eth0 and rpm questions

1999-08-28 Thread Ari SigurĂ°sson
eth0: XMT status = 0x400
eth0: XMT status = 0x440

this appears sometimes on my screen, rather irritating.

And how to I find out where to get a missing file that .rpm package depends

and why this?

rpm -i --force --nodeps package.rpm

5 min later..

rpm -e package.rpm
package package.rpm is not installed

Re: eth0 and rpm questions

1999-08-28 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
 rpm -i --force --nodeps package.rpm
 5 min later..
 rpm -e package.rpm
 package package.rpm is not installed
Since I use to use rpm on other distro, IIRC you should

rpm -e package  

instead of rpm -e package.rpm

| Chanop Silpa-Anan [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Australian National University  |
| visit my web site (not yet finished)|
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|   Debian GNU Hurd   ICQ uin 11366301|