Re: turn derby loggin off?

2005-12-22 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

Mario Ernst wrote:


I try to start a tomcat / derby environment completely from CD. For this 
reason, I think the logging needs to be turned off (cause CD is not 
writeable). Is there any possibility to do so? Or is there another 

Thanks and regards...

You will find the info you need in the Developer's Guide, under 
Creating Derby databases for read-only use:

Oyvind Bakksjo
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology Group
Trondheim, Norway

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: If you are not the intended
recipient of this email message, then I guess I am
to blame for sending it to you in the first place.

Re: Why are classpath databases always read-only ?

2005-12-09 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

Maybe you could explain how this would work? Are you assuming that the
war/ear file is always unpacked into the local file system? Is that
guaranteed for a J2EE server?

No I cannot assume that, but if (and my guess it should be possible to
determine where a resource loaded from the classpath came from, e.g.
whether the URL contains a jar: protocol) then this would work. And if
not, it can obviously not be written. But for servlet containers like
Tomcat and Jetty, one can ensure that the web app is unpackaged before
it is started.

Even if the web app is exploded, are you sure that the web app has write 
access to the directory to which the servlet container has exploded it? 
I'm not saying it doesn't, I just wouldn't be surprised if some 
container didn't want the contents of that directory to change.

I don't think using an absolute path to the db is awfully ugly as long 
as it can be configured, e.g. as a context-param.

Oyvind Bakksjo
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology Group
Trondheim, Norway

Re: Recursive Select for Discussion Forum

2005-12-01 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

Michael Segel wrote:

On Wednesday 30 November 2005 12:42, Rick Hillegas wrote:

Hi Michael,

You could streamline your recursive walk by using a temporary table and
a database procedure. The temporary table would hold the ids you
recursively harvest. It would be populated by your database procedure,
which would walk up the levels of your hierarchy. When the procedure
returned, you could then join the temporary table to your
discussion_item table to get the details you needed. It's not an elegant
solution, but by running the procedure inside the database, you would
eliminate a lot of network handshaking.

Derby does not support hierarchical queries. You're welcome to log an
enhancement request for this feature.

Well if you're going to use Temp tables, why not go outside of just SQL 
statements and then use cursors?

By using prepared statements you could do this and maybe use a little bit of 
recursion. Since this is SELECT, you'd want to make sure that you do this out 
side of a Transaction. (Transactions and recursive SQL statements can get 

Pretty straight forward from there.
You only need to prepare two statements, and each recursion requires a unique 
resultSet to be declared.

Your table would look like this:
Table foo:
	msg_id int --  (you can autogenerate or use long or something else depending 
on # of messages and retension rules.)

parent_id int (set default to 0)
msg_author ...
msg_header ...
	msg_txt ... 

Then create an index on msg_id and also on parent_id;

This can be done a couple of ways or permutations.
Here's the simplest.

Make the following CLASS variables;
A database connection con;
Create a vector to store the result sets.
int rec_lvl = 0 (this is the level of recursion)
Create and prepare the following select statement:
SELECT msg_id, msg_author, msg_header, msg_txt
FROM   foo
WHERE parent_id = ?
ORDER BY msg_id;

You then have two methods to write:
1) A Method to pull the data out of the result set, and pop it on to a vector, 
including the rec_lvl variable. (This will be used to build your tree)

2) The recursive method that finds all the children to the input value of 

So the first time you call the method you pass in the value of 0 for the 
parent id.
Then for each record you get back, you pass the result set to the popOnVector 
and the current rec_lvl value.
You then call the recursive routine, passing in the current msg_id and 
(rec_lvl + 1);

Thats all it takes.

When presenting a discussion thread, there are typically two things you 
want to take into account:

* Ordering of messages
* Indentation

* All replies to a specific message (messages having a 'parent') should 
be displayed directly under that parent message.
* Within a sub-group of messages, sharing the same parent, messages 
should be ordered on its timestamp.

* Every message which has a parent should be more indented than the parent.
* Every message having the same distance to the root message (the one 
without a parent) should have the same indentation.

