notebook installation

1998-06-04 Thread tmalloy
I got an old Compaq LTE lite 4/33 on to which I want to load debian.  I do not
 have a cd rom but will be borrowing a friends external.  I tried starting the
 installation with the rescue disk I have from my desktop installation and it
is not booting correctly
  It just says 'loading root.bin ...boot failed
I do not know very very much about notebooks, perhaps the hardware is named
If someone could advise me on how to do an installation on this notebook I 
would appreciate it.
Perhaps once I get it booted I could install via ftp through a null modem.  Any
way any help is appreciated.  Thnks

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Re: Hi im Sandra

1998-03-28 Thread tmalloy
Golly this Debian stuff is great!  Not only do I get to learn all about
 Unix, but now really neat girls want to be my friend.  I can hardly
wait to open tomorrows mail.  Thanks to everyone

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StarOffice install problem

1998-03-02 Thread tmalloy
I have decided to swallow my pride and ask for help.  Man, do I feel
stupid.  Ok this is what happened.  I installed StarOffice 4.0.  I wanted
to do a network install.  That is, I wanted to install the whole thing
into /usr/local/bin/StarOffice.  Then let individual users, which is
really only me on my practice network, do the 11mg network install to
their home directorys.  Well the setup script would not run as root so I
logged in as regular usr.  Then the install went ok except that I forgot
to change the default install directory from /home/tom/Staroffice to
/usr/local/bin/StarOffice so it installed to the wrong directory.  Anyway
I decided to do the 11mg network install anyway to see what the
application looked like, figuring I could change it later.  That I
installed to /home/tom/Starofficeb.  Application worked fine. I used it
for a few weeks but I knew this would not due. You can't keep a major
application in a users directory.  I wanted to do a fresh install.  I then
rm - /home/tom Star* and proceded to rerun the setup script.  This will
not run saying it is having trouble creating /usr/local/bin/StarOffice.  I
suppose that rm did not delete all the necessary files before a reinstall
is possible, or some sort of permissions issue is going on that I don't
understand.  Anyway sorrry for being so verbose, but I want to provide
enough information.  Any help is appreciated. 

By the way,  How do you change partition sizes without reinstalling the
system.  I seem to be wasting a lot of space.  Thank you for anyt help


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compiling and installing non deb stuff

1998-02-24 Thread tmalloy
1. Is is normally best to try something out in my home directory  before 
installing it as root?  Will this always be possible?

2.  Should source file normally be (tar -zxvf *.tar.gz) in /, or /usr, or
/usr/local, or somewhere else?  Do most programmers expect that you are
installing from a particular directory?

3.  What fundamental differences are there in the file system structure of
debian as compared to say other Linux distributions, or other Unix's  
(sun-OS, hpux, aix), that are relevant to compilation and installation
issues.   That is what kinds of changes commonly need to be
made to make files and install scripts.

4.  Are there established procedures and practices that professional
system administrators follow when compiling and installing software that
could be recommended as good guidelines for me or any other less
experienced person to follow.

Thank you for any help.  

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Re: connecting linux and win95

1998-02-20 Thread tmalloy
Try connecting the two machines via a null modem cable.  Then transfer the
files using kermit

On Thu, 19 Feb 1998, FizzyPop wrote:

   'scuse the ignorance but: Is ther a way to transfer files from a win95
 machine to a linux laptop w/o installing linux on both machines?  I just
 installed the base system on the laptop and have been using the win95
 machine to d/l all the packages and then transfering via floppy.  I would
 have hooked the linux laptop to the network and d/l'ed straight onto it but
 my ethernet card is a Xircon CreditCard, unrecognized by the base and hence
 unuseable to install via ftp.
   Maybe a serial connection?  Any help on how to pull it off?
   Thanks in advance 
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Linux on top of win95

1998-02-18 Thread tmalloy
I know Linux can be installed ontop of a dos partition.  Can it be
installed on top  of Win 95 or NT. I need to know this because although I
run linux at home my office is NT and 95.  I would like to be able to boot
to linux in the office in order to work on some of my personal projects
when I have free time at lunch or after work.  How safe is this way of
running Debian?  Is there any chance of it damaging either my office
computer or the network.  (The network is currently 2 base t, but will be
upgraded to 10 base t)  My boss absolutely refuses to  allow me run linux
as a normal part of the network.  Lets be frank, I want to run linux
during lunch and after work. But I do not want to lose my job. Can I do
it? How?  Thank You

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Qddb or other databases

1998-02-10 Thread tmalloy
Has anyone installed qddb on debian.  Could you tell me the correct
changes to make to the Makefile.  Also I there is any significant reason
to prefer a different database(msql, mysql, adabas etc) I'd like to hear
it.  Thank you

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Netscape 4.04

1997-12-21 Thread tmalloy
It might be a good idea if the netscape4.deb installation did not remove
netscape 3 until it has verified that everything is set for the new
install.  As of now I am left with nothing.  As far as I can tell the file
I got from matches the required syntax of the ' file in
/tmp must be named blah.blah.blah message.  But apparently I am to stupid
to live.  So please just tell the name of the file at
including the path to the directory it is in.  If the file needs to be
renamed please tell me that also.  Perhaps it is just better and easier to
bypass the Deb file.  But I do not know where I should be installed.

