(solved) Re: / 100% used

2015-07-20 Thread Beco
Reporting solution.

There was basically

* Immediate problem:
1) Identify what was filling /var and stop it.

In a terminal, trying to keep system useful, this command saved the day.
# while true; do echo clean syslog; cat /dev/null  syslog ; sleep 10; done

While at it, reading syslogs to understand the problem was a wireless
driver. Blacklisting it and disabling it from bios did the job.

System usable again.

* Long term solution to improve the system:
1) Shrink a hot /home (/dev/sda3) to free space for /var

All done via ssh (remotely)
Tip: you cant #fuser -km /home, because you'll kick yourself out.

write down info from commands:
# fdisk -l
# df -h
# df -B 4k
# mount -l
# du -chd1
# fdisk -s /dev/sda3
# dumpe2fs -h /dev/sda3

This is the check block. Do it again after critical commands, just to see
if its all ok and the way you suppose it should be.

To unmount /home you need to login as root. Not sudoing to root. So, if
you are in need, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and - AllowRootLogin yes
# systemctl restart ssh
# ssh root@yourserver

Make sure noone else can login, isolate the server. (You can lock
passwords, or lock logins, whatever you may like.)
# umount /home
# fsck -n /dev/sda3
# resize2fs /dev/sda3 850G
now 222822400 (4k) blocks long

Generate how many bytes multiplying this number by 4*1024
- 912,680,550,400 bytes
If your sector is 512 bytes, then divide it by 512 to get number of sectors
(to be used in fdisk)

1,782,579,200 sectors

Now your partition /dev/sda3 will start still in the same sector
(113672192=initial), but it will end at:

1,782,579,200 + 113672192 = 1896251392

# fdisk /dev/sda
delete sda3
new partition 3 (primary in this case)
same start point (113672192)
end point = 1896251392

This would be all good, and it actually works as I rebooted and tested. But
to save you one boot, I regret this number because when I create the new
/var partition (sda4=extended, sda5=logical var), it suggested to start at
1896253440. So, just try to create a new partition and see where it
suggests to start. Subtract one from it. Delete all again, and create again
sda3. (Till now, no w, nothing written, just fdisk in memory. A simple
q will quit all without changes).

So: summarizing: create new partition, check where it suggests starts
(1896253440), delete it. Delete again sda3.

new partition 3 (primary)
same start point (113672192)
end point = 1896253439

new partition 4 (extended)
all size
new partition 5 (logical)
+14G for /var
new partition 6 (logical)
all the rest (~13G) for /tmp

w (fdisk write and quit)


# fsck -n /dev/sda3
# mount /home

use all the check block of commands from above

# reboot (not really necessary, but nice to see all working)

# vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
AllowRootLogin no
# systemctl restart ssh


2) Moving /var to /dev/sda5

# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda5
# mkdir /mnt/var
# mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/var

Now, very important, noone can be writing to var. Research on the matter
suggests the better option is to login using single mode (init 1). But via
ssh, I tried something a bit risk. If you follow this instructions, its
at your own risk. Be warned!

# lsof | grep /var
And you will see a lot of process writing into /var.

Well, if you are SURE noone but you can access the system at this point,
you might risk losing some seconds of VAR (logs and other stuff), but the
system will recovery ok. So, ignoring the services writing to var, just do:

# cp -ax /var/* /mnt/var

# ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid
to get the UUID to use in fstab

#vi /etc/fstab
Add the line:

UUID=181839181821...bla...bla...bla   /var   ext4   defaults   0   0

Just update the new var one last time before reboot:

# rsync -ihrpgu --stats --progress --delete /var /mnt/var

# reboot


System will lose data from the seconds between your last rsync and the
reboot. But it will boot ok, unless something very critical happens in this
moment. Your system, you should know better if you can ignore this
seconds (may you have apache running at full charge, or anything else
that are demanding the server? Then you must avoid this and use
single-mode. Google for it.)


System back online, time to use all check commands again. Specially:

# mount -l

And after checking everything, your system is ready. (I did a last clean
reboot just to check dmesg, all ok)

I hope this email helps anyone searching for a hot change of partition

It was difficult to gather information on this process.

Thanks all that helped.

PS. I'll do the same with /tmp now. And /tmp is 

Re: / 100% used

2015-07-07 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Jul 07, 2015 at 10:09:41AM -0500, David Wright wrote:
 Quoting Beco (r...@beco.cc):


 At this point, you've destroyed your network configuration, but are
 unaware of it unless you try to establish new connections. Your ssh
 connections are running on their original file-descriptors.

This is a lesson I learnt the hard way: if you are doing funky things
and *have* one ssh session running, never let go of it until you
managed to log in via another session. Has saved my behind more than
once since then :-)

- -- t
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Re: / 100% used

2015-07-07 Thread David Wright
Quoting Beco (r...@beco.cc):

 Hi guys,
 I'll report actions in order now:
 - Upgrade from wheezy to jessie yesterday nigh. No problems during upgrade.

I would question the wisdom of performing a distribution upgrade
remotely when you normally have physical access to the machine.

No problems during upgrade just means the software installed,
not that it's all going to work together faultlessly.

 - Today email from users telling system is not usable (but online and you 

In another thread, I have reported a fresh jessie installation that
would boot 50% of the time into a system that gave no console access,
but where the system was partially usuable through ssh.

 - After inquiring the logs, I saw syslog with what seems to be 3 problems,
 spamming the logs
   * networkmanager reporting wpa_supplicant 
   * wpa_supplicant trying to setup wlan0
   * kernel attempting to load rt2860.bin

In my case, for whatever reason, the binfmt_misc kernel module didn't
get loaded automatically. Being a laptop, there wasn't time enough for
the logs to fill up with
host systemd[1]: Looping too fast. Throttling execution a little.
messages every 3 seconds. (I now load it from /etc/modules.)

 Status: system could not create any files. I could not apt-get install lshw,
 for instance. Users (students) could not run gcc to compile, due to lack of
 System is remote, using ssh to solve problems.
 1st action: a loop created with a bash command:
 # while true; do echo clean syslog; cat /dev/null  syslog ; sleep 10; done
 This would allow me to see whats happening. I could install lshw.

[snipped diagnostics determining it has a wireless device]

Presumably wheezy wasn't using the wireless device, but you (and other
users) were always connecting through eth0. Presumably you were also
configuring eth0 with network-manager, hence its inclusion in jessie
after the upgrade.

 2nd action:
  # apt-get remove wpasupplicant
 System stabilized. I let all my ssh sessions on, and went to grab a bite. (Not
 lunched today yet).

By stabilized, I assume you mean that the logs were no longer
filling up and so you syslog cleaner was no longer necessary.

At this point, you've destroyed your network configuration, but are
unaware of it unless you try to establish new connections. Your ssh
connections are running on their original file-descriptors.

 Just to come back and see all sessions kicked out. System not accessible
 Ping was ok. But no connection. Ping was problably ok because a server before
 mine should be answering the pings.
 Any ssh give me time out! Oh, boy! So the worst came true: I needed physical
 access to a server in my room, sunday night. There I went. Drove there, all
 dark and empty. Sysadmins life.
 There I saw the Network-Manager icon (KDE) was not active. Well, I downloaded
 the wpasupplicant package using my notebook, passed via pendrive to the 
 reinstalled it.

As Pascal explained, network-manager wouldn't be installed without
wpasupplicant installed. Not having used network-manager, I wouldn't
know the steps necessary to bring it back up, but at the very least it
would need reinstalling. The config files should still be there.

 3rd action:
 Nothing working. Tried ifup, not recognized. Then I remember I had commented
 some lines before, in /etc/network/interfaces. I dis-commented this line:
 iface eth0 inet dhcp
 And #ifup eth0
 All running. I needed to get out there, because the gate's keeper was not

So now, network-manager and wpasupplicant are no longer required for
networking to run.

 Back to my home, now I think the server is running ok.
 I need to figure out what is wrong, and if there is a better solution. Because
 I can't make sense of what just happened as reported above.
 In my understanding, I was supposed to let Network-manager run the game. Not
 wpa_supplicant, and not ifup.

Well, its your choice whether you use network-manager or not. My
server at home runs eth0 through wicd, but that's just for
uniformity across all my machines: laptops and wired and wireless
desktops. If the ethernet breaks down, I can just plug in a
wifi USB.

 Now I don't know where is Network-manager. wpa_supplicant was gone, and back
 again. System is stable. And ifup is configured.

I would expect to now see   dpkg -l   report
rc network-manager ...
ii wpasupplicant ...

 Last action:  (Pascal's suggestion)
 I added the referred [firmware - module] to the blacklist
 Just in case

Fair enough.

 So, where I am now after such modifications?!
 Tomorrow I'll have full access to the server, and hopefully no gatekeeper in 
 back, so I'll have some time.
 Should I research for Network-Manager? Comment back this ifup ?

I would purge network-manager and wpasupplicant so you don't confuse
the system or yourself, and rely on /e/n/i to run your wired network.
Make sure you can establish new ssh 

Re: / 100% used

2015-07-07 Thread Linux4Bene
Op Mon, 06 Jul 2015 14:44:41 -0300, schreef Beco:

 Current usage:
 $ du -hc var = 1.1 GB (ext4)
 usr = 8.5 GB (ext4)
 tmp = 200 KB (ext4)
 I'm thinking of:
 var = 10 GB usr = 20 GB tmp = 10 GB
 Or maybe:
 var = 15 GB usr = 20 GB tmp = 5 GB
 And keep all ext4 (to simplify my life, if that is ok, or at least not

Using ext4 is not a problem. As for disk sizes, either of your 
suggestions would do, although I would rather spent more disk space on 
var, home or usr then /tmp. Before your tmp was very small so 5 GB should 
do unless you use it to copy very large files, or other users use it all 
the time. Then bigger might be better.

 (**) What configuration tool do you suggest to use for partitioning? Is
 it safe to do it via ssh?

I use gdisk or fdisk. Parted is also well known.

 (***) Should I trust better NetworkManager, or let the server using
 ifupdown? Or change to Wicd?

I edit /etc/network/interfaces myself on my machines and servers.
Works without a problem.


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Re: / 100% used

2015-07-06 Thread Joe
On Sun, 5 Jul 2015 21:53:48 -0300
Beco r...@beco.cc wrote:

In case it hasn't occurred to you during all the trouble, you might
consider disabling the wireless hardware in BIOS at the next
opportunity... if all the users are locked out, that's a good time for
a reboot.


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Re: / 100% used

2015-07-06 Thread Linux4Bene
Op Sun, 05 Jul 2015 17:32:56 -0300, schreef Beco:

 # apt-get remove wpasupplicant
 I could break the while loop deleting syslog. It stoped spamming.
 Looks like all messages was linked to it.
 I don't know very much wpasupplicant. Ill this software be needed in the
 near future?

Only if you plan on using wireless on your server (which seems weird) so 
probably not.

 Im afraid the system is working only now, and will be unreachable next
Then plan a scheduled maintenance where the users know the system won't 
be available for a while. Make sure you have backups of the system.
Notify the users, shutdown the system, disable wireless in the BIOS,
then reboot and fix whatever is on your path.
You might want to do this on premise and have a system at hand connected 
to the net to search for info if you do encounter a problem.


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Re: / 100% used

2015-07-06 Thread Beco
On 6 July 2015 at 12:03, Marek Salwerowicz marek_...@wp.pl wrote:

 Hello Beco,

 Did you read  Jessie release notes before upgrading and upgrade procedures?

 Since you teach students, it would be good to teach them best practices
 by running well organised and prepared server...

 I'd re-think the partition layout:
 https://www.debian.org/releases/lenny/ia64/apcs03.html.en, second

 For multi-user systems or systems with lots of disk space, it's best to
 put /usr, /var, /tmp, and /home each on their own partitions separate from
 the / partition.

 Are there any backups / RAID for users' home directories?

 Please don't consider it as offensive, I'd like just to let you know that
 the problems you've encountered could have been much worse

 Good luck  ;-)



Hi Joe, Marek, guys,

Joe, I prefer not to disable it on the bios. I like to have some control
over ssh. You never know. But after blacklisting it, I think the problem is
solved for a while.

Marek, thank you for your kind criticize. Most people don't get how to
politely point problems without being rude (I'm one, but mostly because the
english barrier, I tend to be dry).

 Why have you performed major upgrade of Operating System on running
production server?

Well, I had no choice. This server can't go down, and needs to be up to

But I scheduled to vacations period. Users drop from 200- to almost zero.
Never zero. This days, there are only 6 students left, 3 of them online. I
am responsible for them as well. But being so many, I could help if things
get very wrong.

Thanks the system was down only for 2 non-consecutively hours. 1h, when the
problem appear, solved with a while loop, and 1h when the next attempt
failed (removing wpasupplicant). This last one was horrible, because it
took me from home. Now its running using ifdownup. I think I'll let it this
way for now. Until things are sorted out by Debian maintainers of what went
wrong after upgrade. I still believe there was some misconfiguration issue
regarding NetworkManager, specially after my notebook also broke.

 Did you perform backup of data before performing upgrades?

 Did you try it before on any development machines?

Yes, I set up a backup server. It is used to test upgrades also. I upgraded
it some weeks ago. No problem at all. I was quite amazed it worked

But there are no backups during vacations, because students get out every 6
months and accounts are deleted after that. So home is almost empty (you
can see that in the `df -h`)

But to substitute one server to other in case of problems would take at
leas a day or two of hard work. Not a good option.

Also, all users (but this 6) are locked out. And only 3 are heavily using.
Even those 3 did not lost any data or work. That was a very good upgrade,
despite this 2 hours down.
Next time, Debian 9 will not let me down! :)

(And, yes, I read the release notes -- not again, but when upgrading the
first system).

Anyway, thank you for the tips. I will consider changing /var to another

(*) Given my current set up, I think its better to bring some space from
/home, isn't so? How many Gigas would you use (given this particular case
in hands?)

/dev/sda146G   12G   33G  26% / (ext4)
/dev/sda3   864G  4.0G  816G   1% /home (ext4)

Current usage:
$ du -hc
var = 1.1 GB (ext4)
usr = 8.5 GB (ext4)
tmp = 200 KB (ext4)

I'm thinking of:
var = 10 GB
usr = 20 GB
tmp = 10 GB

Or maybe:
var = 15 GB
usr = 20 GB
tmp = 5 GB

And keep all ext4 (to simplify my life, if that is ok, or at least not

(**) What configuration tool do you suggest to use for partitioning? Is it
safe to do it via ssh?

(***) Should I trust better NetworkManager, or let the server using
ifupdown? Or change to Wicd?



Dr Beco
A.I. researcher

I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure
you realize that what you heard is not what I meant -- Alan Greenspan

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Creation date: pgp.mit.edu ID as of 2014-11-09

Re: / 100% used

2015-07-06 Thread Beco
On 6 July 2015 at 10:45, Linux4Bene linux4b...@telenet.be wrote:

 Op Sun, 05 Jul 2015 17:32:56 -0300, schreef Beco:

  # apt-get remove wpasupplicant
  I could break the while loop deleting syslog. It stoped spamming.
  Looks like all messages was linked to it.
  I don't know very much wpasupplicant. Ill this software be needed in the
  near future?