With the current table definitions I have seen suggested here, neither 
of these can be computed dynamically with a single, non-recursive SQL query.

The indentation part is easy: Don't compute it dynamically, store it in 
the table. Whenever you add a new record to the table, you know the id 
of the parent message. The indentation level for the record to be 
inserted is the parent's indentation level plus one.

The ordering part is more tricky. What information do we have in each 
record that can be used for ordering.

message id - most likely monotonically increasing with each message 
added (chronologically)

parent id
indentation level
timestamp - this one is, like the message id, monotonically increasing, 
so it does not add any information for us to use when sorting

So the table is (wrt sorting) a set of triplets: (message_id, parent_id, 
indentation). For a database to sort this set, it must be able to look 
at two random triplets and determine which of those comes first, without 
considering other triplets that may be in the set. Is this possible?

As an example, look at these two triplets:


Which comes first?

It's impossible to tell, since it depends on the values of other rows. 
Consider these two message trees:

(1,null,0) - root message
 (2,1,1) - 2nd message received, 1 is parent, indentation is 1
  (4,2,2)  - Received after message 3 below, but is reply to 2

Here, (8,3,2) comes before (7,6,3), because of the subgroups they belong to.


Here, (7,6,3) comes before (8,3,2).

So I think you don't get the complete ordering for free from SQL, you'll 
have to do some of the sorting in your java code. It should be possible 
to do with a 1-pass algorithm, I think.

Oyvind Bakksjo
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology

Re: I need advice for Table schema Design.

2005-11-28 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

Legolas Woodland wrote:

Thank you for reading my post.
I need your advice for a design/query problem.
Scenario :
Imagine that i should design a system which should be able log and 
process view / hit over  banners.
So , in some portion of time there is a high rate of click / view over 
one banner , this could be fake because web site owner can produce fake 
traffic on his/site to earn more money.

I think this is a rather complex problem to solve, as this kind of fraud 
has become more sophisticated. There was a presentation about this at 
the VLDB conference this year, I have included links to the paper and 
the presentation. Hope that helps a little.

Re: What does next Exception mean?

2005-11-22 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

Stefan Schuster wrote:


I get an error:

SQL Exception: Failed to start database 'e2emappingdb', see the next 
exception for details.

   at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.Util.newEmbedSQLException(Unknown Source)
   at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.Util.newEmbedSQLException(Unknown Source)
   at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.Util.generateCsSQLException(Unknown 

What is meant by next Exception ? The cause ? The exception arising 
with the next call ?

The next exception I see in my log/project/life ? ;)


BTW: Is there a way to search through this mailing-list via an
web interface (I already found the web-interface that allows browsing, but
I cant find a search field)

I think most people use Google... :o) Yes, I know, it's not adequate.

Oyvind Bakksjo
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology Group
Trondheim, Norway

Re: Derby and portability

2005-11-17 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

As you say in the first paragraph, database portability is a *feature*
of Derby and thus it should be in the documentation (DERBY-711, thanks

Since it's a feature, I wouldn't expect to be in the charter, I think
that's too much detail.

That's ok. Charter or not, as long as there's a written commitment to it 
somewhere, it's fine. :)

Oyvind Bakksjo
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology Group
Trondheim, Norway

Derby and portability

2005-11-16 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo
The Derby Project Charter (on the web site) states that it should be 
Pure Java, but it does not say anything about portability for anything 
but the _code_.

Can one, for example, safely assume that the on-disk database format is 
platform-independent? I have read it somewhere, but I don't see it in 
the charter, so do I have a guarantee that this is an invariant?

Oyvind Bakksjo
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology Group
Trondheim, Norway

Re: Spaces in the database name with the client driver

2005-11-15 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

Daniel Noll wrote:
We had issues a while ago with having spaces in the name of the database 
when using the embedded driver.  These have been fixed, but...

I've just found that there is an issue when using the *client* driver 
with databases that have spaces in their name.

Is there some kind of workaround for this issue?

As it's a URL we're supposed to specify, I tried using %20 but that 
didn't work anyway.  I also tried modifying the URL parsing code in the 
ClientDriver class but that results in a network protocol error.

