Re: Can't get sound to work!

2001-01-21 Thread Rev. Ferret
Ok, I got sound working.  On my windows boot the sound was on IRQ 5, it kept 
trying to put it on IRQ 7 in linux.  I added a /etc/modutils/sound file and put
options sb irq=5 io=0x220 dma=1
in it, but when I rebooted it seemed to ignore that file.  So instead I edited 
/etc/modules.  It had a single line in it that said:
So I change it to read:
sb irq=5 io=0x220 dma=1
That worked.  What is confusing me now, is that when I shut down, during my 
shutdown messages I get a message that the alsa driver isn't running.  This is 
correct, it shouldn't be.  But I can't
figure out why my machine is trying to shut it down.  I checked in rcS.d and my 
rc5.d directories (I'm running in mode 5) but I can't figure out where my 
machine is trying start/shutdown the alsa
drivers.  Also, during my boot sequence my machine scans for SCSI interfaces.  
I don't have any scsi interfaces so how can I stop it from doing this scan 
everytime I boot?

BTW, apt-get rocks.  Now I know why people who use debian never go to anything 
else.  I'm addicted :)

Kent West wrote:

 Rev. Ferret wrote:

  Ok, I added myself to user audio and I now get sound from things.  There is 
  just one problem.  The sound skips.  It sounds like a broken record player, 
  where it plays the same bit over and over
  again.  I tried chmod'ing the audio things to world usable, but it didn't 
  help.  Any ideas on how to get  it to stop skipping?  At least I'm getting 
  some sound now :)

 Probably one of two things:
 (1) wrong sound driver or problems with the driver
 (2) IRQ or IOPort conflict

 If this is an ISA card, it's probably the second. Do you have a
 dual-boot with Win9x? If so, what IRQ/io does it report the card being
 on? Does this match what Linux thinks? Or maybe it's a jumper-configured
 card, in which case, make sure Linux sees the same settings that the
 card is actually on. If Linux doesn't match the actual settings, you can
 feed the settings to the module when it installs. For example, I have a
 file /etc/modutils/sound which has the two lines:
 options uart401 irq=9 io=0x330
 options sb irq=5 io=0x220 dma=1

 hth, Kent

Can't get sound to work!

2001-01-20 Thread Rev. Ferret
Hi, I'm having problems getting my sound blaster 16 working.  I used
modconf to select the sb module, which in turn selected a bunch of the
oss modules.  After doing this, I can play audio cd's, but whenever I
try to run gmix it tells me that I do not have a mixer installed or my
kernel doesn't support sound.  When I run XMMS, it tells me my kernel
either doesn't support sound or my card is not configured correctly.  I
figured my kernel supports sound because I can load sound modules and
play audio cd's, so something else must be wrong.  What else do I have
to do to get sound to work under debian?


Re: Can't get sound to work!

2001-01-20 Thread Rev. Ferret
It seems that my card is recognized. Everything looks normal except for the
output of my /dev/sndstat.  I can use apps to control tracks of audio cd's
and things like that.  I just can't use any mixer apps or play any audio
except for cd audio.  I can't figure out what's wrong.  Using redhat and
mandrake I was able to just do sndconfig and pick soundblaster and everything
worked.  I only seem to be having this problem with debian.

The results of cat /proc/interrupts has the following entry:


The output of /proc/ioports has this entry:

0220-022f : soundblaster

lsmod contains these entries:

cat /dev/sndstat lists the following:
Load type: Driver loaded as a module
Kernel: Linux neuro 2.2.18pre21 #1 Sat Nov 18 18:47:15 EST 2000 i686
Config options: 0

Installed Drivers:

Card config:

Audio devices:
0: ESS ES1879 AudioDrive (rev 11) (3.01)

Synth devices:

Midi devices:
0: ESS ES1688

0: System clock

0: Sound Blaster

Kent West wrote:

 Rev. Ferret wrote:

  Hi, I'm having problems getting my sound blaster 16 working.  I used
  modconf to select the sb module, which in turn selected a bunch of the
  oss modules.  After doing this, I can play audio cd's, but whenever I
  try to run gmix it tells me that I do not have a mixer installed or my
  kernel doesn't support sound.  When I run XMMS, it tells me my kernel
  either doesn't support sound or my card is not configured correctly.  I
  figured my kernel supports sound because I can load sound modules and
  play audio cd's, so something else must be wrong.  What else do I have
  to do to get sound to work under debian?

 I'm no expert, so if you have any further questions, reply to all, not
 just to me, so that the list members can throw in their two cents.

 (1) You need to have support in your kernel for your sound card. There
 are two methods of doing this; one is to compile it in; the other is to
 plug it in as a module. Your description indicates that you're using the
 module method.

 (2) Playing an audio CD doesn't really depend on the software sound
 support; most CD drives will start spinning as soon as you put in a CD,
 and the sound from an audio CD is piped through the audio cable directly
 to the sound card. What a broken software setup will do is prevent you
 from using apps to control tracks, volume, etc. About the only thing
 playing an audio CD proves is that the hardware is functional (which is
 a good thing to know); it also points strongly to a lack of IRQ conflict
 (although not necessarily).

 (3) When you boot up, you should see some info scroll by concerning your
 sound card. But generally it goes by too fast to see, and you can see it
 after the fact by running dmesg|more.

 (4) You should be able to see if you card is recognized, and on which
 IRQ, by running cat /proc/interrupts (my card is on IRQ 5 and 9).

 (5) Ditto for IO by running cat /proc/ioports (my card's on 220-2FF
 and 330-3FF).

 (6) You can see what modules are loaded by running lsmod (I've got
 soundcore, sound, uart401, and sb).

 (7) I'm not sure what cat /proc/devices indicates, but it lists my
 sound card, so it might be relevant.

 (8) Perhaps the most informative command is cat /dev/sndstat, which on
 my machine reports:

 Load type: Driver loaded as a module
 Kernel: Linux westk03 2.2.18 #2 Thu Jan 18 22:52:14 CST 2001 i586
 Config options: 0

 Installed drivers:

 Card config:

 Audio devices:
 0: Sound Blaster Pro (8 BIT ONLY) (3.02)

 Synth devices:

 Midi devices:
 0: MPU-401 (UART) MIDI
 1: Sound Blaster

 0: System clock

 0: Sound Blaster

 Perhaps this info will get you a bit further on your quest to get your
 card working. Good luck!


Re: Can't get sound to work!

2001-01-20 Thread Rev. Ferret
Ok, I added myself to user audio and I now get sound from things.  There is 
just one problem.  The sound skips.  It sounds like a broken record player, 
where it plays the same bit over and over
again.  I tried chmod'ing the audio things to world usable, but it didn't help. 
 Any ideas on how to get  it to stop skipping?  At least I'm getting some sound 
now :)

Marcial Zamora III wrote:

 - Forwarded message from Rev. Ferret [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

 Hi, I'm having problems getting my sound blaster 16 working.  I used
 modconf to select the sb module, which in turn selected a bunch of the
 oss modules.  After doing this, I can play audio cd's, but whenever I
 try to run gmix it tells me that I do not have a mixer installed or my
 kernel doesn't support sound.  When I run XMMS, it tells me my kernel
 either doesn't support sound or my card is not configured correctly.  I
 figured my kernel supports sound because I can load sound modules and
 play audio cd's, so something else must be wrong.  What else do I have
 to do to get sound to work under debian?

 - End forwarded message -

 I had the same problem, and you can do one of 2 things.. you can add yourself 
 as a user to the audio group, or just chmod all the /dev/mixer devices to 
 where they are world usable.. man chmod  =)

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Possible AWE32 package bug

2000-11-21 Thread ferret

On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Enrique Robledo Arnuncio wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 21, 2000 at 11:35:38AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   No, both the program and the library should be under /usr, according
   to the File-system Hierarchy Standard (you don't need them to boot,
   restore, recover or repair the system).
  Except /etc/modules is read before mounting filesystems.
 Yes, but you should be able to let the awe_wave module be loaded first
 as the kernel docs says, removing from modules.conf the post-install
 line which runs sfxload, and run sfxload later from an /etc/init.d
 script (with /usr mounted).

Except, the correct way to use modutils IS to use the post-install line,
because unused modules can be set to be periodically removed.

A better solution would be to leave the post-install line and move the
LOADING of awe_wave into /etc/init.d, after all FS' mounted.

Or maybe we need a '/etc/modules.later' or something which would list
modules not necessary for booting. I dunno. =)

   This might be a missing documentation bug in the sfx-drv package,
 (Sorry, I meant the awe-drv package)
  At least. Or the script for loading the sound modules in /etc/init.d
  should be provided by sfx-drv (maybe).
 Yes. It would be a nice idea. ALSA works that way, BTW.
 On the other hand, we should be able to provide some useful sound
 patches in order to be able to call sfxload from there. I don't know
 if there are any DFSG compliant ones available...

ext2 compression on Slink

2000-10-11 Thread ferret

I'm wondering if anyone has a set of Debianised 'e2cfs' packages for Slink
to go along with the ext2 compression kernel patch. The version on the ex2
website ( is a patched
e2fsprogs 1.18. Slink has e2fsprogs version 1.13, and version 1.18 does
not compile in slink. I'm not sure if it needs glibc 2.1 to compile or
something else. And the older 'ancilary' package supplied as a tarball
requires libc5. :/

There is a define in the e2fsprogs package that is supposed to compile
against headers included in the package instead of headers under
/usr/include, but I found out that it references files that it doesn't

I'll post the error messages I get if anyone wants to take a crack at
this. I can't dist-upgrade the machine I'm trying to get this on to
Potato, because it has only a 100MB hard drive and a floppy. And I'm not
sure that a compile of libc6 from potato would work on it.

Re: SB live SMP drivers?

2000-09-27 Thread ferret

You seem to have the right idea with #1 below. Compiling the modules seems
to be a little tricky for some people, so I'll tell you how I handle it.

Install the alsa-source and other alsa debs. You'll have an
'alsa-driver.tar.gz' file in /usr/src that you'll have to extract yourself
(I believe it's done because upgrading the source in-place will likely
break it)

Now go into your kernel source tree (kernel-source-2.2.17?), run the
config (make menuconfig or make xconfig) and make sure you have sound
support marked as module, and none of the card-specific stuff selected.
Save your kernel config and then run:
make-kpkg clean
make-kpkg modules-clean
make-kpkg [--revision=revision#] configure
make-kpkg modules
make-kpkg kernel-image

And the alsa drivers build will complain if you don't have pgp installed,
but I just ignore that.

No idea if the live will be happy, but I'm running an awe64 and a sb16 on
an SMP machine.

Hope this helps.

On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Svante Signell wrote:

 I've finally taken the time to install a Soundblaster Live card on
 my SMP-box. Trying to switch from oss- to to alsa drivers at the same time 
 Background is:
 1. SMP kernel compiled from kernel-source-2.2.17.
 2. Download of binary (non SMP) kernel-image-2.2.17 is set on hold.
 3. Installed alsa packages: alsa-base, alsa-utils, alsaconf
 Trying to install alsa-modules-2.2.17 to get access to the binary
 modules, such as snd-card-emu10k1.o the lock on kernel-image is
 released, downloading the (non SMP) kernel-image!!
 What to do?
 1. Download alsa-source-0.5.9c-4.deb and compile. If this
 is the recommended way to do this: how? Is there something
 simular to make-kpkg available?
 2. Download alsa-*.tar.gz from and
 compile from source.
 3. Download emu10k1.tar.gz from and
 compile from source.
 4. Skip the whole thing, and reinstall the old SB16 :-(
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: please help updating calendar

2000-09-12 Thread ferret

On Sun, 10 Sep 2000, Julian Gilbey wrote:

 On Sun, Sep 10, 2000 at 03:54:13AM +0300, Shaul Karl wrote:
   If there are no fixed events then everything should go in the yearly
  The events are fixed. The main point is that the Jewish calendar is based 
  the motion of the moon, so that a regular Jewish year is 354 days long (Yet 
  there are years with an extra month and maybe other mechanisms to 
  for that). But as far as I know every Jewish event could be calculated in 
 In this context, fixed = have a set Gregorian date.  So there are
 no fixed events in the Jewish calendar.

And events in the Wicca 'calendar' are based on the solstices and
equinoxes and would not be fixed either.

Strange syslog messages on console

2000-09-10 Thread ferret

I'm getting these funny messages broadcast to all open shells on my
machine. I think it started happening after I disabled denied packet
logging in ipchains (having 8MB compressed logfiles isn't fun)
I think this is the third time happening, and it doesn't seem to follow
any known pattern.

Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] at Sat Sep  9 22:26:20 2000 ...

Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] at Sat Sep  9 22:27:12 2000 ...
tarot last message repeated 2 times

Re: please help updating calendar

2000-09-07 Thread ferret

A calendar.wicca-n and calendar.wicca-s file would also be appreciated.
Note that the sabbats and esbats are reversed between northern and
southern hemispheres due to being agriculturaly-based.

On Thu, 7 Sep 2000, Marco d'Itri wrote:

 A calendar.hindu file is needed for 2000/2001 and the yearly
 calendar.christian needs to be updated to the new syntax.
 Duplicated events needs to be removed from the yearly calendar.judaic
 I'll also be happy to add the events of your religion of choice.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Delete key not working as expected in emacs under X

2000-08-27 Thread ferret

I'm using GNU emacs 20 with mule. In xterm and on console emacs gives me
what I consider to be proper behaviour. My BackSpace key on keyboard will
quote as '^?' and is described with 'describe-key as 'DEL runs the command
backward-delete-char-untabify'. My Delete key quotes as '^[[3~' and is
described as 'deletechar runs the command delete-char'.

However, when I run emacs in native X mode, both the BackSpace and Delete
keys behave as the BackSpace key, quoting as '^?' and describing as 'DEL
runs the command backward-delete-char-untabify'.

xemacs works 'correctly' in native X mode, but has a much larger

So what do I need to do with GNU emacs to make it work in native X the way
I want it to?

Re: Is it just me or.......

2000-08-25 Thread ferret

I thought this was just my ISP having another goof-up. I guess not.

On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Cam Ellison wrote:

 Me, too .. and quite a few with empty bodies.
 On Fri, 25 Aug 2000 09:33:26 -0700 (PDT), Greg Strockbine. wrote:
 No its not just you.  I've noticed the dups too.
 - g.s.
 On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Christopher W. Aiken wrote:
  Is it just me or has every message posted to this Debain
  list been posted 3-4 times today?  I've had 150+ emails
  and they were just duplicates of previous postings over
  and over !!
 Cam Ellison, Ph.D., R.Psych.
 From the lovely Sunshine Coast, where it only SEEMS to rain.
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Re: Emacs meta-key

2000-08-21 Thread ferret

Depends on what keyboard map you're using. I'm running xfree86 4.0.1 from
Brandon's phase1 debs, but it's about the same way under 3.3.6. If you
have a keyboard with the windows keys you want to select a 104 key
keyboard; then the window key is 'Meta' and the alt key is 'Alt'.

Or if you use the 101 key keyboard, then one of your alt keys is 'Alt' and
the other one is 'Meta'. And I don't remember for sure which is which.

And if you're using Enlightenment as your window manager, you may have
additional bucky-bit[1] complications. Last I used E, it completely
ignored the X keyboard mappings and the ICCCM input conventions.

[1] bucky bits: Shift, Control, Alternate, Super, Hyper, Meta, Para and
perhaps others. Refer to the Jargon File for 'bucky bits' and 'space-cadet

On Mon, 21 Aug 2000, Nick Croft wrote:

 I have Debian woody on one machine, and in Emacs the Alt key functions as
 the Meta-key. That's fine.
 I installed potato on another machine (without going through slink). The
 alt-key won't function as meta in Emacs on this one. I've used xev to
 check. Sure enough alt is there, but not for Emacs.
 I've looked int Jespersen's Emacs book; for this problem he suggests
 asking your system admin. Well that's me and I'm no help. 
 I've googled the topic, and got one posting to this list with the same
 question but no follow-up in the thread!
 A related question: The .Xresources seems to get ignored by emacs when it
 loads, even though netscape pays attention to the .Xresources file. ( I do
 the xrdb -merge .Xresources, btw).
 Any emacs users there? 
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Re: Video Sorenson

2000-08-20 Thread ferret

Does Apple's quicktime/java implementation work at all?

On Sat, 19 Aug 2000, Carl Fink wrote:

 On Sat, Aug 19, 2000 at 03:09:01PM +, Jaume Teixi wrote:
  how to view Video Sorenson under Debian ?
  xanim still doesn't support because of restricted license from Sorenson.
 The only way I know of is to use Apple's QuickTime under VMWare or
 equivalent.  Unless Sorenson releases their codec, everyone else is
 I-Con's Science and Technology Programming
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Re: Video Sorenson

2000-08-20 Thread ferret

Hmmm. I seem to remember the installer telling me it was a client. Go

Oh, and !lart Sorenson and Apple for licencing twinkiness.

