Carey Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> With the imminent release of Debian 2.1, and people asking how to make
> Debian more visible, I've revamped a logo I created a while ago, and
> put it on my web site.  It's less than 2K as a GIF, but even so I
> won't attach to an email to a public list.

I'd just like to clarify this post.  There's no way this is the
official logo (and I designed it in my capacity as an enthusiastic
Debian user, not as [EMAIL PROTECTED]); it's just a little button I
threw together for people who want to put something on their web page.
I'm looking forward to us getting a real logo soon.

         Carey Evans

"And so, New York has joined the fraternity of cities whose only admission
requirement is to be overrun with evil zombies."

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