Any help is appreciated.

Pitifully yours,

Tom Malloy

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Re: debian-user-digest broken?

1997-12-15 Thread tmalloy
I have not been receiving digests for a few day now.  Is the system
broken?  Perhaps some miscreant has unsubscribed me

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lilo and dosemu

1997-12-13 Thread tmalloy
It is my understanding that you cannot use dosemu to access partitions
which use the lilo boot system.  This seems to indicate that the boot
partition, normally dev/hda1, cannot be DOS on a dual boot system if you
intend to use dosemu from linux.  Two solutions are suggested by this. One
repartion the harddrive so that /dev/hda1 is Linux and not DOS.  Two
change the booting processs, perhaps by some adjustment to the MBR, so
that the machine does not boot from /dev/hda1 but from some other non DOS
Since I would prefer not to reinstall everything on both linux and dos the
second solution is preferable.  Is it possible?  How do I do it?  Or am I
misunderstanding something?  Thanks for any help


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Re: Linux as a career path

1997-11-24 Thread tmalloy
In my work as corporate technical recruiter I see thousands of resumes and
lots of job requests.  I have yet to see linux on any of them. ( except my
own resume) Most people in the industry, with the exception of some nt
drones, think linux is an excellent os.  The only reservation they have is
the lack of off the shelf apps.  As this changes Linux will be come a
viable career path.  However, most of the jobs I handle are fairly
advanced. I suspect that Linux would be very useful in getting an entry
level or lowerlevel position.  And personally I would go out of my way for
someone who supports or develops  Linux.

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Debian - NT interaction

1997-11-22 Thread tmalloy
My office runs NT in a peer to peer configuration.  We use foxpro alot. 
Is there anyway that I could run Debian on my machine at work, so I can
use what I am already comfortable with, but maintain a connectivity with
the rest of the network?  That is can I stick a debian machine into an NT
network, access and work with the foxpro database, and communicate with
the rest of the network?  I am afraid I already know the answer to this
question, but hope springs eternal.  I don't really have the technical
expertise to convert the network over to linux, so I can't really sugest
The office network is not yet setup to allow access from home. When it is
should I request anything specific in the configuration to make access
through debian easier?  
Thank you for any help,

Tom Malloy

Technical Recruiter


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Re: user questions.

1997-11-17 Thread tmalloy
One of the posters to this thread noted that even if a question has been
posted 500 times the 501 questioner is entitled to an answer.  I agree
with this.  However a lost opportunity occurs when the same people
reanswer the question.  Answering questions is itself edifying. Ask anyone
who has taught and they will confirm this.  If you are a user who has had,
for example, a ppp install question that has been answered.  You now know
the answer.  Why not answer it when it comes up again.  This will
reinforce the information in your brain and is a valid way to contribute
to Debian.  Sharing the burden will help keep Debian more open, more free,
and more democratic. 

I will note again that a more formal Debian training program for newbie
and novice users might be a good idea.  Most beginners need a some formal
structure, even if it is an illusion, to help them learn. 

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What is PPS

1997-11-12 Thread tmalloy
I am about to start a new job.  My boss sent me some documentation with
some attached files that pine lists as PPS application.  These are
unreadable.  I tried forwarding them to myself so I could read them with
netscape.  This did not work, and in fact they caused netscape to crash. 
I tried loading one of the attachments into vi. This was quite hopeless. 
My next thought, figuring it was postscript file was to try ghostview. 
This also failed with some stack error.  GV had the same result. So, what
is PPS? How can I read these mysterious files. If I can avoid it I
would rather not ask my boss to re-send.  Any help is appreciated. 



Oh by the way, it is often asked if knowing Linux will help you get a job.
I am about to start as a technical recruiter ( head hunter), and I can
definitely say even my limited knowledge from running Debian was
instrumental in getting this position.   

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PPP kill problem

1997-11-07 Thread tmalloy
My telephone has an answering service which beeps if I have messages when
I pick up the receiver.  This is the same phone I use for the computer.
If I forget to check the line, or if there is a time out disconnect, and
there is a message(hence a beep beep beep) the scripts setoff by PON will
not run correctly.  Stopping PON is  difficult because a normal KILL is to
slow.   PON will have already stopped because of the carrier detect
falure, but will come back in little while with a different PID.  Kill -9
works at stopping PON, but does not release the LOCK on ttyS1.  I release
the Lock by hand or sometimes by starting minicom which does it for me.
This is all kind of a pain in the butt.
There are two solutions to this problem that I can think of.  I am not
sure how to do either, and would appreciate help in learning.
If possible please tell me both solutions as this will increase my
Solution A:  Find a way of killing the PID that also releases the lock
Solution B:  Edit the PON scripts so that they pause until the beeps are
done, and there is a clear line.

Any help is as always greatly appreciated.  



