Re: Puzzling error

2016-08-05 Thread mike matrigali

the problem is creating a tmp file for query execution, probably not with the 
file with the actual data.
i think derby does this when it needs to do deferred update, and some deferred 
constraint checking also.

as others have said check permissions/existence on


On 8/4/2016 7:32 AM, Donald McLean wrote:

I am running Derby under Java 1.8.0u102.

I am getting an exception trying to delete a record that I added not long 
before (as part of a unit test) (see stack trace below).

Any thoughts, hints, or ideas as to what I'm doing wrong would really be 

Thank you,

Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Exception during creation of file 
for container
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.SQLExceptionFactory.getSQLException(Unknown 
Source) ~[derby.jar:na]
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.SQLExceptionFactory.getSQLException(Unknown 
Source) ~[derby.jar:na]
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.Util.seeNextException(Unknown Source) 
Source) ~[derby.jar:na]
Source) ~[derby.jar:na]
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedConnection.handleException(Unknown 
Source) ~[derby.jar:na]
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.ConnectionChild.handleException(Unknown 
Source) ~[derby.jar:na]
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedStatement.executeStatement(Unknown 
Source) ~[derby.jar:na]
Source) ~[derby.jar:na]
Source) ~[derby.jar:na]
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedPreparedStatement.executeUpdate(Unknown 
Source) ~[derby.jar:na]
... 36 common frames omitted
Caused by: org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException: Exception during 
creation of file 
for container
at org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException.newException(Unknown 
Source) ~[derby.jar:na]
 Source) ~[derby.jar:na]
... 48 common frames omitted
Caused by: 
(No such file or directory)
at Method) ~[na:1.8.0_102]
at ~[na:1.8.0_102]
at Source) 
at Source) 
at Source) 
at Method) 
Source) ~[derby.jar:na]
Source) ~[derby.jar:na]
Source) ~[derby.jar:na]
Source) ~[derby.jar:na]
Source) ~[derby.jar:na]
at Source) 
at Source) 
 Source) ~[derby.jar:na]
Source) ~[derby.jar:na]
at org.apache.derby.impl.sql.execute.TemporaryRowHolderImpl.insert(Unknown 
Source) ~[derby.jar:na]
Source) ~[derby.jar:na]
at Source) 
at org.apache.derby.impl.sql.GenericPreparedStatement.executeStmt(Unknown 
Source) ~[derby.jar:na]
at org.apache.derby.impl.sql.GenericPreparedStatement.execute(Unknown 
Source) ~[derby.jar:na]
... 41 common frames omitted

email:Mike Matrigali -

Re: OutOfMemoryError

2015-06-04 Thread mike matrigali

Did you get the error when adding the primary key?

If you got the error on a different query, could you post that query, and 
the query plan being executed?  A possible workaround might be to see if you
could create a different index such that the system could pick a query plan 
the sort is not needed.

As you mention derby does try to estimate ahead of time amount of memory, but it
has a number of problems:
1) the java interfaces do not work well for estimating amount of memory 
available in
 the future.
2) derby estimates for blob/clob size are often wrong.  I believe xml uses clob 
 internally.  I would guess the technical problem here is that derby 
underestimated the sort

Providing a reproducible test case that you can check into JIRA will increase 
the likelyhood that
a developer will look at the issue.


On 6/3/2015 11:39 PM, Mattias Andersson wrote:

We got a 'java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space' when using a Derby disk 
database with the following schema.








I opened the heap dump with Eclipse Memory Analyzer and found that tree instances of occupies 290 MB of memory (that is 66 % of the total heap)

The problem seems to be that MergeInserter holds a sort buffer that contains complete rows and theTEST_XML is about 160 kB each. 
MergeInserter has an advanced algorithm to calculate the allowed size of the buffer, but is it necessary store the complete row in 
the buffer, i.e. the non-indexed values (TEST_XML is this case)?

Is there some property I can set to limit the buffer size or is it possible to rewrite the SQL schema someway to exclude the XML 
type from the buffer?

Br Mattias

Following is the dominator tree from Eclipse Memory Analyzer: @ 0xe3f72e20|72 |127 533 
080 |30,76%

|- @ 0xe3f73018|48 |127 532 
792 |30,76%

||- @ 0xe3fed5e0|40 |164 384 |0,04%

||'- org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor[4] @ 0xee3da280|32 |164 
344 |0,04%

|||- org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLClob @ 0xee3da2a0|56 |164 240 |0,04%

- java.lang.String @ 0xee3da2d8 ?xml version=1.0?...|24 |164 160 |0,04%

- char[1][] @ 0xee3da2f0|24 |24 |0,00%

|||'- Total: 2 entries|||

|||- org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLLongint @ 0xee3da308|24 |24 |0,00%

|||- org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLLongint @ 0xee3da320|24 |24 |0,00%

|||- org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLLongint @ 0xee3da338|24 |24 |0,00%

||'- Total: 4 entries|||

||- @ 0xe3fed608|40 |164 384 |0,04%

||- @ 0xe3fed630|40 |164 384 |0,04%

||- @ 0xe3fed658|40 |164 384 |0,04%

||- @ 0xe3fed680|40 |164 384 |0,04%

||- @ 0xe3fed6a8|40 |164 384 |0,04%

||- @ 0xe3fed6d0|40 |164 384 |0,04%

||- @ 0xe3fed6f8|40 |164 384 |0,04%

||- @ 0xe3fed720|40 |164 384 |0,04%

||- @ 0xe3fedd50|40 |164 384 |0,04%

||- @ 0xe3fedd78|40 |164 384 |0,04%

||- @ 0xe3fedda0|40 |164 384 |0,04%

||- @ 0xe3feddc8|40 |164 384 |0,04%

||- @ 0xe3fedff8|40 |164 384 |0,04%

||- @ 0xe3fef5c8|40 |164 384 |0,04%

||- @ 0xe3fef5f0|40 |164 384 |0,04%

||- @ 0xe3fef618|40 |164 384 |0,04%

||- @ 0xe3ff01f8|40 |164 384 |0,04%

||- @ 0xe3ff04c8|40 |164 384 |0,04%

||- @ 0xe3ff0608|40 |164 384 |0,04%

||- @ 0xe3ff0630|40 |164 384 |0,04%

||- @ 0xe3ff0658|40 |164 384 |0,04%

||- @ 0xe3ff0680|40 |164 384 |0,04%

||- @ 0xe3ff06a8|40 |164 384 |0,04%

| |- @ 0xe3ff06d0|40 |164 384 

|'- Total: 25 of 780 entries; 755

email:Mike Matrigali -

Re: Copying encypted DB?

2015-04-15 Thread mike matrigali

this is better.  i did not realize derby supported changing the encryption key.
On 4/15/2015 10:57 AM, Peter Ondruška wrote:

Unless I missed something why not just create backup and then open the backup 
copy and change encryption key.

On Wednesday, 15 April 2015, John English wrote:

I have a DB which is encrypted with one password, and I want to generate an 
identical copy of it which will be encrypted using
a different password (so that I can provide copies of the same DB for two 
different customers without exposing one customer's
password to the other).

I thought at first I could create the tables from a script and then run lots of 
insert into foo (select * from bar) queries,
but this won't work unless the auto-generated columns are allocated with 
the same sequence numbers so that the foreign key
references will match up. And in some case the keys are not sequential, due 
to deletions.

Is there an easy way to do this?

John English

Peter Ondruška

email:Mike Matrigali -

Re: Copying encypted DB?

2015-04-15 Thread mike matrigali

I suggest trying the following:
shutdown db completely, do not do anything below while system is running.

o do a full backup of the database to another location.  you can use derby 
tools for this
   or copy it yourself if you know what you are doing.
o unencrypt the 2nd database:
o reencrypt the 2nd database:

On 4/15/2015 9:58 AM, John English wrote:
I have a DB which is encrypted with one password, and I want to generate an identical copy of it which will be encrypted using a 
different password (so that I can provide copies of the same DB for two different customers without exposing one customer's 
password to the other).

I thought at first I could create the tables from a script and then run lots of insert into foo (select * from bar) queries, but 
this won't work unless the auto-generated columns are allocated with the same sequence numbers so that the foreign key references 
will match up. And in some case the keys are not sequential, due to deletions.

Is there an easy way to do this?


email:Mike Matrigali -

Re: Performance degradation with Derby Embedded under Tomcat vs Jetty

2015-04-14 Thread mike matrigali

Do many of the queries share a similar structure to the query you describe in 
point 5?
Can you give an order of magnitude on the number of expected rows in t2 from 
that query, also
maybe an estimate of overall size of the database tables involved in all the 
Is the target system running embedded or client/server, derby should best 
perform embedded,
though the number of rows being returned is pretty small so may not matter.

Have you, or are you willing to look at query plans:
If you are able to post a query plan for that query I would be willing to look 
at it to see
if derby is doing a scan or if the optimizer is using the expected 
multi-probe join strategy.

Is it option to change the query?  Derby does have 2 known issues when it comes 
to queries
of this form:
1) derby compile time is often longer than other systems. priority was given to 
optimizing execution
 hoping that usual case was either prepared statement or internally cached 
statement plans.  I think logStatementText
 or RUNTIMESTATISTICS can provide compile vs execution time in derby.
2) I have seen issues with large in-lists (which also should equate to large 
number of OR's as described below), where
compilation cost is high, and optimizer chooses scan vs the probes.

I don't know if it is an option for you, but I have seen others change queries 
of this form into a join on either a real or
temp table depending on if the values are actually variable or not.

On 4/13/2015 12:54 PM, Øyvind Harboe wrote:

5. There are some queries that stick out as a sore thumb below, e.g. the one which returns 1292 rows in table 1 below. I'm loathe 
to reproduce the query here because it is *LONG*. It takes a few hundred arguments to match against a list of primary keys. The 
SQL statement contains a few hundred of these  .. OR (t2.field = ?) OR (t2.field = ?) OR (t2.field = ?)  Stored queries are 
not an option here because the query is generated by Java code at the Cayenne ORM level. This query can't be simplified because 
the report is checking if the records are in one out of 322 specific categories where each category is a 'field' record as alluded 
to above.

Table 1.

Jetty   Tomcat
Rowstime/ms time/ms
13  0   1
13  0   0
11  0   0
13  1   1
13  1   0
0   1   1
757 262 240
100 188 193
121 163 152
818 190 211
85  164 174
41  132 133
17  140 139
118 134 133
21  144 143
58  273 131
1   133 136
1340292 323
226 157 161
7   0   1
34  1   1
0   0   0
0   1   0
480950  52
91  2   1
61  1   1
0   0   0
0   1   0
757 253 242
100 190 196
121 161 153
818 209 200
85  167 184
41  131 128
17  141 147
118 135 142
21  144 151
58  133 133
1   133 139
1340294 311
226 156 161
7   1   0
34  0   0
0   0   0
0   0   0
480967  51
91  1   1
61  1   0
0   0   0
13  1   5
11  1   1

Øyvind Harboe - Can Zylin Consulting help on your project?

email:Mike Matrigali -

Open letter to the Derby community

2015-03-03 Thread mike matrigali

Hello Derby users,

Those of you who also monitor postings on the derby-dev mailing list may have noticed a dramatic decline in activity over the past 
several months. That is because Derby's two corporate sponsors, Oracle and IBM, have significantly reduced their investment in Derby.

Contributors do continue to monitor and field questions posted to the Derby mailing lists. Committers, in their spare time, do 
continue to help polish and commit patches which other contributors submit. Committers do continue to support contributions through 
the Google Summer of Code program. However, subsidized feature development and intensive bug-fixing have tapered off.

Some committers would be happy to form a company which sells Derby support. Naturally, this depends on whether there is sufficient 
interest on the part of Derby users. If you are interested, then please contact Mike Matrigali and Rick Hillegas (see the email 
addresses cc'd above). Feel free to contact us even if your support requirements are tentative, future needs rather than immediate 

We are sorry to be the bearers of this bad news.

Best regards,
Mike Matrigali ( and Rick Hillegas (

email:Mike Matrigali -

Re: RawStoreDaemon thread in Derby Embedded Database

2015-02-26 Thread mike matrigali

On 2/24/2015 4:31 AM, Vivek Choudhary wrote:

Please can someone provide me information regarding the use of RawStoreDaemon 
thread in Derby database.

2 main uses off the top of my head:
1) following events that result in rows being deleted from a page (like 
deleted, or aborted inserts), derby will
 post work to the daemon thread to be executed after the current 
transaction commits.  This work involves
 reading the page, getting locks on rows, changing the page if it finds 
deleted rows are committed, and finally
 committing a separate transaction that will result eventually in writing 
that page to disk and log related I/O.
2) consistency points.  Derby will schedule a consistency point after a 
configurable amount of log I/O has completed.
At that point it schedule work to the daemon thread to cycle through every 
page in the cache and write those that
are dirty.  It also writes a log record to the transaction log. Once that work is 
done the system knows that dirty
   pages associated with transactions that committed before that point in the 
log have been written and that those
   log records are no longer needed for system reboot recovery.

I am pretty new to derby database and was looking for some information 
regarding this.

Also, since this is a daemon thread does this impact to any cpu usage during 
application runtime.

yes, though most of the impact is I/O rather than cpu related.

Vivek Choudhary

email:Mike Matrigali -
available for Derby related contract projects.

Re: Derby with Indic UTF8 languages

2015-02-13 Thread mike matrigali

On 2/13/2015 4:04 AM, BalNagendra wrote:


I am writing an Indic Application which uses Sanskrit, Hindi and Telugu as
languages. It is supported by UTF-8. When I am trying to insert these rows
in Derby everything gets '?' out. After tooling around with some, I realized
maybe it is Windows problem. So I upgraded to Console2 which is
showing these characters well. But still whatever I am inserting is coming
back as '?'.

Is there something wrong I am trying:

1. I learnt somewhere that Derby supports only these following languages,
Indic is not one of them. Elsewhere it is written it can support any
language which Java UNICODE has support for. I tested my Java program and it
is displaying Indic well. So what is wrong.

I am using Derby 10.11 on Windows XP and java 1.7.

Thanks in advance.

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This is likely a tools issue, rather than a database issue.  As noted the Derby 
database can store any
string that is unicode.  What you may be seeing is an issue with ij 
displaying the result.  Given that
in your example ij is printing english prompts it is likely interpreting the 
returned string as english and
since it is not can't print it.

See the following about using derby tools and language and codeset issues:

Derby does have a limited number of languages that various messages can be 
printed in, so it is unlikely
that will work for you.

I don't have much experience with non-english environments, but can verify that 
derby should have
have no problems storing and retrieving any unicode based string.

Maybe try writing a simple java/jdbc program rather than use ij and see if that 
gives you results as you expect.

Re: Getting fail to start database and unknown page format Exception

2015-01-14 Thread mike matrigali

On 1/14/2015 6:34 AM, Bryan Pendleton wrote:

It looks like derby database is corrupt, and it is causing critical
in our e derby.log
nd with
the huge business impact. And the path which its saying derby not
found is
valid and correct path . Still why suddenly derby got corrputed and
what are
the reasons for the corruption ?

There are various possibilities:

1) You experienced a hard-disk failure on the disk holding
2) or, you experienced a power-failure which caused the operating system to
write incorrect data to the filesystem, or fail to flush its buffers
perhaps because write-caching was enabled on the filesystem hardware
3) or, you filled up the filesystem /usr/ironhide/var/db, and all the
and their redo logs were on the same filesystem and all were damaged
4) or, some other piece of software, not Derby, wrote updates to the
Derby files

There are certainly other possibilities.

Have you inspected your system logs and talked to your system
for more information about what was going on at the moment that you noticed
the problems?

Do you have backups of these databases?

Can you print the *full* exception logs from your attempts to access
the databases (



I agree with bryan's suggestions.  A full derby.log may help.
The following also may be helpful:

Re: How to get expected time or processing percentage of Backup | Restore | a long running query

2015-01-09 Thread mike matrigali

On 1/8/2015 11:16 PM, kosurusekhar wrote:

Hi folks,

We have application using derby database, which has backup | restore |
cleanup (delete processed records from DB) options. The users of our
application asking to show the processing percentage or estimated time to
get know whether process is working or hanged.

Is there any kind of feature or script to get this.

Please let me know the possibilities.

I am not aware of any Derby features that will give you this 
immediately.  Some suggestions that you could work on:

Almost all of derby backup time is about copying the files.  Derby 
provides a mechanism for you to implement your own backup, by simply

calling an interface to tell derby when you are starting and when
you are stopping.  You could do this and then depending on what
mechanism you are using compare % progress vs total db size.

The following may depend on OS permissions.  You could use derby default
backup and in separate thread again monitory source size vs dest size.
The caveat here is to make sure your monitoring does not get in the way
of the I/O that derby is doing and make the backup fail.

It would be interesting to file a JIRA for this request and explain what
kind of interface you are looking for.  The backup part of derby is very
self contained and this could be a good project for someone new looking
to contribute.  At the lowest level for derby implemented backup it just
does a file by file and page by page copy of the databse so it should 
not be too hard to implement logic to understand how big the db is to 
start, how much has gone so far and how much time it has taken so far.
Not sure best way to communicate this to the caller.  Anyone know how 
other products deal with this?

restore has 2 parts, first again is just an I/O bound phase of copying
the whole db (if that is restore mode).  this would lend itself to ideas
above.  The second is some database log level restore code which would
need to be handled at low level of the log.  Since restore is a boot 
time operation it is much harder to communicate to calling routine as

there is not a connection yet.

i am not sure what you mean by this one.  is it the progress of a single
delete statement?

Thanks in advance.


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2015-01-09 Thread mike matrigali

I don't think there is anything specificly about a timestamp index vs
another index that is bad.  All indexes will have an extra overhead
at insert/delete/update time as they are implemented as a separate file
maintaining an btree index on disk.  For your application it would 
depend if the benefit to queries that use the timestamp collumn out 
weigh the overhead of maintaining the index.

Providing performance advice is hard.  About the only generic thing
i can say about insert performance is to do as many inserts as possible
in a single transaction so as to avoid I/O bound performance on the
synchronous write of the commit record.  Also use and reuse prepared
statements as possible.

There are a lot of successful derby applications doing large numbers of
inserts from evidence of past postings on derby user and derby developer 
list.  To get more help I suggest you post more details to the list

for those users to help.  Best would be to include a reproducible test
case of the problem area, including source code.  That makes it the most
likely you can get useful feedback.  Also including some basic 
performance goals would be good - ie. hoping to get N inserts of rows 
with the following DDL in M seconds made by P concurrent threads on

X hardware with Y disk technology.

On 1/8/2015 11:34 PM, kosurusekhar wrote:

Hi Folks,

We have three tables where will have lot insertions per minute. In all three
tables we have TIMESTAMP columns, And we kept index for these timestamp
columns. This timestamp values always system time when the row is inserted.

My doubt is whether maintaining the index tree for this kind of data
(timestamp) will be overhead for derby database. Because Timestamp contains
including seconds also right, I feel personally to create index structure 
maintaining this structure could be little overhead for derby server.

Please correct me if I am wrong. In this scenario how to improve performance
while huge insertions happening into these tables.

Thanks in Advance.


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Re: Primary key auto increment sometimes fails

2014-12-15 Thread mike matrigali
you should include exact ddl you use to create the table's primary key, 
and the

version of derby you used to create the table.

I believe that this is expected behavior but will be sure if you post
ddl.   I think all derby guarantees is that the primary keys will
be unique, not that they will have no holes.  I believe this is SQL
standard compliant.

The underlying reason for the implementation is multi-user performance.
If the system needed to guarantee no holes, then it would logically
have to have lock all inserts by all other transactions while a single
transaction had inserts outstanding to make sure those inserts did not
abort, thus stopping all work by other threads on the table by all
other transactions until this transaction committed or aborted.


On 12/13/2014 10:24 AM, pzsolt wrote:


I have noticed that when there is a table with an auto generated primary
key, the auto incrementation by INSERT fails. Instead of increment the value
by 1, sometimes Derby increments the primary key with 100 or 1000 or other
random value.

I can't reproduce it, because it is random.

For example, I have a table named 'INVOICE', and i have inserted 4 rows, and
I get the following the auto generated keys:

1. INSERT: auto generated primary key: 806
2. INSERT: auto generated primary key: 807
3. INSERT: auto generated primary key: *904*
4. INSERT: auto generated primary key: *1004*
5. INSERT: auto generated primary key: 1005

It should be incremented by 1. The expected sequence should be:

1. INSERT: auto generated primary key: 806
2. INSERT: auto generated primary key: 807
3. INSERT: auto generated primary key: 808
4. INSERT: auto generated primary key: 809
5. INSERT: auto generated primary key: 810

C. a. 188 companies are using my Derby based software and I don't know what
to do with this random error. And I know nobody who could help me.

Has anybody met with this strange error? Do you have any suggestions, how to
start to debug it? I can't reproduce it.

Best regards,
Zsolt Pocze

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Re: Blob column behaviour, when we dont have data when having less data

2014-12-05 Thread mike matrigali

On 12/4/2014 9:57 PM, kosurusekhar wrote:

Thanks Mike for quick reply.

2) whether derby will occupy complete 6MB space if I am trying to insert
small size files like 512KB or 1MB?

*space used will be that of the size of the inserted column plus some
metadata overhead/page overhead. *

This means that in a 6MB column if I save 512KB content file then it will
occupy 6MB + metadata size. Right?

no, it will be 512kb plus a relatively small overhead.

Is there any provision to space in this kind of scenario ?


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Re: JSR310 and JDBC 4.2

2014-10-28 Thread mike matrigali

Please repost the problem code, for some reason did not show up
in your email.

On 10/26/2014 2:13 PM, gquintana wrote:

From documentation, Derby is supposed to implement JDBC4.2 which introduces

JSR 310 (Date  Time API) support into JDBC (among other things).

Reading, I would have thought the following
code would work, but it doesn't:

What's the supposed way of reading/writing JSR 310 types from/into JDBC

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Re: Multiple open/close of a derby database

2014-09-25 Thread mike matrigali
or run all applications in same jvm, ie. 3 applications in an 
application server.

On 9/25/2014 7:09 PM, George Sexton wrote:

You're trying to run deny in embedded mode which is exclusive to that Jvm. You 
need to start an instanceof derby in server mode And have the applications 
connect to it.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 25, 2014, at 18:14, Bob M wrote:


I have an application which opens a derby database and then does some things
with table A
I have now cloned this application to give me three applications which are
98% identical
App 1 opens the database and actions table 1
App 2 opens the same database and actions table 2
App3 opens the same database and actions table 3

I wish to run the three Apps simultaneously and here I run into problems
another instance of Derby may have already booted the database

If I wish to retain the current setup of just one database with various
tables what changes do I need to make to the current coding?

Bob M
New Zealand

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Re: Unexpected behavior for concurrent selection of an uncommitted record inserted in a different thread

2014-02-07 Thread mike matrigali
if possible you should post a reproducible case directly against derby. 
 Derby does use locking for its concurrency control, which

will have different behavior than versioning if those other products
do that.  The expected behavior for read committed for what you describe
would be for derby to use the index to get directly to key 123 and not
ever see key 122 so not lock it.  Seems like either T1 is locking more
than is described, T2 is not using a plan that uses an index, or 
something else.

I tried what you describe in the most simple case and derby acts as 
expected for a very simple case of a table with only 1 row in it.  So 
there is something else going on not in your description.  For instance 
maybe whatever else T1 is doing after the insert is the issue.

