"?


 hosts:  files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns


Re: Temporary failure in name resolution

2024-01-10 Thread Rodolfo Medina

> On Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 06:13:55PM +0000, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> Debian 12 on Thinkpad T450s.
>> The error message `Temporary failure in name resolution' appears whenever I
>> log into X with `startx' at prompt after boot, but it *only* occurs if the
>> PC is *not* connected to internet; otherwise it does not appear;
>> nevertheless, it annoys me and I wish to get rid of it.  Any suggestions?
> Where/how does this error message "appear"?

As an output of the `startx' command.

> Obviously, "something" is trying to resolve a host name and is unable to.
> Depending on which host name "it" is trying to resolve, that might be
> reasonable (i.e. if that host is "out there") or not.
> So let's try finding out what this "something" is...

The problem seems to be solved after I removed the file /etc/resolv.conf, that
included a certain nameserver...



Temporary failure in name resolution

2024-01-10 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Debian 12 on Thinkpad T450s.

The error message `Temporary failure in name resolution' appears whenever I log
into X with `startx' at prompt after boot, but it *only* occurs if the PC is
*not* connected to internet; otherwise it does not appear; nevertheless, it
annoys me and I wish to get rid of it.  Any suggestions?



Re: Please help with not booting from USB so to install Debian

2023-06-09 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Rodolfo Medina  writes:

> Rodolfo Medina  writes:
>> I want to install Debian on a new machine but don't manage to boot from USB
>> stick.  (I can do so regularly with another machine, so the USB stick is ok
>> and so is the Debian netinst I burned onto it.)  At the boot I press F9 and
>> a menu appears where I can choose to boot from USB stick; but then it
>> doesn't so at all booting instead into Windows 11.  In BIOS I enabled the
>> CSM protocol but nothing.  Please help as I don't know what to do: thanks.
> Now I tried with a CDROM instead of a USB stick but the problem remains.

...And now I tried even with an MS Windows 10 installation CDROM but the
problem remains!


Re: Please help with not booting from USB so to install Debian

2023-06-09 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Rodolfo Medina  writes:

> I want to install Debian on a new machine but don't manage to boot from USB
> stick.  (I can do so regularly with another machine, so the USB stick is ok
> and so is the Debian netinst I burned onto it.)  At the boot I press F9 and a
> menu appears where I can choose to boot from USB stick; but then it doesn't
> so at all booting instead into Windows 11.  In BIOS I enabled the CSM
> protocol but nothing.  Please help as I don't know what to do: thanks.

Now I tried with a CDROM instead of a USB stick but the problem remains.


Re: Please help with not booting from USB so to install Debian

2023-06-09 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Bret Busby  writes:

> If you go to
> and scroll down to the thread starting with the subject "Questions about
> Linux Mint and this list", read that message, and, work your way through the
> responses, especially, the ones from Liam Proven, you should be able to get
> the answer that you seek.

Thanks, but it is of no help, I'm afraid...


Re: Please help with not booting from USB so to install Debian

2023-06-09 Thread Rodolfo Medina
"Thomas Schmitt"  writes:

> I understand from the link that it has a 64 bit Celeron J4105 CPU.
> So its EFI would want an "amd64" ISO.
> [...]
> You could try with
> and CSM disabled.

Unfortunately, it won't boot either...


Re: Please help with not booting from USB so to install Debian

2023-06-09 Thread Rodolfo Medina
David Christensen  writes:

> On 6/8/23 11:36, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> I want to install Debian on a new machine but don't manage to boot from USB
>> stick.  (I can do so regularly with another machine, so the USB stick is ok
>> and
>> so is the Debian netinst I burned onto it.)  At the boot I press F9 and a 
>> menu
>> appears where I can choose to boot from USB stick; but then it doesn't so at
>> all
>> booting instead into Windows 11.  In BIOS I enabled the CSM protocol but
>> nothing.  Please help as I don't know what to do: thanks.
> On 6/8/23 13:01, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
> Do you want Windows/Debian dual-boot, or Debian only?

At least one of the two.  What I don't want is MS Windows only...  ;-)


Re: Please help with not booting from USB so to install Debian

2023-06-08 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Bret Busby  writes:

> My understanding is that Windows 11 computers have malware that is designed
> to prevent booting into anything other than the malicious Windows 11.
> A procedure to get around the Windows 11 malware, and to be able to boot into
> Linux, has, I believe, been described on the Ubuntu Users mailing list.

Can you perhaps point out a link to read that procedure?  Thanks!


Re: Please help with not booting from USB so to install Debian

2023-06-08 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Thank you Andrew and Charles.

"Andrew M.A. Cater"  writes:

> What model of machine is this - and how new?

Here it is:

> How did you write the image to the USB stick?

This way:

 $ dd if=debian-11.7.0-i386-netinst.iso of=/dev/sdd bs=4M; sync

As I said, another machine of mine boots regularly into it, so it must be ok.

> CSM is probably not needed. USB boot *should* work but there is a
> way of forcing boot only to Windows 11 in some machines. (I had this
> on a relatively new T490).
> Does it show any messages?

No message: it simply boots into Windows instead of the USB drive that I chose
in the menu.



Please help with not booting from USB so to install Debian

2023-06-08 Thread Rodolfo Medina
I want to install Debian on a new machine but don't manage to boot from USB
stick.  (I can do so regularly with another machine, so the USB stick is ok and
so is the Debian netinst I burned onto it.)  At the boot I press F9 and a menu
appears where I can choose to boot from USB stick; but then it doesn't so at all
booting instead into Windows 11.  In BIOS I enabled the CSM protocol but
nothing.  Please help as I don't know what to do: thanks.


Re: Printer not working after upgrading

2022-11-22 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Rodolfo Medina  writes:

> I noticed the problem just after upgrading to bullseye from previous stable
> Debian version; then I upgraded to Unstable in the hope of solving it but the
> problem remains, with error:
>  stopped "Filter failed"
> I also tried to remove and re-add the printer with no success.  I'm stuck,
> please help, thanks in advance.

Peter von Kaehne  writes:

> To help I think people need more than you have given. Printer model, software
> in use, version, printer driver, logs.

Brad Rogers  writes:

> Hello Rodolfo,
> Same sort of thing Celejar said about your gv issues;  What printer,
> what driver, what were the exact commands and error messages...

Thanks, sorry: the printer is the Samsung ML-191x 252x Series, the software I'm
using to manage it is the Debian package cups and `aptitude show' says it's
installed in my Sid box at the version 2.4.2-1+b2.  The driver I think is the
file called ML-191xspl2.ppd.  I do:

 $ lp -P 1 ing.pdf 

and the output:

 request id is Samsung_ML-191x_252x_Series-694 (1 file(s))

and nothing happens.  In the "Jobs" section of the printing localhost it says

 "Filter failed"

I hope it's all right.  Logs I wouldn't know...



Printer not working after upgrading

2022-11-22 Thread Rodolfo Medina
I noticed the problem just after upgrading to bullseye from previous stable
Debian version; then I upgraded to Unstable in the hope of solving it but the
problem remains, with error:

 stopped "Filter failed"

I also tried to remove and re-add the printer with no success.  I'm stuck,
please help, thanks in advance.


Re: Problems with gv after upgrade

2022-11-21 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Charles Curley  writes:

> On Mon, 21 Nov 2022 16:40:53 +
> Rodolfo Medina  wrote:
>> My PS file is regularly read by evince, simply with
>>  $ evince
>> Instead, with gv, as I always did before:
>>  $ gv
>> the application starts but the file won't open
> Not enough. Show us *exactly* what you typed and the results.
> Paths, if any, and all. Everything. Start with the command prompt, and
> copy and paste to the next command prompt.
> E.g.:
> charles@hawk:~$ gv
> /home/charles/versioned/bare.metal/
> & [1] 862194 charles@hawk:~$ [1]+ Done gv
> /home/charles/versioned/bare.metal/
> charles@hawk:~$
> And then report what you saw. In this case, I saw the document opened
> in gv, and saw no errors in it.

Thanks.  But before I go on, it seems to be a known bug:;dist=unstable

Can we hope it will be soon fixed?  (It also seems that the last gv release is
from 2013)


Re: Problems with gv after upgrade

2022-11-21 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Celejar  writes:

> On Mon, 21 Nov 2022 09:06:16 +
> Rodolfo Medina  wrote:
>> After upgrading to Unstable, gv does not read my PS files any more.  I
>> couldn't
>> find any help in Internet.  Please help, thanks in advance.
> You can do better than this - what command did you use? What error did
> you get?

My PS file is regularly read by evince, simply with

 $ evince

Instead, with gv, as I always did before:

 $ gv

the application starts but the file won't open: the same with

 $ flpsed

Either the printer won't work since upgrading: is it related?



Problems with gv after upgrade

2022-11-21 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Hi all.

After upgrading to Unstable, gv does not read my PS files any more.  I couldn't
find any help in Internet.  Please help, thanks in advance.


[solved] `wget' web site

2021-09-26 Thread Rodolfo Medina
>> On Sun, Sep 26, 2021 at 5:18 AM Rodolfo Medina 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi all.
>> >
>> > I manage to download an entire website, say, with simply
>> >
>> >  $ wget -r -l 0
>> >
>> > After that, I can surf that web site offline with all its internal links.
>> > Perfect.
>> >
>> > Now the problem comes when I want to copy that stuff into my Android tablet
>> > and
>> > read it offline too.  Then the links do not work any more.
>> >
>> > Any suggestions?

The solution I found is all within Android operating system and is called
OffLine Browser.  I'm still testing it, but it seems to work fine in both
downloading a whole web site and then, offline, properly surf it with all its

Thanks for your help,


Re: `wget' web site

2021-09-26 Thread Rodolfo Medina
>> On Sun, Sep 26, 2021 at 5:18 AM Rodolfo Medina 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi all.
>> >
>> > I manage to download an entire website, say, with simply
>> >
>> >  $ wget -r -l 0
>> >
>> > After that, I can surf that web site offline with all its internal links.
>> > Perfect.
>> >
>> > Now the problem comes when I want to copy that stuff into my Android
>> > tablet and read it offline too.  Then the links do not work any more.
>> >
>> > Any suggestions?

The solution I found is all within Android operating system and is called
OffLine Browser.  I'm still testing it, but it seems to work fine in both
downloading a whole web site and then, offline, properly surf it with all its

Thanks for your help,


`wget' web site

2021-09-25 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Hi all.