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Segmentation fault (man apropos)

1997-10-28 Thread tmalloy
Since last evening I have been getting segmention faults in man and in
apropos.  Can anyone explain to me what that means and how I fix it? Do I
have to reinstall?  I tried running fsck, but that does not seem to have
done anything.  I am not sure what files or output to annex here in order
to provide useful information.
 Before the errors started I had been fiddling around trying to figure out
how to send a fax from debian.  I had created a sybolic link /dev/fax -
/dev/ttyS1.  I had looked at and edited some files /etc/efax.rc.  I was
not succesful in my efforts.  Then I decided to take a break and adjust my
system clock for daylight savings time. ( an odd americam custom) Not
being sure how to do this I typed apropos time.  This is when the first
segmentation fault occured.  All of the actions described were proformed
while logged in as root.  I don't know if my prior actions have any
relation to the errors, but have included them just in case.  Any
assistance is greatly appreciated.  Thank you

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Debian Certified

1997-10-27 Thread tmalloy
I have been thinking that some system of evaluating proficiency in
Debian Gnu/Linux and its applications might be helpful to both beginning
and advanced users. (and developers also)  Many commercial sites hesitate
to use Linux because of support issues.  As this changes, and hopefully it
will, being a certified expert in some area could be very helpful in
marketing oneself.  I have known several people who have obtained nice
positions because they were Microsoft certified.  None of these people
was very impressive, so I assume the certification counted for something. 
Ok,  if you have a Phd in cs, or are making a million dollars a
minute as a programmer you probably don't need this.  However I think that
Linux should, and does, provide the means for someone with no prior
experience to  advance to an extremely high level.  Some recognition of
those who attain that seems  warranted.
For beginners and intermediate level users some basis for
evaluating ones development is encouraging.  Another hobby of mine, chess,
benifits greatly from a rating system.  Of course these are quite differnt
things.  However, it is very easy for a person to tell when they have
advanced from beginning to novice user.  We could all list criteria that
would be remarkably similar.  It becomes more problematic when progressing
from novice through intermediacy to advanced levels.  Many people
are curious to learn more about linux. I think they might appreciate
having a sense of how they are doing.  This also might have the added
benifit of more closely involving Debian users with Debian org
There are a lot of questions that would have to be ironed out
before any evaluation system could be put in place.  I am only inquiring
if others think this might be a good idea.  I am quite willing to
contribute, to the degree my knowledge permits, to this project if others
think it might be useful. 

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installing twin and other questions

1997-09-27 Thread tmalloy
I know someone asked about this recently.  Sorry for not paying more
attention.  I got twin from the caldera archive.  It does not seem to have
compiled correctly.  Can anyone tell me how they got it up and running?  I
am trying to install it to /twin because I have a lot of room on /.  I
know that it is hard to tell what the problem I am having is. Is it
appropriate to attach a script file of the compile?  If it is I can do
 I try to do almost everything except administration as user.  I only
proform administration such as installing all debian stuff as root.  Is it
safe to install/compile non-debian programs as root.  I tried to install
twin as both and neither worked well.  Why is it that certain programs do
not execute as root even though x permission is set. (xboard for example)
I am not advocating playing chess as root I would just like to understand
the mechanics involved. 
 And lastly, like most all of you I love poking around my system.  I have
no objection to having to fiddle around a little in order to make things
work. In fact I love it.  This is one of the charms of linux and something
will be lost when or if it becomes a fully polished product.  However
having said that, it really annoys me when I cannot try an application
deselect says I have installed because I cannot figure out what the name
of the executable is. Many new linux users are not coming with strong unix
backrounds. And may in fact know little or nothing about the program
they are trying out or learning.  Please keep this in mind. At least let
us know how to start the application.  Anyway dselect says visual-tcl is
installed, but where is it?
 Thank you for any help with these questions, and for all the previous
help you all have given me.


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mounting cdrom

1997-09-25 Thread tmalloy
When I installed debian the base system from cdrom I was asked the name of
the block device.  It would not accept cd or cdrom, so I tried hdb.  This
worked and the install proceded without incident. This may have caused  a
Now I am having trouble mounting the cdrom.  Below is my fstab including
the various changes I tried. Below that is a list of the command line
mounts I tried and the message returned
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# file system mount point   type  options   dump  pass
/dev/hda2   /   ext2defaults0   1
/dev/hda3   noneswapsw  0   0
proc/procprocdefaults0   0
/dev/hda5 /usr   ext2defaults  0   2
/dev/hda6 /var  ext2defaults  0   2
/dev/hda7  /home  ext2defaults  0   2
/dev/hdb /cdrom iso9660  ro,noauto0 0
on the last entry I also tried /dev/cdrom and /dev/sbpcd
These all return message, after typing mount (hdb, cdrom, sbpcd) at a
 mount can't find * in /etc/mtab or /etc/fstab.

Trying to mount from a command line produced the same results, but a
different message.
mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/hdb/cdrom  produces
mount: /dev/hdb already mounted or /cdrom busy I also tried it for
cdrom and sbpcd.  In all these cases nothing ever appears in /cdrom.

What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it? 

ps. Yes, there is a cd in the drive

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