On Sun, 20 Aug 2000, Carl Fink wrote:

 On Sat, Aug 19, 2000 at 10:23:21PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does Apple's quicktime/java implementation work at all?
 According to Apple's web site, it's not a client.  It's a development
 tool to write Java programs that incorporate QuickTime video.  The
 web site or whatever would have to use QT for Java -- it isn't
 something you can install on your own computer.
 Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum
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Re: Hardware Modems

2000-08-18 Thread ferret

This is a Lucent Venus chipset modem. AFAICR, this is a PCI modem chipset
with an hardware DSP. You will need to have PCI serial support in your
kernel, or you will have to use 'lspci' to determine resource use.

You may want to check out for more information. There
should be a little HOWTO about manually configuring setserial.

Or you could try a 2.4.0-test kernel, if you are really desperate.

On Thu, 17 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I used to think that way, to.
 But, according to the reply they gave me (with an English even worse than
 mine), they did it !!! Our modem is a hardware modem, but it has not
 direct access to the COM port, so it will not work under weird operating
 systems, or something like that. Actually, the modem runs well under
 windows, reaching the capacity of 115 Kbps (at least, windows say that).
 Take a look at their DOS readme section:
 For WINDOWS 3.1 or DOS 6.X users:
   Because you need to tell modem what resource is available on
   your system, you need to run CONFIGP.EXE first.
   For example:
  To set modem on com2 use: CONFIGP /i3 /0x2F8
  To inquire usage:  CONFIGP /?
 I think this CONFIGP is a TSR that makes the connection between the
 (hardware!!!) modem and the COM port.
 Isn't great? I spent a lot of money ($150) buying a hardware modem that
 cannot work under linux.
 I think that writing a driver for it is painless than doing so for
 By the way, what does oxymoron mean?

 David Teague  

Assunto: Re: Hardware Modems   

 17/08/00 14:43



 On Thu, 17 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  They're making hardware modems that DON'T work under Linux.
 What do you mean? Does anyone know what this is about?
 I know about WinModems, all winmodems are certainly hardware
 modems, but different from the ones that have intelligence left in,
 that don't off load the work to the CPU to save fifty cents in
 chips, and don't require a propriatary driver that are also hardware.
 I thought the usage here was hardware modem meant modems that
 don't off load to the CPU and don't require a propriatary driver, so
 either already work under Linux or can be made to do so by some good
 soul writing a drivers?
 What does he mean hardware modem that don't work under Linux? I
 HOPE that is an oxymoron, but given the rapacity of some companies,
 I fear the worst.
 I would normally edit the message in a reply, but someone may be
 able to decipher what these folks are talking about for me from the
 stuff I left in.
 David Teague, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
  useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
  - Repassado por Romeu Freitas Flores Junior/RJ/Petrobras em 17/08/00
  11:49 -
   Assunto: En: E0008224/Lucent
  16/08/00 Voice Modem
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2000 12:50 AM
  Subject: FW: E0008224/Lucent Venus Voice Modem
  -- Âà§eªÌ support/askey_notes ©ó 2000/08/15 11:49 AM
  2000/08/14 03:31 PM
  ¦¬¥ó¤H¡G  support/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  ¥D¦®¡G FW: E0008224/Lucent Venus Voice Modem
  Dear Sir
   This modem is hardware modem
   But we not have set com port tool for linux
  Askey Technical Support
  Romeu [EMAIL PROTECTED] ©ó 2000/08/10 06:56:39 AM
  ½Ð¦^À³ µ¹ Romeu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  ¥D¦®¡G  Lucent Venus Voice Modem
  Is FCC H8NV 1456VQH-T (Lucent Venus Voice Modem) a hardware modem? I
  it expecting so.
  It works fine with MS Windows, but I cannot set it up  under linux. It's
  not detected.
  Romeu F. Jr.
  Rio de Janeiro
   - att-1.htm
  (See attached file: att-1.htm)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe 

Re: Web browsers for Linux (was: Re: Netscape Bus Error)

2000-08-16 Thread ferret

Are there any graphical browsers that will run on the console and render
to framebuffer or GGI, and currently work fairly well? I remember hearing
about one, but don't remember the name, and I recall at the time it was
in alpha/developmental stage.

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Rogerio Brito wrote:

 On Aug 16 2000, wrote:
  Mozilla should improve much of this, but the default build is far
  too complex for a basic browser.
   Not to mention that this implies that Mozilla is *slow* (since
   it doesn't fit in core), depending on what it is doing (for
   basic navigation, it is ok; opening a new window makes it
   slow; navigating through the Preferences menus is even
  Gzilla and/or Gnutella look like far more promising projects.  Both
  are based on the Gecko rendering engine, but strip out much of the
  bloat being pumped into Mozilla.
   I don't know why the rationale of such a complex application
   is. Not even making considerations from a usability
   standpoint, the Mozilla coordination must have nightmares
   every single night for maintaining such a huge project. One of
   the basic laws of engineering is the KISS principle, of
   Anyway, back on the alternatives, Gzilla indeed looks like a
   promising project. It is nowadays called Armadillo and, last I
   checked, its homepage was Another free
   web-browser is Mnemonic, which even has packages for Debian.
   Its site is
   BTW, it would be nice if people started using these browsers
   and giving feedback to their developers. In the mean time, we
   may continue to use w3m or links or lynx as our nice text
   browsers. All three are packaged in potato. :-)
   []s, Roger...
   Rogerio Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  Nectar homepage:
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RE: Modeline for ADI Multiscan E75

2000-08-15 Thread ferret

I had a quick look-through in my Jameco catalog but couldn't spot one.
You're basically looking for a two-part ferrous oxide core with a shell
that snaps around the cable. I'd expect almost any electrionic component
supply store would carry them.

On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, Andrew McRobert wrote:

 sounds like a possibility ... what are those ferrite beads you're talking
 Andrew McRobert LLB B.Sc(Comp. Sci)
 IT Liaison Officer, School of Law
 Perth, Western Australia
 Ph: [+61 8 9360 6479]
 Fax: [+61 8 9310 6671]
 Linux: The Choice of a GNU Generation
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 12:39 PM
 Subject: Re: Modeline for ADI Multiscan E75
 Shadowing.. Sounds like a cable problem actually. I get the efect on my
 system because I'm running it through a KVM switch. One of the systems I
 use where I work is also run through a switchbox and displays the same
 kind of problem. Perhaps you could try using a shorter cable (if the cable
 can detatch from the monitor) or add one or two of those ferrite beads
 around the cable. Might or might not work.
 On Sun, 13 Aug 2000 wrote:
  On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 02:51:41PM +0800, Andrew McRobert wrote:
   Does anyone have a good Modeline for this monitor? I can get X running @
   1024x768 with 16bpp, but there's a bit of shadowing around eterm windows
  Have you fiddled with xvidtune?
  Karsten M. Self
   Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
  GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0
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Re: Licensing Information Request

2000-08-15 Thread ferret

Also, if you need the extras (such as paid per-incident technical support)
you may wish to go to and peruse their Debian-based
commercial offerings.

I believe they may be better-equipped to answer your concerns
regarding the United States exports and sanctions laws.

Also keep in mind that the concept of export restrictions is outside
the scope of our social contract.

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Ron Rademaker wrote:

 I'd advice you to go to and read the social contract, I
 think it'll give you enough information.
 Ron Rademaker
 PS. Basically it says that debian is and will remain 100% free (it also
 says what's meant by free), and some other things...
 On Tue, 15 Aug 2000, Dompnier, Frank wrote:
   Name: Frank Dompnier
   Company Name: Talisman Energy Inc.
   Address: Suite 3400, 888 3rd Street SW
Calgary, Alberta T2P 5C5
   Phone: (403) 237-1284
   Fax: (403) 237-1674
   Request type: S/W Export restrictions
  We are interested in purchasing Debian Linux for our subsidiary company
  based in Khartoum, Sudan. Please confirm that the use of this technology
  will not constitute a prohibited export of goods or technology under
  existing United States sanctions laws for this country.  If I've contacted
  you in error, please forward this correspondence to your sales or legal
  I look forward to your reply.
  Frank Dompnier

Re: Modeline for ADI Multiscan E75

2000-08-14 Thread ferret

Shadowing.. Sounds like a cable problem actually. I get the efect on my
system because I'm running it through a KVM switch. One of the systems I
use where I work is also run through a switchbox and displays the same
kind of problem. Perhaps you could try using a shorter cable (if the cable
can detatch from the monitor) or add one or two of those ferrite beads
around the cable. Might or might not work.

On Sun, 13 Aug 2000 wrote:

 On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 02:51:41PM +0800, Andrew McRobert wrote:
  Does anyone have a good Modeline for this monitor? I can get X running @
  1024x768 with 16bpp, but there's a bit of shadowing around eterm windows
 Have you fiddled with xvidtune?
 Karsten M. Self
  Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
   What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
 GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Re: can't compile cdfs

2000-08-09 Thread ferret

Symlinking /usr/include/[linux|asm] into /usr/src/linux-dir is generally
a bad idea. I suggest deleting those symlinks and reinstalling your
libc6-dev, and then edit the Makefile to something like this:

heathen:/usr/src/patches/cdfs-0.3d# less Makefile

OBJS=audio.o cdXA.o cddata.o hfs.o iso.o proc.o root.o utils.o

cdfs.o: $(OBJS)
$(LD) -r $(OBJS) -o $@

$(OBJS) cdfs.o: cdfs.h

$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.17-usb-trelos/include
-O -Wall -c $

.PHONY: clean reload

-rm -f *.o *~ core

reload: cdfs.o
umount /cdfs; rmmod cdfs; insmod cdfs; mount /cdfs

On Wed, 9 Aug 2000, Armin Wegner wrote:

 I've installed yesterdays frozen and recompiled the kernel 2.2.17. It's
 up and running. Fine.
 But I failed to compile the non standard kernel module cdfs.o.
 I've linked /usr/include/{linux,asm} to 
 I get following output from make.
 I get the same error with 2.2.16 kernel sources installed.
 I must have forgotten something?
 What`s wrong?

Re: Frame buffer devices on unconventional monitor

2000-08-08 Thread ferret


Have you checked out for information? I have an IBM 9504
workstation display, and found a lot of info about it on their site.
They also custom-BIOS video cards which initialise into the proper
settings for your monitor, if you want to go that route.

I recall having a lot of trouble converting the supplied XF86 modeline
into an fbdev modeline. I was also not able to get modeline2fb to produce
a working modeline for my monitor. If gentlebeing Mahoney's supplied fb
mode works for you, though, write up a little boot-time script to have fb
set the video mode. On my Potato systems I would put the script in
/etc/init.d/ for startup with priority 07, so your display is
viewable BEFORE the root fs gets checked.

Oh, after boot you will want to log in on the first console and run 'fbset
-a mode name' because the above script only has one active VC to work
with. AFAIK there is no way on i386 to set the VC default.
If you want to play with the 2.3-series or 2.4.0 test kernels (-test4
seems to be the last stable one on my systems), then you should be able to
add your custom mode into the fbdev driver's mode table and boot the
kernel straight into it.

On Tue, 8 Aug 2000, Pat Mahoney wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 07, 2000 at 09:12:50PM -0300, Renato Carmo wrote:
  Hi there!
  I use an adapted HP A2094-B  monitor (an old 19'' monitor intended for
  HP workstations)  which I adapted  to use in  a PC running  Linux (the
  only way I can afford a 19'' monitor ...  ;).  
  After getting the synch timings from  HP and making the cabling, I got
  it to work fine with XFree86.  
  However  the monitor  has one  single synchronization  frequency (tech
  data goes at the end of this mail) and allows no use of text mode. 
  When  I first  heard about  frame buffer  devices, it  sounded  as the
  answer to my prayers ...
  However, I tried to use fbset according to the instructions and got no 
  satisfactory results.  
  I would be really grateful if anyone could shed some light on this ... 
 Do you have fb support in the kernel?
  Tech info follows:
  Video board: onboard SiS 530, 8Mb of the main memory as video memory. 
  Motherboard: ASUS P5S-B rev 1.02, with a K6-500MHz and 128Mb of RAM.  
  Monitor technical data (from HP Service Notes pp. 8-3, 8-4) is:
 # Product Number: HP A2094B
 # Exchange Part Nymber: 2090-0315
 # Hemisphere: Southern
 # Size: 19'', 1280x1024 pixels
 # Refresh Rate: 72Hz
 # Cables: 98700-61603 BNC to BNC
 # C2300-60005 9 pin to RGB
 # Video:
 # Pixel rate: 135MHz
 # Pixel period: 7.4047ns
 # Horizontal display: 1280 pixels
 # Vertical display: 1024 pixels
 # Horizontal:
 # Horizontal frequency: 78.125 KHz
 # Horizontal period: 12.800 microseconds (1H)
 # Horizontal front porch: 0.474 microseconds (H-FP)
 # Horizontal sync pulse width: 1.422 microseconds (H-SYNC)
 # Horizontal back porch: 1.422 microseconds (H-BP)
 # Horizontal blanking: 3.318 microseconds (H-BL)
 # Horizontal display time: 9.482 microseconds (H-DISP)
 # Vertical:
 # Fields per frame: 1
 # Field fraquency: 72.005 Hz
 # Field period: 13.888 ms (1 V) (1085 lines)
 # Vertical front porch: 38.40 microseconds (V-FR) (3H)
 # Vertical sync pulse width: 38.40 microseconds (V-SYNC) (3H)
 # Vertical back porch: 704.0 microseconds (V-BP) (55H)
 # Vertical blanking: 780.8 microseconds (V-BL) (61H)
 # Vertical display time: 13.107 ms (V-DISP) (1024H)
  Modeline (calculated manually) which works with XFree86:
 Modeline 1280x1024   134.9931280 1344 1536 17281024 1027 1030 
  According to  the instructions in  Documentation/fb/framebuffer.txt, I
 Modeline 1280x1024   134.9931280 1344 1536 17281024 1027 1030 
   DCF  HR   SH1  SH2  HFL VR   SV1  SV2  
- pixclock: pixel clock in ps (pico seconds): 100 / DCF = 
- left_margin: time from sync to picture: HFL - SH2 = 192
- right_margin: time from picture to sync:SH1 - HR  = 64
- upper_margin: time from sync to picture:VFL - SV2 = 55
- lower_margin: time from picture to sync:SV1 - VR  = 3
- hsync_len: length of horizontal sync:   SH2 - SH1 = 192
- vsync_len: length of vertical sync: SV2 - SV1 = 3
 Do you have modeline2fb utility?  I believe it is in same package as
 fbset.  When I run it on your modeline, I get the following, suitable
 for entry in /etc/fb.modes:
   # modes.fb - video mode descriptions for fbset
   # See fbset(8) and fb.modes(5) for more information

Re: current Redhat user evaluates Debian

2000-07-29 Thread ferret

Here's my 2 cents. This happened years and years ago, back in the days
when the world was still Slackware, Red Hat was version 3, and Debian was

I had a little 486 system with a couple small IDE hard drives. One day my
root inode disappears off my / partition. I have a shoebox full of
Slackware floppies, which I was going to use to load a bootable system
onto a spare 100MB hard drive I had laying around. Of course most of my
floppies had developed format errors since the last time I'd used them.
Plus, at that time Slackware had uploaded a corrupt set of floppy images.

Some people I knew suggested I try Red Hat. Well, at the time the choices
for Red Hat seemed to be either to install from a CD (I had no cdrom
drive) or download the contents of the CD to a partition and install from

Debian, as I soon found out, has a single-disk installation program and a
five-disk installation set, which included ppp support and the ability to
install from a network connection. Everything past that point was just
icing on the proverbial cake.

On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, John L. Fjellstad wrote:

 I'm a current RedHat user (started with Linux on RedHat because
 it was available at Fry's), and I'm currently evaluating
 Debian for a possible switch.
 Can anyone come up with a list of advantages of using Debian
 Linux over Redhat Linux?
 I would also love to hear any the weaknesses Debian has compared
 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Quis custodiet ipsos custodes
 icq: thales @ 17755648
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Re: Starting/Stopping SCSI HD's

2000-07-29 Thread ferret

You want scsi-spin. I'd suggest getting it out of woody, in the scsitools
package. There's recently been a minor documentation fix done on it.

I use it from /etc/init.d/halt on my headless all-SCSI machine so I know
when I can turn it off even when I don't have serial console up. It's an
OEM drive out of a Sparc that sounds like a jet engine.