It uses the index and returns 0 rows when looking for the key not in
table and blocks when looking for non-committed insert when looking for
key that is in uncommitted transaction.
ij create table foo (a int not null primary key);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij autocommit off;
ij insert into foo values (1);
1 row inserted/updated/deleted

ij(CONNECTION1) connect 'jdbc:derby:_db/wombat' as local2;
ij(LOCAL2) select * from foo where a = 2;

0 rows selected
ij(LOCAL2) select * from foo where a = 1;
 hanging on lock held by first uncommitted transaction *

Sometimes this problem is with the query plan chosen by the select in 
T2.  If it does not choose to use the index for some reason, then you

will do a table scan and block.

here is a start at info on debugging locking behavior in derby:

On 2/7/2014 9:59 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

Hi all!

While I was writing some unit tests for the Apache OFBiz project (that by 
default runs on Derby) I noticed a behavior of Derby that I didn't expect and I 
would love to get your opinion.
Here is my use case:

* Derby
* there are two concurrent transactions T1 and T2
* isolation level is Read Committed
* in transaction T1 a record with primary key 123 is inserted in a table; then 
other long running tasks are executed (i.e. the transaction is not immediately 
* in the meantime T2 attempts to select from the same table the record with 
primary key 123

Behavior: T2 blocks on the select statement waiting for transaction T1 to 
release the write lock; this can cause a lock wait timeout
Expected behavior: since T1 is not committed, T2 should not be able to select 
the record; I was expecting that the select statement in T2 would return an 
empty result set rather than blocking waiting for the lock held by T1 to be 
released; in fact this is what we get with MySQL and Postgres.

What do you think?


Jacopo Cappellato

Re: Issue with large delete in derby

2014-01-30 Thread mike matrigali

On 1/29/2014 10:46 PM, Amitava Kundu1 wrote:

We are using embedded derby in our product, This derby database is
used as regular RDBMS where lot of insert, delete and select happens, There
are business entities each of its occurrence could be of size 10 GB and
upward e.g. a huge log file data.
In our application, we use cascade delete and also has referential
integrity constraints ON.

This application runs on 64 bit Linux with 8 GB RAM allocated to JVM.
Similar time is observed in our development Windows box.

  It takes more than 3 hour to delete those entities. During this time all
the relevant tables stay locked and no other operation is feasible.

We'd like know what could be different options/ strategy be adopted for:
Speeding up the delete process
Ability to other database activities in parallel

Amitava Kundu

here is a link about diagnosing performance issues that may help:

Re: Setting

2014-01-10 Thread mike matrigali

check out the following to see page size of table and indexes:

On 1/9/2014 8:40 PM, Melissa Mifsud wrote:

Version: (Embedded)

I have been trying to set the on an index
according to in the
hope that increasing the pageSize will help with a large insert/update.

It seems the value doesn't seem to be changing. The relevant part of my
script is:

-- CREATE TABLE DataSource...
CREATE INDEX dataSource_path_idx ON DataSource(connectorId, path);
select p, syscs_util.syscs_get_database_property(p) from (values
'', '') props(p);
select p, syscs_util.syscs_get_database_property(p) from (values
'', '') props(p);

Both selects give the same output:
P |2
---   |4000|NULL

So I have (earlier in the script) changed the pageCacheSize property
using SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY but the pageSize does not
Running select pagesize from table (syscs_diag.space_table('APP',
'DataSource')) s; returns no rows.

 1. Is there a way to check what the pageSize of an index is?
 2. Is there some other way I should be setting the pageSize property?


Re: Upgrade from to

2013-11-06 Thread mike matrigali

I also don't know much about replication, so apologize if the following
does not make sense.  Have you tried decoupling the replication,
do the upgrade and then reestablishing the replication making sure
the latest software is on all systems.

Also for a problem report it may help to state what Upgrade means
to you.  For instance the following:
o I just updated jars everywhere
o I want to run in soft upgrade mode everywhere after updating jars
o I want to hard upgrade master.

Not sure if it will help with not being able to upgrade in general, but
may help to understand the problem.  And as Kathey mentioned filing
a JIRA with a reproducible test case is likely the best way to get help.
Unfortunately the community members that implemented replication are not
active, and the expertise on the feature is limited in the community.


On 11/5/2013 9:32 AM, Oskar Zinger wrote:

Hi Kathey,

Nope that does not seem to help.


On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 11:54 AM, Katherine Marsden wrote:
On 11/5/2013 8:46 AM, Oskar Zinger wrote:


I'm in the process of upgrading to

Once I did the upgrade, the Derby replication no longer works. It now
complains about the Databases being not in synch.

This same code was working just fine in, but does not work in

Anyone experienced this?

This is the error I'm getting:
java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: DERBY SQL error:
ERRORCODE: 4, SQLSTATE: XRE05, SQLERRMC: The log files on the
master and slave are not in synch for replicated database 'ImpactDB'.
The master log instant is 1:980936, whereas the slave log instant is
1:846980. This is fatal for replication - replication will be stopped.

I am not familiar with replication, but wonder if it is a requirement of
upgrade to do a clean shutdown of the database before upgrading the jars
or if that would at least help you work around the problem.  I couldn't
find anything in the documentation though requiring special procedures
for upgrade with replication.


Re: no records in sys.sysstatistics

2013-08-09 Thread mike matrigali

On 8/8/2013 6:19 PM, Katherine Marsden wrote:

On 8/8/2013 3:13 PM, Jasmeet Bhatia (jasmbhat) wrote:

I have in-memory derby.

I am trying to verify if indexes are being used in my query. But I
notice that there are no statistics in the sys statistics table. Any
ideas what is going on?

Jasmeet Bhatia

With 10.8 statistics update is automatic.
do note for the automatic to kick in you need to do a query on the 
table and then they will show up later.  So if you load your db from

scratch for testing and look there may be no stats initially.  If you
are able to control the order in your application it is best to
load data first and then create indexes and primary keys.  Then the
stats are automatically created as part of creating the supporting
indexes.  And will be there for your initial query.

Of course this does not work if your app needs to start with empty
tables and data comes in later.

With 10.7 you can create/update statistics with the

or by compressing the tables:



Re: Vulnerability in API documentation (javadoc) bundled with Apache Derby

2013-06-21 Thread mike matrigali

Do you happen to know if 10.1 is affected or not?

On 6/21/2013 5:07 AM, Knut Anders Hatlen wrote:

Hi all,

Some of you may already have noticed that Oracle's latest security
update release of Java SE included a fix for a vulnerability in the
javadoc tool (CVE-2013-1571). The javadocs included in all versions of
Derby from up to were built with versions of the
javadoc tool that had this vulnerability.

If you publish javadocs from Derby (or from any other project for that
matter) on a public-facing web server, we strongly recommend that you
read Oracle's security advisory -
- and follow the steps to remove the vulnerability from the javadoc


Re: issue with using optimizer hints in jdbc

2013-06-06 Thread mike matrigali

On 6/6/2013 8:33 AM, Martin Serrano wrote:


I am using version with the embedded driver, spring, and using
the BasicDataSource.  I am trying to issue this query:

org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: StatementCallback; bad
SQL grammar [DELETE FROM metric_data md --derby-properties

  WHERE metric_instance_id IN (SELECT metric_instance.metric_instance_id
FROM projects, metrics, metric_instance WHERE projects.project_id =
metrics.project_id AND metrics.metric_id = metric_instance.metric_id AND = true) AND md.timestamp = 1369884755355]; nested
exception is java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Syntax error:

Caused by: ERROR 42X01: Syntax error: DERBY-PROPERTIES.

org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException.newException(Unknown Source)


org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.SQLParser.propertyList(Unknown Source)

org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.SQLParser.deleteBody(Unknown Source)



org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.SQLParser.StatementPart(Unknown Source)

org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.SQLParser.Statement(Unknown Source)

org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.ParserImpl.parseStatement(Unknown Source)

org.apache.derby.impl.sql.GenericStatement.prepMinion(Unknown Source)

org.apache.derby.impl.sql.GenericStatement.prepare(Unknown Source)


The line of code where I issue it is like this:

jdbc.update(DELETE FROM metric_data md --derby-properties
index=metric_data_ts \r WHERE metric_instance_id IN (SELECT
metric_instance.metric_instance_id FROM projects, metrics,
metric_instance WHERE projects.project_id = metrics.project_id AND
metrics.metric_id = metric_instance.metric_id AND =
true) AND md.timestamp = 19292929292);

From tests that derby executes here is one example for a delete.  All 
our tests seem to use \n rather \r, so maybe try that:

lang/ TRIGGER 
(OLDROWS.i = NAMES.ID) AND (1 = 1));

What do I need to do to use optimizer hints in this setup?



Re: Peculiar sorting behaviour?

2013-04-02 Thread Mike Matrigali
need ddl for both item_usage (i think you posted this in 1st posting) 
and tests (don't see this one) tables, to read the query plan.
I read them bottom up, so first thing is to see what ordering is 
expected from the index scan, so looking for TESTS ddl and TEST_1 

Index Scan ResultSet for TESTS using constraint TESTS_1 at read
 uncommitted isolation level using share row locking chosen by the 

On 4/2/2013 11:39 AM, John English wrote:

On 02/04/2013 20:05, Katherine Marsden wrote:

In set:

 If you can post  the two plans, someone might be able to give you
optimizer overrides to force the plan with incorrect sorting.

Here it is (long!). It starts with the incorrect query; I then change
the ORDER BY clause and reload the page, which then gives the correct
results. There are some other queries mixed in, but I wasn't sure what
would be relevant so I left it uncut.

Tue Apr 02 21:14:23 IDT 2013 Thread[qtp31568925-37,5,main] (XID =
7222148), (SESSIONID = 26), (DATABASE = ../db/db_copy), (DRDAID = null),
Executing prepared statement: SELECT,tests.item,title FROM
tests,item_usage WHERE username=? AND user_role=3 AND
item_usage.item=tests.item ORDER BY tests.item,title :End prepared
statement with 1 parameters begin parameter #1: TAMMY :end parameter
Tue Apr 02 21:14:23 IDT 2013 Thread[qtp31568925-37,5,main] (XID =
7222148), (SESSIONID = 26), SELECT,tests.item,title FROM
tests,item_usage WHERE username=? AND user_role=3 AND
item_usage.item=tests.item ORDER BY tests.item,title *** Scroll
Insensitive ResultSet:
Number of opens = 1
Rows seen = 30
Number of reads from hash table = 30
Number of writes to hash table = 30
   constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
   open time (milliseconds) = 0
   next time (milliseconds) = 0
   close time (milliseconds) = 0
   optimizer estimated row count: 19.34
   optimizer estimated cost: 5186.92
Source result set:
   Project-Restrict ResultSet (7):
   Number of opens = 1
   Rows seen = 30
   Rows filtered = 0
   restriction = false
   projection = true
 constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
 open time (milliseconds) = 0
 next time (milliseconds) = 0
 close time (milliseconds) = 0
 restriction time (milliseconds) = 0
 projection time (milliseconds) = 0
 optimizer estimated row count: 19.34
 optimizer estimated cost: 5186.92
   Source result set:
 Nested Loop Join ResultSet:
 Number of opens = 1
 Rows seen from the left = 5
 Rows seen from the right = 30
 Rows filtered = 0
 Rows returned = 30
   constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
   open time (milliseconds) = 0
   next time (milliseconds) = 0
   close time (milliseconds) = 0
   optimizer estimated row count: 19.34
   optimizer estimated cost: 5186.92
 Left result set:
   Project-Restrict ResultSet (4):
   Number of opens = 1
   Rows seen = 5
   Rows filtered = 0
   restriction = true
   projection = true
 constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
 open time (milliseconds) = 0
 next time (milliseconds) = 0
 close time (milliseconds) = 0
 restriction time (milliseconds) = 0
 projection time (milliseconds) = 0
 optimizer estimated row count: 1.80
 optimizer estimated cost: 17.01
   Source result set:
 Index Row to Base Row ResultSet for ITEM_USAGE:
 Number of opens = 1
 Rows seen = 5
 Columns accessed from heap = {0, 1, 2}
   constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
   open time (milliseconds) = 0
   next time (milliseconds) = 0
   close time (milliseconds) = 0
   optimizer estimated row count: 1.80
   optimizer estimated cost: 17.01
   Index Scan ResultSet for ITEM_USAGE using constraint
ITEM_USAGE_1 at read uncommitted isolation level using share row locking
chosen by the optimizer
   Number of opens = 1
   Rows seen = 5
   Rows filtered = 0
   Fetch Size = 1
 constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
 open time (milliseconds) = 0
 next time (milliseconds) = 0
 close time (milliseconds) = 0
 next time in milliseconds/row = 0

   scan information:
 Bit set of columns fetched=All
 Number of columns fetched=2
 Number of deleted rows visited=0
 Number of pages visited=2
 Number of rows qualified=5
 Number of rows visited=6
 Scan type=btree
 Tree height=2
 start position:
   = on first 1 column(s).
   Ordered null semantics on the following columns:
 stop position:
on first 1 column(s).
   Ordered null semantics on the following columns:

Re: Derby Store Question

2013-03-11 Thread Mike Matrigali
files starting with d are most usually associated with table, indexes, 

constraints that have been dropped.  In this case derby renames the
original cXXX.dat file to dXXX.dat file, and later will eventually
delete the dXXX.dat file.  It does this so that if the drop is part
of a transaction that aborts it can recover from the drop and rename
the original file back.

By later I think it is is the next checkpoint for the system where
where the transaction that did the drop has been committed or aborted.

There are a number of other operations which internally look like
a drop to the storage system.  I believe they include:
off line compress
some set of add column calls
some set of change column type/length calls
not sure about drop column

What you are describing seems likely to be a bug in 
SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_BACKUP_DATABASE_NOWAIT().  It seems like this routine

either should be disallowing the d files to go away if the backup really
needs it, or needs to handle
it disappearing if the backup does not actually need it.  I thought it 
tried to make ddl type operations block
during backup, but not sure.  It could be an edge case that is not 
handled, if you can write a repro test case, please log a JIRA and

include the test case.  I wonder if the issue is a dropped file that
has been committed before the backup, but has not yet been cleaned up
and then gets cleaned up during the backup?

On 3/11/2013 10:20 AM, Brandon L. Duncan wrote:

This is more of a general Store question precipitated by a specific
error I've come across during execution of the backup procedure.

Typically, I know that the seg0 folder maintains a file per conglomerate
in the format of cXXX.dat where XXX is the hex value of the conglomerate
id (Thank you Mr. Pendleton's blog). In what case would Derby expect or
create a .dat file starting with 'd'?

The instance of Derby in question is running fine under normal
operation, however when running a backup, the procedure fails due to a
missing .dat file that happens to being with 'd' (exception posted
below.). Is there any way to tell from the system tables, why derby
believes this file should be there, or more specifically, what derby
thinks should be stored in this file? Is it another conglomerate that is
perhaps corrupted?

This is from

Mon Mar 11 12:59:26 EDT 2013 Thread[DRDAConnThread_5,5,main] (XID =
4666255288), (SESSIONID = 1), (DATABASE = db), (DRDAID =
.??-593347887885188381{1}), Cleanup action starting
Mon Mar 11 12:59:26 EDT 2013 Thread[DRDAConnThread_5,5,main] (XID =
4666255288), (SESSIONID = 1), (DATABASE = db), (DRDAID =
.??-593347887885188381{1}), Failed Statement is: CALL
ERROR XSRS5: Error copying file (during backup) from
/derby/db/seg0/D2f410.DAT to ./backup/db/seg0/D2f410.DAT.
at Method)
at org.apache.derby.impl.db.BasicDatabase.backup(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

Re: NPE when compressing large table

2012-09-05 Thread Mike Matrigali

I agree should log a JIRA then all the information and suggestions can
go there.  Having a line number would help a lot for exact cause of the
null pointer.

Historically SYSCS_COMPRESS_TABLE has been the most stable of the 2 
compression techniques, and is the one I most recommend.

The lowest part of the stack looks kind of wierd, but hard to know
exactly what is going on as part of the stack is missing.  It sort of
looks like it is failing while setting up a connection rather than in
your code.  Can you tell from the line numbers where in your code it
is failing?

Also include full derby.log, sometimes that can give more information.

I can't tell from your program fragment.  Is the connection autocommit 
on or off?  If it is on, there might be a problem with your resultset.

On 9/4/2012 7:39 PM, Brett Wooldridge wrote:

This looks like a bug to me, I recommend you open one.  You might also
your dev environment, reproduce the issue, and run a derby
built with line numbers, it would probably help the devs pinpoint the issue.


On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 5:11 AM, Erick Lichtas wrote:

Hi Everyone,

__ __

I am having an issue with the SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_COMPRESS_TABLE
operation on a large table in Derby

__ __

Statement stmt = *null*;

CallableStatement cs = *null*;


String sql = select schemaname, tablename from
sys.sysschemas s, 

   + sys.systables t where s.schemaid=t.schemaid and

stmt = con.createStatement();

ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);

cs = con.prepareCall(call

*while*( {

   String schema = rs.getString(1).trim();

   String table = rs.getString(2).trim();

   log(Compressing + schema + .+ table + ...);

   cs.setString(1, schema);

   cs.setString(2, table);

   cs.setShort(3, (*short*) 1);





*if*(stmt != *null*) {



*if*(cs != *null*) {




__ __

The above code, successfully runs over 3 of 20 some tables, then
hits the 4^th table with over 2 million records.  After working on
this table for about 5 minutes, the process terminates with an
SQLException wrapping a NPE. 

This happened in a production instance and I have not yet set up a
reproduction in a development environment.  I’m wondering if anyone
has any thoughts based on the stacktrace below?

__ __

com.linoma.gaservices.upgrader.UpgradeException: Java exception: ':







sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)





 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(


Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Java exception: ':


org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.Util.newEmbedSQLException(Unknown Source)

org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.Util.javaException(Unknown Source)





org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedConnection.init(Unknown Source)

org.apache.derby.jdbc.Driver30.getNewEmbedConnection(Unknown Source)

org.apache.derby.jdbc.InternalDriver.connect(Unknown Source)

Re: Cache Hit/Miss rates for Derby pageCache

2012-05-17 Thread Mike Matrigali

On 5/17/2012 10:07 AM, David Zanter wrote:

Does anyone know, is there a way to get derby statistics from a
running system regarding the hit/miss rates for the Derby Page Cache.

i.e.  Statistics that would help determine if the:  was being effective or needs to be


cloudscape use to have this functionality, but I don't think it was
exposed in derby as it depended on non-standard vti's.  Does anyone
know if the jmx work provided this functionality.


2012-02-20 Thread Mike Matrigali

Matthew McCawley wrote:

Mike Matrigali wrote:
You see the same kind of repeated stack in the error?  This loop looks 
strange to me, and I don't think should be related to size of the tables:

at java.util.Observable.notifyObservers(

I see exactly this loop of repeated errors. derby.log 

Mike Matrigali wrote:
There are some reported problems with the amount of memory in general 
that compres table uses, which are likely to be a different issue.  For
these memory issues it is helpful to post exactly what jvm you are 
using, what OS, and what flags you are giving the jvm.  And how much 
memory is on your machine.

I'm running on Windows 7 64bit with 8 GB of RAM and am not passing any
arguments to the JVM. It fails unless I pass in -Xss2048k (I think the
default is 512k).
I have reported DERBY-5624 to track this issue.  I think I understand 
the problem, but would feel much better with a reproducible test case

I could run.  Feel free to add your information to DERBY-5624.


2012-02-20 Thread Mike Matrigali

Matthew McCawley wrote:

Mike Matrigali wrote:
I have reported DERBY-5624 to track this issue.  I think I understand 
the problem, but would feel much better with a reproducible test case

I could run.  Feel free to add your information to DERBY-5624.

In our case, we just have a single table with about 5 million rows of
essentially junk data. I delete some portion of the data that's older than
some margin (half, single day's worth, etc.) and run compression.

I also tried another table that's about twice as big, but it required an 8
MB stack size. I've run out of heap space a few times as well, but I'm still
working on reproducing it.
at this point could you move the discussion to (just add comments I 
don't think you have to be authorized to do so):


2012-02-17 Thread Mike Matrigali

Matthew McCawley wrote:

I've run into the same issue as Adriano when running on a single, large table
about 1.4 GB in size. I enable autocommit before the compress statement and
disable it after. I have encountered the error when deleting portions of the
data as well as all of it. I also found that the compression would succeed
if I used a stack size of 2 MB and a maximum heap size of 1 GB (-Xss2048k
-Xmx1g). I'll be working with this more next week, so I'll see if anything
changes when working with a larger dataset.
You see the same kind of repeated stack in the error?  This loop looks 
strange to me, and I don't think should be related to size of the tables:

at Source)
at java.util.Observable.notifyObservers(

at Source)
at java.util.Observable.notifyObservers(

at Source)
at java.util.Observable.notifyObservers(

at Source)
at java.util.Observable.notifyObservers(

There are some reported problems with the amount of memory in general 
that compres table uses, which are likely to be a different issue.  For
these memory issues it is helpful to post exactly what jvm you are 
using, what OS, and what flags you are giving the jvm.  And how much 
memory is on your machine.

Derby was not originally created with vldb in mind, so multi-gigabyte 
tables could very well be exercising new code paths.  Derby definitely

has the ability to perform index creations/sorts on tables bigger than
memory size, but there are some reported problems in its estimates of
how much memory it should use to do so.  These estimates can definitely
be affected by jvm startup flags.


2012-02-14 Thread Mike Matrigali

Adriano Oliveira wrote:


Could you please help me with compress?

Why i aways got an StackOverflowError exception when i try to run CALL 

I have about 8 tables (consuming 3Gb of disk space) and compress never 
got success to compress all of then, I'm using the java application 
CompressAll listed in this 


Java exception: ': java.lang.StackOverflowError'.
   Causado por: StackOverflowError

java.lang.RuntimeException: Java exception: ': 
... removed stack

Could you post a full copy of the derby.log containing the error. 
Sometimes that log has more information, or previous info in it is 
useful.  Best case would be to log a JIRA as Bryan suggests and put

all info into it.

as a workaround you might try doing one table at a time and committing, 
then going on to the next table.  It should be easy to alter the example

java code, let us know if you need help with that.

This may also reduce the total amount of disk space needed for the
operation.  This operation basically creates a new table and indexes and 
it can not remove the files associated with the old tables and indexes 
until a commit happens.

Also is it at all possible that you
are doing other work in the same transaction?

The DropOnCommit calls are going to
come 1 for each associated object that has a file in derby.  This will
include 1 for each table, index, constraint, and foreign key.  You say
you have about 8 tables, do you have an unusual number of objects
associated with these tables?

Without a repro it is hard to say what is going on.  If I had the db
first thing I would try to see if the problem still exists if there
is not data in the tables, to see if the problem is related to size
of tables, or to ddl of the the tables.

My first question would be if the drop on commit
calls are just too many, or if there is a buggy loop somewhere.


2011-10-31 Thread Mike Matrigali

I am thinking about this issue, thank you for reporting.

Sundar Narayanaswamy wrote:

I have posted the issue to DERBY-5487. I have also attached the Java test

The test rows do insert at one end of the primary key and delete the other
end.. Interestingly, I noticed that primary key space is reclaimed if I
reuse the primary keys across the insert-delete loops. But, my application

This is not surprising, it confirms that in general the reclaim space at
split time works well for uniform type index distributions.

