hi, for your 2nd question, ATI dont release spec but a guilde of geek on the
net hacked the card and there is a little support for ati tv card. ati
all-in-wonder should work and some ati addon-card (not mine at this time :( ).

just look at http://ati.veiled.net/
go in the devel section and try gatos...

it's still a devel version so be carefull to not blow your card even if ati sux

my advice for peoples who wants to buy an ati card: DONT BUY ATI STUFF!!!!!!!!!
they dont and will NOT SUPPORT linux!!!

it's the last time I have an ati card. not that the card is not good, but ati
dont give us a good support.

Benoit Joly

On 02-Apr-99 David Nelson wrote:
> Hullo there!
> I have an ATI 3D Pro Turbo PC2TV with 8 Mb RAM and an ATI-TV tuner card.
> I just installed slink and X with the ATI Mach64 server for the 3rd time
> (don't ask why 3 times). Second time around, X came up with a virtual desktop
> of 1600 x 1200 and a screen resolution of 800 by 600. Perfect!
> However, this time around it will only come up with an 800 by 600 desktop...
> no more virtual desktop.
> On exiting X I see the server started up with "Mode 800 by 600" and "Virtual
> Resolution 800 by 600". 
> 1) Could somebody please advise me how to get the virtual desktop back?
> 2) Does anybody know if I can use my ATI-TV tuner card under X (ATI itself
> does not directly support Linux)?
> With hopeful thanks in advance,
> David Nelson
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E-Mail: Benoit Joly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 03-Apr-99
Time: 00:49:37

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