On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, Simon Hales wrote:

 Thanks for the quick reply, but unfortuately, no luck.  I have done
 hdparm -h and man hdparm (I already had it, it seems), but very many
 of the features of hdparm (including all that seem to be relevant to
 starting/stopping/putting to sleep hard disks) are for IDE disks
 ONLY.  These are hdparm -y, hdparm -Y, hdparm -s, [/dev/sdb] as far as I
 know, and when I try them, I get operation not supported on SCSI disks
 Simon Hales
 On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, C. Falconer wrote:
  hdparm can do this  I have memories of it being mentioned earlier
  try as root
   apt-get install hdparm
  to get it faster than using dselect.
  At 05:05 AM 7/28/00 +0100, you wrote:
  I have a Debian Slink 486DX4-100, with 1Gb IDE and 2GB SCSI II hard
  disks (hda and sda) partitioned and mounted on /, /usr, /home, /var, and
  I also have a 420Mb SCSI II hard disk (sdb) which has no fixed mount
  point, but which I am using to store stuff I don't access frequently, eg,
  moving downloaded *.deb files from /var/cache/apt/archives.
  I leave my box running Debian all the time, day+night, and the 1Gb IDE and
  2Gb SCSI disks are fairly modern, and very quiet, but this 420Mb disk
  consumes a fair amount of power, and sounds like a large aircraft taking
  off.  I have configured this drive to respond to the start/stop
  unit SCSI command, and configured the Host Adapter (PCI AHA 2940 fast
  SCSI II) to send the start unit command to this drive during system
  What I need to know now, is (how) can I send the start/stop unit command
  when Linux is running, so I can keep the thing spun down when is not
  mounted (which is most of the time), and only send the command to spin it
  up again when I need to mount it.  I know that you can do this in FreeBSD,
  (which I run on another PC), the command is
  camcontrol stop [channel:device-id:LUN] or
  camcontrol start [channel:device-id:LUN].  I presume there is also a way
  I can do this in Linux?  What packages (if any) will I need to add using
  Hope someone can help (and I can take out these earplugs :-)
  Simon Hales
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Re: current Redhat user evaluates Debian

2000-07-29 Thread ferret

On Sat, 29 Jul 2000, Ethan Benson wrote:

 On Sat, Jul 29, 2000 at 05:16:55PM -0700, John L. Fjellstad wrote:
   4. The organization of the file system in Debian is superior,
  I don't know, still getting used to it. What I really liked from 
  RedHat is that they moved all the startup files into a subdirectory
  of /etc/rc.d.  Debian (at least 2.1) is using the Solaris style,
  i.e. /etc/rc?.d
 like he said, Debian's filesystem organiazation is superior.
 /etc/rc.d/* sucks.  i very much prefer the saved typing when starting
 stopping services that debian has ie: /etc/init.d/foo stop instead of
 the unnecessarily verbose /etc/rc.d/init.d/foo stop

Perhaps you meant the symlink farm of /etc/rc?.d/[SK]??*

apt-get install file-rc will take care of all that for you. As the
administrator you edit /etc/runlevel.conf instead of making and deleting

Re: magicfilter trouble (was: apsfilter on Epson Stylus Color... Who can help?)

2000-07-23 Thread ferret


Here's /etc/printcap on this machine:
lp|esc660|Epson Stylus colour 660:\
:if=/etc/magicfilter/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:\

You also want to install everything that magicfilter 'suggests'; all the
converting programs that do the actual work aren't installed if you
'apt-get install' magicfilter.
You can find the names of the programs by grepping through the filter file
and checking the against the contents file. Or just run a pass through
dselect. ;)

On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, Andreas Hetzmannseder wrote:

  I have the SC 660, amd the magicfilter package works
  well with it.
 I would like to see your printcap entry. Mine looks like this:
 lp|esc600|Epson Stylus Color 600:\
 But right now the printer does *nothing at all* - not even error
 messages. I have checked /dev/lp1, so this can't be the problem
  The SC 600 is well supported. Magicfilter has 3 filters
  for it:
 Did you create the filters by yourself? I only found two corresponding
 driver entries: stylus_color_360dpi and stylus_color_720dpi (with
 magicfilter version 1.2-28).
 Please tell me, how you made it work, I'm really curious...
 Best regards,
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Re: Using Partition Magic with Debian

2000-07-23 Thread ferret

I used partition magic 4 when it first came out. It worked fairly well,
but I found that it would corrupt logical partitions made under linux
fdisk. Basically it would change the partition type of the extended
partition which would hide the logical partitions. And if I recall
re-setting the partition type did not work. Don't know if that's been
fixed or not.

On Sat, 22 Jul 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Has anyone used Partition Magic in order to resize partitions under Debian?
 The software claims to support resizing Linux EXT2 filesystems, etc, but will 
 trash my system if I do so?  I used Norton Ghost to image my system from a 
 gig drive to an 8.4 gig drive and it's working great so far, but I have all 
 this slack space I would like to assign to various partitions, /usr etc.
 So, has anyone done this sucessfully and/or have alternate methods that can
 be used to add slack space to existing partitions?
 Any suggestions would be appreiciated,
 This message was sent using Endymion MailMan.
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Re: cannot talk with AT modem

2000-07-23 Thread ferret


Try feeding the IO port and IRQ you see from lspci into setserial. Or try
building a 2.4.0-pre4 kernel, which has PCI serial support.

I've heard that some PCI hardware DSP modems might not even use an uart,
but I've never seen anything specific.

On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, Tomasz Barszczak wrote:

  Having the modem recognize the Hayes AT command language is not a reliable
  indicator.  Many winmodem drivers have an AT command interpreter to
  satisfy older programs.
 When I bought the modem I was assured it is not a winmodem
 (software modem) but a hardware modem.
 I also searched the web and it seems it is not a winmodem.
  According to the USRobitics web site, this is a PCI modem device; are you
  able to open the case on your computer to verify that?
 Yes it is a PCI modem, I am sure of this.
  The contents of the file /proc/pci will also tell us if this is a PCI
 I don't really understand output, but typing by hand what seems
 to be relevant:
 PCI devices found:
   Bus 0, device 11, function 0:
 Serial controller: Unknown vendor Unknown device (rev 1).
   Vendor id=12b9. Device id=1008.
   Medium devsel. IRQ 5.
   I/O at 0xd400
 There are 5 more devices:
   Multimedia audio controller, vendor 1274(Ensoniq) device 5800
   IDE interface, vendor 1022(AMD) device 7409
   ISA bridge, vendor 1022 device 7408
   PCI bridge, vendor 1022 device 7007
   Host bridge, vendor 1022 device 7006
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Re: apsfilter on Epson Stylus Color... Who can help?

2000-07-21 Thread ferret

My stepmother just got the SC 660. Unfortunately has only a 14.4k modem
connection. I'd guessed to use the [EMAIL PROTECTED] filer.

Color looks good with it?

BTW, have you heard anything about these printers burning out when
connected to an UPS?

On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, Tom Pfeifer wrote:

 I would also suggest giving magicfilter a try if you don't resolve your
 apsfilter problem. I have the SC 660, amd the magicfilter package works
 well with it. The SC 600 is well supported. Magicfilter has 3 filters
 for it:
 Andreas Hetzmannseder wrote:
  I've grown a long grey beard (no, not really :) ...) about the
  following problem: Attempting to print a simple text file with
  lpr filename on my Epson Stylus Color 600 produces a single line:
  Unknown device: escp2
  Then it prints the same sentence on new sheets of paper over and over
  again, so that I have to remove the paper to stop the printer.
  The standard printcap entry by apsfilter looks like this:
  lp|lp2|escp2-a4-auto-mono|escp2 auto mono:\
  The corresponding logfile tells me something like this:
  [Total: 1 page on 1 sheet]
  /usr/lib/apsfilter/filter/aps-escp2-a4-auto-mono: line 111:
  246 Broken pipe
 247 Done(1) | eval $PRINT_PS
  I made several troubleshooting checks:
  1. I created a simple printcap entry, which worked just fine. It looked
  like this:
  2. a2ps and rewindstdin seem to be correctly installed, although not in
  /usr/lib/apsfilter (the base directory) as proposed, but in
  /usr/lib/apsfilter/bin. To be sure, i copied the two files into the
  base directory, but the problem remained.
  3. Ghostscript (gs) is installed (as well as netpbm and two
  jpeg-libraries: libjpeg62 and libjpegg6a). gs resides in the /usr/bin
  directory, which is in the search path of as required.
  4. I even forced some debugging output, but I haven't learnt shell
  scripting yet, so I don't know what to make of it ... If someone is
  interested in this, I will post it.
  Have I forgotten something? Did I choose the wrong printer driver
  (escp2)? Do I need to install additional packages (like X, which I don't
  have at present)? Who has experience in using apsfilter on an Epson?
  Please, answer...
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Re: Using Netmeeting thought a Debian Firewall

2000-07-10 Thread ferret

Closed-source software unfortunately. :/ I've been looking for something
like it myself, but they have neither source nor a sparclinux build.

On Mon, 10 Jul 2000, Marc Dubrowski wrote:

 On Sun, 09 Jul 2000, Jay Kelly wrote:
  Will NetMeeting work thought a firewall or will I need to port
  the box to let it out. If I reme\mber right in the past I was able to
  send video out but not receive it for the other side. Anyone haveany
  ideas to fix this ? And what port will I need to open if this is the case ?
  Thanks Guys
  It feels so good, It's a marginal risk, when I clear off windows with fdisk 
  Powered by Debian GNU/Linux.
 Marc Dubrowski
 Kind of a Network Administrator   
 29 rue Vautier B-1040 Brussels, Belgium   
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Re: AWE64 making loud noise on bootup

2000-06-20 Thread ferret

AWE64 ISA works great with alsa, at least alsa 0.5.7 from Woody. I'm
actually running a sb16 AND the awe64 in the same computer. Only popping I
hear is from power on, but that's unfortunately normal. I'm not using
anything midi, though.

On Tue, 20 Jun 2000, Félix Almeida wrote:

 Paulo J. da Silva e Silva wrote:
  Same here with an AWE 64 value.
   Hi Paulo! How are you? It's good to hear from you again.
  It happens when I use sfxload do load the midi table to the card at start
  up. But this only happens at boot time, and not at very boot. The card works
  perfectly well afterthat. I have this problem for more than a year now, so I
  believe it goes back to the time I had kernel 2.0.xx in my machine.
  A possible solution (that I never tried) would be not to call sfxload at 
  time and call it by hand when you need to play midi. I don't remember
  hearing the noise if sfxload is called after the boot.
   Hmm... I don't think so. I do not load the sound driver at boot time
 and it makes this noise too. My sound driver is compiled as a kernel
 module that is loaded just when needed (I set the things up using those
 pre-install/post-install directives in /etc/modules-conf).
   Probably this noise is heard just at the first time the driver is
 loaded after turning on the system. No, I didn't any test at all, it is
 just a speculation. :-)
  Hey, could anyone explain (or point me to an explanation) what is  the main
  diference between ALSA and OSS sound drivers?
   I'm not sure, therefore I won't try to explain it, but I think that
 the ALSA project will prevail... Anyway, I use the OSS (but I bet that
 the AWE64 works with ALSA driver too).
 See you.
 Félix Almeida   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Debian is makeing errors when I have my CPU overcloked.

2000-06-20 Thread ferret

Interesting. I usually see more errors under Windows with overclocking
than I do linux. FE: system I'm rebuilding right now, AMD K6/450 with
100MHz bus. If I clock to 105MHz windows dies with VMM loading explorer.
Linux has yet to see a problem.

On Tue, 20 Jun 2000, Colin Watson wrote:

 1) When I have installed my debian (2.1r2) and reboot the computer,
 system load Linux in half - error: Kernel panic blablaabla,  inode
 table have corrupted...
 I need to say that in the first problem my CPU was overcloked to 366 (I
 now that tiz is not much ; ), so I thought that this might be fault of
 my mother board or cpu that debian is makeing errors. Then I start
 win`98 to find out, if my fathers files didn`t corrupted too, but win
 was working good. I don`t have any ideas what is wrong with my Debian.
 Linux makes more intensive use of the processor than Windows, in
 general, so it's likely to show up errors you might not encounter in
 Windows. Try clocking it back to its normal speed and see if that helps.
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Re: AWE64 making loud noise on bootup

2000-06-19 Thread ferret

I'm using alsa 0.5.7 (from Woody) and an awe64 on one of my machines. The
only problem I have like that is a pop when the computer powers on.

I have had problems with OSS emulation under 2.2.15 and 2.2.16 though, not
specific to that particular computer. I'd reccomend using the new alsa
packages if you aren't already, and trying kernel 2.2.14 if you have any
problems with OSS.

On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, Tom Lancaster wrote:

 IMHO, you're lucky to have that soundcard working at all. If it makes a
 loud noise during bootup, may I suggest cotton balls in the ears? ;-)
 No, really, congratulations on getting it to work. I gave up and just
 got a $20 ensonic. which works like a charm.
 Maciej Kalisiak, Maciej Kalisiak wrote:
  Has anyone experienced their AWE64 soundcard making a loud
  clash/crash/explosion noise during bootup?  Is there a fix?
  I'm using a mix of potato/woody, with a hand-rolled 2.2.16 kernel.  The
  problem was also present with previous kernels I think.
  Help!  It's going to give me a heart attach one of these mornings... :)
  Maciej Kalisiak | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
  PGP-finger|www; (0x39AC36F5) 9F BB 9E 11 F0 1E 5D 20  0B 31 3D 37 47 D0 67 
  GE/CS d- s++:+ a- C++(+++) ULAI++ P+++ L+++ E+++ W++ N- o? K? !w--- O- M- 
  PS PE+ Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 !X-- R+ tv-- b+ DI+ G+ e+++(*) h--- r+++ y?
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Re: whiteboard software?

2000-06-19 Thread ferret

There is something called CVW which was reccomended to me some time ago.
I've not actually used it, and I don't seem to have an URL for it any

On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, John Foster wrote:

 Michael A. Miller wrote:
  Can anyone recommend whiteboard software (for networked
  conferencing) that will work well on a Debian system?  How about
  in a mixed Debian/Mac/MS group?
 I seem to remember reading somewhere that Amaya has that capability,
 though I have never tried it. Best wishes!
 AdVance-Computing Systems
 We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
 We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
 We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!
 John Foster
 ICQ# 19460173
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problems configureing apcupsd as slave. Help?

2000-06-15 Thread ferret

I'm trying to configure apcupsd for master/slave operation on a local
network. i'm using the examples in /usr/doc(!)/apcupsd/examples/, and I
notice that when I follow the examples for master and slave setup both
machines pause for a few minutes, then error, usually with a message to
the efect of being unable to release shared memory.

Interestingly, after a couple stop/start cycles both machines are up and
running. Foo?

Re: non-contiguous vs Fragmentation

2000-06-14 Thread ferret

Also, if you happen to have a file larger than approx. 8MB (at least
with 2.0-compatible fs) it WILL be fragmented, because the inode tables
and block groups are laid out on the fs at 8MB intervals. Not sure what it
is on a fs made for the 2.2 kernel options.

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Peter S Galbraith wrote:

 Joe Smith wrote:
  I know Linux uses the ext2 filesystem which is supposed to be 
 It fragments when it has to (as opposed to `always' like
  during boot up, I see my hard drive is 9.7 % non - contiguous.  I'm not 
  what this means.
 I assume that 9.7% of the file space is fragmented.
  What then is the difference between non-contiguous and fragmentation?  
 Don't know.
 How can my hard drive be 9.7 % non-contiguous if 
  the ext2 filesystem is supposed to be anti-fragmenting?
 It's not _anti_ -fragmenting.  If your disk is getting full, it
 may start to get fragmented.
 Someone have the URL to the good/bad secretaries analogy?
  Is there a way to make my hard drive contiguous again?  I thought that 
  were no linux defragmenters.
 See the defrag package in section admin (I've never used it).
 Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
 P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
 6623'rd GNU/Linux user at the Counter - 
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Re: multiple monitors

2000-06-13 Thread ferret

I hear that we will have the support soon. It will be in Xfree86 4.0,
which I hear we will have when it becomes 4.01. It is also heavily
dependant on what vedio cards you have. I would reccomend checking on for information.

If you're interested in having text consoles on both monitors check out
the fbcon development list. Check out for that, and
keep in mind that there's a LOT more hardware dependancy right now and
heavy development. I'd actually reccomend NOT attempting fbdev on two
vedio cards (excepting if you have an old Hercules monochrome somewhere)
unless you want to help out heavily with testing.

Basically, wait about a month or whatever for xfree86 4.01 to be packaged.

On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, simon c wrote:

 dear sir / madam,
 i am currently a microsoft windows 98 user (not by choice!). i am currently 
 taking a-levels and when i go to university in september, it is most likely 
 that i will be switching to debian linux.
 i was just wondering whether i can use 2 monitors to create one extended 
 desktop. i know it is possible to do this in windows 98 - using windows' 
 multiple monitors feature. i was just wondering whether debian has this 
 feature too?
 i look forward to your reply.
 thank you.
 simon c.
 England, United Kingdom.
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Re: Driver for Lexmark Z11 Printer?

2000-05-31 Thread ferret

I hear the Z11 can supposedly handle Deskjet 500. I have a Dec Colorwriter
520ic which is hardware DJ 500 compatible, and I use magicfilter with the
dj500-filter. You could try it to see if it works.

If not, you might try contacting Lexmark and politely asking them to
disclose the Z11's command interface.

On Tue, 30 May 2000, Art Lemasters wrote:

 Has anyone written a linux driver for the Lexmark Z11

Re: Strange GPM behavior

2000-05-30 Thread ferret

I have this with XF86 4.0 (compiled locally) but not with 3.3.6 installed
from Potato. I'm using a Logitech multiprotocol ps2 mouse in ps2 mode.

On Sun, 28 May 2000, Craig McPherson wrote:

 Hmm, this is a new one.
 When GPM is running, the mouse will work in the console... but the mouse
 cursor in X freezes and won't move.  When I stop GPM, mouse access is
 lost in the console, and the X mouse cursor comes back to life.  I've
 never before seen GPM cause the mouse to stop working in X... what could
 cause this?
 The mouse is an old three-button Logitech-brand serial mouse.
 gpm.conf looks like this:
 append=-l \a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\
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Re: Does the VIA chipset work with Linux?

