Re: NFS and Derby

2010-11-11 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

On 11/11/2010 07:56, Kathey Marsden wrote:

I have always told users they have to have their databases on a local
disk to ensure data integrity and that a system crash for an NFS mounted
database could cause fatal corruption, but had a user this morning take
me to task on this and ask me to explain exactly why. I gave my general
response about not being able to guarantee a sync to disk over the
network, but want to have a more authoritative reference for why you
cannot count on an NFS mounted disk although I did find several places
where the sync option favors data integrity which certainly doesn't
sound like a guarantee. Does anyone know a good general reference I can
use on this topic to support my you gotta use a local disk mantra.

Part of the issue is that that documentation is really old and file 
systems have moved on since it was written. There are other shared file 
systems that maybe do support integrity across the network with Derby, 
e.g. IBM's GPFS. Thus it's more complicated than local disk versus NFS.

Also I think our documentation on this topic should be a bit stronger.
Currently we just say it may not work and probably should be clearer
that data corruption could occur.

The documentation may need to state what Derby requires (sync through 
Java APIs ensure the data is recoverable) and then have per-file system 
sections, filled out on a scratch your own itch approach. E.g. even a 
local disk is not recoverable if the OS is performing disk caching.


Re: NFS and Derby

2010-11-11 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

On 11/11/2010 16:59, Kathey Marsden wrote:

On 11/11/2010 11:27 AM, Mike Matrigali wrote:
[snip good summary of support limitations]

I did not see anyway that a java program could find out if the
required syncing was being enforced.

Would it be reasonable to request such an API call in some future java
version or would it just simply be impossible to implement?

Actually there already is, the FileDescriptor.sync() call has this in 
its defined contract:

SyncFailedException - Thrown when the buffers cannot be flushed, or 
because the system cannot guarantee that all the buffers have been 
synchronized with physical media.

The problem maybe that the JVMs just do not implement this according to 
the spec. It also maybe true that a VM has no way of knowing if it could 
guarantee a sync, thus in reality it would throw SyncFailedException all 
the time ...


Re: delete from table

2010-01-11 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Rami Ojares / PDF-Comics Oy wrote:


It seems that deleting a table takes a VERY long time.
I am importing data into derby.
And as I work with my import script I have to do the import MANY times.
So in the beginning of my import I first delete everything from the 
tables I have previously imported into.

It seems that deleting takes at least as long as doing the import.

The import procedures have a replace parameter which performs truncation 
of the table before the import. That will be much quicker than the delete.


Re: New to Derby: Modifying Single User App to Server/Client

2009-11-23 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Bryan Pendleton wrote:

Client Code:

Properties props = System.getProperties();

I don't think you need to pass all the system properties
to DriverManager.getConnection(). Try changing the above line to:

   Properties props = new java.util.Properties();

Also set derby.system.home on the server side, not the client side.


Re: Property/config management for embedded use

2009-10-30 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Benson Margulies wrote:
I'm embedding derby in a webapp. The requirement to set 
derby.system.home to a pathname is giving me small fits. I really wish 
that could be found by classpath, or that there was 
some API for setting the home directory.

Can you use System.setProperty() to set derby.system.home before Derby 
is started?


Re: Not able to create encrypted database

2009-06-19 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Rick Hillegas wrote:

You are, of course, right. As I go back through the thread, I don't see 
any success stories. It might be worth experimenting with a different 
encryption package, like this old package from the JDK 1.3 days:

That might be a hopeless task, standard Java methods and classes have 
been removed from CDC/Foundation, there is probably a significant chance 
that the JDK 1.3 security features depend on those classes.

From a quick look at the JME web-site, it seems that Foundation 1.1 
supports crypto, the best approach would be to make the changes in Derby 
to support that environment, it may be mainly build changes to allow 
Derby to load its crypto support in an CDC/Foundation environment.


Re: Using Derby-style table functions

2009-04-22 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Tim Dudgeon wrote:

Hi thanks for that advice.
I've given it a try, but am getting a ClassNotFound exception that I 
can't explain. I added a simple method that I set up a s a functiona dn 
that works fine, but when I try to set it up as a table function, even 
with a null implementation it fails.

I have a class that looks like this

package org.apache.derbyDemo.vti;

Try changing the package to your own space (ie. not org.apache.derby*), 
for security reasons Java functions that go against derby's internal 
classes are not allowed, therefore they maybe a check against 
disallowing any table function with org.apache.derby* as a package.


Re: IBM J9 Personal Profile 1.1 + OSGi + Derby

2008-10-03 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Paul French wrote:

Thanks Dan,

I had a look at the source code last night and noticed the EmbeddedActivator
instantiates a EmbeddedDataSource which by default uses java.sql.Driver.

I will probably write my own Activator instead. The problem now is the
DriverManager provides static methods to return connections where as we need
to deal with an instance of a javax.sql.DataSource to get connections. The
current Activator instantiates an EmbeddedDataSource and does not need to
retain a reference to it since connections are obtained via the static
DriverManager.getConnection method.

I don't see the current activator 
(org.apache.derby.osgi.EmbeddedActivator) creating an EmbeddedDataSource??

Ideally current EmbeddedActivator needs to do both. I suppose it can check
for the existence of the java.sql.Driver class whether to use a
EmbeddedDataSource or EmbeddedSimpleDataSource. But since the
java.sql.DriverManager and javax.sql.DataSource provided connections in a
different way I'm not sure how to accommodate both?

Not sure what you mean here, the activator doesn't create connections. 
Its only purpose is to start the core engine up, applications would 
continue to get connections using whichever api they prefer, DataSource 
(all) or DriverManager (jdbc 3, jdbc 4).

Really EmbeddedActivator should be booting the engine using internal 
methods similar to how EmbeddedSimpleDataSource.findSriver() does, and 
shutting down the engine using EmbeddedSimpleDataSource to get a 
connection and not DriverManager.


Re: IBM J9 Personal Profile 1.1 + OSGi + Derby

2008-10-01 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Paul French wrote:

Hello All,
I noticed I derby.jar is an OSGi bundle and so I installed it in my OSGi 
container (Knopflerfish 2.0.5) running on IBM J9 PP1.1
I included the required jdbc.jar (JSR169) in the bootpath of the J9 jvm. 
I can install the bundle no problems. When I try and start the bundle I get:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java.sql.Driver
 From reading this page on the wiki
I know java.sql.Driver does not exist in JSR169.
Hence how do I tell the derby bundle not to use java.sql.Driver and use 
instead javax.sql.DataSource

This is an outstanding bug, DERBY-873:


Re: Derby CLA location

2008-08-25 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

matt.graves wrote:

The NOTICE file for Derby mentions that parts of the code are licensed by IBM
under the “Software Grant and Corporate Contribution License Agreement” or
“Derby CLA.”

That's IBM's license *to* the ASF.

If you download Derby from the ASF it's all under the ALv2.


Re: Derby CLA location

2008-08-25 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

matt.graves wrote:

Daniel John Debrunner-2 wrote:

That's IBM's license *to* the ASF.
If you download Derby from the ASF it's all under the ALv2.

Does that mean the original CLA from IBM doesn't exist anywhere?  

I'm sure it is within the records of the ASF. My guess is that it was 
based upon or identical to the standard software-grant:

 I would like to read it.

I was just trying to point out that that license does not affect how the 
licence (ALv2) under which folks download Derby, thus typically it isn't 
of interest.


Re: Invalid XJ215 Error?

2008-03-27 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Peterson, John wrote:

Would you agree that closing the ResultSet when the next() method 
returns false is an undesirable side effect which conflicts with the 
expected behavior, or have I overlooked something?

JDBC 3.0  early mandated that the result set was closed when all of the 
rows have been retrieved, that's the behaviour you are seeing. JDBC 4 
changed the rules for statement completion (in an incompatible way) and 
Derby has not reconciled the behaviour yet. The same code supports all 
the JDBC versions (with additional methods/classes added for newer 
versions) and traditionally the same behaviour was required across JDBC 
versions (e.g. JDBC 3 was a super-set of JDBC 2). No one has addressed 
requiring different behaviour for the same method across different JDBC 
versions. Changing the behaviour for JDBC 4 will also cause backwards 
compatibility issues for applications that change to Java 6.


Re: Invalid XJ215 Error?

2008-03-27 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Peterson, John wrote:

Would you agree that closing the ResultSet when the next() method 
returns false is an undesirable side effect which conflicts with the 
expected behavior, or have I overlooked something?

Actually in section 15.2.5. of JDBC 4 specification there is this note:

Note – Some JDBC driver implementations may also implicitly close the
ResultSet when the ResultSet type is TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY and the next
method of ResultSet returns false.

So Derby's current behaviour is allowed by the spec.

Note that in the example you show the Blob becomes invalid due to the 
commit, which must be because you are in auto-commit mode. In non-auto 
commit mode the ResultSet would still be closed but the Blob object 
should remain valid until the the transaction is committed or rolled back.


Re: Invalid XJ215 Error?

2008-03-27 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Peterson, John wrote:

I am unable to locate in any JDBC specification
( the
requirement that a ResultSet should be closed when all of the rows
retrieved.  I also do not see this behavior with MSSQL (2000 or 2005),
or with Oracle (9 or 10).  Also, this functionality must have been
recently fixed or added for Derby 10.3 because I did not see this
behavior in Derby 10.2 or 10.1 either.

JDBC 3.0 section 10.1
 The result set is closed as soon as one of the following occurs:
  -  all of the rows have been retrieved

JDBC 4.0 section 15.2.5
Note – Some JDBC driver implementations may also implicitly close the
ResultSet when the ResultSet type is TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY and the next
method of ResultSet returns false.

