Re: Debian 10.2 ne démarre pas

2019-12-16 Thread Jo Engo
Le Sun, 15 Dec 2019 10:20:01 +0100, didier.gaumet a écrit :

> - ça te dit de vérifier /var/log/Xorg.0.log pour plus de détails:
> l'as-tu fait? peut-être y trouveras-tu d'autres indices...

Quand il y a le curseur qui clignote que se passe-t-il quand tu (pardon 
Didier, je m'adresse à g2pc) tapes Ctrl+Alt+Fn (1≤n≤6) as-tu accès alors 
à un terminal virtuel (getty)) Tu peux partir de là, essayer en peone, 
(pas en root) 'startx', ou en root 'X'.

Re: Fwd: pas de son avec firefox [fin et résolu]

2019-10-05 Thread Jo Engo
Le Fri, 04 Oct 2019 23:20:01 +0200, Jo Engo a écrit :

> Quelle simple vérification ?

Ne rien faire c'est toujours faire quelque chose. Je n'ai toujours rien 
compris, mais ça marche™. Toutes mes excuses pour le bruit.

La réussite, pour un homme, c'est d'être parvenu a gagner plus d'argent 
que sa femme n'a pu en dépenser. 
-+- Sacha Guitry -+-

Re: Fwd: pas de son avec firefox [fin et résolu]

2019-10-04 Thread Jo Engo
Le Wed, 02 Oct 2019 18:50:01 +0200, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :

(j'ai le même problème : pas d'entrée dans pavucontrol, ni avec firefox, 
ni avec chromium)

>> je viens de lancer le mantra et j'ai l'entrée dans pavucontrol
>>  et le volume était presque éteint dans la ligne ipc

Je n'ai *rien* compris. Quel mantra ?

>> désolé pour la tempête dans un verre d'eau, mais j'ai plein de choses à
>> réfléchir et ça m'a échappé, je viens de sortir de ma sieste et j'ai
>> rassemblé mes neurones ...

Bonne sieste ;)

>> après une simple vérification c'est entièrement résolu

Quelle simple vérification ?

>> merci pour votre aimable attention

Les vertus se perdent dans l'intérêt,
comme les fleuves se perdent dans la mer.
-+- François de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680), Maximes 171 -+-

Re: [HS] Richard stallman chez microsoft !

2019-09-09 Thread Jo Engo
Le Sun, 08 Sep 2019 19:50:01 +0200, ajh-valmer a écrit :

> Aucun autre article, semble t-il, sur cette nouvelle surprenante,
> que le site zdnet.

« »

Ce n'est même pas le (la responsabilité électorale) fait de zdnet mais
d'un blogueur hébergé par zdnet. Niveau crédibilité : 0.

Il est utile de connaître son ennemi - ne serait-ce que parce qu'un
jour on aura peut-être l'occasion de s'en faire un ami.
-+- Margaret Thatcher -+-

Re: deux connections Internet sur le meme poste Debian Buster

2019-08-28 Thread Jo Engo
Le Wed, 21 Aug 2019 15:10:01 +0200, Basile Starynkevitch a écrit :

> Ma motivation c'est de préparer à l'avance la transition vers Free (qui
> irait vers enp10s0). Je souhaite un "dyndns" (car je ssh du bureau vers la
> maison;

En passant, sauf si Free a radicalement changé de politique sans prévenir 
les abonnés, la connexion se fait à IP fixe, donc pas besoin de dyndns ou 

Si le message ne me plait pas, je l'efface.
-- Jayce - C'est comme ca ! --

Re: [HS] Re: mare de google

2019-08-28 Thread Jo Engo
Le Wed, 28 Aug 2019 15:40:01 +0200, Sylvain Caselli a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> j'utilise un fairphone depuis plus d'un an avec un fork d'androïd sans 
> google 

C'est à dire ? Est-ce un des deux cités dans ce fil (lineageos et /e/ ?
Sinon un indice pour le retrouver…

>(pas besoin d'avoir un compte pour télécharger les applications 
> (moins nombreuses). Le temps d'attente est long, pour plus de rapidité 
> je l'ai eu avec le nouvel opérateur de l'époque (un seul le propose à 
> priori.

Moi ce qui m'intéresse le plus c'est la dégooglisation d'Androïd (et ne 
sachant pas auparavant qu'il y avait des alternatives libres et crédible, 
c'était tout ce qui m'intéressait). Le noyau d'Androïd est un linux si ça 
n'a pas changé et il doit même y avoir moyen de le debianiser. Ceci dit 
vu que je n'ai pas de smartphone pour l'instant, je pourrais me tourner 
vers un fairphone, ou même un smartphone quelconque s'il est livré avec /e/, 
lineage ou autres.

L'ensemble de ce qui compte ne peut pas être compté, et l'ensemble de ce
qui peut être compté ne compte pas.
-+- Albert Einstein -+-

[HS] Re: mare de google

2019-08-28 Thread Jo Engo
Le Fri, 19 Jul 2019 18:00:02 +0200, Georges a écrit :

[excusez-moi si c'est un doublé, c'est à cause de la modération]

> Connaissez vous un téléphone GSM avec lequel je pourrait téléphoner,
>  utiliser les SMS, l'appareil photos sans cet énorme inquisition ?
>  Le mieux en Open Source ;-)

Un petit retour d'expérience serait le bienvenu, même si c'est HS :)


16:20 Hello! Linux est il pret pour le desktop ? Et sinon, je peux
  repasser le prendre vers quelle heure ?

Package unknown for file browser icon bug

2017-09-20 Thread Jo Radcliffe
With Debian Buster/Sid and Gnome 3.26.0 have started to loose image icons
in file browsers. Nautilus shows some icons and some generic default icons,
all new icons are default. Dolphin shows nothing other than the type below
the icon. What do i file this bug under using Reportbug ?
John Radclliffe

Diga adeus ao seu patrão,ganhe por semana

2016-07-26 Thread =??Q?Jo=E3o_Luiz_?=
Tenha sua Página Lucrativa Online e Fature dezenas,
 centenas ou milhares de PAGAMENTOS de R$ 30,00 diretamente em sua conta 
PagSeguro ou Conta Bancária,
 sem intermediários e sem atravessadores,
 aqui a página é sua e você lucra 100%!
Este é um convite de negócios enviado exclusivamente para: 

Assista esse video abaixo,para maiores informações.

Re: debian se reinicia solo

2012-12-17 Thread Jo
A veces pasa cuando el procesador se calienta mucho.  Checa que el
cooler esté funcionando bien y/o si se calienta mucho tu notebook.



José Luis Cortés Mesa
Medellin Colombia
User Linux #533154

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Preguntas Noob

2012-12-06 Thread Jo
Hola, de nuevo yo. Hoy les vengo con un par de preguntas quizá muy
tontas. Pero que no sé

1).  Si yo creo servidores virtuales en apache. Les tengo que asignar
un dominio. La pregunta es, Esos dominios de que van? Osea. Tiene que
existir, osea estar comprado? y enlazarlo con el servidor debian en X
o Y servidor virtual

2) Supongamos que tengo 3 pc en mi casa. en un pc hay un servidor ssh,
en otro pc hay un servidor web y en otro un servidor DNS (Por decir
algo) Como se hace para que una conexión entrante sepa en cual de los
3 pc está el servicio X o Y

Muchas gracias por su atención.


José Luis Cortés Mesa
Medellin Colombia
User Linux #533154

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Planet planet

2012-11-29 Thread Jo
Hola que tal?

Hoy quisiera preguntarles si alguno sabe donde me puedo documentar de como
crear un planet de blogs, al estilo de, aunque
preferiblemente asi.

Es para un proyecto de un grupo estudiantil de SL de una Una universidad de
donde yo vivo..

Seria se gran ayuda para generar documentación...



José Luis Cortés Mesa
Medellin Colombia
User Linux #533154

Re: Planet planet

2012-11-29 Thread Jo
Lo que comenta fabian me parece bueno,  se ve interesante... Pero mi
pregunta es si los diseños estos los tienen, están basados en planet planet
y el otro en simplanet  que son bastante sencillos. Los diseños es lo que
me interesa realmente..

Y lo que comenta Edwin no lo entiendo realmente..


El 29 de noviembre de 2012 23:41, Edwin Carrillo ca...@esdebian.orgescribió:

 Saludos. La pagina de setia una buena opcion, un
 registro sencillo y lo puedes subir en la sección wiki, es muy organizado

 El 29/11/2012 22:53, Jo Sé escribió:

 Hola que tal?

 Hoy quisiera preguntarles si alguno sabe donde me puedo documentar de
 como crear un planet de blogs, al estilo de,
 aunque preferiblemente asi.

 Es para un proyecto de un grupo estudiantil de SL de una Una universidad
 de donde yo vivo..

 Seria se gran ayuda para generar documentación...



 José Luis Cortés Mesa
 Medellin Colombia
 User Linux #533154


José Luis Cortés Mesa
Medellin Colombia
User Linux #533154

Re: No-Ip en lugar en DynDns en Debian Squeeze

2012-11-28 Thread Jo
Pues el paquete compilado no existe en squeeze.  Lo que debes hacer es ir a
no-ip y en downloads bajas el paquete .tar y lo compilas..  no es nada del
otro mundo.

2012/11/28 Juan Manuel Acuña

 Hash: SHA1

 El 28/11/12 09:23, Fabián Bonetti escribió:
  On Wed, 28 Nov 2012 10:02:00 -0200 tq wrote:
  El paquete se llama noip2 se encuentra en el repo sid
  O aqui yo uso este mirror
  o el cliente

 Yo uso desde hace tiempo:

 y funciona estupéndamente, nunca he tenido ningún problema.

 Espero que te sirva.

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin)
 Comment: GPGTools -
 Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined -


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José Luis Cortés Mesa
Medellin Colombia
User Linux #533154

Iceweasel + Pdf

2012-11-24 Thread Jo
Hola de nuevo molestando por aqui..

Tengo una pregunta.

Siempre que intento abrir un archivo con formato PDF. Lo unico que hace
Iceweasel es descargar el archivo para leerlo en local. No he podido hacer
que el iceweasel lo abra para leerlo sin descargarlo...

Iceweasel no hace eso?. Si?  Como se hace? :(



José Luis Cortés Mesa
Medellin Colombia
User Linux #533154


2012-11-23 Thread Jo

Estoy usando Wheezy y ayer me dio por instalar el systemD para gestionar
los demonios... El caso es que luego de reiniciar no tengo internet.   El
comando dhclient no existe.. NetworkManager tanpoco y asignando la ip por
comandos tampoco inicia..   Lo extraño es que si tengo acceso al router y
de ahi veo de que si tengo internet.

:(  Quisiera saber que paso.



José Luis Cortés Mesa
Medellin Colombia
User Linux #533154

Kernel Trunk?

2012-11-23 Thread Jo
Hola. Tengo una duda de que es el kernel linux-image-3.6-trunk-amd64 ..

Osea que caracteristica tiene o que? Porque se llama trunk.



José Luis Cortés Mesa
Medellin Colombia
User Linux #533154


2012-11-21 Thread Jo
Saludos compañeros, tengo una pregunta.  Como se accede a una cuenta de

Seria de gran ayuda cualquier información.



José Luis Cortés Mesa
Medellin Colombia
User Linux #533154

¿Dónde esta la altura que debería tener una lista como esta?

2011-10-15 Thread JO GO
El 15 de octubre de 2011 12:39, Marc Aymerich glicer...@gmail.comescribió:

 2011/10/15 alexander villalba

 Saludos a todos!:

 No estoy seguro si este hilo sera publicado, ni tengo claro todavía quien
 sea el que mueva los hilos en esta lista.

 El problema es que no entiendo como puede ser que en una lista como esta,
 que debería ser mucho más seria, destaquen tanto personajes como Camaleón y
 toda la picaresca y malicia de su personaje. Como suele ser El, quien parece
 tener la ultima palabra.

 No entiendo cómo es que yo llego aquí y hago un hilo sobre un bug o un
 oops que descubrí en el kernel de linux y vienen 3 o 4 mamarrachos a
 tratarme de Troll, palabra que creo debería eliminarse de la lista, y le
 restan toda seriedad a lo que estoy diciendo. Peor aun, que venga alguien
 como Camaleon y con absoluto descaro me robe la idea y la publique en la
 lista de inglés, para depués mostrar total cinismo y actuar COMO SI TODO
 ESTO FUESE UN JUEGO. Que haya gente que parezca pensar que los bugs y los
 errores que pueda tener Debian no deben tratarse, que no es válido venir
 aquí ha hacer ninguna crítica, cuando el Contrato Social de Debian, que
 bastante preocupado y por todo lo que he visto aquí me he puesto a leer y
 revisar bien, específica claramente que no se debe ocultar nada de eso.