2000-05-30 Thread ferret

On Mon, 29 May 2000, Brian Stults wrote:

 Paul McHale wrote:
  I am interested in replacing my motherboard, but the current replacement
  available is based on the VIA chipset.  Does anyone have any experience with
  this chipset?

These are tricky to configure (Way too many jumpers IMO) and I recall
seeing about an 80-90% failure rate when they came out a bit over a year
ago. No idea how they are now, since I don't touch them anymore.

 VIA makes a lot of different chipsets.  Personally, I have been having
 very good results with FIC VA-503+ motherboards which use the the VIA
 MVP3 chipset.  I've used kernels from 2.0.36 to 2.2.15, all with no
 Brian J. Stults
 Doctoral Candidate
 Department of Sociology
 University at Albany - SUNY
 Phone: (518) 442-4652  Fax: (518) 442-4936
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Re: scsi disk question: u2w vs. uw

2000-05-24 Thread ferret

Not a driver bug. Western Digital's technical support spake thusly. Foo.
OTOH, a Tekram DC390U2W dual-channel would knock me back about $160.

Kernel config suggests this should be an NCR 8xx-based controller, so I'm
happy with that.

On Wed, 24 May 2000, Peter S Galbraith wrote:

 I'm not myself a SCSI expert. 
 I sought advice on what to buy (before I purchased my LVD drive)
 from the aic7xxx mailing list and was told specifically that I
 should buy an LVD drive to get more performance later on when if
 I get a new controller (perhaps with a new computer).  I was
 assured that it would work, and it did.
 Perhaps ask that list if yours should work too?  Might be a
 driver bug?
  Oh the other hand, my WDE 18310 SCA LVD drive won't talk to my Adaptec
  controller, or (when I tested it at work with a dual-channel drive) it
  worked on the LVD connector but not on the ultrawide connector (using a
  SCA adapter. I have been told that in general LVD drives will not work on
  normal controllers unless designed for it (and would be specified)
  On Tue, 23 May 2000, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
Isn't ultra2 usually LVD interface? If it is LVD you probably won't be
able to use it on the narrow channel. 
   Not true.
   My Seagate Barracuda ST39173LW is LVD and works fine on my 50 pin 
   2940U adapter (using to 68-to-50 pin adapter).

Re: linux usb modem support

2000-05-24 Thread ferret

Check out

On Wed, 24 May 2000, David C. Ables wrote:

 I'm a debian newbie stuck with an annoying winmodem, so I'm about to buy an
 external modem for my system. (the diamond supraexpress 56e has been
 recommended to me.)
 my question is whether linux supports usb modems. the hardware-howto only
 mentions serial and internal modems, and I know usb is just making its way
 into the linux kernel.
 I'd also be interested in modem recommendations. I'd like eventually to set
 up my linux box as a ppp server when I eventually get a cablemodem.
 David C. Ables
 3D Printing Lab
 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Re: scsi disk question: u2w vs. uw

2000-05-23 Thread ferret

Isn't ultra2 usually LVD interface? If it is LVD you probably won't be
able to use it on the narrow channel. If it isn't LVD, where do you find
these drives?

On Tue, 23 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 23 May 2000, John Gould wrote:
  Sorry, but this is rubbish! The SCSI controller will have no effect on the
  disk rotational velocity. However this is not what the poster asked! If
  you put an Ultra 2 wide on a non wide channel the transfers will be eight
  bits at a time instead of 16, i.e. half the speed, but it will work
  fine. Some cards like the AHA2940UW have a wide and a narrow channel, if
  the Ultra wide disk is put on the UW channel and the Ultra disk is on the
  standard channel there will be no effect on performance.
  HTH JohnG
 On a somewhat related note.. I have a 2940UW.  Can I use a 50 pin Ultra2
 drive on the 50 pin Narrow channel?  I know I wouldn't get U2 speeds, but
 the 50 pin narrow channel is all I have to use.  68 pin UW is too
 expensive and hard to find these days.  I can find 50 pin Ultra2
 18 gig drives for pretty cheap.  Thanks.
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Re: scsi disk question: u2w vs. uw

2000-05-23 Thread ferret

Oh the other hand, my WDE 18310 SCA LVD drive won't talk to my Adaptec
controller, or (when I tested it at work with a dual-channel drive) it
worked on the LVD connector but not on the ultrawide connector (using a
SCA adapter. I have been told that in general LVD drives will not work on
normal controllers unless designed for it (and would be specified)

On Tue, 23 May 2000, Peter S Galbraith wrote:

  Isn't ultra2 usually LVD interface? If it is LVD you probably won't be
  able to use it on the narrow channel. 
 Not true.
 My Seagate Barracuda ST39173LW is LVD and works fine on my 50 pin 
 2940U adapter (using to 68-to-50 pin adapter).
  (scsi0) Adaptec AHA-294X Ultra SCSI host adapter found at PCI 18/0 
  (scsi0) Narrow Channel, SCSI ID=7, 16/255 SCBs 
  scsi0 : Adaptec AHA274x/284x/294x (EISA/VLB/PCI-Fast SCSI) 5.1.11/3.2.4 
 Adaptec AHA-294X Ultra SCSI host adapter 
  scsi1 : SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices 
  scsi : 2 hosts. 
Vendor: COMPAQPC  Model: ST34371N  Rev: 0472 
Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02 
  Detected scsi disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 
  (scsi0:0:0:0) Synchronous at 20.0 Mbyte/sec, offset 15. 
Vendor: SEAGATE   Model: ST39173LW Rev: 6246 
Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02 
 Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
 P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
 6623'rd GNU/Linux user at the Counter - 

How to configure xfree86 for a monochrome/greyscale monitor?

2000-05-20 Thread ferret

I have a fixed-frequency greyscale monitor which I was finally able to get
to work after downloading the modelines from (very nice people)
I have a stable X display and all. However, I am having a few problems.

As this is a greyscale monitor (green signal) it only displays 256 out of
256 'colours', so using 16 or 24 bpp is pointless. However, the apps
running seem to think they have an 8-bit palette out of 24-bits of
possible colour, and I get netscape and xv switching contexts as they're
wont to do at 8-bit colordepth.

What I would like to know is how to make them stop. I think what would
have to happen is to force all apps to use a single greyscale palette. I
just haven't been able to find anything in the documentation for the X
servers and the XF86Config manpage except for setting the 'visual' to
'grayscale' in XF86Config, which seems to have no effect at all.

So what do I do?

Re: remapping M$ windows key to act as meta under console emacs (like X)

2000-05-17 Thread ferret

I had this set once before, but not in a while to be sure now..

I think you need to hack the console keymap to bind 'M$' to ALT.
But there's a little thing on console about ALT--META mapping.
I don't believe emacs will recognise META and ALT seperately on the
console. Could be wrong by now, though.

#include rants/console_mappings.text

On Mon, 15 May 2000, Britton wrote:

 I notice that under X, emacs now uses the little window key as a meta,
 while doing something totally other with Alt.  This is fine, but I like to
 use emacs from the console, and there Alt is still needed.  I don't think
 it's a good idea to have emacs requiring different keystrokes depending on
 where is is run.  Anyone know the best way to make things
 consistent?  Should this perhaps be changed in the package?
 Britton Kerin
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Re: Subject: LS-120 install

2000-05-13 Thread ferret

It's a lot more tricky. Basically with a compliant x86 system the BIOS
calls that access the FDC/FDD are translated into ATAPI calls so REAL-MODE
accesses work. This allows bootloaders such as syslinux to transparantly
boot floppy disks in one of these drives. I don't know how this happens in
detail, but it is the observed behaviour.

However, when the kernel takes control it looks specifically for an FDC
and checks in the BIOS data area to learn what physical devices are
registered there.

So basically why disk change doesn't work with LS-120 drives is that the
kernel recognises fd0 and fd1 only being legacy floppy devices.

This might change as part of devfs, but I really don't understand the
inner kernel or BIOS workings to be able to more than just guess.

On Thu, 4 May 2000, Thomas Crulli wrote:

 is this just an issue of having an option in the
 install script that specifies what device to use for
 the floppies or are there more tricky issues?
 --- Kenneth Scharf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I was trying to install debian (frozen) on my
  the other day but got stuckon the following. i have
  LS-120 drive (for superdisks which is backwards
  compatible with 1.44MB disks) which i was using to
  boot the install disk. the
  images i used were the ones from the idepci
  the system started booting, the image on the floppy
  started booting as well
  until it gave the following message:
Insert the root floppy disk to be loaded into
  RAM disk and press Enter.
  (or something like that)
  i tried pressing enter with the disk i had used to
  boot from since i believe
  that's all i needed (i was gonna do an harddrive
  install with base2_2.tgz on
  another linux partition). i even tried the driver
  just in case...
  nothing seemed to do it...
  Actually you need two floppy disk images (at least)
  the boot disk, and the root disk.  The boot disk has
  the kernel, the root disk has the rest of the system
  (includes the installer).
  However (someone correct me if I'm wrong) the disks
  were written to run on a real floppy NOT off an
  ide-floppy (which the ls120 is) and would probably
  at the point that you tried to insert the the root
  disk and hit return, it would never find the root
  since it was looking at /dev/fd0, not /dev/hdxx
  the ls120 is!  I have never managed to install of an
  ls120 so I still have a floppy in my
  computers.along with an ls120.
  I bet zip drives have the same problem.  OTOH
  off a cd rom drive DOES work
  am i doing something wrong with the disks i'm using
  is it a problem with the LS-120 support?
  thanks for any help,
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APM was: Re: New kernel (2.2.15), now keyboard/machine freezes often

2000-05-05 Thread ferret

On Fri, 5 May 2000, Wouter Hanegraaff wrote:

 On Thu, May 04, 2000 at 09:41:09AM +0930, Mark Phillips wrote:
   Do you have append apm=on in /etc/lilo.conf? some things changed about
   apm settings lately, IIRC.
   My workstation doesn't do power off on shutdown anymore without passing
   apm=power-off to the kernel on boot, for example. This is something that
   changed since 2.2.14.
  Where can I read about these options?
 I don't remember exactly, and browsing through the kernel documentation, I
 found that the apm=power-off should only apply to smp mobo's

And here I thought APM was disabled completely on SMP kernels with more
than one CPU. I so wish my dual socket 7 system would power itself off.

Re: Subject: LS-120 install

2000-05-04 Thread ferret

There's currently no superfloppy support in boot-floppies. I'm doing some
work on it, and I do have a working ls120 image you can use. There are a
couple problems with it on my machine at least, and you do have to
manually mount the disk. dbootstrap doesn't know how to see it yet.

I'll have it up on soon.

I'm hoping I can work it into boot-floppies CVS in the next month or two,
but at least it boots.

Oh yeah, you might be able to make it work by zcatting the image to a zip
disk's partition 4 in a pinch, but I haven't and won't try it.

On Thu, 4 May 2000, Kenneth Scharf wrote:

 I was trying to install debian (frozen) on my laptop
 the other day but got stuckon the following. i have a
 LS-120 drive (for superdisks which is backwards
 compatible with 1.44MB disks) which i was using to
 boot the install disk. the
 images i used were the ones from the idepci
 the system started booting, the image on the floppy
 started booting as well
 until it gave the following message:
   Insert the root floppy disk to be loaded into
 RAM disk and press Enter.
 (or something like that)
 i tried pressing enter with the disk i had used to
 boot from since i believe
 that's all i needed (i was gonna do an harddrive
 install with base2_2.tgz on
 another linux partition). i even tried the driver
 just in case...
 nothing seemed to do it...
 Actually you need two floppy disk images (at least)
 the boot disk, and the root disk.  The boot disk has
 the kernel, the root disk has the rest of the system
 (includes the installer).
 However (someone correct me if I'm wrong) the disks
 were written to run on a real floppy NOT off an
 ide-floppy (which the ls120 is) and would probably die
 at the point that you tried to insert the the root
 disk and hit return, it would never find the root disk
 since it was looking at /dev/fd0, not /dev/hdxx where
 the ls120 is!  I have never managed to install of an
 ls120 so I still have a floppy in my
 computers.along with an ls120.
 I bet zip drives have the same problem.  OTOH booting
 off a cd rom drive DOES work
 am i doing something wrong with the disks i'm using or
 is it a problem with the LS-120 support?
 thanks for any help,

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Charset: noconv


Re: Subject: LS-120 install

2000-05-04 Thread ferret

On Thu, 4 May 2000, Thomas Crulli wrote:

 i'm actually just trying to get good ol' 1.44 floppies
 to work with the LS120 drive. (which have been working
 great until now that i'm trying to install debian with

Won't work. The kernel ramdisk-from-floppy loader seems to be able to only
use the primary FDC from what I can tell (without actually verifying code)

You'll want to use an actual LS120 (or a 2.88MB floppy if you can still
get one of those and IF they'll even work in the LS120 drive. I've only
seen three of the things in my entire life)

 i almost got it to work by setting root=/dev/hdd but
 it then complained that it couldn't mount my root disk
 and that it couldn't find init (i think these were for
 different things i tried). i later tried to mount the
 root disk that i got from the idepci subdirectory of
 the frozen 1.44 disks but wouldn't work...
 are the root floppy images supposed to be ext2? i
 thought they were but the one i have doesn't seem to

The root images are supposed to be FAT, I think in part so the predominant
Intel OS can read them, but I know I'm missing most of the reasoning.

 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  There's currently no superfloppy support in
  boot-floppies. I'm doing some
  work on it, and I do have a working ls120 image
  you can use. There are a
  couple problems with it on my machine at least, and
  you do have to
  manually mount the disk. dbootstrap doesn't know how
  to see it yet.
  I'll have it up on soon.
  I'm hoping I can work it into boot-floppies CVS in
  the next month or two,
  but at least it boots.
  Oh yeah, you might be able to make it work by
  zcatting the image to a zip
  disk's partition 4 in a pinch, but I haven't and
  won't try it.
  On Thu, 4 May 2000, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
   I was trying to install debian (frozen) on my
   the other day but got stuckon the following. i
  have a
   LS-120 drive (for superdisks which is backwards
   compatible with 1.44MB disks) which i was using
   boot the install disk. the
   images i used were the ones from the idepci
   the system started booting, the image on the
   started booting as well
   until it gave the following message:
 Insert the root floppy disk to be loaded
   RAM disk and press Enter.
   (or something like that)
   i tried pressing enter with the disk i had used
   boot from since i believe
   that's all i needed (i was gonna do an harddrive
   install with base2_2.tgz on
   another linux partition). i even tried the driver
   just in case...
   nothing seemed to do it...
   Actually you need two floppy disk images (at
   the boot disk, and the root disk.  The boot disk
   the kernel, the root disk has the rest of the
   (includes the installer).
   However (someone correct me if I'm wrong) the
   were written to run on a real floppy NOT off an
   ide-floppy (which the ls120 is) and would probably
   at the point that you tried to insert the the root
   disk and hit return, it would never find the root
   since it was looking at /dev/fd0, not /dev/hdxx
   the ls120 is!  I have never managed to install of
   ls120 so I still have a floppy in my
   computers.along with an ls120.
   I bet zip drives have the same problem.  OTOH
   off a cd rom drive DOES work
   am i doing something wrong with the disks i'm
  using or
   is it a problem with the LS-120 support?
   thanks for any help,
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RE: OpenBSD Secure Shell

2000-04-21 Thread ferret

On Fri, 21 Apr 2000, Christian Pernegger wrote:

 It's already filed as a bug.
 ...# dpkg --pending --configure
 or something similar will fix everything (I think.)

I saw this on i386 today when doing an update (reason why they say don't
run frozen on critical systems. -- Hrmmph, the hardware is less stable)
I was doing the update through 'apt-get' over SSH when the daemon wouldn't
restart. Did the update again at the console and it was fine.


  -Original Message-
  From: Jim McCloskey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, April 21, 2000 12:57 AM
  Subject: OpenBSD Secure Shell
  When I did an upgrade against `froozen' today, the post-install script
  for OpenBSD Secure Shell hung. PS reports it as a zombie process. The
  last message to the console was:
  Unpacking replacement ssh ...
  Setting up ssh (1.2.3-2) ...
  Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd.
  The server was not started. (I had answered NO when asked if I wanted the
  server configured with the SUID bit set.)
  I was able to fix things (I think---haven't tried it much yet)
  by running dpkg --configure ssh ,
  Jim McCloskey
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RE: usb keyboard + mouse and xfree86

2000-04-10 Thread ferret

On Sun, 9 Apr 2000, Kendall Shaw wrote:

  From: Ron Rademaker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2000 2:53 AM
  USB is not supported in the 2.2.x kernels, however it is supported in the
  2.3.x (I don't know in any version, but the newer ones support usb). You
  should try a 2.3 kernel.
 I must have some magic 2.2.14 kernel then, because my usb keyboard works.
 I'm not sure how to test my usb mouse outside of X.

You might have BIOS legacy support turned on. This is a basic
keyboard-only driver (in a few cases, keyboard+ps2 mouse), that interprets
USB keyboard compliant with the USB boot protocol as a standard keyboard
in the super IO controller so the PC keyboard controller can use it.