Your application is the 2nd worst case for Derby.  I don't know if we 
can fix at row level, but there may be some extra work we can do to try

and get table level locks and do page merging more often and/or in
inplace compress.  For your specific application would it work if 
inplace compress got table level locks during the purge phase?

The worst case for Derby would be a data distribution of an index which
resulted in one row on each leaf.  There is not support for merging 
non-empty leaf pages other than full offline compress.  Anyone know if 
this case is handled in other databases?

requires me to use continuously increasing primary keys (not reuse them).

Mike Matrigali wrote:
Posting your test to a JIRA issue would be best.  It would be 
interesting to post the space table results after each

insert/delete/compress iteration (or every 10, ...).
When do you commit (every row or every 1)?  Is it multi-threaded? 
Does your

test always insert rows at one end of the index and delete them
from the other end.  If so it may be DERBY-5473 (a runtime issue,
not a compress table issue).


2011-10-28 Thread Mike Matrigali
Posting your test to a JIRA issue would be best.  It would be 
interesting to post the space table results after each

insert/delete/compress iteration (or every 10, ...).
When do you commit (every row or every 1)?  Is it multi-threaded? 
Does your

test always insert rows at one end of the index and delete them
from the other end.  If so it may be DERBY-5473 (a runtime issue,
not a compress table issue).

inplace compress as currently inplemented does not do much for
indexes.  Originally the problem it was solving was row level
space reclamation of base tables, indexes were not an issue.  Lately
multiple reports of index space issues have been coming up so more
work would be profitable in this area.
Currently it's only use is to give back space to the OS if possible,
and that depends on the highest page number of a used page.

Here is a discussion of the 3 phases:

1) it does not do purging of index rows.
   The original reason for this is that there is no space savings
   from purging
   alone in indexes.  half filled pages can't be used as they are in
   base tables.  Each leaf page owns a range of keys and when a key
   is inserted in this range and no space is found on the page, it
   automatically at that point purges the deleted rows before splitting.

   Given DERBY-5473 it may make sense to implement purging and merging
   to handle cases where we miss reclaiming fully empty pages.

2) it does not do defragment of indexes.

   Especially without a table level lock this is very complicated.
   Moving rows is not possible as they only can go where they are.  It
   could be possible to move pages but then all pointers would also
   have to fixed up.  Currently only code exists to do splits under
   row level locking, this operation would be much more complicated
   than a split.  The process is even more complicated in that one
   can not look at a page in an index and get all necessary pointer
   that need to be updated from that page (there are no parent pointers
   on children).

3) it does try to truncate the file of an index if possible, but it does
   no work to manipulate the pages such that the last page used in the
   file is moved to earlier in the file.

Sundar Narayanaswamy wrote:

I am trying to use Derby database in the embedded mode in an 
application. I wrote a test program where I have a

table (named LOCATION) with 4 columns as below:
create table location(id int, num int, addr varchar(40), zip int, 
primary key(id, zip))

create index loc_index on location (num)

I insert 1 rows into the table, then delete all that rows. I then 
with just the option to purge rows so that the space left behind by 
deleted rows can be reused for future inserts. I have
the inserts, deletes and compress in a loop. After running through the 
loop a few times, I am noticing that the
number of allocated and unfilled pages for the primary key keeps growing 
(causing database size to grow over time). The
longer I run the loop, larger these numbers are. That does not happen 
for the table or the index files though..

CONGLOMERATENumAllocatedPages  NumFreePages
831  0
SQL111027234806120   1342294
521  1   

The primary key space continues to grow even when I include the options 
to defragment_rows and truncate_end to the above function.

CONGLOMERATENumAllocatedPages   NumFreePagesNumUnFilledPages
SQL111027233119770   167447
LOC_INDEX   13357

The SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_COMPRESS_TABLE function works well and leaves no 
free/unfilled pages as expected. However, I am concerned with the
efficiency (time taken) of using the compress function since there could 
be 10s of millions of rows in a production setup. It seems that the
purge_rows option would work best for my situation. Is

this function not expected to free up deleted space in primary key files ?

Thanks very much for you help,

Re: Database size larger than expected

2011-10-21 Thread Mike Matrigali

There are a number of factors:

1) an empty derby database takes up 770k in 10.9.  This is 71 system 
catalogs and indexes on those system catalogs.  Even empty tables still

have inital empty pages allocated and written, in the default they take
at lease 8k each.  Each file in seg0 represents either a table or an
index.  I assume you meant you have a Derby database with 2 tables, so
only 2 of the files in seg0 have data for your tables.  They are likely
the 2 biggest files in seg0.

2) By default the system also reserves empty space in pages for future 
updates.  I think the default in 20% reserved.  There are properties to

override this.

3) Each record has overhead and each field has overhead that is variable.

4) The tables will begin allocating 8 pages at a time when they need
a new empty page.  So worst case could be 7 empty pages at the end.

anthonyri wrote:


No indexes I am afraid, should have mentioned that, sorry.


David Zanter wrote:

Do you have Indexes on those Tables?

On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 5:29 PM, anthonyri wrote:


I have a Derby database with two records, the first has 5000 records (of
int, double, double, double, double - so approx 34 bytes per record), the
second has 1000 records (of int, varchar(10), varchar(40) - so approx 102
bytes per record).

5000 * 34 = 166k
1000 * 102 = 100k
Total = 266k (if it was in a text file)

What I don't understand is why the database (seg0 folder) is 1.2MB?

I have compacted the database using;


Any thoughts please?

View this message in context:
Sent from the Apache Derby Users mailing list archive at

Re: derby 10.5.1 - embedded - crash recovery and logging

2011-09-21 Thread Mike Matrigali

Knut Anders Hatlen wrote:

Paul French writes:

Hello All,

we have an issue where derby takes a long time to startup. Anything
from minutes to hours.

We are running derby on J9 on a windows mobile 6.5

It seems to be due to the fact that devices are being powered off and
so derby is not shutdown cleanly.

Question is, what is derby doing to recover? Why so long? Even when we
start the application cleanly, do nothing, power off the device and
then on again, it can take a very long time to make the first database
connection vie the embedded driver.

Hi Paul,

During recovery, Derby replays all write operations performed after the
last checkpoint and finally undoes all the operations performed by
transactions that hadn't been committed at the time the database was
taken down. If the database is shut down cleanly, a checkpoint will be
invoked, so that there should be nothing to do in the recovery phase on
the next start-up.

If shutting down the database cleanly isn't an option, one way to reduce
the recovery time is to increase the checkpoint frequency. Then there
should be fewer operations to replay on the next start-up. This can be
achieved by setting the (undocumented) database property, which specifies the maximum number of
bytes of transaction log before a checkpoint is triggered. The default
is 10MB. The minimum value accepted is 10 bytes.

However, you say that you see that recovery takes a very long time even
if no operations were performed the last time the database was running,
in which case there should be no operations to replay. Does the
database's log directory contain many and/or big files? The files in
that directory contain the transaction logs that need to be replayed on
recovery. If there are many files there, it might be that you are
running with log archive mode enabled (typically used when taking
backups), which prevents old log from being deleted. You can check if
that's the case by looking at the file in the
database directory and see if it contains

To be clear running with logArchiveMode=true should not increase your
recovery time.  There will be many log files, but the system knows where
the last checkpoint was and only replays the necessary files.  So the
amount of work done should be the same whether logArchiveMode=true or 
not.  The point is with logArchiveMode=true it is not as easy to tell 
from just looking at the files if there is a lot of work to do.

Re: Derby secure by default

2011-09-19 Thread Mike Matrigali
I am not sure how it applies to all of these points, but I am wondering 
if secure by default should be implemented on a per database basis 
rather than a system level basis?  It seems wierd that security could

change based on how the next embedded startup set a flag.

What about having the property be part of what user requests at database
creation time?  And maybe allow some secure way either disable or enable 
it.  The discussion could continue on what the default for a newly 
created database would be.  At least for point 1-4 seems to make more 
sense, not sure about 5,6.

I personally think many of these points make most sense for derby 
network server.  While many possibly get in the way for many zero-admin

embedded applications.  Since we have one codeline for the most part
for both it is hard to have one default.

Rick Hillegas wrote:
The Derby developers are considering introducing a single master 
security property. Turning this property on will enable most Derby 
security mechanisms:

1) Authentication - Will be on, requiring username/password credentials 
at connection time. Derby will supply a default authentication mechanism.

2) SQL authorization - Will be on, hiding a user's data from other 
people. In addition, Derby will support more SQL Standard protections 
for Java routines.

3) File permissions - Will be tightened as described by DERBY-5363.

4) PUBLIC -This keyword will not be allowed as a user name.

5) SSL/TLS encryption - Will shield client/server traffic.

6) Server administration -  Will require credentials.

When the property is off, Derby will behave as it does today: 
Authentication, authorization, and network encryption will be off, file 
permissions will inherit defaults from the account which runs the VM, 
PUBLIC will be a legal user name, and server administration won't need 

This new master property will make it easier to configure a more secure 
application. We want to introduce the property in an upcoming 10.x 
release, where it will default to being off. That means that it won't 
cause compatibility problems.

Later on, we might change the default for this property so that it would 
normally be turned on. This would make Derby more secure out of the box 
at the cost of breaking existing applications. Many applications would 
need to explicitly turn the property off in order to run as they did 
previously. Release notes would document this behavioral change and we 
would bump the major release id from 10 to 11 in order to call attention 
to the change.

We would like your feedback on this trade-off between security out of 
the box versus disruption. Should this extra security be enabled by 


Re: Derby secure by default

2011-09-19 Thread Mike Matrigali

Rick Hillegas wrote:

I'm also concerned about the embedded database on a USB stick. I could 
argue that it is more vulnerable than the server-side database locked up 
in a machine room.

Derby has one answer to this issue and that is encrypted databases.  I 
don't think anything other than that is secure.  Because if you lose 
ownership of the files anyone can use a version of the open source 
software to look at the data no matter what you do with authentication 
or authorization.  I sort of doubt even file permissions would help

if someone has physical control of the device and can mount it anywhere.

Having said that, I don't want to also enable encryption by default for
embedded derby.  It is unnecessary for many applications and imposes
performance degredation and application complexity.

Historically Derby was never meant to be secure.  It was designed to
be embedded and for owning applications to handle security.  Early on
the issue of losing ownership of the files was considered and so 
encrytion was added.  Eventually client/server was added and even later

sql authorization, but it was not expected to be used in general for
embedded applications.

While many possibly get in the way for many zero-admin
embedded applications.
I'm imagining that this change may be fairly unobtrusive. For an 
embedded database which has only one user (the dbo), the big change is 
that the dbo has to specify a username and password. There won't be any 
need to GRANT access to other users so (2) won't be noticed. Items (3) 
and (4) won't burden most applications. (5) and (6) are only issues for 
client/server usage.

In many cases I don't think this is true.   I know users I work with 
currently run an embedded derby application as a number of different 
users and their current application does not use authentication or 
authorization.  As with other files used by the application they manage

access to db files as appropriate for their application.

  Since we have one codeline for the most part
for both it is hard to have one default.
I agree that a common default would be best. It will make it easier to 
reason about Derby's behavior and simplify our user guides.


Rick Hillegas wrote:
The Derby developers are considering introducing a single master 
security property. Turning this property on will enable most Derby 
security mechanisms:

1) Authentication - Will be on, requiring username/password 
credentials at connection time. Derby will supply a default 
authentication mechanism.

2) SQL authorization - Will be on, hiding a user's data from other 
people. In addition, Derby will support more SQL Standard protections 
for Java routines.

3) File permissions - Will be tightened as described by DERBY-5363.

4) PUBLIC -This keyword will not be allowed as a user name.

5) SSL/TLS encryption - Will shield client/server traffic.

6) Server administration -  Will require credentials.

When the property is off, Derby will behave as it does today: 
Authentication, authorization, and network encryption will be off, 
file permissions will inherit defaults from the account which runs 
the VM, PUBLIC will be a legal user name, and server administration 
won't need credentials.

This new master property will make it easier to configure a more 
secure application. We want to introduce the property in an upcoming 
10.x release, where it will default to being off. That means that it 
won't cause compatibility problems.

Later on, we might change the default for this property so that it 
would normally be turned on. This would make Derby more secure out of 
the box at the cost of breaking existing applications. Many 
applications would need to explicitly turn the property off in order 
to run as they did previously. Release notes would document this 
behavioral change and we would bump the major release id from 10 to 
11 in order to call attention to the change.

We would like your feedback on this trade-off between security out of 
the box versus disruption. Should this extra security be enabled by 


Re: Derby secure by default

2011-09-19 Thread Mike Matrigali

Rick Hillegas wrote:

Hi Mike,

Some comments inline...

On 9/19/11 10:38 AM, Mike Matrigali wrote:
I am not sure how it applies to all of these points, but I am 
wondering if secure by default should be implemented on a per database 
basis rather than a system level basis?  It seems wierd that security 

change based on how the next embedded startup set a flag.
I think that it should behave like derby.database.sqlAuthorization: once 
it's been turned on it is stored in the database and you can't turn it 
off at the system level. I agree that it would be weird to let the next 
user subvert the security of your database by flipping a command line 
I am trying to understand what happens when we change the default and a 
user upgrades to 11 and starts up on there existing database that has no
authentication or authorization enabled.  What is the proposed soft 
upgrade behavior?  What is the proposed hard upgrade behavior?

This is a development detail but what is proposed for the existing derby
set of tests, which I have to assume are about 99% not authenticated or
authorized?  Would we implement a way to run them both ways?  Convert 
them all or most to run under new default?

Re: Derby secure by default

2011-09-19 Thread Mike Matrigali wrote:
Installing a new version should always be backward compatible and not 
break anything in existing applications.  If things don't work this way, 
it's bound to be (unncessarily) disruptive to some, and especially those 
less sophisticated and less able to figure out and fix problems.  I see 
no reason why anyone who wishes to utilize the new capabilities would 
have any problem with setting the new property when they are ready to do 
so.  Security is obviously important, especially for networked 
applications.  I think it's also important not to do anything that 
interferes with embedded applications designed to require ZERO 


I think that new features that rick is proposing are valuable to some
set of Derby users, and welcome their inclusion in Derby.  Having one
flag to enable a set of secure oriented features also seems reasonable
as long as users can still pick and choose if they don't want the 
complete set.  I don't think

they should be made the default in the current release or a future release.

I believe zero admin upgrade/backward compatibility has been a great 
feature for Derby so far and we should do whatever we can to not break 
it going forward.  It seems like applications that need this feature set
can set the appropriate flag going forward and then do the work to 
properly configure authentication and authorization, ssl encryption 
passwords, and other server administration.  Since there is extra work

necessary to use these features it seems reasonable to put to work on
these applications to set the flag rather than put the work on the 
zero-admin applications that do not need these features.

By default Derby should be zero admin and thus default to not requiring
this extra administration.

*From: *Rick Hillegas
*To: *Derby Discussion
*Sent: *Monday, September 19, 2011 12:39:07 PM
*Subject: *Derby secure by default

The Derby developers are considering introducing a single master
security property. Turning this property on will enable most Derby
security mechanisms:

1) Authentication - Will be on, requiring username/password credentials
at connection time. Derby will supply a default authentication mechanism.

2) SQL authorization - Will be on, hiding a user's data from other
people. In addition, Derby will support more SQL Standard protections
for Java routines.

3) File permissions - Will be tightened as described by DERBY-5363.

4) PUBLIC -This keyword will not be allowed as a user name.

5) SSL/TLS encryption - Will shield client/server traffic.

6) Server administration -  Will require credentials.

When the property is off, Derby will behave as it does today:
Authentication, authorization, and network encryption will be off, file
permissions will inherit defaults from the account which runs the VM,
PUBLIC will be a legal user name, and server administration won't need

This new master property will make it easier to configure a more secure
application. We want to introduce the property in an upcoming 10.x
release, where it will default to being off. That means that it won't
cause compatibility problems.

Later on, we might change the default for this property so that it would
normally be turned on. This would make Derby more secure out of the box
at the cost of breaking existing applications. Many applications would
need to explicitly turn the property off in order to run as they did
previously. Release notes would document this behavioral change and we
would bump the major release id from 10 to 11 in order to call attention
to the change.

We would like your feedback on this trade-off between security out of
the box versus disruption. Should this extra security be enabled by default?


Re: Does anyone want to run Derby 10.9 on JVM 1.4 or on CDC/FP 1.1?

2011-06-27 Thread Mike Matrigali

I think it would be ok to drop testing/support for jdk1.4.  But I think
it continues to be valuable to support running derby on small 
devices/set top devices

through support of the CDC/FP 1.1 platform.

Derby  has a architecture which allows developers to add optional
features that depend on newer jdk features, which has been used in
the past and continues to be supported.

Rick Hillegas wrote:
The 1.4 JVM has not been supported as a free platform for some time 
(although I believe you can buy a support contract for 1.4 if you need 
to). Does anyone plan to run Derby 10.9 on this platform? Does anyone 
plan to run Derby 10.9 on the related small device CDC/FP 1.1 platform? 
For the next feature release, we are considering dropping support for 
one or both of these platforms. Your responses will help us make a 



2011-06-03 Thread Mike Matrigali

There should be no size limits to the backup database command other than
those imposed by destination disk/filesystem.

Are you sure it is hanging, rather than going very slow?  Basically is
anything showing up on the destination disk.

Is there anything in derby.log when you encounter the problem?

Are you trying to backup the database while work is being done in
the database?  If so, derby does have to wait until current tranactions
finish before it can get started.

I would not be surprised if backup done by derby is slower than one 
would expect, it has not been optimized for very large databases.  It

is basic.  The expectation is that if the solution is not fast enough
then user can code their own backup and properly interact with derby
by using method outlined in the documentation using freeze or unfreeze:
Vijender Devakari wrote:

Hi Team,

we are using below proc for backing up the database, but this call is 
hanging when the Database is size more like 3GB, 4GB, ...

Can you let me know in which case we can use this and also what else we 
need to use to backup database incase if the siz is more.


Best Regards,

Vijender D,
Deutsche Bank
Ph: +65 6423 8530
Mobile: +65 94517994

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Re: Indexing speed in presence of BLOB columns

2011-01-10 Thread Mike Matrigali

Trejkaz wrote:

Hi all.

I have been doing some performance testing of the time it takes to
create an index on a table with BLOB data.  The schema:

binary BLOB(1G) NOT NULL

Each time, 10,000 rows are inserted with data of a given size and then
an index is created at the end:

CREATE INDEX binary_id ON binary (id)

Times are an average of three runs after some warmup runs which are not counted.

1 kB blobs:
  Index: 567 ms
  Insert: 78 ms

10 kB blobs:
  Insert: 3954 ms
  Index: 515 ms

100 kB blobs:
  Insert: 56307 ms
  Index: 20591 ms

1 MB blobs:
  Insert: 521904 ms
  Index: 122527 ms

Surprisingly, the larger the data which is present in the BLOB column,
the longer it takes to index.  Since the indexing process shouldn't
need to read the BLOB data in order to index the row, I am surprised
that it slows down when more data is present.  What is going on here
exactly?  Is Derby physically copying the BLOB data to a new location
and then deleting the original copy instead of performing some kind of
cheap move operation?  Is there some way to avoid this (which won't
require changing the schema)?


This is the expected behavior.  Derby base tables are very basic and 
thus the need for indexes.  In order to do a scan of the entire base 
table to build the index every page in the base table needs to be read
from disk.  Even though we don't actually read the blob data for 
creating the index the system still needs to bring in each page from 
disk to memory to see if it has any rows.  Basically the scan of the 
base table is to loop from page 1 to the last page and check if each 
page is a head page with rows and read the rows.  The blob data is 
stored in the same file as the main pages.

Re: NFS and Derby

2010-11-11 Thread Mike Matrigali

Kathey Marsden wrote:
I have always told users they have to have their databases on a local 
disk to ensure data integrity and that  a system crash for an NFS 
mounted database could cause fatal corruption, but had a user this 
morning take me to task on this and ask me to explain exactly why.  I 
gave my general response about not being able to guarantee a sync to 
disk over the network, but want to have a more authoritative reference 
for why  you cannot count on an NFS mounted disk although I did find 
several places where the sync option favors data integrity which 
certainly doesn't sound like a guarantee.  Does anyone know a good 
general reference I can use on this topic to support my you gotta use a 
local disk mantra.

The problem is one of documentation and implementation of nfs.  I don't
think there is just one nfs out there.  And there are definitely all 
sorts of other remote mounting options.

Some of the problems that can arise, that are avoided in local disk and
thus why to be safe we have documented we can't guarantee support include:

1) We may not be able to prevent dual booting and thus db may get corrupted.
All of our algorithms for preventing dual booting rely on the jvms that
are accessing the database to be on the same machine.  Once 2 machines 
can access the same file we have no way to prevent corruption.

2) Derby depends on synchonous write behavior when requested.  Basically 
at certain times Derby asks the JVM to guarantee that data to a table or 
recovery log file has been written and forced to disk before returning.

If this syncing is not correct a number of database problems can happen
such as:
1) we tell user a transaction was commited because we believe the log
   was forced, but the nfs was caching the result and crashes.  Now
   the committed xact is not there.
2) we want to remove some recovery log so we force data to disk, wait 
for it to hit disk and the delete the log file for those disk updates.

But data is actually cached and lost and now we have old data in the
db and no log files to recover it from.

 When this was first documented I don't believe any JVM implementation 
on top of nfs could guarantee a completed synchronous write.
It may be the case that certain remote file system implementations now 
can guarantee this, and it may be the case that the JVM implementations 
make the right calls to the nfs file system to do this - but I believe 
it is a support nightmare to try and support this.

A quick google of nfs topics seems to indicate that there may be some 
versions of nfs that do support write sync.  I believe this because most
of the hits that I got were descriptions of how to disable the syncing 
to get better performance, indicating that many of nfs that might 
support write sync actually have it disabled.  I did not see anyway that 
a java program could find out if the required syncing was being enforced.

Note that we also can not guarantee recovery on disks with write cache
enabled, which I believe many users have set.  Many may not even know it
as I believe it is the default for some disk installations.

Also I think our documentation on this topic should be a bit stronger.  
Currently we just say it may not work and probably should be clearer 
that data corruption could occur.  I will file an issue to beef up the 
language based on the conversation in this thread.



Re: NFS and Derby

2010-11-11 Thread Mike Matrigali
And for some really ancient history (at least 10 years ago), I believe 
this bit of documentation

actually resulted from one of the developers acidently running the set
of tests in their home directory on nfs and getting errors.  So at least 
at that time it didn't even take a crash to make something fail across nfs

vs local disk.  I don't think we have done any testing on remote file
systems on purpose since then.

Kathey Marsden wrote:
I have always told users they have to have their databases on a local 
disk to ensure data integrity and that  a system crash for an NFS 
mounted database could cause fatal corruption, but had a user this 
morning take me to task on this and ask me to explain exactly why.  I 
gave my general response about not being able to guarantee a sync to 
disk over the network, but want to have a more authoritative reference 
for why  you cannot count on an NFS mounted disk although I did find 
several places where the sync option favors data integrity which 
certainly doesn't sound like a guarantee.  Does anyone know a good 
general reference I can use on this topic to support my you gotta use a 
local disk mantra.