I believe this closing of result sets has always been in Derby.


Re: how do you make a column a primary key later?

2008-03-20 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Amir Michail wrote:


I would like to reference a column in another table but that column is
not designated as a primary key and unfortunately referring to it
explicitly results in this error:

ERROR XSCH5: In a base table there was a mismatch between the
requested column number 6 and the maximum number of columns 7.

That sounds like a bug, can you provide a script to reproduce it?

So is there a way to make a column a primary key?  alter table
table_name alter column column_name primary key doesn't work.

I think you need to add it as a table level constraint.

here's some examples:




Re: Moving a Derby database across timezones

2008-03-08 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Alan Burlison wrote:
I have been looking at the derby documentation for TIMESTAMP, and it's 
pretty confusing when it comet to try to figure what will happen if I 
move a database onto a machine in a different timezone. 

Derby’s SQL TIMESTAMP type represents a time of day in the form 
-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.f (nanosecond granularity) with no 
associated time zone information.


A JDBC Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp) by definition represents a point 
in time, with nanosecond resolution, in a given time zone.


So what does no associated timezone information mean?  Does Derby 
normalize all timestamps to UTC, or does it just throw away the timezone 
information altogether?   If it is the second, that makes it impossible 
to move databases across timezones without having to recalculate any 
timestamps it uses.

It is the second, which is defined by the SQL standard which has 
datetime values with and without timezone. In SQL terms (section 4.6 of 
the SQL standard foundation document) Derby's TIMESTAMP is



Re: Signed jar file loaded in DB

2008-02-27 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

bradm6406 wrote:


I am having problems running code from within a signed jar file if the jar
file has been loaded into the database using sqlj.install_jar.

I have signed my jar file and if I add the jar file to my Java ClassPath
then the policy file below works just fine and I can run the code in my jar
file.  If I remove the jar file from my Java ClassPath and install the jar
into the database using sqlj.install_jar('my.jar', 'APP.myClass') and
'APP.myClass') then I get the error The exception
' access denied
(java.util.PropertyPermission derby.system.home read)' was thrown while
evaluating an expression. when trying to read the derby.system.home
property in code inside my jar file.

I am using the default security manager (

Here are the relevant pieces of my policy file.

keystore my.keystore;

grant signedBy myalias 

  permission ${derby.system.home}${/}-,
  permission java.util.PropertyPermission derby.*, read;
  permission java.lang.RuntimePermission loadLibrary.*;
  permission java.util.PropertyPermission user.dir, read;

I tried setting the keystore value to ${derby.system.home}${/}my.keystore;
in case the problem was that Derby was unable to find my.keystore without
having the full path to it, but that didn't work.

I am using Derby on a Windows XP Pro machine.

Any suggestions?

Can you share the stack trace?

The only thing I can think of is you are not getting the system property 
in a privileged block, but then that should also fail if the jar is on 
the classpath. (assuming this is being called in both cases from a SQL 
procedure or function implemented in Java).


Re: Signed jar file loaded in DB

2008-02-27 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

bradm6406 wrote:


I am having problems running code from within a signed jar file if the 

file has been loaded into the database using sqlj.install_jar.

I am using Derby on a Windows XP Pro machine.

Another possibility is DERBY-553, are you using JDK 1.5?


Re: Any ETA on truncate table ?

2008-02-19 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Kathey Marsden wrote:

fancellu wrote:

I really miss this from Oracle.

I just want to empty out a table without all the logging and delays of
delete from table.

This is logged as  
Nobody has signed up for it so far.  You could vote for it.  

or get involved (code, test and or document etc.) yourself ...


Re: Transaction Problems of a Derby Stored Procedure

2008-02-15 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

sin(EaTing), wrote:

*In order to preserve transactional atomicity, database-side JDBC 
procedures that use

nested connections have the following limitations.
• Cannot issue a commit or rollback, unless called within a CALL statement.
• Cannot change connection attributes such as auto-commit.

If these items are true for my stored procedure, then I cannot modify 
the isolation level and neither change the autocommit mode.

The autocommit mode cannot be changed, it is always false for 
server-side connections. Calling setAutoCommit(false) is allowed since 
it doesn't change the mode.

Set isolation level I'm not sure about.

And I am yet confused about the first statement *Cannot issue a commit 
or rollback, unless called within a CALL statement.* Could a Derby 
procedure be called without a CALL statement?

Procedures are only supported in CALL statements. However server-side 
jdbc can also exist in functions which can be called from any expression.

So the documentation you found is somewhat incorrect, it could be 
improved to use routines when describing functions and procedures, and 
just procedures when needed. E.g.

In order to preserve transactional atomicity, database-side JDBC 
routines that use nested connections have the following limitations.

 • Can only issue a commit or rollback within a procedure.
 • Cannot change connection attribute auto-commit.


Re: java.sql.SQLDataException: The resulting value is outside the range for the data type DOUBLE.

2008-02-01 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Knut Anders Hatlen wrote:

Hong Ji [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Thanks for the replies.

It will definitely help if the Java  Double.MAX_VALUE and
Double.MIN_VALUEare supported in Derby.

Any reason why the Double.MAX_VALUE/Double.MIN_VALE are different in Derby
and Java?

According to the comments in the code, this is a limitation that was
introduced for compatibility with DB2. Being compatible with DB2 is no
longer a requirement for Derby, so if it's not causing any backward
compatibility issues and someone signs up for DERBY-3290, there's
nothing stopping us from lifting the restriction.

DERBY-3290 is a different issue, that's for adding support for 
non-numeric values to DOUBLE such as Double.Nan, which is believed to be 
against the SQL standard. Extending the range to match the java range 
should be a separate issue.


Re: names of columns in VALUES

2008-01-30 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Jim Newsham wrote:

It seems there is no way to name the columns produced by the VALUES 

ij select * from (values ('aa', 'b')) AS 



1 row selected

On a slightly related note, for orthogonality it would also be useful to 
be able to produce a resultset with a finite number of columns but zero 
records, using the VALUES keyword.  For hand-written sql, this might be 
useless, but for some of the auto-generated sql I produce, it would save 
some special casing and code contortion.  But this one is minor… the 
renaming would be much more helpful.

select * from (values ('aa', 'b')) AS 
T(MYCOL,MYOTHERCOL) where 1 = 0;


Re: Installing and Using Java Procedures.

2008-01-24 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Briggs wrote:

I'm having a bit of a problem installing a java procedure in derby
(10.3).  I thought I understood what I could do with them but now...

I have created a simple hello world procedure:


package derby.proc;

public class HelloWorldProcedure {
   public static String helloWorld(final String name) {
  return hello  + name;


Then created a jar file called DerbyProcs.jar in my temp directory
(with the above class).

Then I run the following commands:

CALL SQLJ.install_jar('c:\tmp\DerbyProcs.jar', 'APP.DERBY_PROCS', 0);


EXTERNAL NAME  'derby.proc.HelloWorldProcedure.helloWorld';



The result I get is:

Error code 3, SQL state 42Y03: 'APP.HELLO_WORLD' is not recognized
as a function or procedure.
Line 13, column 1

What am I missing? Am I wrong on what I am expecting to happen?

You defined an procedure that takes two arguments, but then only passed 
one, so no matching procedure will be found. Then as your later e-mail 
says this needs to be a function, OUT parameters are returned using one 
element arrays in the Java method's argument list.


this page has a list of useful topics:


Re: Generate Always and SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException

2008-01-22 Thread Daniel John Debrunner


I'm currently running the tests with the following patch which seems to
fix the repro:

Index: java/engine/org/apache/derby/impl/sql/execute/
--- java/engine/org/apache/derby/impl/sql/execute/ 
(revision 614214)
+++ java/engine/org/apache/derby/impl/sql/execute/ 
(working copy)
@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.DEBUG(CloseRepeatInfo,Close of 
RowResultSet repeated);
+cachedRow = null;

closeTime += getElapsedMillis(beginTime);

If the tests pass, I'm ready to attach it to a Jira issue.

That just defeats the purpose of cachedRow, which is the ability to 
re-use the same result across multiple executions (opens).

I think the real bug is that canCacheRow is being passed in as true for 
the row of (default) when it should be false if the default column 
definition does not translate to a constant over time. With a default of 
CURRENT TIMESTAMP does the same problem occur?


Re: Generate Always and SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException

2008-01-22 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Daniel John Debrunner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 

I think the real bug is that canCacheRow is being passed in as true
for the row of (default) when it should be false if the default column
definition does not translate to a constant over time. 

So the compiler actually generates incorrect parameters for the
RowResultSet constructor in this case?

That's my guess.


Re: getImportedKeys() and getTables() return no rows

2008-01-08 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

blyon wrote:

Well, first of all, the ij tool that derby provides for interactive
command-line SQL is case-insensitive for table and column names; if you
execute all lower-case sql (as I did when I created my tables) the table and
column names in derby come out all upper case.

Second, when I execute sql commands using Statement.executeQuery(String), I
get the correct answer using all lower-case table and column names.

So both ij and executeQuery are executing SQL statements and here Derby 
is following the SQL standard rules for SQL identifiers. Unquoted 
identifies (e.g. mytable, MyTable) correspond to the upper-case version 
of the identifier (i.e. MYTABLE), whereas quoted identifies (e.g. 
myTable) correspond to the value without quotes and no case 
modification (i.e. myTable). Quoted identifiers also allow characters 
not allowed in unquoted identifiers, such as space, at-sign, exclamation 
point etc., e.g. my Table !.

