solved: Re: Help, please. PCI128 sound card seen, but not heard

2000-05-05 Thread kaynjay
Hello all,

After nearly deciding to settle for the commercial sound drivers, yet
another post from this list (thanks all!) urged me to retry the ALSA
drivers.  I went back and again compiled the latest source after fully
cleaning out my system.  What made the difference this time was discovering
that alsamixer does not unmute the channels simply by adjusting the volumes
(one of those RTFM cases, instead of simply diving in...).

This only came about because I used amixer.  What a relief!  I apologize to
those who were told I had done that before.  Ignorance in this case was not

What was not clear from the installation directions was the need to install
sound support completely as a module.  I did try a kernel with sound support
marked as Y and it later failed on card initialization.

All is working now, under Gnome and everything I do with that card (so
far!).  My potato upgrade has been pretty nice, with only a single kink I'll
throw out sometime soon.

Thanks very much to all who offered help.  It is greatly appreciated!

Kenward Vaughan

Re: Help, please. PCI128 sound card seen, but not heard

2000-05-04 Thread kaynjay
On Wed, May 03, 2000 at 05:25:14PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Did you compile in the 'sound' module or leave it as a module? I've seen
 these symptoms once when the 'sound' module was not loaded. 

Yes.  The es1371 driver is compiled directly into the kernel.  I recompiled
the kernel (as another image and choice under lilo) with module support to
use with the ALSA drivers.  That too seemed to work properly (detection of a
card) but still no sound..  :(


Re: Help, please. PCI128 sound card seen, but not heard

2000-05-04 Thread kaynjay
On Wed, May 03, 2000 at 10:28:01PM +0100, Jonathan Heaney wrote:
  I'm using the 2.2.14 kernel on an Asus k7V mb(Athlon), and have compiled

 Compiling the OSS driver direct into the kernel should be OK; try and get that
 working before attempting the switch to ALSA.
 What does
 cat /dev/sndstat
 give you?
 If there is no /dev/sndstat, you need to create the relevant /dev entries.  
 cd /dev
 ./MAKEDEV audio

cat /dev/sndstat
   gives no such file.  It is in /dev but not active (if that's the way to
decribe it..)

Audio already exists (and I'm in that group), but I remade it just in case.  
No change.

You refer to the OSS driver... Which one is that??  Is that the ES1371?? 
There certainly are no entries under the OSS chioce which appear to fit the
PCI128 (unless I'm supposed to treat it as a SB16???).  

I currently have the es1371 compiled into the kernel.


how to get rid of ucbmpeg-play pkg??

2000-05-01 Thread kaynjay
I am totally frustrated. Trying to do a dist-upgrade, first through dselect
and now out at the cmd. line.  Have DL'd all packages, but things screech to
a halt when ucbmpeg-play (which I unsuccessfully tried to remove before)
throws a wrench into the process.

I've tried to use 
dpkg -p(r) --force-remove-reinstreq ucbmpeg-play 
but it fails to get rid of the problem.

This is first on the list in the upgrade process, so I'm stuck.  I tried
reading through theh dpkg options but nothing else seems to fit.

Is there Anyway to get rid of this pesky thing??  I don't see my system
crashing because of it...


Re: how to get rid of ucbmpeg-play pkg??

2000-05-01 Thread kaynjay
sorry.. here's a file of the readouts I get with this problem with dpkg...

Package: ucbmpeg-play
Priority: extra
Section: non-free/graphics
Installed-Size: 248
Maintainer: Malc Arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Architecture: i386
Version: 2.3p-9
Replaces: ucbmpeg_play
Depends: libc6 (= 2.1.2), xlib6g (= 3.3.6)
Conflicts: ucbmpeg_play
Filename: dists/frozen/non-free/binary-i386/graphics/ucbmpeg-play_2.3p-9.deb
Size: 69302
MD5sum: 2685e4109a7e84b700030d0e0e5ebf01
Description: Software-only MPEG video player
 This program decodes and displays an MPEG-1 video stream.  The
 program has been written to be portable, which means it has not
 been optimized for specific platforms.  The decoder is implemented
 as a library that will take a video stream and display it in an X
 window on an 8, 24 or 32 bit deep display.
 For more information on MPEG standards and other MPEG software and
 hardware, see
 This mpeg_play has been upgraded to version 2.3-patched.

H_Potter:~# dpkg -r ucbmpeg-play
dpkg: error processing ucbmpeg-play (--remove):
 Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should
 reinstall it before attempting a removal.
Errors were encountered while processing:

Solved - Re: how to get rid of ucbmpeg-play pkg??

2000-05-01 Thread kaynjay
On Mon, May 01, 2000 at 11:30:44AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am totally frustrated. Trying to do a dist-upgrade, first through dselect
 and now out at the cmd. line.  Have DL'd all packages, but things screech to
 a halt when ucbmpeg-play (which I unsuccessfully tried to remove before)
 throws a wrench into the process.
 I've tried to use 
 dpkg -p(r) --force-remove-reinstreq ucbmpeg-play 

Never mind, folks.  I went back into the messages, yanked out the postrm
file, and commented out the simple mime-update line.

The original installation came from archives I had on another disk.  I
expect the problem arose from the method I used for that (dpkg, since I
didn't have a net connection at that point for apt, with no lists, etc).

Oh well...  so far the install is moving along nicely (so nice to have a
fast cpu / lotsa RAM!!  :)


trying null modem Pt2Pt.. frustrated net-newbie

2000-04-27 Thread kaynjay

I am hoping someone can point out to this lost soul where he's screwed up.

I've installed Deb. 2.2 onto a new system (Athlon) using the CD minimal
install disk which gets me in with enough stuff to connect to the rest of
the world...

It's next to the old 486 box running 2.2.14 and a ppp line out.  I've
connected the two through COM 1 ports with a null modem cable (is this the
mistake?), and have serial/SLIP/CSLIP in the kernels.  The hosts file in the
486 (kaynjay) reads   localhost   loopback kaynjay.kenward.vaughan kaynjay H_Potter

at the top, with some Ip6 stuff underneath. Resolv.conf reads

domain kenward.vaughan

at the top with DNS info underneath for the modem.

The Athlon box (H_Potter ... I've got kids :) resolv.conf file has 
search kenward.vaughan  at the top and the same DNS stuff underneath (I'm
Hoping to IP masq. out of the 486 eventually). Its hosts file has   localhost   loopback H_Potter

Following the NETWORKING HowTo, I ran 

slattach -s 115200 /dev/ttyS0 
ifconfig sl0 pointopoint

on kaynjay, and the equivalent on H_Potter.

Right now on kaynjay (with the modem up) ifconfig gives:

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  RX packets:38 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:38 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0

ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
  inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
  RX packets:67 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:59 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:10

sl0   Link encap:VJ Serial Line IP
  inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:5 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 compressed:0 txqueuelen:10

where I guess the TX packets:5 were the attempts to ping H_Potter.

I can't ping either way, much less anything else.

I'm quite uncertain about this whole procedure, as I get the feeling that
I'm doing something blazingly wrong, but it is not clear to this non-geek
hobbyist from the document what I Should be seeing.

My goal at this point is to be able to transfer or directly use the potato
debs on kaynjay.  I recognize the obvious alternative (moving the HD over),
but I'd never learn to network these things that way.

If the cable is wrong, I can always use the printer cable and recompile for
PLIP, yes??

Sorry for the long post.  I'm weary now (way late here).  I'd be grateful
for any help, though.


OT: Video cards? Creating Athlon Debian box..

2000-04-10 Thread kaynjay
I'm putting together my first machine (upgrading from a 486, so it should be
interesting :) and have trouble deciding on a video card.  I thought 3dfx
was supposed to be a good choice (looking at the 3000), as was Matrox (the
G400).  But older posts on the archives seem to indicate trouble with both
(or at least _references_ to trouble).  

NVidia (sp?) was mentioned as a possibility, but I didn't know it was
supported well.

I hope people don't mind the poll. I honestly am at a bit of a loss with all
the new stuff I'm discovering out there, and want to make a good match with

Thanks for any input!

Kenward Vaughan

ps. My work will involve molecular modeling imagery, with VRML quite likely a 
part of that. Certainly 2D, but I don't know about 3D.  Any games are likely
under Winblows for my kids (until I find out about Descent under Linux.. ;-)

Re: installing- last try before win98

2000-03-07 Thread kaynjay
On Sun, Mar 05, 2000 at 10:33:01AM -0800, smoke wrote:
 i downloaded the files from the getting started, dos install. i have
 # ?
 i want to learn linux, but if it is uninstallable without knowing unix
 commands i will
 buy windows 98.

I am far less qualified to answer the specific questions you have about the
files needed to install, as I have always used a CD (_very_ cheap from many
places), but I do suggest that you possibly look at a distribution like
RedHat or Suse.  With the feelings you express about having to learn unix
commands, those are IMHO better choices for you until you get your feet wet 
(at least, I Think Suse fits you better.  Redhat for sure.).  After you
figure out whether you like the OS or not, you might consider Debian a better

Linux is a Unix offshoot. Learning its language is going to be unavoidable
for you if you plan to do more than fire up a couple of GUI apps under X. 
But don't rush into Linux expecting the world of it.  Unlike Windows, things 
are not hidden from you and done in some fashion considered optimal for all
users.  Programs do get set up using a default, but you can tune it the way
You want it.  You'll know far more about your computer by the time you feel
handy with Linux.

How to use it comes with patience, time, and a sense of adventure.  Something
like--Linux.  Not just an OS. It's an adventure!  :-)

Good luck!


Re: URGENT! Linux won't load

2000-03-05 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 03/04/00 
   at 05:27 PM, Matheson [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

I totally screwed up my friend's Linux.  I got the kernel source 2.2.1 and
when I configured it I set the CPU as Pentium, but the computer is actually
a 486.  Now Linux won't boot and I really don't want to reinstall.  _Please_
help me.

Did you keep the old kernel as backup listed under LILO?  Do you have an (old
kernel) rescue disk? Can you boot off the CD (presuming you have that) and
redo a kernel, creating a boot floppy and new boot kernel (bypassing the rest
of the install)?

Assuming one of these routes gets you back into the system, go back and
reconfigure/recompile the kernel.


