cupsd wird immer wieder beendet

2003-11-17 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Sonnabend
ich habe cups installiert. Nuch möchte ich über localhost:631 ihn 
konfigurieren. Die seite kann ich aufrufen und mich auch als root einloggen.
Sowie ich aber einen Drucker einrichten will, kommt die Meldung:

Beim Laden von http://localhost:631/admin/?op=add-printer ist folgender Fehler 
Keine Verbindung zu Rechner localhost (Port 631)

und wenn ich mit ps ax nach cupsd suche ist er beendet.
Starte ich ihn wieder, so komme ich zwar auf die Hauptseite von Port631, sowie 
ich aber irgendeinen Punkt aufrufe, wird cupsd sofort beendet.

Wer weiß weiter?



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Re: cupsd wird immer wieder beendet

2003-11-17 Diskussionsfäden Martin Reising
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 09:57:36AM +0100, Andreas Sonnabend wrote:
 [ cupsd beendet während der Druckereinrichtung mittels Webfrontend ]

Ich gehe mal davon aus das Version 1.1.14 aus woody benutzt wird.

sed 's/LogLevel info/LogLevel debug2/'  /etc/cups/cupsd.conf  /tmp/cupsd.conf
cp -a /etc/cups/cupsd.conf  /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.orig
cp -a /tmp/cupsd.conf /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
/etc/init.d/cupsys restart

Dann noch mal einen Drucker hinzufügen, und anschließend in /var/log/cups/error_log
nachsehen was flasch ist.

Martin Reising  mailaddress see header
natural computing GmbH
Martener Str. 535   Phone: +49 231 6104850 
44379 Dortmund  Fax:   +49 231 6104840

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Re: cupsd wird immer wieder beendet

2003-11-17 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Sonnabend
Am Montag, 17. November 2003 10:45 schrieb Martin Reising:
 On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 09:57:36AM +0100, Andreas Sonnabend wrote:
  [ cupsd beendet während der Druckereinrichtung mittels Webfrontend ]

 Ich gehe mal davon aus das Version 1.1.14 aus woody benutzt wird.

 sed 's/LogLevel info/LogLevel debug2/'  /etc/cups/cupsd.conf 
 /tmp/cupsd.conf cp -a /etc/cups/cupsd.conf  /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.orig
 cp -a /tmp/cupsd.conf /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
 /etc/init.d/cupsys restart

 Dann noch mal einen Drucker hinzufügen, und anschließend in
 /var/log/cups/error_log nachsehen was flasch ist.

Habe alles soweit gemacht. In /var/log/cups/error_log steht:

I [17/Nov/2003:11:13:10 +0100] Listening to 0:631
I [17/Nov/2003:11:13:10 +0100] Loaded configuration file 
I [17/Nov/2003:11:13:10 +0100] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [17/Nov/2003:11:13:10 +0100] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [17/Nov/2003:11:13:10 +0100] Full reload is required.
I [17/Nov/2003:11:13:11 +0100] LoadPPDs: Wrote /etc/cups/ppds.dat, 14 
I [17/Nov/2003:11:13:11 +0100] Full reload complete.
I [17/Nov/2003:11:15:12 +0100] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi 
I [17/Nov/2003:11:16:32 +0100] Listening to 0:631
I [17/Nov/2003:11:16:32 +0100] Loaded configuration file 
I [17/Nov/2003:11:16:32 +0100] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [17/Nov/2003:11:16:32 +0100] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [17/Nov/2003:11:16:32 +0100] Full reload is required.
I [17/Nov/2003:11:16:32 +0100] LoadPPDs: Read /etc/cups/ppds.dat, 14 PPDs...
I [17/Nov/2003:11:16:32 +0100] LoadPPDs: No new or changed PPDs...
I [17/Nov/2003:11:16:32 +0100] Full reload complete.
I [17/Nov/2003:11:16:46 +0100] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi 
I [17/Nov/2003:11:16:59 +0100] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi 
I [17/Nov/2003:11:17:02 +0100] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi 
I [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] Listening to 0:631
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] AddLocation: added location '/'
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] DenyIP: / deny /
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] AllowIP: / allow 7f01/
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] AddLocation: added location '/admin'
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] DenyIP: /admin deny /
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] AllowIP: /admin allow 7f01/
I [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] Loaded configuration file 
I [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] Full reload is required.
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device ipp...
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device lpd...
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device smb...
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device usb:/dev/usb/lp0...
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device usb:/dev/usb/lp1...
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device usb:/dev/usb/lp2...
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device usb:/dev/usb/lp3...
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device usb:/dev/usb/lp4...
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device usb:/dev/usb/lp5...
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device usb:/dev/usb/lp6...
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device usb:/dev/usb/lp7...
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device usb:/dev/usb/lp8...
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device usb:/dev/usb/lp9...
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device 
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device 
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device 
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device 
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device 
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device 
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device http...
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device scsi...
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device 
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device 
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device 
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device 
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device 
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadDevices: Added device socket...
I [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadPPDs: Read /etc/cups/ppds.dat, 14 PPDs...
I [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadPPDs: No new or changed PPDs...
D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:22 +0100] LoadAllJobs: Scanning 

