I had a running debian linux 1.1 system. The I tried to update it
directly to 1.3 from CD from a PC-newspaper. This does not work.
Then I found in the internet this help for updating 1.1 to 1.3

           dpkg --clear-avail
           dpkg -i ldso_*.deb
           dpkg -i libc5_*.deb
           dpkg -i dpkg_*.deb dpkg-ftp_*.deb
           dpkg --purge --force-depends texbin

position 4 and 5 break down with an error message and now I cannot
find any libc5 and libc5-dev in my system. shell scripts and compile
programs are not running anymore. Is there any chance to update the
system and get it running again without remouving everything and
without total new installation?

Thanks for the help

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