Dr. Kenward Vaughan   .'^~;,_
Professor of Chemistry':,'~
Bakersfield College   \;:/
1801 Panorama Drive   |,;|
Bakersfield, CA  93305   / ', \
661-395-4243/ o  O \
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (work)   (oOoOOoOo)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (home) ------

Re: I hate off-topic posts (including this one :) [was Re: Acer machines]

2000-01-17 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 01/17/00 
   at 01:24 PM, Nathan E Norman [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

I hate to prolong this thread, but I have to ask ... Who the hell cares? And
what is the relevance to Debian?

Don't know about the _thread_, but do know that sometimes I have questions
that I really don't know how to get help for, and so post an OT message. 

I don't expect a reply to the list on those, but am simply hoping someone
would be kind enough to write to _me_ if they have the knowledge. Sort of
like calling across the hall at work and asking the person if they know the
answer to something. But bear in mind that I don't post without trying all
that I know for help. And sometimes people read docs and simply don't pick
something up because they aren't a computer scientist.

I don't subscribe to a bunch of high volume lists.  Can't bear the load. 
Don't like the newsgroups because of the denigrating attitudes I've
encountered there. This list is a good resource for me which I try not to
abuse with OT's, but there are times when I come here with them.

What people need to do with OT messages is to carry them off list once a
contact is made.  This would solve others' irritations and be a responsible
use of bandwidth.


OT: need M4 help-macros/stripping arg. spaces

2000-01-16 Thread kaynjay
I'm writing some macros for a latex package which uses M4 to preprocess them
before heading into Perl.  This is a first time for me in scripting such
things, and I'm learning by example and the info page on M4 how to decide
various things.  

My question relates to managing the following scenario:

In latex, writing 
should expand based on the definition

define('_cox', 'branch { atom(C,C);
ifelse($2,'-',' bond(l+,=C) atom(O,C); bond(l--) $1; ',
' bond(l+) $1; bond(l--,=C) atom(O,C); ')
} ')

(BTW, I use joe and don't know how to allow the back-tic character... so
I've substituted with the normal forward tic in the above.)  (One day I'll
move to a real editor.  Is there one like what is used in mc, BTW?)

The issue involves managing times when I (or someone else) types
   _cox(_oh, - )   or   _cox(_oh,- )
which adds the extra space onto the 2nd argument (I understand leading
spaces are stripped). At this point the ifelse statement fails.

I tried substituting
ifelse(substr($2,1,1),'-', ... )
but this failed as well.

Is there a way to deal with this (either through some manipulation or use
of a different flag which wouldn't be affected this way)?

Thanks very much for any help!

Kenward Vaughan

poff doesn't work... ???

2000-01-09 Thread kaynjay

I could find nothing in the latest archives, so am throwing this out...

I just upgraded to the latest potato, and all seems to be doing well so far
except that poff doesn't kill the connection.  This is true whether I'm a
normal user or as root.  The messages I get reflect kill not finding a file
(a lock file identifying the process number?) and having nothing to kill. 
Plog shows a still active connection.

What has changed?  File locations with no update of that in a config file?



Re: poff doesn't work... ???

2000-01-09 Thread kaynjay
The exact lines are as follows:

kaynjay:~# poff
/usr/bin/poff: /bin/kill: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/poff: /bin/kill failed.  None stopped.
kaynjay:~# plog
Jan  9 00:24:47 kaynjay pppd[279]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x4 magic=0x7cdd927f]
Jan  9 00:24:47 kaynjay pppd[279]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x4 magic=0x5941b437]
   (list truncated)


Re: poff not working... ???

2000-01-09 Thread kaynjay
Well, I figured it out after much puttering about...

There is no function kill on my system AFAICT.  I presume it's a builtin
for the shell?? 

I replaced the line in poff 

and it works fine.  Am I shooting myself security-wise with this?

If kill IS somewhere, I can't find it.. yet.


procps held back.. was Re: poff does not work

2000-01-09 Thread kaynjay
People have suggested the installation of procps to bring /bin/kill back
into my system.  Sounds good.  I ran dpkg -l procps to see what its status
was, and found hi returned, so it has been installed (2.0.3-3) but was
apparently held back when I upgraded last week.

?? Why was it held back (something inadvertant I did?), and does this imply
I should Not upgrade the package?

As I recall, there were 6-8 packages held back during the upgrade.  I assume
this is a normal occurance, but when does one upgrade those?  Or are these
packages typically ones which never change and so aren't touched?



Re: procps held back

2000-01-09 Thread kaynjay
regarding my query about packages held back in the upgrade, they were 
  flwm kbd kdelibs2g moonlight procps
Are there problems with these?


early potato upgrade error-no confmodule ??

2000-01-06 Thread kaynjay
Just dl'd packages for a dist-upgrade, then started the actual processing
run (I always get the packages first), but got an immediate error...

Need to get 0B/150MB of archives. After unpacking 8489kB will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]

100% [Scanning packages]
Configuring packages..
/tmp/fileAsdL1s: /usr/share/debconf/confmodule: No such file or directory
E: Sub-process dpkg-preconfig --apt returned an error code (1)
E: Failure running script dpkg-preconfig --apt

??? What am I missing here? Do I need to grab a specific package, install
it, then rerun this?

Appreciate any help with this!

Kenward Vaughan

Re: early potato upgrade error-no confmodule ??

2000-01-06 Thread kaynjay
On Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 10:30:26PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just dl'd packages for a dist-upgrade, then started the actual processing
 run (I always get the packages first), but got an immediate error...
 Configuring packages..
 /tmp/fileAsdL1s: /usr/share/debconf/confmodule: No such file or directory
I checked this... found /usr/share/debconf/ dated 10/5/99.


Re: education warehouse

2000-01-05 Thread kaynjay
On Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 07:20:12AM -0500, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
  represent intellectual property.  There's far more to this than simply 
  the tools to do the recording (or whatever).
 People willing to do it will by definition desire to give it away. I
 know that there is the concept of  intellectual property, but nobody can
 own thoughts. It is a fiction of human mind. Same mind that has sold

The specific expression of one's thoughts is what I refer to here.  There
are many textbooks from which to choose...

There is great difficulty in proving efficacy of long-distance learning. 
Especially in the sciences, where the lab experience is an essential
part of the class.  That requires a physical presence.

I have no difficulties with your general ideas.  But I would never (as a 
manager in industrial science) hire someone coming through a virtual 
institution who claims to know chemistry, but has never laid hands on an 
Erlenmeyer (much less anything else).  From the other end, I would not 
like to be associated with the person making such claims as the source of 
their knowledge unless I knew that they had had such direct experiences.

  ???  I don't believe I have forgotten the reason I teach.  I don't
  the dramatic increase in the cost of higher education is related to
 To what then but to greed? Are you saying that the work an administrator
 does grants what he earns?

I don't speak for administrators.  Nor did I go into teaching for the money. 
THAT would have been My mistake!  ;-)   But given the current state of
economic affairs in the world, one generally needs a paying job to get by
with a family (within the US at least).  My point was related to the fact
that my salary has little to do with the rise in costs.

 I think you can not sincerely answer yes, unless you are one such and
 your personal comfort blinds reality.
 Same applies to other participant parties.

??? I'm not sure what you are trying to get at here, but I would say that
applying the label greed to financial issues is showing some blindness to
the complexities of living in a non-Star Trek-based world.  It certainly
belongs, but I don't think it is an umbrella over all else.

  Again, one has a choice of institutions/prices, too.
  That is not true. I think you know it.

Sorry but this makes no sense to me.  There Are many choices of places to
go (at least within the US.  I cannot speak for other countries, but this
represents my reality.).  Each of these has its own price. 

Kenward Vaughan

ps. I'm more than happy to continue this discussion with you, but believe it
would be more appropriate to carry it on off-list now. 

Re: education warehouse, sound-video player

2000-01-04 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 01/04/00 
   at 11:49 AM, Antonio Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

without having to dump 5K-40K USA $ a year. Any way, seems to me that the
Well, one gets to choose which end they are going to pay at, yes?  I teach at
a community college where expenses are $13/unit maxing out at something less
than $100/semester regardless of load.  Worth two years at a 4 year school,
and decent ones if you don't screw around.  

Software that enables video recording of lectures, with the highest
compression and facility of use, to facilitate speed of transfer, etc. I am
sure that many educators (such as myself) will be found willing to record
their lectures and similar for this matter.

Perhaps if used within the confines of that institution; but lectures, etc.,
represent intellectual property.  There's far more to this than simply having
the tools to do the recording (or whatever). 

What happens is that  seeing how students are obligated to pay huge amounts
of money (many end up in debt for many, many years of their lives) makes any
person sick. Except of course if you are benefiting from it and give a s***
about others. Remember the dorm fees, etc.? Not that they are bad, but they
power of its components and the reputation of its graduates will be able to
easy the grip of the existing educational centers, who have become money
sucking machines and forgotten much of the original intention.

???  I don't believe I have forgotten the reason I teach.  I don't think that
the dramatic increase in the cost of higher education is related to that.  

Again, one has a choice of institutions/prices, too.  If you go down such a
path and wind up with a job that doesn't help you pay off any debt
accumulated within a reasonable time period, then it seems to me that a poor
choice was made somewhere else as well.


Dr. Kenward Vaughan   .'^~;,_
Professor of Chemistry':,'~
Bakersfield College   \;:/
1801 Panorama Drive   |,;|
Bakersfield, CA  93305   / ', \
661-395-4243/ o  O \
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (work)   (oOoOOoOo)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (home) ------

Re: Can one keep networks apart on a machine?

1999-12-20 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 12/20/99 
   at 10:38 AM, Marc Mongeon [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

You shouldn't have any problem doing per-adapter setup under NT. The biggest
issue I can think of is routing, since NT wants to do all of that
automatically, but I think with appropriate choice of IP address and
netmask, you can make it work OK.

I'll bear that in mind.  Thanks!

I kind of like the suggestion from a previous post that this ignorant net
admin of yours be brought to task over his administrative decisions. Isn't
his job ultimately to provide a network infrastructure that makes end-users
more productive?  Seems to me that his draconic nothing but NT stance runs
counter to this.  And this at an institute for higher learning and
enlightened thinking... what a shame.

Well, I _am_ the original instigator of the bias, as I inadvertently
brought the system to its knees with a kernel upgrade.  I can't (and don't
try to) back out of that responsibility.  

But I still feel that the problems they had tracking down Me as the culprit
of the packet broadcasting issue indicates a flaw in their
abilities/available tools to manage serious problems.  There was no general
communication about the problem with the general college community at all,
and I can't help but feel that I could have quickly isolated the problem (at
least) by sequentially chopping off various parts of the LAN from one another
(were I in his shoes).  (And Linux worked so WELL in the system, too.  Damn.)