 Only if you plan on using wireless on your server (which seems weird) so
 probably not.

  Im afraid the system is working only now, and will be unreachable next
 Then plan a scheduled maintenance where the users know the system won't
 be available for a while. Make sure you have backups of the system.
 Notify the users, shutdown the system, disable wireless in the BIOS,
 then reboot and fix whatever is on your path.
 You might want to do this on premise and have a system at hand connected
 to the net to search for info if you do encounter a problem.


Hi Bene,

Well, with you I think its 3 suggestions to disable wireless via BIOS. So,
I've just changed my mind and I'll disable it. What is the point of asking
for suggestions and no following them?
If I need it one day, I'll re-enable.

Thanks for the tip and for the agenda.


Dr Beco
A.I. researcher

I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure
you realize that what you heard is not what I meant -- Alan Greenspan

GPG Key: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=vindexsearch=0x5A107A425102382A
Creation date: pgp.mit.edu ID as of 2014-11-09

Re: / 100% used

2015-07-06 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Beco a écrit :
 On 5 July 2015 at 20:29, Pascal Hambourg pas...@plouf.fr.eu.org wrote:
 Beco a écrit :
 Just to be sure: this server doesn't have (nor need) wireless interface.
 It has one. If you don't need it, you can disable the kernel module
 autoloading by creating a file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-rt2800pci.conf
 containing the following line :

 blacklist rt2800pci
  # apt-get remove wpasupplicant
 There I saw the Network-Manager icon (KDE) was not active.

Network-manager depends on wpasupplicant (hard dependency). So removing
wpasupplicant also removed network-manager. Didn't you read what apt-get
printed before accepting ?

 Last action:  (Pascal's suggestion)
 I added the referred firmware to the blacklist

My suggestion blacklists the kernel module (rt2800pci) whichs needs the
firmware, not the firmware itself (rt2860.bin).

A module is a loadable part of the kernel which runs on the host.
A firmware is a loadable blob which runs on the device.

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Re: / 100% used

2015-07-06 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Beco a écrit :
 Anyway, thank you for the tips. I will consider changing /var to another
 (*) Given my current set up, I think its better to bring some space from
 /home, isn't so? How many Gigas would you use (given this particular case
 in hands?)
 /dev/sda146G   12G   33G  26% / (ext4)
 /dev/sda3   864G  4.0G  816G   1% /home (ext4)
 Current usage:
 $ du -hc
 var = 1.1 GB (ext4)
 usr = 8.5 GB (ext4)
 tmp = 200 KB (ext4)
 I'm thinking of:
 var = 10 GB
 usr = 20 GB
 tmp = 10 GB

You don't really need a separate /usr. IMO is it only useful when you're
going to mount /usr read-only or when the root filesystem must be kept

 Or maybe:
 var = 15 GB
 usr = 20 GB
 tmp = 5 GB

When you're unsure about filesystem sizes, you can use LVM instead of
plain partitions. Just leave some free space and grow logical volumes
when you need to. But this is a choice that is easier to make at
installation time. Converting plain partitions to LVM is not easy.

 (***) Should I trust better NetworkManager, or let the server using
 ifupdown? Or change to Wicd?

IMO, network-manager or wicd are not really useful for a server with an
ethernet connection.

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Re: / 100% used

2015-07-06 Thread Marek Salwerowicz

Hello Beco,

W dniu 2015-07-05 o 21:19, Beco pisze:

Hi guys,

I need some help regarding this problem.

Yesterday I upgraded from Wheezy to Jessie. Today I got an email 
saying the user could not create a tmp file to do anything.

Just to add to what you've experienced recently:

Why have you performed major upgrade of Operating System on running 
production server?

Did you perform backup of data before performing upgrades?
Did you try it before on any development machines?

Did you read  Jessie release notes before upgrading and upgrade procedures?

Since you teach students, it would be good to teach them best 
practices by running well organised and prepared server...

I checked the filesystem with:

# df -h
Filesystem  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda146G   46G 0 100% /
udev 10M 0   10M   0% /dev
tmpfs   789M   82M  708M  11% /run
tmpfs   2.0G  4.0K  2.0G   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs   5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
tmpfs   2.0G 0  2.0G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda3   864G  4.0G  816G   1% /home
tmpfs   395M 0  395M   0% /run/user/1000
tmpfs   395M 0  395M   0% /run/user/1340
tmpfs   395M 0  395M   0% /run/user/1328
tmpfs   395M 0  395M   0% /run/user/1360

I'd re-think the partition layout:
https://www.debian.org/releases/lenny/ia64/apcs03.html.en, second paragraph:

For multi-user systems or systems with lots of disk space, it's best to 
put /usr, /var, /tmp, and /home each on their own partitions separate 
from the / partition.

Are there any backups / RAID for users' home directories?

Please don't consider it as offensive, I'd like just to let you know 
that the problems you've encountered could have been much worse

Good luck  ;-)



Marek Salwerowicz

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Re: / 100% used

2015-07-05 Thread Santiago Vila
On Sun, Jul 05, 2015 at 04:19:36PM -0300, Beco wrote:
   1 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859352] ieee80211 phy0:
 rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Info - Loading firmware file 'rt2860.bin'
2 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859358] rt2800pci :03:00.0:
 firmware: failed to load rt2860.bin (-2)
3 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859359] rt2800pci :03:00.0:
 Direct firmware load failed with error -2
4 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859361] rt2800pci :03:00.0:
 Falling back to user helper

The rt2860.bin firmware file is in the non-free package firmware-ralink.

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Re: / 100% used

2015-07-05 Thread Beco
On 5 July 2015 at 16:58, David Christensen dpchr...@holgerdanske.com

 On 07/05/2015 12:19 PM, Beco wrote:
  16G of syslog ... over and over, this messages:

1 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859352] ieee80211 phy0:
 rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Info - Loading firmware file 'rt2860.bin'
 2 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859358] rt2800pci :03:00.0:
 firmware: failed to load rt2860.bin (-2)
 3 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859359] rt2800pci :03:00.0:
 Direct firmware load failed with error -2
 4 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859361] rt2800pci :03:00.0:
 Falling back to user helper

 It looks like the kernel is trapped in an infinite loop trying to load
 firmware for a network interface, and filling up your logs with error

 Possible solutions:

 1.  Disable or remove the hardware in question.

 2.  Install rt2860.bin.  STFW ieee80211 phy0:
 rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Info - Loading firmware file 'rt2860.bin', I



David, guys,

Just to be sure: this server doesn't have (nor need) wireless interface.

root@camelo:/var/log# ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 22:60:77:93:3a:1c
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: fe80::3a77:33ff:fe93:3a1c/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:508681 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:213717 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:56644394 (54.0 MiB)  TX bytes:107124530 (102.1 MiB)
  Interrupt:20 Memory:f720-f722

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
  RX packets:2066703 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:2066703 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:95588488 (91.1 MiB)  TX bytes:95588488 (91.1 MiB)

I prefer uninstall it if so. But I'm having trouble identifying it. What
exactly should I uninstall? I need eth0 working (and thats all).

Also, is wpa_supplicant really necessary?


Dr Beco
A.I. researcher

I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure
you realize that what you heard is not what I meant -- Alan Greenspan

GPG Key: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=vindexsearch=0x5A107A425102382A
Creation date: pgp.mit.edu ID as of 2014-11-09

Re: / 100% used

2015-07-05 Thread Beco
On 5 July 2015 at 16:19, Beco r...@beco.cc wrote:

 Hi guys,

 I need some help regarding this problem.

 Yesterday I upgraded from Wheezy to Jessie. Today I got an email saying
 the user could not create a tmp file to do anything.

 I checked the filesystem with:

 # df -h
 Filesystem  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

 /dev/sda146G   46G 0 100% /

 udev 10M 0   10M   0% /dev

 tmpfs   789M   82M  708M  11% /run

 tmpfs   2.0G  4.0K  2.0G   1% /dev/shm

 tmpfs   5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock

 tmpfs   2.0G 0  2.0G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup

 /dev/sda3   864G  4.0G  816G   1% /home

 tmpfs   395M 0  395M   0% /run/user/1000

 tmpfs   395M 0  395M   0% /run/user/1340
 tmpfs   395M 0  395M   0% /run/user/1328
 tmpfs   395M 0  395M   0% /run/user/1360

 Also tried to find what was using such huge space with:

 # find / -xdev -type f -size +200M -exec ls -lh {} \;
 -rw-r- 1 root adm 4.2G Jul  5 16:05 /var/log/messages
 -rw-r- 1 root adm 5.6G Jul  5 16:05 /var/log/kern.log
 -rw-r- 1 root adm 16G Jul  5 16:05 /var/log/syslog
 -rw-r- 1 root adm 9.6G Jul  5 16:05 /var/log/daemon.log

 I'm not convinced that only 16G of syslog is my whole problem. But Id
 start with that, if I can make the system usable again. So I check the log
 just to see, over and over, this messages:

   1 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859352] ieee80211 phy0:
 rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Info - Loading firmware file 'rt2860.bin'
2 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859358] rt2800pci :03:00.0:
 firmware: failed to load rt2860.bin (-2)
3 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859359] rt2800pci :03:00.0:
 Direct firmware load failed with error -2
4 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859361] rt2800pci :03:00.0:
 Falling back to user helper

 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco systemd-udevd[16867]: failed to execute
 dev_event': No such file or directory
   24 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco wpa_supplicant[2357]: Could not set interface
 wlan0 flags (UP): Cannot allocate memory
   25 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco wpa_supplicant[2357]: nl80211: Could not set
 interface 'wlan0' UP
   26 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco wpa_supplicant[2357]: Could not set interface
 wlan0 flags (UP): Cannot allocate memory
   27 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco wpa_supplicant[2357]: WEXT: Could not set
 interface 'wlan0' UP
   28 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco wpa_supplicant[2357]: wlan0: Failed to
 initialize driver interface
   30 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco NetworkManager[1812]: error [1436121358.001526]
 [supplicant-manager/nm-supplicant-interface.c:856] interface_add_cb(): (w
   lan0): error adding interface: wpa_supplicant couldn't grab this
   31 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco NetworkManager[1812]: info (wlan0): supplicant
 interface state: starting - down
   32 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco systemd-udevd[16870]: failed to execute
 dev_event': No such file or directory

Ok, I run:

# apt-get remove wpasupplicant

I could break the while loop deleting syslog. It stoped spamming. Looks
like all messages was linked to it.

I don't know very much wpasupplicant. Ill this software be needed in the
near future?

Im afraid the system is working only now, and will be unreachable next


To keep up with Santiago and Joe:

Santiago, thanks for the file. I do prefer not use if not necessary,
though. Lets see how things goes.

Joe, I'm runing this server via ssh. And I cannot turn it off, as there are
users online now.
I'll read your other suggestions more easily now that its kind of 


Dr Beco
A.I. researcher

I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure
you realize that what you heard is not what I meant -- Alan Greenspan

GPG Key: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=vindexsearch=0x5A107A425102382A
Creation date: pgp.mit.edu ID as of 2014-11-09

Re: / 100% used

2015-07-05 Thread David Christensen

On 07/05/2015 12:19 PM, Beco wrote:
 16G of syslog ... over and over, this messages:

   1 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859352] ieee80211 phy0:
rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Info - Loading firmware file 'rt2860.bin'
2 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859358] rt2800pci :03:00.0:
firmware: failed to load rt2860.bin (-2)
3 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859359] rt2800pci :03:00.0:
Direct firmware load failed with error -2
4 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859361] rt2800pci :03:00.0:
Falling back to user helper

It looks like the kernel is trapped in an infinite loop trying to load 
firmware for a network interface, and filling up your logs with error 

Possible solutions:

1.  Disable or remove the hardware in question.

2.  Install rt2860.bin.  STFW ieee80211 phy0: 
rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Info - Loading firmware file 'rt2860.bin', 
I see:



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Re: / 100% used

2015-07-05 Thread Joe
On Sun, 5 Jul 2015 16:19:36 -0300
Beco r...@beco.cc wrote:

 Hi guys,
 I need some help regarding this problem.
 Yesterday I upgraded from Wheezy to Jessie. Today I got an email
 saying the user could not create a tmp file to do anything.
 I checked the filesystem with:
 # df -h
 Filesystem  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
 /dev/sda146G   46G 0 100% /
 udev 10M 0   10M   0% /dev
 tmpfs   789M   82M  708M  11% /run
 tmpfs   2.0G  4.0K  2.0G   1% /dev/shm
 tmpfs   5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
 tmpfs   2.0G 0  2.0G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
 /dev/sda3   864G  4.0G  816G   1% /home
 tmpfs   395M 0  395M   0% /run/user/1000
 tmpfs   395M 0  395M   0% /run/user/1340
 tmpfs   395M 0  395M   0% /run/user/1328
 tmpfs   395M 0  395M   0% /run/user/1360
 Also tried to find what was using such huge space with:
 # find / -xdev -type f -size +200M -exec ls -lh {} \;
 -rw-r- 1 root adm 4.2G Jul  5 16:05 /var/log/messages
 -rw-r- 1 root adm 5.6G Jul  5 16:05 /var/log/kern.log
 -rw-r- 1 root adm 16G Jul  5 16:05 /var/log/syslog
 -rw-r- 1 root adm 9.6G Jul  5 16:05 /var/log/daemon.log
 I'm not convinced that only 16G of syslog is my whole problem. But Id
 start with that, if I can make the system usable again. So I check
 the log just to see, over and over, this messages:
   1 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859352] ieee80211 phy0:
 rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Info - Loading firmware file 'rt2860.bin'
2 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859358] rt2800pci
 :03:00.0: firmware: failed to load rt2860.bin (-2)
3 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859359] rt2800pci
 :03:00.0: Direct firmware load failed with error -2
4 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859361] rt2800pci
 :03:00.0: Falling back to user helper
 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco systemd-udevd[16867]: failed to execute
 dev_event': No such file or directory
   24 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco wpa_supplicant[2357]: Could not set
 interface wlan0 flags (UP): Cannot allocate memory
   25 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco wpa_supplicant[2357]: nl80211: Could not set
 interface 'wlan0' UP
   26 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco wpa_supplicant[2357]: Could not set
 interface wlan0 flags (UP): Cannot allocate memory
   27 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco wpa_supplicant[2357]: WEXT: Could not set
 interface 'wlan0' UP
   28 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco wpa_supplicant[2357]: wlan0: Failed to
 initialize driver interface
   30 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco NetworkManager[1812]: error
 interface_add_cb(): (w lan0): error adding interface: wpa_supplicant
 couldn't grab this interface. 31 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco
 NetworkManager[1812]: info (wlan0): supplicant interface state:
 starting - down 32 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco systemd-udevd[16870]: failed
 to execute '/lib/udev/socket:@/org/freedesktop/hal/udev_event'
 dev_event': No such file or directory
 This keeps going. You can see above, its only from 15h35min58s.
 During one single minute I got more than 7000+ lines added into
 It seems a variety of problems. How can I get out from this EMERGENCY
 (system is not usable), and then with more calm and time, figure out
 what to do in the long term?