I can
also get the derby column names from the result set meta-data after a query
such as select * from service order by name when the derby table name is
apparently really SERVICE and the column name really NAME.

Here Derby is returning the actual column name, which is the converted 
form of the SQL identifier used in create table.

So I was programming against derby for quite some time before I found that
the case of the table or column names mattered; hence my bafflement when my
attempts to get database meta-data (as opposed to result set meta-data) did
not work.

It is true that column names in ResultSet getter methods are 
case-insensitive, whereas table, column, etc. names in DatabaseMetaData 
must match the stored form the identifier. This is defined by the JDBC 
specification, no idea why it is different, but Derby is just following 
the spec.


Re: Workaround needed for nested trigger problem ERROR 54038

2008-01-04 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Peder Hultin wrote:
FANTASTIC!!!  This idea works perfectly; thanks so much! This has 
delayed me quite a

number of hours.

For the INSERT case are you using a trigger or will a simple DEFAULT 
clause work for you? Is probably faster than a trigger.

create table t (i int, ts timestamp default current timestamp);
insert into t(i) values 1;
select * from t;

I  |TS
1  |2008-01-04 16:17:53.89


Re: Double.NaN in table?

2007-12-19 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

David wrote:
 For an application I am writing I need to store doubles in a table. I 
thought I could use the DOUBLE type when creating the columns in my tables. 
Unfortunately the insert fails when the value of the double is Double.NaN. 
We use NaN a lot in our analysis. Is there a way to make this work, or 
should we just convert everything to a string?

Any ideas?

One possible alternative is to use a BIGINT column.

Use the java method Double.doubleToLongBits() when storing the value in 
the database, e.g.

double myDouble = ...;

ps.setLong(1, Double.doubleToLongBits(myDouble));

and Double.longBitsToDouble() when reading values, e.g.

   double myDouble = Double.longBitsToDouble(rs.getLong(1));

I haven't tried this, and you should probably read the descriptions for 
those methods, they have some detailed info on Nans. There is also the 
doubleToRawLongBits() method that could be used.

No idea on how indexing on the BIGINT column would work with this 
approach, ie. if the index order would be useful.


Re: Double.NaN in table?

2007-12-19 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Andrew ``Bass'' Shcheglov wrote:

On Dec 19, 2007 12:23 PM, Thomas Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Looking at the derby code on the main trunk, I see the exception is
intentional, as there is an explicit check for NaN values in

Not sure if this is another DB2 compatability issue/limitation or not.
Maybe someone with deeper knowledge can give more details on this?

This is odd,

for Oracle, for instance, fully supports IEEE 754 (since 10g):

Note that's Oracle specific and non-standard, requires:

  - a Oracle specific SQL data type BINARY_DOUBLE or BINARY_FLOAT
  - requires use of the Oracle specific 
setBinaryDouble()/setBinaryFloat() after casting the PreparedStatement 
down to an OraclePreparedStatement.


Re: Case insensitive indexed search possible?

2007-11-02 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Bernt M. Johnsen wrote:

Rick Hillegas wrote (2007-11-02 05:21:09):

Hi Jon,

The situation with case-insensitive searching did not change in the 
latest 10.3 release and no one has volunteered to address this issue in 
the next feature release, 10.4. If you want to avoid the full table 
scan, you can store the text in  two columns:  mixed case in one column, 
and normalized to lowercase in the second column.

Note that in standard SQL, there is no feature that allows for case
insensitive searching, so Rick's proposal with a canonical
representation (e.g. lowercase) of the data is the only portable way
of doing this.

SQL does allow implementation specified collations and thus provides the 
framework to perform case-insensitive searching, though specifying (ie. 
DDL or create database) how will be database specific.

With the language based ordering added to 10.3 Derby has the basic 
blocks to implement case-insensitive searching. At the database level 
(applies to all user character strings) would be the easiest, then at 
the schema level (all data within that schema), then at the data type level.

The database level would require adding support for a new collation, and 
then ensuring that collation leads to the correct java.text.Collator 
being set up. I think it might be as easy as using the current code and 
setting the strength of the current collator to be something other than 


Re: Case insensitive indexed search possible?

2007-11-02 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Bernt M. Johnsen wrote:

Rick Hillegas wrote (2007-11-02 05:21:09):

Hi Jon,

The situation with case-insensitive searching did not change in the 
latest 10.3 release and no one has volunteered to address this issue 
in the next feature release, 10.4.

See DERBY-1748 for details on an easy way to implement this.


Re: Storing Java classes in a Derby DB

2007-10-24 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Francois Orsini wrote:

Loading classes from a database 

On 10/24/07, *Daniel Jue* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  But Derby already support class loading from a database, can't
you use that

Classes loaded by Derby can only be used within the context of a SQL 
statement, e.g. a procedure or function.


Re: Multiple database reboots in a single program?

2007-10-16 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Kim Haase wrote:
While working on a fix for DERBY-1823 (a documentation issue concerning 
user authentication and authorization), I've tried to write a sample 
Java program that connects to a database using the embedded driver, does 
some things, shuts it down, starts it up, does some more things, shuts 
it down again, and so on. I always get an error trying to connect to the 
database the second time, although I've followed the advice in Shutting 
down the system 

You are shutting down the complete Derby system, not just the database. 
This means in order to reconnect to databases you need to restart Derby. 
This is done by loading the JDBC driver again, you will need to actually 
create an instance of the driver, since the class will already be loaded.


Re: Returning NULL from a database-side Java function

2007-10-09 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Alan Burlison wrote:

Rick Hillegas wrote:

It is hard to say where the NullPointerException originates. Could you 
post a reproducible test case and the full stack trace from derby.log? 

Umm, it may be my bad, I have the following:

public static int iGoBang() {
int pop = 0 == 0 ? 1 : null;
return pop;

Which compiles but blows up, whereas

public static int iGoBang() {
return null;

won't even compile.  Because you can't assign null to a primitive type - 
duh.  Which leaves 2 questions:

1. Why does int pop = 0 == 0 ? 1 : null; even compile?

Maybe the compiler figures out that it's the same as pop = 1 so it 
discards the null? Seems like it shouldn't compile.

2. How *do* you return a database NULL from a function with a primitive 
type as the return type? String isn't a primitive type.

You need to use the corresponding object type, in this case 
java.lang.Integer as the return type.


Re: Derby and character set encodings

2007-09-12 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Ken Frank wrote:
the one remaining question, for the folks at derby-user (and adding 
derby-dev) is the first one:

1.  when one creates a new derby database,
is the database created with a certain encoding that will be used ?

No. The database doesn't have an encoding.


Re: DDL in Trigger Procedure

2007-08-20 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Francois Orsini wrote:


I guess and I may be wrong that the main reason for not allowing DDL 
operation in a trigger is due to the fact that a DDL operation will get 
implicitly committed,

DDL is not implicitly committed in Derby.


Re: check if DB exists already?

2007-08-09 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Teja wrote:

How do I check if the database exists already? I know create=true in the
connection url creates if db doesn't exist and throws a SQLWarning if exists
already, but is there a way to know for sure that a database exists already
before connecting?

Why not just attempt a connection? What do you gain by knowing if the 
database exists or not?


Re: DBMD.getTables() not handling quoted table names correctly?

2007-08-02 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

David Van Couvering wrote:

HI, all

I am testing quoting identifiers in NB, and I am using
DatabaseMetaData to see if a table exists.

I create a table called test.  In SquirrelSQL I see that it is called
TEST because Derby auto-upper-cased it, as expected.

Then I run DatabaesMetaData.getTables(null, null, test, null);

and it returns no rows.

If create a table, *with quotes*, called 'quotedTable'.

and then call DatabaseMetadata.getTables(null, null, quotedTable, null);

this returns a row, with the table name as 'quotedTable'.

Shouldn't DBMD auto-upper-case the identifier just like regular SQL?

No. See the javadoc for DMD.getTables():

 tableNamePattern - a table name pattern; must match the table name as 
it is stored in the database


Re: Returning multiple rows from a procedure call

2007-08-01 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

John C. Turnbull wrote:

Can anyone help me fetch multiple rows from a procedure call?

You can return JDBC one or more JDBC ResultSet's from a procedure.
See this wiki page


Re: before update trigger

2007-07-08 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Stephen Ince wrote:

   Thanx for your response. I will vote for it. I will definitely 
concider joining the development effort.

   I was able to get the synatx correct. My next question is can you 
pass in the new and old row into a procedure call.

No, just the individual columns/values of the old and new rows.


Re: User/password encryption and deployment

2007-06-16 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Bernt M. Johnsen wrote:

Michael Segel wrote (2007-06-16 00:23:56):

Which is why I'm a little suspect that the *only* way to do encryption on
the wire is to be forced to bring in IBM's JCE.

You don't need the IBM JCE. Sun's JDK comes with and JCE which works
just fine. The docs tries to tell you that if you use an old IBM
environment, you need to install IBMS JCE searately.

That section (installing an IBM JCE) should be removed from the 
documentation for 10.3 onwards since JDK 1.4 is the lowest supported JVM 

There is, however small issue, if you choose
think) does not support the shared DHS value defined in the DRDA
protocol. It's too weak. As an alternative solution for passsword
protection, Francois implemented STRONG_PASSWORD_SUBSTITUTE_SECURITY.

