Cleanup when server is stopped vs reconfigured

2016-03-28 Thread Tony Abo
I have a DSO module which establishes a custom handler. The handle fires up 
external process which perform the work for certain requests. Those processes 
contain a lot of state information for user application sessions. We want to 
have some cleanup code that will shutdown those processes cleanly if the Apache 
server is stopped.
I thought I had solved this problem by registering my cleanup handler on the 
pool which is passed to my register_hooks function. This does get called when 
the server is stopped. The problem is, it also gets called when the server is 
reconfigured (i.e. with apachectl graceful). Our system administrators want to 
use graceful to update minor configuration directives or rotate log files from 
time to time and feel strongly that they should be able to do so without 
disrupting our user sessions.
So after a few hours of reviewing the source code, I am throwing in the towel. 
I am going to ask the geniuses:
Is there a way to run some cleanup code in a module when the server is being 
stopped, but not being restarted? Or, can a cleanup handler in a loaded module 
determine whether the server is being shut down or restarted?
Thanks very much

RE: Close HTTP connection callback/hook

2012-10-21 Thread Tony Abo
 From: Evgeny Shvidky []
 Sent: Wednesday, 17 October 2012 12:50 AM
 Subject: Close HTTP connection callback/hook
 I am implementing a new module on C.
 I need to perform some functionality when a user closes a HTTP
 connection before he received any response for his request.
 How can I know when a HTTP user request state has been changed/closed?
 Is there any callback/hook for this functionality I can register?

Hi, I am usually the one asking questions, but I think I have had and solved a 
similar problem to yours.

I have a module with a handler that sometimes does a lot of processing before 
sending a response. It needs to check periodically whether the browser 
connection is still there so that it can stop the processing (and cleanup a 
bunch of resources) if the user gives up. 

The problem I found is that tcp/ip sockets are not particularly proactive in 
telling you that the other end has closed the connection. I found that the only 
reliable way to test a socket is to attempt to read from it. (Yes, I have found 
that send() can appear to succeed even though the remote end has already closed 
the socket.) So in fact, once apache has read the request successfully, it will 
not even know if the connection has been closed because it will not be trying 
to read the socket anymore (or in fact do anything with the socket until the 
handler begins to send a response).

What I found useful is doing a recv() with the MSG_PEEK flag on the socket. 
That seems to always detect the closed socket and return an error. It is good 
because it does not do anything to change the state of the socket if it is 
still open.

The next problem is finding the actual socket to test. By the time my handler 
is running, the socket is buried in apache's data structures where it is 
difficult to find reliably. The solution (suggested by the gurus on this list) 
was to use the pre_connection hook to get the socket of each new connection and 
store in a place that the handler can find it. So basically:

ap_hook_pre_connection(PreConnection, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);


static int PreConnection(conn_rec *c, void *csd)
   apr_os_sock_t *p_os_fd = apr_palloc( c-pool, sizeof(apr_os_sock_t) );

   /* Retrieve the new connection's socket number */
   apr_os_sock_get(p_os_fd, (apr_socket_t *)csd);

   /* Store it for CheckConnected */
   ap_set_module_config( c-conn_config, my_module, p_os_fd );

   return OK;

/* This is called by the handler periodically to see of the browser is still 
waiting */
Static int CheckConnected( request_rec *r )
   int *pnSocket;
   char acBuffer[1];
   int nResult;

   /* connected socket was conveniently stored away in out conn_configuration 
in pre_connection */
   pnSocket = ap_get_module_config( r-connection-conn_config, my_module );

   nResult = recv( *pnSocket, acBuffer, 1, MSG_PEEK );
   return nResult  0 || (nResult == -1  errno == EAGAIN);

So, if the socket is still connected, recv() will return either some number of 
bytes that can be read, or an EAGAIN error indicating that no data is 
available. Any other error implies that there was a problem reading the socket, 
which I construe as meaning that the socket is closed. This now seems to be 
working reliably on several Unix and Linux platforms, with Apache 2.0.x and 
2.2.x servers.

I hope that you find this helpful.