Hopefully you will get several suggestions.

My first approach would be to get /var out of /, as you say, you
need a quick way to actually get the system bootable, to try to make
sense of what is happening.

Your problem is why servers generally have a separate /var partition,
though not usually workstations as they generate far fewer logs when
working normally. If a separate /var fills, the logging system should
be able to deal with it, it is other parts of the OS which cannot deal
with a full /.

I would boot with a rescue/live distribution, then:

- back up /home to at least two locations e.g. optical disc and external
  hard drive.
- resize /home to free 50GB or more of unpartitioned space. This can be
  recovered and returned to /home once this is fixed. Create a
  partition, create an appropriate filesystem (presumably ext4) and
  alter the installed distribution's /etc/fstab to mount this on /var.
- delete as much as you feel necessary from the existing /var i.e. keep
  enough information to return to if you run into trouble and want to
  examine more logs later. Once rebooted, the old /var will not be
  accessible, but it will not be overwritten. Free at least a gigabyte
  of space, which will be more than enough for a / without /var on a
  temporary basis.
- cross your fingers and reboot. Hopefully the system will run well
  enough for you to make sure of the problem(s) and fix it/them.
- once 

/ 100% used

2015-07-05 Thread Beco
Hi guys,

I need some help regarding this problem.

Yesterday I upgraded from Wheezy to Jessie. Today I got an email saying the
user could not create a tmp file to do anything.

I checked the filesystem with:

# df -h
Filesystem  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/sda146G   46G 0 100% /

udev 10M 0   10M   0% /dev

tmpfs   789M   82M  708M  11% /run

tmpfs   2.0G  4.0K  2.0G   1% /dev/shm

tmpfs   5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock

tmpfs   2.0G 0  2.0G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup

/dev/sda3   864G  4.0G  816G   1% /home

tmpfs   395M 0  395M   0% /run/user/1000

tmpfs   395M 0  395M   0% /run/user/1340
tmpfs   395M 0  395M   0% /run/user/1328
tmpfs   395M 0  395M   0% /run/user/1360

Also tried to find what was using such huge space with:

# find / -xdev -type f -size +200M -exec ls -lh {} \;
-rw-r- 1 root adm 4.2G Jul  5 16:05 /var/log/messages
-rw-r- 1 root adm 5.6G Jul  5 16:05 /var/log/kern.log
-rw-r- 1 root adm 16G Jul  5 16:05 /var/log/syslog
-rw-r- 1 root adm 9.6G Jul  5 16:05 /var/log/daemon.log

I'm not convinced that only 16G of syslog is my whole problem. But Id start
with that, if I can make the system usable again. So I check the log just
to see, over and over, this messages:

  1 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859352] ieee80211 phy0:
rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Info - Loading firmware file 'rt2860.bin'
   2 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859358] rt2800pci :03:00.0:
firmware: failed to load rt2860.bin (-2)
   3 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859359] rt2800pci :03:00.0:
Direct firmware load failed with error -2
   4 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859361] rt2800pci :03:00.0:
Falling back to user helper

Jul  5 15:35:58 beco systemd-udevd[16867]: failed to execute
dev_event': No such file or directory
  24 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco wpa_supplicant[2357]: Could not set interface
wlan0 flags (UP): Cannot allocate memory
  25 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco wpa_supplicant[2357]: nl80211: Could not set
interface 'wlan0' UP
  26 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco wpa_supplicant[2357]: Could not set interface
wlan0 flags (UP): Cannot allocate memory
  27 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco wpa_supplicant[2357]: WEXT: Could not set
interface 'wlan0' UP
  28 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco wpa_supplicant[2357]: wlan0: Failed to initialize
driver interface
  30 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco NetworkManager[1812]: error [1436121358.001526]
[supplicant-manager/nm-supplicant-interface.c:856] interface_add_cb(): (w
  lan0): error adding interface: wpa_supplicant couldn't grab this
  31 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco NetworkManager[1812]: info (wlan0): supplicant
interface state: starting - down
  32 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco systemd-udevd[16870]: failed to execute
dev_event': No such file or directory

This keeps going. You can see above, its only from 15h35min58s. During one
single minute I got more than 7000+ lines added into syslog.

It seems a variety of problems. How can I get out from this EMERGENCY
(system is not usable), and then with more calm and time, figure out what
to do in the long term?

Thank you,

Dr Beco
A.I. researcher

I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure
you realize that what you heard is not what I meant -- Alan Greenspan

GPG Key: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=vindexsearch=0x5A107A425102382A
Creation date: pgp.mit.edu ID as of 2014-11-09

Re: / 100% used

2015-07-05 Thread Beco
On 5 July 2015 at 16:58, David Christensen dpchr...@holgerdanske.com

 On 07/05/2015 12:19 PM, Beco wrote:
  16G of syslog ... over and over, this messages:

1 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859352] ieee80211 phy0:
 rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Info - Loading firmware file 'rt2860.bin'
 2 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859358] rt2800pci :03:00.0:
 firmware: failed to load rt2860.bin (-2)
 3 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859359] rt2800pci :03:00.0:
 Direct firmware load failed with error -2
 4 Jul  5 15:35:58 beco kernel: [66691.859361] rt2800pci :03:00.0:
 Falling back to user helper

 It looks like the kernel is trapped in an infinite loop trying to load
 firmware for a network interface, and filling up your logs with error

 Possible solutions:

 1.  Disable or remove the hardware in question.

 2.  Install rt2860.bin.  STFW ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00lib_request_firmware:
 Info - Loading firmware file 'rt2860.bin', I see:



Hi guys,

An emergency is an emergency.

I opened an terminal and run:

# while true; do echo clean syslog; cat /dev/null  syslog ; sleep 10; done

Now I can think.


Please, advise.

David, I'm looking into your solution now. I'll report back. Thank you.


Dr Beco
A.I. researcher

I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure
you realize that what you heard is not what I meant -- Alan Greenspan

GPG Key: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=vindexsearch=0x5A107A425102382A
Creation date: pgp.mit.edu ID as of 2014-11-09

Re: / 100% used

2015-07-05 Thread The Wanderer
On 07/05/2015 at 04:16 PM, Beco wrote:

 David, guys,
 Just to be sure: this server doesn't have (nor need) wireless
 root@camelo:/var/log# ifconfig


This says nothing about whether the machine has wireless hardware, or
even necessarily about whether it has a driver for a wireless device
loaded. (On some machines, 'ifconfig' with no options will only report
interfaces which are in some sense 'up'.)

Does 'ifconfig -a' report a wireless interface?

What about 'lspci', and/or (for a more detailed but harder-to-read
report) 'lshw' (from the package of the same name)?

TTBOMK, the only thing which should be trying to load rt2860.bin is a
driver for a wireless network adapter. If anything else is trying to,
that's a bug.

If the driver is trying to when you don't have that hardware, then
there's a different bug somewhere; it could be anywhere from the
hardware you do have misidentifying itself somehow, on up through the
stack at least as far as udev.

 I prefer uninstall it if so. But I'm having trouble identifying it.
 What exactly should I uninstall? I need eth0 working (and thats
 Also, is wpa_supplicant really necessary?

AFAIK, it's only needed if you intend to connect to a wireless network
(ever) on that machine, and don't have some other software with which to
manage that connection.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: / 100% used

2015-07-05 Thread David Christensen

On 07/05/2015 01:16 PM, Beco wrote:

Just to be sure: this server doesn't have (nor need) wireless interface.
root@camelo:/var/log# ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 22:60:77:93:3a:1c
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   inet6 addr: fe80::3a77:33ff:fe93:3a1c/64 Scope:Link
   RX packets:508681 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:213717 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
   RX bytes:56644394 (54.0 MiB)  TX bytes:107124530 (102.1 MiB)
   Interrupt:20 Memory:f720-f722


I prefer uninstall it if so. But I'm having trouble identifying it. What
exactly should I uninstall? I need eth0 working (and thats all).

If you don't have a WiFi card, perhaps the interface is on the 
motherboard and you can turn it off via the BIOS?

Also, is wpa_supplicant really necessary?

That sounds like something for WiFi.  If so and you don't need Wifi, 
then I would think not.  But, then again, I don't know the gory details 
and if it ain't broke, don't fix it.


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Re: / 100% used

2015-07-05 Thread Beco
On 5 July 2015 at 20:29, Pascal Hambourg pas...@plouf.fr.eu.org wrote:

 Beco a écrit :
  Just to be sure: this server doesn't have (nor need) wireless interface.

 It has one. If you don't need it, you can disable the kernel module
 autoloading by creating a file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-rt2800pci.conf
 containing the following line :

 blacklist rt2800pci

Hi guys,

I'll report actions in order now:

- Upgrade from wheezy to jessie yesterday nigh. No problems during upgrade.
- Today email from users telling system is not usable (but online and you
could login)
- After inquiring the logs, I saw syslog with what seems to be 3 problems,
spamming the logs
  * networkmanager reporting wpa_supplicant
  * wpa_supplicant trying to setup wlan0
  * kernel attempting to load rt2860.bin

Status: system could not create any files. I could not apt-get install
lshw, for instance. Users (students) could not run gcc to compile, due to
lack of resources.

System is remote, using ssh to solve problems.

1st action: a loop created with a bash command:
# while true; do echo clean syslog; cat /dev/null  syslog ; sleep 10; done

This would allow me to see whats happening. I could install lshw.

The Wanderer asked for

#ifconfig -a

eth0 bla bla bla cut

lo bla bla bla cut

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0a:0c:49:83:9b
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

So, yes, it has wlan0.

Also this command:
# lshw -C network
   description: Ethernet interface
   product: 82579V Gigabit Network Connection
   vendor: Intel Corporation
   physical id: 19
   bus info: pci@:00:19.0
   logical name: eth0
   version: 05
   serial: 38:60:77:93:3a:1c
   size: 100Mbit/s
   capacity: 1Gbit/s
   width: 32 bits
   clock: 33MHz
   capabilities: pm msi bus_master cap_list ethernet physical tp 10bt
10bt-fd 100bt 100bt-fd 1000bt-fd autonegotiation
   configuration: autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=e1000e
driverversion=2.3.2-k duplex=full firmware=0.13-4 ip= latency=0
link=yes multicast=yes port=twisted pair speed=100Mbit/s
   resources: irq:42 memory:f720-f721 memory:f7228000-f7228fff
  *-network DISABLED
   description: Wireless interface
   product: RT3062 Wireless 802.11n 2T/2R
   vendor: Ralink corp.
   physical id: 0
   bus info: pci@:03:00.0
   logical name: wlan0
   version: 00
   serial: 00:0c:0a:49:83:9b
   width: 32 bits
   clock: 33MHz
   capabilities: pm bus_master cap_list ethernet physical wireless
   configuration: broadcast=yes driver=rt2800pci
driverversion=3.16.0-4-amd64 firmware=N/A latency=32 link=no maxlatency=4
mingnt=2 multicast=yes wireless=IEEE 802.11bgn
   resources: irq:16 memory:f710-f710

2nd action:

 # apt-get remove wpasupplicant

System stabilized. I let all my ssh sessions on, and went to grab a bite.
(Not lunched today yet).


Just to come back and see all sessions kicked out. System not accessible

Ping was ok. But no connection. Ping was problably ok because a server
before mine should be answering the pings.

Any ssh give me time out! Oh, boy! So the worst came true: I needed
physical access to a server in my room, sunday night. There I went. Drove
there, all dark and empty. Sysadmins life.

There I saw the Network-Manager icon (KDE) was not active. Well, I
downloaded the wpasupplicant package using my notebook, passed via pendrive
to the server, reinstalled it.

3rd action:

Nothing working. Tried ifup, not recognized. Then I remember I had
commented some lines before, in /etc/network/interfaces. I dis-commented
this line:

iface eth0 inet dhcp

And #ifup eth0

All running. I needed to get out there, because the gate's keeper was not

Back to my home, now I think the server is running ok.

I need to figure out what is wrong, and if there is a better solution.
Because I can't make sense of what just happened as reported above.

In my understanding, I was supposed to let Network-manager run the game.
Not wpa_supplicant, and not ifup.

Now I don't know where is Network-manager. wpa_supplicant was gone, and
back again. System is stable. And ifup is configured.

Last action:  (Pascal's suggestion)
I added the referred firmware to the blacklist

Just in case

So, where I am now after such modifications?!

Tomorrow I'll have full access to the server, and hopefully no gatekeeper
in my back, so I'll have some time.

Should I research for Network-Manager? Comment back this ifup ?

I'm kind of lost here.




Kernel log was also full with:

Jul  5 17:21:47 beco kernel: [73049.254557] 

Re: / 100% used

2015-07-05 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Beco a écrit :
 Just to be sure: this server doesn't have (nor need) wireless interface.

It has one. If you don't need it, you can disable the kernel module
autoloading by creating a file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-rt2800pci.conf
containing the following line :

blacklist rt2800pci

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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-24 Thread Stan Hoeppner

On 9/23/2011 4:12 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:

Mostly I would say that on my machine the biggest disk space use of
/var/log use is email.  So I guess I would say if you are concerned
about disk space then you might want to unsubscribe from debian-user.

This is about you and explaining your desktop's unnecessarily phat 
/var/log.  I have no concerns about disk space.  I manage my systems 

/me ducks   :)

/var/log$ la mail.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root adm 3.7M Sep 24 08:06 mail.log

/var/log is for logs Bob, not storing actual emails. ;)  My SOHO MX's 
entire log directory is less than 40MB, with an M.  I use Postfix which 
logs quite a bit of info.  Every spam connection, reject code/reason, 
and disconnect is logged by an MX in addition to real mail, also 
inflating the logs.  Yet:

/$ du -h -s /var/log
31M /var/log

I sub to the following lists, thus I get plenty of mail traffic:


I have over 100K emails in my mailbox.  The total size of my Dovecot 
mailbox, including some mail going back 11 years?

/$ du -h -s /home/stan/mail/

The debian-user mailbox has 19,132 messages in it.  My spam-l list 
archive has 15,707, postfix-users has over 7,000, xfs has over 8,000. 
These are in mbox format, and are NOT compressed, and still less than a 
Gig.  And your */var/log* is 400MB?  (gasp)

Again, I can't see how your *desktop* Linux system has a 400MB /var/log 
directory when my SOHO email/samba/dns/httpd/ftp/webmail server is just 
over 30MB, and has been running for over 6 years.

Something is broken on your system.  Either log rotation isn't working 
properly, or you're storing stuff in there other than logs.  If it's 
something else, please enlighten us.