This information would be great to add to the docs. Restating the 
requirements in terms of a JCE that supports the shared DHS value 
defined in the DRDA protocol (whatever the correct JCE term for that 
is) and not specifically the IBM JCE. The documentation then should 
state that this is not supported by some JCEs due to its weakness and an 
alternative is to use STRONG_PASSWORD_SUBSTITUTE_SECURITY (and/or SSL?).


Re: Executing command from a file via JDBC

2007-05-14 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Jim Newsham wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Bryan Pendleton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 9:58 AM
To: Derby Discussion
Subject: Re: Executing command from a file via JDBC

I didn't want to distribute derbytools.jar with my application.  I guess
was looking for something that came with the core jdbc driver.

You could put something together yourself pretty easily:

   BufferedReader rdr = ...;
   String sql;
   Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

   while ( (sql = rdr.readLine()) != null)

Would that serve your purposes?



I had a need to run sql scripts into our database at runtime as well.  I
didn't find anything in the Derby API, so I whipped the following up.  We
use it to create the database structure from a .sql resource, the first time
our application runs (and also within unit tests, since we want a newly
initialized copy of the database for each test).

It's not bullet-proof (read the comments), but it was sufficient for our
purposes.  If something like this doesn't already exist in Derby, it sure
would be useful... with the documented deficiencies remedied, of course.

How about the runscript() method in ij?


public static int runScript(java.sql.Connection conn, sqlIn,
java.lang.String inputEncoding, sqlOut,
java.lang.String outputEncoding)

Run a SQL script from an InputStream and write the resulting output 
to the provided PrintStream. SQL commands are separated by a semi-colon 
';' character.

conn - Connection to be used as the script's default connection.
sqlIn - InputStream for the script.
inputEncoding - Encoding of the script.
sqlOut - OutputStream for the script's output
outputEncoding - Output encoding to use.
Number of SQLExceptions thrown during the execution, -1 if not 



Re: Syntax error on some derby metadata calls

2007-03-22 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Bob Durie wrote:



I’ve searched for this issue on jira with no luck, posting here in hopes 
someone has seen it or knows where it might be coming from.


What I’m seeing is that “sometimes” during a schema upgrade of our 
database, the getImportedKeys or getPrimaryKeys methods of 
EmbedDatabaseMetaData fail with syntax errors (see the stack trace 
below).  If we rollback the transaction, try again, it is ALWAYS 
successful, but may fail later on when we do a similar operation with 
another table.  Hence, we have a workaround (try again), but it doesn’t 
leave me feeling very confident.

One thing to note is that the process in our application calls the 
“connection.getMetaData” many many times, makes updates to the schema, 
and calls it again many times on the same transaction.  While not 
necessarily efficient, I’m reluctant to change it as I want to know the 
source of the problem first.

I think it's a bug in Derby. The metadata queries use some internal SQL 
constructs and are compiled in internal SQL mode to allow these 
constructs. It looks like something is triggering a re-compile of the 
metadata statement at runtime and during this re-compile the internal 
SQL flag is not set.

I'm not sure what you could be doing that results in the recompile, one 
possibility is a rollback in a transaction that performed some DDL. 
Somthing like:

   begin tran
   execute meta data for first time

Derby at the moment is fairly liberal in its statement invalidation when 
a rollback happens in a transaction that performed DDL, assuming that 
this is a infrequent and non-performance critical event.


Re: Foreign key -- implicit index?

2007-03-19 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Dan Karp wrote:

Is there any way to explicitly assign a name to this backing index? 

In my case, I want to force the optimizer to choose the backing index using -- 

Instead of using 'index=', use 'constraint=' with the name of the 
constraint. See:


Re: Derby storage using Java Web Start PersistenceService API - is it doable?

2007-03-17 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

David Van Couvering wrote:
Hi, Luigi.  I looked at this once, and it really didn't seem that the 
API provided by the JWS persistence service was sufficient for the needs 
of Derby.  But I didn't look too closely at it.  For me demo needs, a 
popup was fine.

What you'd have to do is provide a new implementation of the storage 
interface.  Others on this list can give you better guidance than I 
about where to look and how to do this.  I suspect this is not for the 
faint of heart...

As Andrew pointed out this is would be an implementation of against Java Web Start 
PersistenceService API.

The StorageFactory is is an abstraction around the java filesystem 
classes so in theory it's not hard to understand. All of the database 
specific internals are above this layer and would not need to be 
changed. It's much like the Directory abstraction in Apache Lucene Java.

You can find the internals java doc at

then look for the package.

Here's some information on getting involved in Derby's development:

I would encourage you to subscribe to derby-dev and involve the 
development community in implementing this (asking questions, 
incremental development etc.).

The in-memory implementation Andrew references may not be the best model 
to follow, the implementation seems to add new api classes with no 
indication of what their functionality is required to be, i.e. no 
comments. Then the original contributor never responded to any questions 
and non-one else has had the itch to pick up the code. Thus that 
implementation has stalled and not been committed. It would be a shame 
for any Java Web Start PersistenceService implementation to go the same way.

In the Derby code there are three implementations of StorageFactory that 
are in use, for file system, jar files and classpath. There is one more 
that is not in use, fetching data from an http server. Look for 
subclasses of StorageFactory.


Re: Possible to configure Derby for case-insensitive compares by default?

2007-03-13 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Mamta Satoor wrote:

Hi Jon,
Currently, you can't configure Derby to do case insensitive searches on 
CHAR/VARCHAR. Using LOWER() function is a possible solution but as you 
suspected, this will have a performance hit because Derby does not 
support functional indexes. So, eventhough you might have an index on 
the column, the LOWER() function on that column will not use the index 
on column. I think DERBY-455 is the Jira entry for functional index 
support in Derby.
ps There is effort going on to support language based ordering as part 
of DERBY-1478 but that probably won't help you with case insensitive search.

I think that the hard work being done on DERBY-1478 (by Mamta) sets the 
foundation for any default collation order at the database level, such 
as case-insensitive search. If anyone wants to scratch that itch they 
should join in or follow the discussion on derby-dev for DERBY-1478.

Remember Derby is open source, if you need a feature please join the 
development community and work on adding it.


On 3/12/07, *Jon Miller* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

I'm wondering if anyone knows if it's possible to configure Derby so
searches on CHAR/VARCHAR fields are case insensitive by default?

I'm guessing that if the answer is no, the solution is to just do a
or similar on the field and compare it that way. I'm guessing if you
do that
though, it won't use the index if the field is indexed?


Re: How to execute optimizer overrides in a java app

2007-03-12 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Jean T. Anderson wrote:

 ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(
   SELECT num, addr FROM derbyDB --derby-properties index=IDX1 \r 
order by num);

Is there any feedback on using the \r ? In the back of my mind I'm
thinking that won't be portable between Windows and Unix.

\n is the unicode newline character in Java.

There is no portability concerns here, this code is creating a newline 
in a Java unicode string which is then passed to Derby's unicode parser.
The string constant will be stored in the class file which is platform 


Re: Security in Derby

2007-02-21 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Andrew McIntyre wrote:

On 2/21/07, Kim Haase [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

2) In a JDBC program, calling the
org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource.setSecurityMechanism method

3) Specifying the connection URL property securityMechanism

Note that these two are for specifying the security mechanism for the
connection client side.

But with the last one it seems you have to use a numeric literal? This
seems unfortunate. I wonder if that is why it is not documented?

I'm not clear on the reason for the lack of documentation, but I agree
it is unfortunate. I've opened DERBY-2361 for adding documentation for
the connection URLs. See also DERBY-963 for changing the client to use
text names instead of numbers to match (1) and (2).

To be precise, 2) and 3) are both setting the same client 
property/attribute using a numeric value. In the example shown for 2) a 
Java constant is used that represents a number. In the DataSource case 
the property is a int property, in the JDBC attribute case the value 
needs to be an integer, but the api means that the integer has to be 
passed as a string (use of a Properties object or a JDBC URL).

Alternate ways of setting 2)  3) can show use of a numeric literal for 
2) and use of the Java constant for 3).

  2a) setting the database source property through a application server 
api would have to use 3 (e.g. xml configuration file, html form).

  2b) ds.setSecurityMechanism(3);

  3a) Setting the JDBC attribute in a Java program could use the 
constant, e.g. properties.setProperty(securityMechanism, 


Re: Does anyone tested policy file usage in derby 10.2.2 ?

2007-02-19 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

legolas wood wrote:

Thank you for reading my post.
Does any one tried and used derby under a security manager a a policy file?

Yes, over 95% of Derby's functional tests run with a security manager.

I tried to use it under a security manager and a policy file but my 
policy file never take effect.

indeed derby ignored any policy that i defined.

is there any sample policy file out there? I tries sample policy file 
which is included in Derby reference? and it does not take affect.

How are you setting up the security manager and policy file, and can you 
provide the policy file you are trying?

Also how are you determining that the policy file never takes effect?


Re: ERROR 40XD1: Container was opened in read-only mode when performing SELECT DISTINCT on database in jar

2007-02-19 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Thomas Kelder wrote:

Considering the static properties, do you know a way to set a static
property from within the java program before loading the driver (so
without using the file or a command-line option)? The
only option I could find in the documentation to set the properties
programatically was to use a Properties object when calling
DriverManager.getConnection, but this requires the driver to be loaded

You cannot set Derby properties (derby.*) using the properties object 
passed to DriverManager.getConnection. That properties object is only 
for JDBC attributes, like user, create, password etc.

To set a system property, you can use java.lang.System.setProperty().


