The Apache JMeter team announces the availability of Apache JMeter  2.4 r961953.

This is a new release which corrects a lot of bugs and adds many new features.

JMeter 2.4 requires Java 1.5 or later to run.

== All users are recommended to upgrade. ==

Apache JMeter is a Java application designed to test server applications.
It can be used to:
* generate test loads
* test functional behaviour
* measure performance.
It includes support for protocols such as HTTP(S), JDBC, JMS, FTP, and others.
It can also be extended with user-written code.


The release can be downloaded from:

When downloading, please verify signatures using the KEYS file.

Only the binary archive is needed to run JMeter - there is no need to
download the source archive.

However there are some optional libraries which are not included.
See the "Getting Started" page for details:

The list of changes since version 2.3.4 can be found at:

All users are recommended to upgrade to this release.

The JMeter team

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