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-24 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Freitag, 23. September 2011 schrieb Lisi:
 On Friday 23 September 2011 20:06:15 Martin Steigerwald wrote:
  I am pretty sure that browsers put the web cache into the home
  of the user that uses it or /var/tmp. I.e.:
 Mine were in /var/cache.  At least, getting rid of the caches in all 3
 of the browsers that I use with any regularity cleared a fair bit of
 /var/cache, and I doubt that it was coincidence!  But I am running an
 old system

Hmmm, there is no directory on my system in /var/cache which is named as 
it would be likely that it contains a browser cache:

merkaba:~ ls /var/cache
aptdictionaries-common  modass
apt-listbugs   dirmngr  pbuilder
apt-show-versions  flashplugin-nonfree  pm-utils
apt-xapian-index   fontconfig   powertop
cups   git  samba

Are you sure /var/cache went smaller directly after cleaning browser 
caches? Maybe you did something else...

(That said, a system-wide browser cache would make some sense, but there 
are privacy concerns, cause a user might be able to see what another user 

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-24 Thread Lisi
On Saturday 24 September 2011 16:11:26 Martin Steigerwald wrote:
 Are you sure /var/cache went smaller directly after cleaning browser
 caches? Maybe you did something else...

No.  In every case I looked immediately after I had cleared the browser cache, 
and the size of /var/cache went down all three times.

It did not go down when I cleared the cache in Opera, which is my fourth 
browser and which I very rarely use.


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Re: 100% used / file system. Doh!

2011-09-23 Thread Lisi
On Friday 23 September 2011 00:01:49 Bob Proulx wrote:
 Since you seem to have disk space now you should take a quick moment
 and install xdu.

Have already done so following your earlier advice - immediately I had a 
functioning machine!

Thanks again,

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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-23 Thread Darac Marjal
On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 04:12:17PM +0100, Lisi wrote:
 On Wednesday 21 September 2011 22:54:54 Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote:

 Tux:/home/lisi# du -hx --max-depth=1 / | sort -h
 sort: invalid option -- h
 Try `sort --help' for more information.
 Tux:/home/lisi# du -hx --max-depth=1 / | sort -n
 0   /dev
 0   /proc
 0   /sys
 11M /etc
 16K /lost+found
 17M /boot
 23G /media
 27G /
 70M /lib
 87M /opt
 Tux:/home/lisi# du -hx --max-depth=1 /media | sort -n
 22G /media/sdc1
 23G /media

As an aside, this is why I don't recommend using du -h with sort -n.
du -h is a great way to see where your space is being used, as it
presents the sizes in human readable format. However, sort -n sorts
numerically but critically, it doesn't know that, in this instance, 23G
is larger than 164M. Ideally you need to either use full numeric sizes
(du -b should do) and sort on those or find some method of sorting
that knows about SI prefixes.

There are, of course, plenty of disk space visualisers in debian (ncdu,
gdmap and so on), but the problem here was to find the largest
file/directory without installing extra packages.

Darac Marjal

Description: Digital signature

Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-23 Thread Lisi
On Friday 23 September 2011 10:53:56 Darac Marjal wrote:
 As an aside, this is why I don't recommend using du -h with sort -n.
 du -h is a great way to see where your space is being used, as it
 presents the sizes in human readable format. However, sort -n sorts
 numerically but critically, it doesn't know that, in this instance, 23G
 is larger than 164M

Thanks, Darac.  In fairness to my advisors, I must point out that they 
recommended sort -h.  But my system, for reasons of its own, jibs at - h (I 
have included one of its jibs in the passage you quoted).  So I changed it 
to - n and left myself the task of picking out the largest file.  My human 
brain had no difficulty in recognising 22G as the largest file!! 

Thanks for the recommendations.  I shall install and look at them - it would 
be nice to have choice next time I leave myself up the creek without a 


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-23 Thread Stan Hoeppner

On 9/22/2011 6:09 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:

Stan Hoeppner wrote:

Lisi wrote:

Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var/log

This needs to be addressed.  I'd say something's wrong if you have
320MB of log files on a workstation.

What?  My desktop has 388M of files in /var/log from just random noise
from using it as a desktop.  That amount doesn't seem unusual to me
nor does it stand out.

Interesting.  As I've stated in the past I don't use GUI/desktop Linux, 
only headless servers.  What log files are eating 388MB on your GUI desktop?

Years ago when I did use desktop Linux for a while, there was a network 
manager bug in an RC of SLES10 that ate log space like Cookie Monster in 
the Nabisco factory.  Are normal non-buggy processes eating all that space?


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-23 Thread Darac Marjal
On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 12:04:30PM +0100, Lisi wrote:
 On Friday 23 September 2011 10:53:56 Darac Marjal wrote:
  As an aside, this is why I don't recommend using du -h with sort -n.
  du -h is a great way to see where your space is being used, as it
  presents the sizes in human readable format. However, sort -n sorts
  numerically but critically, it doesn't know that, in this instance, 23G
  is larger than 164M
 Thanks, Darac.  In fairness to my advisors, I must point out that they 
 recommended sort -h.  But my system, for reasons of its own, jibs at - h (I 
 have included one of its jibs in the passage you quoted).  So I changed it 
 to - n and left myself the task of picking out the largest file.  My human 
 brain had no difficulty in recognising 22G as the largest file!! 
 Thanks for the recommendations.  I shall install and look at them - it would 
 be nice to have choice next time I leave myself up the creek without a 

Oh, I'd actually missed the fact that sort -h exists and does exactly
what I'd been advocating. I assume this is a new feature that's (at
least) in sid. What a pip!

Darac Marjal

Description: Digital signature

Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-23 Thread Tom H
On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 5:30 PM, Lisi lisi.re...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thursday 22 September 2011 12:15:42 Tom H wrote:
 To Lisi: have you found the large files/directories that bumped you up
 to 30G? (Do you still care? :) )

 Yes, earlier today, but after you sent this email. ;-)

Yes, I'm glad that the source of the problem's been found. I saw that
email. Had I known that it was coming, I wouldn't have sent mine!

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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-23 Thread Jörg-Volker Peetz
Darac Marjal wrote, on 09/23/11 11:53:
 On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 04:12:17PM +0100, Lisi wrote:
 On Wednesday 21 September 2011 22:54:54 Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote:

 Tux:/home/lisi# du -hx --max-depth=1 / | sort -h
 sort: invalid option -- h
 Try `sort --help' for more information.
 Tux:/home/lisi# du -hx --max-depth=1 / | sort -n
 0   /dev
 0   /proc
 0   /sys
 11M /etc
 16K /lost+found
 17M /boot
 23G /media
 27G /
 70M /lib
 87M /opt
 Tux:/home/lisi# du -hx --max-depth=1 /media | sort -n
 22G /media/sdc1
 23G /media
 As an aside, this is why I don't recommend using du -h with sort -n.
 du -h is a great way to see where your space is being used, as it
 presents the sizes in human readable format. However, sort -n sorts
 numerically but critically, it doesn't know that, in this instance, 23G
 is larger than 164M. Ideally you need to either use full numeric sizes
 (du -b should do) and sort on those or find some method of sorting
 that knows about SI prefixes.
 There are, of course, plenty of disk space visualisers in debian (ncdu,
 gdmap and so on), but the problem here was to find the largest
 file/directory without installing extra packages.
Recent versions of the sort-command understand the switch -h which, I assume,
was introduced just for the usage with du. On my testing system the version
number is 8.5 (sort --version).
Best regards,

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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-23 Thread Lisi
On Friday 23 September 2011 13:18:00 Darac Marjal wrote:
 Oh, I'd actually missed the fact that sort -h exists and does exactly
 what I'd been advocating. I assume this is a new feature that's (at
 least) in sid. What a pip!

Other way round, I'm afraid.  I have just checked on my (testbed) Squeeze 
machine, and it has sort -h, which does indeed do exactly what you advocated, 
and my other advisors clearly intended.

I am still using Lenny on my work horse, because I shall have to be dragged 
kicking and screaming from KDE 3 and its descendants.  (KDE4 is not a 
descendant.  It is a cuckoo in KDE 3's nest.)

Trinity is great, of course, but is still sometimes tricky to use, if you 
can't just code your way out of trouble; and I can't.


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-23 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Donnerstag, 22. September 2011 schrieb Stan Hoeppner:
  Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var/cache
 This is probably where your web browser is storing its cached
 files.  Go  into browser options and clear the cache.  May take a
 while.  Tell us how much space this frees up.

I am pretty sure that browsers put the web cache into the home directory 
of the user that uses it or /var/tmp. I.e.:

martin@merkaba:~ du -sh .mozilla/firefox/default.[...]/Cache 


martin@merkaba:~ du -sh /var/tmp/kdecache-martin/http
53M /var/tmp/kdecache-martin/http

Althought the first one looks a bit small.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-23 Thread Lisi
On Friday 23 September 2011 20:06:15 Martin Steigerwald wrote:
 I am pretty sure that browsers put the web cache into the home directory
 of the user that uses it or /var/tmp. I.e.:

Mine were in /var/cache.  At least, getting rid of the caches in all 3 of the 
browsers that I use with any regularity cleared a fair bit of /var/cache, and 
I doubt that it was coincidence!  But I am running an old system 


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-23 Thread Bob Proulx
Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote:
 Recent versions of the sort-command understand the switch -h
 which, I assume, was introduced just for the usage with du. On my
 testing system the version number is 8.5 (sort --version).

Not just for 'du' but for all of the commands such as 'ls' that accept
the human output option.  It was introduced in coreutils version 6.11
just a little too late to be in the Lenny release.


Description: Digital signature

Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-23 Thread Bob Proulx
Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
 My desktop has 388M of files in /var/log from just random noise
 from using it as a desktop.  That amount doesn't seem unusual to me
 nor does it stand out.
 Interesting.  As I've stated in the past I don't use GUI/desktop
 Linux, only headless servers.

I use GNU/Linux for the system and the X11 Window System for the
graphics system throughout on all of my laptops and desktops.  I
wouldn't have it any other way.

What are you missing that is keeping you from using it on your

Note that if you were to interview ten different free software users
about their desktop configuration I imagine you would get ten uniquely
different environments.  I have been using fvwm for a very long time.
I don't care for GNOME or KDE for example.  Too heavy and they change
design direction too often.  The point here is that you should sample
and try a few different ones before making a decision.  There is a
banquet of choices available.

 What log files are eating 388MB on your GUI desktop?

Both syslog and mail.log have the largest share.  Lots of email is
processed and logged.  And interestingly auth.log is large too and a
close third place.  I use ssh a lot and each login is logged.  After
that it is too spread out to call out any individual consumer.

 Years ago when I did use desktop Linux for a while, there was a
 network manager bug in an RC of SLES10 that ate log space like
 Cookie Monster in the Nabisco factory.  Are normal non-buggy
 processes eating all that space?

Mostly I would say that on my machine the biggest disk space use of
/var/log use is email.  So I guess I would say if you are concerned
about disk space then you might want to unsubscribe from debian-user.

But 400M for /var/log is nothing on a desktop.  Compare that to the
couple of gig that is consumed by happy fluff and glitter of desktop
toys and it isn't even on the radar chart.  If it was a concern you
could always trim logs more often than the defaults handed to


Description: Digital signature

Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-22 Thread Tom H
On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 1:04 AM, R. Clayton rvclay...@verizon.net wrote:

 When I have this problem, it's usually because I have too many kernel
 versions.  Look in /boot or do

  $ dpkg --purge linux-imageescesc

If it were /boot that were full, maybe. But it's / (I think) and a
/boot of 30GB would have to have quite a few kernels...

To Lisi: have you found the large files/directories that bumped you up
to 30G? (Do you still care? :) )

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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-22 Thread Stan Hoeppner

On 9/21/2011 10:39 AM, Lisi wrote:

On Wednesday 21 September 2011 16:16:31 Stan Hoeppner wrote:

On 9/21/2011 9:14 AM, Lisi wrote:

And I have taken in that /var/log is a likely culprit.

Not necessarily.  On a server /var/log is a likely culprit, but on a GUI
workstation I'd think /var/cache or /usr would be more likely, assuming
the problem is a hosed/misconfigured program.  If the problem is the
result of an errant drag/drop the files causing the undue swelling could
be in any directory you had/have write access to.

# du -s -h /var
# du -s -h /var/log
# du -s -h /var/cache
# du -s -h /var/tmp
# du -s -h /lost+found
# du -s -h /root
# du -s -h /tmp
# du -s -h /usr

/var/cache and /usr are 6 G between them, so are certainly not
small.  /var/log is not very big at all.  But that still doesn't explain the
jump.  Perhaps I have started doing something differently without realising

Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var
Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var/log

This needs to be addressed.  I'd say something's wrong if you have 320MB 
of log files on a workstation.  Find the big one(s) and tell us what 
they are.  One of your daemons is likely being too chatty with a log 
file, blasting it before each logrotate, or logrotate isn't working 

Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var/cache

This is probably where your web browser is storing its cached files.  Go 
into browser options and clear the cache.  May take a while.  Tell us 
how much space this frees up.

Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var/tmp
43M /var/tmp
Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /lost+found
16K /lost+found
Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /root
Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /tmp
Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /usr

That's reasonable for /usr.

None of this adds up to 30GB.  You've got a file(s) somewhere else in a 
subdir of / that's taking up tons of space.  Or, you may have a huge 
sparse file somewhere that got corrupted, causing the filesystem to 
treat it as its full, non-sparse, size.

Did you tar a huge set of files/dirs recently?

Did you create a disk or partition backup to an image file somewhat 
recently with some utility?  If so, where did you save the image file? 
Look in that directory for a very large file, tell us the name and size 
of the file.  Run these commands on the file:

# du -h -B1 [file]
# ls -h -l [file]

If the sizes are dramatically different then you have a sparse file. 
Simply remove this image file.  Then unmount the filesystem and run 
fsck.  Due to your partition/filesystem setup, you'll need to schedule 
the fsck at the next reboot.

I'll do some chatting to Google, and then at least reduce the size of anything
that serves no useful, or anyhow necessary, purpose.

I'd trust the list members here more than Google hits, except maybe hits 
on Debian Administration.  Even in that case many of the Google hits are 
very old articles that may no longer apply.


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-22 Thread Lisi
On Wednesday 21 September 2011 22:54:54 Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote:
 But the cleaning of the package cache only removed ~ 2.3 GB. And summing up
 the above listed disk usage makes only appr. 10 GB.
 So were do the other 20 GB come from?
 I would like to see the output of

   du -hx --max-depth=1 / | sort -h

Oh, Father Christmas, my blessings on you fall, for bringing him a big, red, 
India rubber ball!

Thank you so much, all of you for your extreme patience and helpful attitude.  
This really is a *super* list.

This is better than an India rubber ball, even a big, red one.  I now have 
loads of space in a partition that is never as much as 10GB, and still have 
some cruft which I intend to cull, having had it pointed out to me by you 

I didn't know about the --max-depth=1 option, and my attempts to do this 
without the depth limit gave me so much overkill, that I couldn't see the 
wood for the trees.  I even got as far as realising that Distros were in some 
way implicated, without the penny dropping.  Doh! :-(

I now know why the system did not warn me - it didn't get a chance.  I knocked 
it right up by 22G all in one fell swoop.  I ought to have realised that this 
was the problem.  I won't embarrass myself by telling you what I thought I 
had done.  I have put myself in a corner with a dunce's cap on.