There is also a backport of the 2.3 USB stack to 2.2.1x that has most
things in it (anything for parallel ports isn't, because of some changes
at the kernel level)

Try doing a web search for linux usb FAQ and looking for the backport.

 My question is about X. Is there a way to have my usb keyboard at least
 recognized by X? Will upgrading my kernel help me to get my keyboard and
 mouse recognized by X?
  On Sat, 8 Apr 2000, Kendall Shaw wrote:
   Do you think it's possible to use usb keyboard + mouse in xfree? The
   keyboard and mouse are unresponsive in XF86Config under 3.3.6.
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Re: cable modem and LAN

2000-03-30 Thread ferret

Fairly simple:

Make sure your internal network interface is on one of the private
networks. I usually use for the interface (192.168.1/24 is the
network) Make your kernel with the ipmasq options, install ipmasq
package, and restart with the new kernel. I'm assuming you're going to use
2.2.x kernel, 2.0.3x needs a couple patches, AFAIK.

Or you can try doing everything by hand. But I found ipmasq did it
better than I knew how at the time. :)

And you might want nice things on your server for the network: squid,
dhcp, DNS. And there is an ICQ helper patch for 2.2.1x ipmasq if you guys
happen to need it. Just websearch.

On Wed, 29 Mar 2000, matt garman wrote:

 I'm getting a cable modem installation this weekend (ATT @home).  In
 order to not pay for multiple IPs, my three roommates and I are setting up
 a home network.
 I plan to run the cablemodem into my Linux box to use it as the server.  I
 have two ethernet cards that are correctly recognized by Linux.  Now I'm
 not sure what else I need to do to get IP sharing working.  I know I need
 to recompile my kernel with the IP masquerading and some other options,
 but beyond that I'm not sure what software I need to setup (which config
 files to edit, etc).
 I got the home network mini howto, but it's assumes a redhat distribution,
 which apparently does configuration of these things a bit differently.
 Does anyone know of a step-by-step guide for setting up my network for
 I was just reading the interview with Korn in _Guitar_World_, and one of
  the guitarists said they don't play guitar solos because they've been
  done.  Well, I guess that's true if you stick with what's been done.
  But you have to look beyond that; there's a lot more left to say on the
  guitar.  -- Warren Haynes of Gov't Mule
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Re: XEmacs use 'Alt' as 'Meta'

2000-03-19 Thread ferret

I've been rather fighting the inconsistancies myself. I might get to
fixing up console someday.

Oh yeah, there's something called ICCCM which xemacs follows under X which
among other things describes  a method (IMO the Right Way)  to
consistantly read and interpret keypresses.

Basically (going from memory)

Apps like Enlightenment and gnome seem to assume that any key that
generates mod1 modifier is ALT
ICCCM apps like xemacs assume that the shift keys that generate ALT_L
and ALT_R with the same modifier bit, said bit not shared with any other
shift keys, is ALT.
Also assumes that the shift keys that generate META_L and META_R with a
dictinct modifier bit (doesn't matter exactly WHICH modifier bit) is META.

I mean, you can map SHIFT_L and SHIFT_R to use mod1 and Eterm will
suddenly decide that pressing SHIFT+R will be ALT-R.

People in general don't seem to care, at least not the last time I brought
up the subject. See the list archives and the bug system.

Heh, maybe I'll make a proposal in my spare time, if I could get at least
one official developer to back me. This is on my list of peeves.

Beiad Ian Q. Dalton

On 18 Mar 2000, Brian May wrote:

  Sean == Sean 'Shaleh' Perry [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Sean On 16-Mar-2000 Joseph A. Martin wrote:
  Hello, I feel like this should be a simple thing to do, but I
  haven't been able to figure it out so far. I want XEmacs to my
  Left Alt key as the Meta key. It works like that when I am
  running XEmacs from the console. However, if I run XEmacs from
  XWindows ESC is my meta key and Left-Alt is not recognized by
  XEmacs. What do I need to change to have XEmacs in XWindows use
  Left-Alt as the Meta key?
 Sean if you have one, the windows key is bound as meta.
 Is it possible to use the windows key as meta in XEmacs for text mode
 sessions? I don't like this inconsistency... Some combinations work,
 others don't. Tested:
 text mode console: alt -- meta
 gnome-terminal:alt -- meta
 xterm: windows -- meta
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Re: gpm config for Logitech MouseMan+ PS/2

2000-03-19 Thread ferret

On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:

  What is the correct gpm configuration for a Logitech MouseMan+ PS/2
  three-button wheel mouse ? I keep getting the following message in my
 _possibly_ the right config may be imps (IntelliMousePS/2) - but that's
 just an idea ...

From experience in my shop: imps2 works with the retail Mman+ mice (the
logitech logo on top) but not with the OEM Mman+ mice (the mouse drawing
on top), and I think it's been posted before.

Re: PCI BIOS problems

2000-02-18 Thread ferret

On Thu, 17 Feb 2000, Jonathan Heaney wrote:

 Phil Brutsche wrote:
  If the ethernet card gets a 255 IRQ, then it's possible that you need to
  change the setting that looks something like PnP OS (that's how it
  appears on my computer) to None or No.  Setting PnP OS to On or
  Yes only makes sense with Win95 and it's derivatives.  You can also try
  the card in another PCI slot.
 This isn't the case Phil.  PnP OS setting only affects ISA PnP cards, so this 
 has nothing to do with that.

My Spacewalker boards (Intel 430TX, Award BIOS, K6 CPUs) assign PCI
interrupts differently between PnP (yes|no). I seem to remember having PnP
no (necessary to get an opti 931's IDE interface to be seen) also made
EVERY device on the IDE bus use irq 11: video, USB, network, and SCSI.

 How it operates - if set to 'no', bios attempts to configure ISA PnP cards 
 it assumes your OS can't).  Bioses in general aren't very good at this, esp. 
 something like an Awe32 / 64 - a fairly common piece of hardware.  If it's 
 set to
 'yes', bios thinks your OS is capable of handling ISA pnp cards, therefore it 
 As far as Linux goes, Debian like most dists uses isapnptools to configure
 ISA PnP cards for you which e.g. has a well documented solution for Awe 
 problem, it
 is essentially a PnP OS as far as the PnP OS Installed? line in bioses goes.
 I know it isn't strictly PnP (yet) but bios only cares about configuration of
 ISA PnP cards.
 So for Linux w/ isapnptools correctly set up, PnP OS Installed should most
 definitely be Yes.  When I set it to No, my Awe64 stops being seen by 
 Linux, the
 bios can't configure it correctly and isapnptools won't work - so the card 


2000-02-18 Thread ferret

On Fri, 18 Feb 2000, Sean Johnson wrote:

 Phil Brutsche wrote:
  it's one of two ways Linux can use Intel-based SMP systems (the other is
  IO-APIC used on PIIs on up, and maybe PPros).
 Seems to be on the PPros too
 Intel MultiProcessor Specification v1.1
 Virtual Wire compatibility mode.
 OEM ID: OEM0 Product ID: PROD APIC at: 0xFEE0
 Processor #0 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
 Processor #1 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
 I/O APIC #2 Version 17 at 0xFEC0.
 Processors: 2
 mapped APIC to e000 (fee0)
 mapped IOAPIC to d000 (fec0)
 ... the above being snipped from my dmesg

I seem to remember seeing an I/O APIC on my dual P133 system, but I can't
say for sure since it got sent back due to the glue chip for the secondady
CPU going bad. Instant reboot whenever anything tried to initialise it.


2000-02-10 Thread ferret

Last I was browsing (looking for tech info on an OEM sound
card ALSA doesn't like) I blundered into a CVS repository of a driver for
their Dxr2 decoder kit. It's at, and it looks
fairly spiffy from what I know about DVD (nothing).

On Wed, 9 Feb 2000, aphro wrote:

 On Wed, 9 Feb 2000, David Wiard wrote:
 dave I can get a DVD player pretty cheap.  Is there any point in doing so 
 dave all my machines run non-Winblows?  I don't keep up with the DVD camp, so
 dave could those of you that do enlighten me?
 xmovie, see claims to be able to play DVDs.  the source
 is available but only the binaries have the encryption code in it.  i dont
 know if it uses decss(?) or not, if its not available lemme know i can
 send it to u.  available in glibc2.1 only i believe.  it crashed on both
 my debian 2.1 systems but ran ok on my mandrake system(dont have a dvd to
 test but the program loaded)
 i emailed the author about a binary for glibc2.0 but he hasnt replied
 yet(~3 weeks ago)
 btw this is a software-only decoder i believe, you need a powerful(really
 powerful) machine to run it on, say 450-500mhz or better.  it is
 multithreaded so dual cpus really scream according to the www page. he
 tested it on a dual celeron 500 i think(i run dual celeron 466)
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Re: ARGH! Frozen is back....

2000-02-10 Thread ferret

On Wed, 9 Feb 2000, Mike Werner wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 05:20:46PM -0700, Gary Hennigan wrote:
  Mike Werner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Why not just point apt at the *name* of the release that you want?
   deb potato main contrib non-free
   deb potato/non-US main contrib 
   This way you don't have to worry about it.
  I assume this works fine now, with apt, because I've seen a couple of
  people recommend it, but there used to be a problem with this method
  because the Packages file referred to the the status release name,
  eg., stable, frozen, unstable, rather than the name. I know the
  Packages file still does this, eg.,
  Package: 3dchess
  Filename: dists/frozen/main/binary-i386/games/3dchess_0.8.1-4.deb
  but perhaps apt-get can figure it out? Maybe the trouble I
  experienced came before the apt-get days?

I've been following Potato as potato on my i386 development system and
haven't seen problems with potato versus unstable/frozen. Except: I had to
manually adjust symlinks on my local apt-cache for apt-move and apache to
be happy. I THINK that little problem might be fixed with the current
apt-move, though I haven't bothered to check yet. Have to do that before
Potato goes stable, though.

 That I do not know, as I only recently switched to Debian (to be
 slightly more specific it was right after Slink became available
 on CD from the usual vendors - LinuxMall / CheapBytes as in).  What
 I do know is the the two lines I quoted are the only active lines
 in my /etc/apt/sources.conf (IOW all other lines are comments) and
 it works just fine.
 When I first started with Debian, I did use dselect some.  But since
 discovering apt I've not even touched dselect once.  Definite kudos
 to the folks that developed / maintain apt.
 Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
 ICQ# 12934898 |  As far from Redmond as possible!
 '91 GS500E|
 Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Re: `unable to open console' afteinstall on Dell Optiplex GX1

2000-02-08 Thread ferret

I couldn't install slink at all on my Optiplex DGX. The machine locked
completely during the ramdisk image load. I bootstrapped the CD installer
from a DOS boot disk. Maybe the Potato boot floppies would work better for

On Tue, 8 Feb 2000, Peter S Galbraith wrote:

 I'm trying to install slink on Dell Optiplex GX1.  Strangely,
 during initial installation I was not able to install LILO or
 even a kernel on a floppy, getting failure messages for each.
 I created a boot floppy and unpacking resc1440.bin unto another
 floppy, copying `linux' (the kernel) to disk and then dd'ing it
 to the floppy again.  Lastly, I rdev'ed the floppy to set the
 root partition as /dev/hdb2.  This floopy boots okay until the
 end where I get the error `unable to open console' and then it
 hangs there.
 Any hints?  Booting the rescue CD again, I see that /dev/console
 does exist on /dev/hdb2 (my initial guess).
 Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
 P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
 6623'rd GNU/Linux user at the Counter - 
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Re: HELP: FTP through squid proxy wants to get ENTIRE area under /

2000-02-06 Thread ferret

Actually, the point was that when proxied, wget decends through the
parents, and when not proxied it doesn't. I'm suspecting something to do
with squid, but I'm not sure what I should look for, since I don't know
HOW wget decides where to recurse.

On Sun, 6 Feb 2000, Junichi Uekawa wrote:

 On Fri, 4 Feb 2000 17:27:00 -0800 (PST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] was crying out 
 from somewhere
   about: HELP: FTP through squid proxy wants to get ENTIRE area under /
 You should try
 wget -r --no-parent ftp://.
 Junichi Uekawa, a.k.a. dancer
  a member of the Dept. of Knowledge Engineering and Computer Science 
Doshisha University.
 ... Trying to run Debian and trying to maintain it.
 ferret It didn't do this to me with the previous set of images, but this go
 ferret around I'm getting stuff outside the tree I specify:
 ferret # wget -r
 ferret # du
 ferret 912 ./
 ferret 3   ./
 ferret 4   ./
 ferret 18  ./
 ferret 48580   ./
 ferret 2   ./
 ferret 2   ./
 ferret 2   ./
 ferret I did move my proxy and modem to a different machine, but I copied
 ferret /etc/squid.conf right over and initialised it, so that shouldn't be 
 ferret Suggestions?

RE: Socket 7 question

2000-02-06 Thread ferret

There's a Dual-slot 1 board I've seen at work from Intel that has
integrated everything, and I'm pretty sure the video is supported. This
board has seperate video memory instead of shared, if I remember right.

Er, speaking of integrated boards, what's a sound modem slot? I've seen
them on Soltek boards.

On Sun, 6 Feb 2000, Jean Pierre LeJacq wrote:

 On Sat, 5 Feb 2000, John Krueger wrote:
  From personal experience with that particular board, I highly recommend
  spending a few extra dollars and purchase a different motherboard, sound and
  video card.  The PC100 boards use the SiS5xx series chipset, with SiS530
  video and a more or less generic sound codec.  These boards are difficult to
  Again, I hold absolutely no reservation in recommending that you don't
  purchase this particular board.  You will save some money with this board,
  but the money saved will not be worth the setup fun you will have.
 I've been search for a motherboard with integrated video, sound,
 and ethernet to use as a diskless workstations with Debian.  Can
 anyone recommend a particular board?
 I'm also looking for small case/power-supply on the order of the
 netwinder size.  Any ideas here?
 Jean Pierre
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RE: Socket 7 question

2000-02-06 Thread ferret

On Sun, 6 Feb 2000, Phil Brutsche wrote:

 A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
  I've been search for a motherboard with integrated video, sound,
  and ethernet to use as a diskless workstations with Debian.  Can
  anyone recommend a particular board?
 Not right off hand - all the decent motherboards I know of don't have most
 of that stuff integrated.
  I'm also looking for small case/power-supply on the order of the
  netwinder size.  Any ideas here?
 Are you aware of how small a netwinder is?  There aren't any socket 7
 motherboard/case combinations that are that size.

Heh. I had one of DEC's example set-top boxes about a year ago. Nice
little puppy with a bracket for some kind of IDE device, probably a zip or
LS120. It was about the size of the box my last set of network cards came

 Phil Brutsche [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
 universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein
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HELP: FTP through squid proxy wants to get ENTIRE area under /

2000-02-05 Thread ferret

It didn't do this to me with the previous set of images, but this go
around I'm getting stuff outside the tree I specify:

# wget -r

# du

912 ./
3   ./
4   ./
18  ./
48580   ./
2   ./
2   ./
2   ./

I did move my proxy and modem to a different machine, but I copied
/etc/squid.conf right over and initialised it, so that shouldn't be it.


-- Ferret

Re: Someone must know sparc debain

2000-02-03 Thread ferret

I always used kernel-package to build my sparc kernels. No problems.
Unfortunately I have an IPX, so it's rather slow on the build. I also had
to blank out the hard drive (doing Potato boot floppy tests) and for some
reason I can't get my NFSroot mounted. And I can't get the cross-compiler
to compile. :/ But compiling on Sparc should be fine.

On Thu, 3 Feb 2000, Aaron Solochek wrote:

 This is a pain.  I compiled 2.2.13, and the first time silo complained
 that there wasn't enough room when I tried to boot that image.  So
 I built a new one with less bloat (although its still like 2.3meg I
 think) and now it says it can't find an execuatble portion of the ELF
 image, or somthing along those lines.  What is necessary to do this
 correctly.  Here is what I'm doing now.  make menuconfig, make dep, make
 clean, make boot, copy /usr/src/linux/arch/sparc/boot/vmlinux.o
 /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.13, ln vmlinuz-2.2.13 /vmlinuz, silo, reboot
 Also, where are the config files for X?  XF86config is a broken link,
 there is no XFsparcconfig or something like that.  I want to adjust my
 resolution, color depth, font search order... Are these display options
 even changable on a sparc 5?  I think I have 8mb of memory on the
 framebuffer card, so it seems decent.  Anyways, I'm lost, is there a
 good source for this sort of info?  The debian page seems less than
 -Aaron Solochek
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Re: problem writing CDs

2000-01-30 Thread ferret

Did you change blank type?