Hi Daniel,

did you get any replies on this? Did you find a workaround? I know 
others have hit this problem too, so I created DERBY-708 for this issue.

Oyvind Bakksjo
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology Group
Trondheim, Norway

Re: Question about using URLClassLoader and Derby

2005-11-10 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

David W. Van Couvering wrote:
Hi, Kathey.  At first glance it looks good to me.  I'm assuming *all* 
classes your app needs are available to the from the URL you specify, 
because you are not specifying a parent classloader when you create it. 

Not specifying a parent classloader does not mean that there will not be 
one. When using this constructor, the parent classloader will be the 
default classloader at the invocation point, e.g. the same classloader 
that would be used if you wrote Class.forName() at that spot.

 Also, you'll need to make sure you give the class that runs this code 
the permission to load classes (I'm not sure exactly how this is done, I 
just know it's an issue).

But I am no classloader guru.  I am forwarding this to folks I know 
within Sun who have done a *lot* of work within classloaders as part of 
the app server effort.  I'll get back to you with any information I get.


Kathey Marsden wrote:

My goal is:
I want to use a specific version of Derby which I ship with my app and I
don't  want to interfere with any other derby versions loaded  in the
same JVM or have them interfere with me.   I am creating a new
datasource in a separate URLClassLoader and using that for creating all
my connections.  Are there other things I need to do to meet my goal?  

Your URLClassLoader will delegate loading to its parent before it tries 
to load anything itself. You need to be sure that your URLClassLoader's 
parents have no Derby system to load - if they do, the result is not 
what you want.

If you cannot assume anything about what's in the parent classloaders' 
search path, you will need to create your own custom classloader which 
cuts off the delegation for classes whose names follow a certain 
pattern - for instance, start with org.apache.derby. I have done this 
successfully in other projects.

I have a feeling it all must be more complex than it looks to me right 

Just a little. :)

Oyvind Bakksjo
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology Group
Trondheim, Norway

If you are not the intended recipient of this email message,
then I guess I am to blame for sending it to you in the first place.

Re: Question about using URLClassLoader and Derby

2005-11-10 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

Kathey Marsden wrote:

Super neat!  To summarize:

I can keep other Derby versions loaded from interfering with my app  by
creating a  DerbyURLClassLoader that overrides the loadClass method to
filter out any Derby classes in the parent class loader.

I can prevent my app from interfering with other Derby versions  by
loading Derby in a separate DerbyURLClassLoader and creating a
DataSource from there that I use for all my connections as described in
my original mail. 

I have a completely isolated environment with regard to Derby.  Because
JDBC provides a single entry point at the DataSource, I don't have to
understand the overall ClassLoader hierarchy or otherwise be a
ClassLoader expert.  Does anyone see any holes here?   

As long as the code you have using Derby is accessing Derby objects 
through the JDBC interfaces/classes, everything should be fine. If, 
however you have code explicitly referencing Derby class names (whether 
it is EmbedStatement, EmbeddedDataSource etc.), you should be aware that 
a class X loaded with class loader A is not the same class as a class X 
loaded with class loader B (class loaders are name spaces). Code which 
explicitly references Derby classes must be loaded with the same class 
loader as the Derby classes themselves, otherwise you'll get strange 

But as said, when your client code simply uses the JDBC 
interfaces/classes, there should be no problems.

Oyvind Bakksjo
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology Group
Trondheim, Norway

Re: I need some advice to choose database for an upcomming job

2005-11-08 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:


Daniel John Debrunner wrote:


Note B: If you're running with autocommit OFF, you should definately not
use the same connection object in multiple simultaneous requests (either
use synchronization or create multiple connections).

This is true even with automcommit on. Multiple threads using the same
connection with ResultSets will mess with each other, as per the JDBC
sprc. An executeQuery by one thread will close any ResultSet any other
thread is processing.

Could you elaborate on this?

