locale Aenderung bei XF 4.2

2003-10-26 Thread Steffen Evers

Nach einem dist-upgrade von woody nach sid habe ich das Problem, dass
nun beim Starten von X die Umgebungsvariable LANG von en_IE auf
en_IE.UTF-8 geandert wird. Damit habe ich keine Umlaute, etc. mehr.

Ich habe es mit diversen anderen locales probiert. Bei allen wird
auf UTF-8 umgestellt.

Ich kann zwar im XTerm die Variable wieder aendern, aber auf die Dauer
ist das auch keine Loesung ...

Was soll ich machen?

Gruss, Steffen

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Re: Debian listen ?

2002-07-25 Thread Steffen Evers

On Mon, Jul 29, 2002 at 16:57, Michelle Konzack wrote:
 Am 13:16 23/07/02 +0200 hat Robert Rakowicz geschrieben:
 Kann es Sein, das dein Provider eine Mail-Quote hat, 
 die Du gesprengt hast ???
 Hatte auch mal so nen Provider und erlaubte nicht 
 mehr als 50 MByte Traffic pro Monat...
Nein, ist beides nicht der Fall bei Strato (angeblich) ...

Bei 11 so weit ich weiss auch nicht. Allerdings sind die Mailboxen auf
jeweils 50MB begrenzt.

Gruss, Steffen

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Re: AW: Debian listen ?

2002-07-23 Thread Steffen Evers

On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 15:27, Sebastian Inacker wrote:
 On Tue, 23 Jul 2002, Christoph Purrucker wrote:
   seit 2 Tagen bekomme ich von keiner der Debian Listen
   Nachrichten. [...]
  bist Du bei Strato? Die fangen schon seit längerem an,
  alle Mailinglisten mit höherem Traffic systematisch
  zu blocken... siehe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hast Du da was offizielles[1] zur Hand? Ich bin darueber als
 Strato-Kunde nicht informiert worden und kann dazu auch nichts im
 Kundenservice finden.
Laut Strato gibt es KEIN Mailfiltering. Ich habe mehrmals mit Ihnen
gesprochen und die Servicmitarbeiter sagen alle das selbe.
Auch die (kostenpflichtige) technische Hotline sagt nichts anderes.
Allerdings hat es etwa fuenf Minuten gedauert (5x 1,86Euro!) bis er
verstqnden hat was Debian und eine Debian Liste ist.

Abber egal whoer das kommt, Strato sollte das klaeren, aber hat wohl
keine Lust dazu. Leider reagiert auch keiner der Debian Listadmins auf
das Problem, alle meine Mails gehen ins Leere.

Auch die Leute von Debian News hatten keine Lust, das Thema mal zu
promoten, damit sich wenigestens eine Gruppe findet, die das selbe
Problem hat.

Aufgrund dieser netten Erfahrungen habe ich endgueltig beschlossen
Strato fuer alle Zeiten den Ruecken zu kehren und habe mich jetzt bei
11 angemeldet. Da gibt es gerade ein Angebot: bei Umstieg 6 Monate
kostenlos ...

 /Wenn/ Strato das macht, dann machen die mehr, naemlich Mails von
 murphy.debian.org blocken[2], so dass auch keine Mails vom Listmaster
 durchkommen, wenn die von murphy geschickt werden.
Aus meiner Sicht macht das niemand BEI Strato, sondern jemand aus der
Technikdienstleistung, die sie nur bezahlen. Das passt auch zum ersten
auftretn: 30. Mai. Ich nehme an, das war der Tag wo sie KPMG den ruecken
gekehrt haben.

Trotzdem ist das aus meiner Sicht ein Fehler von Strato. Zumindest
sollten sie ueber diese Vorgaenge informiert sein und nicht solche
Pflaumen an einer kostenpfichtigen Hotline sitzen haben.

Ich werde trotzdem weiter Daten zu diesem Thema sammeln. Ich wuerde
gerne aufdecken, was die bei Strato da mal wieder treiben und das

Gruss, Steffen

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Re: GeForce 4 MX 440 und X.. (woody)

2002-07-23 Thread Steffen Evers

On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 22:54, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Am Dienstag, 23. Juli 2002 22:34 schrieb Joaachim:
  erstmal 100x Enschuldigung für diese Windos Mail, aber Linux geht gerade
  Ich habe ein Problem mit X und meiner Graka (GeForce 4 MX 440 von Elsa
  (Gladiac 517)).
  Ich weiß nicht was ich für einen Treiber für die Karte nehmen muss, kann
  mir jemand helfen??? (nv habe ich schon probiert, geht aber nicht...)
  Gruß Joachim
 Ganz einfach: guck mal auf www.nvidia.com. Die haben im Downloadbereich einen 
 Treiber für X11 (linux), der heißt nvdida. Damit gibts ganz ordentliche 
 Beschleunigung (natürlich 3D) und er ist von den Herstellern des Chips. 
 Andere gibts meines Wissens nicht.
Bei woody oder hoeher gibt es zwei Source Packages: nvidia-glx-src und
nvidia-kernel-src oder sowas damit kann man sich die Treiber dann als
.deb bauen und installieren. In den docs gibt es entsprechende Infos,
wie es geht.

Gruss, Steffen

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Re: Bekomme keine Debian Mails mehr!

2002-06-24 Thread Steffen Evers

On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 11:07, Ansgar Hellwig wrote:
 Genau dieses Problem habe ich auch, ich habe auch schon vergeblich
 versucht, den listmaster zu erreichen. Sind denn wirklich nur
 Strato-Domains betroffen? Wenn nicht, würde ich sagen, das Problem
 liegt beim Debian-Mailserver, denn ansonsten funktioniert mein
 EMail-Verkehr (auch Mailinglisten) problemlos.
Sieht bei mir genauso aus und bisher sind es nur Strato Domains.

Gruss, Steffen

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Keine Debian Mails mehr ueber Strato Domains?

2002-06-21 Thread Steffen Evers

On Sat, Jun 22, 2002 at 00:35, Sebastian Inacker wrote:
 On Fri, 21 Jun 2002, Steffen Evers wrote:
Am 30. Mai habe ich meine letzte Mail aus den Debian Mailinglisten
bekommen. Seitdem kommt nichts mehr. [...]
  Wann genau ist das Problem bei Dir aufgetaucht?
 Auch am 30. Mai. Ich bin inzw. mit meiner Uni-Adresse eingetragen, die
 leitet dann weiter... Aber wie gesagt: Ganz ab und zu kommt noch 'ne
 Mail aus einer Liste an, die normal an meine eMail-Adr. geht, mit
 der ich urspruenglich eingetragen war/bin.

Vielleicht ist es bei allen Strato Domains so? Es ist ganz bestimmt kein
Zufall, dass wir beide am selben Tag keine Mails mehr bekommen.

Gibt es IRGENDJEMAND, der noch Mails von dieser Liste ueber Strato

Kannst Du pruefen, welches die letzten Mails waren, die angekommen

Bei mir sind es bei debian-user-german:
May 30 Eckhard Hoeffne (1.7K) Neuer Rechner - einige Hardwareprobleme
May 30 Joachim (2.3K) Mutt sendet E-Mails nicht an meinen SMTP.
May 30 Johannes Holzer (0.7K) Re: tar cvfz foo.tar.gz .

Gruss, Steffen

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Bekomme keine Debian Mails mehr!

2002-06-20 Thread Steffen Evers


Am 30. Mai habe ich meine letzte Mail aus den Debian Mailinglisten
bekommen. Seitdem kommt nichts mehr. Versuche mich neu einzuschreiben
waren vergeblich, selbst die Betaetigungsmail vom Listserver hat mich
nicht erreicht (wurde sie gesendet?).

Allerdings alles nur bei Adressen von meiner eigenen Domain (mein
Absender). Von anderen Mail Accounts geht es.

Die betroffenen Mailadressen funktioniert prima fuer andere Listen und
Mails, aber Debianlisten sind einfach tot!

Hat jemand bei Strato das selbe Problem?
Hat jemand bei Strato dieses Problem NICHT?
Hat jemand bei einem anderen Hosting Service dieses Problem?
Kann mir jemand eine Mail von der Debian Domain aus schicken?
Hat jemand einen Tipp, woran das liegen koennte und wie ich es loesen

Gruss, Steffen

PS: Bitte, CC an mich.

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Lexmark Z32 on Woody?

2002-05-20 Thread Steffen Evers

I am trying to get a Lexmark Z32 printer working.

Has anyone succeed on this printer and how?

I have spent a day on this and it still does not work ...