Re: does derby provide SQL access management (grant and revoke permission)

2007-02-03 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

legolas wood wrote:

I have some technical questions,
- What is differences between a database that have SQL authorization and 
a database that does not have any SQL authorization? I mean is there any 
changes in schema structure?
- Can  we create a database with SQL authorization enabled in a server 
environment without any property related to SQL authorization in
- Is it possible to enable sql authorization for a database that is 
created without any sql authorization ?

We have a database that has no SQL authorization because we were not 
aware of this future in derby 10.2 and now we want to add SQL  
authorization to it. I connect to database using a server that its has all SQL authorization property enabled, but we can 
not execute any grant or revoke statement on it.

Does this help?


Re: Failed to start database

2007-01-26 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Roozbeh wrote:


I'm facing a really annoying problem and that is Failed to start database.
I'm using maven to create the database and the run some test cases on the
database one after each other. I first create a connection and create the
database and then I shutdown the connection in the next step I again try to
connect to the embedded database but basically I face this problem:

java.sql.SQLException: Failed to start database 'c:/database', see the next
exception for details.

[trace snipped]

Does anyone have any Idea?

Look at the next exception. :-)

SQLException supports a chaining model and Derby uses it when multiple 
exceptions are involved or more context is needed that just the original 
exception. Typically the actual problem is the last exception in the 
chain, displaying the entire chain will make debugging issues much 
easier. Here's an example of how to walk the chain.

catch (SQLException e) {
  do {
e = e.getNextException();
  } while (e != null);


Re: Complete Derby/JDBC Stored Proc Example ?

2007-01-26 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Fisher Associates, Inc. wrote:

Does any one have a complete example showing:

* How to define and utilize a Java Class as a Stored Proc within Derby
* How to test same within ij
* How to call from JDBC

Any help and insights greatly appreciated !

In addition to the resources Rick provided, Derby's wiki has some 

Feel free to improve it!


Re: Some design related questions about using derby embedded mode.

2007-01-22 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Francois Orsini wrote:

Hi Legolas,

Hope you find some of the answers below:

1) We need highest performance, Should we use stored procedure?

Writing and running stored procedures in Java allows you obviously to 
run Java logic within the same JVM as the Derby DB core engine - If your 
application runs Derby embedded, you may not gain from a noticeable 
improvement as everything runs embedded 

In fact you may notice a slight performance degradation comparing java 
procedures to an embedded application. The reason is that a java 
procedure is stateless, thus it cannot keep a reference to any Statement 
or PreparedStatement objects. So while a embedded client program can 
prepare a statement once and re-use it many times, the code within a 
Java procedure needs to be:

  PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(SELECT ...);
  ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
  // process rs

Thus the additional cost of object creation for the PreparedStatements 
can impact performance, typically a compile cost is not involved as 
Derby has a internal cache for compiled plans.

Since the api (JDBC) is the similar for server-side Java procedures the 
bulk of the logic can be written such that it works in embedded, client 
or server-side. Doing these allows easy performance comparisons of your 
own code in various situations, which is the best way of testing.

- However, you will bypass some 
of the JDBC layer(s) as the stored procedure will run inside the 
database spectrum in theory, with direct access to data, not requiring 
the use of JDBC for that 

JDBC is the api used to access data from within a Java procedure. 
Derby's embedded JDBC code is the same as the server-side JDBC code.

- If you feel that you can run some of your 
logic inside the database, then it certainly a good thing to do it but 
as usual, there are tradeoffs as far as portability ( i.e. stored 
procedure in Java), if you ever intend to port your stored procedure 
logic to other RDBMS that does not support this.

Though Java procedures tend to be standard based as the standard 
appeared before the technology in most databases. Oracle and DB2 support 
Java procedures according to the standard.


Re: ERROR 08001:No suitable driver

2007-01-18 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Craig L Russell wrote:

Hi Mike,

I've made that same mistake too many times to count. It sure would be a 
nice feature in ij for it to wait  for the semicolon for a decent 
interval (1 minute?) and then ask the user if they are done typing yet ;-)


On Jan 18, 2007, at 8:22 AM, Dunk, Michael (Mike) wrote:

Got a connection now.

A missing quote and semi colon at the end caused it to hang. IJ seems
like it should validate for simple mistakes like this.

Rather than the complexity of a timeout, ij could follow the example set 
by other shells and print a different continuation prompt.


ij connect 'jdbc:derby:cs'


Re: ERROR 08001:No suitable driver

2007-01-18 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Anders Morken wrote:

Anders Morken:

Ask and ye shall receive. I've got a hack in my trunk checkout now, and
it seems to work. Even the tests still pass. Amazing. 

Bah, I need to learn to keep my mouth shut until I've reviewed all the
results... Famous last words, etc. I'll need to give it a bit more of a
kickin'. =)

I'll stick it in a JIRA for review and further work. =)

...when I've decided on a clean way to make sure ij can tell interactive
sessions and test harness runs apart, and reliably turn off the line
continuation prompts for test harness runs. =)

Sorry for the noise. =)

Does LocalizedInput.isStandardInput() help?


Re: Result set as a return value of a Java stored procedure

2007-01-16 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Mirek Cervenka wrote:


I have a following problem. I want to return a result set as a 
consequence of some processing by a Java stored procedure on Apache 
Derby DB, however, I am still getting a NULL resultset. Could anyone 
help me please? I would be very grateful!

Here is the code. Registration of the stored procedure is as follows:


The actual implementation of the stored procedure is:

public static void myTestProcedure(ResultSet[] rs) {
try {


} catch (Exception ex) {

There's no need to load any JDBC driver in a server side procedure.

You may find this wiki page useful:


Next release to require CDC/Foundation 1.1 on J2ME - any concerns?

2007-01-10 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
The next release (10.3) of Derby most likely will not support JDK 1.3, 
instead requiring JDK 1.4.2 or higher (see DERBY-1982).

As part of that effort it makes sense for the support for 
J2ME/CDC/Foundation 1.0 to be dropped as well and instead require 
J2ME/CDC/Foundation 1.1 (see DERBY-2210). This is because Foundation 1.0 
is based upon JDK 1.3 and Foundation 1.1 is based upon JDK 1.4.

Do any users have concerns if support for JSR 169 (JDBC subset for 
J2ME/CDC) requires Foundation 1.1. If so please raise them here or add a 
comment to DERBY-2210.


Re: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java.math.BigDecimal

2007-01-02 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Jonas wrote:

I'm using  IBM  WSDD version 5.7.1
that ships with IBM J9 JDK, i think,  compatible with JDK1.3.
J9 has an implementation of this JVM for Microsoft Windows 2003 PDA.
The idea is to run java on this PDA and of course JDBC :)

Derby is compatible with JSR169, a jdbc optional package for microedition CDC/
Foundation Profile 1.0.
Using the EmbeddedSimpleDataSource from Derby i think i get JSR169 compatibility
but FP1.0 not comes with java.math.BigDecimal and derby seems it need it.

In order to run the app, in the Eclipse Run configuration, 
i added the following arguments:

-jcl:foun10 -Dij.dataSource=org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedSimpleDataSource

I order to not use SMF (OSGi) from the ibm WSDD, i create a bootjdbc.jar that
includes the classes from jsr169.jar and database_enabler.jar needed to use 

I believe database_enabler.jar is the JDBC 2.0 jar for WSDD and should 
not be used with foundation as it requires classes not supplied by 
foundation (e.g. BigDecimal).

This page has an example of the command line used with WCTME 5.7 (the 
new name for WSDD) for Derby's tests. It uses the jdbc.jar (JSR169) 
provided with WCTME 5.7.


Re: Best choice for column's data type to represent boolean data

2006-12-07 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Rick Hillegas wrote:

Hi Ian,

Two issues block the introduction of a BOOLEAN datatype:

1) We need DRDA support in order to transport this type across our 
network layer. I am cautiously optimistic that we will see this type 
appear in the DRDA spec early in 2007. So, soon, this issue will not 
block us.

I don't see this as blocking adding BOOLEAN into the SQL language, we 
have the XML type which is supported in SQL but not JDBC. Incremental 
development is good.

2) DERBY-887, as you note, also blocks us. The behavior of certain casts 
would have to change and that, we believe, would significantly impact 
existing applications. Our rules about backwards compatibility suggest 
that this kind of change can only occur in a major release. That, as you 
note, would be Derby 11.0.

I don't believe enough analysis of this cast issues has happened to 
decide if adding BOOLEAN would require 11.0 or not. I still really can't 
figure out from all the comments in DERBY-887 what people expected to 
happen with the strange queries like id = (03) and what does happen. 
And were those DERBY-887 tests run before the BOOLEAN patch was 
committed or after?

I would encourage those that want BOOLEAN and are willing to work on it 
to come to the derby developer list and kick off the discussion there.


Re: R: R: Use SQL parsing

2006-12-01 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Flavio Palumbo wrote:

Well, I made a little tool where a user can submit free SQL statements ...
I'd like to parse it before submitting to trap sintax errors.

So I assume you are looking to make sure that well-formed SQL statements 
are created before the statement is sent to the real database. I guess 
that a statement such as:


needs to be seen as valid, even if  T does not exist, or A, B are not 
valid columns in T.

Derby does not support that yet, but it's possible to add that type of 
functionality. I could imagine something like a database type of 
'syntax' that would only provide syntax checking on a prepare, e.g. a 


There would be no store behind this database, just the SQL layer of 
Derby. In the past I've run Derby like this to show how the layers are 
independent of each other, i.e. a storeless Derby that could perform any 
SQL query that did not go against a real database object (e..g VALUES 1).

