i've tried to get sips (a really nice and simple databaseless weblog)
running on two different debian boxes without luck.  for some reason it's
not parsing some of the templates right.

i thought maybe i'd tweaked something wrong but i just it again on a
default install of debian and i get the same problem.  it almost works but
in one instance it doesn't parse the templates at all.

the author swears it works and that i've done everything right so we're
both baffled now.  so i guess i'm just curious if anyone else is running
this on a debian system, or knows of a default php setting  in debian that
might effect this.

bone(larry)$ dpkg -l php4 apache
||/ Name           Version        Description
ii  php4           4.0.4pl1-1     A server-side, HTML-embedded scripting
ii  apache         1.3.14-2       Versatile, high-performance HTTP server


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