See below for my recent activity.

Now I shall get down to using all the other suggestions.  There is still some 
cruft to be explored.


Tux:/home/lisi# du -hx --max-depth=1 / | sort -h
sort: invalid option -- h
Try `sort --help' for more information.
Tux:/home/lisi# du -hx --max-depth=1 / | sort -n
0   /dev
0   /proc
0   /sys
11M /etc
16K /lost+found
17M /boot
23G /media
27G /
70M /lib
87M /opt
Tux:/home/lisi# du -hx --max-depth=1 /media | sort -n
22G /media/sdc1
23G /media
Tux:/home/lisi# cd /media/sdc1
Tux:/media/sdc1# ls
Tux:/media/sdc1# rm -r /media/sdc1/*
Tux:/media/sdc1# cd ..
Tux:/media# cd ..
Tux:/# df -h
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1  73G  4.9G   66G   7% /
tmpfs 745M 0  745M   0% /lib/init/rw
udev   10M  708K  9.4M   7% /dev
tmpfs 745M 0  745M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1 231G   38G  182G  17% /home

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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-22 Thread Lisi
On Thursday 22 September 2011 14:14:13 Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 I'd trust the list members here more than Google hits, except maybe hits
 on Debian Administration.  Even in that case many of the Google hits are
 very old articles that may no longer apply.

So would I.  Considerably more.  I just felt that I ought to make _some_ 
effort to help myself!

As I believe I have mentioned once or twice in this thread, you are a super 
lot, both very knowledgeable and very helpful.


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-22 Thread Lisi
On Thursday 22 September 2011 06:04:29 R. Clayton wrote:
 When I have this problem, it's usually because I have too many kernel
 versions.  Look in /boot or do

   $ dpkg --purge linux-imageescesc

 I keep the latest and the previous versions around, although I wait until
 the partition's full before culling the older versions, which happens
 during update.


Mine appears to have self-cleaned.  Perhaps when I did aptitude autoclean?

Tux:/boot# ls
config-2.6.26-2-686  initrd.img-2.6.26-2-686  System.map-2.6.26-2-686
grub initrd.img-2.6.26-2-686.bak  vmlinuz-2.6.26-2-686

Thanks for the suggestion, anyhow.  Next time I do something idiotic that 
clogs my system, I shall look at the kernels!


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-22 Thread Lisi
On Thursday 22 September 2011 14:14:13 Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 On 9/21/2011 10:39 AM, Lisi wrote:
  On Wednesday 21 September 2011 16:16:31 Stan Hoeppner wrote:
  On 9/21/2011 9:14 AM, Lisi wrote:
  Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var
  Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var/log

 This needs to be addressed.  I'd say something's wrong if you have 320MB
 of log files on a workstation.  Find the big one(s) and tell us what
 they are.  One of your daemons is likely being too chatty with a log
 file, blasting it before each logrotate, or logrotate isn't working

Tux:/var/log# du -h | sort -n
12K ./fsck
48K ./apt
88K ./cups

I haven't even got exim4 installed.  I now routinely install nullmailer 
instead.  (I install nullmailer and nullmailer obligingly kicks Exim4 out.)  
So I assume I can delete ./exim4?  And I am not using apache, so I assume 
that that can go?

lisi@Tux:/var/log$ aptitude why apache2
i   kde Depends  kdepim (= 4:3.5.5)
i A kdepim  Depends  kdepim-wizards (= 4:3.5.9-5)
i A kdepim-wizards  Suggests egroupware
p   egroupware  Depends  egroupware-core
p   egroupware-core Depends  apache2

  Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var/cache

 This is probably where your web browser is storing its cached files.  Go
 into browser options and clear the cache.  May take a while.  Tell us
 how much space this frees up.

Tux:/var/log# du -s -h /var/cache
37M /var/cache


 None of this adds up to 30GB.  You've got a file(s) somewhere else in a
 subdir of / that's taking up tons of space.  

Yes, 22G in /media that ought not to have been there!!  And is no longer 
there.  But I'm all for trying to free up more space.  a) it is a good 
learning exercise b) it'll give me some space back and I might even risk 
shrinking the partition back to its original size or even smaller - having, 
of course, made a proper backup first - and c) it's fun.

So I shall continue to work through all the suggestions that people have gone 
to the trouble of making. :-)

Thanks again,

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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-22 Thread Tom Furie
On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 05:02:56PM +0100, Lisi wrote:

 Tux:/var/log# du -h | sort -n
 12K ./fsck
 48K ./apt
 88K ./cups

Most of the space used here is files in /var/log. If you want to know
which are the main culprits you can easily do 'ls -lSr /var/log' to sort
the files by size with the largest at the bottom.


tax office, n.:
Den of inequity.

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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-22 Thread Lisi
On Thursday 22 September 2011 12:15:42 Tom H wrote:
 To Lisi: have you found the large files/directories that bumped you up
 to 30G? (Do you still care? :) )

Yes, earlier today, but after you sent this email. ;-)

And yes, I still cared.  I might have made the same mistake again if I hadn't 
found what I did.  Well, I might even tho' I have found out - but hopefully 
the chance will now have lessened!

Anyway, the answer I give my granddaughter will serve very well here.  I am 
prone to leaping up to look things up, or check things, in the middle of a 
conversation.  This produces:
G. Why do you have to look that up?
L. Because I don't don't know it.
G. Yes, but why do you need to know it?
L. Because I don't know it.
G. Yes, but why
several times more.  My reply remains constant: Because I don't know it.

If for no other reason, I wanted to know what had gone wrong because I didn't 
know it. ;-)


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Re: 100% used / file system. Doh!

2011-09-22 Thread Lisi
On Tuesday 20 September 2011 22:00:24 Bob Proulx wrote:
 Lisi wrote:
  Have just realised that I can't do this yet because I haven't yet solved
  the problem of installing it!!

 I am not sure how important this particular program is but I think it
 will help.

 Since it is really just a single binary program you can go through and
 grab a copy of it manually.  It has a few manual steps but isn't that
 hard.  Since you have space in /home you can do this.  You very likely
 have the things needed such as 'ar', 'tar', and the libx11-6, libxaw7,
 libxt6 libraries already installed.

 Go to this URL:


 Download the package to your home directory for your architecture.  I
 will assume i386 for now.  You will have this file:

   -rw-rw-r-- 1 15908 Sep 20 14:48 xdu_3.0-17_i386.deb

 You can unpack that using dpkg-source but that is in the dpkg-dev
 package and you might not have it.  However debs are simply 'ar'
 achive files and you almost certainly already have ar available since
 it is required by many, many other packages.

   $ ar t xdu_3.0-17_i386.deb

 There are three files in the archive.  You want the data.tar.gz file
 from it.

   $ ar xv xdu_3.0-17_i386.deb data.tar.gz
   x - data.tar.gz

   $ tar tvzf data.tar.gz | grep bin/xdu
   -rwxr-xr-x root/root 15996 2006-10-08 04:27 ./usr/bin/xdu

   $ tar xzvf data.tar.gz ./usr/bin/xdu

 That extracted the program to the current directory and created the
 usr and bin directories under it.  Those are extra for our purposes so
 lets clean those up.  Let's put this in your $HOME/bin directory.  I
 assume you already have one of those.  If not then make it.

   $ mkdir ~/bin
   $ mv usr/bin/xdu ~/bin/

 Then clean up.

   $ rmdir usr/bin usr
   $ rm data.tar.gz

 At this point the program should run for you.  (Unless you are missing
 a library.)  If ~/bin is already in your PATH then you don't need to
 do anything special.  If not then for the moment just call it from

   $ ~/bin/xdu /home/du-xk.out

 Also, I should note that it is important to run the du as root so that
 it actually has access to all of the directories.

   # du -xk / | tee /home/du-xk.out

 After you clean up your disk space I would install xdu as a package.
 Then clean up your ~/bin/xdu version as a final step since you won't
 need it anymore.

 Good luck!

Thank you, Bob, for going to so much trouble to help me.  As I keep saying - 
possibly to the point of tedium? - I really appreciate all the help I'm 


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Re: 100% used / file system. Doh!

2011-09-22 Thread Bob Proulx
Lisi wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
  After you clean up your disk space I would install xdu as a package.
  Then clean up your ~/bin/xdu version as a final step since you won't
  need it anymore.
 Thank you, Bob, for going to so much trouble to help me.  As I keep saying - 
 possibly to the point of tedium? - I really appreciate all the help I'm 

Since you seem to have disk space now you should take a quick moment
and install xdu.

  # apt-get install xdu

Then it will be available for next time.  Visualization of disk space
usage is really useful!

  # du -xk / | tee /var/log/du-xk.out

  $ xdu /var/log/du-xk.out


Description: Digital signature

Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-22 Thread Bob Proulx
Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 Lisi wrote:
 Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var/log
 This needs to be addressed.  I'd say something's wrong if you have
 320MB of log files on a workstation.

What?  My desktop has 388M of files in /var/log from just random noise
from using it as a desktop.  That amount doesn't seem unusual to me
nor does it stand out.

 Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var/cache
 This is probably where your web browser is storing its cached files.

The browser would typically cache files in $HOME.  But the /var/cache
directory /var/cache/apt/archives/ is where APT is storing its
downloaded deb files.  Probably haven't done an 'apt-get clean' in a
while and many deb files there are taking up space.

On my system for example:

  # du -sh /var/cache

  # apt-get clean

  # du -sh /var/cache


Description: Digital signature

Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-21 Thread Stan Hoeppner

On 9/20/2011 3:01 PM, Lisi wrote:

My / does not contain /home, which is on its own large drive.

It contains everything else.

hda1 is /, hda2 is swap.

My / has been trundling along at around 30% full for years.  Now it has
suddenly filled up completely.

This thread has been going on too long Lisi.  Let's get this fixed 
already.  :)  Run these commands to see if you've run out of free space 
or run out of inodes:

# df -h -x tmpfs
# df -i -h -x tmpfs

Please share the output.

This will also tell us the total size of your / filesystem.  You stated 
it ran at 30% for many years.  From that we should be able to calculate 
how much additional space you used recently to fill the filesystem, if 
indeed you are actually out of free space.  We can then go looking for 
files of that size, or a dir of that size, and delete them/it.

If, on the other hand, you're out of inodes and not out of free space, 
we will go looking for a directory that has filled up with many 
thousands of small files, which is what eats inodes.  Once located you 
can delete the rogue directory.


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Re: 100% used / file system. Doh!

2011-09-21 Thread Stan Hoeppner

On 9/20/2011 4:00 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:

Lisi wrote:

Have just realised that I can't do this yet because I haven't yet solved the
problem of installing it!!

I am not sure how important this particular program is but I think it
will help.


Following this tangent is taking Lisi further away from a solution, not 
closer to it, and simply wasting her time.

With all due respect to my colleagues who have responded, it seems 
you've all given her your pet favorite ways of dealing with this type of 
problem, instead of giving her short concise instructions on how to 
identify and then fix the actual problem.

To this point we still don't know what the problem actually is.  You 
have (unless I missed a post) all assumed she's out of disk space.  She 
could very well be out of inodes.  She needs to determine that BEFORE 
attempting a fix, and before laboriously trying to hunt down files that 
are apparently filling the filesystem, when that may not be the problem 
at all.

To use an applicable old carpentry meme, Measure twice, cut once.


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-21 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 20 Sep 2011 19:05:38 +0100, Lisi wrote:

 On Tuesday 20 September 2011 15:47:22 Camaleón wrote:
 Lisi, calm down and don't forget the good manners of sending plain text
 formatted e-mails ;-)
 Sorry, Camaleón. :-(  I *never* turn HTML on.  I have it unticked.  I
 simply don't know why KMail sometimes does, but I don't always know that
 it has done so until someone complains.


Kmail is a very good MUA, there has to be a switch you can toggle on to 
instruct that all messages are by default formatted as text and not 
html or auto. That setting uses to be under mail compositing 
preferences, but I can't be more precise about the exact place as now I 
don't use Kmail.

 Yes, I am now tearing my hair out as well as panicking. :-(  I *really*
 need this computer now.  I deleted two very large thumbnails files - and
 it has made no difference whatsoever.  

So you could finally log in? 

If yes, just follow the advice you got from the other co-listers and also 
from me to find out what file/folder is fulfilling your precious space. 
But usually big files are located at /var/log/* so I would start from 

 I can't work from a live CD because no amount of trial and error or
 googling can tell me how to either change at the command line from a us
 to a uk keyboard or, alternatively, find the location of the %$***
 pipe on a us keyboard so that I can press the right key.

Note that you don't need a LiveCD if you can log in as root. As per the 
keyboard layout on this kind of media, usually you can select it at boot 
time from the menu. At the bottom there are some presets already made 
(screen resolution, keyboard layout...) but you can change that values, 
although this varies from a LiveCD to other so YMMV.

A final note: when using a us keyboard layout with a non-us keyboard, 
it's possible that you can get the pipe | symbol by pressing shift+#, 
but I have not tested O:-)
 I think I had better go and drink a large number of cups of tea.

Yep, that always helps to see the things crystal-clear. Should you 
still need further advice, simply tell.



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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-21 Thread Lisi
On Wednesday 21 September 2011 13:26:56 Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 This thread has been going on too long Lisi.  Let's get this fixed
 already.  :)  Run these commands to see if you've run out of free space
 or run out of inodes:

 # df -h -x tmpfs
 # df -i -h -x tmpfs

Thanks, Stan.  Your concern is much appreciated  Mea culpa.  I went to bed - I 
was running out of matchsticks to use to hold my eyelids open - and have been 
tied up all morning.  I admit to having been somewhat swamped in knowing what 
to try first!!  When my attempt to use a live CD foundered on my less than 
perfect knowledge of a US keyboard, I next tried GParted, which had also been 
suggested.  (I couldn't use the live CD because I couldn't find the pipe.  I 
now have, thanks to Dom.  It is where the tilda is on my keyboard.)

Overnight I resized the / partition to take the rest of that hard drive.  I 
had used only half of it to leave room for a dual boot if I should ever want 

So now things are working again, but I would still like to know what went 
wrong, and shall work through all the suggestions until either I solve what 
went wrong or I run out of things to try.

Tux:/home/lisi#  df -h -x tmpfs
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1  73G   30G   41G  42% /
/dev/sda1 231G   38G  182G  17% /home
Tux:/home/lisi# df -i -h -x tmpfs
FilesystemInodes   IUsed   IFree IUse% Mounted on
/dev/hda1   4.7M171K4.5M4% /
/dev/sda115M 91K 15M1% /home

So it wasn't inodes.  30 G was the size of the original partition, so it still 
thinks that the 30G was all used up.

As I try the other things, I'll report back.  If nothing else, it might be 
useful to someone looking in the archives.  It may, of course, remain one of 
life's little mysteries.

I have learnt two things at least:  
Keep an eye on your / partition and not just on /home.  That too was filling 
up, but I knew and did something about it.
Use Clonezilla or something - and set-selections, because you never know when 
you may need to reinstall.

Many thanks to all of you.  I really, really appreciate what you all did to 
help me.