I created a small test program which Prepares two statements in separate
threads, but uses the same connection object. I execute statement A and
read a few rows from the resultset in thread 1, execute statement B and
read a few rows from it in thread 2, do a little interleaved reading,
then read the rest of the rows from both resultsets in their respective
threads. Got no exception, indicating that no result set was closed.

I ran this in autocommit mode in both embedded and client/server mode.

Code excerpt below, in case my explanation of the test program was unclear:


I have seen some differing behaviour with respect to this in
client/server and embedded mode before (that's why I made the test), but
I couldn't reproduce any issue now.

JDBC 3.0 - Section 10.1.

A commit occurs when a statement is complete in auto-commit mode.
For Select statements, the statement is complete when the associated
result set is closed. The result set is closed as soon as one of the
following occurs:
  another Statement object is executed on the same connection

So in your example the call to t2.executeQuery() should cause a commit
on the connection which will close the ResultSet for t1.

Your code probably has ResultSets which are held
HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT (which is the default) and thus are not closed
by the commit.

You're right, after changing this to CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT I got 

In addition I guess you showRow() does a next() and then
the rs.gerXXX()? I think if you called t2.executeQuery() between a
next() and the rs.getXXX() calls on the other thread, I think you will
see problems.

I tried that, but that did not change any behaviour. Besides, why would 
it? It doesn't seem logical to me why you would get an exception exactly 
there, if the resultset isn't closed and you don't get an exception on 
the subsequent next() and rs.getXXX() calls after the second execute.

Thus sharing connections across threads is just problematic unless the
application performs synchronization and/or has very good knowledge of
what others threads are doing at all times. Any application will just be
less error prone if it uses separate connections for separate threads,
isn't one of the reasons to use a relational database to not have to
worry about data synchronization issues? This of course is not specific
to Derby, the JDBC spec specifies this behavviour.

I agree. Just to be clear, I am not arguing that anyone should code 
applications that way, I'm just trying to figure out exactly how Derby 

Although sharing connections between unrelated threads which perform 
different tasks is not a good idea, I can imagine there are cases where 
one would benefit from having multiple open resultsets on a connection 
with autocommit off. This should be allowed, right? Also, Derby should 
be agnostic to whether these result sets are processed in different threads.

Actually, this is what I do in jdbcapi/, in 
order to verify that the correct statement is affected by the timeout 
when multiple statements are executing concurrently. What's strange is 
that this works in embedded mode but fails in client/server mode (I'm 
about to submit an implementation of setQueryTimeout for the client 
driver). The little test program I wrote yesterday works in both modes, 
however. I don't see what I'm doing differently - in both programs I 
have autocommit off, HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT (by default), and have two 
threads that prepare and execute a select query on the same connection, 
then traverse the result sets. Still one program gets a closed resultset 
in client/server mode, the other doesn't. I must be overlooking 
something. Any ideas?

Oyvind Bakksjo
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology Group
Trondheim, Norway

Re: I need some advice to choose database for an upcomming job

2005-11-08 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo


Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

My thinking is that the executeQuery() will cause a commit which will
cause the open held ResultSet used by the other thread to move off the
row, as required by the SQL standard. Thus before any getXXX() call can
be made, the held cursor needs to be re-positioned using next(). I think
you have said before that Derby doesn't act this way, though looking at
the embedded code it should.

So I tried the following:

Statement st1 = conn.createStatement();
try {
st1.execute(drop table t1);
} catch (SQLException e) {
// Ignore
st1.execute(create table t1 (a int));
st1.execute(insert into t1 

PreparedStatement ps1 = conn.prepareStatement(select * from 



PreparedStatement ps2 = conn.prepareStatement(select * from 



ResultSet rs1 = ps1.executeQuery();
ResultSetMetaData md1 = rs1.getMetaData();;
show(rs1, md1);;
ResultSet rs2 = ps2.executeQuery();
ResultSetMetaData md2 = rs2.getMetaData();
show(rs1, md1);;
show(rs2, md2);;
show(rs2, md2);;
show(rs1, md1);;
show(rs2, md2);

(The show method calls ResultSet.getString on all columns.)