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Re: Lexmark Z32 on Woody [solved]

2002-05-20 Thread Steffen Evers
On Mon, May 20, 2002 at 18:52, Steffen Evers wrote:
 I am trying to get a Lexmark Z32 printer working.
 Has anyone succeed on this printer and how?
 I have spent a day on this and it still does not work ...

Found this stuff:
but too late for me. However, I suggest YOU try it first.

I was able to get this stupid binary only driver from lexmark

It contains a Readme and an rpm.
The packager must have been smoking pot while working, as the package is
stupidly broken.

1. Missing executable permissons for several files
2. File /usr/local/lexmark/z32/z32.sh is in really bad shape:
   a) in DOS format so the shell cannot handle it - convert to unix format
   b) gs commands should not be interactive - batch mode: '-dBATCH'
   c) enscript used but no dependency set in rpm package
   d) 'lxaegsparm' command does not exist; maybe the comment above it is
  right and the command is spelled 'lxgps' instead!
3. The /etc/printcap file was not modified in the correct way.

I tried to install the rpm with alien, but a command could not be
executed because of missing executable permissions.

So easiest way to do the entire stuff is:

1. Get the tar ball from here:

2. Untar it with: 'tar xfz lexmarkz32-1.0-4.eng_uk.tgz'

3. Extract the contents with:
 mkdir lextmp
 cd lextmp
 rpm2cpio ../lexmarkz32-1.0-4.i386.rpm | cpio -iumd
 cd ..

3a. Become root if you are not already.
   su -

4. Put the files in the correct place:
 cp -a lextmp/usr/local/lexmark /usr/local/lexmark
 cp -a lextmp/usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/lexmark
 cp -a lextmp/usr/local/bin/* /usr/local/bin/
 cp -a lextmp/var/spool/lexmark /var/spool/lexmark

4a. Make sure '/usr/local/lib' is in your '/etc/ld.so.conf'.
If not, put it in and run 'ldconfig'

5. Add the following to your printcap
 Lexmark Z32 entries START 


 Lexmark Z32 entries END $

6. If you do NOT want that printer as the default printer remove the
   lp| from the first line, so it is only:

6a. Create the spooler directories:
   mkdir /var/spool/lpd/z32-outfiles
   mkdir /var/spool/lpd/lexmarkz32
   chown lp.lp /var/spool/lpd/z32-outfiles /var/spool/lpd/lexmarkz32
   chmod ug+rwx /var/spool/lpd/z32-outfiles /var/spool/lpd/lexmarkz32

7. Replace /usr/local/lexmark/z32/z32.sh script with my corrected version

8. Set executable permissions for all files in /usr/local/lexmark/z32:
  chmod a+x /usr/local/lexmark/z32/*
   This might introduce  security risks! So, maybe someone is in the
   mood to figure out which permissions are really needed for the
   different users. I am not.

9. run 'lexmarkz32 -i' if you like and set different parameters by using
'lxsetconf'. However, this step should not be necessary.

10. Now at least my printer works!

I hope I have not forgotten anything. If someone finds a better way to
get this printer working under Linux: PLEASE, let me know.

Bye, Steffen


Description: Bourne shell script

Re: latex-xpdf

2002-05-20 Thread Steffen Evers
On Tue, May 21, 2002 at 11:16, Tom Cook wrote:
 Thanks to all who responded.  pdflatex is a tool which someone told me
 about, but which I couldn't find (I was looking for latexpdf or
 latex2pdf or something of the like, since that is the way all the
 other converters are named).  Changing /etc/texmf/dvips/updmap to
 type1_default=true also fixed the problem, but using
 latex-dvips-ps2pdf is a far more roundabout method than pdflatex.
Maybe this frontend makes life with pdflatex easier for you:

Bye, Steffen

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Re: Upgraded to woody and printing from KDE stopped

2002-03-30 Thread Steffen Evers
On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 22:30, Gruetzner wrote:
 I then manually editted  /etc/printcap, changing the semi-colon ( ; ) 
 after hl1250 to a colon ( : ).   That fixed one error message.  The error 
 message now reads:
No, this was not good.
I have this line in my printcap file:

Without knowing so much about the way apsfilter works, I guess 
are parameters for apsfilter. So, you should not play around with these.

Try printing a testpage with your old printcap (; instead of :).

Yes, you were right. This problem is not fixed in the current KDE
packages and you should file a bug. The parsing of the printer name
from the printcap file does not work properly. It should stop at the
first pipe '|' as pipes separate alternative names for the same
printer. However, it does not.

A quick workaround is to login as root and to set in the KDE
Control Center under System/printer the correct printer name.
Then printing should work for you even with KDE. :-)

Bye, Steffen

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Re: Upgraded to woody and printing from KDE stopped

2002-03-30 Thread Steffen Evers
On Sat, Mar 30, 2002 at 09:51, Gruetzner wrote:
That is likely part of the problem.  I need to research *how* to file a 
 bug report--and with whom?  Apsfilter?  Debian-kde?   Someone else?
Install package bug or better reportbug.
Then you just type 'reportbug PACKAGENAME'. Make sure that your EMAIL
variable is set correctly before that (with bash:
'export EMAIL=Your Name [EMAIL PROTECTED]' put this in your .bashrc)

Finding the correct package name could be tricky sometimes. In your
case, is there something like kprint? I do not know ...

  A quick workaround is to login as root and to set in the KDE
  Control Center under System/printer the correct printer name.
  Then printing should work for you even with KDE. :-)

Some of the things I have told you were wrong. I have checked all of it
again and here is my solution:

Reinstall apsfilter by calling
apt-get --purge remove apsfilter
apt-get install apsfilter
lpc reread

DO NOT edit the printcap file manually!!!

Check if regular printing works with lpr PSFILE or a2ps ASCII-FILE.

Ok, this should work now.

Then in KDE (logged in as the regular user) go to
ControlCenter-System-Printing and set the print system (at bottom) to

Now, printing for that user should work even from KDE. Test it by
printing a text file from Konqueror.

This worked for me and now my printing system is set up properly the
first time. :-)

Hope you can say the same afterwards.

Bye, Steffen

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Re: Printer Setup (hp 1100)

2002-03-30 Thread Steffen Evers
On Thu, Mar 28, 2002 at 11:14, Bill Moseley wrote:
 Before spending too much time reading dated docs, is their a current 
 Debian-specific howto/doc on setting up printing?
 I installed magicfilter, and now looking at CUPS, but not sure if they can be 
 used together - or if they conflict.
I suggest apsfilter. I have much better experience with it:
apt-get --purge remove magicfilter
apt-get install apsfilter
lpc reread

Check if regular printing works with lpr PSFILE or a2ps ASCII-FILE.

Then in KDE (logged in as the regular user) go to
ControlCenter-System-Printing and set the print system (at bottom) to

Now, printing for that user should work even from KDE. Test it by
printing a text file from Konqueror.

This worked for me and now my printing system is set up properly the
first time. :-)

Bye, Steffen

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Re: cdrw

2002-03-30 Thread Steffen Evers
On Sat, Mar 30, 2002 at 17:09, jeff wrote:
 i'm trying to get my cdrw working...
 here's the deal...at boot, the cdrw is recognized
 as 'hdd'. now then, i DO actually have a scsi
 (ISA) card installed...for a slightly older
 ideas/suggestions to set up the cdrw as a 'scsi'
Usn idescsi kernel module, cdrecord package and have a look at dmesg

Bye, Steffen

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Re: Upgraded to woody and printing from KDE stopped

2002-03-29 Thread Steffen Evers
On Thu, Mar 28, 2002 at 21:54, Gruetzner wrote:
   I did a search to see if others have had this problem, but didn't find 
 any.  My apologies if I didn't use the right keywords.  I've tried to use 
 the printing HOWTO, but seem to be going in circles when reading it.  
I recently upgraded from potato to woody.  I did not upgrade the kernel 
 (2.2.19).  My desktop is KDE. 
 After upgrading, I could no longer get my printer to work.  (It worked 
 under potato:  I've a Brother HL-1240, and used the laserjet driver.)   I 
 have since installed lprng and deleted lpr, and can now print an ascii 
 file from the command line (e.g.,   lpr  testfile.txt).   I 
 However, when I try to print from a KDE app or from WordPerfect or 
 from acrobat, I get the following type of message window popping up:
 /usr/bin/lpr -P 'lp|bhl1240|Brother HL-1240' '-#1'
 /home/family/.kde/tmp-family/kdeprint_s5dkMry: execution failed with
 Status Information:  sending job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' to
 lpbhl1240|Brother [EMAIL PROTECTED] connecting to 'localhost', attempt 1
 connected to 'localhost' requesting printer lp|bhl1240|Brother
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] job 'family @localhost+433' transfer to
 lp|bhl1240|Brother [EMAIL PROTECTED] failed error NONZERO RFC1179
 ERROR CODE FROM SERVER' with ack 'ACK_FAIL' sending str
 '^Blp|bhl1240|Brother-1240' to lp|[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 error msg: 'bad command line'
I'm at a loss.  I'm pretty ignorant of printing arcana, but something 
 must need configuring that isn't.  
 Oh, I've tried it with the environmental variable $PRINTER set to lp 
 and to just nothing:  same results.   I've also tried...
# lpc enable all
 ...with no change.
When I run lpq, it tells me that the last job that [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 was the  lpr testfile.txt, and that Filter_status: lp is ready and 
 printing.   (It's lying.)   (What's this @localhost bit?)
Running lsmod shows that lp is apparently loaded.   I didn't see 
 anything that made sense to me in the /var/logs--but I may not know what 
 to look for!  