I've been messing with the some code in this area now (and in the past) 
so I'll look into making progress on this for the next major release of 


Re: have identity_val_local(), want table.curr_id

2006-11-16 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Keith Irwin wrote:


I want to run something similar in a single transaction (just a loop 
that runs each query one after another then commits):

Assuming table (shorthand):
  order (order_id autoincrement, name)
  items (item_id autoincrement, order_id, name)

And queries:
  insert into orders (name) values ('foo');
  insert into items (order_id, other) values (identity_val_local(), 'bar');

This works fine.   It picks up the order_id inserted automatically (via 
autoincrement) on the order table and uses it in the items table foreign 

However, when I do the following:

  insert into orders (name) values ('foo');
  insert into items (order_id, other) values (identity_val_local(), 'bar');
  insert into items (order_id, other) values (identity_val_local(), 

I get a constraint error because the second identity_val_local() call 
refers to the recent item table autoincrement, and not the order 
autoincremented key (which makes sense reading the docs).

Is there some way to do the above without having to use:

Can you use a single INSERT statement for the items?

insert into items (order_id, other) values
  (identity_val_local(), 'bar'),
  (identity_val_local(), 'quux');


Re: Why booleans as Strings?

2006-11-08 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Marc Schlegel wrote:


Why do I have to write the create and startup properties as a
String? It would be much more convenient with a boolean type.
Or are there any architectural issues.

If this is for the Derby data source properties then I think it was just 
an initial mistake, but for backwards compatibility it needs to be kept.

One possible solution is for Derby to add new boolean properties such as 
createDB and shutdownDB and deprecate the old versions. Just would need 
some clear rules on how the two properties interact.


Re: Heap and stack size for Derby server

2006-11-03 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Bryan Pendleton wrote:
My problems came from a simple query containing an IN clause with 5000 
items in it. I went over this easily by increasing the stack size 
limit to 1024 KB.

Thanks Robert! That definitely sounds like DERBY-47. If you have the time,
it'd be great to have some help in working on improving this part of Derby.

I don't think this is DERBY-47. DERBY-47 is the issue that the plan 
generated by an IN query is inefficient.

This issue is that a query with a large number of IN parameters fails to 
compile due to a stack overflow error.


Re: is it a good practice to have several connections to an embedded DB

2006-11-01 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Stanley Bradbury wrote:

The main advantage I see to having multiple connections open to an 
embedded database is to allow multiple concurrent transactions to 
execute.  When only one connection is open you can only have one SQL 
statement executing at a time.

The last sentence above is true but also not true. :-)
It depends on what is meant by executing.

In Derby only one statement per connection can be actively executing on 
any thread, but the connection may have multiple open queries that are 
in the middle of execution. Ie. this is valid, assuming the connection 
is not in auto-commit mode.

ResultSet rs1 = ps1.executeQuery();
ResultSet rs2 = ps2.executeQuery();

Both of these queries are open and the application can interleave and calls as needed in any order, e.g.

while (
  if (rs.getInt(1) == 77)

The application can also execute DDL or DML statements while these 
queries are open, e.g.

while (
  if (rs.getInt(1) == 77)
  int value = rs2.getInt(2);
  ps3.setInt(1, value);

The single actively executing comes in if two threads tried to execute 
any action using the same connection, e.g. if T1 executed and 
T2 then T2 would block until the had returned for 
T1. I would strongly recommend not sharing a JDBC connection across 
multiple threads, it basically means you've pushed database 
synchronization requirements into the application.

Of course, maybe Stan meant only one SQL transaction, which would be 
completely true. :-)


Re: NPE in setTimestamp(int,Timestamp,Calendar)

2006-11-01 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Jose de Castro wrote:
A NullPointerException occurs if you pass in a null Timestamp into,Timestamp,Calendar)


Does anyone know if this is being addressed in 10.3? I have included a 
suggested fix. Is this something I should add to JIRA?

Please enter a Jira bug and please attach a patch to that issue.


Re: HELP on creating SQL function

2006-10-05 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

jon INFANTE wrote:


thank you for the prompt reply to my inquiry, Im soo confused when you 
said that only Java functions are supported by derby, does it mean

that I cannot use the derby function on SQL statement??

The CREATE FUNCTION statement creates a function that can be used in SQL 
but must be implemented by a public static Java method.

This information on the wiki might help you.

Derby does not yet support SQL functions that are implemented by the SQL 
RETURN statement. I've messed around a little with this, one day I will 
get it closer to being committed to derby's trunk.


Re: Newbie question about proper shutdown sequence

2006-10-05 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Dres Den wrote:
I'm using Derbie as an embedded database for my single-user, 
single-threaded, single-everything app.
My question is, if I already do a JDBC close (i.e. Connection.close()), 
do I still have to issue a:


Ideally yes. You will not corrupt any data if you don't, but the next 
time you open a connection to the same database roll-foward recovery 
will occur, possibly slowing down your startup. The shutdown just 
ensures the database is in a consistent state on disk, so that no 
recovery is needed.

(I know that the ensuing SQLException about Derby shutdown is normal).

(PS. I know this is a general JDBC question, but Derby seems like a 
friendlier place to ask! :))

I would say actually you asked in the right place, the shutdown=true is 
Derby specific. I'm glad you find this a friendly place. :-)


Re: class does not exist or is inaccesible (function)

2006-10-04 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

Jim McNamara wrote:



I can start ij and connect to the db.   I am trying to run some code off 
the mailing list archive.

for some reason it will NOT recognize the place I store MyMathFuncs.

here is the link for the  code sample

  .  I made an exact copy of the code. the server is started in a 
separate cmd window.

the function is stored in a project directory named budgetcalc in eclipse.

the package name is bcalc2.  the create statement was done

using the squirrelSQL editor.  I kept getting the same error last night.

can someone please give me a tip?  thanks for any help -- jim


here is my cmd window in dos:


C:\jadeCheckBookcd c:\derby\frameworks\NetworkServer\bin


C:\derby\frameworks\NetworkServer\binset CLASSPATH 


Couple of possible problems:

1) From your description I would expect the class path for the math 
functions to be just

the version you have seems to include the package name and the class name.

2) The class MyMathFuncs needs to be accessible to the database server, 
not the client. You seem to be setting up the classpath with the math 
functions for the client here. The server's class path would be the one 
that contains derbynet.jar.


Re: MySQL TO_DAYS() emulation in Derby

2006-09-15 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Robert Enyedi wrote:

 As far as I know, year 0 in MySQL is actually 1 AD. However, it doesn't
 necessarily matter when that year is when you have the comparability of
 the results.
 What matters that this function in combination with its reverse,
 FROM_DAYS, allows easily for one to compute things like:
 - are both timestamps in the same day? TO_DAYS(tstamp1) = TO_DAYS(tstamp2)

I think this will have the same result:

   DATE(tstamp1) = DATE(tstamp2)

 - how many days are between the two dates? TO_DAYS(date1) - TO_DAYS(date2)
Use the TIMESTAMPDIFF function (see below)

 - what is the date if one adds X days to a specified date?
 FROM_DAYS(TO_DAYS(date1) + X)

Use the TIMESTAMPADD function.

 I'm not specifically in love with this function either, but what other
 alternatives does Derby offer to make these computations?

DATE(number) looks the same as FROM_DAYS.

For the others you can use the TIMESTAMPADD and TIMESTAMPDIFF JDbC
escape functions, see the bottom of this page:

Note these are JDBC escape functions, thus they have to be called using
{fn }, here's an example from that page.


Returns a timestamp value one month later than the current timestamp.


Re: MySQL TO_DAYS() emulation in Derby

2006-09-15 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Robert Enyedi wrote:

 This is exactly what I've been trying to do. The difficulty which I'm
 unable to overcome yet is that the timestamp returned by
 java.sql.Date.getTime() is not divisible with the number of miliseconds
 in a day (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000). Yet when I create a java.util.Date()
 instance with that timestamp, this gives me the 00:00:00 hour of the
 desired day (so no time information is in the timestamp).
 This puzzles me, so that's why I decided to ask around.
 Java calendar and date objects work in miliseconds but I think that
 fields marked as date rather than timestamp just have their
 hour/minute/second parts set to 0. Even so, it's fairly easy to roll a
 timestamp back to 00:00:00. You can then subtract the Date.getTime()
 values and divide by 86,400,000 to get days.

 Or am I missing something obvious here?

When the timezone of the client is different to the timezone of the
server then these type of calculations can get interesting. Derby's JDBC
implementation notes contain some (hopefully) clear technical
descriptions of how Derby handles the some of the interaction of its SQL
date time types with JDBC's date time types. It covers the cases for

   TIMESTAMP - java.sql.Timestamp
   DATE - java.sql.Date
   TIME - java.sql.Time

There are a couple of bugs in this area as well, DERBY-889, DERBY-1811.
These are when using ResultSet.getTimestamp to perform this conversion,
TIME - java.sql.Timestamp. Following the discussion around those issues
I will be updating that document to cover other date time conversions.


Re: Intermittent PreparedStatement Error

2006-09-14 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Inns, Jeff wrote:

 2006-09-14 12:45:03,127 INFO  [STDOUT]at

Is this your prepared statement cache or JBOSS's? Might be interesting
to see if the bug occurs with that removed.

 We have found a work around.  If we set the system property
 derby.language.statementCacheSize to a value of 1, we never get the
 exception.  We have tried setting the property to 1000, and it helps
 in that we don't get the error as frequently, but it still happens

This does make it seem like a Derby bug. But I'd still be interested in
a run without the com.extol prepared statement cache.