As you can see, the second executeQuery() call is between and 
show(rs1, md1). There's no exception thrown - no need to reposition, it 
seems. I changed the prepareStatement for ps1 to use 
CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT, and then I got an exception about the result 
set being closed, so there's definitely a commit made at the second 

I think I am finally beginning to grasp what is going on here. :)

JDBC 3.0 - Section 10.1.

A commit occurs when a statement is complete in auto-commit mode.
For Select statements, the statement is complete when the associated
result set is closed. The result set is closed as soon as one of the
following occurs:
  another Statement object is executed on the same connection

Reading this from the bottom and up, what happens when running with 
CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT is that executing the other statement causes the 
first result set to be closed, causing the statement to complete, 
causing the transaction to commit.

Now, if we have HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT, we don't want the result set 
to be closed after the commit. But since closing the result set is what 
triggers the commit, it would mean that the result set would first have 
to be closed (in order to trigger the commit) and then, after the 
commit, to not be closed after all! What I suspect is that when we have 
specified HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT, the second execute does not close 
the result set in the first place (and here the spec quote above is 
vague, it does not state anything about holdability), thus never causing 
a commit.

Quite funny, then, that whether the second execute triggers a commit 
depends on the holdability of other result sets.

Oyvind Bakksjo
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology Group
Trondheim, Norway

Re: I need some advice to choose database for an upcomming job

2005-11-07 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

Legolas Woodland wrote:

Thank you for the Blog entry ,
but i could not understand how i should do the integration based on your 
blog comment.

I tried Integration senario from developerWorks ,
I need it for a real world high transaction system (23-30 Tra / second) 
so i think developersWork scenario is not good for me.
can you explain more pleas ? (to Oyvind Bakksjo)

You should be able to fully embed Derby into your web application 
without any need to configure your servlet container *and* get decent 
performance by doing the following:

* Place derby.jar in your web application's lib directory.
* Use derby in embedded mode inside your application (use 
jdbc:derby:dbname[;attributes...] as the connection url)
* For performance, you need to avoid creating a new connection with each 
request. Therefore, you should a) boot the database when your web 
application is loaded (and shut it down when the web app is unloaded) 
and b) reuse existing connection(s).

* To do a)
  - create a class in your web app which implements the 
javax.servlet.ServletContextListener interface (see 
The class should have a public no-arg constructor. Say, the class is 
called MyListener.
  - Inside the web-app section of your deployment descriptor, add 
  - The class must implement two methods. In contextInitialized(), you 
boot the database by getting a connection to it (possibly with 
;create=true, if necessary). Stuff that connection aside for later use 
by calling 'sce.getServletContext().setAttribute(derbyconnection, 
connection);'. In contextDestroyed, fetch the existing connection (with 
'sce.getServletContext().getAttribute(derbyconnection);') and close 
that connection. Shut down the database by connecting again with the 
shutdown=true attribute in the url.

* To do b)
  - When a request is received (say, HttpServlet.doGet() is invoked), 
you get the existing connection by calling 
'getServletContext().getAttribute(derbyconnection);'. Use this 
connection for your database work.

Note A: You may want to create and use more than one connection to 
increase performance if you have many simultaneous requests.
Note B: If you're running with autocommit OFF, you should definately not 
use the same connection object in multiple simultaneous requests (either 
use synchronization or create multiple connections).

I hope this helps.

Oyvind Bakksjo
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology Group
Trondheim, Norway

Re: I need some advice to choose database for an upcomming job

2005-11-07 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:


Note A: You may want to create and use more than one connection to
increase performance if you have many simultaneous requests.

I would not recommend a single connection for any simultaneous requests.

Note B: If you're running with autocommit OFF, you should definately not
use the same connection object in multiple simultaneous requests (either
use synchronization or create multiple connections).

This is true even with automcommit on. Multiple threads using the same
connection with ResultSets will mess with each other, as per the JDBC
sprc. An executeQuery by one thread will close any ResultSet any other
thread is processing.

If you are running Derby embedded then the cost of creating a connection
per request will be much lower than traditional client server databases,
and most likely will be a small fraction of the cost of the query or update.