I manage to download an entire website, say, with simply

 $ wget -r -l 0

After that, I can surf that web site offline with all its internal links.

Now the problem comes when I want to copy that stuff into my Android tablet and
read it offline too.  Then the links do not work any more.

Any suggestions?

Thanks for any help,


`aptitude update' won't update

2021-09-25 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Please help with this:

# aptitude update
Hit stable InRelease
Get: 1 stable InRelease [113 kB]
Get: 2 stable InRelease [113 kB]
E: Repository ' stable InRelease' changed its
'Codename' value from 'buster' to 'bullseye'
E: Repository ' stable InRelease' changed its
'Codename' value from 'buster' to 'bullseye'
E: Failed to download some files
W: Failed to fetch 
W: Failed to fetch 
E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones
used instead.

My /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb stable main
deb-src stable main

# non-free
deb stable main contrib non-free

#deb stable non-free

#deb [arch=amd64] stable main

Thanks in advance for any help...


Re: Piano live recording

2021-05-05 Thread Rodolfo Medina
David  writes:

> On Tue, 4 May 2021 at 18:17, Rodolfo Medina  wrote:
>> I've just bought a Behringer UMC404HD audio interface and want to record
>> live piano by placing two microphones one at the trebles and one at the
>> bass.  Is it better to use mono or omni directional microphones?  In
>> particular, which do you suggest between Bheringer B5 either Behringer C2
>> twins?
> Hi. Even though this list is extraordinarily helpful, please don't have
> conversations here that are entirely unrelated to Debian.
> You could ask questions about microphone technique on
> which is also very helpful with many knowledgeable readers responding.
> And I see you were active on that list recently, so perhaps you accidentally
> sent this question to the wrong list?

Thanks.  4 years ago I started the present conversation ("Live recording") and
listers suggested me to get an audio interface.  Now I bought one and resumed
the conversation.  For the particular problem of "multichannel playback" some
listers here suggested me to apply mailing list.


Re: Piano live recording

2021-05-04 Thread Rodolfo Medina
"Jeremy Nicoll"  writes:

> On Tue, 4 May 2021, at 09:16, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> Is it better to use mono or omni directional microphones?  
> Omni-directional mics are also mono, usually.

Thanks, Jeremy...  I meant `monodirectional or omnidirectional...?'


Re: Piano live recording

2021-05-04 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Weaver  writes:

> On 04-05-2021 18:16, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> I've just bought a Behringer UMC404HD audio interface and want to record
>> live piano by placing two microphones one at the trebles and one at the
>> bass.  Is it better to use mono or omni directional microphones?  In
>> particular, which do you suggest between Bheringer B5 either Behringer C2
>> twins?
> Upright or grand?

Upright. Thanks...


Piano live recording (was: Live recording)

2021-05-04 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Hi all.

I've just bought a Behringer UMC404HD audio interface and want to record live
piano by placing two microphones one at the trebles and one at the bass.  Is it
better to use mono or omni directional microphones?  In particular, which do
you suggest between Bheringer B5 either Behringer C2 twins?

Thanks for any help,


Re: [solved!!!] Multichannel audio playback

2021-05-03 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Rodolfo Medina  writes:

> Rodolfo Medina  writes:
> On Mon, Mar 05, 2018 at 10:39:19AM +0100, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>>>> After learning, some months ago, thanks to listers' help, how to live
>>>> record into a multi channel audio file, I was wondering about the reverse
>>>> problem: now I have my multi channel audio file, e.g. composed by three
>>>> different channels.  Is it possibile (I guess it is), and how?, to send
>>>> each of the three outputs into a different loud speaker and so listen to
>>>> the song...?
>> Four years ago this interesting thread.  Now I've purchased a Behringer
>> UMC404HD 4-channels audio interface and finally want to do my experiment.
>> Now I have a 3-channel .wav file and 3 loudspeakers connected to Behringer's
>> output: I want to playback each channel to a different speaker.
> It works...!!!
> That's what I did:
> [...]

Do you think the same purpose could be achieved as well with a simple device
like this:



Re: Multichannel audio playback

2021-05-01 Thread Rodolfo Medina
David Wright  writes:

> In terms of this computer, all those input and output sockets are the
> equivalent of my little 3.5mm jacks (but with phantom power), and the gain
> knobs are alsamixer sliders.
> [...]
> And so, by the sounds of the OP's solution post, the only functionality of
> the Behringer being used is the four better quality DACs (rather than my
> two), with four balanced outputs (rather than my two unbalanced ones through
> a 3.5mm jack).
> [...]
>  Would it help to see what kind of difference there is between a
>  sophisticated card like the Behringer and a run-of-the-mill soundcard, by
>  listing the ALSA Controls with amixer -c 2 scontents as I asked about
>  earlier?

Thanks, David.  What is specifically your audio set, much simpler as you say?
I'm also interested in what you are wondering...  about possibly having the
same functionalities with much a simpler arrangement...


[solved!!!] Multichannel audio playback

2021-04-30 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Rodolfo Medina  writes:

On Mon, Mar 05, 2018 at 10:39:19AM +0100, Rodolfo Medina wrote:

>>> After learning, some months ago, thanks to listers' help, how to live
>>> record into a multi channel audio file, I was wondering about the reverse
>>> problem: now I have my multi channel audio file, e.g. composed by three
>>> different channels.  Is it possibile (I guess it is), and how?, to send
>>> each of the three outputs into a different loud speaker and so listen to
>>> the song...?
> Four years ago this interesting thread.  Now I've purchased a Behringer
> UMC404HD 4-channels audio interface and finally want to do my experiment.
> Now I have a 3-channel .wav file and 3 loudspeakers connected to Behringer's
> output: I want to playback each channel to a different speaker.

It works...!!!

That's what I did:

1) I plugged the Behringer into the mains;

2) I connected the Behringer to the PC via Behringer's USB cable;

3) I plugged 3 amplified loudspeaker (could also be not amplified but then
   sound is low) into 3 of the 4 black holes (the TRS ones, but it could be ok
   also with the RCA ones, I didn't try yet) of the `PLAYBACK OUTPUTS' system
   on the back of the Behringer;

4) from my Linux box I did:

   $ ecasound -f:16,3,44100 -i:sndfile,3canali.wav -o alsaplugin,2,0

   where `3canali.wav' is a 3-channels file.

And voilà: each of the 3 loudspeakers play a different channel of the 3
channels composing `3canali.wav'.  There don't seem to be any issue with
Behringer's controls: the `MAIN OUT' and `MIX' knobs can be whatever, such as
the `STEREO/MONO' switch (so it seems).

Thanks to each and all that helped...!



Re: Multichannel audio playback

2021-04-29 Thread Rodolfo Medina
didier gaumet  writes:

> Did you adjust the volume of output 3 and 4 in alsa? if you are lucky, the
> routing is correct and these outputs are only muted.
> But I think (no pun intended) that in your present case, you need to learn
> about: - mixing and mastering (partcularly routing) - particular abilites or
> limitations of your Behringer interface - linux low-level tools if that is
> what you want to use That's why I suggested you to use GUI tools, because,
> while perhaps sometimes bloated or in certains cases not offering certains
> options that a CLI tool proposes sometimes, GUI tools are more intuitive. And
> it's easier to learn only mixing/mastering than mixing/mastering and linux
> audio internals at the same time.
> As a starting point a tutorial about audio routing could be of use to
> activate outputs 3&4 and chose what to feed them in (sorry if this is not a
> correct sentence, I'm french). There is the routing chapter of Ardour
> tutorial:
> but the
> whole tutorial could be of interest

Yes, thanks, it is necessary to learn, beacuse noone replied who already did it
or knows exactly how to do it.  Actually I don't even know if that's ever
possible with Behringer or with any other device...


Re: Multichannel audio playback

2021-04-28 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Joel Roth  writes:

>> So we could consider problem 1) solved.
>> Let's try to go to problem 2).  The above command properly sends channel 1
>> to loudspeaker 1 and channel 2 to loudspeaker 2, but it doesn't manage to
>> send channel 3 into loudspeaker 3.  Actually, the Behringer seems to behave
>> in stereo mode.  But the strange thing is that outputs `B' (i.e. 3 and 4) do
>> not work at all and seems to be dead.  So please help: how can I - if ever
>> possible - send channel 3 to loudspeaker 3?  And, more in general: is it
>> possible, even with some other device, to achive what I want?
> The soundcard capabilities that linux sees are documented
> in the /proc/asound filesystem. That's worth investigating.

Here's the output:

$ cat /proc/asound/cards
 0 [HDMI   ]: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI HDMI
  HDA ATI HDMI at 0xfea64000 irq 38
 1 [Generic]: HDA-Intel - HD-Audio Generic
  HD-Audio Generic at 0xfea6 irq 16
 2 [U192k  ]: USB-Audio - UMC404HD 192k
  BEHRINGER UMC404HD 192k at usb-:00:12.0-1.2, high 

It does not help me...

> Here's one reference to what you can find there:
> Another helpful source for guidance would be the Linux Audio
> Users mailing list, with many knowledgeable and helpful
> members. 

Yes, I wrote to it before buying the Behringer and I will again now.  Some
lister was unkind and called me ignorant...  ;-)


Re: Multichannel audio playback

2021-04-28 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Joel Roth  writes:

> I don't think there is a problem with ecasound. 
> For comparison, you can try
> aplay -D  test.wav
> You get the device name from aplay -L.
> Please also show the output from 
> cat /proc/asound/cards
> With your ecasound examples, the -a argument is not necessary, and
> selecting channels is not its purpose.

