Connection filter for forward proxy

2008-06-12 Thread Peter Belau
I am trying to write what I assume will be a connection filter for use 
with mod_proxy in forward proxy mode. I would like the filter to be able 
to selectively chain proxy requests, kind of like ProxyRemote except 
with far more granular control. Can someone give me an idea of where I 
should start ?

Thanks in Advance

Re: Connection filter for forward proxy

2008-06-12 Thread Peter Belau
This may be a silly question but how would I go about giving mod_proxy 
some knowledge about another module which it should call if the module 
is installed ? Obviously, I understand how I could hack mod_proxy itself 
in order to tweak the selection but I do not understand how mod_proxy could:

1. Check for the presence of a module
2. Given that the module is present, somehow ask the module to return 
the correct proxy.

Again, this all makes sense when I think of it in terms of a shared 
libraries but not so much as Apache Modules. Am I missing something basic ?

Eric Covener wrote:

On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 10:47 PM, Peter Belau

I am trying to write what I assume will be a connection filter for use with
mod_proxy in forward proxy mode. I would like the filter to be able to
selectively chain proxy requests, kind of like ProxyRemote except with far
more granular control. Can someone give me an idea of where I should start ?

If the implementation of ProxyRemote does everything you need, but it
doesn't allow for dynamic configuration, you should develop a patch
that allows it to call out to another module to determine the next

Or, add hooks to let mod_rewrite do it via setting some note.

I don't think you want to be in the business of duplicating this stuff
or trying to subvert the request during an input filter


RE: Rewriting the Url

2008-02-29 Thread Peter Belau

I believe that you can do this with mod_rewrite. You don't need to reinvent 
this particular wheel unless your rewriting logic is particularly hairy.

-Original Message-
From: Ram Prasanna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu 2/28/2008 10:10 PM
Subject: Rewriting the Url
I need to change the appended parameters of the get Request, before it 
gets processed by the default_handler. I have written an input filter, 
changed the r-uri, r-unparsed_uri and filename, however it seems it 
doesn't work.

Actual uri -
To be changed

 I have searched for ?view in the uri and replaced ? with '\0'.  
While going out of my input filter all seems that the view gets 
replaced, but i am getting File doesnot exists error from default 
handler, on investigating more i found the r-finfo.filetype becames 

Any suggestions?

Thanks in Advance!


Setting Content-Type in an Apache module

2008-02-22 Thread Peter Belau


I'm trying to set the Content-Type header in my Apache module with no success. 
Initially I was trying to set the header using the APR table functions but a 
google search revealed that this would not work... for Apache 1.3. After 
looking at mod_mime_magic.c it seems that the Content-Type is set using the 
ap_set_content_type function. I tried using this function and have had no 
success with it as well. Does anyone have any idea what I'm possibly doing 
wrong ?



RE: Pool child

2008-02-07 Thread Peter Belau
In my understanding r-pool lasts the duration of the request. As soon as the 
request is finished the memory should be marked for cleanup.

-Original Message-
From: Marco Spinetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu 2/7/2008 6:21 AM
Subject: Pool child
I have a question about the pool of the child r-pool.
I'm using apache 2.2 with prefork and I set MaxRequestsPerChild 0 (so a 
child should never dies).
When my handler starts, I alloc all my needed memory from r-pool.
When the handler finishes, the memory allocated from r-pool is free or not?
Because the child never dies, I'd like to know if I have to free 
something or not.
Best regards


Getting Apache to dump core

2008-02-03 Thread Peter Belau


Does anyone know how to get Apache running on Linux to successfully dump core 
on a segfault ? I'm seeing very rare segfaults on long-running Apache processes 
under high volume. Also, any info regarding probable segfault causes and sanity 
checks to make both in terms of configuration and module programming techniques 
much appreciated.

request headers in Apache input filer

2008-01-10 Thread Peter Belau


I'm trying to add/modify request headers in an Apache input filter with no 
success. I can read existing headers with no problems but by the time I try to 
modify them they are already onto the wire. 

Can anyone lend some insight into why this happening and what I need to do 
differently ?