I have been on woody for a while, but ran my regular package upgrade
lately which stopped my printing as well.
My printer has still received data, but could not print what it got.

After spending several hours on debugging I have found out that my
current apsfilter settings (maybe you use the similar package
magicfilter) were not compatible with the current gs package
(ghostscript). After reconfigurating apsfilter with apsfilterconfig
everything has been fine again. However, it was a little bit
tricky to find a suitable printer driver that was supported in
apsfilter AND the current gs package as apsfilter has not been adjusted
to the recent changes in gs.

Maybe that helps ...

Good luck.

Bye, Steffen

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Recent package changes break existing printer settings

2002-03-29 Thread Steffen Evers
After doing my weekly package upgrade on woody my printing service
stopped working.

I have been using a combination of the following packages:
lpr, gs, apsfilter

After debugging for a while I managed to get my printer working again by
reconfiguring apsfilter. I have reinstalled the lpr package as well
without any manual modifications, but I guess it has been an apsfilter

Bye, Steffen

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Re: Newbie, configure exim/fetchmail w/ dialup; daemon trouble.

2002-03-29 Thread Steffen Evers
On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 09:23, Barry Mathieu wrote:
 My problem is unintended DoD.
 I checked the backup of my old Potato configuration and there was no
 /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/fetchmail. So, I renamed it to something else in my new
 Woody setup (fetchmail_daemon). I also issued a /etc/init.d/fetchmail
 stop. Now there is no way /etc/init.d/fetchmail should be able to run
 as a daemon when I start DoD by issuing pon. I have ppp configured for
 DoD; I don't use diald.
 Sure enough, when the following appeared in my log, the modem began a
 Mar 29 08:38:02 debian /USR/SBIN/CRON[7292]: (mail) CMD (  if [ -x
 /usr/sbin/exim -a -f /etc/exim/exim.conf ]; then /usr/sbin/exim -q ; fi)
 Exim does this every 15 minutes. I definitely don't wan't my computer to
 obtain a connection every 15 minutes and stay connected for 5 minutes. 
 As a newbie I really don't understand the full ramification of a DNS
 lookup. After reading the bug report, it appears that exim doesn't think
 it knows the name of the machine it is currently running on, and to
 search for, and assign, the name, it resorts to something that begins a
 modem connection.
 I simply can't have exim doing this every 15 minutes. I typically only
 collect mail twice per day, is there a way I could set exim to run using
 a timed cron job? That is, not run exim as a daemon. I'll start reading.
 My goal is to have DoD running so using a browser, or sending mail, can
 be a single step process.  
 I can't believe such a terrible bug is not being more discussed in the
 mail group.
DoD is simply unusable in Debian woody because of this exim bug.

I think your are right: it is amazing how little attention this
problem has taken so far. However, not so many people like DoD. Most
want to have full control over their dail up connection when there are
some reasons to be not online all the time.

My suggestion for your to solve this problem for the short run is to
give up DoD and work with full control instead. This means you use some
of the tools like pon/poff to establish and disconnect your connection

An alternative would be to use sendmail instead of exim for a while.
However, I do not know if this worth the effort to learn how to
configure it properly.

For me the bug was no real problem as I have a flatrate and ADSL.
Anyway, I will post a more aggressive mail in order to underline this

Bye, Steffen

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Re: dial-up problems as user

2002-03-29 Thread Steffen Evers
On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 16:34, Gabrile-Lucia Loch wrote:
 I have Debian 2.2r2 instaled on my machine as workstation.
 My connection to internet is dial-up to IP and I set it up with wvdial.
 It work fine as root. 
 As user I always get the message:
 - Cannot open /dev/ttyS0: Permission denied
 user belong already to dialout group as well to tty, mail, news, dip.
 So it should work say the book. What am I missing? 
 Can anybody help me, please. Thank you.
What group/user does the speciial device /dev/ttyS0 belong to?
Is it readable and writable for them?
Alternatively, has the executable /usr/sbin/pppd the sticky bit like
-rwsr-xr--1 root dip230604 10. Dez 12:35 /usr/sbin/pppd

Bye, Steffen

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Re: pppoe, rp-pppoe and tkpppoe confusion

2002-03-29 Thread Steffen Evers
On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 01:53, Eduard Bloch wrote:
 #include hallo.h
 Osamu Aoki wrote on Thu Mar 28, 2002 um 12:08:19PM:
   If so, why is the GUI interface tkpppoe missing? Is there a separate
   package available for it? I could not find it in woody ...
  No I do not see it in woody nor in unstable.  Binary package
  file name was changed when updated with new upstream.
  Source package has tkpppoe.  So file a bug. 
 There are already bug reports. On Debian, you can use pppoeconf (package
 pppoeconf). Try it, if it does not work, file bugs then.

The tkpppoe and pppoeconf have a differnt functionality. tkpppoe is an
easy to use GUI frontend for controlling pppoe connections as well. I
need this for a friends machine who knows nothing about all the
technical stuff (I am doning the adminstration).

Ok. So, I will file a bug report if there is none already.

Thanks for clearing up the situation.

Bye, Steffen

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Re: Upgraded to woody and printing from KDE stopped

2002-03-29 Thread Steffen Evers
On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 08:04, Gruetzner wrote:
   Based upon the kind advice of Steffen E., I installed apsfilter (and 
 associated packages).   The Test Page prints from apsfilterconfig just 
 great.  Alas, I still can't print from within KDE, getting the error 
 /usr/bin/lpr -P 
 'hl1240|laserjet';r=600x600;q=high;c=full;p=letter;m=auto '-#1'
 /home/family/.kde/tmp-family/kdeprint_4h2doue: execution failed with
 Status Information:  sending job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' to
 hl1240|laserjet;r=600x600;q=high;c=full;p=letter;[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 connecting to 'localhost',attempt 1 connected to 'localhost' requesting 
 printer hl1240|laserjet;r=600x600;q=high;c=full;p=letter;[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 job 'family @localhost+579' transfer to
 hl1240|laserjet;r=600x600;q=high;c=full;p=letter;[EMAIL PROTECTED] failed 
 'ACK_FAIL' sending str
 '^Bhl1240|laserjet;r=600x600;q=high;c=full;p=letter;[EMAIL PROTECTED] error 
 msg: 'bad printer name'
I must admit that the printer name looks screwy, but that's what the 
 venerable apsfilter came up with.  :-)
   I also wonder if there's something in KDE/woody.  When installing, 
 dselect reported a conflict between kghostview and  koffice-libs:
 koffice-libs recommends kghostview (= 2.2-0), but kghostview 2.1.1-6 is 
 what's in woody.
Again, thanks to Steffan for his initial help.  Alas, more is needed.  

The Linux print system is changing at the moment. There are three
different systems as fare as I understand.

1. lpr: old BSD system
2. lprng: ng stands for next generation and is compatible to lpr, but
   should be more powerful
3. cups: I know little about it and I have never used it.

KDE uses cups as fare as I do understand.

The dependency problem with kghostview should be solved with current
packages from a Debian ftp site. You should get a kghostview = 2.2.2.
When you do not find it in woody, get it from sid/unstable.

 Additionly, there seems to be somthiung wrong with the printername:
 hl1240|laserjet;r=600x600;q=high;c=full;p=letter;[EMAIL PROTECTED]

It should be 'hl1240' only! Are you sure, you are using current woody
packages? I remember having this problem earlier. If you are sure, your
problems are not fixed in current woody packages report about the
problem on debian-kde list. They will know more about KDE cups as well.

Anyway, your printer system should be set up correctly now. Try to print
something using lpr directly on a postscript file or a2ps.

Make sure you have set the papersize correctly in /etc/papersize and
/etc/a2ps.cfg (or something similar).

Godd luck.