Now it works: 

$ ecasound -a:1,2,3 -i:sndfile,3canali.wav -o alsaplugin,2,0
*ecasound v2.9.1 (C) 1997-2014 Kai Vehmanen and others
(eca-chainsetup) Chainsetup "untitled-chainsetup"
(eca-chainsetup) NOTE: Real-time configuration, but insufficient privileges
... to utilize real-time scheduling (SCHED_FIFO). With small buffersizes,
... this may cause audible glitches during processing.
(eca-chainsetup) "rt" buffering mode selected.
(audioio_sndfile) Using libsndfile to open file "3canali.wav" for reading.
(eca-chainsetup) NOTE: using existing audio parameters -f:s16_le,3,48000
... for object 'sndfile' (tried to open with -f:s16_le,2,44100).
(eca-chainsetup) Opened input "sndfile", mode "read". Format: s16_le,
... channels 3, srate 48000, interleaved (locked params).
(eca-chainsetup) Opened output "alsaplugin", mode "write". Format: s16_le,
... channels 2, srate 48000, interleaved.
- [ Connected chainsetup: "untitled-chainsetup" ] 
- [ Controller/Starting batch processing ] ---
- [ Engine - Driver start ] --

- [ Engine - Processing finished ] ---
- [ Controller/Batch processing finished (0) ] ---
- [ Controller/Processing stopped (cond) ] ---
- [ Engine exiting ] -
(eca-control-objects) Disconnecting chainsetup:  "untitled-chainsetup".

So we could consider problem 1) solved.

Let's try to go to problem 2).  The above command properly sends channel 1 to
loudspeaker 1 and channel 2 to loudspeaker 2, but it doesn't manage to send
channel 3 into loudspeaker 3.  Actually, the Behringer seems to behave in
stereo mode.  But the strange thing is that outputs `B' (i.e. 3 and 4) do not
work at all and seems to be dead.  So please help: how can I - if ever possible
- send channel 3 to loudspeaker 3?  And, more in general: is it possible, even
with some other device, to achive what I want?



Re: Multichannel audio playback

2021-04-28 Thread Rodolfo Medina
didier gaumet  writes:

> Le 28/04/2021 à 09:37, Rodolfo Medina a écrit :
> [...]
>> First of all, problem 1): same error now with a 2-channel and a 3-channel
>> file:
> [...]
>> ERROR:  Connecting chainsetup failed: "Enabling chainsetup: AUDIOIO-ALSA:
>> ... Channel count 2 is out of range!"
> [...]
> I do not use ecasound but it seems to me that this indicates that by default
> ecasound is in a one channel (mono, channel #1) mode and that channels have
> to be specified with -a, perhaps like this:
> $ ecasound -a:1,2,3 -i:sndfile,3canali.wav -o alsahw,2,0
>  or perhaps
> $ ecasound -a:all -i:sndfile,3canali.wav -o alsahw,2,0

Thanks, Didier:

it seems to work with 2 channels:

$ ecasound -a:1,2 -i:sndfile,2canali.wav -o alsahw,2,0
*ecasound v2.9.1 (C) 1997-2014 Kai Vehmanen and others
(eca-chainsetup) Chainsetup "untitled-chainsetup"
(eca-chainsetup) NOTE: Real-time configuration, but insufficient privileges
... to utilize real-time scheduling (SCHED_FIFO). With small buffersizes,
... this may cause audible glitches during processing.
(eca-chainsetup) "rt" buffering mode selected.
(audioio_sndfile) Using libsndfile to open file "2canali.wav" for reading.
(eca-chainsetup) NOTE: using existing audio parameters -f:s16_le,2,48000
... for object 'sndfile' (tried to open with -f:s16_le,2,44100).
(eca-chainsetup) Opened input "sndfile", mode "read". Format: s16_le,
... channels 2, srate 48000, interleaved (locked params).
(eca-chainsetup) Opened output "alsahw", mode "write". Format: s16_le,
... channels 2, srate 48000, interleaved.
- [ Connected chainsetup: "untitled-chainsetup" ] 
- [ Controller/Starting batch processing ] ---
- [ Engine - Driver start ] --

- [ Engine - Processing finished ] ---
- [ Controller/Batch processing finished (0) ] ---
- [ Controller/Processing stopped (cond) ] ---
- [ Engine exiting ] -
(eca-control-objects) Disconnecting chainsetup:  "untitled-chainsetup".

but not with 3:

$ ecasound -a:1,2,3 -i:sndfile,3canali.wav -o alsahw,2,0
*ecasound v2.9.1 (C) 1997-2014 Kai Vehmanen and others
(eca-chainsetup) Chainsetup "untitled-chainsetup"
(eca-chainsetup) NOTE: Real-time configuration, but insufficient privileges
... to utilize real-time scheduling (SCHED_FIFO). With small buffersizes,
... this may cause audible glitches during processing.
(eca-chainsetup) "rt" buffering mode selected.
(audioio_sndfile) Using libsndfile to open file "3canali.wav" for reading.
(eca-chainsetup) NOTE: using existing audio parameters -f:s16_le,3,48000
... for object 'sndfile' (tried to open with -f:s16_le,2,44100).
(eca-chainsetup) Opened input "sndfile", mode "read". Format: s16_le,
... channels 3, srate 48000, interleaved (locked params).
ERROR:  Connecting chainsetup failed: "Enabling chainsetup: AUDIOIO-ALSA:
... Channel count 2 is out of range!"

Please help...


Re: Multichannel audio playback

2021-04-28 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Joel Roth  writes:

> On Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 10:22:11AM -1000, Joel Roth wrote:
>> ecasound -i:libsndfile,audiofile -o alsa
> that should be -i:sndfile 

Thanks, Joel...

2 problems seem to be involved:

1) make ecasound read and play the file;

2) properly use all those many outputs on the Behringer's back.

(Up to now, I can't make the `B' Playback Outputs work yet.  Only `A' seem to

First of all, problem 1): same error now with a 2-channel and a 3-channel file:

$ ecasound -i:2canali.wav -o alsahw,2,0
*ecasound v2.9.1 (C) 1997-2014 Kai Vehmanen and others
(eca-chainsetup) Chainsetup "untitled-chainsetup"
(eca-chainsetup) NOTE: Real-time configuration, but insufficient privileges
... to utilize real-time scheduling (SCHED_FIFO). With small buffersizes,
... this may cause audible glitches during processing.
(eca-chainsetup) "rt" buffering mode selected.
(eca-chainsetup) NOTE: using existing audio parameters -f:s16_le,2,48000
... for object '2canali.wav' (tried to open with -f:s16_le,2,44100).
(eca-chainsetup) Opened input "2canali.wav", mode "read". Format: s16_le,
... channels 2, srate 48000, interleaved (locked params).
ERROR:  Connecting chainsetup failed: "Enabling chainsetup: AUDIOIO-ALSA:
... Channel count 2 is out of range!"

$ ecasound -i:sndfile,3canali.wav -o alsahw,2,0
*ecasound v2.9.1 (C) 1997-2014 Kai Vehmanen and others
(eca-chainsetup) Chainsetup "untitled-chainsetup"
(eca-chainsetup) NOTE: Real-time configuration, but insufficient privileges
... to utilize real-time scheduling (SCHED_FIFO). With small buffersizes,
... this may cause audible glitches during processing.
(eca-chainsetup) "rt" buffering mode selected.
(audioio_sndfile) Using libsndfile to open file "3canali.wav" for reading.
(eca-chainsetup) NOTE: using existing audio parameters -f:s16_le,3,48000
... for object 'sndfile' (tried to open with -f:s16_le,2,44100).
(eca-chainsetup) Opened input "sndfile", mode "read". Format: s16_le,
... channels 3, srate 48000, interleaved (locked params).
ERROR:  Connecting chainsetup failed: "Enabling chainsetup: AUDIOIO-ALSA:
... Channel count 2 is out of range!"

Both files were created via `sox -M' command from respectively 2 and 3 mono

Please help if you can.



Multichannel audio playback (was: Multichannel audio listening)

2021-04-27 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Joel Roth  writes:

> On Mon, Mar 05, 2018 at 10:39:19AM +0100, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> After learning, some months ago, thanks to listers' help, how to live record
>> into a multi channel audio file, I was wondering about the reverse problem:
>> now I have my multi channel audio file, e.g. composed by three different
>> channels.  Is it possibile (I guess it is), and how?, to send each of the
>> three outputs into a different loud speaker and so listen to the song...?
> Hi Rodolfo,
> Ecasound is pretty convenient for routing audio.
> If you connect three powered speakers to the first three
> channels of a (sufficiently capable) soundcard and you're
> using ALSA (the default low-level linux audio API), it's
> pretty simple:
> For example,
> ecasound -i:3ch.wav -f:16,3,44100 -o:alsa,default

Four years ago this interesting thread.  Now I've purchased a Behringer
UMC404HD 4-channels audio interface and finally want to do my experiment.  Now
I have a 3-channel .wav file and 3 loudspeakers connected to Behringer's
output: I want to playback each channel to a different speaker.  I get error:

$ ecasound -i 3canali.wav -f:16,3,44100 -o alsahw,2,0
*ecasound v2.9.1 (C) 1997-2014 Kai Vehmanen and others
(eca-chainsetup) Chainsetup "untitled-chainsetup"
(eca-chainsetup) NOTE: Real-time configuration, but insufficient privileges
... to utilize real-time scheduling (SCHED_FIFO). With small buffersizes,
... this may cause audible glitches during processing.
(eca-chainsetup) "rt" buffering mode selected.
ERROR:  Connecting chainsetup failed: "Enabling chainsetup: AUDIOIO-WAVE:
... Only WAVE_FORMAT_PCM and WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT are supported."

Please help whoever can.

One more thing: on the back of Behringer there are two groups of `playback
outputs': group A and group B.  Each of the two groups has 4 holes: 2 black
6.35mm, one red RCA and one white RCA.  Please help also to understand how to
use them for my special purpose.  Besides, on Behringer's back there is one
more group of outputs called `Main Out' and including two 6.35mm and two XLR.

Thanks in advance for any help,


Re: Capture screen with mencoder

2020-07-29 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Nicolas George  writes:

> Rodolfo Medina (12020-07-29):
>> Thanks...  The reason why I wanted to use mencoder instead of ffmpeg is that
>> with the latter, when I tried to capture webcam and audio together,
>> especially with my old laptop (but partially also with my new desktop pc),
>> I've been banged against `a sea of troubles': sync problems, video freezing,
>> video stuttering, background noise, output interrupted... whereas with
>> mencoder and the command I posted above everything went fine at first try.
>> So that, with desktop capture, I had to give up the idea of recording video
>> and audio together and am recording them separately...
> AFAIK, people manage to use ffmpeg for that. I strongly suggest you try
> to get this working rather than relying on a project in vegetative
> state. Help can be fond on the ffmpeg-user mailing-list, but you will
> need to give much more details than you did here.

No help came from ffmpeg mailing list apart from user Leonardo who helped me
privately but, in the end, with my 10 years old netbook, I had to give up...
maybe I was asking too much.  Mencoder instead worked immediately like a charm.