 Ayer postee un hilo sobre un problema que tuve con gnash y como lo
 resolví, desinstalándolo y instalando flash, es un tema que lleva tiempo
 siendo tratado por Internet, pero aun así no veo redundante publicar algo
 más, porque creo que no debe dejar de considerarse que ese problema existe y
 que debe ser resuelto, porque lo ideal seria ciertamente utilizar un flash
 que sea libre.

 Hay algunos usuarios que vienen y firman sus mensajes con sus datos
 personales y además dan teléfonos e incluso el nombre o alguna referencia a
 una empresa. Eso lo respeto, dan la cara (o eso parece). Pero por lo general
 el contenido de los mensajes que envíen es muchas veces intimidatorio e
 incluso insultante, a veces hasta confuso, como si el nombre de la empresa
 que colocan sirviera para respaldar esa clase de actitudes.

 ¿Dónde esta la gente responsable y comprometida con la filosofía de Debian
 y GNU que debería formar parte de esta lista? Simplemente no puedo
 entenderlo, no entiendo qué trascendencia, qué caso tiene publicar en esta
 lista. Esto parece la dimensión desconocida (una serie muy vieja, pero su
 nombre describe bastante bien lo que quiero decir). Desde ese punto de vista
 no es tan extraño que alguna gente aquí se quiera tratar de Trolls y de
 bichos raros .

 Si uno va a la lista de inglés supongo que uno se encontraría con usuarios
 como Linus Trovals o tal vez Stallman, no estoy seguro, pero daría realmente
 con la gente que esta metida en eso. Se esperaría que siendo así la gente se
 comporte mejor y sea mejor tratada.

 Si realmente no existe la gente digamos lo suficientemente capacitada y
 responsable para manejar una lista como esta, pues entonces debería



JG /jg

Espero algún día dejemos de usar archivos, aplicaciones, sistemas
operativos en formatos privativos, no solo por el decreto 3390 sino por las
ventajas de usar formatos libres

Usa Software libre GNU/Linux!!!

Help with Software RAID needed

2011-04-23 Thread Jo Galara
I just got my new dedicated server, running Debian Lenny 64bit.
It has 2x500gb Software RAID but df -hT only shows a few GB for each

# df -hT
FilesystemTypeSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md1  ext33.7G  339M  3.4G  10% /
tmpfstmpfs2.0G 0  2.0G   0% /lib/init/rw
udev tmpfs 10M  576K  9.5M   6% /dev
tmpfstmpfs2.0G 0  2.0G   0% /dev/shm
   xfs4.0G  281M  3.8G   7% /usr
   xfs4.0G   48M  4.0G   2% /var
   xfs4.0G  4.2M  4.0G   1% /home
none tmpfs2.0G 0  2.0G   0% /tmp

fdisk -l shows the correct sizes:

# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0xb6a3db46

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   1 487 3911796   fd  Linux raid
/dev/sda2 488 731 1959930   82  Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda3 732   60801   482512275   fd  Linux raid

Disk /dev/sdb: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x7e96aee6

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdb1   1 487 3911796   fd  Linux raid
/dev/sdb2 488 731 1959930   82  Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sdb3 732   60801   482512275   fd  Linux raid

Disk /dev/md1: 4005 MB, 4005560320 bytes
2 heads, 4 sectors/track, 977920 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 8 * 512 = 4096 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x

Disk /dev/md1 doesn't contain a valid partition table

Disk /dev/md3: 494.0 GB, 494092484608 bytes
2 heads, 4 sectors/track, 120628048 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 8 * 512 = 4096 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x

Disk /dev/md3 doesn't contain a valid partition table

Disk /dev/dm-0: 4294 MB, 4294967296 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 522 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x

Disk /dev/dm-0 doesn't contain a valid partition table

Disk /dev/dm-1: 4294 MB, 4294967296 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 522 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x

Disk /dev/dm-1 doesn't contain a valid partition table

Disk /dev/dm-2: 4294 MB, 4294967296 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 522 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x

Disk /dev/dm-2 doesn't contain a valid partition table

How can I increase the size of the partitions?


Jo Galara

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Help with Software RAID needed

2011-04-23 Thread Jo Galara
More information:

# cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid1]
md3 : active raid1 sdb3[0] sda3[1]
  482512192 blocks [2/2] [UU]

md1 : active raid1 sda1[0] sdb1[1]
  3911680 blocks [2/2] [UU]

unused devices: none

# mount
/dev/md1 on / type ext3 (rw)
tmpfs on /lib/init/rw type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
procbususb on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)
udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)
tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=620)
/dev/mapper/vg00-usr on /usr type xfs (rw)
/dev/mapper/vg00-var on /var type xfs (rw,usrquota)
/dev/mapper/vg00-home on /home type xfs (rw,usrquota)
none on /tmp type tmpfs (rw)


Jo Galara

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Help needed for my first mail server

2011-03-15 Thread Jo Galara
Hash: SHA1

 Do I need an MX hostname?  There are so many unknowns that I don't know where 
 to begin.

Yes, you need a MX hostname and reverse DNS. Set the reverse DNS
hostname to the HELO hostname your SMTP server uses, as well as  your MX

About the rest: Take a look at and make
sure your mailserver can not be abused as an open relay (spam-sender)!

- -- 

Jo Galara
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: this is a test

2011-03-15 Thread Jo Galara
Hash: SHA1

On 03/15/2011 08:05 AM, Secure-Mail User wrote:
 this is just a test, please ignore it!
 powered by - anonymous and secure e-mail accounts.-- To 
 UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of 
 unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact Archive:

okay, i ignore you...

- -- 

Jo Galara
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: test

2011-03-15 Thread Jo Galara
On 03/15/2011 08:01 AM, wrote:
 powered by - anonymous and secure e-mail accounts.

use another list for testing, please


Jo Galara

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: this is just a test, please ignore it!

2011-03-15 Thread Jo Galara
On 03/15/2011 08:15 AM, wrote:
 this is just a test, please ignore it! ...
 powered by - anonymous and secure e-mail accounts.
okay, i ignore you, too


Jo Galara

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: shell command or script to combine two files

2010-04-03 Thread

Quoting Dino Vliet

Hi debian people,
I have two files with the same number of rows but different columns.  
I want to create one file out of them and am looking for a simple  
shell command or shell script to accomplish that.
File 1 has N number of rows and columns X,Y,Z and File 2 has N  
number of rows and P,Q,R as columns.The resulting file should have N  
number of rows and X,Y,Z,P,Q,R as columns.
1) Is there a simple command in Bash to accomplish this?2) What  
would a script to do this look like? Uses Gawk?3) If N=1000 and  
the two files have 45 columns with mixed integer and character  
values, what would be the most efficient approach (fastest) and why?

Thanks in advancednbsp;

Use paste. Like this:
paste -d\   filea fileb filec

-d is the delimiter, in this case a space, per default a tab.

% cat filea
1 2 3
a b c
x y z
o p q

% cat fileb
6 7 8
5 6 7
q w e
a s d

% paste -d  filea fileb
1 2 3 6 7 8
a b c 5 6 7
x y z q w e
o p q a s d

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Re: Looking for good dark background GTK themes

2010-03-28 Thread

Quoting T o n g

Any dark-background fans here? Please suggest your dark background
GTK Theme.
I use Xfce-dusk with modified scrollbar/button/... mouseover color (I  
don't like blue)

Mine used to look like this,

Thanks for the link!

Are you also interested in KDE/fluxbox themes?


Description: PGP Digital Signature

proftpd et apache2 lenny.

2010-02-19 Thread jo jo

J ai un virtualhost sur apache2 pour recevoir des fichiers avec un web
J ai aussi un serveur proftpd pour recevoir ces même par FTP.

J ai configurer le virtualhost avec un alias qui pointe sur le répertoire en
commun FTP entre apache2 et proftpd.

Apache2 fonction avec l'utilisateur www-data et le group www-data.

Proftpd fonction avec l'utilisateur ftpuser et le group ftpgroup.

Mon problème :
Quand proftpd écris dans le répertoire FTP pas de problème
Ensuite quand je cherche à utiliser le web service avec apache2 impossible

Inversement si je commence par le web service pas de problème, mais ensuite
c'est proftpd qui est bloqué.

dans le fichier proftpd.conf l'umask est actuellement comme ceci :
Umask 000 000
donc normalement pour le répertoires ou les fichiers transmis au serveur il
devrait avoir comme droits :
drwxrwx---  repertoiretest
-rwxrwx---   fichiertest
mais au lieu de cela j'ai :
drwxrwxrwx  repertoiretest
-rw-rw-rw-   fichiertest

Pourriez vous m'aider sur ce problème ?

J'ai cherché du coté de l'umask du systeme et du user ftpuser.
mais je n ai pas trouvé les fichiers pour cette utilisateur système.
.bashrc et .profile

je ne sais donc pas ou je peux changer pour cette utilisateur son umask.

Merci de votre aide.

Re: Samba übers Internet erreichen [c't-server]

2006-11-01 Thread jo . antispam
Hallo Andreas,
habe mir WINSCP angesehen. Es bieten m. E. genau den selben Komfort
wie ein normaler FTP-Client nur zusätzlich eben die Sicherheit des
SSH-Tunnels. Also kann die Lösung nur VPN heißen! Nach dieser
Entscheidung bleiben aber immer noch fragen offen:
- SSH wird m.E. trotzdem genötigt? Läuft bereits für WEBMIN!
- Der SSH-Port muß unter NAT auf den Rechner
  (c't-Server) umgeleitet werden
- Aber nun, welches VPN ist leicht zu installieren und zu
  konfigurieren? Was wird auf der Windowseite benötigt?
Gruß Jochen

Andreas Kretschmer schrieb:

 am  Tue, dem 31.10.2006, um 13:39:11 -0800 mailte [EMAIL PROTECTED] folgendes:

 Das willst Du nicht. Entweder willst Du ein VPN mit allem drum und dran,
 oder einen SSH-Tunnel und auf Client-Seite WinSCP. Das ist dann fast wie
 'normales' arbeiten.

 Andreas Kretschmer
 Kontakt:  Heynitz: 035242/47215,   D1: 0160/7141639 (mehr: - Header)
 GnuPG-ID:   0x3FFF606C, privat 0x7F4584DA

 Haeufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ):

 Zum AUSTRAGEN schicken Sie eine Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mit dem Subject unsubscribe. Probleme? Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] (engl)

Re: Samba übers Internet erreichen [c't-server]

2006-11-01 Thread jo . antispam
Hallo Boris,
eine Verständnisfrage: Muß auf beiden Seiten (Client und Server) das
gleiche Produkt eingesetzt werden oder kommunizieren auch Produkte
verschiedener Hersteller untereinander?