Bye, Steffen

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Can't download pppoeconf - was ( Woody installation problem)

2002-03-29 Thread Steffen Evers
On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 20:09, Matt Wehland wrote:
 If I can just figure out that it is a bug and not user error I will be 
 happy to file a bug report (Well I'll be happy to try and figure out how)
 If I can supply any more info just ask.  I'm going to keep beating on it 
 for now.
As fare as I know pppoe is just about to enter the install procedure. I
have read something like this on the list a few days ago. So, I guess
it is a bug ...

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Newbie, configure exim/fetchmail w/ dialup; daemon trouble.

2002-03-28 Thread Steffen Evers
On Wed, Mar 27, 2002 at 23:33, Barry Mathieu wrote:
 I removed the /etc/fetchmailrc file, and issued
 /etc/init.d/fetchmail stop
 and then I logged in as root and issued
 dpkg-reconfigure fetchmail-common
 and I made sure a non system wide fetchmail setup was completed.
 Then I issued a, pon and after a few minutes my system connects
 (initiates ppp to my ISP) without me issuing any command; like a daemon.
 So my problem is still not fixed. 
 I'm beginning to wonder about exim. Before the system attempts to
 connect, the following occurs in /var/log/syslog: 
 Mar 27 22:38:01 debian /USR/SBIN/CRON[4209]: (mail) CMD (  if [ -x
 /usr/sbin/exim -a -f /etc/exim/exim.conf ]; then /usr/sbin/exim -q ; fi)
 I thought exim simply interacts with /var/spool/mail and did not attempt
 to create a connection. Maybe I'm wrong?

Is your problem about an unintended dial on demand (DoD) or about
unintended retrievel of your emails?

If it is about DoD than it is for sure this exim bug:

The current Debian woody is simply unusable for DoD with exim. I have
spend days to find out more about this bug.

Thr problem is that EVERY time exim is started, it initiates a DNS
lookup of your local machine name. No matter how you configure it. This
is at least true when zou do not have a full qualified domain name for
your machine.

If someone likes to look after it, I can provide all information I have
gatherd about this problem so far. The exim upstream developer gave me
some hints as well where the problem could be ...

By, Steffen

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

printing stopped working after package upgrade

2002-03-28 Thread Steffen Evers

Printing with apsfilter does not work for me any longer after
doing my regular package upgrade in woody. I have noticed that
lpr, libcups2 and some other printing related packages have changed.

The printer does receive data, but is not able to handle it.
It seems like that the data that is sent to the printer is corrupted on
its way...

I do not know exactly which package is responsible for the problem.

It seems not to be hardware specific as I have experienced the same
problem on two machines.

Any hints?

By, Steffen

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

pppoe, rp-pppoe and tkpppoe confusion

2002-03-27 Thread Steffen Evers

pppoe seems to be the same as rp-pppoe. Is this correct?

If so, why is the GUI interface tkpppoe missing? Is there a separate
package available for it? I could not find it in woody ...

Thanks in advance.

Bye, Steffen

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Newbie, configure exim/fetchmail w/ dialup; daemon trouble.

2002-03-27 Thread Steffen Evers
On Tue, Mar 26, 2002 at 23:05, Barry Mathieu wrote:
 Fetchmail appears to running as a daemon and executes a query for mail
 every 300 seconds. To attempt to change this, I have a /etc/fetchmailrc
 with the line for the daemon commented out. I have altered the line for
 the daemon in /etc/default/fetchmail as follows:
If you do not want fetchmail run as a daemon simply remove your
/etc/fetchmailrc and the reular bootup scripts will notr start the

Now, you can simply execute it from the command line.

Bye, Steffen

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

tiny mouse howto - console gpm, X and mouse wheel

2002-03-20 Thread Steffen Evers
Hi there,

I have just seen that some people have problems with the combination of
gpm, XFree86 and the mouse wheel support for X11.

It has taken a while until I found out what to do.

I have a cordless Logitech wheel mouse and now all works. 

gpm settings in /etc/gpm.conf:

Mouse section in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4:
Section InputDevice
Identifier  Mouse0
Driver  mouse
Option  ZAxisMapping 4 5
Option  Protocol IMPS/2
Option  Buttons   3
Option  Device /dev/gpmdata
Option  SampleRate 60
Option  BaudRate 1200

The wheel did not work properly without the SampleRate and BaudRate

I hope that helps someone.

Bye, Steffen


Re: tiny mouse howto - console gpm, X and mouse wheel

2002-03-20 Thread Steffen Evers
On Wed, Mar 20, 2002 at 15:18, timothy bauscher wrote:
  gpm settings in /etc/gpm.conf:
 I just installed gpm after reading your setup.
 My PS/2 mouse instantly left the screen, and
 X would make a beep sound whenever i moved
 the mouse. My settings were:
 device: /dev/psaux
 type: autops2
 repeat type: m83
I had to set the repeat type to raw in order to get the wheel working.

 Those were the defaults provided by gpm, so i
 just took them. I think that the repeat type and
 type may be wrong though. If anyone here is using
 gpm with a PS/2, please send me your settings.
  Mouse section in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4:
  Section InputDevice
  Identifier  Mouse0
  Driver  mouse
  Option  ZAxisMapping 4 5
  Option  Protocol IMPS/2
  Option  Buttons   3
  Option  Device /dev/gpmdata
  Option  SampleRate 60
  Option  BaudRate 1200
 I backed up my XF86Config-4 file first, then i
 added the SampleRate, BaudRate, and device
 you mention above. I did end up getting my old
 mouse back, but i would like a second try at
 getting this wheel to work. Perhaps i should
 RTFM or something...

I have installed the package imwheel as well. Maybe than it works.

Bye, Steffen

Re: tiny mouse howto - console gpm, X and mouse wheel

2002-03-20 Thread Steffen Evers
On Wed, Mar 20, 2002 at 21:03, timothy bauscher wrote:
 Well, i reinstalled gpm and install imwheel,
 because someone mentioned gpm might require
 imwheel??? My mouse still works, but not the
gpm does NOT require imwheel, but XFree86 might need it.

 A snip of my XF86Config-4 file:
 Identifier  Mouse1
 Driver  mouse
 Option ProtocolPS/2
 Option Device  /dev/gpmdata
Some options are missing. Have a second look at the last posts.

I have not managed to get the wheel working on the console (is it
possible at all???), but in X. So the most important settings are in
your XF86Config-4. However, it is a little bit tricky to keep gpm
working then.

Bye, Steffen

Re: Losing time !

2002-03-17 Thread Steffen Evers
On Sun, Mar 17, 2002 at 16:05, Greg Murphy wrote:
 My computer for some reason seems to be losing time at a rate of about 20 
 minutes per 10-15 hours. I was under the impression that linux keeps track of 
 the time from clock cycles. I have not rebooted my machine in a week, so if 
 that previous assumption is correct, then that would rule out the cmos 
 battery. What could cause this loss of time. The only thing that has been 
 slightly different that I can think that might could cause it is that lately 
 I have been constantly running some intensive tasks reniced to +19. Could 
 something like that cause this problem, or is my problem elsewhere? Any 
 ideas? Thanks.
Maybe you have a bad time adjustment. I had a similar problem once that
was caused by that. Have a look at 'man hwclock' and check /etc/adjtime.

Hope that helps.

Bye, Steffen

KDE startup hangs and commits suicide

2002-03-16 Thread Steffen Evers

After updating a woody machine my KDE does not work any longer.

It hangs on the second phase (system services) during init and dies
finally with the following error message in the .xsession_errors file:

kdeinit: Shutting down running client.
It looks like dcopserver is already running. If you are sure
that it is not already running, remove /root/.DCOPserver_ocean_:0
and start dcopserver again.

(KLauncher): ERROR: KLauncher: KDEInit communication error! Commiting

Any hints?

Bye, Steffen

Re: 3c905c-TX-M hangs with much traffic (UPDATE)

2002-02-22 Thread Steffen Evers
On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 15:40, Sebastiaan wrote:
 several days ago I posted this message to the list, and it was said that
 it is most probably a kernel bug.
 Well, I installed windoze on that computer (win98) and used the 3com's
 driver, but I have the same problem: when transferring huge amounts of
 data (several hunderds of MB's from a local network, so the card has to
 work full speed), the card bugs out. Well, with one difference: windoze
 hangs too, in some cases.
 So I think my card is buggy. Is there anything known about this problem
I have read a few days ago that there are fake 3Com cards of that type
around. 3Com adviced their customers to contact their local dealer or
3com directly if they encounter any problems.

Maybe that is the problem ...

Bye, Steffen

language and charset settings

2002-02-12 Thread Steffen Evers

does anyone know how to have the charset settings differently than the

I want to have my applications speaking English, but would like to be
able to display German Umlaute like ue or oe. This does not work with
the current locale stuff. However, it used to work.

When I set LANG=C in /etc/environment my konsole does not display the
Umlaute any longer. When I set it to de that works, but all applications
speak German.

