Re: Volunteers to drive an MSI build

2013-03-12 Thread Dwayne Miller
My apologies for the Disclaimer at the bottom.  I had forgotten that it
was appended to all outgoing email.  I've asked that it be not appended to
dev-http email address, so this is basically my test to see if that work
was done correctly.

2 questions to start:
 - where does one find the approved source for a specific release (I.e.
2.2.24)?  I found the 2.2.x branch, but not sure if that is the correct
location of the latest approved release, release candidate; do I need to
specify tags, etc.
 - Any trick to getting Win32 files (CRLF instead of LF only)?

On 3/11/13 3:11 PM, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:

On Mon, 11 Mar 2013 14:41:48 +
Dwayne Miller wrote:

 I'm rejoining this list after several years of inactivity.  I'm
 joining primarily in regards to this thread.
 I would like to help if possible.

We are starting from scratch with 2.4.x.  Several key reasons;

 - Long past time to shift to an OSS msi packaging solution.
 - ... with a package schema which supports 'upgrade'
 - ... and rewrites utf-8 paths within the stock .conf files
 - Deploys cgi-bin/conf/logs/htdocs/proxy/cache to a non-static,
   path outside of program files (perhaps a tree beneath
   c:\Program Data\Apache Software Foundatation\,
   but why
   is that hidden?)

 I'm also curious as to the reason for the absence of the MSI build
 for the two most recent releases?  Is this a volunteer issue?  Is it
 a technology issue?  A license issue?

Well first off, they are always a convenience.  ASF projects release
source code.  Some ship binaries or jars for user convenience, but
those aren't releases.  Binaries are largely left to platform packagers
as you'll see looking for a long list of platforms underneath .  Netware and Win32 had
traditionally had these since there weren't 'packagers' in the unix
sense of the term.

A system crash on this volunteer's box led to the gap for Windows.
Which has led me to creating VM's for antique VC6 (httpd 2.2) and
modern Visual studio so I never have this ordeal again.  Almost had
this resolved at ApacheCon until I realized I had six database devel
packages to install for all supported apr-util dbd/dbm backends.
Should be wrapped up in the next couple of days now that I'm back
at my own office after an extended stay in Portland.

But that catches us up with 2.2.23 and 2.2.24 builds, see above why
I had held off of 2.4.x releases.  Once we ship one 2.4.x MSI there
will be no incentive to get this right until 3.x.

 I have read the list, and just not sure what triggered the topic
 after years of MSI builds being available on the site.

See bullet list above.

 I have started looking at the MSI project code, the instructions for
 building in a windows environment (I normally build for Mac OSX, but
 have access to Windows/MS tools too).  Hopefully I'll be caught up

Sounds great.

 Disclaimer: This message is intended only for the use of the
 individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain
 information which is privileged, confidential, proprietary, or exempt
 from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended
 recipient or the person responsible for delivering the message to the
 intended recipient, you are strictly prohibited from disclosing,
 distributing, copying, or in any way using this message. If you have
 received this communication in error, please notify the sender and
 destroy and delete any copies you may have received.

Really?  You violated that disclaimer under your own volition
publishing your note to  public forum. But we would really rather
not read that sort of claptrap on the public dev lists, thanks.

Re: Volunteers to drive an MSI build

2013-03-11 Thread Dwayne Miller
I'm rejoining this list after several years of inactivity.  I'm joining 
primarily in regards to this thread.

I would like to help if possible.

I'm also curious as to the reason for the absence of the MSI build for the two 
most recent releases?  Is this a volunteer issue?  Is it a technology issue?  A 
license issue?

I have read the list, and just not sure what triggered the topic after years of 
MSI builds being available on the site.

I have started looking at the MSI project code, the instructions for building 
in a windows environment (I normally build for Mac OSX, but have access to 
Windows/MS tools too).  Hopefully I'll be caught up soon.
Disclaimer: This message is intended only for the use of the individual or 
entity to which it is addressed and may contain information which is 
privileged, confidential, proprietary, or exempt from disclosure under 
applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible 
for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are strictly 
prohibited from disclosing, distributing, copying, or in any way using this 
message. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the 
sender and destroy and delete any copies you may have received.

Replacing ap_get_client_block()

2003-06-04 Thread P. Dwayne Miller
I was trying to replace a call to ap_get_client_block() in a module with 
appropriate apr*brigade*() calls.  Several readers posted some code and 
I thank them for that.  But, when trying to figure out all of the 
details, I tracked down the source of ap_get_client_block() and it is 
already using *brigade*() calls.  There are some comments that say that 
it should not be used, but the details of why are not obvious to me.  I 
was hoping someone could shed some light on this for me.

Apache 2.0.39/Win2K/SSL and really slow performance

2002-06-24 Thread Dwayne Miller

Just compiled Apache2.0.39 with OpenSSL 0.9.6d on Win2K using VC++.  The 
performance of SSL virtual host is horrific.  For non-SSL virtual hosts, 
the performance is great.  Anyone else experiencing this?

Re: Apache 2.0.39/Win2K/SSL and really slow performance

2002-06-24 Thread Dwayne Miller

Whoops... took a long time for this post to make it in.  I have since 
found the problem.  My LogLevel was set to Debug and the SSL code 
recently was changed to use the LogLevel directive.  Performance is back 
to normal.

Dwayne Miller wrote:

 Just compiled Apache2.0.39 with OpenSSL 0.9.6d on Win2K using VC++.  
 The performance of SSL virtual host is horrific.  For non-SSL virtual 
 hosts, the performance is great.  Anyone else experiencing this?

Re: setsockopt bug

2002-05-30 Thread Dwayne Miller

I'm running Apache 2.0.36-dev on Win2K, with SSL enabled.  Most clients 
are Win2K systems using either Netscape 6.x, IE5.5 or Mozilla RC1, and 
they connect and browse without problems.

One client is a Mac OS X using IE5.0.  It is constantly receiving 'Data 
Encryption Errors'.  On pages where there are images, the images appear 
as broken links.  I've tried all of the 'nokeepalive' tips (I believe) 
related to using IE, but no apparent difference in behavior.

In my log file, there are several lines (actually many) of the error

[Thu May 30 07:53:16 2002] [warn] (32538)Socket operation on non-socket: 
setsockopt(SO_UPDATE_ACCEPT_CONTEXT) failed.