Gruß Jochen

Boris Andratzek schrieb:

 3. a) openvpn b) openvpn


Samba übers Internet erreichen [c't-server]

2006-10-31 Thread jo . antispam
Hallo von einem Linux-Neuling!
Vor ca. einem Halben Jahr habe ich einen alten PC zum ct-Server
(Kernel-Version 2.4.x) umgerüstet. Samba tut seit dem gute Dienste als
zentrale Dateiablage im lokalen Netzwerk. Auch ist es mir gelungen
einen FTP-Zugriff (proftpd) auf die Verzeichnis zu realisiern. Für den
gelegentlichen Zugriff ist das recht praktisch und auch simpel. Das
Sicherheitsrisiko ist mir bekannt, aber die Daten auch nicht kritisch.
Für das dauerhafte Arbeiten ist je doch FTP sehr unpraktisch.
Nach der langen Einleitung nun zu meiner Frage: Was benötige ich, um
über das Internet auf den SAMBA-Server zuzugreifen?
Hier ein Paar Eckdaten des Netzwerkes:
- 4 Windows-Rechner   (
- 1 ct-Server (
- Samba
- ProFtp
- Apache
- OpenSSH_3.8.1
- 1 Teledat DSL-Router komfort (
- Gateway
- Firewall
- NAT (Port 21  80)
- 1 Netzwerkdrucker(
- 1 Domain
- 1 Laptop (WIN98SE) als externer Nutzer

Gesucht wird eine simple - newbie gerechte - Lösung, damit der externe
Laptop auf die SAMBA-Verzeichnisse zugreifen kann, wie als wenn er im
LAN wäre. (Was für ein deutsch!)
Mein googeln mit den Begriffen VPN war nicht sonderlich erfolgreich.
Gruß Jochen aus der Stadt der CeBIT

Re: diacritic characters not displayed in printed output

2006-08-21 Thread jo vart
Yes BitstreamVera was installed as the deb for etch (ttf-bitstream-vera-1.10-7) pdffonts my.pdf: name type emb sub uni object ID  --- --- --- -
BA+BitstreamVeraSerif-Roman  TrueType yes yes yes 12  0pdfinfo my.pdf:Creator:WriterProducer: 2.0CreationDate:   Sun Aug 20 11:19:09 2006Tagged: no
Pages:  2Encrypted:  noPage size:  595 x 842 pts (A4)File size:  21800 bytesOptimized:  noPDF version:1.4I also created another file (in oowriter) for testing purposes, using a couple of different fonts- truetype and type 1.
Interestingly enough the TT fontthatIinstalled'manually'(BaarMetanoia)andthetype1fontLMRomanproducedcorrectoutputasdisplayedbygs -sDEVICE=x11alpha (and in print). pdffonts test.pdf:
name type emb sub uni object ID  --- --- --- -BA+BaarMetanoia  TrueType yes yes yes 24  0 -- correct diacritics
CA+BitstreamVeraSans-Roman   TrueType yes yes yes 19  0 -- faultyEA+ComicSansMS   TrueType yes yes yes 29  0 -- faultyLMRoman10-RegularType 1   yes no  yes 34  0 -- correct
GA+PalatinoLinotype-RomanTrueType yes yes yes  9  0 -- faultyj väärt

diacritic characters not displayed in printed output

2006-08-20 Thread jo vart
Why would diacritic characters (like ä) show up perfectly well on screen but not in printed output. Not even after the document first being exported from oowriter to a pdf that looks as it should.j väärt

Re: diacritic characters not displayed in printed output

2006-08-20 Thread jo vart
jo vart wrote: Why would diacritic characters (like Ã) show up perfectly well on screen but not in printed output. Not even after the document first being exported from oowriter to a pdf that looks as it should.
What fonts do you use? When opening in acrobat/kpdf/evince what fonts areincluded in PDF (the information should be somewhere in File menu)?MatÄjBoth acroread and evince report BitstreamVeraSerifRoma, TrueType, embedded subset.
 (This is an etch system, using cups)j väärt

Re: diacritic characters not displayed in printed output

2006-08-20 Thread jo vart
gs -sDEVICE=x11alpha filename.pdf results in the same faulty output (as does acroread and evince).dpkg -l | gsfonts returns:ii gsfonts 8.14+v8.11+urw-0.2ii gsfonts-x110.20
 j väärt

Re: Server REALLY slow after console messages

2006-06-27 Thread Jo Shields

Simon wrote:

Hi There,

Can anyone have a look at this screenshot and give me a glimmer of
what is going on here?

This server is responding to pings, but all services are 'stuck', i
can login, but it times out after 60 seconds and typing is REALLY

Thanks for any input


You've run out of RAM.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Problemas com som

2005-06-13 Thread =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Jo=E3o?= Paulo Ponte
Liguei meu Linux a pouco e não funciona o som.. tento no xmms e ele diz
q o drive esta desconfigurado e o controle de volumes nao aumenta o
volume e nem mostra as outras opções de volume, minha placa mae é uma
asus a7v266-mx, uso debian br... tava tudo funcionando legal até

João Paulo Ponte [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

two ethernet card's eepro100 don't work togheter

2005-06-02 Thread =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Jo=E3o_Gabriel_Sapucahy_Chiste?=
I tryed all the ways... changing the PCI slots, all the slots are 
working, changing the cards... But nothing works, i really need to make 
this work for my graduating work.

The drivers are compiled into the kernel
I tried passing arguments to boot, but it won't work until the system 
recognizes the two boards. When i do lspci only shows one always

Any help?

João Gabriel Sapucahy Chiste

Instalar a =?ISO-8859-15?Q?=FAltima_vers=E3o_OpenOffice=2Eor?= =?ISO-8859-15?Q?g_2_Beta_Instalar_1=2E9=2E100_no_Debian?=

2005-05-11 Thread =?ISO-8859-15?Q?Jo=E3o_Paulo_Sousa?=
Olá a todos,

Para os mais Hi-Tec e radicais aqui está o how to para instalar a 
última versão 2 Beta Instalar 1.9.100 no Ubuntu que
funcionou bem no meu Sid.

É só executar um dos scripts (SO c/ Java ou s/ Java) e ele trata do resto.


João Paulo

ESTGM-Instituto Politécnico de Bragança.
Dept. Informática e Comunicações.
- *Telf.**: *278201340/278201341* / Fax: *278265733
- *VoIP** *(skype)*: *jpps007 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
- *icq*: 302379809, *sip*: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Por favor considere as suas responsabilidades ambientais:* 

* Antes de imprimir o e-mail, pergunte a si mesmo se precisa de
cópia em papel !*

*Please consider your environmental responsibility:* 

*Before printing this e-mail, ask yourself whether you need a hard
copy !*

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Instalar a =?ISO-8859-15?Q?=FAltima_vers=E3o_OpenOffice=2E?= =?ISO-8859-15?Q?org_2_Beta_Instalar_1=2E9=2E100_no_Debian?=

2005-05-11 Thread =?ISO-8859-15?Q?Jo=E3o_Paulo_Sousa?=

Hehe... esqueci-me do URL. 

C vai ...

Joo Paulo Sousa wrote:

  Ol a todos,

Para os mais Hi-Tec e radicais aqui est o "how to" para instalar a 
ltima verso 2 Beta Instalar 1.9.100 no Ubuntu que
funcionou bem no meu Sid.

 s executar um dos scripts (SO c/ Java ou s/ Java) e ele trata do resto.


Joo Paulo

ESTGM-Instituto Politcnico de Bragana.
Dept. Informtica e Comunicaes.
- *Telf.**: *278201340/278201341* / Fax: *278265733
- *VoIP** *(skype)*: *jpps007 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
- *icq*: 302379809, *sip*: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Por favor considere as suas responsabilidades ambientais:* 

* Antes de imprimir o e-mail, pergunte a si mesmo se precisa de
cpia em papel !*

*Please consider your environmental responsibility:* 

*Before printing this e-mail, ask yourself whether you need a hard
copy !*




  ESTGM-Instituto Politcnico
de Bragana.
Dept. Informtica e Comunicaes.
  278201340/278201341 /
  Fax: 278265733
  VoIP (skype):
  icq: 302379809,
favor considere as suas responsabilidades ambientais: 

de imprimir o e-mail, pergunte a si mesmo se precisa de cpia
em papel !

consider your environmental responsibility: 

printing this e-mail, ask yourself whether you need a hard copy !

Re: Instalar a =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=FAltima_vers=E3o_OpenOffice=2E?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?org_2_Beta_Instalar_1=2E9=2E100_no___Debi?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?an?=

2005-05-11 Thread =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Jo=E3o_Paulo_Sousa?=
Eu fiz o seguinte removi o openofffice 1.9.75 que tinha e depois
executei o script 

linux wrote:

Boa tarde,

Tenho o UBUNTU 5.04 Hoary instalado e tinha a versão anterior do
Com a função Synaptic consegui actualizar o OpenOffice, mas apenas para:
- Calc
- Draw
- Math
- Impress
- Writer 

Será que as restantes aplicações não foram actualizadas? 

Abreu Pires

On Wed, 11 May 2005 15:20:23 +0100, João Paulo Sousa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hehe... esqueci-me do URL.

Cá vai ...

João Paulo Sousa wrote:

Olá a todos,

Para os mais Hi-Tec e radicais aqui está o how to para instalar a 
última versão 2 Beta Instalar 1.9.100 no Ubuntu que
funcionou bem no meu Sid.

É só executar um dos scripts (SO c/ Java ou s/ Java) e ele trata do resto.


João Paulo

   ESTGM-Instituto Politécnico de Bragança.
   Dept. Informática e Comunicações.
   - *Telf.**: *278201340/278201341* / Fax: *278265733
   - *VoIP** *(skype)*: *jpps007 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   - *icq*: 302379809, *sip*: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   - *m**ailTo*:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   *Por favor considere as suas responsabilidades ambientais:* 

   * Antes de imprimir o e-mail, pergunte a si mesmo se precisa de
   cópia em papel !*

   *Please consider your environmental responsibility:* 

   *Before printing this e-mail, ask yourself whether you need a hard
   copy !*




João Paulo

ESTGM-Instituto Politécnico de Bragança.
Dept. Informática e Comunicações.
- *Telf.**: *278201340/278201341* / Fax: *278265733
- *VoIP** *(skype)*: *jpps007 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
- *icq*: 302379809, *sip*: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

*Por favor considere as suas responsabilidades ambientais:* 

* Antes de imprimir o e-mail, pergunte a si mesmo se precisa de
cópia em papel !*

*Please consider your environmental responsibility:* 

*Before printing this e-mail, ask yourself whether you need a hard
copy !*

Best regards,
Abreu Pires
O único modo de alguém ser feliz é julgar-se feliz - Fernando Pessoa
Ubuntu is an ancient African word, meaning humanity to others



João Paulo

ESTGM-Instituto Politécnico de Bragança.
Dept. Informática e Comunicações.
- *Telf.**: *278201340/278201341* / Fax: *278265733
- *VoIP** *(skype)*: *jpps007 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
- *icq*: 302379809, *sip*: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Por favor considere as suas responsabilidades ambientais:* 

* Antes de imprimir o e-mail, pergunte a si mesmo se precisa de
cópia em papel !*

*Please consider your environmental responsibility:* 

*Before printing this e-mail, ask yourself whether you need a hard
copy !*

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Programa para UML

2005-05-10 Thread =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Jo=E3o_Paulo_Sousa?=

Funciona com o netbeans

Yahoo! Mail, cada vez 
melhor: agora com 1GB de espaço grátis!


Ronaldo Reis-Jr. wrote:


que programa vc indicam para UML?

Estou usando o Umbrello, é bonitinho, mas muito bagunçado, vira e mexe as 
coisas saem do lugar.

Estava pensando algo tipo aisee ou graphviz.



João Paulo

ESTGM-Instituto Politécnico de Bragança.
Dept. Informática e Comunicações.
- *Telf.**: *278201340/278201341* / Fax: *278265733
- *VoIP** *(skype)*: *jpps007 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
- *icq*: 302379809, *sip*: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Por favor considere as suas responsabilidades ambientais:* 

* Antes de imprimir o e-mail, pergunte a si mesmo se precisa de
cópia em papel !*

*Please consider your environmental responsibility:* 

*Before printing this e-mail, ask yourself whether you need a hard
copy !*

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

LTSP - Tela Tremula - Vesa, FBDEV ou AUTO

2005-05-07 Thread =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Jo=E3o_Eduardo?=

l, consegui configurar o LTSP, a estao
cliente chega a mostrar a tela de login, mas fica totalmente tremula e
no da pra ver nada. 
Essa mquina  um Pentium 200MMX, 64 RAM, placa de vdeo TRIDENT 9685,
mouse serial sem roda.

J coloquei vesa, fbdev no arquivo de configurao, mas continua na

Segue abaixo meu arquivo lts.conf, tem algo errado? Ou pode ser a
configurao de outro arquivo?



# Esta opo faz com que o LTSP detecte automaticamente a 
# placa de vdeo dos terminais, utilizando os drivers do 
# Xfree 4.2. 
XSERVER = auto
X_MODE_0 = 800x600 
X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL = "Microsoft"
X_MOUSE_DEVICE = "/dev/ttyS0"
XSERVER = auto
X_MODE_0 = 800x600 
X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL = "Microsoft"
X_MOUSE_DEVICE = "/dev/ttyS0"



inline: mail.png

Teclas sysrq

2005-05-05 Thread =?ISO-8859-15?Q?Jo=E3o_Paulo_Sousa?=
Olá Pessoal,

O meu Debian de vez em quando bloqueia e eu desconfio que são os drivers
Sei que existem as teclas mágicas no linux mas não consigo habilitalas,
embora já tenta-se fazer o que diz no texto abaixo:

8.5.2 Alt-SysRq

Garantia contra mal funcionamento do sistema é fornecida pela opção de
compilação de kernel Magic SysRq key. Pressionar Alt-SysRq em um i386,
seguido por uma das teclas r 0 k e i s u b, faz a mágica.