I shudder to think what would happen if a serious hacker went into the
system.  (A local fellow was crackling at the sides as he told me about the
state of their firewall.  But they may have tidied it up a bit since then.)

But I may be all wet about that (I know nothing about LAN


Dr. Kenward Vaughan   .'^~;,_
Professor of Chemistry':,'~
Bakersfield College   \;:/
1801 Panorama Drive   |,;|
Bakersfield, CA  93305   / ', \
661-395-4243/ o  O \
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (work)   (oOoOOoOo)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (home) ------

Can one keep networks apart on a machine?

1999-12-19 Thread kaynjay
I have a dilemma at work.  They use Windoze (NT at the moment) and will not
allow me to use Linux instead.  Yet Linux is my choice both personally and
professionally (given the tools my discipline has which run under the two
environments, Linux is a born winner).  I Am allowed to use it as long as it
_cannot_access_ the LAN.  So I wondered... Is it possible to network it to my
office NT box without there being any crossover to the outside LAN?  Perhaps
this sounds silly, but rebooting is a Bear between systems (I have both on
the one machine at this time).  

(Linux is considered a Maverick system by our newly hired administrator.)

Thanks for a quick answer/thoughts/a reference?  


Kenward Vaughan   .'^~;,_
Professor of Chemistry':,'~
Bakersfield College   \;:/
1801 Panorama Drive   |,;|
Bakersfield, CA  93305   / ', \
661-395-4243/ o  O \
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (work)   (oOoOOoOo)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (home) ------

Re: Can one keep networks apart on a machine?

1999-12-19 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 12/19/99 
   at 01:42 PM, Marcin Kurc [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

But let's get to the point. I understand that you have Windows box and Linux
box, you could install wingate on Windows box and put another network card
in it. This way you could have local ip on your linux box ( and
being routed through windows box ( to the real IP.

OK, but I need to remain OFF of the outside network.  (The reason for the
issue stems from my upgrading to 2.2.12 once, and not seeing the IP bug that
nearly blew away the rest of the system (broadcast packets... I'm on a
token-ring system, but other parts are ethernet.  I know understand the
difference between the two.  :).  That debacle has cost me Linux access and a
rancid note in my personnel file.  Don't ask why it took nearly 2 weeks to
realize the source of the problem.)

Would what you are suggesting allow me to keep the two Apart--meaning no way
for Linux to see the outsdie world?  I am looking for a way to get the Win
machine to act as a kind of junction between the two worlds, with the
potential of using the Win box as my local source for Internet material
(including .deb updates...).  Can the two interfaces be made blind of one

Or does this seem too kludgy?  


Kenward Vaughan   .'^~;,_
Professor of Chemistry':,'~
Bakersfield College   \;:/
1801 Panorama Drive   |,;|
Bakersfield, CA  93305   / ', \
661-395-4243/ o  O \
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (work)   (oOoOOoOo)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (home) ------

Re: Can one keep networks apart on a machine?

1999-12-19 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 12/19/99 
   at 11:56 AM, Dave Sherohman [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Would it be acceptable to just set up the Linux box with a static route
pointing at your NT box and no default route?  This would prevent it from
talking to any other machines even if it's physically using the same wire.

They are concerned about broadcast packets (mentioned in another post).  I'm
not sure that this would work if the wire is shared.  I was thinking of a
direct connection between the two machines in the same office.  

I apologize for not being a network-aware person (strictly home-grown) so my
understanding of some suggestions is limited.  Suffice it to say that support
at work is going to be VERY limited, too.


Kenward Vaughan   .'^~;,_
Professor of Chemistry':,'~
Bakersfield College   \;:/
1801 Panorama Drive   |,;|
Bakersfield, CA  93305   / ', \
661-395-4243/ o  O \
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (work)   (oOoOOoOo)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (home) ------

Re: I didn't mean to offend

1999-12-04 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 12/04/99 
   at 10:13 AM, Brigette Heffner [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Ok, this is me...the one who posted Why...
I didn't mean to offend anyone...(everyone).  I really want to use Linux and
It's making me nuts.  We have it a school and I love it.

Hi, Brigette,

I didn't read the original post or follow the thread that ensued.  I've found
this crowd to often be helpful, but sometimes they come across as being quite
aloof or blind to the issues that newcomers have with Linux (or Unix in
general).  I hope that whatever was said didn't simply blow you out of the
water.  I've had to wade through a number of disappointing posts myself to
stay afloat.

Unfortunately I'm not a laptop guru (or a Linux guru, for that matter), so I
can't help you with your issues.  I expect someone out there will, though. 
Keep at it.  

Another thought is... is there someone at your school who could help?  If
they use it then someone there may be able to help.  (Bravo to them, BTW,
for doing so... wish I were so lucky at MY school!)


Dr. Kenward Vaughan   .'^~;,_
Professor of Chemistry':,'~
Bakersfield College   \;:/
1801 Panorama Drive   |,;|
Bakersfield, CA  93305   / ', \
661-395-4243/ o  O \
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (work)   (oOoOOoOo)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (home) ------

Re: looking before I leap (bye gnome!)

1999-10-17 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 10/17/99 
   at 09:37 AM, David Z. Maze [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

That's not going to get rid of the GNOME stuff.  Those packages just depend
on lots of other packages; you need to actually go off and remove those
packages too (generally gnome-*) to really purge GNOME.

There are some libs put in place for some of the other packages, too, which
are a tad harder to trace down.  I used dselect to pull them all out.  Can't
recall though, what I searched with (perhaps gnom).  Look carefully under
the lib sections of dselect's listing.



1999-10-06 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 10/06/99 
   at 06:28 PM, Hamish Moffatt [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 08:13:41PM -0400, Terry Katz wrote:
 2.1.3-2 is one that does it ...

Seems to behave itself here. But then I only have fvwm2 installed, none of
these fancy new wms.

I had individual ones start up on menu's invocation with some upgraded
packages.  First olvwm, then wmaker, then I finally got the thread killed
(thought I had it the first time, but another was somehow spawned).  Menu's
been removed now.

My upgrade came before the warning... yech.  And I had the usual (?)
assortment of wm's.  That's now been trimmed.


OT: Lucky me-2 boxes at work-what WIRE to connect them?

1999-10-05 Thread kaynjay
Yum, yum... I've come into possession of another box at work.  I want to play
with setting it up using my office machine to masquerade, and play with
Beowulf and computational chemistry.  But I know zilch about this.  I plan to
spend time figuring out the networking myself, but need to know if this can
be accomplished with token-ring cards, and what darned wire to put between
the 2 machines.  Can anyone give me Good news about this?  

One machine has an IBM card.  The other will sport 2 olicom cards (infamous
with 2.2.xx kernels, in my neighborhood anyway... so it'll be 2.0.36/38). 
Can I simply sneak a cable from the lab up the hall, or is there a lot more
to this?

Appreciate any help!

Kenward Vaughan

help! netstd screwed up on updating potato

1999-10-03 Thread kaynjay
I am in the process of updating my potato system, and got the following error
wit the netstd package (this printout comes from attempting to reinstall the
package after the original at-get dist-update errors).

Can anyone tell me what to do?  I had re-DL'ed the file just in case it was
corrupted.  If an earlier thread has addressed this, I'm afraid I don't have
knowledge of it.  I'm a bit afraid to try using X right now as I don't know
what's been changed, etc.

kaynjay:~# apt-get install netstd
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
1 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 242 not upgraded.
16 packages not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 212kB of archives. After unpacking 96.3kB will be freed.
Get:1 unstable/main netstd 3.07-10 [212kB]
Fetched 212kB in 45s (4676B/s)
(Reading database ... 53129 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace netstd 3.07-8 (using .../netstd_3.07-10_i386.deb) ...
/var/lib/dpkg/info/netstd.prerm: /usr/sbin/update-inetd: Permission denied
dpkg: warning - old pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
dpkg - trying script from the new package instead ...
/var/lib/dpkg/ /usr/sbin/update-inetd: Permission denied
dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/netstd_3.07-10_i386.deb
 subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
dpkg (subprocess): unable to execute post-installation script: Permission
denieddpkg: error while cleaning up:
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process returned an error code (1)



Re: help! netstd screwed up on updating potato

1999-10-03 Thread kaynjay
On Sat, Oct 02, 1999 at 09:51:44PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am in the process of updating my potato system, and got the following error
 wit the netstd package (this printout comes from attempting to reinstall the
 package after the original at-get dist-update errors).

Hmmm...  never mind (I guess).  Ran dpkg --configure --pending, got the
others done (with warnings about LILO and netstd), then reran apt-get
install netstd, and saw it finish both netstd and LILO's configuring without
a whimper...   Will continue the update and see what happens.

Sorry to bother y'all.


Re: help! netstd screwed up... Other Problems!

1999-10-03 Thread kaynjay
Thought I'd mention the primary big problems I had with the update.  These
are ones for which I found no answer (I'm hardly a guru, though.  I expect
the workaround is out there somewhere.)  I thought it might be nice for
whoever's writing the install scripts...

Both gnome and kde were problems.  I don't know about the kde issues other
than I Think they are similar to the gnome ones.  (Both desktops are options
for me.  I actually play mostly with fvwm2/ctwm/other managers.)  I need
sleep occasionally.

Gnome packages hung on an issue of a gnome library package apparently trying
to overwrite a file also included in gnome-bin.  Renaming the file and
rerunning the install still failed despite gnome-bin not being on that
section of the install list, so I figure it's in the script somewhere?  I
solved this (after a number of unsuccessful attempts to force an install or
remove one package or another to remove the conflict) by using dselect to
remove all of gnome.  The apt-get dist-upgrade apparently continued to
install a few gnome packages.  Too late at that point to check.

Imlib also was problematic.  This stemmed from /etc/im being linked to
/etc/imlib (probably from an earlier potato update?), causing the install to
attempt copying an rc file onto itself.  I delinked the two, and copied imlib
to im.  Things proceded smoothly from there.  

I don't watch every thread here, so these may have surfaced before.  Sorry if
so.  But thought it would be best to throw 'em out to the pack.


In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 10/03/99 
   at 02:06 AM, Brad [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 a whimper...   Will continue the update and see what happens.

For the curious, the problem was probably like this:

1) apt-get dist-upgrade runs through, upgrading tons of stuff.

IPX woes-want old module and new kernel-possible?