I now know that the Mac is not the only client generating these errors 
on the server, but the other clients appear to be working fine, even 
though these errors show up in the server log file.

I'm in the process of upgrading the Mac to a more recent version of IE.

For what it's worth, this Mac, using IE can reference our Netscape 
Enterprise Server, SSL enabled sites without problems.

I was remember seeing the above error in the list recently, but 
searching the bug database did not find a hit.  Since I have a system 
that can repeatedly generate both the client and the server problems, I 
was going to do some probing into the code to see if I could figure out 
what was going on ( before I upgrade and cover up the problem).


Jeff Trawick wrote:

Dwayne Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Wasn't there recently a bug on WinNT/Win2k with a setsockopt call that
failed.  I'm getting that error when the client is IE5 on Mac OSx and
SSL is enabled.  Tks

Exactly what error are you getting?  Was there something in your error
log?  Show that entry here.


Re: Modules using the input brigade calls directly

2002-05-30 Thread Dwayne Miller

Which module would be a good example for someone who wants to rewrite an 


based module?


Brian Pane wrote:

On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 01:23, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:


- As a side effect, a lot of 8k static buffer allocations have
  been removed.  (I can hear the Netware guys cheering from here.)
- This should also greatly reduce the number of copies that the
  input data should have to go through as it proceeds up to these
  modules.  In the case of mod_proxy, the code is zero-copy from
  the standpoint of the module - it just gets a brigade from the
  input and passes it on to the output filter - no copies needed.

Thanks, this is a great improvement.



setsockopt bug

2002-05-28 Thread Dwayne Miller

Wasn't there recently a bug on WinNT/Win2k with a setsockopt call that 
failed.  I'm getting that error when the client is IE5 on Mac OSx and 
SSL is enabled.  


Apache2.0, Win2K and CGI

2002-04-10 Thread Dwayne Miller

Anyone able to use Perl cgi scripts with Apache2.0 on Win2K?

I finally got the config file working so that it tries to execute the 
cgi script, but receive this in my log file.

The system cannot find the file specified.  : couldn't create child 
process: 22502: D:/cgi-bin/script.cgi, ...
(22502)The system cannot find the file specified.  : couldn't spawn 
child process: D:/cgi-bin/script.cgi, ...

The script is in fact there... I 've had a few people sanity check it 
for me.

What looks fishy to me is the unix style / instead of Windows \.  But I 
don't see how to change if it is the problem.
I see the code where it is trying to create the process, but was hoping 
someone might know what I have setup incorrectly.


I have ActiveState Perl installed, and this script runs under Apache 
1.3.22.  I am not using mod_perl (yet).

Re: Building 2.0.35 on Win2k with mod_ssl

2002-04-09 Thread Dwayne Miller

I might need sed, but sed is not a part of a normal Win2k dev environment.

Here is what is happening.

ssl_expr_parse.c/.h both exist in CVS and in tarballs.  However 
ssl_expr_parse.y is also present with a more recent date.  This forces a 
rebuild of the .c/.h files, and hence the search for sed, bison, etc. 
 Modifying the .c/.h files so that the make system believes they are 
more recent seems to work fine.  The system builds and seems to run fine.

Question:  Is the file ssl_expr_parse.y that is in CVS, truly more 
recent than the corresponding .c/.h files and do the .c/.h files need to 
be rebuilt and updated in CVS?

Sebastian Bergmann wrote:

Dwayne Miller wrote:

Generating ssl_expr_parse.c/.h from ssl_expr_parse.y
'sed' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'sed' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

  I think you need to have sed(.exe) in your path.

Apache2.0 and CGI

2002-04-09 Thread Dwayne Miller

Okay... up and running with Apache2.0, SSL, Win2k... everything seems to 
be going well with my testing.  However, I cannot figure out how to 
configure my CGI bin directory.  All of the files in the directory come 
back as text/plain.  Both plain HTML and Perl .cgi scripts.  I've 
changed nothing in the directory, and it was working with Apache 1.3.22.

I have the following directive in the VHOST block...

directory d:/cgi-bin
   options ExecCGI

Did something change in Apache 2 configuration file to get CGI scripts 
to work?


Building 2.0.35 on Win2k with mod_ssl

2002-04-08 Thread Dwayne Miller

I've tried several makes from clean trees and continue to receive this 
I'm setting default project to InstallBin and building apache.exe
I checked out the latest from CVS on Sunday.


Configuration: mod_ssl - Win32 Debug
Generating ssl_expr_parse.c/.h from ssl_expr_parse.y
'sed' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'sed' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Creating Version Resource
Compiling resources...
ssl_expr_scan.l(116) : error C2065: 'ssl_expr_yylval' : undeclared 
ssl_expr_scan.l(116) : error C2224: left of '.cpVal' must have 
struct/union type
ssl_expr_scan.l(117) : error C2065: 'T_STRING' : undeclared identifier
ssl_expr_scan.l(169) : error C2224: left of '.cpVal' must have 
struct/union type
ssl_expr_scan.l(171) : error C2065: 'T_REGEX_I' : undeclared identifier
ssl_expr_scan.l(174) : error C2224: left of '.cpVal' must have 
struct/union type
ssl_expr_scan.l(177) : error C2065: 'T_REGEX' : undeclared identifier
ssl_expr_scan.l(180) : error C2224: left of '.cpVal' must have 
struct/union type
ssl_expr_scan.l(188) : error C2065: 'T_OP_EQ' : undeclared identifier
ssl_expr_scan.l(190) : error C2065: 'T_OP_NE' : undeclared identifier
ssl_expr_scan.l(192) : error C2065: 'T_OP_LT' : undeclared identifier
ssl_expr_scan.l(194) : error C2065: 'T_OP_LE' : undeclared identifier
ssl_expr_scan.l(196) : error C2065: 'T_OP_GT' : undeclared identifier
ssl_expr_scan.l(198) : error C2065: 'T_OP_GE' : undeclared identifier
ssl_expr_scan.l(200) : error C2065: 'T_OP_REG' : undeclared identifier
ssl_expr_scan.l(201) : error C2065: 'T_OP_NRE' : undeclared identifier
ssl_expr_scan.l(202) : error C2065: 'T_OP_AND' : undeclared identifier
ssl_expr_scan.l(204) : error C2065: 'T_OP_OR' : undeclared identifier
ssl_expr_scan.l(206) : error C2065: 'T_OP_NOT' : undeclared identifier
ssl_expr_scan.l(208) : error C2065: 'T_OP_IN' : undeclared identifier
ssl_expr_scan.l(213) : error C2065: 'T_FUNC_FILE' : undeclared identifier
ssl_expr_scan.l(218) : error C2065: 'T_TRUE' : undeclared identifier
ssl_expr_scan.l(219) : error C2065: 'T_FALSE' : undeclared identifier
ssl_expr_scan.l(225) : error C2224: left of '.cpVal' must have 
struct/union type
ssl_expr_scan.l(226) : error C2065: 'T_DIGIT' : undeclared identifier
ssl_expr_scan.l(233) : error C2224: left of '.cpVal' must have 
struct/union type
ssl_expr_scan.l(234) : error C2065: 'T_ID' : undeclared identifier
Generating Code...
Generating Code...
Error executing cl.exe. - 27 error(s), 0 warning(s)