Un`r'aw restaura o teclado após coisas como X travarem. Mudar o nível de
log do console para `0' reduz mensagens de erros. sa`k' (tecla de
administração de sistema) mata todos os processos no console virtual
atual. t`e'rminate mata todos os processos no terminal atual exceto o
|init|. k`i'll mata todos os processos exceto o |init|.

`S'ync, `u'mount e re`b'oot são para se livrar de situações realmente

Os kernels de instalação padrão Debian não são compilados com essa opção
no momento em que este documento é escrito. Recompile o kernel para
ativar esta função. Informações detalhadas podem ser encontradas em
|/usr/share/doc/kernel-doc-versão/Documentation/sysrq.txt.gz| ou

A verdade é que não encontro nenhuma opção sysrq no kernel para
habilitar e não encontro o ficheiro |sysrq.txt.gz.

|Será que algém me pode ajudar?



João Paulo

ESTGM-Instituto Politécnico de Bragança.
Dept. Informática e Comunicações.
- *Telf.**: *278201340/278201341* / Fax: *278265733
- *VoIP** *(skype)*: *jpps007 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
- *icq*: 302379809, *sip*: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Por favor considere as suas responsabilidades ambientais:* 

* Antes de imprimir o e-mail, pergunte a si mesmo se precisa de
cópia em papel !*

*Please consider your environmental responsibility:* 

*Before printing this e-mail, ask yourself whether you need a hard
copy !*

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

LTSP - para no Loading

2005-05-05 Thread =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Jo=E3o_Eduardo?=

Do o boot pelo disquete no cliente, ele acha o
servidor dhcp, mas para no loading. 



DHCP:, TFTP:, Gateway Loading


Tenho dois computadores em casa, no servidor um atlhon 1500 MHZ, tenho
duas placas de rede, (ligada no speedy), (rede
local), na estao cliente tenho uma placa de rede(PCI) que estou
configurando para pegar o ip, e ela tem mouse SERIAL.

O que pode estar errado? Abaixo segue meus arquivos de configurao.




# Mantenha descomentadas as duas linhas abaixo se voc for utilizar 
# placas de rede ISA em algumas das estaes:
#option option-128 code 128 = string;
#option option-129 code 129 = text;
shared-network WORKSTATIONS {
  subnet netmask {
default-lease-time  21600;
# Configure as opes abaixo adicionando os endereos da sua rede: 
# Mascara de sub-rede:
option subnet-mask;
# Endereo de broadcast ( sempre o ltimo endereo da rede, como em 
#,, etc)
option broadcast-address;
# Default gateway (o micro que est compartilhando a conexo)
option routers192.168.0.3;
# Servidor DNS (endereo do DNS do provedor)
option domain-name-servers;
# Nome do domnio (opcional, apenas se tiver um)
option domain-name  "";
# Esta opo faz com que o servidor dhcp aceite apenas os clientes do
# terminal server, no conflitando com um servidor dhcp j existente.
deny unknown-clients;
# IMPORTATE!! Substitua o "" pelo endereo IP do servidor 
# Kurumin (esta mquina), se este endereo estiver errado o LTSP no 
# funcionar!:
option root-path   "";
# --
group {
  use-host-decl-names   on;
  option log-servers192.168.200.252;
# Aqui vo as configuraes dos terminais, cada terminal deve
# ser configurado com um endereo IP diferente e com o endereo 
# MAC de sua placa de rede.

# Para saber o endereo MAC de cada terminal, basta dar um boot
# Com o disquete do rom-o-matic, ele mostrar o endereo MAC
# logo no incio do boot.
# Este endereo  nico, exclusivo de cada placa de rede,  atravs
# dele que o servidor sabe qual terminal  qual. 
# Adicione mais terminais caso necessrio copiando e colando as linhas:
# terminal 1:
  host ws001 {
hardware ethernet  00:40:F4:61:BD:86;
filename   "/tftpboot/lts/vmlinuz-2.4.21-ltsp-1";
# terminal 2:
  host ws002 {
hardware ethernet  00:D0:09:A2:9B:8D;
filename   "/tftpboot/lts/vmlinuz-2.4.21-ltsp-1";
# terminal 3:
  host ws003 {
hardware ethernet  00:E0:7D:AB:E3:11;
filename   "/tftpboot/lts/vmlinuz-2.4.21-ltsp-1";
# terminal 4:
  host ws004 {
hardware ethernet  00:C0:DF:09:05:55;
filename   "/tftpboot/lts/vmlinuz-2.4.21-ltsp-1";
# terminal 5:
  host ws005 {
hardware ethernet  00:60:08:37:4F:15;
filename   "/tftpboot/lts/vmlinuz-2.4.21-ltsp-1";
# Para usar uma placa de rede ISA no terminal, descomente as duas
# abaixo e substitua o "NIC=3c509" pelo mdulo da placa de rede usada. 
# No altere o "e4:45:74:68:00:00" este no  um endereo MAC, mas sim 
# a string que ativa a linha com o mdulo da placa!.
#option option-128  e4:45:74:68:00:00;
#option option-129  "NIC=3c509";





## LTS-begin ##
# Altere o "" caso a sua rede utilize outra faixa de
endereos IP:
# The following entries need to be uncommented if you want
# Local App support in ltsp

Re: LTSP - para no Loading

2005-05-05 Thread =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Jo=E3o_Eduardo?=

Nossa cara, acho que no  esse meu caso, pois j testei a rede com
esse cabo usando o windows no outro computador, pinga normal e
compartilha net na boa, ento ta comunicando.


fabiano escreveu:

  cara ja tive o mesmo problema... e so resolvi trocando o cabo de rede

Joo Eduardo escreveu:

Do o boot pelo disquete no cliente, ele acha o servidor dhcp, mas para
no loading.
Me:, DHCP:, TFTP:, Gateway Loading

Tenho dois computadores em casa, no servidor um atlhon 1500 MHZ, tenho
duas placas de rede, (ligada no speedy), (rede
local), na estao cliente tenho uma placa de rede(PCI) que estou
configurando para pegar o ip, e ela tem mouse SERIAL.

O que pode estar errado? Abaixo segue meus arquivos de configurao.


# Mantenha descomentadas as duas linhas abaixo se voc for utilizar
# placas de rede ISA em algumas das estaes:

#option option-128 code 128 = string;
#option option-129 code 129 = text;

shared-network WORKSTATIONS {
subnet netmask {


# Configure as opes abaixo adicionando os endereos da sua rede:

# Mascara de sub-rede:
option subnet-mask255.255.255.0;

# Endereo de broadcast ( sempre o ltimo endereo da rede, como em
#,, etc)

option broadcast-address;

# Default gateway (o micro que est compartilhando a conexo)
option routers192.168.0.3;

# Servidor DNS (endereo do DNS do provedor)
option domain-name-servers200.204.0.10;

# Nome do domnio (opcional, apenas se tiver um)
option domain-name"";

# Esta opo faz com que o servidor dhcp aceite apenas os clientes do
# terminal server, no conflitando com um servidor dhcp j existente.
deny unknown-clients;

# IMPORTATE!! Substitua o "" pelo endereo IP do servidor
# Kurumin (esta mquina), se este endereo estiver errado o LTSP no
# funcionar!:

option root-path  "";


# --

group   {
use-host-decl-names   on;
option log-servers192.168.200.252;

# Aqui vo as configuraes dos terminais, cada terminal deve
# ser configurado com um endereo IP diferente e com o endereo
# MAC de sua placa de rede.
# Para saber o endereo MAC de cada terminal, basta dar um boot
# Com o disquete do rom-o-matic, ele mostrar o endereo MAC
# logo no incio do boot.

# Este endereo  nico, exclusivo de cada placa de rede,  atravs
# dele que o servidor sabe qual terminal  qual.

# Adicione mais terminais caso necessrio copiando e colando as linhas:

# terminal 1:

host ws001 {
hardware ethernet 00:40:F4:61:BD:86;
filename  "/tftpboot/lts/vmlinuz-2.4.21-ltsp-1";

# terminal 2:

host ws002 {
hardware ethernet 00:D0:09:A2:9B:8D;
filename  "/tftpboot/lts/vmlinuz-2.4.21-ltsp-1";

# terminal 3:

host ws003 {
hardware ethernet 00:E0:7D:AB:E3:11;
filename  "/tftpboot/lts/vmlinuz-2.4.21-ltsp-1";

# terminal 4:

host ws004 {
hardware ethernet 00:C0:DF:09:05:55;
filename  "/tftpboot/lts/vmlinuz-2.4.21-ltsp-1";

# terminal 5:

host ws005 {
hardware ethernet 00:60:08:37:4F:15;
filename  "/tftpboot/lts/vmlinuz-2.4.21-ltsp-1";

# Para usar uma placa de rede ISA no terminal, descomente as duas linhas
# abaixo e substitua o "NIC=3c509" pelo mdulo da placa de rede usada.
# No altere o "e4:45:74:68:00:00" este no  um endereo MAC, mas sim
# a string que ativa a linha com o mdulo da placa!.

#option option-128 e4:45:74:68:00:00;
#option option-129 "NIC=3c509";



## LTS-begin ##
# Altere o "" caso a sua rede utilize outra faixa de
endereos IP:



# The following entries need to be uncommented if you want
# Local App support in ltsp

## LTS-end ##


# No altere este arquivo a menos que saiba o que est fazendo.

# /etc/inetd.conf:  see inetd(8) for further informations.
# Internet server configuration database
# Lines starting with "#:LABEL:" or "#off#" should not
# be changed unless you know what you are doing!
# If you want to disable an entry so 


2005-05-04 Thread =?ISO-8859-15?Q?Jo=E3o_Paulo_Sousa?=
Olá a todos,

Tenho uma máquina com duas interfaces de rede eth0 (IP público) e eth1
(IP privado).

Quero instalar o serviço de dhcp para a rede privada.

Configurei o dhcpd.conf  no /etc/init.d/dhcpd coloquei a interface de
defeito eth1.
No entanto quando inicio o serviço dá-me este erro no syslog

May  4 10:53:12 pingus dhcpd: No subnet declaration for eth0
May  4 10:53:12 pingus dhcpd: Please write a subnet declaration in your
dhcpd.conf file for the
May  4 10:53:12 pingus dhcpd: network segment to which interface eth0 is

E eu não quero o dhcpd nesta interface. Como faço?


João Paulo

ESTGM-Instituto Politécnico de Bragança.
Dept. Informática e Comunicações.
- *Telf.**: *278201340/278201341* / Fax: *278265733
- *VoIP** *(skype)*: *jpps007 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: =?ISO-8859-15?Q?Servi=E7o_dhcpd?=

2005-05-04 Thread =?ISO-8859-15?Q?Jo=E3o_Paulo_Sousa?=

O meu ficheiro est configurado desse modo:

cat /etc/init.d/dhcp |more
# $Id: dhcp.init.d,v 2002/08/11 22:11:54 peloy Exp $

test -x /usr/sbin/dhcpd || exit 0

# Defaults

# Reads config file (will override defaults above)
[ -r /etc/default/dhcp ]  . /etc/default/dhcp


case "$1" in
 echo -n "Starting DHCP server: "
 start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $DHCPDPID \
 --exec /usr/sbin/dhcpd -- -q $INTERFACES
 sleep 2

 if [ -f "$DHCPDPID" ]  ps h `cat "$DHCPDPID"`
/dev/null; then
 echo "dhcpd."
 echo "dhcpd failed to start - check syslog for

Mas qd eu fao /etc/init.d/dhcpd start o tipo d o erro em baixo.

Marcos Vinicius Lazarini wrote:
Paulo Sousa wrote:
  Ol a todos,

Tenho uma mquina com duas interfaces de rede eth0 (IP pblico) e eth1

(IP privado).

Quero instalar o servio de dhcp para a rede privada.

Configurei o dhcpd.conf no /etc/init.d/dhcpd coloquei a interface de

defeito eth1.

No entanto quando inicio o servio d-me este erro no syslog

May 4 10:53:12 pingus dhcpd: No subnet declaration for eth0


May 4 10:53:12 pingus dhcpd: Please write a subnet declaration in your

dhcpd.conf file for the

May 4 10:53:12 pingus dhcpd: network segment to which interface eth0


E eu no quero o dhcpd nesta interface. Como fao?