Any suggestions?

Bye, Steffen

Re: nVidia: *better* TV out quality?

2001-12-19 Thread Steffen Evers
On Wed, Dec 19, 2001 at 21:20, Timo --Blazko-- Boewing wrote:
 Should have added that i use PAL (germany), i dunno the exact chip,
 should be a Chrontel 7001 or 7002.
I have a ELSA Gladiac 311 (NVidia GeForce2 MX DDR rev 178).
I have no idea how I can use the TV out port. Can you hint to a document
or anything how I can use the TV out. What do I need to get the DRI

Bye, Steffen

Re: how do I play divx encoded films on testing?

2001-12-16 Thread Steffen Evers
On Sun, Dec 16, 2001 at 10:44, Alan Chandler wrote:
 Linux RTC init: open: Permission denied
 Using usleep() timing
Real Time Clock does not work. Requires root priviliges. Check /dev/rtc.
Maybe this is the problem.

 Playing /dev/dvd
 read CDROM toc header: : Input/output error
 read CDROM toc header: : Input/output error
 Error selecting VCD track! (get)
It cannot even read your toc. How does 'cat /dev/dvd  /dev/null' work?
What is written in your syslog about this?

Bye, Steffen

Re: how do I play divx encoded films on testing?

2001-12-15 Thread Steffen Evers
On Sat, Dec 15, 2001 at 02:05, nate wrote:
 quote who=Dragos
  xine barks about library divxc32.dll !?
  plaympeg doesn't do anything, and if I try to apt-get smpeg-xmms,
  it's saying  that it has unmet dependencies depends: libsdl1.2 but
  it's not instalable; should I upgrade to unstable?
 i wouldnt reccomend it..but i would never run unstable so..
 i play(and encode) divx  in testing a lot(i don't upgrade
 testing a lot, maybe once every 2 months). go to
 avifile.sourceforge.net and get avifile. it supports
 opendivx too(what i encode in).

You can get the avifile packages from unstable and install them manually
or simply get them with apt-get (what I do):

- add unstable methods to /etc/apt/sources.list
- set your /etc/apt/preferences like this:
Package: *
Pin: release a=stable
Pin-Priority: 900

Package: *
Pin: release o=unstable
Pin-Priority: -10

- apt-get update
- apt-get install avifile-player libavifile0.6
- comment out added methods for unstable in sources.list
- apt-get update (last two, so you do not update all your packages by

However, then you still need the codecs files ...

This works great for me!

Bye, Steffen

Re: Help getting KDE!

2001-12-15 Thread Steffen Evers
On Fri, Dec 14, 2001 at 21:48, Neal Lippman wrote:
 My problem now is: How do I get kde? apt-get install kde doesn't work, 
 telling me I need to specify a package name. Looking at the listing of 
 packages in /var/apt/cache, there are a whole bunch of kde-related packages, 
 but it isn't clear what to select to just get the whole kde installed (I am 
 assuming that when I apt-get kde, X will come along automatically due to 
 dependencies). Do I need to install each kde package individually? That 
 doesn't seem right, since I thought the whole point of debian (well, one of 
 the whole points, anyway) was the power and simplicity of apt-get.

Better discuss this on the debian-kde list, but right it's a user issue
as well :-)

Are there kde packages installed, which version?

Run dpkg -l *kde* to find that out.

Maybe you have installed kde and it simply does not start?

For sure, not all X packages are installed that you need.
Do you jave any xclients/xdm/kdm things?

The other thing is:

The kde packages in woody have been a lot in transition lately:
2.2.0 - 2.2.1 - 2.2.2

As you should not mix kde packages from different versions, most kde
woody users have problems. I have solved that by getting the kde
packages from sid/unstable.

Bye, Steffen

Re: pppd, imap and downloading single packages

2001-12-15 Thread Steffen Evers
On Sat, Dec 15, 2001 at 16:02, Simon R Tod wrote:
 I've just been using pppd via pon / poff from root ever since I set
 things up with pppconfig, but now that I want to add other users to the
 system I need a way of giving users access. I tried just adding users
 through the appropriate bit of pppconfig, and I far as I can tell, it's
 successfully added them to the 'dip' group. BUT, when I run pon as a
 non-root user I get the message
 /usr/bib/pon: /usr/sbin/pppd: Permission denied
 /usr/bib/pon: exec: /usr/sbin/pppd: cannot execute: Permission denied
Maybe setting /usr/sbin/pppd to setuid root helps. However, this might
be not the best solution for security reason. Anyway use chmod u+x 
/usr/sbin/pppd (as root).

 My second question... is where do find info on setting up my email -
 presumably there's a number of things to be configured?! If I want to
 use imap so that I can effective mirror my email from work, how do I go
 about doing that? And am I likely to need to sort anything out at work?
I have the same problem. I use a combination of fetchmail, procmail,
The most simple solution is to make a carbon copy of your mails at
work with the '.forward' file: One mail in your regular spool file and
one in another file in your local Mail dir.

Does your work support IMAP, than this might be the solution.

When you want to have copies of your sent messages in both places send
them to your work address and treat them as regular mails, but sort them
out with procmail.

Sorry, you could write a book about mail setup. It took me one month of
work to set all my stuff up effeciently with all the filters, etc.

 Finally, a nice quick question. How do I download, install and compile a
 single program and it's dependencies? I had a look at using dselect, but
 it seemed to want to try and install everything that was already on my
 system and up to date. Also tried using apt-get install, but nothing
 seems to happen. There must be a dead easy way of doing... if I jsut
 download the .deb file from an ftp site where do I stick it, how do I
 unpack, install and compile it? Is there something even easier?
apt-get is the right thing. Maybe you have not set it up correctly. You
should have a file /etc/apt/sources.list with somthing like this in
# woody/testing
deb ftp://ftp.de.debian.org/debian woody main contrib non-free
deb ftp://ftp.de.debian.org/debian-non-US woody/non-US main contrib non-free

Bye, Steffen

Re: pppd, imap and downloading single packages

2001-12-15 Thread Steffen Evers
On Sat, Dec 15, 2001 at 16:02, Simon R Tod wrote:
 seems to happen. There must be a dead easy way of doing... if I jsut
 download the .deb file from an ftp site where do I stick it, how do I
 unpack, install and compile it? Is there something even easier?
unpack and install for downloaded packages is best down with
dpkg -i PACKAGE.deb

Bye, Steffen

Re: networkcard duplex problem

2001-12-15 Thread Steffen Evers
On Sat, Dec 15, 2001 at 22:25, Marc Segelken wrote:
 On Sat, 15 Dec 2001 16:17:58 -0500
 dman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sat, Dec 15, 2001 at 09:07:50PM +0100, Marc Segelken wrote:
  | A friend of mine has a Realtek 8139 ATX network card working fine up
  | to now. Recent changes in their LAN now require to set the network
  | card to half-duplex, which unfortunately is not detected
  | automatically by the network card. 
  | How can I force it to half-duplex under linux? How can I force it to
  | 10Mbit?

 So, is it possible to force half-duplex?
I would look at the documentation of the 8139too driver of the kernel
documentation and/or kernel source. When you do not find it there, it
is not possible, I guess.

Bye, Steffen

cdrom read errors with aic7xxx/ide-scsi but not ide

2001-12-10 Thread Steffen Evers
Hi there!

I have experienced read errors using SCSI drivers (aic7xxx, aic7xxx_old,
ide-scsi) for two cdroms (Toshiba XM-6201TA SCSI on Adaptec AHA 2940,
For testing I have used 'cat /dev/scd0  /dev/null'. This fails on all
burned CD-Rs and CD-RWs I have found. but works for regular CDs.

Error messages always look like this:
Dec 10 02:09:38 localhost kernel: scsi0: ERROR on channel 0, id 2, lun
0, CDB: Read (10) 00 00 03 3c 22 00 00 3c 00
Dec 10 02:09:38 localhost kernel: Info fld=0x33c5d, Current sd0b:00:
sense key Medium Error
Dec 10 02:09:38 localhost kernel: Additional sense indicates Random
positioning error
Dec 10 02:09:38 localhost kernel:  I/O error: dev 0b:00, sector 848244
Dec 10 02:09:38 localhost kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Dec 10 02:09:38 localhost kernel: 0b:00: rw=0, want=424124, limit=424122

The medias are all high quality and from different vendors burned with
several different writers containing mainly images produced by mkisofs.

I have used two different computer systems and only moved my SCSI
controller with the Toshiba drive. Motherboards: ASUS P2B-F and

Additionally, I have tried the TEAC CD-W512EB IDE writer to test the
ide-scsi driver on the ASUS A7V133. The same errors, but running 'cat
/dev/scd1  /dev/null' a second time on the same burned CD and than it

Simply not using the ide-scsi driver and accessing the drive via
regular ide driver and 'cat /dev/hdc  /dev/null' works without any
problem (same disc, same drive).