Also I think our documentation on this topic should be a bit stronger.  
Currently we just say it may not work and probably should be clearer 
that data corruption could occur.  I will file an issue to beef up the 
language based on the conversation in this thread.



Re: Illegal Seek during SELECT

2010-08-27 Thread Mike Matrigali

That is strange, if the table or index was actually bad I would
expect check table to find this kind of problem.

From your description it has the feel of something affecting the I/O
system in memory and causing the later I/O to fail.  You included
a snip of the derby.log.  Is there anything of interest that happened
between the last boot and when you got this error?  Sometimes derby
gets errors it considers system level and it basically shuts down
the I/O system to prevent db corruption until the system is rebooted.

The error you got is from an index.  You can rebuild all the indexes
on this table by running the offline compress system procedure on table.

This is a very old version of the software, if possible you might
consider upgrading.  10.6 is the latest release at this point.

Brandon L. Duncan wrote:
Hi all - I was wondering if anyone has any insight on to the exception 
below. I preformed a SYSCS_CHECK_TABLE on all tables after restarting 
Derby and all returned a 1. I also preformed disk checking on the 
physical disk which houses the database which was clean as well. This 
query has run successfully after the restart as well, and I'm looking to 
see what may have caused this and how to possibly prevent a similar 
occurrence in the future. This is version


2010-08-14 07:46:26.047 GMT Thread[DRDAConnThread_13346,5,derby.daemons] 
(XID = 79141229328), (SESSIONID = 12194), (DATABASE = 
../../database/xdb1), (DRDAID = 
NF01.P02E-953354465271340036{12196}), Cleanup action starting
2010-08-14 07:46:26.047 GMT Thread[DRDAConnThread_13346,5,derby.daemons] 
(XID = 79141229328), (SESSIONID = 12194), (DATABASE = 
../../database/xdb1), (DRDAID = 
NF01.P02E-953354465271340036{12196}), Failed Statement is: SELECT * 
FROM EBI.BPScriptCategories WHERE ID = ?

ERROR XSDG0: Page Page(1,Container(0, 1601)) could not be read from disk.
org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException.newException(Unknown Source)
at Source)

at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedResultSet.movePosition(Unknown 

at Source)
at org.apache.derby.impl.drda.DRDAConnThread.writeFDODTA(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.impl.drda.DRDAConnThread.writeQRYDTA(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.impl.drda.DRDAConnThread.processCommands(Unknown 

at Source)
= begin nested exception, level (1) === Illegal seek
at Method)
at Source)
at Source)

at Source)
at Source)
at Source)

Re: Fluctuating disk overhead

2010-08-23 Thread Mike Matrigali

David Van Couvering wrote:

It will probably be a lot easier to explain if you du
the log directory and the seg0 directory separately
each time.  And for more detail do a ls -l of the log
directory.  My guess is that it is due to logging, and
incremental log file cleanup, but would need more data
to confirm.

Sorry, about that, new mouse and I did a premature send...

As I was saying...

Here is the table definition:


I insert 100 rows, and then do a loop updating the 100 rows over and 
over again.

When I watch the disk usage of the database directory, I see this 
pattern repeated over and over again.

I tried adding a call to compress the table after every 100 updates, but 
this had no impact.

Can you explain what is going on and what, if anything, I can do to keep 
the size small?



$ du -s -h BLOBTEST

$ du -s -h BLOBTEST

$ du -s -h BLOBTEST

$ du -s -h BLOBTEST

$ du -s -h BLOBTEST

$ du -s -h BLOBTEST

$ du -s -h BLOBTEST

$ du -s -h BLOBTEST

$ du -s -h BLOBTEST

$ du -s -h BLOBTEST

$ du -s -h BLOBTEST

$ du -s -h BLOBTEST

$ du -s -h BLOBTEST

$ du -s -h BLOBTEST

$ du -s -h BLOBTEST

$ du -s -h BLOBTEST

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 10:49 AM, David Van Couvering wrote:

Hi, all.  I have a test that updates 100 rows, each of which
contains an int primary key and a 300-byte BLOB:


David W. Van Couvering

David W. Van Couvering

Re: Execution Plan Changes Dramatically between Executions

2010-07-03 Thread Mike Matrigali

Do any of the tables in the select have very few rows?  If so
a few updates/inserts could change the statistics a lot.

I would suggest running an offline compress on all the tables
in the query and see if the issue still happens.  This will update
all the statistics that the optimizer uses when estimating, including
optimizing the indexes on all the tables.

In the worst case, as a workaround you could use the optimizer hints
to force the use of indexes to match the optimized plan if this does
not get rid of the problem.

Simon wrote:

Hello all,

I have an application which executes the following query:

select tp.ID, tp.NAME, tp.DESCRIPTION,
(select count(*) from test_plan rtp, test_plan_instance rtpi, script rs
  where = and rs.TEST_PLAN_INSTANCE_ID = rtpi.ID
  and rtpi.TEST_PLAN_ID = rtp.ID and rs.STATUS = 'Running'
) as running_count,
(select count(*) from test_plan rtp, test_plan_instance rtpi, script rs
   where = and rs.TEST_PLAN_INSTANCE_ID = rtpi.ID
   and rtpi.TEST_PLAN_ID = rtp.ID and rs.STATUS = 'Pending'
  ) as pending_count
  from test_plan tp

Most of the time it works great, indexes get used and it is fast
enough (it is a report so it is not necessary to be instant).
However sometimes it runs really slowly.  It goes from taking 140ms to
taking 147 seconds!I tried logging the query plans and I see that
on the times when it is running slowly it is using a completely
different execution plan.   I don't fully understand the plans but it
is very clear that certain indexes just stop getting used and it does
scans instead, eg:

scan information:
Bit set of columns fetched={0, 1}
Number of columns fetched=2
Number of pages visited=726
Number of rows qualified=0
Number of rows visited=102870
Scan type=heap

Since the data set does not change in any significant way between
executions (maybe a few updates, an insert or two) and the query is
static I'm really curious why it would change its query plan,
especially to something that is so dramatically worse.

Any hints on how I can avoid this?

NB:  Using Derby 10.5.3.   You can see the full execution plans:

Thanks for any help!


Re: Derbus interruptus == Derbus corruptus?

2010-05-14 Thread Mike Matrigali

The db should never be corrupted by this.  It is sometimes confusing
as many scary errors come back, as often the error results in all
subsequent operations failing until the database is completely shutdown
and rebooted.

It is hard to say exactly what happens, mostly because of the way
interupts work in java.  Basically the interrupt is not noticed until
a java call is made that checks for interrupts.  The usual case in derby
is that this is noticed when an I/O happens.  Depending on what I/O
is interrupted different thing can happen.  If it is a log I/O then
it is a server level error and the system disables all future I/O's,
causing those to return errors and the eventually system will come down.
A read error I think is just statement error and subsequent queries may
work.  In all cases the system should recover fine after subsequent
reboot, causing any transaction to back out that was in middle when the
I/O failed.

David Van Couvering wrote:
Hi, all.  I am using Derby embedded in a server process.  The server 
process can receive a request to shut down, in which case it does an 
orderly shutdown of all its services.  This uses 
ExecutorService.shutdownNow(), which sends an InterruptException to any 
task currently running.  I am looking at changing this to using shutdown 
with a timeout before reverting to shutdownNow(), but I still want to 
discuss with you what happens.

It *appears* that as a result of receiving this interrupt, Derby 
receives a java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException, which it then 
rethrows as a SQLException.  That's fine, I can dig through the layers 
of causes to find that it's a ClosedByInterruptException.  But my 
question to you is, when Derby gets interrupted like this, what does it 
do?  Does it correctly roll back the current transaction?  Does it 
ignore the interrupt until it can finish processing the transaction?  I 
am particularly concerned that this could cause some kind of 
inconsistency or corruption in the database.

For your edification, here is the stack trace.  I am not sure if it 
always happens when trying to open a connection, or if it also happens 
in the middle of an operation, I'm going to look for more examples of 
the stack trace, and will send it your way.



com.vontu.itemcatalog.api.ItemCatalogException: java.sql.SQLException: Failed 
to start database 'C:\Vontu\Protect\scan\incremental_index/MONITOR_TARGET_4', 
see the next exception for details.






at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(



Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Failed to start database 
'C:\Vontu\Protect\scan\incremental_index/MONITOR_TARGET_4', see the next 
exception for details.
org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.SQLExceptionFactory40.getSQLException(Unknown Source)

at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.Util.newEmbedSQLException(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.Util.seeNextException(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedConnection.bootDatabase(Unknown 

Re: Very bad disk space leak in Derby

2010-05-03 Thread Mike Matrigali

what are the names of the new files after the transaction that
tried to create the existing table them commits?  If they are still 
c*.dat then there

is definitely something wrong.  If they start with a different letter
then it could be that derby is acting as expected and just did not get 
around to cleaning them

yet.  I believe it does this at checkpoint time.  The assumption being
that normally this case is just drop table and not needed to be optimized.

I have not looked at the code but my guess is that create table is
counting on a unique key violation to tell whether a table exists
or not.  To do this it has to do an insert and to do the insert it
needs the name of the file which only exists after the file is

David Van Couvering wrote:

Yes, it does sound like a bug.  I'll log a JIRA

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 6:50 PM, Bryan Pendleton wrote:

As I mentioned to Knut, I try to issue a CREATE TABLE each time
I connect, and ignore the exception saying it already exists if
the table is already there.  

If this is leaking a conglomerate each time (creating a .dat file but
never deleting it), that seems like a bug to me.



David W. Van Couvering

Re: Performance of in-place upgrade

2010-02-04 Thread Mike Matrigali

The answer would of course depend on the level of the current db and the
level of the software you are moving to.

But as a general rule I would expect soft upgrades to almost take no
time at all, as the purpose of a soft upgrade is to not change anything
just allow new software to work on old dbs and allow the old software
also to work.  Since all this happens at boot time it is hard to tell 
the difference between other boot time stuff the db might have to do 
like recovery which is much harder to estimate as it depends on what

db was doing and how it was shut down.

So far I don't think even hard upgrades will take very much as I don't
think any derby release has had a hard upgrade that required any work at 
time on a per row/column basis.  Most hard upgrade work has had to do 
with ddl, so is more dependent on number of ddl like tables, indexes, 
statements, and the like.  This does not mean it won't happen in

the future, but it would be a last choice in my opinion.  In general we
have rather looked at supporting both new and old types rather than pay
a convert cost at upgrade time.


David Van Couvering wrote:
Hi, all.  Yes, I'm now using Derby within the product I'm working on in 
my new job! :)

So, I have some questions.  I'll send separate emails for each ones to 
keep the threads simpler.

I could  have quite a few rows in my table - perhaps up to 100 million. 
 The table will have about 5 columns.  Do you have a sense of how long 
it will take to do a soft upgrade of a database of this size?  Is it in 
the 1-9 minute range, 10-20 minutes, 1 hour, multiple hours?  I can test 
this myself, but I was wondering if anyone could give me a quick ballpark. 



David W. Van Couvering

Re: Does a database shrink?

2010-02-04 Thread Mike Matrigali
a derby table/index will not automatically shrink ever.  Deleted row 
space can

be used automatically by subsequent inserts or updates to the same
table or index.  Space is returned to the operating system when a table 
or index is dropped.

One needs to
call the compress routines by hand to get a db to shrink.

David Van Couvering wrote:
If I delete a bunch of rows from my database, does the size of the 
database shrink, or does it keep the space it has allocated once I grow 
to a certain size?



David W. Van Couvering

Re: Order of Select when Identity column is defined

2009-07-22 Thread Mike Matrigali

Iris Eiron wrote:

Hello all,

I have a table E defined like that:


My question is: In what order will the rows be returned if I run the 
following statement on E:


I cannot specify an ORDER BY clause since Derby does not support  SELECT 
FOR UPDATE with ORDER BY. Is there a guarantee that the rows will be 
returned by the order of the identity column INSERT_ORDER? I was not 
able to find documentation supporting this.

There is no guarantee of order of rows for any select query unless there
is an order by.  Even if there is a index, the plan may choose not to
use this index.

The answer for this question is the key for improving the perfroance of 
a very expensive operation, that without order takes days to execute, 
and with order we expect it to complete in a few hours.

Thanks for your help!

- Iris

Re: Corrupted database

2009-06-22 Thread Mike Matrigali

Along these lines, if you don't want to hack the code I would try the
following (note I have not ever tried this, so have no idea if it will
work - I thought about this for awhile and looked at the headers and 
could not come up with why it would not work).  For this you will need 
to know the seg0 file associated with

the table you are trying to recover and the seg0 file you will create
for a new dummy table.

o Shutdown the db you are working with cleanly with shutdown=true, make
  an offline copy of it and only work on the copy.
o In another db create a new table that has the same ddl as the original
  table - i will call this dummy table.  The most important part of
  this is that the new table has the
  same page size as the table you are trying to recover.  If you use 
the same ddl and you didn't set any page size properties when you 
created the original table then the page size should match.  The size and
  structure of the allocation part of page 0 is different for each of 
the 4 supported page sizes (2k, 4k, 8k, 32k) - basically there is a 
fixed header and the rest is used for the allocation page.  Thus the

bigger the page size the more pages the allocation bit map on page 0
o now insert as many rows as necessary into the dummy table such that it 
is as big as the table you are trying to recover.  The goal here is to

get the allocation map in page 0 to mark all the pages as allocated and
in use.
o now shutdown cleanly (ie. shutdown=true) - if you don't do this then
  the changes may only be in the log and not in the seg0 file.
o now with both db's shutdown cleanly, copy page 0 from the dummy file
over page 0 of the copied database table that you are trying to recover
and try booting, and checking the table.
On a unix system I think this can easily be done with one or two dd 
commands, let me know if you need more info.  Again do this only while

db's are shutdown cleanly otherwise all sorts of recovery problems may
o And of course after you do this you should run the consistency checker 
to see what else may be corrupted, note the consistency checker does not

check everything.  So I usually recommend the only safe thing to do when
using this kind of data corruption mining is to select the recovered 
data out of the bad db and then insert into a newly created good db 
otherwise the corruptions may lurk around and bite you later.  The 
checker is not perfect, it mostly does a good job of checking that the

index tree's are consistent internally and that they are consistent with
the base tables.  For instance I don't think it even reads data in base
that is not needed to check the indexes.


Bryan Pendleton wrote:
 Anyone adventurous enough to help me with this problem? Even a yes/no 
to the question whether it's possible and maybe some pointers how to 
reconstruct page 0 would be a lot of help I think.

Well, anything's possible, since it's open source software and so you can
change it and make it do what you need. However, this doesn't sound like
a very easy thing to do. You've definitely exhausted all possible sources
of backups?

Here's some fairly high-level information about page formats:

My first thought would be that if you could make page 0 appear to look
as though ALL other pages in the conglomerate were in-use, so that it
seemed to have no pages marked available, then you could try opening
the database and reading all the data out.

So you'd like the FreePages bitmap to be empty, for this recovery scenario.



Re: Repairing a corrupted database with invalid checksum on page

2009-06-10 Thread Mike Matrigali

Unfortunately the problem you have is during redo recovery, so not only
is the page bad that you see in the log you don't have access to the
database to find out what else is bad.  Also since redo recovery is 
failing there is more work after that record that is not being done to

get your database back to a consistent state.

Do you have the ability to change/build derby source to produce your
own version?  If so I would try hacking in a change to redo recovery
to just skip this page in this container, and see if the rest of redo 
recovery works.  Then you would have a booted db that you could run the 

checker on.  Then you could figure out how important container 1105
is.  The best case is if 1105 is an index then one need only drop the
index and recreate it.  From the conglomerate id I think it is an

* The conglomerate number has 2 parts.  The low 4 bits are used to
* encode the factory which owns the conglomerate.  The high 60 bits
* are used as a normal unique id mechanism.
* p
* So for example if the next id to assign is 0x54 the following will
* be the conglomid:
* if a HEAP  (factory 0) - 0x540
* if a BTREE (factory 1) - 0x541
* And the next id assigned will be:
* if a HEAP  (factory 0) - 0x550
* if a BTREE (factory 1) - 0x551

David Sitsky wrote:
I have a customer (unfortunately with confidential data) who has a Derby 
database with corruption.  I'm not sure of the details - somehow an 
eSata disk was powered off, and perhaps it had write-caching enabled, 
I'm not sure.

I've read on some Derby docs online that:

In some cases one may recover data from the existing
database, depending on the extent of the corruption, but will require
by hand data recovery. Depending on the type of corruption this may
be successful or not. one should consult the Derby list if attempting
this recovery - no automatic software solution to this recovery exists.

So I guess that is what I am doing... I've included the error below as 
to what the database has reported.  The customer has 7 other databases 
on the same disk which is fine, so perhaps the corruption is limited.

Apart from using backups (which are unfortunately old), are there any 
options to get this database back into any kind of shape?  The thought 
of fixing the checksum on this page and praying for the best seems 
dangerous.. but they don't have many other options..

Thanks for any advice.

2009-06-09 02:04:52.245 GMT:
 Booting Derby version The Apache Software Foundation - Apache Derby - - (exported): instance 40348015-0121-c2c2-c064-afcf10ad
on database directory 


ERROR XSDG2: Invalid checksum on Page Page(3586,Container(0, 1105)), 
expected=1,077,491,282, on-disk version=1,792, page dump follows: Hex dump:

: 0075         .u..
0010:  0006        
0020:   0001       

Re: Increasing the length of a blob column

2009-06-03 Thread Mike Matrigali
I logged JIRA DERBY-4256, as unfortunately derby does not currently 
support alter table to expand the length of the blob or clob fields.

I included in it the necessary work to make derby support such a
feature.  Without doing the development work I think you are stuck
with the kind of process you describe below.

If you can come up with the space to complete it I think you can get
your db size back down if you add a compress table call at the end
of your work.  But the db is definitely going to grow in the
intermediate steps, both by having multiple copies of the blob in
the row.  Also a lot of logging will happen so wherever you log
directory is going to grow during this process.  Log space can't
be reclaimed until transactions are committed so you may be growing
space there also.


Evan Leonard wrote:

Hello again,

As a corollary to my upgrade question, I have another issue I would like 
to get some input on.

Several old databases in production were created with blob columns at 
the then default blob size of 1mb.  How can I go about upgrading these 
columns to be longer?

This is the best approach I've come up with so far:

ALTER TABLE binarydata ADD COLUMN data2 blob(128M)
UPDATE binarydata SET data2 = data;
RENAME COLUMN binarydata.data2 TO data;

The issue with this approach is that some deployed databases are nearly 
1GB in size with a large portion of that being in this table I'm trying 
to adjust. When I ran this query as a test on such a database, the size 
of the db on disk balloon to over twice its starting size, and then 
failed because I was running it on a temp drive without enough storage 
to complete, so I haven't been able to fully test even if this will work.

Is there a good reason why blob columns can't have their size adjusted 
directly?  I've tried:


but this failed with an error.

Any ideas?


Re: syscs_compress_table deadlock

2009-05-27 Thread Mike Matrigali

Is there any chance you can post a reproducible test case?  The part of
this I am having a hard time understanding is that somehow the 
transaction which is doing the inserts has gotten a table level read 
lock on SYSCONGLOMERATES, as indicated by the following line from the

Granted XID : {27040324, IS} , {27043904, S} , {27043904, IS} ,
 {27058697, S}

Transaction 27043904 has a S (shared) table lock on SYSCONGLOMERATES 
which is a system table.  The key is figuring out how that happened.

Compress is doing row locking as indicated by it requesting a (IX),
intended share table lock.

Any chance the inserting threads are either doing direct queries on
SYSCONGLOMERATES or doing database metadata queries?  Setting
derby.language.logStatementText=true may help track down what the
insert threads are doing to get this unexpected lock.  It is probably
prudent to commit after any database metadata query to release any locks
which may have been requested on system catalogs unless you require that
info for a consistent transaction.

Also search the documentation for derby.locks.monitor=true for ways to
get the system to print more information when it gets a deadlock.

T K wrote:

While we call this stored proc INSERTS keep coming in from other threads,
resulting in the deadlock exception at the bottom, and I assume this is 

although I did not see anything in the documentation. Can someone please
confirm the proper conditions for calling this stored proc? Derby

tia code: -1 SQLState: 38000 
Message: The exception 'java.sql.SQLException: A lock could not be 
obtained due to a deadlock, cycle of locks and waiters is:

  Waiting XID : {27040324, IX} , MYSCHEMA, alter table 
MYSCHEMA.SOMETABLE compress sequential
  Granted XID : {27040324, IS} , {27043904, S} , {27043904, IS} , 
{27058697, S}

Lock : TABLE, SOMETABLE, Tablelock
  Waiting XID : {27058697, IX} , MYSCHEMA, insert into SOMETABLE 
(COLUMN1) values (?)

  Granted XID : {27040324, X}
. The selected victim is XID : 27040324.' was thrown while evaluating an 

From: XXX
SQL: {call syscs_util.syscs_compress_table('MYSCHEMA','SOMETABLE',1)}
SQL Inserts:

Caused by SQL Problems.
Problem #1, SQLState 38000, Error code -1: java.sql.SQLException: The 
exception 'java.sql.SQLException: A lock could not be obtained due to a 
deadlock, cycle of locks and waiters is:

  Waiting XID : {27040324, IX} , MYSCHEMA, alter table 
MYSCHEMA.SOMETABLE compress sequential
  Granted XID : {27040324, IS} , {27043904, S} , {27043904, IS} , 
{27058697, S}

Lock : TABLE, SOMETABLE, Tablelock
  Waiting XID : {27058697, IX} , MYSCHEMA, insert into SOMETABLE 
(COLUMN1) values (?)

  Granted XID : {27040324, X}
. The selected victim is XID : 27040324.' was thrown while evaluating an 
Problem #2, SQLState 40001, Error code 9: 
java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: A lock could not be 
obtained due to a deadlock, cycle of locks and waiters is:

  Waiting XID : {27040324, IX} , MYSCHEMA, alter table 
MYSCHEMA.SOMETABLE compress sequential
  Granted XID : {27040324, IS} , {27043904, S} , {27043904, IS} , 
{27058697, S}

Lock : TABLE, SOMETABLE, Tablelock
  Waiting XID : {27058697, IX} , MYSCHEMA, insert into SOMETABLE 
(COLUMN1) values (?)

  Granted XID : {27040324, X}
. The selected victim is XID : 27040324.

Re: syscs_compress_table deadlock

2009-05-27 Thread Mike Matrigali

The table locking nomenclature is somewhat confusing.  Let me try to
explain.  Derby always uses 2 level locking so that it can support
both table level and row level locking.

What people usually refer to as table locking are the cases of
S and X locks on TABLE locks.  An S table lock logically means a
shared lock on every row in the table.  An X table lock logically means
an exclusive lock on every row in the table.
Derby update row locking always first gets an IX table lock (intent to
get x row locks), and read row locking gets an IS table lock (intent to
get s row locks).  In derby the only purpose for these intent locks is
to block as appropriate the S and X table locks.

So X table lock is not compatible with any other table lock.
An S table lock is not compatible with X or IX.  It is compatible with IS.

transaction 27040324 (compress transaction):
o is waiting to get an IX table lock on SYSCONGLOMERATES
o owns a an X table lock on SOMETABLE

transaction 27058697 (insert transaction):
o is waiting on a IX lock on SOMETABLE (which is not compatible with
  the above X lock held by 27040324
o is granted a S table lock on SYSCONGLOMERATES (which is not
  compatible with the above IX table lock request on SYSCONGLOMERATES.

