Xlib / imake

1999-11-30 Thread rnewton3

Hi all,
 I'm working my way through the O'Reilly Xlib book for something to do at
and I've hit a problem.
 If I try and build the first basicwin.c file using

 $gcc -g -owin basicwin.c -lXlib

I get

 ld: cannot open -lX11: No such file or directory

and if I try and build O'Reilly's example file usin imake I get a different

 Imakefile.c:13: Imake.tmpl: No such file or directory
 imake: Exit code 33.

Now Imake.tmpl exists in


and I have installed all the X development libraries I can find, so my question
is, what
haven't I set up that I need to? I assume I need to configure a library path
for the gcc line to work but which one? Also, why doesn't the Imake work? Surely
should have been configured by the install script or do I need to do something
to that

All suggestions gratefully received.

ppp problem

1999-11-24 Thread rnewton3

Hi all,
 I've recently upgraded to slink from hamm and now I'm having a problem with
ppp. The networking
 works much better than hamm which is good and I've configured my ISP's using
pppconfig and before so I
assumed everything was. I can use Netscape just fine, and lynx mostly works. My
problems are with ping and
 ftp. I can't ping the nameservers or any other destination out on the 'net and
I can't ftp either.
 So my question is what's changed between hamm and slik to affect ftp and
ping and how do I get them

I'd appreciate a cc because I'm at work at the moment.


ppp problem 2

1999-11-24 Thread rnewton3

Hi all,
 I've recently upgraded to slink from hamm and now I'm having a problem with
ppp. The networking
 works much better than hamm which is good and I've configured my ISP's using
pppconfig and before so I
assumed everything was. I can use Netscape just fine, and lynx mostly works. My
problems are with ping and
 ftp. I can't ping the nameservers or any other destination out on the 'net and
I can't ftp either.
 So my question is what's changed between hamm and slik to affect ftp and
ping and how do I get them

I'd appreciate a cc because I'm at work at the moment.


ps. OK it's not slink. I can remember doing an apt-get to upgrade the
distribution and a general update which
worked fine and I'd ping idsoftware.com to test the link was up. Fetchmail used
to work as well. I half suspect it's
Gnome that's done it. Gnome was the last thing I upgraded over a ppp link. Now
it appears that addresses are
not being resolved correctly. Aaarrrh.


where is /proc/asound?

1999-09-30 Thread rnewton3

Hallo all,
 I've just installed slink on my laptop and I'm trying to use the ALSA. Do
you need to do any special configureation for ALSA?
I've just got a vanilla system and a custom kernel ( still 2.0.36 though) and
ALSA just doesn't work. I don't appear to have a /proc/asound directory and I
can't find out how to get one.
 The reason I want this is because I bought Civ:CTP and it doesn't play the
music. So I figured that my sound wasn't correctly figured on hamm, one upgrade
later and I'm still confused.

 Any suggestions on how best to get ALSA running would be appreciated.
 Could you cc. me as well 'cos I'm at work at the mo. :-)


webby postgres

1999-09-01 Thread rnewton3
Hi all,
 I've finally set up a postgres db with a table and a few entries in (I
think), now I'm trying to
connect this to a web page. I've put the pgsql module in the php.ini file
and created a page with the following code;

titlePHP Test/title
$conn=pg_connect(, , , , docreg);
if( !$conn ) {
echo An error occured.\n;
$sql=SELECT * FROM docreg;;
$result_set=pg_Exec( $conn, $sql );
$rows=pg_NumRows( $result_set );
if( ( !$result_set ) || ( $rows  1 ) ) {
echo H1ERROR - no rows returned/H1p;
for( $j=0; $j$rows; $j++ ) {
echo pg_result( $result_set, $j, column_name );

So, as far as I can tell this _should_ work. Trouble is I get the following

Warning: Unable to connect to PostgresSQL server: FATAL 1: SetUserId: user
www-data is not in pg_shadow in /usr/local/www/hello.php3 on line 7
An error occured.

I can't add www-data to the pg_shadow file using createuser because of the
'-' character, so the question is
How do I get this to work?
I don't want to have a specific user connect to the db at this point in
time although I will in the future so I could
use any ideas that you have to offer.

I'd appreciate a cc as well because I'm at work at the moment and I'm not
going to be able to pick up this list until I go home.



1999-08-26 Thread rnewton3
Hallo all,
 I've just installed the postgres stuff ok, but I thought I'd check out
a thought before I upset something.
I understand that user 'postgres' is the dba for postgres. It is user
postgres who adds and deletes users and
databases. Is it safe to change the password for user postgres? At the
moment I can only access the user by su'ing from root, is this the accepted
way of doing it?
Suggestions please.
I'd appreciate a cc as well 'cos I'm not at home at the moment. Thanks

sloooooow apache

1999-07-07 Thread rnewton3
Any Apache geniuses have an idea about this; I want to create a strictly
limited access web server, available only to selected IP addresses.
From the Apache documentation I understood that you could allow specific IP
addresses using the 'allow from' line. So I changed the access.conf file

order allow,deny
allow from all


deny from all
allow from
allow from
28 more IP addresses.

For a total of 30 allow from lines.

Now the problem is that in the former case Apache flies but everyone who
knows the URL
can view the server and in the latter case, if you're not on the list you
don't get in but Apache
is a dog to run. It can take upwards of two minutes to load the index page!
Now even with my naive understanding of Apache this seems a tad slow.
Recommendations please, what am I doing wrong to make it run SO slow?
What is the best way to limit access to 30 non-consecutive IP addresses?
Any suggestions at all?


IP Masquerading

1999-06-14 Thread rnewton3
Is there any Debian specific documentation on IP Masquerading? I've read
the mini how-to, but debian seems to have this extra /etc/ipmasq.conf file
so I'm looking foe the correct way to configure debian IP Masquerading
before I start asking any stupid questions. If there isn't any should we
consider writing some?

CD images

1999-06-10 Thread rnewton3
I'm having a problem with the CD images at
http://sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk/packages/Linux/debian-cd/2.1r_0/i386. I have
free internet
access at work so I thought I'd download the images and write them to CD
myself. Because of the way the network is set up I can only use
IE or Netscape to get the images. Using Netscape both the binary images are
enlarged by about 2Mb from the listed size so
censequently the md5sums don't match. IE can't handle the download. The
binary 2 image completed at 404Mb.
 What I want to know is, what's causing this 2Mb enlargement. Is it
going to be a problem? What's the best way to write these
images under windows? We had a go yesterday and we just got an .iso file on
a cd rather than an imaged cd. I read the CD image FAQ
and it's not a lot of help.

2) How do I get this windows software to write the Image files to a CD ?

change the file extension from .raw to .iso, and your windows sorftware
should be able to see it, and write it.

What software do people use?


dselect access methods

1999-02-25 Thread rnewton3
Hallo all,
 Whenever I try to run dselect I'm getting a message that says No
access methods available. It's a brand
new installation on a 486DX2-50. The only problem was that I had bad inodes
on the /usr partition. So I need to know
has this affected dselect and how do I fix it? Where are the access methods
kept? If they're in /usr/lib/dpkg
the everything there is fine.

Would you be so kind as to cc me directly as I'm not on the subscription
list at this address.