I have tried custom compiled kernels and/or Debian kernel-images of:
2.2.18, 2.2.19, 2.2.20, 2.4.12, 2.4.16

The environment was most of the time a current Debian Woody, but I have
tested some 2.2.x on Debian Potato r3 as well.

Always the same thing.

However, I can mount all these CDs and read all data then, but this
does not help with on-the-fly copying ...

Any suggestion, hints, solution? Thanks in advance.

I was thinking of simply buying a new IDE CDROM and thereby avoiding SCSI
for reading, but that is not really a satisfying solution ...

I can provide more info, just tell me what you need ...

Bye, Steffen

Re: Help for the UDMAmentally challenged ...

2001-11-30 Thread Steffen Evers
On Thu, Nov 29, 2001 at 11:35, Courtney Thomas wrote:
 Steffen Evers wrote:
  On Fri, Nov 16, 2001 at 13:42, Hank Marquardt wrote:
   I used hdparm -d1 to turn it on for the drives and that boosts to 41Mbs 
   on the
   drives, but the pdc still shows the following:
  There are several things that need to be
  set to use UDMA in order to make it work:
  1. PCI Bus
  2. Controller
  3. Drives
  Make sure you have these two settings in your kernel set:
  There are extra dma settings for this controller as well, I think ...
  Compiling the kernel was the best solution for me.

 In what file should the CONFIG_IDEDMA* settings be put, please ?

You need to set them in your .config file before compiling it.

Another procedure to turn UDMA on is to add

#custom part
# set drive hda to use UDMA
[ -x /sbin/hdparm ]  /sbin/hdparm -d 1 /dev/hda

# set drive hdc to use UDMA
[ -x /sbin/hdparm ]  /sbin/hdparm -d 1 /dev/hdc

#end custom part

in your '/etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh' file - requires package hdparm.

I have set up one machine with the modified bootmisc.sh using a regular
Debian kernel image and one with a custom kernel with the above settings
in .config. Both works great!

Bye, Steffen

best video card regarding license issues

2001-11-16 Thread Steffen Evers

I have followed the recent discussion about vidoe cards on the list. I
have also been looking for a new video card and was thinking about a
Nvidea card. However, I have read about the license problems with
tainting (non-GPL) kernel modules for Nvidea acceleration. It seems
like that kernel hackers try to block out non-GPL code like this driver
(sounds reasonable to me ...).
In particular, Alan Cox has picked out the Nvidea kernel modules as a
good example how a module taints the kernel and explained that such
tainted kernels will be not debugged in the future.

So, what do you know about graphic cards regarding driver's licenses?

Bye, Steffen

Re: Help for the UDMAmentally challenged ...

2001-11-16 Thread Steffen Evers
On Fri, Nov 16, 2001 at 13:42, Hank Marquardt wrote:
 I used hdparm -d1 to turn it on for the drives and that boosts to 41Mbs on the
 drives, but the pdc still shows the following:

There are several things that need to be
set to use UDMA in order to make it work:

1. PCI Bus
2. Controller
3. Drives

Make sure you have these two settings in your kernel set:

There are extra dma settings for this controller as well, I think ...

Compiling the kernel was the best solution for me.

Bye, Steffen

Re: kdelibs3 broken in woody?

2001-11-09 Thread Steffen Evers
On Fri, Nov 09, 2001 at 12:29, Jan Ulrich Hasecke wrote:
  I get errors while dist-upgrading today
 Sorry. I should think before I post.
 This is on testing.
 And I had a look into the buglist. It was reported and is closed, mh,
 perhaps not fully closed. ;-)
 I solved it with --force-overwrite
It is about the new KDE 2.2.x entering woody now. The problem is that
the current woody KDE snapshot does not really work as it is a mixture
between 2.1 and 2.2. Wait or get the full range of KDE 2.2 from

So anyone should put his KDE packages on hold or simply not run an
update on woody if you do not want to have a broken KDE. I guess, this
will be fixed soon as the new legal/policy issues are resolved and the
kde packages keep coming in.

Read debian-kde for details.

Bye, Steffen

PS: It has bitten me and I am using the console right now :-)

Re: cannot set DISPLAY from remote machine

2001-11-09 Thread Steffen Evers
On Fri, Nov 09, 2001 at 09:31, Lars Jensen wrote:
 Recently I installed woody on three machines and I am having the same
 problem on all of them: 
 When I try to export DISPLAY from a remote machine to any of the 
 three woody machines I get the error:
 _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
 (I did not forget to do the xhost + to allow access).
 What is the problem here? -I didn't have this problem with potato. Did I
 overlook something in the installation of XFree 4 ?
As fare as I can remember XF 4 has tcp/ip listing off by default. I
guess you have set this during the configuration. You have to turn this
on again, otherwise it does not work.

I cannot remember which package it was that you have to dpkg-reconfigure

Someone else?

Bye, Steffen

Re: Cant login

2001-11-08 Thread Steffen Evers
On Thu, Nov 08, 2001 at 14:30, John Lord wrote:
  1. Make sure that this problem is caused by xfree package 4.1.0-7 by
  updating to the most current ones.
 I have 4.1.0-7 installed atm, and yes this does seem to be the problem. Hope
 to be sorting it out soon.
Sorry, I have forgotten the NOT - 4.1.0-7 is buggy. Please upgrade. If
you cannot upgrade for some reasone you have to modifiy file
remove the quotations if there are any. As fare as I remember this was
the problem.

Bye, Steffen

Re: woody - problems with dns

2001-11-08 Thread Steffen Evers
On Wed, Nov 07, 2001 at 22:16, Michael Heldebrant wrote:
 Host should not look at your /etc/hosts file. It's one line description
 puts it quite succinctly:

I got several private mails about that and knwo I think there is a
problem with looking up loca host, but it has nothing to do with the
'host' command which seems not to be expected to query the file

I have already found out that the problem is triggered by exim on my
system (woody). A dial on demand is invocated every time exim is called
querying for MyMachine. This seems not to be an intended behavior and I
have posted to debian-testing and exim-users@exim.org to track this and
got several replies. To much cross posting is bad, I think. Therefore I
have not sent anything to debian-users.

Nevertheless, two other debian users have replied having similar problems.
So it might be a general problem for anyone. So, I will post the result
here at least.

Anyway, thanks for your help!

Bye, Steffen

Re: Second sending...

2001-11-08 Thread Steffen Evers
On Thu, Nov 08, 2001 at 17:43, Ian Millsom wrote:
 I have a debian machine which keeps dropping its ethernet connection
 around every 2.3 minutes.


 Any thoughts would be appreciated..
Have you tried if this problem is Debinan/Linux specific? This way you
can make sure that it is not a ghardware problem.

I had some problems with a rtl8139 (not like your problems), e.g. DHCP
has worked only rarely and it really was the hardware at the end.

Bye, Steffen

Mouse wheel in woody

2001-11-08 Thread Steffen Evers
Is it the same procedure with woody (XFree86 4.1.0)?

On Thu, Nov 08, 2001 at 16:36, Horacio de Oro wrote:
  Hello there! Could someone tell me what needs to be in /etc/X11/XF86Config
  to enable the mouse wheel in the X that comes with potato?
 in XF86Config: (change '/dev/mouse' to your mouse device)
 Section Pointer
   Protocol IMPS/2
   Device /dev/mouse
   Buttons 3
   ZAxisMapping 4 5
 in Xsession:
 # Starts the imwheel process from the global
 # Xsession file.
 . /etc/X11/imwheel/startup.conf
 if [ $IMWHEEL_START = 1 ]; then
 /usr/bin/imwheel ${IMWHEEL_PARAMS}
 you'll need the 'imwheel' package

Re: OT: scripting question

2001-11-08 Thread Steffen Evers
On Thu, Nov 08, 2001 at 17:24, Stephen Gran wrote:
 Hello all,
 What I'd like to end up with is a short script that will scan my music
 directories and output to a file.  I'd like this to strip off the full
 path and any ending extension, and ideally leave a blany\k line in
 between directories.  The best I can do so far is :
 ls -R /home/mp3 | (read filename; while [ ! -z $filename ]; do echo 
 ${filename//mp3/ }  mp3.list; read filename; done)
 This strips the extensions (almost all mp3's - built up from before I
 found out about Ogg Vorbis), but I'm left with the full path and no
 blank line between directories.  I seem to think the blank line could be
 inserted by a if filename is a directory, then echo $filename 
 mp3.list followed by \n, but I can't quite work out how to do it.  man
 bash is giving me a headache, and I thought I'd turn to you guys and
 Any thoughts?
The find command with a tricky ytuned print command in it would be
better I guess. Just have a look at the man pages.

