"William A. Rowe, Jr wrote:

[qs values in AddType directives and Content-Type headers]

> Good concern, they are invalid.

Okay, that's a clear statement. Thanks.

>  Multiviews was never hacked to decode the qs value [nor were mime or the 
> core.]

But qs values do affect Multiviews! The only task would be to remove them
from the response header. Please take a look at
<http://schneegans.de/temp/qs-multiviews>. Using IE or Opera, you'll see the
HTML variant. Using Mozilla, you'll see the XHTML variant. The .htaccess 
file only contains these directives:

  Options +MultiViews
  AddType text/html;charset=iso-8859-1;qs=1.000 .html
  AddType application/xhtml+xml;iso-8859-1;qs=0.999 .xhtml

Best regards,
Christoph Schneegans

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