Olha a leitura do manual! O meu  o dhcp3, mas deve ser a mesma coisa;
vai ser fcil :-) Veja nesse arquivo:

cat /etc/default/dhcp3-server
# Defaults for dhcp initscript
# sourced by /etc/init.d/dhcp
# installed at /etc/default/dhcp3-server by the maintainer scripts
# This is a POSIX shell fragment
# On what interfaces should the DHCP server (dhcpd) serve DHCP
# Separate multiple interfaces with spaces, e.g. "eth0 eth1".




  ESTGM-Instituto Politcnico
de Bragana.
Dept. Informtica e Comunicaes.
  278201340/278201341 /
  Fax: 278265733
  VoIP (skype):
  icq: 302379809,
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de imprimir o e-mail, pergunte a si mesmo se precisa de cpia
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consider your environmental responsibility: 

printing this e-mail, ask yourself whether you need a hard copy !

Re: =?ISO-8859-15?Q?Servi=E7o_dhcpd?=

2005-05-04 Thread =?ISO-8859-15?Q?Jo=E3o_Paulo_Sousa?=

BINGO ! :-)

Qd instalei o NIS aconteceu-me a mesma coisa no servidor... Por defeito
o servio NIS no debian vem configurado para correr no cliente e inicia
o servio ypbind. No servidor deve executar o servio ypserv.
Andei s "cabeadas" com isso, durante uns bons dias at que descobri
por acaso o ficheiro /etc/default/nis que tinha uma coisa do gnero (j
que isto no vinha nos how to).  a sistemtica do debian... que depois
de se descobrir, pensa-se "claro s podia ser assim!!!".

Obrigado e um abrao

Rodolfo Alves Barbosa wrote:
Paulo Sousa wrote:
  Ol a todos,

Tenho uma mquina com duas interfaces de rede eth0 (IP pblico) e eth1

(IP privado).

Quero instalar o servio de dhcp para a rede privada.

Configurei o dhcpd.conf no /etc/init.d/dhcpd coloquei a interface de

defeito eth1.

No entanto quando inicio o servio d-me este erro no syslog

May 4 10:53:12 pingus dhcpd: No subnet declaration for eth0


May 4 10:53:12 pingus dhcpd: Please write a subnet declaration in your

dhcpd.conf file for the

May 4 10:53:12 pingus dhcpd: network segment to which interface eth0


E eu no quero o dhcpd nesta interface. Como fao?


Joo Paulo

 ESTGM-Instituto Politcnico de Bragana.

 Dept. Informtica e Comunicaes.

 - *Telf.**: *278201340/278201341* / Fax: *278265733

 - *VoIP** *(skype)*: *jpps007 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 - *icq*: 302379809, *sip*: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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 * Antes de imprimir o e-mail, pergunte a si mesmo se precisa de

 cpia em papel !*

 *Please consider your environmental responsibility:* 
 *Before printing this e-mail, ask yourself whether you need a hard

 copy !*

Caro Jao Paulo,
Exite um arquivo de configuracao /etc/default/dhcd onde voce "diz" qual
sera a interface que o servico de dhcp ira rodar. Por padrao ele vem
configurado com a interface eth0. E so voce mudar p/ eth1.



  ESTGM-Instituto Politcnico
de Bragana.
Dept. Informtica e Comunicaes.
  278201340/278201341 /
  Fax: 278265733
  VoIP (skype):
  icq: 302379809,
favor considere as suas responsabilidades ambientais: 

de imprimir o e-mail, pergunte a si mesmo se precisa de cpia
em papel !

consider your environmental responsibility: 

printing this e-mail, ask yourself whether you need a hard copy !

Re: Soundcard Support???

2004-09-11 Thread Matthews-Levine (Jo and Di)
On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 11:05:40 -0400, jwyman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i have a dell dimension 8300 with a soundblaster live! cardthe
 debian drivers Emu10k1 or SB will not make it sound at
 alli'd really like to HEAR ( from someone with a possible

Check out the paragraph which talks about an SBLive model on Dell
boxes /not/ being emu-compatible.  Does that model number match yours?
 I can't help you much beyond having randomly come across that page
earlier today ...


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Order of loading for modules 3w-xxxx and aic-7xxx has changed {Scanned}

2004-05-25 Thread Jo Mills


  We have a Server that is fitted with one:

  Escalade 3Ware 7500-8 RAID card, 
  (set as RAID 5 with some Maxtor IDE disks)

  and one:

  Adaptec 29160 SCSI card
  (hosting two off SCSI disks)

  (I know its a bit of a strange configuration but we inherited 
   the two SCSI disks and it seemed a shame not to use them).

  When the upgrade to kernel-image-2.4.18-1-686 (2.4.18-13.1) was
  carried out a couple of weeks ago, the order in which the 
  modules 3w- and aic-7xxx loaded had been reversed compared
  with the order in the previous kernel image.  In the  
  2.4.18-13.1 image, the 3w- driver comes up first and the 
  RAID array is sda.  Then the aic-7xxx driver comes up and the 
  true SCSI disks are then sdb and sdc.  This is great as this is
  the order I want.

  With the previous kernel I tried entering the following at the
  LILO prompt:

 Linux append=scsihosts=3w-:aic7xxx
  but I couldn't get it to work.  The aic7xxx driver was always
  loaded first so the two true scsi disks were sda  sdb, the
  3w- driver was next and the RAID array was named sdc.

  Having looked through the documentation and searched the 
  archives I can find nothing to say that with 
  kernel-image-2.4.18-1-686 (2.4.18-13.1) users should note the 
  order of loading for modules 3w- and aic-7xxx has changed 
  around compared with that of the previous kernel image.
  Q:  Is this change a documented anywhere?
  Q:  Is this change likely to become a permanent feature? :-))

  (I had considered trying something with disk labels and devfs 
  to work around the order in which drivers were loaded but as 
  far as I can ascertain devfs is being deprecated in 2.6 kernels
  so this didn't seem like a good way forwards).


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2004-05-07 Thread Jo
Norbert !

The cablefilterz will allow you to receive

all the channels that you order with your remote control,\

payperviews,aXXXmovies,sport events,special-events

bates ,indigene .


2003-04-18 Thread Jo
On Fri, 18 Apr 2003 02:34:43 -0300
Allan F. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Cara nota-se que tu és um ignorante e que não sabes nem se descastrar de uma 
lista, não quero nem imaginar tu usando o linux!!! deves chutar o computador e 
chama-lo de santo o tempo todo. A lista só ganha com a tua saida.

Re[2]: myszka na coma

2003-02-18 Thread JO
Hello Michal,

Tuesday, February 18, 2003, 8:44:56 AM, you wrote:

MS Pod konsolą, to znaczy masz na myśli gpm'a? Jak go odpalasz?

MS A masz skonfigurowany port szeregowy?
MS setserial /dev/ttyS0
MS powinno wypluć coś takiego:
MS /dev/ttyS0, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03f8, IRQ: 4

MS i jeszcze może spróbuj
MS cat /dev/ttyS0
MS i pomachać myszką, powinno rzucić jakimś krzakiem, o ile urządzenie nie
MS jest już zajęte (fuser /dev/ttyS0).

po wpisaniu setserial /dev/ttyS0 otrzymuje dokladnie cos takiego
/dev/ttyS0, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03f8, IRQ: 4 wiec jest ok.

cat /dev/ttyS0 macham myszka i faktycznie rozne krzaki sie pojawiaja i
od czasu do czasu speakerek cos zamruczy.

Ale w x'ach ani w gpm myszka nie dziala tak jak powinna. W tej chwili
po ustawienu niektorych protokolow po ruszeniu myszki kursor poskacze
i schowa sie w lewym dolnym rogu. Po ustawieniu protokolu Microsoft
wyswietla mi sie logo NVidia i system wisi. Nic nie pomaga tylko
reset. Reszta protokolow - kursor nieruchomy trzyma sie na srodku ekranu

Co robic?


myszka na coma

2003-02-13 Thread JO
Mam banalny chyba problem. Otoz nie widzi mi myszki COM w X'ach(w
konsoli tez). Z myszkami PS/2 nie ma zadnych problemow. Probowalem juz 
kombinacji protokolow i dev (tty00, tty01, ttyS0, ttyS1). Myszke mam
podlaczona do portu COM1. Dodam, ze na pewno odpadaja problemy
sprzetowe, poniewaz ta sama myszka na tym samym komputerze w windozie
pracuje poprawnie.

Ma ktos jakis pomysl?


Re: Ldap.

2002-04-21 Thread jo
Voilà ce que j'ai trouvé ds un livre sur ldap :

La méthode d'authenfication  consiste à fournir un mot depasse qui sera
comparé avec celui sauvegardé ds l'annuaire. Afin d'eviter le transfert de
mot de passe (ci après MDP) en clair sur la ligne, le protocole ssl peut
être employe. l'utilisation de certification de type X509 est alors possible.
La méthode d'authentification via SASL offre un mécanisme permettant de
négocier celle ci, càd de choisir une méthode parmi celles prises en
charge par le cleint et le serveur, puis de realiser l'authentification à l'aide
de la méthode choisie.

Sasl est un standard independant de LDAP (RFC ), dont l'objectif est
de décrire un mécanisme ouvert permettant de négocier, puis de procéder
à une authenticication. Les méthodes prises en charge dépendent des
capacités du serveur et du poste client. Par exemple, si les deux
acceptent le protocole Kerberos, le cleint demande une authentification de
ce type via SASL. Puis si le serveur répond positivement, l'authentification
se réalise. SASL a été concu pour permettre facilement l'integration de
nouveaux mécanisme d authentification, comme ceux utilisant des cartes
à puces par exemple. Le standard SASL peut être utisé aussi bien pour
l'authentification que pour le chiffrement et la signature de données.
SASL n'offre pas de mécanisme de sécurité en soi.

Voilà en espérant que cela peut t'aider

 Version utilisée :
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg -l | grep slapd | awk -F ' ' '{ print $3 }'

celle ci te crée ta base (dc=too,dc=fr) et utilise sasl...

 Je suis partant pour utiliser SASL (surtout que j'ai d'autres problèmes,
 l'impossibilité d'utiliser libnss-ldap / libpam-ldap pour l'authentification
 sans binddn=cn=admin,dc=skoobi...)
 Mais avant d'utiliser SASL (que je vois écrit partout, en ce moment),
 j'aimerais bien savoir ce que c'est,
 et comment ca s'utilise.
 Mes recherches sur google n'ont fait que m'embrouiller, maintenant je
 confond tout (SSL, SASL...), alors déja
 que je n'avais pas très bien compris comment utiliser tout ca... c'est la
 panique en d'autres termes..

 Alors si tu avais une doc bien faite pour les gens désespérés, je suis
 preneur :-)


 - Original Message -
 From: Schmitt georges [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Sami Dalouche [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 5:33 PM
 Subject: Re: Ldap.

 quelle version de openldap as tu ?

 si c'est la version

 par défaut il faut que tu utilises sasl,

 mais tu peux l'eviter avec l'option -x de ldapsearch

 comme :

 ldapsearch -x -b 'dc=example,dc=com' '(objectclass=*)'


 pour ajouter :

 ldapp -x -D cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=fr -W -f examples.ldif

  J -w-'ai une petite question...
   rootdn cn=Manager,, c=FR
   rootpw turevequejelelaisse
  Pourquoi utiliser rootdn et rootpw ? Debian crée par défaut une entrée
  cn=admin,dc=domaine,dc=com, qui contient le hash d'un mot de pass...
  J'ai malheureusement jamais reussi a faire fonctionner
  l'authentication en cn=admin directement à partir de cette entrée,
  mais j'aimerais savoir si c'est normal.
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-09-25 Thread jo
Pas de panique, on va t'aider.

Premièrement récupère les root.bin, driver.bin et rescue.bin.
Ensuite, tu mets chacun sur une disquette, soit grace à rawrite si t'es
sous WIN, soit comme il est indiqué sur le site.
Puis tu lances le rescue.bin, ensuite il te dit de mettre le root.bin et
enfin pendant ta config le driver.bin.
Tu récupères la base_2_2.tgz de ton CD de la patate, et tu continues ton
Une fois la manip finie, tu intervertis les deux fichiers d'inittab qui
sont sous /etc/.
En effet,  si tu ne te sers pas du pcmcia ca va te faire suer...
Donc tu fais
$ cd /etc
$ mv inittab inittab.pcmcia
$ mv inittab.real inittab

Tu peux ensuite lancer
$ apt-cdrom add
pour avoir le contenu de tes CD dans le fichier /etc/apt/sources.list.
C'est par ce fichier que tu détermines les endroits où il faut effectuer la
recherche pour trouver les .deb qui t'intéressent.
Ensuite tu rebootes, et, si je n'ai pas dit trop de bêtises, tu as une
patate en reiserfs qui fonctionne.