Bye, Steffen

Re: Mouse wheel in woody

2001-11-08 Thread Steffen Evers
On Thu, Nov 08, 2001 at 23:33, Aniartia wrote:
  Is it the same procedure with woody (XFree86 4.1.0)?
 Yes but you shouldn't need to do this:
   in Xsession:
   # Starts the imwheel process from the global
   # Xsession file.
   . /etc/X11/imwheel/startup.conf
   if [ $IMWHEEL_START = 1 ]; then
   /usr/bin/imwheel ${IMWHEEL_PARAMS}

I am using gpm with a raw repeater to /dev/gpmdata. Is there something to


setting ultra DMA for hdd at boot time?

2001-11-08 Thread Steffen Evers
Hi there,

I used to compile my kernel by myself, but now I would like to use the
provided debian kernel images.

A problem I have encountered is that my harddiscs are not in UDMA mode
after boot up. Ok I can set them with hdparms every time and could also
put that in a boot script, but there should be better way as most drives
are now UDMA and things like sound or video output is really bad without
it and of cause copying takes lifetime without it.

I have played around with module parameters, but without success. So,
can someone describe exactly what I have to do?

I wonder why the corresponding kernel parameters are not set by
default in the debian kernels:

Bye, Steffen

Re: setting ultra DMA for hdd at boot time?

2001-11-08 Thread Steffen Evers
On Thu, Nov 08, 2001 at 17:01, nate wrote:
 not all systems work good with DMA on. especially some VIA
 chipsets. i had major problems with DMA on them so i stopped
 using the onboard ide and started using promise ata100 cards
 in their place.
 older motherboards are even worse sometimes ..i think debian
 strives to be as conservative as it can with the kernel config.
 just enough to get a system running.

I understand, but without it people will have problems with multimedia
and a slow system. So, maybe there should be an easy way to get this on
for anyone.

 first thing i do when i install any system is compile my own
 kernel for it.
Wanted to save some time  so many kernel releases in recent month.
Maybe I should simply compile my own ...

 Bye, Steffen

Re: Cant login

2001-11-07 Thread Steffen Evers
On Wed, Nov 07, 2001 at 01:14, John Lord wrote:
 I have installed KDM and cant login.
 I now have the problem that I think I saw mentioned somewhere recently.
 That is when I select a user in the login GUI and select the session, it
 takes a server restart before the keyboard is recognised. Then when I have
 entered my password I just end up back at the GUI again after an attempt at
 opening desktop.
 Just cant get the desktop to load, can you let me know what log(s) I should
 check and what might be the problem?
1. Make sure that this problem is caused by xfree package 4.1.0-7 by
updating to the most current ones.
2. Check the debain-kde mail archive. There have been some mails
about this topic recently.

Bye, Steffen

woody - problems with dns

2001-11-05 Thread Steffen Evers

I have some problems with the DNS service on my woody system and I think
I have experienced the same problems on my sid installation:

Maybe I have misunderstood something, but I think this behavior is not

When I look for the hostname of my local machine with 

 host mymachine
 mymachine does not exist, try again

 host localhost
 localhost   A

I have tried several alternatives in /etc/hosts, but it did not work:   localhost mymachine
or   localhost   mymachine

It feels like that the /etc/hosts file is not used at all.

However, the file /etc/nsswitch.conf does contain the line:
 hosts:  files dns

Therefore I think everything is set up correctly, but still it doesn't
work. I have never tried 'host mymachine' before. So, I do not really know
if this behavior is new. However, my router is set to 'dial on demand' and
I used to be offline for long periods, but now the router dials in because
of the DNS query looking for mymachine after a few minutes. Therefore I
guess this behavior has been introduced to my system by one of my regular
package updates recently (1 week?).

Hints, solutions, location for documentation, comments?

Should I send a bug report? To which package?

Bye, Steffen

Re: Netgear FA311, usable under Linux ?

2001-11-04 Thread Steffen Evers
On Sun, Nov 04, 2001 at 17:02, Courtney Thomas wrote:
 Greetings !
 If said card is usable, what module can be used ?
I think it was
natsemi # driver for ethernet card with National Semiconductor chipset

Bye, Steffen

Re: Network card problem

2001-11-04 Thread Steffen Evers
On Sun, Nov 04, 2001 at 14:32, Raphael Bustin wrote:
 As it turns out, the file rtl8139.o exists on my
 debian/potato box, in at least one or two places.
Which Chip is it? Realtek 8139 or 8129?
If you have the 8139 you could/should use the

8139too # driver for ethernet card with Realtek chipset RTL8139 only

module instead of the old rtl8139.
It depends as well on the kernel version, but with 2.4.x the new module
is no longer experimental.

This module is normally locaed in /lib/modules/KERNELVERSION somewhere.
In 2.4.x kernels in: /lib/modules/2.4.10-ac11/kernel/drivers/net/

 As I understand it the next thing to do is install
 the module using 'insmod'.  This is where I'm having
You should not use insmod, but modprobe.

 'insmod' complains with Device or resource busy
 and suggests the problem may be an IO or IRQ conflict.
 Probing the PCI bus ('lspci -v' command) shows that
 an unknown ethernet board was found, at IRQ=11,
 IO=e000, mem=xxx and so on.
Have a look if your module is already running with lsmod

 Beyond this, I'm lost...  Hopefully someone can point
 us down the right path.
 If you need the .c or .o file, send me private email
 and I'll send them as attachments.  But I think you'll
 find at least the .c file on the floppy that came with
 the D-Link network card, and you'll probably find the
 corresponding .o file on your system somewhere already.
You should not use the provided drivers, normally they are heavily

Bye, Steffen

Re: Netgear FA311, usable under Linux ?

2001-11-04 Thread Steffen Evers
On Sun, Nov 04, 2001 at 23:22, Steffen Evers wrote:
 natsemi # driver for ethernet card with National Semiconductor chipset
I have looked it up. FA311 is my card and I have checked the chipset.
Module natsemi is exactly for this card, though other drivers work as
So, I suggest to use 'natsemi'.

Bye Steffen

Re: PPP and kernel 2.2.x ?

1999-07-28 Thread Steffen Evers
John Hasler wrote:
  These hexdumps always start with a line
  Jul 27 01:30:19 darkstar pppd[295]: rcvd [proto=0xfd] ...
  Does anyone no what that means ?
 0xfd is compressed datagram.  Your link is using compression.
 Everything here looks normal.  What isn't working?

The rest of the line looks like this:
Jul 27 01:30:19 darkstar pppd[295]: rcvd [proto=0xfd] 00 e7 e1 ac 09 a3
15 40 59 00 3f 59 01 b1 86 c8 ae e9 1e 11 b3 46 cf 1b 44 6d 31 b5 46 d7
1b 64 6d b1 b7 46 df 1b 84 6e 31 b9 46 e7 1b a4 6e b1 bb 46 ef 1b c4 6f
31 bd 46 f7 1b e4 6f b1 bf 46 ff 1c 04 70 31 c1 47 07 1c 24 70 b1 c3 47

And the next 20 lines in the log file look similar but without the
'rcvd [proto=0xfd]'. It seems to get out of sync or something, as my
connection always hangs during these messages are written to the log
file and there is line reset or something after while, but it seems not
help as 'rcvd [proto=0xfd]' comes
up again it begins all from the start. After a while it might work or my
connection is terminated. All this may last 10 minutes.
For details have a look in the log file I've attached in my last mail.

Are these hexdumps normal or a bug in ppp ?

Bye, Steffen

PPP and kernel 2.2.x ?

1999-07-27 Thread Steffen Evers
I've updated my kernel to 2.2.10 and everything is fine except PPP.
There are some strange hexdumps in the ppp.log file and the connection
hangs sometimes what is very annoying.

I'm using Debian 2.1 and
ppp 2.3.5-2
netbase 3.12-2

Does anyone know anything about it ?

Bye, Steffen

PS: Please CC to me personally.

Re: PPP and kernel 2.2.x ?

1999-07-27 Thread Steffen Evers
I've attached a typical log of a ppp-connection.

I've cut of many lines. So [...] stand for an unknown number of lines.
These hexdumps always start with a line
Jul 27 01:30:19 darkstar pppd[295]: rcvd [proto=0xfd] ...

Does anyone no what that means ?

Everything worked fine with 2.0.36. Maybe, I've just configured my
kernel not good enough. I'll test some other ocnfigurations.