CGI configuration

2002-02-26 Thread Dwayne Miller

What is the proper config file directive to allow Perl CGI scripts to 
run with Apache2.0?  The sample config file contains a commented

#AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

But I can't get Apache to accept that directive.  And the Perl scripts 
are delivered raw to the browser.

BTW, if this is the wrong list, please direct me to the proper one.


Re: read_request_line() failed in JRE-1

2002-02-15 Thread Dwayne Miller

I captured the output generated by both IE 5.5 and Mozilla 0.9.8.

Then used telnet to connect to Apache and pasted the data from Mozilla. 
 Output returned was exactly as expected.  But submitting it from 
Mozilla, it fails.  The  body of the post (the form variables) are not 
read.  Could this have anything to do with delivering data to the server 
in CHUNKS?  Does an Apache module need to do anything special to make 
sure it is getting all of the chunks making up a request?  (Is this even 
worded with the correct terminology?)


Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

On Thu, Feb 14, 2002 at 10:57:32AM -0500, Dwayne Miller wrote:

I just bumped the debug level to see if I could figure out the odd 
behavior from Mozilla.  It looks like others are having similar problems 
with regard to incomplete posts/requests.

Ah, fine.  Do you have any details about this?  Can you reproduce
it outside of Mozilla (i.e. with telnet or netcat)?  -- justin

Re: read_request_line() failed in JRE-1

2002-02-15 Thread Dwayne Miller

Well,  I found the problem... or part of it.  Turns out the module in 
question (which is a custom module) was being rebuilt when I updated to 
the JRE-1 tarball, but not being copied to the installation directory. 
 So I was using a version linked with .31 of Apache.

The reason I couldn't test with a standard module (CGI), is a config 
file problem, I'm sure, as I see raw HTML when requesting an index.html 
file, and raw Perl when requesting a index.cgi file.

Thanks for your assistance.


Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

On Fri, Feb 15, 2002 at 12:08:29PM -0500, Dwayne Miller wrote:

I captured the output generated by both IE 5.5 and Mozilla 0.9.8.

Then used telnet to connect to Apache and pasted the data from Mozilla. 
Output returned was exactly as expected.  But submitting it from 
Mozilla, it fails.  The  body of the post (the form variables) are not 
read.  Could this have anything to do with delivering data to the server 
in CHUNKS?  Does an Apache module need to do anything special to make 
sure it is getting all of the chunks making up a request?  (Is this even 
worded with the correct terminology?)

A few things:

1) Can you please post the request you sent?

2) What module is handling the data?  Is it a custom module?

3) The only thing it should need to do is call ap_get_brigade() with
the appropriate parameters.  You could use ap_setup_client_block() as
well, but that's not really the preferred way anymore.

Is it working with IE 5.5?  It may be a bug in Mozilla.  =(  Or, it
could also be a timing issue too.  -- justin

Re: read_request_line() failed in JRE-1

2002-02-15 Thread Dwayne Miller

I have to amend that response... it works without SSL.  Under SSL it 
behaves the same as before.  I'm convinced it's all in the module now, 
so I'll get off this list with this issue.

Thanks again.


Dwayne Miller wrote:

 Well,  I found the problem... or part of it.  Turns out the module in 
 question (which is a custom module) was being rebuilt when I updated 
 to the JRE-1 tarball, but not being copied to the installation 
 directory. So I was using a version linked with .31 of Apache.

 The reason I couldn't test with a standard module (CGI), is a config 
 file problem, I'm sure, as I see raw HTML when requesting an 
 index.html file, and raw Perl when requesting a index.cgi file.

 Thanks for your assistance.


 Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 15, 2002 at 12:08:29PM -0500, Dwayne Miller wrote:

 I captured the output generated by both IE 5.5 and Mozilla 0.9.8.

 Then used telnet to connect to Apache and pasted the data from 
 Mozilla. Output returned was exactly as expected.  But submitting it 
 from Mozilla, it fails.  The  body of the post (the form variables) 
 are not read.  Could this have anything to do with delivering data 
 to the server in CHUNKS?  Does an Apache module need to do anything 
 special to make sure it is getting all of the chunks making up a 
 request?  (Is this even worded with the correct terminology?)

 A few things:

 1) Can you please post the request you sent?

 2) What module is handling the data?  Is it a custom module?

 3) The only thing it should need to do is call ap_get_brigade() with
 the appropriate parameters.  You could use ap_setup_client_block() as
 well, but that's not really the preferred way anymore.

 Is it working with IE 5.5?  It may be a bug in Mozilla.  =(  Or, it
 could also be a timing issue too.  -- justin

read_request_line() failed in JRE-1

2002-02-14 Thread Dwayne Miller

I'm getting this in my error log on every request.

[Thu Feb 14 09:13:38 2002] [debug] 
D:\CodeProjects\httpd-2.0.32-JRE-1\server\protocol.c(604): [client] (32560)Connection timed out: read_request_line() failed

I built the server with the JRE-1 tarball yesterday.  The target is a 
simple HTML page (index.html).  It displays, but I still see the error.

If I create a simple form, submit it... I still see the above error.