Could be software. Did you update cdrecord between it writing and it not

Could still be hardware. Mine was. :/ The cheap Memorex green/silver
noname blanks flaked apart in my drive and shot the write laser. I sent it
back for repair, and now it no longer recognises those blanks. ;P

On 30 Jan 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I used to write CDs with cdrecord without problem;
 but now almost every time I try to write a CD
 it ends with a SCSI error:
 cdrecord: Input/output error. close track/session: scsi sendcmd: retryable 
 CDB:  5B 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
 Sense Bytes: F0 00 05 00 00 00 00 28 00 07 F3 17 2C 04 00 00
 Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
 Sense Code: 0x2C Qual 0x04 (current program area is empty) Fru 0x0
 Sense flags: Blk 0 (valid) 
 cmd finished after 0.016s timeout 480s
 I haven't changed anything to the hardware; 
 I am using potato on a Celeron 333;
 do you think it's a hardware error? 
 thanks for helping
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Re: x11amp/xmms

2000-01-23 Thread ferret

On Sat, 22 Jan 2000, Philip Lehman wrote:

 On Sat, 22 Jan 2000, Wakko Warner wrote:
 I just have one problem with xmms.  I can't find the skin from x11amp which
 is what's keeping me from upgrading the one copy I have on my machine (I
 don't like the default skin and I've yet to find one I like other than the
 x11amp one). Does anyone happen have it or know anyone who has it?  I'd love
 to get a copy.
 Hint: XMMS supports winamp 1.x and 2.x skins. There are serveral
 hundred skins available for download at, I'm sure
 you'll find something that makes you upgrade ;)

Can anyone verify if winamp skins work or not under non-i386 arches?
Just curious.

Re: vt220 or higher and 8 bit terminal with latin-1

2000-01-23 Thread ferret

On Sat, 22 Jan 2000, Hans Ekbrand wrote:

 I have problems with this: Conex7.5 on the DOS-side of the null-modem cabel
 and getty 38400 vt220 in /etc/inittab
 The problem is that ascii characters in the 160-255 range is displayed
 alright, but I can't type them from the terminal(emulator). I don't think
 conex is the problem, but everything worked alright when I used Telix3.5 and
 8 bit vt102 emulation. (I thought 8-bit emulation was implemented firstly
 with the vt220, but debian did 8 bit with vt102, conex only does 8-bit 
 emulation in vt220 and higher). I'd
 rather not use Telix as it is very slow on my XT-laptop.
 Anyone got vt220 or higher working with 8-bit terminals? How do I set it up?

Would you know if any of these terminal emulators could also handle UTF-8
or full Unicode for input and display?

I'm considering hacking the console UTF-8 support (IF I can find the
package again) to work over serial link and possibly switch between
vt102/UTF-8/Unicode, and I'm hoping there's some prior art someone happens
to know about.

gpm repeating Intellimouse protocol?

2000-01-19 Thread ferret

Has anyone gotten gpm to repeat in Intellimouse protocol for X? I'm trying
to get my wheel mouse (logitech forst mouse+ serial) to work with wheel
events alongside my USB generic 3-button.

According to
Zephaniah E. Hull (GPM's maintainer) says that the gpm in Potato (which my
machine is running) will repeat into ms3 protocol. Unfortunately, when I
set up X to use protocol IntelliMouse with device /dev/gpmdata I get the
classic `pointer stays in top left corner and acts jumpy' behaviour. X
works with MouseSystems protocol even when gpm is (supposedly) repeating
in ms3 protocol. (gpm -t ms3 -R ms3). gpm repeating in raw mode didn't
seem to work with ANY X mouse protocol I tried.

Looks like a bug somewhere, but is it that potato's gpm is supposed to
repeat intellimouse but doesn't, or is it a bug in my setup? 

Re: fdformat?

2000-01-17 Thread ferret

Your machine isn't a Sparc, is it?

On Sat, 15 Jan 2000, Wayne wrote:

 I'm trying to excute fdformat. No matter what I enter I get the
 following error message:
 floppy drive state
 now=13142098 last interrupt=13142098 last called handler=c0182f4c
 timeout_message=floppy starts:
 last results at 13101664
 last redo_fd_request at 13101664
 floppy: floppy timeout called
 ioctl(FDFMTTRK) I/O error
 ___ end of error message 
 the command I entered was:  fdformat /dev/fd0H1440
 I should point out that I'm using REDHAT. The system I'm going to is
 I'm trying to copy some files off of my old system.
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Re: Single quote keyboard chars

2000-01-12 Thread ferret

I had this happening back when I was running Hamm and Slink was a few
months from release. At the time I had a spiffy black keyboard with a DIN5
(matching my machine) and has just purchased an offwhite `multimedia'
keyboard. I found the black keyboard worked fine and the offwhite
generated random spurious backquotes. Interestingly enough I haven't seen
them for a number of years. I still have the mobo and CPU from that
machine (though in a different case) and the same offwhite keyboard, which
I'm using right now, actually. I'm also running a Belkin fourport CVM

I'm pretty sure it's mostly hardware-related, at least in my case.

You might try excorcising the keyboard cable. ; (it might work just as
well as anything else)

On Tue, 11 Jan 2000, Randy Edwards wrote:

I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing this problem with the
 latest potato.
I get random, occasional single quote characters (`) which appear in what
 apps I happen to be using.  This occurs on several different machines.  The
 keyboards themselves are clone MS Natural and/or Dell keyboards.  I work
 primarily in X, which is where I notice it.  This phenomenon seems to happen
 with many different apps (everything from E-Term to Netscape).
Has anyone else noticed something similar?  And if so, any way to get rid
 of it?  TIA.
  Regards,| Why would anyone want to run an operating
  .   | system that is open source and is developed
  Randy   | by hundreds of hackers worldwide? Find out
  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | why at
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Re: ANN: initial sparc potato boot floppies ready for testing

2000-01-08 Thread ferret

On Sat, 8 Jan 2000, Ben Collins wrote:

[dbootstrap display on serial console vs `linux' console.
 It already does. The standard dialog is through newt (I think). Depending
 on the TERM, it uses color and/or extended ansi to create dialog boxes and
 such. Being that you are from a dumb terminal, it chooses the least common
 denominator, which is simple text based dialogs.

|# echo $TERM

Doesn't look like it knows I'm on a `dumb' terminal.

[more stuff snipped]
  It might have been a permission problem. I noticed that the sun4*
  directories were empty save for `index.html' (I ran wget on the base
  directory) I'm getting those right now then trying the http fetch from my
  local server. Oookay. wget isn't properly getting..
 More than likely it was because you caught me in the middle of unpacking
 the stuff :)


  And I find that the `network' installer method can't resolv hostnames(!)
  |nf_http_fetchfile :: couldn't be
  |resolved, Host name lookup failure (errno=2).
  Funny thing is, I can shell out and resolve hostnames.
  |# ping
  | is alive!
 Odd...well the http method is still being developed, so I guess we will
 see how it goes.

H. I can't try an NFSroot install because NFS doesn't want to mount,
and I still don't know WTF is up with floppy support. Slink's dbootstrap
can read the floppies I feed it, but I can't seem to read them after I
boot the installed system.

Do you know of a way I can mount ext2fs under NetBSD?

Re: No, irssi, I don't want a GNOME panel

2000-01-08 Thread ferret

On Sat, 8 Jan 2000, Colin Watson wrote:

 According to bug #53088, support for the GNOME panel was recently added
 to irssi (in potato). Now, I use a window manager which I believe is
 GNOME-aware (fvwm2), but I don't use the GNOME panel. I upgraded irssi

Hmmm. gnome's pager applet says fvwm2 isn't gnome-aware here.

 tonight, and now when I start it it fires up the GNOME panel and fails
 to actually display anything in its own main window. You can see what
 I'm talking about at
 I'm reluctant to report this immediately as a bug because my
 configuration might be broken in some way. The GNOME panel's pretty and
 all that, though, but I'd rather not have to use it just to use a GNOME
 IRC client. I'd be interested to hear from anyone who's had similar

Possible date problem in nntpcache?

2000-01-05 Thread ferret

This just started happening today after a service restart:
501 yymmdd hhmmss [GMT] [distributions]

which is aparantly returned after a `newnews' command from trn.
Setting `NNTPSERVER' to my ISP's news server has no problem. A manual
connection to port 119 reveals my ISP's server to use a four-digit year in
the date field.

Sure looks like a date problem on nntpcache's part, but I'm wondering why
it chose now to start acting up.. I run on a slow dialup link, and I bring
the proxy up and down usually several times each day to keep bandwidth.

Could anyone shed some light on what might be going on here?

-- Ferret no baka

Re: Problem with ncurses since 01/02/2000 apt-get dist-upgrade

2000-01-05 Thread ferret

I just had this problem a couple hours ago, actually, on my Potato box.
I'm not sure what happened to break it (was working fine just a few days
ago) but a purge of all *curses*-dev packages and then a reinstall of
libncurses5-dev did the trick. Also let me remove a couple `legacy'

BTW, WTH does bash depend on the ncurses in `oldlibs'?

On Wed, 5 Jan 2000, John Pearson wrote:

 On Tue, Jan 04, 2000 at 12:28:01AM -0500, Todd Suess wrote
  I recently did a apt-get dist-upgrade on Jan 2nd, which updated ncurses to
  version 5.0.   I didn't notice any problems at first, but I went to build a
  custom version of Nethack and noticed that it failed to compile with curses
  errors.  In examining the directorys, I found the following.  During the 
  to curses5 all these links were changed in my /usr/include directory.
  lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   11 Jan  2 20:54 curses.h - 
  lrwxrwxrwx1 root root8 Jan  2 20:54 eti.h - ../eti.h
  lrwxrwxrwx1 root root9 Jan  2 20:54 form.h - ../form.h
  lrwxrwxrwx1 root root9 Jan  2 20:54 menu.h - ../menu.h
  lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   12 Jan  2 20:54 ncurses.h - 
  lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   10 Jan  2 20:54 panel.h - 
  lrwxrwxrwx1 root root9 Jan  2 20:54 term.h - ../term.h 
  lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   12 Jan  2 20:54 termcap.h - 
  lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   11 Jan  2 20:54 unctrl.h - 
  All of these are broken symlinks, and with a little furthur testing I have
  confirmed that no program that requires curses will now build sucessfully 
  on my
  potato system.   Has anyone else ran into this problem, and is there a
  suggested fix?  With so many programs using curses now days, this seems to 
  a serious problem.
 Disclaimer: I'm running slink, and have never used the potato ncurses.
 In slink, /usr/include/ncurses is a symlink to '.'; if this is a 
 real directory in the ncurses5 package and that package installs links
 to ../*.h in /usr/include/ncurses, you may get something like you
 If you're feeling brave, try:
  # rm /usr/include/ncurses
  # dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/ncurses5-dev*.deb
 Good luck,
 John P.
 Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark
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Re: alt key in jed under X

2000-01-02 Thread ferret

Try using your `meta' key instead. That's the left window key if you have
them. It turns out most X apps don't agree on metashift (meta, alt, hyper,
super) behaviour. FI E uses (the key that sets mod_1) for ALT, while xterm
uses (the key that sets mod_4).. if I recall correctly. and Lucid (X)
emacs uses (the key(s) with a mod bit set and ALT keysym) for ALT and (the
key(s) with a mod bit set and META keysym) for META.

And under console, ALT and META mean the same thing. I had a discussion in
the bugtraq with enlightenment's maintainer about the lack of consistancy.

Probably only two things to do:
0) put up with it.
1) push for partial ICCCM compliance in policy

Taken from xemacs:
(2) (key-mapping/warning) 
Two distinct modifier keys (such as Meta and Hyper) cannot
generate the same modifier bit, because Emacs won't be able to
tell which modifier was actually held down when some other key is
pressed. It won't be able to tell Meta-x and Hyper-x apart,
for example. Change one of these keys to use some other modifier
bit.  If you intend for these keys to have the same behavior, then
change them to have the same keysym as well as the same modifier

(3) (key-mapping/warning) 
The meanings of the modifier bits Mod1 through Mod5 are determined
by the keysyms used to control those bits.  Mod1 does NOT always
mean Meta, although some non-ICCCM-compliant programs assume that.

We probably also need more modifier bits. I wonder if xfree86 4 will have
any differences.

-- Ferret no baka

On Sun, 2 Jan 2000, matt garman wrote:

 I use jed with emacs keybindings as my editor.  Often, I need to use the
 Alt key, but it doesn't take when I'm in X.  I know I can use the Esc
 key to get the same functionality, but I'd rather not (then I might as
 well use vi if I have to reach for the Esc key all the time :).  The Alt
 key works as expected on the console.
 And through the window in the wall
  Come streaming in on sunlight wings
  A million bright ambassadors of morning. 
   --Pink Floyd, Echoes
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

reccomendations for a multi-interface NIC?

1999-12-30 Thread ferret

I'm hoping someone can reccomend a good and hopefully fairly inexpensive
2-interface 10/100 ethernet NIC that plays nice with Linux. I've taken a
look at one of Intel's boards (known to work with recent Tulip drivers but
running about $300 at I'm also looking at D-link-s fourport
card, and trying to find out what else is out there? The card is destined
for a medium-use server machine that needs a second interface but doesn't
have a free PCI slot.

Alternately, I could press my Sparc into use if I could find an sbus 10 or
10/100 NIC that will play nice.

-- Ferret no baka

Re: Modem does not work

1999-12-17 Thread ferret

On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Pedro Quaresma de Almeida wrote:

 Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1999 15:30:16 GMT
 From: Pedro Quaresma de Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1999 11:33:23 -0800 (PST)
 On Sat, 11 Dec 1999, dyer wrote:
 I have compiled the 2.3.31 Kernel and now I have
 $ cat /proc/pci
 Communication controller: Rockwell International HCF 56k V90 FaxModem 
 (rev 1).
   IRQ 10.
   Master Capable.  Latency=64.  
   Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe900 [0xe900].
   I/O at 0xe800 [0xe807].
 This means (Rockwell International HCF) that I have bought another
 Winmodem ??? :(

Basically. I'm not sure what all the codes mean, but in general Rockwell

(going from memory here) I think there are two types of PCI winmodems -
those that run the DSP code in a vxd under windows, and those that upload
a firmware image into memory on the modem itself. The second could easily
be supported by a kernel-mode or user-mode firmware uploader *if* the
chipset vendor and/or modem vendor would release protocol info and a
firmware image. Likely the protocol info would be in the chipset's

And now I make a semi-educated guess:
HSP==Host Signal Processor (classical winmodem)
HCF==Host-Controlled Firmware (hardware modem that requires a firmware

Last I looked, I don't think either of these are defined or explained on
Grommit's winmodem page. Could someone correct or verify what I just said?

-- Ferret no baka

Re: Using 3com modem Independent Mode (without Windows)

1999-12-17 Thread ferret

On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Alberto Bigazzi wrote:

 Thanks everybody for your answers. 
 The end of it is that now I know that there exist at least two programs,
 KMsgModem and mepl (see also,
 and some hack to get my 3Com modem use Independent mode under Linux. 
 Being the 'technical' issue now solved, I've been left with some 
 doubts about their (3Com) policy, and about their view of customer
 What follow are just some comments that might be inappropriate
 to post in this 'technical' mailing list. I apologise to you if 
 that would be the case. Or just skip them.

Talked with the two major computer shops in town this week. Both of them
stopped carrying 3com/USR products due to the support issues, and one (the
one I purchased my Sportster from secondhand) appears to have a policy of
reccomending another brand of modem if a customer asks about ordering a
USR modem.

Oh, and I recently was able to `borrow' a windows 98 machine. I pointed
3com's update wizzard at my Linux machine through a null-modem cable and
scripted a modem emulator together that allowed me to download a windows
executable containing the firmware update. Unfortunately I had been
getting serial overruns during the `modem update' and have not been able
to obtain an uncorrupted image file. BTW, minicom and expect work great on
it, and I know it is possible (in fact easy) to update the modem from any
OS, provided 3com would admit to it and offer the firmware image for

The only reason I can think of for them not to offer the image for
download under a `free' or UNIX OS is that they SELL a firmware upgrade
for their 33.6 modems that bring them up to v.90, and I'd bet my Sparc
that it's the exact same binary image as the one I need, or close enough
not to matter.

I'm beginning to grow an idea, assuming that enough of us who have
actually considered or use a 3com/USR product write a letter to the
company asking for support and explaining why they would lose our business
if they don't provide the support. If we want to do so, probably we should
develop a boilerplate letter to use that would be politely and firmly
worded. I also suggest if we're going to do something like this we should
take it off the list, maybe set up a temporary list for the traffic or

Perhaps then they'll listen.

-- Ferret no baka


I used to reccomend USR to everyone who asked me. AFAICT they went
downhill only after their acquisition by 3com.