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-21 Thread Lisi
On Wednesday 21 September 2011 14:27:47 Camaleón wrote:
 Kmail is a very good MUA, there has to be a switch you can toggle on to
 instruct that all messages are by default formatted as text and not
 html or auto. That setting uses to be under mail compositing
 preferences, but I can't be more precise about the exact place as now I
 don't use Kmail.

There is, under Options, and I always toggle it to off.   But it sometimes 
resets itself. :-( Presumably it does not do this at random, but I haven't 
yet found the cause.  I had better ask on the Trinity list.  Soemone there 
may know.


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-21 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On Qua, 21 Set 2011, Lisi wrote:

So now things are working again, but I would still like to know what went
wrong, and shall work through all the suggestions until either I solve what
went wrong or I run out of things to try.

We cannot guess, not with only the vague information you've given us.  
Some likely culprits (/var/log) have been noted, but only you can  
confirm that.

Several ways of discovering big files and directories have been given.  
Run them, and investigate the ones taking up more space.

Not everything worth doing is worth doing well.


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-21 Thread Lisi
On Wednesday 21 September 2011 14:27:47 Camaleón wrote:
 As per the
 keyboard layout on this kind of media, usually you can select it at boot
 time from the menu. At the bottom there are some presets already made
 (screen resolution, keyboard layout...) but you can change that values,
 although this varies from a LiveCD to other so YMMV.

 A final note: when using a us keyboard layout with a non-us keyboard,
 it's possible that you can get the pipe | symbol by pressing shift+#,
 but I have not tested O:-)

Thanks! Yes, that is correct on a UK keyboard.  Dom told me, and I can confirm 
it.  I also found out how to change to a UK keyboard in mid stream.  So, so 
long as I manage to remember anything I have learnt, I now know how to use my 
existing UK keyboard easily with a Live CD.


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-21 Thread Lisi
On Wednesday 21 September 2011 14:54:03 Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:
 On Qua, 21 Set 2011, Lisi wrote:
  So now things are working again, but I would still like to know what went

  and shall work through all the suggestions until either I solve 
  what went wrong or I run out of things to try.

 We cannot guess, not with only the vague information you've given us.
 Some likely culprits (/var/log) have been noted, but only you can
 confirm that.

 Several ways of discovering big files and directories have been given.
 Run them, and investigate the ones taking up more space.

As you can see (stars above), I have already stated my intention of doing 
exactly that.  Noone is asking you to guess, and I have noted the suggestions 
and already tried 4.  1 needs retrying now I have got a functional / again.  
The others willl all be tried in turn.

And I have taken in that /var/log is a likely culprit.  I tried to look at it 
earlier from the safety of a live CD, but could not succeed because of the UK 
keyboard problem (also now solved).


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-21 Thread Stan Hoeppner

On 9/21/2011 9:14 AM, Lisi wrote:

And I have taken in that /var/log is a likely culprit.

Not necessarily.  On a server /var/log is a likely culprit, but on a GUI 
workstation I'd think /var/cache or /usr would be more likely, assuming 
the problem is a hosed/misconfigured program.  If the problem is the 
result of an errant drag/drop the files causing the undue swelling could 
be in any directory you had/have write access to.

# du -s -h /var
# du -s -h /var/log
# du -s -h /var/cache
# du -s -h /var/tmp
# du -s -h /lost+found
# du -s -h /root
# du -s -h /tmp
# du -s -h /usr


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-21 Thread Lisi
On Wednesday 21 September 2011 16:16:31 Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 On 9/21/2011 9:14 AM, Lisi wrote:
  And I have taken in that /var/log is a likely culprit.

 Not necessarily.  On a server /var/log is a likely culprit, but on a GUI
 workstation I'd think /var/cache or /usr would be more likely, assuming
 the problem is a hosed/misconfigured program.  If the problem is the
 result of an errant drag/drop the files causing the undue swelling could
 be in any directory you had/have write access to.

 # du -s -h /var
 # du -s -h /var/log
 # du -s -h /var/cache
 # du -s -h /var/tmp
 # du -s -h /lost+found
 # du -s -h /root
 # du -s -h /tmp
 # du -s -h /usr

Thanks, Stan.  /var/cache is large - but /usr is taking forever, so I shall 
have to go away and come back later.  I'll tell you what I find (those 
archives!) - and shall be very cautious about what I delete!


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-21 Thread Lisi
On Wednesday 21 September 2011 16:16:31 Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 On 9/21/2011 9:14 AM, Lisi wrote:
  And I have taken in that /var/log is a likely culprit.

 Not necessarily.  On a server /var/log is a likely culprit, but on a GUI
 workstation I'd think /var/cache or /usr would be more likely, assuming
 the problem is a hosed/misconfigured program.  If the problem is the
 result of an errant drag/drop the files causing the undue swelling could
 be in any directory you had/have write access to.

 # du -s -h /var
 # du -s -h /var/log
 # du -s -h /var/cache
 # du -s -h /var/tmp
 # du -s -h /lost+found
 # du -s -h /root
 # du -s -h /tmp
 # du -s -h /usr

/var/cache and /usr are 6 G between them, so are certainly not 
small.  /var/log is not very big at all.  But that still doesn't explain the 
jump.  Perhaps I have started doing something differently without realising 

Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var
Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var/log
Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var/cache
Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var/tmp
43M /var/tmp
Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /lost+found
16K /lost+found
Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /root
Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /tmp
Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /usr

I'll do some chatting to Google, and then at least reduce the size of anything 
that serves no useful, or anyhow necessary, purpose.


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-21 Thread S Scharf
On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 11:34 AM, Lisi lisi.re...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Wednesday 21 September 2011 16:16:31 Stan Hoeppner wrote:
  On 9/21/2011 9:14 AM, Lisi wrote:
   And I have taken in that /var/log is a likely culprit.
  Not necessarily.  On a server /var/log is a likely culprit, but on a GUI
  workstation I'd think /var/cache or /usr would be more likely, assuming
  the problem is a hosed/misconfigured program.  If the problem is the
  result of an errant drag/drop the files causing the undue swelling could
  be in any directory you had/have write access to.
  # du -s -h /var
  # du -s -h /var/log
  # du -s -h /var/cache
  # du -s -h /var/tmp
  # du -s -h /lost+found
  # du -s -h /root
  # du -s -h /tmp
  # du -s -h /usr

 Thanks, Stan.  /var/cache is large - but /usr is taking forever, so I shall
 have to go away and come back later.  I'll tell you what I find (those
 archives!) - and shall be very cautious about what I delete!


If it was a drag/drop then the fslint-gui should be able to find all of the
duplicate files
(now that the system is working again)


Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-21 Thread Axel Freyn
Hi Lisi,
On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 04:39:45PM +0100, Lisi wrote:
 On Wednesday 21 September 2011 16:16:31 Stan Hoeppner wrote:
  On 9/21/2011 9:14 AM, Lisi wrote:
   And I have taken in that /var/log is a likely culprit.
  Not necessarily.  On a server /var/log is a likely culprit, but on a GUI
  workstation I'd think /var/cache or /usr would be more likely, assuming
  the problem is a hosed/misconfigured program.  If the problem is the
  result of an errant drag/drop the files causing the undue swelling could
  be in any directory you had/have write access to.
  # du -s -h /var
  # du -s -h /var/log
  # du -s -h /var/cache
  # du -s -h /var/tmp
  # du -s -h /lost+found
  # du -s -h /root
  # du -s -h /tmp
  # du -s -h /usr
 /var/cache and /usr are 6 G between them, so are certainly not 
 small.  /var/log is not very big at all.  But that still doesn't explain the 
 jump.  Perhaps I have started doing something differently without realising 
 Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var
 Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var/log
 Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var/cache
 Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var/tmp
 43M /var/tmp
 Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /lost+found
 16K /lost+found
 Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /root
 Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /tmp
 Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /usr
For /var/cache: did you clean the package cache? aptitude clean might
help... (depending on your configuration it MIGHT be that you have many
old .deb-Archives in /var/cache/apt/archives)
So, if du -s -h /var/cache/apt/archives reports something large, this
might be the problem...


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-21 Thread Lisi
On Wednesday 21 September 2011 16:46:27 Axel Freyn wrote:
 Hi Lisi,

 On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 04:39:45PM +0100, Lisi wrote:
  On Wednesday 21 September 2011 16:16:31 Stan Hoeppner wrote:
   On 9/21/2011 9:14 AM, Lisi wrote:
And I have taken in that /var/log is a likely culprit.
   Not necessarily.  On a server /var/log is a likely culprit, but on a
   GUI workstation I'd think /var/cache or /usr would be more likely,
   assuming the problem is a hosed/misconfigured program.  If the problem
   is the result of an errant drag/drop the files causing the undue
   swelling could be in any directory you had/have write access to.
   # du -s -h /var
   # du -s -h /var/log
   # du -s -h /var/cache
   # du -s -h /var/tmp
   # du -s -h /lost+found
   # du -s -h /root
   # du -s -h /tmp
   # du -s -h /usr
  /var/cache and /usr are 6 G between them, so are certainly not
  small.  /var/log is not very big at all.  But that still doesn't explain
  the jump.  Perhaps I have started doing something differently without
  realising it.
  Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var
  Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var/log
  Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var/cache
  Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var/tmp
  43M /var/tmp
  Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /lost+found
  16K /lost+found
  Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /root
  Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /tmp
  Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /usr

 For /var/cache: did you clean the package cache? aptitude clean might
 help... (depending on your configuration it MIGHT be that you have many
 old .deb-Archives in /var/cache/apt/archives)
 So, if du -s -h /var/cache/apt/archives reports something large, this
 might be the problem...


Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var/cache
37M /var/cache

Thank you!


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-21 Thread Lisi
On Tuesday 20 September 2011 20:19:30 Thierry Chatelet wrote:
 If you have a basic fs, then gparted-live should do the job of resizing.

Thanks, Thierry,  As I hope you now know, this solved it for me.  I clearly 
ought to have done that as soon as I had the problem, but I needed your prod.


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-21 Thread Jörg-Volker Peetz
Lisi wrote, on 09/21/11 19:47:
 On Wednesday 21 September 2011 16:46:27 Axel Freyn wrote:
 Hi Lisi,

 On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 04:39:45PM +0100, Lisi wrote:
 On Wednesday 21 September 2011 16:16:31 Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 On 9/21/2011 9:14 AM, Lisi wrote:
 And I have taken in that /var/log is a likely culprit.

 Not necessarily.  On a server /var/log is a likely culprit, but on a
 GUI workstation I'd think /var/cache or /usr would be more likely,
 assuming the problem is a hosed/misconfigured program.  If the problem
 is the result of an errant drag/drop the files causing the undue
 swelling could be in any directory you had/have write access to.

 # du -s -h /var
 # du -s -h /var/log
 # du -s -h /var/cache
 # du -s -h /var/tmp
 # du -s -h /lost+found
 # du -s -h /root
 # du -s -h /tmp
 # du -s -h /usr

 /var/cache and /usr are 6 G between them, so are certainly not
 small.  /var/log is not very big at all.  But that still doesn't explain
 the jump.  Perhaps I have started doing something differently without
 realising it.

 Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var
 Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var/log
 Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var/cache
 Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var/tmp
 43M /var/tmp
 Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /lost+found
 16K /lost+found
 Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /root
 Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /tmp
 Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /usr

 For /var/cache: did you clean the package cache? aptitude clean might
 help... (depending on your configuration it MIGHT be that you have many
 old .deb-Archives in /var/cache/apt/archives)
 So, if du -s -h /var/cache/apt/archives reports something large, this
 might be the problem...
 Tux:/home/lisi# du -s -h /var/cache
 37M /var/cache
 Thank you!
But the cleaning of the package cache only removed ~ 2.3 GB. And summing up the
above listed disk usage makes only appr. 10 GB.
So were do the other 20 GB come from?
I would like to see the output of

  du -hx --max-depth=1 / | sort -h

Best regards,

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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-21 Thread Claudius Hubig
Stan Hoeppner s...@hardwarefreak.com wrote:
On 9/21/2011 9:14 AM, Lisi wrote:

 And I have taken in that /var/log is a likely culprit.

Not necessarily.  On a server /var/log is a likely culprit, but on a GUI 
workstation I'd think /var/cache or /usr would be more likely, assuming 
the problem is a hosed/misconfigured program.  If the problem is the 
result of an errant drag/drop the files causing the undue swelling could 
be in any directory you had/have write access to.

# du -s -h /var
# du -s -h /var/log
# du -s -h /var/cache
# du -s -h /var/tmp
# du -s -h /lost+found
# du -s -h /root
# du -s -h /tmp
# du -s -h /usr

I have just two further, not yet mentioned, ideas here:

a) try to umount /home and check if there is anything in /home –
normally invisible but nevertheless taking up space!

b) check not only the size of specific directories as given above but
the size of _every_ directory in /:

# cd /; du -shcx *

The x option makes du stay on the root filesystem, so it ignores
your /home filesystem (even if it is currently mounted). c produces
a grand total, you should check that this is the same as the usage
reported by df. You might want to sort the output by piping the
result into sort -h (h for sorting wrt human-readable numbers).

Best regards,

Sorry never means having your say to love.
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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-21 Thread Jörg-Volker Peetz

Claudius Hubig wrote, on 09/22/11 00:05:
 b) check not only the size of specific directories as given above but
 the size of _every_ directory in /:
 # cd /; du -shcx *
 The x option makes du stay on the root filesystem, so it ignores

In this command the x is useless since * expands to home and du will list the
disk usage of the home-partition.

As I suggested in another mail, better try something like

  du -hx --max-depth=1 / | sort -h

 your /home filesystem (even if it is currently mounted). c produces
 a grand total, you should check that this is the same as the usage
 reported by df. You might want to sort the output by piping the
 result into sort -h (h for sorting wrt human-readable numbers).
 Best regards,

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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-21 Thread Claudius Hubig
Jörg-Volker Peetz jvpe...@web.de wrote:

Claudius Hubig wrote, on 09/22/11 00:05:
 b) check not only the size of specific directories as given above but
 the size of _every_ directory in /:
 # cd /; du -shcx *
 The x option makes du stay on the root filesystem, so it ignores

In this command the x is useless since * expands to home and du will list the
disk usage of the home-partition.

As I suggested in another mail, better try something like

  du -hx --max-depth=1 / | sort -h

Of course! Thank you very much for your correction, although

cd /; du -shc *

obviously still works if one wants to include the home directory :)

Thank you again!

This is NOT a repeat.
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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-21 Thread R. Clayton
When I have this problem, it's usually because I have too many kernel
versions.  Look in /boot or do

  $ dpkg --purge linux-imageescesc  

I keep the latest and the previous versions around, although I wait until the
partition's full before culling the older versions, which happens during


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100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-20 Thread Lisi
I have accidentally filled something, that I shouldn't have, on my root 
directory, and have now got a 100% usage of the disk containing my /.  This is 
causing me problems.  (Now there's a surprise!!)

I have no backup of my /.  Yes, I know.  I deserve everything I've got.  But 
now that I have been given my just deserts, can any kind soul come to my 
rescue?  I would be so grateful  I may, of course, just have to reinstall. 


Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-20 Thread Lorenzo Sutton

Hi Lisi,

On 20/09/2011 16:31, Lisi wrote:

I have accidentally filled something, that I shouldn't have,on my root
directory, and have now got a 100% usage of the disk containing my /.
This is causing me problems. (Now there's a surprise!!)

I have no backup of my /. Yes, I know. I deserve everything I've got.
But now that I have been given my just deserts, can any kind soul come
to my rescue? I would be so grateful I may, of course, just have to
reinstall. :-(

I guess your /home is on the same partition?
Anyway, maybe you could attach an external hard-disk and backup what's 
valuable and delete waht's useless to start with?
Maybe booting from a Live CD distro? (Never got to the point of having a 
copletely full disk)

Just my 2 cents


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-20 Thread Darac Marjal
On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 03:31:26PM +0100, Lisi wrote:
I have accidentally filled something, that I shouldn't have,  on my root
directory, and have now got a 100% usage of the disk containing my /. This
is causing me problems. (Now there's a surprise!!)
I have no backup of my /. Yes, I know. I deserve everything I've got. But
now that I have been given my just deserts, can any kind soul come to my
rescue? I would be so grateful I may, of course, just have to
reinstall. :-(

You should be able to find the largest files on your filesystem by
running the following command:

 find / -xdev -exec stat --printf '%s\t%N\n' {} \;|sort -n

It will probably take a few minutes to execute, but you should get back
a list of files, sorted by size, the last few files being the largest.

Darac Marjal

Description: Digital signature

Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-20 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 20 Sep 2011 15:31:26 +0100, Lisi wrote:

Lisi, calm down and don't forget the good manners of sending plain text 
formatted e-mails ;-)

 I have accidentally filled something, that I shouldn't have, on my root
 directory, and have now got a 100% usage of the disk containing my /. 
 This is causing me problems.  (Now there's a surprise!!)

What filesystem? 

Ext3/4 always reserves -by default- 5% of the partition space for such 
situations :-?

 I have no backup of my /.  Yes, I know.  I deserve everything I've got. 
 But now that I have been given my just deserts, can any kind soul come
 to my rescue?  I would be so grateful  I may, of course, just have
 to reinstall. :-(

You can try to login as root and make any required changes/clean up from 
there (yep, from command line). If that's not possible for whatever 
reason, you can always boot the machine from a LiveCD, mount the / 
partition and remove the data or work from there to make it usable again.



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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-20 Thread Ivan Shmakov
 Darac Marjal mailingl...@darac.org.uk writes:
 On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 03:31:26PM +0100, Lisi wrote:

  I have accidentally filled something, that I shouldn't have,  on my root
  directory, and have now got a 100% usage of the disk containing my /. This
  is causing me problems. (Now there's a surprise!!)

  I have no backup of my /. Yes, I know. I deserve everything I've got. But
  now that I have been given my just deserts, can any kind soul come to my
  rescue? I would be so grateful I may, of course, just have to
  reinstall. :-(

  You should be able to find the largest files on your filesystem by
  running the following command:

  find / -xdev -exec stat --printf '%s\t%N\n' {} \;|sort -n

It could actually be simplified down to:

# du -x --all / | sort -n 

  It will probably take a few minutes to execute, but you should get
  back a list of files, sorted by size, the last few files being the

(Though I'd prefer -r -n, so that the largest are to come

Back to the original problem, iff the logs (/var/log/) are on
the root filesystem, I'd probably start from there.  It makes
sense to backup this directory to a removable drive, but if it's
not an option, the older logs (as in, e. g.: debug.[3-9].gz) may
simply be deleted at once, to get some spare filesystem space.

FSF associate member #7257

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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-20 Thread Andrew McGlashan

Hi Lisi,

Lisi wrote:
I have no backup of my /. Yes, I know. I deserve everything I've got. 
But now that I have been given my just deserts, can any kind soul come 
to my rescue? I would be so grateful I may, of course, just have to 
reinstall. :-(

A few areas to have a quick look at (if they are part of your root fs)...

  -- there could be a device you tried to use somehow and instead of 
using the device, because it wasn't there, it created a normal file.

  -- there are some cache areas here, perhaps using heaps by aptitude?


Hope that helps.

Kind Regards

Andrew McGlashan

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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-20 Thread Ivan Shmakov
 Andrew McGlashan andrew.mcglas...@affinityvision.com.au writes:
 Lisi wrote:

  I have no backup of my /. Yes, I know. I deserve everything I've
  got. But now that I have been given my just deserts, can any kind
  soul come to my rescue? I would be so grateful I may, of course,
  just have to reinstall. :-(

  A few areas to have a quick look at (if they are part of your root

  /dev -- there could be a device you tried to use somehow and
  instead of using the device, because it wasn't there, it created a
  normal file.

  /var -- there are some cache areas here, perhaps using heaps by
  aptitude?  /var/cache/apt/archives

Good points.  (Of course, assuming that either or both of /dev/
and /var/ are on the root filesystem.)  For the latter case,
perhaps # apt-get autoclean (or even # apt-get clean) may be
both helpful and reasonably safe.


As a matter of personal preference, I'm using tmpfs for /tmp,

$ grep -F /tmp /etc/fstab 
tmpfs   /tmptmpfs   defaults0   0

Given that I'll also allocate at least a few GiB's of disk space
for the swap (yet another personal preference), there could be a
plenty of temporary space under my /tmp/'s.

FSF associate member #7257

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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-20 Thread steef

Lisi wrote:

I have accidentally filled something, that I shouldn't have,on my root
directory, and have now got a 100% usage of the disk containing my /. This is
causing me problems. (Now there's a surprise!!)

I have no backup of my /. Yes, I know. I deserve everything I've got. But now
that I have been given my just deserts, can any kind soul come to my rescue? I
would be so grateful I may, of course, just have to reinstall. :-(


hi lisi,

log if possible in as root and clean up (with the commandline, maybe one of 
the rm (-r) commands, tricky business) the / file. it should be working again.

kind regards and goodluck,


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-20 Thread lina
Sorry I have a quasi-problem with her, so hope won't mind I following my
questions here,

My / partition is also on the edge of saturation.

But how do I know which files are in / partition?

the /tmp /var are on other partitions. This is for sure.

/ != /root

root@debian:/home/lina# cd /
root@debian:/# ls
bin   etc liblost+found  proc  sbin srv  usr
boot  homelib32  media   root  scratch  sys  var
dev   initrd.img  lib64  mnt run   selinux  tmp  vmlinuz


On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 11:26 PM, steef debian.li...@home.nl wrote:

 Lisi wrote:

 I have accidentally filled something, that I shouldn't have,on my root
 directory, and have now got a 100% usage of the disk containing my /. This
 causing me problems. (Now there's a surprise!!)

 I have no backup of my /. Yes, I know. I deserve everything I've got. But
 that I have been given my just deserts, can any kind soul come to my
 rescue? I
 would be so grateful I may, of course, just have to reinstall. :-(


  hi lisi,

 log if possible in as root and clean up (with the commandline, maybe one of
 the rm (-r) commands, tricky business) the / file. it should be working

 kind regards and goodluck,


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Best Regards,


Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-20 Thread Andrew McGlashan

Hi Lina,

lina wrote:
Sorry I have a quasi-problem with her, so hope won't mind I following my 
questions here,

My / partition is also on the edge of saturation.

Do the find with -xdev option (keeps it within the same filesystem).

But how do I know which files are in / partition?

the /tmp /var are on other partitions. This is for sure.


/ != /root

Well yes, but /root is usually part of / 



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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-20 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 21 Sep 2011 00:48:46 +0800, lina wrote:

 Sorry I have a quasi-problem with her, so hope won't mind I following my
 questions here,

That's why I hate partitioning :-)

Yep, I know there is LVM but I'm a bit reluctant in adding a second 
logical layer of complexity when it comes to hard disk management...
 My / partition is also on the edge of saturation.
 But how do I know which files are in / partition?

fdisk -l will tell.

I have stored a one-liner to sort big files/folders:

(as root, and be patient, this can take some time...)

cd /
du -h | grep [0-9]M | sort -n -r | less

 the /tmp /var are on other partitions. This is for sure.
 / != /root



/root is the home of the root user :-)


(in her idle time)

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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-20 Thread lina
On Sep 21, 2011, at 1:30, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Wed, 21 Sep 2011 00:48:46 +0800, lina wrote:
 Sorry I have a quasi-problem with her, so hope won't mind I following my
 questions here,
 That's why I hate partitioning :-)

I hate partition too but sometimes... You know. 
 Yep, I know there is LVM but I'm a bit reluctant in adding a second 
 logical layer of complexity when it comes to hard disk management...
 My / partition is also on the edge of saturation.
 But how do I know which files are in / partition?
 fdisk -l will tell.
 I have stored a one-liner to sort big files/folders:
 (as root, and be patient, this can take some time...)
 cd /
 du -h | grep [0-9]M | sort -n -r | less

Right now I'm on my phone. I will check later. Thanks for your  time. 

 the /tmp /var are on other partitions. This is for sure.
 / != /root
 /root is the home of the root user :-)
 (in her idle time)

I am kinda of like your ^_^ pleasant and natural ^_^ very much. 

Happy idle time. 


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-20 Thread Lisi
On Tuesday 20 September 2011 15:47:22 Camaleón wrote:
 Lisi, calm down and don't forget the good manners of sending plain text
 formatted e-mails ;-)

Sorry, Camaleón. :-(  I *never* turn HTML on.  I have it unticked.  I simply 
don't know why KMail sometimes does, but I don't always know that it has done 
so until someone complains.

Yes, I am now tearing my hair out as well as panicking. :-(  I *really* need 
this computer now.  I deleted two very large thumbnails files - and it has 
made no difference whatsoever.  I can't work from a live CD because no amount 
of trial and error or googling can tell me how to either change at the 
command line from a us to a uk keyboard or, alternatively, find the location 
of the %$*** pipe on a us keyboard so that I can press the right key.

I think I had better go and drink a large number of cups of tea.


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-20 Thread Thierry Chatelet
On Tuesday 20 September 2011 16:31:26 Lisi wrote:
 I have accidentally filled something, that I shouldn't have, on my root
 directory, and have now got a 100% usage of the disk containing my /. 
 This is causing me problems.  (Now there's a surprise!!)
 I have no backup of my /.  Yes, I know.  I deserve everything I've got. 
 But now that I have been given my just deserts, can any kind soul come to
 my rescue?  I would be so grateful  I may, of course, just have to
 reinstall. :-(

hapened to me and some friends. Then upgrade dont go to nicely!!!
Got out of it 2 ways, depending on the hard drive configuration:

If you have LVM, you need a livecd from, say debian, and use it to resize your 
partitions, then you can take time to do your clean up. To resize it you need 
lvm tools which are not present in a basic live cd, so you have to install them 
after you boot whith your cd.

If you have a basic fs, then gparted-live should do the job of resizing.

A third way (never worked for me, but it is still worth trying, as it is less 
painful, was already mentioned by Cameleón, is to use the 5% reserved for 
Unfortunatly, I dont remember the command line for that, someone can help?

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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-20 Thread Lisi
On Tuesday 20 September 2011 20:19:30 Thierry Chatelet wrote:
 On Tuesday 20 September 2011 16:31:26 Lisi wrote:
  I have accidentally filled something, that I shouldn't have, on my root
  directory, and have now got a 100% usage of the disk containing my /.
  This is causing me problems.  (Now there's a surprise!!)
  I have no backup of my /.  Yes, I know.  I deserve everything I've got.
  But now that I have been given my just deserts, can any kind soul come to
  my rescue?  I would be so grateful  I may, of course, just have to
  reinstall. :-(

 hapened to me and some friends. Then upgrade dont go to nicely!!!
 Got out of it 2 ways, depending on the hard drive configuration:

 If you have LVM, you need a livecd from, say debian, and use it to resize
 your partitions, then you can take time to do your clean up. To resize it
 you need lvm tools which are not present in a basic live cd, so you have to
 install them after you boot whith your cd.

 If you have a basic fs, then gparted-live should do the job of resizing.

 A third way (never worked for me, but it is still worth trying, as it is
 less painful, was already mentioned by Cameleón, is to use the 5% reserved
 for admin.
 Unfortunatly, I dont remember the command line for that, someone can help?

Thanks, all of you. :-)  

Unfortunately my original email, now I reread it, was less that totally 
informative. :-(

My / does not contain /home, which is on its own large drive.

It contains everything else.

hda1 is /, hda2 is swap.

My / has been trundling along at around 30% full for years.  Now it has 
suddenly filled up completely.  The most likely explanation is that I 
accidentally copied a large directory, say, /home onto hda1.  This has 
happened before, but it has been easy to find and put right.  This time I 
can't find it.  I daren't just wholesale start deleting things on /, and even 
if I can salvage a few gig from swap, it won't be much because it is not a 
large disk.  It doesn't need to be normally!

Once I have solved the keyboard problem, I'll have a look both using GParted 
and using a general purpose live CD.  

I'll ask about the keyboard problem on a British list rather than an 
international one.  I am more likely to get an answer that I understand, 
since it is a problem that we all face: how to get a pipe, working from a 
live CD, using a uk keyboard.

Thanks again for all your help so far.


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-20 Thread Bob Proulx
Lisi wrote:
 My / does not contain /home, which is on its own large drive.
 hda1 is /, hda2 is swap.
 My / has been trundling along at around 30% full for years.  Now it has 
 suddenly filled up completely.  The most likely explanation is that I 
 accidentally copied a large directory, say, /home onto hda1.  This has 
 happened before, but it has been easy to find and put right.  This time I 
 can't find it.  I daren't just wholesale start deleting things on /, and even 
I like the 'xdu' command for visualizing where disk space is
consumed.  Unfortunately if your system is too full to install it and
if you don't already have it then you will need to work a little bit
to get it.  But it is only a single binary executable, very simple,
and doesn't need anything else.  The simple but long running way:

  du -xk / | xdu

Depending upon how much data 'du' has to churn through that could take
a while to run.  I typically keep a copy cached from a nightly cron
job that runs it daily.  Then it is always quickly available to me.
If you have space in /home on a second disk then to avoid the long run
without feedback I would cache a temporary copy there and run from
there.  It is just more pleasant to see that it is making progress and
to have a file to run from repeatedly than the one above.  YMMV.

  du -xk / | tee /home/du-xk.out
  xdu /home/du-xk.out

Click the mouse left button on the areas to explore.  It is somewhat
interactive.  Simple.  But quite useful.


