Hey everyone,

A while back I started https://github.com/jsanda/cassandra-operator in an
effort to move things forward. One of my primary goals was to get some
people contributing. That did not happen, which is understandable. I am
going to throw out some questions and would love to get feedback,
particularly from people who have been participating in the SIG and/or are
involved with relevant projects.

* Should we continue down the path of trying to build a common operator
project? If yes, how should we proceed?

* Should we broaden the focus to using and running Cassandra in Kubernetes
in general? CEP 2 Kubernetes Operator
that its motivation is to make it easy to run Cassandra on Kubernetes.
Having an operator is definitely a big part of that, but it is not the only
part. There are important areas like application development, data
migration, multi-region / multi-cloud clusters, and tooling integration to
name a few. I think that the community benefits from collaboration
regardless of whether or not there is a common operator. That is not to
suggest that a common operator would not be good. I do not necessarily see
it as a zero sum game where it has to be a common operator or nothing.


- John

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