RE: mod_proxy_fdpass + httpd-2.2.19

2011-08-03 Thread Tony Abo
 From: Henrik Strand []
 Sent: Wednesday, 3 August 2011 5:10 PM
 Subject: mod_proxy_fdpass + httpd-2.2.19
 I'm trying to back-port Apache Module mod_proxy_fdpass to httpd-2.2.19,
 and building from source, but are getting the following error message
 when starting apachectl:
 httpd: Module (null) is not compatible with this version of Apache
 (found 0, need 20051115). Please contact the vendor for the correct
 I've been googling an answer but only found that I should contact the
 module vendor, which in this case would be me?! =)
 How can I fix this?
 Thanks in advance.
 Best Regards,

Does the module data that you pass to ap_get_module_config() have the constants 
elements? I think that is where the 20051115 should be coming from. The module 
name should be in that structure too. Maybe you are using compiler switches 
that are making int be 32 bit instead of 64 bit--thus confusing the data in the 

RE: How to test if request has been aborted

2011-07-29 Thread Tony Abo
 On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 02:35, Tony Abo wrote:
    I need to cut the processing short if the user decides to press
  stop button on the browser. I cant seem to figure out how to test
  that condition from inside the handler. Can anyone help me?
   Thanks in advance,
  Thanks Tom
  Will that value get updated asynchronously if the connection closes
  while my handler does its processing (I.e without calling any Apache
  My testing shows that connection-aborted is not being set
 asynchronously when the connection is closed by the client. I need one
 of the following:
  - Some Apache function I can call that will attempt to touch the open
 socket and either set connection-aborted or return an error status so I
 can know it is no longer connected.
  - Access to the actual socket buried somewhere in the connection
 structure. I can't seem to find it. If I had that, I could test it
 The earliest hook that is passed the socket is create_connection. The
 socket is passed in the third argument. Use apr_os_sock_get to get the
 OS-specific socket descriptor.
 If you do not place your own callback on the create_connection hook in
 order to save the socket in your own structures, then you can use the
 method below, but it's a hack, as I guess the core_module structure is
 not supposed to be visible to modules. The method works after the
 pre_connection hook.
 #define CORE_PRIVATE 1
 #include http_core.h
 apr_socket_t *sock = (apr_socket_t
 *)ap_get_module_config(r-connection-conn_config, core_module);
 apr_os_sock_t fd; // int for Unix
 apr_os_sock_get(fd, sock);
Thanks Sorin, that works. I found another approach, but I'm not sure how safe 
it is.

int CheckConnected(request_rec r)
   int nSocket;
   char acBuffer[1];
   int nResult;
   core_net_rec *cnr = pConnID-pRequestRecord-connection-output_filters-ctx;

   if ( apr_os_sock_get( nSocket, cnr-client_socket ) != APR_SUCCESS )
  return FALSE;
   nResult = recv( nSocket, acBuffer, 1, MSG_PEEK | MSG_DONTWAIT );
   return nResult  0 || (nResult == -1  errno == EWOULDBLOCK);

Any thoughts?

  Thanks again,

How to test if request has been aborted

2011-07-28 Thread Tony Abo
I am working on a custom request handler that works with Apache 2.x. There are 
times that the request may take a considerable amount of time to process. I 
need to cut the processing short if the user decides to press the stop button 
on the browser. I cant seem to figure out how to test for that condition from 
inside the handler. Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance,

Re: How to test if request has been aborted

2011-07-28 Thread Tony Abo

Sent from my iPhone

On 28/07/2011, at 7:18 PM, Tom Evans wrote:

 On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 7:26 AM, 
  I need to cut the processing short if the user decides to press the stop 
 button on the browser. I cant seem to figure out how to test for that 
 condition from inside the handler. Can anyone help me?
 Thanks in advance,
Thanks Tom

Will that value get updated asynchronously if the connection closes while my 
handler does its processing (I.e without calling any Apache functions)?

RE: How to test if request has been aborted

2011-07-28 Thread Tony Abo
   I need to cut the processing short if the user decides to press the
 stop button on the browser. I cant seem to figure out how to test for
 that condition from inside the handler. Can anyone help me?
  Thanks in advance,
 Thanks Tom
 Will that value get updated asynchronously if the connection closes
 while my handler does its processing (I.e without calling any Apache

My testing shows that connection-aborted is not being set asynchronously when 
the connection is closed by the client. I need one of the following:

- Some Apache function I can call that will attempt to touch the open socket 
and either set connection-aborted or return an error status so I can know it 
is no longer connected.


- Access to the actual socket buried somewhere in the connection structure. I 
can't seem to find it. If I had that, I could test it myself.

Thanks again,