Description: Digital signature

Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-20 Thread Lisi
On Tuesday 20 September 2011 21:21:24 Bob Proulx wrote:
 Lisi wrote:
  My / does not contain /home, which is on its own large drive.
  hda1 is /, hda2 is swap.
  My / has been trundling along at around 30% full for years.  Now it has
  suddenly filled up completely.  The most likely explanation is that I
  accidentally copied a large directory, say, /home onto hda1.  This has
  happened before, but it has been easy to find and put right.  This time I
  can't find it.  I daren't just wholesale start deleting things on /, and

 I like the 'xdu' command for visualizing where disk space is
 consumed.  Unfortunately if your system is too full to install it and
 if you don't already have it then you will need to work a little bit
 to get it.  But it is only a single binary executable, very simple,
 and doesn't need anything else.  The simple but long running way:

   du -xk / | xdu

 Depending upon how much data 'du' has to churn through that could take
 a while to run.  I typically keep a copy cached from a nightly cron
 job that runs it daily.  Then it is always quickly available to me.
 If you have space in /home on a second disk then to avoid the long run
 without feedback I would cache a temporary copy there and run from
 there.  It is just more pleasant to see that it is making progress and
 to have a file to run from repeatedly than the one above.  YMMV.

   du -xk / | tee /home/du-xk.out
   xdu /home/du-xk.out

 Click the mouse left button on the areas to explore.  It is somewhat
 interactive.  Simple.  But quite useful.

Thanks, Bob.  I am about to try this - but before pressing enter and putting 
my box out of commission for the night as a result, I wanted to thank you for 
yet another constructive reply from this amazing list. :-)


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Re: 100% used / file system. Doh!

2011-09-20 Thread Lisi
On Tuesday 20 September 2011 21:38:41 Lisi wrote:
 Thanks, Bob.  I am about to try this - but before pressing enter and
 putting my box out of commission for the night as a result, I wanted to
 thank you for yet another constructive reply from this amazing list. :-)

Have just realised that I can't do this yet because I haven't yet solved the 
problem of installing it!!


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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-20 Thread Christopher Judd
On Tuesday 20 September 2011 16:01:09 Lisi wrote:

 Thanks, all of you. :-)  
 Unfortunately my original email, now I reread it, was less that totally 
 informative. :-(
 My / does not contain /home, which is on its own large drive.
 It contains everything else.
 hda1 is /, hda2 is swap.
 My / has been trundling along at around 30% full for years.  Now it has 
 suddenly filled up completely.  The most likely explanation is that I 
 accidentally copied a large directory, say, /home onto hda1.  This has 

I'd check /var/log first.  This happened to me about a year ago.  I don't 
recall all the details, but an error condition generated a huge log file that 
filled my / partition.  Oddly enough, after deleting the offending file, the 
partition still showed as full until I did an fsck on it.  After that, I 
rebooted and everything was fine.


 happened before, but it has been easy to find and put right.  This time I 
 can't find it.  I daren't just wholesale start deleting things on /, and
 even  if I can salvage a few gig from swap, it won't be much because it is
 not a large disk.  It doesn't need to be normally!
 Once I have solved the keyboard problem, I'll have a look both using
 GParted  and using a general purpose live CD.
 I'll ask about the keyboard problem on a British list rather than an 
 international one.  I am more likely to get an answer that I understand, 
 since it is a problem that we all face: how to get a pipe, working from a 
 live CD, using a uk keyboard.
 Thanks again for all your help so far.

|   Christopher Judd, Ph. D.   |
|   Research Scientist III |
|   NYS Dept. of Health   j...@wadsworth.org   | 
|   Wadsworth Center - ESP |
|   P. O. Box 509518 486-7829  |
|   Albany, NY 12201-0509  |

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Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-20 Thread Dom

On 20/09/11 21:01, Lisi wrote:

large disk.  It doesn't need to be normally!

Once I have solved the keyboard problem, I'll have a look both using GParted
and using a general purpose live CD.

I'll ask about the keyboard problem on a British list rather than an
international one.  I am more likely to get an answer that I understand,
since it is a problem that we all face: how to get a pipe, working from a
live CD, using a uk keyboard.

Thanks again for all your help so far.

Assuming the live CD is using a default C or en_US locale, the ~ 
key (shift-#, next to the Return key) should generate a |.


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Re: 100% used / file system. Doh!

2011-09-20 Thread Bob Proulx
Lisi wrote:
 Have just realised that I can't do this yet because I haven't yet solved the 
 problem of installing it!!

I am not sure how important this particular program is but I think it
will help.

Since it is really just a single binary program you can go through and
grab a copy of it manually.  It has a few manual steps but isn't that
hard.  Since you have space in /home you can do this.  You very likely
have the things needed such as 'ar', 'tar', and the libx11-6, libxaw7,
libxt6 libraries already installed.

Go to this URL:


Download the package to your home directory for your architecture.  I
will assume i386 for now.  You will have this file:

  -rw-rw-r-- 1 15908 Sep 20 14:48 xdu_3.0-17_i386.deb

You can unpack that using dpkg-source but that is in the dpkg-dev
package and you might not have it.  However debs are simply 'ar'
achive files and you almost certainly already have ar available since
it is required by many, many other packages.

  $ ar t xdu_3.0-17_i386.deb

There are three files in the archive.  You want the data.tar.gz file
from it.

  $ ar xv xdu_3.0-17_i386.deb data.tar.gz
  x - data.tar.gz

  $ tar tvzf data.tar.gz | grep bin/xdu
  -rwxr-xr-x root/root 15996 2006-10-08 04:27 ./usr/bin/xdu

  $ tar xzvf data.tar.gz ./usr/bin/xdu

That extracted the program to the current directory and created the
usr and bin directories under it.  Those are extra for our purposes so
lets clean those up.  Let's put this in your $HOME/bin directory.  I
assume you already have one of those.  If not then make it.

  $ mkdir ~/bin
  $ mv usr/bin/xdu ~/bin/

Then clean up.

  $ rmdir usr/bin usr
  $ rm data.tar.gz

At this point the program should run for you.  (Unless you are missing
a library.)  If ~/bin is already in your PATH then you don't need to
do anything special.  If not then for the moment just call it from

  $ ~/bin/xdu /home/du-xk.out

Also, I should note that it is important to run the du as root so that
it actually has access to all of the directories.

  # du -xk / | tee /home/du-xk.out

After you clean up your disk space I would install xdu as a package.
Then clean up your ~/bin/xdu version as a final step since you won't
need it anymore.

Good luck!

Description: Digital signature

Re: 100% used / file system. Help!

2011-09-20 Thread Mark Neidorff
May I suggest the following.  From the other posts you know that there is 
slack space on the drive (5% of the drive) that is reserved for the root user 
to be able to log in and get things back in order.

How about this: reboot the system into single user mode and run fsck on the 
drive.  First things first.  Let's see if the drive is healthy.

Healthy?  Good!  Now log in as root and go to your /var/log directory.  Do an 
ls to see how many levels of backups of the logs are kept and rm all of the 
backup log files.  

Now that you have some room to play withHere is something that I just 
found on my server
cd into /etc/logrotate.d
run this command as root:

I was surprised to find that my logs were not being rotated because there were 
duplicate config files (with different names) in the directory and logrotate 
won't work until there are no duplicates.  Just to be clear, it was the 
contents of the files that were duplicated, not the file names.  You will see 
error message when you manually run the logrotate command if you have this 


On Tuesday 20 September 2011 10:31:26 am Lisi wrote:
 I have accidentally filled something, that I shouldn't have, on my root
 directory, and have now got a 100% usage of the disk containing my /. 
 This is causing me problems.  (Now there's a surprise!!)
 I have no backup of my /.  Yes, I know.  I deserve everything I've got. 
 But now that I have been given my just deserts, can any kind soul come to
 my rescue?  I would be so grateful  I may, of course, just have to
 reinstall. :-(

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df indique 100% used à tort

2007-07-12 Thread Mathieu Chappuis


Je viens de remplacer mon hd 120Go pour /home par un IDE 200Go, suite
à un crash sur certains secteurs..

Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdc1124960824 117434436   1178708 100% /home

fdisk /dev/hdc
Disk /dev/hdc: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 24321 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

  Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hdc1 1 15805 126953631   83  Linux
/dev/hdc2 15806 24321  68404770   83  Linux

Etonnant ce 100 % et plutôt génant certaines applis refusent de sauver
p.ex mozilla

uname -a
Linux concord 2.4.25concord #1 Sat Apr 10 12:23:20 CEST 2004 i686 unknown

# Oui je sais c'est un vieux truc..

Et cerise : je suis en woody..

Selon vous c'est mon kernel ou le bios ?



Re: df indique 100% used à tort

2007-07-12 Thread Basile STARYNKEVITCH

Mathieu Chappuis wrote:


Je viens de remplacer mon hd 120Go pour /home par un IDE 200Go, suite
à un crash sur certains secteurs..

Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdc1124960824 117434436   1178708 100% /home


Etonnant ce 100 % et plutôt génant 

je ne sais pas exactement à quoi c'est dû, mais

il pourrait y avoir de gros fichiers peut-être des core*), pour le savoir
   find /home -size +1000 -ls

il pourrait y avoir de gros fichiers temporaires, càd qui n'ont plus de noms (donc qui sont ouverts par open(2) par un 
processus qui les auraient unlink(2)-é juste après l'ouverture). La solution simple est de rebooter.

Basile STARYNKEVITCH http://starynkevitch.net/Basile/
email: basileatstarynkevitchdotnet | mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
*** opinions {are only mine, sont seulement les miennes} ***

Re: df indique 100% used à tort

2007-07-12 Thread Guy Roussin


tune2fs -l /dev/hdc1 | grep Reserved block count

puis pour changer la quantité de blocks reserves
(ici 0% de l'espace):

tune2fs -m 0 /dev/hdc1


Mathieu Chappuis a écrit :


Je viens de remplacer mon hd 120Go pour /home par un IDE 200Go, suite
à un crash sur certains secteurs..

Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdc1124960824 117434436   1178708 100% /home

fdisk /dev/hdc
Disk /dev/hdc: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 24321 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

  Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hdc1 1 15805 126953631   83  Linux
/dev/hdc2 15806 24321  68404770   83  Linux

Etonnant ce 100 % et plutôt génant certaines applis refusent de sauver
p.ex mozilla

uname -a
Linux concord 2.4.25concord #1 Sat Apr 10 12:23:20 CEST 2004 i686 unknown

# Oui je sais c'est un vieux truc..

Et cerise : je suis en woody..

Selon vous c'est mon kernel ou le bios ?



Re: / is suddenly 100% used

2001-03-06 Thread Stephen Stafford
Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 03 March 2001  9:35 am, Matthias Wieser wrote:
 In what package can I find fuser?

 in What package can I find lsof?


('apt-cache search commandname' generally will give you some hints as to 
which packages contain the commands you need)

- -- 
Stephen Stafford
GPG public key on request
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


/ is suddenly 100% used

2001-03-03 Thread jdls

My root filesystem suddenly shows 100% usage even though there's almost
nothing there...df shows its 100% but I am sure it's not...I tried to move
and even delete, uninstall some files, applications to check if the usage
somehow goes down...it doesn't..du doesn't show anything extraordinary...is
there something I can try to find out what's happening and or to pinpoint
the culprit?

Hoping for some sort of advice.

Thank you.

Re: / is suddenly 100% used

2001-03-03 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya jd...

whats teh rest of your partitions looking like ??

post the results of df

use du  and see if you see anything odd

du /root
du /lib
du /proc
du /boot
du /dev
du /etc
du / all the root stuff ...

du /home is probably a separate partition...
not affecting 100% /

du /var is probably a separate partition...
no affecting 100% /
check  /var/spool/mqueue

du /usr is probably a separate partition...
not affecting 100% /

if you have everything in one or two partitions...something broke

c ya

On Sat, 3 Mar 2001, jdls wrote:

 My root filesystem suddenly shows 100% usage even though there's almost
 nothing there...df shows its 100% but I am sure it's not...I tried to move
 and even delete, uninstall some files, applications to check if the usage
 somehow goes down...it doesn't..du doesn't show anything extraordinary...is
 there something I can try to find out what's happening and or to pinpoint
 the culprit?
 Hoping for some sort of advice.

Re: / is suddenly 100% used

2001-03-03 Thread Oliver Elphick
jdls wrote:
  My root filesystem suddenly shows 100% usage even though there's almost
  nothing there...df shows its 100% but I am sure it's not...I tried to move
  and even delete, uninstall some files, applications to check if the usage
  somehow goes down...it doesn't..du doesn't show anything extraordinary...is
  there something I can try to find out what's happening and or to pinpoint
  the culprit?

One possibility is that there are files in directories that are overlaid
by mounted filesystems.  To check this, boot in single-user mode and
make sure that all other  partitions are unmounted and then use `du -s /*'
to see where the space is being used.

(du is /usr/bin/du, so you will have to copy the binary onto your root
partition if you have /usr as a separate partition.)

Isle of Wight  http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver
PGP: 1024R/32B8FAA1: 97 EA 1D 47 72 3F 28 47  6B 7E 39 CC 56 E4 C1 47
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one
  another, even as I have loved you.
John 13:34

Re: / is suddenly 100% used

2001-03-03 Thread kmself
on Sat, Mar 03, 2001 at 01:15:00AM -0800, jdls ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 My root filesystem suddenly shows 100% usage even though there's almost
 nothing there...df shows its 100% but I am sure it's not...I tried to move
 and even delete, uninstall some files, applications to check if the usage
***NEVER*** delete large files on an impacted filesystem, *unless* you
first zero them out, *and* insure nothing's accessing them:

$ cat /dev/null  bigfile   # truncate bigfile
$ fuser bigfile # who's using bigfile?
# If and only if no processes have file open:
$ rm bigfile

...by deleting a file, you lose access to it, and are now no longer able
to (easily) truncate it, move it, rename it, or find out who's using it.
While a skilled GNU/Linux user should still be able to recover, you may
find it's easier to boot your system to close the open file.

 somehow goes down...it doesn't..du doesn't show anything

What exactly are you running and what exactly is it showing?

 ...is there something I can try to find out what's
 happening and or to pinpoint the culprit?

List open files:

$ lsof /

You can also see what directories are using the most space.  You want to
list directories which are part of your root filesystem, *not* those
which are separate filesystems.  In my case:

$ du -sx /bin /dev /etc /initrd /lib /lost+found /root /sbin | 
sort -nr | cat -n

...the latter being for readier viewing.  You can then descend through
the larger directory(ies) with:

$ du -sx * .[A-Za-z0-9_]*

...which should pick up most normal and 'dot' files.


Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org

Description: PGP signature

Re: / is suddenly 100% used

2001-03-03 Thread Matthias Wieser
In what package can I find fuser?
in What package can I find lsof?

Thank you - mattHias

  * alias Matthias Wieser  *
  *Kreuzgasse 20/15*
  *  A - 8010 Graz *

Re: / is suddenly 100% used

2001-03-03 Thread Martin Fluch
Try as root:

   find / -xdev -type f -print0 | xargs -0 ls -s | sort -nr | less

And you will see all files sorted by size (in blocks, bigest first) on
your root partition...


On Sat, 3 Mar 2001, jdls wrote:

 My root filesystem suddenly shows 100% usage even though there's almost
 nothing there...df shows its 100% but I am sure it's not...I tried to move
 and even delete, uninstall some files, applications to check if the usage
 somehow goes down...it doesn't..du doesn't show anything extraordinary...is
 there something I can try to find out what's happening and or to pinpoint
 the culprit?
 Hoping for some sort of advice.
 Thank you.

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