Re: Capture screen with mencoder

2020-07-29 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Nicolas George  writes:

> Rodolfo Medina (12020-07-28):
>>How can I modify the above command so to capture
>> desktop screen instead (with audio)?
> mencoder does not support capturing the desktop. You may manage to tweak
> it to enable libavdevice, but it is completely unsupported, and you
> would have it easier using ffmpeg directly. Anyway, nowadays, using
> mencoder is not recommended except for DVDs.

Thanks...  The reason why I wanted to use mencoder instead of ffmpeg is that
with the latter, when I tried to capture webcam and audio together, especially
with my old laptop (but partially also with my new desktop pc), I've been
banged against `a sea of troubles': sync problems, video freezing, video
stuttering, background noise, output interrupted... whereas with mencoder and
the command I posted above everything went fine at first try.  So that, with
desktop capture, I had to give up the idea of recording video and audio
together and am recording them separately...



Capture screen with mencoder

2020-07-28 Thread Rodolfo Medina
I posted this to Mplayer mailing list but got no answer so am sharing it here
hoping someone can help...

I capture my webcam stream with:

 $ mencoder tv:// -tv 
 -ovc lavc -oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=64:mode=3 -o webcam.avi

and it works fine.  How can I modify the above command so to capture desktop
screen instead (with audio)?  I suppose it's a matter of replacing /dev/video0
with something else but don't know what nor the correct syntax...

Thanks for any help,


Re: About /var/log/dpgk.log

2020-07-28 Thread Rodolfo Medina
The Wanderer  writes:

> On 2020-07-27 at 19:02, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> The Wanderer  writes:
>>> On 2020-07-27 at 10:37, The Wanderer wrote:
>>>> What you want to do instead is to run this exact latter command, and
>>>> pass the output of that into the 'aptitude purge' command.
>>>> Try:
>>>> $ aptitude purge $(grep "2020-07-23.*.install " /var/log/dpkg.log | awk
>>>> '{ print $4 }' | tr '\n' ' ')
>>>> and see what you get.
>>> Turns out that the 'tr' part can be dropped as well; the subshell
>>> redirection is smart enough for the newlines to be processed correctly.
>> All right, but with the `tr' part then it's easier to copy and paste the
>> output
>> and pass it as argument to `# aptitude purge'...
> Quite true, and that's what I thought at first you were doing, until you
> gave the command line with incorrect syntax that I responded to earlier.

Yes, it was a moment of confusion of mine...



Re: About /var/log/dpgk.log

2020-07-27 Thread Rodolfo Medina
The Wanderer  writes:

> On 2020-07-27 at 10:37, The Wanderer wrote:
>> What you want to do instead is to run this exact latter command, and
>> pass the output of that into the 'aptitude purge' command.
>> Try:
>> $ aptitude purge $(grep "2020-07-23.*.install " /var/log/dpkg.log | awk
>> '{ print $4 }' | tr '\n' ' ')
>> and see what you get.
> Turns out that the 'tr' part can be dropped as well; the subshell
> redirection is smart enough for the newlines to be processed correctly.

All right, but with the `tr' part then it's easier to copy and paste the output
and pass it as argument to `# aptitude purge'...



Re: About /var/log/dpgk.log

2020-07-27 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Greg Wooledge  writes:

> On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 07:42:31PM +0000, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> Must be so because
>>  $ zgrep "2018.*.install " /var/log/dpkg* 
>> gives no output and so with 2017, 2016 and 2015, whereas for 2019 and 2020
>> there is output...
> You can use ls -l to see the datestamps on the files.
> You can zcat the oldest one, and pipe that through head, to see the
> oldest entries in the oldest file.  That'll tell you where your cutoff
> point is, more precisely than the datestamps (which will tell you the
> end of each individual file, but not the beginning).

Yes, thanks...  So turns it out to be only just May 2019 the cutoff point...


Re: About /var/log/dpgk.log

2020-07-27 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Greg Wooledge  writes:

> On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 07:06:47PM +0000, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> Just so simple.  Now, I want to know when libiec61883-dev:i386 was installed
>> into my system.  To do so, I did:
>>  $ zgrep libiec61883-dev:i386 dpkg.log*
>> dpkg.log:2020-07-23 08:07:12 status unpacked libiec61883-dev:i386 1.2.0-3
>> dpkg.log:2020-07-23 08:07:12 configure libiec61883-dev:i386 1.2.0-3 
>> dpkg.log:2020-07-23 08:07:12 status unpacked libiec61883-dev:i386 1.2.0-3
>> dpkg.log:2020-07-23 08:07:13 status half-configured libiec61883-dev:i386 
>> 1.2.0-3
>> dpkg.log:2020-07-23 08:07:13 status installed libiec61883-dev:i386 1.2.0-3
>> In the output there isn't any `install' item...  How come...?
> Most likely, because your oldest logs have been removed already.

Must be so because

 $ zgrep "2018.*.install " /var/log/dpkg* 

gives no output and so with 2017, 2016 and 2015, whereas for 2019 and 2020
there is output...


Re: Mencoder and ffmpeg

2020-07-27 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Thomas Amm  writes:

> On Sat, 2020-07-25 at 18:39 +0000, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> I wanted to capture my webcam streaming and audio using ffmpeg but
>> banged
>> against `a sea of troubles': sync problems, video freezing, video
>> stuttering,
>> background noise, choose of one format rather than other...  Mencoder
>> instead
>> at once easily, with:
>>   $ mencoder tv:// -tv
>> driver=v4l2:width=640:height=480:device=/dev/video0:forceaudio:alsa:ad
>> evice=hw.1,0 -ovc lavc -oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=64:mode=3 -o
>> webcam.avi
>> did perfectly the job.  But Mencoder is hardly ever used compared with
>> ffmpeg...
>> I wonder why so much difference in this case between the two
>> respective
>> behaviours and wish to know what you listers think about all that...
>> thanks for any help
>> cheers
>> rodolfo
> Mencoder basically uses the same libraries as ffmpeg (and a few more,
> IIRC). Having used both for years for standard (ripping, replaying,
> recencoding) tasks as well as for somewhat exotic stuff like streaming
> video sources from gadgets live into VJ mixers using all kind of filter
> in between I would say that mencoder is the app of choice if it gets the
> job done because it has much simpler options.
> FFMPEG comes into play whenever simpler options fail. As you noticed
> there are more options than anyone could memorize trying to cover even
> the most exotic use-cases. 
> Your command line, BTW, looks very much like my standard section in
> .mplayer/config for live streaming/encoding from a webcam. I'd suppose
> reading the extra HTML-doc for mplayer. It's a relatively easy read.
> Getting into FFMPEG is certainly worth it, too - if you have specific
> needs. 

Thanks...  I've always only used ffmpeg but now after this my last experience
I'm interested in learning to use mencoder as well...  But it seems to me that
the real problem with it is the lack of support...  I recently wrote to mplayer
mailing list with no answer, whereas mencoder specific mailing list looks
inactive with its 3 years ago last post...


Re: About /var/log/dpgk.log

2020-07-27 Thread Rodolfo Medina
David Wright  writes:

> I don't know why you'd want to learn bash scripting at
> root's command line, but if you insist, please add -s
> after the word aptitude.

No, certainly, my fault...  I just did:

 $ zgrep "2020-07-23.*.install " /var/log/dpkg.log* | awk '{ print $4 }' | tr 
'\n' ' '

and then copied and pasted the output as argument of `# aptitude purge'...
Just so simple.  Now, I want to know when libiec61883-dev:i386 was installed
into my system.  To do so, I did:

 $ zgrep libiec61883-dev:i386 dpkg.log*
dpkg.log:2020-07-23 08:07:12 status unpacked libiec61883-dev:i386 1.2.0-3
dpkg.log:2020-07-23 08:07:12 configure libiec61883-dev:i386 1.2.0-3 
dpkg.log:2020-07-23 08:07:12 status unpacked libiec61883-dev:i386 1.2.0-3
dpkg.log:2020-07-23 08:07:13 status half-configured libiec61883-dev:i386 1.2.0-3
dpkg.log:2020-07-23 08:07:13 status installed libiec61883-dev:i386 1.2.0-3

In the output there isn't any `install' item...  How come...?



Re: About /var/log/dpgk.log

2020-07-27 Thread Rodolfo Medina
The Wanderer  writes:

> On 2020-07-27 at 09:56, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> The Wanderer  writes:
>>> On 2020-07-27 at 08:53, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>>>> But audacity is installed on my Debian box since months...  How can it
>>>> depend on a package installed a few days ago...?
>>> My guess would be that this is about architecture differences.
>>> What the install line from above indicates was installed on the 23rd is
>>> the i386 version of liblilv-0-0. I suspect that the amd64 version was
>>> already installed. The amd64 version of audacity depends on the amd64
>>> version of this library, and the i386 version of audacity almost
>>> certainly depends on the i386 version of this library.
>>> Try
>>> # aptitude purge liblilv-0-0:i386
>>> and see what that gives you.
>> Your guess seems to be true:
>> # aptitude purge liblilv-0-0:i386
>> The following packages will be REMOVED:  
>>   liblilv-0-0:i386{p} libserd-0-0:i386{u} libsord-0-0:i386{u} 
>>   libsratom-0-0:i386{u} 
>> 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 4 to remove and 192 not upgraded.
>> Need to get 0 B of archives. After unpacking 394 kB will be freed.
>> Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?]
>> , so it's also important that appendix `:i386'.  Now, I want to remove all
>> tha packages I installed on last july 23th.  To do so, I do:
>>  $ grep "2015-12-19.*.install " /var/log/dpkg.log | awk '{ print $4 }' | cut 
>>  -d: -f1 | tr '\n' ' '
>> How can I modify the above command so to include - when it is present - also
>> that important suffix?
> Drop the '| cut -d: -f1' part. That explicitly gets rid of the suffix.
> As far as I can tell from trivial testing, the resulting package list is
> in the correct syntax to be passed to apt-get or aptitude for removal.


 root@lenovo:~# aptitude purge "2020-07-23.*.install " /var/log/dpkg.log | awk 
'{ print $4 }' | tr '\n' ' '
Unable to apply some actions, aborting
   information...  information...  package root@lenovo:~# 

Strange, because:

$ grep "2020-07-23.*.install " /var/log/dpkg.log | awk '{ print $4 }' | tr '\n' 
' '
xml-core:all docutils-common:all docutils-doc:all libimagequant0:amd64 
libjs-sphinxdoc:all python-alabaster:all python-asn1crypto:all 
python-babel-localedata:all python-tz:all python-babel:all python-certifi:all 
python-cffi-backend:amd64 python-enum34:all python-ipaddress:all 
python-cryptography:amd64 python-roman:all python-docutils:all python-idna:all 
python-imagesize:all python-markupsafe:amd64 python-jinja2:all 
python-olefile:all python-openssl:all python-pyparsing:all python-packaging:all 
python-pil:amd64 python-pygments:all python-urllib3:all python-requests:all 
python-typing:all sphinx-common:all python-sphinx:all nasm:amd64 yasm:amd64 
cmake-data:all libcurl4:amd64 librhash0:amd64 libuv1:amd64 cmake:amd64 
libchromaprint-tools:amd64 libchromaprint-dev:amd64 frei0r-plugins-dev:amd64 
libunistring-dev:amd64 libunbound8:amd64 libgnutls-dane0:amd64 libopts25:amd64 
gnutls-bin:amd64 libgmpxx4ldbl:amd64 libgmp-dev:amd64 libgnutlsxx28:amd64 
libidn2-dev:amd64 libp11-kit-dev:amd64 libtasn1-6-dev:amd64 nettle-dev:amd64 
libgnutls28-dev:amd64 libtasn1-doc:all libdpkg-perl:all 
libfile-fcntllock-perl:amd64 pkg-config:amd64 ladspa-sdk:amd64 aom-tools:amd64 
libaom-dev:amd64 libserd-0-0:i386 libsord-0-0:i386 libsratom-0-0:i386 
liblilv-0-0:i386 libserd-dev:amd64 libsord-dev:amd64 lv2-dev:amd64 
libsratom-dev:amd64 liblilv-dev:amd64 libraw1394-dev:amd64 
libiec61883-dev:amd64 libraw1394-tools:amd64 libraw1394-11:i386 
libiec61883-0:i386 libraw1394-dev:i386

Maybe all those `:all'...?  Then get cut off only them?


Re: About /var/log/dpgk.log

2020-07-27 Thread Rodolfo Medina
The Wanderer  writes:

> On 2020-07-27 at 08:53, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> The Wanderer  writes:
>>> On 2020-07-27 at 08:15, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>>> That log message means that at 08:02:37 on July 23rd, 2020, the computer
>>> went from not having any i386-architecture version of liblilv-0-0
>>> installed at all to having version 0.24.2~dfsg0-2 installed.
>>> The "" is the version which was installed *before* dpkg took
>>> action. The field after that is the version which was installed *after*
>>> dpkg took action. (Or maybe "was to be"; I don't know what gets logged
>>> in the case where the install fails, et cetera.)
>> Clear now, thanks...
>> Now, when I try to remove liblilv-0-0, Debian warns me that audacity depends
>> on it:
>> # aptitude purge liblilv-0-0
>> The following packages will be REMOVED:  
>>   liblilv-0-0{p} 
>> 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 192 not upgraded.
>> Need to get 0 B of archives. After unpacking 132 kB will be freed.
>> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
>>  audacity : Depends: liblilv-0-0 (>= 0.16.0~dfsg0) but it is not going to be
>>  installed
>> But audacity is installed on my Debian box since months...  How can it
>> depend on a package installed a few days ago...?
> My guess would be that this is about architecture differences.
> What the install line from above indicates was installed on the 23rd is
> the i386 version of liblilv-0-0. I suspect that the amd64 version was
> already installed. The amd64 version of audacity depends on the amd64
> version of this library, and the i386 version of audacity almost
> certainly depends on the i386 version of this library.
> Try
> # aptitude purge liblilv-0-0:i386
> and see what that gives you.

Your guess seems to be true:

# aptitude purge liblilv-0-0:i386
The following packages will be REMOVED:  
  liblilv-0-0:i386{p} libserd-0-0:i386{u} libsord-0-0:i386{u} 
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 4 to remove and 192 not upgraded.
Need to get 0 B of archives. After unpacking 394 kB will be freed.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?]

, so it's also important that appendix `:i386'.  Now, I want to remove all tha
packages I installed on last july 23th.  To do so, I do:

 $ grep "2015-12-19.*.install " /var/log/dpkg.log | awk '{ print $4 }' | cut  
-d: -f1 | tr '\n' ' '

How can I modify the above command so to include - when it is present - also
that important suffix?



Re: About /var/log/dpgk.log

2020-07-27 Thread Rodolfo Medina
The Wanderer  writes:

> On 2020-07-27 at 08:15, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>>  writes:
>>> On Sat, Jul 25, 2020 at 10:54:56PM +0200, Sven Joachim wrote:
>>> [...]
>>>> It's mentioned in the dpkg manpage, search for the --log option
>>>> there.
>>> :-)
>>> Thanks, that puts it to rest.
>>> As always, if everything else fails, read the instructions.
>> Thanks to you all.  Then, e.g.,
>> 2020-07-23 08:02:37 install liblilv-0-0:i386  0.24.2~dfsg0-2
>> means that liblilv-0-0 has been installed or not on 2020-07-23?  From
>> dpkg manpage, --log option, as I understand, the field with `'
>> should correspond to the installed version, so `' seems to
>> state that it is not installed at all...?  If so, what does the
>> `install' action do there...?
> That log message means that at 08:02:37 on July 23rd, 2020, the computer
> went from not having any i386-architecture version of liblv-0-0
> installed at all to having version 0.24.2~dfsg0-2 installed.
> The "" is the version which was installed *before* dpkg took
> action. The field after that is the version which was installed *after*
> dpkg took action. (Or maybe "was to be"; I don't know what gets logged
> in the case where the install fails, et cetera.)

Clear now, thanks...

Now, when I try to remove liblilv-0-0, Debian warns me that audacity depends on

# aptitude purge liblilv-0-0
The following packages will be REMOVED:  
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 192 not upgraded.
Need to get 0 B of archives. After unpacking 132 kB will be freed.
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 audacity : Depends: liblilv-0-0 (>= 0.16.0~dfsg0) but it is not going to be

But audacity is installed on my Debian box since months...  How can it depend
on a package installed a few days ago...?


Re: About /var/log/dpgk.log

2020-07-27 Thread Rodolfo Medina

> On Sat, Jul 25, 2020 at 10:54:56PM +0200, Sven Joachim wrote:
> [...]
>> It's mentioned in the dpkg manpage, search for the --log option there.
> :-)
> Thanks, that puts it to rest.
> As always, if everything else fails, read the instructions.

Thanks to you all.  Then, e.g.,

 2020-07-23 08:02:37 install liblilv-0-0:i386  0.24.2~dfsg0-2

means that liblilv-0-0 has been installed or not on 2020-07-23?  From dpkg
manpage, --log option, as I understand, the field with `' should
correspond to the installed version, so `' seems to state that it is not
installed at all...?  If so, what does the `install' action do there...?

thanks again,


About /var/log/dpgk.log

2020-07-25 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Hi all...

Please what do those occurrences of `' mean in /var/log/dpgk.log just on
the right next to some (and some not) of packages names?

thanks for any help



Mencoder and ffmpeg

2020-07-25 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Hi all.

I wanted to capture my webcam streaming and audio using ffmpeg but banged
against `a sea of troubles': sync problems, video freezing, video stuttering,
background noise, choose of one format rather than other...  Mencoder instead
at once easily, with:

  $ mencoder tv:// -tv 
 -ovc lavc -oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=64:mode=3 -o webcam.avi

did perfectly the job.  But Mencoder is hardly ever used compared with

I wonder why so much difference in this case between the two respective
behaviours and wish to know what you listers think about all that...

thanks for any help



Re: mplayer won't play m4a

2019-09-03 Thread Rodolfo Medina
"Thomas Schmitt"  writes:

> i wrote:
>> > All this riddling just because of silent rejection of oversized mail.
> Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> Yes...  :-(
> At least it was served with interesting red herrings.

Interesting, yes...

> Now you only need to find a way to publish your attachment.

Thanks indeed for helping...  ;-)



Re: mplayer won't play m4a

2019-09-03 Thread Rodolfo Medina
"Thomas Schmitt"  writes:

> Hi,
> Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> I can see all my recent messages through server in
>> linux.debian.user group...
> Here i see none of you between
>   from   : Andrei POPESCU 
>   date   : Mon, 26 Aug 2019 21:10:02 +0200
>   subject: Re: mplayer won't play m4a
> and
>   from   : Rodolfo Medina 
>   date   : Mon, 02 Sep 2019 13:30:02 +0200
>   subject: test
> The message which i got by Cc: does not show up in the newsgroup.

Yes, all apart from those...

>> Hi all...  I'm sending the present reply to the above message but without
>> that large attachment included in my previous failed attempts...
> Duh.
> All this riddling just because of silent rejection of oversized mail.

Yes...  :-(


Re: mplayer won't play m4a

2019-09-03 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Andrei POPESCU  writes:

> On Sb, 24 aug 19, 13:26:00, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> What missing, what should I install...?  If my two-minutes-ago full-upgrade
>> ok,
>> I should be running Stable: Debian 10.
> Instead of guessing you could show the output of 'apt policy' ;)
> The output of this command might also help to find the cause for your 
> troubles:
> aptitude search '!~ODebian'
> (the quotes are important)
> Kind regards,
> Andrei

Hi all...  I'm sending the present reply to the above message but without that
large attachment included in my previous failed attempts...  Let's see if it's
delivered to the list...


Re: test, Was: mplayer won't play m4a

2019-09-03 Thread Rodolfo Medina
"Thomas Schmitt"  writes:

> Hi,
> Curt wrote:
>> I guess I wasn't precise enough. is the news server.
>> gmane.linux.debian.user is this newsgroup. I am here.
> So what you post to gmane.linux.debian.user ends up on debian-user
> mailing list too ?

Of course, that's the way  I post to the list.

> (I can distinguish a typical server name from a typical group name, btw.)
> [...]
> Rodolfo could make an attempt without the weighty attachment.
> Maybe all the rest is just a red herring.

I'm doing so now.

> Is there a limit for attachments published for gmane.linux.debian.user ?

The problem might be just that...!  I'll test it now.