That's true, as long as the database is not booted  shut down with each 
request. That was the case in the prototype integration described in 
the referred article.

As long as the database is booted  shut down only in the context 
listener class, it should be fine to create new embedded connections 
with each request.

Oyvind Bakksjo
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology Group
Trondheim, Norway

Re: I need some advice to choose database for an upcomming job

2005-11-07 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:


Note B: If you're running with autocommit OFF, you should definately not
use the same connection object in multiple simultaneous requests (either
use synchronization or create multiple connections).

This is true even with automcommit on. Multiple threads using the same
connection with ResultSets will mess with each other, as per the JDBC
sprc. An executeQuery by one thread will close any ResultSet any other
thread is processing.

Could you elaborate on this?

I created a small test program which Prepares two statements in separate 
threads, but uses the same connection object. I execute statement A and 
read a few rows from the resultset in thread 1, execute statement B and 
read a few rows from it in thread 2, do a little interleaved reading, 
then read the rest of the rows from both resultsets in their respective 
threads. Got no exception, indicating that no result set was closed.

I ran this in autocommit mode in both embedded and client/server mode.

Code excerpt below, in case my explanation of the test program was unclear:


I have seen some differing behaviour with respect to this in 
client/server and embedded mode before (that's why I made the test), but 
I couldn't reproduce any issue now.

Oyvind Bakksjo
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology Group
Trondheim, Norway

Re: I need some advice to choose database for an upcomming job

2005-11-02 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

Michael Segel wrote:

On Monday 31 October 2005 14:40, Susan Cline wrote:

As Jean mentioned, if you use the Prototype integration option of the
article you can have the derby jar files in the war file.  I think you can
just replace the war file with the new web application that contains the
derby jar file(s) in the lib directory without stopping the Tomcat server.

I think Tomcat sees new war files (possibly depending on how it is
configured) when they are placed in the webapps directory.


Replace the file? 
I would be very suspect if that were the case.

Usually your application will open a file descriptor to the files at start up.
(Your new files don't have the same inode (whatever the Microsoft analogy 
is ...) So its not the same file.

This would mean that you would have to refresh Tomcat to get it to see the 
new file. 

Now if you can refresh Tomcat, then you should have the power to start and 
stop Tomcat.

If you mean add it to the directory and then have Tomcat discover the new 
files/apps that would be different.

This is what the Tomcat website says about hot deployment of web 

Deploying on a running Tomcat server

It is possible to deploy web applications to a running Tomcat server.

If the Host autoDeploy attribute is true, the Host will attempt 
to deploy and update web applications dynamically, as needed, for 
example if a new .WAR is dropped into the appBase. For this to work, the 
Host needs to have background processing enabled which is the default 

autoDeploy set to true and a running Tomcat allows for:

* Deployment of .WAR files copied into the Host appBase.
* Deployment of exploded web applications which are copied into 
the Host appBase.
* Re-deployment of a web application which has already been 
deployed from a .WAR when the new .WAR is provided. In this case the 
exploded web application is removed, and the .WAR is expanded again. 
Note that the explosion will not occur if the Host is configured so that 
.WARs are not exploded with a unpackWARs attribute set to false, in 
which case the web application will be simply redeployed as a compressed 
* Re-deployment of a web application if the /WEB-INF/web.xml 
file (or any other resource defined as a WatchedResource) is updated.
* Re-deployment of a web application if the Context Descriptor 
file from which the web application has been deployed is updated.
* Re-deployment of a web application if a Context Descriptor 
file (with a filename corresponding to the Context path of the 
previously deployed web application) is added to the 
$CATALINA_HOME/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/ directory.
* Undeployment of a web application if its document base 
(docBase) is deleted. Note that on Windows, this assumes that 
anti-locking features (see Context configuration) are enabled, otherwise 
it is not possible to delete the resources of a running web application.

Note that web application reloading can also be configured in the 
loader, in which case loaded classes will be tracked for changes.

My interpretation is that it is actually possible to just replace the 
.war file.

