Re: h2_conn.c r1727604 crashing on windows

2016-02-17 Thread Gregg Smith

Hi Stefan,

It works!


On 2/17/2016 1:04 AM, Stefan Eissing wrote:

Hi Gregg,

could you check if r1730798 works for you? Thanks!


Am 17.02.2016 um 06:08 schrieb Gregg Smith:

Hi Stefan,

Windows doesn't seems to like this.
Short call stack and locals in attached.



Re: h2_conn.c r1727604 crashing on windows

2016-02-17 Thread Stefan Eissing
Hi Gregg,

could you check if r1730798 works for you? Thanks!


> Am 17.02.2016 um 06:08 schrieb Gregg Smith :
> Hi Stefan,
> Windows doesn't seems to like this.
> Short call stack and locals in attached.
> Regards,
> Gregg

h2_conn.c r1727604 crashing on windows

2016-02-16 Thread Gregg Smith

Hi Stefan,

Windows doesn't seems to like this.
Short call stack and locals in attached.


httpd-trunk at r1727604

APR  1.5.2
APR-UTIL 1.5.4
PCRE 8.38
SSL  1.0.2f
NGHTTP2  1.7.0

Call Stack

>!h2_slave_create(conn_rec * master=0x02cbc2b0, apr_pool_t * 
> p=0x01a6e208, apr_thread_t * thread=0x01a6c2b0, apr_socket_t * 
> socket=0x01a6c2d0)  Line 262 + 0x5 bytes C!execute(apr_thread_t * thread=0x01a6c2b0, void * 
wctx=0x02cd2380)  Line 66 + 0x1b bytesC
libapr-1.dll!dummy_worker(void * opaque=0x01a6c2b0)  Line 79 + 0xa 
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for 


-   master  0x02cbc2b0 {pool=0x02cd0138 base_server=0x01a3c100 
vhost_lookup_data=0x ...}conn_rec *
pool0x02cd0138  apr_pool_t *
+   base_server 0x01a3c100 {process=0x019cd0a0 next=0x01a3b768 
error_fname=0x01a3c7a8 "logs/error.log" ...} server_rec *
vhost_lookup_data   0x  void *
-   local_addr  0x02cbc188 {pool=0x02cbc0e8 hostname=0x 
 servname=0x  ...}apr_sockaddr_t *
pool0x02cbc0e8  apr_pool_t *
+   hostname0x char *
+   servname0x char *
port0x01bb  unsigned short
family  0x0017  int
salen   0x001c  int
ipaddr_len  0x0010  int
addr_str_len0x002e  int
ipaddr_ptr  0x02cbc1b8  void *
+   next0x {pool=??? hostname=??? servname=??? ...} 
apr_sockaddr_t *
+   sa  {sin={...} sin6={...} } 
-   client_addr 0x02cbc1d0 {pool=0x02cbc0e8 hostname=0x 
 servname=0x  ...}apr_sockaddr_t *
pool0x02cbc0e8  apr_pool_t *
+   hostname0x char *
+   servname0x char *
port0xd192  unsigned short
family  0x0017  int
salen   0x001c  int
ipaddr_len  0x0010  int
addr_str_len0x002e  int
ipaddr_ptr  0x02cbc200  void *
+   next0x {pool=??? hostname=??? servname=??? ...} 
apr_sockaddr_t *
+   sa  {sin={...} sin6={...} } 
+   client_ip   0x02cbc370 "::1"char *
+   remote_host 0x char *
+   remote_logname  0x char *
+   local_ip0x02cbc340 "::1"char *
+   local_host  0x char *
id  0x003e  long
conn_config 0x02cd0178  ap_conf_vector_t *
notes   0x02cd0200  apr_table_t *
+   input_filters   0x02cee2b8 {frec=0x01a6be40 ctx=0x02cd23e0 
next=0x02cee090 ...} ap_filter_t *
+   output_filters  0x02cd0530 {frec=0x01a1f660 ctx=0x 
next=0x02cd0550 ...} ap_filter_t *
sbh 0x02cbc2a8  void *
bucket_alloc0x02cbe0f0  apr_bucket_alloc_t *
+   cs  0x {state=??? sense=??? }   conn_state_t *
data_in_input_filters   0x  int
data_in_output_filters  0x  int
clogging_input_filters  0x  unsigned int
double_reverse  0x  int
aborted 0x  unsigned int
keepalive   AP_CONN_UNKNOWN ap_conn_keepalive_e
keepalives  0x  int
+   log 0x {module_levels=??? level=??? }   const 
ap_logconf *
+   log_id  0x const char *
current_thread  0x02cbc3a0  apr_thread_t *
+   slaves  0x02cd0358 {pool=0x02cd0138 elt_size=0x0004 
nelts=0x ...}   apr_array_header_t *
+   master  0x {pool=??? base_server=??? 
vhost_lookup_data=??? ...} conn_rec *
ctx 0x  void *
suspended_baton 0x  void *
+   requests0x02cd03c0 {pool=0x02cd0138 elt_size=0x0004 
nelts=0x ...}   apr_array_header_t *
+   empty   0x02cd0428 {p=0x02cd0138 list={...} 
bucket_alloc=0x02cbe0f0 }   apr_bucket_brigade *
filters 0x02cd0448  apr_hash_t *
async_filter0x  int
p   0x01a6e208  apr_pool_t *