Re: test, Was: mplayer won't play m4a

2019-09-03 Thread Rodolfo Medina
"Thomas Schmitt"  writes:

> Curt wrote:
>> I post to the group via with a NNTP client.
> Can you see gmane.linux.debian.user there ?
> If yes: Are there recent messages from Rodolfo Medina ?
> E.g. this one:
>   From: Rodolfo Medina 
>   Subject: Re: mplayer won't play m4a
>   Date: Mon, 02 Sep 2019 13:15:24 +
>   Message-ID: <87r24yx2j7.fsf@lenovo>
> (It might have suffered silent rejection due to its 1 MB attachment.)

I can see all my recent messages through server in linux.debian.user


Re: test, Was: mplayer won't play m4a

2019-09-03 Thread Rodolfo Medina
"Thomas Schmitt"  writes:

> I have a new theory.
> One header is missing:
>   To: ...

Right...  Whereas all my previous messages on this list do have that header...
So what would your theory be...?



Re: test, Was: mplayer won't play m4a

2019-09-02 Thread Rodolfo Medina
"Thomas Schmitt"  writes:

> Hi,
> The Wanderer wrote:
>> Rodolfo posted a copy of that message as an attachment, just now, so
>> that should be check-able. I don't see anything quite odd just at a glance.
> Yes. Looks totally normal.
>> Here's an attempt to reply to the message which Rodolfo Medina has
>> reported having trouble replying to. Has anyone else tried to reply to
>> this message, prior to this?
> I did, creating the sub-thread "Re: test, Was: mplayer won't play m4a".
> Same as with your attempt: no problems. And Rodolfo can reply to our
> follow-up mails in the thread.
> It is not yet proven whether the strange In-Reply-To: header content
> is to blame. But i see it in my Cc: of the failed attempt of Rodolfo
> to follow-up to Andrei POPESCU's mail with id
> 20190826190505.zldub4tzker6am7d@localhost.
> The successful attempts to our recent mails don't have this header.

Every time I'm sending a mail message from my Gnus system (even jus now), it
says something as:

The Message-ID looks strange: "<87sgpetvv7.fsf@lenovo>".  Really post? (y or n) 

Maybe this means something...  Maybe Andrei has some sort of anti-spam system
that prevents strange IDs to reply to his posts...?


Re: mplayer won't play m4a

2019-09-02 Thread Rodolfo Medina
The Wanderer  writes:

> On 2019-08-26 at 15:05, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
>> On Sb, 24 aug 19, 13:26:00, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>>> What missing, what should I install...?  If my two-minutes-ago full-upgrade
>>> ok,
>>> I should be running Stable: Debian 10.
>> Instead of guessing you could show the output of 'apt policy' ;)
>> The output of this command might also help to find the cause for your 
>> troubles:
>> aptitude search '!~ODebian'
>> (the quotes are important)
> Here's an attempt to reply to the message which Rodolfo Medina has
> reported having trouble replying to. Has anyone else tried to reply to
> this message, prior to this?

Attempt successful...  I've been trying many times to reply to the same message
with no success...  Really strange...


Re: test, Was: mplayer won't play m4a

2019-09-02 Thread Rodolfo Medina
The Wanderer  writes:

> On 2019-09-02 at 11:21, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> "Thomas Schmitt"  writes:
>>> Hi,
>>> Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>>>> ...And I'm replying now to the above message from Thomas...
>>> This one has no In-Reply-To header.
>>> I don't have the mail by Andrei POPESCU in my mailbox, to which you
>>> tried to reply with that header line.
>>> A mail from him from a different thread looks unsuspicious, header-wise.
>> It remains anyway a mistery, why I'm regularly replying to the present
>> thread but can't to the other one...
> Strictly, this isn't even a different thread; it's just another message
> in the same thread, with a different Subject line.

Yes, right...  but also I could reply to the thread named `test', earlier

> I don't remember if you've specified: what is the exact message to which
> you're unsuccessfully trying to reply? Could you provide an archive link
> to it, and/or (better, but more unwieldy) provide the message itself -
> including headers - as an attachment or suchlike?

All right...  Here it is:

Description: Binary data



Re: test, Was: mplayer won't play m4a

2019-09-02 Thread Rodolfo Medina
"Thomas Schmitt"  writes:

> Hi,
> Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> ...And I'm replying now to the above message from Thomas...
> This one has no In-Reply-To header.
> I don't have the mail by Andrei POPESCU in my mailbox, to which you
> tried to reply with that header line.
> A mail from him from a different thread looks unsuspicious, header-wise.

It remains anyway a mistery, why I'm regularly replying to the present thread
but can't to the other one...


Re: test, Was: mplayer won't play m4a

2019-09-02 Thread Rodolfo Medina
"Thomas Schmitt"  writes:

> Hi,
> this is a test whether i can reply to the thread "mplayer won't play m4a".
> It looks like Rodolfo Medina, the thread starter cannot.
> See
> In my recent mail to that thread i announced to reply to
> Message-Id: 87h8664rvb.fsf@lenovo rather than 87blwe4rd8.fsf@lenovo.
> The latter is the id of the previous mail in the thread.
> This one should show up as follow-up to
> with subject
>   Re: test, Was: mplayer won't play m4a
> Have a nice day :)
> Thomas

...And I'm replying now to the above message from Thomas...


Re: test

2019-09-02 Thread Rodolfo Medina
"Thomas Schmitt"  writes:

> Hi,
> Rodolfo Medina wrote (twice ?):
>> Done.  Let's see...

Yes, twice, sorry, a sort of non-delivered-messages fear...  ;-)

> I received the direct mail
>   Subject: Re: mplayer won't play m4a
>   Date: Mon, 02 Sep 2019 13:15:24 +
>   Message-ID: <87r24yx2j7.fsf@lenovo>
>   References: <87h8664rvb.fsf@lenovo>
>   <20190826190505.zldub4tzker6am7d@localhost>
>   In-Reply-To: <20190826190505.zldub4tzker6am7d@localhost> (Andrei POPESCU's
> message of "Mon, 26 Aug 2019 22:05:05 +0300")
> without debian-user mail headers at
>   Mon Sep  2 15:59:16 CEST 2019
> but GMX had it ready in the remote mailbox since 15:15:35 +0200.
> The expected copy via debian-user did not show up within an hour.
> Neither in my mailbox nor at
> The additional text in In-Reply-To: looks unusual.
> There are no In-Reply-To: in Rodolfo Medina's mail to thread "test".

Indeed, strange...

> Is there any explanation for this difference ?
> --
> So i will test myself by replying to Message-Id: 87h8664rvb.fsf@lenovo
> as of
> with Cc:



Re: test

2019-09-02 Thread Rodolfo Medina

"Thomas Schmitt"  writes:

> Hi,
> Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> Yes, that's the strange thing: I've been added a reply to that thread, many
>> times, but it was not delivered to the list neithere is being delivered nor
>> it will even now...
> And in the next mail:
>> Sorry, `I've been adding'
> Try again.
> Add Cc: to and to yourself.
> Then let's see what shows up where.

Done.  Let's see...

> (Did you get both copies of my previous mail ?
>  One via debian-user, one by Cc: ?)

Yes, I did.

> Have a nice day :)

Thanks, cheers


Re: test

2019-09-02 Thread Rodolfo Medina
The Wanderer  writes:

> On 2019-09-02 at 09:07, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>>> Yes, that's the strange thing: I've been added a reply to that thread, many
>>> times, but it was not delivered to the list neithere is being delivered nor
>>> it will even now...
>> And in the next mail:
>>> Sorry, `I've been adding'
>> Try again.
>> Add Cc: to and to yourself.
>> Then let's see what shows up where.
> This seems worth trying, but...
>> (Did you get both copies of my previous mail ?
>>  One via debian-user, one by Cc: ?)
> ...he wouldn't have gotten both, anyway, due to a known Gmail
> misfeature.
> If Gmail receives a message, and sees that you already have a copy of a
> message (determined, as far as I can tell, exclusively by Message-ID),
> it will basically discard the incoming message as being redundant.

I usually read and send messages from and to the present list using my Emacs
Gnus newsagent, via  So I actually received in Gmail just one
copy of Thomas' message...


Re: test

2019-09-02 Thread Rodolfo Medina
"Thomas Schmitt"  writes:

> Hi,
> Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> Yes, that's the strange thing: I've been added a reply to that thread, many
>> times, but it was not delivered to the list neithere is being delivered nor
>> it will even now...
> And in the next mail:
>> Sorry, `I've been adding'
> Try again.
> Add Cc: to and to yourself.
> Then let's see what shows up where.

Done.  Let's see...

> (Did you get both copies of my previous mail ?
>  One via debian-user, one by Cc: ?)

Yes, I did.

> Have a nice day :)

Thanks, cheers


Re: test

2019-09-02 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Rodolfo Medina  writes:

> "Thomas Schmitt"  writes:
>> Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>>> > I've been sending many times a message to the present group but it
>>> > doesn't seem to have been delivered...
>> Gene Heskett wrote:
>>> your name has not previously been received here.
>> The list archive has
>>   "mplayer won't play m4a"
>>   Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2019 13:26:00 +
>>   Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2019 13:36:51 +
>> After that, the "test" message is the first and only in september 2019.
> Yes, that's the strange thing: I've been added a reply to that thread

Sorry, `I've been adding'


Re: test

2019-09-02 Thread Rodolfo Medina
"Thomas Schmitt"  writes:

> Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> > I've been sending many times a message to the present group but it
>> > doesn't seem to have been delivered...
> Gene Heskett wrote:
>> your name has not previously been received here.
> The list archive has
>   "mplayer won't play m4a"
>   Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2019 13:26:00 +
>   Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2019 13:36:51 +
> After that, the "test" message is the first and only in september 2019.

Yes, that's the strange thing: I've been added a reply to that thread, many
times, but it was not delivered to the list neithere is being delivered nor it
will even now...




2019-09-02 Thread Rodolfo Medina
I've been sending many times a message to the present group but it doesn't seem
to have been delivered...