Oyvind Bakksjo
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology Group
Trondheim, Norway

Re: I need some advice to choose database for an upcomming job

2005-11-01 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

Jean T. Anderson wrote:


I would like to suggest reading my (short but excellent ;o) blog 
entry, where I describe how one can do lifecycle management in a 
standard (container-agnostic) way, which neither requires access to 
the Tomcat configuration nor stopping/starting the server. 

Is this link to your blog entry persistent, Oyvind? --if I add it to the 
Derby web site, will it still be good 6 months from now?

Yes, I think blog entries on should be persistent.

Oyvind Bakksjo
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology Group
Trondheim, Norway

Re: paging Øyvind and Naka

2005-11-01 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

Rick Hillegas wrote:

Hi Øyvind and Naka,

I think you both may be working on fixing the same problem: the broken 
regression tests. The tests were broken by the fix to bug 330 and now 
Naka has filed bug 663 against the test problems. You might want to 
coordinate your efforts here.

Naka filed DERBY-663 and assigned it to me, so I've committed a fix to 
it. I have run the jdbcapi testsuite with no failures and I'm now 
waiting for derbyall to finish.

Oyvind Bakksjo
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology Group
Trondheim, Norway

Re: Backup on-line

2005-10-27 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:
There is a plan to implement backup on line (with read/write active, not 
only read)?

Yes, this is recorded in Jira as issue DERBY-239 and is being actively 
worked on. You can watch the derby-dev mailing list to monitor the 
progress of this activity.

Oyvind Bakksjo
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology Group
Trondheim, Norway

Re: Starting Derby at boot time on linux

2005-10-07 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

Johan Wasserman wrote:
How do I start Derby at boot time on linux?  I used the startup script 
provided (startNetworkServer.ksh) and linked it to S99derby in rc5.d but 
get the message Could not listen on port 1527 on host start...

Kind regards...

I don't know of course, but it could be that you already have a process 
occupying that port. Try running the command below:

netstat --tcp -l -p --numeric-ports | grep 1527

Oyvind Bakksjo
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology Group
Trondheim, Norway

Re: derby performance and 'order by'

2005-09-23 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

Rick Hillegas wrote:
Thanks for the pointer to this presentation, Oyvind. It's a pretty 
startling observation though I'm not sure how to use it. I'd be 
interested in hearing your thoughts about this some time.

The question raised in this presentation is whether the optimizers in 
the databases examined (Oracle, DB2 and SQL Server) are actually too 
clever, evaluating (in some cases) 100+ query plans for a single query 
when simply changing the selectivity on two relations. The assumption is 
that they could evaluate far less plans and still perform well.

Now, in Derby, I think we're still on the opposite side - we should 
probably investigate more optimization techniques and execution plans, 
as this thread has shown.

Oyvind Bakksjo
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology Group
Trondheim, Norway

Re: derby performance and 'order by'

2005-09-22 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

Rick Hillegas wrote:

Hi Oyvind,

I agree that this is inelegant. As you note, this approach step by step 
forces a plan which the current Derby optimizer is capable of 
considering--with or without the covering index. Regardless of whether 
we teach the optimizer some better tricks, I think it's worth beefing up 
our support for in-memory temporary tables:

o There are always deceptively simple queries which the optimizer 
misjudges. It's good to give the customer tools for getting unstuck 
while they wait for the bugfix release.

o Often the customer knows facts about the data which the optimizer 
can't plausibly learn.

Yes, I agree with you.

o The current Derby optimizer is capable of considering only a very 
limited subset of the useful plans.

That reminds me of a very entertaining presentation which was held at 
VLDB this year:


Have a look, it's worth the time.