 A couple of interesting things about our application:
 1. We don't use Hibernate, CMP or JDO.
 2. We have an in house framework for caching SQL connections - at a
 maximum we could have 16 open connections to the database per JVM.
 Practically, we don't usually see more than 10 or 15 (1 remote JVM and 1
 embedded JVM). Theoretically we could have 32.

Is this the com.extol.util.jdbc.CachePreparedStatement code above?
I assume from the naming it is caching statement objects as well.

 I can provide SQL for the table definitions if that is necessary.
 Could this problem stem from unclosed statements or result sets?

I don't see how, but who knows. :-)

Can you try with derby.language.statementCacheSize unset (ie default)
but set this property?


This stops the compiled plan within Derby checking itself to see if it
is out of date so frequently. Just another possibility that could come
into play with the statement cache.


Re: ClassFormatError while performing a SQL insert

2006-09-07 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Leslie Software wrote:
[snip ClassFormatError with long SQL]

 Is this a known issue?  Is my SQL too long? 

Some of this is DERBY-766/DERBY-176 that have been fixed in 10.2, now in
beta and available for testing:

Note that beta jars not suitable for production use and create databases
that cannot be upgraded to GA versions.

Most likely that will fix your problem. There is another optimisation
(that I can't find the Jira number for) that will resolve any issues you
may hit with a large number of character constants in a statement (as in
your case). I think the number of rows you have mean you won't hit the

The other option is use to a single SQL statement per row inserted and
use PreparedStatements. You could use a loop with ps.executeUpdate() to
insert many rows, or ps.addBatch().

insert into ruling (card_id, ruling_date, ruling) values (?,?,?)


Re: ClassFormatError while performing a SQL insert

2006-09-07 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Bryan Pendleton wrote:

 java.lang.ClassFormatError: Invalid method Code length 69936 in class 
 There is a hard limit in the JDK class-file format of 64K

Just to be clear, one of the limits in the Java class file format is 64k
bytes of byte code instructions per-method. A large String constant in a
method does *not* contribute to this limit. There is a limit on *number*
of constants in a java class file (65535) but not the size of those
constants. What makes up a entry in what is called the constant pool
is more complicated than a 1-1 mapping with literals in the Java
language, e.g. class names and descriptions of methods take up entries,
a String literal will take up two entries, a integer constant can take
up no entries.

For bedtime reading see

(section 4.10 in the *first* edition contains the limitations of the
class file format).


Re: ClassFormatError while performing a SQL insert

2006-09-07 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Michael Segel wrote:

 Outch. Missed the first part of Derby's statement.
 Doesn't make sense though. 
 His insert is a batch insert? 

No, a single INSERT with a VALUES clause that has multiple rows (I think
he said around 1700).

 Imagine if you had a table where you were inserting a record that was larger
 than 64KB. (Not including blobs) Are you saying that Derby would have failed
 prior to your fix?

No. The record size is not a factor here. It's the size of the generated
 code in a single method. The byte code required to assemble those rows
at runtime from the VALUES clause. The size of any individual value has
no real effect on the size of the byte code, the same amount of byte
code is required to create 'Fred' as 'the complete work of Shakespeare
follows '.


Re: Using Apache DBCP and Tomcat with Derby - database shutdown?

2006-09-07 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

 Hi Deepa,
 Thanks a lot for your help.  That worked like a charm.
 So I have now changed my code to this:

Just a couple of warnings with this code:

   1) This affects the datasource for every application or thread that
is using it.
   2) Some J2EE app servers will wrap the database's DataSource
implementation in their own, meaning the cases will fail.

Another way is to have another Derby data source setup in the
configuration that has the shutdownDatabase property set to shutdown.
Then you would do:

Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup(java:comp/env);
DataSource ds = (DataSource)

try {
} catch (SQLExcepion sqle) {


Re: Using Apache DBCP and Tomcat with Derby - database shutdown?

2006-09-07 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

 --- Daniel John Debrunner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   2) Some J2EE app servers will wrap the database's DataSource
implementation in their own, meaning the cases will fail.

Sorry I mistyped, I mean the casts will fail.



2006-08-29 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

I insert an XML document into an XML column using XMLPARSE (with 10.2)
and select it using XMLSERIALIZE. The raw input to the XMLPARSE had as
its first line:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8 ?

I don't see that being generated when I select it with XMLSERIALIZE, is
that expected?


Re: NullPointerException in Derby client

2006-08-28 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Craig L Russell wrote:

 Hi Robert,
 Please file a bug report in the Derby JIRA. Include the stack trace 
 along with an ij script that creates the tables and a simple jdbc 
 program that issues the query that causes the NPE.

 Someone on the Derby dev team will follow up.

There is no Derby team, Derby is an open-source community where anyone
can get involved and work on improving Derby in many ways including
fixing bugs. People work on what interests them: fry their own fish or
scratch their own itch. Entering a bug may catch the interest of
someone already active in the community, but it may not, there is no
will about it. One sure way to get a bug fixed is to work in the
community on fixing it.

Here's an explanation of how development at Apache works:

The community is always ready to welcome new people.


Re: Alias referencing from the HAVING clause

2006-08-28 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Stanley Bradbury wrote:
 Robert Enyedi wrote:

 Isn't it possible to reference an alias from inside the HAVING clause?
 The documentation does not touch this issue. Or is there a more
 maintainable way to rewrite the erroneous query?

 It looks to me like the fix for DERBY-883 might address this problem. 
 You can download the beta version of 10.2 and test it, if you do so
 please post your results to this thread as feedback on the 10.2 feature.

The fix for DERBY-883 is not in the 10.2 beta yet. Hopefully it will be
in the next 10.2 snapshot, beta or release candidate.

You can try it out by downloading the trunk source and building it.


Re: beta now available for testing

2006-08-26 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Stephen Caine wrote:

 Is there a process for updating an existing 10.1 database?  I get  this

Yes, the process is described here for 10.0 to 10.1, but it's the same
for 10.1 to 10.2.

It's also documented:


Re: DerbyClient has problem with whitespaces in connection urls

2006-08-23 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Doug Bunting wrote:

 I understand though I don't see anything in the JDBC specification
 requiring spaces be allowed in a jdbc: scheme URL.  Did I miss

The JDBC 4 spec says The contents and syntax of the subname will
depend on the subprotocol.. Thus the format is implementation defined.
Derby's database names are a reflection of file system names and those
allow spaces and to be ease-of-use Derby allows direct use of
File.getName()/getPath() without encoding.

 My question was about a change which seems unnecessary moving the
 jdbc:derby: scheme /further/ from RFC 3986.  The incompatibility with
 earlier Derby versions makes matters worse.

What incompatibility?


Re: j2me pieces

2006-08-10 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

 Rick Hillegas wrote:
As part of building the beta, I will need the j2me pieces needed to
trigger the building of the optional jsr169 support. Could someone email
me the relevant and jdbc.jar referred to by BUILDING.txt?
Getting my hands on these files is proving to be a chore. I have
downloaded what I think is the relevant distribution from However,
unpacking this distribution seems to involve installing Websphere first.
So now I am pulling on a ball of yarn. Hopefully, someone can help me
fast-forward to the end of this process.
 Of course only send Rick jars if you have the rights to do so under
 whatever licence you obtaned them.
 Rick, the JSR169 jar is available from, might be easier for
 you in many ways.

and I'm sure the J2ME foundation jars are somewhere on the java site as


Re: j2me pieces

2006-08-10 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Rick Hillegas wrote:

 As part of building the beta, I will need the j2me pieces needed to
 trigger the building of the optional jsr169 support. 

The functional spec for DERBY-97 has the link for the J2ME downloads


Re: ERROR 42X89: Types 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not type compatible. Neither type is assignable to the other type.

2006-07-28 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Peterson, John wrote:

 Our concern with casting NULL to the appropriate type is that it might
 have a performance impact on the other databases.  At this point it
 appears as though we would have to do performance testing of our
 software on all supported databases to determine if the impact of the
 CAST is worth supporting Derby as well.  However, if this is a bug which
 will be fixed in a future release our efforts will be for naught.
 Clearly it would be preferable if we could avoid expending our resources
 on adapting and testing code which currently already works.  We are
 trying to assess whether the Derby community considers this issue a bug
 before making our decision about whether or not our software will
 support Derby.

I think it's a bug, similar to DERBY-7 (sorry for the earlier
confusion). Since this is open source, rather than spending the time
modifying your application you could get involved in the development of
Derby. The community is always open to new folks, please join.

Subscribe to derby-dev, read the wiki, and ask questions on derby-dev.


Re: obtaining catalog info on primary and foreign keys

2006-07-27 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

 Thank you Jean for your answer.
 In fact, i had found these two tables but the question is how to get
 column names that take part in PKs and FKs..
  By querying Syskeys and Sysforeignkeys i can identify the keys associated to 
 table but they do not seem to store the information concerning the columns 
 take part on those keys. Something like a relationship between 
 with syscolumns would do it, but unfortunately is not provided.
  maybe i have missed something, but...

How about the JDBC metadata calls


Should be standard, rather than having to write code specific to a
database's system tables.


Re: ERROR 42X89: Types 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not type compatible. Neither type is assignable to the other type.

2006-07-27 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Peterson, John wrote:

 It was reported to me that one of the reasons our software currently
 doesn't work with Apache Derby is because of ERROR 42X89.  One of the
 engineering teams reported: We found that there is a bug in Derby in
 its support for the Case statement. There is a workaround but that will
 require us to change the SQL generation code to specifically check if
 we're connected to Derby and generate a different SQL syntax.  After
 inquiring after the specifics, I was provided with the following
 ijvalues case when 1=2 then 3 else NULL end; 
 ERROR 42X89:  Types 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not type compatible.
 Neither type is assignable to the other type.
 Is this indeed a bug (that will be fixed in the future), or is Derby
 behaving as it was intended?