Re: mplayer won't play m4a

2019-08-24 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Rodolfo Medina  writes:

> Hi all...
>>From mplayer.user mailing list I got no answer...
> $ playfile fantasia_a_due-prova_13_agosto.m4a
> MPlayer 1.3.0 (Debian), built with gcc-8 (C) 2000-2016 MPlayer Team
> do_connect: could not connect to socket
> connect: No such file or directory
> Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.
> Playing fantasia_a_due-prova_13_agosto.m4a.
> libavformat version 58.20.100 (external)
> Mismatching header version 58.12.100
> libavformat file format detected.
> [aac @ 0x7fbe56196e00]Could not find codec parameters for stream 0 (Audio: 
> aac,
> 0 channels, fltp): unspecified sample rate
> Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' and 'probesize' 
> options
> [lavf] stream 0: audio (aac), -aid 0
> Load subtitles in ./
> ==
> Opening audio decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders
> libavcodec version 58.35.100 (external)
> Mismatching header version 58.18.100
> Ignoring broken container sample rate for AAC with SBR
> Unknown/missing audio format -> no sound
> ADecoder init failed :(
> Opening audio decoder: [faad] AAC (MPEG2/4 Advanced Audio Coding)
> Could not get audio data!
> ADecoder init failed :(
> ADecoder init failed :(
> Opening audio decoder: [spdif] libavformat/spdifenc audio pass-through 
> decoder.
> [spdif @ 0x7fbe56196e00]Codec 0 is not implemented. Update your FFmpeg version
> to the newest one from Git. If the problem still occurs, it means that your
> file has a feature which has not been implemented.
> This codec is not supported by spdifenc.
> ADecoder init failed :(
> ADecoder init failed :(
> Cannot find codec for audio format 0x4134504D.
> Audio: no sound
> Video: no video
> Exiting... (End of file)
> What missing, what should I install...?  If my two-minutes-ago full-upgrade 
> ok,
> I should be running Stable: Debian 10.
> Thanks for any help,
> Rodolfo

...On another PC of mine, with Stretch, the same file is correctly played...


mplayer won't play m4a

2019-08-24 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Hi all...

>From mplayer.user mailing list I got no answer...

$ playfile fantasia_a_due-prova_13_agosto.m4a
MPlayer 1.3.0 (Debian), built with gcc-8 (C) 2000-2016 MPlayer Team
do_connect: could not connect to socket
connect: No such file or directory
Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.

Playing fantasia_a_due-prova_13_agosto.m4a.
libavformat version 58.20.100 (external)
Mismatching header version 58.12.100
libavformat file format detected.
[aac @ 0x7fbe56196e00]Could not find codec parameters for stream 0 (Audio: aac, 
0 channels, fltp): unspecified sample rate
Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' and 'probesize' options
[lavf] stream 0: audio (aac), -aid 0
Load subtitles in ./
Opening audio decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders
libavcodec version 58.35.100 (external)
Mismatching header version 58.18.100
Ignoring broken container sample rate for AAC with SBR
Unknown/missing audio format -> no sound
ADecoder init failed :(
Opening audio decoder: [faad] AAC (MPEG2/4 Advanced Audio Coding)
Could not get audio data!
ADecoder init failed :(
ADecoder init failed :(
Opening audio decoder: [spdif] libavformat/spdifenc audio pass-through decoder.
[spdif @ 0x7fbe56196e00]Codec 0 is not implemented. Update your FFmpeg version 
to the newest one from Git. If the problem still occurs, it means that your 
file has a feature which has not been implemented.
This codec is not supported by spdifenc.
ADecoder init failed :(
ADecoder init failed :(
Cannot find codec for audio format 0x4134504D.
Audio: no sound
Video: no video

Exiting... (End of file)

What missing, what should I install...?  If my two-minutes-ago full-upgrade ok,
I should be running Stable: Debian 10.

Thanks for any help,


Re: updmap-user: command not found

2019-07-30 Thread Rodolfo Medina
David Wright  writes:

> On Mon 29 Jul 2019 at 19:56:32 (-), Curt wrote:
>> On 2019-07-29,   wrote:
>> >
>> > (this is an oldstable Debian).
>> >
>> > Perhaps the thing you're looking for is simply spelt "updmap"?
>> curty@einstein:~$ apt-cache show texlive-base  | grep -i updmap
>>  updmap-map --
>> So simply spelt 'updmap-map', I guess.
> On stretch, it seems it's just updmap

Thanks all, that seems to be the case...


updmap-user: command not found

2019-07-29 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Hi all.

On my Debian Stretch box, the `updmap-user' command is declared `not found'
although the package texlive-base is installed.  Why?

Please help.

Thanks in advance,


Re: How to have password shown?

2019-07-03 Thread Rodolfo Medina

> On Wed, Jul 03, 2019 at 01:34:00PM +0000, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> Jonas Smedegaard  writes:
>> > Quoting Rodolfo Medina (2019-07-03 14:42:13)
>> Thanks indeed...  He will do...  making errors in typing a blind password
>> and re-typing it again and again till it's all right...  ;-)
> You can set the paasword to empty:
>   sudo passwd -d 
> Then, he'd just have to enter his user name and is logged in
> without any password typing.

Thanks, if he should find the blind password really difficult, that's what I'll


Re: How to have password shown?

2019-07-03 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Renato Gallo  writes:

> Renato Gallo 

Well, thanks, but...  no, I just want him to use it the same way I do...  in
the clever Linux and Debian Linux manner that we all know and appreciate..
Making things too easy is not always a good idea...



Re: How to have password shown?

2019-07-03 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Brian  writes:

> On Wed 03 Jul 2019 at 13:34:00 +0000, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> Thanks indeed...  He will do...  making errors in typing a blind password
>> and re-typing it again and again till it's all right...  ;-)
> Most people mistype at some time; have you considered why your father
> might be doing it? Logins with convoluted or complex passwords do not
> help, so consider 12345678 or the date of his birthday. I'm tempted to
> say that either would reduce mishaps.

Thanks for your suggestion...  No, it's very simple and familiar with him...
it's just that he's at his really first experiences with a computer machine and
a computer keyboard...  He passes most of his time in front of TV and maybe
using a computer may help him and be interesting for him...


Re: How to have password shown?

2019-07-03 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Jonas Smedegaard  writes:

> Quoting Rodolfo Medina (2019-07-03 14:42:13)
>> Thanks...  of course it is...  absolutely.  I wanted to have him accustomed
>> with using a password...  only, he still does many errors at keyboard...
> I think I understand the scope of this challenge.
> Would it be sensible for your case to a) use a 3-4 character password 
> coupled with a PAM plugin that checks for the presence of a USB key 
> containing some unique file?
> That would keep the notion of typing a password for logging in, while 
> being simpler to type, sidestepping the lower security by a secondary 
> check which (at leat for some) would not be a too weird addition).

Thanks indeed...  He will do...  making errors in typing a blind password and
re-typing it again and again till it's all right...  ;-)


Re: How to have password shown?

2019-07-03 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Nicolas George  writes:

> Renato Gallo (12019-07-03):
>> For the use his old father might do with a computer I think that cheap board
>> could do.
> And what is he supposed to do with the computer he already has for that
> purpose? Throw it away?
>> Plus can be customized for his father use like a tailored tuxedo
> You realize that Debian can be customized, right?
> Regards,

:-) :-)

Re: How to have password shown?

2019-07-03 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Håkon Alstadheim  writes:

> Den 03.07.2019 13:24, skrev Rodolfo Medina:
>> Hi all...
>> Is there any a way to have my user-password shown when logging into Debian
>> in tty console, or also within X system when changing to root?  It is for my
>> old father...  it'd be easier for him to see what he's typing.  In internet
>> I found some procedures to have asterisks shown; would it be possible to
>> have a clear text as well?  Maybe it isn't as I understand...
> If the machine is physically secure, I'd find out about automatic login (aka
> autologin) to X (check the config of your display manager, you might
> conceivably want to use a different displaymanager) .
> For root access, check out man sudoers, the EXAMPLES section will get you
> started, find out about NOPASSWD.
> If the machine is NOT physically secure, think long and hard about what you
> will do.

Thanks...  of course it is...  absolutely.  I wanted to have him accustomed
with using a password...  only, he still does many errors at keyboard...



Re: How to have password shown?

2019-07-03 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Renato Gallo  writes:

>  and that's s good security-wise
> Renato Gallo 

Renato, thanks...

but didn't I clearly specify the special circumstances of my (strange, I agree)
request...?  It seems to me that I did...



How to have password shown?

2019-07-03 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Hi all...

Is there any a way to have my user-password shown when logging into Debian in
tty console, or also within X system when changing to root?  It is for my old
father...  it'd be easier for him to see what he's typing.  In internet I found
some procedures to have asterisks shown; would it be possible to have a clear
text as well?  Maybe it isn't as I understand...

Thanks for any help,



Re: Trying to install Audiveris

2019-06-29 Thread Rodolfo Medina writes:

> - Mail original -
> De: "Rodolfo Medina" 
> Envoyé: Samedi 20 Avril 2019 09:33:17
> Objet: Trying to install Audiveris
>> I'm experimenting difficulty in installing Audiveris...  Anyone has already
>> installed it...?  Please help.
> I've got a working package of 5.1.0 in a testing phase.
> You can find the package (32 and/or 64 bits) here :
> I'm very interested about feedback if you test it.
> Hope that helps.
> Olivier

Hi, Olvier:

I just installed it successfully on my Stretch box...  I'll let you know how it

Thanks for working on it,



Re: Trying to install Audiveris

2019-06-15 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Rodolfo Medina  writes:

> didier gaumet  writes:
>> Le 14/06/2019 à 20:26, Rodolfo Medina a écrit :
>> [...]
>>> Could not determine java version from '11.0.4'.
>> [...]
>> I would say you are probably (assuming you are still running Debian
>> Unstable), you need to install openjdk-11-jdk and to verify
>> tesseract-ocr and (tesseract-all or (tesseract-eng/ita/deu/fra)) are
>> installed
> Thanks...  tesseract-ocr was already installed, and so were were
> tesseract-ocr-eng and tesseract-ocr-ita...  I also installed openjdk-11-jdk,
> but the problem reamins...  Same error as above...

It seems that I managed to install Audiveris following this how-to:


Re: Trying to install Audiveris

2019-06-15 Thread Rodolfo Medina
didier gaumet  writes:

> Le 14/06/2019 à 20:26, Rodolfo Medina a écrit :
> [...]
>> Could not determine java version from '11.0.4'.
> [...]
> I would say you are probably (assuming you are still running Debian
> Unstable), you need to install openjdk-11-jdk and to verify
> tesseract-ocr and (tesseract-all or (tesseract-eng/ita/deu/fra)) are
> installed

Thanks...  tesseract-ocr was already installed, and so were were
tesseract-ocr-eng and tesseract-ocr-ita...  I also installed openjdk-11-jdk,
but the problem reamins...  Same error as above...