 About my complaint that their 3Com 56K Message Modem  was NOT a
 windows-specific modem, and I expected some software under Linux to be
 around,  here is how they answered to me:
 On Tue, 30 Nov 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Alberto, 
  Please read the minimum requirements in the box of the modem. It 
  speak about linux or any Unix on there, only windows. I'm afraid that
  there  are no scripts available for Linux that use the
  Independant mode  capabilities. 
 Which was not true, indeed. 
 About the minimum requirements then, isn't it a bit  like a computer
 manufacturer said: look, this Pentium computer  is good for Windows 
 I'm not an expert, but isn't a modem in the end just a piece of 
 hardware that should be made to be programmed? 
 Linux and Unix aren't this odd  OSs that it's so 
 difficult for a big company, as they are, to provide proper 
 software for other OSs in the package or at least 
 point you to some existing software.
 Why don't they do that?  
 Shouldn't they  be just happy if  more people could  happily 
 purchase their products?
 I found interesting what some of you wrote:
 On Tue, 14 Dec 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It's probably something they want to keep hidden to boost use of that
  other OS, I'm guessing. 
  I recently had a run-through with them regarding
  a firmware update for my USR Sportster over a non-intel machine. 
 On Tue, 14 Dec 1999, Emile Schwarz wrote:
  I too have a 3Com USR 56K Message Plus Modem WITHOUT Windows.
  I too am still waiting for answers...
  But the specific software communication (voice/fax) sold in what 
  call a MacPak (350 Francs vat included) was out of date at the 
  time I  
  buy it (but I don't know that when I buy it).
 Should the conclusion be like Emile's:
  So, I have to make my consumer work: the next Modem I have to buy 
  not be a 3Com, I check the software versions given in the box 
  before I 
  buy anything, etc...
  It's a shame...
 or maybe like ferret's: 
 Perhaps if enough people request support from 3com they'll start 
 support. :
 What do you think?
 Alberto Bigazzi, PhD. 
 Dept. of Mathematics,   
 Politecnico di Milano,   

How do I correctly set up an ntp server?

1999-12-17 Thread ferret

I've been wrestling with this one for a while now. I was using xntp3 from
slink, but I've compiled ntp from potato and used that. The machine is a
server for a small network on a single dialup line.

My problem is that my ntp server is at stratum 16, precision -17, and my
workstations refuse to syncronise to it. i've looked over the ntp
documentation, and the only option listed having to do with stratum only
works with hardware clocks on the `127.127.x.x' pseudo-addresses ntp uses.

Oh, and it was working for a while at first, then mysteriously stopped
working, without (AFAICT) my changing anything on either client or server.

-- Ferret no baka

Re: Using 3com modem Independent Mode (without Windows)

1999-12-14 Thread ferret

On Tue, 14 Dec 1999, Alberto Bigazzi wrote:

 Hi everybody. 
 I've got a 3Com USR 56K Message Modem. 
 This modem  is capable of receiving fax and voice messages 
 WHEN YOUR PC IS OFF (Independent Mode). 
 Very nice feature! ( makes the modem  fairly expensive, too). 
 I can't use it with my Debian (hamm) !
 The 3com package includes a Windows software  (Winphone) to deal with the
 Independent  mode.  But it does not include any Linux script for enabling
 that mode.
 I wrote to them and asked for a Linux script. They told me they haven't
 got such a thing...! I complained to them and I'm still waiting for an
 Note that the modem is NOT one of those windows-specific modems. I use it
 and works fine for connecting to my ISP. 
 Now, how is it possible that it there exist something that Windows can
 handle and Linux cannot ??!
 1) Has anybody a solution to this? 
 2) What information do I need about the Independent mode in order to
write down a script myself and make the modem work? 
Would that be possible, anyway? (how?)

It's probably something they want to keep hidden to boost use of that
other OS, I'm guessing. I recently had a run-through with them regarding a
firmware update for my USR Sportster over a non-intel machine.

My suggestions:
Ask for a telephone number and call tech support. I ended up repeating
myself in email because each email was answered by a different support
droid, only one of which seemed to have any intelligence. One of them
suggested I install Windows 98 on my Sparc IPX. ; I spoke to a droid on
the phone who was actually helpful, aparantly had called the hardware
people to find out if they could do anything. I'm still stuck on the
so-called `free' firmware upgrade but at least the guy was nice about it.
Perhaps if enough people request support from 3com they'll start offering
support. :

If you have access to a Wintel anywhere, you can connect it to your
machine with a null-modem cable, run minicom (and expect) on the Linux
side and set up the Wintel side so it thinks the null-modem is your modem.
I had successfully done this with my USR and their Windows-based software
(borrowed a friend's computer) and learned the undocumented AT codes for
flashing the Sportster. Oh, and aparantly you can change the modem's
internal serial number too.

What's up with these people, anyway? They give you explicit instructions
to use their modem on your Sparc, then turn around and say you
Ican't/I have your free upgrade unless you purchase from Redmond?
Couldn't that be considered breach of contract?

Hope this helps

-- Ferret no baka

Re: Alsa and 2.2.13

1999-12-12 Thread ferret

On Sun, 12 Dec 1999, Marshal Wong wrote:

 Did you try using alsa-source to compile a custom kernel module?

I did this and couldn't get the modules to initialise, though the
precompiled modules worked on the custom kernel. The build scripts in the
alsa-source package for kernel-package also seemed to have a few problems
finding the kernel source directory.

Custom-compiled ALSA modules failed loading
Pre-packaged ALSA modules succeeded on the custom kernel

 From: Mark Blunier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Alsa and 2.2.13
 Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1999 14:15:13 -0600 (CST)
  I'm trying to recompile the 2.2.13 kernel with alsa.  My custom
  kernel conflicts with alsa-modules-2.2.13, and I've tried
  the kernel-image-2.2.13_2.2.13-2.deb, but it also conflicts,
  ( 2.2.13-1).  Is an old version of 2.2.13 available, or
  better yet, what do I need to do to be able to compile a
  kernel package that doesn't conflict with alsa modules?

Re: ntpdate[28516]: no server suitable for synchronization found

1999-12-12 Thread ferret

On Sat, 11 Dec 1999, Darxus wrote:

 ntp hasn't seemed to work for me for a while.  I figured maybe all the ntp
 servers I'd set it to use nolonger ran the ntp server or something.  But I
 just pulled 99 servers off of a list at
 (1st relavant hit on ntp on  Out of all of those 99
 servers, ntpdate did not find *one* that was acceptable ?  I'm guessing
 the fact that ntpd doesn't seem to be doing any synchronizing is probably

I get this when my internet connection is saturated. :/

Re: Modem does not work

1999-12-11 Thread ferret

On Sat, 11 Dec 1999, dyer wrote:

   I have bought (two day ago) a  modem, it says (in the windows software)
   that it is a Motorols SM56 PCI, Speakerphone Modem and it is on
  That says it all. Speakerphone Modem = Winmodem. Take it back and get a
  real modem.
  Now I have an Supra 2260 PCI Modem Enumerator/Supra Max 56i Voice
  PCI (dual personality!?), but no luck ... :(
  It is an internal PCI modem, Windows says that it is on COM3, IRQ10,
  so it should be in /dev/ttyS3, but I only have two serial connections
 I think you bought another winmodem. To expand on the last response, I would 
 go by
 the _general_ rule:
 PCI Modem = Winmodem
PCI modem with the string `HCF' in the description under Windows =
PCI modem listed as `comm controller' in any BIOS verbosity might be a
real modem. Currently, AFAIK, PCI serial support is in the unstable 2.3.x
kernels, but there is a backport for a couple devices in 2.0.38

 Real Modem = External Modem
Not if it's a USR Sportster. While 3com/USR supports installing their
Sportster modems on UNIX systems and give step-by-step configuration for
Sparcstations, they only support using them under Windows 9x or MacOS.
They work pretty well, but they're a pain to upgrade if you need new

 Now I'm sure you can get some PCI's to work, but I'm just betting you're 
 tired of
 going to the store. ;-)
 Take a look at the hardware compatability docs.

Linux Advocacy (dealing with 3com) (was: Re: Macromedia products for linux)

1999-12-04 Thread ferret

I'm dealing with much the same thing with 3com right now. I'm attempting
to flash upgrade one of their 56k Sportster modems without having to go
out and purchase a license for Windows 98. Unfortunately, I've gotten
three different support people in their support department for four
different email replys. Every single person replying to me suggested I
connect the modem to a `PC running Windows 95 or 98' after being informed
that I do not have access to such a machine.

In my last email to 3com's support I asked to be connected with one
specific person in their company who would have the authority to be
helpful to Linux/UNIX users.

Also, I stated that while their company might not be able to offer the
same level of hand-holding ^Wautomated support to the Linux community than
they to the MacOS and Windows communities, the Linux community would in
general be more than happy to do their own support provided 3com met us
halfway and offered full support for their own products regardless of the
end-user's platform of choice.

And yes, I did manage to sound a little bit angry (deliberately, and I
hope I managed to stay politely angry) when I indicated that any practice
of theirs which requires use or purchase of any specific OS would be
considered unacceptable.

That said, does anyone on this list happen to have any contacts inside
3com who might be helpful in getting the flash upgrade thing going?

On Fri, 3 Dec 1999, Tom Allard wrote:

  This is an email I recieved from macromedia after I asked them to
  support our OS. I think maybe if enough people show interest maybe
  we'll get flash for linux. Fire off and email to the address in the
  email please.
 I think you should read the Linux Advocacy mini-HOWTO.
 In the paragraph above, you are well-written seem very capable of a
 reasoned plea, but your message to macromedia sounds like a childish
   Look man, I am a BIG fan for the whole vestored graphice thing. I
   think it rocks. Infact some of my favorite sites use vectored
   graphics made with and for your products. What really irks me
   though, is your lack of support for platforms other than that of
   Billy's Garbage. I am a Linux user and as such get the shaft when
   it comes to visiting sites made with Flash or whatever. I think it
   sucks and I think it's pretty sad that you don't support us. Just
   because we ar emainly an open source community doesn't mean we
   wouldn't pay for your software. Granted there isn't as many of us
   but sheesh, it's depressing that I'm cut off from alot of sites cuz
   I use Linux.
 For example, the HOWTO urges advocates to refer to another product by
 it's proper name.  It's all fine-and-good on lists like this to talk
 about WinBlows and such, but telling someone outside the community that
 you don't like Billy's Garbage won't win you any converts.  Think of
 it from *their* point-of-view: they've made millions writing software
 that works on Windows, so it's not such garbage to them...
 Read your message back to yourself, but change Linux to Windows, change
 Billy's Garbage to Open Source Crap and change the product to
 something not available in Windows. Think about how reading that would
 make you feel.  Does it make you really want to work with this person
 and improve your product, or does it just make you defensive about your
 own product and even a little fearful of the sender?

exim and procmail, and how to stop spammers?

1999-12-03 Thread ferret

I'd like to make exim use procmail to deliver incoming messages by
default, using the ~/.procmailrc file. I haven't been able to make much
headway through the documentation, however. I know sendmail will do this
by default, but sendmail seems to be (with default configurations) more
open to use by spammers. (I just got a spam from localhost relayed TO me
aparantly from the spammer's ISP) and I haven't made much headway with
sendmail, even with having ORA's sendmail book.

This is what I got out of my syslog.
Dec  2 19:12:28 playdough sendmail[29527]: TAA29527:
from=[EMAIL PROTECTED], size=1252, class=0, pri=31252, nrcpts=1,
msgid=[EMAIL PROTECTED], proto=SMTP, []

Dec  2 19:12:28 playdough sendmail[29530]: TAA29527:
to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], delay=00:00:09, xdelay=00:00:00,
mailer=local, stat=Sent
And here's the message headers

Received: from (
by (8.9.3/8.9.3/Debian/GNU) with SMTP id
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Thu, 2 Dec 1999 19:12:19 -0800
Subject: Real Time CC Processing...$39.95/mo
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 21:54:07 -0500

Could someone help me get my MTA (whichever one) working more to what I'm

-- Ferret no baka

How to auto-apply kernel patches

1999-11-29 Thread ferret

I would have thought this were explained better..
I have kernel-package installed and have kernel source for 2.2.13 and the
kerneli package installed. The documentation for kernel-package states
that make-kpkg can apply the patches during build, then remove them during
clean. What I can't figure out is how I use kernel-package to configure
the kernel WITH the patches applied. is it meant to do that?

-- Ferret no baka

Re: CD-Writer recomendation!

1999-11-29 Thread ferret

On Fri, 3 Dec 1999, Cyrus Patel wrote:

 Hey Manuel,
 I've got a Panasonic (Matshita) 8x read/4x write scsi burner and so far it
 has worked perfectly for me. cdrecord identified it immeadiately and it hooked
 up to my existing scsi card without any problems.

I've had just one problem with the Panasonic OEM burners. Unless you have
a retail receipt so you know the reseller (And mine was donated to me) you
can end up going though hoops trying to get the right customer support
department. The write laser on my drive went out two months ago, and I
spent almost a week telephoning and being forwarded to different
companies. And all but the actual reseller (Compro) informed me that my
warranty was 15 months (And it was month 15 then) but the retail warranty
was 12 months with Compro, the only people who would honor the warranty.

 Manuel Arenaz Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello again,
  A friend of mine is interested in buying a CD-Writer. He asked me to
  recomend a model to him, but I have no idea. Can anyone help me to go
  through this situation?
  Thanks in advance,
  Manuel Arenaz

modem firmware updating

1999-11-25 Thread ferret

I've been trying to contact someone at 3com who will actually admit to the
fact that their external serial modems even WORK with Linux.. I'm trying
to update my external x2 to v.90.

I was wondering if anyone on this list has done a firmware update on a
modem with a linux system, what companies are nicest about it (3com says
they 'dont support linux', and I asked if they supported their own
products. 'no. we support windows and mac' was about all the answer I've
gotten so far), etc.

I seem to remember someone else posting about updating a USR modem, but I
can't seem to find a reference in the list archives.

-- Ferret no baka

Re: Debian SPARC

1999-11-18 Thread ferret

On Wed, 17 Nov 1999, Ben Collins wrote:

 On Wed, Nov 17, 1999 at 02:42:22PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm running a hybrid slink/potato system on a Sparc IPX right now. yes,
  slink is in general less stable/less working than potato. OTOH, potato and
  2.2.13 will not run at all on my system, probably because I use a serial
 Since this is a problem we need to address before release, can you be
 specific to the problems you are having?

This is a console log of a normal 2.2.13 boot of my IPX, kernel compiled
on the IPX, console on ttya, before I wiped the drive (AM Nov 17) and
reinstalled slink. Potato at that time was not letting me log in on
console (PM Nov 16) saying something about a 'function not implimented' on

BTW, kernel 2.2.13 compiled with slink (about noon, Nov 17) booted about
10-20 minutes ago with the same error. (except this time I purged
setserial) 2.2.13 took about 4-5 hours to build.

I'm booting with 2.0.35 (from the slink install disks) and I'm currently
compiling 2.0.35 with the sparc patches (from the slink packages) and will
see if that one likes me.

I'm running slink with potato's apt, parts of debhelper that aren't in
sparc's slink copied from my i386 slink's debhelper, and local-compiled
apt-move (slow 21.6k modem connection, so I'm making up a local mirror for
later reinstalls)

I'd hoped to use the box as a dialup gateway, but with all this (and
having learned just how badly the serial ports on it suck) I'll offer it
up to test stuff.

-- Ferret no baka

Power-Up State Test 
Context Register Bit Test 
Context Register Addressing Test 
Segment Map RAM MATS Pattern Test, Context  
Segment Map RAM MATS Pattern Test, Context 0001 
Segment Map RAM MATS Pattern Test, Context 0002 
Segment Map RAM MATS Pattern Test, Context 0003 
Segment Map RAM MATS Pattern Test, Context 0004 
Segment Map RAM MATS Pattern Test, Context 0005 
Segment Map RAM MATS Pattern Test, Context 0006 
Segment Map RAM MATS Pattern Test, Context 0007 
Page Map RAM MATS Pattern Test 
Limit 0 Register Test 
Counter Interrupt Level 10 Test 
Limit 1 Register Test 
Counter Interrupt Level 14 Test 
WARNING: Unable to determine keyboard type
Synchronous Error Reg Test 
Synchronous Error Virtual Address Reg Test 
Asynchronous Error Reg Test 
Asynchronous Error Virtual Address Reg Test 
Asynchronous Error Data Reg1 Test 
Asynchronous Error Data Reg2 Test 
System Enable Register Bit Test 
Cache Data RAM MATS Pattern Test 
Cache Tag RAM MATS Pattern Test 
PTE Access Bit Test 
PTE Modify Bit Test 
PTE Write-Protect Bit Test 
PTE Write-Invalid Bit Test 
PTE Read-Invalid Bit Test 
PTE Type 2 Space Bit Test 
PTE Type 3 Space Bit Test 
Synchronous Timeout Test 
Asynchronous Timeout Test 
 16 MegaBytes Found in Address Range 0x to 0x00ff 
 4 MegaBytes Found in Address Range 0x0100 to 0x01ff 
DRAM Word MATS Pattern Test (0x00fe - 0x0100) 
Parity/Memory Control Registers Bit Test 
33-bit SIMM Parity Test 
FAILURE: No Trap Taken, Exp Trap Type = 0009
Setting Segment Map
Setting RAM Parity Mode
Mode set to 33-bit
Sizing Memory
Mapping ROM
Mapping RAM
Probing /[EMAIL PROTECTED],f800 at 0,0  dma esp sd st le 
Probing /[EMAIL PROTECTED],f800 at 1,0  Nothing there
Probing /[EMAIL PROTECTED],f800 at 2,0  Nothing there
Probing /[EMAIL PROTECTED],f800 at 3,0  cgsix 
Probing /[EMAIL PROTECTED],f800 at 0,0  dma esp sd st le 
Probing /[EMAIL PROTECTED],f800 at 1,0  Nothing there
Probing /[EMAIL PROTECTED],f800 at 2,0  Nothing there
Probing /[EMAIL PROTECTED],f800 at 3,0  cgsix 

SPARCstation IPX, No Keyboard
ROM Rev. 2.6, 20 MB memory installed, Serial #2165154.
Ethernet address 8:0:20:c:dc:80, Host ID: 572109a2.