All of the above is using IE 5.5

Using the latest Mozilla browser (0.9.8), I see raw html text in browser 
window.  (This might be configuration file related)

1) Questions are...  what are possible causes of the connection time out 
2)  Are there a list of manditory config file changes for 2.0 somewhere?


error.log on Win2K running Apache2.0 as service

2002-02-14 Thread Dwayne Miller

Seems to be working fine.  But was wondering what the SHUTDOWN EVENT 
SIGNALED means.  Is this expected behavior during startup?


[Thu Feb 14 09:43:14 2002] [info] Parent: Marked listeners as not 
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:14 2002] [info] Parent: Created child process 372
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:14 2002] [info] Parent: Sent the scoreboard to the child
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:15 2002] [info] Parent: Duplicating socket 560 and 
sending it to child process 372
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:15 2002] [info] Parent: Duplicating socket 176 and 
sending it to child process 372
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:15 2002] [info] Parent: Duplicating socket 184 and 
sending it to child process 372
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:15 2002] [info] Parent: Duplicating socket 164 and 
sending it to child process 372
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:15 2002] [info] Parent: Duplicating socket 584 and 
sending it to child process 372
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:15 2002] [info] Parent: Duplicating socket 580 and 
sending it to child process 372
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:15 2002] [info] Parent: Sent 6 listeners to child 372
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:16 2002] [info] Child 372: Child process is running
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:16 2002] [info] Child 372: Retrieved our scoreboard 
from the parent.
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:16 2002] [info] Child 372: retrieved 6 listeners from 
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:16 2002] [info] Child 372: Marked listeners as not 
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:16 2002] [info] Child 372: Acquired the start mutex.
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:16 2002] [info] Child 372: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Thu Feb 14 09:52:36 2002] [info] Parent: SHUTDOWN EVENT SIGNALED -- 
Shutting down the server.
[Thu Feb 14 09:52:36 2002] [info] Child 372: Exit event signaled. Child 
process is ending.
[Thu Feb 14 09:52:37 2002] [info] Child 372: Releasing the start mutex
[Thu Feb 14 09:52:37 2002] [info] Child 372: 250 threads blocked on the 
completion port

Re: read_request_line() failed in JRE-1

2002-02-14 Thread Dwayne Miller

I just bumped the debug level to see if I could figure out the odd 
behavior from Mozilla.  It looks like others are having similar problems 
with regard to incomplete posts/requests.

Thanks for the reply, though it means I need to start looking elswhere 
for the cause of my problems...

Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

On Thu, Feb 14, 2002 at 09:50:18AM -0500, Dwayne Miller wrote:

I'm getting this in my error log on every request.

[Thu Feb 14 09:13:38 2002] [debug] 
D:\CodeProjects\httpd-2.0.32-JRE-1\server\protocol.c(604): [client] (32560)Connection timed out: read_request_line() failed

I built the server with the JRE-1 tarball yesterday.  The target is a 
simple HTML page (index.html).  It displays, but I still see the error.

See Jeff Trawick's post yesterday entitled: [PATCH] zap an
uninteresting debug message  This is what we were talking about.

This isn't a fatal error or even an interesting error.  It has to do
with HTTP Keep-Alive and connections.  It's a normal error.  Remember
that you are using the debug LogLevel, so we're a bit more verbose
than we really need to be here.

Fine, I'll add it to any beta release notes.  But, geesh.  How many
people are bumping the LogLevel to debug?  -- justin

Re: read_request_line() failed in JRE-1

2002-02-14 Thread Dwayne Miller

So far, I have this happening...

1)  A request for a plain HTML file results in raw HTML being displayed 
in the browser.  The same browser, same page, with 1.3.20 works fine. 
 This might be a config file problem on my end.  But I'm not sure what 
to look for.  Same thing happens when I try a Perl CGI script... raw 
Perl.  When using IE5.5,  pages (and Perl CGI script) behave properly.

2)  The part of the request containing form variables seems messed up or 
incomplete.  Using Mozilla, when I submit a form to an action page, 
there are no form variables present.  Using IE5.5 on same Apache, same 
form, same target works fine.

I don't know how to write a properly formatted request using telnet. 
 And don't know what netcat is.


Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

On Thu, Feb 14, 2002 at 10:57:32AM -0500, Dwayne Miller wrote:

I just bumped the debug level to see if I could figure out the odd 
behavior from Mozilla.  It looks like others are having similar problems 
with regard to incomplete posts/requests.

Ah, fine.  Do you have any details about this?  Can you reproduce
it outside of Mozilla (i.e. with telnet or netcat)?  -- justin

Re: error.log on Win2K running Apache2.0 as service

2002-02-14 Thread Dwayne Miller

Too much diet Coke this morning I guess.  Didn't notice the time and 
thought it was part of the startup.

Bill Stoddard wrote:

There is a 10min lag between when the server was started and the server getting 
to shutdown, so I'm not really sure what your question is...


Seems to be working fine.  But was wondering what the SHUTDOWN EVENT
SIGNALED means.  Is this expected behavior during startup?


[Thu Feb 14 09:43:14 2002] [info] Parent: Marked listeners as not
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:14 2002] [info] Parent: Created child process 372
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:14 2002] [info] Parent: Sent the scoreboard to the child
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:15 2002] [info] Parent: Duplicating socket 560 and
sending it to child process 372
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:15 2002] [info] Parent: Duplicating socket 176 and
sending it to child process 372
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:15 2002] [info] Parent: Duplicating socket 184 and
sending it to child process 372
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:15 2002] [info] Parent: Duplicating socket 164 and
sending it to child process 372
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:15 2002] [info] Parent: Duplicating socket 584 and
sending it to child process 372
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:15 2002] [info] Parent: Duplicating socket 580 and
sending it to child process 372
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:15 2002] [info] Parent: Sent 6 listeners to child 372
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:16 2002] [info] Child 372: Child process is running
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:16 2002] [info] Child 372: Retrieved our scoreboard
from the parent.
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:16 2002] [info] Child 372: retrieved 6 listeners from
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:16 2002] [info] Child 372: Marked listeners as not
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:16 2002] [info] Child 372: Acquired the start mutex.
[Thu Feb 14 09:43:16 2002] [info] Child 372: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Thu Feb 14 09:52:36 2002] [info] Parent: SHUTDOWN EVENT SIGNALED --
Shutting down the server.
[Thu Feb 14 09:52:36 2002] [info] Child 372: Exit event signaled. Child
process is ending.
[Thu Feb 14 09:52:37 2002] [info] Child 372: Releasing the start mutex
[Thu Feb 14 09:52:37 2002] [info] Child 372: 250 threads blocked on the
completion port

Re: Current CVS on Win32

2002-02-14 Thread Dwayne Miller

Speaking of pre-build setup... where are the instructions for including 
openssl into the build tree.  I know I need to copy the openssl tree 
into the srclib directory, and things work well until the link phase. 
 Under Win32, the two openssl .lib files are not found.  They are in the 
openssl/lib directory, right where the make of openssl puts them.  But 
everytime I download a new version of Apache, I have to edit the project 
files for abs and modssl to add in the necessary path to the openssl/lib 

Did I miss a configuration instruction somewhere?  (Highly likely!)