More on Derby isolation and locking can be found in the docs:

I assume the inserts are part of a multi-statement transaction, is
that true?  Does the transaction include the creation of the table?

T K wrote:

Hmm My reading of the situation is a bit different... You said:

  Compress is doing row locking as indicated by it requesting a (IX), 
intended share table lock.

To me IX is Intended Exclusive and the fact some other transaction has a 
shared lock (S) on SOMETABLE shouldn't really matter, so going back to 
the error report - and for a deadlock to exist - I would expect to see 
some transaction A holding exclusive lock L1 while requesting exclusive 
lock L2, and another transaction B holding L2 while requesting L1. This 
means I would expect to see two X locks in the report between two tables 
but I don't - there is just one X lock... Here's the report again for 

'java.sql.SQLException: A lock could not be obtained due to a deadlock, 
cycle of locks and waiters is:

  Waiting XID : {27040324, IX} , MYSCHEMA, alter table 
MYSCHEMA.SOMETABLE compress sequential
  Granted XID : {27040324, IS} , {27043904, S} , {27043904, IS} , 
{27058697, S}

Lock : TABLE, SOMETABLE, Tablelock
  Waiting XID : {27058697, IX} , MYSCHEMA, insert into SOMETABLE 
(COLUMN1) values (?)

  Granted XID : {27040324, X}
. The selected victim is XID : 27040324.' was thrown while evaluating an 

From: XXX
SQL: {call syscs_util.syscs_compress_table('MYSCHEMA','SOMETABLE',1)}

If my reading of this is accurate, what I see is that 27040324 has an X 
lock on SOMETABLE and 27058697 is waiting to obtain the same lock (IX), 
while 27058697 is not holding any other X locks for it to engage in a 
deadlock. At the same time 27040324 is intending to obtain an exclusive 
lock on SYSCONGLOMERATES but the report is not telling who's holding an 
X lock on it. Basically in this report, and for a deadlock to occur, I 
am expecting to see that 27058697 also has an X lock on 
SYSCONGLOMERATES, but I don't. Therefore, there is either some sort of 
bug here, or I have to assume there must be a third transaction (not 
reported here) that has this exclusive lock, and this would then appear 
to be a 3-way deadlock, but the report isn't telling me this, and 
detecting a 3-way deadlock is a very difficult thing to begin with... so 
from this I conclude that we are dealing with some sort of bug here...

The code is not accessing SYSCONGLOEMERATES directly or doing metadata 
queries - threads are simply INSERTing while another thread runs stats 


*From:* Mike Matrigali
*To:* Derby Discussion
*Sent:* Wednesday, May 27, 2009 12:28:50 PM
*Subject:* Re: syscs_compress_table deadlock

Is there any chance you can post a reproducible test case?  The part of
this I am having a hard time understanding is that somehow the 
transaction which is doing the inserts has gotten a table level read 
lock on SYSCONGLOMERATES, as indicated by the following line from the

Granted XID : {27040324, IS} , {27043904, S} , {27043904, IS} ,
  {27058697, S}

Transaction 27043904 has a S (shared) table lock on SYSCONGLOMERATES 
which is a system table.  The key is figuring out how that happened.

Compress is doing row locking as indicated by it requesting a (IX),
intended share table lock.

Any chance the inserting threads are either doing direct queries on
SYSCONGLOMERATES or doing database metadata queries?  Setting

Re: Clean derby shutdown - shutdown a db so no recovery needed on startup

2009-04-15 Thread Mike Matrigali
Does the following mean that you plan on having multiple machines access 
a shared on disk image of derby that is shared among the machines? 
Derby can't support this configuration as it depends on the JVM 
coordinating access and in this case one JVM is not going to know 
another JVM on a different machine is accessing the db.  If so, derby 
cannot prevent concurrent access to the db, and if concurrent access is 
allowed it is very easy to end up with a corrupt db in this case.  This 
can even happen in cases where no update operation is performed by the 

Derby has definitely not been designed to perform well for a single 
operation per boot.  The assumption is boot once, and then single 
connections come and go, with many derby implementation doing a single

operation per connection (best with connection pooling).  In this case
a cache is left around so that each query does not have to pay the I/O
for the various system catalog lookups necessary for the queries.

Nick Puz wrote:
Hi Jørgen, 
Thanks for the quick response. Due to our planned derby usage pattern (open derby, do something for a user request, close derby) this is more of an issue. This usage is done so that any mid-tier box can handle client requests and access the derby db on a nas/filer. I notice the following writes/fsyncs in a read only test, are they all due to the commit log record or is there another cause of the writes to log ctrl files: 

Re: URGENT!!! JDBC SQL query taking long time for large IN clause

2009-04-08 Thread Mike Matrigali
getting parsed with much lower memory footprints.

Best regards,


On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 2:39 AM, wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: Mike Matrigali []
  Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 2:05 PM
  To: Derby Discussion
  Subject: Re: URGENT!!! JDBC SQL query taking long time for large
IN clause
  It is impossible to say what the performance of the query can be
  knowing exact values of all the values of the IN LIST.  But it is
  possible to get some idea assuming some worst case behavior, and from
  that I am going to guess you will never come close to 100ms with an
  uncached database, on hardware using some sort of standard disk based
  hard drive.
  I do think the query may go faster with index and query tweeking, but
  100ms to an uncached db and non-clustered unique values in that
IN list
  is never going to go that fast.  Adding up just what is posted it
  like this is a 1.2 gig db.
Drop the unnecessary indexes and you'll see the database size shrink
Also note that he's running this on a Windows XP laptop. Depending
on the
model of the lap top, you will have not only CPU issues but also
disk i/o
issues as well. (5400 rpm IDE as an example)

However, it is possible for the OP to get better performance, if not
realistically 100ms performance. (BTW where did 100ms come from? I'm
but this really sounds like a class project...)

  You posted the space for the tables and indexes.  The interesting
  are the big ones.  You have 5 tables or indexes over 1000 pages
big.  If
  in the worst case your 1000 value IN list happens to be on 1000
  different pages then Derby is going to need to do at least 1000
i/o's to
  get to them - I usually use back of envelope of max 100 i/o's per
  (even if your disk has specs that say higher rate this I/O is not
  going to
  get streamed as fast as possible by this query, it is going to
ask for
  page, process it, do some join work then later ask for another
page, ...)


I think that a lot of this information is a bit skewed. Outside of the
primary index, the indexes he created included the varchar field.
Not sure
why he did this except under the impression that he'd only have to
hit the
index and not the underlying table. While there is some potential
merit to
this, I think that there are things that he can do to improve
(Hence my post about reworking the query itself and using a temp table.)
Drop those indexes and you'll see a big change in database size.

  There was work done in 10.3 on IN-LISTS, making them perform more
  unions,  See DERBY-47.  So if you have a choice of releases I would
  suggest you move to 10.4 and post query plan and results against
  The basic idea of that change was to allow the
  system to do 1 probe into an index for each value in the IN-LIST,
  this change DERBY could only sort the values in the IN list and then
  limit a index scan to the lowest and biggest values in the in list.
  So for instance for OBJECT_CATEGORY_MAPPING_INDEX, worst case it
  have to scan 112177 pages to find the 1000 rows, where worst case for
  probing would be 1000 page (plus btree parent index pages, but those
  are much more likely cached).  The problem is that there is
  overhead for probing one at a time, scans go much faster - so
there is
  a crossover point - ie. I would guess it would likely better to
scan all
  112177 pages then do 100,000 probes.
I believe that it was already recommended that he do just that.
There are two ways he could use the temp table. As a sub-select
or as part of the table join.

I think this would bypass the whole use of the IN list. I'm still
not 100%
sure why there's 100+ values coming from an outside source. Based on his
query below it looks like the object_ids in the IN clause are not

Its kind of hard trying

Re: URGENT!!! JDBC SQL query taking long time for large IN clause

2009-04-08 Thread Mike Matrigali
 removing the preserve rows from the declare temp table
clause - and that didn't help me either.

c) The data base which I have created is just a sample database
which vaguely represents the load which we will see if we implement
the existing feature of ours, using Derby RDBMS. It doesn't contain
REAL data.

d) The entire database was created in one shot, as I have stated
earlier, and records are populated in one go. That was the actual
problem - thanks to Knuth for indicating that as a possibility. When
I compress the tables - the quries start performing a LOT faster! 1
million in object master, 20 million in object category mapping and
10 K in category master and 1000 in IN clause gives me 1100 millis
speed now - down from 30 seconds. That probably explains why the
object master index scans were taking nearly 30 seconds in the
runtimestats which I posted. Which is slow, but still manageable
since the 100 and 500s are much faster. However, that is still a lot
slower than other databases we are testing on. Since Derby is
embedded we expected it to be much faster since no IPC is required
between the client driver and the network server.

e) IN doesn't function properly beyond 1000 object ids, and we used
Insertion of 5000 records into this happened in 100 millis (after
compression of the tables) and the query took 4 seconds. With
executeUpdate() or execute() (as suggested) insertion was at least
200% slower. So the execute batch works better for the inserts into
the table for the payloads required by us. The temp table query took
10 MINS (this time I waited patiently for it to finish - there was
nothing wrong there - the query just takes too much time and I
didn't have patience to wait for it to finish the first time :) ) to
execute while the regular table with primary key took just 4 seconds.

f) The stack overflow exception for select ... values...union was
much less of a problem in 10.4 compared to 10.1 since the memory
usage is tapering off to the -mxSize In Megs for the JVM. But,
since it cannot be parameterized it isn't of much use to us. IN
clause based queries are getting parsed with much lower memory

Best regards,


On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 2:39 AM, wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: Mike Matrigali []
  Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 2:05 PM
  To: Derby Discussion

  Subject: Re: URGENT!!! JDBC SQL query taking long time for large
IN clause

  It is impossible to say what the performance of the query can be
  knowing exact values of all the values of the IN LIST.  But it is
  possible to get some idea assuming some worst case behavior, and from
  that I am going to guess you will never come close to 100ms with an
  uncached database, on hardware using some sort of standard disk based
  hard drive.

  I do think the query may go faster with index and query tweeking, but
  100ms to an uncached db and non-clustered unique values in that IN
  is never going to go that fast.  Adding up just what is posted it
  like this is a 1.2 gig db.

Drop the unnecessary indexes and you'll see the database size shrink
Also note that he's running this on a Windows XP laptop. Depending
on the
model of the lap top, you will have not only CPU issues but also
disk i/o
issues as well. (5400 rpm IDE as an example)

However, it is possible for the OP to get better performance, if not
realistically 100ms performance. (BTW where did 100ms come from? I'm
but this really sounds like a class project...)

  You posted the space for the tables and indexes.  The interesting ones
  are the big ones.  You have 5 tables or indexes over 1000 pages
big.  If
  in the worst case your 1000 value IN list happens to be on 1000
  different pages then Derby is going to need to do at least 1000
i/o's to
  get to them - I usually use back of envelope of max 100 i/o's per
  (even if your disk has specs that say higher rate this I/O is not
  going to
  get streamed as fast as possible by this query, it is going to ask for
  page, process it, do some join work then later ask for another
page, ...)

Re: Index perfomance

2009-03-26 Thread Mike Matrigali

The technique of adding extra columns to indexes works well for derby if
it matching your application needs.  The docs usually refer to this as a
covering index and the optimizer is pretty good at looking for cases 
where it can use a covering index and avoid going to the base table. 
Hopefully this will help your application.

From info posted, the query with the index is definitely doing an index
to base row lookup for every qualifying row. It looks like for this
data distribution and number of qualifying rows this a worst plan than
just doing a full table scan.
The optimizer should have picked the base table scan
rather than the index to base row given how the 2 performed. I think
this is another case showing the costs for the optimizer need to be 
updated to reflect current technology.  There has been a lot of work to

make scans go fast and that is not reflected in the current costing.

The optimizer estimated 203425 rows for the index qualification and got
271136 which seems not too bad (5% vs. 6.8%).  This info comes from the
with-index.txt query plan.  It assumes equal distribution of values 
across all the values so maybe this range was a

little hotter than others.  Since the row count estimate looks close I
lean toward the base costing as the problem.

It would be interesting to know how much of the index/baserow 
performance issue is that it keeps getting cache misses vs. the cpu 
overhead of just doing the base row look up for every row.  For this db
it would take a 50,000 page cache just to cache the base row plus 
whatever it takes to cache the index.

For this kind of distribution I have seen db's gather all the row 
pointers from the index and then do ordered probes into the base table.

This insures good caching for the lookups.  Derby does not have this
technique available.

Tim Dudgeon wrote:

Thanks for the comments. Here is some more info.
I attach the DDL for the table concerned, the simple test program I use 
and the execution strategy with and without an index.

Some additional points:

1. the query returning 7% of the table is certainly not an extreme case. 
The exact query criteria are specified by the user in the UI, and can be 
much worse than this case. I have no control over the natur eof the 
query that the user specifies.

2. Yes, if the query is much more selective the index can be a help.

3. The biggest data file in seg0 is 1452572672 bytes in size (e.g. 1.4GB).

4. the index was added after the rows were added.

5. making the index also have the pk_column as the second indexed field 
makes it go like lightning! search runs in 2 secs, about 14x faster.

So in summary it seems like an index will be of no help to me in this 
situation, unless I make it an index of both columns.

Many thanks


Tim Dudgeon wrote:
I found an interesting preformace problem that I'd welcome some help 
in inderstanding.

I have a table of 4,000,000 rows that has a DOUBLE column containing 
floating point numbers.

I run a query like this:

select pk_column from the_table where the_double_column  300 and 
the_double_column  320

271136 rows are returned.
I then go through the ResultSet and extract all the id_column values.
All of this is done using standard JDBC.

When I do this it takes 23 seconds, which I though was not 
unreasonable as a full table scan was involved and the table was 
pretty big.

But of course I thought an index would help, so I added an index to 
the the_double_column and repeated the process. It took 720 seconds, 
31x slower! I thought this was strange, but thought it might be 
because I was using standard settings and the 4MB page cache was much 
too small to hold the index.

So I increased the page cache size ( 
property) to 10x the size (10,000) and repeated the process. There was 
only a very minor improvement in speed.

In all cases the memory usage, as reported by:
Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()
really no differnt, and the used memory was much less that the maximum 
available specified by the -Xmx setting.

Any ideas what to do?


Re: initial page allocation versus incremental allocation

2009-03-04 Thread Mike Matrigali

Whoever decides to work on this should do more than just document, as
these params are not tested.

They were added in the past for ad-hoc testing and performance 
debugging.  As has been suggested they were never fully 
implemented/documented as they did not fit in with the original goal

of the  product - ie. be a zero-admin embedded db for smaller devices.  The
idea, if they were used at all was for the software to automatically
determine what the best settings and up them dynamically rather than
force/allow user to do so.

As I remember the defaults have something to do with the following:
o Start with no preallocation as originally users actually would notice
if a 2k page table started out with 16k vs 2k for an empty table.
o default to 8 as again the standard user was space limited and did
not want to possibly waste space.
o 1000 is just a round number, but if it actually gets documented I 
would see if the code can actually support a number that is more than

the number of pages that can be tracked by a single allocation page (or
maybe 2).  This number is dependent on page sizes, so worst case would 
be allocation on a 2k page table.  Should just add some testing if it is 
to be supported.

Knut Anders Hatlen wrote:

Brian Peterson writes:

Won't this still limit the setting to the MAX_PRE_ALLOC_SIZE?  Why
have the maximum setting? Or, at least, why limit it to just 8 pages?

MAX_PRE_ALLOC_SIZE is 1000, it's the default that is just 8 pages, as
far as I can see. (And no, I don't know why it is limited to 1000 pages,
but I wouldn't expect many objections if a request to increase the limit
was filed in JIRA -

Re: Recovering a database corrupted by DERBY-3347

2009-02-26 Thread Mike Matrigali

What state is your db currently in, will not boot at all?

Daniel Tripp wrote:
Does anyone know of any way to recover a database that has been 
corrupted by the bug known as DERBY-3347?  


The Derby release announcement states: “In some cases one may recover 
data from the existing database, depending on the extent of the corruption, but 
will require by hand data recovery.” and that “one should consult the Derby 
list if attempting this recovery.”  But I could find no details anywhere of how 
to even begin such a recovery.


There are many tables in this corrupted database of mine, but even if I 
could recover even a few tables (or even get a row count on those 
tables) that would be very helpful to me.


Any info on this issue would be much appreciated.



Re: Safe backups

2008-07-18 Thread Mike Matrigali

At a very high level here is the problem with backing up an active
derby database without using the provided procedures to properly
coordinate with Derby.  In an active derby database, the database
state is a coordinated combination of the database files on disk,
the updated pages of those database files still in internal derby
cache, and the transaction log file.  Derby is carefully coded
to be able to handle a crash that loses the updates in cache -- but
only if the the database files on disk and the transaction log
files are exactly in the coordinated state that Derby expects.
Copying files by hand during a running system from outside derby
loses this careful coordination.  This is why derby provides a number
of supported ways to backup an active db.

Derby uses write ahead logging for transactional consistency, which
means it guarantees that log records are forced to disk before
data file updates.  So take 2 simple cases of un-coordinated backup:

1) you copy log before data
   Now you may have inconsistent data as you may miss log updates
   associated with the data that you copied - may lead to corrupt

2) you copy the data before the log
   Derby may, after guaranteeing that all data associated with a
   particular logged transaction has been forced to disk, delete that
   portion of the log as unneeded.  But your copy of the data may
   not include these updates, and when you go to copy the log
   you are now missing log records associated with the pages of the
   data you have copied.

This is just one of the problems you may encounter.

Raymond Kroeker wrote:

If you are looking to backup your database realtime; take a look at
the SYSCS_BACKUP_DATABASE stored procedure.  It works well.


On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 09:28, Bryan Pendleton

Could someone explain the mechanism(s) for getting a corrupt database
copy?  I'm using transactions, so isn't there protection against this
sort of problem anyway?  How long does it take to commit a

Yes, Derby uses transactions to protect the database integrity, and
committing an individual transaction is quite speedy.

You can ensure that your database copy is valid by following the
techniques described here:



Re: Questions about compress table

2008-07-14 Thread Mike Matrigali

Kathey Marsden wrote: says 
a non sequential compress uses an amount equal to approximately two 
times the used space plus the unused, allocated space
and it says SEQUENTIAL uses less space.  How much space does SEQUENTIAL 

Also is there a general guideline for how much longer SEQUENTIAL will take?



It hard to give absolutes.  Non sequential builds everything at once, so
the space used is:
1) all the original space of the base table + all the original space of 
all the indexes
2) all the space of the new base table + all the new space of all the 
3) all the space that has been overflowed to disk as part of the sort to 
 build the indexes.  In the worst case this will be close to the space 
used by the new indexes in #2.

Non-sequential is still going to need 1+2.  Because it builds one index
at a time the only additional space used will be the sort needed for
the current index it is building.  This is in temp space and can be 
deleted immediately as each index is built.

The extra time is basically dependent on the size of the base table, and 
how long it takes to do a sequential scan of it.  If it takes N to do

a sequential scan of the base table and there are Y indexes, then it
will take approximately N * Y-1 more time for non-sequential vs. 

Note that no matter what the system is going to hold an exclusive lock 
on the whole table for the entire compress process, whether it is 
sequential or non-sequential.

Re: Pathologically poor query performance - advice required

2008-06-26 Thread Mike Matrigali

Matt Doran wrote:

Army wrote:

Matt Doran wrote:
Both of these queries only return fields from 2 of the joined 
tables.  The slow one selects 5 fields from each of these tables.  
The fast one selects 5 fields from one table and 4 fields from the 
other.   Strange indeed!!

Thanks for the great description of the problem, and for taking the 
time to narrow down the good vs bad scenarios.
No worries ... I hoped if I put in a lot of effort in 
describing/investigation the problem ... someone you help.   And you 
did. Thanks for looking at this!  I though that due to the complexity of 
what's going on ... I might get no answers.   It's very much appreciated

So does anybody understand what might be happening here?

I took a (very) quick look at the good query plan vs the bad query 
plan and the thing that first jumped out at me is that, for the fast 
query, the optimizer is choosing to do two Hash Joins, but for the 
slow query the optimizer is choosing Nested Loop joins everywhere.  I 
don't know if that alone is the difference, but *if* it is, one 
possible explanation of this is that the optimizer will deliberately 
reject Hash Joins if it (the optimizer) thinks that the resultant 
in-memory hash table will take too much of the available JVM 
memory.  In that case the optimizer will skip the hash join and use a 
nested loop join instead.

Having said that, the calculation for what too much memory is 
depends on several things, once of which is the estimated memory usage 
for a single row in the result set.  So it's *possible* that addition 
of the extra column to the SELECT result column list is causing the 
estimated per-row memory usage to increase such that the optimizer's 
calculation of too much memory changes, ultimately leading to 
rejection of the hash join.

How I could go about improving the performance?

Another factor in the calculation of too much memory is a Derby 
property called derby.language.maxMemoryPerTable.  For details see 
DERBY-1397 (; an 
extract from that issue is as follows:

Wow!  This worked.  Thank you very very much.  Upping the max memory to 
10MB made my modified query run fast (but not the original).  Upping it 
to 20MB made the original query run fast too.  Thank you.

We embed derby in our commercial product, where we have minimal control 
of memory.  We'll have to make a compromise here.  We can dynamically 
change this property at startup based on the amount of memory available.

I think the optimizer is being too conservative in switching back to 
nested loop joins.  And I'd be interested in understanding why with the 
possibility of improving the optimizer's behavior.  Unfortunately it 
seems I can't enable optimizer tracing without building my own derby (I 
might try that later).  The tracing would allow me to see which memory 
check (there are a number of them throughout the optimizer) is 
triggering the behaviour.

In this particular case there is an index on the large main table, which 
limits the results returned dramatically.  In this particular case, I 
was only returning 4 of the 130,000 rows.   The index was being used in 
the fast version, but was no being used in the slow version.   So with 
the slow version it looks like it's doing the join on all these rows ... 
even though the index could have dramatically reduced it's work.  That's 
a pretty serious issue when this index is *so* useful in this case.  I'm 
no DB expert (by any stretch of the imagination)  but if I was a 
derby developer I'd be asking:

   1. In estimating the memory used, why aren't we making effective use
  of the index cardinality/stats to make an accurate estimate of the
  rows returned.  If the optimizer knew that only a small percentage
  of the rows would be returned (and that minimal memory would be
  used) it could have used the hash join approach.   Do derby index
  statistics give you enough info to do this type of thing?

   2. When we fell back to the nested loop join, why weren't we making
  any use of the obvious index?  And order the join appropriately?  
  If it used that index in the first step the result should have

  been much faster.

But as I said I'm no expert ... and achieving those could be extremely 

Thanks again  at least this derby.language.maxMemoryPerTable 
setting gives us a way forward.   This setting doesn't seem to be 
documented in the tuning guide ... but DERBY-1397 talks about 
documenting it ... but I couldn't find it.


To get feedback from people it may also help to post the ddl of the 
tables in the query, including the indexes/constraints.  I know you

provided the db, so with work it is available - but the more up front
info you provide the more help possible.