1999-09-18 Thread kaynjay
Thanks to earlier suggestions about pinpointing the source of my kernel slowing
down... it is the ipx service causing problems.  While others have noted in
earlier posts ipx issues with the 2.2.x kernels, I found none which involved
a slowdown/lockup of the machine itself.  Don't know if this is a first...?

I would like to move up from 2.0.36.  Does anyone know if one of the higher 
versions has the ipx bug resolved?  

Also, I have a dilemma.  My token-ring card (Olicom) will compile into the
2.2.9 kernel, but the patch fails on higher versions.  Their suggestion to
patch 2.2.9 for olicom, then use the kernel patches to raise 2.2.9 up higher 
also failed.  So I thought about this:

How about compiling the driver as a module, then recompiling the
kernel at the 2.2.12(13?) level with solely token ring support built in.
Then use it with the module.  Or is this totally brainless?  (Mind you that
I plead ignorance based on being a chemist, not a comp. scientist. ;)


Re: System slows to REAL slug on boot

1999-09-17 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 09/17/99 
   at 11:36 AM, Marcin Owsiany [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

single mode: (runs only rcS)
your_kernel_name single

emergency mode: (runs only init, which only runs sulogin, / is ro)
your_kernel_name emergency

Thanks Marcin and Lex.  Last ?? of the day... to pinpoint the problem child,
I presume I run through each script in the rc.2 dir and see when things

Thanks again!


System slows to REAL slug on boot

1999-09-16 Thread kaynjay

I'm having problems with my system on rebooting to a new kernel.  I don't know 
what is causing the problem, and have found nothing yet in the archives about 
similar circumstances. The new kernel is 2.2.9, the old was 2.0.36.

Once on reboot the system halted while starting lpd.  Another time on gpm,
which seemed to respond to a ^X.  All times, though, things ground down to a
grossly sluggish pace once reaching the login prompt.  I have to shut the 
system off 
after login attempts, where each letter takes 5-10 seconds to appear, and login 
never completes.  CAD gives no response either. The system once died at the
xdm login window, and no key combinations gave any response.

All affected files in /etc (recursively) have been changed to reflect tr0 
of eth0 for my olicom PCI card.  

ISC's dhclient was recompiled with all proper changes made to the kernel config,
and compiled under the 2.2.9 kernel without a working network connection.

The kernel was recompiled with the tr card support not modularized, as it was 
not recognized otherwise (is there a way to force a module to be loaded 
immediately???  I can't tell if /etc/modules is supposed to work with 2.2.).

The dhclient does attach properly AFAIK based on its messages.  Other
services appear to start normally except for complaints early on about some
modules not being present.  I think these are 2.0.36 modules.  

The 2.2.9 kernel worked without networking.  At that time the tr support
didn't exist due to the modularized nature of the driver, which is written
for that kernel version.

The new kernel was compiled using make-kpkg.  

Are there incompatibilities between slink and potato which need to be
managed?  Especially with respect to networking or other daemons, which I
may encounter on this upgrade?  Is this sluggishness possibly due to the
dhcp client, which is said to not work with the 2.2 kernels (though it seems
to, here)??

Anyone else see this kind of behavior??  Any thoughts??  Would it help if I
got a list of the file names in /etc/init.d to list services in place?



Re: spreadsheet?

1999-09-16 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 09/16/99 
   at 10:28 AM, Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Check out this:

Both are free (unfortunately only as in free beer) for personal use.

And are memory hogs...  I just grabbed the standard edition and it reported
insufficient memory on my 48 Mb RAM/126 Mb swap system.


excel under Wine?

1999-09-05 Thread kaynjay
Has anyone gotten excel 4 to run under the latest Wine?  I've never used Wine
before, but believe I have it set up properly, going with:
wine -winver win31 -dosver 6.2 -name excel /mnt/C/excel/excel.exe
with C:\ defined as /mnt/C and other places as appears appropriate.

I can't get winehq to respond right now (some internal software error) and
haven't found an answer elsewhere (I'm fairly clueless about places to
search).  Has anyone else achieved getting it running?



Help--potato upgrade flakey with apt-get/dselect

1999-09-03 Thread kaynjay
I apologize up front for the length of this post, but am trying to max the
info for brave souls who may be able to help me...

An upgrade initially using apt-get then finished with deselect has left an
unknown number of packages possibly not upgraded.  Slink--potato, BTW.

The long story:  (the big questions are listed at the end, FWIW)

An upgrade which ran all night/day has apparently not updated all packages. 
After initial download-only, I reran apt-get dist-upgrade and most packages
installed seemingly with no problems.  Then I noted flakey operation of
gnome under X, and somehow surmised that the system had been unpacked but not
configured.  I didn't know about dpkg --configure -a at the time, but got
the idea of using deselect.

It updated the package lists via apt.  I looked at the list (full of U's)
and decided to add the 2.2.10 kernel package.  In addition to its
dependencies, others were noted for other packages.  I accepted them, as  I
have no way to tell the validity of the choices made.  Deselect got a newer
version of the unstable lists as well, forcing a further download of 36 Mb. 
Installation seemed to go well, with the unconfigured packages dropping to
2 from 200+.

Attempted setup of the kernel package (which dselect never unpacked) failed
at make menuconfig concerning ncurses.  I tried to remove the older
ncurses3.4 package (since the latest was also installed), but dpkg balked. 
That's when I discovered that sysutils and taper had not been upgraded,
apparently.  I expect others are the same way.

1) Is there a way to get this to work?  Can I redo the apt-get with all the
files I downloaded, and simply force every package to be redone??  I have a
feeling that something weird happened when I went over to dselect.  

2) And why didn't the dist-upgrade not configure things initially?  Would
dpkg --configure -a be a better choice if it happened again?

3) How do I deal with the ncurses issue.  Are any of the potato deb's
dependent on the older ncurses3.4?

4) perl-5.004 vs. perl-5.005 ???  Do I trash the former or not?  Dselect
wouldn't let me remove it...  (something to do with those un-upgraded

Should the first step in dselect been to configure packages, without any of
the other steps??

Thanks a bunch for any thoughts!!


Re: Help--potato upgrade flakey with apt-get/dselect

1999-09-03 Thread kaynjay
On Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 11:51:02PM -0600, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
 On Thu, 2 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  2) And why didn't the dist-upgrade not configure things initially?  Would
  dpkg --configure -a be a better choice if it happened again?
 If you had noted the error messages you would have known that something
 had failed. In that instance the best thing is to just re-run apt-get
 fixing any problems until it completes without error.

I don't recall error messages except about being unable to get to the 
non-us site, and one or two other package problems.  I'll try blocking out
that ftp site in sources and see what happens.


Understanding apt-get. Was Re: Help--potato upgrade flakey with apt-get/dselect

1999-09-03 Thread kaynjay
On Thu, 2 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I apologize up front for the length of this post, but am trying to max
 the info for brave souls who may be able to help me...
 An upgrade initially using apt-get then finished with deselect has
 left an unknown number of packages possibly not upgraded.  
 Slink--potato, BTW.

My thanks to Brad and Jason for their help.  Things are more or less normal,
though I'll throw another post out shortly about gnome.

I did not realize that a problem which arises during apt's operations would
cause it to stop short of completing other installations.  That explains
fully the unconfigured packages and missing upgrades.   Now that it's
daylight I can (again) say duh! when looking back on things.  The thought
from both fellows to simply rerun/correct-as-you-go until it drops into place

The packages which caused problems were 1) setserial--not finishing its setup
because the module_update mechanism was (perhaps due to another pkg.
not yet being installed?); I ran a forced update later which removed the msg,
as suggested. 2) sane/libsane--libsane died trying to overwrite a file
already on sane's list.  I renamed that file after the 1st failure, and it
still died w/same complaint.  Solution was to remove the 2 packages.  

Today I don't recall others, if any.

My ncurses3.4 problem disappeared after completion of the install.  Trashed
it then.

I used the potato level ncurses libs for kernel compilation.  Do the kernel
dev packages have something different?

The old perl will drop soon (my wife wants on, so I'm back in OS/2... she
doesn't want to learn new keystrokes yet  ;).

Thanks again,


Having upgraded, which kernel?? 2.2.10, or 11, or ...

1999-09-02 Thread kaynjay
I'm ready to compile a new kernel, moving up from 2.0.36 after just
upgrading to potato.  Searching the archives showed one letter recently
espousing 2.2.11, but little else was found.  I'm on a home system with
no fancy stuff (486-66, SB16Vibra and an HP scanner/Adapt. 152x card).  When 
(IF) I 
upgrade at work I'll need Olicom token-ring support (need to check with them
re: this) and a working dhcp client (ISC's version works right now).

Does anyone have strong misgivings about the 2.2.x kernels?  If 2.2.11 Is
the greatest, is there a deb package?  I'd far prefer that over anything
else, as I teach chemistry as a career, not CS.  :)

Thanks for any input!


Re: Kppp for normal users

1999-09-02 Thread kaynjay
On Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 05:29:09PM +, Jonathan Heaney wrote:
 John Hall wrote:
  I've been able to set up and use Kppp as root, but of course I don't
 add yourself to the group pid eg
 adduser jon pid
 as root
 that should let you dial in as a normal user

Isn't that dip instead of pid ??


moving /var to another partition??

1999-09-01 Thread kaynjay

I'm setting up to upgrade my system to potato (while I sleep :) and know
that there's not enough room in /var/cache/apt/archives/.  I've got another
partition to work with and could either symlink that dir to the new
partition, or move /var over (it's on it's own part. now).

Question is... which is likely best?  Or should I go into mtab and mount the
new partition at /var/cache/apt/archives/ (if that's possible)?

And am I correst in thinking that a
   cp -aR /var/* /newpartition 
followed by mtab changes is correct for shifting partitions?  I seem to
recall this as the MO for such stuff.

Does apt go outside of /var/cache/apt/archives/ for unpacking?  I.e. could I
run into space problems elsewhere?  /tmp is on a partition with ~70 Mb free.


Kenward Vaughan

Re: moving /var to another partition??

1999-09-01 Thread kaynjay
On Wed, Sep 01, 1999 at 12:54:31PM -0700, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:

 On 01-Sep-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Question is... which is likely best?  Or should I go into mtab and mount
  new partition at /var/cache/apt/archives/ (if that's possible)?


 mtab is a run time created file by the working system, do not change it,
do n
 touch it.  Even if you do change it -- nothing happens.  Change

@#$%^!!  Sorry, forget my V8 today.  Duh.

Thanks to you and the others about this.


KDE and Gnome together?