William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

From: Sebastian Bergmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 12:02 PM

Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
  Stupid me, due to all the happiness over my new box I checked out
  apr and apr-util into httpd-2.0, not httpd-2.0/srclib/.

Perhaps we need a PreBuild.dsp target that invokes the pre-checks within the - Thanks for calling this problem out :)


Re: Current HEAD on Win32

2002-02-06 Thread Dwayne Miller

I just added a Sleep(100) call right after the message that the 'child 
process is running' message in ap_mpm_run.  This resulted in 9 of 10 
successful restarts when using the windows service manager.  I was only 
getting 2-3 prior to that.  I know it's not a valid fix, but it seems 
that Win can start the child process in such a way that the child is 
reading from the parent's pipes be fore the data is there.  Does that 
make sense?

William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

From: Sebastian Bergmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 12:35 AM

  (This posting maybe a dupe, I hope it's not)


Win32 is borked right now... I'm following in rbb's footsteps and in 
the process of normalizing where things happen in the mpm, fixing it's
assorted messages, and getting it to work, from the command line and
from a service.

It's crufty and taking a while, might be a few hours before all is very
well again.

2.0.31 on Windows as service

2002-02-05 Thread Dwayne Miller

This morning, for the first time on my system, Apache 2.0.(31) started 
as a service automatically.  I was so thrilled that I restarted the 
computer to see it again.  And it worked.

Then later, I lost my DHCP lease, and had to reboot again.  This time, 
the following text was in my error.log.  I'm guessing it has something 
to do with Win2000 and it's NULL handles for stdout, stdin and stderr... 
but I'm not sure.  Anyway, thought I'd pass it on.  I'm going to look 
into it later this evening.

[Tue Feb 05 10:32:37 2002] [info] Parent: Created child process 632
[Tue Feb 05 10:32:39 2002] [info] Parent: Duplicating socket 208 and 
sending it to child process 632
[Tue Feb 05 10:32:39 2002] [info] Child 632: Child process is running
[Tue Feb 05 10:32:39 2002] [info] Parent: BytesWritten = 372 
WSAProtocolInfo = 2006620
[Tue Feb 05 10:32:39 2002] [crit] (22506)The handle is invalid.  : 
child: Unable to access scoreboard handle from parent
[Tue Feb 05 10:32:39 2002] [info] Parent: Duplicating socket 204 and 
sending it to child process 632
[Tue Feb 05 10:32:39 2002] [emerg] (22506)The handle is invalid.  : 
OpenEvent on  event
[Tue Feb 05 10:32:40 2002] [info] Parent: BytesWritten = 372 
WSAProtocolInfo = 2006620
[Tue Feb 05 10:32:40 2002] [info] Parent: Duplicating socket 200 and 
sending it to child process 632
[Tue Feb 05 10:32:41 2002] [crit] (32522)An invalid argument was 
supplied.  : Parent: WSADuplicateSocket failed for socket 5341448. Check 
the FAQ.
[Tue Feb 05 10:32:41 2002] [crit] (32522)An invalid argument was 
supplied.  : master_main: create child process failed. Exiting.
[Tue Feb 05 10:32:41 2002] [info] Parent: Forcing termination of child 
process 1244900
[Tue Feb 05 10:32:41 2002] [info] removed PID file 
D:/Apache2/logs/ (pid=516)

Re: 2.0.31 on Windows as service

2002-02-05 Thread Dwayne Miller

William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

From: Dwayne Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 1:09 PM


 what CPU is your box on [staring on hunches here] ... speed?

It's a laptop with an 850 Mhz Pentium.  Actual id is
x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 6 GenuineIntel

More info than you need??   :)

No.  I think the failures are related to the performance of the CPU - I think
we've overtaken the Kernel.

 Was this a soft restart apache -k restart or a hard restart?

I just clicked on the restart computer option on the shutdown menu.  I 
did not gracefully stop the apache service first.

Yup.  If you use Mark's procexp program from you will see you
have no apPID_shutdown event.  That Event is critical for shutdown, the rest
of the errors you see follow from that missing bit.

The apPID_shutdown event is what comes out of an apache -k restart or 
apache -k shutdown?  What does Windows service manager do to stop a 
service...yank the rug out from under it?

Since my error occurred on startup (I believe),  why does the improper 
shutdown of Apache influence it's startup?

 I suspect the apr_file_stdfoo_open stuff could trounce the mpm's own
pipe channel.  I'll research in a bit.

I'm actually getting this running under some SoftIce to see what falls out.


Re: 2.0.31 on Windows as service

2002-02-05 Thread Dwayne Miller

I've been watching the log files and restarting the server for a while 
now.  Looks like the child may be starting before the parent has 
completely opened and written to all of the pipes.

William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

From: Dwayne Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 1:45 PM

William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

Was this a soft restart apache -k restart or a hard restart?

I just clicked on the restart computer option on the shutdown menu.  I 
did not gracefully stop the apache service first.

Yup.  If you use Mark's procexp program from you will see you
have no apPID_shutdown event.  That Event is critical for shutdown, the rest
of the errors you see follow from that missing bit.

The apPID_shutdown event is what comes out of an apache -k restart or 
apache -k shutdown?  What does Windows service manager do to stop a 
service...yank the rug out from under it?

SCM - Apache parent SCM monitor thread : SHUTDOWN
monitor thread - send ourself the shutdown_event signal
parent main thread - Ugh, shutdown?  Ok, tell children to die.
  children didn't die?  Kill em.
  stop program.

That's the nutshell at least.

Since my error occurred on startup (I believe),  why does the improper 
shutdown of Apache influence it's startup?