One other suggestion might be to try the query once with no optimizer
timeout to see if it would have found a better plan:

Re: Thread Interruption in large Database

2008-06-16 Thread Mike Matrigali

PhilCope wrote:

I have a large cloudscape 5 database (over 5million records) and I have found
that when a ResultsSet includes all or many of these records, the initial
call to takes a very long (but finite) time (I would
estimate about 10-15mins) . I can (indeed have) arrange the code so that
this call occurs in a separate java thread which can be interrupted from the
UI thread. BUT, as you may know, java threads that are set to as interrupted
continue to execute until either application code or some system calls
actually check the interrupted state of the running thread.

So, given this background info, my questions on Derby are 

1. Have any significant performance improvements been made such that, for
databases of this size, migrating from cloudscape to Derby would provide a
significantly better response time ?

2. If not, are there any improvements to the responsiveness of the
timeconsuming call to .next() to the setting of the interrupted flag on the
current thread in Derby ?


Phil Cope
The issue is not really the timeconsumming call of .next() or not 
necessarily the size of the result set, it is just that when you call 
next it has to wait until query processing is ready
to return the 1st row.  In some cases derby can return the 1st row 
before completing processing of the entire query.  For instance I 
believe if you just did a simple select of all the rows from your
5 million row table you would see that the 1st row comes back very 
quickly.  In other cases it may do a lot of processing before it even

gets to the 1st row (imagine a query with no key that required the
db to process every row in the db and only the last row in the table
actually would be returned).  In other cases the semantics of the query
require the db to pr

Can you post the query, it may help people to give you suggestions.  If 
possible derby tries to stream results out as it gets them, but there 
are queries where all the rows have to be seen and processed before the
first row can be returned.  The simplest example is a query with an 
order by at the end.  If there is no index that provides the ordering

of the order by then derby will process all the query, and throw all the
rows in the sorter and sort them all and then give you the first row 
back.  Sometimes this order by behavior can be worked around by creating

an index on the exact keys in the same order as the order by.  Also note
that while not necessary, the current derby/cloudscape sorter algorithm 
will not
return the 1st row of the sort before it has finished sorting all the 

As queries get more complicated it may be harder and harder for derby to
return a row early.

Re: Speed of using Derby DB

2008-06-11 Thread Mike Matrigali

vodarus vodarus wrote:


I tried to use Derby and compare it with Oracle. I thought that Derby 
can have the same performance as Oracle on easy procedures.

Purpose of bench-mark test: use Derby as local db and get better 
performance for local data-manipulations.

DB schema:

create table TESTBIG
CLIENT   int not null,
ORDER_ID int not null,
ORDER_AMOUNT int not null

alter table TESTBIG add constraint TESTBIG_PK primary key (CLIENT, 
create table TESTTOTALS

CLIENT   int not null,

alter table TESTTOTALS add constraint TESTTOTALS_PK primary key (CLIENT);

We populating TESTBIG table with 1 000 000 rows, then stored procedure 
calculates TESTTOTAL: CLIENT_TOTAL is SUMM of all ORDER_AMOUNT for that 

i wrote stored procedure for Derby in Java language:

static public void calculateTotal() {

int totalAmount = 0;
int lastClient = 0;

try {
Connection connection = 
Statement s = 
ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(SELECT CLIENT, ORDER_ID, 

PreparedStatement updateData = 
connection.prepareStatement(UPDATE testtotals SET  +

 client_total = client_total + ?  +
 WHERE client = ?);
PreparedStatement insertData = 
connection.prepareStatement(INSERT INTO testtotals  +

 (client, client_total)  +
 VALUES (?, ?) );

while ( {
int client = rs.getInt(1);
int order_amount = rs.getInt(3);

if (lastClient == 0) {
lastClient = client;
totalAmount = 0;

if (lastClient != client) {
// System.out.println(MERGE amount + lastClient + 
: + totalAmount);

updateData.setInt(1, totalAmount);
updateData.setInt(2, lastClient);
int sqlRowCount = updateData.executeUpdate();

if (sqlRowCount == 0) {
insertData.setInt(1, lastClient);
insertData.setInt(2, totalAmount);
sqlRowCount = insertData.executeUpdate();

lastClient = client;
totalAmount = order_amount;
} else {
totalAmount = totalAmount + order_amount;

updateData.setInt(1, totalAmount);
updateData.setInt(2, lastClient);
int sqlRowCount = updateData.executeUpdate();

if (sqlRowCount == 0) {
insertData.setInt(1, lastClient);
insertData.setInt(2, totalAmount);
sqlRowCount = insertData.executeUpdate();

} catch (SQLException ex) {

Logger.getLogger(CalculateTotal.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, 


it takes up to 12 seconds to calculate TESTTOTALS. Oracle PL/SQL 
procedure with the same algorithm need 1,5 second.

*How can i improve performance? Or Derby is so slow because of Java / 
JVM issues???*


For derby the default is autocommit=true, which means it will do a 
synchronous log commit write for every statement.  My reading of the app 
and the

call to commit at the end seems to indicate you want to only commit
at the end.  Depending on the data distribution (ie. how many times you
call executeUpdate this may be a big issue.  When you run the test do
you see a lot of idle time or is 1 cpu at 100% for 12-14 secs? The 
suggestion for using aggregates seems like a better way to do the app.

What kind of page cache does oracle have when you compare?  Are you 
interested in performance of a query when no page is in cache or when

all pages are in cache?  This size table is bigger than the default
derby page cache (1000 pages) so it basically is going to be an I/O test 
of how fast

stuff can be read from disk each time.  If you want to try a cached
test try setting derby page cache bigger - probably 10,000 pages will
fit that table (probably less - didn't do exact math).

Re: SELECT places shared locks in READ_UNCOMMITTED insolation level?

2008-05-07 Thread Mike Matrigali
I am not sure if derby documents the meaning of the line you are 
referring to in the query plan:

at read uncommitted isolation level using share row locking chosen by the

I think this is what it always says for read uncommitted, as is up to
a lower part of the code to not get the read locks.  Could you describe
the behavior you are seeing or give a small test case that could be run.
Note Derby's implementation of read uncommitted does get table level 
intent locks, so if you try operations that depend on table level 
locking you will get blocking.  The system is set up such that the top

level optimizer passes down the isolation level and then the information
about row vs. table and share vs exclusive down to a lower level.  At
the lower level if things are working right the code makes a share row
lock call that goes into the read uncommitted module and then no actual
read lock is requested.

There have been significant improvements to IN handling in 10.3/10.4 so
you may want to try that.

Bogdan Calmac wrote:

Derby documentation specifies that SELECT statements do not place any locks
in the READ_UNCOMMITTED isolation level. However, the query plan shows that
it uses shared locks (which is also confirmed by application behaviour). So
is the documentation wrong or is this a bug?

This is derby, see the query plan below:

2008-05-07 14:21:39.990 GMT Thread[ExportWorker 2,5,ArchiveGroup] (XID =
*** Project-Restrict ResultSet (3):
Number of opens = 1
Rows seen = 63645
Rows filtered = 0
restriction = true
projection = true
  constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
  open time (milliseconds) = 0
  next time (milliseconds) = 0
  close time (milliseconds) = 0
  restriction time (milliseconds) = 0
  projection time (milliseconds) = 0
  optimizer estimated row count:16824.30
  optimizer estimated cost:   127904.69

Source result set:
  Index Row to Base Row ResultSet for TRACK_EVENT:
  Number of opens = 1
  Rows seen = 63645
  Columns accessed from heap = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14}
constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
open time (milliseconds) = 0
next time (milliseconds) = 0
close time (milliseconds) = 0
optimizer estimated row count:16824.30
optimizer estimated cost:   127904.69

Index Scan ResultSet for TRACK_EVENT using index TE_IDX_SESSION
at read uncommitted isolation level using share row locking chosen by the
Number of opens = 1
Rows seen = 63645
Rows filtered = 0
Fetch Size = 16
  constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
  open time (milliseconds) = 0
  next time (milliseconds) = 0
  close time (milliseconds) = 0
  next time in milliseconds/row = 0

scan information: 
  Bit set of columns fetched={0, 2}

  Number of columns fetched=2
  Number of deleted rows visited=0
  Number of pages visited=512
  Number of rows qualified=63645
  Number of rows visited=63646
  Scan type=btree
  Tree height=4
  start position: 
  = on first 1 column(s).
  Ordered null semantics on the following columns: 
  stop position: 
   on first 1 column(s).
  Ordered null semantics on the following columns: 

  optimizer estimated row count:16824.30
  optimizer estimated cost:   127904.69

Re: Derby get-together at Java One

2008-04-14 Thread Mike Matrigali

Knut Anders Hatlen wrote:

Rick Hillegas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

A number of Derby people  have expressed interest in getting together
the week of Java One. I'm thinking that people may be busy attending
sessions during Java One itself, so it might be better to meet the
first day before the Java One sessions start. That would be the
Community One day (Monday, May 5). However, that may be an awkward day
for some people for other reasons.

I'm leaning toward Monday May 5. I'm also leaning toward a
bring-your-own-lunch format as we've done before with Derby developer
get-togethers. Let me know if lunchtime (say 11:30 onward) that day
sounds good to you.

Hi Rick,

I think that'll work fine for me.

I plan on taking advantage of the free Community One offer (no money in 
my budget to go to javaone), so depending on the offerings lunch may not 
work for me.  Community One day is free and at least last year they 
offered free beer (even had achor steam on tap) for an hour and 1/2 
after work sometime, would anyone like to meet up then - and maybe head 
to a different location from there?  It looks like the reception is


You do have to sign up.   The link is easily findable, I would post it 
but I don't know the rules on advertising on the list.  I am not an 
employee of Sun. I did find the event useful especially given the price 
- free.  I probably would not travel to go to it, but since I am in the


Re: Derby get-together at Java One

2008-04-14 Thread Mike Matrigali

Rick Hillegas wrote:

Mike Matrigali wrote:

Knut Anders Hatlen wrote:

Rick Hillegas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

A number of Derby people  have expressed interest in getting together
the week of Java One. I'm thinking that people may be busy attending
sessions during Java One itself, so it might be better to meet the
first day before the Java One sessions start. That would be the
Community One day (Monday, May 5). However, that may be an awkward day
for some people for other reasons.

I'm leaning toward Monday May 5. I'm also leaning toward a
bring-your-own-lunch format as we've done before with Derby developer
get-togethers. Let me know if lunchtime (say 11:30 onward) that day
sounds good to you.

Hi Rick,

I think that'll work fine for me.

I plan on taking advantage of the free Community One offer (no money 
in my budget to go to javaone), so depending on the offerings lunch 
may not work for me.  Community One day is free and at least last year 
they offered free beer (even had achor steam on tap) for an hour and 
1/2 after work sometime, would anyone like to meet up then - and maybe 
head to a different location from there?  It looks like the reception is


You do have to sign up.   The link is easily findable, I would post it 
but I don't know the rules on advertising on the list.  I am not an 
employee of Sun. I did find the event useful especially given the 
price - free.  I probably would not travel to go to it, but since I am 
in the

Not conflicting with Community One sessions sounds good, as does meeting 
after 6:00 pm for free beer. I didn't attend the reception last year. Do 
you have any advice about how we would raft together at the reception? 
Does anyone have a Derby sign that we could wave around?

Last year they just held it in the area outside where the javaone vendor
pavillion is, down the escallator where they usually have a bunch of 
bean bag seeting and the wall of video.  And people hung out and talked 
in that area, it wasn't so

big or crowed that you would not see a sign if you walked around a bit.
But of course I have no idea what they will do this year.


Re: NullPointerException, possibly in getControlRowForPage?

2008-01-29 Thread Mike Matrigali

I second, could you report this as a new issue.  If possible can you
try with different JVM/jit disabled to try and get a line number for
the null pointer?

If it reproduces in your environment can you turn on statement logging
to derby.log so maybe we can see what is causing the null pointer.  Do
you do anything in the long transaction that may be affecting the
state of indexes affected like - dropping indexes, compressing tables,
other sorts of ddl.

Of course if you can provide standalone repro that would be easiest way
to allow someone to help with the problem.
Bryan Pendleton wrote:

James A. Shepherd wrote:

I have a long transaction that has suddenly started throwing a NPE

Did you recently upgrade your Derby installation? What version are you
running? It seems remotely possible that you might be seeing problems
related to this recent change:

If you didn't recently upgrade, then perhaps you have found a new bug
in Derby.

Either way, if you can gather whatever information you have, and record
it in an issue in the Jira system, that would be nice!



Re: FW: Advice on *very* badly performing query

2007-12-05 Thread Mike Matrigali

Most of the stat information that derby uses is automatically kept up
to date as part of underlying index and table maintenance.  This info
includes count of rows in the table and data distribution of data in

The one piece of info that is not kept up to date is average number of
duplicates for columns in an index.  This stat is given a default and
then is updated whenever you create an index, run the discussed compress
option, and as a side effect of some of the alter table commands.  I 
don't remember what the default is, something like 10%.


Kim Haase wrote:
Do you think it might also help to put the information into the Tuning 
Guide under Performance tips and tricks?


Kim Haase

Matt Doran wrote:


Matt Doran [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


I had not idea
that derby didn't keep any stats up-to-date without performing that
operation explicitly.  Ideally it would keep this up-to-date itself.
The sys.sysstatistics didn't have any rows in it until I ran the
compress table operation.

Agreed, but strangely I cannot recall many users actually requesting
this. Maybe people just suffer silently?   
We have hundreds if not thousands of customers using our product and 
not many of them have seen this pathological performance problem.   So 
maybe the optimizer does a good enough job in 90% of cases.  We just 
happened to hit the an extremely bad case.

So maybe it's just not something that people notice often.  Or they 
just think oh it's an embedded java database, it probably doesn't 
perform that well.  Let's just upgrade to a real database.That's 
what we did, and it's what other people probably do.

The beauty of the embedded DB is that it is self-maintaining.   I 
suspect that if it maintained the statistics by itself and therefore 
there were performance benefits ... it will improve people's 
perception that it performs well.

Anyway, thank you for what I would call an exemplary
bug-report/question! Even though you use Hibernate you took the time
to identfy the actual SQL causing the problem, identified a minimal
repro and provided query plans.
Thanks.  I had trouble understanding the behaviour ... so I though 
that nobody would believe me unless I provided enough evidence.

It really needs to be made more prominent in the documentation.
i.e. once your database is loaded with representative data, perform
the compress op for optimal performance.

Agreed. Any thoughts on where it would be good to mention it? If
you want, you can file a Jira issue about this.
I'm not sure.  No-one is every going to read a whole manual.But I 
had read the ApacheCon performance presentations, and I don't remember 
them ever mention this.  I think those presentations would be one of 
the first places people start when they have performance problems.   I 
know you can't change these retrospectively ... but maybe making this 
clear in the wiki would be a start.

I'm not sure if this is the appropriate page, but it was the only 
thing that looked relevant to performance ( It doesn't 
mention the stats/compress.
Maybe some of the tips in those presentations should be the distilled 
into some performance tips wiki pages ... and also make it clear that 
stats need to be updated.


Re: Can we create BUFFERPOOL and TABLESPACE in derby

2007-12-05 Thread Mike Matrigali
derby does not have tablespaces.  All tables are in one directory and 
thus must be on one logical disk.  One could use the OS to spread that

disk across multiple disks.  One can also place the derby recovery log
on a separate device.

Derby control over the buffer pool is by setting maximum number of 
pages.  It defaults to 1000 pages.  And the pages can range from 4k to

32k.  To set page size see setting the page cache size:

Suman N wrote:



Is it possible to create a BUFFERPOOL and TABLESPACE in Derby? If it is 
possible how should I do that?






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Re: Memory Leak or Expected Behavior - BtreePostCommit

2007-10-29 Thread Mike Matrigali

gregsmit wrote:


We have an application that is using embedded Derby (10.3), where we do a
lot of adds and deletes.

When we run this application under our stress scenarios, we see a memory
leak in Derby.  When we look at our heap dumps, what we see is an ever
growing number of these classes:

I found some other documentation that said that the BtreePostCommit is a job
that runs after a delete is committed, that frees space in a Btree, and that
it requires a table lock.  What I think is happening is that because we are
running at a constant heavily stressed state, is that our deletes are
occurring, then this job is being placed on a queue after the commit.  But
because we are in a heavily stressed state, these jobs never run, so the
queue grows larger and larger.

Does this theory sound right, or does anyone have a better explanation?

OK, assuming its right -- Is this the correct behavior?  Should theses Post
Commit jobs continue to get queued, and never run?  Is there a way we can
force them to take grab the locks and complete?  Maybe something wrong with
the way that we are committing, that doesn't allow them to run?

We do not have a lot of experience with Derby, so we may be doing something

Thanks for any help,

There are a few things that you can make sure of your application.  Make 
sure to commit transactions, a single transaction without a commit that 
holds a lock on the btree will cause this problem. Does your stress

application happen to make the table average around 0 rows (ie. add rows
and then delete them all, ...) , this is likely the worst case for 
derby.  Just for information

do you see the memory go down at the end of your stress test after you
stop the active deletes?

I have seen this behavior in stress tests where there are lots of users
vs.the single post commit thread.  Basically the post commit thread only
gets a chance to run 1/number of threads amount of time and if during 
that time any of the transactions are hold the lock then work can't be 

Historically I have not seen this be a problem in a real customer 
application, only in stress tests.  Usually in most applications there

is some downtime where the post commit gets to catch up and then these
items can be run and memory released. But of course there could be a
real app that requires this constant throughput with no chance of
time for the post commit.

A couple of improvements could be made to derby in this area.  The 
current post commit architecture was developed when the code was 
targeted at embedded applications likely to be running on small single
processor machines with likely small number of threads running.  Now 
that cheap very fast dual cores are the norm for even the smallest 
laptop/deskside machine it might make sense to update the post commit 
thread code to recognize

when it is falling behind and somehow increase it's throughput (ie.
either add more threads, maybe async execution, or perform more chunks
of work before giving up it's time ...).

Re: Memory Leak or Expected Behavior - BtreePostCommit

2007-10-29 Thread Mike Matrigali

gregsmit wrote:

Hi Mike,

OK, sounds like our stress test fits in one of those worst case for derby

Does your stress application happen to make the table average around 0
rows (ie. add rows

and then delete them all, ...)

Yes, this is exactly what our stress application does.  It loops through 1)
Add Entry, 2) List all Entries, 3) Delete Entry just added.  It does this on
25 threads with no think time or pauses
Could you expand a little more on your test case (of course posting it 
would be best but I understand usually in these stress things there is a 
lot more than just derby stuff going on).

o can you post ddl of table/indexes and maybe some description of usual
  data for keys in the btree.
o what version of derby are you using?  If I can check some intermediate
  changes into the trunk, can you test them?
o where are the commits in the test with respect to the above tasks?
o what is the isolation level of the above tasks.
o could you describe exactly what jdbc you do for list all entries -
  is it a normal jdbc select loop off of select * from table?

Just for information do you see the memory go down at the end of your
stress test after you

stop the active deletes?

I don't know about this -- Unfortunately we usually have stopped everything
after we start to see memory increase.  I'll have to do some other tests to
see if the memory drops back down if the stress stops.

I'll change our test to put some pauses in there or something, so that these
get a chance to run.  Unfortunately, we need to go through all of these
paths over and over to make sure we don't have a leak somewhere else.  The
more pauses we take, the longer we need to run to consider our code properly

I do agree with you -- It seems like that there should be some way to force
the post commit queue to be active if its gets too large, to prevent these
it looks like a leak situations.  I think this is pretty common stress
testing scenario.  We are running on a 2 way, and still have hit this, I
guess you could call it, Post Commit Queue Starvation problem.

Thanks for the help,

Mike Matrigali wrote:
There are a few things that you can make sure of your application.  Make 
sure to commit transactions, a single transaction without a commit that 
holds a lock on the btree will cause this problem. Does your stress

application happen to make the table average around 0 rows (ie. add rows
and then delete them all, ...) , this is likely the worst case for 
derby.  Just for information

do you see the memory go down at the end of your stress test after you
stop the active deletes?

I have seen this behavior in stress tests where there are lots of users
vs.the single post commit thread.  Basically the post commit thread only
gets a chance to run 1/number of threads amount of time and if during 
that time any of the transactions are hold the lock then work can't be 

Historically I have not seen this be a problem in a real customer 
application, only in stress tests.  Usually in most applications there

is some downtime where the post commit gets to catch up and then these
items can be run and memory released. But of course there could be a
real app that requires this constant throughput with no chance of
time for the post commit.

A couple of improvements could be made to derby in this area.  The 
current post commit architecture was developed when the code was 
targeted at embedded applications likely to be running on small single
processor machines with likely small number of threads running.  Now 
that cheap very fast dual cores are the norm for even the smallest 
laptop/deskside machine it might make sense to update the post commit 
thread code to recognize

when it is falling behind and somehow increase it's throughput (ie.
either add more threads, maybe async execution, or perform more chunks
of work before giving up it's time ...).

Re: Memory Leak or Expected Behavior - BtreePostCommit

2007-10-29 Thread Mike Matrigali

gregsmit wrote:

Hi Mike,

Sure -- be happy to help with this issue. 

The database and the queries are very simple.  The reason is that we are not
really testing a real app, but rather a web framework that we are building
as a platform for other apps.  So, our Demo App is the one that is being
stress tested, so all of the interactions with it are very simple.

o can you post ddl of table/indexes and maybe some description of usual
   data for keys in the btree.

Here's what we use to create the database table

CREATE TABLE employees (
  username varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  firstname varchar(16) NOT NULL,
  lastname varchar(16) NOT NULL,
  location varchar(64) NOT NULL,
  phonenumber varchar(16) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (username)

o what version of derby are you using?  If I can check some intermediate
   changes into the trunk, can you test them?

Yes, I would be happy to test changes.  It may take some time (to change our
tests, and then it takes quite a while for the tests to run before we start
to notice this leak) -- but absolutely.

o where are the commits in the test with respect to the above tasks?
There is a commit after each task.  Each represents a REST call to a web app
(a POST, a GET, an a DELETE)

o what is the isolation level of the above tasks.
Completely isolated, each being driven by a web app testing harness in
another process
I meant the SQL isolation level.  Derby's default isolation level is 
read committed, but can be changed by either the application or possibly

the framework you are running in.

o could you describe exactly what jdbc you do for list all entries -
   is it a normal jdbc select loop off of select * from table?
SELECT * FROM employees

Let me know if there is anything else about our app that I can tell you. 
Also, just let me know, and I can try out fixes you put in trunk.


Re: Secure Delete

2007-10-16 Thread Mike Matrigali

Ruben Misrahi wrote:

We want to get security-certified and we need to know if deleting a 
record in Derby actually eliminates or physically overrides that space 
and/or if there is a way to do that.
And more specifically, if I have a 200 byte field and I override it with 
a 2 character field. Can some still get the data that was there?
you ask about deleting, but your example is an update.  Do you care 
about just updating, or both?  Also is your question what happens after

the delete/update operation commits or after the statement but possibly
before the commit.

Once any operation happens there is no way through derby interfaces to 
get the old value.  If you are concerned about bits/bytes left on pages
that is a different story.  For instance in the case of delete of a 
record when statement happens lock is granted on row, row is marked 
deleted but data left on page, and finally after commit the bytes are

available for reuse sometime in the future but are not guaranteed to
be overwritten/reused.

Updates are more complicated depending on whether after update the row
is bigger or smaller and if there was any internal reserved space 
associated with the row.  Again different stuff happens before commit

and after.