Re: Trying to install Audiveris

2019-06-14 Thread Rodolfo Medina
didier gaumet  writes:

> Le 20/04/2019 à 09:33, Rodolfo Medina a écrit :
>> I'm experimenting difficulty in installing Audiveris...  Anyone has already
>> installed it...?  Please help.
> What kind of difficulties?

I'm following the steps described at:

I did:

 $ git clone
 $ cd audiveris/
 $ ./gradlew clean build

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Could not determine java version from '11.0.4'.

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug 
option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

...Please help.

Thanks in advance,


Re: Please help delete printer job

2019-06-13 Thread Rodolfo Medina writes:

> On Thursday, June 13, 2019 12:12:21 PM Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:
>> But often the job does not appear anymore in the queue anymore because
>> the computer has finished sending it to the printer. In this case you
>> have to cancel in the printer, if it provides an option for that.
> When I have that problem (I've cancelled a print job at my computer, but the
> printer is either continuing to print or resumes printing when I press
> resume), I depower the printer and let it sit for a minute or so to clear the
> printer's buffer.
> Really, my first step is to turn the printer off or press pause (if there is
> a pause button).  If I had pressed pause, I then turn the printer off to let
> the buffer clear.

Thanks to all for help.  My case was, I think, the one described: even canceled
the jobs from PC, the printer was continuing printing and only turning it off
could stop it...  After turning it on again, it started printing again but only
a few more pages, then stopped definitely.  Before turning it off, I had also
deleted the printer from CUPS managing centre, but this was maybe not


Re: Please help delete printer job

2019-06-13 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Dan Ritter  writes:

> Rodolfo Medina wrote: 
>> Hi...
>> by mistake I told my Samsung ML-1925 to print a large document and don't
>> manage to cancel that...  I tried with the `cancel' command, also lprm, and
>> also from within web browser print management...  but nothing, it goes on
>> wanting to print it still.  Before it uses all the available ink and more,
>> please anyone tell me how to stop it.
> Turn off the printer. Go, do that now.
> Now you have time to figure out how to stop the job from being
> resubmitted.
> -dsr-

Thanks.  Solved.  I deleted the printer from Cups managing section and then
added it again.  It still printed another few pages and then stopped.  But next


Please help delete printer job

2019-06-13 Thread Rodolfo Medina

by mistake I told my Samsung ML-1925 to print a large document and don't manage
to cancel that...  I tried with the `cancel' command, also lprm, and also from
within web browser print management...  but nothing, it goes on wanting to
print it still.  Before it uses all the available ink and more, please anyone
tell me how to stop it.

Thanks for any help,


Re: Keyboard not responding after exiting X

2019-05-21 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Brian  writes:

> On Mon 20 May 2019 at 21:29:44 +0000, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> Full-upgraded yesterday to Sid, it seems not technically possible to
>> downgrade now to Buster...
> I never said this was what you could do. The suggestion was to revert
> to systemd 241-3.

Yes, thanks...  But, as suggested here:

Am 19.05.19 um 21:13 schrieb S R Wright:
> Is this confined to systemd 241-4?  Will back-revving to 241-3 be a
> sufficient workaround?

It will. To satisfy dependencies, you'll need to downgrade libsystemd0
as well (and libpam-systemd, libnss-systemd, systemd-* in case you have
those installed)

it's a quite delicate issue...  After all, since I can shut off PC with
external button, I can survive with the problem until fixed...  rather than
facing such a delicate matter (so it seems to me to be).


Re: Keyboard not responding after exiting X

2019-05-20 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Brian  writes:

> On Mon 20 May 2019 at 14:50:25 +0400, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
>> On 20/05/2019 13:42, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> > Brian  writes:
>> > 
>> >> On Mon 20 May 2019 at 06:15:57 +, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> In order to have PDFtoMusic properly installed and work (see thread
>> >>> `PDFtoMusic installation') I had to do a full-upgrade to unstable.
>> >>> Everything is ok now except that, when logging out X (graphical
>> >>> environment, window manager), the keyboard is totally not responding so
>> >>> that I have to power off using the external button on the computer case.
>> >>> Anyone experimenting the same problem?  Please help whoever can.
>> >>
>> >> Bug #929229 and Bug #929250.
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Thanks, Brian.  So what should I do, waiting for them to be fixed and do a
>> > full-upgrade again in a few days/weeks/months...?
>> My understanding is that you play with the Sid distribution. This
>> distribution is unstable by nature, and its main purpose is to test
>> and check new packages.
> Indeed, and we should be grateful to Rodolfo Medina for his testing
> and reporting. It certainly made me think twice about upgrading to
> systemd 241-4.
>> You should rather consider to install Buster which by now can be can
>> considered quite stable.
> A good option I would say, if you want to get ahead of the game without
> too much hassle.

Full-upgraded yesterday to Sid, it seems not technically possible to downgrade
now to Buster...


Re: PDFtoMusic installation

2019-05-20 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Greg Wooledge  writes:

> On Sun, May 19, 2019 at 12:02:52PM +0000, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> Thanks, sorry, maybe I badly explained myself...  I did as you suggest and
>> managed to install the program...  But my problem after the installation is
>> now
>> running the program with
>> $ ./PDFtoMusic\ Pro 
>> which produces:
>> -bash: ./PDFtoMusic Pro: No such file or directory
> Because it's not in your current directory, is it.  It's in /usr/bin.
>> although I give that command in the same directory of the file.
> So you were IN /usr/bin at the time?  Why is your shell prompt hidden?
> Did you really strip it down to PS1='\$ ' with no other information in 
> it?
>> Same result with
>>  $ /usr/bin/PDFtoMusic\ Pro
> ...
> Start from the beginning.
> What version of Debian are you running?  On what architecture?
> How did you install this application?  Where does it come from?  What
> steps did you perform?
> What does "ls -ld /usr/bin/PDFto*" say?
> What does "file /usr/bin/PDFto*" say?
> If it's some kind of interpreted script (shell or otherwise), what does
> the first line of the script say?  It should begin with #! and it should
> most definitely absolutely positively NOT end with a carriage return
> character.  Try something like "head -n1 /usr/bin/PDFto* | cat -e".  If
> that ends with ^M$ then you've found a problem.
> If it's a compiled program, what does "ldd /usr/bin/PDFto*" say?

Thanks.  It's all right now (as I wrote) after full-upgrading to Sid...  I did
say where the application (a commercial one) comes from:

But its capabilities are of great interest...


Re: PDFtoMusic installation

2019-05-20 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Siard  writes:

> Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> After upgrading to Sid, during PDFtoMusic re-installation, it asked me to
>> install the following packages:
>> libasound2
>> libc6
>> libfontconfig1
>> libx11-6
>> libxrender1
> All of these packages were already installed here.

In my system, you mean?  How do you know?  And then why did it want to install


Re: Keyboard not responding after exiting X

2019-05-20 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Brian  writes:

> On Mon 20 May 2019 at 06:15:57 +0000, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> In order to have PDFtoMusic properly installed and work (see thread
>> `PDFtoMusic installation') I had to do a full-upgrade to unstable.
>> Everything is ok now except that, when logging out X (graphical environment,
>> window manager), the keyboard is totally not responding so that I have to
>> power off using the external button on the computer case.  Anyone
>> experimenting the same problem?  Please help whoever can.
> Bug #929229 and Bug #929250.

Thanks, Brian.  So what should I do, waiting for them to be fixed and do a
full-upgrade again in a few days/weeks/months...?


Re: PDFtoMusic installation

2019-05-20 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Rodolfo Medina  writes:

> Siard  writes:
>> Rodolfo Medina:
>>> Brian:
>>> > ./PDFtoMusic\ Pro gives me "Segmentation fault".
>>> To me instead it says:
>>>  -bash: ./PDFtoMusic Pro: No such file or directory
>> I can only say that it works fine here in Buster.
>>>From ~ or any other directory I run this command:
>> $ PDFtoMusic\ Pro
>> These are all its files:
>> ~/.config/ACAMPREF/*
>> ~/Myriad Documents/PDFtoMusic/*
>> /usr/bin/PDFtoMusic Pro
>> /usr/share/PDFtoMusic Pro/*
>> /usr/share/applications/pdftomusicpro.desktop
>> /usr/share/fonts/truetype/myriad-online/*
> Ehi...  I full-upgraded to Sid and...  It works now!  Launched simply with
>  $ PDFtoMusic\ Pro

After upgrading to Sid, during PDFtoMusic re-installation, it asked me to
install the following packages:



Keyboard not responding after exiting X

2019-05-20 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Hi all.

In order to have PDFtoMusic properly installed and work (see thread `PDFtoMusic
installation') I had to do a full-upgrade to unstable.  Everything is ok now
except that, when logging out X (graphical environment, window manager), the
keyboard is totally not responding so that I have to power off using the
external button on the computer case.  Anyone experimenting the same problem?
Please help whoever can.



Re: PDFtoMusic installation

2019-05-19 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Nicholas Geovanis  writes:

> On Sun, May 19, 2019, 11:52 AM Rodolfo Medina
>  wrote:
>  Thanks, but I'm afraid that doesn't work either.  To have it work, on
>  another
>  PC of mine, I had to upgrade to Sid, and then now the program starts
>  regularly.
> Then I wonder what are the differences in bash version and default bash
> profiles between the two releases. I doubt that the app itself is the cause
> although that's possible. Unless: Did the app also get upgraded version?

I don't think so, because the app was installed not via `aptitude' or `apt
get', but running an executable previously downloaded.


Re: PDFtoMusic installation

2019-05-19 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Nicholas Geovanis  writes:

> You are invoking an executable whose name has a space character in it.
> Usually those files originate in Windows systems but Linux supports them.
> That \ character there (note direction of slant) is trying to escape the
> space character. But in your shells (Or at least in that invocation) you
> didn't do it correctly. Siard did by putting the executable into his PATH,
> but you don't have to. Enclose the whole command line in single quotes and
> give it a try.

Thanks, but I'm afraid that doesn't work either.  To have it work, on another
PC of mine, I had to upgrade to Sid, and then now the program starts
regularly.  I think, it seems to me at first uses, to be an interesting


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