It shouldn't, but the CreateEvent stuff seems hosed.  Try setting the service
to 'Log in as a Specific User' (you) and see if that changes anything.

Connection timed out: read_request_line() failed

2002-02-04 Thread Dwayne Miller

I'm getting this error in my log file when I post a form, but the code 
looks like it should be ignoring timeout errors.  Something is 
definitely wrong with the handling of the request because it appears 
that all of the form data is missing.

The full error message is...
[Mon Feb 04 09:00:03 2002] [error] [client] (32560)Connection 
timed out: read_request_line() failed

This is a build of the latest tarball (2.0.31) running on Win2000 system.

Any thoughts on how to track down what is going on?

Re: Connection timed out: read_request_line() failed

2002-02-04 Thread Dwayne Miller

The details...

It's a ColdFusion script, so the processing module is 
 The script runs, it just doesn't see any of the form data.  And I see 
the error logged with every post.

I'm using SSL, so I'm also configured with mod_ssl.

Interesting part is that it seems to be somehow related to which browser 
I use.  Noticed the problem with Mozilla 0.9.6.  Seems to work fine when 
client is IE.  Same module, same POST worked with previous builds of 
Apache and SSL and all client browsers.

Bill Stoddard wrote:

POSTs to CGIs look okay in my testing. Can you provide a bit more info about your
application? Is it a CGI?


I'm getting this error in my log file when I post a form, but the code
looks like it should be ignoring timeout errors.  Something is
definitely wrong with the handling of the request because it appears
that all of the form data is missing.

The full error message is...
[Mon Feb 04 09:00:03 2002] [error] [client] (32560)Connection
timed out: read_request_line() failed

This is a build of the latest tarball (2.0.31) running on Win2000 system.

Any thoughts on how to track down what is going on?

Re: 2.0.31 on Windows

2002-02-04 Thread Dwayne Miller

I'm not familiar with the -n apache2 option, but I was just trying to 
figure out why I can't get apache to run as a service.  I'm using the -k 
start option, a message that it's starting the service appears, but 
nothing happens.  In the service.c file, I added a line to print the 
'Failed to start the service' message as I was not seeing this message 
in any of my log files.  It in fact fails to start the service.

Bill Stoddard wrote:

Couple of problems noticed in a few minutes of testing

1. apache -k restart -n apache2 is broken. hangs forever and a new child process is 

2. If I kill off the child process (by attaching and detaching a debugger for 
the parent should detect the child process exit and start a new child process. 
the parent goes belly up.

Beta killers (for Windows at least).


Re: 2.0.31 on Windows

2002-02-04 Thread Dwayne Miller

William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

From: Dwayne Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: 2.0.31 on Windows

I tracked down my problem with not being able to run Apache as a 
service.  The ServerRoot param was not set correctly.  It was /Apache2 
instead of D:/Apache2.  
This configuration file error was never logged anywhere.  Not only that, 
even with this setting, Apache would run fine from the command line.

The 'service' mode has all sorts of peculiar behaviors.  You've identified
exactly what I'm seeing today.

Which Win32 OS are you using, exactly?

I'm on Windows 2000, build 2195, SP2

But trying to start as a server, the ap_walk_config() routine, called in 
server/config.c returned the error  and called exit(1).

Somewhere, this error should be presented to the user.  I'm just not 
sure where, or how to do it.

Definately the biggest 'bug' of the hour is the service logging.  It looks
like some changes a little ways back in main.c borked us.

And the second bug is the lack of -d -f args in the service's Parameters
registry key ... ConfigArgs is coming up empty.

I was looking at mpm_winnt.c, where the apr_filepath_merge() call is 
made.  It looks like it is trying to build the -d argument to use when 
starting the service, but it's obviously not having the desired effect.

The final bug is the simple one.  Why paths can't merge right in the service.
I suspect that's the whole LocalService/non-Network situation going on... 
but it's worthless to debug without resolving the bigger error logging fish :)

The only real answer is moving the service code into apr, pre-main() or in
tandem with apr_initialize() [starting with apr_app_main and getting the
service stuff tied in.]  But I wanted to wait for .33 on those changes.


Re: 2.0.31 on Windows

2002-02-04 Thread Dwayne Miller

I guess I'm alittle confused... I don't see any errors related to NULL 
file handles.  And the thing about the ServerRoot starting with a /, it 
seems that the process found the config file okay, so wouldn't it also 
know what the ServerRoot should be?

And why doesn't Apache complain about the invalid ServerRoot variable 
when started from the command line?  Even with the -t option, the error 
is unrecognized.

I tried adding the -d option through the Service Manager to use when 
starting the service manually, with no change in behavior.

I'll keep looking...


William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

From: Dwayne Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 5:13 PM

Which Win32 OS are you using, exactly?

I'm on Windows 2000, build 2195, SP2

Win2000/XP have NULL stdin/stdout/stderr handles...

the create_process() invokes ap_open_stderr_log() which in turn invokes 
apr_file_open_stderr() attempting to open a NULL STDERR handle.

The patch I just committed reinvokes ap_open_stderr_log() after we jump into
the service control manager track with a stderr pipe that we capture to the
application event log.  

The right solution is to finish the move of the service manager code in the
apr_app_initialize code (apr_initialize + apr_app_main) which I hadn't finished
yet, and didn't plan to for a week, maybe two =-/

I was looking at mpm_winnt.c, where the apr_filepath_merge() call is 
made.  It looks like it is trying to build the -d argument to use when 
starting the service, but it's obviously not having the desired effect.

That's where things are still goofy... I'm still debugging.

More updates as they become available.


Missing FORM variables?

2002-02-02 Thread Dwayne Miller

I just built from the latest tarball on Win2000.  I included the latest 
OpenSSL (0.9.6c). build to include mod-ssl.  Everything built fine. 
 Now, when I access my site with Mozilla 0.9.6, and submit a form... 
none of the form variables are present.  Yesterday, I was running Apache 
2_0_28 with mod_ssl and it worked fine with the same version of Mozilla. 
 The Odd part is.. when I use IE, the form variables are present.

Anyone else see this?

Re: Missing FORM variables?

2002-02-02 Thread Dwayne Miller

More info... my error log has the following entry each time I submit a 
form from Mozilla...