Tu feras quand même gaffe lors de ton install au partitionnement de ton
disque dur.
Je présume que tu sais déjà comment tu vas le partitionner...

Si malgré tout j'ai dit trop de conne.ries, n'hésitez-pas à les

@ +

On Tue, 25 Sep 2001 16:22:31 Eric Berthomier wrote:
|Jean-Michel Kelbert a écrit :
| Le 25/09/01 à 13:59 Eric Berthomier ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
|écrivait :
|  J'aimerai installer ma Debian sur un système de fichier reiserfs,
|  comment puis je faire ? Je n'ai pas trouvé de possibilité au moment de
|  l'installation ... mais je suis un newbie ...
| tu as les bootdisk pour le faire sur
| --
| Jean-Michel Kelbert
| --
| with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
|Bon eh bien je suis un peu coincé par mon manque de connaissance, j'ai
|tout configuré, formaté mon disque en reiserfs, mais je n'ai pas de
|disquette pour le Install the Base System, sur le site indiqué il y a
|un base_2_2.tgz, dois je le graver pour l'utiliser ou bien est ce que je
|peux prendre mes CDs de ma bonne vieille patate (par contre là, j'ai des
|craintes car j'ai lu qu'il était nécessaire de recompiler le noyau pour
|supporter le reiserfs).
|En 2 mots, à l'aide ...
|! -- !
|: :
|! -- !
|with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


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syquest SparQ et kernel 2.4.x

2001-09-18 Thread jo
Bonjour à tous.

Je suis un peu ennuyé car je n'arrive pas à faire fonctionner mon syquest
SparQ sous kernel 2.4.7 alors qu'il marche très bien sous kernel 2.2.19.
J'ai essayé de lancer le module pd sous modconf mais il me sihnale qu'il y
a un souci pouvant provenir d'un mauvais io ou d'une mauvaise irq.

Quelqu'un a-t-il déjà été confronté à ce problème ?
Avez-vous la solution ?

Merci d'avance.


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vos emails depuis un navigateur, en POP3, sur Minitel, sur le WAP...

Re: presentation et pb de souris...

2001-08-22 Thread jo
Salut Phil,

  le serveur X se lance maintenant, mais la souris est inutilisable...
 elle clic toute seule des que je bouge
dans XF86Setup, tu peux t'en sortir avec la touche de tabulation (vers le
haut et à gauche du clavier). Essaye de configurer uniquement à l'aide du
clavier et des touches tabulation et fleches.
Tu devrais arriver à changer le type de souris pour passer en PS/2 et
essayer ensuite cette maudite souris en appyant sur le bouton test.
Si cela ne correspond pas, change de type de souris et recommence.
Si à priori cette souris fonctionnait auparavant, c'est que dans ton fichier
/etc/X11/XF86Config ton pointeur était déclaré en PS/2 sous /dev/psaux.
Edite ce fichier (à l'aide de ae par exemple) et vérifie ou modifie ce
pointeur pour qu'il soit tel que mentionné au dessus.
Sinon, tu sais où on est ;-)



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Re: presentation et pb de souris...

2001-08-21 Thread jo
Je suis heureux d'avoir pu t'aider.
Voici à présent la suite.
Pour pouvoir installer le serveur SVGA plusieurs méthodes s'offrent à toi.
La plus rapide est d'utiliser la commande apt-get (apt-get install
xserver-svga), mais elle ne te sert que lorsque tu connais exactement le nom
du paquet à installer.
Une autre méthode consiste à lancer dselect et à rechercher le paquet qui
t'intéresse, puis à le selectionner.
Dans l'un ou l'autre des cas, les dépendances seront normalement

Par contre, pour la lisibilité de tes messages, évite s'il te plaît d'écrire
phonétiquement (g debian ké kc, c'est compréhensible mais un peu chi..ant à

Bon courage pour ta config.

Un autre détail, si tu veux utiliser (tant qu'on y est) la molette de ta
souris, ajoute dans ton fichier /etc/X11/XF86Config, au niveau du pointeur
de souris une ligne du genre
ZAxisMapping 4 5 (tu l'écris exactement comme je l'ai marqué).
Ca devrait normalement fonctionner.

bon courage pour ta config.



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Re: pon n'est que root

2001-08-21 Thread jo
Salut Régis,

Comme te l'a signifié Antoine HULIN il faut ajouter tes utilisateurs au
groupe dip. Soit directement et éditant le fichier /etc/groups, soit en
lancant pppconfig et en ajoutant dans les options le nom des utilisateurs
Dans le premier cas tu devras rebooter, je pense.
Dans le second cas, tes demandes sont prises en compte de suite.

Si ca ne marche pas, renvoie un mail...


- Original Message -
From: regis tetier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2001 11:08 AM
Subject: pon n'est que root


 Pour me connecter à InterNet, j'utilise pon sous le compte de root donc
 faire su dans une fenêtre. Comment autoriser un utilisateur lambda,
 ignorant le mot de passe de root, à se connecter via pon ?

 Merci de vos réponses.

  - -
o' \,=./ `o
   (o o)
 |  Régis Tétier   |
 | Département AMI |
 |  Tph : 01 64 53 76 48   |

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Re: amocage debian+w95

2001-08-21 Thread jo


Tu trouveras sur le site de Nicolas BOOS ( un lien vers grub 
et les explications de thierry LARONDE (bien documenté et en francais). Car je 
n'ai pas en tête le site de thierry directement.
Dans tous les cas, fais-toi plutôt (pas le chien) une petite 
partition de boot en début de ton disque dur. C'est bien pratique car tu peux 
tout chambouler derrière (inverser tes partitions entre win et lin, supprimer 
win pour n'être que sur lin,etc... mais il te resteras quand même un moyen de 
booter depuis ton disque dur)



  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2001 12:50 
  Subject: amocage debian+w95
  hello qui peux me 
  donner explication sur méthode d'installation double amorcage debian + w95 
  avec lilo, grub ? Doc, site, etc de preference in fr Tout 
  autre dos pour neophite bienvenu merci bonne journée 
  Gildas Layec Nantes 

Re: pon n'est que root

2001-08-21 Thread jo
C'est exact, je me suis mal exprimé et je te remercie d'avoir rectifié mes
propos :-)


- Original Message -
From: Jean Charles Delepine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2001 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: pon n'est que root

 jo [EMAIL PROTECTED] écrivait (wrote) :

  Salut Régis,
  Comme te l'a signifié Antoine HULIN il faut ajouter tes utilisateurs au
  groupe dip. Soit directement et éditant le fichier /etc/groups, soit en
  lancant pppconfig et en ajoutant dans les options le nom des
  Dans le premier cas tu devras rebooter, je pense.

 On est pas sous windows. On est sous UNIX. Il est inutile de rebooter
 quand on a bougé la souris.

 Après modification de /etc/group il suffit que l'utilisateur conserné
 se reconnecte pour que les modifications soient prisent en compte.

 Jean Charles
 Jean Charles Delépine - Équipe Réseaux Télécoms - Université de Picardie

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Re: kernel menus

2001-03-03 Thread Jo Geraerts

On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Marvin Stodolsky wrote:

 # ls -l /usr/include
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   29 Mar  1 14:46 /usr/include -

how the heck did u accomplish this??

in /usr/include i have a link to the kernel include files, but
/usr/include as a link to the kernel includes where have u installed
the glibc includes? and the include files for al those other lib's (like
ncurses u need for make menuconfig).

My suggestion is to remove quickly that link and reinstall all the
*.-dev*.deb files you had installed.


Re: X on a Fujitsu Lifebook 420D (fwd)

2001-02-26 Thread Jo Geraerts

 I tried to set the vga=770 in lilo.conf but nothing happens, and I get an

Try vga=0x770. These are hexadecimal nr's, not decimal.


Re: install questions

2001-02-26 Thread Jo Geraerts

On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Dale Morris wrote:
 I just did a fresh install of 2.2 by cd. Couple of questions:
 1. I didn't have sound in my user directory, but had it as root. I did a
 chmod 666 /dev/dsp and it works but I'm not sure that's the proper
 permission. What's the right permission?

You must add the user to the audio group by editing /etc/groups or type:
adduser ernie audio


Re: Parallel Printer Port Problem

2001-01-07 Thread Jo Geraerts

On Sat, 6 Jan 2001, Jeffrey S. Coppock wrote:
 lprng several times, I decided to try lpr.  LPR WORKS!  I don't know
 what the difference is, but it's enough.  I reinstalled magicfilter

Great. But i'm still wondering what whet wrong with lprng. In that
previous mail with the result of the -d switch, i couldn't see anything
wrong. But what the heck, it's working, so many happy printing
:-). Meanwhile my printer broke down :(. It's a matter of life and death


Re: Parallel Printer Port Problem

2001-01-06 Thread Jo Geraerts

On Fri, 5 Jan 2001, Jeffrey S. Coppock wrote:

 I tried the echo redirect below and was told 'permission denied', so I
 tried it as root and it worked, the printer printed the message.
 I chmod 0666 /dev/lp0 and it worked without su.

So it isn't the kernel config that's wrong.

 The lpd.conf file has all options commented out.

Same here.

 ACCEPT SERVICE=C LPC=lpd,status,printcap

looks fine to me too.

 lp|dj952c|HP Deskjet 952C:\

looks ok too. 

 Also, nothing is being logged and nothing shows up in the queue (lpq).

No errors in /var/log/lp-errs of in /var/log/lp-acct?

Check the file permissions for the spool directory's and the file's that
are in these directory's. Also make sure that lpr is setuid-root.

You can also use the -D switch to turn debuggin on. Maybe it gives you
more usefull information 'bout what's going wrong.


Re: Parallel Printer Port Problem

2001-01-06 Thread Jo Geraerts

On Sat, 6 Jan 2001, David Reviejo wrote:

  I chmod 0666 /dev/lp0 and it worked without su.
 Don't do this. The /dev/lp? devices are 0660 by default, with group
 lp; you only need to add the user who need to use the printer
 to the lp group (this work too for another devices: group floppy for
 floppys, dialout for serial, ...).

I you don't even have to add the user to the lp group, lpr is normally
setuid root. The user don't has to access the lp port, lpr does.

 Try using /dev/lp1, and see if this help.

No, it's /dev/lp0, see one of the other mails 'bout this thread.


Re: Parallel Printer Port Problem

2001-01-05 Thread Jo Geraerts

On Thu, 4 Jan 2001, Jeffrey S. Coppock wrote:

 Jan  4 07:36:20 localhost kernel: parport0: PC-style at 0x378 (0x778), irq 7, 
 dma 3 [SPP,ECP,ECPPS2]
 Jan  4 07:36:21 localhost kernel: parport_probe: succeeded
 Jan  4 07:36:21 localhost kernel: parport0: Printer, HEWLETT-PACKARD DESKJET 
 Jan  4 07:36:21 localhost kernel: lp0: using parport0 (interrupt-driven).
 I've re-installed magicfilter, but that didn't help either.

Does it print if you run the following command:

echo this is a test/dev/lp0

If it doesn't, take another look to the log's for errors. If it does,
there's something wrong with your magicfilter config


Re: Laptop eth0 problems

2000-12-29 Thread Jo Geraerts

On Thu, 28 Dec 2000, Michelle Murrain wrote:

 The generic tulip failed during the install. Then, in trying their tulip - I 
 put thier tulip.o into /lib/modules/2.2.17/net, and added the line: 

Maybe you can get it working with the ne2000 driver.


Re: LILO and 2 disks

2000-06-15 Thread Jo Hoffmann
 Hi *!
 Does anybody know a checked way to do the following?
 hda1 and hdb1 have the same files structure. hdb1 is mounted under /mnt
 How to make LILO boot after removing hda completly and connecting hdb as
 primary master (so it becomes hda)?
 I know I can make a boot floppy, switch disks, boot from floppy and then run
 lilo, but is there a way to make without the floppy? I tried
 cd /mnt
 sbin/lilo -r /mnt -b /dev/hdb1
 But that complained about hdb (or hdb1 - I don't remember now) not being on
 the first disk and did not work - I got 
 LI 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 ..
 after reboot.
 thanks in advance
 ++ The reason we come up with new versions
 |Marcin Owsiany  | is not to fix bugs. It's the stupidest
 |[EMAIL PROTECTED]| reason to buy a new version
 ++ I ever heard.- Bill Gates

Try to change your lilo.conf like this.