We should definitely consider more execution plans in Derby, so that we, 
too, could draw such interesting pictures. ;o)

Oyvind Bakksjo
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology Group
Trondheim, Norway

Re: derby performance and 'order by'

2005-09-21 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

Rick Hillegas wrote:
It might help to add another column to the index so that it covers both 
the restriction and the ordering information. And if we could add a 
primary key to a temporary table, then something like the following 
might take us in the right direction:

create index time_index on orders( time, orderID );

declare global temporary table session.ztemp
( orderID varchar( 50 ) primary key )
not logged;

-- all the information we need is in the index so there's no need
-- to probe the base table
insert into session.ztemp
 select orderID
 from orders
 where time between '10/01/2002' and '11/30/2002'

-- hopefully the temporary table didn't have to spill to disk.
-- no sort should be needed for this query and you can just
-- stop siphoning out rows after you get the first 1000.
select l.*
from orders l, session.ztemp r
where l.orderID = r.orderID
order by orderID;

If I understand this correctly, you're here relying on the fact that the 
primary key constraint on the temporary table creates an underlying 
index, so the records inserted can be read out in sorted order.

This is also a form of sorting. Shouldn't the engine be able to use 
similar techniques in the execution of the original query, without 
relying on the user splitting up the query, creating temporary tables etc.?

Oyvind Bakksjo
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology Group
Haakon VII gt. 7b, N-7485 Trondheim, Norway
Tel: x43419 / +47 73842119, Fax: +47 73842101

Re: How to compute the duration of two timestamps

2005-08-23 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

Kostas Karadamoglou wrote:


How can I compute the duration of two timestamps?
Is there any built-in function that helps?

Are any alternative options?

This question was asked on this list not so long ago. You can find the 
answer in the mailing list archives:[EMAIL 

Øyvind Bakksjø
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology Group
Haakon VII gt. 7b, N-7485 Trondheim, Norway
Tel: x43419 / +47 73842119, Fax: +47 73842101

Re: remote connections to embedded derby

2005-08-11 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

Knut Anders Hatlen wrote:

James Cowan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


is it possible to make remote connections to an embedded derby database?

No, you'll have to run the the network server. However, the network
server is just a layer of networking code on top of an embedded derby
database, so in some sense you can say it makes it possible to make
remote connections to an embedded database. But that wasn't what you
had in mind, I guess...

Isn't it?


The embedded driver is loaded when the Network Server is started. The 
JVM that starts the Network Server can obtain an embedded connection to 
the same database that the Network Server is accessing to serve clients 
from other JVMs. This solution provides the performance benefits of the 
embedded driver and also allows client connections from other JVMs to 
connect to the same database.

To illustrate this in beautiful ascii-art (best viewed with fixed font 

| Client JVM   |
| ++   |
| | Your application logic |   |
| ++---+   |
|  |   |
|  V   |
| +--+ |
| |Network Client JDBC driver| |
| +-++ |
|   |  |
| Server JVM|  |
| ++|  |
| | Your application logic ||  |
| ++---+|  |
|  |V  |
|  |++ |
|  V| Network Server | |
| +-+--+-+ |
| |Embedded JDBC driver| | |
| ++ | |
| |  Derby engine| |
| +--+ |

Øyvind Bakksjø
Sun Microsystems, Web Services, Database Technology Group
Haakon VII gt. 7b, N-7485 Trondheim, Norway
Tel: x43419 / +47 73842119, Fax: +47 73842101

Re: derby jdbc load driver

2005-08-10 Thread Oyvind . Bakksjo

Satheesh Bandaram wrote:
I think Derby recommends using *.newInstance()* to load JDBC drivers... 
In fact, it is required if you plan to shutdown and reboot databases on 
the same thread/VM for Derby. Take a look at the javadoc for EmbeddedDriver.

Ok. But if Derby recommends it, then it should be explicitly mentioned 
in the manuals (both in the Reference and the Developer's Guide), which 
it isn't:

Instead, there are contradicting statements like the one below:

* Class.forName(org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver)

Our recommended manner, because it ensures that the class is loaded in 
all JVMs by creating an instance at the same time.


What instance? Since there is no .newInstance() here, this can be 
understood as if the class has a static initializer which creates an 
instance of the class. And if so, why should the application do 

Øyvind Bakksjø
Sun Microsystems, Web Services, Database Technology Group
Haakon VII gt. 7b, N-7485 Trondheim, Norway
Tel: x43419 / +47 73842119, Fax: +47 73842101