[Sat Feb 02 18:28:17 2002] [error] [client] (32560)Connection 
timed out: read_request_line() failed

Dwayne Miller wrote:

 I just built from the latest tarball on Win2000.  I included the 
 latest OpenSSL (0.9.6c). build to include mod-ssl.  Everything built 
 fine. Now, when I access my site with Mozilla 0.9.6, and submit a 
 form... none of the form variables are present.  Yesterday, I was 
 running Apache 2_0_28 with mod_ssl and it worked fine with the same 
 version of Mozilla. The Odd part is.. when I use IE, the form 
 variables are present.

 Anyone else see this?

Building latest httpd-2.0

2002-02-01 Thread Dwayne Miller

I'm in the  processing of building from the latest httpd-2.0 sources and 
found the following errors...

I'm building with mod_ssl support and have copied the openssl directory 
(the results of my building openssl) into the srclib directory.  The 
mod_ssl.dsp is set up to look in .../openssl/inc32/... for include 
files.  When I build openssl, I have a directory named include, not 
inc32.  While easy to change, I have not found any instructions that 
state this is necessary.  So... am I configuring something incorrectly, 
or should this be changed.

I've also noticed that the mod_ssl.dsp is not able to find the 
ssleay32.lib and libeay.lib files, which are in my openssl/lib path.  Is 
this my bad, or does the dsp need to be corrected?


coldfusion module

2002-01-31 Thread Dwayne Miller

Someone posted a note several months ago that not all add-in modules 'do 
the right thing'.  The coldfusion module was specifically mentioned.  I 
am someone, not related to MacroMedia in any form, who is keenly 
interested in getting the coldfusion module to work 'the right way' with 
Apache 2.0.  Can someone please help me out with what the existing 
coldfusion module might be doing wrong so that I can correct it?

I have ColdFusion 5.0 working with Apache 2.0.28 on Linux (RedHat 7.2) 
and Windows 2000.  It appears to function okay.  But as Apache 2.0 nears 
general release, I'd like to make sure that the two are working together 
the right way so that Apache can be our corporate server of choice.

Any hints would be appreciated.


Re: Win32 installer

2002-01-09 Thread Dwayne Miller

Not being that familiar with rolling a cab, and MsiDatabaseApi,  where 
can one go to see some examples of this.

William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

From: Mladen Turk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 1:52 PM

Perhaps off the topic, but why we are using commercial setup software for a
BSD licensed one?
Cannot figure out what is the sw you are using for the httpd-win32-msi
project, Install Shiled Pro?
Take a look at

Because 1. it fits a typical win32 user's expectations, 2. it was written 
[by me] at Covalent and donated to Apache, 3. it replaced a then-broken
propritary installer format and scripting (InstallSheildPro 2.0, I think) 
and was ment to be the -starting- point for the win32 installer.

That is, it's just an .msi database.  Anyone with the time and inclination
(I've run out recently, may revisit it) can simply take the .msi file, and
propogate it with the current version.

My philosopy on any .msi authoring package is that they simply make pretty
dialog editors, and any modest project like apache should roll it's own
cab, update the files list through the MsiDatabaseApi, and volia.

In any case, since I've supported it, it's terribly irrelevant.  Unless
one of the project members cares to take on that burden, it's whatever
happens to be convenient for me.  Of course I'll share, if anyone else
wants to assist.  [Noone expressed much interest except in using VBScript,
which I naysayed, or continuing the ISPro flavor installer, which I didn't
care to fight with.]

Finally ... I took the cue from ActiveState Perl, if you want to know :)


building with SSL

2002-01-01 Thread Dwayne Miller

Where are the instructions for compiling Apache 2.0 with mod_ssl support?

Help writing a filter

2001-12-13 Thread Dwayne Miller

Where would I find examples and docs for writing a filter that could...

examine and potentially re-write form variables posted by client
examine and potentially re-write url variables posted by client
create some new cgi variables and publish them
do all of this before any other request processing module is run

Re: problem running 2.0.28 as Win2k service (was 2.0.18)

2001-12-12 Thread Dwayne Miller

Did you build with SSL support?  Does the MSI file contain SSL support? 
 I've also experienced your problem and would like to track it down.

Dave Seidel wrote:

More info:

I just installed the official 2.0.28 msi installer, and (of course) put it
into a different directory from the one into which I installed the 2.0.28
binary I built myself.  The httpd.conf configuration is identical except for
Listen (7171 vs. 7070), the server name, and the directory locations.  The
service is configured (by default) to logon as the LocalSystem account, and
the install directory has the usual full control for everyone permissions
as inherited from the root directory, all of which is exactly the way I had
the locally-built version configured, at least initially.

Although the installer did *not* install the service, I did so using -k
install, then I fired up ApacheMonitor and started up the service from


So now my question is: what is the difference between the binaries I built
and the binaries ASF built, and why?  What exactly is causing the
service-based configuration to fail in my build, but not in the ASF build?
Since at least one other person has the same problem, there must be
something there.  I can't reply on the ASF-supplied binary, because I'm
developing something that will require a custom-built binary.

FYI, I did my local build using VC 6.0, using the InstallBin target in the
IDE, using all the project files as they came from the zip archive.

-Original Message-
From: Dave Seidel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 3:53 PM
Subject: RE: problem running 2.0.28 as Win2k service (was 2.0.18)

This is precisely the same as what I'm seeing, the only difference being
that I built from the 2.0.28 archive.

-Original Message-
From: Dwayne Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: problem running 2.0.28 as Win2k service (was 2.0.18)

I just compiled the latest CVS tree under Win32.  Runs fine when started
as a normal user from command line.  However, I see the following error
when trying to start the service as an administrator. I have installed
the service prior to this with no apparent errors (it appears in the
services manager).

D:\Apache2bin\apache -k start -n Apache2
Starting the Apache2 service
[Tue Dec 11 15:32:33 2001] [crit] (23497)Overlapped I/O operation is in
  : Apache2: Failed to start the service process.

There are no errors in the log files
Using net start Apache2 simply reports that service could not start

Re: problem running 2.0.28 as Win2k service (was 2.0.18)

2001-12-11 Thread Dwayne Miller

I just compiled the latest CVS tree under Win32.  Runs fine when started 
as a normal user from command line.  However, I see the following error 
when trying to start the service as an administrator. I have installed 
the service prior to this with no apparent errors (it appears in the 
services manager).