1999-08-31 Thread kaynjay
Sorry about the dumb question.  I just installed both Gnome and KDE in my
slink system, wanting to try both, and suddenly realized that I may not be
able to work with both.  I had thought to use my .xsession file for gnome,
then switch to another user and somehow list kde for that account.  Is this
possible?  Or do I need to trash one then reinstall later?

Thanks for comments.  Which FM did I not read?  


help! install with DOS-lost HD on boot

1999-06-03 Thread kaynjay
Home with the school computer for summer... I wanted to redo my drive layout
due to very limited space, squeezing out OS/2 and Windows for Linux.  I've
lost my Linux drives, though.  I am hoping someone could point out where I
screwed up, and suggest a way to avoid reinstalling (or doing it right ;).

After backing up critical files to a new-but-old 430 Mb HD (hdb), I wiped all
partitions on hda, created a 100 Mb fat DOS partition, 2 primaries for root
and swap, then 3 logicals on the rest of hda for /var, /home, and /usr. 
Install of 2.1 went well from CD.  Set up LILO as my boot manager.  

Rebooted to a DOS floppy to check, and then format C (it saw the partition as
90 Mb instead of 100--did I choose the wrong fs type?).  Booted into Linux.
Untarred the old DOS system onto the C partition, modified lilo.conf, and
ran lilo.  This led to the inability to boot DOS (non-system disk or disk
error ... or whatever it was).  

Using cfdisk I reset both hda1 and hda2 as bootable (1st--DOS, 2nd--Debian)
and wrote to disk.  Re-read error reported by cfdisk.  Reboot led to an
inability to boot LILO at all.  

An old Linux rescue disk taught me to make a new one at some future point :(
I didn't realize it was set to another partition, and I don't know how to
change that.. ).

A DOS floppy allowed me to again reformat the C drive, install DOS/Win31 for
my kids' games, and boot directly to DOS.  But I'd like to get the drive back
to Linux control without a reinstall, if possible.

Can I make a rescue floppy from the DOS partition, using the CD and skipping
all other installation steps?  Can someone let me know what step I would take
to get this working afterwards?  

Thanks for any help!!

Kenward Vaughan

(currently on my other machine :)

Re: help! install with DOS-lost HD on boot

1999-06-03 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 06/03/99 
   at 01:34 PM, David Coe [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 Home with the school computer for summer... I wanted to redo my drive layout
 due to very limited space, squeezing out OS/2 and Windows for Linux.  I've
 lost my Linux drives, though.  I am hoping someone could point out where I
 screwed up, and suggest a way to avoid reinstalling (or doing it right ;).

If you haven't written to those ext2 partitions since the screw-up, you
*should* be able to recover...

So now your partition table is correct, right?  All you should have to do is
edit your lilo.conf and run lilo to install it.  *Something* like the 
following is probably what you need.  Post your previous lilo.conf here and
maybe we can figure out what you did wrong the first time.


Thanks for the response.  I rebooted from the DOS partition onto the
installation disk last night, remounted the (existing) partitions, then ran
the installation script to have LILO automatically boot Linux.  This worked
to get me back into Linux on rebooting, and I followed the same procedure as
before, modifying lilo,conf (which looked just like yours in the post), and
viola!, DOS booted as desired.  No problems now.

I have NO idea why there was a problem in the first place, unless there was
some mishap due to the way cfdisk set the HD for DOS and the way DOS sets the
drive.  After the partitioning/installation of Linux, the original report
from the DOS floppy was 90 Mb, then 100+ after format.  That was the point
where things fell apart.  I suspect differences in Linux's and DOS's views of
the partition.

Thanks again!


Re: help! install with DOS-lost HD on boot

1999-06-03 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 06/03/99 
   at 01:34 PM, David Coe [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 Home with the school computer for summer... I wanted to redo my drive layout
 due to very limited space, squeezing out OS/2 and Windows for Linux.  I've
 lost my Linux drives, though.  I am hoping someone could point out where I
 screwed up, and suggest a way to avoid reinstalling (or doing it right ;).

If you haven't written to those ext2 partitions since the screw-up, you
*should* be able to recover...

So now your partition table is correct, right?  All you should have to do is
edit your lilo.conf and run lilo to install it.  *Something* like the 
following is probably what you need.  Post your previous lilo.conf here and
maybe we can figure out what you did wrong the first time.


Thanks for the response.  I rebooted from the DOS partition onto the
installation disk last night, remounted the (existing) partitions, then ran
the installation script to have LILO automatically boot Linux.  This worked
to get me back into Linux on rebooting, and I followed the same procedure as
before, modifying lilo.conf (which still looks just like yours in the post),
and viola!, DOS booted as desired.  No problems now.

I have NO idea why there was a problem in the first place, unless there was
some mishap due to the way cfdisk set the HD for DOS and the way DOS sets the
drive.  After the partitioning/installation of Linux, the original report
from the DOS floppy was 90 Mb, then 100+ after format.  That was the point
where things began to fall apart.  I am led to conclude that one should
partition, then add the DOS system, then continue on in the Linux install.  

Thanks again, David!


Thanks, John! Re: crypt?

1999-05-09 Thread kaynjay
Just a note of thanks to John Foster for his help in providing me with a
well-documented replacement program for crypt.  

Thanks, John!

Kenward Vaughan

Re: Decompressing a tar-gz file

1999-04-20 Thread kaynjay
On Tue, Apr 20, 1999 at 08:42:02AM +, Francois Hurter wrote:
 How do I decompress a tarred gzipped file ?

tar xzf name_of_file

You'll find that typing:

info tar

will provide you with a lot of decent information about tar.


OT: sqrt() not recognized in c program??

1999-04-18 Thread kaynjay
Does someone know why I would get the following errors in a compilation of a
C app?  I would think that the sqrt function is in one of the libraries
defined in the beginning of the code (e.g. #include math.h ).

kaynjay:/home/autodock/dist_3.0/src/autotors# cc -o autotors autotors.c
/tmp/ccc01215: In function 'check_aromatic':
/tmp/ccc01215(.text+0x1b4f): undefined reference to 'sqrt'
/tmp/ccc01215: In function 'main':
/tmp/ccc01215(.text+0xa586): undefined reference to 'sqrt'
/tmp/ccc01215(.text+0xba83): undefined reference to 'sqrt'

The compile dies with these.

There are no directions for compiling.  I'm following the same pattern given
for another program in the distribution.

Thanks for any help!

Kenward Vaughan

Re: OT: sqrt() not recognized in c program??

1999-04-18 Thread kaynjay
On Sun, Apr 18, 1999 at 10:36:39AM -0700, Alan Su wrote:
 sqrt is probably in the math library, so you need to link with the -lm
 argument.  try that, and if it doesn't work, i'm sure i can find out
 what the right way to do this is...
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote (Sun, 18 Apr 1999 10:27:19 -0700 ):
 |Does someone know why I would get the following errors in a compilation of a

Thanks Alan.  That did it.  Sorry for what must be a trivial question, but I
am only on page 3 of my Ansi C programming for Scientists and Engineers


compile error--my choice of options, or the program?

1999-04-16 Thread kaynjay
Hello all,

I'm trying to compile a large program wherein I had to choose a series of
options for my system (Linux/PC vs. SGI, etc).  The entire output of the
compile is the following lines:

g++  -DNDEBUG -O3-c -DWRITEPDBQSTATE declaration of C function `int gethostname(char *, int)'
conflicts with /usr/include/unistd.h:662: previous declaration `int
gethostname(char *, size_t)' here make: *** [main.o] Error 1

I am not a programmer, so this means nothing beyond the obvious it screwed
up somewhere to me.  Compiler options I chose in the makefile are:

# Edit this Makefile to reflect your machine architecture.
# Specifically, change these variables:
# If you need to use debugging or profiling, these should also be  #
modified appropriately:
CC = g++
LIB = -lm -lg++
LINT = lint

with the dependencies line being:
main.o : hybrids.h ranlib.h gs.h ls.h rep.h support.h main.h
constants.h autocomm.h dpftoken.h structs.h autoglobal.h  autocomm.h

Can anyone tell whether the error is an issue with my system setup and/or
these options, or is it likely a programming glitch?  Is there more info I
need to show to determine this? 


Kenward Vaughan

OT: Need help with Makefile definitions

1999-04-13 Thread kaynjay
I apologize for this note but this list has been far better to me than
Usenet, and I'm hoping someone knowledgable with programming could make some

I need to compile parts of a program which requires appropriate
modifications to the Makefiles' lines setting the various options for
compiling.  While interested in learning some basic skills in C/C++ at some
point, my last real program was in APL about 20 years ago.  I have no idea
what is good/bad/ugly about the options given.  

I know that I could simply run with what's there and see if that works, but
I'm concerned both about what any error messages may mean, and whether the
compile is the best I could do.  [The application is designed to perform
quantum mechanical and molecular dynamics calculations leading to
understanding interactions between macro- and micromolecular structures; 
these are very extensive, time-consuming runs.]

I'm up to slink when in Debian.  

I'm sorry about the length of the post.  I've attached the two (edited)
Makefiles as one (OS/2) gzip'd file.  Some of the options I think I know
(isn't the C++ compiler actually g++ ??), but mostly I'm clueless ...  

Would someone mind greatly giving me their best shot at these?  I'd _Really_
appreciate it!

Kenward Vaughan

Description: Binary data

RE: OT: Need help with Makefile definitions

1999-04-13 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 04/13/99 
   at 01:10 AM, Shaleh [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Hmm, are these supposed to work on Intel machines?  Seems to be mostly mips
and other non-Intel hardware options.

It has reportedly been compiled under Linux.  I (perhaps mistakenly) believe
that to be the Intel flavor.

A makefile is a list of items and the commands to run when that item is

Yes, I recognize this.  I simply have no knowledge of appropriate arguments
here.  I toasted a great number of lines in the files for brevity.  


If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown too?

parallel computing, rsh, and DHCP environment?

1999-04-09 Thread kaynjay
I'm trying to set up 2-4 Debian boxes at school to run in parallel under
lam (MPI) and have several problems frustrating me.  The machines are
currently Not
recognized by their names (eg. ) but rather only by IP
address.  We have a DHCP-based network, and I have the ISC dhclient running. 
The lam daemon requires the ability to rsh into the other nodes.  But I need
a password to access the other systems.  We are on a token-ring network.

Is it possible to get the systems recognized by their names?  IP addresses
change under this system at times, so names make it easier ...