Bye, SteffenJul 27 01:27:41 darkstar pppd[295]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
Jul 27 01:27:42 darkstar chat[296]: abort on (BUSY)
Jul 27 01:27:42 darkstar chat[296]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Jul 27 01:27:42 darkstar chat[296]: abort on (VOICE)
Jul 27 01:27:42 darkstar chat[296]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Jul 27 01:27:42 darkstar chat[296]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
Jul 27 01:27:42 darkstar chat[296]: send (ATZ^M)
Jul 27 01:27:42 darkstar chat[296]: expect (OK)
Jul 27 01:27:42 darkstar chat[296]: ATZ^M^M
Jul 27 01:27:42 darkstar chat[296]: OK
Jul 27 01:27:42 darkstar chat[296]:  -- got it 
Jul 27 01:27:42 darkstar chat[296]: send (??)
Jul 27 01:27:42 darkstar chat[296]: expect (CONNECT)
Jul 27 01:27:42 darkstar chat[296]: ^M
Jul 27 01:28:04 darkstar chat[296]: ATDTxxx
Jul 27 01:28:04 darkstar chat[296]: CONNECT
Jul 27 01:28:04 darkstar chat[296]:  -- got it 
Jul 27 01:28:04 darkstar chat[296]: send (\d)
Jul 27 01:28:05 darkstar pppd[295]: Serial connection established.
Jul 27 01:28:06 darkstar pppd[295]: Using interface ppp0
Jul 27 01:28:06 darkstar pppd[295]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
Jul 27 01:28:06 darkstar pppd[295]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0 
magic 0x64e372bf pcomp accomp]
Jul 27 01:28:06 darkstar pppd[295]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0 
auth pap magic 0x7e0ff85 pcomp accomp  11 04 05 dc  12 02  13 09 
01 74 75 62 69 72 62]
Jul 27 01:28:06 darkstar pppd[295]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x1  11 04 05 dc  
12 02  13 09 01 74 75 62 69 72 62]
Jul 27 01:28:06 darkstar pppd[295]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 asyncmap 0x0 
auth pap magic 0x7e0ff85 pcomp accomp]
Jul 27 01:28:06 darkstar pppd[295]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 asyncmap 0x0 
auth pap magic 0x7e0ff85 pcomp accomp]
Jul 27 01:28:09 darkstar pppd[295]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0 
magic 0x64e372bf pcomp accomp]
Jul 27 01:28:09 darkstar pppd[295]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0 
magic 0x64e372bf pcomp accomp]
Jul 27 01:28:09 darkstar pppd[295]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x64e372bf]
Jul 27 01:28:09 darkstar pppd[295]: sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x1 user= 
Jul 27 01:28:09 darkstar pppd[295]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x7e0ff85]
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: rcvd [PAP AuthAck id=0x1 ]
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: Remote message: 
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 addr]
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x1 deflate 15 
deflate(old#) 15 bsd v1 15]
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x3 compress VJ 0f 
01 addr]
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: sent [IPCP ConfRej id=0x3 compress VJ 0f 
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 addr]
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 addr]
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: rcvd [CCP ConfReq id=0x4  12 06 00 00 00 
01  11 05 00 01 03 bsd v1 12 predictor 1]
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: sent [CCP ConfRej id=0x4  12 06 00 00 00 
01  11 05 00 01 03]
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: rcvd [CCP ConfRej id=0x1 deflate 15 
deflate(old#) 15]
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x2 bsd v1 15]
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x5 addr]
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x5 addr]
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x2 addr]
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: local  IP address
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: remote IP address
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: rcvd [CCP ConfReq id=0x6 bsd v1 12 
predictor 1]
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: sent [CCP ConfAck id=0x6 bsd v1 12 
predictor 1]
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: rcvd [CCP ConfAck id=0x2 bsd v1 15]
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: BSD-Compress (15/12) compression enabled
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: rcvd [CCP ConfReq id=0x7 bsd v1 12]
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x3 deflate 15 
deflate(old#) 15 bsd v1 15]
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: sent [CCP ConfAck id=0x7 bsd v1 12]
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: rcvd [CCP ConfRej id=0x3 deflate 15 
deflate(old#) 15]
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x4 bsd v1 15]
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: rcvd [CCP ConfAck id=0x4 bsd v1 15]
Jul 27 01:28:10 darkstar pppd[295]: BSD-Compress (15/12) compression enabled
Jul 27 01:29:09 darkstar pppd[295]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x1 magic=0x64e372bf]
Jul 27 01:29:09 darkstar pppd[295]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x1 

script for compiling the kernel

1999-07-03 Thread Steffen Evers
As I've compiled the kernel so many times and wanted to keep all the
output of the make commands and make it more comfortable for newcomers
I've written a script that does all the things AFTER make xconfig as
secure as I could get it.
I would be happy if people improve it, send me feedback or simply use

You can download it from

It is doing the following:
 scan parameters
 introduce what will be done
 make sure BOOTFILE has an absolute path
 get kernel version from Makefile in the source directory
 prepare directory names
 get current kernel image
 print all parameters that will be used
 confirm the given parameters
 analyse current boot system
 prepare the directories that will be used
 move to kernel directory
 make dep
 make clean
 make image
 make modules
 abort if install not set
 backup old modules
 install new modules
 move BOOTFILE.old to backup dir
 install new kernel image to BOOTFILE if a regular file
 backup current kernel image of this version
 install new kernel image
 relinking BOOTFILE
 relinking BOOTFILE.old if necessary
 print advice

and  takes the following parameters:

mkkrl  Version 1.03
 mkkrl [-s SOURCE][-i IMAGE][-l LOG][-u][-k BACKUP][-o
 mkkrl -h

 -s : set kernel source directory to SOURCE
  default: /usr/src/linux

 -i : set image directory to IMAGE
  default: /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot

 -l : set directory for log files to LOG
  default: /var/tmp/mkkrl

 -u : set directory for backups to LOG (default)
 -k : set directory for backups to BACKUP
 -o : set link/file of the boot kernel to BOOT
 -c : clean up log and backup directory
 -b : set image type to bzImage (default:zImage)
 -m : remove old modules after backup from /lib/modules
 -n : don't install kernel image and modules, only compile
 -h : print this message

Bye, Steffen

Re: Kernel-2.2.1 and Routing

1999-07-01 Thread Steffen Evers
If you get the error message 'SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument' at boot time:
That comes from the command 'route add -net' or something
similar normally placed in /etc/init.d/network.
You can just remove this line as routing to interfaces are done
automatically by the 2.2.x kernels. For more details see the networking
section in CHANGES ( http://www.linuxhq.com/change21.html )).

It took me a while to find this out. :-)


Re: HELP: /dev/mixer and SB PCI64V

1999-07-01 Thread Steffen Evers
Steffen Evers wrote:
 Hello !
 I've tried to get my SB PCI64V (es1371) running under Debian 2.1 and
 Kernel 2.2.10 and it won't work !
 It looks like that the kernel finds the card and everything seems to be
 ok, but it doesn't make any sound.
 At boot time I get the following:
 I was wondering if I need to use a mixer, but I don't have a /dev/mixer
 or something similiar and /dev/MAKEDEV doesn't know how to make such a
 And sox 12.15 doesn't work either:
 'sox bla.wav  -t ossdsp -w -s /dev/dsp' gives me the error message:
 sox: Invalid audio buffer size 0
Solved it by myself. 
I had to use /dev/MAKEDEV audio not mixer.
The next time I keep in mind: RTFMP.

Everything is running ! Even the joystick !!!

Bye, Steffen

HELP: /dev/mixer and SB PCI64V

1999-06-30 Thread Steffen Evers
Hello !
I've tried to get my SB PCI64V (es1371) running under Debian 2.1 and
Kernel 2.2.10 and it won't work !
It looks like that the kernel finds the card and everything seems to be
ok, but it doesn't make any sound.
At boot time I get the following:
es1371: version v0.11 time 23:03:47 Jun 30 1999
es1371: found adapter at io 0xb800 irq 12
es1371: features: joystick 0x200
es1371: codec vendor TRA revision 3
es1371: codec features none
es1371: stereo enhancement: no 3D stereo enhancement

I was wondering if I need to use a mixer, but I don't have a /dev/mixer
or something similiar and /dev/MAKEDEV doesn't know how to make such a

And sox 12.15 doesn't work either:
'sox bla.wav  -t ossdsp -w -s /dev/dsp' gives me the error message:
sox: Invalid audio buffer size 0

Is there anyone who could help me ?

CU Steffen

maintainer of CD images

1999-04-30 Thread Steffen Evers
I would like to download a CD image of the current SLink release.
That is 2.1r2, right ?

I've found only the 2.1r0.

As I have heard that the images should be up to date I would like to
know who is responsible for the images, so I can remind him to update
the image.