I think this is DERBY-7

which was fixed in the 10.1.3 release.


Re: Please try your applications with 10.2 optimizer changes

2006-07-19 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Army wrote:

 Users who are looking to try applications with the 10.2 changes might
 want to wait until *both* of those changes are checked in before running
 their tests...

Or try now and when the DERBY-781 changes are committed. The earlier the
feedback the better chance of it being addressed in 10.2 release.


Re: Database Procedures Question

2006-07-18 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
 I've been trying to troubleshoot this problem with the system database 
 producedures that don't work. I upgraded to (no effect). I looked in 
 the databse system tables and I can clearly see that there are entries in the 
 aliases table for the procedures in question and that those aliases belong to 
 the correct schemas. I also checked that the class listed in the aliases 
 table can be loaded by using a Class.forName() call.
 An yet the procedures are not recognized.
 Obviously I'm missing something here. What else can I check?

You could look through Derby's tests to see how they are called, these
procedures are tested so they do work.

You can also provide a reproducible case to this list for others to look at.

I think the typical user error here is that the number of parameters to
the procedure or function call do not match the number expected by the
routine. The error message in this case doesn't make it clear that
that's the problem.


Re: Strange performance issue with BLOB's

2006-07-13 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Piet Blok wrote:

 There is something else that I was wondering about. You may have noticed
 the SIZE and CRC column in my blob table together with the UNIQUE
 constraint. Obviously, I want to prevent duplicate blob's. What happens if
 I add a UNIQUE constraint on the blob data itself? Would it be accepted?

No, BLOBs are not comparable, this follows the SQL standard.


Re: BigDecimal incompatibility from 1.5 - 1.4

2006-07-13 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Ray Kiddy wrote:

 I have been e-mailing with Andrew McIntyre about getting some things 
 done in the build of Derby on Mac OS X.
 We (at Apple) are seeing something and I am wondering how you all  have
 dealt with this issue. At one time, we thought we could use Java  1.5
 and achieve backwards compatibility with 1.4. We have seen an  issue
 with BigDecimal and I wonder if this has impacted you all, or  how you
 have dealt with it.
 The problem is this. If one used a method in 1.4, java.math.BigDecimal
 (int), the javac compiler would map this for you, under the covers,  to

 Just curious how you all are dealing with this, or if you have had to.

The Derby code only (hopefully) uses that method when passing a double
to it. The automatic promotion of a long or an int to a double caused
problems for the SQL type system, where a precise type such as BIGINT
would be incorrectly  converted to an imprecise value through this
method. This would occur when casting a BIGINT to a DECIMAL or the
application fetching a BIGINT as a java.math.BigDecimal.

If you've found any instances of this call in Derby code, could you
enter a Jira issue to fix them to use the BigDecimal.valueOf() call.


Re: IRC chat summary: is there a way to find out column names in ij?

2006-07-07 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Knut Anders Hatlen wrote:

 Jean T. Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
A user asked this question on #derby today (and here's a summary of the
chat since there are probably others on this list with the same question):

   Is there a way that I can find out what columns are in a table in ij?
   like describe tablename or something?

You can't do that in ij, but that feature has been logged as DERBY-1164.
 Well, actually, you *can* do that in ij, but it's not very user
 friendly. You could write a query against the system tables. To find
 out what columns are in SYS.SYSCONSTRAINTS, enter this query:
   select columnnumber, columnname, columndatatype
 from sys.systables t, sys.syscolumns, sys.sysschemas s
 where tableid=referenceid and t.schemaid=s.schemaid
   and schemaname='SYS' and tablename='SYSCONSTRAINTS'
 order by columnnumber;

Or if you just want the column names:

select * from MYTABLE where 1 = 0


Re: generated by default question

2006-06-29 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There is a very simple solution.

[solution details snipped]

 This is the simplest solution, lowest cost solution,
 and doesn't violate the
 definition of an SQL sequence.

Tthis solution creates a couple different
problems that are probably unexpected by the user.

1) An insert with a non-generated value near or at the
end of the range of generated values will exhaust the
generator much earlier, leading to failed inserts that
would succeed under the current scheme.
E.g. if the range of of the generator was 1-10
and the CBV was 3, then inserting a non-generated
value of 10 means that no more inserts with generated
values would work. In the current scheme six more
inserts would succed (4-9).

2) An insert with a a non-generated value that is
subsequently deleted or updated before any insert with a
generated value affects the generator when under the
current scheme it would not. This will reduce the
range of available values when there is no need to.
E.g. if the range of of the generator was 1-10
and the CBV was 3, then inserting a non-generated
value of 10 means that no more inserts with generated
values would work, even if the row with 10 is deleted
before any other inserts occur. In the current scheme
seven more inserts would succed (4-10).

So solved one scenario and caused (at least) two new ones.


Re: generated by default question

2006-06-29 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

 Already solved your first example. Just reset the sequence if the row has a
 value in the identity column between CBV and MAX. 
 Oops! Guess that blows away your theory.

I don't have any theory, I was pointing out that the proposed very
simple solution had some issues. To become workable it needs some
additional changes, potentially like the ones you described, thus the
solution becomes more complex. I just didn't want someone to start
implementing it and assume it would automatically be accepted as a solution.

This is how open source works, people suggest solutions, others see
issues with them, others provide additional input, and hopefully a good
solution emerges from the community.


Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-24 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Thomas Dudziak wrote:
 On 6/22/06, Rick Hillegas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Last week, Sun Microsystems announced that it will bundle Derby with the
 next major release of the reference jdk, Java SE 6, also known as
 Mustang or jdk1.6. If you download the latest Mustang build, you will
 see that it contains our Derby snapshot in the db directory
 parallel to lib and bin.
 Is this Derby or JavaDB ? 

Sun Microsystems announced that it will bundle Java DB
with Mustang.

  I imagine that the Derby update
 cycle will synchronize somewhat with the JDK update cycle,

I doubt Derby's release cycle will synchronize with the Sun's JDK
release. Sun's JDK is just one of many that distribute Derby technology.

 Btw, to which files does the COPYRIGHT containing an IBM copyright
 notice refer to ? A search in the Derby sources did not bring up any
 source copyrighted by IBM.

The original contribution of Derby was from IBM, hence IBM has the
copyright on all those original files. The ASF policy is not to have
individiual copyright statements in each source file and the new policy
(I think) is to remove the copyright statement in each source file,
leaving just the reference to the Apache Licence in the source file.


Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-24 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

-Original Message-
From: Daniel John Debrunner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The original contribution of Derby was from IBM, hence IBM has the
copyright on all those original files. The ASF policy is not to have
individiual copyright statements in each source file and the new policy
(I think) is to remove the copyright statement in each source file,
leaving just the reference to the Apache Licence in the source file.

 That would not be a good idea, and I suggest that you have IP attorneys from
 IBM make a final recommendation on this. (No need for Apache to spend money
 if IBM has the resources and its in IBM's best interest to do something.)
 Here's why:

legal stuff snipped

Michael, you should probably check out the legal-disucss mailing list
archives, I'm sure all of this was covered.


Re: generated by default question

2006-06-09 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
hilz wrote:
 A good solution would probably be if someone would look at the HSQLDB
 code and see how they do it because it works like a charm over there!

Anyone doing this must adhere to the licence of HSQLDB.

Just because projects are open-source does not mean one can copy code
between them, each licene must be respected.


Re: A question regarding RuntimeStatistics()

2006-05-12 Thread Daniel John Debrunner



 I am trying to get runtimestatistics for a PreparedStatement on a jdbc
 connection. Looks like the RUNTIMESTATISTICS() function completely
 ignores PreparedStatement(s).
 Here is the code snippet:

  conn = DBManager.getConnection();
  Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();


  PreparedStatement pstmt1 = conn.prepareStatement(SELECT
 user_name FROM users);
  rs = pstmt1.executeQuery();

  while (

  ADD  --   rs.close();

  rs = stmt.executeQuery(VALUES

  if (

 When I executed the query as a regular Statement, it worked fine.

 Any ideas ? 

I think you need to close the result set for the select statement.
See above.


Re: Run Procedure Switch from sqlserver to apache derby !!

2006-04-13 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Myrna van Lunteren wrote:

 On 4/12/06, Dheeraj Dhiman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello !!

 Finally, please stop logging jira issues for questions, and please, please
 stop the annoying exclamation marks.
 Seeing you log a JIRA issue, and seeig those exclamation marks certainly
 made me less interested to answer your question, rather than more, so you're
 achieving the opposite from what I assume you want to.

There are some great guidelines for using the apache mailing lists at:
(also linked from

I especially like the one linked from contrib-email-tips.html

How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
(note this is a general set of guidelines and not specific to Derby.
Please don't send derby questions to the authors, send them to the list)


Re: Can A Function or procedure return multiple values !!

2006-04-13 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Dheeraj Dhiman wrote:

 I m using apache derby for my Project !!
 In this project we want to make a function
 which accecpt three long argument  i want to return Object[] ( Object Array
 ) !!
 Can this is possible in apache derby if yes then pls give example !!

No, Derby does not support array types.

A procedure can return one or more JDBC ResultSets from server-side JDBC
queries. I've added some examples to this page today.


  1   2   3   >