Is there a way to get a password sent over to the other system when the
lam daemon is connecting?  (I recognize this likely belongs elsewhere, but I
don't fully understand the workings of rsh access and thought there might be
another way to surmount this problem??  This is the first time I've ever set
something like this up ...)

Does anyone have experience with MPI and know if lam is a good choice?

Appreciate any help!  Thanks!

Kenward Vaughan

Need isapnp early in boot. How?

1999-04-09 Thread kaynjay

My home system has a CD attached to a SB Vibra 16 board, with 2 other drives 
off the
single channel IDE controller.  If I don't first boot into DOS or OS/2, the
CD is incorrectly recognized (hdg instead of hdc) and is inaccessable. 

Isapnp apparently comes up too late in the boot to help.  I currently get
messages about resource conflicts when it tries to initialize (though things
work since the card's been warmed booted from another OS).  I've checked the
settings and they match what I use in DOS and OS/2.

How early can I get isapnp to initialize the card?  Should I put the script
in rc.boot, or elsewhere? 

Under OS/2 I need a special little (3rd party) driver to specifically 
initialize the IDE
port ... does anyone know whether this is also a problem under Linux which 
doesnt address on a cold boot?

Thanks for any suggestions!

Kenward Vaughan

Re: OT?: What to install for Python??

1999-03-31 Thread kaynjay
   at 02:46 AM, Bruce Sass [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

That depends on what you want to do with Python. 

If you are interested in Python then install _everything_, 
think of it as lots of coding examples. 

Thanks, Bruce.

I guess the question was pretty stupid, thinking about it.  What I wanted to
do was get the libraries in place.  Problem is, the package
descriptions--for someone like me--are too vague about what niche they fill. 

Oh well.  I've got a large HD there for something ...


Why don't Sharks bite lawyers
  'Professional Courtesy'

Re: Newcomer to Linux

1999-03-23 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 03/22/99 
   at 05:48 PM, mike shupp [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

To boot, as a general rule, your operating system must be on one of your
hard disk's primary partitions.  You're allowed four of these and no more,
and an extended partition counts as one of them.  You cannot boot from a
logical drive.  In principle, you could get around

The Debian installation routine does a nice job of setting up LILO with the
necessary records in a case like this (at least, it did with me).  I had
placed my entire installation onto logical drives.  When prompted about LILO
being used (and answering yes) the program mentioned this issue of logical
drives, and placed the necessary records elsewhere.  Exactly where I'm
uncertain, but it works.  

I dual boot WinNT and Debian.  (Actually, I boot Debian ... all the regular
students not in my class see only LILO flash by for 0.8 seconds, followed
by a normal NT boot.  What they don't know won't hurt 'em ...   :)

Kenward Vaughan

Sometimes too much to drink is not enough.

Re: creating movies under debian?

1999-03-01 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 03/01/99 
   at 03:21 PM, E.L. Meijer \(Eric\) [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

I had been meaning to ask about this as well.  There are the none-free
ubcmpeg and ubcmpeg_play packages, but when I tried these, I wasn't too
impressed with the compression/quality trade-off.  I saw this morning an
anouncement on about a free film project.  It is still in

While I haven't played too much with these packages, IIIRC they are open to
a lot of tweaking.  My first runs didn't strike me as wonderful either (for
just your reason), but there are several settings controlling the
compression vs. quality question.  May be worth playing with again ...  :)


Don't be so open-minded your brains fall out.

Re: Networking

1999-02-09 Thread kaynjay
How about the crude approach of yanking the HD out of box A and install in
B?  While sounding painful, doing that with a change of jumpers to
accomodate the slave (if needed) can go quite quickly.

Or take a laplink approach?  (I've never used it, but believe it does what
you want ...)


In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 02/09/99 
   at 01:25 PM, Bal K. Paudyal [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

I have two pcs at home with net-work cards, PC-A  PC-B. In PC-A there is
no CDROM drive, I installed Debian Linux base from floppies. In order to
make room for Linux, I had to get rid of Windows 95 at PC-A, but I have
kept DOS6.22  Windows3.1.  Now, I can't connect to my Win95 PC-B using
Windows Network  IPX/SPX protocol because there is no Windows95 or Windows
for Work Groups at Linux/Dos PC-A.

I want to transfer my important files to the DOS partition of my Linux/Dos
system using some kind of network before I start playing with my very
important and state of the art PC-B. Is there anyway I can network DOS with
Windows 95?


Madness takes its toll.  Please have exact change.

Re: apt

1999-02-08 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 02/07/99

   at 08:12 PM, Robert Kerr [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Is there a way to make apt not delete the .deb files after it installs

Hmm ... all of mine are still there after a dist-upgrade.  Are you looking
in the right place??  (It may be that different options behave otherwise ...
don't know about that possibility.)

Should find them in /var/cache/apt/archive  as I recall.  I believe there is
a deliberate clean option for blowing things away.  See man apt-get for
more info.


possible apt-get problem?

1999-02-07 Thread kaynjay
Having installed Debian successfully on a school computer, I decided to use
apt-get to upgrade the system.  Ran an update, then dist-upgrade (after
initial use of -s).  All went smoothly until the unpacking/setting up of
package strace where an E: error returned by subprocess message
appeared.  Things stopped. 

I knew that not all packages had been installed.  Ran apt-get check and
was told to run dpkg --configure -a  which I did.  A number of packages
were then set up.  I retried apt-get dist-upgrade after first using -s
(confirming that fewer packages would be installed).  All pretty much
proceded normally.

Only issue noted was ldconfig warning me that certain libs (libomniORB, and
others) were not symlinks.  

Does anyone know if I am reasonably safe?  What can I do to check things?

Kenward Vaughan

ps.  apt is wonderful!


Re: Install to disk w/school's NT present??

1999-02-07 Thread kaynjay
I want to thank Kent and David for their help and suggestions about putting
Debian on a lab computer at school.  

Ghost is used at the school.  Wipes out everything, as noted in the above
posts to me.  However, I worked hard to establish a relationship with the
tech doing the work, and he said he'd be glad to create an image of the hd
after I got things set up.  Pretty nice guy.  Don't know if Ghost will
handle Linux, of course, but hey ... he was willing.  (I think I even piqued
his interest in Linux, FWIW!)

I still have a question about the setup.

Odd thing in the setup.  WinNT was placed in as hda1, with a small DOS
logical following (hda4? IIRC).  I partitioned the rest of the disk into 5
logicals inc. swap.  (Where are hda2 and 3?)

I wanted to control the boot with LILO instead of a boot floppy.

On installation was told LILO won't work on a logical, and should it be
placed on hda2?   I said yes.  Also yes to Linux being default.

On reboot, set up LILO with WinNT as first in the lilo.conf list.  Works

Where is hda2???  is this the MBR?  Is this an iffy proposition w.r.t.


Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious.

Re: possible apt-get problem?

1999-02-07 Thread kaynjay
Sorry, forgot to mention that the upgrade was from hamm to frozen.


Windows isn't crippleware: it's Fuctionally Challenged

Will frozen work with 2.0.36 ?

1999-02-07 Thread kaynjay
Above asks it all ...  will I have failings with that, or must I upgrade to

Sorry if it's been asked before.


Turn your 586 into a Gameboy: Type WIN at C:\

Install to disk w/school's NT present??

1999-02-04 Thread kaynjay
I'm fighting the system at my community college to get Debian installed on
five (of 20) lab computers which are maintained by the school's Info. Tech.
group.  Windows rules.  The lab computers are occasionally wiped clean and a
fresh image of NT installed off the LAN.  

I want to repartition the drives, put Linux in alongside NT, and boot to it
(most likely off a boot disk) when teaching a computational chemistry

Does anyone have experience with a setup similar to this?  Am I being naive
about doing this?  Would there be problems with the disk wipe/image update
process?  (Disrupting the status-quo is the big issue here.)

Also, is there any issue about the root partition being more than a Gb in on
the IDE drive??  (The PC's are IBM-brand 133 or 166 pentiums, fairly
recent ...).  I was thinking about simply chopping off the back end of the
current, single partition.  (I don't know if NT has a defrag function,

Thanks for any help with this.

Kenward Vaughan

Re: Goodbye, people!

1999-02-03 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 02/02/99 
   at 05:16 PM, ktb [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

will get there.  What I do have is a system that doesn't crash every five
seconds, it is fast and very configurable  I guess what I'm trying to say
is if I can work with this O/S anyone can.  It just takes time.   Use
Windows but keep plucking away at Linux:)  Give yourself something to
compare Windows to.

I have to agree with you, Kent.  My primary system is still OS/2 (note the
mailer) but I am slowly moving into Linux/Debian.  I have far less time than
I'd like to spend with it, but I can see the benefits down the road.  

Now if I can only get X up to a state my wife would find palatable ...  :)


The trouble with life is, you're halfway through it before
   you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.

Re: SCSI Hard Drive Questions

1999-01-19 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 01/19/99 
   at 12:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Wilderspin) said:
It's pointless spending much extra money for SCSI, let alone Ultra2 Wide
SCSI, on a single-user desktop machine.  SCSI becomes very useful when
you've got more than half-a-dozen users or a busy website running on the
machine  [...]

Or if one's work involves very heavy I/O (several Gb's/file) on top of
heavy, constant fp calculations ...  :)


Re: substitute strings in text files (links in html files)

1999-01-15 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 01/15/99 
   at 12:39 PM, Oliver Thuns [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:


How could I substitute a string (links) in html files with standard Linux
(debian) tools?

i.e. I want to change every in in some files and files in subdirs.

In using sed to do this, you may want to expand the string being sought by
sed so that you don't inadvertently change other instances of one to

If you do want to search for http://one.domain; and change it to
http://two.domain; then you need to escape the slashes, since they also
serve as control characters for sed. (The colon may too.  I don't recall
offhand, as my experience is limited.)  

This would be done as follows:
  sed s/http:\/\/one.domain/http:\/\/two.domain/g  file  file1 The \ in
front of each / tells sed to treat the / as a regular character, instead
of a control character.


What do you call a bus of lawyers headed over a cliff, with two empty seats?
   A waste of space.

Re: need various libs ... ??

1999-01-06 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 01/05/99 
   at 09:30 PM, Carey Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

The output of `ldd ./executable' would be useful.

Comes up showing only missing.  I found the other libs ... was
looking in the wrong directory.  

I did find a file.  Is this a later version of the
??? Should I use that?  Or is it something completely different??  I found a
1995 version which fits the bill, but its use would require that I overwrite
a file out of my current group.