D:\Apache2bin\apache -k start -n Apache2
Starting the Apache2 service
[Tue Dec 11 15:32:33 2001] [crit] (23497)Overlapped I/O operation is in 
.  : Apache2: Failed to start the service process.

There are no errors in the log files
Using net start Apache2 simply reports that service could not start

William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

Dave, win32 canonicalization requires list/read access to each directory
above Apache directories, to the root.  It doesn't have to have access to
their contents, but it needs to be able to list files, so it can determine
that c:\rootdir is spelled rootdir and not RootDir, so we don't
escape from filename normalization, and bypass Directory  restrictions.

To get file attributes of directories, the 'Backup Operator' flag may have
to be toggled, or they may not have permission to open a filehandle to
the directory.


From: Dave Seidel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 1:15 PM
Subject: RE: problem running 2.0.28 as Win2k service (was 2.0.18)

Good suggestion, since I hadn't been looking at permissions at all, but
there seems to be some other problem.  I just created a new user account in
the Users group, gave it full control permissions in the Apache2
directory, and the problem is still there.  Even if I make the user a member
of the Administrators group, it still doesn't work.

Use of AddHandler

2001-12-11 Thread Dwayne Miller

I'm confused on how to use the AddHandler directive.

I've written a module, loaded it, and it seems to get called for every 
page requested.  Do I need to determine if the page is something I want 
to handle or pass on?  I thought the AddHandler directive is used to 
tell apache which file types I would like to see.  If so, how do I 
register my module with the appropriate type used in AddHandler directive?


Help with Compile on Win32

2001-12-05 Thread Dwayne Miller

I've done this before, but my notes don't seem to work anymore

Downloaded zip of 2_0_28 beta.  Extracted zip.  Copied openssl 0.9.6b 
into srclib and compiled according to openssl instructions.  Go into 
VC++ IDE, select apache.dsw.  Set active project to InstallBin, select 
build apache.exe... and boom!  Lib errors...  they follow...

What am I doing wrong?

Configuration: InstallBin - Win32 
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 6.00.8168.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved.
 cd modules\ssl
 NMAKE  -f mod_ssl.mak CFG=mod_ssl - Win32 Debug RECURSE=0
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 6.00.8168.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved.
 link.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\DMILLE~1.ESP\LOCALS~1\Temp\nma02264.
   Creating library .\Debug\mod_ssl.lib and object .\Debug\mod_ssl.exp
LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib MSVCRT conflicts with use of other 
libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
ssl_expr.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _ssl_expr_yyparse
ssl_expr_scan.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
ssl_expr_scan.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
libeay32.lib(bss_sock.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
libeay32.lib(bss_sock.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
libeay32.lib(bss_sock.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
libeay32.lib(bss_sock.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
libeay32.lib(bss_sock.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
libeay32.lib(bss_sock.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
libeay32.lib(rand_win.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
libeay32.lib(rand_win.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
libeay32.lib(rand_win.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
libeay32.lib(rand_win.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
libeay32.lib(rand_win.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
libeay32.lib(rand_win.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
libeay32.lib(rand_win.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
libeay32.lib(rand_win.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
libeay32.lib(rand_win.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
libeay32.lib(rand_win.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
.\Debug\ : fatal error LNK1120: 19 unresolved externals
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'link.exe' : return code '0x460'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual 
Studio\VC98\BIN\NMAKE.exe' : return code '0x2'
Error executing NMAKE.

Apache.exe - 22 error(s), 1 warning(s)


2001-12-04 Thread Dwayne Miller

Just downloaded (again) the zip file for Win32/2-0-28.  Tried to build 
using VC++.  Everything okay except mod_ssl did not build.  Tried to 
build it manually and lots of errors - missing ssl.h.  Searched entire 
tree, no ssl.h.  Did I miss downloading something?

Building modxxx under Win32

2001-11-20 Thread Dwayne Miller

I have successfully compiled a custom filter under Linux environment 
using apxs.  How do I compile it under Win32 (or where is apxs under 
Win32)?  It complains about unresolved references, such as...

mod_filter.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
mod_filter.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
mod_filter.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
mod_filter.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
mod_filter.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
mod_filter.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
mod_filter.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
mod_filter.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
mod_filter.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
mod_filter.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _apr_pstrdup
mod_filter.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
mod_filter.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
mod_filter.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
mod_filter.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 

Writing an Apache module

2001-11-01 Thread P. Dwayne Miller

Where do I find docs on how to do this?  My initial target environment 
will be WinNT/2K.


Build/Config error

2001-10-28 Thread Dwayne Miller

I just did a checkout of latest cvs tree.  When I build the Install-Bin 
project, I get the following errors.  What have I set up incorrectly?  I 
thought I did not need the sed/bison/flex utils.


Configuration: InstallBin - Win32 
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 6.00.8168.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved.
 msdev Apache.dsw /MAKE mod_ssl - Win32 Debug abs - Win32 Debug 
Configuration: mod_ssl - Win32 Debug
Generating ssl_expr_parse.c/.h from ssl_expr_parse.y
'sed' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'sed' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Creating Version Resource
Generating ssl_expr_scan.c from ssl_expr_scan.l
'flex' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
The system cannot find the file specified.
Could Not Find 
Error executing c:\winnt\system32\cmd.exe. - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
Configuration: abs - Win32 Debug
abs.exe - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'msdev' : return code '0x1'
Error executing NMAKE.

Apache.exe - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)

is bison required to build mod-ssl on windows

2001-10-18 Thread Dwayne Miller

Just noticed that my build of recent tree is failing in the mod-ssl area 
because I don't have bison.  Where would one get bison.exe for NT/2K?


Re: Anybody tried purify with httpd.

2001-10-18 Thread P. Dwayne Miller

I hope I remember this correctly...

In your make file, find the line that creates the executable and add 
'purify' at the beginning.
Actually, this should be the path to purify, or a variable that has the 
full path to purify.

Then, the executable created in the normal place is purified.

You can also leave your makefile alone, and have purify, 'purify' the 
executable just prior to running.  If you have the purify GUI open, you 
should see this option.

I hope this info is correct, it's been awhile since I used Purify.  But 
I think it is a great tool.

Sunitha Kumar wrote:

How do you compile with purify, and where is the purified executable?


Sunitha Kumar