I am not 100% sure whether this works.

A different method that may work is to do a change root (chroot) to /mnt and 
run lilo.


Re: video

2000-06-14 Thread Jo Hoffmann
  I'm setting up potato on a clone laptop.  My only problem so far is the
  video chipset.  It's a Silicon Motion Lynx family.  Anyone ever heard of it,
  or know how to config the XF86 to use it?
 I had the same problem with my Viper II - no support for 
 the Savage 2K chipset. Heck, the DAC setting went only 
 up to 300MHz (in the XF86Setup utility).
 Anyway, you will need to set up a frame buffer device. 
 That is if the video card supports VESA 2.0 specs. run
 locate vesa
 or something like it and you should find a directory that 
 has specs on svga and vesa and how to set up /dev/fb? 
 for your video card.
 make sure that you start up with the decimal settings for 
 the video mode
 you can DL the XF86_FBDev driver from the 3.3.3 version.
 You will also need source for the kernel to rebuild it 
 Hope this helps,

The SVGA xserver in version 3.3.6 supports Lynx chipsets.
Just use one of the X config tools to get it running.


Re: Need to make boot disc

2000-06-13 Thread Jo Hoffmann
 When I installed Potato I made a boot disc when the installation program
 asked if I wanted to.
 The problem is that I managed to spill water on the disc and thus
 destroy it. How can I make a new boot disc from my up and running
 Thanks in advance.
 Preben Randhol -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
  Det eneste trygge stedet i verden er inne i en fortelling.
   -- Athol Fugard

Have a look at the Bootdisk Howto for instance here

If you want to create a boot/root disk, then it can get quite complicated.

But if you only want a disk that boots and uses your root partition on the
hard disk, then things are a bit easier.
Just copy your current kernel with dd onto your floppy, and then set the root 
with rdev. 
(Tell me if you need more info)


P.S. Just thinking about it. Easier still might be to just grab one of the
rescue disks provided with the CD's or from an ftp server.

Re: Memory Problem

2000-06-10 Thread Jo Hoffmann
 Hello Ralph,
  Ok, first the preferred language in this list is English, not
 Ok, I will do so. 
  Altho his machine has 128 megs of RAM, he can only see 64 megs.
  The solution is to include the following command in your lilo.conf
  and re- run lilo:
  (note the capital M!)
 I did. I wrote it under Image . But when I reboot the maschine, it
 tells me a lot of sequentation faults.

Are you sure that you've got 64MB in your computer.
And or that your hardware and bios recognise them.
For instance do you see the memory test running up to 128MB.
In general I think that all new bios kernel combinations
will find the correct amount of memory on their own.
If you specify more memory with the append than you've actually
got, you most likely get the errors you get.


 Must I write it to a specific position in the LILO.CONF ?
 I use Debian with Kernel 2.2.15 
 Thanks and Greating to
 Thomas Wild
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Re: Matrox frame buffer not working

2000-06-09 Thread Jo Hoffmann
 Hi folks,
 I'm sure I have seen something similar to this problem on the list
 recently, but I wasn't able to find anything helpful in the list
 I recently installed a Matrox Mystique in my debian machine, which had
 been in my windows machine for a few years until I got a new card. I
 used to run the VGA16 framebuffer with no worries, but thought it would
 be cool to run in something other than minimum resolution and 16 colours
 on the console.
 I recomiled my 2.2.15 kernel, removing the VGA16 framebuffer, and
 inserting the matrox framebufer as a module.
 I rebooted with the new kernel, and at the lilo prompt typed in:
 linux video=matrox:vesa:0x114
 (which should give me 800x600x16bit), according to the matrox
 framebuffer documentation in the kernel sources.
 The new kernel proceeded to load, but only with the standard VGA text
 console - no sign of a framebuffer to be seen. However, if I tried
 modprobing matroxfb, the framebuffer will load correctly, and can be set
 from fbset. There was no error or anything when using the lilo line
 (typed in maually at the lilo:¨ prompt, not appended in lilo.conf),
 it just didn't appear.
 My preference is to have it load automatically, which I'd believed it
 should do giving my lilo command line (isn't the idea that kmod
 automatically loads modules when needed?). Any idea what I'm doing
 wrong? If I'd compiled it in would it have made a difference?

Yes, I think you found the solution by yourself.
As far as I know the FB staff is done right at the beginning when the kernel 
is loaded. So passing the lilo parameter doesn't work as the matrox framebuffer
is compiled as module, and the kernel can't load modules at that stage.
So either compile it into the kernel, or load the module during init.


 Any pointers greatly appreciated.
 Damon Muller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) /  It's not a sense of humor.
 * Criminologist /  It's a sense of irony
 * Webmeister   /  disguised as one.
 * Linux Geek  / - Bruce Sterling 
 - Running Debian GNU/Linux: Doing my bit for World Domination (tm) -

Re: hosts.allow not allowing hosts

2000-06-09 Thread Jo Hoffmann
 Hi all,
 Like a good paranoid user, I protect my dial-up machine with both a
 firewall using ipchains, and also using tcp wrappers to add a further
 layer of security.
 Sometimes I find it convinient to scp things to my machine for the
 outside world, so I leave my ssh port open (I'm using gShield as my
 firewall, and highly recommend it). However, I've found that I can't
 connect my ssh port from outside when online.
 Digging around for a solution, I found that I had the following in
 Which I vaguely remember having put there because of aforementioned
 paranoia. This shouldn't have been a problem, I wouldn't have thought as
 long as I had the correct line in hosts.allow, as the hosts_access(5)
 man page says that allow is checked before deny.
 However, I can't get the hosts.allow bit working.
 I've tried putting
 ssh: ALL

You have to put the name of the daemon into the hosts.allow file.
I think it is sshd instead of ssh.


 in hosts allow, but neither works. Commenting out the sole line in
 hosts.deny does, however, allow incoming ssh to work, so obviosuly it's
 just a matter of having the correct line in allow.
 Can anyone tell me what that line should be. Maybe I'm overlooking
 something obvious, but I can't work it out.
 Damon Muller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) /  It's not a sense of humor.
 * Criminologist /  It's a sense of irony
 * Webmeister   /  disguised as one.
 * Linux Geek  / - Bruce Sterling 
 - Running Debian GNU/Linux: Doing my bit for World Domination (tm) -

Re: Think-and-do fonts in potato

2000-06-08 Thread Jo Hoffmann
 I have upgraded three computers to potato (2.2.15). On two of them, a
 laptop and a desktop, fonts for Netscape and other applications have
 gotten BIG. I have done some searching  to no avail. Has anyone had
 similar experiences? What did you do?

I presume that the 'big fonts' on these two computers appear in X and all apps
running under X. Most probably your resolution on these two computers is lower 
110dpi (closer to 75dpi), but potato uses 110dpi fonts as default. 

To cure this problem simply edit your XF86Config by changing the fontpath 
such that the 75dpi fonts appear in front of the 110dpi ones.


 Arthur H. Edwards
 712 Valencia Dr. NE
 Abq. NM 87108
 (505) 256-0834
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Re: OT: Floppy disk change detection - auto mounts?

2000-06-08 Thread Jo Hoffmann
 One thing that has always surprised me on Linux is that there doesn't seem
 to be any automatic mount/umount handling of floppy drives (DOS format).
 I guess I'm thinking of something similar to the pcmcia card manager that
 detects insert/remove events and automatically loads and unloads drivers.
 Perhaps there is and I missed it?
 /dev/fd0 /dosa   msdos   user,noauto
 I mount with:  mount /dosa
 If I pop out the floppy and put in another, ls still shows the contents
 of the first floppy.
 Having to umount/mount for every floppy gets tedious! Is there some
 feature that I don't know about to help with this?
 I just switched from WABI to Wine for running Quicken. WABI accessed the
 floppy device directly and didn't need any external help. With
 Wine/Quicken, I have to do the mount/umount each time. Quicken2000 backup
 files don't fit on one floppy. I'm new to wine and not very trusting
 yet so I backup my work every 10 or 20 minutes.

You could use the mtools. They provide programs to handle dos floppies,
like mcopy, mdir... With those you don't need to mount/unmount.
But I don't know whether it works in your specific (wine/quicken) case,
as I don't have any experience with those.


Re: Probs with fb in the kernel and xserver

2000-06-08 Thread Jo Hoffmann
 I have here a 2.3.99 pre9 kernel compiled with fb, am using
 it for console. So far it was no problem then to use
 something like xserver-mach64 (I have an AGP Mach IIc card
 in here). Now all I get is a bad screen resolution, it is
 all flickering like *** and if I run XF86Setup and say I do
 not want to use the existing config as default, the screen
 is unreadable, too (guess it should be xserver-vga16).

You have to use the framebuffer xserver (could be xvfb or xserver-fbdev).
This will of course slow down your X, compared to your previous config.
But FB slows down the console as well.


 Any ideas? Any hints?
 Hit any user to continue.
 Alexander Koch -  - WWJD - aka Efraim - PGP 0xE7694969 - ARGH-RIPE
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Re: roaming user

2000-06-07 Thread Jo Hoffmann

What you're looking for is rather rsync.
If you don't have and/or want ethernet then you can
configure plip (parallel port ip) for the transfers.


 hi ya matt
 create/have a home server.
 on each other client machine
 automount that users home dir into the client box...
 there are good and bad things to doing it this way...
 - ie ...if the home server dies...everybody is dead...
 with roamin usersyou don't have much choice
 unless users only sit on particular machines...than
 teh problem gets simpler and more reliable...
 but complicates login passwd stuff
 have fun
 On 6 Jun 2000, Matt Emmett wrote:
  Hi all,
  This is question for those users that have a deskop machine and a
  laptop... do you have any suggestions for making the life of a roaming
  user easier?  Most importantly, how does one keep their home
  directories synced?
  Thanks for any comments,
  PS, please send a copy of any responses to me, as I'm not currently
  subscribed to this list.

Re: Install Problem - Fails on Boot

2000-06-05 Thread Jo Hoffmann

Is it possible that you have your CD-ROM connected to the first IDE channel
(hence on the same as your harddisk)? I would put the CD-ROM on its one on the 
channel. I don't think that this would cause your computer to crash but you 
can try it
anyway. Maybe there is something wrong with your IDE controller?


  I am new to Linux and looking for some help.  I am trying to load
  version 2.1 on a Pentium MMX 133.  I can boot from the CD-ROM, it starts
  loading, spews some messages and hangs on the last message of:
  hdb: DF6910C(-D18)2, ATAPI CDROM drive
  and absolutely refuses to go any further.  If I leave it for an hour or so
  the screen eventually goes black.  I have a sound card, a modem, a video
  card, no other extras.  Any suggestions?

Re: raw or iso for burning

2000-06-05 Thread Jo Hoffmann
 Hi guys
 What's the difference between a .iso and a .raw file? Which programs can
 use which for cd-burning?

There shouldn't be any difference and so every program will be able to burn it 
(I work with cdrecord).
If a certain program needs a .iso extension just move the .raw to .iso

If you are not sure whether a file is in iso format then just try to mount it
with something like this:

mount -o loop=/dev/loop0 potato-.raw /mnt -t iso9660

You need loop support enable in the kernel to do this.


Re: Getting debian installed on an off-line machine

2000-06-02 Thread Jo Hoffmann
For potato cds look at:


Re: vga=ask

2000-06-02 Thread Jo Hoffmann

  I've set vga=ask in my lilo.conf and run lilo.
  I've specified the kernel image along with the command line
  vga=auto at the
  lilo prompt.
  I've run rdev -v \boot\vmlinuz-2.2.15 -3
  I've run vidmode \boot\vmlinuz-2.2.15 -3
  I have also tried all of the above with extended in place of
  ask (and -2
  in place of -3)
  None of this has worked for me. Any idea how I can squeeze more that 80x25
  out of my S3 Trio64 and my 21 monitor on Debian potato with
  kernel 2.2.15?

A full screen console (no X), is that what you want?
If so check out framebuffer. There is an HOWTO on it.

Re: Registering a window manager in potato

2000-06-01 Thread Jo Hoffmann
 How do I register KDE as a window manager in potato? Also, how do I get
 rid of the annoying icons left by a previous scheme in KDE? Thanks.
 Please 'CC' me in a reply.

