networksetup problems

1999-05-09 Thread blutgens
A friend and I are trying to setup up a network of SuSE machines (they're his)
We have the ethernet cards setup and responding, we think we have picked the
right addresses (class C), netmask, etc. However we think the routing is our
problem, they all know they're IP addresses but we still can't get the
machines to talk to one another. Do any of you know of a url which offers good
guidance on setting up route service. I should mention that the hub is
responding to pings etc. but the machines aren't sending the packets back.
While we have fair skills with Linux, our networking skills suck. If anyone
can point us in the right direction for info we need, it would be greatly

p.s. I should note that we have been reading the hell out all man/info.gz
docs, as well as how-to's. 
Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones,
as the wind blows out candles and fans fires.
-- La Rochefoucauld

Mutt and signature

1999-05-08 Thread blutgens
What is the variable that will cause mutt to automatically ad a .signature
file? It seems this is the only thing I am having a hard time with upon my
transition to Mutt

Description: PGP Key 0xB51DC4DD.

bash functions

1999-05-08 Thread blutgens
While doing some reading, I came across a section regarding adding functions
to .bash_profile like this 
tarc () { tar -cvzf $1.tar.gz $1 }
but whenever I try to source the .bash_profile I get syntax error, unexpected
EOF messages. The article was old and I assume that bash no loger supports
this syntax, I messed around with this quite a bit and can't seem to make it
work. Can anyone offer me advice on this subject? I think these functions
would be quite handy.

Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones,
as the wind blows out candles and fans fires.
-- La Rochefoucauld

Quake2, x11amp, sound probs

1999-05-06 Thread blutgens
I am running Slink, kernel 2.2.5, on a P200 overclocked, SB16 Sound card etc.
My problem is that after a game of Quake2 I can no longer play mp3s on x11amp, 
I get can't open audio If I use mpg123 or anything else I can play sounds 
fine. I am at a loss, ps aux shows no errant/zombied processes that are causing 
and I am at a loss. Anyone have any Ideas?