Hey All,

I need recommendations for a C++ compiler and IDE. I am an app developer for
a health insurance company, pretty small in size. 3 peopl in the IS shop. So
far I have been unsuccesful in my attempts to get the higher ups to switch
for a NT network to  Debian. So, I like to be able to work at home on my
Debian box. I need a C++ compiler than allows me to call store SQL
procedures and then be able to transfer my work at home to work. At work we
use Visual C++ (although all applications are console or DOS based so far -
no NT GUIs.) and MS SQL server. I have mySQL installed at home (for personal
use) but I'm not sure if it can access ODBC databases. So I need something
like Borland C++ and a SQL database that can handle ODBC. Is anyone doing
such things with there Debian box? Any hints would be MUCH appriecated.

Roderick P. Person
Programmer/ Crystal DBA

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