Power-On SelfTest FAILED ... Replace CPU Board

Testing   20 megs of memory   20  19  18  17  16  15  
14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5  
 4   3   2   1   0  

SBus slot 0 le esp dma 
SBus slot 1 
SBus slot 2 
SBus slot 3 cgsix 

Initializing   4 megs of memory at addr   100   3   2   1   
Initializing  16 megs of memory at addr 0  15  14  13  
12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3  
 2   1   0  

Type b (boot), c (continue), or n (new command mode)
Type  help  for more information
ok boot disk
Boot device: /sbus/[EMAIL PROTECTED],80/[EMAIL PROTECTED],0   File and 
SILO boot: 
Uncompressing image

Re: Cross-compiling on Debian systems?

1999-11-18 Thread ferret

On Wed, 17 Nov 1999, Ben Collins wrote:

 On Wed, Nov 17, 1999 at 02:48:55PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'd like to set up a cross-compiler on my Lintel (AMD 266) to compile
  packages for my Sparc IPX. I'd preferably like to package the
  cross-compiler so I can esaily remove it if I no longer need it.
  The only cross-compiler in the slink packages list is for m68k.
  What do I need to do to set one up?
 The last cross-compiler I built (for kernel compiles) was using the m68k
 cross-compiler package. I just changed the m68k references to sparc, and
 ran dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot (change all of the m68k
 references in debian/ to sparc).

I just did a 'debian/rules binary' in 'gcc-m68k-linux-2.8.1' after
changing 'm68k' to 'sparc', and I get a build error. Looks like the gcc
buildstrap isn't working.

./xgcc -B./ -DCROSS_COMPILE -DIN_GCC-O2 -I./include  -I. -I. \
-I./config  -g0 \
  -finhibit-size-directive -fno-inline-functions -fno-exceptions  \
  -c ./crtstuff.c -DCRT_BEGIN -o crtbegin.o
as: option `-s' is ambiguous
make[1]: *** [crtbegin.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `gcc-m68k-linux-2.8.1'
make: *** [build] Error 2

I get the exact same error if I use dpkg-buildpackage. I don't know enough
about building gcc to know what's wrong. And this is the source package
from ( not responding to me through lynx
for some reason)

I also found out I need the binutils-m68k-linux package, and that's being
downloaded as I type..

-- Ferret no baka

Re: Debian SPARC

1999-11-18 Thread ferret

On Thu, 18 Nov 1999, Gergely Madarasz wrote:

 On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Since this is a problem we need to address before release, can you be
   specific to the problems you are having?
  This is a console log of a normal 2.2.13 boot of my IPX, kernel compiled
  on the IPX, console on ttya, before I wiped the drive (AM Nov 17) and
  reinstalled slink. Potato at that time was not letting me log in on
  console (PM Nov 16) saying something about a 'function not implimented' on
 Actually it says something about function not implemented on /dev/cua0,
 tty_io.c: process 1 (swapper) used obsolete /dev/cua0 - update software to 
 use /dev/ttyS0
 link /dev/console to /dev/ttyS0 and see if it helps.
Ah, yeah /dev/console - /dev/cua0 (I'll fix that right up)
And I'll try 2.2.13 with it.

 And btw what is that message about
 Power-On SelfTest FAILED ... Replace CPU Board
 ? :)
I'm using 32-bit memory in a 33-bit system. :/ Took me a while to figure
it out.

 The depmod problem is known, it will soon be fixed.
Heard about that. One of the many reasons I reinstalled. Besides, it's
practice. :

-- Ferret no baka

Re: Debian SPARC

1999-11-18 Thread ferret

On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 18 Nov 1999, Gergely Madarasz wrote:
  On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Since this is a problem we need to address before release, can you be
specific to the problems you are having?
   This is a console log of a normal 2.2.13 boot of my IPX, kernel compiled
   on the IPX, console on ttya, before I wiped the drive (AM Nov 17) and
   reinstalled slink. Potato at that time was not letting me log in on
   console (PM Nov 16) saying something about a 'function not implimented' on
  Actually it says something about function not implemented on /dev/cua0,
  tty_io.c: process 1 (swapper) used obsolete /dev/cua0 - update software to 
  use /dev/ttyS0
  link /dev/console to /dev/ttyS0 and see if it helps.
 Ah, yeah /dev/console - /dev/cua0 (I'll fix that right up)
 And I'll try 2.2.13 with it.
Fixed /dev/console and booted 2.2.13:
Same type of problem:

Cleaning: /tmp /var/lock /var/run.
Initializing random number generator... done.
Recovering nvi editor sessions... done.
zs_open ttyS0, tty overwrite.
zs_open ttyS0, tty overwrite.
zs_open ttyS0, tty overwrite.
zs_open ttyS0, tty overwrite.

And then the kernel panic after a while.
I disabled nviboot: still does it.
It looks like it's doing it right when it's in runlevel 'S', right before
it goes runlevel 2.

I'll take a closer look at it in the morning.

  And btw what is that message about
  Power-On SelfTest FAILED ... Replace CPU Board
  ? :)
 I'm using 32-bit memory in a 33-bit system. :/ Took me a while to figure
 it out.
  The depmod problem is known, it will soon be fixed.
 Heard about that. One of the many reasons I reinstalled. Besides, it's
 practice. :

Re: Cross-compiling on Debian systems?

1999-11-18 Thread ferret

On Thu, 18 Nov 1999, Erik Mouw wrote:

 On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 19:52:42 -0800 (PST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Wed, 17 Nov 1999, Ben Collins wrote:
  On Wed, Nov 17, 1999 at 02:48:55PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'd like to set up a cross-compiler on my Lintel (AMD 266) to compile
   packages for my Sparc IPX. I'd preferably like to package the
   cross-compiler so I can esaily remove it if I no longer need it.
   The only cross-compiler in the slink packages list is for m68k.
   What do I need to do to set one up?
  The last cross-compiler I built (for kernel compiles) was using the m68k
  cross-compiler package. I just changed the m68k references to sparc, and
  ran dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot (change all of the m68k
  references in debian/ to sparc).
  I just did a 'debian/rules binary' in 'gcc-m68k-linux-2.8.1' after
  changing 'm68k' to 'sparc', and I get a build error. Looks like the gcc
  buildstrap isn't working.
 make bootstrap doesn't work for cross compilers, have a look at the
 cross gcc FAQ: .
How was the package suppsed to build itself then, by hand? *g*

  ./xgcc -B./ -DCROSS_COMPILE -DIN_GCC-O2 -I./include  -I. -I. \
  -I./config  -g0 \
-finhibit-size-directive -fno-inline-functions -fno-exceptions  \
-c ./crtstuff.c -DCRT_BEGIN -o crtbegin.o
  as: option `-s' is ambiguous
  make[1]: *** [crtbegin.o] Error 1
  make[1]: Leaving directory `gcc-m68k-linux-2.8.1'
  make: *** [build] Error 2
  I get the exact same error if I use dpkg-buildpackage. I don't know enough
  about building gcc to know what's wrong. And this is the source package
  from ( not responding to me through lynx
  for some reason)
 Looks like you're using the native binutils instead of cross binutils.
  I also found out I need the binutils-m68k-linux package, and that's being
  downloaded as I type..
I can't get the cross' binutils-sparc (package hacked from binutils-m68k)
to build.

dpkg-gencontrol -Pdebian/tmp/binutils -pbinutils-sparc-linux
dpkg-gencontrol: error: source package has two conflicting values -
binutils-sparc-linux and binutils-m68k-linux
make: *** [binary-arch] Error 29

I edited all the references in debian/* from m68k' to sparc', and I don't
know enough about the package to even guess what else might need to be

 You also need libc and kernel header files for the target system. The
 kernel has to be configured for the target system, but that can be done on
 the build host.
 J.A.K. (Erik) Mouw, Information and Communication Theory Group, Department
 of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology and Systems,
 Delft University of Technology, PO BOX 5031,  2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
 Phone: +31-15-2785859  Fax: +31-15-2781843  Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Cross-compiling on Debian systems?

1999-11-18 Thread ferret

On Thu, 18 Nov 1999, Ben Collins wrote:

 On Thu, Nov 18, 1999 at 02:38:26PM +0100, Erik Mouw wrote:
  On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 19:52:42 -0800 (PST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   ./xgcc -B./ -DCROSS_COMPILE -DIN_GCC-O2 -I./include  -I. -I. \
   -I./config  -g0 \
 -finhibit-size-directive -fno-inline-functions -fno-exceptions  \
 -c ./crtstuff.c -DCRT_BEGIN -o crtbegin.o
   as: option `-s' is ambiguous
   make[1]: *** [crtbegin.o] Error 1
   make[1]: Leaving directory `gcc-m68k-linux-2.8.1'
   make: *** [build] Error 2
   I get the exact same error if I use dpkg-buildpackage. I don't know enough
   about building gcc to know what's wrong. And this is the source package
   from ( not responding to me through lynx
   for some reason)
  Looks like you're using the native binutils instead of cross binutils.
 Installing binutils-multiarch and compiling a native gas handles this.
MM. binutils-multiarch and dpkg-cross are in slink for Sparc, but are
only in potato for i386. Time to compile, most likely.

I'll try this stuff out and then get back to the lists if I have any
further problems.

But let me make sure I have this one right. I need to compile an
i386-binary gas that will compile for sparc?

   I also found out I need the binutils-m68k-linux package, and that's being
   downloaded as I type..
  You also need libc and kernel header files for the target system. The
  kernel has to be configured for the target system, but that can be done on
  the build host.
 Install dpkg-cross and convert the native sparc libc6 and libc6-dev
 packages. This will install them into /usr/sparc-linux/{include,lib} for
 the cross-compile.
 /  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: Cross-compiling on Debian systems?

1999-11-18 Thread ferret

On Thu, 18 Nov 1999, Ben Collins wrote:

 On Thu, Nov 18, 1999 at 02:38:26PM +0100, Erik Mouw wrote:
  On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 19:52:42 -0800 (PST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   ./xgcc -B./ -DCROSS_COMPILE -DIN_GCC-O2 -I./include  -I. -I. \
   -I./config  -g0 \
 -finhibit-size-directive -fno-inline-functions -fno-exceptions  \
 -c ./crtstuff.c -DCRT_BEGIN -o crtbegin.o
   as: option `-s' is ambiguous
   make[1]: *** [crtbegin.o] Error 1
   make[1]: Leaving directory `gcc-m68k-linux-2.8.1'
   make: *** [build] Error 2
   I get the exact same error if I use dpkg-buildpackage. I don't know enough
   about building gcc to know what's wrong. And this is the source package
   from ( not responding to me through lynx
   for some reason)
  Looks like you're using the native binutils instead of cross binutils.
 Installing binutils-multiarch and compiling a native gas handles this.
   I also found out I need the binutils-m68k-linux package, and that's being
   downloaded as I type..
  You also need libc and kernel header files for the target system. The
  kernel has to be configured for the target system, but that can be done on
  the build host.
 Install dpkg-cross and convert the native sparc libc6 and libc6-dev
 packages. This will install them into /usr/sparc-linux/{include,lib} for
 the cross-compile.

Installed dpkg-cross (isn't listed in the FTP site but a package search
brought it up. And the FTP archive doesn't have a source package)

:# dpkg-cross --install sysvinit_2.76-3.deb libc6_2.0.105-2.deb \
dpkg_1.4.0.34.deb mount_2.9g-6.deb ldso_1.9.10-1.deb
:Building sysvinit-sparc-cross_2.76-3_all.deb
:Building libc6-sparc-cross_2.0.105-2_all.deb
:Building dpkg-sparc-cross_1.4.0.34_all.deb
:dpkg-cross: package mount doesn't provide any useful files. Skipping.

This looks funny

:Building ldso-sparc-cross_1.9.10-1_all.deb
:Unpacking sysvinit-sparc-cross
:Unpacking libc6-sparc-cross
:Unpacking dpkg-sparc-cross
:Unpacking ldso-sparc-cross
:dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of sysvinit-sparc-cross:
: sysvinit-sparc-cross depends on mount-sparc-cross (= 2.7l-1); however:
:  Package mount-sparc-cross is not installed.
:dpkg: error processing sysvinit-sparc-cross (--install):
: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
:dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of libc6-sparc-cross:
: libc6-sparc-cross depends on sysvinit-sparc-cross (= 2.76-1); however:
:  Package sysvinit-sparc-cross is not configured yet.
:dpkg: error processing libc6-sparc-cross (--install):
: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
:dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of dpkg-sparc-cross:
: dpkg-sparc-cross depends on libc6-sparc-cross (= 2.0.99); however:
:  Package libc6-sparc-cross is not configured yet.
: dpkg-sparc-cross depends on libncurses4-sparc-cross; however:
:  Package libncurses4-sparc-cross is not installed.
: dpkg-sparc-cross depends on libstdc++2.9-sparc-cross; however:
:  Package libstdc++2.9-sparc-cross is not installed.
:dpkg: error processing dpkg-sparc-cross (--install):
: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
:Setting up ldso-sparc-cross (1.9.10-1) ...
:Errors were encountered while processing:
: sysvinit-sparc-cross
: libc6-sparc-cross
: dpkg-sparc-cross
:dpkg -i failed.

All the Sparc packages were moved using dpkg-move running on the Sparc.
I am doing this the right way?

-- Ferret no baka

Re: Cross-compiling on Debian systems?

1999-11-18 Thread ferret

On Thu, 18 Nov 1999, Ben Collins wrote:

 On Thu, Nov 18, 1999 at 09:37:00AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  brought it up. And the FTP archive doesn't have a source package)
  :# dpkg-cross --install sysvinit_2.76-3.deb libc6_2.0.105-2.deb \
  dpkg_1.4.0.34.deb mount_2.9g-6.deb ldso_1.9.10-1.deb
  :Building sysvinit-sparc-cross_2.76-3_all.deb
  :Building libc6-sparc-cross_2.0.105-2_all.deb
  :Building dpkg-sparc-cross_1.4.0.34_all.deb
  :dpkg-cross: package mount doesn't provide any useful files. Skipping.
 1) Do this on the cross-compile system (ie. the i386)
 2) You only need libraries and -dev packages. So init, and mount are
somewhat irrelevant to compilation

:(i386)# dpkg-cross --install libc6_2.0.105-2.deb
:Building libc6-sparc-cross_2.0.105-2_all.deb
:Unpacking libc6-sparc-cross
:dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of libc6-sparc-cross:
: libc6-sparc-cross depends on sysvinit-sparc-cross (= 2.76-1); however:
:  Package sysvinit-sparc-cross is not configured yet.
:dpkg: error processing libc6-sparc-cross (--install):
: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
:Errors were encountered while processing:
: libc6-sparc-cross
:dpkg -i failed.

-- Ferret no baka

Re: Debian SPARC

1999-11-17 Thread ferret

On Wed, 17 Nov 1999, Ben Collins wrote:

 On Wed, Nov 17, 1999 at 12:08:00PM -0900, Christopher S. Swingley wrote:
  I have a Sun Ultra-10 with an UltraSPARC-IIi (300 MHz) processor
  that is currently running Solaris 2.5.1.  It is my web, anonymous ftp
  and email server.  Solaris 2.5.1 has Y2K issues and I was thinking about
  upgrading to Debian since I'm more familiar with Linux than Solaris.
  I know I've got a lot of work ahead of me if I want to do this, so
  I'd like some opinions from those of you using Debian on an Ultra-SPARC
  * Is this a good idea?  
  * What things might I be missing that were either in Solaris, 
or in Debian-i386?
  * Comments on Debian-Sparc?
 I'm currently running Debian on an UltraSPARC 5 (UltraSPARC IIi cpu
 aswell). Basically the system is almost exactly the same as the i386 port,
 even the install is the same (except you have different options for the
 install media, such as tftp images). Some things to make sure of:
 1) Use the 2.2.1-sun4u boot images in the slink distribution
 2) Immediately upgrade to potato, and the 2.2.13-sun4u kernel image
 IMO, slink is less stable than the current potato distribution, for sparc.

I'm running a hybrid slink/potato system on a Sparc IPX right now. yes,
slink is in general less stable/less working than potato. OTOH, potato and
2.2.13 will not run at all on my system, probably because I use a serial

-- Ferret no baka

Cross-compiling on Debian systems?

1999-11-17 Thread ferret

I'd like to set up a cross-compiler on my Lintel (AMD 266) to compile
packages for my Sparc IPX. I'd preferably like to package the
cross-compiler so I can esaily remove it if I no longer need it.

The only cross-compiler in the slink packages list is for m68k.

What do I need to do to set one up?

-- Ferret no baka

keyboard request not working in Potato?

1999-11-13 Thread ferret

Does anyone else have this problem? I have a kbrequest line in
/etc/inittab, and the default kmap has alt-uparrow bound to KeyboardSignal

I'm using kbd 0.99-5, console-data 1999.08.29-?(in the middle of

Any ideas? It worked just fine before I updated to Potato.

-- Ferret no baka

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