
I thought it might be a neat idea to make a webpage listing some of
the people that use Debian and what they use it for.  So, if you are
using Debian, reply to this e-mail (privately to me at
[EMAIL PROTECTED], not to the whole list).  Let me know what you
are using it for, and if you have a web address, give me that too.
I'll add you to my page and add a link to your site as well.

I know there are people out there using Debian for some impressive
things....  Help us spread the word about what Debian can do!

BTW, the page is at http://happy.cs.twsu.edu/~jgoerzen/Debian/users.html

I'll probably also make a mirror of it somewhere...

John Goerzen          | Running Debian GNU/Linux (www.debian.org)
Custom Programming    | 

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