Re: cupsd wird immer wieder beendet

2003-11-17 Diskussionsfäden Martin Reising
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 11:29:30AM +0100, Andreas Sonnabend wrote:
 d [17/Nov/2003:11:22:39 +0100] AcceptClient(0x808b630) 0 NumClients = 1
 D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:39 +0100] AcceptClient() 5 from localhost:631.
 d [17/Nov/2003:11:22:39 +0100] AcceptClient: Adding fd 5 to InputSet...
 d [17/Nov/2003:11:22:39 +0100] ReadClient() 6, used=0
 D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:39 +0100] CloseClient() 6
 d [17/Nov/2003:11:22:39 +0100] CloseClient: Removing fd 6 from InputSet and 
 d [17/Nov/2003:11:22:39 +0100] ReadClient() 5, used=0
 D [17/Nov/2003:11:22:39 +0100] ReadClient() 5 GET /admin/?op=add-printer HTTP/1.1
 d [17/Nov/2003:11:22:39 +0100] decode_auth(0x4044a008): Authorization string = 
 Basic cm9vdDpzb25ueQ==
 d [17/Nov/2003:11:22:39 +0100] decode_auth() 5 username=root
 d [17/Nov/2003:11:22:39 +0100] IsAuthorized: con-uri = /admin/?op=add-printer
 d [17/Nov/2003:11:22:39 +0100] FindBest: uri = /admin/?op=add-printer...
 d [17/Nov/2003:11:22:39 +0100] FindBest: Location / Limit 7f
 d [17/Nov/2003:11:22:39 +0100] FindBest: Location /admin Limit 7f
 d [17/Nov/2003:11:22:39 +0100] FindBest: best = /admin
 d [17/Nov/2003:11:22:39 +0100] IsAuthorized: auth = 0, satisfy=0...
 d [17/Nov/2003:11:22:39 +0100] IsAuthorized: username = root password = 5 chars
 d [17/Nov/2003:11:22:39 +0100] IsAuthorized: Checking root, address = 7f01, 
 hostname = localhost
 Ich kann das leider nicht interpretieren.
 Siehst Du einen Fehler?

Nicht in diesem Log. Benutzt du für PAM etwas anderes als pam_unix und für
NSS außer files compat in nsswitch.conf noch etwas?

Versuch doch mal deinen Drucker mit foomatic einzurichten:

apt-get install foomatic-bin foomatic-db
zless /usr/share/doc/foomaitc-bin/USAGE.gz
foomatic-configure -s cups -n DeskJet -c usb:/dev/usb/lp0 -p HP-DeskJet_840C -d cdj880 
-o PageSize=A4
lpc status

Die Ausgabe von lpc sollte mit dem Hier vergleichbar sein.

printer is on device 'usb' speed -1
queuing is enabled
printing is enabled
no entries
daemon present

PS: Über die Liste reicht völlig.
Martin Reising  mailaddress see header
natural computing GmbH
Martener Str. 535   Phone: +49 231 6104850 
44379 Dortmund  Fax:   +49 231 6104840

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Zum AUSTRAGEN schicken Sie eine Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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