I have obtained the source, but am leery about compiling it since I really
am unfamiliar with that process.  Do you know if the dependencies would
remain, or would they change to the versions in my system??

You could also try `objdump --private-headers executable | grep RPATH'  to
see if there's a path to the libraries compiled into the program.

Nothing came up for this.  Thanks for the idea, though.


The more you run over a dead cat, the flatter it gets.

need various libs ... ??

1999-01-04 Thread kaynjay
I am setting up a program called MOPAC7 for use in one of my chemistry
classes and need several libraries.  I am not sure which I should be using
(version #),
or if they are even available/compatible.  ???

need = I see linked to

need = have

need = have

I get a seg. fault when the program is run.  I presume this is due to these
libs.  The program is from an rpm, and alien noted the non-existence of the
f2c lib.  Originally tried linking the libf2c to mine, but alien still 

I have searched around unsuccessfully for the f2c libs, but admit to tiring
from chasing dead-end links.  Being new to the system doesn't help much

Can anyone help me with the existence and/or compatibility (when found) of
these with my Deb. 2.0 package?  Thanks!

Kenward Vaughan

btw.  address is  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  if it doesn't come up properly (I
reinstalled/reconfigured onto a new HD).

Re: need various libs ... ??

1999-01-04 Thread kaynjay
  I am setting up a program called MOPAC7 for use in one of my chemistry
  classes and need several libraries.  I am not sure which I should be using
  Can anyone help me with the existence and/or compatibility (when found) of
  these with my Deb. 2.0 package?  Thanks!
 Sounds like your program uses the old libc5 libraries that you don't
 have installed.  Try installing the 'libc5' package in the 'oldlibs'

Thought about that, but I have libc5 installed.


Re: Help with libc6/libstdc++2.8

1998-12-14 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 12/13/98 
   at 03:00 AM, Charles Collicutt [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Well I have libstdc++2.8 2.90.29-0.6 and libc6 2.0.7t-1 installed, however
dselect says libc6 2.0.7u-7.1 and libstdc++2.8 are available but
not installed. This is beacuse I get dependency conflicts and dpkg won't
install either package again as they apparently conflict with each other
and they are both supposedly installed. gcc isn't working so I presume my
installed version of libc6 is either not installed or broken, but I can't
install any libc6 package again as it conflicts with libstdc++2.8... 

Hmm... I was fighting this one as well, and solved it by installing ldso
(sorry, no version # here, simply the one in the slink/main directory) and
the libc6 2.0.7u-7.1 together.  Followed that by reconfiguring (dpkg
--configure) the upgraded and broken libstc++2.x libs.  All went smoothly
then.  Haven't played with gcc yet (soon enough, though).


Help Wanted: Telepath.  You know where to apply.

Why can't I execute a script??

1998-10-22 Thread kaynjay
Grrr ...

I have a package of code which I want to compile using a supplied csh
script.  I cannot get it to execute.  The log reveals that it never
recognizes the script as a command.  Of course, if I run it as
./compall  rather than
then commands found further in te script don't work since they are not
preceded by  ./  and I am stuck again.

I have copied the entire directory, subdirs, etc into a non-root account,
chown'd the whole thing to that name.  Still no go.  Permissions are 100755.  

 What am I overlooking??



Still can't execute! Permissions?

1998-10-22 Thread kaynjay
Put in the current dir, got this as a snippet of the log.  ???

Thu Oct 22 00:19:05 PDT 1998
cc -c source/zunix.c
Assembler messages:
FATAL: Can't create zunix.o: Permission denied
mv zunix.o object/zunix.o
mv: zunix.o: No such file or directory
if ( pc-linux == sgi ) then
if ( pc-linux == necsx ) then
if ( ( pc-linux == hp9000 ) | ( pc-linux == convexspp ) | ( pc-linux ==
if ( pc-linux == pc-linux ) then
cc -c source/zpcunix.c
Assembler messages:
FATAL: Can't create zpcunix.o: Permission denied
mv zpcunix.o object
mv: zpcunix.o: No such file or directory

Why am I denied?  I own the darned thing.  My home dir, subdir, etc.  rwx
are all mine, mine, mine ... and that's where I reside when I run it.

Sorry to be so lame.  Any obvious things here?


Solved the execution mystery ...

1998-10-22 Thread kaynjay
(augh!  cringe ... )

I think it's solved ... my issues with permissions, etc.

Remembered that the scripts involved had been modified to reflect an older
path in /usr/local, where I guess I can't tread as a normal user w.r.t.
permissions needed.

Fixed that. 

I'll know soon enough.  Things seem to be moving along ...

Sorry folks.  Thanks a lot, though for the tips.  It wouldn't be going now
without that.


Need a HOT system. K7 and Linux?

1998-10-18 Thread kaynjay
I hope this is not too far OT for the list ...

I teach chemistry at a local community college and am seeking grant monies
for the creation of a hub of high power PC's to perform heavy quantum
mechanical calculations using GAMESS and the like (for you chemists out
there ..  ;).  I really need some input on system design in order to quote
intelligent prices for this proposal.  I have some thoughts, but don't know
about Linux support (our school is a Windoze repository of ineptitude).  Can
anyone advise me about these?  (I want to implement Linux, if it isn't
obvious.  But I'm still at the early stages on the learning curve.)

1)  CompUSA is NOT the place to go ...

2)  the Pent. II 400/450 with a 440BX MB is the obvious choice for this very
intensive FPU stuff now, but I'm reading about AMD's K7 and the better
DEC-based MB's.  Anyone have ANY thoughts/knowledge about the K7/MB and Linux?

3)  SCSI absolutely.  AHA2940UW quoted constantly, but I've heard others on
this list complain about them.   ??? yes/no/alternatives?

4)  Good SCSI drives?  I know nothing about these.  

5)  Is a second drive the best backup device? (using its 1st partition as

6)  A number of the apps I am considering are OpenGL/Mesa.  From Tom's
Hardware page it seems that the Diamond Fire GL 1000 Pro (3DL Permedia 2
chip) is an obvious choice.  Linux and this card?

7)  DVD drive??  Linux drivers?

8)  can I run a localized _ethernet_ group which is IP masqueraded into a
token ring LAN (ultimately--Net)?  This would be either Linux or OS/2 as
the middle-man.  Good card??  3Com?  something else?

9)  Please don't shoot me, but is anything bigger than a 17 monitor worth
it?  With limited $$ (I want 3 PC's for =$10K) is there a good 19 monitor
within reach?

I appreciate any input here.  Thanks very much!

Kenward Vaughan

Thanks! -- Re: Exchange root and swap partitions?

1998-10-17 Thread kaynjay
Many thanks to both Helge and Steve for their help with my problem.  My
solution was simpler than I thought because of the suggestions they gave me.

Resized DOS. Expanded the swap. Reactivated OS/2 B.Mngr. with DOS fdisk
(cfdisk's rewrite of the partition table screwed up everything--only DOS's
fdisk from floppy saw two partitions being active and reset things).
Made and mounted the new e2fs over the swap, and copied over from the root all 
dirs. and files
after David's suggested reading of the Tips-HOWTO #2.6 (using tar). 
(Naturally I tried to move proc and several mounted partitions ... :)
Changing fstab (old vs. new swapped, keeping old for backup) and rebooting 
confirmed a working
system.  New swap now done .. up and running!

Concerning a few things--I couldn't simply use the expanded space--3
primaries and a logical partition prevented this.  Good suggestion, but too 
much work to redo all
my systems.  The above worked wonderfully well with 48 Mb RAM and an
original root partition which was maxed out at 100% usage (the tar/untar
worked with no problems).  Partition numbers did not change since I was
shrinking one, with another soaking it up.  OS/2's Boot Manager had no
problems with a new menu (I had troubles once in the past with that.  Now
don't know why.).

I am beginning to fully appreciate the Linux/Unix system of managing files and
partitions.  Such a move with OS/2, DOS, or WinDoze would have been a
nightmare with the drive path changes!

Thanks again!


Exchange root and swap partitions?

1998-10-16 Thread kaynjay
Problem.  Not enough space for my root partition on hdb.  At 100% use, I
can't even send messages.  I'd like to shrink a DOS partition on hda, expand
the adjacent Linux swap partition into the freed space, then switch the root
and swap partitions.  One additional issue:  I'll be redoing OS/2's Boot
Manager in the middle to get the new partition on the menu.  This will need
a format of the swap partition to something OS/2 recognizes.  Afterwards,
I'll redo the fs for that partition.

Is this possible??  Is the resizing/formatting a problem?? I saw an earlier
post about moving root to a new partition but that didn't seem to cover this
problem.  I'll have sufficient swap afterwards, FWIW.

Thanks for any help!


How to stop being root when mailing??

1998-09-24 Thread kaynjay
Would appreciate it if someone could explain how to keep my mailer under
Linux from signing the To: field as [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- I can't use the system until that's resolved since
replies are misdirected, and lists like this reject my mail since, as root,
I'm not subscribed.

I'm using exim and elm+ under a PPP connection.


Why don't Sharks bite lawyers
  'Professional Courtesy'

Printer stops halfway through last page??

1998-08-20 Thread kaynjay
Can anyone tell me why this happens, with both a2ps and magicfilter on my HP
DJ500?  Never occurred before the 2.0 install (used apsfilter back then


Difference between a virus  windows?
  Viruses never fail.

Installed 2.0--hard problems for newbie

1998-08-15 Thread kaynjay
As a person new to Linux, I'm at a loss with several problems.  Realize
they're probably simple to fix, but not for me.  Is there a record of
dselect's output during the installation so I can review the messages which
Flew by?? 


I went the install route for Hamm instead of upgrading and found that
xbase-configure wouldn't work (needed a server--first noted during the
install). Thought XF86Setup would do the trick (didn't, but it ran), then
brilliantly edited the Xserver file, then ran xbase-configure (short, no
output--success??).  Startx brings up a blank desktop.  A click is needed to
start fvwm2.  Not the norm.  Did I mess up somewhere?

I had chosen the home user option.  After the install part, I tried
configure since there were several problems (auctex and a mangled gs tar
file), but it failed again.  Rebooted, retried, no go.  Always a lot of
lines about links when byte compiling auctex.  Anyone have trouble like

Also I'd like to get a good gs file.  Am I correct in believing it's in the
stable part of the deb. site?  (More rhetorical, actually ... I expect to
know before any answers come back to this ...  :)

How do I get smail to create [EMAIL PROTECTED] and not look for root or
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  I'm a bit afraid to use it for this reason ...