We're willing to pay for an answer. Please email to:


Ruben Misrahi

Re: Derby and character set encodings

2007-09-06 Thread Mike Matrigali

This is mixing a lot of things up.  I also may use the wrong
terminology here.

Character set encodings really only come into play with tools like
ij, and import getting the string from the environment into derby.  The more
standard interaction is using jdbc to load a java string into derby.
At that level we don't do anything with encodings.

We happen to use a modified utf8 to store stuff to disk, and this is
not configurable.  But no user interface should depend on this encoding, 
and Derby could change this storage in the future.

Logically all strings at runtime are converted to standard java char.

Before 10.3 we always used standard java string compare which did a 
numerical comparison of the unicode value of chars to arrive at 
ordering.  That is still the default.  In 10.3 an option was added to
set the territory based collation when the database is created such that 
comparison is dependent on the territory of the database.  For this 
standard java

rule based Collator interfaces are used.  This is documented in the latest
derby release.

David Van Couvering wrote:

Hi, all.  I am getting some questions from Ken Frank NetBeans
internationalization quality team about Java DB and character set
encodings.  Rather than try and play go-between, I'm including him
here so he can directly ask any follow-on questions.

Ken would like to understand how Derby makes use of character
encodings, and how it is affected by  various settings.  How does
Derby handle things if the encoding is set to something different from
our default of UTF-8?  Are we impacted, or do we rely on Java routines
such as the Collator and Comparator class to handle this?

Sorry if I'm talking out my ear, i18n is not one of my fortes.



Re: Any problems to run derby in USB drive ?

2007-07-10 Thread Mike Matrigali

This leads me to believe that these drives are not correctly supporting
sync to disk as required by derby.  Derby uses java to sync the data and
log files when necessary.  If the devices don't correctly respond to
these requests then a number of different types of corruption:
checksum errors
mismatched index/base tables because log and data syncing not correctly 


My guess is that device driver for the usb device responds to a write
sync immediately before actually forcing the data to the device.  This
is similar to the problem of setting write cache enabled on windows.
Derby can not guarantee a consistent database under these conditions.


Francois Orsini wrote:


If you decide to run your application from an USB drive, try to make 
sure it is *unmount'ed* (on Unix) or software-safely removed on Windows 
properly, to ensure all data has been flushed to the USB drive. I have 
seen file checksum/corruption issues occasionally where removing a drive 
right after completing writes on it...Maybe something you can test as 
part of your application and on the targeted platforms.


On 7/6/07, *Ivan Ooi* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hi all,

   I wanted to deploy my App with Derby in USB drive but I'm not
sure is there any restrictions or not ? or problems ?


Re: Adding order by clause eliminates results

2007-06-18 Thread Mike Matrigali

you may want to look at this recent discussion about updating an
open cursor, in the development discussion group.

Elliotte Harold wrote:

Interesting. That does indeed fix it, and it does make some sense.

What's really surprising here is that the SELECT before the INSERT ever 

I'm still not sure if this qualifies as a Derby bug or not, but it does 
feel weird that adding ORDER BY to the query can change the result set.

Elliotte Rusty Harold

Re: java.sql.SQLException: An internal error was identified by RawStore module.

2007-06-07 Thread Mike Matrigali

NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, . delete transaction log files from a database
that you ever hope to get a consistent view of again.  If you are really
getting a recovery error when trying to boot the database you may have
to resort to extreme measures if you have no backup to go to, but 
anytime you delete a file from derby data or log directly you have 
almost always insured that the database will be corrupt.  Sometimes you

can get lucky and some of the tables are accessible and you can copy
them out to a non-corrupt database.  Hopefully you
were only acting on a copy of the real database, and were just 

Were you getting recovery errors on boot when attempting to connect
to the database?

Also the best way to get more info, is to post complete dumps of 
derby.log for the various errors you are encountering.  Complete

stack traces, with logStatementText enabled gives a pretty good idea
what is going on.

Note that the An internal error was identified by RawStore module.
is almost always not the real error - some error before it caused this.
I think fixes for this went into 10.2.
BALDWIN, ALAN J [AG-Contractor/1000] wrote:


I have a client's database that I cannot connect to.  I assumed that it 
was a result of a transaction log corruption or some such thing since we 
have seen that in the past.  As an attempt to salvage it, I tried 
deleting the two transaction logs in the log folder.  Now, I can open 
it, but when I run a statement like SELECT * FROM Dealer, I first get a 
NullPointerException.  Then if I execute that or any select statement 
again, I get this:

java.sql.SQLException: An internal error was identified by RawStore module.

Is there any way I'm going to be able to salvage this database?  Does 
anyone have any tricks that I could try?


-Alan Baldwin-

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by any such code transmitted by or accompanying this e-mail or any 

Re: java.sql.SQLException: An internal error was identified by RawStore module.

2007-06-07 Thread Mike Matrigali

This derby.log is indeed a recovery boot error.  It has the feel of
the kind of error one would get if someone had deleted a log file
from the log directory.  I've also seen this kind of error if someone
copies an active derby database without using derby backup to insure
a consistent set of database and log files.

What is happening is that recovery is booting trying to REDO work
in the log.  The following error is the key one:
ERROR XSDB4: Page Page(1,Container(0, 560)) is at version 575, the log 
file contains change version 1,052, either there are log records of this 
page missing, or this page did not get written out to disk properly.

It has found a log record with version 1,052 of the page but the page
on disk is only at version 575, so there are 577 changes to the page
missing from the recovery log files.  Given the number of missing
records for this page, there are going to be big problems with any
attempt to get this table back.

You may want to try using 10.2.2 or even a latest build of the 10.2
branch, but I would not expect it to fix
this recovery error.  It may be better at trying to access the copy
of the corrupt db with log files deleted, I thought fixes had gone
in to solve the bad error handling for null pointers which sometimes
led to the RawStore module error.

The intended solution to problems of this type is to recover from
backup.  But I assume since you are here, there is no backup.  You
can try the path you are already on and try to access a copy of
the db to data mine the corrupt the db, if there is no other way
to get the data.  You may want to post the derby.log from when
you tried to do that.

BALDWIN, ALAN J [AG-Contractor/1000] wrote:
Yes, I have the original database with transaction logs intact.  

Attached is derby.log.  The error is what happens when I try to connect
using the original database with no modifications.  I'm using cloudscape
workbench to try to connect.  Also, the version of Derby I'm using, not 10.1.x as I mentioned before.  That was a typo.


-Original Message-
From: Mike Matrigali [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 12:59 PM

To: Derby Discussion
Subject: Re: java.sql.SQLException: An internal error was identified by
RawStore module.

NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, . delete transaction log files from a database
that you ever hope to get a consistent view of again.  If you are really
getting a recovery error when trying to boot the database you may have
to resort to extreme measures if you have no backup to go to, but 
anytime you delete a file from derby data or log directly you have 
almost always insured that the database will be corrupt.  Sometimes you

can get lucky and some of the tables are accessible and you can copy
them out to a non-corrupt database.  Hopefully you
were only acting on a copy of the real database, and were just 

Were you getting recovery errors on boot when attempting to connect
to the database?

Also the best way to get more info, is to post complete dumps of 
derby.log for the various errors you are encountering.  Complete

stack traces, with logStatementText enabled gives a pretty good idea
what is going on.

Note that the An internal error was identified by RawStore module.
is almost always not the real error - some error before it caused this.
I think fixes for this went into 10.2.
BALDWIN, ALAN J [AG-Contractor/1000] wrote:


I have a client's database that I cannot connect to.  I assumed that

was a result of a transaction log corruption or some such thing since
have seen that in the past.  As an attempt to salvage it, I tried 
deleting the two transaction logs in the log folder.  Now, I can open 
it, but when I run a statement like SELECT * FROM Dealer, I first get
NullPointerException.  Then if I execute that or any select statement 
again, I get this:

java.sql.SQLException: An internal error was identified by RawStore

Is there any way I'm going to be able to salvage this database?  Does 
anyone have any tricks that I could try?


-Alan Baldwin-

/This e-mail message may contain privileged and/or confidential 
information, and is intended to be received only by persons entitled
receive such information. If you have received this e-mail in error, 
please notify the sender immediately. Please delete it and all 
attachments from any servers, hard drives or any other media. Other

of this e-mail by you is strictly prohibited./

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or other Malware. Monsanto accepts no liability for any damage
by any such code transmitted by or accompanying this e-mail or any 

This e-mail message may

Re: tuning/storage questions

2007-06-01 Thread Mike Matrigali

Jim Newsham wrote:

I’m reading the tuning guide and trying to eke out a little more 
performance for our app by tweaking storage parameters.  The properties 
our database exhibits which seem potentially of important to storage 
tuning are:

I'll answer below, but what I usually say in these cases is that you
are starting too low.  I would not expect more than a 10% change for
any of these low level stuff.  I would look more at the queries that
are going to slow and see if the right indexes exist for these queries.
Often you can get orders of magnitude changes in this area.

also you don't say if you are using embedded vs. network.  Returning 
large result sets is likely to go much faster in embedded vs. network.

-  tables with small records (typically 3 fields; usually fixed 
size, but some have varchar)

-  few, but large (number of records per) tables

-  frequent inserts

-  once inserted, data will likely not change (it’s possible for 
an update operation, but in practice may never happen)

-  several indexes per table

-  queries usually involve joins and are usually selective

-  some queries return somewhat large result sets

-  queries currently take longer than we would like


1. Because updates will be very rare, I think it makes sense to set 
pageReservedSpace to 0%.  If an update occurs which expands the size of 
a row (unlikely but possible), there will be a performance hit (I assume 
during both the update and subsequent reads of this record, because the 
documentation implies that part of the row will be written to an 
overflow page).  But my pages will hold 25% more data, which will be a 
big win for the normal case.  Reasonable?
should be completely reasonable for tables with only char colums.   And 
probably reasonable for varchar columns.  Your interpretation of impact 
is right on.  Derby, as zero-admin should already optimize the space for
all fixed length column tables, but it doesn't.  I just filed  	 
DERBY-2746 for this feature - you may want to vote on it or help do the 
work to implement it if you think it

would be useful.


2. Page size is a little less straightforward.  The following imply page 
size should be small:


-  not storing large objects

-  small columns/records

-  selective queries


The following imply page size should be large:


-  tables with large numbers of records

-  inserts only (?? The documentation says read-only apps should 
use a large page size.  I’m not quite sure of the reasoning for this.  
Would this also apply to an app such as mine which only performs inserts 
but not updates?)


The documentation says large page size for indexes is a big performance 
gain.  I was wondering if it makes sense to have small pages for all 
tables, and large pages for all indexes.  Does having heterogeneous page 
sizes have any adverse effects on the page cache?  Does having 
mismatched page sizes between a table and its indexes have any negative 
There may be a garbage collection impact on the cache.  The current 
cache handles heterogeneous page sizes fine, but when replacing a page
where the size is the same it reuses a page size array, but if it is 
different it throws away the old array and allocates a new one.


3.  What is the page cache eviction policy?   Is it 
least-frequently-used?  Do indexes get preferential treatment?  Since 
some queries pull a large amount of data, I think this could potentially 
repopulate the entire cache with data which may not be used again.  Does 
this mean it would be wasteful to increase the page cache size?
it is basically lru, so if your queries are using indexes the index 
pages probably stay in cache.  But a scan not using the indexes that is

bigger than cache may throw out everything.



Jim Newsham

Re: Derby db - need to disable improved performance

2007-05-22 Thread Mike Matrigali

is your app single threaded, if so group commit is not the issue.

What is your OS?  What is your JVM?  Derby may use different syncing
algorithms depending on JVM version.

How did you measure synchronous write, ie. did you
write a java program and execute against the same JVM as derby is 
running in?

The disk that that contains the log directory is the one of interest. 
Each transaction is made up of a number of log records.  From your 
description each transaction will have the following:

begin log record
insert log record for row into base table
insert log record for row into primary key index
commit log record

yarono wrote:


I'm working on a simple db. Each record is composed of 3 long values. The
first two are the primary key.

I have to measure the performance of the insertions. Each insertion is
wrapped in a transaction, which is commited having only one insertion in it.
I've measured both berkeley db performance and postgres and got about
110-115 insertions per second.

Now in derby db (both in embeded mode and server mode) I get better
performance: about 250-300 insertions per second. This obviously results
from some kind of a group commit, although I get these results both when
auto-commiting or manual-commiting after each insertion.

I've performed a simple test of synchronious writing 24 bytes (3 * 8 bytes)
to the disk. It measure 117 writes per second, and I believe this is the
upper bound of any db performance.

So, I don't understand why I get such good performance, although I commit
after each insertion.

I examined the .dat files in both /log and /seg0 folders. None of them
increase in 24 bytes segments, but rathar bigger segments.

So, my questions are:
1. Which log file in /log or /seg0 should I examine to analyze the numebr of
bytes written each write to disk?
2. How do I disable the group commit or whatever attribute that causes this
communal write? how do I make each transaction be written on its own to the

Thanks in advance,

Re: Embedded thread taking 100% cpu

2007-05-18 Thread Mike Matrigali

are you saying that if you stop your loop and do nothing then you
see the cpu spinning at 100% forever.

The stack traces are what I would expect, and they may spin for
100% cpu for a short time depending on size of table and cache size
as they may require no I/O.  Anytime you delete all rows from a page
as it seems your step 4 does, then work is queued to be activated when
that transaction commits.  At step 5 the work is processed, it basically
reclaims the space freed by the committed deletes and makes it available
for future inserts into the table.

Adam Bovill wrote:


I seem to be having a problem with my embedded derby 
derby.rawStoreDeamon thread where it takes up 100% of my CPU.  
Everything else is still responsive, but this thread seems to be looping 
through the following stack traces.  Also, as soon as I make any 
additional action on the Database, it returns to normal, so it seems 
that I have done something to get it into a strange state.

The following stack traces were taken by halting that thread multiple 
times, they are not in any order.

So this happens after repeating the following multiple times:


1. Add items to two tables. (3 items into one, 15 into the other)

2. Set autocommit = false

3. force commit

4. attempt to delete all the items (and they are successfully deleted)

5. force commit

6. set autocommit = true


I set the autocommit to false so that I can roll back the changes if the 
delete fails.


It seems to just sit there and spin doing nothing.  Have I done 
something wrong with my commit logic?






Thread [derby.rawStoreDaemon] (Suspended) 

LockControl.addLock(LockSet, Object, Object) line: not 

LockSet.lockObject(Object, Lockable, Object, int, Latch) 
line: not available   

SinglePool.lockAnObject(Object, Object, Lockable, Object, 
int, Latch) line: not available

SinglePool.lockObject(Object, Object, Lockable, Object, int) 
line: not available  

ContainerHandle, boolean, boolean) line: not available   

BaseContainerHandle.useContainer(boolean, boolean) line: not 

ContainerKey, LockingPolicy, int, boolean) line: not available  

ContainerKey, LockingPolicy, int) line: not available   

LockingPolicy, int) line: not available 

Conglomerate, int[], TransactionManager, Transaction, boolean, int, int, 
LockingPolicy, DynamicCompiledOpenConglomInfo) line: not available, Transaction, boolean, int, 
int, LockingPolicy, StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo, 
DynamicCompiledOpenConglomInfo) line: not available 

RAMTransaction.openConglomerate(Conglomerate, boolean, int, 
int, int, StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo, DynamicCompiledOpenConglomInfo) 
line: not available 

RAMTransaction.openConglomerate(long, boolean, int, int, 
int) line: not available

B2I.lockTable(TransactionManager, int, int, int) line: not 

BTreePostCommit.performWork(ContextManager) line: not 

BasicDaemon.serviceClient(ServiceRecord) line: not 
available line: not available line: not available line: not available





Thread [derby.rawStoreDaemon] (Suspended) 

Conglomerate, int[], TransactionManager, Transaction, boolean, int, int, 
LockingPolicy, DynamicCompiledOpenConglomInfo) line: not available, Transaction, boolean, int, 
int, LockingPolicy, StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo, 
DynamicCompiledOpenConglomInfo) line: not available 

RAMTransaction.openConglomerate(Conglomerate, boolean, int, 
int, int, StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo, DynamicCompiledOpenConglomInfo) 
line: not available 

RAMTransaction.openConglomerate(long, boolean, int, int, 
int) line: not available

B2I.lockTable(TransactionManager, int, int, int) line: not 

BTreePostCommit.performWork(ContextManager) line: not 

BasicDaemon.serviceClient(ServiceRecord) line: not 
available line: not available line: not available line: not available





Thread [derby.rawStoreDaemon] (Suspended) 

BaseContainerHandle.useContainer(boolean, boolean) line: not 


Re: Embedded thread taking 100% cpu

2007-05-18 Thread Mike Matrigali
Another question.  Is there a chance that your application is still 
holding a lock on the table after you stop the loop, maybe a missed


Adam Bovill wrote:

Well, I cannot attest to forever, but they have been running at 100% for
the last 8 hours.  It happens after repeating these steps for 2-4 hours.

Is there a way to trace all of the actual commands that are sent to the
db?  I can also provide my schema if that helps.  These are two separate
tables, with no foreign keys.


-Original Message-
From: Mike Matrigali [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 3:29 PM

To: Derby Discussion
Subject: Re: Embedded thread taking 100% cpu

are you saying that if you stop your loop and do nothing then you
see the cpu spinning at 100% forever.

The stack traces are what I would expect, and they may spin for
100% cpu for a short time depending on size of table and cache size
as they may require no I/O.  Anytime you delete all rows from a page
as it seems your step 4 does, then work is queued to be activated when
that transaction commits.  At step 5 the work is processed, it basically
reclaims the space freed by the committed deletes and makes it available
for future inserts into the table.

Adam Bovill wrote:


I seem to be having a problem with my embedded derby 
derby.rawStoreDeamon thread where it takes up 100% of my CPU.  
Everything else is still responsive, but this thread seems to be


through the following stack traces.  Also, as soon as I make any 
additional action on the Database, it returns to normal, so it seems 
that I have done something to get it into a strange state.

The following stack traces were taken by halting that thread multiple 
times, they are not in any order.

So this happens after repeating the following multiple times:

1. Add items to two tables. (3 items into one, 15 into the other)

2. Set autocommit = false

3. force commit

4. attempt to delete all the items (and they are successfully deleted)

5. force commit

6. set autocommit = true

I set the autocommit to false so that I can roll back the changes if


delete fails.

It seems to just sit there and spin doing nothing.  Have I done 
something wrong with my commit logic?



Thread [derby.rawStoreDaemon] (Suspended) 

   LockControl.addLock(LockSet, Object, Object) line: not 

   LockSet.lockObject(Object, Lockable, Object, int, Latch) 
line: not available   

   SinglePool.lockAnObject(Object, Object, Lockable, Object, 
int, Latch) line: not available

   SinglePool.lockObject(Object, Object, Lockable, Object,


line: not available  

ContainerHandle, boolean, boolean) line: not available   

   BaseContainerHandle.useContainer(boolean, boolean) line:



ContainerKey, LockingPolicy, int, boolean) line: not available  

ContainerKey, LockingPolicy, int) line: not available   

LockingPolicy, int) line: not available 

Conglomerate, int[], TransactionManager, Transaction, boolean, int,


LockingPolicy, DynamicCompiledOpenConglomInfo) line: not available, Transaction, boolean, int, 
int, LockingPolicy, StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo, 
DynamicCompiledOpenConglomInfo) line: not available 

   RAMTransaction.openConglomerate(Conglomerate, boolean,


int, int, StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo,


line: not available 

   RAMTransaction.openConglomerate(long, boolean, int, int, 
int) line: not available

   B2I.lockTable(TransactionManager, int, int, int) line: not


   BTreePostCommit.performWork(ContextManager) line: not 

   BasicDaemon.serviceClient(ServiceRecord) line: not 
available line: not available line: not available line: not available

Thread [derby.rawStoreDaemon] (Suspended) 

Conglomerate, int[], TransactionManager, Transaction, boolean, int,


LockingPolicy, DynamicCompiledOpenConglomInfo) line: not available, Transaction, boolean, int, 
int, LockingPolicy, StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo, 
DynamicCompiledOpenConglomInfo) line: not available 

   RAMTransaction.openConglomerate(Conglomerate, boolean,


int, int, StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo,



Re: Exception getting columns from table

2007-05-11 Thread Mike Matrigali

As with all problem reports, could you say what exact version of
Derby you are using.  There were 2 different 10.2 releases, the
latest was

Also just to verify, do you expect your database to be read only?
There have been problems in the past with soft upgrade and stored
prepared statements - DERBY-541.

Stanley Bradbury wrote:

Andy Stewart wrote:

Hi can anyone help?

We were using derby 10.1 but have since upgraded to 10.2. Any 
databases created against version 10.1 work fine in our app against 
version 10.2. of derby. However when we try and connect to a database 
that has been created in 10.2 we get the following exception. Does 
anyone know why this is and what the solution is?


Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Container was opened in read-only mode.
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.Util.generateCsSQLException(Unknown 
org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedPreparedStatement.init(Unknown Source)
org.apache.derby.jdbc.Driver30.newEmbedPreparedStatement(Unknown Source)

Hi Andy -
Derby will open a database as read-only when it can't create the db.lck 
file when the database is booted.  Check for ownership and permission 
problems with the 10.2 database directories.  Does this message show up 
in the derby.log file as well?

Re: SQL Exception: Container xxx not found

2007-05-11 Thread Mike Matrigali

Are the two threads sharing the same Connection object (and thus
the same transaction)?  If not I also would have expected a lock
wait call.  There may be a problem with dependency management.

Are you using bulk load to load an empty table?


Parker, Patricia (LNG-CON) wrote:

Hi Stanley,

I disabled the cache and did more analysis of the actual timing of the
events, and it appears that the problem is that the bulk load CALL
SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_IMPORT_DATA (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) is not entirely
finishing before I try to query the table it is populating.  I would
expect to get a locking exception, or something of that nature, but the
SQL error code that gets returned is either XSCB1 or XSCH1, both of
which come with the message container containerName not found.   I
think you're right that it's a Windows caching or heap issue.  I am
getting around the problem by trapping for those two error codes,
putting my thread to sleep for awhile, then retrying.  It seems to work
fine that way.

An improvement I would suggest is having SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_IMPORT_DATA
indicate when it is done loading.  As it stands now, the thread I have
running it finishes before the utility finishes, and I have no elegant
way of knowing when the load is done, other than trying to use the table
and trapping for errors, as stated above.

Thanks for your help!


-Original Message-
From: Stanley Bradbury [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 3:18 PM

To: Derby Discussion
Subject: Re: SQL Exception: Container xxx not found

Hi Patty -
I fear this will be a hard one to solve without a reproducible test 
case.  Before going that route (I assume it will be difficult to provide

a test case) I suggest seeing if this might be system related. 

The oddest thing is that the Exception is not in the derby.log along 
with the SQLState and stack trace.  Missing data (be it exceptions 
information or data containers) could be caused by in-memory problems or

possibly I/O caching.  Windows write caching is enabled by default and 
can cause problems in I/O intensive applications.  Please disable this 
and see if the problem persists.  This can be disabled on XP from the 
disk drive/properties/hardware tab/policy tab - more information can be 
found, along with a warning, at:

If the problem still happens would you run your tests using a different 
JVM and/or machine to see if this corrects or effects the problem.  If 
none of these actions resolve the problem then please post the problem 
to the derby-dev for additional ideas.

Parker, Patricia (LNG-CON) wrote:

Hi Stanley,

Thanks for your reply.