Supposing that you have it installed already and that it is in /usr/bin
you could do the following:
a) update /etc/alternatives/x-window-manager (or something similar) to point 
to /usr/bin/kde. There is a program that can do this for you I think it's 
called update-alternatives (but I never used it up to now)
b) in your .xinitrc file in your home directory put as last line
/usr/bin/kde (and remove of course any other window manager that might be 
started in there).


Re: XFCOnfiggin'

2000-05-31 Thread Jo Hoffmann
From what I saw of your log file it seems to me that you don't have an xserver 
What about a window manager? Check /etc/X11/windowmanagers (file name can be 
different) or  /etc/alternatives/x-window-manager (symlink to some window 
Usually xinit checks your configuration if it thinks your config is wrong
it will start xterm if available if not it will just stop.
I had a problem that a program to check for a valid config was missing and 
it never wanted to start a window manager. You can actually disable the 
checking in
some file under /etc/X11/?? (but I can't remember right now, and don't have my 


 thanks guys, but I've run xf86config  XF86Setup about 300,000 times (almost
 no embellishment there!!) ... I've also got a server flag for don't die if
 the mouse fails ...
 oh well
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Vitux
 Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 6:58 AM
 To: debian-user
 Subject: Re: XFCOnfiggin'
 Vitux wrote:
  Ron Rademaker wrote:
   Why don't you just run xf86config on your laptop (debian)?? That should
   make X work
  I second. My experience with different cards and monitors is
  that I often have to run xf86config a few times to straighten
  things out and achieve the best modes...
  There could be lots of reasons why X craps out on you. Even a
  wrong mouse-setup could do this kind of thing...
  Good Luck
  I'm not a crook
  Richard Nixon
  Debian GNU/Linux
  Micro$loth-free Zone
 I'm not a crook
 Richard Nixon
 Debian GNU/Linux
 Micro$loth-free Zone
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Re: Default Fonts of X Window

2000-05-27 Thread Jo Hoffmann
 On Sat, May 27, 2000 at 11:07:17AM +0800, Alex Kwan wrote:
  Hi! Eric,
  It was because after I have installed X window 3.3.6 on my
  laptop, (not yet install any Window Manager and Application),
  I found that the fonts of xterm is big and ugly (titlle of the xterm
  window and display what I type) so I wanted to change it, how to?
 That's less a function of the fonts than the display resolution.  If you
 can run a higher display resolution, you'll find the same font will
 appear proportionately smaller.  After you find the best display
 resolution for your hardware set-up, you might want to tweak application
 font settings. For instance, I use a slightly larger font for xterms
 than is the default, because at the display resolution I use, the
 default it too small.  Note, you can change xterm fonts on the fly by
 using Ctrl-Right Click anywhere in an xterm and selecting a size.
 Some resource settings in ~/.Xresources
 ! some misc Xterm setting
 xterm*background: black
 xterm*foreground: PeachPuff
 xterm*font: 9x15
 ! fonts in /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc (see fonts.alias)

I had the same problem. Unless your display can do more than 800x600 pixels 
you will have something close to
75 dpi. Simply change the FontPath in the XF86Config such that the 75 dpi 
fonts appear before the 100 dpi ones
And your fonts will appear nice and small again.


Re: xdm/kdm two terminal problem

2000-05-26 Thread Jo Hoffmann
The only thing I can suggest is to check your Xservers file under /etc/X11/kdm 
or xdm. It should have only one uncommented line looking something like this
:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 vt7 (could be slightly different)


 I have kdm kick up two login screens on vt7 and vt8 at boot up. 
 However, within 5 minutes of booting the screen switches from vt8 to vt7
 and blacks out vt8.  vt8 is still working fine, but I need to refresh
 the screen.  This is a minor problem except that sometimes it causes my
 screen to lock causing me to either reboot, or log in remotely and kill
 kdm.  Sometimes, it locks the machine entirely and I can't do that.  For
 the most part, I've found a way to live with this with the lockups
 occurring rarely, but does anyone know how to solve this problem?  It
 doesn't appear to be a problem with *dm because it's done it with xdm
 and kdm.  I have vt7 start and then vt8 start on bootup so vt8 is what
 is the screen first seen.  Is this a problem with the Debian package of
 kdm or xdm?  I know Red Hat does not have this problem.  Can anyone
 help?  TIA.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   1999-00 |
 Aka Khyron the Backstabber  |   LI  NN N  U U  X X  O
 ICQ# 2325055|   LI  N NN  U U   X
 |   LLL  I  N  N  UUU  X X  O
 Shackles cannot keep me bound  |  Those who can, do.
  forever.  I'm outta here. |
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Re: Missing cd-rom chokes off the install process

2000-05-25 Thread Jo Hoffmann
 ÿMessage--- Missing cd-rom chokes off the install process
 Hi:   name here is Hughie. Hope you can help me, if you will.
 I'm very new to Linux so have very little knowledge of choosing and
 organizing commands. 
 I know that  w  wipes out Dos 6 and Windows 3.1, when you are in the
 process of trying to create partitions using the cd-rom fdisk :-)
 The current Boot floppy information is:
   (Linux 2.2.12 (from kernel-image- 2.2.12_2.2.12-1)
 Pressing enter at the boot: activates
   loading root.bin
   loading Linux
   uncompressing linux
 The diagnostic seems to be o.k except for
   EATA PIO  No Bios32 extension present makes itself known
 My question - is Bios32 extension really needed at this stage of the
 game?  My two hd's are 300 mgb's and 400 mgbs which ( maybe ) by
 themselves are large enough to load the basic system  
 The install continues and installs the color and qwerty and continues
 with the install kernel and modules and asks where the rescue floppies
 will be presented? (which turns out to be /dev/fd0)
 The install then asks for the driver floppy to be placed in the first drive.

 I don't have the driver information on a separate disk or elsewhere.
 Is it possible that the needed driver information is within the loaded
 Linux program and could be tweaked to get the cd-rom information that it
 seems to be searching for? 

Don't think so. Unless you create your own rescue disk with the corresponding  
drivers. But it's easy to get the drivers disk (see below).
 Otherwisw is there a source to get the cd-rom information via a drivers
 source (Linux based) on the net. I have a disk (for Mashita CR-562) that
 used to work when I had Dos and Windows 3.1 but it won't be accepted by
 As another alternative is there a source for boot floppies that would
 better fit my present installation program. 
 My cd-rom is a Matshita CR-562 which is recognized by Debian in general
 but seems to be not recognized by the boot floppy that was created from my
 Debian 2.1 cd-rom (The boot floppy disk (one only) was made by another
 person on another machine using windows.)

You can create the driver disk as well from the 2.1 cd-rom. Look in the same
directory, where you found the rescue file, for a driver* file. Copy that
file exactly in the same way as for your rescue floppy onto a separate floppy.
Now I can't tell you whether this drive is supported or not Matshita CR-562.
If it is you'll find it during the install (after you loaded the drivers disk
onto your computer). The install program will ask you for any additional
drivers to load. In there you select cd-rom drivers and select the one you
think is the correct one. After that your cd-rom might work and you can
continue the install from cd.


 Any help anyone can give me will be much appreciated.
 Regards  and thanks for reading this far.
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Re: ppp connection failure - re-post

2000-05-22 Thread Jo Hoffmann
 Hello everyone,
I am re-posting this as no one seemed to be able to answer
 this the first time. If the worst comes to the worst I'll have to
 install 2.1r4.
 Thanks and regards JohnG
 Hello everyone,
I am running potato with kernel 2.2.15 installed. Whatever
 I do I cannot get ppp to connect to the local RAS server. Another box
 running 2.1r4 works perfectly. I have re-built the kernel several times
 and stripped out ppp and pppconfig and re-installed. Still I get the same
 error on connect. Can anyone help? Part of ppp connect from syslog shown
 May 18 17:31:50 heman chat[667]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
 May 18 17:31:50 heman chat[667]: send (ATZ^M)
 May 18 17:31:50 heman chat[667]: expect (OK)
 May 18 17:31:50 heman chat[667]: ATZ^M^M
 May 18 17:31:50 heman chat[667]: OK
 May 18 17:31:50 heman chat[667]:  -- got it
 May 18 17:31:50 heman chat[667]: send (ATDT3193^M)
 May 18 17:31:50 heman chat[667]: expect (CONNECT)
 May 18 17:31:50 heman chat[667]: ^M
 May 18 17:32:16 heman chat[667]: ATDT3193^M^M
 May 18 17:32:16 heman chat[667]: CONNECT
 May 18 17:32:16 heman chat[667]:  -- got it
 May 18 17:32:16 heman chat[667]: send (\d)
 May 18 17:32:17 heman pppd[666]: Serial connection established.
 May 18 17:32:17 heman pppd[666]: Using interface ppp0
 May 18 17:32:17 heman pppd[666]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
 May 18 17:32:18 heman pppd[666]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0
 magic 0xe7f3fcfa pcomp accomp]
 May 18 17:32:45 heman last message repeated 9 times
 May 18 17:32:48 heman pppd[666]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
 May 18 17:32:48 heman pppd[666]: Connection terminated.
 May 18 17:32:48 heman pppd[666]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
 May 18 17:32:48 heman pppd[666]: Exit.
 Thanks and best regards JohnG
 32865e97b5342e762ab140e00f3da23b - Just 'Debian'

I don't think you need to work on the kernel. It looks rather like a ppp 
configuration problem, cause pppd can't get a configuration from remote side. 
Check for your pppd logs in /var/log they might tell you more.
The trouble I had once was that my pppd wanted the remote side to identify 
itself through pap. If I remember well check for auth in your pppd config 
All this is some time ago now and hence I can't remember all the details of 
the config process. But I think you're not having a kernel problem.


Re: Where ( what) is rman?

2000-05-21 Thread Jo Hoffmann
 Dear friends,
 My valiant attempt as a green user to obtain and insall KDE for slink has 
 hit a snag. dselect shows thatrman is nt available and is needed for
 Why would it not be available?
 Where can I get it?

It is either in contrib or non-free (can't remember).
You definitely get it on a debian ftp site.


Re: init - autostarts

2000-05-20 Thread Jo Hoffmann
 Dominic all that starting syslogd, starting inetd etc
 Dominic when you're booting, it's controlled by init, right?
 Dominic how do i tell it not to start the things I'd rather
 Dominic not be running?
 if you're wondering about things like scsi-initialization
 and isdn setup, then i say me too. they seem to happen BEFORE
 the /etc/init.d/* scripts get called from /etc/rc*.d/S* . . .
 how about it? where can we turn off scsi probing or isdn scans?

Everything that you see on the screen before init starts are kernel messages.
In order to get rid of SCSI/ISDN (or any other hardware you don't use) probing
you need to recompile the kernel. You find more info in the kernel-howto,
either on your system under /usr/doc/HOWTO/ or at, there
you'll find the HOWTOs and Guides with very valuable information of how the 
system is started up. Watch out for Installation-, System Admin.-, Users- 
Guide ...


Re: lilo mbr on hda with linux on hdc?

2000-05-05 Thread Jo Hoffmann
 I have a machine with two hard disks here, that other OS resides
 on hda and I added the second drive (hdc) for Debian. The setup
 installed a MBR on hdc, but my BIOS only supports booting from
 hda. Is there a way to install lilo in the MBR on hda and have
 it boot linux from hdc1?

lilo.conf: change the boot=/dev/hdc into boot=/dev/hda
image=/dev/hdc1 should be already there and it is fine.
and an option other=/dev/hda1 is needed for booting the other os.

 I tried that, but LILO hangs with LI-. I did run lilo to update

What LI means: LI

The first stage boot loader was able to load the second stage boot loader,
but has failed to execute it. This can either be caused by a geometry
mismatch or by moving /boot/boot.b without running the map installer.

What I think is that you need to have the /boot directory with all its files
on the boot=/dev/???. The two important files are /boot/map and /boot/boot.b
. With the option map=/boot/map and install=/boot/boot.b you can specify
where those two files are, but only relative two boot=/dev/???. (At least
that's my understanding)
What I suggest is create a small partition with the contends of the /boot
directory say /dev/hda1, and mount /dev/hda1 under /boot. And try to
configure as follows,


You could first try this on a floppy (so that you don't need to
repartition). I don't know whether it is possible to actually keep the files
in /boot on a dos or vfat partition (might be another possibility)

For further information:,

These are standard HOWTO's that you should also have on your system.

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SVGATextMode with Matrox Millenium

1997-09-18 Thread Jo Sender

Has anyone configured a Matrox Millenium for SVGATextMode, so that the
higher frequenzy modes a accessible ? Especially chipset and clockchip


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