If I try to get pppconfigure to use PAP and it doesn't work, then create a
chatscript and it fails with a bunch of send/receives ending with a timeout
problem, then try CHAP, then cycle through the choices again, are the
different ways interfering with one another? 

Lastly, any thoughts on the best/easiest package to get mail off the net?
Easier probably better than better at this time, until my understanding of
things solidifies.

Appreciate any help offered!  I's sure to come up with others as time
proceeds ...


Don't be so open-minded your brains fall out.

Re: I would love to be able to use Chime while under Linux ...

1998-08-07 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 08/06/98 
   at 01:47 PM, JC [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

We are not planning on releasing any of the Chime source code to the public
and do not foresee any development with the Chime Plug-in on the Linux
Operating System.

I am sorry to hear that, sir.  Considering the wealth of scientific work
(and study, in my case with my classes) done over the Net with Linux as a
base OS (and Unix's in general), it seems a shame that a Netscape plugin of
such value to people in our position is not considered by your company.  

Dr. Kenward Vaughan
Professor of Chemistry
Bakersfield College
OS/2 Warp and Debian Linux ... two Very Real OS's ...

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Re: Driver bug? 56k USR doesn't transmit properly?

1998-07-06 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 07/05/98 
   at 05:45 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Do you really want to have spd_vhi set?

It's a 56k modem which will run at 33.6 w/o the x2 connection.  According to
everything I've read this (spd_vhi) is appropriate.  I noticed the 115200 in
there as the baud base, but it was also run with spd_normal with no luck. 
Maybe try something slow?  I don't know.  

I may wind up calling the ISP and seeing whether they can monitor my
attempts or not.  I.e. find out what the server IS seeing at that end.  


A flying saucer results when a nudist spills his coffee.

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Re: Driver bug? 56k USR doesn't transmit properly?

1998-07-05 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 07/04/98 
   at 07:24 PM, kenneth scharf [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

  Just a guess.  Make sure that you have specified a connection speed of
115200 (between computer and modem).  Of course you must have '550 uarts in
the serial port.

Thanks.  Have done that.  It's an internal, too, so has a '550A.  Seems to
be properly detected, etc, etc by setserial.  Have tried defining with both
115200 and the default 38400 with spd_vhi set by setserial.  I can't find
anything strange in the minicom setup strings, ppp.chatscript, options, or
other files laid out in serial or ppp docs.

Is there anything I should look for in the serial part of the kernal setup? 
Can such be addressed (for the moment) with setserial?


What has four legs and an arm?
   A happy pit bull.

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Re: Driver bug? 56k USR doesn't transmit properly?

1998-07-05 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 07/04/98 
   at 07:24 PM, kenneth scharf [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

  Just a guess.  Make sure that you have specified a connection speed of
115200 (between computer and modem).  Of course you must have '550 uarts in
the serial port.

Thanks.  Have done that.  It's an internal, too, so has a '550A.  Seems to
be properly detected, etc, etc by setserial.  Have tried defining with both
115200 and the default 38400 with spd_vhi set by setserial.  I can't find
anything strange in the minicom setup strings, ppp.chatscript, options, or
other files laid out in serial or ppp docs.

Is there anything I should look for in the serial part of the kernal setup? 
Can such be addressed (for the moment) with setserial?


What has four legs and an arm?
   A happy pit bull.

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Re: Driver bug? 56k USR doesn't transmit properly?

1998-07-05 Thread kaynjay
   at 09:26 AM, Lindsay Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:


You most likely have a bug in your chatscript.  Would you like me to vet it
for you?

Sure.  Thanks.  I've packed it up from OS/2 with Infozip's zip.  I presume
you mean ppp.chatscript?  Included other ones obvious from the names, and 2
plog's.  Log1 involves the low speed connection.  Log2 is what I get with
the x2 number.  FWIW ...

The file names come from an intermediary FAT drive ...  ;-)  I don't have
OS/2's etx2fs IFS installed.  Yet. Two files have 40 bytes of OS/2 EA's
attached to them for some unknown reason.


(copy of personal one sent to Lindsey ... no file attached here) -- 

Windows isn't crippleware: it's Fuctionally Challenged

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Re: Driver bug? 56k USR doesn't transmit properly?

1998-07-05 Thread kaynjay
The changes made no difference.  Thanks for the suggestions, though.  

Last thing I can think of is whether the serial driver is setting up the
cua1/ttyS1 file correctly.  Following is output from setserial (I'd already
reset the speed to vhi from normal):

/dev/ttyS1, Line 1, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x02f8, IRQ: 3
Baud_base: 115200, close_delay: 50, divisor: 0
closing_wait: 3000, closing_wait2: infinte
Flags: spd_vhi skip_test session_lockout

Can anyone tell whether there's anything odd about this w.r.t. a 56k modem
connected as follows:  CONNECT 41333/ARQ/x2/LAPM/V42BIS  ???

   at 05:51 PM, Lindsay Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

OK   ATW1M0DT2823500
ogin i421441
word \q

Not much help, sorry, but get back to me if you think I can help.  Not that
I put W1 into the dial string to try to find out what speed you get
connected at. 



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Driver bug? 56k USR doesn't transmit properly?

1998-07-04 Thread kaynjay
Got my PPP connection up and running with a USR 56k modem.  The modem WILL
connect through regular dialup (33.6).  Problem is that it doesn't
transmit properly when connected with the provider's X2 modem.  It DOES work
under OS/2. Init string's same.  Login procedure is simple (no PAP or CHAP,
just id and pswd).  Login's the same for both numbers (the 33.6 and X2

I get an Invalid login when my user ID is entered at the initial prompt. 
My ID begins with a lowercase i followed by a number.  Eg.  i123456

Could this be a problem with the serial driver??  Their tech support
mentioned the server being Unix or Unix-based (Linux/BSD?).

Kenward Vaughan
nearly up and running under Linux ... 

Turn your 586 into a Gameboy: Type WIN at C:\

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libXpm and xgalaga

1998-05-17 Thread kaynjay
While trying to get xgalaga set up I ran ./configure as laid out in the
install doc, and got an error message about libXpm not being found.  I
tracked down the dir where it exists and reran the above as 

./configure --with-xpm-dir=DIR  

(this may not be exactly right ... it was late last night, and I'm in OS/2
right now ... but the parameter was correct to form and the DIR was the
correct dir for the location).

Same error msg. Looked at the configure files (inc. *.in) but was uncertain
whether they should be altered or not, and which.  The xpm lib was installed
from the 1.3.1 update disk from Cheapbytes.

Being a newbie, I am uncertain what to do where.  Anyone have suggestions? 


A flying saucer results when a nudist spills his coffee.

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Re: Debian 1.31

1998-05-09 Thread kaynjay
It's worked both ways for me.  At home, Debian and DOS on the 1st drive,
Warp on the 2nd, Boot Manager controlling all.  As I recall, I partitioned
the 1st drive with Warp's fdisk (including BM), then installed Debian off
the 1.3 custom CD.  Chose to not have it default, but using LILO. 
Configured automatically by the program.  

Work:  LILO controlling Debian and Warp.  Followed the simple example found
in the docs.  Took a while to realize that one has to run LILO after
altering LILO.conf (before rebooting) to reconfigure the map.

Next time, when I've got nothing better to do, I'll reinstall the 1st at
home and reclaim the lost 1.5 Mb from B.Manager.  LILO works quite well!


   at 09:19 AM, Bob Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

On Sat, 9 May 1998, Rick wrote:
 With a RH instalation, it gives you the option of writing LILO to the
 partition that is holding linux (in my case hda6) and then useing the IBM
 boot manager (the one that comes with Partition magik 3) i can select OS at
 Unfortunatly the IBM boot manager thingy requires LILO to be installed on
 the linux partition you are going to boot from.
 as yet i have not managed to achive this with debian.

Here is what I have, which works fine with Boot Manager. 


 So i recommend loadln, easy safe and convenatly handy when you need to
 escape the M$ propaganda machine :)

This also works, but requires booting to DOS before loadlin can be run. I
normally use Boot Manager (with Linux as the default), but have batch files
in my Win95 and DOS 6.2 partitions so I can easily use loadlin to get back
to Linux, including an icon on the Win95 screen to call up the batch file
(I need to change it to the penguin one of these days).


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Difference between a virus  windows?
  Viruses never fail.

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Re: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1998-05-05 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 05/05/98 
   at 05:02 AM, James A. Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

   I'm giving serious consideration to installing Debian. I've found some
great FAQs and HOW-TOs on installing, but I can't seem to find anything on
WHAT I need to install. What 


I found the Debian package from CheapBytes invaluable--it includes an
installation guide which gave me all I needed to get on my feet w.r.t. just
what you're asking.  While it certainly cost more than simply DL'ing the
files (~$34, plus SH), I now have everything on CD's, along with a
reasonable chunk of archived stuff.  

I'm absolutely new to Linux.  (Still working on various setup stuff, if
you'll note my mailer ...)  That purchase and Sobell's book are making it a
lot easier.


Help Wanted: Telepath.  You know where to apply.

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No sound, no nothing from OSSFree 3.8, SB Vibra 16

1998-05-02 Thread kaynjay

I'm a Debian (and Linux) newbie with OS/2 as my other system, and have been
struggling with several problems in my setup.  One is the (apparently
infamous) issue of getting my SB Vib. 16 PnP sound card working.  After much
playing about, I got the 3.8 ver. of the OSSFree drivers.  Installed
directly over top of the old (3.5) drivers.  Revamped the card settings
under DOS to the values given by menuconfig (irq 7, 220, 330, dma's of 1,5). 
Parallel port reset in BIOS to irq 5.  (Gotta learn about that too, as my
printer doesn't respond ... :(  )  Compiled the kernel with sound
incorporated (not modular).

On reboot, there is NO message about sound (the 3.5 drivers at least Tried
to initialize the card!), but somewhere further down from what dmesg gives
me is a line about card ID which was similar to what I saw when tinkering
with isapnptools earlier in my quest.  Trouble is it scrolls off screen too
quickly.  No sndstat exists.  I have an older ISA/VLB 486 system, and am
working with the 2.0.30 kernel off the 1.3 CD.

Anyone have some thoughts?  Should it be loaded as a module (following the
driver's instructions about configuring it outside the normal kernel
routines??) which I presume would then involve isapnp??  I am presuming help
exists in my Sobell book about scripts and rc files so I won't press my luck
on that one yet ... :)

Appreciate any help!



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