I am running Derby 10.2.2 in embedded mode on Windows XP platform in
Eclipse.  I have attached both the derby.log file and a snapshot of my
Eclipse console, since the actual SQL error shows up there on line


The corresponding messages in derby.log occur around line 185, when


rollback starts to happen.

The only mention I have seen of a similar problem in Derby was in the
mail archives here...


The response to the above mail seemed to imply that Derby may lose


of tables, so I have been trying different timings of when I define my
tables in relation to when I do the inserts. 

Here is more detail on my process.  I am running a graph process,
where a node process runs on its own thread and bulk loads a bunch of
data from a flat file into a table that it defines on-the-fly using


XML that describes the data in the flat file.  After the node process
thread completes, a connector thread runs that applies a filter to all
the data that was just bulk loaded and inserts the filtered data into
another brand new, defined on-the-fly table.  This is done by


an INSERT INTO new connector table SELECT * FROM table created for
node WHERE some filter statement.  Since this is a graph process,
many node threads may be processing at once, and many connector


may also be processing concurrently.  I sometimes have noticed some
deadlocking between connectors, but it seems to recover and move on


My problem happens whether or not a deadlock message occurs.

My bulk loads have been working fine in the nodes, but I believe the
problem may occur when my program goes to access the bulk loaded data


use as data to do the inserts into my new tables in the connectors.
Right now, I define my tables right before loading/inserting into


I have tried defining all my tables up front before running the bulk
loads and inserts.  I have also tried sharing instances of the
DriverManager, but that did not seem to help.  I now get a new
DriverManager each time I do a bulk load or insert, as the log will

I am currently using the isolation TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED, but I
have had the same issue with TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE.

Thanks again for 

Re: Derby Errors with Apache Jackrabbit

2007-05-03 Thread Mike Matrigali

The problem looks like Derby is encountering a bad pointer while
traversing a long column chain - likely a blob or clob column.  The
thing to narrow down is if this is a static problem in the existing
db, or some runtime issue with muliple threads of control accessing
(read/write) the data.  I have seen these types of issues in 
multi-threaded apps where multiple threads use the same connection (ie. 
same transaction) and one thread is in a select loop on a large object 
and another thread updates the same object breaking the linkage in the
middle.  locking will prevent this if threads use different transactions 
but not when using the same transaction.

Also are you using embedded or network version.

Can you reproduce the error, single threaded on a copy of the db?  You
can use logStatementText to get the exact value of ? in that statement
if you have some jackrabbit script that reproduces the problem.

Does anyone know how hard it would be to get the error statement to log
to derby.log the parameters of the statement?

The derby code should be checking for the -1 return, but not sure that
will help you as I think it doesn't expect it.
Steven Huey wrote:


I'm using Derby with Apache Jackrabbit 1.2.3 and just  started 
getting the following error in our derby.log file, which is  rendering 
our Jackrabbit repository inaccessible. To date we've had  no problems 
with Derby and it's been maintenance free so I'm not sure  how to 
proceed to resolve the errors, any help is greatly appreciated.

Database Class Loader started - derby.database.classpath=''

2007-05-02 17:41:12.805 GMT:
Booting Derby version The Apache Software Foundation - Apache Derby - - (452058): instance 6074401f-0112-4de1-629c-00150808

on database directory /opt/jcr/repository/workspaces/default/db

Database Class Loader started - derby.database.classpath=''
2007-05-02 17:41:59.626 GMT Thread 
[DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-1,5,main] (XID = 28872), (SESSIONID =  
0), (DATABASE = /opt/jcr/repository/workspaces/default/db), (DRDAID =  
null), Cleanup action starting
2007-05-02 17:41:59.626 GMT Thread 
[DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-1,5,main] (XID = 28872), (SESSIONID =  
0), (DATABASE = /opt/jcr/repository/workspaces/default/db), (DRDAID =  
null), Failed Statement is: select NODE_DATA from DEFAULT_NODE where  

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
(Unknown Source)
(Unknown Source)
Unknown Source)
(Unknown Source)
(Unknown Source)
t(Unknown Source)
(Unknown Source)
(Unknown Source)
oller.fetch(Unknown Source)
ore(Unknown Source)
e(Unknown Source)
(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedResultSet.movePosition(Unknown  

at Source)
at org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.XAItemStateManager.getItemState 
at org.apache.jackrabbit.core.HierarchyManagerImpl.getItemState 
at org.apache.jackrabbit.core.HierarchyManagerImpl.resolvePath 
at org.apache.jackrabbit.core.CachingHierarchyManager.resolvePath 

Re: Derby Errors with Apache Jackrabbit

2007-05-03 Thread Mike Matrigali

Mike Matrigali wrote:

The problem looks like Derby is encountering a bad pointer while
traversing a long column chain - likely a blob or clob column.  The
thing to narrow down is if this is a static problem in the existing
db, or some runtime issue with muliple threads of control accessing
(read/write) the data.  I have seen these types of issues in 
multi-threaded apps where multiple threads use the same connection (ie. 
same transaction) and one thread is in a select loop on a large object 
and another thread updates the same object breaking the linkage in the
middle.  locking will prevent this if threads use different transactions 
but not when using the same transaction.

Also are you using embedded or network version.

Can you reproduce the error, single threaded on a copy of the db?  You
can use logStatementText to get the exact value of ? in that statement
if you have some jackrabbit script that reproduces the problem
If you can't repro single threaded on copy of db, it would be 
interesting to know what isolation level the fetch is happening in.

default is read committed.  I would have to think if read uncommitted
could cause a problem in multi-user mode.

Does anyone know how hard it would be to get the error statement to log
to derby.log the parameters of the statement?

The derby code should be checking for the -1 return, but not sure that
will help you as I think it doesn't expect it.
Steven Huey wrote:


I'm using Derby with Apache Jackrabbit 1.2.3 and just  
started getting the following error in our derby.log file, which is  
rendering our Jackrabbit repository inaccessible. To date we've had  
no problems with Derby and it's been maintenance free so I'm not sure  
how to proceed to resolve the errors, any help is greatly appreciated.

Database Class Loader started - derby.database.classpath=''

2007-05-02 17:41:12.805 GMT:
Booting Derby version The Apache Software Foundation - Apache Derby - - (452058): instance 6074401f-0112-4de1-629c-00150808

on database directory /opt/jcr/repository/workspaces/default/db

Database Class Loader started - derby.database.classpath=''
2007-05-02 17:41:59.626 GMT Thread 
[DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-1,5,main] (XID = 28872), (SESSIONID =  
0), (DATABASE = /opt/jcr/repository/workspaces/default/db), (DRDAID =  
null), Cleanup action starting
2007-05-02 17:41:59.626 GMT Thread 
[DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-1,5,main] (XID = 28872), (SESSIONID =  
0), (DATABASE = /opt/jcr/repository/workspaces/default/db), (DRDAID =  
null), Failed Statement is: select NODE_DATA from DEFAULT_NODE where  

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
(Unknown Source)
(Unknown Source)
Unknown Source)
(Unknown Source)
(Unknown Source)
t(Unknown Source)
(Unknown Source)
(Unknown Source)
oller.fetch(Unknown Source)
ore(Unknown Source)
e(Unknown Source)
(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedResultSet.movePosition(Unknown  

at Source)

Re: commit then read immediately

2007-04-18 Thread Mike Matrigali

frederic barachant wrote:

Craig L Russell a écrit :


Are the reader and writer in different processes? Then caching is 
definitely on your list of to be investigated.

If there's no caching, I can't think of anything that might cause this.

Another possibility is that you are not managing relationships 
correctly (on both sides of the relationship). And the access pattern 
relies on navigating relationships instead of querying or finding 
instances by key.

I do not think it is the case. Remember that a simple sleep after commit 
changes/'corrects' the behavior. No other code change is needed.

Is there a way to prevent this if it is a known behavior?

It's unlikely that this is a Derby issue.

That was my first guess, as no one would use it if it were the case. :)
I also can't think of any way that this can be a Derby issue.  Once 
Derby executes a change to the data we actually have no previous copy

 of the data around (we have no versioning support to get at previous
copies of the data).  This sounds like some cache in the software 
between derby and your application.

Have you tried multiple JPA implementations?

Not yet.

Have you asked this same question on your JPA implementation's forum?

Not yet. I wanted to start at lowest level first. This will be my next 

Good luck,

Thank you, i will need it.

Re: Drop Table

2007-04-17 Thread Mike Matrigali

tbrazao wrote:


i'm a new user of derby.

My question is about the ideia of sql : drop table if exists 

I read some explanations in this forum, but i didn´t find answers to work in
sql line commander.

I know that derby doens't support this job, but i want to ensure that if an
table exists it is dropped. So i think we can use something like...

select count(*) from SYS.SYSTABLES where TABLENAME = tableName,

where tableName  could be an arg for an procedure,
but i don´t know how to relate this with an drop call. It was simple if we
have one if clause. 

The problem is that i need to do this without java sintax, i know that seems
strange, but life it's strange and nobody cares about it...

If anyone could help, Thanks!

Why not just drop the table and let derby return an error if it did not 

And sorry my English!

Re: Store very large Strings

2007-04-16 Thread Mike Matrigali

Ruben Fonseca wrote:

On Fri, 2007-04-13 at 11:31 -0700, Raymond Kroeker wrote:

Hi Ruben,
   The connection object has a setAutoCommit(boolean) api.  If you
can easily reference it and are not running within a transaction
manager framework set it to false for the method call.

Ok, this really solved my problem. THANK YOU.

Now my second question is: is this the expected behaviour? It is really
necessary to disable AutoCommit when dealing with large BLOBs in Derby?

no, but jdbc and derby only guarantees the lifetime of a blob for the
current transaction so if your application
processes the whole blob before end of transaction then it should work.
The problem is that many applications tend to execute another statement
on the same connection before finishing with the blob, this other 
statement causes the connection to commit under autocommit and leads

to inconsistent results as the application is now accessing an invalid


Re: Asychronous Replication

2007-04-10 Thread Mike Matrigali

Chabot, Jerry wrote:

I'm considering options for asynchronous replication. A low cost option 
is to freeze the source and target databases,
synchronize the files using rsync (one way) and unfreeze the databases. 
Freezing is acceptable given the expected


My concern is existing clients of the target database may see stale 
data. Is there a need to flag the target clients that

the files have changed?

Does anyone see any technical issues with this approach?

It won't work.  From the limited description I am assuming you are 
hoping to allow both the source and target to remain open but inactive

during the process.

The state of an open database is maintained by it's in memory cache, 
data files and log files.  If you just copy over data and log from

source to target and then unfreeze the target you have clobbered the
association of the target's in memory cache and the data/log files.

If freezing the target could include shutting down all connections, then
a cheap solution would be to use derby approved backup mechanism to
backup the data files and the logs to the target and then connect to
the backup at the target using a normal connection - which if the 
database had been closed before would allow normal booting of the 
database which would apply the log and bring up a consistent db.  This 
will of course

overwrite everything that was at target.


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Re: [n00b] Recovering from program crashes

2007-04-03 Thread Mike Matrigali

Stanley Bradbury wrote:

Hi John -
When using a version 1.4.2 JVM or higher and the default Derby property 
set you should not need to manually remove the db.lck file.  
Just to reiterate if your JVM is higher that 1.4.2 then none of the 
below applies.  Unless there is a bug, Derby will only lock you out if
an existing JVM still has a lock on that file.  There should be no 
OS/JVM/machine variations if you have version 1.4.2 or higher and are

seeing this message.

Can you describe what it means that your program crashed?  Did the JVM
that was running it go down?  Are you using network server, if so is it
possible your client program crashed but left the network server up and
still connected to database?

The message
you are getting indicates that the db.lck file exists AND a process has 
the file locked.  Generally when an embedded Derby application aborts 
the JVM aborts too thus releasing the filelock.  The next time database 
access is attempted the db.lck is found but it is not locked so Derby 
removes the old file, creates a new one and boots the database.  The 
property derby.database.forceDatabaseLock changes this behavior so unset 
this if it is set:
[On some platforms, if set to true, prevents Derby from booting a 
database if a db.lck file is present in the database directory].
Otherwise check to see if, after the application crashes, there is still 
a JVM process running.  If so need to either reattach to that process or 
kill the JVM process to get past the filelock or release it.


Re: Alter Table ADD Column throws column number exception

2007-03-30 Thread Mike Matrigali
   add constraint FK_ORDERDETAIL_ORDERLINETYPE foreign key

alter table ORDERDETAIL
   add constraint FK_ORDERDETAIL_PRODUCT foreign key (PRODUCTUPC,

alter table ORDERDETAIL
   add constraint FK_ORDERDETAIL_PRODUCTORDER foreign key (ORDERID)

alter table ORDERDETAIL
   add constraint FK_ORDERDETAIL_SEEDPROC foreign key (PROCESSORID)

   add constraint FK_ORDERDISCOUNT_DISCOUNT foreign key (DISCOUNTID)

   add constraint FK_ORDERDISCOUNT_PRODUCTORDER foreign key (ORDERID)

   add constraint FK_ORDERLINEDELIVERY_DEALER foreign key

   add constraint FK_ORDERLINEDELIV_ORDERDETAIL foreign key

alter table ORDERPAYMENT
   add constraint FK_ORDERPAYMENT_PAYMENT foreign key (PAYMENTID)
  references PAYMENT (PAYMENTID);

alter table ORDERPAYMENT
   add constraint FK_ORDERPAYMENT_PRODUCTORDER foreign key (ORDERID)

alter table ORDERSHARE
   add constraint FK_ORDERSHARE_CUSTOMER foreign key (CUSTOMERID)

alter table ORDERSHARE
   add constraint FK_ORDERSHARE_PRODUCTORDER foreign key (ORDERID)

alter table PAYMENT
   add constraint FK_PAYMENT_CUSTOMER foreign key (CUSTOMERID)

alter table POSQUEUE
   add constraint FK_POSQUEUE_DATAEXCHTYPE foreign key

alter table POSQUEUE
   add constraint FK_POSQUEUE_ORDRDETAIL foreign key (ORDERITEMNUMBER,

   add constraint FK_POSTRANSHIST_DATAEXCHTYP foreign key

alter table PRICE
   add constraint FK_PRICE_PRICEAREA foreign key (PRICEAREANAME)

alter table PRICE
   add constraint FK_PRICE_PRODUCT foreign key (PRODUCTUPC, SEEDYEAR)

alter table PRICECOUNTY
   add constraint FK_PRICECOUNTY_PRICEAREA foreign key (PRICEAREANAME)

alter table PRICECOUNTY
   add constraint FK_PRICECOUNTY_STATE foreign key (STATECODE)
  references STATE (STATECODE);

alter table PRODUCT
   add constraint FK_PRODUCT_CROP foreign key (CROPID)
  references CROP (CROPID);

alter table PRODUCT
   add constraint FK_PRODUCT_PRODBRANDS foreign key (BRANDNAME)

alter table PRODUCT

alter table PRODUCTORDER
   add constraint FK_PRODORDER_CUSTDELIVCONTACT foreign key

alter table PRODUCTORDER
   add constraint FK_PRODORDER_FARMMGR foreign key (FARMMANAGERID)

alter table PRODUCTORDER
   add constraint FK_PRODUCTORDER_SELLER foreign key
  references SELLER (SELLERID);

   add constraint FK_SEEDPROCROLE_SEEDPROC foreign key (PROCESSORID)

   add constraint FK_SUPPORTEDBRANDS_DEALER foreign key (DEALERID)


alter table SYSTEMPARAMS
   add constraint FK_SYSTEMPARAMS_DEALER foreign key (DEALERID)


-Original Message-
From: Mike Matrigali [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 4:30 PM

To: Derby Discussion
Subject: Re: Alter Table ADD Column throws column number exception

can you provide a self contained repro for this.  At least telling what
the current ddl of the table may be interesting.

This would let us know if it is a runtime multi-user ddl issue, or 
something else.  Do all of your alter tables fail or just this one?

Does this one fail all the time or just some time?

BALDWIN, ALAN J [AG-Contractor/1000] wrote:

Hello all,

When I execute the following SQL statement:
ALTER TABLE OrderDetail 

I get

Re: Alter Table ADD Column throws column number exception

2007-03-30 Thread Mike Matrigali

alter table PRICE
   add constraint FK_PRICE_PRICEAREA foreign key (PRICEAREANAME)

alter table PRICE
   add constraint FK_PRICE_PRODUCT foreign key (PRODUCTUPC, SEEDYEAR)

alter table PRICECOUNTY
   add constraint FK_PRICECOUNTY_PRICEAREA foreign key (PRICEAREANAME)

alter table PRICECOUNTY
   add constraint FK_PRICECOUNTY_STATE foreign key (STATECODE)
  references STATE (STATECODE);

alter table PRODUCT
   add constraint FK_PRODUCT_CROP foreign key (CROPID)
  references CROP (CROPID);

alter table PRODUCT
   add constraint FK_PRODUCT_PRODBRANDS foreign key (BRANDNAME)

alter table PRODUCT

alter table PRODUCTORDER
   add constraint FK_PRODORDER_CUSTDELIVCONTACT foreign key

alter table PRODUCTORDER
   add constraint FK_PRODORDER_FARMMGR foreign key (FARMMANAGERID)

alter table PRODUCTORDER
   add constraint FK_PRODUCTORDER_SELLER foreign key
  references SELLER (SELLERID);

   add constraint FK_SEEDPROCROLE_SEEDPROC foreign key (PROCESSORID)

   add constraint FK_SUPPORTEDBRANDS_DEALER foreign key (DEALERID)


alter table SYSTEMPARAMS
   add constraint FK_SYSTEMPARAMS_DEALER foreign key (DEALERID)


-Original Message-
From: Mike Matrigali [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 4:30 PM

To: Derby Discussion
Subject: Re: Alter Table ADD Column throws column number exception

can you provide a self contained repro for this.  At least telling what
the current ddl of the table may be interesting.

This would let us know if it is a runtime multi-user ddl issue, or 
something else.  Do all of your alter tables fail or just this one?

Does this one fail all the time or just some time?

BALDWIN, ALAN J [AG-Contractor/1000] wrote:

Hello all,

When I execute the following SQL statement:
ALTER TABLE OrderDetail 

I get this exception:

java.sql.SQLException: In a base table there was a mismatch between


requested column number 16 and the maximum number of columns 20.

Does anyone have an idea how I can fix this, or at least find a



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Re: Alter Table ADD Column throws column number exception

2007-03-29 Thread Mike Matrigali

can you provide a self contained repro for this.  At least telling what
the current ddl of the table may be interesting.

This would let us know if it is a runtime multi-user ddl issue, or 
something else.  Do all of your alter tables fail or just this one?

Does this one fail all the time or just some time?

BALDWIN, ALAN J [AG-Contractor/1000] wrote:

Hello all,

When I execute the following SQL statement:
ALTER TABLE OrderDetail 

I get this exception:

java.sql.SQLException: In a base table there was a mismatch between the
requested column number 16 and the maximum number of columns 20.

Does anyone have an idea how I can fix this, or at least find a


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Re: Queries satisfiable from indexes

2007-03-20 Thread Mike Matrigali

I agree with army, Derby can and often does satisfy queries from
indexes alone (I usually refer to this as covered query).

If you can't provide a reproducible case for us to run, some of the 
following may help us guess what is going on:

1) exact ddl of the tables
2) size estimate of data for any data columns that are variable length 
(ie. most likely vchar fields), from this we can roughly estimate size
of keys and see if 161,000 rows in 500 leaf pages makes sense.  Assuming 
4k index page, then this would be about 12 bytes a key, which seems 
reasonable for a 3 part key + a pointer to base table.

3) anything you can tell us about data distribution.
4) page size of tables/indexes.

My reading of this is that the query for whatever value you put in for ?
returned ~141,000 rows matching the value of mailbox_id that you put in,
and there are only 3 distinct values of mailbox_id, tags in the dataset.
It actually had to look through 161970 rows including the deleted rows
that have not been reclaimed yet.

Dan Karp wrote:

I've got a few queries that should be satisfiable from an index without any 
access to the underlying rows.  Can Derby do this, or does it load the rows 
regardless?  In this case, would it help things if I'd used DISTINCT(tags) 
instead of a GROUP BY clause?


  SELECT tags FROM mboxgroup1.mail_item
  WHERE mailbox_id = ?
  GROUP BY mailbox_id, tags;


  CREATE INDEX ${DATABASE_NAME}.i_mail_item_tags_date
ON mail_item(mailbox_id, tags, date);


Number of opens = 1
Rows seen = 3
Rows filtered = 0
restriction = false
projection = true
constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
open time (milliseconds) = 0
next time (milliseconds) = 0
close time (milliseconds) = 0
restriction time (milliseconds) = 0
projection time (milliseconds) = 0
optimizer estimated row count:14134.80
optimizer estimated cost: 5049.44

Source result set:
Sort ResultSet:
Number of opens = 1
Rows input = 141512
Rows returned = 3
Eliminate duplicates = true
In sorted order = true
constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
open time (milliseconds) = 0
next time (milliseconds) = 0
close time (milliseconds) = 0
optimizer estimated row count:14134.80
optimizer estimated cost: 5049.44

Source result set:
Project-Restrict ResultSet (3):
Number of opens = 1
Rows seen = 141512
Rows filtered = 0
restriction = false
projection = true
constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
open time (milliseconds) = 0
next time (milliseconds) = 0
close time (milliseconds) = 0
restriction time (milliseconds) = 0
projection time (milliseconds) = 0
optimizer estimated row count:14134.80
optimizer estimated cost: 5049.44

Source result set:
Index Scan ResultSet for MAIL_ITEM using index 
I_MAIL_ITEM_TAGS_DATE at read committed isolation level using share row locking 
chosen by the optimizer
Number of opens = 1
Rows seen = 141512
Rows filtered = 0
Fetch Size = 1
constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
open time (milliseconds) = 0
next time (milliseconds) = 0
close time (milliseconds) = 0
next time in milliseconds/row = 0

			scan information: 
Bit set of columns fetched={0, 1}

Number of columns fetched=2
Number of deleted rows visited=20458
Number of pages visited=501
Number of rows qualified=141512
Number of rows visited=161970
Scan type=btree
Tree height=3
start position: 
	= on first 1 column(s).
	Ordered null semantics on the following columns: 

stop position: 
	 on first 1 column(s).
	Ordered null semantics on the following columns: 

optimizer estimated row count:14134.80
optimizer estimated cost: 5049.44

Re: Queries satisfiable from indexes

2007-03-20 Thread Mike Matrigali

Dan Karp wrote:

In the case of the query plan you presented, it seems
to me that Derby is in fact using the index, and not the
base table; that's what I believe this line is saying:

Index Scan ResultSet for MAIL_ITEM using index I_MAIL_ITEM_TAGS_DATE

I believe that's included for every query satisfied using an index.  But the 
number of pages accessed indicates that it actually loaded all the rows from 
the table:

   scan information:
Bit set of columns fetched={0, 1}
Number of columns fetched=2
Number of deleted rows visited=20458
Number of pages visited=501
Number of rows qualified=141512
Number of rows visited=161970

I think that's *way* too many pages hit if we're just using the index.  I've 
had a query on this table that sorted 33,000 rows without an index, and it only 
visited 300+ pages.

page size of indexes and base tables do not have to be the same size. 
If you have not set page size yourself, giving us your ddl we can tell 
you default page size derby will pick.

  1   2   3   >